Tsearevich Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov in contact. Cesarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich. Then you worked in the European Parliament and the European Commission

Stoves, fireplaces 29.03.2021
Stoves, fireplaces

His imperial Highness Sovereign Heir Tsearevich and Grand Prince Georgy Mikhailovich was born on March 13th. Art. 1981 in Madrid, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the martyr's death of his great-grandfather Emperor Alexander II of the liberator (+ 1/14, 1881), from marriage E.I.V. Great Princess Mary Vladimirovna with E.I.V. Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich. In the sacrament of the Baptism of the Grand Duke, performed before the miraculous Kursk icon of the Mother of God in the Orthodox Church of Madrid, was attended by King Juan-Carlos I and Queen Sofia Spanish, Tsar Simeon II and Queen Margarita Bulgarian, and the King Father became the king of Ellinov Konstantin II.
with the king queen of Spain Sofia
Early childhood Cesarevich was held in Saint-Briake, and then he moved to Paris. Until 1999, the heir, together with his August Mother, constantly lived in Madrid, where he graduated from college. From the very infancy, the Grand Duch was brought up in the spirit of Orthodox faith and in the consciousness of his royal debt in front of the Motherland. The heir to Zesarevich first visited Russia in April 1992, when the whole imperial family arrived at the Eggs of the Sovereign of the Grand Prince Vladimir Kirillovich. Since then, he has visited the Fatherland many times, always showing a living interest in all sides of the life of the people. An indelible impression on the Grand Duke made ancient Russian Orthodox churches, creating, in his opinion, a completely special prayer mood. Visits to military facilities and meetings with soldiers and officers of Russian armies and fleets also always cause his joy and deep interest. with grandfather Prince Vladimir Kirillovich

Cesarevich is engaged in sports and shoots aptly. In addition to Russian, the exams on which he always passed with honors, the Grand Prince Georgy Mikhailovich freely owns English, French and Spanish. He knows the Orthodox worship well and takes part in it. On April 9, 1998, during a pilgrimage trip of the imperial family in the Holy Land, the blessing sovereign Heir to Zesarevich and the Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich brought the dynastic oath of the Fatherland and August mother established by the basic laws of the Russian Empire and its August mother. The ceremony took place in Jerusalem, in the throne hall of the Patriarchal Residence, where the oath of the heir to the All-Russian throne accepted the outstanding hierarch of the Holy Church and a strict guardian of the purity of Orthodoxy Patriarch Jerusalem Diodor, who blessed the Grand Duke to defend the Orthodox faith, serve Russia and its people and indispensively to protect the legal foundations of the Russian Imperial House . After graduating from Oxford, wanting to explore the processes that determine the development of Europe, his imperial highness worked in the European Parliament, then he passed to the post of Assistant Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Transport and Energy Mrs. Loyola de Palacio in Brussels. He then continued to work in the European Commission, but already in Luxembourg, in the Department of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Production Safety. Over the years, the Great Prince several times visited Fatherland with working visits, not attracting attention. In 2006, the first independent official visit of Cesarevich to his homeland took place. On the instructions of his mother, the head of the Great Princess Mary Vladimirovna, her son fulfilled the honorary mission and on behalf of the Imperial House congratulated the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II with the 45th anniversary of his bishop charifion. At the same time, meetings of the Grand Duke were held with the first deputy chairmen of the State Duma of the Russian Federation O. Morozov and L. Slso, chairmen of the Committees of the Duma and deputies. During its November visit to Russia in 2008, Cesarevich Georgy Mikhailovich adopted the proposal of the leadership of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel and in December of the same year he passed the post of adviser to the General Director of Norilskel V.I. Struzkovsky. In his new position, his imperial highness represents the interests of this one of the largest Russian companies in the European Union. In addition, the Grand Duke of Georgy Mikhailovich, together with the First Deputy Director General of Norilsk Nickel, O. Pivovarchuk and Deputy General Director, V. Sprangis, became part of the Board of the Nickel Institute (Nickel Institute). Cesarevich's activities, among other things, aims to implement the program Norilsk Nickel on challenging the decision of the European Commission on the classification of a number of nickel compounds as hazardous substances. "I always wanted to use the knowledge acquired by me and the experience of home and happily accepted the proposal of the leadership of MMC Norilsk Nickel to take this responsible position. I hope to justify the trust rendered to me and in every way to contribute to the further development of the company, "the imperial highness said.
The wedding of the Grand Duchess Mary Vladimirovna and the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, the prince of Franz Wilhelm Prussian. Madrid. September 22, 1976 (parents Cesarevich Georgy) Monarch Operations on Wedding: King of Albanians Leka I, Tsar Bulgarian Simeon II, King Italy Umberto II, Queen of Spain Sofia, King of Spain Juan Carlos I, Prince Cardam Bulgarian, Prince Tyrnovsky
Great Princess Maria Vladimirovna Head of the Russian Imperial House Her Imperial Highness of the Great Princess Maria Vladimirovna (r. December 23, 1953). The Grand Duchess Leonid Georgievna Her Imperial Highness Widdling Summer Great Princess Leonid Georgievna. The spouse of the Sovereign of the Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, the neborn Princess Bagration-Mukhranskaya-Georgian (r. September 23, 1914). With daughter, Prince Maria Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich Head of the Russian Imperial House His imperial Highness Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich (April 17/30 1917-21 April 1992). With the family, the Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich serves the future Eastern Eminence Metropolitan East American and New York Lavra. Updated 09/16/09 13:03: In 1918, the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who renounced Emperor Nicholas II and the heir to Zesarevich Alexey Nikolaevich, i.e. All the male offspring of Emperor Alexander III, were executed by the sentence of the gogarous authority. In accordance with Article 29, the right to the throne went into the genus of the second son of Emperor Alexander II - the Grand Prince Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847-1908). His eldest son was the Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, who in 1922 announced his prestituting of the throne (since it was not yet confident in the death of his predecessors), and on August 31, 1924 he accepted the title of Emperor of All-Russian in exile. This act fully complied with basic laws and was recognized by almost all members of the house of Romanov, as well as foreign royal houses.

George Romanov: "Not in Exile"

What is the monarchy and what is her place in the modern world? In the year of the 400th anniversary of the Russian Imperial House, his heir Tsearevich Georgy Romanov argues this.

His imperial Highness (E.I.V.) Sovereign Heir to Zesarevich and Grand Prince Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov was born on March 13, 1981 in Madrid. Mother - Head of the Russian Imperial House E.I.V. Sentainer Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, the only daughter of the head of the Russian Imperial House E.I.V. The sovereign of the Grand Prince Vladimir Kirillovich and His Augusta Spouse - E.I.V. The Great Princess Leonida Georgievna (URABED E.TS.V. Princessed Bagration-Mukhranian-Georgian). Father - Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, Prince Prussian.

He spent his childhood in France, then until 1999 lived in Madrid. Baptized in the Orthodox faith. In 1998, he adopted a dynastic oath of the Fatherland and August mother of the Russian Empire for the fundamental laws of the Russian Empire. He graduated from Oxford. He worked in the European Parliament in Brussels, then in the European Commission in Luxembourg (in the Department of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Safety Department). In November 2008, he received a proposal to work at OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel. In December 2008, he was appointed adviser to the company's general director and a member of the Board of Nickel Institute (Nickel Institute).

Against the background of the bridge of Emperor Alexander III. Paris, France, June 2013

"You were born in Spain, a child lived in France, studied in England, a career began in Belgium and Luxembourg, now working alternately in the UK, Belgium, Switzerland. For the first time in Russia visited in 1992. Where is your home?

- From infancy I was brought up in thought that my homeland is Russia. We are grateful to the countries that have granted shelter to the imperial house in difficult years. But Russia was and remains in the first place.

- 1992. You are 11 years old. Remember your first impressions of Russia? Have you understood who you and where did you come, or perceived this trip as a tourist?

- We arrived for the first time on the funeral and funeral of the grandfather (on the maternal line, E.I.V. Grand Prince
Vladimir Kirillovich. - Ed.). I was very worried about his death. At the same time, like any child, I am faster than adults, switched to new impressions. I came to Russia as in my country and saw her not as a tourist, but as a person for whom she was native and close. This was not even specifically thought about it, it is natural, like air.

House of disabled, Paris. Napoleon's tomb. June, 2013.

- And language? You speak Russian since childhood, but taught him as a foreign one. Natives - on which they began to speak, mastered the profession - were Spanish, French, English. What language do you communicate in your family?

- The preservation of the Russian language is really the biggest problem in exile. All convictions and ideas, faith and patriotism can be conveyed in any languages, but the preservation of one native is the most subtle and vulnerable area of \u200b\u200blife away from homeland. Ready to admit that I need a lot to work hard on his perfection. I say it without any shock. I am happy that since childhood I was taught to speak Russian and what I understand everything. But with a conversational speech a little worse. Those who did not live in a foreign language environment, it is difficult to understand it. But who falls into her and is long, it begins to speak with an emphasis and think in the language of the country of residence, even if he has brought up since childhood
in the Russian-language environment.

In the family, we speak all languages, and sometimes on their mixtures. When you know several languages, they are involuntarily looking for those words that the thought most fully expressed. And then you start to combine words and expressions from different languages. You will begin the phrase in Spanish, you will continue in Russian, and end in English, while inserting a French word somewhere. Sometimes it is funny - travelers in the plane or in the train can not withstand and ask: "What is it for the strange language you say?"

- You and her imperial high quality Russian citizenship. When and how did you take it?

- Our Russian citizenship was restored in 1992. It was an honest and fair step of the Russian authorities. We did not have any difficulty, on the contrary, we were invited to the Russian Embassy in Paris and solemnly handed passports. Back with the Soviet coat of arms on the cover. From now on, we come to our country, like all our compatriots ki. In Spain, we also have documents, since while we live abroad and we need freedom of movement.

- De Yura, according to the basic laws of the Russian Empire, you are the heir to exile. De facto - a citizen of Russia, intensifying it in it and you can still settle in it at any time. What prevents this to do: Your reluctance or causes of an objective nature?

- We are no longer in exile, but not all legal issues related to the final return of the imperial home home, resolved. If we were private individuals, we could return at any time. But my mother, and I, we are obliged to preserve the imperial house as a historical institution. We do not have any political and property claims, but we consider it fair that the modern state legally determined the status of the dynasty, as which happened in most countries, including former communist. When the decision takes place, we will return to permanent residence in Russia. In the meantime, we try to come as often as possible.

Paris, Carousel Square. June, 2013.

- You have warm relationships with the Russian authority. At the same time, these relationships are not issued. The topic of determining the legal status of the Russian Imperial House rose during communication with the leadership of the country?

- Our position regarding the status has repeatedly expressed and is well known. Anyone can familiarize themselves with it, ask questions, put forward arguments. But for yourself we do not require anything and do not ask. I am confident that the government of modern Russia is not against the status of the imperial house in principle, but reflects on what moment such an act will be most appropriate. We respect this situation with respect and patience and try to be useful by our country, without setting any conditions. Everything has its time. Sometimes I want some processes to develop faster. But any fruit must mature. We have nothing to do anywhere, because both for us, and we have a century. And we do what we consider our duty, no matter what is happening around.

- From what you watch in modern Russia - what does that face and what causes respect? What are our "trump cards" relatively to other states, and what should they learn?

- Russia gives the world a unique experience of unity in the manifold. In European countries, crushed over the failure of the project Multicultural Ask. And we have a multicultural to a spectature and, thank God, still remains natural. Essentiali e within the framework of a single state, cooperation and mutual execution of peoples with different traditions is the most valuable heritage of the historical development of Russia.

It is very important that in Russia people do not shy to show their faith. The years of persecution could not eradicate religiosity. Our modern state is secular, but it is respected to the Orthodox Church and traditional confessions, does not try to replace the frequency atheism and aggressive secularization of public life.

If we say that it grieves ... Probably, our compatriots are still missing respect to each other. In the twentieth century, the value of the human person and the lifetime itself was detrimental. Each of us you need to constantly educate a full-fledged person and remember that respect for yourself is impossible without respect for others.

- On the motherboard, you still belong to one royal family - Bagration-Mukhransky. He is one of the oldest in Europe, leads origin from the Psalmist David. What is Georgia for you? Do you know the Georgian language?

- In Georgia, I was quite a long time ago, in the mid-1990s, when in the tomb of the Georgian kings in Mtskhete, the ashes of my great-grandfather and great-grandmothers - Prince Georgy Alexandrovich and Princess Elena Sigismundovna. Georgia is a wonderful country, a wonderful noble people live in it. It is very difficult for us that for political reasons between Russia and Georgia, relations were spoiled. But I am sure that this condition is temporary, and no one can destroy the friendship between fraternal Orthodox peoples. Georgian language, unfortunately, I do not know. Only a few words and expressions.

- Recently, your grandmother has died, her imperial Highness Great Princess Leonid Georgievna. What is the place she occupied in your life?

- Grandma gave me a lot. She was a man of great love, very witty, possessed wisdom and everyday experience. I talked a lot about your life. About people with whom fate brought her. She remembered well and life in the USSR, from where he left in the conscious age. The most important lessons from conversations with her - should never lose faith, optimism and self-esteem.

- Which of the relatives in childhood was closest for you?

- As a boy, I stretched to my grandfather (E.I.V. Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich). To the great regret, he left the earthly life when I was still a child. But I forever remembered His Majesty, excellent education, restraint, calm softness, kindness to people. He possessed incredible latter interests. Could talk about a wide variety of scientific, spiritual and cultural matters, then immediately, with enthusiasm to do machinery - repair the car, or design aircraft models, or ride on the card, could quickly switch to the fulfillment of your official duties on carefree game with children. In his personality, surprisingly harmoniously combined the commitment to traditional and openness to the whole new, modern.

- What holidays do you manage in your family? Which of them is more expensive - now in childhood?

- Easter and christmas of Christ. In addition to deep religious meaning, these holidays resemble happy childhood years.

"The state truck Nikolai Alexandrovich called his nicknames, the sovereign Alexander Fedorovna - Alix. What name do you remember them - official or family? Do you have family nicknames?

- Pradedushka Emperor Kirill Vladimirovich and members of the dynasty of his generation, of course, continued to speak "Niki" and "Alix" in the family circle. For the grandfather, they were "Uncle Niki" and "Aunt Alix", and so for us and left in the family circle. In public speeches, we often use the combination of "Muche Nick's Sovereign", "Holy Sovereign". The tradition of giving diminutive names has been preserved in our family, as in many others. Mom calls Gogi, cousin Mom - chapter of Georgian royal house Prince George Irakliyevich called Georgie, the eldest girl of Moms - the great princess Maria Kirillovna - "Aunt Mashka", her husband of the youngest aunt of the great princess Kirill Kirillovna - Prince Louis Ferdinanda - "Uncle Lulu" ...

- The idea of \u200b\u200bthe family and the sovereign - the father's father is one of the fundamental for the monarchy as a social institution. It is connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bfamily-kind, and probably this is a tough bunch. The destruction of the family-state, the abolition of paternity-monarchy entails the destruction of the family as such that we are observed in the West. This process is irreversible or is possible back?

- The fact that unnaturally, sooner or later conquers human nature. The story has proven more than once.

For example, all attempts to destroy faith in God remain unsuccessful. The same applies to the family. You can prohibit some words, but it is impossible to cancel the concepts and phenomena. Without a father and mother, no one will appear on the light. Any absurd trends will definitely be overcome. It is desirable that our country will avoid passing through this strange and harmful fashion.

- The newest history does not know a single case of education of existing monarchies. Only lowfill. Why?

- A few cases of restoring the monarchy in the newest history took place. In Europe, this happened in Spain, in Asia - in Cambodia. In many countries, primarily in Eastern Europe, the royal dynasties, although they did not return to political power, but again gained a powerful position in society. In France and Italy, where the laws on the expulsion of the heads of the royal houses and their direct heirs, discriminatory measures were canceled. So the dynamics is generally positive.

And fundamentally new monarchies does not arise, most likely, because Bonapartism at one time became a good vaccination against the surrogate of the illegitimate monarchy. If even such a great man, like Napoleon Bonaparte, could not displeasure the future of the new type monarchy, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make others. The only unique phenomenon of this kind of "monarchy" is a communist "Inheritance, I am inherent in North Korea. It has existed for three generations. But it is unlikely that this experience can be applied anywhere else. Each country has its own monarchical tradition, a non-trap-related associated dynasty and with a whole complex of ideas, values \u200b\u200band norms. If the monarchical principle in one form or another returns to any people, then it may truly come true only in legitimate successive degree.

- Modern political thought considers the monarchy as a less perfect and less progressive way to rule. Plato and Aristotle call it one of the types of state-owned device - along with democracy, oligarchy, aristocracy, etc. According to Aristotle, they are equivalent, they cannot be compared with each other. It is appropriate to compare the "bad" monarchy with "good", and the first one is not necessary to overthrow, you can also treat. Finally, the monarchists believe the optimal monarchy. Which of these positions are you closer?

- Of course, I absolutely can not agree with the thesis that the monarchy is "less perfect and less progressive" way of management. If we objectively consider the historical act, we will see that the most effective modernizers were monarchies. Among the Republican X leaders of successful reformers are much less. And if some of them managed something, then such a terrible price that then the fruits of all the victories were lost. Of course, the monarchs are not involved, and the price of their reforms for nations also used to be high. But, first, they, as a rule, did not spare herself, did not sit down in underground bunkers, they did not hide behind foreign spins in battles. It is enough to remember Peter the Great. And secondly, in general numerical, and in percentage ratios, human losses in monarchies are incommensurable with gigantic losses under Republican X modes.

You used a very good word about the monarchy - "optimal". It is really not perfect. Like any human device, it has a number of flaws. But it is optimal because it originated and developed naturally. The initial way of organizing the human society was a family, then more complex generic relations developed, and when it was necessary to live on the right in the state, this state was also built on the principle of family and the family. Monarch is not just a ruler, but the father of his people. He is a born arbitrator, not required by the authorities by any of the parties and groups and therefore capable of expressing the interests of the entire nation as a whole. Many presidents seek to this, but almost no one succeeds. And even if someone is approximately obtained, it first takes a lot of time, and then everything inevitably ends with the departure of a particular person. In the monarchy, this principle is laid institutional and also acts independently of the change of monarchs on the throne, their personal qualities and other subjective factors.

- What was your circle of communication? Who are your friends - representatives of European ruling homes or and "simple mortals"?

- Among my friends there are people belonging to the most different layers of society. I have never considered the origin of the criterion for establishing friendly relationships.

"Famous personality should be prepared for the fact that their life is in interest."

- How do you perceive others? Does anything status mean for them? Do you annoy secular chronicles and paparazzi?

- Those who are next to me appreciate in me above all. To my status of the heir to the house of Romanov, they relate with respect and understanding, but it does not dominate friendship or good business relationships. I do not like publicity and try to minimize it. Publicity is needed only where it benefits. Famous personalities, of course, should be prepared for the fact that their lives and activities are enjoyed by increased interest, and behave so as never to be in an awkward or shameful position. But this does not mean that they need to be turned into flies placed under the microscope. Each person has the right to personal life, which is unnecessary and dishonestly invaded. Journalists must have elementary ethical ideas and understand where the face of publicism passes.

- It seems from the outside that you are leading the life of an ordinary young man of your circle. But probably there are any duties and restrictions that imposes on you the position of the heir of the Russian Imperial House. Which of them are in the burden and what are the joy? It happened, maybe in childhood that you envied the fate of your "simple", not venge peers?

- 90% of duties and restrictions are common to all without exception. The rules of human dormitory, education, behavior in the home, working, friendly situation, the observance of traditions and rites are about the same. Both the king, and the president, and the janitor should greet and say "Thank you", keep the knife in the right hand, and the plug in the left, remove the headdress at the entrance to the church and get used at the entrance to the mosque ...

Sometimes any person seems to be too much restrictions. In fact, almost all restrictions can be expressed by one phrase from the New Testament: "In order not to do other things that they do not want." Maybe someone will seem strange, but from those responsibilities that I exist additionally like the Grand Duke, I consider the most tasty to those that, according to many, are the most attractive mi in the "Crafts of the Monarch". The execution of ceremonial functions, participation in the receptions and celebrations - is not at all such a pleasant and light pastime, as it seems to someone. This is heavy and not always grateful work. You do not belong to yourself, you should do it all the time, despite your well-being and mood. This is a very painful restriction of personal
freedom. Those who do not believe, can only offer to try to organize at least one such event. It is not to come two or three times a year to drink a glass of champagne and chat with beautiful girls, and to independently organize, be under the closer attention to all those present, no one to offend and create a holiday.

- In 1998, in Jerusalem, you brought a dynastic oath to the loyalty to the Fatherland and its August mother. Tell me how and where the ceremony was held, how they were preparing what they were tested.

- To the oath, I was preparing seriously. This is not just a ceremonial moment, but a kind of initiation, entry into an adult life. The Lord judged so that I was the first of the heirs of the house of Romanov, uttered the words of his oath in the Holy Land, in the coffin of the Lord. The oath was me brought in the throne hall of the residence of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, in the presence of the Patriarch of Diodorus, the Great Hierarch of the Universal Orthodoxy. He was already sick, but I found time to meet with us, witnessed my oath and blessed me. It will remain forever in my soul.

"Participation in receptions and celebrations - heavy ungrateful work."

- Probably, you participate in family events of other ruling and royal families - the days of angel, christening, weddings, funeral. Is it purely formal events or are they based on sincere friendly relations?

- All European dynasties are a big family. We are not only "colleagues", but also relatives. Therefore, in our relationship it is impossible to divide related, friendly and official aspects. They are always present together.

- With all the conventions, modern European monarchies are existing institutions. As any living organism, in recent years, they have undergone changes in the order of the throne, marriage conclusions, etc. The main vector is "patrimony" (this is softer). Russian dynastic right orthodox. What an order, in your opinion, more corresponds to the role of the monarchy in the modern world - conservation or development?

- Development occurred earlier, should continue. The law is not a guillotine, he should not turn around against people. Each law appears in certain historical conditions. When conditions are changed, the law evolves. The most important thing is necessary for the general respect for the right and law. While the law is valid, it must be followed and executed. And the modiation of the law should not occur by voluntarist in a way, but within the framework of the legal procedure. I believe that in the Russian dynastic right there will also be changed. But they will not copy the Western samples and the consequences of fashion, and will have the goal of the preservation of the dynasty as a special historical institution that keeps the tradition of their people.

Oxford graduate, the English heir has perfectly.

- In 2008, the leadership of Nickel offered you cooperation. You somehow explain to yourself - why exactly do you?

- I always wanted my work to be more connected with Russia. Our friends knew about it in their homeland, and when the conditions were developed, offered me to work in Norilsk Nickel. Since this company is not just private, but has a lot of state events and is under the control of the state, I agreed.

- Tell us about your duties in Nickel. Was you knowing the specifics of this work, or had to master it from scratch?

- My job is the advantage of the management and consultation. I already had a certain experience thanks to work in European structures. Activities of Norilsk Nickel, I needed to study his economic policy, but it was not gone too much time. As for the technological process of production, I got acquainted with him in general terms when I visited Norilsk. For me it was necessary to go there, chat with engineers and workers, learn about their problems. I descended a kilometer under the ground in the mine, I was all shown there and explained. I admire the workers of the Norilsk Nickel, which in very difficult conditions create the foundations of the industrial power of Russia.

- One of the topics you are in the company is its many years of dispute with Europe about the verdict of the Commissioners on the dangers of nickel compounds. Your position on this issue?

- Resolution on the "harm of nickel", in my opinion, is a purely lobbying phenomenon. This is one of the forms of economic struggle aimed at crowding out Russia from the international market. It is not only about the interests of Norilsk Nickel's interests, but about the national interests of Russia. I consider this ruling unreasonable. However, the decision taken is always much more difficult than those who are suspended. Work in this area continues.

Paris metro. June, 2013.

- This year, the Russian imperial house celebrates its 400th anniversary. How to celebrate it in your family?

- We just remember that our family of 700 serves Russia, and 300 years of them ruled the country. Celebrate the 400th anniversary of the topics of our house in the family atmosphere would be somehow strange.

I participate in the preparation of all major official public events. But my mother plays the main role in them, because she is the head of the Imperial House. We always discuss together when and where to go, individually or together. While she takes part in major celebrations, and I come to support individual projects.

- This year you were 32 years old. To this age, your vengeial ancestors have already acquired spouses and heirs. You idle. The theme of marriage and childbirth as a dynastic debt, duties are present in your life?

- On all the will of God. Recently, the marriage conclusion was shifted to a later age, not only at the heirs of royal houses, but also other people. The continuation of the kind is very important, but it is impossible to fully displeasure without a normal family, without love and mutual respect for the spouses. When I meet my choices, the rest of the questions will be solved.

Sasha Cannon

100 years ago Nicholas II renounced the throne.The heirs of the heirs of the Russian rule of the dynasty today are about thirty, but the real wants to receive the status of "official Romanov" only two: the Great Princess Maria Vladimirovna and her son Georgy Mikhailovich. Our editor of Vitaly Kotov studied in detail why it happened and interviewed Zesarevich, whose title, however, is not recognized as everyone.

To understand who in principle has the right to inherit a long-non-existent throne, It is necessary to study the act of the throne and the "institution about the imperial surname", published by Paul I in 1797 and entered later in the basic laws of the Russian Empire. For too long, the waiting crown Pavel Petrovich changed the rules of its receipt, approved by the Decree of Peter I 1722, according to which the monarch had the right to appoint a successor to himself, and both male and female. The act practically deprived women of the opportunity to go on the throne, which henceforth had to go on the right of birth agen from his father to the eldest son, and in the event of his death - to the next son, grandson or grandson of the emperor. Developed by Paul I, the document prohibited the seeming of the throne by a person who did not belong to the Orthodox Church and born not from the Orthodox parents, and also demanded that the king of joining an equal marriage: a wedding was considered to be a wedding with any subject, if she was even a light princess. In addition, the future king could not marry a divorced woman and join a nearby Union, for example with a cousin. Only in the event that all the perpetrators of the male fest were ended, which had observed these conditions, the crown could reach the next to her to a woman.

All this casuistics may seem having no relation to the question Resettlement to the historic homeland of the current heirs of Romanov, but this is not quite so. Based on these laws, the actions of which no one had canceled, the association of members of the Romanov has long announced that people who have the right to take the throne, in our time simply not. In this family club on the men's and women's lines, there are thirty people from the grandee Nikolai II artist and Prince of Imperial Blood Andrei Andreevich, to the light in 2009, Daniel Daniilovich. According to the merger, all now living novels are born in non-uniform marriages, they themselves consist in the same marriages and therefore cannot claim to ever put on the head of a large imperial crown that is stored in the Kremlin diamond foundation. Accordingly, there can be no speech about some special status and returning to Russia the imperial family because of the absence of such. The question is closed.

With such a position, two of the Romanovs disagree And it is these two and consider possible applicants. This Living in Madrid's great princess Maria Vladimirovna, who calls himself the head of the Russian Imperial House, and her son Grand Prince Georgy Mikhailovich. She is the granddaughter of the cousin of Nikolai II of the Grand Prince Kirill Vladimirovich, in 1924, who announced himself with the emperor in the exile Kirill I. He is her son he has long been terminated with prince Franse-Wilhelm Prussist, Vilhegelm's great-grandfather. Maria Vladimirovna and her supporters, the so-called legitimists, consistently reject all the accusations of relatives in the insolvency of Cyril's complaints.

They have answers to all questions. Grandfather Cyril Vladimirovich married his own cousin, besides the unininal divorced and at that moment? But Nicholas II officially recognized this marriage in 1907. Kirill Vladimirovich's mother Great Princess Maria Pavlovna after the wedding remained Lutheran? But she accepted Orthodoxy after the death of her husband in 1909. Cyril Vladimirovich during the February Revolution caught a red bow and brought the Guards crew on the oath to the State Duma, violating the oath of Emperor? But he said, he did it for the restoration of order and the monarchy. Mary's Father Vladimirovna Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich married a divorced woman of non-aggravated origin? But the great Princess Leonid Georgievna was from the genus Bagration-Mukhranian, until the 18th century formed by Georgian kings, and she did not enter into marriage, not in the Orthodox rite, and therefore was not married. Georgy Mikhailovich Non Romanov, and Hohenzollerne? But Mary Vladimirovna's husband accepted Orthodoxy, the name of Mikhail Pavlovich and the title of the Grand Prince. And so on and so forth.

In any case, it remains to be recognizedIt is simply impossible to find some other, more legitimate relatives of the last royal family than members of the unification of the genus Romanov or Maria Vladimirovna and her son is simply impossible. The first from the honor of the "official" relocation to the historic homeland in any case refused. And the rights of Mary Vladimirovna as the head of the Russian Imperial House are recognized as the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian Noble Assembly and all monarchical houses of Europe, both those who are reignificant and the troubling restorations.

In an interview with Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov, whom his supporters call the heir to Zesarevich and Grand Prince, told us about the facts of their biography, about the views on life and how and under what circumstances he could move to Russia.

You were born, grew up and live in Europe and at the same time speak Russian perfectly. How did you manage it?

Yes, the most difficult under exile is to save the language. I was brought up in the Orthodox faith and Russian traditions, other simply could not be. However, the Orthodox may be a foreigner who does not know a word in Russian. A lot of descendants of Russian emigrants are still baked pancakes on Maslenitsa and Easter cake, they even comply with some traditions forgotten in Russia itself, but no longer speak the language of the ancestors. Both at school, and at the university, and in the circle of friends, and on the street, and in the store - everywhere you need to communicate in other languages, and only the family and a narrow circle of compatriots, the same exile remains to use the native. We spent a significant part of life in Spain, where the Russians were very small.
By saying in Russian, I owe my persistence, and the perseverance of my mother and grandparents: they always believed that it was extremely important not only to know the history of Russia and have an idea of \u200b\u200bits spiritual and cultural basics, but also to know their native language. Even when there was no hope for returning to the fatherland, it seemed that there were no in our family among themselves in Russian, and I was convinced of the need for his study when I, like everyone else, was lazy to further work with the teachers. Of course, I know that I need to improve my Russian, I realize that I admit mistakes, I can, for example, confuse the case. But I absolutely understand everything and I can always formulate my thought in Russian.

Grandfather and grandmother did your upbringing? From what age did you become aware of which family belong to?

My parents parted when I was four years old. Therefore, male education I received from my grandfather. He was an amazing person: a very kind, understanding child psychology, capable of teaching and passing. Relations between grandparents were impeccable: they never parted and gave all the surrounding an rare example of mutual touching love and respect. I and they, and mom always inspired that the position of a member of the Imperial House is primarily responsible and debt. Sucked for modesty and explained that all people need to be treated with respect. I have never had restrictions on communication, on the contrary, the eldests sought me to learn to maintain relationships with peers from the most different layers of society.

Can you tell about the brightest children's memories?

I remember how happily we celebrated Easter and the Christmas of Christ. As a grandfather once dressed in Santa Claus's costume and I did not recognize him. The celebration of the Millennium of the Baptism of Russia in 1988 was well remembered, when I was able to take part in worship at the age of seven years old: I was blessed to put the stir and help the bike, the future of the first Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad Lavra. And of course, the strongest impressions remained from the meeting with Russia in 1992. I was then very burned because of the death of my grandfather, whose coffin we accompanied home. But at the same time, a whole kaleidoscope of events, meetings, new friends appeared. And the consciousness of the restoration of communication with the homeland, which I knew only about the stories before.

Never agree so that someone interests were infrouncing

I was present at these funerals and remember that the ceremony was quite modest. In all of St. Petersburg, there was not even a car-catapholus, the coffin was lucky on the bus, the city was so unsettled.

I did not remember the protocol and ceremonial details, but in my heart everything remained thanks to compatriots, sincerely manifested sympathy and sorrow. St. Isaac's Cathedral, where His Holiness Patriarch Alexy sent his grandfather, was full of people, and all the approaches to him were engaged in people who came to say goodbye to the head of the Romanov House. Then, as a child, I just saw it the Ludician Sea, and now I understand how great the power of the people of the people who preserved, despite the decades of goggle and antimonarchic propaganda, and faith, and the ability to love and compassion, and respect for historical memory.

Soon after your first arrival in Petersburg, the mayor of Anatoly Sobchak offered you to study you in the Nakhimov School. How did your relatives react?

Yes, and this idea was expressed directly during the next visit to St. Petersburg. Some of our benevolers, including Russian generals and officers, expressed doubts about the feasibility and the possibility of this, but the mother and grandmother expressed fundamental consent, and it was quite real. However, for my definition for military training in Russia, an indication of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was required. It was not about creating some special conditions for me, but it was necessary to take certain legal decisions regarding the status of the imperial home. Since surrounded by President Yeltsin, this question was preferred to keep in suspended, time, unfortunately, was missed. I graduated from school in Madrid and entered the University of Oxford.

Do there are connections with fellow students?

Students from different countries studied with me, and we all dispersed the world, but if somewhere we meet by the will of the case, Oxford memories always help to better communicate. In those years, I had more independence, more freedom in personal life, new knowledge - I studied mainly economics and law.

Then you worked in the European Parliament and the European Commission?

Having obtained higher education, it is very important to immediately start working in order not to lose the qualifications. Fortunately, I had such an opportunity, since my mother's university girlfriend Mrs. Ignasi de Loyola de Palacio, who was the Deputy Chairman of the European Commission and the Commissioner on Transport and Energy, offered me to work in European structures under its leadership. For me it was a good school, I learned how economic processes in Europe and the world develop develop, the first business relationships with compatriots in Russia were developed.

For five years, you represented the interests of Norilsk Nickel in Europe. What exactly did you do?

In 2008, I received an invitation to become an adviser to the General Director of the Norilsk Nickel Combine, my tasks were assistance in protecting the interests of the plant at the international level, finding ways to overcome unfair restrictions generated by competitive struggle. Then I headed a subsidiary of Norilsk Nickel's subsidiary in Switzerland for some time. In 2009, immediately after the start of work in the company, Norilsk visited, had the opportunity to communicate with workers and engineers, to learn about the conditions of their life and labor. Then I started to be in my homeland, I had new friendly and business relationships with many people in Russia, I began to understand better than and in what areas the imperial house can be useful to its country not only in the preservation of traditions and historical continuity, but and in the practical sphere.

In 2014, you created a consulting company Romanoff & Partners - in the biographical help on its website you are named simply by George Romanov, without titles. Why?

Our company was created to protect the interests of entrepreneurs from Russia and other countries belonging to the civilization space of the former Russian Empire. Business activity does not imply the use of historical status, so in this context, I consider the use of title.

The situation of the exacerbation of relations between Russia and the countries of the European Union affects the work of the company?

Of course, to start the company's activities with such a focus in the conditions of war sanctions are very difficult. Naturally, we faced difficulties that did not expect at least on such scales. But on the other hand, the presence of structures that bring bridges are required and contribute to the resumption of dialogue. So I look into the future with optimism.

What are your representative duties as the heir to Cesarevich and how much time do they take away?

Not quite the right word "take away" - they do not take anything, but rather, they add, since this is an integral part of life. Fortunately, in our time, the ceremonial functions, from which you can really get bored, greatly decreased, even a solemn ceremony, like awarding awards and premiums, briefs and are held not for pompousness, but for the sake of decorating communication devoted to solving real problems.

You are the founder of the Imperial Foundation for the study of oncological diseases, which far from everyone knows.

We regularly participate in events for charitable assistance to patients with cancer. But I noticed that much less attention is paid to those who are looking for ways and means of combating this terrible disease. Began to study the topic, consult with knowledgeable people, and in 2013, when the four hundred prototion of the end of the Troubles and the National Calling on the kingdom of our house was noted, I was registered in London to support the study of cancer. And next year, the Russian Imperial Foundation for the study of oncological diseases has passed and began work. We strive to ensure that the traditions of the Russian oncological school of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods are preserved, so that the veterans of this industry of medicine can transfer their experience to the next generations of doctors so that young oncologists do not leave the country and did not leave the profession. During the year with a small foundation, several books and collections of articles were published, the business trips and internships of young specialists were paid, the oncologists of the North-West region of Russia were held, a premium was established for achievements in the field of oncology and its first presentation took place. We cooperate and constantly exchange information with the first children's hospice and with the clinic of children's oncology, hematology and transplantology named after R. M. Gorbacheva in St. Petersburg, as well as with the Russian oncological scientific center named after N. N. Blokhin in Moscow, with a medical and pharmaceutical company "XXI Century".

In 2015, one of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region made a proposal to develop a bill "On the Special Position of the Tsarist Familia". What do you think about this initiative?

By itself, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe legal status of the imperial house seems to us fair and useful. Almost all countries with the republican form of government, the imperial and royal dynasties in one form or another are legally recognized as historical institutions and state power assist in the execution of their sociocultural mission. The Russian state, remaining republican, can also be able to cooperate with the Imperial House in the field of support for tradition, strengthening the interreligious, interethnic and civil world.
But we do not put any conditions and do not initiate anything. I and my mother are citizens of Russia and try to be useful by their homeland in any conditions. In our deep conviction, only that power, which is hostile to religion and resorts to Terror against his people is unworthy. In all other cases, you need to maintain power and help her - this does not mean renunciation from their convictions and principles or the lack of its own civil position. So, we remain adherents and the keepers of the monarchist idea of \u200b\u200bthe family of the family and we have the full right of article 13 of the Constitution of Russia, guaranteeing ideological manifold. We also have our own opinion on a number of issues: for example, the progress of health and education reforms, the legislation in the field of charity, the protection of nature, historical and cultural monuments. But we express our position not in the spirit of confrontation with anyone, but in the exchange mode. And calling to the same other. I consider the wording "special" in relation to the status of the imperial home, I do not know, we should not talk about any political authority or privileges that put us personally in a special position compared to other fellow citizens. Can not go speech and about returning our property. And my mother, and I have repeatedly publicly and officially declared that we are fundamental opponents of restitution, as we consider it a dangerous civil world in Russia. The status is not special, but simply the status - is the recognition of the Imperial House by the institute, preserving continuity in history, an integral part of the cultural and historical heritage of our Fatherland. Also in this document should be outlined the terms of the duties of the dynasty and protected from arbitrary, and sometimes the blasphemous use of its spiritual, cultural, intellectual and symbolic heritage. All this does not go beyond the framework of the current legislation, but, on the contrary, it specifies the provisions of Article 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which obliges to protect the historical and cultural heritage.

We stay keepers of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe family

Where could your residence be located?

The question of the place of our stay after the publication of the act on the status and our return for permanent residence in Russia is secondary. We will never agree that for the sake of us were infrouncing someone's interests so that someone has something taken away. We see two possible options: either the restoration of a destroying historic building, or the construction of a new one. And in the other case, funding will be carried out by voluntary donations or as part of a joint private project, but in no case at the expense of the state budget. In our plan, the residence (and maybe in the long run, and several residences) should be not only the place of our stay and work, but also the center of Mercy and Enlightenment. It should have social institutions, such as the dining room for the poor, the medical center for homeless, as well as a chapel or a house church, a publicly available playground, a library, an exhibition hall. The process of returning our house to Russia began in November 1991, when the grandfather and grandmother visited not yet broken the USSR. Moreover, the grandfather put the sole condition: he refused to obtain a visa to his native country. And the authorities went to meet him, although then he still had no Russian passport. In 1992, our Russian citizenship was restored, since then the reintegration of the Russian imperial house with modern Russia is developing steadily. We are open to dialogue with people of other beliefs, do not consider anyone with our enemies and are ready to cooperate with all compatriots in all creative affairs that serve to strengthen Russia and the welfare of its citizens. You can achieve this success in life, only following the motto "Do what should, and be what will be."

Text: Vitaly Kotov
Photo: Eduard Fazletdinov

In a bunch of all photos and information about George, Brother Nicholas, with subsequent replenishment and further analysis.
(In short, a very dark story with him.)

Georgy Aleksandrovich 1871, Tsarskoye Village - June 28, 1899 near Abastumban, Tiflis province) - His imperial Highness, Cesarevich and Grand Duke, the third son of Alexander III and Maria Fedorovna, Brother Nicholas II.

In childhood, George was healthier and strong than his older brother Nicholas. He grew up a high, beautiful, cheerful child. Despite the fact that George was a pet pet, he, like other brothers, was brought up in Spartan conditions. The kids slept on army beds, got up at 6 o'clock and took a cold bath. For breakfast, they usually served porridge and black bread; Lunch from lamb and roast beef with peas and baked potatoes. At the disposal of children there were a living room, a dining room, a games room and a bedroom, furnished with the simplest furniture. The rich was only icon, decorated with precious stones and pearls. The family lived mainly in the Gatchina Palace.

Georgy, Ksenia, Mikhail, Zesarevich Nikolai on the rink.

Eyeman Alexander III and Empress Maria Fedorovna and Son George on board the yacht. 1892 year.

By decision of the parents in 1890, Georgy, together with the elder brother, went to an overseas journey, the end point of which Japan was supposed to become. Maria Fodorovna hoped that the sun and the sea air would go to his son. However, approximately halfway, in Bombay, the attack happened to George, and he was forced to return back. Nikolai continued a trip without brother.

Bronumous cruiser "Memory Azaz" and half-armored frigate "Vladimir Monomakh"
in Pirae, the end of the 1880s or the beginning of the 1890s

His imperial Highness Heir Cesarevich Nikolai, Prince Georg Greek, and Grand Duke Georgy Aleksandrovich with Officers of Frigate "Memory Azov"

Afternoon rest of the highest Persons on the Frigate "Memory of Azov" (Cesarevich, Prince George Greek, Grand Duke Georgy Aleksandrovich)

In 1894, Alexander III unexpectedly died. Nikolai became the emperor. Since he has not yet had children, Georgy was announced the heir to Zesarevich.
However, Georgy's health state remained bad, it was decided to send it to Absturman.

That is how, at different times, a small village called in the forests of the Meschetian Mountains of Georgia.

It is known for its unique climate, lively sources, beautiful nature and exquisite architecture. In ancient times, the fortress of Ozrokh rose at this place. In the Middle Ages through the Gorge of the Usch River, which preserved the name of the fortress, ran lively crammed paths. In 1829, under the name Abbas-fog, the village passes from the Ottoman Empire to the Russian. From this period, he gradually turns into a rather well-known balneological resort.
Life in Abastumban has changed cool when he was chosen to stay in him the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. Different places were considered to undergo treatment, but the sad experience of staying the Grand Duke in Algeria led to the fact that nevertheless Abastumban was preferred.

Probably, the opinion of the Grand Prince, the governor in the Caucasus, Mikhail Nikolayevich played a considerable role in this. Living for many years in the Caucasus, he knew him well and loved, he was a fierce fan of the entire Caucasian.

Great Prince Mikhail Nikolaevich

The life of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in Abastumbeni consisted of medicinal procedures, rides around the surroundings in the summer, study. Prince's companion Prince Georgy Alexandrovich was the Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich (Gigo), an expert on history, born in Georgia, in Tiflis, who was interested in these places and well who knew them. The place these are full of ancient ruins, monuments of old days of distant times.

Grand Duke Georgy Aleksandrovich and Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich

The photo taken during the masquerade at the Great Prince Palace. He himself sits ahead in White Cherkess. Behind him, allegedly, Princess Nijaradze, in the center in the Armenian national costume of A.Kalamkarova, the wife of the Abastuman Director of the Mail. Photography belonged to Victoria Iskandarov and was exhibited on the Internet.

Death and burial
On Monday, on June 28, the heir tozarevich, having ordered a tricycle with a gasoline engine, walked in the palace garden, examining flower plantings. At 9 o'clock in the morning, his imperial highness knew the tricycle and take a walk on the highway, towards the Zekar Pass. The weather was good, with a small wind. The heir to Cesarevich rode very quickly (his high quality tricycle develops speed up to 35 miles per hour).
On such a motorcycle, Cesarevich performed on the last day of his life.

For the Palace of the Grand Dukes, George and Alexander Mikhailovich, noticing a slowly-dried cart from Abas Tuman in the estate of the Count Olsufyev with the milk-thrush Anna Dasayeva, Anna Filippovna Dosayeva (Dasaeva). I lived all my life in Abstumani and buried on Abastunumsky cemetery.

The heir to Cesarevich learned to give a signal, and the worker Dasaeee, the boy of Athanasius Semenihin, now she turned the cart aside from the road, freeing the last for the passage of the Grand Prince. On the greeting on the cart, his imperial highness, smiling graciously, deigned to respond with a bow, quickly continuing the path. After this meeting, the cargo Dasoye was driving around the edge of the highway all the time, leaving the road for the free return of Cesarevich. According to Anna Philippovna Dasoyee, and did not pass ten minutes after the described meeting, as she saw that his imperial highness, returned to the cycling back, was heated to reduce the course of the car and smoothed his thick blood, what was at 35?. Seedlings from the place where the cross is now watered, and in which the traverse path is now laid. Dasaeva, noticing this and bloody nipper on the heir to Zesarevic, immediately sent Semenikhin to the palace of his highness for help, herself, ranging to the Great Prince, supported Cesarevich and asked: - What is your Highness?
-Nogenous - Tsearevich replied to a weak voice, and at that time his Highness ran the legs of Dasieev quietly and gently lowered the August patient to the ground, on his side, having placed Cesarevich's head on a stone elevation, and herself, grabbing a blank jug from under Milk, ran to A river flowing approximately 3 seats from this place. Having drawn the water, she hurriedly began to refresh the water-suffering head and mouth, cleaning his mouth from the blood drunk. On the proposal of Anna Dasaree to bite the water, the heir to Cesarevich, sending a widely opened eye on a woman, quietly nodded with his head and his weakened movement of his hand expressed consent to this; But his highness, due to strong blood hemorrhage, could not take water. Here Dasaeva noticed, to his horror that spots not foreshadowed a prosperous end began to perform on the face of the Augusta patient. At 9 o'clock 35 min. His imperial Highness Heir to Zesarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich quietly, without suffering, soil in the Bose. From the moment the Grand Duke stopped the tricycle's move and left him, before the death of His Highness passed no more than five minutes Anna Dasaeva, still hoping for the possibility of salvation of His Highness, but was convinced of his impotence, leaving Cesarevich in place and was running to the Cossack The post from the Palace of the Grand Prince George and Alexander Mikhailovich, let us know about the sad event. On the way, she accidentally met some Muslim boy, and then walked on the highway of the muddle of the Grenadier Mingraelian Regiment of Kasimov, Dasoeva had advocated Him, sobbing, about misfortunes with the heir to Zesarevich and, sending them to the catastrophe place, continued the path to the Cossacks.
According to Dasoyeee, the Cossacks of the same MiG jumped into the saddle and picked up the catastrophe and the palace of His Highness. Meanwhile, Semenihin managed to inform the misfortune, and the doctor of the heir to Tsearevich Liebe Medica and the faces of His Highness are rushed from the palace. The body in the bearer of the studied Cesarevich was transported to the palace, and on the spot the blood of his highness, the tent was temporarily delivered and the guard was pressed. On the other day, on June 29, at 10 o'clock in the morning, there was an opening of the body in the Bose of the studied Cesarevich and the embodiment, made temporarily located on the waters of the Senior Ordinator of the Semenov Hospital in St. Petersburg G. Birules, in the presence of Tiflis Governor I. N. Svechina, local The commandant of Major General Rylsky, Life-Medica Aikanova, Prosecutor E. N. Nimander, Chief Doctor of the Local Hospital Gopadze, Doctors GG. Dretheva, Voskresensky, Maksimovich, etc. An opening is established that the death of the Cesarevich's heir followed from a sudden breaking of the pulmonary vessel and severe hemorrhage in the throat. Balming the body of the Heir to Cesarevich ended at 8-30 hours. Evenings.

Locals during the Panhid on the site of the death of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. July 6, 1899.

Transferring the body of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich from the Palace in the Alexander Nevsky Church

His burial was committed to the highest approved ceremonial remains were delivered to Borjomi on the chariot, then by train by rail to Batum, then on the squadron of Georgy Victoronese, Divorosiysk, from where the train - to St. Petersburg, where the coffin came from his body on July 12 and Put in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral. The funeral on July 14 was headed by Metropolitan St. Petersburg Anthony (Vadkovsky), the emperor and the empress were attended; He was buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral next to the sarcophag of the Father.

Religion: Orthodoxy
Birth: March 13 ( 1981-03-13 ) (31 year)
Madrid, Spain
Rod: Romanovs
Father: Franz Wilhelm Prussian (in Orthodoxy - Mikhail Pavlovich)
Mother: Maria Vladimirovna Romanova

Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov (born on March 13, Madrid, Spain) - a descendant of the house of Romanovs along the line of his mother, recognized as part of the monarchists (Kirillovtsy) [the significance of the fact?] The heir of the primacy in the Russian imperial house. The only child of Mary Romanova and Prince Prussian Franz Wilhelm (in Orthodoxy - Mikhail Pavlovich). Not married.


Georgy is the son of Prince Prussian Franz-Wilhelm Gogenzollerne and Mary Vladimirovna Romanova. Parents divorced in 1986.

Father is the son of Prince Prussian Charles Franza Joseph (Lieutenant of the German Army), the grandson of Prince Prussian Joachim, the great-grandfather of the German Emperor Wilhelm II, lowlands in 1918.

Through the great-grandbu, the English princess Victoria Melith (Victoria Victoria Victoria) - a direct descendant (practice) of the British Queen Victoria, is also her descendant through his father, his grandfather Victoria, her daughter and the mother of Wilhelm II, but due to the fact that in the English law 1919, all those who fought against England were deprived of English awards and titles. It is 117th in the order of inheritance of the British throne.


Point h) The act of July 21, 1976, Vladimir Kirillovich, even before the marriage of his daughter Mary Vladimirovna, found that his future grandchildren would be worn as the first name of the novels and the grand-road title, with the subsequent accession to the name and title of Prince or Princess Prussian. However, at the birth of Georgy, Mikhailovich received the name of Romanov and the title of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke - the title of Prince Prussian was not already mentioned. Since 1992, supporters of Mary Vladimirovna are tuting as "his imperial highness sovereign Heir Cesarevich And the Grand Duke. " They suggest that Georgy Mikhailovich will be the twin priest of the new Russian dynasty - Romanov-Gogenzollers

Opinte mind

Kirillov's opponents refer to Georgy Georg Gogenzoller, and also - in a joke - "Tsarevich Gauche".

Right as Prince Prussian

Georgy Mikhailovich, being the great-grandfather of Joachim-Franz-Humbert Prince Prussian - the sixth and last son of the Emperor of the German Wilhelm II from the Dynasty of the Hohenzollerns and the Princess of Maria-August Angultie, - theoretically has the right to qualify for the title of Kurfenburg Title, unlike his four-year brother George Friedrich Hohenzollerne (the current head of the Prussian Royal House), whose grandfather - Prince Friedrich-Wilhelm, the eldest son of Kaiser Wilhelm II - from his rights to the throne on December 1, 1918. However, here is fundamental importance that Friedrich Wilhelm renounced his rights to the throne only on his own behalf, and not on behalf of his descendants, and his heir, Louis Ferdinand, was born in 1907, even by Friedrich-Wilhelm Kronprich. Thus, after the renunciation of his father, Louis Ferdinand became the Kronprinet, and his heirs were heirs. George in the list of heirs of the Prussian throne stands after all the descendants of Louis Ferdinand.


Childhood passed in the city of Saint-Briake, then he moved to Paris. Until 1999, with his mother lived in his native Madrid.

He studied in France and Spain schools. Received Education B.

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