Nicholas II: Saint or Bloody? Such a holy nikolay second who began to reign Hazhank Balmont

Electric 29.03.2021

as an epigraph:

"Our king - Mukden, our king - Tsushima,
Our king is a bloody spot,
Malicious powder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.
Our king - misery blind,
Prison and knut, susso, shooting,
Tsar-Hangman, the lowest twice
What promised, but not bold.
He is a coward, he feels with a wrist,
But it will be, the hour of payback is waiting.
Who started to reign - Walking,
He graduates - putting on the scaffold. "

(1906). "Our king" Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich

For reference: the nickname "Bloody" people gave Nicholas the second in his life

Saint now Nikolaka!
Although there was a freak during his lifetime.
Shot - oh my poor!
And how did the people in the middle?

Like from the walking starting,
Russian people destroyed!
Resolutions what
On the reports he wrote!

The nickname got "bloody"
Coronation is not in vain.
The world did not see this
Blood region - GHILE!

So, the first is a hiking
Here the thousand-three died.
(In compensation for the dead
Then they gave rubles)

And then went "by oil" -
Dissatisfied - shoot!
More than one hundred such orders
The king will have to sign!

Obukhov residents shot
Shooted Rostovchan.
In Zlatoust residents, pailed,
On the railway Moscow - Kazan ...

In Kiev and St. Petersburg,
In Riga, Kostroma, Baku.
Decree royal executive
Accurate led shooting.

And the peasants as "docked"
Hung, shot, burned ...
And in Siberia "rearranged",
And in Persian sands!

The differences were delivered
The verse could cost the head!
Third decreased, for example,
Population of Moscow!

Under the icon on Sunday
Pop Gapon collected the people.
And went to the king with a bow ... -
Shot the whole parish.

And what happened in the army!
That's where complete chaos!
Cruiser remember "Ochakov"?
And "Potemkin" example!

And Odessa? Sevastopol -
How many souls are there for the king?
From Lensky mines three hundreds,
And Putilovsky then ...

And in the eleventh hunger?
Two lost wars ...
He himself brought to revolutions
Population of the country.

Souls and bloodshots
How could he become "holy"?
From the throne himself renounced ...
How does God suffer?

And here are some of his "accomplishments":
On May 18, 1895 - during the coronation of Nicholas II on the Khodynsky field, more than 2,000 people died in the criminal unrealization of royal officials of the royal officials;
After the hiking, on which more than a thousand people died, Nikolay declares gratitude "for exemplary preparation and holding of celebrations" to his uncle - Sergey Alexandrovich Romanov, and in the diary on the eve of the New Year writes "God forbid that the next 1897 would have had the same safe, like this". Supporters "Russia, which we lost," love to remind that Nikolai II ordered each orphaned family after the goalkeeper to give 1000 rubles. It's true. However, when they counted the necessary amount, he recalled his mercy and reduced the payment to 50-100 rubles.
May 7, 1901 - Execution of the Obukhov Plant

November 1902 - shooting workers in Rostov. Killed - 6 injured - 20;

March 11, 1903 - shot of the workers of the Zlatoust weapon plant. Killed - 60, suffered - 200;

January 9, 1905 - Bloody Sunday, shooting a peaceful procession of workers in St. Petersburg. Killed - 1200, injured - more than 5000;
The first shots rang out at 12 o'clock at the Narva Gate. By 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Preobrachters and Semenovtsy open fire from the Winter Palace, where the main column came - a huge crowd of unarmed, well-fired and even mantily people with icons. The soldiers and the police shot in the crowd, the horse gendarmes cut the women and children with checkers, trampled horses, finished wounded! Palace Square and surrounding streets were littered with killed and seriously injured.
Capitalist Savva Morozov, one of the smart people of his circle in the then Russia said A. M. Gorky: "Tsar - Bolon. He forgot that people who have been shot from his consent today, a year and a half ago there were knees in front of his palace and sang "God, King Gaza .." ".
And the king, declaring the harsh and threatening "forgiveness" with those who were shot on January 9, applied to those who shot. He provided extraordinary benefits to Semenovts: each of them could turn to him personally at the end of the service. It even more encouraged the "new scrambles" in his surroundings. The Quote Didro is appropriate: "The greater the distance between the commanding and obeying, the less significant meaning for the first blood and tears of the second."
January 12, 1905 - shooting demonstrations of workers in Riga. Killed - 127, injured - over 200;

September 5, 1905 - the end of the shameful, meaningless war with Japan. Russian losses in the war - 400,000 people;

November 15, 1905 - the execution of the cruiser "Ochakov" and other rebel ships of the Black Sea Fleet. The death of thousands of sailors - Sevastopol;

On December 7, 1905, a political strike was announced at the Sorting and Perovo railway stations of the Moscow-Kazan Railway. Train movement along the Moscow-Kazan Railway stopped. On December 16, a train with soldiers of the Life Guard Semenovsky Regiment arrived at Perovo Station. The head of the punitive expedition, Colonel Riman had an order from the commander of the Minister Minister, "arrested not to have and act mercilessly." The soldiers began to shoot directly from the windows and from the playgrounds of the moving train.
According to the Moscow-Kazan Railway, in the working villages, at factories and factories, six mouths under the command of the eighteen officers were angry for several days. Killed without parsing. Adult men shot in front of children and mothers. Shot women, the bayonets were hardened old people. A total of one hundred people were killed without a court and the investigation.
Gilyarovsky writes about those events: "The driver Harlamov found a revolver without a drum, - brought to the station and shot. At this time, Feldwebel some shelf, returned from the war, went to the Colonel Riemann and said: "I wonder if your highlags, how can you shoot without a court? Riman shot him. "
By the way, this is the same Roman, which on January 9 in bloody Sunday, commanded the shooting of the workers' demonstration on Nevsky Prospect. And on his team, the shooting continued even on the crowd running in a panic.
According to the results of the operation, Roman Nikolay Karlovich was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, and his commander Georgy Aleksandrovich Min received the rank of General Major and the Prize, as they wrote in the newspapers, "with the addition of the royal kisser." Also, Nikolaka produced Mina in Majo-General, enlisted him into his retinue and took it for breakfast.

In 1905, having received a report on the suppression of the December uprising in the Baltic city of Tukkums, Nikolaka expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of the military, who entered the rebel to the negotiations and did not open fire in the city. Resolution Nikolay: "We had to defeat the whole city."
Sergey Witte in a report that someone's lieutenant-lieutenant Otto Ottonovich Richter during the suppression of workers' performances in the Baltic States "executed at his own discretion, without any court and those who resistant." And Richter's gendarmes are shortly peasants, shoot them without trial and investigations, burned whole villages. Nikolaka writes on the telegram: "Ay yes well done!". Richter is raised in the rank and invite to the king for breakfast, which was evidence of the extreme location of the sovereign.

December 1905 - uprising in Moscow: more than 20 thousand people were killed and crippled and crippled, on others, at least 70-80 thousand people: adults and children ...

On June 3, 1907, the dispersal of the king II of Duma - the last possibility of peaceful development of events was destroyed.

1911 - Mass hunger, who has taken the lives of 300 thousand people;

April 4, 1912 - shot of strikeing workers in Lensky Priis. The strike began spontaneously February 29 (March 13) on Andreevsky, but then other workers joined it. By the middle of March, the number of strikers exceeded 6 thousand people. The working day on the forecast was 16 hours at one weekend! It is in the edge, where, besides, the climatic conditions are sufficiently severe. Women on the forecast practically did not receive salary and constantly complained about sexual harassment by the administration. Izvestia about the strike reached the king, and he ordered to solve the problem radically - shoot. The order was transferred to the Rotmist Schechenkov and the result - 250 people were killed and injured.

1914 - the beginning of the imperialist war and participate in it in Russia in favor of European powers. In the years of war, 856,000 Russian soldiers died, 2.8 ml were injured. Man, captured - 3.4 million soldiers and officers.
According to the 1920 census, the population of 47 provinces of European Russia and Ukraine declined from 1914 to 11,504,473 people, or 13% (from 85,000 370 to 73,495,897).
The loss of Russia as a result of 4 years of the first world and 3 years of civil wars amounted to more than 40 billion gold rubles, which exceeded 25% of the total riches of the country. Died, more than 20 million people became disabled. Industrial production in 1920 decreased, compared to 1913, 7 times. Products of agriculture amounted to only two thirds of the pre-war. According to sociologists, during the reign of Nicholas, Russia has lost more than 28 million of its subjects (who are not his death). This is despite the fact that Russia's population for 1914 amounted to 175,337,800 people.
At the end of February 1917, the excitement began in Petrograd (in line for bread), which turned into mass performances against the government and the dynasty. The February Revolution found Nikolak in a bet in Mogilev. Having received the news about the uprising in Petrograd, he decided not to make concessions and power to restore the order (orders signed), but these orders were some kind of orders - most soldiers and officers sent bloody ... at midnight 15 (2 old style) March 1917 In the salon-carriage of the imperial train, Nikolay signed an act of renunciation from the throne (first in favor of the patient of the young son, and then in favor of Brother Mikhail Alexandrovich, who did not accept the crown (the same gift was the country).
20 (7 According to the old style) of March 1917, the Provisional Government issued an order for the arrest of the king. Twenty-second (9 old style) March 1917 Nicholas II and his family were arrested.

Some resolutions "Holy" on the documents:

Far Eastern command reports that from the center of the country came to the army "Anarchists-agitators" in order to decompose it. Not interested in any details nor the confirmation of the fact, the king orders: "Detained hang."

The Yaroslavl governor reports that when suppressing unrest, the Fanagori regiment officers ordered the soldiers to shoot in the crowd of strikers. There are killed and wounded. Nikolaka writes on the report: "Tsaristaya thanks to the young fanagori".

On the report of the Ufa Governor about the execution of the working demonstration and the death under the bullets of several dozen people, Nikishka prescribes: "It is a pity that there is little."

General Kazbek in his personal admission reports the king that the soldiers of the Vladikavkaz garrison went outside with a red banner, but he, the commandant of Vladikavkaz, managed to disrupt the demonstration, and the soldiers would lead to the barracks without bloodshed. As the general remembered the general, Nikolaka remained unhappy with his report and said: "It followed, followed to shoot" ...

According to the memories of Witte, during his report on the situation in the country, the king approached the window and, looking at the Neva, said: "To take all these revolutionaries, it would be drown in the bay."

In Tomsk, on the direct indication of the governor, the police and storms ignite the theater in which the rally of the democratic community is. Thousands of people die. The governor admires a fiction from the balcony of his house, and the archbishop (future Moscow Metropolitan) Macarius from the Cathedral Peniti announces his blessing of the arsonists. He and the other receive royal gratitude from St. Petersburg.

The Moscow Governor General Dubasov appeals to the king with a request to spare a stupid young man who, during the last walk in the Tauride Garden, shot him from Browning and missed. At the interrogation, the police stated that he wanted to take revenge on the atrocities committed to punishers when the uprising in Moscow is suppressed. Dubasov asks the sovereign about the condescension and calls the terrorist "almost a boy." Nikolay will replace the request, the boy appears in front of the military-field court, after which it goes to the gallows. Dubasov recalled about this incident: "So in front of me and these children's unconscious eyes stand, frightened by what he fired at me ...".

During the next hunger, which rolled in Russia, a certain colonel von Vendry is sent to the particularly illuminated in the affected areas. Colonel managed in such a way that there were 11 thousand cars with grain in dead end, because of which 6.5 million puddles of rye and wheat rotted. The bread was intended for starving, but when the king reported to the "success" of Venndrich, he answered: "Do not talk about him a peel, this is a worthy officer. There will always be many everybody, and such faithful people like Vendry, once or two and turned around. " "Breaking" is obviously starving peasants.

Do not forget, do not forgive!

P.S. Special attention deserve bloody entertainment Nikolay. In addition to traditional hunting where in huge quantities, a variety of animals were destroyed, Nikolay loved to shoot raven, cats and dogs (karany). Himself led by the "victories" in the diaries, for example:
- From the diary for 1905
May 8th. Sunday.
The day stood cold and gray.
At 11 o'clock. Let's go to dinner and tomorrow [Kali] with everyone. Accepted the maritime report. Walked with Dmitry for the last time. Killed a cat.
- From the diary for 1904
Hunted on raven before lunch.
Made a good walk with Misha, killed Raven
Walked for a long time, killed Crow
Walked and rode in Gatchinka. Killed the crow.
Walked, killed Crow
Walked for a long time and killed 2 raven.
Long walked and killed 2 raven.
Country Alix in the park; Tatiana walked with us. Killed 2 raven.
Went on a bike and killed 2 raven; Yesterday one.
Long walked, killed three crows.
I continued a walk and killed five raven.
Walked and killed Crow.
His courtiers also diligently recorded the number of victims - for 1902. Nicholas II killed 1322 cats
In 1908, cats were killed by 1215, in 1911 - 1177 pieces, etc.
It is believed that for his life Nicholas II destroyed about 20 thousand cats and dogs!
My number seems to be overestimated, but the desire to kill defenseless animals ...
Even behind Hitler, this was not. Such entertainment characterizes the "saint" and give a reason for the work of psychologists.

K. Balmont, as a reflection of the fate of Nicholas II

"The mirror in the mirror, comparison two mirrors, and put the candle between them. Two depths without a bottom, bloomed by a flame of candles, self-run, mutually deepening one another, enrich the flames of the candle and connect them to one. This is an image of a verse. "
K. Balmont.

There was a significant period in Balmont's life, when he considered himself a revolutionary and rebellious. Until 1919, then in 1920 immigrated from Russia to France. Here are your own words Balmont, from his article "Bloody liar" 1921
"My passion for the revolution lasted even when the muddy waves of the robbery and treacherous Bolshevism began to overtake the liberation movement and completely distracted it. It ended on July 30, when I wrote the lines "this summer" in Pyatigorsk.

I did not assemble this summer of God's harvest,
Did not write the gospey poems
Saw the lowness, sueslovye, the falsity of the oath,
Millions of distraught slaves.

I did not breathe this summer the spirit of the meadow,
I did not meet the flower,
I saw a hand that brother brother on a friend.
He knew that joy, at least close, but far away.

I did not recognize the kiss this summer,
I heard only that shameful kiss,
That traitors to traitors, leaky,
I handed out as much as in the sea jets.

This summer is the humiliation of our will,
This summer is the bottle of our forces,
This summer - I am alone in the desert share,
This summer - I fought Russia. "

But it was later, and before that there were two collections of poems: "Piecery" of 1906 and "Avenger's" songs 1907, when Balmont was in emigration and had close ties with Russian revolutionaries

Our king

Our king - Mukden, our king - Tsushima,
Our king is a bloody spot,
Malicious powder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.

Our king - misery blind,
Prison and knut, susso, shooting,
Tsar-Hangman, the lowest twice
What promised, but not bold.

He is a coward, he feels with a wrist,
But it will be, - the hour of payback is waiting.
Who started to reign - Walking,
That ending - putting on the scaffold.

Tsar Lie

The people thought: here - dawn,
The end came the end.
The people went - to ask the king.
He is in response - lead.

A, Low despot! You are forever
In the blood, in the blood now.
You were an insignificant person
Now you are a dirty beast.

But the blood of the worker went by
As a spike, in front of him.
And shoved the minion evil
Before the ear of such.

He is shred, there is no sickle, -
Communicate any.
Buzzar bumps like a crowd
There is a stroke system.

And each spike is a sharp knife,
And every embossed - look.
No, the king, now you can not come
No, dumb tsar, back!

You will not hold us now
Ninth January.
You are the king, and it means that you all lie
And we will reset the king!

Beast sacrificed

The beast is lowered. Here she is fun
Exposed Palays.
Animal face. Running laughter.
The animal voice: "Bay! Bay! Bay!"

And along all over Russia again
Pulled out, dirty always,
Autocracy of rotting
Extermining horde.

Mighty shared strike
They knocked out from the rut.
Mining need to bring
From their Romanov family.

But we do not sleep, we clearly see
The wrestlers of the uprising is not reading.
And those we hate
In his proper MiG will suffer revenge.

Walk, the beast of autocrat,
Be all overgrowness for the eyes.
Navel ended the trouble.
You are convicted. Your pound hour,

As if Romanov

Weakened Romanovs. It's time to remove them for a long time.

Words of the Kostroma Guy

We were also kings, and princes.
Rules. Rules are different.
You, depraved bastards family,
Rights are quite ugly.

Do not even rule. You are just a pamm
Angry, captive-skewer.
Palaley House, Historical Sagme,
Stupid, talentless and false.

There was a mad Ivan's mad Ivan
He was monstrous,
Self-government bloody was drunk,
Well, he was terrible.

He was a demonic dream of joggy,
Devils was he a toy;
This, present, only the idol,
Puppet, parsley.

Was in Oy, quite an idiot,
Flame of ugly Paul,
Doll-soldier - but still
The best memory left.

Paul must appreciate
Pavel May will be praised:
He did not pull his vile thread,
It was quickly created by them Palen.

The same vague, with a tale,
With a mouth, a decent wolf,
To the world of people curses, - moreover
Robs the whole world secretly.

Robs, blasphemous, huddle, lies,
Sorry sculits as puppies.
You, bastards, court strongholds,
Slaving a good brother.

Will be. Ended. We see you all.
You are cooked.
The sin of the convictions - the mortal is sin.
Wait for the kingdoms of fear!


Murders, executions, prisons, robbery,
Sisk, wanted, search, human tents,
Plexus shameless lies,
Words are alone and actions - others.

Romanovs with the Kholaople crowd,
With the enacing of everyone who is low,
Lead like cattle, workers on slaughter.
Once, two, the end. But the hour of rebel is close.

There is an accurate account for all days,
Movement in the very essence returns.
Throw in the air a bunch of heavy stones
You will have the severity of them.

Feel a wretched head
Considerable similar fun
What is the order in the life of the world
You love blood - you enter the dream bloody.

Out of the blood that is poured, blood will rise,
Life wants to live, I comply - the execution of the Surov.
Rather, life, retribution ready,
Death of death, and yes will be a videry class!

Criminal word

As long as in prisons there are coming crazy
He himself should find out the whole horror of imprisonment,
Understand that here is a round - prison.

Feel that mind, in you the burning proudly,
He became timidly looking for a sentence at least in the abyss of sleep,
What erased music - to the extreme chord:
Wall, wall and silence.

Who will talk about the Word of Ramin
He betray himself and betray others
And I'm in my face, like a bright contempt,
Throwing the husting of my verse.


Whoever believes in the victory of conscious bold workers.
He plays a dishonest-dual game.
He is someone else's takes, - on someone else's pretty hooch, -
He is freedom to take the blood of the workers, -
Well, take, she all, but say: "I'm someone else's".

Yes, freedom - for all, forever, and, however, here, this freedom,
And, however, here this minute is not indoor shower,
Not chatty, cowardly, but bold from the abyss of the people,
This will is caught with battle, and this freedom -
Not a feast speech is red, not a pitiful winding.

It's blood, I say, daring and stuck workers,
And now - who is not with us, that Schuler is a coherent and coward.
These peaceful, heavy-cultural, misery and other
I call: "Old Sor!" And in the name of the rebel workers
You will meet! In this, I, like a voice of a tide, swear!

But for this poem Balmont had to leave Russia

Little Sultan

It was in Turkey, where conscience is empty item.
There reigns fist, Nagayka, Yatagan,
Two or three scratch, four scounding
And stupid little sultan.

In the name of liberty, and faith, and science
There somehow gathered jealous ideas.
But, strongly by the will of different passions,
They smeared the crowd of Bashibuzuki.

They scattered. And now they are no more.
And secretly gathered orders with the poet:
"How to get out," say, "from these dark troubles?
Distribute about the poet, not pursuing by the Council. "

And he gathered, thinking, so said:
"Who wants to speak, let the spirit breathe in it in it,
And if someone is not deaf, let him hear the word,
And if not, - Dagger! "
I deliberately led many poems of Balmont to show that these verses were not random fleeting moods, and then a vague, violent, sweeping everything in its path heard from the people around Balmont, which was subsequently called the revolution and that so then scared and frightened Balmont. But Balmont about this and wrote, called. " Who started to reign - Walking,
That ends - standing on the scaffold. "

June 15 turned 151 from the birth of an outstanding Russian poet Konstantin Balmont. One of his poem called "Our King" very often use modern haters of the last king and the Russian monarchy in general. Like, look, even the famous poet criticized Nicholas Alexandrovich. At the same time, as a rule, the context of the appearance of a poem and what happened later was ignored. Meanwhile, if you explore these circumstances, you can condemn the poet and praise the emperor. At least the context of creating this poetic text to know preferably.

Konstantin Balmont.

So, this is a poem.

Our king - Mukden, our king - Tsushima,
Our king is a bloody spot,
Malicious powder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.

Our king - misery blind,
Prison and knut, susso, shooting,
Tsar-Hangman, the lowest twice
What promised, but not bold.

He is a coward, he feels with a wrist,
But it will be, - the hour of payback is waiting.
Who started to reign - Walking,
That ending - putting on the scaffold.

The last line is sometimes called the "prophetic" ... according to reading this poem, you immediately ask for a question: "Why didn't the poet planted?" Remembering at least the fate of Osipa Mandelstam, who later wrote a similar poem about Stalin ... And Balmont, in theory, for this should have had to at least delay.

You start learning the context of creating text and find out that at this time Balmont was abroad - in Paris. Of course, it becomes interesting, but how did he get there? And it turns out that he participated in the revolution of 1905-1907, namely in the Moscow December uprising on Red Presnya. True, he participated more verses and probably did not shoot anyone. And then (quite in time) I decided to emigrate. And in emigration published a collection of "Avenger's songs", where and this work was included.

I need to remember about it when you read this poem, because you can often find the opinion that its end is an image, and not a call for action. But Balmont at that time was rotating in the company of people who set the goal of the king of the king. And the name of the collection is also indicative - "Avenger's songs".

Well, in the end, you can see other poems from this collection. For example, in the poem "Nikolai Last" there are lines:

You must be executed by the man's hand,
Perhaps your own who is accustomed to kill
Before all the souls became a cripple,
You can not live like, you are vigilant printing.

You desecrated yourself, our country, all countries,
That you moan under your ugly fifth,
You are a dwarf, you are blazes, you are mud, drunk blood,
You must be killed, you have become for all trouble.

As you can see, the vocabulary of the Supreme Ruler's loans over the past hundred years has changed little ...

In any case, here is clearly and unequivocally talking about the rearness. Although, of course, it is not worth seeing something "prophetic" - this is only the presentation of the plans of revolutionaries. Yes, later some of them were able to carry out this threat. But with the same success, you can call the "prophetic" speeches during wars when speakers say: "We will win," and the data of the war really for someone are victorious. Thus, in every war, half of the speakers (those that were on the side of the winners) turn out to be "prophets." And Nikolai Alexandrovich was not stood on Eshaf. There was no court, and the execution of his murder can hardly be called.

Also, Dmitrievich Balmont is not worth judging by all the poets of the Silver Age. His behavior was rather exception. Most of the poets preferred to be apolitical. Yes, and Balmont himself will later say that the poet in essence should be outside of the parties.

But then he was actively engaged in politics. In the named collection, there is a lot of interesting things. For example, in the poem "Criminal Word" he writes the following.

Who will talk about the Word of Ramin
He betray himself and betray others
And I'm in my face, like a bright contempt,
Throwing the husting of my verse.

However, soon the poet regretted these his verses. He was drawn to his homeland. "Life forced me to break away from Russia for a long time, and at times it seems to me that I no longer live that only my strings still sound," he confessed. He wanted to write again and publish poems in Russia. In fact, he wanted to again become a law-abiding resident of the Russian Empire. But he did not want to be in the imperial prison.

And here it is interesting that the Russian authorities did, that is Nicholas II. In 1913, the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanov was noted in Russia. At this joyful occasion, an amnesty was declared political emigrants. Konstantin Dmitrievich also fell under this amnesty. He was given the opportunity to return, and he took advantage of this opportunity. In May 1913, he was arranged a lush meeting at the Brest station.

Sovereign Emperor Nikolay Aleksandrovich

Balmont returned and again became a citizen of the king, who once wanted death. He stopped being a revolutionary and again became how he was remembered and loved, - the Russian poet. I went around the country with lectures, published collections of poems.

It must be thought, at that time he hoped, then everyone will forget his revolutionary past and nowhere will be overlooked by his poems.

But the word is not sparrow, especially if it is the word of a big poet. Poems that came out from under his feather are beginning to live their lives on which the poet can not always influence. Often it turns out that sometimes the poets are remembered for the works in which they themselves repent. And if the Russian authorities about the Kramol poems of Balmont forgot, a revolutionary past, now, now many of these poems are known.

In March 1917, as it is known, Nikolai II was removed from power, and then his brother signed Manifesto about the constituent assembly. These events are known as the February Revolution. In this revolution, Konstantin Balmont did not accept participation. True, he welcomed it, but here he was not original - many were welcomed by her, including those who later regretted it. But the October Revolution forced Balmont to terrible. The poet characterized the Bolsheviks as carriers of a destructive principle, overwhelmingly.

Killing royal family

On July 17, 1918, Nicholas II, together with his family and servants, was killed in the Ipatiev House. "Prophecy" came true (or rather a dream), which Balmont outlined in his "songs of the Avenger". Only he was no longer happy. As was not happy to fulfill another "prophecy", from the poem "as if Romanov".

Will be. Ended. We see you all.
You are cooked.
The sin of the convictions - the mortal is sin.
Wait for the kingdom of fear.

With the Bolsheviks, this is the "kingdom of fear" and has come. However, Konstantin Dmitrievich did not smile in it to live - with the first opportunity, he again emigrated. True, did not run secret, as in the royal time, and having received permission from the People's Commissar of Anatoly Lunacharsky's Enlightenment for an overseas trip. But if he returned to the royal Russia, Soviet was not returned to Russia. The poet, of course, pulled home, but fear was forced to stay in France, in the country where he once wrote those poems for which he still loved fans of revolutionaries. I wonder if he remembered the words here from the poem "inevitability"? ..

There is an accurate account for all days,
Movement in the very essence returns.
Throw in the air a bunch of heavy stones
You will have the severity of them.

The grave of Konstantin Balmonta

So, summarize. Poems Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont were written when he was actually a revolutionary, and they should be perceived as a record of the revolutionary. For this in Russia, then an opinion was supposed. But the poet was waiting for forgiveness, because the royal power announced an amnesty as he. Under the royal power, Balmont lived in Russia, and in the revolutionary government could not live.

Accordingly, now the spiritual heirs of revolutionaries of the beginning of the last century are remembered for those verses that he wanted to forget.

Forgotten silver age. Slipping social rally, justification of terrorism and appeals to the violent overthrow of the autocratic building ...

From the collection "Avenger's song" (1907)


If you want to post a web,
So look and start with spider.
If you want to cut out the burrow, heavier
If you want you to pass the song, let the song be that song
If you want, live. If in life only prison and
Stand a mighty wave - and the barrier is striving
If w walls are stronger, scatter foam lace,
But you live - so live, and never regret yourself.

Our king

Our king - Mukden, our king - Tsushima,
Our king is a bloody spot,
Malicious powder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.

Our king - misery blind,
Prison and knut, susso, shooting,
Tsar-Hangman, the lowest twice
What promised, but not bold.

He is a coward, he feels with a wrist,
But it will be, - the hour of payback is waiting.
Who started to reign - Walking,
That ending - putting on the scaffold.

Tsar Lie

The people thought: here - dawn,
The end came the end.
The people went - to ask the king.
He is in response - lead.

A, Low despot! You are forever
In the blood, in the blood now.
You were an insignificant person
Now you are a dirty beast.

But the blood of the worker went by
As a spike, in front of him.
And shoved the minion evil
Before the ear of such.

He is shred, there is no sickle, -
Communicate any.
Buzzar bumps like a crowd
There is a stroke system.

And each spike is a sharp knife,
And every embossed - look.
No, the king, now you can not come
No, dumb tsar, back!

You will not hold us now
Ninth January.
You are the king, and it means that you all lie
And we will reset the king!

Beast sacrificed

The beast is lowered. Here she is fun
Exposed Palays.
Animal face. Running laughter.
The animal voice: "Bay! Bay! Bay!"

And along all over Russia again
Pulled out, dirty always,
Autocracy of rotting
Extermining horde.

Mighty shared strike
They knocked out from the rut.
Mining need to bring
From their Romanov family.

But we do not sleep, we clearly see
The wrestlers of the uprising is not reading.
And those we hate
In his proper MiG will suffer revenge.

Walk, the beast of autocrat,
Be all overgrowness for the eyes.
Navel ended the trouble.
You are convicted. Your pound hour,

As if Romanov

Weakened Romanovs. It's time to remove them for a long time.

Words of the Kostroma Guy

We were also kings, and princes.
Rules. Rules are different.
You, depraved bastards family,
Rights are quite ugly.

Do not even rule. You are just a pamm
Angry, captive-skewer.
Palaley House, Historical Sagme,
Stupid, talentless and false.

There was a mad Ivan's mad Ivan
He was monstrous,
Self-government bloody was drunk,
Well, he was terrible.

He was a demonic dream of joggy,
Devils was he a toy;
This, present, only the idol,
Puppet, parsley.

Was in Oy, quite an idiot,
Flame of ugly Paul,
Doll-soldier - but still
The best memory left.

Paul must appreciate
Pavel May will be praised:
He did not pull his vile thread,
It was quickly created by them Palen.

The same vague, with a tale,
With a mouth, a decent wolf,
To the world of people curses, - moreover
Robs the whole world secretly.

Robs, blasphemous, huddle, lies,
Sorry sculits as puppies.
You, bastards, court strongholds,
Slaving a good brother.

Will be. Ended. We see you all.
You are cooked.
The sin of the convictions - the mortal is sin.
Wait for the kingdoms of fear!


Murders, executions, prisons, robbery,
Sisk, wanted, search, human tents,
Plexus shameless lies,
Words are alone and actions - others.

Romanovs with the Kholaople crowd,
With the enacing of everyone who is low,
Lead like cattle, workers on slaughter.
Once, two, the end. But the hour of rebel is close.

There is an accurate account for all days,
Movement in the very essence returns.
Throw in the air a bunch of heavy stones
You will have the severity of them.

Feel a wretched head
Considerable similar fun
What is the order in the life of the world
You love blood - you enter the dream bloody.

Out of the blood that is poured, blood will rise,
Life wants to live, I comply - the execution of the Surov.
Rather, life, retribution ready,
Death Death, and will love the word!

Criminal word

As long as in prisons there are coming crazy
He himself should find out the whole horror of imprisonment,
Understand that here is a round - prison.

Feel that mind, in you the burning proudly,
He became timidly looking for a sentence at least in the abyss of sleep,
What erased music - to the extreme chord:
Wall, wall and silence.

Who will talk about the Word of Ramin
He betray himself and betray others
And I'm in my face, like a bright contempt,
Throwing the husting of my verse.

From the poems of 1906

Poet - worker

I am a poet, and was a poet
And I will die poet.
But I saw from childhood
In the windows of the Late Light Factory, -
He left the mark in his mind
I'm not a fee.

I also heard a beep -
At noon, at midnight, in the morning,
Well, I know the term
How great is a lesson,
I could not forget the beep
Here is the sound of him.

Why now sing?
Why not before sang?
Sang before my song
I am a founder - Lew Forms
I am a blacksmith - I am a verse,
Sang that I have been bold.

I was busy myself,
Well - I don't touch it.
An hour passed. Here is another hour.
Prettier marine shaft
About worker, I'm with you,
I'll poke yours - I sing.

To worker

Worker, strange to me to talk to you:
By sight - I am another. Oh, believe me, only by sight.
In the factory screen, you twist your thread,
I am in my thread, my brother, turn your insult.

Cut off, like you, from the silence of fields,
Which soul the soul was grave
I'm in a noisy city, among others,
More than once squeezed in the work of unbearable.

I was as if Chuma in my native family,
Especially torgas, I was someone else's undoubtedly.
By the sea, I sailed in my roaster -
And the sea wound a vast, horizon.

I think so happy that my great-grandfather
Wandered around the seas in the north foggy.
In my soul, they always sing, burghi murmur,
They grow, so that in the sea go to the rapidness of the unmann.

In the marsh lowers of the burghers
Toscut the free spirit, mad, mint.
But that marked who remembers the ocean,
Liberation is waiting - and the storms will wait.

She soon came than I could think
You got up - and broke the thunder, everyone came out of the forenswhere.
At the intersection of all crossed roads
Only to one of you I feel trusted.

I know that you have a steel will, -
No wonder you are standing near flames and steel.
You in the destinies of the motherland managed to read the words,
Which are wise, read, have not seen.

I know you can weave a beautiful cloth,
Through you think about it - you will do what you need.
You have awakened peaceful, you are a corpse of Pivy: "Get up", -
The corpse is alive, the wrestlers go, rises, grows the bulk.

Circles with powerful whirlpool grows,
Badgets are in vain screaming of fear, -
Now he is in herself everything around, I will behave
It will fulfill themselves with all the strength of the scope.


Whoever believes in the victory of conscious bold workers.
He plays a dishonest-dual game.
He is someone else's takes, - on someone else's pretty hooch, -
He is freedom to take the blood of the workers, -
Well, take, she all, but say: "I'm someone else's".

Yes, freedom - for all, forever, and, however, here, this freedom,
And, however, here this minute is not indoor shower,
Not chatty, cowardly, but bold from the abyss of the people,
This will is caught with battle, and this freedom -
Not a feast speech is red, not a pitiful winding.

It's blood, I say, daring and stuck workers,
And now - who is not with us, that Schuler is a coherent and coward.
These peaceful, heavy-cultural, misery and other
I call: "Old Sor!" And in the name of the rebel workers
You will meet! In this, I, like a voice of a tide, swear!

Earth and Volia

"Earth and Volya" - the cry of the people
"Earth and Will" - cry of peasants.
The worker shouted through the fog.
"All - anew, and everyone - freedom", -
As if the ocean fills.

I feel like a rapid move
There is a tidal wave.
End - prison low arches,
In prison destroyed the wall.
Russian fate all people
Now it should be solved.

Hardening, howlogging,
But the working mind is a lighthouse.
In the earth and will - the life of the people,
Again, choking will not be able to gloom.
Everything is anew, and everyone is freedom.
May it be so! May it be so!

Russian worker

Worker only on you
Hope all Russia.
Heavy hammer fell fraction
Opto serfs.
That hammer is yours. I sing you
In the name of all Russia!

You knew need, you know work,
You know too much hunger.
But you rebelled. Go with you
All those who have a young heart.
Be hard, Javi is still your trial,
Ostrog not all split.

You wish to fool
Again, again and again.
But you all outlined the way
Gave everyone freedom of speech.
So into battle with darkness, and breasts - on the chest, -
What is a call of watchdogs.

Watchdog in darkness,
Watchtower night -
Only you, fearless bold, you!
Your eyes are shining.
All dreams come true
You will win, working!

From the collection "Song of the work hammer" (1922)

Free verse

To Ivanovo-Voznesensky workers

What proud happiness to know what you need people
Suck that you can escape verse, giving in the heart.
Sisters! I see you, sisters. We will pass with fire.
Cup of drinking freedom, brothers, I swept to the end!

The power of thinking boldly, soldiers and workers
Free to be brought to us the world's great country.
Chains linking centuries. Chains are worn. Away them.
A bowl of drinking happiness, brothers who dare to the bottom!

Bold sisters love you! In the wind you are live birds.
Wings of freedom rustle the rustle of the first rain.
Glory to you and great, fertile in the countries of Russia,
Multial Tree with roll ring and good branches!

Poet - worker

Worker, I give you my verse
As a free gift from a loving heart,
In it - the measuring hammer of the hell workshops,
And in it - the candle, the covenant of the united.

Here not someone else with you says
I folded a lot of slim plates,
Taking the thought of them from the pile ugly.

My scrap, my stubborn kirk
Worked in quarry nights
Not a day, not two, but long century.
I am a centenary worker. Know and remember.

Providers, architect, waiting and poet
I am the elder brother going through the night,
I am the memory of days, the link of non-regular years,
The keeper of all radiant centers.

You think that pyramids are
Take a hand and those that got back?
Oh yeah! But I was a link of these plates,
I thought the drawing of all.

And, drawings by changing the centuries,
A variety of human centers,
I did not give to sleep my pupils,
And not gossip for the free I network.

When you mad tsari,
I first started the rebellion free word
And he has announced the arrival of dawn, -
In it - the death of the exterminating basics.

Didn't I go on the flare for you?
In prison, I did not go to the exile?
But one hundred roads will easily pass, loving, -
Who wants the victim, does not run sadness.

I waited and craving for your liberty,
I dream of the universal feast of Brotherhood -
Such a stream of caressing rays
That even the shadow of gloating does not occur.

And the hour came to start creativity,
So that happiness to double and triple.
So for what can separately print
On that palace that you want to build?

Who believes in the creation of its
He sees a lie in the split division.
Zarya rushed, burning, peering into it,
Shines the sun without limit.

So be the same as the sun finally
Recognize all the desire hugging,
And voluntarily take the liberty of all hearts
In the name of the blooming May.

Herzen name

Russia of executions, torture, cheek, prisons,
The country where the thought of the minds of the spur
Country where we eat and Balagurim
In the bloody hour of the executioner.

Country where the right is fortified,
Where a snake - king, serpenti - Tsarki,
Where is the rule - ramped in dirt and a row,
Country of blizzards, slavery and longing, -

He knew her, noble thinker,
Whose spirit - to the struggle with the inviting string,
But he was spilled foresaw full,
He solved the well in her without the bottom.

Where the valuable treasure is hidden century, -
And in the fairy tale, the giants are sleeping for a long time,
But in the fairy tale there is a sweater from the cane.

In such a reed, Dakhni - Song will answer,
And the will is called that entanglement,
It grows brighter and wonderful,
Sleeping dissected, anger shrinks diamond.

Mysterious forge rinsing,
Heavy hammer anvil beats,
Reed sings, I will read fire fire,
And there are dance and turn in flames.

In the radiance, all the white space,
Polar star burns snow
For life, you need a new decoration,
And the Giant Light goes to the enemies.

To oceans splash oceans,
And the bell broadcasts the elder:
There are enchanted countries in the world,
Russia, to be like in a fairy tale - your lot.

Destroyed your Terem Ancient forever
With all his good and bad
Over the city of yours and above the village
Passed the fire and goes red smoke.

But if in each - the spirit of the unintead,
And this faith is all the happiness of everyone,
We will be all - a flaming heart,
And all will be redeemed old sin.

Who hit the bell, believed in it,
Let only in his brother sees brother,
We will build life from just light,
So that the clock run was a sonorous waterfall.

Song of worker hammer

Knock-knock, hammer,
In each bar your nails.
Every carnation just right
There will be a round table with us.
Go full lesson to finish
Knock-knock, hammer.

At the table we will sit together -
All working family.
Behind the window will be believed
And in frost your song.

Knock-knock - on the walls,
Cold, hunger go to us.
Knock-knock - in the attic
We are not glad to you, friend.
Pound them into the corner
Knock-knock, hammer.

Knock-knock, speck
We prepare bed.
Make it tight
Heart with heart will be in it.
There is for happiness hour and term
Knock-knock, hammer.

For hugs and conceptions
We are in the gazebo faith - in it.
We are born in bed,
We sleep. We must still be more faithful.

Knock-knock, hammer,
Digested a ring-free skkey.
And graduate here your hour,
Good word remember us.
Sheaf is ready, and sheaf - on the current,
Knock-knock, hammer.

Bay, Bay, my hammer,
In the forge - darkness and in the forge - heat.
Purpose in the flame of the Frame.
Where is iron? Path ape.
In the sun - go for the hust
Sing, sing, my hammer.

Hear all who is alive and young:
Free work - like emerald.
I am in the dance, I am a working hammer,
In me, the centuries sing.

In Egypt, called otherwise
And in ancient india, and where -
Everywhere your face I designated,
How Srebro-month on the water.

As a sunny mountain messenger,
What is: Dawn Dawn, -
I had a breakdown for a dispute,
I opened the virgin, my hour is creating.

Koval hoes I and Plows,
Metal, like lightning, swords,
I was in the north and south,
I am a hammer - listen and silence.

Sickle I forged, and braids,
And the elusive ax,
Go, kosps - rows - Bosy,
But they are in the dawn - a kilty.

I danced fun and bello
Loved fire to inhale and drink
Fed toy for a child
Crown - To smash it.

How touches to the goal
In a falcon arrows,
So I shake in the cradle
In work, hammer - hammer.

Miscele to the right and left,
Rain splashes gold,
Whether the truth, screaming anger,
Whether we are a star on the way.

In the flow of flame - blooms,
In melting for ore - comfort,
Not all jackets are not, -
For the first time I sing the century.

I crossed the sea and mountains,
I followed the darkness
My road patterns
Cherka on the mountain range.

I'm crying - response to the East,
I knockna - the West shoved
My shine is wide
And the flame of my violence.

I am a riot, I am an explosion, I am the one that
Destroyed laugh blindness,
Straight from the glow seas
We grab the stars on the fly.

Granite high cliffs split,
I moved down in depth,
I am the heart of the world, listen, the hammer,
I am blood, I am life, be faithful to me.

I'm where the laughter splashes in excess,
Where pale pigeons steel,
Where the sun is gold bars
And the hottest crystal.

I am where fresh diamonds,
Where blue yahont and ruby
All countries are swinging with a shot of communication,
I am a worker, I am the Lord.

And since childhood the story is familiar to me,
That the May shower, shine and hum -
There is a dance, a cheerful laughter of thunder, -
Hammer has swollen a throat.

Over the first light in the morning of May,
Where Maks are lightning - through the century,
Heavy hammer raising
A victorious hand would take.

Knock-knock, my hammer,
Darkness behind the light, light for darkness.
We beat the anvil
We know the song about yours.
With the sun - fortunately and home,
A knock-knock, my hammer.

In the photo 1896 - a year, when her last emperor went to the throne of the Russian Empire - Nikolai II. Under the cat photo of those who became the first victim of his reign ...

The original is taken by W. Humus.



"For Nicholas II, such quality was also characteristic of the fate of his people around him. It can be traced throughout his life. First of all, you need to remind the events related to the coronation of Nicholas II. This is good to all the famous catastrophe at the Khodynsky field on May 18, 1896 When about 1,300 people died, and many thousands were injured. And what was Nicholas II reaction?

The festivities were not canceled, the performances of clowns continued, the work of the Balagans. Moreover, in the evening the same day of the French ambassador Montebello should take place in honor of Nicholas II and his spouse. According to the Moscow Governor General of the Grand Prince Sergey Alexandrovich, Uncle Nikolai, "Many advised the sovereign to ask the ambassador to cancel the ball and at any case do not come to this ball, but the sovereign does not agree with this opinion. In his opinion, this catastrophe is the greatest misfortune which should not overshadow the holiday of coronation; Khodyan catastrophe it should be ignored in this sense.". Ball was opened by Nikolai and Alexander Fedorovna.

"Today a great sin happened," Nikolay II recorded on May 18 in the diary, "... pottano about 1300 people! The disgusting impression remains from this news. At 12 1/2 have breakfast, and then Alikc and I went to Khodyanka for the presentation with the sad "folk festival." Actually there was nothing ... Let's go to the ball to Montebello. It was very beautiful arranged".

Other events were not canceled. The next day he recorded: "For 2 hours. Alikc and I went to the old-Ekaterininskaya hospital, where all the barracks and tents went around, in which the unfortunate victims were lying yesterday ... at 7 h. Banquet of class representatives in the Alexandrovskaya Hall began. And on May 21, the diary is recorded: "At 10 3/4 we went to the Ball to the Noble Assembly."

That was what the emperor reacted to the Khodyan catastrophe. It is not by chance that after that it was painted "bloody". Guilty of a catastrophe, primarily the Governor General of Moscow, did not suffer punishment. "

Source: E.S. Radzig "Nicholas II in the memoirs of approximate"




"Our king is Mukden, our king - Tsushima,
Our king is a bloody spot,
Malicious powder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.

Our king - misery blind,
Prison and knut, susso, shooting,
King - Hangster, the lowest twice,
What promised, but not bold.

He is a coward, he feels with a wrist,
But it will be, the hour of payback is waiting.
Who started to reign - Walking,
That ends - putting on the scaffold

K.D. Balmont, 1906, 12 years old to "Eshaphot".

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