Causes of the beginning of the war 1812. The temple of the lifelong Trinity on the sparrow mountains. Pursuit of the Russian army

Floors 29.03.2021
The war of 1812, also known as the Patriotic War of 1812, War with Napoleon, Napoleon's invasion is the first event in the national history of Russia, when all the layers of Russian society were rallied to reflect the enemy. It is the people's character of war with Napoleon allowed historians to assign her the name of the Patriotic

The cause of war with Napoleon

The main enemy of his, obstacle to the world domination Napoleon considered England. He could not crush her military force for a consideration of geographical: Britain - an island, an argument would cost France very expensive, in addition, after the battle of Trafalgar, England remained the only master of the seas. Therefore, Napoleon decided to strangle the enemy economically: to undermine England's trade in the closure for her all European ports. However, France blocade did not benefit, ruined her bourgeoisie. "Napoleon understood that it was the war with England and the blockade conjugate with it interfere with a radical improvement in the Empire's economy. But to stop the blockade, it was necessary to first achieve that England folded the weapon "*. However, the victory over England prevented the position of Russia, which in words agreed to abide by the conditions of the blockade, in fact, was convinced by Napoleon, did not comply with her. "The English goods from Russia across the vast Western border are seeping into Europe and this reduces the continental blockade to zero, that is, destroys the only hope of" putting England on his knees. " The Great Army in Moscow is the submission of the Russian emperor Alexander, this is the complete implementation of the continental blockade, therefore, the victory over England is possible only after the victory over Russia.

Subsequently, in Vitebsk, already during the campaign to Moscow, the Count of Daria frankly told Napoleon, that neither the army, nor even many of the emperor surrounded by the emperor, why this difficult war was being conducted with Russia, because because of the trade in English goods in the possession of Alexander to fight not worth it. (However) Napoleon saw in a consistently conducted economic suffocation of England the only means to finally ensure the strength of the existence of the Great Monarchy created by him

Prehistory of War 1812

  • 1798 - Russia together with the UK, Turkey, the Sacred Roman Empire, the Naples Kingdom created the second anti-Manzu coalition
  • 1801, September 26 - Paris Mirny Treaty of Russia and France
  • 1805 - England, Russia, Austria, Sweden formed by the Third Antifranzuz Coalition
  • 1805, November 20 - defeat Napoleon Ausbro-Russian troops with Austerlice
  • 1806, November - the beginning of the war of Russia with Turkey
  • 1807, 2 June - the defeat of Russian-Prussian troops in Friedland
  • 1807, June 25 - Tilzit peace treaty of Russia and France. Russia pledged to join continental blockade
  • 1808, February - Beginning of the Russian-Swedish war that has lasted a year
  • 1808, October 30 - Erfur Union Conference of Russia and France, confirming the Franco-Russian Union
  • END 1809-beginning 1810 - Unsuccessful Watching of Napoleon to Alexander's First Anne's sister
  • 1810, December 19 - the introduction of new customs tariffs in Russia, profitable for English goods and unprofitable for French
  • 1812, February - Peace Agreement of Russia and Sweden
  • 1812, May 16 - Bucharest World of Russia and Turkey

"Napoleon subsequently said that he should have abandoned the war with Russia at the moment when he learned that neither Turkey, nor Sweden to fight with Russia would be"

Patriotic War of 1812. Briefly

  • 1812, June 12 (old style) - the French army invaded Russia with a crossing through Neman

Not a single soul on all the unbarrous space behind the Neman to the very horizon, the French did not see, after they were hidden from the type of guard Cossacks. "We have lying the desert, buoyed, yellowish land with a calave vegetation and distant forests on the horizon," recalled one of the participants in the campaign, and the picture seemed already "ominous"

  • 1812, June 12-15 - Four continuous flows, the Napoleonic army in three new bridges and the fourth old old - Kovno, Olitta, Merper, Yurburg - the regiment of the regiment, battery for batteries, passed a continuous flow through Neman and lined up in the Russian shore.

Napoleon knew that although he had 420 thousand people at hand, ... But the army is far from equal in all its parts, which he can only rely on the French part of his army (just a great army consisted of 355 thousand subjects of the French Empire, but among them are far from All were natural French), and it is not for the whole, because young recruits cannot be delivered alongside hardened warriors, who visited his campaigns. As for Westfallese, Caxonsers, Bavarians, Rhine, Hanseatic Germans, Italians, Belgians, Dutch, not to mention the under-pendant 'allies - Austrians and Prussians, whom he dragged for the unknown goals for death to Russia and of which many hate at all Russians, and his own, then they can hardly fight with special heat

  • 1812, June 12 - French in Kovno (now - Kaunas)
  • 1812, June 15 - Corps of Zheroma Bonaparte and Yu. Schnodovsky nominated
  • 1812, June 16 - Napoleon in Vilnius (Vilnius), where he stayed 18 days
  • 1812, June 16 - Short fight in Grodno, Russians blew bridges across the Salmon River

Russian commander

- Barclay de Tollya (1761-1818) - from the spring of 1812 - commander of the 1st West Army. At the beginning of the Patriotic War, 1812 - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army
- Bagration (1765-1812) - Lobe Guard's Chief of the Hhewner Regiment. At the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, the commander of the 2nd West Army
- Bennigsen (1745-1826) - General from Cavalry, by order Kutuzov - Head of the General Staff of the Russian Army
- Kutuzov (1747-1813) - Feldmarshal General, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army during the Patriotic War of 1812
- Chichagov (1767-1849) - Admiral, Marine Minister of the Russian Empire from 1802 to 1809
- Wittgenstein (1768-1843) - Paul Feldmarshal, in the war of 1812 - commander of a separate building in the St. Petersburg direction

  • 1812, June 18 - French in Grodno
  • 1812, July 6 - Alexander First announced a set of militia
  • 1812, July 16 - Napoleon in Vitebsk, the Army of Bagration and Barclay, dug to Smolensk
  • 1812, August 3 - Barclay Army Connection to Tolly and Bagration under Smolensky
  • 1812, 4-6 august - the battle of Smolensk

At 6 am on August 4, Napoleon ordered to begin the overall bombardment and assault of Smolensk. Furious battles broke out, launched until 6 pm. The Dashtur Corpus, who defended the city along with the Divnica Division and Prince of Württemberg, fought with the amazing French courage and perseverance. In the evening, Napoleon called Marshal Davu and categorically ordered another day, whatever it costs, to take Smolensk. He appeared earlier, and now the hope that this Smolensky battle, which participates in the entire Russian army (he knew about the Barclay's Barclay, who was held at first), and will be the decisive battle, from which Russians still shied, giving He is without a fight huge parts of his empire. August 5, the fight resumed. Russians provided heroic resistance. After the bloody day came the night. The bombardment of the city, by order of Napoleon, continued. And suddenly the night wednesday one after another terrible explosions, shook the Earth; The resulting fire spread to the whole city. These Russians exploded the powder warehouses and lit the city: Barclay gave an order to retreat. At dawn, French scouts reported that the city was left by the troops, and let's enter Smolensk without a fight

  • 1812, August 8 - instead of Barklay de Tolly, the commander-in-chief appointed Kutuzov
  • 1812, August 23 - Lazutchiki reported Napoleon that the Russian army stopped and occupied positions for two days before and that near the village, which was visible away, were also built fortifications. To the question of what the village is called, the Lazusers answered: "Borodino"
  • 1812, 26 August - Borodino Battle

Kutuzov knew that Napoleon would destroy the impossibility of a long war a few thousand kilometers from France, in a desert, scarce, hostile enormous country, lack of food, unusual climate. But even more accurately knew that Moscow would not allow him without a general battle and he would not allow him despite his Russian surname, as not allowed to do this Barclay. And he decided to give this battle, unnecessary, according to his deepest conviction. Excessive strategically, it was inevitable morally and politically. In the 15-hour Borodino battle on both sides, more than 100,000 people dropped out. Napoleon subsequently said: "Of all my battles, the worst thing I gave near Moscow. The French showed themselves worthy of winning to win, and the Russians have consolidated the right to be invincible ... "

The most frank school linden concerns French losses in Borodino battle. European historiography recognizes that Napoleon did not receive 30 thousand soldiers and officers, of which were killed 10-12 thousand. Nevertheless, on the main monument installed on the Borodino field, gold is knocked out - 58,478 people. As the connoisseur of the era of Alexey Vasilyev, we owe Alexander Schmidt - the Swiss, which at the end of 1812 was very necessary 500 rubles. He turned to Count Fedor Rostopchin, issuing himself for the former Adjutant of Napoleonic Marshal Beatier. Having received money, "adjutant" from the lantern amounted to a list of losses on the buildings of the Great Army, ascribing, for example, 5 thousand killed Holsters, which did not participate in the Borodino battle at all. The Russian light was glad to be deceived, and when documentary refutations appeared, no one decided to initiate the dismantling of the legend. And it is still not solved: in the textbooks for decades, the cyphyr wounds, as if Napoleon lost about 60 thousand fighters. Why deceive children capable of opening a computer? ("Arguments of the Week", No. 34 (576) of 08/31/2017)

  • 1812, September 1 - Council in filients. Kutuzov ordered to keep Moscow
  • 1812, September 2 - the Russian army passed through Moscow and reached the Ryazan road
  • 1812, September 2 - Napoleon in Moscow
  • 1812, September 3 - Start of fire in Moscow
  • 1812, September 4-5 - a fire in Moscow.

On September 5, in the morning, Napoleon went around the Kremlin and from the windows of the palace, wherever looked, the emperor turned pale and long silently looked at the fire, and then said: "What a terrible spectacle! They ourselves ignite ... What a resolve! What people! These are Scythians! "

  • 1812, September 6 - September 22 - Fallen three times sent to the king and Kutuzov Parliamentarians with a proposal of the world. The answer did not wait
  • 1812, October 6 - the beginning of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow
  • 1812, October 7 - the victorious battle of the Russian army of Kutuzov with the French troops of Marshal Murat in the village of Tarutino Kaluga region
  • 1812, October 12 - the battle under Maloyaroslavets, who forced Napoleon's army to retreat on the old Smolensk road, was already completely ruined

Generally Dashturov, Raevsky attacked Maloyaroslavets, occupied on the eve of Delzone. Eight times Maloyaroslavets passed from hand to hand. Losses on both sides were grave. Alone only killed by the French lost about 5 thousand people. The city burned down the street, fiercely during the battle, so many hundreds of people, Russians and French, died from fire on the streets, a lot of wounded burned alive

  • 1812, October 13 - In the morning, Napoleon with a small retinue, he left the village of Gorod to inspect Russian positions, how suddenly the Cossacks had a rider on this group of riders with peaks. Two Marshals, former with Napoleon (Murat and Besaer), General Rappa and several officers coughed around Napoleon and began to fight back. Polish lightweight cavalry and the arrivals of the Guards Events saved the emperor
  • 1812, October 15 - Napoleon ordered to retreat to Smolensk
  • 1812, October 18 - Frost began. Winter has come early and cold
  • 1812, October 19 - Wittgenstein Corps, strengthened St. Petersburg and Novgorod militia and other reinforcements, the troops of Saint-Sira and Udinee from Polotsk
  • 1812, October 26 - Wittgenstein occupied Vitebsk
  • 1812, November 6 - Napoleon's army arrived in Dorogobuzh (the city of Smolensk region), only 50 thousand people were ready for battle
  • 1812, the beginning of November - the South Russian Army of Chichagov, who arrived from Turkey, rushed to Berezine (River in Belarus, the right influx of the Dnieper)
  • 1812, November 14 - Napoleon came out of Smolensk, having only 36 thousand people under guns
  • 1812, November 16-17 - Bloody Battle under the village Red (45 km south-west of Smolensk), in which the French suffered huge losses
  • 1812, November 16 - the Army Chichagova occupied Minsk
  • 1812, November 22 - the Army Chichagova took Borisov on Berezine. In Borisov, there was a bridge over the river
  • 1812, November 23 - the defeat of the avant-garde of the Army Chichagov from Marshal Udiney under Borisov. Borisov again moved to the French
  • 1812, November 26-27 - Napoleon crossed the remnants of the army through Berezina and took them to the wine
  • 1812, December 6 - Napoleon left the army by going to Paris
  • 1812, December 11 - the Russian army entered into a dictionary
  • 1812, December 12 - the remnants of the Napoleon Army arrived in Coveno
  • 1812, December 15 - the remains of the French army crossed themselves through Neman, leaving the territory of Russia
  • 1812, December 25 - Alexander I issued a manifesto on the end of the Patriotic War

"Now, with heart joy and bitterness to God, thanks, we declare our gratitude to our loyal, that the event exceeded our very hope, and what we declared, when opening this war, the above measures were fulfilled: there is no single enemy on our Earth's face; or better to say, they are all left here, but how? Dead, wounded and prisoners. The proud lord himself and the leader of them barely with the most important officials should rip off their own sense, and all the guns brought with his own, who are more than a thousand, not counting the buried and swamped them, beaten off from him, and are in our hands ... "

So the Patriotic War ended in 1812. Next began foreign trips to the Russian army, the purpose of which by the thought of Alexander the first was to finish Napoleon. But that's another story

Causes of Russia's victory in the war against Napoleon

  • The nationwide nature of rendered resistance
  • Mass heroism of soldiers and officers
  • High mastery of military managers
  • Napoleon's indecision in the ads of anti-refresh laws
  • Geographic and natural factors

The result of the Patriotic War of 1812

  • Rising national self-consciousness in Russian society
  • Napoleon Career Sunset Start
  • The growth of Russia's authority in Europe
  • Number in Russia of anti-refresh, liberal views

The agreement of Russia and France, concluded in Tilsit in 1807, was temporary. The continental blockade of Great Britain, to which Russia was forced to join in accordance with the terms of the Tilzite world, undermined the economy of the country oriented on export trade. The turnover of exports decreased from 120 million to 83 million rubles, imported deliveries exceeded the export and created the conditions for the splash of inflation processes. In addition, exporters suffered from high duties established by France, which made foreign trade unfavorable. The economic downturn and whhatness of the world with Napoleon forced Alexander I to prepare for war. For Bonaparta, Russia was an obstacle that stood on his way to world domination.

Thus, the causes of the Patriotic War of 1812 were:

1. The desire of Napoleon's Bonaparte and his supporting French bourgeoisie to establish world hegemony, which was impossible without defeat and subordinate to Russia and the United Kingdom;

2. The exacerbation of the contradictions between Russia and France, strengthened both as a result of non-compliance with the conditions of the continental blockade, and the support of Napoleon's anti-Russian sentiments in Poland, maintaining local magnates in their aspirations to recreate a compudent in the previous boundaries;

3. Lost Russia as a result of the conquests of France former influence in Central Europe, as well as the actions of Napoleon aimed at undermining its international authority;

4. Increasing personal dislike between Alexander I and Napoleon I, caused by the refusal of the Russian side to marry the French emperor of the Grand Duzhnjon Catherine, then Anna, as well as the hint of Napoleon on the involvement of Alexander to the murder of the Father - Emperor Paul I.

The course of hostilities (the retreat of the Russian army).

Napoleon's army, which he called the "Great Army" himself, had over 600,000 people and 1420 guns. In addition to the French, it included national buildings of European countries conquered by Napoleon, as well as the Polish corps of Prince Yuzef Anton's understandable.

Napoleon's main forces were deployed in two echelon. The first (444,000 people and 940 guns) consisted of three groupings: the right wing led by the pressing Bonaparte (78,000 people, 159 guns) was to move on Grodno, distracting as many Russian forces as possible; The central grouping under the command of Evgeny Bogarne (82,000 people, 208 guns) had to prevent the compound of the 1st and 2nd Russian armies; The left wing led by Napoleon himself (218,000 people, 527 guns) moved to wine - he was given the main role in the entire campaign. In the rear, the second echelon remained between the Vistula and Odider - 170,000 people, 432 guns and reserves (Marshal Corps of Ozhero and other troops).

"The Great Army" was opposed to 220 - 240 thousand Russian soldiers at 942 guns. In addition, as noted above, the Russian troops were divided: 1st Western army under the command of the Military Minister of General from Infanteria M.B. Barclay de Tolly (110 - 127 thousand people with 558 guns) stretched more than 200 km from Lithuania to Grodno in Belarus; The 2nd Western Army led by General from Infanteria P.I. Bagration (45 - 48 thousand people at 216 guns) held a line up to 100 km east of Belostok; 3rd West Army General from Cavalry A.P. Tormasov (46,000 people at 168 guns) stood on Volyni in Lutsk. On the right flank of the Russian troops (in Finland), the body of General Lieutenant F. F. Pesteinel (19 thousand people at 102 guns) was located on the left flank - the Danube Army Admiral P.V. Chichagov (57 thousand people at 202 tools).

Given the huge size and power of Russia, Napoleon planned to complete the campaign for three years: in 1812 to master the Western provinces from Riga to Lutsk, in 1813 - Moscow, in 1814 - St. Petersburg. Such a graduality would allow him to dismember Russia, providing the rear and communication of the army acting on huge spaces. At Blitzkrieg, the conqueror of Europe did not expect, although she was going to quickly defeat the main forces of the Russian army to quickly defeat the main forces.

On the evening of 24 (11) June 1812, the conntion of the Life Guards of the Cossack Polkapod, the command of Horujeg Alexander Nikolayevich Rubashkin, noticed a suspicious movement on the Neman River. When it was completely dark, the company of French saps, with which a shootout occurred with a sublime and wooded Polish shore. It happened in three versts up the river from Kovno (Kaunas, Lithuania).

At 6 am, 25 (12) June, the avant-garde of the French troops has already entered Coveno. Crossing 220 thousand soldiers of the Great Army under Kovno took 4 days. The river forced the 1st, 2nd, 3rd infantry hulls, guard and cavalry. Emperor Alexander I was on the ball at Leonty Leontievich Bennigsen in villy, where he reported on the invasion of Napoleon.

30 (17) June - July 1 (June 18) North South Kovno Neman moved another grouping (79 thousand soldiers: 6th and 4th infantry corps, cavalry) under the command of the vice-king of Italy, Stey Napoleon, Evgenia Bogarne. Almost simultaneously on July 1 (June 18), it is still south, near Grodno Neman crossed 4 buildings (78-79 thousand soldiers: 5th, 7th, 8th infantry and 4th cavalry corps) under the general command of the King of Westphalia, brother Napoleon, Germa Bonaparte.

In the northern direction near Tilsita, Neman Raiden the 10th corpus of Marshal Etienne Jacques McDonald. In the southern direction, the invasion of the Austrian Corps of General Karl Philip Schwarzenberg (30-33 thousand soldiers) (30-33 thousand soldiers) was walked.

29 (16) June was busy wine. Napoleon, setting up state affairs in the occupied Lithuania, left the city in after his troops only17 (4) July.

The French emperor aimed the 10th Corps (32 thousand people) Marshal E.Zh. McDonald for St. Petersburg. The pre-corpus was to take Riga, and then, connecting with the 2nd body of Marshal Charles Nikola Udineos (28 thousand people), move on. The basis of the McDonald Corps was 20 thousand Prussian soldiers under the command of General Yu.A. Engraved.

Marshal McDonald tried to strengthen Riga, however, without having a siege artillery, stopped on the distant approaches to the city. Military governor of Riga General Ivan Nikolaevich Essen Szzhog outlets and prepared for defense. Trying to support Ulosno, McDonald captured the left city of Dynaburg (now Daugavpils in Latvia) on the West Dvina River and stopped active actions, waiting for siege artillery from East Prussia. The Prussian military from the McDonald Corps avoided active combat clashes in someone else's war for them, however, had active resistance and repeatedly with great losses were chosen by the shooters of Riga defenders.

Marshal Udinos, taking the city of Polotsk, decided to bypass from the north a separate building of General Peter Christianovich Wittgenstein (17 thousand people at 84 guns), allocated by the Commander-in-Chief of the 1st Army M.B. Barclay de Tollya during the retreat through Polotsk for the defense of the St. Petersburg direction.

Fearing compounds Fredon with McDonald, P.Kh. Wittgenstein unexpectedly for the enemy attacked the body Udinos under the stalks.

29 (16) in the town of Vilkomir 3 horse shelf of the French (12 squadrons) were unexpectedly attacked by 4 squadrons of the Grodno Gusar Regiment under the command of Major General Yakov Petrovich Kullyva and the Don Cossacks of Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Ivanovich Platov 4th (nephew M.I. Platov) , Major Ivan Andreevich Selivanov 2nd, Colonel Mark Ivanovich Rodionova 2nd. Despite the numerical superiority, the French were overturned, their offensive stopped for several hours. Then, being in the intelligence, at the village of Chernevo, Gusara and Cossacks Ya.P. Kulnev hit the parts of the cavalry division of General Sebastiani. The enemy suffered great losses.

At the same time, Marshal won the village of Klyastitsa, having in stock 28 thousand soldiers and 114 guns against Russians 17 thousand. Nevertheless, General P.Kh. Wittgenstein decided to attack, taking advantage of the French forces. Avant-garde Ya.P. Moved ahead Kulneva (3700 riders, 12 guns), followed by the main forces P.Kh. Wittgenstein (13 thousand soldiers, 72 guns).

31 (18) July at 2 am Russian avant-garde under the command Ya.P. Kulnev faced the French avant-garde near the village of Yakubovo. The oncoming battle lasted until the end of the day. Ya.P. Cullev tried to displace the French from the village, but after a series of cruel fights, French kept this settlement.

On August 1 (July 19), the main forces of Russians entered the battle, and after several attacks and counterattack Yakubovo managed to capture. Udiosa was forced to retreat to the stubs.

To continue the attack on the blister, it was necessary to force the River the Porn. Freakly ordered to build a powerful battery and ordered to destroy the only bridge. While Detachment Ya.P. Kulneva was transferred by Brod to bypass the position of the French, the 2nd battalion of the Pavlovsky Grenadier Regiment attacked right through the burning bridge. The French were forced to retreat.

General Ya.P. Kulnev continued the persecution of 2 cavalry regiments together with the Cossacks I.I. Platov 4th, I.A. Selivanova 2nd, M.I. Rodionova 2nd, Infantry Battalion and Artillery Battery. After crossing the Driss River on August 2 (July 20), he fell into an ambush near the village of Boyarschino. The artillery of the French shot a squad Ya.P. Kulianva with dominant heights. He himself received a fatal wound.

Pursuing Russian Avangard, the division of the French general Jean Antoine Verdye, in turn, came across the head for the main forces of General P.h. Wittgenstein and was completely crushed. PK Wittgenstein got a slight wound.

Marshal retreated at home, leaving the fortified Polotsk. Thus, the offensive of the French fell on Petersburg. Moreover, fearing the actions of General P.h. Wittgenstein on the way of supplying the Great Army, the French Emperor was forced to weaken the main grouping of the troops, sending an amusement of the Corps of General Mojijon Saint-Sira to help.

On the main thing - the Moscow direction, the Russian troops, retreating, led the terrigard fights, inflicting significant losses. The main task was to combine the forces of the 1st and 2nd Western armies. Especially difficult was the position of the 2nd Army of Bagration, which was threatened with the environment. Power to Minsk and connect there with the Army Barclay de Tolly failed, because The path was cut off. Bagration changed the direction of movement, but the troops of Zheroma Bonaparta overtigid him. July 9 (June 27) In the town of the world there was a battle of the Arieclear of Russian troops, the foundation of which was the Cossack Connection of Ataman M.I. Platov with the best part of the Napoleonic Cavalry - Polish cavalry regiments. Polish Ulans who have fallen into the Cossack Ventern were broken and hurriedly retreated. The next day a new battle occurred, and again the Donents won.

14 (2) - 15 (3) of July in the town of Romanovo Cossacks M.I. Platov for 2 days held the French to give army worm to cross through Pripyat. Successful terrigard battles allowed the 2nd Army to unhindered to reach Bobruisk and focus their strength. All attempts to surround Bagration fell. Napoleon was treated by the fact that the Cossacks M.I. Platov destroyed the 1st equestrian regiment of Lieutenant Colonel of the Poshbendovsky and the squadron of the 12th Ulansky regiment, and thoroughly "battered" other divisions of the Corps of General Latour-Mobour. And his officers and soldiers were surprised and delighted with the fact that their wounded comrades who were captured (there were 360 \u200b\u200bprisoners, including 17 officers), received medical care and care and were left in Romanov.

Bagration decided to move to Mogilev. And in order to occupy the city before the French approach, I sent the 7th Infantry Corps of Lieutenant General N.N. Raevsky and the brigade of Colonel V.A. Sysoeva, consisting of 5 Don Cossack regiments. But the hull of Marshal Davu much earlier entered Mogilev. As a result, 23 (11) of July Corps N.N. Raevsky had to reflect the offensive of the superior enemy forces between the villages of Saltanovka and Dashkovka. N.N. Raja personally drove soldiers into battle. Both sides suffered heavy losses; In fierce bayonet attacks, the enemy was discarded, but from the plan - to break through Mogilev had to refuse. There was only one way - to Smolensk. The fierce resistance of the Russians was misled. He decided that he was fighting with the main forces of Bagration. Napoleonic commander began to strengthen the village of Saltanovka, waiting for the secondary offensive of Russians. Thanks to this, Bagration won the time, managed to cross through the Dnieper and tear away from the French on the way to Smolensk.

At this time, the 3rd Western Army of Alexander Petrovich Tormasov was quite successful. Already 25 (13) July, Russians were released, captured by French divisions of Brest-Litovsk. On 28 (16), Tormasov seized Kobrin, taking a 5-thousand squad of the Saxon Major General Klengel led by himself.

August 11 (July 30) in the battle of Lieutenant-General E.I. Markov beat off the attack of the superior forces of the French. After these success, the South-West Front stabilized. And here the significant forces of the enemy were for a long time.

Meanwhile, in the leadership, Russian troops occurred important changes. 19 (7) Justice Emperor Alexander I, who was in the 1st West Army with all his retinue, which greatly hampered the normal staff and operational work of the army, went to St. Petersburg. Barclay de Tollya was able to fully implement his war plan with Napoleon, developed by him in 1810-1812. In general, he boiled down to the following: first, shy away from the general battle and retreat deep into the country, so as not to expose the army of the danger of defeat; Secondly, weaken the superior enemy forces and win time to prepare fresh troops and militia.

Barclay de Tolly led the 1st Army to Vitebsk, where he hoped to wait for Bagration. Army avant-garde under the command of A.I. Osterman-Tolstoy was directed toward the village island to delay the offensive of the French.

24 (12) July began the battle with the advent of the opponent. The Cavalry Corps of Lieutenant General F.P. was sent to the aid of Osterman-Tolstoy. Uvarova and 3rd Infantry Division Lieutenant General P.P. Konovnitsyna, which changed the casing of Osterman-Tolstoy. After 3-day stubborn battles with the superior forces of Marshal Muratt Konovnitsyn began slowly, with battles, departed to the Lucia River, where all the forces of Barclay were already focused.

The fierce resistance of the Russians pushed Napoleon to the idea that they were ready to give the general battle, which he so wanted. The French emperor pulled the entire 150,000 grouping here (against 75 thousand Russians). But Barclay de Tolly, putting into the cover the case of General Major P.P. Palen, pulled away from the French and moved to Smolensk. The troops of Marshals and Murata were thrown on the flank and in the rear of the Russian army. In their avant-garde, the Division of General Orase Francois Sebastiniani was comked in 9 cavalry and 1 infantry regiments. 27 (15) July, the village of Molevo swamp, they encountered a fierce battle with 7 Cossack shelves and 12 tools of Don equestrian artillery under the general command of Ataman M.I. Platov. The French were broken and fled, pursued by the Donets, and joined them at the end of the battle, Hussara P.P. Palena. About 300 ordinary and 12 officers were captured. In addition, Cossacks seized personal documents O.F. Sebastiniani, whose contents said that the French command is known for the leadership of the Russian army, i.e. Napoleonic spy settled at Barclay de Tolly headquarters.

August 2 (July 21) The city of Red Forces Marshals, and Murata fought with the 27th Infantry Division of Lieutenant General D.P. Neverovsky, which consisted of 7 thousand non-trusted recruits.

A whole day, built in Kare and slowly moving towards Smolensk, heroically fought this small detachment, beating 45 attacks of Murat's cavalry and numerous infantry attacks.

The delay in the enemy under the red allowed Barclay de Tolly to lead to Smolensk 1st Army. And on August 3 (July 22), the 2nd Bagration Army approached Smolensk. As a result of all these efforts, Napoleon collapsed the intention of two Russian army apart.

For two days, August 4 and 5 (July 23 - 24), they were stubborn battles under the walls of Smolensk. On August 6 and 7 (July 25 - 26), the fight continued for the city itself.

But here did not happen the general battle. Inspired by the heroism of Russian soldiers and officers and private success, many military leaders insisted on the transition to the offensive. However, Barclay de Tolly, weighing everything, decided to continue the retreat. August 7 (July 26) Russian troops left Smolensk.

Napoleon threw them along his best forces - two infantry and two cavalry buildings - about 35 thousand people. They were opposed by the Arierhard General Pavel Alekseevich Tuchkov, the number of 3 thousand people, half of which were Don Cossacks under the command of General-Major A.A. Karpova and Rota (12 guns) of the Don equestrian artillery.

In the morning of August 7 (July 26), Marshal was attacked by the Corps of P.A. Tuchkova at Valutina Mountain (Lubinsky Battle), but was discarded. However, the Natisk enemy increased. Our arjergard retreated a little and secured at the turn of the River Fragian. Head of the headquarters of the 1st Army A.P. Ermolov strengthened P.A. Tuchkov, the first cavalry corps, which included the Life Guard Cossack regiment and 4 hussar shelves. Now the forces of the Russian corps rose to 10 thousand people. As the enemy attacks are strengthened, Barclay de Tollya strengthened the Tuchkov Corps with new divisions. The 3rd infantry case of General P.P. came to the village of Bubino Konovnitsa. After that, 15 thousand Russians were opposed to the buildings of Nei, Muyrat and joining them to them. Cossacks and hussars under the command of Count V.V. Orlova-Denisova, using "Ventern", lured into an ambush at the village of Zaboloty and caused a big damage to the cavalry of Murata.

In total, the opponent lost about 9 thousand people on this day, and Russians are more than 5 thousand people. During the night attack, he was seriously injured and General P.A. Tuchkov.

But his troops were resist and allowed the 1st and 2nd armies to tear off the persecution of French troops.

Russian units retreated three columns. They were covered with ariirgard detachments: South - under the command of General K.K. Sievers, Central - under the command of General M.I. Platov, North - under the command General K.A. Creica. But the main severity of battles fell on the division M.I. Platov. It consisted of 8 incomplete composition of the Don Cossack regiments: Atamansky, Balabina S.F., Vlasova M.G., Grekova TD, Denisova VT, Zhirova I.I., Ilovai N.V., Kharitonova K.I. And one Simferopol equestrian.

On August 9 (July 28), Platov's fighters kept the French of the French in the Soloviestrun through the Dnieper. On August 10 (July 29), the enemy was detained at a punch settlement, and in the meantime, who arrived in the reinforcement of 7 infantry battalions, 18 squadrons of hussar and ulanov and 22 guns, including the Don equestrian artillery, under the command of General-Major G.V. Rosen, took a comfortable position from the village of Mikhailovka. Where the attacks of the enemy were chosen on August 11 and 12 (July 30 and July 31). 13 (1) August detained Napoleonic troops for the whole day at the city of Dorogobuzh at the turn of the River Orsma. 14 (2) August Cossacks and Tatars Platov, fed the offensive of the French avant-garde, remaining at their positions, providing the possibility of a detachment G.V. Rosen, move and fasten the village of Belomirskoye. 15 (3) August Battle, here, continued from 11 am to 20 pm. On this day, the Cossacks rushed 6 times on the attack on the enemy and lost more killed and wounded than all time since the beginning of the war.

In the evening 16 (4) August M. The boards passed the command of the Arijard General P.P. Konovnitin and went to Moscow to solve the accumulated questions: the formation and shipment to the theater of the host actions of the Don Militia - 26 regiments, the supply of regiments already fighting against the French army and many others. The Ariergard continued to fulfill the tasks. Due to this, the main forces of the Russian army retreated without great losses.

The course of Napoleonic wars in their first decade was extremely unsuccessful for opponents of the French emperor. Trafalgar battle, battle with Austerlice, Friedland and a number of other significant victories made Napoleon by the Lord of Europe. In 1807, as a result of military defeats, Emperor Alexander I had to sign the Tilzite Treaty Diffarning for Russia. Its main condition was the promise of Russians to join the continental blockade of Great Britain. However, for Russia it was unprofitable both in political and economically. Alexander I was used only for the response and restoration of forces, after which Russia broke the conditions of the continental blockade in 1810. This, as well as the desire of Alexander I to Revanshi and the return of the territorial possessions lost during previous battles, and there are the main causes of the Patriotic War of 1812. Both sides understood the inevitability of the collision since 1810. Napoleon actively moved his army to Poland, creating a bridgehead there. In turn, the Russian emperor tightened the basic military forces in the Western province.

War of 1812, briefly about the reasons

The reasons for which it became possible to keep hostilities directly between France and Russia was a lot of:

1. Failure to comply with the conditions of the Tilzite peace treaty;

2. Failure to marry the emperor of France first of the sister of Alexander I Catherine, and then Anna;

3. France violated the agreement of the Tilzite world, continuing the occupation of Prussia.

On June 2, 1812, Napoleon at the head of the 600 thousandth army, forcing R. Neman, invaded Russia. With the army of about 240 thousand people, the Russian troops were forced to retreat in front of the French Armada. On August 3, the 1st and 2nd Russian army connected under Smolensk, and the battle was given. Napoleon failed to win full victory. In August, M.I. Kutuzov was appointed commander in chief. A talented strategist who has a great military experience, he had a huge popularity of the people and in the army. Kutuzov decided to give a battle in the village of Borodino. A successful position for troops was selected. The right flank defended the river the river, the left was protected by earthy fortifications - flushes, their troops were defended by P.I. Bagrition. In the center, the troops of General N.N. Raevsky and artillery. Their positions closed Shevardinsky Reduce.

Napoleon intended to break through the Russian construction from the left flank, and then direct all efforts to the center and press the army of Kutuzov to the river. On Flash Bagration, he sent a fire of 400 guns. The French have taken 8 attacks started at 5 o'clock in the morning, there are huge losses in them. Only by 4 o'clock in the day the French managed to advance in the center, temporarily capturing Raevsky batteries. In the midst of the battle, a desperate raid in the rear of the French was committed by the 1st Cavalry Corps of F.P.Uvarova and Cossacks Ataman M.I. Platova. This has restrained the attacking gust of the French. Napoleon did not decide to introduce the old guard and losing the backbone of the army away from France.

The battle ended late in the evening. The troops suffered huge losses: the French - 58 thousand people, Russians - 44 thousand.

Napoleon considered himself the winner in this battle, but later admitted: "The Russians won the right to be invincible." In the Borodino battle, the Russian army won the great moral and political victory over the European dictator.

On September 1, 1812, at a meeting in Cutuzov filients, he decides to leave Moscow. The retreat was necessary to preserve the army and the further struggle for the independence of the Fatherland.

Napoleon entered Moscow on September 2 and stayed there until October 7, 1812, waiting for peaceful sentences. During this time, most of the city died as a result of fires. Attempts to boncase to conclude peace with Alexander I did not have success.

Kutuzov stopped at the Kaluga direction in the village of Tarutino (80 km south of Moscow), covering Kaluga with large reserves of forage and Tula with her arsenals. In the Tarutinsky camp, the Russian army replenished reserves and received equipment. In the meantime, the guerrilla war broke out. The peasant detachments of Gerasim Kurina, Fyodor Potapov, Vasilisa Kozhini rolled out the prospects of the French. Special army detachments of D.V. Dvaevdov and A.N. SLAVYVINA.

After leaving in October Moscow, Napoleon tried to go to Kaluga and perpetuate the province in the wrong war. On October 12, under Maloyaroslavets, Napoleon's army suffered a defeat and began a retreat on a ruined Smolensk road, driving frost and hunger. Pursuing the retreating French, the Russian troops parties destroyed their compounds. The final defeat of the Army of Napoleon occurred in the battle of the r. Berezina November 14-16. Only 30 thousand French soldiers were able to escape from Russia. On December 25, Alexander I was published by a manifesto about the victorious end of the Patriotic War.

In 1813-1814, the passage of the Russian army was held for the liberation of Europe from Napoleon's domination. In the Union with Austria, Prussia and Sweden, the Russian troops caused the French a number of defeat, the largest "Battle of Peoples" under Leipzig. Paris Agreement on May 18, 1814 deprived Napoleon of the throne and returned France to the borders of 1793

The war had the most important influence on Russian history. The results of the Patriotic War of 1812 are contradictory. On the one hand, she inflicted the tremendous damage to the domestic economy, infrastructure and human potential. On the other hand, it allowed in January 1813 to begin the overseas campaign of Russian troops, ended with the destruction of the French Empire and the restoration of Bourbons in it. This leads actually to the restoration of the reaction modes also throughout the continent. Important influence was also on domestic socio-economic and cultural processes in Russia. Thus, the officers who visited Europe were the backbone of democratic movements in the country, led to the uprising of the Decembrists of 1825.

Foreign hikes.

The fighting on the territory of Russia is over, but the war lasted, began the campaign of the Russian army abroad.

During this period, there were various points of view in Russian political and military leadership about the further movement of events. M.I. Kutuzov believed that the war on this could end that there was no need to quit Russian soldiers and strain the country, shocked and partially broken invasion. Aged Feldmarshal not without reason believed that the fall of Napoleon would only strengthen England and other European powers in counterweights of Russia. In addition, he wrote Alexander I that the army is exhausted by severe transitions and battles that "the disorder came to such an extent that he should, so to speak, again to make an army." He believed that the major burden of fighting Napoleon in Europe would have to take over European peoples. The idea of \u200b\u200bnon-interference in Russia in European affairs reiterately sounded among the political elite of Russia.

However, the emperor owned other feelings. Personal confrontation with Napoleon, the desire to crush it to the end, enter the winner to Paris, take revenge for his past humiliation - for Austerlitz, Til-Zit, the seizure of the opponent of Moscow and the fire of the Russian capital became the leitmotif of the behavior of the Russian king. They also owned the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming not only the savior of Europe from the tyranny of Bonaparte, but also the top of her destinies. Now Kutuzov interpreted him, and the fate itself seemed to eliminate him from the path of the emperor: on April 16, 1813, Field Marshal died in a small German town of Bunzlau. His death seemed to be summed up by the Patriotic War of 1812 and opened the era of the campaign of the Russian army to Europe.

Russian troops were rapidly moving to the West, eats from the way French troops deployed in Poland and German lands. Soon Koenigsberg was taken. On February 20, the Russians entered Berlin. In the history of the Prussian capital, the Prussian capital was in the hands of the Russian army. Prussia was forced to break the Military Union with Napoleon and signed a peace treaty with Russia, linding to fight against a former ally. Prussian troops turned against France. Austria entered secret negotiations with Russian highest military leaders, concluded a secret truce with Russia and also pledged to take part in the fight against France.

The result of the release of European peoples from Dictate Napoleon was to deploy in Europe a democratic movement, aging reformist aspirations, the beginning of deep socio-economic and political changes in the German lands, primarily in Prussia, in Italy, and later in France itself.

And at that time, Napoleon feverly prepared for the continuation of the struggle. In a short time, he managed to collect a new 500,000th army. But her quality, martial spirit was already different than its formerly glorified buildings. For the most part, these were still unfinished Yunsians, who, however, as the former veterans, while still blindly worshiped their idols and disgustly believed him. Napoleon has also reinforced his army also due to the withdrawal of the combat units from Spain, where the liberation war against the French invaders flared up all wider. In the summer of 1813, the remains of the French troops were forced to retreat for the Pyrenees. Spain has become free.

However, no peace with his opponents on the condition of significant concessions, Napoleon, did not want to hear about the condition of significant concessions.

In the summer of 1813, Napoleon moved to the offensive. With him were fresh parts, his glorified marshals went with him. Finally, it is not a meal of his organizational talent and a regimental genius. Invading East Germany, Napoleon defeated the allies under the cities of Lu price and Bauzen. In mid-August, in a two-day battle, he won over the united Russian-Prussian-Austrian army under Dresden.

But these were temporary progress. Now Napoleon opposed the army, governments, peoples of almost all of Europe. The core of this confrontation with France remained the Russian army, which preserved his combat composition, its generals, his inflexible spirit. All this is brightly confirmed in the three-day "battle of nations" under Leipzig on November 4-7, 1813, more than 500 thousand people participated on both sides. Russian and German troops withstood the main blow to Napoleon, and then switched to counteroffensive. The French were broken. Combined allied troops commanded M.B. Barclay de Toll.

At the end of December, the Union troops switted Rhine and entered into the territory of France. And soon it was decided to move to Paris. After the bloody battle near Paris, the French retreated March 18, 1814. The French capital capitulated. Napoleon renounced the throne.

In those days * Alexander I constantly emphasized that, struggling with Napoleon, he remains another French people. Turning after taking Paris to the French Senate, he said: "Fair and reasonably give France the institutions strong and liberal, which would be consistent with the degree of real enlightenment." He insisted on the introduction of constitutional rule in France. He negatively reacted to recovery on the French throne of Louis XVIII century. And he himself took part in the preparation of the Constitutional "Charter" for France. She guaranteed the equality of all citizens of France before the law, religious versoity and preserved the Civil Code of Napoleon in inviolability - this set of laws of the new bourgeois society. The executive authority remained behind the king, but the "Charter" set the two-bearet assembly in the country - parliament. She had limited legislative power: without the right to initiate laws, but with the right to reject the draft laws proposed by the king. By defending this "charter", Alexander I, thereby continued its constitutional reforms, which he began with a loan in Russia, more resolutely - in Finland, and now in France.

Vienna Congress. On May 30, 1814, the winners dictated the conditions of a peace treaty defeated France. Napoleon was exiled to Elba Island. France lost all its conquests in Europe and was limited by pre-war territories. Its acquisitions on Appenna - in Northern Italy and on the Adriatic coast - moved to Austria; The Belgium and Holland conquered by Napoleon, they were now united and turned into an independent Netherlands Kingdom. The key strategic position in the Mediterranean Sea is the island of Malta - was transferred to England. Lost France in favor of England and part of their overseas possessions.

However, it was only the beginning of the political reorganization of Europe. The kingdom of Polish, German states were waiting for her destiny. If the claims of England and Austria were satisfied to some extent, Russia and Prussia still waited for gratitude from the allies for their contribution to the work of Napoleon's crushing and transferred adversity, loss and destruction.

There, in Paris, an agreement was held on solving further fate in Vienna in the pan-European Congress.

And so warm and clear in the fall of 1814, the organizers of the fate of the European continent gathered in Vienna. In the Vienna Congress, there were 2 emperors, 4 kings, 2 prince, 3 Great Duke, 215 chapters of princely houses, 450 diplomats. It was a magnificent meeting.

But already in the first days of the Vienna Congress, European Ostroezovs were quite aptly described by his work with the following words: "Congress is dancing, but not moving." And it was fair, because irresistible contradictions immediately arose between the winners, especially between the three most influential powers in the continent - England, Russia and Austria, each of whom claimed a dominant role in post-war Europe. No wonder the Austrian Chancellor of Metrai, one of the main opponents of the strengthening of Russia on the continent, in one of the conversations, spoke to the French minister of foreign affairs Talyu-Win: "Do not talk about the allies, there are no more." In Europe, 1814-1815 The immutable law of history, in which members of the coalition, crushing a mighty opponent and embarked on the territory conquered by him, immediately begin the hidden struggle for the championship in the liberated political field. This struggle invariably leads to the creation of new coalitions, which are also inevitably leading to the next European war. In this sense, 1814, the Vienna Congress made the beginning of this new process, which brought in the end to the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

The winners agreed that in the post-war device, the principle of legitimism should be enthusiastic (from Lat. "Legitimus" - legal). This meant that old dynasties expelled from their TRINDs by Napoleon should be restored. But at this point, the winners did not stop: too much change occurred in Europe over the past 20 years. Therefore, this refund to the legitimism was incomplete, very limited. Example became France and Prussia. In France, along with the restoration of the bourbon dynasty, a parliament appeared, the fortress state of the peasants was eliminated in Prussia. In all these processes, the Russian king, who did not dare to decisive reforms in Russia, adopted the most active participation.

The interests of the powers came up later when the question of the fate of Poland and Saxony, the former Alien Napoleon began to be discussed.

Alexander I claimed the transition to Russia of land formed by Napoleon's Duchy Warsaw with the provision of broad autonomy and constitutional rights within the framework of the Russian Empire. However, Austria was claimed on the land of Southern Poland; Northern seaside Polish lands sought to assign Prussia to himself. And after all this stood England, who did not want to strengthen Russia in Europe by joining it a significant part of Polish territories. The English delegation insisted in the section of Polish territories between the three powers - Russia, Austria and Prussia, which caused the rage of Alexander I, who considered that it was Russia who crushed Napoleon's military car should have advantages in solving the fate of Eastern Europe.

On January 3, 1815, three powers - England, Austria and France concluded a secret military union against Russia. Each of the parties in the event of a military conflict with Russia pledged to put an army of 150 thousand fighters. A few more states joined this agreement.

During the tense negotiations, the personal meetings of the heads of states with each other by February 1815, the Vienna Congress eventually managed to agree on the main positions. The kingdom of Polish went to Russia, and the emperor expressed the intention to introduce a constitutional rule there. But not all Polish lands moved to Russia. Poznan and a number of other cities were transferred to Prussia for the fact that she received not all Saxony, but only 2/5 of its territory. Part of Poland - Eastern Galicia - Received Austria. The congress was discussed by the creation of the German Union with the commander - the Mank Seimas, which would be all the small German kingdoms and the principality. The main role in this union belonged to Austria. Austria retired part of the Italian lands promised to her in the Paris world.

The tense negotiations were still continued when the breather was literally broke into the Imperial Palace on the night of March 6 to the Imperial Palace in Vienna, where the next ball thundered, and handed the emperor an urgent dispatch from France. She notified that Napoleon Bonaparte left Elba Island, landed in southern France and with an armed squad moves to Paris. And after a few days, there were reports that the population and the army enthusiastically meet the former emperor and soon his arrival in the French capital is expected.

The famous 100 days of Napoleon began. And immediately all disputes, intrigues, secret collusion in the Vienna Congress. The new terrible danger combined potential rivals. England, Russia, Austria, Prussia again created the next coalition against Napoleon. On the roads of Northern Europe, the military columns reached the endless stream, the military calls were frown.

Not yet starting hostilities, Napoleon inflicted the coalition the strongest diplomatic strike: entering the royal palace, he discovered the documents of Louis XVIII abandoned in a panic and the secret protocol of three powers against Russia. Napoleon immediately ordered himself to deliver it by the courier to Vienna, hoping to open his eyes to Alexander I on a cunning and hostility towards Russia of his allies. Holding this document in Hands, Alexander I accepted the Austrian Chancellor. He at first was confused, but then it simply silent: Indeed, there was nothing to say. However, Alexander I once again showed generosity with his political partners. He stated that the new danger to Europe is too large to pay attention to such "trifles", and threw the text of the secret contract in the fireplace.

After that, negotiations went faster, many contradictions were settled, and in early June 1815. European powers signed the final document of the Congress, which was developed even before Napoleon in Paris. And a few days later, June 18, 1815, Napoleon was headlong broken on the potato fields at the place of Waterloo by the combined forces of the English and Prussian armies. His military and political star finally rolled out. Already being captive of England, he was sent to the distant Atlantic, to the island of Saint Helena - a place that was distinguished by a destructive climate. In 1821, Napoleon died there at the age of 54, apparently poisoned by the English security.

Holy Union.

World War of the first decade of the XIX century. At the same time, the first world experience of regulating international relations, political stabilization on the European continent, guaranteed by the entire power of the winning powers. The Vienna Congress, the SGI decision - inconsistent, contradictory, carrying the charge of future explosions, nevertheless, a certain extent played their role, but the monarchs were not satisfied with this. It was necessary to be more durable and not only power, but also legal, as well as moral guarantees. This appeared in 1815. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Holy Union of European States - the first pan-European organization, the purpose of which was to have a durable provision of the existing order of things, the inviolability of the current borders, the stability of the ruling dynasties and other state institutions with the already accomplished and approved post-war variables in different countries. The initiator of this union of European states was Alexander I.

The main provisions of the Treaty on the Holy Union Alexander wrote his own. They contained the following articles: support between states of the bonds of fraternal friendship, to assist each other in case of destabilization of the international situation, to manage their subjects in the spirit of brotherhood, truth and peace, consider themselves members of the United Christian Community. In international affairs, states were to be guided by the Gospel Commandments. It is characteristic that Alexander I not only limited to these purely "propaganda" provisions, but at the further congresses of the Holy Union raised the issue of simultaneous reduction in the armed forces of European powers, on mutual guarantees of the integrity of the territories, the creation of the intersportian headquarters, the adoption of the international status of people of Jewish nationality, which were subjected to Discrimination in lowland Europe. And later on the Congresses of the Holy Union, issues of great humanistic sound were raised. The powers were united against the maritime piracy, confirmed the decision of the Vienna Congress on the ban's prohibition, declared European rivers free to shipping without any restrictions.

Essentially, the solutions of the Vienna Congress and the Holy Union and created in Europe the so-called "Vienna System", which is badly well done, but existed for 40 years, the European continent has prevented from new large wars, although the contradictions between the leading powers of Europe still existed were sharp enough.

This revealed immediately after the introduction of the "Vienna system" to life. And its main test was not so much territorial claims to keep each other as a revolutionary movement, which was a logical continuation of the grandiose transformations of public life of the countries of Europe, started English and continued by the Great French Revolutions.

Under these conditions, the Sacred Union and his leader Alexander I stood a difficult task - to separate the grains from the Plelevé: to support constitutional moods and institutes in terms of civilization and institutions, combine them with the evolutionary development of European states without bloody drams that destroy the wars that have severe races. Here in this main question, members of the Holy Union looked at things in different ways.

Fear of the Spanish revolution of 1820 and remembering the revolutionary horrors of his own country, France demanded an immediate and decisive intervention in support of the Spanish monarchy. Alexander I, on the contrary, recognized the events in Spain with legitimate and constitutional, because the people's movement made a constitution, parliamentarism, and the Spanish King himself swore a constitution.

Then the revolutionary movements broke out in Italy and Portugal. In 1820, a bloodless revolution took place in Naples, and the King Ferdinand II was forced to proclaim the Constitution on the Spanish pattern and agree to the convocation of Parliament. However, the successes of the southern revolutionaries inspired the northern provinces of Italy, which are under the rule of the Austrian Habsburgs. There began a powerful social movement. The legitimate framework of Europe has shuffled along the seams. Austria required military intervention and consent to this Russia. But the liberally tuned Alexander I opposed this violent measure.

Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Holy Union as an absolutely reactionary and counter-revolutionary organization does not withstand criticism. At the Congress of the Holy Union in Troppau in 1820, it was decided on the measures of "moral impact" on the revolutionary forces both in Spain and in the south of Italy. The Russian delegation advocated political methods for resolving conflicts. Austria also rushed to the use of military force. Other powers, first of all Prussia, supported Austria. Russia eventually had to give up. Austria introduced troops to Italy. My army to save the Spanish dynasty sent for Pyrenees and France.

So, the intentions of Alexander I and the organizers of the Holy Union were eventually crumpled by the egoistic political interests of the Power. In addition, the ghosts of jacobin, merciless crushing of the thrones, were again issued. In these conditions, even liberals, to which Alexander I treated and Alexander I.

And yet, despite the deep contradictions that ruined the Holy Union from the very beginning of its existence, he largely contributed to the stabilization of the situation in Europe, introduced new humanistic ideas to European practice, did not give Europe to ride a new military and revolutionary extremism, although not turned into a strong supranational organization.

The war of 1812, briefly speaking, became the most difficult and important event of the XIX century for the Russian Empire. In Russian historiography, she received the name of the Patriotic War of 1812.

How did it happen that France and Russia, which were associated with friendly relations and were allies over the years, became opponents and began military actions against each other?

The main reason for all military conflicts of that time with the participation of France, including the war of 1812, briefly, were associated with the imperial shocks of Napoleon Bonaparte. Solving the Great French Revolution, he did not hide his desire to extend the influence of the French Empire on as many countries as much as possible. Huge ambition, magnificent data of the commander and diplomat did in the short term Napoleon by the ruler of almost all of Europe. Dissatisfied with such a state of things, Russia came out of the Union with France and joined England. So former allies became opponents.

Then during the unsuccessful allies wars with Napoleon's troops, the Russian empire was forced to go to a peace agreement with France. So the Tilzite world was signed. Its main condition was to maintain Russia's continental blockade of England, which Napoleon wanted to weaken in this way. The authorities of the Russian Empire wanted to use this truce as an opportunity to accumulate forces, as everyone understood the need for further fight against Napoleon.

But the blockade threatened the Russian economy, and then the Russian authorities went to the trick. They began to trade with neutral countries through which they continued to trade with England using them as intermediaries. At the same time, Russia formally did not violate the conditions of the world with France. She indignantly, but could not do anything.

War of 1812, briefly about the reasons

The reasons for which it became possible to keep hostilities directly between France and Russia was a lot of:

1. Failure to comply with the conditions of the Tilzite peace treaty;

2. Failure to marry the emperor of France first of the sister of Alexander I Catherine, and then Anna;

3. France violated the agreement of the Tilzite world, continuing the occupation of Prussia.

By 1812, the war became inevitable evidence for both countries. And France and Russia hastily prepared for her, collecting allies around them. On the side of France were Austria and Prussia. Allies of Russia - United Kingdom, Sweden and Spain.

Military course

The war began on June 12, 1812 since the Napoleon's Army Schobli through the Neman Border River. Russian troops were divided into three parts, because the enemy was not known about the exact place of the transition of the boundary. The French troops switched to her in the Army district under the command of Barclay de Tolly. Seeing the huge numerical superiority of the enemy and seeking to preserve his strength, he ordered to retreat. Barclay de Tolly and Bagratione armies managed to connect near Smolensk. There was the first battle in this war. The city of Russian troops could not be defeated, and they continued in August the departure of the country in August.

After the failure of the Russian troops near Smolensky, people entered the fight against Napoleon's army. The active partisan actions of the country's inhabitants against the enemy began. The partisan movement had a huge support for the army in the fight against the French troops.

In August, General M. Kutuzov became the commander-in-chief of Russian troops. He approved the tactics of his predecessors and continued the organized retreat of the army to Moscow.

Under Moscow, in the village of Borodino, the most significant battle of this war took place, which completely promoted the myth of the invincibility of Napoleon - Borodino battle. The forces of the two armies by that time were almost the same.

According to the results of the Borodino battle, no side could call themselves the winner, but the French troops were very exhausted.

In September, by the decision of Kutuzov, with whom Alexander I agreed, the Russian troops left Moscow. Frost began, to which the French were not familiar. Actually locked in Moscow, Napoleon's army was completely demoralized. The Russian troops, on the contrary, rested and received support for food, weapons and volunteers.

Napoleon decides to retreat, which soon develops into flight. Russian troops make the French retreat on the Smolensk road completely broken with them.

In December 1812, the army under the command of Napoleon finally left the territory of Russia, and the war of 1812 ended with the full victory of the Russian people.


As a result of the war of 1812, many people died, huge damaged Russian economy and culture.

The victory in the war rallied Russian society, called the National Self-Association, led to the development of social movement and social thought, including the opposition. Decembrists called themselves "children of 1812".

On the other hand, it has strengthened the ruling circles of the country on the strength and even the superiority of the social structure of Russia, and, consequently, the impossibility of transformations and thereby strengthened the conservative trend in domestic policy.

The Russian troops with victories passed through the whole of Europe and triumphantly entered Paris along with the army of the allies, which the unusually liftedness of the international authority of Russia turned it into the most powerful military power.

At the expense of new acquisitions expanded the territory of Russia, its population increased. But, including in its composition "Great Poland", she has acquired a very painful Polish problem for many years due to the unlucky struggle of the Polish people for national independence.

Sacred Soyuz - Conservative Union of Russia, Prussia and Austria, created in order to maintain international order established at the Vienna Congress (1815). For the statement of mutual assistance of all Christian sovereigns, signed by 14 (26), 1815, all the monarchs of continental Europe were gradually joined, Fesides of the Roman and Turkish Sultan. Not in the exact sense of the word with the agreement with the Agreement of the Power, which would impose certain obligations on them, the Holy Union, nevertheless, included in the history of European diplomacy as "a cohesive organization with a sharply outlined clerical monarchical ideology, created on the basis of the suppression of revolutionary sentiments, where They were neither manifested. "

After the depths of Napoleon and the restoration of the All-Eway World in the Power Environment, which considered themselves quite satisfied with the distribution of "remuneration" at the Vienna Congress, arose and strengthened the desire to preserve the established international order, and the means to do this was the permanent union of European soverees and the periodic convening of international congresses. But since the achievement of this was contrary to the national and revolutionary movements of peoples who achieve more free forms of political existence, then such a desire was quickly reacting.

The initiator of the Holy Union was the Russian emperor Alexander I, although in drawing up the Act of the Holy Union, he also considered it possible to patronize liberalism and to grant the Constitution of the Kingdom of Polish. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Union originated from him, on the one hand, under the influence of the idea - to become a peacemaker by Europe by creating such a union, which would even eliminate the possibility of military clashes between states, and on the other hand, under the influence of mystical mood. The latter also explains the weirdness of the very editorial board of the Union Agreement, not similar in the form of its own, nor for the content of international treatises, which forced many international experts to see only a simple declaration of the signatory monarchs in it.

Signed 14 (26) September 1815 by three monarchs - Emperor Franz I Austrian, King Friedrich Wilhelm III, Prussist and Emperor Alexander I, he initially did not cause anything other than the attitude towards himself.

The content of this act was extremely uncertain and stretching, and the practical conclusions could be made of the most diverse, the general spirit did not contradict him, but rather conducive to the reactionary mood of the then governments. Not to mention the mixture of ideas related to completely different categories, in it, religion and morality completely displacing the right and politics from the undoubtedly belonging to these last regions. Built in the legitimate beginning of the divine origin of the monarchist power, he establishes the patriarchalness of relations between sovereigns and peoples, and on the first to be charged to manage in the spirit of "love, truth and peace", and the second should only obey: the rights of the people in relation to power the document is not at all mentions.

Finally, obliging the sovereign to "file each other, reinforcement and assistance", the act does not mean anything about what kind of cases and in what form it must be carried out, which made it possible to interpret it in the sense that assistance is required in all those cases where subjects will show disobedience to their "legitimate" states.

This latter and happened - the most Christian character of the Holy Union disappeared and there was only the suppression of the revolution, which would be its origin. All this explains the success of the Sacred Union: all other European sovereigns and governments will soon join him, not excluding Switzerland with German free cities; Only English Prince Regent and Pope, which did not prevent them from their policies to be guided by the same principles; Only Turkish Sultan was not adopted as a member of the Holy Union as a sovereign of non-Christian.

By marveling the nature of the epoch, the Holy Union was the main body of a pan-European reaction against liberal aspirations. Its practical importance was expressed in the decrees of a number of congresses (Aachen, Troppaussky, Lybakh and Veronsky), on which the principle of intervention in the internal affairs of other states was fully developed in order to enable all national and revolutionary movements and maintain an existing structure with its absolutist and clerical-aristocratic trends.

Patriotic War of 1812 An important page in the history of not only our country, but also all of Europe. Having entered into a series of "Napoleonic Wars" Russia made the intercession of monarchical Europe. Thanks to Russian victories over the French, the global revolution in Europe managed to postpone for a while.

The war of France and Russia was inevitable, and on June 12, 1812, he collected 600 thousandth army, Napoleon forced Nemman and invaded Russia. The Russian army had a standoff plan of Napoleon, which was developed by a Prussian military theorist Full, and approved by Emperor Alexander I.

Ful divided Russian armies into three groups:

  • 1st commanded Barclay de Tolly;
  • 2nd Bagration;
  • 3rd brams.

Fouls assumed that the army will be systematically retreating to fortified positions, will be connected, and will restrain the onslaught of Napoleon. In practice, the catastrophe was published. Russian troops retreated, and soon the French were not far from Moscow. FULL plan completely failed, despite the desperate resistance of the Russian people.

The current situation required decisive actions. So, on August 20, the post of commander-in-chief took Mikhail Kutuzov, who was one of the best disciples of the great Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. During the war with France, Kutuzov utters an interesting phrase: "To save Russia, it is necessary to burn Moscow."

Russian troops will give the general battle by the French in the village of Borodino. There was a great singer, called the Borodino battle. Nobody came out of her the winner. The fight was cruel, with an abundance of losses on both sides. A few days later, at the military council in filients, Kutuzov will decide to retreat. September 2, the French entered Moscow. Napoleon hoped that Muscovites would bring him the key to the city. No matter how much ... The empty Moscow met Napoleon at all solemnly. The city has grown, burned barns with a provine and ammunition.

The entry into Moscow has become fatal for Napoleon. He really did not know what to do next. The French army every day, every night, Donimali Parisans. War of 1812 was truly domestic. In the army of Napoleon, the dysfreservation and slanting began, discipline was disturbed, the soldiers were drunk. Napoleon stayed in Moscow until October 7, 1812. The French army decided to retreat south, in the bread, not ruined war region.

The Russian army gave the fight to the French from Maloyaroslavets. The city is mired in fierce battles, but the French trembled. Napoleon was forced to retreat on the old Smolensk road, the very one he came. Fights under Vyazvah, red and at the crossing through Berezina, put an end to the Napoleonic intervention. Russian army drove his enemy from his land. On December 23, 1812, Alexander I was issued a manifesto on the end of the Patriotic War. The Patriotic War of 1812 ended, but the Napoleonic Wars campaign was only in full swing. The battles lasted until 1814.

The Patriotic War of 1812 is an important event in Russian history. The war caused an unprecedented surge of national self-consciousness from the Russian people. He defended their fatherland, from Mala to Velik. The victory in this war, the Russian people confirmed their courage and his heroism, showed an example of self-sacrifice for the benefit of the Motherland. The war presented us with many people whose names will be forever in Russian history, this is Mikhail Kutuzov, Miloradovich, Dohturov, Raevsky, Tormamasov, Bagration, Seslavin, Gorchakov, Barclay de Toll, Yermolov. And how many other unknown heroes of the Patriotic War 1812, how many forgotten names. The Patriotic War of 1812 is a great event, whose lessons should not forget today.

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