Why astrology is not science. Why is the Astrology of Lzhenauka? Astrology from a scientific point of view

Sewerage 29.03.2021

Astrology and Astrophysics

Why is astrology not Lzhenauka?

Sergey Vasilyev

Hard and fundamental performance leaves no stone on the stone from astrology. I have not met a more intelligent performance against astrology from the representative of the natural sciences. It is carefully thought out and well represents the views of astrology dominant physics in the current physics. It is, as if a concentrated ideological basis for the struggle of the Committee on Phelenaucas RAS with astrology. The article is large, placed in two numbers of the magazine "Science and Life". Until now, none of the physicists who see astrology otherwise did not speak in press with the discussion about the essence of the article with their vision of the problem. There was no discussion, but it is necessary. First of all, it is necessary for the healthy development of the science itself, otherwise a unilateral look at the problem will be reliably, and any attempts of scientific positive research of astrology will, without proper justifications, are out of science, which will be deprived, perhaps physics for a long time of fundamental scientific discoveries. Indeed, let's think. Astrology empirically noticed many strange patterns for science. The astrology does not fit into modern representations of natural sciences, more precisely, directly contradicts physics. And it is true. It means that the consequences of the mentioned strange patterns of astrology will give physical mechanisms, which, in turn, also will not fit into traditional science. If physical experiments confirm some, derived from astrology, the physical mechanism, it means that it will be a new fundamental discovery for physics, which will move forward our knowledge, and then, as usual, and our technologies, which obviously matters for science, Progress of technologies and for society as a whole. If it was possible to confirm at least one astrological pattern, for science there would be a prospect of drawing the discovery from astrology, where the immense many empirically noticed, strange for physics, laws.

But, maybe, science has long checked astrology, having received a reliable negative test result? Maybe scientifically and unambiguously already found that there are no empirically correctly notified patterns in astrology? If so, then the problem of understanding astrology, by itself, is removed from the agenda. The article without any doubt responds to the questions raised completely definitely: the inspections reliably found that astrology is incorrect.

Therefore, we will again put the cornerstones: did the astrological patterns be checked by adequate scientific methods? What is the current astrology from a scientific point of view? Is it possible to use empirical data of astrology for scientific purposes? Let's start in order.

1. Expert checks of astrology. Checks were. I will show the reasons for their scientific non-efficiency at first. Then I will talk about the new scientific method of objective inspection marked in astrology patterns.

The only studies of the accuracy of astrology, which can be recognized by scientific, spent Goklen (big statistics, 28 volumes of the results of many years of work). Goklen checked the empirical data of astrology on the dependence of the type of personality from the star time at the moment of birth and on the location of the Sun, the Moon and the planets relative to the Earth at the moment. Goklen checked whether the predisposition of the type of personality (predicted by astrology) corresponds to a certain profession, to which the personality really practices in his life. But after all, the realization of the person strongly depends on the social conditions of its residence, from the obstacles to the life path. For example, a potential swimming champion, who lived away from water bodies and swimming pools, will never become a champion. Probably, there are not so many lucky ones working precisely by the specialty to which they are most predisposed, and in conditions when their abilities are completely revealed. A strong person will overcome many obstacles. A weak person has a much less chance of its harmonious implementation. In the experiments of Goklen did not control the specified social conditions and obstacles in the life path, which are crucial. However, to control them, and even statistically, almost unrealistic. Therefore, the results were vague. They reflect, most likely, the decisive role of uncontrolled factors. Some confirmation of the influence of the planets, Goklen found in the group of people who have outstanding achievements. Apparently, this is a group of strong personalities. As a result, Goklen believes that he laid the foundations of cosmobiophysics. At the same time, it is clear: much more efficiently invite professional psychologists, carefully and objectively study the real type of personality and compare with the data of astrological patterns. To this, Goklen moved at the end of its activities and managed only to start.

After the goke, known for me, the checks are comic, or not serious enough, that is, with a violation of standard canons of the scientific experiment. For example, in the classroom all students in the classroom, the same description of the personality type, drawn up, is specifically so pleasant and in a chance determined that everyone can attribute a description of themselves. All students are attributed to themselves. This speaks about the possibilities for scammers, and not about astrology. Serious checks should be in the spirit of Gokelene with the participation of psychologists and serious astrologers, with a deep study of the objective characteristics of real personalities. These are expensive tests. Only at the recently, checks in the spirit of the astrologers themselves are reborn again revive. But for objectivity, there are not enough participation of representatives of science again.

It would seem that there is a completely simple way: checking astrological predictions. Maybe not everyone knows that the question of predictions is problematic in the most astrology. According to the famous Astrologer A. Timashev, 90 percent of astrological methodologies in relation to predictions are erroneous. For example, one of the techniques was carefully worked out. For its check, the death of Pope Roman was predicted. As a result, predicted was the 1992th year. Similar examples, readers themselves can lead as much as you like. Scientific testing of predictions in such a situation is unlikely to give a reasonable result, useful for science. Therefore, in this article, the problem of predictions is not considered anywhere. This part of astrology is considered, which describes the astrological patterns of influence on the type of personality, its somatic features and predisposition to certain diseases. (But, by itself, a question about astrological predictions, naturally, is fundamentally important. It would be nice to comprehensively discuss in this journal).

Thus, the proper scientific check of the mentioned patterns is absent, and it is complex and difficult. Despite this, both in the work, and in the official scientific press in general, a false representation is aggressively created - the illusion that a complete scientific check has long been implemented with a negative result for astrology, as if it was long, fully and scientifically established that there are no astrology and not There may be a single right-notched empirically patterns. As a result, the illusion quite seized most of the representatives of the scientific world, which, as one of them wrote to me, sincerely consider: " Take a look carefully in the awkward eyes of the astrologer, and you yourself understand everything" This state of social scientific opinion is not harmless to astrology, nor for science itself. It is very false scientificly at its base, since it is accepted without proper scientific justification. It seriously prevents the development and conduct of truly scientific inspections and research of astrological patterns. Many naturally know by no means anger, but a normal look of the astrologer (although the negative consequences of the commerce of astrologers exist that, probably, inevitably). Millions of people on their own experience were convinced of the justice of astrological definitions, for example, personality types. Other millions were convinced of the opposite. Here it is necessary to give an objective scientific assessment of astrology.

Due to the current situation, a new method of objective scientific audit of astrological patterns was developed without the involvement of expert assessments of psychologists and astrologers. When using it, all the load falls into physicists. The method has already given the first results, testifying in favor of astrology (see the third section of the article).

2. Science and Astrology. Announces astrology unworthy of all scientific attention and in fact preventing any attempts to search for the scientific foundations of astrology, some official science leaders are rendered to science, frankly, a bear service. Science, indeed, has now serious reason to object to astrology, because, as already mentioned, astrology does not fit into modern Scientific performances of physics and directly contradict. But this does not mean that it is necessary and permissible to admissively and ideologically obstruct scientific research of astrology. Rthe eating argument of science against astrology is as follows. Modern physics unequivocally proved (see Appendix 1): The effects of distant planets cannot be transmitted by energy material fields subject to the law of energy conservation. And that's it. However, this conclusion is again, as many other conclusions have repeatedly in the past, absolitized And it is replaced by another conclusion about the impossibility of the effects of distant planets in no way. Why? Yes, simply because there are no other fields and exposure to modern physics and has no idea about them. Therefore, if approaching the question dogmaticallythen, indeed, according to data modern Physics Astrology "Obviously"it is incorrect and is a nonsense crazy. However, it should not be north, and it is unlikely that it is unlikely to prove that other (for example, non-efficient, intangible) fields do not exist. Therefore, said dogmatically "obvious" conclusion, not really has an adequate scientific justification. Moreover, if you look at the history of the development of physics, it is easy to make sure: scientific presentations themselves are repeatedly and radically changed and expanded; And the fact that radically did not fit into physics, in the future it fits perfectly in it.Is it no better, therefore, for science does not reject astrology for science, but to use it for scientific searching for the possibilities of studying difficult-intensive non-efficient, intangible fields and influences?From the standpoint of modern physics, the causes of astrological influences are indeed not clear, completely incomprehensible and look clean mysticism. But it is impossible to rejected many years, maybe the millennial, painstaking work of serious astrologers, their huge experience only because science is now incomprehensible to the causes. Such a disregard looks like a frivolous attitude towards a huge empirical material. Rather, it is necessary to be amazed how astrologists managed to simply notice patterns in such a complex area.

Let's see how science, and the ideology of society as a whole, overcame the difficulties of recognition of radically new ideas. Let me extract the lesson from the history of science development to make it easier to understand how it is better to act in relation to astrology. For clarity, I will give an example from the book:

« At first, people thought that the land was flat and that it was impossible to determine its dimensions if not to go from the edge to the edge. And it was completely obvious. The evidence was not, but it was then a public thought and was not required. Everything was obvious. Not flat land seemed nonsense. In addition, there was a decisive argument against the shag-likeness of the Earth, because then did not know anything about the gravitational attraction. It was quite seriously believed if the earth would be round, then people will fall from it. Remember, at least the reaction of almost every child - "But how do people do not fall?", When the parents first tell him that on the opposite side of the earth, people go down their heads. It was difficult to object. Of course, from time to time someone donated a guess that the earth is not flat. But his guess was rejected, as unproved, and useless. Rejected until they reused the horizon properties, gradual disappearance beyond the horizon of objects until they learned the elements of the simplest geometry. Notice the properties of the horizon, gradual disappearance beyond the horizon of objects - it was a scientific discovery of the time that did not fit into the "obvious" idea of \u200b\u200bflat land. This circumstance made seriously referring to the problem of studying the form of the Earth. The main scientific hypothesis appeared that the Earth is a ball (by analogy with the observations of the forms of the Earth and the Sun, plus, apparently, as the simplest and most symmetrical option). The shag-formation of the Earth was proved based on more subtle studies arising from the hypothesis and showed an approximate constancy of the curvature of the earth's surface. Already the ancient Greeks knew and knew how to correctly calculate the radius of the globe, for which it was necessary to have been required to be the adequate development of the mathematical apparatus of elementary geometry. In the end, Brad became a show. In the process of further long-term development of science, it was possible to establish the form of land with much higher accuracy. The Earth turned out to be a ball in the first (but very good) approximation.

From the foregoing we see:

(1) "Obvious" turned out to be incorrect;

(2) The most impossible - it turned out quite possible;

(3) At the same time, the "obvious" remains almost correct within the boundaries of its applicability (not too large areas of the surface of the Earth), and a completely different picture of the applicability is also due to the limits;

(4) What provided a breakthrough to a new area of \u200b\u200bknowledge? - discovery;

(5) What provided proof of new knowledge? - a reasonable working hypothesis about the essence of the object to be studied, plus special research flowing out of it, plus the development of an adequate mathematical apparatus. If the development of the latter was delayed for some time, the evidence would be detained as much;

(6) The initial hypothesis of the essence of the object is most important, but in the future it is detailed and specified.

It was necessary to stay in detail on the simplest example, since the general situation is most simply seen, repeated on the revolutionary stages of the development of science. Including, including the situation with the presence of properties (1) - (6) repeatedly repeated at these stages as a certain fundamental pattern. " - End of quotes. I strongly recommend you to familiarize yourself with the first section of the book, in order to make sure that the equity of the specified patterns of development of science will ensure on the set of historical examples.

Therefore, based on the historical experience of science, we conclude that, a scientific response to questions about astrology, requires primarily scientific discoveries and refusal from the dogmatic approach. And it is very important to push literate prompts (hypotheses), in which directions should look for these discoveries.Absolutization of momentary knowledge and in the past, and now, as we can see, only slowed down the progress of the development of our knowledge. Absolutization of scientific ideas, despite the fact that no one reached the absolute truth means, objectively, a false scientific organization of the scientific process, which causes, objectively, harm and science, and society as a whole. In science, the authority absolutization of the established submissions is simply destructive for the development of fundamentally new scientific directions.

Astrology, in my opinion, has not yet been science. Despite this, all the fairness of science against astrology, due to the above, scientific research of astrology and the possibilities of building the physical mechanism of astrological influences, not only well legitimate, but also necessary. According to the historical experience of science, these studies will probably lead to the fundamental changes in some modern scientific ideas.

Professor I.V. writes on this topic. Owner:

« Let our reader, the idea does not have the idea that everything is bad need to immediately discard, cross and even prohibit as "heresy from science", how so far "orthodox scientists", forgetting, does not have a monopoly on the truth and that the history of science is full Examples of not only the "maternityization" of unscientific facts and "unscientific knowledge", but also to transform into a myth, that is, "oomifices" would seem like unshakable scientific ideas "(Y.Chuhaevsky. "Old heresy? New physics!"- See the magazine "Codres", No. 10, 1989). These "scientists" will not be reluctant to recognize that the development of science is connected not only with technical progress, but sometimes with revolutionary implementation in the science of what was recently interpreted as a nearby (paranage) and not recognized by orthodoxes.

Orthodoxes from science were stubbornly declared astrology ... and PR. Lzhenayuki, generated by ignorance and quantity. Their stuffings of the discarding "badness" naturally, but at the same time they risk throwing out of the bath with water and bathing a child in it. Recall the words of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, written in 1928: "... The assessment of especially great discoveries and enterprises was almost a curtain not only erroneous, but also hostile, killing merciless everything outstanding. So, Newton's manuscript was lying many years in archives. Royal Society. Lamarck was Osmayan Kuvier, Darwin rejected the French Academy, and Mendeleev-Russian. Arago rejected the railways, and the time of Napoleon-steamboats. Well, if the great was not executed and did not put in the crazy houses. So, the fellow citizens of Columbus (Genoese) They were going to punish him for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe circular land. Only escape saved him. "

Individual Scientific authorities and entire academies more than once fell into a confusion about the denial of the stones falling from the sky, frog rain, cyzerfisces, the existence of three, live and dead water, the possibility of creating aircraft heavier than air, the historical status of chronicles for the oldest legends "Ramayana" and " Mahabharata ", etc., etc.

Orthodoxes from science veneered labels ("Naewoo", "Lzhenauka", "Antineauka", "Pseudonauka", "Counter-Science", "Shadow Science"), wanting it to correlate it with " pathological science" , that is, with the classes of ignorant or smaller people, "convinced that they are creating" genuine "science, but in fact, in captivity of their painful fantasies and illusions" (J. Kholton, prof. Harvard University).

Already quoted Yu. Chugaevsky in his " Scrapbook Charlatan" (see the magazine "Codres", No. 11, 1990; No. 3, 1992) writes that, according to Academician E. Alexandrova, represented by the "domestic pantheon of fighters with false science," three sources nourish scientific heresy: "Militant ignorance, fanaticism and Fraud ", and further, Yu.Chugaevsky adds that" ... in this part it would be possible to argue. For example, how to deal with those who are engaged in unicenesday and fanaticism, you know, Lzhenauka, but not fraudsters? A ? And at your own expense, besides. And in the catalages they are striking. Is it? Or-doing clean science, at the expense of the state; academician, but a fraudster? Or Lzhenauka, full of ignorant, at the expense of the state, for my account, but also a fraudster, Even academician? Or ... options, as you can see, a lot, and the question is far from clarity. " "Who is the road of truth in general, that is, not only in the present, but in the future, he will not brazenly swear over the thought, penetrating the society, no matter how strange it seemed to him," he wrote the great I.Sechenov.

It all depends on the one you call scientific ... A specialist in the field of any science, warming astrology, not knowing it, incorrectly arrives. I can name, however, many scientists who, professionally studying astrology, were surprised by the accuracy of her conclusions. Do not forget that the authoritative astrologers were such people of the past, like dad Sylvester, Dad John XX II., Albert Great, Thomas Akvinsky, Roger Bacon, Peter from Ayi, Bruno, Spinoza, Quiet Brage, Kepler, Francis Bacon, Leibniz ...

- And yet science denies astrology.

It is necessary to distinguish between science and scientists. Science of Truthful, the scientist can be wrong. Those scientists who are rowed astrology, not knowing it, besides, they come in this way, based on naive dogmatism. The scientist, who became Dogmik, is the worst enemy of scientific progress ... By the way, there are many events in the history of science that do not paint scientific dogmatism. Official scientists - members of the Paris Academy, categorically denied the cosmic origin of meteors and meteorites, English scientists excluded the possibility of creating thundering and mathematically proved that the locomotive could not move along the rails; Hearing the first phonograph, they called it a stupid shredding. When Jupiter's satellites were opened, they did not want to look at the telescope, in order to believe them, that Jupiter could not have satellites, was not undermined. And just as we laughing at such scientists today, tomorrow will be laughed at those who denied that a person born at midnight in winter, completely different than those who were born at noon in the summer, and will be surprised at the hardware with which they Such an obvious truth is denied ».

Interesting data on the influence of the planets is leading. Vladimirsky: " Due to the total synchronization of all oscillations in the solar system, solar activity correlates with the configurations of the planets, so that these configurations are some generalized solar activity index. Among the modern methods of the forecast of solar activity are also known to those who successfully use these correlations (for example, the methods of P.R.Romanchuk: the maximum of solar activity comes two years after quadraths of Jupiter and Saturn). In academic scientific journals, it is not difficult to find examples of empirically found correlations of selected geophysical events with the positions of the planets (Bigg: "... Geomagnetic perturbations almost never occur near the lower connection of Venus). In general, a forecast of environmental and biological events controlled by solar activity is quite possible, according to planetary configurations (in terms of P.R.Romanchuk: the epidemic catastrophe will come two years after the square of Jupiter - Saturn, if the event mentioned has to maximize solar activity)».

Obviously, B.M. Vladimir excludes the influence of the planets themselves. The planets are considered by them only as pointers, or celestial hours, synchronized by the solar activity itself, or something else. But, after all, the periods of circulation of planets and their constellation is determined by the gravitational field of the Sun. And the gravitational field of the Sun is practically independent of its electromagnetic and corpuscular activity. So, the activity of the Sun cannot synchronize the movements of the planets. Therefore, if electromagnetic and corpuscular solar activity correlates with the positions of the planets, then Chizhevsky is the configuration of the planets affects solar activity, and not vice versa. As shown by V.G. Surdin, no famous field physics planets, including an electromagnetic field, cannot really affect the sun. Then it turns out that the planets affect the Sun through its, unknown science, fields. True, due to the opposite of the given data V.G. Surdin and B.M. Vladimirsky, it is not clear, correlates solar activity with the positions of the planets, or does not correlate. The question is important, since the indicated correlation would mean the presence of a significant unknown field in the planets.

3. The physical method of objective inspection of astrology. The method allows us to objectively check astrology by no expert examination of the set of experimental people with the participation of psychologists, astrologers and scientists, and by the measurements of some physical quantities in special physical experiments. The method is built on the "from the opposite" method. Some regularity marked in astrology is selected. The hypothesis of the loyalty of this pattern is adopted. The consequences of the hypothesis are studied. The study of the consequences is communicated to the level, firstly, the clarification of the physical mechanism generating this astrological pattern, secondly, to the level of prediction of the behavior of the measured physical quantities. Further, in physical experiments, the correctness of the predictions is checked. If predictions are confirmed by physical experiments, it means that the initial astrological pattern is correct. This is, in fact, the generally accepted scientific method of checking theories and physical models. Priority always has an experiment.

Probably, it seems incredible that from the artistic stories of astrology (type, on the courage and self-confidence attacked by Mars in the first house of the horoscope) you can logically withdraw a parametrized physical model with measurable characteristics, and even bring the case to experimental measurements. Apparently, therefore this path was not investigated. However, this turns out to be possible. All this is described in detail in the work.

The astrological pattern of the dependence of the type of personality, somatic features and predispositions to certain diseases from the provisions of the planets, the sun and the moon in the signs of the zodiac and the houses of the horoscope at the time of the birth of a person was selected. The author and himself observed the specified pattern for a long time, often affected the degree of detail of the coincidences of deployed astrological descriptions with reality, which could not be an accident. I met not so little and exclusion from the rules, noted the statistical nature of the mentioned dependence. I was very interested in the question of how such addiction could occur. From time to time, tried to build guesses, but nothing good did not work. Finally, about a year ago, I decided to act from the contrary, as described above. It was decided to put a hypothesis on the justice of this astrological pattern. I decided to investigate which physical mechanism of astrological influences follows from this hypothesis itself. At the same time, not all elements of astrology were used, but only the most reliable of them. Currently, there is an immense set of astrological techniques. In my theories and physical models, the increase in reliability is achieved due to the use of only such basic provisions of astrology, which are, if possible, the most common nature that is not associated with many details having different interpretation in different astrological methods. At the same time, notice, almost all specific varieties of mentioned dependence are not used. Therefore, the theory describes the fields causing astrological influences, in general, bypassing many details. However, in the future, it is necessary to gradually include in the theory of all new empirical data of astrology as an understanding of the physical nature of astrological influences and identifying important astrological parts for science. As a result, based on the hypothesis, the physical mechanism of astrological influences (of course, not in all details), and the physical experiment testified in favor of astrology, was identified. As noted above, the effect of the hypothesis will necessarily give a physical mechanism, which, in turn, also will not fit into traditional science. What did the resulting mechanism fit into traditional science? It turns out that the physical mechanism of astrological influences is based on the use of non-efficient (intangible fields). Physics does not study intangible world. It's true. But it does not follow anything that physics should not, or can not do an intangible world. Simply, physics did not have any experience in this matter. The millennial astrological observations are difficult by catchy, subtle effects, allow physics to approach the research of the intangible world. In addition, in the book, regardless of astrology, a strategy of naturally scientific study of intangible world is being developed, a general hypothesis of intangible objects is formulated and a general control property is derived inherent in intangible objects. Moreover, intangible and material objects are interacting. In other words, there is a single material and intangible world. It is necessary to clarify the physical definition of an intangible object used in the works of the author. Otherwise, significant misunderstandings can easily. This clarification is contained in Appendix 2 to this article.

Where does the mentioned statistics of astrology be taken from? At first, the author thought that due to uncontrolled effects, external with respect to the solar system. But, perhaps it is not limited to just it. According to the theory and experiment (see Article), each planet has two unknown earlier intangible fields XC and HD. (These fields are called the author of the X-fields. In order not to be distracted for not the main thing, if you do not like the term "intangible", replace it for yourself on the words "ometergetic", or "massless".) These fields are ometerly productically affect synchronously on all physical processes. By changing the properties of space. Fields of HC and HD mutually complement each other, just as the electric and magnetic fields are complementary. The XD field generates anisotropy of space. Anisotropy is sectors. The XS field does not create anisotropy, but it is sector itself. These fields are statistically manifested, changing the histograms of all physical processes at the same time. They, as it were, are responsible for the characteristics of chaos in which we exist. Therefore, the statistical nature of astrology may have deep roots. The mentioned method leads to the physical detection of intangible objects. As part of the method, specific and unexpected, including for the author, physical consequences were obtained. I will say right away, physical experiments witnessed in favor of the consequences of the initial hypothesis, that is, in favor of the studied astrological pattern, namely:

Physical experiments with the Schnol detector confirmed the existence of precisely those periods of repetition of the influence of the Sun, which follow from the theory of two component X-fields. The latter does not exclude the coincidence of the consequences of the theory and the results of the experiments. But many other consequences are confirmed from the theory and models of astrological influences: synchronism in meridian; local synchronicity; a period equal to the sunny day and the explanation of its absence in a special experiment; Disappearance of field effects HD near the land poles; Monthly moon cycle of intangible field. The random of so many coincidence is hardly permissible. In particular, experiments confirm the existence of two different components x MOP and X D. WITH The intangible IS-Field of the Sun, carrying out astrological influences. This means that for the first time a physical experiment specifically confirmed the astrological influence of the Sun in two hypostasses: depending on the position of the sun signs of the zodiac (field X SS) and depending on the position of the sun in the houses of the horoscope (field H. D. WITH). Moreover, it strikes the phenomenal accuracy of one minute of registration of moments of repetitions in a year, that is, in 529969 minutes. In fact, the accuracy may be even higher, since one minute is just the time of receiving one histogram in the current experiments. The highest accuracy of the work of the Schnol detector is still waiting for its explanation. In addition, on the example of the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, the physical experiment first confirmed the astrological rule of a sharp short-term strengthening of the influences of X-fields in the aspects of the planets. According to experiments, the impacts recorded by the Schnol detector are not shielded by the Earth, as must be according to astrology in relation to the astrological influences of the planets. Consequently, the X-Fields of the Earth are not shielded. Currently, as emphasized in the work, it is fundamentally important to spend special experiments on the registration of the distinctions of distant planets with the Schnol detector. At the same time, the initial experiments are advisable to hold, at the moments of conjunction planets with the Sun Iluna, or when the planets are planets at sunrises, sunsets, in Zenith, Nadir (that is, in the aspects of X-Fields planets with its own IS-Field of the Earth), because at these moments The effects of the planets are sharply enhanced, as well as on the artificial satellites of the Earth, where the effects of the XD planets are exposed to intensify according to the theory hundreds of times.

The initial physical model can be subsequently as described above, correcting, expanding, improve, etc. Now there is still very little experiment, but this is a matter of hiring. And neither you, and nor I decide what is true, but what is wrong.Decve everything should experiment. Physics often do not know astrology poorly, although they are convinced of a sufficient understanding. This illusion creates astrological consumer goods, flooding the market, and creating false ideas. Plays the role and commercial use of astrology. And where did you see commerce without busting? Astrologers, on the contrary, are not always well oriented in physics. Hence the lot of difficulties. This is the fate of all adjacent disciplines. But the time will pass, and everything will fall.

5. Astrology today is not a lzhenauca, but a valuable preset.What is the current astrology? Let's listen, first of all, people who know the subject of discussion well, that is, the opinion of serious professional astrologers. We discussed in detail this issue on a representative astrological forum. Everyone agreed that in the current astrology, the empirical art of the astrologer plays an enormous and main role. Notice, not science, but art. As in any art, there are a large number of essentially different schools of this art. The lack of a mechanism for astrological influences is also obvious to all. That is why everything on the forum agreed that astrology now cannot be considered science. Unfortunately, in print, especially in the boulevard press, there are backward statements, which confuses and forces scientists to oppose astrology as science. V.G. Surdin writes: " What kind of astrology we mean when we talk about the need to combat her? Yes, very simple - the one that, without being science, crammed into her clothes. Modern science relies on firmly established facts; This is its strength, in the same its limitation. There are no reliable experimental or observational facts, the scientist cannot do fantasies ». It turns out that V.G. Surdin does not oppose serious professional astrological schools, but nominates evidence of the impossibility of the existence of the physical mechanism of astrological influences. Thus, V.G. Surdin puts forward proof and impossibility of the existence of reliable experimental or observational astrological facts, which is the proof of the impossibility of astrology to be science. But it is interesting, where will the positive scientifically installed solid facts come from, if an objective scientific study of astrology is in advance from science, by its ads in advance by Lzhenauka?

Made a step forward in the understanding of the physics of astrology, the first option for building a physical model of the mechanism of astrological influences, the first experimental physical results, testifying in favor of astrology, I think, change the situation and allow astrology to gradually move to scientific rails. For nonsense , astrologers have to work "in dark", based on a set of scattered, empirically noticed patterns. Of course, astrologers have learned to do so far without knowing the mechanism, but not from a good life. If astrology knew how to find this mechanism, astrologers, undoubtedly, would immediately engage in this. Also concerns science. If the latter recognized at least some hints, how to find this mechanism, she would immediately engage in this case and would have become the best friend of astrology. Moreover, it can be assumed that, due to the ignorance of the mechanism, some important patterns and properties are missed in astrology, as well as confused, among themselves some qualitatively different astrological influences and the like. Why can this be assumed? Yes, because astrology is not alone, in the history of human knowledge. Already were exactly the same situations. Let's use a huge accumulated experience of science history. Exactly the same, in the main situation, the situation was in alchemy, many years of development. But there was not known for the mechanism of chemical reactions. Alchemists learned to completely do without knowing the mechanism. Alchemy has accumulated a huge amount of marked patterns. The lack of knowledge of the mechanism was replaced by mysticism and, for sure, alchemy discovered a lot of valuable chemical transformations. But then the chemical reaction mechanism was opened and developed in detail, chemistry has emerged, which on the basis of the mechanism understanding has changed the whole life of humanity and achieved such heights that we now understand have been unattainable without knowing the mechanism. Divine influences, I think, really play a serious role, but, I suspect that for them and mysticism is listed in astrology and the fact that they do not apply to them is simply due to the misunderstanding of the mechanism of the influence, and therefore due to the misunderstanding of what And as happens in the process of influences. It would be very strange if without knowledge of the mechanism and processes of influence, all these influences would be completely reflected and classified. therefore astrology not luge, but valuable prefabJust as alchemy was the forerunner of chemistry. The astrology has, in my opinion, the great prospects for scientific development with benefit and for science, and for society as a whole.

Elements of mysticism and similarity with alchemy, allow scientists, in general, easily and unequivocally attack astrology. The current not normal attitude of science to astrology was described by B.M. Vladimirsky: " Who now remembers the collection of signatures of Nobel laureates under the statement that Astrology is Lzhenauka (the text was published in 1975 in several magazines and - in the form of a paid ad - in leading American newspapers). ... It was very effective, however, the methods of struggle against astrology at the Bolsheviks: the congress of astrologers of the late 20s, which gathered in Gelendzhik, was, they say, in full, "for lunch" was taken and disappeared and disappeared without a trace ... Laureates are ridiculous ... not only for the reason that certain types of astrology perform psychotherapeutic function in society and do not claim to predict, but also in connection with the presence of empirical generalizations that are amenable to rational interpretation and subject to scientific research. It turns out that scholars appeared to this statement appear in the episode mentioned and as people, very easily by scientific ethics: being outstanding professionals in their narrow area, they considered it possible to categorically speak on issues that they apparently did not think. Specialization (alas!) Makes it difficult to perceive the integrity of phenomena. Over time, there are increasing problems that are clearly pronounced interdisciplinary nature, astrology - just such a case."- End of quotes. The author hopes that the rethinking of the relationship between science and astrology began to give positive results. The transformation of the pretension into science, by definition, requires serious scientific work.

I repeat, the absolutization of scientific ideas, despite the fact that no one reached the absolute truth means objectively, the false scientific organization of the scientific process, what causes, objectively, harm and science, and society as a whole. The absolutization of momentum scientific views is simply destructive for the development of fundamentally new scientific directions. If the Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences according to Lzhenayuk, did not obstruct the scientific study of astrology, declaring it in advance, unworthy of all scientific attention, Lzhenauka, and created a special center for the scientific study of astrology, it would be more useful for everyone.

In conclusion, I want to thank Vladimir Georgievich Surdin for valuable detailed comments (they were taken into account when preparing an article) and a constructive attitude.

APPENDIX 1. The decisive argument of opponents of astrology is as follows.As established within the framework of classical physics for electromagnetic and gravitational fields, the field of a point source should decrease rather quickly as the source is propagated. V.G. Surdin rightly argues:

"However, I want to return to the topic of the physical influence of planets and stars on the ground, so that the reader does not have doubts about this.

Of all the types of physical interactions, you can only seriously talk about gravity; The remaining fields, the flows of particles and radiation from stars and planets in the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth are so weak that their registration even with consistent modern devices requires considerable effort.

To sense the gravitational effect of the moon on the ground, you need to measure the difference in lunar attraction at different points of the Earth. It is small: the ground of the globe nearest to the moon is attracted to her by 6% stronger than the most remote. This difference of forces stretches our planet along the direction of the Earth-Moon. And since the Earth rotates relative to this direction with a period of about 25 hours, in our planet with the same period there is a double tidal wave - two "hump" in the direction of stretching and two "valleys" between them. In the solid body of the planet and in the open ocean, the height of these "humps" is small, just about half a meter. Therefore, we do not notice the tides in the ocean, nor on land. And only on a narrow coastal strip, it is possible to notice the tides_otils due to the mobility of ocean water, which, raiding with a tidal wave to the shore (the speed of something considerable, hundreds of meters per second!), Maybe inertia rise to a height of up to 16 meters.

Similarly, acts on the ground and the sun, more massive, but also more distant than the moon. The height of solar tides is twice as smaller than the lunar. In the new moon and the full moon, when the Earth, the Moon and the Sun lie on one straight line, the lunar and solar rings fold. And in the first and last quarter of the moon, these tides weaken each other, since the "hump" one falls on the "depressing" of the other. Moon-solar rings - the phenomenon is very noticeable and important in the life of the Earth. For example, under their influence, the Earth gradually slows down its rotation; The duration of the day increases. Even stronger there is an earthly tidal force on the moon: it has long slowed down his daily rotation so much that it is constantly addressed to us one side.

Giant tidal effects that affect the movement of the planets give rise to the illusion that small living bodies are also suppressed by them. As a result, we hear naive statements from the creators of the "scientific astrology": "The moon causes tidal phenomena in all Liquid Earth systems - in the ocean, in the semi-liquid core of the Earth, in every cell of the body, in all intercellular fluids." Based on such statements, the phenomenon of Lunatism is trying to explain, very popular in astrology; Offer "biological theory of tides." At the same time, the level of argument is: "The moon causes tides to the sea, and the person also consists of water almost entirely, it means that he should experience a relative influence." Of course, the water here is nothing at what: the earth's surface, as we already know, is deformed by the tide in the same way as the sea, the only difference is that the sushi cannot flow, so the tidal wave comes to the shore. Well, in general, from the point of view of physics, the "biological theory of tides" looks just ridiculous: after all, any person located next to you, such as a neighbor, has a gravitational tidal effect about a million times stronger than the moon.

Approvals about the right tidal effect of planets on Earth look even less seriously; To do this, just look at the table below. The total action of all planets cannot be caused on the ground of the tide above 0.045 millimeters. And their influence on a specific living creature will distort its form no more than on the size of one atom!

Now we will touch on a slightly more complex question - the indirect influence of the planets on the Earth's biosphere, where the sun is used as a "amplifier". In the 1920s, the pioneer of helicobiological studies in our country A. L. Chizhevsky wrote: "We know that the periodic activity of the Sun is not quite independent. There are good reasons to think that it is in a certain dependence on the placement of the planets of the solar system in space, from their constellation in relation to each other and to the Sun ... Thus, both earthly phenomena depending on the periodic activities of the Sun, so to speak, under The control of the planets ... Studies conducted in order to clarify the influence of the planets on the activities of the Sun, gave quite positive results: in the periods of solar activity, the periods of planetary movements are detected. " After many years, we understand that Chizhevsky showed unreasonable optimism: repeated attempts to tie solar activity with the location of the planets did not lead to the expected result.

What is the real effect of planets in the sun? From the above table, it can be seen that even if all the planets are lined up into the chain and their tidal influence will develop, all the same height of the tidal "hump" on the surface of the Sun will be no more than 3 millimeters. Despite the insignificance of this value, the journalists are regularly frightened by "parades of the planets" the lung public. " - End of quotes.

Therefore, for example, the gravitational effect of the planets at the points of the Earth is indeed negligible. However, this statement about insignificance is true for any material field (already known to us today or not yet known to us) regardless of the physical nature of the field ,. Indeed, it should be directly from the law of conservation of energy, just for any material fields. As the material field spread from the source, the flow rate of the field is "folded" by the ever-increasing area of \u200b\u200bthe distribution front, and it means that the density of the energy flow falls, and with it the intensity of the field. For example, the density of the stream of energy isotropic material field of a point source is obliged to fall not slower than 1 /R. 2, where R. - distance from the source, since the area of \u200b\u200bthe spherical frontS. = 4 p.R. 2 increases as R. 2 . So any material fields of the planets are required to decrease with distance not slower than the decline in the gravitational field.

Appendix 2. The concept of intangible. The hypothesis on the existence of the intangible Millennium world already exists in all religions, but does not fit into the scheme of natural sciences. Moreover, the natural sciences themselves, although they are in their essence the sciences of materialistic, but do not give a specific physical determination of the concept of matter. To include this hypothesis in the scope of natural sciences, it is necessary to more specifically determine the concepts of material and intangible, and then attribute to the intangible world. - It is physical characteristics or, for a start, at least one physical characteristic. Only then can be made from hypothesis physical conclusions, and only so you can open the natural sciences a long thorny path to the study of the intangible world, which means to make an ancient hypothesis working hypothesis.

According to modern ideas of natural sciences, all objects that study today's natural sciences have a lot M.. Therefore, it will be completely natural to specifically called the material world of objects having a masse. Then perfect Naturally, to name intangible mobjects that do not have a lot.Here under M. The relativistic mass is meant. In the framework of the special theory of relativity, it can be shown that the relativistic mass M. It makes sense, and together with it it also makes sense equivalence of mass and energy Ms. 2 = E. where C is the speed of lightE. - Energy Equivalent Mass M. . Therefore, equivalent to an intangible object can be determined as an object of non-efficient. For simplicity and clarity, I will speak below for intangible objects, as a massless. The same physicists that do not take the concept of relativistic mass can, without prejudice to the logic of the presentation, to replace the word "massless" to the term "ometergetic" for themselves.

A stable stereotype was widely spread and rooted, which, in fact, is not quite thought out. It interferes with the development of science. This is how this stereotype usually formulates his supporters: " If something is "intangible", then describe, feel, measure and know it is impossible in principle. And if describe, feel, measure and know you can, then we can talk only about the material. The phrase "physics is intangible" is the same absurd as "top bottom", "black and white" or "warm cold " Here the concept of intangible is replaced by the concept of unrecognizable. We call many objects that fall under this definition of intangible, letter H. .

But unlike this philosophical stereotype, you can give another, scientific, much simpler definition of the intangible, which is much more important for science and more productive, and for all people it is easier and clearer. It is given by me. It can be called as defining an exception method. Denote the many intangible objects that fall under this me determination, the letter W..

Let's see whether the sets coincide H. and W.And how do they relate among themselves? Any object from a set H.obviously can not have a lot (energy), otherwise it would be possible measure His mass. Consequently, any object from H. It has no mass. Means any object from H. Belongs to set W.that is, it is already contained in the set W., that is, many W. Already contains all the many H.. And on the contrary? From the absence of mass (energy) in any way logically It does not follow that the object can not be felt, measure, know, describe. That is, it is not necessary to be forbidden to feel, measure, know, describe the object from W.In such a way, if in the process of scientific research it turns out that some object from W. You can feel, measure, know, describe, from general considerations it can not follow that this is absurd, on what the supporters of the stereotype are insist. The mentioned hypothetical result of scientific research will mean the other: many W. wider than many H. and contains many H. whole. And all objects from W. really intangible, because if there is a little object from W. turned out to be material, he would have a mass (energy) M. unequal zero, which cannot be due to the determination of the set W.. Lots of W. Cannot contain material objects. I specifically used here only the simplest words that are understandable to almost everyone. Therefore, everyone can easily understand what I say, if, of course, he wants to understand. But the stable, the described stereotype is really not strong enough. For example, many people feel God during prayers. According to the definition of respected supporters of the stereotype, God is material. There is an inappropriate confusion. Therefore, stereotype, despite its apparent simplicity and logicality, suffers from ill-imbecable. But, most importantly, the stereotype not only does not allow science to come close to the study of the intangible world, but it does not even allow to build a working hypothesis, based on which one could begin attempts to study the intangible world. Therefore, this stereotype is not so harmless to science, as it would seem at first glance. This stereotype moved from philosophy to physics. But, after all, philosophy summarizes what has been accumulated in the natural sciences, and not vice versa. Therefore, if in physics is intelligent and more useful to use another concept of intangible, physics and should do it. And philosophy then summarizes physical results. According to the results of my research, intangible and material turn out to be interacting, that is, there is a single material and intangible world. Simply, for the convenience of study, it is divided into two essentially different class objects. Just as in physics, the interactions on strengths and weak, bodies on liquid and solid, etc., although everything is one. In order not to be distracted by the main one, the opponents of such a unit can replace for themselves, without loss of the logic of the presentation, the term "intangible" for the words "massless", or "non-efficient". In context, this is the same.


1.V. Surdin. Why is the Astrology of Lzhenauka? // Science and life. 2000. № 11 and № 12.

2.S.A. Vasilyev. Problems of the construction of the physics of the intangible world and its value for all of us. M. 2004, Christian Publishing, Page 82,ISBN. 5-7820-0085-6. See also S.A. Vasilyev. Problems of the construction of the physics of the intangible world and its value for all of us. Journal Astrology, 2004, Issue. 3, p. 2-20, besides, see also a book on siteswww. nonmaterial. pochta. Ru or www. nonmaterial. Narod. Ru .

3.I.N. Kubsun.Stology - science, not science or bad, see HTTP: //Ufoinukraine.hut.ru/lib/kovshun/smalta.html.

4.B.m.Vladimirsky. Thoughts about irrational and rational in modern culture, or what to do astrophysics with astrology // Universe and We, No. 4.

5. S.A. Vasilyev. Iphysics secrets of astrology. Journal Astrology, Vol. 4, 2004, p. 2-25, or magazineThe World Astrology Review № 12 (36), DeceptEmber 6, 2004, see Also an article on siteswww. nonmaterial. pochta. Ru or www. nonmaterial. Narod. Ru .

6.V.G. Surdin. Tidal phenomena in the universe. M. Knowledge, 1986.

7.F.K. Great. Astrology of the end of the twentieth century // Astrology: pros and cons. M. Knowledge, 1990.

8. a. Lieber. The Lunar Effect: biological Tides and Human Emotions. Anchor Press, 1978.

9. V.ANTONOV, A. Akhmedov. The message or foresight // Science and Religion, 1981, No. 7.

10. A.L. Chizhevsky. Earth echo solar storms. M. Science, 1973.

11.S.A. Vasilyev. The role of the role of relativistic mass, as inertness measures and as a gravitational mass, see an article on siteswww. nonmaterial. pochta. Ru or www. nonmaterial. Narod. Ru .

12.S.A. Vasilyev. About astrology on other planets, about the meaning of aspects and some questions of readers - physics of secrets of astrology (continued). Journalism, vol. 1, 2005, or the World Astrology Review magazine, №4 (40), APRIL 4, 2005, see also an articleon siteswww. nonmaterial. pochta. Ru or www. nonmaterial. Narod. Ru .

Astrology is a faith that speaks in the language of science,
And this is a science that is not able to confirm its principles except faith. Bush lecture

Some supporters of astrology put forward the opinion that the planets and stars have an impact on people with their fields, combining different ways, these effects have both positive and negative impact on the formation of personality and processes on Earth. There is nothing occult, all this can be calculated and even predicted.

Suppose that the sun, the moon and the planet of the Solar System have on earthly living organisms some significant impact and that the degree and quality of this effect change depending on the mutual location of the celestial bodies.

Of all the types of physical interactions, you can only seriously talk about gravity; The remaining fields, the flows of particles and radiation from stars and planets in the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth are so weak that their registration even with consistent modern devices requires considerable effort.

Any radiation should weaken in proportion to the square of the distance from the corresponding shone, and the tidal effect is proportional to the duration cube. Then impact of stars can be neglected: even from the nearest star it will be 20 billion times weaker than from Mars, and from the last several thousand times weaker than from the moon. Of all the heavenly bodies of the solar system, only the sun and the moon truly have a significant impact on Earth.

The influence of the rest of the planets is completely insignificant. In addition, these effects are infinitely a lot. Electromagnetic and gravitational fields of planets and stars, applied to each other, form the so-called noise that accompanies each person from conception to death to which the person is adapted and the level of which is relatively constant.

No mechanism and the more mathematical apparatus for describing the hypothetical impact of celestial bodies, which at least many significantly affects the newborn, the apologists of the nature of astrology are not offered and cannot be offered.

Most often, astrologists simply ignore most astronomical, physical, biological and other scientific data known to date. In turn, serious science ignores astrology (enough to turn to professional scientific publications or find out the opinion of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

If we assume that there are not yet known science or little accelerated interactions between the celestial bodies and people, and that empirical data on these influences and has accumulated for many centuries of the existence of astrology, then the presence of such influences should be apparently confirmed empirically, that is, it should be It is shown that the results of astrological calculations correspond to reality and that these are not random coincidences. Thus, the validity of astrology must be confirmed statistically. However, existing studies show arbitrariness and unreasonable astrological conclusions.

So, if astrology fails to justify any physically nor statistically, then, maybe it still relates to science, but more, so to speak, thin - to psychology? Indeed, an astrologer, chatting with the client, acts as a psychologist, and the client himself adjusts itself to the horoscope and tries on other astrological descriptions. The famous Astrologer Radyar spoke to the promoter of Astropsychology, focusing on the development of the qualities and potencies laid down in man. Radyar used the ideas of Charles Gustav Jung, who proposed the so-called synchronistic principle. Roughly speaking, according to this principle, any gadening systems are a symbolic language for the description of developing holistic systems (human, organizations, countries, etc.) and in some way "work" synchronously with them, and how "work" is unknown. That is, the direct influence of the celestial bodies on, for example, no man (or it is insignificant), but, knowing the state of the solar system at a particular point in time, you can understand the symbolic meaning of this moment and further apply (by virtue of the structural similarity of holistic objects) directly to the person.

Astrology is the most convenient dressing system, since it is possible to find out the position of the celestial bodies at any time. However, the Jung did not give any substantiation of his ideas. Here you can talk only about the fact that he perceived the famous hermetic, occult principle "that at the top, that at the bottom."

In modern science, astrology cannot find any support for himself. Therefore, some astrologers nominate theories about X-fields, vibrations of planets and other pseudo-contaminated phenomena. However, such assumptions are made shortly and cannot be tested for consistency, no means for registering these fields in astrologers, naturally, no. The purpose of such theories is psychological and advertising.

Let's summarize. Astrology is not science because its main provisions cannot be proved to be proved, they are simply taken on faith and the question of reliability is not set:
1. It is impossible to prove that there is a connection between earthly events and the qualities of the soul with the position of the planets, and the existing research speaks about the opposite.
2. Nowhere cannot be outlined that a specific planet with a specific appeal period is responsible for the one, and not a different parameter. Astrology simply does not explain, on the basis of which there is a binding of astrological symbolism to specific celestial objects. In addition, various qualities are assigned to the same planets in different traditions.

To form and justify the astrological system, which is impossible to form any well-known science. Based on the whole building of astrology, there is faith, or rather superstition that planets determine earthly events and human soul quality.

Astrology is not only a wound science. This is science from sciences. When many knowledgeable and successful astrologers ask a question about the rationale for astrology, like science, then besides a well-known phrase that astrology has its own start in ancient times, and references to authoritative and outstanding events predictors, they cannot say anything sensible.
In our age, when astrology no one will not surprise anyone when astrological predictions are given on each television channel, when many large firms have in their staff the position of Astrologue, when from the stands are no longer branded astrology, like a lzhenayuk, and the inquisition does not burn predictors on fires, The mass of people, and especially the scientist, the astrology of science does not recognize. Many though listening or reading predictions in the media intended for the masses relate to them still skeptically and with distrust, do not attach them a particularly serious meaning. This, of course, that deserves, for the predictions filed for society, are based only on the movement of the Sun and the Moon and, perhaps, a pair of planets, and are calculated for the whole sign of the zodiac. Therefore, the skeptics of astrology science do not consider, and they take her place near the fortune telling and predictions of different species. Despite the fact that many astrologers refer to the cornea of \u200b\u200bthis science of all times and peoples and lead as a mass of predictions of events from the life of outstanding people, scientists of fundamental sciences astrology, like science, still do not recognize.
And only those who started a huge work on the development of these inexhaustible knowledge, with each new step of penetration into the depths of exposure to cosmic radiation on each part of the universe at a certain point, they understand how powerful, multifaceted, all-pervading, mathematically and physically justified this science - astrology. Her app covers all spheres of human activity from birth to death. Knowledge of astrology is so comprehensive that other sciences can be considered derived from her, for they go to their roots in the depths of the potentials studied by astrology. For example: physics studies the laws of motion of bodies, elementary particles, waves; Astronomy - the laws of the movement of cosmic bodies; Chemistry - the laws of converting matter; Biology - the origin, growth and death of living beings, organisms, plants, cells. And astrology explains why the movement of bodies, elementary particles occurs at the moment, in these coordinates of space. Why some elementary particles enter the reaction, and others are not. Why in different periods of time, chemicals behave differently (for example, water structuring is different in winter and summer, in the morning and in the evening). Why life emerging at the moment will have some potential opportunities, and at the other time others. What vitality will be possessing the body, what its manifestations will be in this world.
Astrology can be called science that studies the impact of cosmic radiation to earth and all earthly bodies. All the outer space is permeated with radiations of various orders and various sources. Radiation of stars, which in a huge amount we contemplate in the sky, distributed to thousands of billion km in space. On its way, they fall on other cosmic bodies and, reflecting them, apply further, acquiring changed qualities. Our sun is a star of a small value also emits a wave space of various frequencies. We feel and know that climatic changes on Earth depend on it. Therefore, no one will decide to deny this influence. The radiation of the Sun, falling on the moon and reflecting from her, also impacts on our planet and on the metabolism of living organisms. No one will deny the tides and flow. Everyone knows how they are reflected in water metabolism in living organisms and plants various phases of the moon. In the full moon, reflected from the Sun light, in large numbers hits the ground, and in the new moon in the smallest, and this affects the growth of plants. It affects the animals, and in humans, although it is less studied. Therefore, this medicine is not very listened to this. And it would be worth it, for the full moon usually occur the most abundant bleeding.
Reflect solar radiation is also all the planets of the solar system, as well as asteroids and comets, and even cosmic dust. Astrology uses in its practice, except for the Sun and the Moon, reflected radiation of such planets such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Often use radiation of small celestial bodies - asteroids and comets. Planets reflect radiation not only the sun, even though the proportion of its radiation is enormous, but also reflect the waves coming from the depths of the cosmos, and also overlapping the radiation of other planets and cosmic bodies. And the most important sun, the moon and the planet reflect and absorb invisible radiation, emanating from the center of the Galaxy, as well as from the center of the Galaxik and the Universe, referred to as the Absolute or God. These radiation science have not yet been studied. Now their some component is called torsion fields, but it is only part. For understanding and awareness of these radiation, we can present toalforms, love, potency, constituting the whole psychological palette. Radiation shining and planets on Earth are heterogeneous and are in constant change. At the Sun, the moon and the radiation planets change according to the periods of their appeal. A changes in radiation from star systems occur at a longer period, which is associated with a change in their positions in the heavenly sphere. And this in turn depends on the movement of the solar system in the space and movement of star systems relative to the center of the Galaxy. And even though many believe that the star systems, which are distinguished from us at huge distances, cannot affect the state of earthly affairs. However, we know how the world changes when changing eras. We have reached the historical data of the epochs of the Aries, Taurus. We only finished fish era, and now entered the Aquarius era. And it gives the color of all events on the planet.
The strength and influence of emissions of the luminaries and the planets are directly dependent on the angle of reflection of light from these luminaries and the angle of rays to the ground. Therefore, the position of the shone and planets in space relative to the Earth is very important. In astrology, the influence of the shone and planets on Earth, depending on their position in the heavenly sphere, which was divided into 12 sectors on the signs of the zodiac. Corners of influence are called aspects. It is known that there are aspects of influence intense and harmonious. Creative and karmic aspects and other are also considered. To stressed corn-aspects include: aspects of the opposition - 180 degrees., Square - 90 degrees., One and a half-ductrate - 135 degrees., Semi-shield - 45 degrees. The connection is 0 degrees. It has a dual value and depends on the planets forming it. Harmonious aspects: trigon - 120 degrees., Sextile - 60 degrees., Haldifier - 30 degrees., Kiscons - 150 degrees. Creative aspects: Quintil - 72 degrees., Half and a half-kinthyl - 108 degrees., Biquintil - 144D., Decile - 36 degrees. Karmic Aspects: Nonagon - 40grad., Sentagon - 100grad., Binongon - 80 degrees., Postnongon - 20 degrees. Stressful aspects give the blows of fate, conflicts, contradictions, struggle, testing, dynamics, activity. Harmonious aspects give stability, balance, protection, smoothing the contradictions, constancy, they relax and give laziness. Creative aspects of rare in horoscopes. They give the need for freedom, innovations, creativity, awareness. The karmic aspects give tight control of the highest strength on the situation and man with a forced return of debts. They roll, interfere with a man to exercise conceived.
But if you ask a question to astrologers: - And why the tense aspects affect destructively, and harmonious - relaxingly, then rarely who will answer this question. Or why the effect of Mars is considered intense, active, and the influence of Venus is harmonious, relaxing. Nobody is also on this question. They will say that it is so accepted in astrology and that's it. Because, astrology reached us, and the knowledge that there was no knowledge. Maybe somewhere on earth and there are hidden from curiosity of non-in-law.
But physicists could easily answer these questions, but they are not familiar with astrology. And simply do not give any importance to the knowledge lying on the surface.
Everyone in school was studied the theory of light and other waves through the natural environment. The laws of the drop in radiation on the surface, reflection and refraction, the laws of absorption with surfaces, the laws of passing through the medium are homogeneous and inhomogeneous. All these laws are proven on experiments, mathematically confirmed by formulas. These laws are involved such concepts as an angle of falling, reflection angle, refractive angle, pattern of orientation phase of falling and refraction, wave shift, wave reflection coefficient, refraction, wave interference. All these concepts, laws and formulas, of course, are absolutely clear to physicists, but are difficult to understand ordinary people. But conclusions from these theories of falling, reflection, refraction, etc. Just explain the influence of the reflected planetary radiation on the Earth. For example: if the beam of light falls under a certain angle on the mirror surface, then it is reflected in this angle. And if the beam of light falls on a rough surface, then there is a scattered reflection. Also, the reflection of light from an optically less dense medium occurs without a phase shift, and the reflection from an optically more dense medium is associated with a phase change. If you apply these knowledge to the theory of astrology, it becomes clear that the drop in light on different surfaces of the surface and the atmosphere of the planets is reflected in different ways. From the dense atmosphere of Venus and Jupiter, the waves are reflected more mirrored than waves from the surface of the rocky Mars, almost deprived of the atmosphere, or Saturn with its stony asteroid ring. Here reflection will be scattered. Therefore, the waves from Jupiter and Venus are more constant, stable and balanced than chaotic directed waves from Mars and Saturn.
The same influence also have the angles under which the light on the ground is reflected from the planets. Each angle carries its change in the phase when falling, reflected and refracted. And as a result, it affects the objects of the Earth. In addition, there is a phenomenon of light interference, when the waves are coherent - i.e. The frequencies and constancy difference of the initial phases are coincided. Light refraction occurs - curvature of the rays when passing from the remote source through the space and the atmosphere. All these influences are studied by ancient scientists and are applied to the theory of astrology. We can only represent how all these radiation are directed per person or other living creatures. It is not difficult to guess that our cells are also a reflective, reflecting and absorbing. The entire cell metabolism depends not so much from the chemical elements penetrating the cell, as from the emissions passing through it. It has been proven that living organisms placed in a relatively closed space from the waves cease to develop and die. Therefore, all radiation falling into a cell produce a particular action, causing or normal flow of exchange reactions, or a violation of the exchange. From here a cell or works organized and fruitful, or a malfunction fails and a disease is manifested. The same effect of radiation occurs on the field level on our psyche and thinking.
Therefore, astrologers, having the movement tables of the planets and shine and knowing the natal horoscope of the observed, can make forecasts of events. For example, if a person has a lot of intense aspects to its significant points in the horoscope, then it is expected to strikes fate or illness, etc. And if aspects are harmonious, it can be assumed that the events will be positive and successfully. Human holotal horoscope is its perforation map of angles and radiation frequency. At the time of the birth of a person, the luminaire and the planet occupy certain provisions on the heavenly sphere. They are sent at this moment of radiation at a certain angle, with certain frequency and phase, and this is fixed on the field and gene level of the born. And in the future, only such radiation will respond the body. Therefore, the actual movement of the planets produces its impact on people selectively, depending on individual natal data. There are planets that are slowly moving, it is uranium, Neptune, Pluto. They have an effect on the masses of people, because Corners and frequency at birth in many people will be almost the same.
If after all of the foregoing, someone will say that astrology is not science, but fortune telling and fantasies, then this person needs to be sent to secondary school to re-examine physics, astronomy, biology.
Demel V.S.
P.S. If my knowledge is not satisfied in the physics of the light of the competent scientists, then I apologize, for I do not have a scientific degree.

What is astrology? "This is the doctrine on the impact of heavenly bodies on the earth's world and man, in particular at its temperament, character, actions and fate." Such a definition we found in the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary. But this is only his first part, the second states that astrology allows you to predict the future, and then doubts begin: who said it and why we must trust this person, given that science itself denies the effectiveness of all astrological techniques and qualifies astrology as a pseudoscience ? To answer all these and many other questions, first of all it is necessary to refer to the history of the astrology itself and trace the main stages of its development. What we will do now.

History of mysterious astrology

Astrology originated for a long time. Another Ancient Roman politician Cicero, who lived in the first half of I century. BC, in his first book noted that Haldei (astrologists) conducted posts of star cards for 370 thousand years, and according to the statements of his contemporary - the Greek historian Diodorus Sicilian - their observation covered the period of 473 thousand years. By the way, such a rich history at the moment, not every modern science can boast. But what studied the astrology of that period?

At the initial stage of its development, astrology dealt with the omen of events representing public interest: the ancient priests-astrologists could predict a good or bad harvest will be this year, as it will end: war or world, etc.

"Suchmers and Babylonians believed that the will of the gods in relation to man and his deeds can be found by watching the movement of stars and planets. Therefore, they recorded their observations on the signs and interpreted them not with astronomical, and from a magic point of view, "much later (in the XIX century) wrote British Orientalist Wallis Baj.

Note that astrology is still long before the birth of Cicero and Diodorus Sicilian also studied the signs of the zodiac. For example, in the ancient Egyptians, the human body was divided into 36 parts (the entire zodiacal belt was divided into the same number of parts), each of which was under the auspices of a certain group of stars, and a separate horoscope was compiled for it. Such schemes can be detected on the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. The connection of stars with parts of the human body was also recognized in other countries of the East - in Persia, India, China, Japan, although the number of constellations from different nations differed noticeably.

Today, astrology reached its maximum development, having done a tremendous path from the magical teaching on the impact of heavenly bodies per person and the earthly world to the craft building forecasts for business. Whether they should be trusted, we will understand lower.

Oh, these forecasts ...

About tricks and enterprise astrolories go legends. One of them tells about Almansor - the court astrologer of the French king Louis Xi. Once almorza predicted the death of the Royal Favorite Margarita de Sassena. As a magic stick, a week later, a young and blooming woman really died of unknown illness. The angry king secretly from the astrologer ordered to throw away from the window.

But Almorz was far from stupid. He did not want to die at all, and he decided to go to the trick.

Accompanied by the guards, he passed by Louis, who asked if an astrologer knows how much time he had to live. Almorz immediately understood what was the matter, and he answered that he would die for three days before the king. Louis was very frightened and told his servants to carefully protect the astrologer until his days and make sure that he did not need anything.

Star, possessing some mysterious knowledge, can easily deceive their listeners, having told them only that part of the truth that they themselves consider it necessary.

The story knows many examples when the predictions of star specialists came true only because they could not not come true. Direct this example is Karl Khludt - a personal astrologer of Adolf Hitler himself. It turns out that the Führer ordered a forecast for the development of events in Germany from 1937 to 1945. In it, in particular, it was said:

"... 1939 will enter the history of mankind as the beginning of one of the most destructive wars, and serious tests will be slandering on the shoulders of the German people. Especially heavy will be 1945, but victory is expected in August. "

Only who will win, a cunning astrologer forgot to mention. As it turned out, it was no matter.

The case with the German Führer is far from exception. Often, powerful monarchs, seeking to expand their possessions, conducted continuous wars among themselves. Astrology at such moments used the greatest popularity: astronomical predictions were compiled, which trusted conquerors. And it turns out, in vain? Most specialists from other scientific spheres are confidently saying: "Yes."

Why not trust astrologers and their forecasts?

In 1975, 186 leading global scientists, including 18 Nobel laureates, made a statement by the "objection against astrology".

They expressed their concern about the fact that the media willingly print astrological forecasts on the pages of their editions: "Aquarius, you are waiting for trouble today, so try not to leave the house" or "Tales, you are waiting for a quarrel with your loved one," and most (yes , Dear readers, exactly most) believes such horoscopes. Confirmation of this is the data of the National Science Foundation, the main office of which is located in the United States. The specialists of this agency include faith in astrology to one of the most common pseudo-native delusions among the Americans. By the way, in Russia the same situation. In order to protect citizens from deception, a special organization "Commission to combat Lzhenauka and the falsification of scientific research in the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been created in our country. One of its tasks is the public criticism of astrology as a lzhenayuki.

But why are scientists configured against astrology?

The conviction is that astrology - pseudoscience, no just like that. It is based on the fact that the methodology of astrology is incompatible with the modern scientific methodology. Modern scientists include astrology to superstitions, false scientific teachings and a variety of assuming magic. And in such a situation, the astrologers themselves are to blame, who often speculate on problems, not yet fully studied by science. However, as all of the exercises, astrology also has supporters.

And I believe astrologers!

A few centuries ago, a famous priest, an opponent of astrology John Butler from Lichtburg, wanted to eradicate all Astrolok of England. However, he did not call people to hatred and shout slogans on the street. He decided to learn the enemy in the face, namely, to familiarize himself with the literature on the subject.

The Monk admitted his wrong and said: "... Several years ago, I was also one of the enemies of this noble science, with which it fought blindly, not knowing what, until the attempts made soberly to read several lines of this subject. And despite the fact that it was done with the most serious intentions to find a convenient reason to pour dirt on her, I got the opportunity to understand what I am dealing with, and it caused me to respect to her seedings, which I so unfair and ignorantly despised ... And, thus, studying her, I found that after the theology, nothing would lead me closer to understanding God than the sacred science of astrology about the great work of nature. "

John Batler supports modern supporters of pseudo-scientific theories, believing that astrology has every chance of becoming science.For example, in 2000, the Commission on University grants and the Ministry of Development of Human Resources India decided to introduce the course of "Vedic Astrology" in Indian universities. Without having been thinking, they sent letters, offering universities grants in the amount of 1.5 million rupees for the opening of offices with teaching this Vedic Astrology. By the way, 35 universities responded on the proposal. Of course, the scientific community of India, which immediately expressed his protest against attempts to give the scientific status of pseudoscience.

Despite this, today in a number of Indian universities, there are still branches and are assigned to the degrees of Jijotish - the astrology of Hinduism.

Still astrology - Lzhenauka?

Before trading on the basis of astrologers data, I advise you to read the descriptions of experiments and conclude.

The scientific approach has demonstrated the work of Alan's 1984. He took the census data of the UK and selected from there a random sample of people, after which he built the distribution of the signs of the zodiac by profession. Sometimes it turned out that some kind of sign prevailed in some profession: for example, Sagittars were minimples, and twin journalists and secretaries turned out to be minimized. After that, he asked 15 astrologers to show what professions for what sign would prevail. Astrologers have shown the results of the rupture, having only occurred at 10 professions, of which only one - journalism - managed to specify the correct sign. I wonder what the mark is answered by the profession of astrologer?

In 1985, the authoritative scientific journal Nature published the work of Sean Carlson "Double Blind Test in Astrology", which became known as the "Carlson Experiment". Its essence was that the scientist gathered a group of several dozen the most respected astrologers in the United States, who in advance made a natal card for 116 subjects.

At the same time, these subjects passed a test to draw up a psychological profile. After that, each astrologer was offered a natal map of the subject and three profiles, among which one was right.

Carlson suggested that astrologers would indicate the right answer with a probability of 33%, that is, just guess. Astrologers argued that the probability would be "at least 50%." As a result, Carlson's hypothesic was fully confirmed, and astrologists simply failed to say what kind of person belongs to the horoscope. Recall, the "best of the best" was tested! It turns out that even the best astrologer is not good enough to compile the correct horoscope corresponding to the personality of man.

William Herschel opened uranium in 1781. Adams and Leverier opened Neptune in 1846. Clyde Tombo in 1930 opened Pluto. In 2006, astronomers excluded Pluto from the planets, and recently reported a possible new planet. Those. Astrology was built on some principles, and here new planets appear and how to be?

She (astrology) is not progressive at all and almost did not change the provisions since the time of Ptolemy. It also has a number of internal problems with which it cannot cope (like precession of the equinox - the equinox point slowly moves along constellations, it's all everything). The development of psychology in the XIX century explained many problems in the behavior of people, which used to be a sphere of astrology.

In the spring of 2009, a new experimental work was published related to astrology. Can astrologers learn about the characteristics of people on the position of stars and the planets at the time of their birth? Jayiant Narlycar (Indian Astrophysicist) and his colleagues collected information about the time and place of birth, hundreds of schoolchildren who have certified achievements in school, and hundreds of students of "special" schools, for children with mental development problems. Using natal (related to birth) horoscopes, astrologers tried to say which of the disciples are outstanding, and what kind of retardation. The study was attended by 27 astrologers and one astrological institute. Each astrologer received data of 40 children, the institute - 200 children. The test was filled without exception all astrologers who participated in the study. Nor a whole astrological institute, nor individual astrologers demonstrated the results of the best than those that could be obtained by making decisions at random.

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