What a recipe for quarreling with apples. How to cook a lush charlotte? Recipes quarreling in the oven. How to make a charlotte in the bread maker

For welding 08.04.2021
For welding

Want to cook a very tasty and inexpensive pie? Easily. Charlute is the easiest and budget dessert equal to the taste of which is not. The sour-sweet taste of this cake was loved by many people.

And it is not surprising, because it is very easy to prepare it, the financial costs are meager, and the taste of the finished dish is simply incredible. You can experiment with the ingredients and add to the composition of this culinary masterpiece those fruits and berries that you like the most.

But still, a quarreling with apples is considered a constant classic recipe. The best apples for quarreling are acid-sweet varieties and it is desirable that they are very juicy. The acids of these apples give a special note in taste, which will be remembered for a long time to each lover of sweet baking.

Properly cooked pie, it turns out very lush, and the taste of air. And how to achieve all this, we will talk to you in this issue, in which we consider several different, and in their own way special, ways to cook quarreling.

Moreover, in the fall there are a lot of apples and it is now the time to cook it at least every day, by different recipes, a chic look and amazing flavor of which will fill your home.

First of all, I want to draw your attention to several important points that in no case should not be overlooked. Adhering to them, you are guaranteed to prepare a very tasty and aircraft with apples, which will be happy with your household.

The following tips relate to all quarreling recipes, and therefore, so as not to repeat, I decided to write them before the start of the review.

And the remaining moments relating to the specifically selected cooking method, we will discern directly in the recipes themselves.

So, what you need to know to obtain a delicious eating, only from one type of whom the saliva flows:

  • in a couple of hours before cooking, remove all the necessary products from the refrigerator so that they become room temperature;
  • eggs should be fresh. Check the freshness of eggs is very easy - lower them into the water. If they have stopped - it means fresh, if they surfaced to the surface, then such eggs are better abandoned;
  • be sure to sift the flour. When you scatter flour, it is saturated with oxygen, which will make the finished baking more air and lush, and the taste will be very gentle;
  • for stirring the test, it is best to use a wooden or silicone spatula;
  • instead of sugar, you can use sugar powder. It is easier whipped with eggs and dissolves faster. Only for this first hang the desired amount of sugar, and then interpret it to the state of powder in the coffee grinder;
  • apples take juicy, sour-sweet varieties (especially good if "Antonovka");
  • if you wish, you can add other fruits and berries, but do not overdo it - yet it is an apple pie and nothing should interrupt the taste of apples;
  • for more lush pie, it is often a bit of a bit of the dough (although so the dough is not bad);
  • adding cinnamon will be a breathtaking fragrance, which is very well combined with the taste of baked apples;
  • also, it is often added vanillin and a zest orange to obtain a special flavor, but it is already in taste (you can not add);
  • if your crust is burned, it is easy to hide it - just spray a little sugar powder with a ready-made "charlottery";
  • bake should be baked at a temperature of 180 degrees 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the shape and the number of dough;
  • readiness can be checked with rachin or toothpicks. Pass the pie in several places, if the wand remained dry - it means ready;
  • if desired, the "charlotte" can be decorated with favorite berries and mint leaves;
  • the finished dessert is cut into portion pieces and refer to tea both hot and cold.

Classic quarreling with apples in the oven

This method is the most famous and popular. We will cook in the old way in the oven. In addition to the standard set of products, we will not add anything too much. It is this quarreling that is preparing at us at home most often and never bored. She wants to eat again and again - it is so good.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • apples are large - 6 pcs.
  • sugar sand - 150 gr.
  • flour - 150 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag
  • zedra one orange


1. Let's fit well and clean the apples from the core.

2. Now we need to cut them into the same slices, about 5 mm thick. We will not clean from the skins. Why? At the end you will understand everything.

3. Now you need to knead the dough. First, we whip the eggs with a mixer at a small speed of 1 minute.

Then we increase the speed to the maximum and gradually sugar sugar.

There are one bag of vanilla sugar. The beat time should be 5-6 minutes.

Before cooking test, you can include our oven to warm up. So that the biscuit rose well, the dough in the form should be placed in a well-heated oven to 180 degrees.

4. As a result, it should be a lush white mass, the same as in the photo.

5. Surrounding flour and mixed with light movements in the egg-sugar mixture.

Flour is desirable to add small portions. Fallen part, mixed. Poured a little more, mixed again, etc.

6. We add 1 orange to the dough 1 and mix again.

7. Unlock the part of the sliced \u200b\u200bapples into the shape, which was pre-stassed with parchment paper, melted with butter and sprinkled with sugar.

Instead of sugar, you can spray with flour or semolina - to whom it does not change the essence of this.

By the way, we have a disconnerable form, with a diameter of 18 cm. With partial forms, in my opinion, it is very convenient to work. There are several advantages in it, it's easy and conveniently covered with paper, very well removed without damage to baking, it is convenient to wash, etc. Like a look, one advantages.

8. For fragrance, apples sprinkle with cinnamon. If you do not like cinnamon, you can not add it.

9. Pour dough on apples. If you want, then you can pour a part of the test first, lay out more apples, and then pour the remaining. We did not do this.

10. We made a very beautiful pattern of apples on the surface of the dough, laying them with a spiral, moving from the board to the center.

To do this, it is best to take fruit with red skinny - so it will be more festive and more beautiful to look at the finished charlottery.

11. We send a form with a dough in the oven for 30-40 minutes. We needed exactly half an hour with our form.

Charlottery is ready. It turned out a very saturated flavor, with a bright-pronounced taste of loose apples and thin, slightly by the catchy notching of orange and cinnamon.

This is something incredibly tasty. And even better, to serve the finished charlotte with the ball of vanilla ice cream - this is generally an explosion of taste.

Try to cook and you will be satisfied. Bon Appetit!

Crokery with apples cooked in a slow cooker

Nowadays, modern technique has become an integral part of everyday life. Technologies are developing with each day, making life more convenient and simplified.

How many devices have already been created for the kitchen, in order to reduce the time to prepare and, thus, facilitate the work of hostesses.

So, to prepare a quarreling without hassle, you can use the help of multicookers or bread makers. In truth, in the bread maker never tried to make a charlotte, but on the Internet on this topic you can find a lot of detailed recipes. And we will cook in a slow cooker.


for dough:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - 160 gr.
  • close-up apples - 4 pcs.

for filling:

  • cottage cheese - 350 gr.
  • creamy oil - 50 gr.
  • sugar - 80 gr.
  • vanillin - 1 bag


1. Preparing the dough. In a deep bowl, we divide the eggs and squeeze 1 cup of sugar.

2. Whip up a mixer at high speed for 5 minutes. The mass should whiten and increase in size.

3. Now gradually sprinkle to the resulting mixture of flour, pre-sinking it (even 2 times). Mix with silicone blade.

4. Preparing filling. We send butter in a bowl and sugar sugar sands. Whip up a mixer to homogeneity.

Do not forget to remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes room temperature.

5. Packing vanillin bag and beat 2 minutes again.

6. We introduce cottage cheese to the oil (it's best to take a non-residential) and whipping a mixer to homogeneity.

7. Apples we clean from the peel and core and cut them with small thin slices.

8. Multicooker's bowl lubricate with creamy oil. You can take a frozen piece and spend directly along the entire surface of the bowl.

9. We put on the bottom of the apples and pour half the test.

10. We add cottage cheese filling, roll up and pour the remaining dough.

11. On top of putting the remaining apples and, if desired, sprinkle cinnamon.

12. Close the multicooker cover, install the "Baking" mode and bake about 1 hour.

13. Readiness to check as an ordinary biscuit - with the help of toothpicks. The finished charlotte is sprinkled with powder and decorate berries or fruit to taste.

There is a finished preparation process on this, and the dessert is ready to use. It remains only to brew tea and proceed to the most interesting and tasty stage - to eating quarreling. Pleasant tea drinking!

Step-by-step recipe for lush quarreling

In this recipe we will prepare a big pie, for a big company, to all enough. To all of the time, add a raisin that gives a ready-made pie some feature, unlike other recipes.


  • apples - 8 pcs.
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • lemon
  • raisin to taste


1. Purified from the peel apples, cut into small cubes.

In principle, the cutting form does not matter. You can cut into the way you are comfortable. The only thing to take into account is that the slices are not very large. Otherwise, they simply do not cross. But I also don't even advise too little to do so that the apples do not turn into a puree when baking. You need to catch the "golden middle" so to speak.

Since the cooking process takes some time, the apples can be painted during this time, due to the content of iron in it. And in order to avoid this, you can sprinkle them with a small amount of lemon juice.

2. Before cooking test, you need to prepare raisins. Keep it in boiling water to steal just by the time the dough is ready. And at the same time you can put the oven to 180 0

3. Now is the time to do the test. The mixer whipping the egg until the foam appears and gradually sugar sugar. Because it is necessary to completely dissolve sugar sand.

As you can see, recipes are different and methods are different. Someone prefers to immediately connect sugar and eggs, and someone does it gradually. In my opinion, it is not necessary to hurry and sugar and flour need to be pouring. As a result, you should have a little thick mass.

4. Surride in her flour (also gradually), constantly stirring up the wooden spatula from the bottom up.

5. Parished Raisins pour onto a paper towel and let him dry a little.

6. We have a lot of tests, and we have a lot of apples, so we will use a baking tray. We drag it with paper and lubricate the oil slightly. If desired, you can sprinkle with flour or sugar.

Put the sliced \u200b\u200bapples on the baking sheet, sprinkle raisins on top. You can take half a pie with raisins, and the second half without it, for a variety. Yes, and not everyone loves dried grapes.

7. Now we fill the entire case with the test. You can use a spoon, and you can pour the entire surface of the apples directly from the tank. Who as comfortable.

8. We send a baking sheet into the oven and bake until readiness.

Probably this is the easiest and simple quarreling recipe. Despite all the simplicity, it turns out very magnificent, air and incredibly tasty. Better and do not come up with.

Charpecker at kefir - recipe with photo step by step

In essence, apple pie is a dietary dish, because in the classic version of the preparation of the dough there is nothing but eggs, sugar and flour. And the flour is added purely symbolically. But if you want to eat more calorie and nutritious dessert, you can add sour cream, cottage cheese or kefir. This is how many cookies come. If you are a supporter of this kind of baking, then this recipe for you.

In the recipe above, which describes the preparation of quarreling in a slow cooker, we have already done a curd filling. And it turned out pretty good. Be sure to try. And now let's look through the way of kneading dough on kefir. And let's see what happens.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • apples - 3 pcs.
  • sugar sand - 150 gr.
  • kefir - 3 tbsp.
  • flour - 200 gr.
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • basin - 10 gr.


1. Whip eggs with sugar until the last dissolution of the latter. Must get a thick homogeneous weight of white.

2. In a separate bowl, we whipitate cottage cheese with kefir.

3. Mix both the mixtures obtained.

4. In the flour, we snatch the baking powder and mix.

In this way, we use a baking powder. The fact is that adding cottage cheese and kefir, we will have a heavy dough. And, in order for pasting to rose, I advise you to add a baking powder.

5. Continuing to beat the curd and egg mixtures, gradually suck the flour.

6. The form is abundantly lubricating the creamy oil and pour ready-made dough into it.

7. Top of laying out the sliced \u200b\u200bslices of apples at their discretion.

8. We bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees to full preparation.

As a result, it turns out such a holiday beautiful and fragrant baking.

We remove the finished charlotte from the form, cut into the portion pieces and serve to the table with hot tea or coffee.

Recipe for aircharge with apples

On the open spaces YouTube came the video recipe, in which the author reveals and describes in detail 7 secrets of the preparation of air charll. Use these tips or not - to solve you. For myself, I noted a couple of moments that I did not know and will continue to use them.

Here today and that's it. That's all I wanted to show and tell you. I hope that on these recipes you will have a wonderful pastries, and recipes will replenish your culinary book. I will answer all questions with joy in comments.

And I can only wish you a pleasant appetite!

See you in the following issues. Until!


Culinary etude 06/24/2018

This year is expected to be an exempted harvest of apples. I am already anticipating how to rummage with my favorite "white bulk" and "melbor". I adore apples in any form - fresh ,. And how are they are good in fragrant light baking! Constant summer hit in our family is a magnificent charlotte with apples.

On the same sixth of the land, a huge number of hostesses having their own "branded" recipe adorable quarreling with apples. This fact has a simple and logical explanation. Just a few minutes ago, and now your magnificent beauty "Sports" in the oven.

Interesting recipes of apple quarreling us today brought Irina Rybkhanskaya - unchanged leading headings. The story will continue Irina.

Hi, Dear Irina Blog readers Zaitseva! Summer rushed to his most poppy. The generous hand scatters it crop. The branches of the apple tree in the garden have to be written by stakes so that they do not break under the severity of uncountable fruits. It's time to bake a charlotte!

Magnificent Charpeck with apples in the oven - Simple Classic Recipe

From mastering precisely, my "Career" of wives and hostesses began with the classic recipe. My mom called this delicious charlotte "country", because they prepared it from apples collected in the country. In our Novekonka Polish oven, it turned out surprisingly magnificent.

Because this pie is considered banal and elementary, then the description of the process of its preparation is usually reduced to the pair of rows. My rather large description is devoted to inexperienced homemade confers and anticipates their questions.


  • Four eggs of decent sizes;
  • 180 g of sugar sand;
  • 150 g of flour;
  • three - five apples of sour - sweet taste;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar;
  • a bit of cinnamon (optional);
  • a pinch of salt.

How to do

  1. Clean apples cut on quarters, cut "middle" with seeds. Then cut into small slices.
  2. In a deep container (basic or bowl), pour out all sugar (vanilla too), salt, knock off the eggs there, beat the wedge or mixer. Mass should be brushed and increase in volume.
  3. In several techniques add flour, continuing to beat. As a result, it should be noted not a merciful, smooth mass.
  4. The form (diameter 22 - 24 cm) lay the bakery paper, generously woven with oil, sprinkle with sugar (if the bottom after baking will be riding) or flour (if the baked crucible will be riding the quarreling).
  5. Place a piece of apples all over the bottom, if you wish to sprinkle with cinnamon.
  6. Pour the test on the helix on top - to start with the edges of the quarreling and move towards the center.
  7. To hit the table slightly a couple of times. So the excess air will be released and the dough will be distributed more evenly.
  8. Determine in the oven, heated to 180 ° C. In my oven, the process takes from sixty to seventy five minutes. Baking time depends on the quantity and juiciness of apples, as well as from the overall of your oven.
  9. A finished product to circulate along the contour with a suitable knife with a thin blade, flip over a bunch or flat dish.

My comments

  • I strongly recommend on the bottom of any form to put paper for baking. If you are a furnace in a detachable form, then apples when baking can flush through the slot. If you are a furnace in a ceramic form, then the charlottery will be easier to remove from it.
  • I love the variation of the recipe for quarreling, when a lot of fruit, and a little dough. In this case, five apples should be taken for baking. Biscuit lovers with a small amount of fruit can be limited to three apples.
  • Does your mixer have low power? Then more magnificent quarreling will turn out if you beat separately proteins with sugar, and then add yolks, continuing to beat.
  • Do not use too long apples for cooking - when baking in the oven, they give an excessive moisture. Rested fruits with starch pulp also do not fit - they will turn into porridge.
  • It is not necessary to add any disintegrator. Biscuit will greatly rise and it will be lush on only eggs.

My branded quarreling with apples - recipe with photo step by step

I brought my corporate recipe with a reliable ancient product - experience. You have to step by step to do all the technological operations and get a cherished lush apple charlotte.


  • Four large eggs;
  • 225 g of flour;
  • 175 g of sugar;
  • 140 ml of vegetable oil without a pronounced aroma;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar:
  • 1000 kg of sour - sweet apples;
  • one teaspoon (without a slide) soda;
  • at the tip of the salt knife.

How to do

Washing apples cut into quarters, remove seed nests, cutting slices.

In a high tank, we put sugar, salt, vanilla sugar, we break there eggs there. Weep vegetable oil. We beat first at the middle speed of about 2 to 3 minutes.

Then whipped at high speed 3 - 4 minutes. The mass will be lighter, slightly increase in volume.

Flour to sift together with soda.

Add flour to a whipped mixture in two - three receptions, continuing to beat. It turns out a liquid dough as in the photo.

Cut a square piece of bakery paper, lay a bottom of a round detachable form (diameter 24 cm), sprinkle with sugar, flour.

Locate the first layer of apple slices along the bottom, pour about half the test, twist the form to the left, right to make the dough more evenly distributed.

Distribute the remaining apples.

Pour the remains of the dough on them, distribute it with a spoon and scrolling the form in different directions. Hit a couple of times about the table to come out excess air.

Bake the charlotte with apples in the oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 75 minutes. Readiness to check the rauchinka. It should leave the most lush pieces of the cake completely dry.

My comments

  • Possible replacement of vegetable oil with creamy or pork smalts. Taste and appearance will be varied - the most lush is a charlotte with vegetable oil. The most "cream" delicate taste will be at quarreling with butter, swine sled will give test elasticity and "juicing".
  • If desired, sprink apples. I do not do this. I like the gentle, pure apple taste and aroma in this cake.
  • Better quarreling is obtained with sour - sweet, strong green apples. They will give enough, but not excessively juice, in the finished product will retain a form, their sourness will be successfully contrasted with a sweet taste of juicy biscuit.

Charpeck with apples on kefir

Very easy and simple can be prepared a charlottery with apples on kefir. It turns out lush, tasty and very budget. Please look, video about how to cook it in the oven.

Magnificent curls with apples in the oven

I slightly changed the original recipe, which I once found in the Czech magazine, and added a little raisin into the ingredients. It always seems to me that cottage cheeisie is a great combination. Sweetness of the Izyum, as it is impossible to let off the sour taste of apples, and make a charlotte as a whole more "textured".


  • Four eggs;
  • handful of raisin;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese (18%);
  • 750 g of apples;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 140 g of flour;
  • one tablespoon of corn starch;
  • paul teaspoons of soda;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar.

How to do

  1. Apples wash out, remove seed boxes, cut into thin slices.
  2. Raisin wash, dry.
  3. Preheat oil (two tablespoons) in a casserole with a thick bottom, add sugar. Stirring, bring sugar to a beautiful light caramel color. Watch that the mass is not burned!
  4. Put apple slices in caramel, mix, cook a couple of minutes.
  5. Beat any suitable kitchen gadget egg yolks with cottage cheese and butter residues.
  6. Egg proteins beat, adding sugar gradually to stable peaks.
  7. Carefully mix the mass with cottage cheese and whipped proteins.
  8. Form (24 - 26 cm in diameter) Loss of oil, sprinkle with sugar, flour.
  9. Layers lay out apples with raisins and curd dough until the form is filled. From above should be cottage cheese.
  10. Bake the charlotte in the hot (200 ° C) oven for about one hour. Remember that all the ovens are different - pick up the baking mode for your ovens.

Delicious quarreling with apples on cream

The tenderness of this quarlet reminds. Only here more fillings and less dough.


  • Five middle apples;
  • five eggs;
  • 110 ml of cream (30%);
  • 210 g of flour;
  • 90 g of sugar;
  • paul teaspoon soda;
  • tiny chinful salt.

How to do

  • Cut the middleings from clean apples, cut into thin slices.
  • Beat yolks and a half sugar, add cream, beat again.
  • With sugar residue, beat up to stable foam proteins.
  • Mix the yellow and protein mass, fall asleep into it in three - four receptions of the pre-sifted flour together with soda, mix carefully, the movement "top down".
  • Add apples, stirring, lay out a mass in shape (diameter 24 - 26 cm), on the bottom of which the bakery paper is washed and flourged.
  • The oven charlotte in the oven at 180 - 200 ° C for 60 to 65 minutes.

Unusually delicious steam is a quarrel with apples and creamy ice cream. Try to file a pie just like that!

Dear Irina Blog readers, I am unusually pleasant and happily communicate with you on the pages of this wonderful blog. I really hope that the recipes of lush quarreling with apples will be useful to you in the very near future. There will be a question - definitely ask them in the comments.

With the wishes of good health, Rybkhanskaya Irina, author of the essay of the culinary amateur.

Dear readers, if you are interested in other culinary recipes, I invite you to our heading "Culinary Etude". Go to category by clicking on the button

Delicious recipes for the whole family

What do we have for the soul today? I prepared you a small surprise. Have you ever seen the "dance to two voices"? Gorgeous and completely unknown dancers - brothers Lombard, Perforce a stunning composition on the music of the brilliant Astor Piazzollal.

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    Add Recipe to Favorites!

    Recipe charlinote So much old and worn out that many experienced hostesses often ignore it. This can be understood, because the modern world is saturated with information and today we can easily find a practical any recipe, often poison yourself completely unprecedented in past baking. Probably, this is good, just a little sorry that the recipes proven by time are undeservedly forgotten. And in vain, because the quarreling, despite the simplicity, availability and ease of preparation, the mystery and not one that I will definitely reveal. In addition, the scarlet with apples is exactly the recipe on which the baking is learning. Therefore, my young friends, I dedicate this publication to you. If you have already learned the oven, it's time to take for a charlotte, and there it is already up to it.

    Classical charlotte is a German sweet dish made of white bread, a custard, fruit and a liqueur. Something like . The name comes from the female name Charlotte (from the male chall, he is Karl, he is Charles, but in the Greek tradition - Harlampy). The British are called a similar dish with pudding and prefer to bake it with apples. Well, and the recipe that we in Russia call Charlotte. Apples baked with a dough resembling biscuits arose in the second half of the twentieth century on the expanses of the Soviet Union, for which thanks to our grandmothers and mothers.

    Apple - Amazing fruit, which is attributed to the paradise. No one knows how the fruit looked out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, who tasted Adam and Eve to Paradise, but Mol Polva stubbornly calls his apple.

    Another Hippocrat noted the healing properties of apples and recommended them in the treatment of intestinal diseases, the "birth" of the heart and kidney. And according to modern specialists, apples really have wonderful properties: they are removed from the body excessive salt and water, which contribute to the decrease in blood pressure, improve the digestion and intestinal microflora, and many vegetables and fruits are superior to the content of iron. That is why apples are recommended to people suffering from anemia, in unlimited quantities.

    Many vitamin C, group vitamins, glutamine and folic acid, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and also iodine, which is contained in apple seeds - all this indicates the undoubted benefits of this fruit. The British has a proverb: "An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" - "Apple a day, and the doctor is not needed at all." I love apples very much, I prefer them to any overseas fruit and add to many dishes: ,

    Private focus on apple Pectinwhich nutritionists consider the human body with natural "sanitary".

    Pectin reduces cholesterol levels, improves intestinal peristalsis, blood circulation, stabilizes redox processes, has the ability to remove harmful substances and poisons from the body: radioactive elements, heavy metal ions, pesticides. In the modern world, this is very relevant, so eat more apples, friends, and if baking, then, of course, charlotte with apples.

    You will need: (for a form with a diameter of 20-22 cm)

    • eggs 3 pcs
    • flour 1 cup with slide
    • vinyl sugar 1 tsp.
    • hammer cinnamon 1 tsp.
    • bustyer 1 tsp.
    • apples 4 pcs
    • sugar powder for decoration

    If you do not like cinnamon, it can be excluded from the recipe. Many do not like that cinnamon affects the color of the dough and in the finished form it looks grayish, but it seems to me that as a result combination of tastes and apple fragrances and cinnamon Harmony arises, capable of bringing the atmosphere of the holiday in the most gray and rainy weekdays.

    The quarreling is the ingredients and their number: 3 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 tsp. Basin. Remember this formula and you can always easily bake juicy fruit homely pie. Instead of apples, you can use any other fruits, such as pears, bananas, figs or baked pumpkin.

    And if the fruit is replaced by 1 cup of any dried fruitor Orekhov, and better than the other together, it will be very satisfying dry pie, which can be taken with you hike, to school or office.

    Another secret: Exclude the disinteger from the formula and you will receive a recipe for a biscuit, which is usually afraid to start starting cookies. Pake the charlotte more often, friends, gain experience and hurts himself. And after the biscuit, any cakes will not be terrible!

    Step-by-step photo recipe cooking quarreling with apples:

    First of all, prepare a baking shape: lubricate the bottom and walls with butter and sprinkle with flour - Professionals are called "make a French shirt."

    In a separate bowl mix flour, cinnamon and baking powder.

    Good weather is quite enough for happiness, and in a bad one can, for example, bake an apple pie. And no additional meaning is required. As in childhood ... (Max Frey "Key of Yellow Metal")

    Indescribable aroma of apples and cinnamon! Mmm ... delight! It seems to me that it smells like a happy home!

    But it looks like a quarreling prepared in forms for muffins. It is in this form that this juicy and wet cake from the apples becomes easily transported (wow Word!) Such mini-quarreling in beautiful paper skirts can be taken with you to school or office.

    Properly baked charlotte with apples is air, gentle and at the same time a juicy pie, simple and delicious joy that will collect your family and friends behind a common table. And it is necessary for this just 3 Eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup flour, teaspoon baking powder, apples and no additional meaning is required ...

    Well, what did I manage to fall in love with a charlotte? Pleasant tea drinking!

    How to prepare a charlotte with apples. A brief recipe.

    You will need: (for form 20-22 cm)

    • eggs 3 pcs
    • sugar 1 cup without a slide (grade 200 ml)
    • flour 1 cup with slide
    • vinyl sugar 1 tsp.
    • hammer cinnamon 1 tsp.
    • bustyer 1 tsp.
    • apples 4 pcs
    • creamy oil and some flour for lubrication form
    • sugar powder for decoration

    Lubricate the shape and sprinkle with flour.
    In the bowl of the mixer, break the eggs and beat up to homogeneity within 2-3 minutes. Gradually add sugar and vanilla sugar, whip at least 10 minutes. The mass should whiten and increase in volume.
    In a separate bowl, mix the flour, cinnamon and a baking powder, seek in the whipped eggs and gently mix the spatula.
    Prepare apples: Wash, dry a towel, clean the peel and core, cut the cubes of approximately 1.5 x 1.5 cm.
    Add apples to the dough and mix.
    Pour the ready-made mass into the prepared shape, crumple the surface.
    Bake the charlotte in a predetermined oven at T 180 ° С 40 minutes to ruddy crust.

    In contact with

    Greetings, dear readers. Today we prepare a delicious pie: a quarreling with apples in the oven. We selected the 5 most delicious and simple recipes.

    Why charlotka?

    Scarlet with apples in the oven

    In fact, this is my favorite pie. Maybe because of the apples, I do not know. But I immediately remember my childhood, how my mother was prepared, we drank tea, sorry simply. But I wondered, and why exactly "Charlotka", and not just "Apple Pie".

    The solution was found! Charlute - Sweet Dessert from Apples Baked in Test. Dessert, then it is preparing quickly. Going on and then I realized that I did not understand anything))).

    Look: a quarreling is a German dessert, any fruits used in it. In fact, the Germans borrowed a prescription pudding from the British, apparently a bit changed. But gradually, the most common apples in the cake were most common, since in Europe they are cheap.

    But Charlotka came to Russia from England, the cook, who was standing in the service of Alexander I. Well, the recipe has become known over time to know all over the world.

    In general, it turned out not a pie, although purely in Russian is a cake. And I also understood that it was very simple to prepare such a dessert. And what, apples cut, kneading and pekki. Everything will leave 40 minutes and ready.

    There are many different recipes as a quarreled cartridge with apples in the oven. The basis is a classic recipe, adding various other ingredients, other recipes are obtained, no less delicious. Today we selected the 5 most delicious.

    Classic recipe is the easiest.

    Crokeley with apples in the oven is a classic, nothing superfluous is needed, well, and the basis of all other recipes.


    1. flour - 1 cup;
    2. sugar is 1 cup (not to the edges);
    3. eggs - 4 pieces;
    4. vanillin - 0.5 teaspoon or cinnamon - 2 teaspoons;
    5. apples - approximately 400 gr.

    Step 1.

    Let out the eggs from the refrigerator and whipping a mixer. They must be cold, so the dough will be more lure.

    Whip eggs

    Step 2.

    Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Sugar can and smaller who does not like strongly sweet.

    Step 3.

    Add Vanilin or vanilla sugar. You can add cinnamon instead of Vanilina - 2 teaspoons.

    Step 4.

    Now gradually add flour and mix carefully every time. It is best to sink flour. There is a good sifting in the form of a mug, you click on the handle, the portion of sifted flour falls into the dough and interfere carefully. Very convenient, you can cope with one hand and flour will not fly around.

    Step 5.

    Now add a baking powder. If it is not, you can add soda on the tip of the knife hawined by vinegar.

    Step 6.

    Now cut apples. They can be cut as you please: slices, pieces, cubes ... the main thing is that they are not very small.

    Cut apples as you please

    Slices of apples can be sprinkled with vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar. So they will preserve the form better. You can spray them with lemon juice, so apples will not darken.

    Step 7.

    Add apples in dough, mix.

    Mix apples and dough

    Step 8.

    Cooking the form for baking. If it is detachable, then lay out parchment paper and lubricate oil. If the form is silicone, then only lubricate oil.

    Step 9.

    Oven in advance warming up to 180 ºС, Pour the dough with apples into the shape and put in the oven.

    Step 10.

    A quarreling is baked 30-40 minutes. Check availability can be with a toothpick or match. When plotting in several places, if the dough on the match or toothpick does not remain, then baking is ready.

    It happens that the top of baking has already twisted well, and the middle is not ready. Then let's get baking from the oven, cover the foil and back to the oven.

    Step 11.

    Cake from the oven

    When the quarreling baked, get it out of the form and let me cool for some time. From above, you can sprinkle with powder with sugar or cocoa powder, and you can do anything.

    That's all, we got a quarreling with apples in the oven. Although it is a simple recipe, it is no less tasty. Now consider other quarreling options.

    Crokeley on kefir.

    Charlotka on kefir.

    It is not rare, in our refrigerator some products lie for a long time, and so that they do not deteriorate, the hostess use them in baking. For example, if kefir disappears, you can also make a very tasty charlotte with apples.

    We need:

    1. flour - 2 glasses;
    2. kefir - 1 cup;
    3. eggs - 3 pieces;
    4. sugar - 1 cup (on the edges a little bit);
    5. apples - approximately 450 - 500 gr. (5-6 pieces);
    6. 1 teaspoon baking powder.

    Step 1.

    Cooking applesYou can also cut them as you like, but not very finely.

    Step 2.

    Delivery eggs from the refrigerator and beatTUDA add sugar and mix thoroughly. Next add a baking powder. If it is not, you can also soda on the tip of a knife hawined by vinegar.

    Step 3.

    Now pour kefir And thoroughly mix everything. Same add gradually flourOveraced. Flour add not to large portions and mix well. The dough should be thicker than on pancakes.

    Step 4.

    We prepare the form, as described above. Put apples on the bottom and pour the test. The oven should already be warmed up to 180 ºС, put the dough there and bake 40-45 minutes.

    Step 5.

    Checking readiness as describede. After that, we get out of the oven and if you want, you can pour sugar or cocoa powder.

    That's all, it's also very tasty and kefir did not disappear and benefited.

    Spicy scarlet recipe. Very fragrant smell and taste.

    A quarreling with apples in the oven can be baked very fragrant, just slobs will run. For this, spices are used in baking.


    1. flour - 1 cup;
    2. sugar - 1 cup;
    3. eggs - 4 pieces;
    4. apples - 500 gr.;
    5. soda - 1 teaspoon;
    6. cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
    7. kurkuma - 1 teaspoon;
    8. a nutmeg - 1 teaspoon.

    Step 1.

    Cut apples convenient for you in the way top sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmegm.

    Cut apples

    Step 2.

    Now Preparing dough, as described in the first recipe, only thaw at the end we add turmeric and mix thoroughly.

    Step 3.

    Also we prepare the shape, smearing the oil. Spread spicy apples there and on top pour the test.

    Step 4.

    Ready spicy Charlotka

    Warm oven to 180 ºС, put the cake in the oven and We bake 40-50 minutes. Checking readiness as well as written in a classic recipe. After readiness let me cool a little. Optionally, sprinkle with sugar powder or cocoa powder.

    That's all, cut and apply on the table and enjoy the fragrant charlotte.

    Air recipe quarreling with apples.

    Crokeley with apples in the oven - Pudding in essence. Therefore, the dough can be made very air. Our son liked this recipe.

    What will take:

    1. flour - 180 gr;
    2. sugar - 1 cup;
    3. eggs - 3 pieces;
    4. apples - 250-400 gr.
    5. vanilla sugar - 10 gr. (or cinnamon - 2 teaspoons);
    6. potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
    7. basin - 1 teaspoon;
    8. cognac - 1 teaspoon;
    9. lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
    10. schuput black - 1 tablespoon.

    Step 1.

    Cold eggs mix with sugar And whipped with a mixer until the volume is 2 times.

    Step 2.

    Now Separately from eggs mix flour, starch and baking powder.

    Step 3.

    Now add it gradually in the eggs and well stir. Same way add vanillin or vanilla sugar or cinnamon.

    Instead of vanilla or cinnamon, you can add a zest from orange or lemon. Very interesting taste is obtained.

    Step 4.

    Add cognac to dough. Instead, you can add rum or brandy.

    Step 5.

    Preparing apples. Now they are cut down slices sprinkle with lemon juice and spend sugar. Sugar do not need a lot.

    Cooking apples for quarreling

    Step 6.

    Now we prepare the shape, lubricate the oil. Form you need to take with high edgesSince the dough rises well during baking. Pour sesame sesame and pour half the test.

    bottom mold lubricate oil and sprinkle sesame

    Step 7.

    Put apples on the dough, after which we pour the remaining dough. A little standing, we spray the remaining sesame.

    lay out apples on dough

    Step 8.

    Now in preheated to 180 ºС oven we put our cake for 30-40 minutes. Check the readiness and if you are ready, we get and let it cool a little.

    That's what it turns out

    That's all, the quarreling is very lush directly melts in the mouth. Pleasant tea drinking. While wrote, the actual saliva almost fed. Recipe awesome))).

    Charpeck with apples and dried fruits, fingers license.

    The recipes described above are a quarreling with apples in the oven. And now I want to tell you the awesome recipe for this cake, but not only with apples. Be sure to try such a recipe. This is a full-fledged dessert that, after cooking, just evaporates in your eyes. In the sense that it will be eaten very quickly and ask yet))).

    To begin with, I will say that we will be prepared on the contrary, so the ingredients will need more. In fact, there is no difference, what can bake pie. Just in contradictory, it turns out more and the form is not a round, but rectangular.

    If you want, you can simply use not one form, but a few, instead of the opposition.

    And so it will take:

    1. flour - 1 cup;
    2. sugar - 1.5 glasses;
    3. eggs - 6 pieces;
    4. apple - 5 pieces;
    5. apricot - 600 gr.;
    6. orange - 1 piece;
    7. dried fruits - 100 gr.;
    8. creamy oil - 100 gr. (1/2 pack);
    9. vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
    10. starch - 1 tablespoon;
    11. soda - 1 teaspoon;
    12. cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.

    Step 1.

    We take eggs I. separate proteins from yolks. In protein add 2/3 sugar, soda, vanilla And mix well.

    Here are some ways how it is easy to separate the protein from the yolk.

    Step 2.

    Now in the yolk add the remaining cup 1/3 of the sugar And beat the mixer to foam.

    Step 3.

    We combine step 1 and 2 in one bowl. Well whipped with a mixer.

    Step 4.

    Now add little flour, sizzy through a sieve and well stir. Then there add the zest orange and dried fruits, I also mix well.

    Here is a video, how to make just a zest and where to apply.

    Step 5.

    Cut apples how are you comfortable and mix with cinnamon.

    Step 6.

    Cut apricots, preferably slices and mix with starch.

    Step 7.

    Now take a deep baking sheet or mold, lubricate them with oil. Now we lay apples and on top of creamy oil.

    Step 8.

    Now from above B. wearing apricots and sprinkle sugar. Then pour the dough and put on the preheated oven to be baked.

    lay out spicy apples first, then apricots

    Step 9.

    Pie baked at 180 ºС 40-45 minutes. Readiness can be checked with toothpicks, as described in a classic recipe.

    Charpeck with apples, apricots and dried fruits

    That's all. After readiness, leave a little cool, while tea pours. Bon Appetit.

    A few secrets of making a delicious cake.

    What is a quarreling with apples in the oven and how preparing, we disassembled. Nou of many owners there are still their secrets of cooking quarreling. We will talk about them now.

    1. So that the dough was lush, necessarily use the eggs from the refrigerator.
    2. Use sifted flour.
    3. Add burst into the doughor hated soda, it can be cleaned with lemon juice.
    4. Add alcohol to dough - Cognac, Rum, Brandy, the dough is better turned out.
    5. For fragrance, use vanilla sugar, vanillin or cinnamon, but separately.
    6. Also add the zest of orange and lemona (Do not use only white citrus part, it gives bitterness), in the last recipe there is a visual video.
    7. So apples do not dry, spray them with lemon juice.
    8. Apples can be laid out both on the bottom of the form and in the middle, and on the top. Also, they are either stirred with the dough, or lay out separately.
    9. IN other fruits can be used as a filling place with apples, for example, pears, plums, or any other, even dried fruits. Also can add poppy, sesame, nuts, raisins, honey.
    10. In cooking dough can be used sour cream, kefir, butter, cottage cheese, manka.

    That's all. Adhering to such simple recipes, you can prepare a very tasty dessert. Share this recipe on social networks, write your recipes in the comments. Enjoy your meal.

    Updated: September 11, 2017 by the author: Subbotin Paul

    Apple quarreling, cooked in the oven - this is not a standard apple pie. It has a certain class, and serve this baking to the table, proudly calling it a charlottery, unusually pleasant. This is the perfect recipe in order to surprise guests, especially if they are already on the way. The quarreling composition is unusually simple, and the products can always be found in any kitchen, so you don't have to run to the store. You can prepare the basis of just minutes for fifteen minutes, so while it baked the time to appear pleasantly chat with friends.

    At the same time, when using quarreling, you can not worry about the waist - baking is very easy and low-calorie. And a large number of apples will not only give the dish originality of taste, but also will be saturated with antioxidants and vitamins.

    Classic scarlet recipe with apples in the oven

    Remember those beautiful pies that baked a grandmother in childhood. The aroma of apples, which was broadcast in the kitchen. The names are this baking and thereby was the original recipe for quarreling. In the autumn season, when apple harvest comes, it is necessary to fill the cuisine with their aroma to recall the past time and add a coziness home in rainy time.


    • eggs - 8 pcs.;
    • sugar - 400 g;
    • flour - 300 g;
    • apples - 1 kg;
    • basin - 1 bag;

    How to prepare a classic charlotte:

    So that the quarreling turns out the air, first of all prepare eggs. Divide them on protein and yolk on different plates. The first sweat of the protein together with sugar until stable foam appears. Then gradually interfere with the yolk. The mixture is required to constantly beat without stopping.

    Flour sieves along with a baking powder. Then add it to the sugar-egg mixture by very small portions so that no lumps are formed. Ultimately, the dough should turn out like a rather fatty sour cream, but at the same time pull.

    I wash apples and, if you wish, clean. It must be remembered that it is in their peel the most vitamins. They cut them on the slices of equal size so that they can be overlooked at the same time and sprinkle with lemon juice. So they will not be brown.

    In the lubricated form for baking, half of all test is poured. On top of it, lay out apples, which then pour the remaining test mixture.

    A quarreling is preparing in an already preheated oven for about 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, after which the fire decreases to 160. So the cake bakes even half an hour, after which it can be hot.

    Charpeck with apples and sour cream - recipe for oven

    If you want to get an unusually delicate pastries, you should add sour cream into it. Take the farm product. It is very thick and natural, so it will be a delightful dessert that will surprise anyone.


    • sour cream - 200 g;
    • flour - 150 g;
    • sugar - 200 g;
    • apples - 500 g;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • basin - 1 bag;
    • vanillin.


    1. Mix the sour cream, sugar and egg among themselves. Beat the quick movements of the whisk until a homogeneous mixture is possible. After that, if you wish, you can add vanilla and some cinnamon, so that it turns out a little spicy taste of apples.
    2. Sierted flour with a bundle is added to the sour cream mixture. All dough is divided into 3 completely equal parts.
    3. Apples rinse and cut the slices. They should be divided into 2 equal handhes.
    4. To start collecting future pie, one part of the test pour into a lubricated shape. Put apples on it, which then pour the second part of the test. Lay out the layer of apples again, and the remaining dough will become a crinking crust. In general, the future cake can boast 2 apple layers at once.
    5. Cake is preparing in a pre-dried oven for about 45 minutes. Its temperature should be 180 degrees.

    Scarlet with apples on kefir - simple recipe

    Since kefir is used in this recipe, that is, a fermented milk product, then it is desirable to take soda instead of a breakplier. Kefir will expect her independently, and the charlotte will become more delicious and useful.


    • apples - 800 g;
    • flour - 300 g;
    • kefir - 200 ml;
    • egg - 2 pcs;
    • creamy oil - 200 g;
    • sugar - 200 g;
    • soda - 1 teaspoon.


    Creamy oil for this quarreling should be soft, so it should be tight at room temperature before cooking. When it is softened enough, then add sugar to it and scroll thoroughly.

    Add to kefir soda, then pour it to the oil. Wake into this mixture and eggs. The sifted flour interfere gradually. To do this, you can use a mixer. When the dough becomes reminding sour cream, then you can set it away.

    Apples cut and proceed to the formation of a cake. On the bottom of the form, put a sheet of parchment paper, and then pour half the entire test. It places filling in one layer, and on top of all the remaining dough is poured.

    For the preparation of the cake will take about an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    Charpeck with apples on an ambulance hand

    If the time is completely pressed, but something to put something on the table, then make a version of quarreling on the ambulance hand. Despite the smallest time you spend on it, it will work out very appetizing and tasty.


    • kefir - 200 ml;
    • apples - 300 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs;
    • flour - 200 g;
    • sugar - 150 g;
    • soda - ½ CHORD. l.;
    • salt.

    How to cook:

    1. Drink apples, remove the core and be sure to cut into small slices.
    2. At the bottom of the baking form, lay a sheet of parchment or simply lubricate it with oil. Put all apples into it.
    3. Separately boil eggs with sugar until it dissolved. The mixture should be homogeneous. At this stage, if you wish, you can add vanillin or cinnamon for taste.
    4. Kefir and soda is added to this mixture. All beats and gradually add sainted flour. The dough should not get very thick, because in this case the charlotte will not become air and tender.
    5. The dough is poured into apples, then seal the charlotte on the oven. It will take about 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    To the table it can be served with vanilla ice cream to create a pleasant contrast.

    Magnificent charlotte with apples in the oven

    If you do not have enough figs in your charlotte, you should use such a recipe. The end result will be very air and gentle.


    • flour - 240 g;
    • sugar - 200 g;
    • milk - 125 ml;
    • egg - 4 pcs.;
    • apples - 600 g


    1. In the mixer, take the eggs, gradually spare to the mixture and sugar. Everything is whipped together for about 5 minutes until the mixture becomes lush. The next milk is added and everything is mixed with gentle movements.
    2. Add sainted flour into this mixture. Then mix everything until the dough is homogeneous and gentle.
    3. Clean apples, and cut into small pieces. In the removable baking shape, pour half the test. Distribute it evenly, and on top arbitrarously spread apples. All pour the remaining dough, scatter and send the charlotte into the oven. It should be warmed up to 180 degrees.

    Prepare the cake will be about 45 minutes. The charlotte can be sprinkled for beauty with sugar powder.

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