New Map of the Third World War: Alignment of Forces. Section of Russia after the Third World War of the Third World War Map

Wooden windows 29.03.2021
Wooden windows

The increasing number of military conflicts occurring in different countries is increasingly and more often forcing us to think about how fragile the world is on earth. There is tensions in relations between the West and the East, which can lead to the Cold War, and the next turn of the arms race will follow, including nuclear weapons. Is the new global conflict that can grow into the Third World War?

Want to see how the world will look like after the Third World War? See the visualization of the catastrophic destruction of the largest cities in the world after the fictional war.

19 photos

1. Destroyed Berlin. (Photo: Michal Zak).

Funny photos, or rather, a well-made photomontage, representing large cities after destruction, entered the project called "End of Eternity".

2. Amsterdam. (Photo: Michal Zak).
3. Brussels. (Photo: Michal Zak).

See what can happen if world leaders do not sit at one table and do not set up all the sharp and smoldering conflicts. It will affect all of us.

4. Budapest. (Photo: Michal Zak).

Albert Einstein once said: "I don't know which weapon will be used by humanity in the Third World War, but in the fourth, sticks and stones will be used."

5. Buenos Aires. (Photo: Michal Zak).

Debris, ruin, smoke and fire we see in these pictures. But there are no people on them. Even corpses. As if everything disappeared, as if in one moment evaporated.

6. Kiev. (Photo: Michal Zak).

In the fourth world war, stones and sticks will not be used. There will be no one to use them. The weapon existing on the planet is enough to compare everything from the ground and turn the world into landscapes, as in the pictures of Michael Zaka, - without people.

7. Moscow. (Photo: Michal Zak).
8. Tallinn. (Photo: Michal Zak).
9. Rome. (Photo: Michal Zak).
10. Riga. (Photo: Michal Zak).
11. London. (Photo: Michal Zak).
12. Madrid. (Photo: Michal Zak).
13. Tokyo. (Photo: Michal Zak).
14. Paris. (Photo: Michal Zak).
15. Prague. (Photo: Michal Zak).

The future of Russia or the future of many "Russian", many weakened and separated states, which is sees Washington and its allies on NATO, is a demographic decline, deindustrialization, poverty, the absence of any defensive capabilities and the operation of natural resources of its internal regions.

Russia's place in the plans of the Empire of Chaos

The collapse of the Soviet Union was Washington and NATO not enough. The ultimate goal of the United States is to prevent any alternatives to Euro-Atlantic integration in Europe and Eurasia. That is why Russia's destruction is one of their strategic tasks.

The goals of Washington were workers and pursued during the fighting in Chechnya. They also seen in the crisis that broke out with the Euromaiden in Ukraine. In fact, the first step on the rupture of Ukraine and Russia was the catalyst for the collapse of the entire USSR and the cessation of any attempts to reorganize it.

Polish-American intellectual Zbigniew Brzezinsky, a former national security advisor at the US President Jim Carter, actually defended the idea of \u200b\u200bdestruction of Russia by its gradual disintegration and decentralization. He formulated the condition that "more decentralized, Russia would not be so susceptible to the calls to unite into the empire." In other words, if the United States shares Russia, Moscow will not be able to compete with Washington. In the specified context, it approves the following: "Russia, arranged on the principle of a free confederation, in which the European part of Russia, the Siberian Republic and the Far Eastern Republic would have entered, it would be easier to develop closer economic ties with Europe, with new states of Central Asia and the East, which would have accelerated the development of the most Russia.

These ideas are not limited to only the cabinets of some sorranted scientists or individual thought factories. They have support for governments and even prepared supporters. Below is the reasoning of one of them.

US state media predict the Balkanization of Russia

On September 8, 2014, Dmitry Sinchenko published an article about the division of Russia "Waiting for the Third World War. How the world will change. " Sinchenko participated in Evromaidan, and its organization, All-Ukrainian Іnіtsіativa "Ruhi Power Results", in support of ethnic nationalism, the territorial expansion of Ukraine due to the majority of the countries bordering the countries, giving a new impetus to the pro-American organization for democracy and economic development - GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova), joining NATO and the transition to the offensive in order to apply the defeat of Russia. Note that the inclusion of the word "democracy" in the name Guam should not be misled - GUAM, as Azerbaijan proves the inclusion of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is not related to democracy, but to the equilibration of Russia in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Article Sinchenko begins a story about the history of the appearance of an "axis evil" expression used by the United States to outline their enemies. It says how George W. Bush Ml. invented this phrase in 2002, uniting together Iraq, Iran and North Korea, as John Bolton expanded the "axis evil", attaching to her Cuba, Libya and Syria, as Condoleezza Rice included Belarus, Zimbabwe and Myanmar (Burma), and then The end of Sinchenko suggests that Russia is added to the list as the main expensive country in the world. He even proves that the Kremlin is involved in all conflicts in the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Middle East, in North Africa, in Ukraine and in Southeast Asia. Further, he accuses Russia that she puts plans to conquer the Baltic states, the Caucasus, Moldova, Finland, Poland and, even even absurd, - two of their loved ones of military-political allies, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Judging by the title of the article, he approves even that Moscow is purposefully achieved by the Third World War.

This fiction does not apply to the US Allied Corporate networks, but it goes directly to the media belonging to the US state. This forecast was published by the Ukrainian service "Radio" Free Europe "/ Radio" Freedom ", which is an instrument of American propaganda in Europe and the Middle East to help overthrow the governments.

It terrifies the fact that an attempt is made to give the likely scenario of a new world war decent view. Disgusting, without taking into account the use of nuclear weapons and the OMP, which will begin in Ukraine and in the world, the article draws a deliberately false, but cozy picture of the world, revised by a big global war. Radio "Freedom" and the author, in essence, speak the Ukrainian people "War will benefit to you", and that after the war, some utopian paradise will come with Russia.

The article is also very well stacked in the contours of the forecast of Brzezinsky in relation to Russia, Ukraine and the Eurasian mainland. It predicts the section of Russia, while Ukraine is part of the extended European Union, which includes Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Israel, Lebanon and the North American dependent territory of Denmark Greenland. In addition, under his control, the Confederation of States in the Caucasus and in the Mediterranean - the latter could be the Mediterranean Union, which would cover Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and the Sahara Democratic Republic, or Western Sahara. Ukraine is represented as part of the European Union. In this regard, Ukraine, apparently, is located in the US Allied by the Franco-German-Polish-Ukrainian corridor and on the axis of Paris-Berlin-Warsaw-Kiev, for the creation of which he uttered the Brzezinsky and which Washington would use in order to Challenge the Russian Federation and its allies in the CIS.

Rubbing Eurasia: Washington Cards of the Section of Russia

As stated in the article by Radio "Freedom", any bipolar rivalry between Moscow and Washington will end after the third World War by section of the Russian Federation. It is clearly the contringence of themselves, she claims that the truly multipolar world will be only when Russia is destroyed, but at the same time it makes it clear that the United States will be the most important world power, even if Washington and the European Union will be weakened on the results of the predicted large war with Russian .

The article is accompanied by two cards, which are generally represented by the removed Eurasian space and the outlines of the world after Russia's destruction. At the same time, neither the author nor two of his cards recognize the territorial changes in the Crimean Peninsula and depict it part of Ukraine, and not the Russian Federation. That's what changes were made to the geography of Russia, from the west to the east:

The Russian region Kaliningrad will be annexed by Lithuania, Poland or Germany. In any case, she will enter the enlarged European Union.

Eastern Karelia (Russian Karelia) and currently subject to the Federation of the Republic of Karelia in the North-Western Federal District, together with the city of federal significance by St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region, Novgorod Region, two northern thirds of the Pskov region and the Murmansk region, separated from Russia With the formation of a profine country. This territory can be generally absorbed in Finland, which will entail the creation of the Great Finland. Although the Arkhangelsk region in this article is indicated as part of this dedicated territory, on the map it is not included in it (probably due to the error allowed in the map).

Southern Districts of the Pskov Region (Seper, Pustoshkinsky, Nevelsky and Usvyvsky) from the North-Western Federal District and the most Western regions of the Smolensk Region (Demidovsky, Desnegorsky, Okrug, Kardyimovsky, Hislavichsky, Krasninsky, Monasthershinsky, Pozyinkovsky, Roslavlsky, Rudnyansky, Sumyachi, Smolensky , Velizhsky, Yantsevsky and Yershich), as well as the city of Smolensk and Roslavl, from the Central Federal District are attached to Belarus. Dorogobuzhsky, Hill-Zhirkovsky, Safonovsky, the Ugran and Yelninsky districts of the Smolensk region, apparently, will be in the future allocated on the map as a new border between Belarus and the planned to cut Russia.

The North Caucasus Federal District of Russia, consisting of the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, the Stavropol Territory and Chechnya, is separated from Russia in the form of a Caucasian Confederation under the influence of the European Union.

The Southern Federal District of Russia, formed from the Republic of Adygea, the Astrakhan region, the Volgograd region, the Republic of Kalmykia, Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov region, is completely annexed by Ukraine. This leads to the emergence of a common border between Ukraine and Kazakhstan and cuts off Russia from the Caspian Sea rich energy resources, as well as the direct southern exit to Iran.

Ukraine also annexes Belgorod, Bryansk, Kursk and Voronezh regions from the most populated federal district and region - Central Federal District.

Siberia and the Russian Far East are divorced from Russia, namely the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District.

The text states that the entire territory of Siberia and most of the territory of the Russian Far East, consisting of the Republic of Altai, the Altai Territory, the Amur Region, the Republic of Buryatia, Chukotka, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Irkutsk Region, Kamchatka Territory, Kemerovo Region, Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Magadan Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Primorsky Krai, Republic of Sakha, Tomsk Region, Republic of Tyva and the Trans-Baikal Territory, either turn into several independent states under Chinese dominance, or along with Mongolia, will become the new territories of the People's Republic of China. On the map of Siberia, most of the Russian Far East, and Mongolia is unequivocally depicted by the Chinese territory. The exception is the Sakhalin region.

Russia loses Sakhalin Island (Sakharin and Karafuto in Japanese) and the Kuril Islands, which form the Sakhalin region. These arelands join Japan.

On his own webpage, Sinchenko posted its article from Radio Freedom for a few days earlier, on September 2, 2014. There are also the same cards that are attributed to the radio "Freedom". However, on a personal page of Sinchenko, there is another worthy of mentioning the picture - this is a picture on which from Russia, from a large dish, fun sliced \u200b\u200bslices to eat all the countries bordering it.

Drawing up a map of a new world order: the world after the third world?

The second card is the map of the planet after the third World War, divided into several supranational states. The only exception is Japan. The second card and its supranational states can be described as follows:

As already mentioned, the European Union has expanded and controls its outskirts in the Caucasus, in Southwestern Asia and North Africa. This is the implementation of the NATO Mediterranean dialogue and partnership in the name of peace at political and military levels, as well as the Eastern Partnership and EURO-Mediterranean Partnership (Mediterranean Union) at the political and economic levels.

The United States form North American Suctional Education, which includes Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guiana (Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana) and all countries of Caribbean Pool.

All countries not absorbed in South America form their own organization in the form of reduced South America, in which Brazil will dominate.

A kind of block of South-West Asian countries or a supranational structure will be formed from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman and Yemen.

At the Indian subcontinent of South Asia, a certain supranational education consisting of India, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand will be formed.

Supported education will be in Australia and Oceania, and Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, East Timor, Papua - New Guinea, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands will be included in it. It will include Australia, and the main role in it will play Canberra.

With the exception of North Africa, which will be under the control of the European Union, the rest of Africa will unite with the leading role of South Africa.

East Asian supranational education will include the Russian Federation, Indochina, China, Korean Peninsula, Mongolia and the post-Soviet Central Asia. In this formation, the dominant position will occupy the Chinese, and it will be controlled from Beijing.

Although from the article by the radio "Free Europe" and two post-war cards, you can dismiss both from the distant ideas, you need to ask several important issues. First, where the author grasped these ideas? Have they been broadcast through any seminars conducted with indirect support for the United States and the EU? Secondly, what does the political landscape painting belonging to the author after the third World War?

In fact, the author adapted under the scheme of the section of Russia in Brzezinsky. Even the districts of North Africa, the Middle East and the Caucasus, which the European Union considers as a secondary periphery or gasket for themselves to text and maps. These areas are even painted with light blue in contrast to the blue used for EU designation.

Even if you distract from the radio "Free Europe", no one should lose sight of the fact that Japan continues to claim the Sakhalin region, and the USA, the EU, Turkey and Saudi Arabia support separatist movements in the South and North Caucasian federal districts of the Russian Federation .


Article Radio "Freedom" radiates signs of Ukrainians on which it stands for a long time to stop.

The nation is designed, because they all represent dynamic communities, which, in one way or another, are constructed and held together by the team of individuals forming society. In this sense, they can be called imaginary communities.

In the post-Soviet space and the Middle East, fragrances are played by the purpose of deconstruction and reconstruction of nations and groups. On a sociological or anthropological jargon, this can be called trabalism manipulation, and on political - replay to the end of a big game. In this context, for more than one hundred years, Ukrainians in Ukraine have been particularly favorable to anti-government elements and anti-Russian nationalist sentiments - for the first time under the Austrians and Germans, later through Poles and British, and now in the United States and NATO.

Ukrainians are an ideology that achieve materialization in the environment of the Ukrainian people and the introduction of a new collective imagination or false historical memory in it, in which they have always been a nation and the people who are separated from the Russian people, both in ethnic and civil meaning. Ukrainians are a political project seeking to negate the historical unity of the Eastern Slavs, geographic roots and a historical background, which is worth the differences between Ukrainians and Russians. In other words, Ukrainians are trying to get rid of the context and forget the process that led to the differences between Ukrainians and Russians.

Russia has always rebelled from ash. Certificate for this is history. Russia will stand, whatever happens. Whenever the many-sided people of Russia acts together under one banner for their homeland, he breaks the empire. He survived the catastrophic wars, invasion and his enemies. Maps and borders can change, but Russia will remain.

In the whole of this today's situation with Qatar, I am interested in first of all, the topic of "war with Iran", the Trump agreements in Saudi Arabia, "strike in China", etc., is everything is clear and obviously more or less in varying degrees.

And not even something - will now be the World Cup in Qatar in 2022.

And the fact that I see the next confirmation of this (already ten times wrote about it, but even smart people are sometimes arguing) to that apparently for any genius or at least just a competent aristocrat of the thesis, which in impending inevitably (but still she It will be at least ten years later, but rather in twenty) Third World War - Russia again, for the third time, - will fight as part of approximately the same coalition "Antenant filling": Russia + England + USA - against the United Continental Western Europe + China .

In the second world was Japan, not China, but the very essence is the same: someone is strong in the east and in the Pacific Ocean; Japan today is not an interesting player, so instead of it - China.

Logic here is simple and obvious for World War: In general, in itself, such a war can only be between more or less equal, otherwise the tasks assigned to the war are not solved - relief of all debts, economic stress, the destruction of billions of unnecessary planets, etc.

"Perfigar Wars" of these tasks do not decide. Pole Poles can compete in wars in the Middle East or in some Vietnam - but it does not solve global issues.

War is self-concrete, so it can not be a toy, imitation and ponaroshka. War can only be real, otherwise it is not a war.

With absolutely equal rivals. Could not be other than the real war. And the real is just to death, not "before the first blood,", like, for example, between the United States and China. These are not equal rivals. If exactly what is "truly", the United States wins the war with China for the week. For all fronts: 2,000 (and not 10!) These atomic bombs arrive in China, they are passing away all their satellites, an economic oil blockade is arranged, a diplomatic blockade, all American spies and agents of influence in China are immediately activated, etc. (I specifically coat and narrow everything "by one week"; just these details are not the topic of this text, I just illustrate the difference in weight categories).

Yes, China can answer - and even hurt. But this is how the fight to death, with it and the winner is also usually in the blood and broken bones. But this is not death, and the battle is to death, it is this that they want to see the third world those who want to see it (other options do not solve anything).

And this is a whole current China, - and therefore talking about the mythical war of the "Christian world against the Islamic world" in general, it is generally: there is a serious, then in half an hour. It is if he is serious - when it does not die yourself and save all his own - they beat everything that is used.

It is such a war now that it needs to be required. Not only now specifically, but the last two world wars were such and were - war for the sake of war, and not to win some piece of land like Belgium, smelly sockets in the Balkans, etc. Well, everyone knows and without me - imperialist contradictions, economic unresolved tension, overpopulation of land, etc.

And equal rivals now in the world are objectively two - the USA and the EU. According to economic, scientific, cultural and ideological aspects (the fact that the EU has somewhat less atomic bombs - theoretically solved question; but that is why the war will not now, and after 10-20 years, - and not bombs one).

So only they can be opponents in the upcoming war. The rest of the world, subject to the same logic, will only in a logical proportion to join the poles of force - in order to be about 50/50.

Russia is now not the pole itself, as it was with the USSR with his half of Europe and other socialist world, including the same China at one time. Not pole.

But power, and much power, of course. Economically - not as China. And the economy here is defined (as in all the wars of the last 200 years).

Approximately equal to the US rival is the EU + China, but even stronger. Therefore, here and fool suggests the conclusion about the US + Russia.

And England, of course. Still, to fight the British against the British (and here not only the issue of nationality, but many aspects of weave) is still impossible. I specifically see the main "Masonic and conspiracy" reason for the release of England from the EU.

Just say someone else about the possibility of "breccit" three years ago, it would be twisted with a finger at the temple. The same thing - if we speak two years ago about "US President will be for a union with Russia and for war with Europe for example, on the issue of" environmental "(purely economic, of course," Ecology "here is a pole-panel) of agreements.

And here it is already obviously and in the way. Easy, and perceived normally.

Yes, but what is the Qatar, you ask? Very simple. After all, continue to argue in the aspect "Yes, there will be no US with Europe, it is impossible, this is the nearest friends." Type was not the same in the two world wars. Do not believe. (Yes, it was already tired of providing historical examples - as was the previous time with "closest friends").

Well, so you have a mega-fresh example. This morning, those who did not read the news - believed that the bones of the Sunni Arab rich Middle East and his politics (well, not bones, Egypt is not discussing here, I am talking about the most-most harm-relief in the political direction, all these financiers of all Arab terrorists, al-jazees, etc.) - there was a bunch of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. These are different countries, of course, but when they spoke "about it," these two countries mentioned - without any Bahrain and the UAE with Kuwait.

Absolutely was in the heads established "Union", they even mentioned them (and simply with "and"). It would seem.

And so. The day did not pass - and the Qatar is already today - the enemy of the bone of the Arab world, and no one here is a cognitive dissonance. As if it was.

And so in modern society in everything. And it will be with Europe and the USA. As it was in the first two world.

Worst places:


When a war breaks up in the world, Israel will suffer to the greatest extent. Israel depends on the import of food and fuel, and even water, this is such a resource due to which the Israelites often had clashes with their neighbors in order to ensure reliable sources of this need. Even in the best times, Israel was on the verge of destruction, so when the third world will begin, their main allies, the United States will be concerned about much more problems than trying to protect the non-strategic piece of land in the Middle East. Israel is also extremely dependent on foreign aid, which will immediately stop. The thin strip of the desert land with the Israelis will not be able to withstand the harsh political reality while surrounded by peoples despising them. This includes Egypt, which was in a state of war with Israel 5 times; Jordan, who was in a state of war 3 times; Syria, 5 times; Lebanon and Palestine. These factors, among many others, make Israel with one of the worst places in the world in the upcoming Third World War.


Russia is currently involved in two proxy war against the United States: in Ukraine and Syria, and any of these conflicts can lead Russia to the hot phase of war against the United States and NATO. Russia's participation in a geopolitical chess game with us is just the top of the iceberg. Russia-unequivocally unsafe place if the third world will break out due to the Russian trigger, the system called "R of the dead man" (Approx: The "perimeter" system index urv RVSN - 15E601, in Western Europe and the USA is known as English. Dead Hand, literally "dead hand" or "Dead Man's Hand")which will automatically launch the mechanism that is associated with each rocket in the Russian nuclear arsenal. She constantly monitors the Russian territory throughseismic sensors and radioactivity sensors And if at least one nuclear explosion will occur in Russia, the system automatically launches all intercontinental ballistic missiles in responding against their enemies. This system is designed not only to work if all the guide will be destroyed under a nuclear strike, but even if the Russian leaders will survive a nuclear strike, automatic launch from "P dAYS DEEHER"It cannot be canceled. This means that most of the Russian population will, in fact, doomed to the destructive effect of atomic war.

United Kingdom

Thanks to the Alliance of the United Kingdom with the United States and NATO, it cannot be challenged that the UK will also be involved in the third world war. The trouble is that the United Kingdom is extremely vulnerable. The British Islands currently have much more population than it can feed itself, and the United Kingdom is a pure food importer, which means that the inhabitants of Great Britain will encounter immediate hunger, as they will immediately be cut off from their food supplies. Currently, the Scottish National Party is ready to end the British Nuclear Program "Trident" because of its excessive cost. These attempts to disarm the UK nuclear reserves can be smart in peacetime, but they can leave the gate open to the nuclear strike on the UK.


China is located on the lease from global sea routes, which makes it dependent on coastal trade, to be the Prime Minister for amphibian attacks, air strikes and nuclear attack. Their military rely on a massive national project, which theoretically can assemble the army to seven million soldiers. Ensuring such an army will fall into a huge value for the average Chinese citizen. Even without global conflict, China is still in danger going into unrest. Threatening pollution threatens China by the fact that it, according to their forecasts, exhausted all its supply of drinking water by 2030, which is a problem that requires state intervention to solve it. If the Chinese government will weaken or collapse due to global conflict, their problem with pollution will remain without attention and their water supply will run out. If China is drawn into the Third World War, it will bring a lot of misfortune to China.

United States

The United States is the largest candidate for a sudden nuclear strike. The enemies of the United States may try to inflict a proactive nuclear strike in order to protect their own countries from nuclear destruction. This attack would make most of our territory uninhabited. Even people in the Midwest, who usually think that they are safe ... They will not be able to avoid this fate. This will happen because there are dozens of missile mines in this region, they will be priorities for destroying in the first atomic strike. Boots on these mines will be made to destroy the US nuclear arsenal before he can answer. In connection with the consequences of a nuclear war, or even a regular war, we will break in smaller regions with various racial and cultural groups, and we will fight for the domination of the rush of America. In Southern California, more than 20 million people live in one area where there are no local food and water sources. Southern California near Mexico with cruel drug traitors. If the law and order breaks during the global conflict, these cartels will empty the southwest of the United States.


As a US, Germany is guided by the NATO Agreement on Collective Defense, which means that even if such a member of NATO as Lithuania will be attacked, Germany must begin the war in defense of this state. This guarantees Germany to be located on the front of the front, due to its proximity to potential enemies, which makes Germany an extremely unsafe place during a global conflict. The war between western powers and Russia with its own allies will be in German land.

South Korea

Most likely the United States will respond its soldiers from the Korean Peninsula at the very beginning of the Third World War, which will give the chance of North Korea to start the invasion of South Korea. Without the United States, the South Korean army will be largely less than in North. Any war between the north and south will cause the most serious humanitarian crisis. In fact, it doesn't matter who the first will attack, north or south, because the small peninsula will be guaranteed to be devastated in any conflict, regardless of who wins.


In 2010, Liberia was rated as the most dependent country from foreign aid, all over the world. Without this help, Liberia, just can not survive. The United States is for Liberia the largest financial sponsor, which provides $ 450 million annually. At the beginning of the Third World War, the United States will have more problems than the financing of Liberia, leaving Liberians face to face with a hungry death.

Solomon islands

After Liberia, Solomon Islands are coming, which are the second most dependent country from foreign aid. The global conflict will threaten the disappearance of the rescue circle in the face of foreign aid, leaving its population to strong suffering. In addition to this economic vulnerability, the islands are also in a very unsuccessful place. During World War II, Solomon Islands had strategic airbases that threatened in the populated areas of Australia and New Zealand. During the Third World War, it is likely that the fight will again be a struggle that would use them as an airbase and they will be on the front line of any upcoming world conflict.

Saudi Arabia

For Saudi Arabia, massive oil reserves are the greatest gift, but also the greatest curse. When the war begins, the fuel will become a scarce and large power will attempt to capture the country with its huge oil reserves. Saudi Arabia has a relatively small army and relies longer on alliances to be safe. This decision, unfortunately, also leaves the kingdom in a vulnerable position. The Government of Saudi Arabia is also not the most stable in the world, which means the country will fall apart in any destructive conflict. The problems are even deeper, because the country depends on the import of food, water, consumer goods and industrial goods, which means that these resources will be in short supply, which will lead to unrest, hunger and death.

Best places:


With mountainous terrain, strong traditions of neutrality, a huge number of bunkers and armed with the teeth by the population, Switzerland has proven itself as safe asylum during the bloody past Europe. Although it borders with Germany, France and Italy, which will undoubtedly fight nuclear weapons, Switzerland is protected from these dangerous zones, thanks to the mountains surrounding it. This means that the Swiss can hide high in the mountains when nuclear charges will rush on Earth around their country.


Tuvalu is an island state in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, which is a very remote and neutral place. Extreme isolation helps the nation remain politically even, and its small population and minor resources means that no major power will have no reason to attack the island. It is likely that Tuvalu will simply ignore when the Third World War starts. Also, unlike many other island states, the locals produce and consume their own foods and goods, making them uniquely self-sufficient.

New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the most secluded, but developed nations in the world. It has a stable democracy and is not deeply involved in armed conflicts. The mountainous terrain of New Zealand can also provide asylum at the beginning of the New World War. The country also has enough local food reserves, clean water and fertile soil to support itself for a sufficiently long time. New Zealand on a peaceful foreign policy earned a fourth place in 2015 in the global index of peace.


Despite the overall borders with two potential warriors, China and India, its unique location makes it an excellent shelter for the apocalyptic conflict. Surrounded by the Himalayan Mountains, Bhutan is one of the most secluded places in the world of having access to the sea. Button also does not have diplomatic relations with the United States. In essence, only two states, Bangladesh and the neighboring India, have their embassies in the capital of Bhutan.


Chile is in South America the most stable and prosperous country, in rank above all other Latin American countries, in the development of man. It is protected by almost impassable Andes to the west of its borders. In Chile, the least littered air due to constant replenishment due to pure antarctic air. In Chile, it will be much cleaner than in the countries covered by the war north of it.


Iceland is the country so peaceful and neutral that she was number one in 2015, in the global index of peace. It does not have land borders with other countries, and far from most of the world. When nuclear warheads will fall around the world, it is possible that Iceland will not be touched during the initial conflict. Even in the worst case, the country has a mountain relief to ensure shelter.


It is likely that when the conflict will spread throughout Europe, Denmark will suffer greatly because of its involvement in NATO, as well as the dangerous proximity of large countries within the European Union. However, it is not entirely true, thanks to one important exception ... Greenland. Greenlandas Iceland, and this means that the population of Greenland will be able to hide in the mountains and then try to survive after the third World War.


Malta is a tiny island state and is essentially a small island-fortress. Throughout the history of Malta, the empires tried to capture Malta, which means that the invasion of the island will be very expensive. Finally, Malta has relatively small sizes that cannot justify spending on the nuclear missile for it, so it is likely that it will simply be ignored by large players in the third world war.


And Ireland is a prosperous and developed state, she has no strong ties with any of the potential warriors who will participate in a large-scale world war. Ireland leans to the practice of independence in his foreign policy. As a result, Ireland is not a member of NATO and has a long-standing policy of military neutrality. According to Irish law, in order for Ireland to enter into any external military conflicts, their participation should be approved by the UN, government and Irish legislative power.


Remote Island State Fiji lies deep in the endless expanses of the Pacific Ocean, which separates the islands from possible invaders. Just like Tuvalu, Fiji has a small population, is neutral in foreign affairs and does not have any resources within its borders to justify the invasion. Hundreds of years on the islands is supported by a great life and it will probably continue after the World Conflict.

We present to your several cards reflecting geopolitical dynamics in a global crisis. And as an eyeliner, we publish a report on geopolitics, read by Yuri Romanenko in Belarus on November 14, 2012.

The report read at the "Belarus at the integration crossing" conference in Minsk on November 14.

Dear colleagues, for me the honor to participate in this event. Before proceeding with the consideration of the stated topic, I want to determine the definitions.

Under the countries of Eastern Europe in this context, I meant Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.

I put three tasks in my course of my performance.

First -show key trends in the global system that will complicate the existence of Eastern European countries, or will make it impossible in the current models formed in the 90s and zero years. This will be an analysis of the competitive environment in which our countries are moving.

Second -what motivations have been formed or form in key actors against Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. Why they will be radicalized, in what logic.

Third -as the logic that I will show below, it is already working in relation to Ukraine.

A number of trends I designated in my big report in December 2011. Therefore, I will not return to the reasons for the global crisis, you can look at "Cyvil".

I design a number of key causes and arising from this consequences.

First Missing the economic basis and political superstructure. The economy has become global, and management is mainly local. The investigation is the emergence and deepening of various imbalances that cannot be solved due to the inability of international institutions to harmonize the contradictory interests of two hundreds of states.

Second, managerial crisis,related to the fact that the main tool by the management of large masses is the national state formed 200 years ago, and for this, humanity passed through several technological instructions. Therefore, there was a phenomenon that I call the part of the party online against the party offline.

Third The crisis of the capitalist system due to the lack of space for expansion. The limitations of space for capital expansion led us to the financial crisis of 2008, which converts to the economic crisis, today transforming into geopolitical.

Fourth Tied to the depletion of a wide variety of resources.

Fifth The sharp deterioration of the environmental situation arising from this.

Sixth Threatening demographics indicators, which a) raise the ability of the biosphere to withstand such a population b) creating imbalances in the balance between different peoples, generating a mass of conflicts.

Seven, The ideological crisis, it is directly related to the crisis of world religions. We see how on the one hand, Islam again begins to spread quickly on the planet, and, on the other hand, we observe the crisis of Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

These factors have formed a large-scale crisis agenda for humanity. It cannot be solved within the framework of old institutes, both global and local.

Restructuring required.

What is restructuring? Perestroika is a conflict of interests causing imbalances. They need to be resolved.

From here there are key questions: for whose expense it will pass? Whose interests will have to donate? What goals should be achieved? What format should it take? Etc.

In order to correctly answer these questions, you need to understand what subjects have these interests, what tools they have and what conflicts exist between these subjects.

Here it begins the most interesting. If the world, as a single system, was controlled completely from one center, then everything would be much easier. It would be about optimizing relations inside the system. However, global weather form subjects of various levels of which the interests of which come into conflicts with each other.

There are international institutions (Financial, Security, Humanitarian) for which the interests of large transnational corporations are. They act globally. Their goaling lies in establishing single norms and standards throughout the planet.

There are states. Some of them act globally, part is regional, part locally, part there is only on paper.

There are network organizations (humanitarian, environmental, criminal, military, etc.)which act globally, regional and locally.

There are ethnic groupswhich also build their organizations that extend beyond their base area. For example, Kurds, Albanians, Nigerians and others.

All these actors have a big game there are motivations and conflicts arising from them. We are interested in subjects that are able to influence Eastern Europe, therefore, on the life of each present.

Who are they?

This is, above all, west Conglomerate which includes transnational organizations, corporations and their tools in the form of states such as the United States and the Empire of European States along with their Asian and other allies.

This is China, As a state that is an empire, whose influence sustainably expands the last 30 years. China forms around himself asian Conglomerate, In which the ally pools and strategic partners can be included in Asia, Africa and Latin America. For simplicity, we will call this Conglomerate in China.

It's Russia, As a state leading to itself as an empire, but there is no one. Russia depends on Western financial institutions, the European market and is civilizational, but geographically involved in the Asian agenda, which makes it extremely dependent on China. The failure of modernization weakened the position of Russia in confrontation between the West and China, whose interests are included in the direct conflict.

What is the difference between their positions?

West- Forms standards and is able to impose them to everyone else through various tools turning them, so in universal. The ideological power of the West rests on the economic, and the economic forms the military. West at the moment the only force capable of acting globally in all aspects.

China- As a global workshop forms a global proposal in the form of a huge range of goods, which in turn determines its expanding interest in resources. Objectively, China moved several decades in the corridor, which was discovered after agreements between Mao and Nixon. The growth of the economy increased the subjectivity of China, at the same time turning it into a serious threat to the West. This threat is existential, since when switching exhaustable resources, the PRC restricts access to the West. China pays for modernization and high growth rates of terrible ecology, social imbalances

Russia does not form anything. It occupies the position of resource Cubus with nuclear missiles. Resources and rockets are its main asset.

Motivation of China - increase its impact on making decisions at the global level, which will fix the CNR claims for more resources, because Without them, further upgrades are impossible.

Relations between these subjects will form a way out of the crisis.

What is the way out of the crisis? This establishment of a new world order is better than the former.

What does the best mean? This means that the contradictions that led to the disorganization of the global system will be eliminated by the harmonization of relations between its members, or at the expense of part of its members through their weakening or destruction. The classic example is the Yalta world of 1945, the Westphalian treaty of 1648 and so on. Such contracts record new world constructions for the next decades.

What we get at the exit in case of successful crisis permission (Under a successful resolution, I mean the avoidance of a nuclear war that can destroy humanity in principle):

  1. The global government or quasi-world government in the form of an international organization with political functions more specific than today's UN. Such an organization will have real levers of influence on the formation of a global agenda and coercion to its implementation.
  2. Accordingly, global resource management and transition to a new technological way.
  3. New Mass Mass Tools. Either through the reformatting of states or through the formation of continental or subcontinctane blocks. Or combining, one or another format
  4. The emergence of a new space for capitalist expansion, or the emergence of an alternative and more efficient economic model
  5. Environmental Risk Management on the System Platform
  6. Reducing demographic risks. Or by destroying the part of the world's population during the upcoming cataclysms, or the birth rate to the zero level and its hard control.
  7. The formation of a new worldview is possible, the infinity of the formation of a new global religion.

Hence the options out of crisis:

  1. Conservative. Trying to change anything without changing principled. Now there is Europe on this path. Previously, on this path was the USSR.
  2. Active-moderate - Try to change the situation globally through the removal of imbalances in the economy, bringing political institutions into the form of an adequate era, through regional conflicts that will change the balance of forces at the global level, through the launch of technologies that will remove or decrease the voltage at the break points.
  3. Radical- Through a global war with all types of weapons, which will allow to radically change the balance of strength and impose a model that is beneficial one of the actors of a big game.

Conservative option is beneficial to China. If there is no sharp movement in the world, the time playing on it.

This option is also beneficial in Russia, Which may try to strengthen its defense power and create a more efficient political system than to reduce the threat of internal destabilization that has been denoted in the winter of 2011-2012.

Second option - beneficial to the Western Conglomerate.

Third option -beneficial to Western conglomerate.

Hence the motivation of the parties:

West - offensive, more precisely, preventive defense.

China - defensive, more precisely, accumulating the potential in the context of the superiority of the forces of the main competitors.

Russia- defensive

By the way, this accurately reflects the ratio of their military potentials.

Here we will make the following intermediate conclusions.

  1. The crisis forms fundamentally different motivations than at the usual time, precisely because problems cannot be solved with familiar tools.
  2. These motivations are aimed at protecting their interests at the expense of others.
  3. This causes opposition to others, which dramatically increases the bar in the game.
  4. This sharply increases the security value, because ultimately life (people, communities) is the main rate in such a big game (Grand Game).
  5. If the protection of their interests at the expense of others requires their destruction, they will be destroyed
  6. This means that World War is inevitable in one format. Actually, it is already in the format of destabilization of such regions as the Middle East.

For Eastern Europe, this fundamentally changes the environment in which it exists 20 years. Since on the part of the subjects that are interested in countries in the regions, the key requirements becomes or will be safety.

Hence the agenda arises for our countries. It can be denoted in order of priority so:

A) a sharp increase in safety values, which is especially clearly visible on the example of destabilization of the Middle East and Maghreb.

B) the limitation of space for foreign policy maneuver arises from this, since world force centers will increase the requirements for states, such as Ukraine or Belarus.

C) a sharp deterioration in the situation in world markets in 2013 due to the exhaustion of the former toolkit to resolve systemic breaks in the economies of the core of the world system - the United States, Europe, China. This will be overwhelmed by the National Economy of the East countries. Europe is stronger and stronger.

D) the sharp complication of the political situation arising from this, since they will be exposed to erosion, and then established models and balances in Eastern European countries are destroyed. In the case of Ukraine, it has already practically happened.

E) the destruction of the status quo, chaos, the formation of new state institutions or loss of subjectivity and the transition to the protectorate of world power centers.

To the greatest degree of destabilization threatens UkraineSince remaining outside major regional blocks, it is more acutely experiencing the crisis pressure, while having limited resource opportunities.

The consequence will be the monstrous tension in 2013 turning into the destabilization of the Yanukovych regime and its collapse.

USA - Frankly ignore requests for help without performing the political conditions of Washington, and they form a situation that ends with the destruction of an existing regime that is not able to exist in a competitive environment.

Europe "We are needed, plus loves democracy very much, and how about us?" Well, you know.

China - If you give money, then only for the purchase of your workers and equipment, and I will not feed the rollers.

World markets? Comrades, there is still not visible. The epic picture drew the director of "Azovstal" a week ago: "I state that this market (the world market of metal rolling) collapsed finally. Orders disappeared. " At the same time, he predicted that the situation would radically change for the better not earlier than the end of spring 2013. I will say a secret - will not change, because the factors that have formed such a situation in world markets will not disappear. Let me remind you that 60% of the White GDP of Ukraine is formed by exports where metal is 40% of the revenue.

Business? Safely destroyed by the reforms of Yanukovych-Azarov.

Oligarchs? Yes, perhaps, only they remain as donors of the Yanukovych regime. What does it mean? This means the conflict of interest inevitably developing into an intercland war.

It forms a new political agenda for 2013-2014.

Her essence.

At first, You need to send Yanukovych to resign, as a variable that interferes with all - oligarchs, an average class, state employees.

Secondly, It is necessary to take off the agenda of the civil war, resulting from the inability of power to smooth conflicts in society.

Thirdly, It is necessary to remove the imbalances in relations with world centers of power - the USA, Russia, the EU.

Fourth, It is necessary to remove the imbalances that overturn the economy of Ukraine and social policy.

Fifth, form a more sustainable political system arising from the needs of a new public contract.

Below three cards.

The first two, developed by colleagues from In our opinion, they are not quite accurately reflected the essence of the processes, and also exaggerated the speed of the propagation of the influence of a number of blocks, the non-computation of others and the revaluation of third.

The third card is designed specifically for "Khvili" Sergey Groucheko



map Sergey Groucheko

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