In which chronicles it is said about the plantation of Christianity. What is Orthodoxy? The whole truth about the baptism of Russia. List of used sources and literature

Kitchen 29.03.2021

Since we talked about the struggle and synthesis, let's summarize. There was a struggle against the adoption of Christianity and was a struggle for him. In this struggle, Christianity was a strong side, because the ruling top, the trading elite, squad, became Christians. The strength of Christianity was also that there are no more people in faith than converts. As a result, the strong side, which represented Christianity, won, even if she had for a long time. The push was given, and then everything rolled like a snowball, which rolls from the mountain, gaining speed and collecting all the snow and everything on it. So and Christianity swept on paganism to gather in a huge ball of Russian Orthodoxy.

Nevanism about Christianity in Russia.

In a conversation, Christianity was taken in Russia, it is impossible to avoid some topics. Scientists are ignored by these topics, because to discuss whose fiction does not make sense. But neo-duration, nevertheless, put forward a lot of sharp abstracts regarding the adoption of Orthodoxy in Russia, makes a lot of statements. Responding to them, the history of the adoption of Christianity in Russia can be illuminated additionally.

Neo-duration it is very different. Many very different flows. Some, patiently studying various historical sources, are trying to reconstruct some moments of Slavic paganism, others scream that they are Slavs, that the paganism of the faith of their fathers and grandfathers, and Kolovrat on a T-shirt is an original symbol of Slavic paternal. The controversy with Christians of these latter usually consists in detachment and insult to the Christian faith and the Russian people. Such techniques often demonstrate the complete ignorance of the history of Russia - Russia and the Russian people. As part of this article, I consider it necessary to discuss one, from the often raised those, especially since it will help to additionally highlight the issue of making Christianity in Russia. This topic is about the violent baptism of Russia, the myth about the powerful religious resistance to attempts to plant Christianity, in fact about the religious war in Russia of that time. Let's try to figure out what is true, but what fiction.

The attachment of Christianity in Russia is great blood. True and fiction.

The violent attachment of Christianity in Russia is a very large and serious question directly related to the topic of this article. It would be funny to think that hardly Vladimir Red Solnychko announced that Russia was taking Christianity, subject to him people slammed him and ran to be bruteed. This was not and could not be. The persuasive, promises, with the problem, but more often just the threat of the use of military force otherwise and the use, Orthodoxy was introduced into Russia. Yes, it was often formerly forcibly. This is no secret. A lot of tribes, the principalities and cities there are many, each with your own nor, and I will explain to everyone that "Christianity is great."

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in order to strengthen his power sent his 12 sons to the most important cities of Russia. Local princes were shifted. Vladimir's sons were engaged in strengthening the central government (who could have thought that this was exactly what the basics of feudal dyed-rod) were laid). An important part of which was the baptism of local tribes.

But let's think about what. Indeed, in those days everything was done forcibly. Such were the rules of life. How many first princes of Kievan Rus have made military campaigns to neighboring (mostly Slavic) tribes before they inscribed? How much blood was broken while the Kiev Rus was created. The tribes did not touch with joy in the ancient Russian state, carrying tribute. No. They were fiercely resisted. A little bit, rebelted, filled out and again it was necessary to conquer. The whole history of the creation of Russia consists of military campaigns to neighboring tribes.

Who now mourns the knots killed by which Olga, then there is a gentleman, brutally avenged the death of her husband Igor and for the attempt of separatism. Brutally, but quite in the spirit of the pagan time. They behaved wrong and paid.

What about big blood? Here we can say that compared to other countries, the adoption of Orthodoxy in Russia occurred quite peacefully. After all, everything is known in comparison. What blood rivers flowed during the Christianization of Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic. Do not compare with Rus. It makes no sense to talk about some kind of bloody history of the adoption of Christianity.

Here you can tell one interesting historical fact about Olawe Truggvasone. It is interesting for us for many reasons, which I will tell now. He was born in 963. I lived in Russia from 9 years old (there is a version that it was Vladimir Svyatoslavovich who bought him from slavery) first in Novgorod, then in Kiev. He served in the squad of Prince Vladimir "Red Sunny" Svyatoslavovich, the future of the Baptist of Russia. I lived in Russia for 9 years. And the most interesting thing is that becoming the king of Norway, the already based Olav began to actively impose Christianity. Officially, it is considered to be the Baptist of Norway. What an interesting and amazing coincidence! He served at the Baptist of Russia and himself became the Baptist of Norway. True, it should be noted that in contrast to Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Olav really baptized with fire and a sword, hurting Christianity the most cruel way. From his effort he died. He was betrayed and killed opponents of Christianity.

Now about resistance and uprisings, which for some versions we were religious. The nature of the resistance to the plantation of Christianity.

The brightest event is certainly the baptism of Novgorod. When "Putting the sword baptized, and Dobrynya fire." Most often, it is his example, when they tell about the blood river, which Lily in Russia, Christians.

Novgorod was the second most important to the Center for Kievan Rus. Novgorod were subject to huge territories. It was the Novgorod residents (choking, Slovenia, Curivichi and all lived on these lands, and all), they were invited to themselves. Wanted Novgorod, feeling his strength, to remain subject to Kiev? I think no. In further history it happened. During the feudal fragmentation of Russia, Novgorod was independent. From 1136 to 1478, the Novgorod Republic existed. It is usually said that the city was controlled by the veche, although in fact there was no real national democracy in Novgorod. All filled the elite - a merchant oligarch, although people's opinion seriously influenced the decisions made.

In the 980 year, Dobrynya at the order of Prince Vladimir Red Solnyka, during the pagan reform, establishes idol Perun in Novgorod. Novgorod residents instead of a hair receive another main god.

In 990, "Small baptism" passes in Novgorod. Voluntary baptism of a certain number of Novgorod.

Important moment. Some details of the "Baptism of Novgorod" are given based onIoakimovsky Letopis and, and inserts made by Tatishchev's personally, and, for this reason, are unreliable. Such information about the nightingale and Rostovtsy.

In 991, Dobrynya with Reli came to baptize Novgorod forcibly. And hanged. Why. The reasons I think a few. And the power attempt to overthrow the old gods is only one of the reasons, and that is not the main one. The main reason for the researchers believe that the Novgorod power saw for himself in public events the opportunity to extradite independence from Kiev. Who wants to read this in detail about it, send me to the "Materials". And in short, the story is as follows. Novgorod is divided by the Volkhov River. On the one hand, Dobrynya with force, with the other domestic Novgorod, headed by Magi (in the source he was called the priest) Bogomil (for oratorical abilities a nicknamed nightingale) and subsidener hijacked. The bridge between the shores is destroyed. On the other side where Dobrynya, the priests go home and persuade to be baptized. The rebels ruffle the Christian church and the homestead of Dobryni.

Attempts will agree to the world fail and the paths holds "special operation". At night with its 500 Rostovtsov (and let me not say that in this detachment they were completely Christians) is transferred across the river, captures the leaders of the rebels and forwards their kindness. Itself strengthens in the estate hijacked and against it begin to act up to 5,000 (it is difficult to say whether the figure is true, as well as those 500 Rostovts) of the rebels. Fight all night. Someone was identified, of course, but the night siege could not end with great blood.

In the morning, Dobrynya is shipped by boats, set fires the city. There are no leader from the rebels, they are conquered by strength and flew to extinguish at home. Everything! The operation may cause admiration. Low blood, quickly, the question was resolved. With Perun, they acted as well as in Kiev. Subject to the pagan execution and spark in Volkhov. How many people beat not reported. Judging by the speed and circumstances are not much. The city remained almost intact, and was not looted. Novgorod residents baptized in Volkhov. Such is the story. By the way, quite unusual for its time. Taken cities ruined, robbed, people tidy in full. So everything was having a small blood. If it is interesting, you can remember for comparison much later. The times of Ivan the Terrible and the campaign on Novgorod of his oprichny troops in 1569-70 g. That hike ended for freedom-loving Novgorod people very sadly, great blood.

The uprising in Kiev in 113.

Before I continue to talk about the uprisings that are called "Anti-Christian" and often associate with the resistance to the plantation of Christianity, I would like to say about what - the uprisings (rebellion) in Russia took place throughout its history. With traditionally strong institutions of the people's power - veche, burslot constantly. After all, the evening was not only in Novgorod, but everywhere. Rebuilding and paganism, during the transition period and when Christianity so urged that the word "Russian" became synonymous with the words "Orthodox". In the pagan times of the ancient Russian state constantly rebounded by the past tribes. The central government did not have time to go hiking. A well-known case, when rebelled to Drevlyan, killing Prince Igor.

During feudal fragmentation and then, during the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, the riots were also quite a lot, they were due to heavy serve, discontent with the authorities and the struggle for independence, response to oppression or unbearable living conditions. When does the people live well why he rebel?

There were times when the whole country was having broken over long decades. For example, in the XVII century. Moscow uprising of 1606 against Falseedmitria I, the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikova 1606 - 1607, Salt Bunth of 1648, Pskov Uprising 1650, Novgorod uprising 1650, Copper Bunth of 1662, the uprising of Stepan Timofeevich Razin in 1667. Constantly Buzili Bashkirs. A special place occupies a split after the reform of Patriarch Nikon, in 1666, this is when the real religious war occurred. Tsarist troops 8 months then hesieved the Solovki monastery. It is only about uprisings. But the trouble was also. And Lhadmitry II (Tushinsky thief) and the militia of Minin and Pozharsky and the siege of the Trinity of Sergius Lavra. Many, a lot of things.

So the events that occurred in the X - XI centuries, in Novgorod, Rostov cause our interest only to the fact that they can be attributed to religious character, and even that they were the main "heroes" in them. Interestingly, people associated with religion often flew in Russia. When the Magi was engaged in this, then all sorts of priests are balanced, blissful, anthewers. They were believed to them for some reason. Recall the bloody resurrection and the hop of Gapona was already the twentieth century, and people still believed in the king, as in sacred for the whole of Russia personality.

Now we will talk only about those uprisings in which the Magi directly participated and which can be conditionally attributed to religious rebellions. We speak only about them, because in the XI century there are several uprisings, for example, in Kiev, 1068 and the Magi there is nothing to do with it.

1024, in Suzdal Earth Hunger. Muck here like here. Mutyat the people - "God punishes for sin" (not very clear what, maybe for Christianity?). Easy people rebelled. Magnies beat "Older CHILD" (and how not to think about human sacrifices here?).

In the second half of the XI, the Mascifications appears in Kiev, who mutters the people with all sorts of predictions about how everything will be bad. After some time he disappears. The case fell into the chronicle, and we learn that at this time there were pagans in Kiev, including. It is not clear how many of them were. The pagans of Magi believed, Christians laughed at them. Fully peaceful existence.

In Rostov (oh, this Rostov, the outskirts of the land of Russian, Finno-Ugric tribes with their dark witchcraft) pagans kill Bishop Leonty for Christian sermons and zeal in faith.

1071 year. About which so many people talk to the fierce struggle of pagans with the upcoming Christianity. The most important thing is that we need to take into account, this is what chroniclers point to terrible hunger at this time. Interestingly, in Soviet times, scientists determined these uprisings as urban (Novgorod) and the peasant (in the Rostov land, now the Rostov region) as the struggle of oppressive classes against feudalism (for example, M. N. Tikhomirov in the book "Peasant and city uprisings in Russia XI- XIII V.V. ") It is clear that there was a political background, but nevertheless most of the truth is present in this version.

In the Rostov Earth (often they are still talking about the land of Suzdal) and the area of \u200b\u200bBelozer 1071 terrible hunger. The people are dissatisfied. Muck appear, which begin to "torment" the people, and they are engaged, judging by the annals, some kind of rituals. The chronicle transmits everything by the story of Yana Extrudy, sent to collect Dani. " When was one day there was a basty in the Rostov region, - We read in the chronicle - two milk residues from Yaroslavl, saying: "We know who holds an abundance." And went along the Volga; Where they came to the graveyard, they called the best wives, saying: what this keeps life, and this honey, and this fish, and this fur. And they led them sisters of their, mothers and their wives. They were in delusion they rubbed over their shoulders, took out any lively, any fish, and killed many women and their imbey took themselves. And they came to Belosero, and there were 300 people with them .... " What happened further is a long and detailed history. Of course, I propose to read historical research on this topic.

It all ended fast enough, the death of the Wortters, who killed relatives ruined. Interestingly, from the conversation Yana Pulling and Volkhvov, we learn their religious views. So some scientists tell us that these magicians preached at all paganism and malignant. An interesting turn of events, isn't it?

Summing up this event, we can say that although in the uprising, a certain religious topic of unclear content was present, then the reason was hunger.

In the same period of 1071 (although historians, including fishermen, argue about this date) Mascified in Novgorod appears. In the Lavrentiev chronicles so - " Such a magic appeared when Gleb in Novgorod; He spoke to people, pretending to God, and many deceived, almost the whole city, said after all: "I foresee everything" and, hung, the Christian faith, assured that "I will go through Volkhov to all the people." And there was a mess in the city, and everyone believed him and wanted to destroy the bishop. The bishop took the cross in his hands and put on the vestment, got up and said: "Who wants to believe the magician, let him go behind him who believes God, let the cross goes." And people were divided in two: Prince Gleb and his squad went and became near the bishop, and people all went to Magi. And the great confusion began between them. Gleb took the ax for a cloak, went to the magic and asked: "Do you know that tomorrow will happen and what is today until the evening?". He answered: "I know everything." And Gleb said: "Do you know what will be with you today?" "The Miracles of the Great Creation," said. Gleb The same, drove the ax, cutting the wrap, and he fell dead, and people diverged. So he died the body, and the soul was betrayed by the devil.»

A wonderful story of Prince Gleb and Vacity is apparently still legend, myth, although who knows. After all, everything is very logical. Another thing is that it is not clear because of what the cheese Bohr caught fire. Christians oppressed the pagans? Well no. Coexisted peacefully. Street were pagan beliefs? Maybe, but in itself it is not a reason for the riot. As for hunger, it is also not clear, some scientists write about hunger, others are not. The version of the rebellion on political reasons deserves attention. Prince Gleb and Bishop (secular power) are imposed by force from Kiev. Freedom-loving Novgorods do not like it, plus the events of 991. Spark appeared in the face of Magnava so and worn. And Gleb Novgorod residents drove, as it was then repeatedly done with different other princes.

Prince, the leader, from the pagan times was a sacral figure in Russia. It was believed that what kind of prince, what he does and how she lives, luck depends on the success and well-being of those who are sitting on. The prince could easily be guilty of drought and a tenant and the people could easily "not want" such an incorrect prince. Apparently, something similar happened to Gleb. As a result, he was still exconnered by Novgorod. So you need to admit that in the Novgorod uprising of 1071, a religious reason was not the main thing.

I do not undertake to judge exactly, but judging throughout the Volkhiva appear last time in 1227 and again in the events associated with the Smutow. Smooty again in Novgorod in 1227 - 1230 g. And again is associated with hunger, this in particular writes I.Ya. Froyanov (see Materials). A little later, the Tatar-Mongolian invasion began and not to the magicians. But this is already for optional reading.


Like any other "layer", the adoption of Christianity gave their subsenos in the form of an armed confrontation. But it would be stupid to say that Christians poured the whole rus. Yes, there were collisions, yes was violence, but there was a long peaceful coexistence of Christians and pagans. In general, the adoption of Christianity happened peacefully. Full-scale religious war managed to avoid, I think that this happened in many ways due to the strong central government.

Elite - princes, boyars, squad, merchants, rich inhabitants of cities first of all took Christianity. The adoption of Christianity weighing ordinary people was the issue of time and change of generations. The reverse path was not, and it could not be. Rus gradually became Christian primarily peacefully, thanks to the efforts of the Church and the authorities, and only in the second place forcibly.

Novgorod, some other cities, at the very first stage of Christianization, showed the struggle for the pagan faith. Subsequent riots, for example, 1071, although they wore some religious subtext, nevertheless were due to other reasons.

The question of "What would happen if ...", in the sense that I could remain a pagan personally, I think untenable. The whole course of historical development tells us about one, paganism as a dominant religion ceased to exist, regardless of which forms she took, at what stage of development was in which countries.

How developed paganism in Russia as a religion, at what stage did it be? Here the opinions of scientists are diverged. Some talk about extremely primitiveness, others about developed cults that may argue on pomp with Christian ceremonies. For sure we do not know this, the information is extremely scarce. But one can argue, without paganism, Russia would not have what we call the Russian Orthodoxy, it was the paganism smoothly and organically entering Christianity gave the Russian people a unique national faith.

This is all the more interesting than the fact that you can imagine a continuous chain of inheritance of the previous religion that goes to shift. After all, Slavic paganism was not born in an empty place, and before the Slavic Pranoda had their primitive cults. According to scientists, for example, Rybakov, the cult of rhizanits is a rethinking cult of Beregin, who got the Slavic paganism from their distant ancestors, and a meander-carpet drawing, so often found in the Slavic and Old Russian embroidery invented for their magical rituals of Mammoth hunters for their magical rituals.

But everything flows and everything develops and destroys. The crushing blow to Russian Christianity with his "household Orthodoxy" received after the 1917 revolution. When the Soviet government began to eradicate and destroy not only Orthodoxy as such, but everything that was connected with him in a huge peasant country, all sorts of "prejudices", "obscurantia", "misconceptions". In the past, all the knowledge of the "domestic Orthodoxy" was lost the connection of times. In the past in the place with grandmothers and the universal churches, conspiracies, conspiracy, beliefs and peasant magic were rejected. Last faith in the house and led, faith in sorcerers and grandstone squeaks. I went away into the past whole huge reservoir of the peasant (Christian) culture. The connection of generations collapsed. Soviet, now, already, people called for a faith in communism and a bright future, in which there was no place for "relics of the royal regime."


Karamzin M. N., "The Story of the Russian State", I Tom. A good illustration of how scientific works are written. A huge number of references to historical materials. To the i of this, another containing containing lists of materials, explanations, additions.
Soloviev S.M., "History of Russia from ancient times", I Tom.
Fishermen B.A., "Pitivity of the ancient Slavs."
Rybakov B.A., "Pitor of Ancient Russia".
Kuzmin A. G., "Fall of Perun - the formation of Christianity in Russia."
Vasilyev M. A., "Paganism of the Eastern Slavs on the eve of the baptism of Russia" Research on the origin of the gods of Horse and Semarlag. The fact that these gods have Iranian (Sarmato Alansky) origin. Considers the questions of the "first religious reform."
Froyanov I.Ya., "The Mystery of the Baptism of Russia (Ancient History of Russia)"
Froyanov I.Ya., "On the events of 1227-1230 in Novgorod"
Mavrodin V., "People's uprisings in ancient Russia of the XI-XIII centuries."In particular," about the uprising in the Suzdal Earth "
Tikhomirov M.N., "Ancient Rus". GLAVA IX. The uprisings of death in the Suzdal Earth and citizens in Novgorod in 1071
Gordienko N.S., "Baptism of Russia". Facts against myths and legends. Polemical notes. Very entertaining book released in Soviet times. The author looks at the magnifying glass of the Marxist-Leninist theory and positions of scientific materialism. This allows him to "expose" all sorts of "Basni Popov" and all that. But, nevertheless, remains as part of a recognized academic history. And if you abstract from all the quotes of Marx, Engels, Lenin, then the book turned out to be quite interesting. Like many other authors of the Epoch of Socialism proves the full independence of the Russian Orthodox Church from Byzantium, Rome and from anyone.
Douluman E.K., Glushak A.S., "The introduction of Christianity in Russia. Legends, events, facts"The same as the previous author. The same thoughts, the same rhetoric, the same exposure. But as in the previous book, it is very careful (all the same, a book from the discharge of anti-religious) refers to the positive parties to the adoption of Christianity.
Fedotov GG, "Russian Religiousness of 1 Christianity of Kiev Rus" Since I led to the top two books from the discharge of Soviet anti-religious. Let let the materials be a book written from the Prokhristian positions. The book is a very smart, competent person, philosopher. Written without any religious hysteria. The most real historical and philosophical work.

Sarbuchv M ,. "The baptism of Russia is a blessing or curse" I specifically give this book a mansion, I highlight. It is useful to see it, for what to understand what happens and such "literature". The author completely in the spirit of time denounces everyone and everything. Scandalously exposes. He did not please the historians of the Tsarist Russia and the historians of the USSR. He denounces and exposes both Popov, and the KGB, and medieval chroniclers, if they wrote something that he does not fit .. The book is written in a fairly scandalous journalist manner. In my opinion, the author tried to the need for the public and tried to choose a berry with a rapidly cut at the moment the field of "waving pseudoslavan and pseudo-sound cranberries".

Lists of other literature can be found in the books of serious authors.

Thanks to everyone who was able to get here.

Rus's baptism is a great historical event that is considered very progressive for its time. It is believed that having got rid of paganism and enhancing voluntarily on the path of Christianity, the Russian people made the only right choice. However, was it all rosy and easily, as described in history textbooks? How was the new religion planned and why did it be? How did the paganism transformed in Orthodoxy?

Answers to these questions will make you a new look at the history of our state. The impetus to the writing of this article in the genre of the "historical investigation" was the information from the books of writer Anastasia New, in which it was unambiguously stated that the planting of Christianity was "fire and sword", and that the new religion was no more than attempting to Prince Vladimir to approve his sole power, with which the ancient pagan beliefs did not cope. Is there any confirmation of this information in historical science? It turns out there. According to the official version of History, Orthodoxy came to Russia from Byzantium during the reign of Prince Vladimir Red Sunshine in 988. However, about the concept and term "Orthodoxy" there are still many questions.

Modern historians note that the concepts of "Christianity" and "Orthodoxy" are not identical. For example, the modern philosophical dictionary gives the following definition of Orthodoxy: "Slavic equivalent of orthodoxia (Greek. ORTODOXIA is the right knowledge). The term is first used in the 2nd century in contrast to heterodoxy (Greek. Geterodoxia is a delusion of heretics). " Orthodoxy means strictly following any teaching, lawwrition. According to this data, Orthodoxy \u003d Orthodox \u003d title. Another definition from the Old Slavonic dictionary, compiled by the annals of the 10-11 centuries.

Interestingly, in this dictionary, there is no word "Orthodoxy", but there is a "lawwriter", which means: "True, right faith". So what is the "right faith" came to Russia in 988?

In 988, there was still a single church and unified Christianity. The separation of Christianity on the Roman Catholic and Greek-Cafe (Orthodox) occurred only after 60 years - in 1054. The final choice in favor of the Eastern Christian Church in Russia was made much later.

And what meant "Orthodoxy" in Russia and when is it first mentioned? One of the first sources is the chronicle of the Byzantine monk Veliaria, written in 532, long before Rus's baptism. Gasienary unequivocally calls our ancestors "Orthodox Sloves and Rusin." So what really meant in those days the word "Orthodoxy"? Very simple: Slovenia and Rusins \u200b\u200bwere Orthodox, because "Gloria right", which is completely obvious from the etymology of the word itself.

Recall that the right in the pagan Slavic religion is the world of the ancient Slavic gods!

The substitution of the terms "Governance" and "Orthodoxy" occurred only in the 17th century, when Moscow Patriarch Nikon made the famous church reform. The main purpose of this reform was not at all a change in the rites of the Christian church, as it is interpreted now.

Surely every person who studied the story of this reform, arose a natural question: what was the meaning of the reform? Is it possible only because of minor changes in the rite of people referred and executed ruthlessly and so cruel? Modern alternative historians believe that this reform actually was the destruction of the defeat in Russia.

That is, before the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in Russia actually existed a two-year-old people - a simple people up to the 17th century (!) He professed not only the lawwire (Christianity in the Greek sample), but also the old, the pre-Christian faith of his ancestors - Orthodoxy! The Christian Patriarch Nikon was worried that Orthodox Old Believers lived their own and did not recognize his power. Thus, during the reform Nikon ordered all the liturgical books, replacing the term "Orthodox Christian Faith" on the "Orthodox Vera Christian". So the Vine Slavic panel on paper became Christianity.

In the ancient, defective texts (for example, the "mini mini"), you can still see the old entry in the form of "Orthodox Christian Faith", and not Orthodox. So all the achievements of the pagan Slavic Orthodoxy began to be perceived in the light of history as the achievement of Christian religion. Nikon's reform caused strong resistance, as a result of which the Patriarch was lowered, and in official documents, the Christian church began to reconcile as "orthodox".

So, the true history of Christianity in Russia is not at all so unequivocal, as they are presented in our textbooks, and modern scientists are increasingly talking about it. Until 988, there was its own, old pagan faith, which was called "Orthodoxy".

At the end of the 10th century, Vladimir Bestil Rus on the Greek Canon, making Christianity by the state religion. In 1054, Christianity was split into the Western and Eastern Church, after which the Eastern Christian Church with the Center in Constantinople began to be called Orthodox. Officially, the term "Orthodoxy" began to be used by the Christian church only in the mid-20th century (!), During the reign of the Bolsheviks, when the term ROC appeared - "Russian Orthodox Church". Earlier, the Russian Christian Church was called the "Russian Greek-Cafolic Church" or "Russian Orthodox Church of the Greek Rite."

Thus, we see that the Christian faith was put on Rus with great difficulties, for many centuries, turning into a certain mixture of Orthodoxy (Christian paganism) and Greek Christianity. If you look good, then in modern Russian Christianity you can find a huge number of rites, holidays and even terms that have moved here from paganism. Simple people in Russia did not want to give up the old, Orthodox faith that Christianity had to go for certain concessions. More is more like this - in the book of Anastasia's new "alto". For example, take a look at this table:

Russian (Slavic) holiday

Christian (religious) holiday

Holiday of God Veles.

Christmas Christmas Eve.


Day of God Veles (patron of livestock)

Day of St. Vlasia (patron of animals)

Marines Day

Day of St. Marianna

Maslenitsa (marks 50 days before Easter)


Dazhboga Day (first pasture of livestock, shepherd treaty with scratch)

Day of St. George Victorian (patron of livestock and patron of warriors)

Boris-Khlebnik's Day (celebration of the first sprouts)

Transferring the relics of boring Boris and Gleb

Day of God Yarily (God Spring)

Transferring the relics of sv. Nikolay Spring, bringing warm weather

Triglav (pagan Trinity - Perun, Svarog, Navnit)

St. Trinity (Christian Trinity)


Day Agranta Bathing (with mandatory bathing)

Day of Ivan Kupala (during the holiday, drank each other with water, bathed)

Christmas of John the Baptist

Day of God Perun (God thunder)

Day of St. Elijah Prophet (thumbnail)

Holiday of the first fruit

Feast of consecration of fruits

Day of God Striboga (the God of the Winds)

Day of Mirone Wet Rod (Breaking)

Will's Day Zmeevich

St. Simon Student Day

Feast of Rozhenian

Christmas of the Virgin

Day of the goddess Macoshi (goddess-straight, hiding the thread of fate)

Paraskeva Day Friday (Sewing patroness)

On this day, Svarog discovered the hardware to

Day of Kozma and Damian (patrons of Kuznetsov)

Day of the gods of Svara and Cammarla (Svarog - God of Sky and Fire)

Day Mikhail Arkhangel

We give only one quote from the old Russian chronicles, which brightly demonstrates the process of the forced plantation of Christianity in Russia "Fire and Sword":

"In Novgorod, people seeing that Dobrynya goes to baptize them, they learned the eve of the evening and they knew everything to be in the city and not let refute the idols. And when he came, they, having signed the Great Bridge, went out with a weapon, and whatever threats or affectionate words, they didn't want to hear, they did not want to hear, and brought two larger hasty with many stones, and put them on the bridge as on true enemies. The highest of the Slavic Priests was Bogomil, which because of his eloquence was mashed by nightingale, forbidden people to subjugate. "

In 1227, four magicians, after the trial of the Archbishop, burned in Novgorod, despite the intercession of Boyar, and in the year Archbishop was expelled by citizens. In the synodal editorial office of the Church Charter of Prince Vladimir, among the misconducts to be church punishment, are listed: "Or who prays under OVIN or in a grove, or in the water" and the same "magazine, wicked."

Troitskaya editorial office of the Charter (16 V.) Included and those who "pray the creatures, the sun, the moon, the stars, the clouds, winds, stands of rivers, tanish, mountains, stones."

What is really "Orthodoxy"? This is not a religion, it is faith, and right is the causal world, which generated gods and the Slavic-Aryan ancestors, is respect and glorifying the people of life

The foundations of their ancestors.

What is Christianity? This religion created by the Jews (priests), which is based on the works of Moses and the carriage for the sake of the modified doctrine of Christ, who was sent to the "Lost sheep at the House of Israel". Jesus was sent by Jews to tell about human values, in response, Jews crucified him, and then long destroyed his true followers - just as the Slavic Magi destroyed in the process of planting Christianity in Russia.

Then practical Sawl (real name of the Apostle Paul) united the teachings of Christ with the law of Moses and created something like a new religious brand, which began to quickly spread the world, oddly enough. This amazingly successful enterprise served the interests of hidden players, which we will not speak in detail in this article. To do this, we recommend that you read the book Anastasia New "Sensei 4", from which you will learn the whole truth about the process of creating a Christian church and religion as a whole. We recommend that you do at least for the sake of expansion of the horizon, especially since this book you can download completely free here, or clicking on the quote below.

Read about it more in the books of Anastasia New

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Unfortunately, these legends were thoroughly converted when Christianity began to impose and destroy the "pagan", the original Slavic beliefs, where we rely on the information where he alterating it, and where and at all burning bark grades with Old Slavic records. Then there were serious substitutions with a bias on the ideology of the Christian religion.

- Anastasia New - "Allara"

Vedic Information Agency Midgard Info

The number of Europe to Christianization - 800 million people, after baptism - 4 million people ...

Ros (Russia) - in the period from 988 to 1000, when the rapid baptism of 12 million people took place. 3 million left

In Russia, Christianity was planted by force, while the cult facilities of Slavs were destroyed, often together with resisting people. It should be noted that Christianity was a city religion, for the rural residents, in general, this creed was and unclear and unnecessstly, as it did not help them, unlike the natural cults of faith. But also in the cities of Russia, the introduction of Christianity as the only religion, accompanied by the destruction and desecration of their native shrines, caused stubborn resistance. The key point - did not rebel against Christianity, as such (several centuries before that, a few Christians coexisted relatively peacefully with the pagans), revived against the destruction of the old faith.

Rarely, who of the modern Orthodox theologians mentions the presence of contradictory explanations of the beginning of the "Baptism of Russia", and preachers generally bypass this delicate theme. The most often set out the korsun version, and they present it to their listeners and readers as the only and absolutely reliable one. Meanwhile, such a large and authoritative church historian, as Professor E. E. Golubinsky, resolutely rejected it (see: T. I, Part I, p. 127).

About how the Christianization of Russia was interesting to the archeology reports: out of 83 stationary archaeologists of the settlers of Kiev Rus IX - early XI century. 24 (almost 30%) "ceased to exist at the beginning of the XI century. In all visibility, it is primarily about those settlers of the ancient Slavs, who were originally sanctums. Archaeologists have discovered the system of nests of settlements, accumulating around "Goroditsa", not the innovative, the so-called, "cultural layer", evidence of permanent residence on them of people or any serious fortifications. But on these strange fortifications, there were often traces of a constantly supported fire and the remains of the "pillars", towering in the center of the circle outlined symbolic shaft - that is, traces of pagan capitis.

It was such large famous pagan centers of worship that were destroyed first, and people from the townships either gibbles, defending their shrines, or preferred to go away, where they would not have taken from Christian missionaries, hiding a new faith "fire and sword". The cruel actions of the prince, his desire to destroy the pagan gods and the Magi is also explained by the mentality of the people of that time. The prince had to destroy all the sculptures of the old gods, all their servants, as destroying deadly enemies. Being brought up in the pagan society, Vladimir could not help but believe in the power of the gods, could not not be afraid of their revenge. Even Christian chroniclers did not doubt the power of Magi: "That is not evidence that the magazine comes true from the magnification," Nestor writes, and the Jacob of Mnyi in the praise of the prince Vladimir - "Many and Volkhivi wondered."

By the way, the legend has been preserved in Novgorod, that the Baptist of Novgorod Dobrynya subsequently drowned in Ilmen from the remorse. At least in the chronicles after 990, it is really no longer mentioned. The chronicles are kept deaf silence and about the death of Prince Vladimir, only fixing the fact itself. But it is interesting that on old icons, starting with the fresco 12 V. In the cathedrals of Vladimir, the Prince-Baptist is depicted with a very characteristic cross in the hands - the attribute of the martyr. So depicted Christians who took martyrdom for faith. After the death of Vladimir, the baptism of Russia continued the same methods, although it is much slower. In Murom and Rostov, the resistance to the plantation of Christianity, according to traditional church history, continued until the XII century. For longer than other Slavic tribes, the native faith retained Vyatichi, who had resisted by Christian missionaries up to the 13th century. At the same time, up to the 12th century in already baptized lands, the anti-Christian uprisings flashed. (See the article "Anti-Christian performances of the Domongolian period").

Not only scientists, but some church authors have not denied the enforcement character of the baptism of residents of the capital of the Kiev state. Many historians of the church indicated the violence of admission to the new faith of Kievans in their writings. So, for example, Archbishop Macarius (Bulgakov) wrote: "Not everyone who accepted our holy faith then took her on love, some - only for fear to the commandment; Not everyone was baptized willingly, some are reluctant "(t. I, p. 27). "Unwillingly be baptized," said E. E. Golubinsky, "it was quite a lot in Kiev, and in general in all Russia" (t. I, h, p. 175). The same opinion on this account and Archbishop Filaret (Gumilevsky) (see: History of the Russian Church, p. 31),

Openly recognized the violent nature of the admission to Christianity of the inhabitants of Kiev and on the pages of the pre-revolutionary church periodicals - in articles dedicated to the prince Vladimir and its activities on the "baptism of Russia". In particular, the priest M. Morav wrote, commenting on the chronicler's story about the baptism of Kiev: "Many did not want to be baptized: some indecision, in which Prince Vladimir himself, others, who were persistent; But the latter did not want to listen and sermons ... The fierce adherents of the old faith were fled to the steppes and forests "(parish life, 1911, No. 12, p. 719). In the same spirit, the chronicle narration Archimandrite Macarius retold. By stating that many residents of Kiev "came to the river from fear of Prince," he further noted: "very many Kievians were baptized at the same time. But there were also those who did not want to listen to neither the sermons of the clergy, nor the orders of Prince: they fled from Kiev in the steppe and forests "(Orthodox Blagovetand, 1914, No. 2, p. 35 - 36).

Otherwise, it could not be. As already noted, the need for a new religion originally felt only the social verses of Kievan Rus. Vladimir and his nearest surroundings were needed to strengthen the grandiolence of power. The formated estate of feudalists was looking for an excuse for its privileged position in ancient Russian society and ideological ultrasound for Chelyadi and Chards. The merchants of Christianization of Russia enulged the expansion and strengthening of trade relations with Christian countries. They all got the opportunity with the help of a new faith to plan in the masses of the spirit of humility, reconcile the oppressed of the subane and the same, and thereby hold the masses from the active forms of social protest. For the sake of such prospects, it was possible to change the centuries-old tradition, to break with the pagan past, to abandon the usual forms of spiritual life.

As repeatedly noted, the baptism of Kievan was just the beginning of the process of Christianization of the ancient Russian state. The new faith, which has become a state of government religion, it was necessary to spread through the cities and villages of Kievan Rus. And although the baptism was universally involved not only brought from Byzantia clergymen, but also the princely authorities, to fulfill the task was not so simple.

Judging by the chronicle testimonies and living materials, rarely, where the attachment of Christianity did without violence and coercion on the one hand and resistance - on the other. Here are just a few facts.

The second to the magnitude and value of the city of Kiev Rus during the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich was Novgorod. Therefore, after the Kiev residents had to be baptized and Novgorod. For this purpose, the bishop of Joachim Korsunyanin was sent to Novgorod in 991, who was accompanied by the Novgorod Voivode Dobrynya (Uncle Vladimir for Mother) - the very one, who, ten years before, set the idol over the Volkhov on the command of the Kiev Prince. To help them was granted a Kiev squadron headed by the Thousands of 1 Prince Vladimir Putya.

1,000 - a job officer who selected the vessel; In the days of hostilities commanded the folk militia ("thousand").

Having learned about the goal, the arrival of Dobryni with the bishop, the Novgorod residents were cut in the evening not to let into the city of these missionaries and not to accept a new religion. Understanding that Kiev warriors arrived from a good one for a walk, residents of Novgorod took up the weapon. Their actions were sent by a thousandth hijacious and pagan priest Bogomil Solovy. The resistance center was the Sofia Storoma. So that the baptists did not move to her from the trading side, where they were forcibly led to a new faith several hundred Novgorod, the bridge was placed through Volkhov. Puting with the help of military tricks penetrated with his detachment to the center of the Sofia side and captured the hijacious and his associates. But the rebels of Novgorod continued to resist. Only after the Thai-crossing the Dobryni Dobryni river was set up the house of the participants of the uprising, the resistance of opponents of the Christianization of the Novgorod land was suppressed.

Of course, the rebels of Novgorod were guided in their actions not only with religious motifs, but also by political considerations - reluctance to get into full dependence on the Kiev Prince. It is the last circumstance that participates in the uprising of many representatives of the Novgorod nobility. Nevertheless, the defendant of the new faith was obvious, with the most sharply and openly demonstrated this indecompretation of a simple Novgorod people who had no evacuated Christianity had nothing xop.

When, by order of Dobryni, pagan idols were defeated (wooden betrayed fire, and the stone was drowned in Volkhov) and the procedure for the adoption of the Christian faith, who wanted to be baptized was not so much. Warships, the princely squad had to move from persuasion to direct coercion and strength to drive the stubborn Novgorod to the river.

All this procedure forced treatment of Novgorod in Christianity gave Novgorod to the foundation to declare that they were "paths baptized with a sword, but Dobrynya fire."

A lot of dramatic situations, testifying to the disappointment of Christianity, a significant part of the citizens in the village of Ancient Russia and the violent treatment of silencers in a new faith, developed in other places.

In particular, with great difficulty managed to Christian missionaries to introduce to the new faith of residents

ancient Rostov. The first two bishop Fyodor and Hilarion (XI century) could not do anything with the Rental Rentalists and they themselves refused their stay in this city: "I wake, not to endure disbelief and many departure from people." Against the third bishop of Leonthia, the city rebelled: over the "Lord" hung a real threat not only exile, but also of violent death. Only the fourth bishop of Isaiah was able to achieve some success, and then not in Rostov, but in the Rostov land. But he did not manage to force everyone Rostov to abandon paganism and finally move into Christianity.

The same difficulties arose in the Christianization of the population of the ancient Murom: they could not attach the Muroms to the new faith, not the son of Kiev Prince Vladimir Gleb nor his successor.

Sometimes the local population satisfied Samosud over some missionaries that showed an excess jealousy in the planting of Christianity. This was exactly what they did, for example, Vntychi, who killed a missionary monk Kushshi, who in the middle of the XII century arrived on Vyatka Earth from the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

The circumstances of the acquisition for Christianity residents of other cities and the land of the ancient Russia information has not been preserved. But hardly baptism was passing out otherwise than in the cities mentioned above.

All this, combined, gave the basis of historians (including church) to say that the introduction of Christianity in Russia during Prince Vladimir and his successors was not a peaceful and calm process that the new faith was imposed on the use of violence that caused the opposition of various groups Local population and primarily simple people. Rus, wrote E. E. Golubinsky, "Beschen was not only a sermon, but also forced" (t. I, h. I, p. 199). Polemizing with those who claimed that our ancestors took the baptism of "without struggle and violence", E. E. Golubinsky wrote: "The perfect humility of Russians in the case of the change of the will of the prince and the so-called peaceful spread of Christianity in Russia is nothing but The impossible fiction of our unlimited patriots, whoever, to bring common sense to sacrifice to their patriotism. There is no doubt that the introduction of a new faith was accompanied by a considerable excitement in the people, that there were open resistances and riots "(ibid., P. 175 - 176).

As much as categorical in their statements on this topic and the authors of many articles published in the pre-revolutionary time on the pages of church periodicals. "Pitagoism," the article "The political and social activities of the Supreme Representatives of the Russian Church (X - XV centuries) said," it was still strong, it did not speak more of its time in Russia, it resisted the introduction of Christianity; Therefore, the government takes violent measures in the spread of Christianity, resorts to fire and a sword in order to introduce gospel teachings in the heart of the pagans. And the ministers of Christ are not armed against such funds; On the contrary, they justify them and on the corpses erect the Cross of Christ "(Rockar, 1907, No. 8, p. 32).

All these facts and statements, unflatteringly characterizing the secular and church "bastards" of Kievan Rus, are well known for the theological church circles of the Moscow Patriarchate. And nevertheless, modern theologians and preachers either silence them, either act with statements directly opposite content - they assure their readers and listeners, as if the introduction of Christianity no one opposed and carried out this action in the atmosphere of universal support. "Attracting pagans and innovative in the Kiev Rus to the Church of Christ," says Metropolitan Anthony (Melnikov), without arguing his statement - did not cause violence, but by the power of conviction, with the assistance of the grace of God, living and wonderful "(JMP, 1982, № 5, p. 50).

Vladimir understood that the ministers needed for new-planned churches. And if the mobility of the Byzantine bishops, the people met is clearly hostile, what to talk about the pops, which would have to communicate with forcibly addressed pagans personally and daily. Yes, and would not have gained in Byzantium, so many wishing to go to serve in the churches of the only cristed rules. The prince collects children from all over the Earth (mainly orphans) to teach the book, first head, of course, biblical, wisdom. Byzantine books are transferred to Russian, of course, not completely, in abbreviated, often simplified version.

It is significant in this regard with the coverage of modern church seal of the circumstances of the baptism of Novgorod. In the preface to the "Orthodox Church Calendar for 1983", dedicated to the church history of Novgorod and Pskov, the introduction of Novgorod to Christianity was presented as peaceful idyll: "Residents of Novgorod were baptized in 988 (?) From St. Joacima Korsunin ... who became the first Novgorod bishop" (p. 2). And not a word about how this baptism was held and what was the reaction of Novgorod to the appearance in the city of Joacima.

The statements of this kind are designed for people who do not know anything about the past of their people - including the fact that the baptized of our ancestors was forced and did it in the interests of the dominant estates of the feudal society formed.

The latter, and one of the favorite arguments of supporters of the concept of "violent" Christianization are the chronicle indications for the murder of Magi in the period we are considered.

1.2 Insolvency of the "Jacob Chronicles" as a historical source.

The baptism of Novgorod "Fire and the Sword" has long become a textbook example with the presentation of the history of the baptism of Russian lands in 988-989. With Prince Vladimir. There is nothing surprising in this: this is the only example that can be confirmed by the concept of "violent" baptism, which has become practically generally accepted in the domestic science of the Soviet period.

In fact, there are practically no material evidence (fires, flight or death of the population, etc.) of the mass character of public cataclysms, as if accompanying baptism. Even the pagan sanctuations on the periphery of Russia functioned even later than a century.

On the basis of the main mass of written and archaeological sources, there is a sense of peaceful and partly formal adoption of baptism by citizens in 988. It occurred under the undoubted impact of the Supreme Power, but as if it was not accompanied by reprisals, nor massive power processes. By the way, it should be remembered that it is about society, where weapons, in general, was in the house of every free "husband". There was enough opportunities for mossary intake - but it did not happen. However, for some reason it is believed that the news of the Johnochi chronicle of the XVII century. The baptism of Novgorod destroys this idealized picture.

The most ancient story about the baptism of Novgorod is found in the Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie. "In the summer 6497. Breasting Volodir and the whole land is Russian; and put in Kiev Metropolitan, and Nov Gerarad Archbishop, and by other hail bishops and priests and deacons; And the joy is everywhere. And I recreak to Newgrad Archbishop Akim Korsunyanin, and the trust destroyed, and the Perun of the entrance, and the penetration of him in Volkhovo; And she was already shy, his inhibition is in order to calves, tightly rim; And the support of anyone else is not at anywhere. And the idea of \u200b\u200bthe tube is early on the river, although Gurni lead to the city; Sita Perun Selor to Bervi, and Spit and Shisto: "You, Reta, Perulist, Saw and Yal, and Yal, and now they are missing"; And the swords from the light window. "

As we see, there is no data on the violent nature of the baptism and any conflicts. Power, as in Kiev, calls on the "not happy" of the opened and disgraced idol - and this appeal is heard. Gonchar from the dodge (village near Novgorod) will be posted by the fallen God, which meets, of course, the full approval of the chronicler. In such a picture, we note, there is nothing unreliable, the Aristocratic state cult of Perun was imposed on Novgorodchin from Kiev as the main thing only a few years before.

Note that and then does not say any riots and conflicts (" and fry him people novgorodyi aki god").

It is vividly distinguished against the background of numerous processing of this story in other arches, only one text - a fragment of the Ioamakhova chronicle, with the mention of which we started a real job. We emphasize that in the chronicle that, before us, the chronicle, which came out only as part of the "history" V. N. Tatishchev, was drawn up not earlier than the last quarter of the XVII century. There is nothing to say that the first Novgorod bishop of Joachim, for the retelling of the narrative of which he gave his work an unknown chronicler, could not belong to the text. Suffice it to say that the baptism of Russia connected in it with the name of the Bulgarian king Simeon, who died over a few decades to the Vladimir's workout. About the baptism of Novgorod People, Ioakimovskaya chronicle reports the following:

"In themegrad, people who hung the Dobrynyh's hedgehog there is baptisters, I teach Evening and rolling the WSI, do not let the city and not to date the idols refute. Alive, the Great Bridge, the Great Bridge, is the Great Bridge, and Aska Dobrynye Quickness and Loggodic Word Having Himself, Obachech, neither to hear hotules and greeting 2 Safety of the Great with a lot of entourage, put on the bridge, Yako on Suschiya enemies. We are standing on a trading country, walking around the Tipchas and streets, a student, people, Eliko Mozhaha. But the word godfather, Iko, the Apostle Rivers, are madness and deception. And Taco with two days, Nonoliko Sot Crest. Then the Thousands of Novgorod hijacius, driving everywhere, screamed: "It is daft, the gods of our datage on the crust." The people of the country, Dzasvipyev, the Dobrynin House Razorosh, the estring of delimitation, his wife and some of the affection of his being. Commercial Vladimirov Putiat, Yako, a sense and brave husband, causing a fusion, by choosing a 300 husband from Rostovtsev, wearing a higher country to be applied to Grad and the village of Grad, to Nikomi, Wsya Bo Teajah his own voi. He is doses to the courtyard of Hyonayev, Onau and other naughty husbands of Yati Abie Ambassador to Dobryna for the river. The people of the country, who heard this, gathered up to 5,000, stupid with the Putus, and the internship of the singer of evil. Nija Schosha's transfiguration of the Lord Hatching and the houses of Christian Grablauha. Even on the raspiens of Dobrynya with all the worships with it, it is nice (and the belly of Brega has some kind of burning houses, such people in the afteak of the former, Bezhah Fierce Tushii; and Abiye) pret on the presence of the world.

Dobrynya, the collection of Wari, prohibit the robbery and abium idols Crush, the trees burned, and stone, breaking, in the Vergosha River; And the silent sadness is great. Men and wives, who seen, with a cry of great and tears, seeking for Nia, IKO for the worst of their gods. Dobrynya, mocking, Iavyly: "What, madness, regret those who can not defend themselves, you can sharpen you from them to land." And ambassador, declaring, so that the crisp go. The sparrow landing, the son of Stoyanov, and in Vladimir, the pupil and Be Veselmi Sweetching, this idea on the Zuyschak and the Page of all the faddles. Ishosha Monszy, and not the hottest baptized Warini Vohakhuj and the sacrament, men above the bridge, and the wife below the bridge. Then insonyusion the negligence of the people about themselves by sacred people; For the sake of the head, the crosses of the wooden, OSO Copper and Capper on the impact of the land, but also do not really do, do not believe and baptize; And Abiye placed church of Paka with a building. And Tacos Crest, Putting the idea to Kiev. This for people will be brought by Novgorod: Putting the shield with a sword, and Dobrynya fire".

In general, the most well-known testimony in particular, there is a direct opposite attitude in science. Some researchers, such as S.M. Solovyov is seen in the Ioamakhovskaya a completely adequate source and, sometimes without any reservations, they write about the "uprising" of Novgorod against baptism. On the other hand, M. M. Shcherbatov, B. A. Rybakov and A. P. Tolochko expressed decisive doubts about the authenticity of the source in general, offering to see in it completely or partially the creativity of V. N. Tatishchev. Most researchers, however, recognized the authenticity of the preserved text of Ioamakhovskaya, identifying it as the Novgorod monument of the end of the XVII century.

N. M. Karamzin believed that the whole story of the baptism of Novgorod is a detached speculation around the dining of foggy origin. Even recognizing the presence at the heart of the Joacimovian genuine legends recorded also for the first time in the XIII century, we cannot deny the contradictions and inconsistencies of the existing text. There are in it clearly minor details. Frank absurdity we celebrate at the very beginning: how could the Novgorod who could put their "self-tracks" "on the bridge", which is just "Hatching"? Or did they build it again - to meet Dobryn? By the way, it is under this bridge - the whole and unharmed, I swallowed, as we remember, Perun.

We, of course, we can assume that the author of XIII and then the end of the XVII century. Relying on a genuine historical tradition, which was based on real facts. But, especially, recognizing some power of a document for the Ioamakh chronicles, we must trust her testimony in general. And it is definitely enough: "Togo for people will be short-lived by Novgorod: Putting the shield with a sword, and Dobrynya fire." Who could "displacing" Novgorod, if all Russia had been baptized for violently, "fire and sword"? - Obviously, no one.

In addition, the term "baptized" himself from the leading Novgorod proverbs to Dobryn and Putting, by and large, not applicable. Since in Novgorod was already present to the events described by Tatishchev, and the very church of the transfiguration that was destroyed in the "Ioakimovskaya chronicle" in the other chronicle source stood 60 years: " In summer 6497. (988) " Put the Vladyka Bishop Joacima The first church of the treasured oak sophia of Sofia, inupply top 13; And it was 60 years old, and raised from fire in summer 6557, March on the 4th day, in a subtle, with the second bishop of Luke, in 13th summer. Frankly arranged and decorated; And stood on the end of the streets of the street, over the Volkhov River, to the cane children of Hoody ..." .

All this does not make an Ioamakh chronicle reliable. And it is definitely necessary to once again note that it reached us only as part of the "History" V. N. Tatishchev. There were of course, in the history of cases where historical documents found were lost in a later period. How this, for example, happened to the Trinity Chronicle, found by Karamzin in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, who died in the african of Moscow 1812. But this list was transferred to Nikolai Mikhailovich the Society of History and Antiquities, thanks to which his exhaustive description was drawn up. In the case of the "Ioakimosovoy Chronicles", Tatishchev had not a single witness belonging to the scientific community that could confirm the reality of the existence of the source returned to them.

Based on the foregoing, we can talk about the "Ioakim Chronicles", at best, as a collection of legends of the XVII century in the compilation of Tatishchev. Consequently, the story about the baptism of Novgorod passed in it cannot be considered a historical fact.

2. The point of view of church historians of the XIX century.

2.1 Opinion E. Golubinsky

It is necessary to immediately describe that period in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, which the works we disassembled. This period is known in the title "Synodal", when from 1721 to 1917. The Orthodox in Russia was obeyed not by the elected from the hierarchs of the Patriarch, but the state body - the sacred Synod. The sad consequence of reform was the subordination of the church government of secular supreme power. For the members of the Synod, it was composed of an oath: "By confessing with the oath of the extreme judgment of the spiritual this collegium of the most All-Russian monarch of our sovereign of our all-consant means." This oath, insulted the bishop conscience, the opposite canonical principle of the Church, existed until 1901, almost 200 years.

Of course, during this period, the world was revealed by the many saints of devotees, such as St. Innokentiy Irkutsky, Ignatius Bryanchaninov, Feofan Navashnik, Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky, Hermansky, Saint Righteous John Kronstadt, Ksenia St. Petersburg and many others, but theological education, theology, like science, Including church history, worried far from the best times.

As an example, it is possible to bring the fact that the textbook of the dogmatic theology of Metropolitan Makaria "Bulgakov", although it is used in modern Orthodox spiritual educational institutions, at the same time is not an immutable authority. Some of the provisions of this labor containing seemingly dogmatic formulations are disputed by modern theologians. In particular, the concept of understanding the victim of Christ, as a ransom.

Golubinsky in his work, in addition to the words of the above, also says as follows: " ... The perfect humility of the Russians in the case of the change of the will of the will of the Prince and the so-called peaceful spread of Christianity in Russia is nothing but an impossible fiction of our unlimited patriots, whoever bring common sense to sacrifice their patriotism. There is no doubt that the introduction of a new faith was accompanied by a considerable excitement in the people, which were open resistances and riots, although we do not know any details about them. A proverb was preserved about the baptism of Novgorod, that "the Puticles baptized them with a sword, and Dobrynya fire." This is obvious, it means that in Novgorod, the new faith was encountered by open indignation, and that the most energetic measures were required to suppress the latter. It is very possible that such indignations were not in one Novgorod."

His statements, in contrast to MTRP. Makaria is straight, and exclude all the opportunity to think differently, and it would seem that the point of view of the "violent" Christianization of Russia would be confirmed better. The problem is. E. Golubinsky neither leads any source except the proverb confirming his opinion. Therefore, this statement can only be considered the opinion of the author, but not as a proven historical fact.

2.2 Opinion MTRP. Makaria (Bulgakov)

Metropolitan Macarius, unlike Golubinsky, is much softer, and its opinion confirms reference to Metropolitan Illarion. At the same time, saying that "baptized ... Some is reluctant," continues: "However, any stubborn resistance to the gospel sermons, with the exception of two cities: a part of Rostov and especially Murom, we didn't have." (Having in view of the "Volkhvov's uprising" that we will disassemble below). And explains this situation as follows: " ... The peoples of the non-Slavic tribe, who lived in the northeast of Russia, what are the whole - in Rostov, Murom - in Murom, it was difficult to instruct Christianity in the truths: who could have been a preacher for them? Meanwhile, there were no books of St. Scripture to their language, nor the books of liturgical".

From the above, you can make an objective conclusion that MTRP itself. Macarius does not in any way separate the opinions of both Golubinsky and generally supporters of the "violent" Christianization of Russia.

2.3 Legal reasons for the persecution of pagans in Russia in the Domongolian period.

To confirm the opinion of E. Golubinsky that paganism in Russia after the adoption of the CN. Vladimir Baptism " it was announced by faith forbidden and pursued»It is necessary to bring as evidence any legal studied periods that would confirm such a ban and would legalize the persecution.

If we turn to legal documents of that time, then we will not find in them any mention of legitimate persecution on religious signs. The most ancient from the legal acts that have reached the place of the church in the socio-state system, are the Charters of the Kiev Great Princes Vladimir (approximately from 986 to 1015) and Yaroslav (from 1019 to 1054). Parts of these charters relating to church courts, really contain the names of such crimes as, " ... Vedovoism, Putti, Chelyarming, Magnification, Zelenicism, .., and potions, and triet ..."In the Church Charter of the KN. Vladimir, and in the Church Charter of the KN. Yaroslav found the following" ... Inschool wife will be a sorceress, the recorder, or a wrap, or a cue, the husband is aging, to execute Yu, and not lose" .

Immediately it is necessary to explain the fact that all the listed crimes were transmitted exclusively to the Office of the Orthodox Church " And what to do in monastic crate, in church, in the monastery themselves, the prince does not take place or a hair". The jurisdiction of the Church Court extended to this day extended exclusively on people who are included in. Over people, to the church who are not related, this court is not authorular" And the day of the Church People: Igumen, Pop, Dyacon and who in the pollosy, Chernets, Chernitsa, Pipovich, Popovich, Legal, Fares, Playing Man, Manastrev, Hospitals, Gîtesserts, Pisces. Then people church, bogitel, metropolitan or bishop, seems to see the court or the offense of Kotor, assigned. Incident will be offended by another person with him" .

The church is not authorized over those who do not enter it "with the Church, the Church extends to all of its members, as perfect, that is, the baptized and announced, which may be subjected to their sins of the measures of church recovery (I broke. 14; nekov. 5); But does not judge external, i.e. alien to her ..."For example, the church rule of Metropolitan John to Jacob Chernorrizztsu in paragraph 5 reads" Izh not commucioned Christch in Rusks of the Earth, the Sia Reclock Rusks, and the meats are naughty and badly, it seems to directly directly and reborn that malice, punishment and teaching to return to orthodox doctrine, and immersing (negligence) That fear to remain in the Evil and the faith will be imposed. Well, taco and not a pleasurecy not given to them the saint communion, but Iko of all the innovation, truly the faith of our opponent, deliver and go to her will" .

That is, not wanting to get under the jurisdiction of the Church Court, it was enough to simply stop participating in the life of the Church, that is, to visit worship, participate in the sacraments and not to call themselves a Christian.

In addition, the Orthodox Church did not have legal right to sentence to the death penalty, and even more so to lead the sentence. If there were such offers from hierarchs, they always asked them to fulfill secular power. The church does not possess such right, and when it did not possess.

This system and this procedure are built on distinguishing and the ratio of the concepts of sin and crime. Sin is visiting the church, the crime is the state. Any crime church considers sin, but not any state considers a crime.

As for the punishment of a woman who was engaged in any kind of excuses, it was supposed to "make execution", and the Metropolitan to pay the penalty 6 hryvnia. The same "rule" of Metropolitan in paragraph 7 explains what this "execution" should have consisted. Engaged in the magic darling first to reject from sin with verbal admission, and if they do not obey, " yaro KazNITY, but not until the death of the killing, nor cut off the body" Under the "yoss", strict execution, not depriving life and not "trimming", i.e. Not a rinking body, you can only intelligible a simple corporal punishment.

It is also noteworthy that the fact that if all other crimes in church charters are related to both floors, then in this case it is said only about his wife. From this you can make a fair conclusion that this article only acted for those families in which the head of the house - the husband was a Christian.

As we did not see any legislative act, which would put paganism in Russia in the Domongolian period to the position " faith forbidden and pursued (Religio Prohibita, Intolerata, Illicita)"How it is trying to imagine E. Golubinsky.

3. Chronicle certificates of murder of Magi.

3.1 Magi as servants of the public cult.

One of the most favorite arguments of supporters of the concept of "violent" Christianization of Russia are the chronicle mentions of the treasures of Magi in the X-XII centuries. In such interpretations, the Magi are represented by pagan priests that are standing at the head of the people's movement, which resists a violent Christianization, for which they are destroyed.

In connection with such statements, it should be applied to the question of which the Magi was "pagan priests". The chronicle stories of 1024 and 1071 draw the Magicians as representatives of magical religiosity. It is also important to take into account other chronicle testimonies or mention of the waxes. The "Tale of Bygone Years" gives this respect to a very curious material. Under the 911, the chronicler places the famous legend of the death of Oleg from his own horse, reporting before that, that he asked "Volkhsov and Kudzer" to predict his death to him. In confirmation that the Magi can sometimes predict the future, and maybe in order to protect themselves from possible charges of confidence in Vrasols, Nestor leads a number of similar cases with the magical force of Apollonia Tnansky.

"Being formerly I am a meager in the area of \u200b\u200bthe region, there are two drags from Yaroslavl, the verpture: "Yako in the Swive, who is abundant to hold;" And the imstancy on the Volza, KDe to invent in the graveyard, the tighter of the Narnzemu Bunder wives, the verpture, I can hold it in life, and si honey, and si fish, and Socar. And the help of his sister's Nima, Mother and Wife; She is in the dream of a blind way behind the beach, the wisers of any life, any fish, and the clever of many wives, the imbey of their eliminates themselves. And come on Blosero; And she has no 300 people ".

Understanding and religious studies of the chronicle news depends to a large extent on how to translate the ancient Russian expression "old tea". One of the options for translation - "old people", "old people". It is relatively neutral in socio-economic; Old age in this case, the general public age parameter. Historians of Soviet times, mostly considered events as a massive folk uprising. And the "old cha." was presented to them the social and class category. So N. N. Voronin wrote that "the uprising was caused, first of all, internal contradictions among the population of the Suzdal Earth, especially exacerbated in the area close to the old trade department. Here, obviously, there was some wealthy tip - the old tradition - the local society distinguished from the environment; Her accumulation in the form of lives and economic products did a particularly acute hunger that swept this terrain. What Yaroslav has long arrived from Novgorod<...> And she stood on defending the old chadi, it shows that this layer was already under the auspices of the princely authority, being a support of her field politics. " The anti-refortion nature of the "beating" of the old chadi was unconditionally recognized by M. N. Tikhomirov, V. V. Mavrodin, L. V. Cherepnin, A. A. Zimin, P. M. Rapov, V. I. Buganov.

Sharing the views of colleagues at the feudalization of the ancient Russian society, B. A. Rybakov noted that " people came to life after placing the magicians with "Old Chadew", but only after the purchase of a life in Bulgaria, which makes it possible to understand the guilt of the "Old Chadi" not in the actual possession of grain reserves, but in some pagan influence on the course of agriculture". You can also add the fact that in order for people to come to life in the whole edge of the seized reserves could be completely and not enough, but the dramatic and their supporters are completely.

Whatever point of view we did not support, we cannot but state the fact that in the cases described, those whom supporters of the concept of "violent" Christianization are trying to give expressivers of the national religious self-consciousness and opponents of Christianity, in fact, they were engaged in elementary wakedom and looting. The secular power in these cases did not even defend, it brought the legal order.

The magicians did not call for the worship of the old gods. They did not lead the people to destroy the temples and the priesthood. They did not blame the new religion in the people comprehended by the people and misadventures. Therefore, these cases either can be interpreted as rebellion on religious grounds, with a call to combat the usurper - Christianity.

Also in 1071 "in summer 6579. ... Sitz Be Volkhv got up with Gleb Novgorod; To verbly be a lot of row, a lot of trends, a little bit of all is a hail: to verb in Bo, Yako "everything I see," and hung faith Krestyanskaya, the verbal of Bo: "I will move to Volkhov before everyone." And to be a rebellion in Grada, and VSI Yasha to him faith, and Hydahu ruzhidi bishop; Bishop of the same cross and enjoyed in the rhyme, a hundred rivers: "Frame to Khoi Vorte Magi, then yes to have for Hy; whether to believe it, then go to the cross and eat. " And we divided in two: Prince Bo Gleb and friendly his oosha and the stake at the bishop, and the people of Wsyosh wow for the wrapper and the rebellion is great by them. Gleb, the axis of the ax near the border, come to the magic and rummage to him: "That weighing whether the morning is Khobyti, and what is the evening?" He is spectable: "Everything I know." And speak Gleb: "That weighing whether that Khosty's visit"? "Chusyes is a great way out" Retch. Gleb will also take an ax, Rostost and, and the Fall, and the people are wound; He's seeing body and soul, betrayed ..." .

This situation, in my opinion, does not require comments. No ruler, nor in the era of the Middle Ages, nor earlier, would not have suffered an open incitement to the rebellion of his eyes on his eyes, regardless of which religion he professes.

There are two more references to the dead waxes, but without third-party intervention. " In summer 6578.(1070) In the same summer, I will come to Kiev someone Mochv, who behaved: "We are already five gods, it is verbally: We will tell Lyuda, Yako will flow the Dnipro to sneeze for five years., And the earth is to have breaking on Inno Places, Greek, and Ruska, and Ruska Other land will start changing. " His madness of the Lady, Reasonable, the same, verbolly: "Yako Bes to you who loves lovers, who loves people, Drawda Taudept;" hedgehog and to be: to one of the boys of him in the abyss of the Vrinush, and the fallacy of the Muck" .

And " In summer 6599. (1091) In the same summer, the Volkhv is Rostov., I'm sorry to see" .

The message of the execution of the Volkhvov in the XIII century is already representatives of the masses, and not secular power. "In summer 6735. (1235) Javit in the Magi Nechagend, Language, Military, and Much Magician, and Pokets and False Bankers Casuals, and a lot of evil sowing, many glamorous. And the nominations of the excuses of them, and they are kept them to the Archbishop Dvor, and the keepers of the prince of Yaroslavl who were engaged in them, the Novogorodsi was kept mooring on Yaroslavl Yaroslavl, and ZGOROSH VSI.". Another chronicle arch specifies the number of those who died as a result of this execution." Exemptions of Magicians 4, I curl the division of the dealer, and the news, and burned in Yaroslavl yard". That is, in the middle of the XIII century, the very people who, in the opinion of supporters of the concept of" violent "Christianization, violently resisted the plantation of Christianity, he himself reminiscent of Samosud and destroys the magicians.

From the above, it is possible to correctly conclude that the execution of the Magi in Russia in the House of Communication period, did not occur due to the violent plantation of Christianity. They were the reaction of secular power to the looting of the socio-political situation in the state. The last thing described, the same says not in favor of supporters of the concept of "violent" Christianization.

4. "Enforced" Christianization in the context of the problem of the twoness.

The charming problem in the Russian Orthodox Church in the period under consideration is recognized as supporters of the concept of violent Christianization and its opponents. Over the past 2 centuries, numerous disputes are being conducted on what to understand under the term "dualsmanship", the Christianization of paganism, or the inclusion of pagan elements in Christianity.

It should be noted that the question of the place of Christianity and paganism in the system of Old Russian religiosity rarely became the subject of special monographic studies. The history of studying the problem shows that it appeared either on the pages of the works devoted to church history, or in the works illuminating pagan religiosity; And also, as a private plot, the general courses of Russia's history were included. Valuable theoretical observations and a huge actual material accumulated over the course of two centuries was not completely comprehended and modern science. Therefore, the scientific community will have a lot of effort to a comprehensive solution to this multilateral problem.

In any case, when recognizing the presence of a dual, in any kind of forms, we also need to recognize the existence of two independent religious worldviews. If any of them were exterminated, the dual remuneration could not be. Nevertheless, the problem of the duals in the Russian Orthodox Church exists to this day.

First, it should be paid to the fact that if Christianity were really planted with "fire and swords", it was always possible to leave the state whose religious policy, for some reason unacceptable. Rus was not surrounded by walls. Nearby there were states and tribes that professed a variety of cults - choose any religion and live where you like.

As a bright example, you can bring the neighboring rusk Bulgaria, where the people openly opposed Christianity and killed the priesthood. "In summer 6538. (1030) In the same time, the dawn of Boleslav is a great in Liashech, and the rebellion of Lyadsk: inserting people of the bishops, and the priests, and the boyars, and in the NPH, the rebellion."Subsequently, Bulgaria was captured by Muslims.

In addition, in the chronicle sources, we find information about the existence of pagan worldviews in Russia itself, during the period under consideration by us, and not only among the lower social segments of the population, but also among the representatives of the princesses. "In summer 6579. (1071) ... I am afraid of the wife of the Bezovskaya Volchivnya, Intonate Boof Wife's lovely, siyu husband; Taco in si is a lot of wake up with wives with a sorcerence, and poison, and the ini by nonsense trunks. But the tenderness of the delights to go from the demons of the nearest ..." . "Bonac(Polotsk Prince) The County Izyda Magnius in Nosti, and the crawl of the Wolf, and the wolf, and the Paki's other waves of the elevation; And from this magic flashes boniak, I can blat the defeat"." Summer 6552. (1044) The same summer Umpt Bryachov Knint, son Izyaslavl, grandson of Volodimers, father Veslavl; And Vslav Sedse on the father's father's desk. Then Mati Mother's Militation; Mother Bo bored him, to him on the head of the banner of Yazvena, the pit on his heads; Mother's Voshvi Roshva: "Sea is ulcers, ny gava, but we have been to the abdomen of His Vseslav on yourself"; This is for the sake of a nonstick there is a bloodshed" .

There is also a tag of the chronicler about a certain Novgorod, asking for wicked by Kudesnik. And instructions on what "... wives of the Bezovskaya Volchovenia to go, Intonate Boofo wife's lovely, siyu husband; Taco in si is a lot of wake up with wives with a sorcerence, and poison, and the ini by nonsense trunks. But the tenderness of the delights to go from the demons of the nearest ..." .

In addition, the communities of other confessions are fluent in Russia. MTPR. Macarius writes " That is undoubted that the confessors of the Roman faith, it is some of the Varatags and Poles who lived in Russian land and that our princes provided them with religious and Christian love. Rev. Feodosius Pechersky in the famous message about faith Varana to the Great Prince Izyaslav, by the way, wrote: "Outlooking and our land is eviling by the faith of people, so far throughout the Earth Variazi, the essence; Great need by a faithful Christian, izh mezh those living in a single place; Yes, anyone will be wound from them, the pista of faith wearing, before God will become the best pleasing. " And then inspired by the prince: "Be merciful not only to His Christians, but also to someone else's; if you see anyone nagim, or hungry, or disaster, then, at least there was a Latinian, all sorts of merry and get rid of trouble as you can" .

The rejection of Christianity does not in any way cause any power punitive measures, both from the Russian Orthodox Church and from secular power.

We do not know a single case of killing the Christian preacher, the priest, a monk who would cause any punitive action on the part of the Church or Princes.

From the described picture, it becomes clear that both worldviews, both pagan and Christian existed in parallel, and none of them were destroyed by secular power for violence.

Only due to this coexistence of two worldviews, when they have the same opportunities for the population, we can talk about the problem of the dual.


Summing up, we can draw the following conclusions:

"Ikamovskoy Chronicle", as a source causes a lot of doubts about their reliability.

Opinion prof. Golubinsky, despite his belonging to church historical science, and remains his personal, no confirmed opinion. MTPR. Macarius (Bulgakov) of this opinion did not share.

There are no legislative acts on the universal extermination of paganism in Russia. The same which somehow relate to the topic we disassemble, belong to the region of the Church Court, and, therefore, apply exclusively on members of the Church, and not to the entire population of Russia.

The chronicle testimonies about the uprisings and executions of Magi do not in any way confirm the opinions that they had religious motives with their beginning.

This study clearly shows the failure of the concept of "violent" Christianization of Russia in the housesongol. Moreover, when recognizing the existence of the problem of the dual, such a concept is absolutely illogical.

List of used sources and literature

1 . Alekseev S. V. "Literary and archaeological sources about the baptism of Novgorod" // "Knowledge, understanding, ability". M, No. 2, 2005

2 . Golubinsky E.E. History of the Russian Church. -M., 1901, reprint. T.1.- M., 2002.

3 . Kakabadze S. Sh. Russian legislation of the X-XX centuries. M. Legal literature 1984.

4 . Kartashev A.V. Essays on the history of the Russian Church. T. 2. Paris, 1959.

5 . Lectures for church law. Archpriest V.G. Singers. Petersburg, 1914.

6 . Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov). History of the Russian Church. - M.: Publishing House of the Transobrazhensky Valaam Monastery. 1994-1996.

7 . Complete assembly of Russian chronicles published on the highest command of the archeographic commission T. 1-5, 10 St. Petersburg in the printing house Edward Prata (

8 . Rusanova I. P., Timoshuk B. A. Public Sanctures of the Eastern Slavs. M., 1993.

9 . Rybakov B. A. Public worldview of the Russian Middle Ages // Questions of history. M, № 1, 1974.

10 . Tatishchev V. N. Russian history. Part 1. M., 1994.

It is believed that in the initial period of adoption of Christianity in Russia, there was a dual. Not in the sense, as this term began to understand much later, but literally two faiths. The fact is that when people were forcibly baptized, they continued to read the old gods, at the same time honorable new, which was quite talked. But over time, with the change of generations, the net pagan rigging went into the past, as a separate faith. Paganism smoothly moved into Christianity, as a result of transformation and turned out to be Russian Orthodoxy. Russian Orthodoxy is not a "pagan Orthodoxy" and not "Orthodox paganism", it is Christianity and it is what it is. There was a synthesis of two cultures, when the new faith included the artifacts of the former faith and all this very satisfied other than, perhaps, orthodox Christianity. It is thanks to the synthesis that there is no fact that in other branches of Christianity is missing - reverence of icons, reading the saints of power, reverence of holy sources, even a few pagan veneration of stones associated with saints, pagan holidays in the new interpretation and other. There was a struggle against the adoption of Christianity and was a struggle for him. In this struggle, Christianity was a strong side, because the ruling top, the trading elite, squad, became Christians. The strength of Christianity was also in the fact that there are no people more zealous in faith than converts. As a result, the strong side, which represented Christianity, won, even if she had for a long time. The push was given, and then everything rolled like a snowball. So and Christianity swept on paganism to gather in a huge ball of Russian Orthodoxy.

Nevanism about Christianity in Russia.

In a conversation, Christianity was taken in Russia, it is impossible to avoid some topics. Scientists are ignored by these topics, because to discuss whose fiction does not make sense. But neo-duration, nevertheless, put forward a lot of sharp abstracts regarding the adoption of Orthodoxy in Russia, makes a lot of statements. Responding to them, the history of the adoption of Christianity in Russia can be illuminated additionally.

Neo-duration it is very different. Many very different flows. Some, patiently studying various historical sources, are trying to reconstruct some moments of Slavic paganism, others scream that they are Slavs that the paganism of the faith of their fathers and grandfathers, and Kolovrat on a T-shirt is an original symbol of Slavic paternal. The controversy with Christians of these latter usually consists in detachment and insult to the Christian faith and the Russian people. Such techniques often demonstrate the complete ignorance of the history of Russia - Russia and the Russian people. The topic of the violent baptism of Russia is a myth of a powerful religious resistance to attempts to impose Christianity, in fact about the religious war in Russia of that time. Let's try to figure out what is true, but what fiction.

The attachment of Christianity in Russia is great blood. True and fiction.

The violent attachment of Christianity in Russia is a very big and serious question. It would be funny to think that hardly Vladimir Red Solnychko announced that Russia accepts Christianity, subject to him people ran to be baptized. This was not and could not be. The persuasive, promises, the income, but more often just the threat to the use of military force, and that uses, Orthodoxy was introduced into Russia. Yes, it was often formerly forcibly. This is no secret. A lot of tribes, the principalities and cities a lot, each with your temper.

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in order to strengthen his power sent his 12 sons to the most important cities of Russia. Local princes were shifted. Vladimir's sons engaged in strengthening the central government. An important part of which was the baptism of local tribes.

But it should be borne in mind that in those days everything was done forcibly, such were the rules of life. How many first princes of Kievan Rus have made military campaigns to neighboring (mostly Slavic) tribes before they were taught? How much blood was broken while the Kiev Rus was created. The tribes did not touch with joy in the ancient Russian state, carrying tribute. No. They were fiercely resisted. A little bit, rebelted, filled out and again it was necessary to conquer. The whole history of the creation of Russia consists of military campaigns to neighboring tribes.

Who now mourns the knots killed by which Olga, then there is a gentleman, brutally avenged the death of her husband Igor and for the attempt of separatism. Brutally, but quite in the spirit of the pagan time. They behaved wrong and paid.

What about big blood? Here we can say that compared to other countries, the adoption of Orthodoxy in Russia occurred quite peacefully. After all, everything is known in comparison. What blood rivers flowed during the Christianization of Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic. Do not compare with Rus. It makes no sense to talk about some kind of bloody history of the adoption of Christianity.

Here you can tell one interesting historical fact about Olawe Truggvasone. It is interesting for us for many reasons. He was born in 963, lived in Russia from 9 years old (there is a version that it was Vladimir Svyatoslavovich who bought it from slavery) first in Novgorod, then in Kiev. He served in the squad of Prince Vladimir "Red Solnyshko" Svyatoslavovich, the future of the Baptist of Russia, lived in Russia for 9 years, and the most interesting thing is that becoming the King of Norway, who already based Olava began to actively impose Christianity. Officially, it is considered to be the Baptist of Norway. What an interesting and amazing coincidence! He served at the Baptist of Russia and himself became the Baptist of Norway. True, it should be noted that in contrast to Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Olav really baptized with fire and a sword, hurting Christianity the most cruel way. From his effort he died. He was betrayed and killed opponents of Christianity.

The brightest event is of course the baptism of Novgorod, when "Puticles baptized with a sword, and Dobrynya fire." Most often, it is his example, when they tell about the blood river, which Lily in Russia, Christians. Novgorod was the second most important to the Center for Kievan Rus. The Novgorod was subject to huge territories, it was Novgorod (who lived in these lands, Slovenia, Curivichi and all) was invited to them to pronigify Rurik. Wanted Novgorod, feeling his strength, to remain subject to Kiev? Rather, no, in further history it happened. During the feudal fragmentation of Russia, Novgorod was independent. From 1136 to 1478, the Novgorod Republic existed. It is usually said that the city was controlled by the veche, although in fact there was no real national democracy in Novgorod. All filled the elite - a merchant oligarch, although people's opinion seriously influenced the decisions made.

Now about resistance and uprisings, which for some versions we were religious. The nature of the resistance to the plantation of Christianity.

In the 980 year, Dobrynya at the order of Prince Vladimir Red Sunshik, during the pagan reform, establishes idol Perun in Novgorod. Novgorod residents instead of a hair receive another main god.

In 990, "Small baptism" passes in Novgorod. Voluntary baptism of a certain number of Novgorod.

In 991, Dobrynya with Reli came to baptize Novgorod forcibly. And hanged. Why? The reasons I think a few and the power attempt to overthrow the old gods is only one of the reasons, and that is not the main one. The main reason for the researchers believe that the Novgorod power saw for himself in public events the opportunity to extradite independence from Kiev. In short, the story is as follows: Novgorod is divided by the Volkhov River, on the one hand-down with force, on the other - the rebels of Novgorod, headed by Magomil (for oratorical abilities, nicknamed Solovie) and subsidener hijacked. The bridge between the shores is destroyed. On the side where Dobrynya, the priests go home and persuade to be baptized. The rebels ruffle the Christian church and the homestead of Dobryni.

Attempts to negotiate the world fail and the paths holds "special operation". At night with his 500 Rostovtsov (whether in this detachment it is completely Christians?) Crashes over the river, captures the leaders of the rebels and forwards their kindness, it is strengthened in the estate hijacking and against it begin to act up to 5,000 (it is difficult to say whether the figure is true, as well as Those 500 Rostovtsev) of the rebels. Fight all night. Someone was identified, of course, but the night siege could not end the big blood.

In the morning, Dobrynya is shipped by boats, set fires the city. There are no leader from the rebels, they are conquered by strength and flew to extinguish at home. Everything! The operation may cause admiration. Low blood, quickly, the question was resolved. With Perun, they acted in the same way as in Kiev, subjected to the pagan execution and spiled by Volkhov. How many people died are not reported, but not much judging by the speed and circumstances. The city remained almost intact, and was not looted. Novgorod residents baptized in Volkhov. This story is quite unusual for its time, taken cities ruined, robbed, people were captured. So everything was having a small blood. If it is interesting, you can remember for comparison, much later than time. The times of Ivan the Terrible and the campaign on Novgorod of his oprichny troops in 1569-70 g. That hike ended for freedom-loving Novgorod people very sadly, great blood.

Let's summarize. Of course, the Christianization of the Russian people could not completely change the worldview, leaving the centuries-old traditions, the echoes of paganism we can observe both today, the same superstitions, faith dreams, burning stuffed on Carnival and much more. But, in my opinion, Christianity again gains strength, every time is growing, despite the permanent persecution. I am sure that without the fishery of God such a global change could not happen on Earth in principle. And only with his help, Russia's Christianization was possible and takes place to be to this day.

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