Athos elders talk about war. Predictions about the Third World War of Saints and Elders. Old man of Paisius Svyatogorets

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In particular, a lot of prophecies of the providens are about the Third World War. According to these prophecies, the battles and battle of peoples, with minor breaks, will continue until the beginning of the XXII century. Military actions will begin after a tectonic cataclysm, when international agreements, laws and UN decrees are not followed. The regression of civilization will affect the whole world. In some countries, a violent change of power will occur. At the initial stage there will be a conflict between Turkey and Greece, Israel and Arab countries.

According to the prophecies of the Indian Prophet Osho, published in 1986, it is America who will provoke the Third World War: "And all this is a sign of the decline of society communicated to the state of suicide; The society that lost the meaning of life and feels that no one has no reason to continue their existence. It all entirely depends on America, as America is in a hurry to join the Third World War ... The threat comes from the White House in Washington. Now this is the most dangerous place on earth ... Nevertheless, the American people will still have time to prevent a disaster. And if the people of America cannot do anything, then politicians the life of the entire planet is bare in the cemetery. "

"Russia will become an ally of America. There will be an armed conflict between China and Russia ... In the future, China will become a stronghold of Christianity ... This will happen in human standards in a remote coming, but this is only a moment in the heart of God, because tomorrow China will wake up. "

Rev. Feodosius (Kashin), Older Jerusalem (1948):

"Was war (second world). That will be war. It will start from the east. And then from all sides, Yako Prusi (locust), will crawl enemies to Russia. This will be war! .. "

Older Vissarion. (Optina desert):

"In Russia, something like the state coup will happen. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be an association of Russians according to the Orthodox principle ... "

Osip Terly:

"At the beginning of the XXI century there will be a terrible war. I was shown a map of Russia in the ring of fire allocations. The foci of polished in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the Baltic States and throughout the Far East, where China became the enemy of Russia ... "

Jeroshimona Seraphim Veritsky I warned about the future power of China:

"When the East gives force, everything will become unstable. The number is on their side, but not only this: they have sober and hardworking people, and we have such a drunkenness ... "" There will be a time when Russia becomes defraight into parts. First, it will be done, and then rob wealth. The West will help you in every possible way to destroy Russia and gives it to the eastern part of China ... "

Prediction of Archpriest Vladislav Shumova From the village of Obukhovo Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region (1.10.1996): "Batyushka Vladislav often told his spiritual chadam that they would be expected in the near future. He warned about future events to Russia:

- There will be such a war in Russia: from the West - Germans, and from the East - the Chinese!

South Half China will be flooded with the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese reach the city of Chelyabinsk. Russia is united with Mongols, and drive them back. "

Schirchimandrite Seraphim (Treipochkin) from Rakitty so propheted about the future development of events in Russia (1977):

"During a memorable conversation, a young woman was present from the Siberian city. To her, the elder said: "You will accept the martyrdom from the hands of the Chinese at the stadium of your city, where they will damage Christian residents and disagree with their rule." That was the answer to her doubt about the words of the elder, that almost all Siberia will be captured by the Chinese. The old man assured that he had opened the future of Russia, he did not call the date, only emphasized that the time of the accomplishment of what was said - in the hands of God, and much depends on how the spiritual life of the Russian Church will work, how strong will be faith in God among Russian people, what will be There will be a prayer feat of believers. The elder said that the collapse of Russia, despite the seeming power and rigidity of power, will occur very quickly. Initially, the Slavic peoples are divided, after the Union republics will disappear: the Baltic, Central Asian, Caucasian and Moldova. After that, the central government in Russia will grow even more, so that autonomous republics and areas will begin to separate. Next will go even larger collapse: the authorities will continue to recognize individual regions that will try to live independently, and will not pay attention to the decrees from Moscow.

The largest tragedy will be capturing Siberia China. It will happen not by military way: the Chinese as a result of the weakening of power and open borders will become the masses to move into Siberia, buy real estate, enterprises, apartments. By bribing, intimidation, contracts with the authorities, they gradually subordinate to themselves the economic life of cities. Everyone will happen that in one morning the Russian people who live in Siberia will wake up ... in the Chinese state. The fate of those who will remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese brutally spread with all sorts of resistance attempts. (Therefore, the old man was martyred at the stadium of the Siberian city of many Orthodox and patriots of the Motherland.) The West will contribute to this creeping conquest of our Earth and to maintain the military and economic power of China from hatred to Russia. But then they will see the danger to themselves, and when the Chinese will try to capture the Urals to the military force and go further, will be all ways to impede this and can even assist in Russia in the reflection of invasion from the east.

Russia must survive in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, it will find the strength to accept. And the coming revival will begin with the lands conquered by the enemies, in the Russian environment remaining in the former republics of the Union. There, Russian people realize that they lost, realize themselves with citizens of the debris, which still lives, wish to help her rebel from the ashes. Many Russians living abroad will help to help restore life in Russia ... Many of those who can run away from persecution and persecution will return to the original Russian lands to fill the abandoned villages, cultivate the running fields, use the remaining undeveloped subsoil. The Lord will send help, and, despite the fact that the country will lose the country's main fields of raw materials, will find in the territory of Russia and oil, and gas, without which modern economy is impossible.

The elder said that the Lord would allow the loss of huge lands, which were given to Russia, because we ourselves did not manage to use them, but they spoiled ... But the Lord will leave those lands for Russia who became the cradle of the Russian people and were the basis of the Great Russian state. This is the territory of the Great Moscow Principality of the XVI century with exits to the Black, Baltic and North Seas. Russia will not be rich, but still be able to feed itself itself and makes reckon with me. Another question was asked - the possibility of restoring the monarchy in Russia. The elder responded that this recovery must be earned. It exists as an opportunity, and not as a predestination. If we are worthy, you will choose the Russian people of the king, but it will be possible before the focus of the antichrist or even after it - for a very short time. " (From Alexander Nikolaev article "Memories of the future.")

Father's vision Anthony (Satkinsky district temples site, Chelyabinsk diocese). Teachings, prophecy:

"China will overwhelm most of Russia, of course, Ukraine part of it. Yellow will be all lands outside the mountains and after them. Only the powers of the blessed Andrew, the great descendant of Alexander and the nearest sprouts from their root will be preserved. What resides, it will stand. But this does not mean that the Russian Orthodox State will continue within the dominance of the antichrist, there is no. The name can and will continue, but the lifestyle will not be magnified by the Great, not Orthodox. Not at all, the Russian beginning will be brought over life in the past of Orthodox residents.<…>

Siberia will be "yellow" completely. The Far East is Japanese, and for Siberia, for oil and gas, gold, the other, all the battles will not even with ours, but with the Americans. Even despite the fact that the star-striped duby in the hands of world Zionism is located, they will not be able to defeat the Chinese. And the yellow rivers flow to the European Rus. The whole south will be glowing, the blood sheds Slavic!

The Far East the Japanese Chinese will not give up - the islanders simply will be nowhere to live. The Japanese know about the coming tragedy of their islands: they were open through the wise men. Now they are bought by the land, but the Far East of Russia looks like the most lackless piece. "

Prophecy of the Elder Skimnik Monk JohnHaving sacred in the temple of St. Nicholas in the village of Nikolskoye (Yaroslavl region, Uglich district) of the Yaroslavl Diocese of the ROC:

"China will go to war on us with a 200 millionth army and will take all Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will manage in the Far East. Russia will begin to tear into parts. A terrible war will begin. Russia will remain within the borders of the Tsar John Grozny. Reverend Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky will come. He will unite all Slavic peoples and states and will lead to the king ... "

Prophecies Dannion Brinkley (USA). He "received" in the summer of 1975, as a result of the discharge of lightning through his body when talking on the phone. After the injury, Dannion's spirit flew along the dark tonneel to Angel, who escaped him to the "Crystal City". There Brinkley visited the "Temple of Knowledge" and received thirteen visions contained in some "boxes". Angel showed him 117 paintings of possible future events, 95 of which were fulfilled until 1998. Dannion reanimated after 28 minutes. After the statement of death. He later described his visions in the book "Rested by Light" (1995).

8th and 9th "boxes": China's war with Russia. "In 1975, I thought that my visions came true. Between the Chinese and the Russians there were a border conflict. But now it is clear to me that the events seen by me are in the near future. After numerous incidents in the Far East, a huge Chinese army breaks into Siberia. With heavy battles will be taken by the Trans-Siberian Railway Highway. This will provide China victory and control over the oil regions of Siberia. I have seen the snow, oil and blood lakes, thousands of corpses and empty burnt cities. "

In predictions, Jane Dickson argued that the gripful war of Red China with Russia will last from 2020 to 2037:

"... New Superzava - China - will go to the offensive on Western troops in the Middle East: the Chinese army from the first attempt will fill in all of Asia, including the Asian regions (former) of the Soviet Union. Millions of yellow soldiers armed with contemporary weapons, including atomic, invaded the Middle East. There should be a decisive battle between China and America and their allies for world domination. Numerous "yellow" troops will apply (formerly) the USSR fatal blow, will conquer all its southern areas and together with others who have come to the rescue of Asian armies will capture the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern and South Europe. But the decisive battle will win the West. At this time there will be many inexplicable space phenomena. "

Predictions of Slavik (Vyacheslav Krasheninnikova), a native of the city of Chebarkul Chelyabinsk region. Slavik was born in the Military Family in 1982 and lived a very short life, died at the age of 11 from cancer. The prophecies of Krasheninnikov were recorded on the memoirs of his mother: "Especially Slavik surprised the Israelis. He said that the war, the Israelis, surrounded by Muslims, will begin the wonders of courage, they will still be defeated. The Christian shrines of Muslims will defile the Christian shrines. ... ".

Vyacheslav Sergeevich Krasheninnikov (March 22, 1982, Yurga, Kemerovo region, USSR - March 17, 1993, Chebarkul, Russia) - Russian boy who deceased at the age of 10, whom some people are considered a healer and a sore manner who continues to work wonders and after their death; The Russian Orthodox Church assesses it as "falsely".

The future began. Prophecies of the excuses of Vyacheslav:

John Jerusalemsky, Monk - Benedictine. It is only known that he was born around the 1040s in the German city of Vezel. Johann wandered a lot in Europe. Since 1100, he lived in Jerusalem and, perhaps, was a member of the Order of the Templars. The prophecy of future wars: "When the millennia comes to the current Millennium, the lands will become the prey of war. On the other side of the Roman limit and even in the former Roman power, people will cut the grasp of each other, will cover all the war tribes and ver. Jews and children of Allah will not leave attempts to beat each other. Earth of Christ will face a battlefield. Invalid everywhere and everywhere the cleanliness of their idea want to protect. Doubts and strength will stand against each other, and death will go ahead as the banner of new times. "

Prediction of the leader of world Freemasonry Albert Skaika(1871), founder of the "Satan Church". In August 1871, the Supreme Council consisting of 11 major masons was gathered in Charleston - the "greatest lamps of the world", as they called themselves. At this meeting, a program of organizing three world wars, developed by Albert Bike, according to this program, was adopted, the third world war should begin in the Middle East from the conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis, and it should be established by the World Dictatorship, that is, the "World Government" authorities .

In a letter dated August 15, 1871, Albert Pike outlined the plan of conquest peace through three world wars and the establishment of a "new world order". World War II should have been unleashed to put tsarist Russia under the control of Masons. Therefore, to overthrow the king in Russia, and then use it as "frightening". The Second World War must be staged, through the manipulation of German nationalists and political zionists. The ultimate goal of the war is Israel in Palestine. The third world war should begin due to discrepancies in the views caused by masons between Zionists and Arabs. Prediction A. Skaika ("Black Pope"): "For a complete celebration of Freemasonry, you will need three world wars ... The third world war must ignite the agents of the Illuminati (association of the occult and philosophical sense, the secret organization, the unlawfully manageing world processes - approx. Author), taking advantage of disagreements between the Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. War will be conducted in such a way that Islam and Zionists (Israel State) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, other countries, once again divided on this issue, will be forced to fight to a complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic decay. The war should be unleashed by nihilists and atheists, and we will provoke the formidable social cataclysms that will clearly show the nations all the horror of absolute atheism, the source of wildness and bloody riots. Then everywhere citizens will be obliged to defend themselves and the world from revolutionaries, they will destroy these destroyers of civilization. The people, disappointed in Christianity, whose ideological spirit from this moment will be without a compass indicating the direction ... will receive the net Lucifer's teaching ... ".

The phenomenon of the Virgin Mary American clairvoyant Veronika Luchen:"Lady Mother is now looking sad. I see she points out what looks like a map. Oh my God! I look at the map. Oh, I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia and French Morocco in Africa. Oh my god! Currently these countries in very thick darkness. Oh my God! God's Mother says: "The beginning of the Third World War, my child." Now another card. I see Israel and neighboring countries. They all burned ...

War must grow, the slaughter is intensifying. Live will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind. "

In the future, a great war will begin. She coincides with the war in the Middle East. " "Syria will be the key to the conclusion of the world or the Third World War. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is in fire because of the redemption ball. "

Bowl of redemption - so Veronica Luchen calls an unusual star - Comet, which will appear in the sky of our planet, already in the near future.

Venus of Veronika Luchen about the war is unleashed by Antichrist: "War is punished for the sins of mankind. My children, my heart breaks. I watch your path you go. Many lives are lost in a big war. Forces evil gathered in Jerusalem. I go there, my children. My home will be destroyed. There will be a lot of blood in my house. "

According to the prophecies of the American journalist Ruth Montgomery (1971), which she received with the help of "spiritual conductors", the confrontation between Israel and Muslim countries will continue almost infinitely: "The endless disagreement in the Middle East will continue until Israel does not openly recognize The bitter truth that was not always right, while others are wrong. He calls himself a "chosen people", but is it more "elected" compared to those who choose God themselves? It would be ridiculous to argue that the Middle Eastern crisis will end before the souls of people are confused. Coals will smooth until the person himself changes the way of thinking and does not exceed hatred and greed. "

Old man of Paisius Svyatogorets (Ezneipidis, 1924-1994). "The Middle East becomes the Arena of Wars, in which the Russians will take part. There will be a lot of blood, the Chinese will switch the Euphrates River, having a two-hundred-millionth army, and reach Jerusalem. The characteristic value that these events are approaching, will be the destruction of the lobster mosque, since its destruction of her It will mean the beginning of work on the reconstruction of the Jews of the Solomon Temple, which was built on this place ... ".

Jews, because they will have the power and assistance of the European leadership, they shall begin and behave with shamelessness and pride, and will try to manage Europe ....

They will build many goats, but through the persecution that will follow, Christianity will be fully united. However, they will unite not as they want those who are very comfortable by the World "Union of Churches", wanting to have one religious leadership heading. Christians are united, because when the situation created, the branch of the sheep will occur from Kozlov. Then it will be implemented in the case of the "single herd and one shepherd ...".

"I saw myself in Israel. The tall man came, took my hand and said: "Let's go, I will show you the Holy City." When we reached the Holy City, it was all covered with a black web, top to Niza. On top, not his highest point, the black flag was waving over the city. Seeing all this, I asked a man who was with me: "What does this mean?".

"Look up and see what it means," he said. Looking up, I saw a black emblem with a gold inscription. The inscription read: "Israel! You do not read me and mock me. You trust the strength and power of human. Because you do not want to go back to me, I am against you, and I will punish you with great anger. It will also cleanse those who want to call me with a pure heart. Shame and blasphemy caused by them reached the sky. "

"After 8 days of traveling in Israel, I asked myself:" Why did I come here? All I see this land and wicked people. Why am I here?" After such thoughts, I prayed and fell asleep.

In a dream, five of us, I, my two grandson and married couple, were in Israel, in the Galilee Sea and examined the surroundings, noticing how warmth and was pleasant - a good place for vacation.

"Who are you and why cry?" - I asked.

"I am Jesus Christ and I look at my blood brothers and the people, for which I gave my life. Their sins erected the wall between God and they. God decided to return all the scattered people and withdraw them from other nations. Instead of gratitude to God for looking after them and gave them a safe way back, they became even more wicked than those nations that came out. I cry, because they threaten the test and sorrow will find on them. They say that Saturday is observed, but do not actually comply. They say that they keep my laws, but do not actually observe. All the nations of the world look at this place, thinking that this place is holy. They come here to seek holiness and example for themselves. But this place is defiled. Therefore, God decided to pick up peace and tranquility from this country. They do not trust the world that gives God, but trying to create the world on their own. God can no longer tolerate their sins. For their wickedness, see and witness, what punishment is coming to Israel "

Looking up, I saw a cloud of aircraft from the left of the Golan heights and a huge army, out of the corner (the Valley of the River Yarmuk) with a variety of weapons. They had horses, wagons, cars, tanks, hiking soldiers. I began to hear the screams on the right, I asked: "Can you stop it?"

"As long as they do not pass difficult times, they do not recognize me, and will not take me for help." He replied: "You will be in grief and sad, leaving this place." Jesus said: "But then after time, your heart will be joy. Tell those who love me that I first loved them. They will be saved. I am eternal. I do not change. All that I told you - will happen. "

"You go with the world," Jesus said. Then there was a loud roar of thunder and we began to look for a place to hide, as they thought that the war began.

Lightning struck right in front of us and Jesus said: "Do not be afraid, you will leave this place in the world. Tell people you've seen. "

Prophecy Dimitra Duduman about the United States and Israel: "I asked:

How does God save the church if America is burning?

Tell them exactly as I say. As he saved the three young men from a fiery oven, like Daniel from Lviv, and will save them.

Tell them stop sinful and repent. God blessed this country because of the Jews who live here. God has 7 million Jews here.

They did not bother wars or persecution. God blessed them more than anyone. Instead of gratitude to God, they began to sin and make evil.

Their sins reached the saint. God will punish them with fire. Israel does not recognize the Messiah because they hope for the power of Jews from America. When God strikes America, all nations will come to horror. God will raise China, Japan and many other countries and they will overcome the Russians. They will move them back to the goal of Paris. They will conclude a peaceful treaty, but will make Russians their head. All nations with Russia, as a leader, will go against Israel. Not that they themselves wanted. God will force them. Israel will no longer have the support of Jews in America. In his horror, seeing the coming, they will encourage the Messiah. Messiah will come to the help of Israel. Then the saints will meet him in the air "(1 Fes 4:16)

Are you ready to meet with the Lord? Are your wedding clothes? If there are still stains on your soul clothes, the blood of Jesus Christ has the power to cleaned from sins. Jesus Christ will be with saints on olive grief. He himself will fight the army of all nations. I said: - If you are an angel of God, all you say should be written in the Bible. If not, then I can't tell Americans.

Tell them to read Jeremiah 51: 8-15. He calls it the mystery of Babylon, a great harmnica. Also, Revelation 18, the whole chapter. It is clearly written what happens to America. " Quotes from the Book of Malcolmoma Hip "The inevitable Fall of America".

"And now about the most important thing: how you yourself understand, in all this (which happened with America and with the whole world), Collapse, accuses Jews and a surge of hatred towards them coincides with the fall of the United States, which for 50 years have been the most important partner and patron Israel. The US fall will make an unprecedented surgery of hate to Israel, and all the demonic centers of anti-Semitism will sharply strengthen their activities and behave: brazenly, unclosed and boldly! US patronage today is a serious restraining factor in the manifestation of open and widespread hatred for Jews, but when he It will disappear, then the pressure on Israel and anti-Semitism all over the world will increase as never before.

Church-Esther, you should be ready for it!

Then the people of God will remain only you, but this is enough to collect Jews to Israel from around the world! First, the outcome, then awakening! First, Judea, then Hellen! At first, Jerusalem "lost heart," then only Peter and Paul went to the pagans! You do not believe in all this? Then you just wait for the point when the TV will show how the Jews blew al-aks mosque, and began to build in her place, on Mount Moria, the third temple! Then you are on your TV "See all that come true"! And when you see it, then begging you, help all the Jews that have around you, get to Israel!

After the American revolution, it was possible to 2015-2017, Israel will have only two reliable and loyal ally, God and his church. What to say about Russia? I can say very seriously, you will see the real "Russian bear fangs" only when the United States falls. Then you will have to save all Russian Jews already "as if from the fire" and then there will be no longer enough jokes and theological discussions! Then pastor, leaders, just parishioners, sit in your cars and travel throughout Russia, and take out each of it, at least one Jewish family, what it would not be worth it! Who has no car, do everything for all your neighbors-Jews left! You are welcome! I ask you to! Begging! For this time, Esther - Church, God and raised you. "

Israeli Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri calls on all the Jews scattered around the world to return to Israel to escape from natural disaster threatening with all mankind: "I do this statement, and I want it to be heard all over the world. Jews should urgently return to Israel, as the world threatens terrible natural disasters. In the future, the Blessed, blessedly his name, I will find terrible natural catastrophes to the countries of the world to facilitate the court over the Earth of Israel. I order, publish this statement as a warning so that Jews in other countries of the world realize the impending danger and returned to the land of Israel for the construction of the temple and the phenomenon of our righteous machine (Messiah). "

Vision American Samuel Doctorian.This vision was open to him on the island of Patmos in 1998: "... I saw the second angel holding a sickle in my hand, as kept during the harvest. He said: "In Israel and countries to Iran, the harvest has come." In the moment I saw these countries and heard: "All Turkey and those countries that rejected me, rejected the news of love, will hate each other and destroy." I saw an angel raising a sickle. He moved him over the countries of the Middle East. I saw Iran, Persia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, all Georgia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, all small Asia. All these lands were covered with blood. I saw fire. Atomic weapons were applied against many of these countries, everywhere rose to the sky smoke. Strong destruction - people destroyed each other. I heard the words: "Israel, about Israel, is the time of the Grand Court. Angel said: "Favorite, church and the remainder, the people will be cleaned. The Holy Spirit will prepare children of God. " I saw a flame of fire climbing to the sky. Angel said: "This is the last court. My church will be cleaned, saved and cooked by last day. People will die from thirst. In the Middle East there will be very little water. The rivers are dried, and people in these countries will lead the war due to water. " Angel showed me that the UN, through a catastrophic position in the Middle East, will decay, and the UN, as such, will no longer be. Angel with a sickle will collect harvest.

Sarah Hofman tried to endorse the life of suicide in 1979, but she was returned from the world so that she finished her earthly life.

Sarah showed the end of the world and what it would be. She describes her vision like that: "A panoramic view of the ground appeared in sight, and then he approached everything closer and closer, as if I flew to him from the space. I knew that it would help me make a decision to return to Earth to my terrible life, but some of my spirit wanted to return to a wonderful paradise. Another part of me felt the need to return to my body and change my life ...

Since the earth approached, I saw the whole world, and then different countries. I don't know the mills of the world well enough, but when I looked at the ground, I knew instinctively what countries were it. I looked at the Middle East and saw the rocket flew out of their Libya and struck Israel, a big mushroom grown there. I knew that in fact the rocket was Iranian, but people from Iran hid her in Libya. I knew that it was an atomic bomb. Almost immediately, the rocket began to fly from one country to another, it quickly spread all over the world. I also saw that many explosions were not from missiles, but from some bomb. I knew that in the future there would be a nuclear war around the world, and how it would start ... ".

Prophecies of Greek elder George about seven wars (recording conversation):

"Each of the wars will be even more fierce than the previous one. More and more states will be involved in each of the wars, and thus the war will cover an increasing space of the globe. There will be periods of the world between wars. Residents of states involved in the war will pray to God for help, but their prayers will not be heard. Residents of states that do not participate and wars will not be infused by the misfortunes of their neighbors, but instead will strive for war and destruction to take revenge on their enemies. In the end, the war will cover the whole world. Hunger, destroy, misfortune, rebellion, robbery and illness will play everywhere.

Prophecies of the elder George about seven wars (recording conversation): "... Americans by this time, after a brutal struggle, will master the coast of Iran, but they will not be able to move deep into the country, since the Persians will be desperate to resist.

Russians will pass throughout Persia and defeat the US-NATO troops. Then they invaded Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait and, finally, to Israel.

At this time, the United States and Israel will make the first attempt to apply nuclear weapons, but the Russians neutralize it. This will cause interruptions with energy and communications around the world.

Then the Russians will enter Egypt and capture the Suez Canal. During the occurrence in the Middle East, Russian troops will be held through Greece, but will not cause the great damage to the Greeks. In addition, the troops will be held very quickly through Greece.

This ability to quickly move, significant troops for long distances will be a great advantage of Russians. It will be possible thanks to the aircraft of a new unknown design, similar to flying plates ... ".

In the "Revelation of Methodius Patar" describes in detail the future invasion of Izmaltyan (Muslims) in Italy, Israel and other countries (translation of L.N. Smolnikova, in square brackets - translator note):

"And another 7 thousand will come out in recent years and will conquer all the land, and reach Rome. And they will be defeated twice the Romans, and in the 3rd times, Rome will take, and others [cities] will not conquer. And they will reach [they] to the Great Havata, who [is] for Rome ... And they will come, eat meat strong, they will drink the blood of the princes. In the same Havat, all Hellenic will be overthrown [i.e. Greek] Velmazby, and so everyone will be taken captive by Izmaitals. There will be a very large battle, so the skin drowshes in the blood, because God and God called Izmoil's wild donkey. "I am sent to people with anger and rage for people, and on animals, and on a fruiting tree." And there will be an advent of him - the execution of God without grace. And they will come on them four executions [i.e. The Lord will find four punishments for people]: death, mor, debauchery, ruin.

The Lord said to Israel: "You see that, not loving you, the sons of Izmailov [Izmaalians] I gave the strength on you. Let [they] will take the Earth Christian, for the sake of their sins [Israelis] of lawless [I] did so. " For [sins] So they are doing: men [Israeli] are applied in the clothes of the Bludnitz. As women expose themselves at the bottom, admiring themselves, walk through the urban streets, changing the natural [physiological] need for unnatural, as Paul, the Great Apostle, said. Also and their wives, like their husbands create them. Copuce with one wife Father, and son, and brother. On this occasion, the wovel Paul said prophetic, after the descent of Holy Spirit. For many years, before that, he said about them: "God will betray them with shameful passions, for their wife changed their natural need to [physiological], also the men left the natural need for a woman, fled to the man's passion for a man, creating an evil business." Therefore, God betrays them [Israelis] in the hands of lawless pagans, and from them [pagans, the Israelis] will fall into sin, [and] will be desecrated, [and their wives from those [Ishmaalnians] of the nasty. And instead of their [Israelis] these ismallays ... ".

In the Kumranian manuscripts discovered in 1947 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dead Sea and the caves of the Jewish desert there are prophecies about the wars, which will have to lead Israel before the last battle in Armageddon.

After the formation of Israel, in 1948, Jews lead almost no cease-wars with neighboring countries for their independence. In the future, the Jewish people have to fight with Iraq, Iran, Arabs, the peoples of Africa, the East and the troops of the Antichrist.

Quote from the ancient manuscript "War of Sons of Sons of Light" about the coming battles: "... According to the presenters of the war, from year to year. But in the years of his vacation, let them not allocate for joining the army, for rest is, calm Israel. Thirty-five working years will be arranged by the war: six years arranges her all society together, and the war is separate (ratings) - the remaining twenty-nine years. In the first year, they will fight with the Aram of Twires, and in the second - with the sons of Luda. The third will fight with the rest of the sons of Aram: with Uve, and Homol, Togar and the mass, which is behind the Euphrate. In the fourth and in the fifth, they will fight with the sons of the Arfaxad. In the sixth and in the seventh will fight with all the sons of Ashhura and Persia and the eastern (nations) to the Great Desert. In the eighth year they will fight with the sons of Elama. The ninth will fight with the sons of Ismail and Het tours. And at ten years, followed by them, will the war be separately against all the sons of Hama on [Tribes (?) And their place of residence and at ten remaining years will be the war separately against [Sons of Jafeta] in their place of residence. " ("Wars of Sons of Light" 2: 8-14).

Prophecy of Lawrence Chernigov (1868-1950).

"Russia, together with all Slavic peoples and lands, will be a mighty kingdom. The king of Orthodox - God's anointed will be bored. In Russia, all splits and heresses will disappear. Jews from Russia will leave to Palestine Antichrist, and there will be no Jew in Russia. The Orthodox Church will not ... ".

Bartholomew Holzhawser (1613-1658) on the Board of Satan:"The Antichrist will come as a Messiah from the ground between the two seas in the east. Born in the desert, and his mother is a prostitute ... will be a false prophet and a liar. Try to go on the sky like Elijah. It will start its service in the east, as a soldier and a religious preacher when he will be thirty years old.

Antichrist and his army will capture Rome, kill dad, takes his throne. It will restore the Turkish regime and destroy the Great Monarch. Jews, knowing the Bible that the Messiah will come to Jerusalem, will take an antichrist as the Messiah. He can fly. His flight will begin with the mountain of Calvary. He will tell that the crowd grably grably and eloe and kill them again ... ".

Armageddon is the place of the last battle of goodness with evil (Antichrist), which will occur in the "Last Times" during the Second Coming of the Savior. During this battle, Horde will be destroyed by Magog Gogh (in Islam - Yajudzh and Maggudzh). The God of Yahweh himself will oppress the invaders, will make a terrible earthquake, will strike "on the mountains of Israel" the troops of Gogh and send fire to Magog's land .... who is such a Magog country? There are many versions on the origin of this name and the people. Different authors by the people of Gogh believed: Russian, Chinese, Turks, Persians, Libyans, Ethiopians, Hindus, Mongols, Tatars, etc. Consider this issue in more detail.

Pliny assumed that the name of Goga and Magog was called the kings Assyrian and neighboring countries with Assyria.

According to Gez, "Under the words of Gogh and Magog, the same northern people, who called the ancient Greeks called Scythians" (cf. Joseph. Veta. 1, 6).

Saint Ephraim Sirin and John Zlatoust under Gogh and Magoda "We intelled to the peoples who opposed the Jews soon on their return from Babylon" (Creation of Ephraim Syrina. T. V. S. 58; Zlatoust. T. V.S. 668).

According to St. Andrew Caesarian (V century), the name of Gogh means an antichrist: "After this," man of lawlessness, the son of death will come "(2nd Salt. 2: 3) ... then, as Satan, freed from his conclusion All nations and to empty the universe will raise Gogh and Magoga to Brand ... otherwise they say that Gogh on the translation from Jewish means a meeting or collecting, and Magog - elevations or an elevated, and that these names mean the assembly of peoples or an excellence. "

According to the prophecy of Ezekiel, Gogh is the prince of Rocha, Mehesha and Fusal in the Magemg Earth (Iz. Gl. 38-39). Some authors, referring to the Greek writing of this name, consider Prince Roche ruler of Russia. But from the Bible, we know that the names of Magog, the Meshech and Fuval mean the peoples from Jafet, the Third Son of Noah. Here is the source of the sons of Jafeta: Homer, Magog, Madai, Javane, Fuval, Meshech and Firas.

In the "Revelation of Methodius Patar" it is said that Jafeta got the western part of the Earth:

"In the first 100 years, the third thousand was born from Nov son and he was named Mount. And the sons of Noah were broken: Sim, Ham, Japhet. In the 300th year, the land of the sons of Noah's sons were divided: and the Eastern Country was given, and Hama South, Japta - Western. The brothers parts did not allocate the Muntu. Father sent him to the northern part of the Earth. "In his eschatological narrative, Methodius Patarsky claims that Gogh and Magog" will jump out due to the mountains of Western "(Translation of L.N. Smolnikova):" And after the reign of Mikhail for the presets of people those will open the god of the mountains Western, and go out from them from Gogh, Magog and Aneneg, and the other 20 kings, and start moving around the ground. At the sight of them, people will come to embarrassment and begin [they] run and hide in the mountains and in the caves. And in the coffins to die from fear [at the sight] of them. And there will be no one to bury their sinful bodies. For people who are walking from the north, there is a flesh of human and blood [people] to drink like water. And all there will begin unclean and vile snakes and scorpions and other reptiles, and the beasts of all sorts, and anyone. And [these people] grow up the land and desecrate it, and will not be on it [no one who] tolerates. All people will run for 3 years, even to Jerusalem. And the Lord will send the God of His Mikhail's Arrocket and kill them at night in Asafatov Valley. "

The Valley of Iosafatova is a place near Jerusalem, where sinners should be collected for committing a terrible court.

Based on the prophecy of Methodius Patar, it can be argued that Antichrist - Gogh from the North-Western country Magog. The Lord, who comes from the North-West and occupies the lands of Jerusalem. Satan's troops will capture the city and make it with their capital. Almost all of the Israelis will take the teachings of the antichrist and only some Jews will remain adherents of true faith and will be saved. In these same texts, the prophecies about Armageddon speaks about people from the country from the North, which will come along with Gogh. From various predictions of the seams, it follows that an antichrist will be American, respectively, Western Magog Country - North America.

In predictions about the "recent times", another northern people are mentioned, which will fight with the troops of Antichrist on the land of Israel. According to renewal, it will be the Union of Slavic peoples from the north. Since two people will take part in the battle of Armageddon, who will come from the north, it is necessary to distinguish their role in this battle. One northern people are the troops of Antichrist from North America, another people are Russians who will come from the north of Eurasia and destroy Satan.

Prophecy of Tiburbinskaya Sivila (Syria, near the VII century. AD) Published in the Mirabilis Liber book: "In those days of Judas will be saved and Israel will live safely. And in those days, the ruler of the lawlessness will be released from the given tribe, which will be called an antichrist .... He is embarrassed by truly believers who will see how he lets fire from heaven. "And the years will reduce to months, months - to weeks, weeks - to days, and days to hours." Unclean peoples, Alexander - Indian king, Gogh and Magog will be connected from the north. These twenty two kingdoms, the number of which, like the sand of the sea ...

The Lord will cut those days for the sake of chosen, and the Antichrist will be killed by the authorities of God through Archangel Mikhail on Mount Eleon. "

Prophecies of an unknown monk from Premol (XVII century). "With rollers of thunder, the clouds were separated, and I saw that Jerusalem was running from the terrible storm, the walls fell, as a taran and blood flowed through the streets. The enemy mastered the city. The abuse of the launch of Rules Jerusalem ..., the Spirit raised me on the sky and told me: "It is destined that Archangel Mikhail will fight with a dragon for the Triune God."

In the Bible, it is repeatedly mentioned about disasters that will be collapsed for Israel:"When you see Jerusalem, surrounded by troops, then know that it is approaching; Then those in Judea are running to the mountains; And who in the city, come out of it; And who in the vicinity, do not go into it. Because these are days of ignition, but will be all written. " (Prevention of Jesus Christ.Luk. 21, 20-22)

"Zion will be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem is made by breast ravings, and the mountain of the house of this is a wooded hill (Jeremiah 26,18).

Lois Alexandra. Prophecy about Israel. "Listen to Israel and I will speak. Not a plowed Pashnya will not give its fruits. The garden launched, throwing the barns. I said you to follow my laws, you did not listen to me. Anger you constantly went to the siety, woven the lie and diligent in disobedience . Thunder gets, lightning flashes. The days are terrible. The storm will go throughout the earth. You did not say: Where is God? I didn't tell us anything Lord, why will we serve him?

And God saw your vanity. Needlessly disappeared from his all-seeing Oka. And now he is amazing Israel. He will be the revenge, he will pass all the Israelis. Everything, from Mala to Veliky, they aim his hand. They will shout They will argue like snakes. So tells the Lord Savaof: You were granted. You were in the furnace terrible for it. There is a lot of millions I gave the fascists. You didn't repent. I didn't face the pride. And I will endure it! I have faithful sons, Torah my love. You, hiding behind their backs, go to the sinners. "The court court is faithful. Do not wait."

Grigory Rasputin is an allegorical prediction of the future fate of Israel, Greece, possibly, France and Russia:

"Four sisters are dressed in silk, but after three generations, they will be dressed in a rubish. At the daughter of Peter (Apostle Peter, the first Roman bishop was born in Galilee - Northern Palestine, Israel - approx. S.V.) will be doried by a stone, and sheep will graze on the stones and each stone will be split, burned and scattered, and only fame will remain only dust....".

The prophecy of Seraphim Sarovsky on the distant future recorded by Monk Motovilov: "Jews and Slavs are the essence of two people of God's fate, vessels and witnesses of His arks. For the fact that the Jews did not accept and not recognized the Lord Jesus Christ, they are scattered along the face of the whole earth. But at the time of Antichrist, many Jews will turn to Christ, as they will understand that they are mistakenly expected by the Messiah - no one else, as the one about which the Lord our Jesus Christ said: "I came in the name of my father, and did not accept me, other will come In the name of his own, and take it. " So, in spite of the great of them, the crime, the Jews were and there is a beloved by the people before God. The Slavs are loved by God for ensuring that the true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is preserved to the end. In the times of Antichrist, they are completely rejected and do not recognize his Messiah, and for the fact that the great benefits of God will seek: there will be an all-effective language on Earth, and the other kingdom of a more mismunerable Russian-Slavic will not be on Earth. "

AT Sivile Eritrea's (ancient) progress mentions about the further fate of Israel.According to her predictions, the Jews, which crucified Jesus Christ and accept the teachings of the Antichrist will die in battle in Armageddon and during a terrible court.

Drunk Israel then can not penetrate anything
On the ear of the tight, he will not answer, heavier from hops.
But when the Most High Anger will wrap on the Jews
The negotiable and faith of their people will take away
Due to the fact that they crucified God's Son.
Song 1, 360-364.

In the sky, the High Razbean Lord Savaof Adonai,
Sitting on the throne, the mighty pillar will install,
On the clouds will come to the immortal also immortal
In the glory of Christ and with him impeccable angels together.
He will appreciate the great God and will
Righteously who lived to judge people who stuck in disholester.
Friendly with the Most High, comes Moses, clothed
Flesh, as in life, and with him Abraham will face the Great
Here Isaac and Jacob, then Jesus with Elijah,
Avvakum, Daniel, Ion and who are from the Jews
Accepted death, will be here. And all the Jews will die
To pay for evil to pay for the word of Jeremiah
And get deserved for everything that got in life.
Song 2, 239-251.
Here Isaac and Jacob, then Jesus with Elijah, Avvakum, Daniel, Ion and who from the Jews took death, will be listed here the great biblical prophets.
Jesus - Jasin, in the Bible Assistant Moses, his successor who led the conquest of Canaan.
In order to pay for evil to pay for the word of Jeremiah - a quote from the book of the Prophet of Jeeramic: "And I will say the courts of my for all the lawlessness of them, for the fact that they left me, and they worshiped Fimias alien gods and worshiped their hands (Ier. 1:16 ).

Compare written - with reality, is it true?

Do you think who worked on this message? (article and its promise - people)

Who was Slavik? (Write in the comments) ..

The future can be predicted not only astrologers and clairvoyant, but elders. One of the most famous Provons is Paisius Afonov. He was from among those monks who had vision, many of whom believe.

Born Paisius Svyatogorets on July 25, 1924. After graduating from School Arsenios Ezneipidis (his real name) went to serve in the army, and in 1950 he went to Mount Athos, where he dedicated himself to the Lord, as the novice of the Kutlumush monastery.

In this place the monk spent most of her life. Since 1978, Afonov has dwell in the cell and accepted people from different parts of the world. The priest died in 1994. He was buried in the Bogoslovsky Monastery.

He spoke about the ambulance of the Third World War, although he did not call the exact date. The elder predicted that the military conflict would come by the Mediterranean, and that the Russian army would be actively drawn into these hostilities. Many sides will participate in the bloody battle, and a new redistribution will begin with the participation of various European countries. And even the eastern peoples will not be aside, but will transfer the two hundred millionth army and the Euphrates will be transferred and the Jerusalem itself has been reached.

In the world where power will go to the Antichrist and his army, a believer will have one hope, "Svyatogorets said.

Also, the elder said that in the coming war, Greece will win over Turkey and will expand its territory, returning himself to Constantinople. A third of the Turk will take Orthodoxy, another third will become refugees, and the remaining perished during the conflict.

It says to me that many events will occur: the Russians will deal with Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the card, because a third of the Turks appeal to Christianity, a third will die and the third will go to Mesopotamia, - considered Paisius Svyatogorets.

Some of Russia's media remembered this prophecy after on November 24, 2015, Turkish aviation was.

2017 year, the year of the Red Fiery Rooster, will be dangerous for the Ukrainian authorities, especially November-December, but the next year will begin smoothly. The difficulties will begin for Poroshenko and other politicians with solar eclipses, it is February-March. Stars talk about very large exposures in power, the Odessa astrologer believes Vlad Ross.

Matrona Nikonova was born on November 22, 1881 in the Russian village Sebino. It appeared blind. Matron's parents were already eloctors even before birth wanted to leave her, the fourth child, in the shelter. But Marton's mother dreamed of a prophetic dream with white and beautiful, but blind dove and a woman refused to give daughter.

Many say that Wolf Messing was a great prophet, others - that a talented charlatan. However, so far, people read the predictions that he left behind. He spoke about 2017. It is known that Messing did not talk about the end of the world predicted by some seams. 2017, in his opinion, will be restless, but before the war will not reach the war. People await unknown diseases that will be defeated.

Astrologer, doctor, scientist and predictor Michel de Nostrdam born back in 1503 in France. In 53, he published his first predictions in a book called "Prophe's Michel Nostradamus", which were written in the form of rhymed quatrains, which were grouped on hundreds. Its vision of the future Nostradamus was encrypted and recorded on a mixture of four languages \u200b\u200b- Latin, Starofranzuz, Italian and Greek.

In 1949, Evgenia was born. The girl was distinguished by a strong volitional character and dreaming the game in the theater. When she met his future husband Viktor Davitashvili, Molva scattered around the world about the fact that ordinary doctor had supernatural abilities and could predict the future. After such glory, a clear nicknamed Juna began to often invite various stars, politicians, writers and artists to themselves.

One of the most famous provisidians Vanga foresaw foresaw many events of the 21st century. She made a forecast for 2017. According to her vision of the future, the next year will become a year of economic crises related to military actions, hunger, a common decline in economics and living standards on Earth.

In most cases, according to prophecies, the country should be almost a support of peace and faith in the best future. This was spoken, Nostradamus and other great people who left the trail in history.

The time of time, the Slavs believed that Rus could become the successor of Byzantium and the highly moral and high-industry country, and if the people of Russia rods, it will defier in any obstacles. Among the Afonovsky elders were also seen, who stated the great future of our country. We propose to recall the most famous prophecies.

Joseph Jr. at the age of 18 made his prophecy about and how she should have started. Joseph Jr. was a student of the famous Joseph of Isihast and to his words reacted quite seriously. The prophecy states that the war will begin due to the small conflict between the Greeks and Turks, and Europe and America will push Turkey to a full-scale war. According to the prophecy, Russia interferes with the conflict and as a result may disappear from the face of the Earth about 8 percent of all people, there will be so serious consequences of actions between countries.

"Darkness will cover all the Balkans and the Middle East." Most likely, nuclear weapons will be applied, but the victory will remain for Russia, the United States of America "burst as a balloon", and the Vatican falls and will never restore his influence.

Interestingly, Joseph spoke about the role of the Vatican in this war and after the victory of Russia in this war, the influence of the Vatican will forever disappear. The date of the third World War I was named - 2053.

He also spoke about another war that would arise due to the husbandhood and other sins of people, but the exact countries will be specified that will be involved in this conflict. Joseph argued that after the war the world reigns for several decades, and then the world will rule the Antichrist.

Greek Schimonakh Anatoly argued that in modern Russia there will be a king and many people compare with the king of Vladimir Putin, which rules Russia over long. In the West, his power is compared not with the usual position of the president, namely, with the authorities of the kings with the Russian Empire.

Skimona Anatoly also said that Russia would be able to scare even strong America, which will be removed from our country.

Jeroshimona of the Iversky Monastery Maxim was also confident in the appearance of the king in modern Russia. He lived about seventy years on the Holy Mountain and many people appealed to him for advice and to learn the future.

Paisius Svyatogorets also spoke about Russia and the war between our country and Turkey. For more than forty years, he lived in the monasteries of Athon and was a respected old man, whose advice was listened.

He told about 2018, when Turkey's troops were to overwhelm the Euphrates, after which our country was supposed to intervene in the conflict and started war with the Turks. There are similar lines in the "apoclipsis"

"The Sixth Angel poured his bowl of his Euphrates to the Great River: And the water dried in it to be ready to be the kings from sunrise solar"

After writing this article, I again began to understand the prophecies. As a result, the book "The Future of Russia in Prophecies" was written, where I only give proven prophecies, the source of which was found. This article would have to be rewritten as a result. But I decided to leave as it is, placing those prophecies in which I began to doubt.
The last observation concerns the prophecy of the elder Martin's Zadek (1769) "Constantinople will be taken by Christians without the most powerful bloodshed ..." I got the Muslim text, which Orthodox could know about. This is the Hadith about the capture of Constantinople without a single shot - truth, Muslims. Hence I only make an assumption that the elder Martin Zadek could not express prophecy, but the opinion, based on this text. And I would not use it now. Of the precaution.
Muslim text, which could affect Martin's opinion:
"He told Abu Khuraira:" Once, the Messenger of Allah Salalllah Alayhi Va Sallam asked: "Did you hear about the city, the part of which is located on land, and part of the sea?"
When he was answered "yes!" He said the following:
"The vessel will not come up until seventy thousands of Sons of Ishaca do not organize a military campaign to this city! When they come there, they will take the city without a fight, without letting a single arrow, only saying:" There is no deity worthy The worship, besides Allah and Allah are great! "And the part of the city falls, which is in the sea. And they will say the second time:" There is no deity, worthy of worship, except for Allah and Allah Great ", and the part of the city falls on land. And When they say for the third time: "There is no deity, worthy of worship, besides Allah and Allah Great!" They will open the city's gate to them. They will enter the city and begin to divide trophies, as they hear the sheltered, which will exclaim: "Truly, Dajal came out!" . And leaving the distribution of trophies they will return back. " "Muslim", "Fitan" 78, 2920. "

The same concerns the predictions of the Methodius of Patar, which influenced the formation of the opinion of Greek monks. In particular, Pairieving Svyatogort. Methodius Patarovsky did not say what he was being introduced. And we are dealing with the prophecies of some monk Methodius, as suggested who lived in Syria. In particular, he said: "They will be divided under it (Greek Tsar - John) Ismaillas into three parts, and the part of the first sword will kill, part of the second will observe, part third, which in the east, will conquer. It later repeated the pairs of Svyatogorets. At the same time, Muslim Hadith was also discovered by me, which could serve as a primary source for Methodius, whose prophecy, in this part, is most likely an opinion.
Muslim text:
"Abu Khuraira said that the Messenger of Allah, said:" They will leave the Romans from Amak or Dabiik (two town in the chamber, near Halba - pp) and will come to them the army from the medina from the best inhabitants of the Earth on that day. And when they are built. In the ranks, the Romans will say: "Give us those who turned out to be in captivity! We will fight with them." Then the Muslims will answer: "No. I swear by Allah! We will not give you our brothers!" And they will begin to fight with them. One third of them (Muslims) will raise (run away from the battlefield - pp), allah will never forgive them. Another third of them will be killed - the most worthy witnesses (Shahids) before Allah. A (Last) The third will win them. They will never be tested and open (subduct) Constantinople. "

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