What is Viber and how to use it? What is Viber, how to use it? How to use the Vaiber program on the smartphone

Calculator 20.05.2021

I welcome you on the blog Inetovayet.ru. The use of various applications installed on smartphones today is firmly rooted in everyday life of each smartphone owner, tablet or computer. These programs are very convenient and easy to use, as well as very useful because they can communicate with relatives and close people, regardless of their place of stay. One of the most is Viber.

What is Viber and what is it needed for? How to install and use the application? If you want to take advantage of all the features of this application, you need to know comprehensive answers to these questions.

General information about the program

So what is Viber and how to use it?

Perhaps one of the first and most popular applications for communicating via the Internet was ICQ, or ICQ. The program made it possible to instantly send messages to the addressees around the world, using access to the Internet.

But with the active progression of Internet technologies to replace this program, other messengers came -, Skype, Vozup and Others. They have extended capabilities, allow you to communicate with people not only through audiosiles, but also through video link. Viber is one of these applications.

What opportunities are opened in front of users who have installed the program to their smartphone? Weber application for the phone is used with a view to:

  • sending text messages;
  • multimedia file transfer: photo, video, music;
  • audio calls;
  • contact with other video program users;
  • business correspondence.

This is only the shortest and most important information about what Viber is on the phone. In fact, its functions are much wider and numerous. For example, you can use the messenger to send text documents and attach other files. In addition, you have the opportunity to make a photo or write a video directly through the program without leaving it to enable a photo or camcorder.

On a note. Why do you need Vaiber in corporate purposes? Many private entrepreneurs, or entire large organizations, have their accounts in this messenger. It is very convenient to conduct business correspondence, attract new customers, search for partners. People engaged in sales create groups here, where the target audience is connected to the further sale of products.

In addition, in Vaiber, you can find a lot of interest groups. That is, if your hobby is cosmetics or needlework, you can find and join the community that publishes content on the specified thematic categories.

How does the messenger work?

So, we studied the basic functions of Weber in the phone. But note that installing the application can also be on the tablet or personal computer.

Here is what the program interface on the smartphone looks like:

And so, approximately, Viber looks like a computer or tablet:

Users who have not previously applied in practice this application may have a question whether Viber works without the Internet. Unfortunately, if there is no connection to the "World Wide Web" you do not have the ability to use the basic functions of the program. Of course, you can enter the application, view the contact lists and read the already available correspondence. But if you want to make a call, write a message or send the file, you will need to start connecting to the Internet. It will be a mobile network or a Wi-Fi connection - no matter.

How is the program correctly called?

Sometimes there are disputes between users of the messenger as to how to speak - Viber or Vibers. The word Viber itself has a foreign origin, and is derived from the word VIBES, which is translated as a "vibrophone" or "vibration". In English Viber is read as Therefore, it is right that the corresponding pronunciation option and in Russian: Viber.

Vaiber Out

Vaiber Out - What is it in a popular messenger? The functions of this application are not limited to the ability to make calls and write messages registered in it to users. It happens that you need to urgently contact a person who is in another country, but he has no profile in this program. In this case, the function will come to the rescue.

So what is this Viber Out? This option is designed to make calls by the subscriber's phone number. And you can call not only mobile, but also on stationary rooms. With the help of Vaiber Out, you have the opportunity to contact a specific person or the desired company.

What is Viber Out, and how does it work? To call directly to the phone, and not to contact from the Vaiber application, you need to replenish the personal account of your account. The program offers you the choice of tariff plans in which the amount of the balance is clearly spelled out. Buying a particular package of services, you also receive information about the cost of calls to the country you need. Read carefully and learn all the conditions of your chosen tariff plan, so that later, in the most responsible moment, do not encounter unpleasant surprises.

So, we sorted out how Messenger Vaiber works. Now let's dwell on the features of its installation, registration and use.

How to install and use Viber: Step-by-step instructions

How to use Viberi on the phone? To begin, you need to find this application in the Play Market (when using a device running on the basis of the android operating system), download and install it. This process will take you not more than 10 minutes, after which you can write free messages and call audio or video links.

So how to connect Viber? Step-by-step instructions are given below:

  1. Go to the Play Market and enter Viber or Viber in the search bar. Or click link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id\u003dcom.viber.voip&hl\u003dru.
  2. Click on the search - and the result will appear.
  3. Find the Viber icon.
  4. Click on the specified icon, then on the "Set" button / download. "
  5. After the download is complete, expect the application to install the application, then click Open.

That's all - the program is installed. Now let's go to how to turn on the Viber on the phone. When entering the application for the first time you will need to log in. For this:

  1. After opening the application, click the Continue button.
  2. Next, you need to enter a mobile phone number to which the account is recorded. At the very top, choose your country, after which you will automatically be installed. You will need only enter your main phone number (as on the example).
  3. Click the "Continue" button and expect the code to send to the number you specified. When SMS comes, enter the code to the desired string, then click Finish.

You have successfully passed the registration process, you can now start setting up your account. In particular, the program will prompt you to enter your name and upload a photo. But you can skip these actions by clicking on the "Continue" button.

On a note. After installing the application on the main screen of your smartphone, an icon with the Waiber icon will appear. Pressing it, you will go to the messenger.

How to use the program?

How to use Viber? After registration, the application is automatically synchronized with the list of contacts available in your phone. Thus, you can see who of your friends or relatives uses this messenger. And they, in turn, will see that you joined this service.

What do Idberi badges mean?

  1. The icon where the message form is drawn, indicates the "chats". By clicking on it, you get access to the former correspondence. If you first opened the application after installation, then this tab will be empty.
  2. The icon with the hand-drawn handset implies "calls". Opening the tab, you will see a list of contacts that you called, or who called you. In another version of the application, all icons are signed, and are at the top of the screen.
  3. Going to Count with Contacts, you can see who from the list of your phone book uses Viber.

There is another button in the application - "more." By clicking on this icon, you get access to:

  • sticker store;
  • vaiber Out functions;
  • settings;
  • and other options.

How to write a message in Vaiber? To do this, go to the contact list and select the destination. Click on the contact to go further. Such a window will open in front of you:

As you can see, you have 2 options: make a free call, or write a message. All you need is to press the desired button that will help you make a target action.

Thus, Viber is popular and easy to use the messenger. It is in demand in many countries of the world, besides, it can be installed in parallel with the programs already existing on your phone for messaging and calls via the Internet.

What is Viber and how to use it on the computer, not yet known. Therefore, in this article we will consider the question of Vaiber and how to use it correctly. You can be useful for you to communicate with your friends or colleagues.

Hello, friends! The global Internet has many different communication methods - social networks, Skype, Vatsap and many other options. But, they are all used to users in different ways. Someone does not like social networks, and he communicates in Skype, or vice versa.

It was invented tool for communication - Viber. So what is Viber and how to use it on a computer? Let's start, perhaps, from the term. Viber is a mobile application that is used as a means of communication. With the help of it, you can make a phone call via the Internet completely free. This application allows you to betray text, video, photos, and other files. Now let's talk about using this application.

To use Viberi on your computer, install it first on the phone. You need to do it, otherwise activate the Viber on the computer, just fail. True, there is one option to install this application without a phone. About this and how to use Vaiber will tell further in the article.

Download Viber for a computer is easier than simple. We go to the official website (https://www.viber.com/ru/download/). Next, click the button - download for Windows (Figure 1).

The installer weighs - 85 megabytes, so depends on the speed of the Internet how quickly it jumps to your computer. The file that boots is usually appearing in the "Downloads" section of it can be found in the conductor or through the program Total Commander.

Installing the wiber on the computer is as follows. Run the installation file that we just downloaded (Figure 2).

Next, you need to click on the "Set" button when the installer program starts. After that, a message appears on the screen, which is set, and the percentage of the overall process will be displayed. Then, we will offer the developers to install the avast antivirus, click "Reject" to continue. Then, you will be asked if you have a Viber on the phone. If it is, then click on the "Yes" button. After that, write your phone number in a special field on which Viber is installed (Figure 3).

And click "Continue" to complete the installation.

How to install viber on a computer without smartphone

It is possible to install Viber on a computer without phone help. Earlier, we learned what Viber is and how to use it on a computer, and now install it completely and correctly configure it. What will we need for this? Free Emulator Program - Blistx. This is a kind of virtual prototype of smartphone and android.

Go to the official resource of the emulator - (www.bluestacks.com). Download it to your computer. The file size of this program weighs - 457 megabytes, so you have to wait a bit. After you downloaded, install the emulator and then launch the program (Figure 4).

The installation of the emulator will begin, wait a bit. When the emulator is installed, we remove the tick before the "Auto Tap at Completion" and click on "Complete".

Click the mouse button along the emulator label, which appeared on the desktop of the computer, and run it. The first launch of the program lasts from 2 to 3 minutes. It all depends on how power is your computer. Next, we click on the button "Start" and go to the program itself. We are offered to make your data, so create it in advance. Enter the login and password accept the agreement. And then you begin to use Blistx.

Starts downloading and installing Vaiber app. Please wait for the end process to activate the application on your computer.

When the installation is completed, we can open Viber. Next, follow the instructions that is shown during Vaiber activation (Figure 6).

After filling out all the data, click the "Continue" button and enter the code that came just on the phone. Everything, we installed Vaiber, and now we can use it, both in the Blue Appendix and on the computer. Next, activate this application. On the computer, run the Vaiber file, which was previously installed, and looking for a link - the camera does not work, what to do? We are given the code to be inserted to activate in another application on the bloom.

Click on the "Details" tab and insert the copied address to the specified field. You can do this using the built-in camera on the computer. Just bring your phone to the screen and Viber is activated.

Wiber configuration on computer

So, what can be configured after starting the Wyber on the computer? First of all, add your photo, name, specify the date of birth. All contacts can be imported from such social networks as Facebook or VKontakte (Figure 8).

Of course, you can do other actions, for example, to change the background of the chat, set up privacy and so on. Wiber setting is simple, so there will be aware of any newcomer. Most importantly, follow the instructions that are in this program.

Comparison of Weber, Watsapa and other messengers

So, what do Viber differ from applications, for example? The speed of excellent work, convenient functionality, and various functions. In practice, a newcomer will figure with this application with ease. The same can be said about other messengers, such as Skype. He, too, like Vaiber is available to all novice users.

Especially its interface is very convenient and everything is clearly described and shown. So, feel free to use this application, and you can with your friends or relatives at any time.


In this article, we reviewed the question of what Viber is and how to use it. Indeed, this is a very convenient application for communication, especially good if you use it on the phone. Now you know that the application also works on the computer. Use the Viber application, and the connection tool for you will be free from anywhere in the world!

Sincerely, Ivan Kunpan.

The Viber application adapted for Windows significantly expands the ability to registered in the user information exchange system. Consider what opportunities are provided by the version of the messenger for computers and laptops, as well as demonstrate how to use available functions as efficiently as possible.

Before any software tool can perform their functions at the proper level, it should be installed and configured. Difficulties are definitely not something that you will encounter when receiving and configuring the desktop version of the Viber application, but only if you correctly put the priorities for performing operations and witness to follow the recommendations.

Step 1: Mobile Viber Mobile Version Setup

In the case of a Vyber, designed to operate on a PC or laptop, we are not dealing with an autonomous application, but is largely a clone of a messenger operating on a mobile device. Therefore, the best solution will initially ensure efficiency and configure the service client on its smartphone.

Step 2: Installation and Activation of Messenger on PC

The next step preceding the possibility of access to the functions of the messenger from the computer includes installation and activation of the Viber client application in the Windows environment. If you perform detailed instructions from the articles on the links below, there should be no problems in the process, we note only that Windows XP users should take the choice of the version of the distribution more carefully than the users of the current versions of Microsoft OS.

Step 3: Synchronization of desktop and mobile versions of the client application

Since the performance and the ability to perform many functions with a Viberian for a computer depend on the messenger's telephone version, the need to ensure the synchronization of the main (or affiliate (for Windows) applications is extremely important. Match the specified clients before the further use of the information exchange system from the PC, if it was not done immediately after activating the desktop version of Viber.

Step 4: Select VIBER Parameters for Windows

By and large by performing previous steps, you can start using the Viber desktop client. At the same time, in order to ensure the maximum possible level of comfort when working in the messenger from the computer, read the list of its settings, and override the parameters if necessary.

  1. Access to Weber settings for Windows can be obtained by three methods:
  2. Opening the window "Settings", you fall into their first, more information section - "Account"where there is a single changeable option - "Run Viber when loading the system". Remove the checkbox from the checkbox near the specified item if you consider the place-loading of the messenger immediately after the Windows startup is launched.

  3. Setting up interface. The appearance of Viber for PC can be configured for the most comfortable perception by change:
    • Languageon which each element of windows and application menu signed;

    • Interface design themes By choosing one of the three options from the same section in "Parameters":
    • Background of dialogs and group chatswhere you will participate. To select a new substrate, click on the square area under the name of the option. "Install the default background".

      either download a photo in the PC disk by clicking on the area "Choose a background or drag here.".

  4. If you are planning in addition to sharing text messages and files, via Viber PC voice and / or video calls or face problems when using this opportunity in the future, check the operation of the microphone and webcam in the application by clicking on the section "AUDIO AND VIDEO" His settings.

    You can choose used "Microphone", "Dynamics" or "Camera" With the help of drop-down lists (of course, if these devices are presented in the system not in a single instance). And here it is also possible to adjust the sensitivity of the voice recorder and the level of playback of all sounds coming from the messenger.

  5. "Security and Privacy". In this section of the settings there is a fairly useful option that allows you to restrict access to the application of unauthorized persons - "Set a password for Viber". If you find it necessary to use such protection:
  6. When using Vaiber on a computer that comes from it, signals about the activity of interlocutors and participants in groups often interfere with the normal use of other software. Going to section "Notifications"You can limit their arrival when receiving incoming messages, translating radiocans in two available areas of the window in the position "Only calls".

  7. To adjust the processes for receiving photos and video files from the Viber application for Windows, go to the section "Gallery and Media" His settings. Here you can:
    • Determine the storage period loaded from the media files on the computer;
    • Disable "Startup photo / video" To save space on a PC disk;
    • Deactivate the option "Play video automatically"If you do not want to additionally load the used Internet channel.

After completing the redefinition of settings, close the window "Parameters". Now Viber for a computer is considered to be prepared for further operation.

How to use viber messenger from computer

Upon completion of the installation, activation and configuration of the Viber application in a Windows environment, users of stationary PCs and laptops do not have any obstacles to effective interaction with one of the most popular information sharing system today. The functions of the desktop client of the messenger a lot, but to figure out how to perform one or another operation is easy.

Text messaging

Catching (chat) with another person physically located anywhere in the globe - this is probably the main thing that people set any messenger to their computer. Weber developers for PC took into account this fact - all elements of the interface that will be needed when creating a message and its dispatch, as well as to read incoming messages, are immediately available after the application is started.

  1. The list of open chats, obtained including from the Messenger installed on the smartphone "Master" by synchronization, is almost always displayed on the left side of the VIBER desktop window, and if it is not so, it is easy to call it clicking on the button "Conversations".
  2. To continue communicating in the previously created dialogue or open a group chat, the participant of which you are already, you only need to click on the name of the interlocutor or the name of the group on the left side of the application window.
  3. To create a new chat, that is, write a participant Viber with which the correspondence has not yet been done, but its data is in the address book of the messenger, you can go one of the three ways.

    Whatever action from the above you have made, the address book will open. Next, depending on the view of the contact list displayed, simply click on the name of the future interlocutor, or check the checkbox in a checkbox near the desired user, and then click "Start Chat".

  4. To create a chat with a member of the Messenger, not included in the address book Viber PC:
  5. After the chat is created or open, you can enter the text of the message in the field "To write a message…".

    To send a message, click on the round button "Paper airplane" Near the entry area.

    In addition to the set manually, the message text can be formed by copying from other applications and then inserts in the field of the messenger window,

    but in this case, consider that there is a limit. The volume of messages transmitted via Viber should not exceed 7000 characters.

  6. If you find an error in the sent message, you should not worry, because it can be corrected:
  7. In situations, when one or more messages must be removed from the chat, to fully clear the correspondence with a separate user or arrange the list of open conversations by destroying individual items, follow the appropriate instructions from our articles.

Emoticons and stickers

The text of the message transmitted via the Viber's desktop version can be very easy to "dilute" emoticons, as well as supplement or even replace the emotional picture with a "sticker", which is very popular today among the users of the messenger.

  1. To open the lists of the available smiles and stickers, click on the icon located close to the field input field on the left.
  2. To insert into the text of the emoticon message, click on it in the area that appeared on the right side of the window after the previous paragraph of these recommendations is fulfilled.
  3. To send a sticker:

It should be noted that the replenishment of its collection of stickers is possible only with the help of the mobile version of the messenger, with which the desktop client affiliates. And in the Vaiber version for Android, and among the functions of this in the IOS environment is present. "Sticker store" From which the static and animated "stickers" is downloaded.

To systematize the collection of stickers and delete those who have become unnecessary stickers from the application to the PC, use the instructions from the following material.

Sending content with popular Internet resources

In the attachment menu that you used above, to invoke the panel of emoticons and stickers, an icon is present. "GIF"providing the ability to quickly find and send posted on popular content websites without running a browser and copy information from it to a message sent via a computer for a computer.

  1. Open a conversation with another user and click on the icon "GIF".

  2. Select a resource in the list that opens.

  3. Depending on the type of the selected website, further actions may be different - select the shipped, Srack list of offers, or write a search query.

  4. By clicking on the appropriate search result,

Voice messages

Many users of messengers find convenient not to type messages from the keyboard, but to put a message to the microphone and send an entry of your voice to the interlocutor. The desktop version of the Weber allows you to create very easily. "A voice message" And quickly transfer it to another account owner in the service under consideration.

Sending files of various types

Wires for Windows can become a very convenient tool for transmitting a variety of files, because it is on the computer most often users store most of the information. The only limit of the use of the messenger to send files is the size of the sent - when trying to transmit more than 200 MB of data, the application will give an error.

The instruction proposed above describes not the only possible algorithm, following which you can quickly send the file to another participant in the information exchange system under consideration. In a separate article, our site describes other methods of implementing the procedure on the example of sending a photo, but you can use these techniques for any types of files.

Group chats

Correspondence with one user as part of a separate conversation is not the only one where you can use the above-described desktop client functionality. You can at any time become a member of a group of three or more persons and, applying the same techniques as in a chat with a single user, send messages with emoticons, stickers, various content, voice messages, as well as files, but already adding several or many people.

Note that the group chat is very easy to organize independently.

Communities and public accounts

Much popular among the users registered in Messenger acquired participation in communities and subscription to public accounts. On the search for a suitable resource of this type in Viber, including from a computer, as well as actions that need to be made to join a group or design a subscription to receive information from public pages, we told in a separate article on our website. To familiarize yourself with it, go to the following link.

Audio and video call

Voice and video message as part of the service is the following in demand registered in Viber users after sharing short messages. In addition to the free, the popularity of this type of communication is due to simple, including from a computer, the implementation of the ringing process. The procedure for implementing audio calls using Vaiber in WINDOVS medium is described in the article below.

  • Any of the above steps will use your PC webcam and initiates the call to the selected subscriber. It remains only to wait for the answer, after which you will see the image from the camera's interlocutor's camera, but only if he has not forbidden to broadcast video.

  • In the process of video message, the call forwarding function is available to the Waiber client installed on your phone, which can be very convenient in separate situations. The "translation" of the video call on the smartphone is carried out by clicking on the button marked in the following screenshot.

  • Separately, we note the possibility of demonstrating the image of the screen of your computer to another Viber member during the video call. This is a very useful addition, if you need to get help with solving problems with various software for Windows. To use the option, you just need to click "Translate the screen".

  • Viber Out (calls from Messenger to any number)

    One of the peculiarities of Vaiber, which has a distinguished from analogs, is the ability to make calls not only within the messenger, but also on any phone numbers to all countries of the world. This service is called Viber Out. And it is provided on a paid basis, and you can find instructions for using it from a computer in the material on our website available on the following link.

    Increase productivity and convenience

    At the end of the description of the methods of calling and implementing the functions of Viber C PC, we will present several lifhacks, the use of which allows you to work more effectively in the messenger.

    • To have quick access to the most important contacts or groups, add them to "Favorites". For this click «+» In the same area over the list of open conversations and select a name in the address book that has opened.

    • Fast transformation of the dialog in group chat. Without closing the correspondence, from the list on the left of the Viber Desktop window, drag the name of the person who is designed to become another chat participant to its title. As a result, a group will be instantly created.

    • Shipping contact. Data of any user can be quickly sent by dragging the header of the dialogue with it or its name from "Contacts" in the chat area with a third party.

    • In order not to explain to the interlocutors, what exactly are you talking about, use the response function to the selected message. For this:

      Click on any message in correspondence with the right mouse button and select "Reply" In the menu opened.

      "Write the answer…" And click on the send button.

    • To quickly search for defined type content in chat history, use the tab. "Details" (caused by click on the icon "I" Located to the right of the header of the open dialog or group).

    Account deactivation, exit an application client and its removal from PC

    Temporary suspension of Weber operation for Windows is carried out by exiting the application. It is necessary to consider that by default, the medium in question always works in the background and, even by clicking on the button with the cross in the title of its windows, you do not close the messenger, but only you will drive it in the tray.

    To complete the use of a computer as a means of accessing the capabilities of the information exchange system, you will need to deactivate the program on your PC and (optionally) uninstall it. Instructions for completing the three specified operations are already presented in materials on our website.


    Viber for Windows may seem complex and long only at first glance. In fact, the considered application is simply and logical, and the process of using each function can be effective even if the user acts at an intuitive level.

    Viber (Viber) is one of the most popular messengers for Android and iOS. This is a free correspondence application with friends, in which you can not only share text or voice messages with others, but also create groups, chats, perform audio and video calls, share photos, videos and links, etc. Vibers can be installed on both the phone, And on the computer. But to use the PC program you will need to tie a Viber with a mobile phone number.

    Messenger is an application for messaging, calls and files via the Internet.

    Messenger allows you to send messages to friends and familiar to anywhere in the world, where there is an Internet. Without connecting to the Internet, Viber does not work. The application is free, but when using Internet traffic is spent. If you share only text messages, then the flow rate is insignificant. Video calls, photo transmission and video files spend more traffic. You only pay for the Internet.

    Viber is very popular for the convenience, simplicity and free. For a fee you can buy some additional possibilities, which we will tell below.

    How to start using Viber?

    All you need to start using Viber:

    1. and install the app on your Android phone or iPhone.
    2. Be connected to the Internet.
    3. Find in the book of contacts of friends and acquaintances who are installed Vier and write a message.

    You can use the search by phone number in the application itself - you need to click "Search" and dial the phone number with whom you want to start chat. At the same time, contacts from your phone book will be automatically displayed in Vaiber and become available for the start of the chat.

    Download Vibers for Android Download VIber for Windows Download VIber for Mac

    To contact your friend through Viber, you need to make the application to be installed on the phone. Free calls are available to other Viber users, sending voice or text messages, videos and photos. And thanks to the data encryption, you can not worry about leakage of personal information.

    You can collect friends, relatives or classmates in the group and communicate with everyone at the same time. And there is no longer registration for the application, it is sufficient to log in, using any telephone service provider.

    Developers update the application every month. With this, the identified errors are eliminated and new features are added.

    Viber for phone

    Viber for smartphones is an excellent application that allows you to always be in touch. You no longer need to spend a lot of money for calls and messages. Now it can be done for free, in the presence of batch traffic or connections with unlimited Wi-Fi network. Beautiful stickers and living smiles will tell about your emotions, will decorate the message and just raise the mood to the recipient.

    The application automatically marks Viber users from the phone book, which facilitates the search for interlocutors. Also, the program will inform if someone from your reference book will change the phone number.

    In the application you can create groups and chats in which you can invite one, several or many participants. Create a chat is now easier than simple. Divide all contacts to groups and communicate on topics that are interesting to your friends and relatives. The administrator can easily change the name of the group or photo, delete or add participants.

    Features and functions Viber:

    • The ability to call anywhere and configure your account;
    • You can shoot short videos directly in the application;
    • The system adds contacts with the application automatically, but you can put a ban and add numbers manually;
    • The number of stickers can be increased by buying in the store you like;
    • Easily hide chats from outsiders;
    • If you delete the sending sent by you, but not read the message, then the interlocutor does not see it;
    • The ability to create characters and play an application with your friends;
    • The size of one message can be up to 7 thousand characters;
    • You can send not only voice and text messages, but also divides various files, presentations, documents, references.

    Viber for computer

    The Viber application is also available for a computer on Windows and Mac. To work with the program, it is sufficient to log in, by reading the QR code from the computer screen. Just bring the phone that the code would hit the selected area on the screen. Unlike Skype, the Version of the PC application will only work if the Viber is installed on the phone. The reason lies in the fact that the program connects interlocutors only by their phone numbers.

    Desktop version of Viber will simplify communication when you work or relax at the computer. The entire correspondence, the history of messages, calls and received files will automatically appear in the phone. In other words, both the mobile and tuning version of the Weber is synchronized with each other, so in which version of the application you did not use - the changes will automatically appear on the phone and on the PC (subject to the Internet connection).

    Pluses of Viber for Computer:

    1. A pleasant and simple interface allows you to deal with the program not even advanced computer user;
    2. Good quality video and voice calls without interruptions and constant shutdown;
    3. The ability to send contacts photos and videos of any size;
    4. No need to register again, all data is automatically duplicated from the phone to the computer;
    5. Easily create groups and chat rooms, talking to friends on the topics of interest;
    6. Notifications of new messages and incoming calls;
    7. There are no aggressive advertising or obsessive banners in the process of communication.

    How to use Vaiber?

    Use a popular program is very simple. The interface is so easy and simple that anyone will figure it out in the application and can call or send a message. There are different versions of the program:

    • For android smartphones and tablets
    • For Windows and Mac computer
    • For tablets and phones on iOS.

    But there is no special difference between them, the program performs one function - provides a free connection.

    After you downloaded and installed the application on the device, you need to create an account. Then all the contacts that use this program are automatically checked and you will see them.

    If you want to use Viber on your computer, then you need to synchronize your account on your phone with a computer. All contacts are automatically copied to the PC.

    When correspondence, the user can use not only the "hazed" smiles, but also large stickers. They brighter express emotions and just raise the mood. A lot of free stickers will be available immediately after installing the program. But you can always buy a pack of stickers in the stickers store, which opens inside the application.

    Convenient voice messages. If there is no desire or time to write a text message, you can use the voice message function. Click on the microphone and prey what you want to say. The interlocutor in the chat will receive a message that can be listening at any time by clicking on playback.

    You can make a photo or remove short video directly in the app. For example, you can fall asleep yourself and place where you are now and fix your video to the interlocutor. He will immediately receive it and can view and listen at any time (if you do not delete the poisoned message). You can simply select photos or video from your device and send them to contacts.

    You can send the same message to several contacts at once. To do this, you need to add a user to chat or create a group. Click on the "plus" and select the desired person from the contact list. You can take a file or an existing message to send (copy) to its other or several contacts at once.

    You can make free on Viber for any phone if it is connected to Viber. But it is worth remembering that calls are two types: Paid (Viber Out) and free. The free call is carried out if the necessary contact uses the program and is on the network.

    If the subscriber does not use vibers or is not connected to the Internet, then a paid viber Out call is available. You can call both your application on both your mobile phone and stationary. Tariffs for which the call will be made are different from those providing mobile operators.

    With the help of the application, you can communicate through video links. Even if you have a very slow Internet, you can still see your interlocutor and talk to him without delays.

    Waiber features

    Each Vibera user can say that this application is easy to learn and cope with it. But not everyone knows about all its capabilities.

    The main functions of the application:

    • The user can send messages at the same time multiple contacts and quickly delete messages on its device;
    • One message may contain more than six thousand characters;
    • Easily send large files and documents;
    • Transmit presentations;
    • Create chats that allow you to communicate simultaneously with 200 contacts;
    • Decorate messages with stickers and smiles;
    • Send voice message;
    • The incoming message in the chat is painted with different color rather than yours;
    • The application allows you to make calls not only to Weiber users, but also to other subscribers;
    • The ability to communicate with users of the program for free and in good quality;
    • Video call is rarely interrupted with a slow Internet;
    • On quality does not affect the remoteness of the interlocutors from each other.

    Additional application functions:

    1. Easy to change status;
    2. You can hide or display a photo;
    3. The ability to add "unnecessary" numbers to the blacklist;
    4. Contacts see, you read the message or not;
    5. You can hide the dialogs. You can set the code to the chat that you will know only you;
    6. Protect incoming and outgoing calls;
    7. The ability to set the code to the entire application;
    8. You can create backup copies of chats. Even if you change your mobile phone and install the program on it, all saved chats will easily restore.

    How to install Viber?

    Install the application on your smartphone or computer is very simple. But first we recommend installing the Viber on the phone, then on a computer or tablet, as your phone number will be required to create and activate the account. Recall that in contrast to Skype, the Vibers is tied to the phone number and on this basis creates contacts.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Step number 1.

    Installing Viber on the phone

    Step number 3. Check out the requirements and if you agree, click the "Accept" button.

    Step number 4.Enter the current phone number and get the code.

    Step number 5. Enter the code into a special field. You can then use the application.

    Step number 6. Enter your name and download the photo. Click the "Continue" button and you can start using the program.

    Video: Install Viber on computer

    Video Review Viber Application

    With the advent of smartphones, each has access to the Internet and the opportunity to exchange SMS for free with the help of messengers. Viber (Vaiber) is an application for transmitting text messages, files and making calls through Wi-Fi or mobile Internet.

    In addition, it allows you to send messages with stickers, create group chats and much more, which highlights it on the background of rivals. Also attractive for many, a unique design was. Viber has more than a million downloads, they enjoy a huge number of people. Most likely, more than 50% of friends from your list of contacts are registered in this program.

    If you only choose a messenger for communication, then read our article to find out if Viber will suit you personally: we will tell you about his merits, disadvantages, as well as how to use Viberi on the phone.

    How to upload viber?

    Before installing Viber, make sure that your device meets the following requirements:

    • the version of Android is installed 2.3 and higher (the smartphone manufacturer does not matter);
    • there is an active connection to the Internet;
    • in stock About 120 MB of free space.

    In 2018, almost all phones are compatible with Viber, so moving on - to the installation.

    1. Go to Google Play, lend to the search string "Viber" and select the first application from the list.
    2. Click "Set".

    Now open it, proceed to the registration. This will help you our step-by-step instructions and tips in the messenger itself.

    That's all! You have successfully entered the world of Waiber.

    How to send the first message using Viber?

    Make it very simple.

    1. Click the Create button.
    2. Select any contact from the list and click "Free. Message".

    You will open the message panel. We will talk about her functionality as part of this guide.

    Sending stickers

    You can send them by clicking on the Bear button in the lower left corner of the screen. Choose the sticker you like to send it to a person. You can go to the stickers store (for this tap on the "Other Stickers" icon). There you will find a lot of their number. There are festive, universal or thematic.

    Fourth icon - Gifs send menu. They are signed. And there is a search string to quickly find the right. For example, write "Wow" in it, and the list of relevant documents will be displayed.

    Sending files and pictures

    To send a picture, select the icon in the bottom panel, which follows the bear. It will give access to the gallery, where you just click on the desired image. In addition, you can take a photo from the application and immediately throw it away. Just click the camera image icon, take a picture and share it.

    If you like sadly drawn fragments, use the tab specified by the twisted line. There you will write a short message in a couple of seconds or drew something.

    Calls and Viber Out

    In addition to free messages, there are calls. They are carried out via Wi-Fi or mobile Internet, available for all users of the program. To start the conversation, open the desired contact, tap "free call". A little below will be the "video call". It is also a free feature, and only connectivity to its operation is required.

    Viber Out can be used to connect to a person, regardless of its presence in Viber. This is a paid feature, and you need to buy loans before starting to be used.

    Group and Secret Chats

    If you click on the "Three Points" icon at the top of the screen, then the menu will pop up where secret and group chats are created, where then you can invite other users.

    "Public Account"

    Recently, the Public Account feature appeared. There you can subscribe to the pages of individual celebrities or companies to keep track of their activities.

    Disadvantages of Viber

    Viber is not an ideal messenger, with all the advantages, he has a number of flaws:

    • it consumes a lot of charge, RAM on Android and iOS, much more than competitors;
    • the quality of calls, although really good, is still not the best;
    • the interface is a bit more complicated than in WhatsApp and Telegram;
    • not the highest speed of work and not perfect stability.

    Note that some of these minuses stop, and people cease to use this program, but for many they are insignificant.


    Viber is really one of the best applications to send instant messages. His big plus is the ability to make free calls over the Internet (this, unfortunately, is still not in Telegram). He has a huge number of users, there are desktop clients and a web version. All this makes it extremely attractive for operation, if you do not confuse the mentioned cons.

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