Why you never get rich

Equipment and tools 29.03.2021
Equipment and tools

The theme of love for all people is addressed quite often in the medium fond of personality development, spiritual growth and the like things. It is believed that as self-priority, a person gets rid of a number of complexes and internal limitations, which contributes to greater openness. In the environment of spiritual development speech sometimes comes on universal love, permeating everything around. And in religion so generally need to love everyone like himself.

Against the background of the statements of this kind, hoped from different "authoritative" sources, together with a set of own illusions, many people have the impression that with due release from fears and complexes, increased awareness and emotional well-being should manifest themselves in the form of love for people. That is, if there are no complexes, there is no injury, there is no negative, it is expected that the person must love everyone and help everyone. And if this does not happen, apparently, another head is crammed and you need to continue to clean it.

On this site we are discussing all sorts of manifestations of the feeling of resentment, therefore, the topic of the presence or absence of love for all people should also be touched upon. Suppose you have done a certain work on yourself, and got rid of all your offensive. What will happen to relationships with other people? Will you love them?

Curly relationship with people

It would be strange if the exemption from the offense did not affect your relationship with people. After all, the resentment initially appeared in your life in the process of communication with anyone, afterwards staining further interaction with other people. But does this mean that there will be love?

It should be noted that the negative will definitely become less. In practice, it will be manifested in the fact that you will be much more difficult to bring out, offend and, even more so, to resent - it will be almost impossible. Firstly, in the process of the work that will need to be done to get rid of the insult, your emotional background will shift towards neutral or slightly positive. Secondly, your internal dialogue is at least a little, but subsides. Your emotions will no longer be focused on history about yourself, which constantly sounds in your head. Even if you suddenly be offended, and negative emotion will arise, it will disappear simultaneously with any response in the body and will not "linger" in your mind.

That is, briefly, you will be less angry with people. Will something else affect? What about the ability to find contact and understand people?

Of course, this skill will also deteriorate naturally, since you will no longer have complexes and internal restrictions, but to understand how people are arranged, their emotions, their mind you will not be worse than any good psychologist. You will know why people react exactly, and not otherwise, you will know where their beliefs come from, and this will give you the opportunity to establish contact very effectively if there is such a desire.

But with the last four words in the previous paragraph there will be a problem :). Contact will be possible, but will you have a desire?

To respond to this question, we will make a small retreat and give a small disaggeration scheme.

The scheme of insults

Resentment arises as a result of a very simple mechanism. It consists of three stages - an external trigger, the reaction of the mind and the final result in the form of a resentment. In the external environment there is a trigger - for example, phrase, act or complex behavior of some person. This trigger passes through the prism of your mind filled with all those problems that we strive to get rid of - illusions, emotional injuries sitting in the subconscious, restrictions and complexes, etc. - and issued an offense in your consciousness as a result.

Based on this scheme, it turns out that we work, first of all, with the second step, that is, with subconscious reasons for the occurrence of resentment. When all the reasons for the occurrence of the resentment were eliminated, the trigger passes through the mind, without resoning with anything, and at the exit you do not get offense - a maximum of easy irritation in the spirit "Well, what it is."

Simply put, the fact that you are a person with pure brains still does not mean that there are no emotional people with disabilities next to you, people stuffed with complexes and restrictions or simply assholes.

For example, you used to have a resentment for my husband, then you got rid of it and now pray why the relationship with my husband is still not established. It would seem that you no longer suffer, there is no longer an emotional reaction to his behavior, but the husband as he was who he was and remained. You can no longer feel the insult because of this, but you will see how my husband is trying to click on all your buttons, trying to cause the previous reaction. And what will happen to these relationships now?

After all, you not only got rid of the resentment - as a result of the work done, you no longer have internal restrictions and fears, so you will leave any relationship much easier than you may be useful. Therefore, if you're next to you asshole, you will not love them more from what you got rid of the insult. You or ignore them or leave them.

What about people in general?

Above, we talked about people in your immediate environment, and what about people at all? Do not all act on the nerves. Well, okay, in the family is not without a freak, and your partner is probably not an angel, but what is the case with other people?

So in the process of studying, the contents of your mind will be revealed to you very well, and you won't call pleasant. In fact, every person who did not engage in elaboration remains in a kind of happy ignorance, let and overshadowed with negative emotions. Of course, with this content you will handle with due place, but an awareness will come at the output that the heads and others are crowded in the exit.

Is it bad? As for me, so there is no. To all the above, I will personally add that this love you will not need. You will be completely self-sufficient, and no one needs for happiness. And in general, everything is determined by your priorities. Do you want freedom from garbage in my head? Then you will go ahead, despite any changes in your social interaction can occur. Or can not :).

In front of me at one time, even the choice and did not stand - eliminate garbage from the head, condemning yourself for a possible dug from people, or keep it in my head, clinging for illusions. I knew that besides the first way of ways and could not. And about this "Choice" did not regret it, despite the inability to love people. What and you wish you.

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100% +

Alexander James.
Habits of the poor: you will not get rich if

© Creative Job LLC, 2014

© Polish, V., 2014

© Ab Publishing Publisher, 2014

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres, 2014

Chapter one. What is the poor different from the rich?

The bundle of society on the poor and rich people exists, and it is difficult to argue with it. Only here most of us dreams to join the circle of rich people, and someone envies them ... Why are many of us, seemingly people who are not deprived of intelligence are forced to live from salary to salary? To refuse himself in many ways, if only money was enough for life? And why few of our environment becomes not what is rich, but even just a wealthy person? Is it really rich - this is a separate "kind of" people, and it is impossible to break into their number?

In fact, it is not. Rich people are almost the same as you. And believe me, you too can join them. Only it is unlikely that you will succeed until you change your worldview, your habits. But how to do it, we will tell you. In order to absorb new information, it is more fruitful, put in advance the sideboard and handle. They will be useful to you, and you will find out a lot of interesting things about yourself.

1.1. What is a habit?

What is the habit? Dictionaries give us the following interpretation of this concept: "This is a considerable way of behavior, which in certain situations becomes need." Habit - this is your immediate-type reaction. You do not think before doing something. For example, if you have developed a habit of turning off the light before going out of the house, you will automatically automatically make the necessary actions. Habits can be both good and harmful. In particular, smoking is also a good habit.

And regarding the money, we produce certain habits, useful or not very. Think: Are you accustomed to save or spend money for small whims? Are you accustomed to keep an account earned and spent?

There are a number of habits, on the root of destroying your opportunity to gain wealth. And if you possess them, it is unlikely to become rich.

So, destructive to well-being habit - this is:

- Inability to save and invest. After all, what rich people differ from the poor? You work for a salary, spend the salary on urgent needs. Createness, isn't it? The rich is looking for and find opportunities to make money work on themselves. They try to keep and multiply their income.

- Lack of personal and career growth. Tell me, do you often change jobs? Or sit in the familiar place, although it has long been "grew up" from the post? Most of us seek stability and is not trying to change the situation. After all, the change of work is associated with certain risks: Will we hold in a new place? Will there be salary? And, of course, changes are always stress for a person. And few of the usual people willingly agree to endure the next stress in their own as well. The rich people go to where there is (or maybe) money. They have not yet reached financial heights, have tried many possibilities. Read the lives of the richest people of the planet, and much will become understandable to you!

- Poor, instead of increasing their income, usually cut demand. Savings of this kind, of course, can become a good help for spiritual development. After all, many saints renounce worldly. But what if you are not ready for such extreme measures? Maybe stop saving on the necessary and think about how else you can earn?

- Poor expect a miracle. As in a fairy tale: Suddenly a goldfish will appear, the magic wand will give - and you are in chocolate! Hence the crowds deceived in all sorts of financial pyramids, and the casino visitor visitors, and the lightest in the fluff and dust ... After all, wealth from the sky is unlikely to fall away. Rich, unlike the poor, work, develop their skills - and earn money.

- Every person has a whole range of talents and abilities that can bring profits. Do you know how to embroider a cross? Create computer programs? Why don't you turn your strengths into business? Unlike the poor, who, whether they are seven spans in the forehead, do not use it, the rich can "see" the money where they have not moved into cash.

- Rich people know how to generate ideas and work on their embodiment. Learn to create ideas. Do not dream and fantasize, namely, invent and think over the real ways to get income. In this case, even if you do not have enough personal funds to embody the idea, you will be able to go to financially able to people.

- Poor rely on "if ...", in order to justify their financial inconsistency. Think only: "If the times were the others ... If I had rich parents ... If not children ... if ...". The rich - there are "contrary to".

Did you find one or more habits of the described above? Now you can understand why still not financially grog. What to do?

In fact, habits - and this is very important - you can produce. I must say it is encouraging. After all, we can change our consciousness, and the material state "tightens" to the new type of thinking.

1.2. Dependence on the environment

Unlike rich, poor people are dependent on the environment. Think: Do you allow yourself to be yourself? And how often does it happen?

Unfortunately, poor people are most often incapable of decisive actions, on the manifestation of independence. Unlike the poor, rich put a target and move towards her, despite the surrounding. Think: can you give up, for example, from the TV?

"What's the TV here?" - you ask. Well, how: the TV is the subject, as is considered to be a majority required in everyday life. And we are not limited to viewing news to know that the world is going on. Soap operas, talk shows of all stripes ... In general, evenings in front of the "blue screen". And the next day - a discussion of the peripetius of the next series with colleagues. What do you think is constructive such life?

On the other hand, if you do not know what happens in your favorite TV series, and you will not be able to support a conversation with colleagues, they can not think something ...

And so - in most areas of life. We buy things that are unnecessary to us, but "fashionable" to not seem worse than the "neighbors". We meaninglessly and proudly spend their time. And this is instead of making money. After all, you want to become rich?

What else is the dependence on the environment? Examples You can find a great set! Suppose you know how to embroider. We decided to embroider several things for sale. And they shared their ingenious idea with her friend. She, a kind soul, was surprised: "Yes, you crazy! Now so much of any embroidery, where you sell it! Only spend time. " The idea came on the wings ... and rightly - and where to sell? Who needs all this?

The rich man (or potentially rich) will do everything as conceived. And he will come! And if not - he will not lower his hands, just thinks something else.

The difference of the rich from the poor is not that everything is rich and immediately turns out. Perhaps the people who have now become financial magnates survived much more defeats than with you. But they did not give up, and we rent. They do not go on the society and try to think independently. And what prevents you from doing this?

Of course, it is much easier to "be like everyone else." But if you wish to achieve something in life, stop dreaming and start acting!

1.3. We are looking for problems in yourself

Another common problem of poor people is to search for their own insolvency in the outside world. Among the reasons, such a naval digested, you can call the following:

- I had no initial capital;

- I could not get a useful education, because there was no money;

- circle - envious;

- I can't do something new, because I need to feed the family;

- I'm just not lucky in my life;

- I will never be rich, because in our society it is impossible.

In general, people at all times knew how to regret themselves and justify. Only, unfortunately, wealth does not bring it. And if you want to achieve something in this life, you will have to change yourself. Work on yourself is hard work, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate.

You are unlikely to become rich if:

- Constantly save. Buying everything with a discount or satisfying a low quality product, you will inevitably come across the need to buy the same product very soon. As the Japanese say, "we are not rich enough to buy cheap things." And saving on things, you not only get used to poor-quality goods, but also subconsciously emphasize your own poverty. Of course, we do not advise you to acquire things exclusively in boutiques, and the products are in elite stores. But also use the services of "flea markets" is also not constantly.

- You buy unnecessary things. For example, with a crazy discount. Or something accidentally produced at the peak of fashion. Thus, you spend aimlessly time, go on public opinion and acquire a completely unnecessary thing. Track such situations before you buy something, think: do you really need it?

- You save on your own health. In fact, health is not an inexhaustible resource. Sooner or later, without any attention, you may encounter serious problems.

- You regret yourself. You like to complain to others, dust about your shortcomings. Thus, you are convincing ourselves in stock and deficiencies, and problems. Why do you need it? Maybe you should not be engaged in programming for failure?

- You are constantly justified, even if right. And it does not matter what the reason: unwillingness to offend a person or insecurity. From this habit you need to get rid of if you intend to gain material benefits. After all, people are justified. A strong person, if the wrong, calmly and without losing his own dignity, apologize. At the same time, he will not ask for forgiveness for the fact that "he is all so incorrect." If you are wrong, apologize for a specific act or situation.

- You are convinced that honest work is very hard, and big money is illegal. In fact, very big money may not be in freaks with the law. Earn the same amounts, many times different from your usual income, possibly. Moreover, this work can bring you a lot of pleasure. After all, doing things to which you have a tendency - nice. And to see and feel the results, brought by your work - is doubly pleasant.

- You constantly look at others: "What will people say?" Remember: in order to become rich, you need to develop independent thinking. And with the same point the envy is connected. Do you have it? But what about the admissance of a neighboring machine? "This is a white envy," you can say. In fact, envy - feeling even useful if you make efforts and achieve the same (or more) as the object of your envy.

- you are dreaming. Many and very beautiful. Only here are dreams, unfortunately, do not bring you anything tangible: after all, you remind you that it is just dreams. And dreams, as they say are absolutely uncomfortable. In fact, if you do not just dream, but trying to at least try to exercise our desires, you can significantly improve the quality of your life.

- You do not believe in yourself. You remember that prevents you from achieving beautiful results, and ... Storate in place. After all, "I still will not work." Of course, if you do nothing - nothing will happen. If you begin to act ... No, we will not promise you instant results. It is possible that you will once again come across defeat. But gradually work out the habit of actor and achieve the goals.

In fact, all human problems - in their heads. And it is only worth changing the style of thinking, to develop new, correct and useful habits - how your life will change for the better.

Chapter Second. "Cargo" of society

Scientists concluded that much in us depends not from congenital abilities, but from the social environment. And not always these are our parents, although they sometimes manage to invest all sorts of "brakes" of development into the consciousness of their children. Sometimes our friends, who are called the "family selected by us", contribute to something not quite proper personal development. How does this happen? Soon you will learn about it.

2.1. Man and his environment

Education ... The good undertaking when wise experiences are divided by these most experiences with the younger, "unreasonable" generation. But how good is it? Many people reactions are not based on an objective assessment of reality, not on personal solutions, but on ... invested in childhood and hard-standing principles. Who did you live with? Was your family wealthy? Or your parents and other relatives sometimes felt the lack of material benefits? And you often spoke in response to a request to buy something: "We have little money"? But the children remember everything. Only here these memories are gradually moving into a practically unexplored area, in our subconscious.

Little practical task: Think what your beliefs you have regarding money. Take a piece of leaf and handle - and write down everything that will come to mind. If it is difficult for you, try to remember how your parents belong to the money, your senior comrades. Considered every penny? Was spent on all sorts of entertainment? Have you tried to postpone something?

So, you are unlikely to become rich if you think that:

- There is no money much

- We do not have money

- You will start working - buy yourself what you want, but for now ...

- We are missing on ...

- Do not hope to earn a million ...

- Many do not pay us ...

Do you understand what's the matter?

Most of us grew if in the environment are not poor, then not too wealthy people. Sometimes lacked money for entertainment. Sometimes world or local financial crises and collaps of all stripes occurred. It is quite natural that people began to be wary to treat the very idea of \u200b\u200bmoney. They stopped believing what money could be enough. Disappointed in their own abilities to earn the amount of money necessary for a rebelled existence. And all these principles they invested in children, trying to protect those from the "evil" reality.

Unfortunately, all such installations begin to work in our already conscious age, "crawling" from the subconscious. And we are not taking something to change something, it is impregnated with: "It is impossible!"

We give such an example. He lived in a small town a certain gentleman, let's call him Ivan. Ivan was a master for all hands: both the locksmith, and the joiner, and a little turner. In his hands, his work, which is called, boiling. Only here is not enough: at first he refused money, considering that "I would not take my own." Then even pay him, in general, stopped. Since used to: Vanya will come, everything will make it easy. And when Ivan, the family acquired, the situation was already difficult to change. The circle of regular customers has developed. And the town was small, and specialists in it, in addition to Vanya, met. Worse, of course, but only the usual. Ivan, by the way, though late, but changed its principles. I realized that it was not allowed without money in the store's store, and we need to wear a family ... and slowly began to install prices. Where are people to go? I had to pay his work ...

It so happened that everything in this world is possible. At least that we ourselves allow yourself. And if you are quite comfortable feeling without money, they are not in a hurry to you. It is worth only to change your attitude towards the financial side of life - and it will change next.

And now you have a new task: write all the beliefs on the sheet about the money that you have. And think about each of them. For example: "I can't have a lot of money." Why do you think so? If you are a cool specialist, you can search for another place of work with more favorable conditions. You can learn something more in demand in the labor market and do new things. The possibilities are many.

2.2. Social "brakes", or "Money is bad"

Many people most often are not too rich, argue that much money is bad. How do they explain it?

- to make a lot of money can not (that is, they do not work)

- Money can only be obtained by the unjust path, staring, in particular

- Many in our country do not pay (or, if you are accurate, at the factory, for example)

- no money for everyone

In general, the arguments are invented by the abyss. Unfortunately, such a point of view is quite widespread. Worse than others: people who believe that "money is bad," do not try to earn them.

We will open you a little secret: money is equivalent energy. They are needed not only for life, but also as a means of contributing to personal growth. Think by yourself: if you are a good specialist, why do you allow yourself to exploit for a small salary? So you do not appreciate yourself? Look at how much professional professionals and your specialty get. Think: why don't you allow yourself to claim a higher salary? After all, thanks to her, you unload your nervous system: you do not have to think how to live to pay ...

If you are still not too good professional in your form of activity - money can be a stimulus for professional growth. Learn something new, apply it to something in practice and start making money more.

As for people of creative professions, the situation here is even more clearly evoked. Suppose you are an artist. Draw classic landscapes. You consider that you earn little, but soothe yourself with the thought of post-mortem glory. And what prevents you from getting acquainted with the market? What works are the most in demand? Perhaps you should discover a new direction in painting? Or find a more grateful sales market?

Of course, you are unlikely to immediately earn an enon number of millions "not in rubles". But it is worth it. And that's why. "A lot of money" is very convenient, because in our world a lot can be obtained for money. Just imagine: you do not have to choose between "bread and milk", "pay for the light or for gas", "Buy shoes in his wife or boots to yourself." And the "bad" of money, in our opinion, can be regarded only as the reluctance of people to act, work and earn. A kind of inertness of thinking.

In fact, money - they are not bad and not good. It all depends on where you spend them. Of course, if, earning a couple of millions, you decide to "give" a little weapon to conflicting countries, it's not too good. Especially for your karma. And if the money will be more than enough, and you share them with disabled people or children's homes, everything will be fine. With the help of money you can help yourself and others. We all came across attempts to people through social networks to score a large amount, for example, to surgery. And imagine if suddenly you are a millionaire - without any problems can help? After all, for people it will be a real miracle, and the miracle will give them you!

Think for yourself: Why do you personally think that money is bad? It is also desirable to think with a piece of paper and handle. Then try to find evidence to the conviction "Money - it can be good," also write down.

2.3. "To be like everyone else ..."

In most Russians somewhere very deeply and inevitably sits the fear of stand out. Where did he come from - no one else can say. We can only guess ... But it's not about this now.

The fear of stand out leads to the desire to "be like everyone else". We look at others and try not to differ from all of them. And they surround us for the most part, people are not too rich. As a result, if you are trying to "be like everyone else", you can hardly earn serious money.

What scares us in the ability to stand out from the crowd? It seems perhaps a person. But the following reasons are most often found:

- I will not understand

- Friends from me turn away

- How can I be "not like everything"?

- stand out - it's stupid

- We are all people, and why build something from yourself?

- "Be easier, and people will reach out to you"

Of course, we listed far from all possible reasons. But this is not so important. Another important thing is: in no case should not stand out from the crowd, it is not harmful. Yes, it is harmful for you. And that's why. Each person is a unique person. This can be proved even from a scientific point of view: there is no absolute coincidence in DNA or fingerprints, there are no ideal for each other. We are personality. But in this case - answer - why should we imitate others?

Of course, we do not at all call you to raise naked on the streets or proudly walk along the roadway. Just want to give advice: Look for yourself! Do not try to follow fashion, recommendations of friends and neighbors. Permanently listen to yourself every minute. Ask yourself the question: "Why do I do this, and not otherwise?". Much will soon become clear. You will see that you often react to the world around us, proceeding not from our own beliefs, and from the "to be like everything". Yes, and beliefs, maybe there is no ...

Of course, it is useful in something like a life imitation. You do not stand out from your circle, society is loyal to you, which is called, "accepts". Around you, it would seem, the fullest understanding reigns. What is so dangerous this desire to become others? Let's try to tell about it on the scientifically proven effect of the crowd. Imagine: You're in a crowd, are passionate about anything, whether it is a concert "Stars" or a speech policy. And here someone throws the cry: "Bay ... for example, blondes!". The crowd begins to shine slowly ... Soon the thought is crystallized in the collective mind: "There are blondes for us. So they are hostile. And the truth, you need to beat ... "And the whole mass of people for some reason rushes into a fight.

The same with the personal setting "to be like everything". If people in your surroundings hate the rich and constantly repeat it, you, supporting this point of view, Will-Neils are set to negative attitude towards money, and to their owners ... And what kind of wealth do you apply in this case?

So, become an independent and self-sufficient person. Install your own framework, beliefs and laws of existence. And do not be afraid if part of your friends gradually leaves - this is a normal process.

"And if I dwell among the rich people, I also become a person?" - You can quite naturally ask you. It would seem why? After all, to imitate rich - it is so wonderful! You can hope with time to catch up with their financial terms! Only that is the trouble: people wealthy most often just represent strong personalities. They can mimic, that is, adapt, under their surroundings, but you can hardly find out that they actually think about this or that matter. And mimicry - a thing that is seriously different from the imitation. Optionally, wearing the soul of "Naraspy" and share your beliefs with everyone in a row. But being a person is all the more necessary, if we surround wealthy, successful people. Otherwise, they may simply not notice.

In fact, on some subtle level a strong person radiates confidence. You can walk in ripped jeans and great-grandfather jacket, but if your inner world is rich, people will reach to you.

Attention! This is an introductory fragment of the book.

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With Am Hitler argued that his policy was based on English models. In 1935, he stated: "Only I have, like the British, enough cruelty to achieve the goal." Adolf Hitler assured that the model for his dominion on the eastern spaces (Russia was meant) served as the Board of England in its Indian colonies.

A few months before Adolf Hitler began to provide a German sword for the German plow in the East *, he reminded his "compatriots, comrades in the party and national socialists": "I admire the English people. In the case of colonization, he made unheard of. " The admiration of Hitler England was rather a call to learn from the UK "unshakable desire for power" than envy. The example of Britain was so authoritative for Germany that only his mention was able to change public opinion.

* "Our goal is not Danzig," said Hitler on May 23, 1939. - Our goal is to expand the living space in the East. " And this space in the East should have become "German India" ( approx. Author).

Only after Britain declared the war of Germany, Hitler under the applause of the listeners noted: "The Lord God created the world is not for some English." Hitler demanded that Germany takes the same position in the world as England. His admiration / 30 / this country meant rather no envy, and the call for their supporters to learn from England to her "all-consuming desire for power." The idea of \u200b\u200bEngland as an exemplary country was so established in Germany that it was enough to influence the example of England to influence public opinion.

Back in 1928, he ranked with the "folk values \u200b\u200bof Anglo-Saxons" it was "aspiration in space." Hitler bows out: "Since 1920, I am with all persistence ... I tried to cause a national movement in favor of ... The Union between Germany and England."

Perhaps it was not too difficult. In the circles, to which Hitler belonged, they believed - in the context of the "superiority of the White race" - that "the fate of the people is explained by his racial qualities ... these qualities best allow the Briton to rule over color ...", because "the main thing is that he knows how "keep yourself"". The task, as is known, was to (and) the Germans learned to keep themselves. The Siemovites were the elite of "New Germans". One of the fierrers of this organization said: "All that we want to be implemented in relation to race, classes and lifestyles have long exist in England." Many Germans adhered to England of the same opinion as Adolf Hitler and his predecessors, whom in the XIX century, was characterized by admirable love-hatred for England. " (Hitler allegedly in 1913 visited England, at least his daughter-in-law claimed that Hitler attended her wife Alois - the only BRAH of the future Fuhrer - in Liverpool.) That Hitler was treated to Britain as a "rejected fan" reported And accredited in Berlin Ambassador of England. Indeed, in 1934, Hitler was called: "Two German nations should have become friends already under the influence of only natural instinct." In any case, it was noted that "Hitler before death retained the location of the British - for their strength and resourcefulness" (in the original - "ResourceFulness"). Even pulling the German Reich in the war on two fronts, he remained "confident that the end of the war would be the beginning of a long friendship with England ..." According to Hitler, the sense of his own superiority from the Englishman was developed more than that of the German. A sense of own superiority "is inherent only to someone who has the opportunity to command." Although England in response to Hitler's agreement with Stalin declared war, it did not change the beliefs of Adolf Hitler, that "no people ... in their state-political qualities ... is not more suitable for owning the empire." / 31 /

True, in our time, Ernst Nolte showed that despite all his admiration of England, Hitler did not understand "specifically English situation"- What, apparently, could do if" guided by real English thinking. " Perhaps Hitler and did not understand the situation, but it seems that the better the creator of the Third Reich realized the essence of a certain British model - before in a suicidal "hurry", which becomes more irrational and even apocalyptic, brought this model to the absurdity.

In Germany, Axiom on the superiority of the British is definitely the same age of the second empire. The argument that there is antagonism between the authority of the English-speaking world and the authority of the Germans, was launched by Henry tray. He argued that "For the German nation, it is vital to demonstrate a colonial impulse": Only "then we will become ... the noble people of the Lord, to which every German will be proud of. The prosecutor of the German colonial annexations, Karl Peters, predicted this second, and after the third empire: after all, "German ... Traveling by other regions ... (Was) forced to obey; The Englishman (Same) commands. " After all, "for natural reasons, the British developed in themselves the quality of the nation of the Lord, and therefore the English dominion over our planet is uncontrollably expanding ..." It was expressed that the English people "completely and nearby acts in the world around the world as the people of the Lord. And the English people the reason for the fact that not the Romanets or Mongol set the tone on the ground, namely the Germans - the Germans, what we feel. " Hans Grimm, a shopkeeper from South Africa and the Prophet of the German imperialism - "people, deprived of space" - explains the actions of the British (and their German imiters) themselves that neither there are mesh-motivations:

"They went for the sea. Not then to save their souls, think about great problems and to make things to be done for the general benefit, but every day they sought to get some speedy profit - a good example ... Without special work and guided by the only true English thinking.

The following statement is "As for the style of life, England ... leads for himself and the noble society of Germany" - was clearly done in the midst of the First World War, after since 1871, the admiration of the political power of England displaced the delight of culture France. In France itself, Gustave Le-Bon could not even prove that the British excellent French: / 32 / he immediately led explanations, on what It is based on "superiority". As you know, Wilhelm II, driven, including love-hatred, tried to imitate England (see, in particular, the words of Kaiser: "The future of Germany is on the water"). One German-kaiser-sky marine officer of Gustav Fransen * in 1904 admires: "There, behind the high chalk cliffs, the first people of the Earth lives - a noble, infinitely smart, brave, uniform and rich. And we? We have since we have the only one of their qualities - courage. We gradually acquire another - wealth. Whether we will tasify the rest - this is a matter of life for us. " And in the same spirit, a book called "England as an educator", which exams the German people to become what it (still) is not: "No people have succeeded so continuously as English. We would learn from him. "

* Even before the proud statement by Fransen, that his "Small business became part of ... Big Cause of Fuhrere, that he, a hot favorite Führer ... appreciates it and ... respects" ( approx. Author). (Fransen Gustav (1863-1945) is a writer.)


Peters Karl (1856-1918) is it. The colonial figure, the founder of the colony of German East Africa, in 1891 - 1893 - Reichskisar of this colony.

Grimm Hans (1875-1959) - it. Writer, author of the novel "People without space", widely used in Nazi propaganda. For a long time lived in South Africa, where he was commerce.

Carl Peters, NationalPolitisches Vermächtnis. Der Deutsche und Sein Lebensraum. Herausgegeben Von Hermann Böhme (Hannover, 1938), S. 46; Hans Grimm, Englische Rede. WIE ICH DEN ENGLANDERSEHE (Gutersloh, 1938), S. 7; HEINRICH HIMMERER, GEHEIMREDEN 1933 BIS 1945 UND ANDERE ANSPRACHEN (FRANKFURT, 1974), S. 78: REDE VOR PREUSSSISCHEN STAATISRATEN AM 5. MÄRZ 1936; ADOLF HITLER, MEIN KAMPF, KOMMENTIERTE AUSWAHL VON CHRISTIAN ZENTNER (München, 1974), S. 221.

Adolf Hitlers Zweites Buch, Ein Dokument Aus Dem Jahr 1928. Institut Für ZeitgeSchichte, Quellen Und Darstelungen Zur Zeitgeschichte, Band VII (Stuttgart, 1961), S. XIV, 181 .. GISELA LEBZELTER, IN: P. Kennedy & A. Nicholls, Nationalist and Racialist Movement in Britain and Germany Bevor 1914 (Oxford, 1981), p. 160.

Carl Peters, Die Gründung Von Deutsch-Ostafrika, Kolonialpolitische Erinnerungen und Betrachtungen (Berlin, 1906), S. 33; CARL PETERS, NationalPolitisches Vermächtnis, S. 30, 14.

Hans Grimm, Heynade Und England. Eine Deutschichte Der Jahre 1880-1923 (Lippoldsberg, 1969), Band I, S. 83, 87.

Carl Peters, England Und Die Engländer (Hamburg, 1915), S. 201.

Gustave Le Bon, AQUE SE Debe La Superioridad de Los Anglosajones? (Madrid, O.J.)

Gustav Frenssen, Peter Moors Fahrt Nach Sudwest. EIN FELDZUGSBERICHT (BERLIN, 1906), S. 15; FRENSSEN GESAMMELTE WERKE (BERLIN, 1943), BAND I, S. VÜI, BAND V, S. 10-11.


Earnings of big money will not necessarily lead to wealth. And all because many have never learned how to properly dispose of money. We offer you 7 signs that you are definitely not correct, more precisely not enough to save your money, as well as a number of tips that will help you do it better.

Great earnings do not guarantee wealth. After all, it is not enough just to receive a lot of money, we must still be able to manage them correctly. This article provides 7 signs that money is not managed with maximum efficiency. Some tips will also be offered on how to stabilize and improve their financial position. After all, even the execution of one or two points is the first step towards the growth of savings.

1. You can hardly pay your monthly bills.

If there is enough money from the salary to the salary, then you cannot go about the accumulation of speech.

You can correct this situation in two ways - or reduce spending, or increase revenues. If you do not want to solve the situation with the workplace, you don't want to go on a more highly paid job or fails, it is worth finding a part-time job. Moreover, there are quite a few such options.

In any case, it will be useful to conduct a revision of their spending. Perhaps it is worth abandoning some shopping. This strategy may not give rise to and will not give, but to postpone something.

2. You assure yourself that you will postpone more money when you start making more

This is one of the most common delusions.

The optimal option will refer to the accumulation of money as a mandatory monthly fee. You need to determine what amount you can postpone each month and start executing a monthly cumulative payment. And not from the new year, the next quarter, or some other significant date, but right now. And, as in the case of loan payments, they cannot be canceled or postpone.

3. You still have not started to postpone money retirement

Even if the retirement is still very and very far away, start to save on a decent old age now.

Let it be small amounts, but after many years they will turn into decent accumulation and provide a good standard of living. Perhaps it is worth carefully familiar with the various pension programs offered by banks and other financial organizations.

4. You do not postpone money for upcoming major expensive purchases

It is important not only to postpone on old age, but also remember about the upcoming expensive purchases - whether it is a vacation, household appliances, or a car. After all, simultaneously pay a large amount of money without attracting borrowed funds, most often, almost impossible.

Therefore, it is necessary to make a list of upcoming large spending, to run them and then calculate how much and for what period it is necessary to postpone to get the desired one.

5. You still have not begun to invest

Investments are one of the most working instruments to improve the financial condition. Of course, they may not all be used immediately.

Pension savings may be also as investment funds, but before it is necessary to carefully study the question in financial operations and, if possible, to obtain a consultation of an experienced specialist.

6. You do not have a Foundation for "Black" Day

No person can be 100% sure that it will happen to him tomorrow. That is why it is good to have savings "for a black day."

Each month, postpone a small amount in case of emergency situations. But it is important to remember that this money cannot be used for any purchases. In fact, this is your airbag.

Any modern person knows how much money is lying on the map. But do you know how much spend on dinners, hiking in cafe, minor shopping and so on?

For a month or two, carefully fix each spending. You can do this through Excel, or using special applications that are now set in open and free access. After this period, having having a balance in all categories of spending, it will be easy to highlight those positions, after the exception of which, your wallet will become thicker.

Have you ever wondered seriously why are you not rich? According to some experts, millions of "ignorant potential millionaires" live on our planet, which could take very high positions on the "Wealth Ladder" if only got rid of several bad habits. What actually prevents you from finding financial well-being? Let's figure it out.

1st reason In that you simply not believe that you are worthy to be rich.
Millions of people are fighting for financial survival daily, as they do not believe that they are worth become rich. They bought on the ideal that wealth is for "other" people. These ideals proceed from well-mounted parents, good religions and media. But we are all the same; We all deserve to have those things that really want in our lives. If not you, then who? What other is better than you?

2nd reason in a lack of ambitions.
You must want to strive for the best for the best life. Capital does not appear just like that. You must work on it with patience and perseverance. A good starting point is to invest your money and allow the power of complex interest to build your capital, and the earlier you do it, the faster it will begin to reap the fruits. It does not require much time or effort, but it requires your participation.

3rd reason In the fact that you only complain instead of acting.
"I do not earn enough money," "live is too expensive now," "I will never get out of debts." Do you know such statements? Or maybe you use all of them? Old habits die with difficulty. However, as long as you do nothing to change something, nothing will change. Enough to complain and justify. Instead, take responsibility for habits pulling you back and focus on how to get rid of them.

4th Cause: You do not want to change anything.
Admit to honestly: everything suits you. Now you live as accustomed. You are in your comfort zone. You like to be poor. And any changes require effort, any changes are unknown. Therefore, it is easier for you to be poor than to start at least something to change.

5th Cause The fact that you do not communicate with the right people, i.e. With people who may teach you to earn big money.
You will not be successful if you spend your time with lazy people who are not interested in properly investing their money, strength and energy. However, if you surround yourself with energetic and successful people, then you ourselves will change for the better. Develop relations with successful people. Look for people who can become your mentors and teach you investment, finance, creating your business. Communication with people who share your goals will help you become a successful person.

6th Cause In that you spend more than you earn.
If you do not live by means, then know that you are not alone. According to the survey, 52 percent of people love to silence money, most often fit into their savings, while 22 percent rely on credit cards. Monthly descending all your income, you will never achieve financial well-being. Start recording your daily spending, analyze what can be saved, create your real monthly spending budget, and the rest invest in an emergency fund or pension savings.

7th Cause: You do not postpone the sufficient amount of money.
Well, welcome to the club! Most people postpone extremely small amounts, less than 5 percent of their income under normal. Economy should be a priority if you want to gradually accumulate wealth. Start by posting money for a black day. As soon as this amount becomes essential, switch to other goals, for example, buying a home or university payment.

8th Cause The fact that you may have too many debts.
Some debts are precursors of financial success, such as the acquisition
Real estate or business opening. However, loans beneficial for you do not exist, therefore, they pay first of all their debts with the highest percentage.

9th Cause: You are not working on yourself.
Of course, there is no guarantee that if you become the owner yourself, then immediately earn a million, but working for someone, the chances of earning a million much less. Try to remember at least a few works with such a salary, something comes to mind? But you should not leave your work tomorrow to run your business. Instead, try combining your current work and business on the side and slowly move towards the latter. Thus, you will provide financial security and the chance to create your own business. And it is not necessary to say that a big money and large connections are needed for business. Many well-known entrepreneurs began their multi-million dollar business directly at home or in the garage, and with minimal investments.

And finally 10th Cause It is that you do not know what you need to do.
Do affect the case in which you are really interested and to which you are experiencing passion. Why? Since when you love something, you can do it all day, not paying attention to the time, and, therefore, will soon become the best in it. When you do what you really love to do, and doing everything possible in this direction, you have no competitors.

I would also like to say that you are actually rich. After all, wealth is not only the possession of material benefits, this is a state of happiness and well-being. You do not go to bed hungry, you do not have to spend the night on the street, you have a choice to wear and you and you will not spend a minute in fear. You have unlimited access to clean drinking water and medical care. You have access to the Internet, you can read. Many in our world will say that you are damn rich, so be first grateful for everything you already have. And remember that while you are trying to get rich materially, do not forget to be happy on this path.

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