How to prepare a charlotka. Lush classic clinic with apples. Recipe for lush quarreling with apples in the oven - Video

Drainage 08.04.2021

Culinary etude 06/24/2018

This year is expected to be an exempted harvest of apples. I am already anticipating how to rummage with my favorite "white bulk" and "melbor". I adore apples in any form - fresh ,. And how are they are good in fragrant light baking! Constant summer hit in our family is a magnificent charlotte with apples.

On the same sixth of the land, a huge number of hostesses having their own "branded" recipe adorable quarreling with apples. This fact has a simple and logical explanation. Just a few minutes ago, and now your magnificent beauty "Sports" in the oven.

Interesting recipes of apple quarreling us today brought Irina Rybkhanskaya - unchanged leading headings. The story will continue Irina.

Hi, Dear Irina Blog readers Zaitseva! Summer rushed to his most poppy. The generous hand scatters it crop. The branches of the apple tree in the garden have to be written by stakes so that they do not break under the severity of uncountable fruits. It's time to bake a charlotte!

Magnificent Charpeck with apples in the oven - Simple Classic Recipe

From mastering precisely, my "Career" of wives and hostesses began with the classic recipe. My mom called this delicious charlotte "country", because they prepared it from apples collected in the country. In our Novekonka Polish oven, it turned out surprisingly magnificent.

Because this pie is considered banal and elementary, then the description of the process of its preparation is usually reduced to the pair of rows. My rather large description is devoted to inexperienced homemade confers and anticipates their questions.


  • Four eggs of decent sizes;
  • 180 g of sugar sand;
  • 150 g of flour;
  • three - five apples of sour - sweet taste;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar;
  • a bit of cinnamon (optional);
  • a pinch of salt.

How to do

  1. Clean apples cut on quarters, cut "middle" with seeds. Then cut into small slices.
  2. In a deep container (basic or bowl), pour out all sugar (vanilla too), salt, knock off the eggs there, beat the wedge or mixer. Mass should be brushed and increase in volume.
  3. In several techniques add flour, continuing to beat. As a result, it should be noted not a merciful, smooth mass.
  4. The form (diameter 22 - 24 cm) lay the bakery paper, generously woven with oil, sprinkle with sugar (if the bottom after baking will be riding) or flour (if the baked crucible will be riding the quarreling).
  5. Place a piece of apples all over the bottom, if you wish to sprinkle with cinnamon.
  6. Pour the test on the helix on top - to start with the edges of the quarreling and move towards the center.
  7. To hit the table slightly a couple of times. So the excess air will be released and the dough will be distributed more evenly.
  8. Determine in the oven, heated to 180 ° C. In my oven, the process takes from sixty to seventy five minutes. Baking time depends on the quantity and juiciness of apples, as well as from the overall of your oven.
  9. A finished product to circulate along the contour with a suitable knife with a thin blade, flip over a bunch or flat dish.

My comments

  • I strongly recommend on the bottom of any form to put paper for baking. If you are a furnace in a detachable form, then apples when baking can flush through the slot. If you are a furnace in a ceramic form, then the charlottery will be easier to remove from it.
  • I love the variation of the recipe for quarreling, when a lot of fruit, and a little dough. In this case, five apples should be taken for baking. Biscuit lovers with a small amount of fruit can be limited to three apples.
  • Does your mixer have low power? Then more magnificent quarreling will turn out if you beat separately proteins with sugar, and then add yolks, continuing to beat.
  • Do not use too long apples for cooking - when baking in the oven, they give an excessive moisture. Rested fruits with starch pulp also do not fit - they will turn into porridge.
  • It is not necessary to add any disintegrator. Biscuit will greatly rise and it will be lush on only eggs.

My branded quarreling with apples - recipe with photo step by step

I brought my corporate recipe with a reliable ancient product - experience. You have to step by step to do all the technological operations and get a cherished lush apple charlotte.


  • Four large eggs;
  • 225 g of flour;
  • 175 g of sugar;
  • 140 ml of vegetable oil without a pronounced aroma;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar:
  • 1000 kg of sour - sweet apples;
  • one teaspoon (without a slide) soda;
  • at the tip of the salt knife.

How to do

Washing apples cut into quarters, remove seed nests, cutting slices.

In a high tank, we put sugar, salt, vanilla sugar, we break there eggs there. Weep vegetable oil. We beat first at the middle speed of about 2 to 3 minutes.

Then whipped at high speed 3 - 4 minutes. The mass will be lighter, slightly increase in volume.

Flour to sift together with soda.

Add flour to a whipped mixture in two - three receptions, continuing to beat. It turns out a liquid dough as in the photo.

Cut a square piece of bakery paper, lay a bottom of a round detachable form (diameter 24 cm), sprinkle with sugar, flour.

Locate the first layer of apple slices along the bottom, pour about half the test, twist the form to the left, right to make the dough more evenly distributed.

Distribute the remaining apples.

Pour the remains of the dough on them, distribute it with a spoon and scrolling the form in different directions. Hit a couple of times about the table to come out excess air.

Bake the charlotte with apples in the oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 75 minutes. Readiness to check the rauchinka. It should leave the most lush pieces of the cake completely dry.

My comments

  • Possible replacement of vegetable oil with creamy or pork smalts. Taste and appearance will be varied - the most lush is a charlotte with vegetable oil. The most "cream" delicate taste will be at quarreling with butter, swine sled will give test elasticity and "juicing".
  • If desired, sprink apples. I do not do this. I like the gentle, pure apple taste and aroma in this cake.
  • Better quarreling is obtained with sour - sweet, strong green apples. They will give enough, but not excessively juice, in the finished product will retain a form, their sourness will be successfully contrasted with a sweet taste of juicy biscuit.

Charpeck with apples on kefir

Very easy and simple can be prepared a charlottery with apples on kefir. It turns out lush, tasty and very budget. Please look, video about how to cook it in the oven.

Magnificent curls with apples in the oven

I slightly changed the original recipe, which I once found in the Czech magazine, and added a little raisin into the ingredients. It always seems to me that cottage cheeisie is a great combination. Sweetness of the Izyum, as it is impossible to let off the sour taste of apples, and make a charlotte as a whole more "textured".


  • Four eggs;
  • handful of raisin;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese (18%);
  • 750 g of apples;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 140 g of flour;
  • one tablespoon of corn starch;
  • paul teaspoons of soda;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar.

How to do

  1. Apples wash out, remove seed boxes, cut into thin slices.
  2. Raisin wash, dry.
  3. Preheat oil (two tablespoons) in a casserole with a thick bottom, add sugar. Stirring, bring sugar to a beautiful light caramel color. Watch that the mass is not burned!
  4. Put apple slices in caramel, mix, cook a couple of minutes.
  5. Beat any suitable kitchen gadget egg yolks with cottage cheese and butter residues.
  6. Egg proteins beat, adding sugar gradually to stable peaks.
  7. Carefully mix the mass with cottage cheese and whipped proteins.
  8. Form (24 - 26 cm in diameter) Loss of oil, sprinkle with sugar, flour.
  9. Layers lay out apples with raisins and curd dough until the form is filled. From above should be cottage cheese.
  10. Bake the charlotte in the hot (200 ° C) oven for about one hour. Remember that all the ovens are different - pick up the baking mode for your ovens.

Delicious quarreling with apples on cream

The tenderness of this quarlet reminds. Only here more fillings and less dough.


  • Five middle apples;
  • five eggs;
  • 110 ml of cream (30%);
  • 210 g of flour;
  • 90 g of sugar;
  • paul teaspoon soda;
  • tiny chinful salt.

How to do

  • Cut the middleings from clean apples, cut into thin slices.
  • Beat yolks and a half sugar, add cream, beat again.
  • With sugar residue, beat up to stable foam proteins.
  • Mix the yellow and protein mass, fall asleep into it in three - four receptions of the pre-sifted flour together with soda, mix carefully, the movement "top down".
  • Add apples, stirring, lay out a mass in shape (diameter 24 - 26 cm), on the bottom of which the bakery paper is washed and flourged.
  • The oven charlotte in the oven at 180 - 200 ° C for 60 to 65 minutes.

Unusually delicious steam is a quarrel with apples and creamy ice cream. Try to file a pie just like that!

Dear Irina Blog readers, I am unusually pleasant and happily communicate with you on the pages of this wonderful blog. I really hope that the recipes of lush quarreling with apples will be useful to you in the very near future. There will be a question - definitely ask them in the comments.

With the wishes of good health, Rybkhanskaya Irina, author of the essay of the culinary amateur.

Dear readers, if you are interested in other culinary recipes, I invite you to our heading "Culinary Etude". Go to category by clicking on the button

Delicious recipes for the whole family

What do we have for the soul today? I prepared you a small surprise. Have you ever seen the "dance to two voices"? Gorgeous and completely unknown dancers - brothers Lombard, Perforce a stunning composition on the music of the brilliant Astor Piazzollal.

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    Charlotte with apples - the classic of European and Russian cuisine - came to us a fairy culinary way: through the famous French culinary karema, which, in the early 19th century, hesitated Russian Tsar Alexander 1. And he brought with him a recipe for apple pie, named In honor of Queen Charlotte and the conjuncturally renamed from Paris to the Russian charlotte.

    A recipe for such a cake received worldwide popularity and has undergone a lot of creative culinary variations: American, German, Jewish, Russian landfishing apple grandmother and just an apple pie - name, as you want, if only the pie has been able to and pleased the households and guests.

    The range of Russian quarreling is rich enough: Charlotte in kefir, quarreling on sour cream, Tsvetaevskaya charlotka; Charpeck old-fashioned, with pieces of yesterday's white bread and even a quarreling in a slow cooker. Of course, experienced streams there are a pair of author's original recipes. Some of them and we have.

    It is believed that Apples of the Antonovka grade apples are the best filling for such a cake, but you can disagree with this, because any variety of these fruits have the opportunity to turn out to be a stuffing of quarreling with a completely special apple fragrance, depending precisely from the taste of apples. The following task is to save the bright and transparent form of apples after heat treatment.

    The secret is small: prepared apples (washed, peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bwith slices) sprinkle with natural fresh lemon juice, which will save the color of fruits and strengthen their natural aroma.

    In the cooking process, any apples cut with pieces and introduced into the dough. Some love slightly drink solid grade apples in butter or marinate in brandy so that they become softer and fragrant.

    The remaining ingredients, except for flour: any sugar, vanilla, nutmeg, olive oil, nuts, lemon zest or - in different sets can be perfectly combined in the process of cooking quarrels, while leaving space for your creative culinary fantasy.

    Classic recipe for scarlet with apples on cupcake test

    Thanks to the classic cupcake test, the cake will be satisfied with satisfying, heavy and loose.


    • purified apples - 300-500 grams;
    • wheat flour - 100 grams;
    • egg Chicken Fresh - 2 pieces;
    • sugar sand - 100 grams;
    • busty -0.25 teaspoon;
    • salt cook - to taste.

    According to the classic recipe, a sharpening with apples on a cupcake test is prepared as:

    1. Beat the mixer on high speed with sugar sand. Softened butter to dissolve sugar.
    2. As soon as sugar is dissolved, enter into the resulting mass one of the fresh eggs of room temperature, after which add sainted wheat flour, salt, baking powder and on small revolutions domain dough.
    3. Mix evenly with the resulting dough cutting apples and put the mixture into a suitable shape, lubricated with oil and swimming with flour.
    4. Place the shape with the dough in a preheated to +180 oven and bake a charlottery for 35-40 minutes before the readiness, which is ready to check the toothpick - dry - pie is ready.

    Biscuit dough is prepared without butter, but with an increased sugar, allowing you to beat it with air. Such dough requires compliance with strict proportions so that it does not fall during baking.

    The cooled fresh eggs are whipped with a mixer at high revs so that the whistral mass is obtained, which the flour should be mixed carefully so as not to pay off the air bubbles during the whipping.


    • wheat flour - 120 grams;
    • sugar powder - 120 grams;
    • fresh apples - 300 grams;
    • egg chicken - 4 pieces.

    Charlotte with apples on the biscuit dough on a simple recipe prepare so:

    1. Separate gently proteins from yolks. Squelts beat a mixer with sugar to white foam and, adding 20 grams of sugar powder, continue to beat to dense mass.
    2. Yolks whip intensely mixer with 100 grams of sugar powder and mix them with whipped proteins with careful movements from the bottom up.
    3. As soon as the mass of whipped proteins and yolks will become homogeneous, gradually pour flour, continue stirring it until completely uniformity.
    4. A shape for quarreling to lubricate with cream oil, sprinkle with ground crops, lay out evenly cutting apples and pour from above the resulting dough.
    5. In the center of the cake make a small deepening so that it turns out to be smooth.
    6. It remains gently to put the shape into a heated oven and with + 200 baking charlotics for 25 minutes.

    Exquisite scarlet recipe on biscuit test with the addition of brandy

    The highlight of such a cake in the addition of fragrant alcohol, for example, brandy, but is also suitable for both rum and cognac, and alcohol tinctures on fragrant herbs. In addition to fine fragrance, combined with the smell of apples, alcohol will give apple softness and tenderness, especially if they are used purified from the peel. It will make all the charlotics of the gentle and fragrant, similar to the consistency on the soufflé.


    • wheat flour - 1 cup;
    • sugar sand - 1 cup;
    • egg Chicken Fresh - 3 pieces;
    • brandy - 1 tablespoon;
    • cinnamon hammer - 1 teaspoon;
    • ripe apples - 1 kilogram.

    Charlotte on the biscuit dough with brandy on the exquisite recipe cook like this:

    1. Apples wash, remove the skin and, cut into pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice, and then sprinkle with cinnamon and mix.
    2. Prepare a biscuit dough from fresh eggs, sugar and flour, for which beat eggs with sugar, gradually adding flour and cautiously stirring.
    3. The shape for quarreling is lubricating with sabers with butter and evenly put on her bottom cutting apples, then pour them with a dough and put in a preheated to +180 with an oven for baking by 40-50 minutes.

    Quick Recipe Crokery on Kefir Test Apples

    For such a quarreling, it should be very sweet to better combine with an acidic kefir test, and the amount of sugar is small here.


    • wheat flour - 250 grams;
    • kefir or Prostokvash - 200 milliliters;
    • egg chicken - 2 pieces;
    • butter cream - 100 grams;
    • sugar sand - 100 grams;
    • soda Food or Bustyer - 0.5 teaspoon;
    • salt cook - on the tip of the knife;
    • apples are sweet - 500 grams.

    Quick recipe Clearley on kefir dough with apples is prepared as:

    1. Wash, dry, clean and cut apples with slices. Square to lemon juice.
    2. Beat the mixer softened butter with sugar sand, add, continuing to beat, one fresh egg.
    3. In the resulting mass, pour when stirring kefir and introduce gradually, continuing the stirring, sifted to flour so that it turns out the dough in which cut apples should be introduced.
    4. Suitable form to deceive with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out dough with cut apples.
    5. By this time, the oven washing up to +180 s, and it is placed in her shape with a test for baking a charring for 45 minutes.

    Charpeck for this recipe is dense, fragrant and humid-juicy, because it rises the dough at the expense of soda or baking powder. In addition, apples entered a lot. To fully enjoy the aroma of this cake, it is better not quite cooled. Beautiful dessert for the autumnal afternoon.


    • wheat flour - 0.5 glasses;
    • sugar sand - 1 cup;
    • egg chicken - 3 pieces;
    • food soda - 0.5 teaspoons;
    • lemon - 1 piece;
    • apples 1-1.5 kilograms.

    On the autumn recipe, a charlottery with apples cook like this:

    1. Start with apples that should be washed, clean from the peel, cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice to preserve the natural color of the fruit.
    2. For the test, beat the fresh egg with sugar sand, introduce into the resulting mass of flour with soda, groomed with lemon juice, and mix until complete homogeneity.
    3. The shape of the quarreling is smeared with cream oil, spray with breadcrumbs and lay out the dough, connected with apples.
    4. In the oven preheated to +200, put the shape with a charlotte and the furnace in this mode before girlishing, after which it is reduced to +180 C and continue the oven for another 15 minutes. Cake readiness to check the toothpick, which should be dry when removing.
    5. If the top has already been greatly twisted, and the toothpick comes out with sticking the raw dough, you can cover the cake for 10 minutes by foil and, reducing the temperature, it will come.

    There is such a quarreler by adding meringue, which decorates, improves and does not complicate the process of its preparation.

    Ingredients for dough:

    • wheat flour - 4-5 tablespoons;
    • egg Chicken Fresh - 5 pieces;
    • sugar sand - 0.5 glasses;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
    • basin - 1 teaspoon;
    • apples - 3-4 pieces.

    Ingredients for meringues:

    • chicken Egg protein - 2 pieces;
    • sugar sand - 4 tablespoons.

    According to the recipe, a charlottery with apples and can be prepared like this:

    1. Separated from yolk proteins to beat the mixer in the foam, enter sugar and beat finally.
    2. By one, adding yolks, continue to beat with sugar, vanilla, baking powder and with sifted flour until the dough homogeneity.
    3. In a lubricated oil and rubbed with ground crops, lay out half the dough, evenly decompose the half of the cutting apples, pour the remaining dough and on top evenly distribute the remaining apples.
    4. Place the shape with a charlotte in a preheated to +180 oven for 20 minutes.
    5. During this time, make a meringue of 2 proteins whipped with sugar sand with a mixer to dense foam. Get a shape with a charlotte, pour smoothly meringue and put it in the oven for drying the upper layer of meringue for 10-15 minutes.

    The dough for such a cake rises due to very whipped eggs, mixed to which a small amount of flour should be smooth moving upwards. Sour cream should be high fatty. Oil cream for lubrication form can be replaced by vegetable odorless. But apples are suitable for any.

    Ingredients for quarreling with apples on sour cream test:

    • apples - 600 grams;
    • wheat flour - 0.5 glasses;
    • sugar sand - 0.5 glasses;
    • sour cream fat - 1 cup;
    • egg chicken - 6 pieces;
    • cinnamon - according to preference;
    • butter - for the form of shape;
    • crushers on the set of form.

    According to the grandmother's recipe, a charlottery with sour cream dough and apples are cooking like this:

    1. Wash and handle apples, removing the core, clearing the skin and cut into pieces. Three of them rub on the grater to add to the test.
    2. Separate proteins from yolks in different bowls. Yolks to be confused with sugar sand to white tone and mix with sour cream.
    3. Open apples to mix with flour to a homogeneous mass, after which the remaining apples in the resulting mass.
    4. Beat 6 proteins and introduce into the resulting dough with apples.
    5. It remains to lay out the entire homogeneous mass in the shape, the oiled oil and grazed with ground crops, and put in the oven preheated to +180 with an oven for 40-45 minutes before readiness.

    This poetic recipe goes back to the ancient French recipe for two hundred years ago. It provides fragrant, juicy and sweet ripe apples. Very fatty sour cream or 33 percent cream. Eggs should be fresh. The form is preferable rectangular: 18 by 25 centimeters. Vanilla Natural will give a festive solemn tone to the beautiful aroma of quarreling.

    Ingredients for dough:

    • wheat flour - 1-1.5 glasses;
    • sour cream fat - 0.5 glasses;
    • butter creamy - 150 grams;
    • busty (bakery powder) - 1.5 teaspoon.

    Ingredients for fill:

    • sour cream - 1 cup;
    • sugar sand - 1 cup;
    • egg chicken - 1 piece;
    • wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
    • apples - 4-6 large pieces;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

    Charlotte with apples on Tsvetaevian recipe cook like this:

    1. Sift flour with a breakdler and in a large container to mix with sour cream, with cold-shaped cream oil to knead the dough.
    2. The resulting dough lay out in a lubricated oil and flown with flour or ground crops shape, to dissolve it and make the necessary sides.
    3. Washing, dry, brushed and squeezed with thin plates or slices apples decompose evenly over the test.
    4. In a separate bowl, mix the sour cream, sugar sand, egg, vanilla sugar and thoroughly beat the wedge, then climb flour and still stir up to homogeneity.
    5. The resulting fill evenly pour into apples lying on the dough, shape shake to align the upper layer of fill and for distributing it between apples.
    6. Bake with +180 C in the oven for 50 minutes.

    Such a charlotte is good both hot and in the cooled form. She will appeal to adults and especially children.

    Invented such a cake at the end of the 18th century in England to speed up and simplify the process of its preparation. It is important that the milk in his recipe was high fatty or 10 percent cream instead of it so that the cream oil was used to lubricate bread in order to avoid its burning, bread is preferable yesterday.


    • white bread - 300 grams;
    • natural fatty milk - 1 cup;
    • egg Chicken Fresh - 1 piece;
    • sugar sand - 0.75 glasses;
    • creamy butter - 3 tablespoons;
    • lemon - 1 piece;
    • fresh apples - 500 grams.

    According to the ancient recipe, a charlottery with apples on white bread is cooking like this:

    1. From white bread cut off the crust and cut it into it with slices in 1 centimeter thick. Several slices cut into cubes and dry in the oven.
    2. Mix in a bowl of milk, fresh egg, 2 tablespoons of sugar sand and beat a mass of a wedge.
    3. Clear apples from the peel, remove the heartings and, cutting into cubes, pour lemon juice and move with sugar sand.
    4. With the help of a grater, remove the zest from Lemon.
    5. Melt a small amount of cream oil, pour them dry bread cubes and mix them with cut apples and lemon zest.
    6. The shape for baking a quarreling abundantly to aim with creamy oil. Slices of white bread, moistened in the egg-lactic mass, to eliminate the bottom and sides of the form. Slice must be cut, not leaving the gap.
    7. Share on the bread slices prepared apples with lemon zest and cover them with fragile bread slices in the lactic mass.
    8. The prepared shape with the bread surrosting with apples is placed in the oven preheated to +200 and bake in this mode for 35-40 minutes.
    9. Finished charlotte to hold in the oven turned off for 10 minutes, after which it can be served to the dessert in the hot.

    The originality of such a cake is combined with cinnamon, vanilla and dark cane sugar, which will give an exotic fragrance with a charlottery.


    • wheat flour - 1 cup;
    • dark brown sugar - 1 tablespoon;
    • bright brown sugar - 130 grams;
    • egg chicken - 1 piece;
    • walnut purified walnut - 0.75 glasses;
    • fresh lemon - 0.5 fetus;
    • creamy butter - 70 grams;
    • vegetable oil - 60 grams;
    • vanilla pod or vanilla essence - in preference;
    • basin - 0.5 teaspoon;
    • salt cook - 0.25 teaspoons;
    • fresh ripe apples - 4 pieces.

    Charlotte with apples in Swedish on the original recipe cook like this:

    1. Apples prepare, washing, cleaning and cutting into slices.
    2. Risen apples to pour lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon and dark cane sugar, mix everything.
    3. Lubricate with creamy oil suitable shape, put it in it and disperse cut apples.
    4. Grinding a large knife for pre-fried walnuts;
    5. Mix in a suitable bowl melted creamy oil, vegetable oil, egg, sugar and beat the wedge to the homogeneity of the ingredients.
    6. Add vanilla or vanilla essence and crushed lemon zest.
    7. In the resulting mixture, when stirring, introduce a sifted bundle and salt wheat flour, stir up to a homogeneous mass, add chopped nuts.
    8. It remains to pour apples to the resulting test mass, shake the shape for the uniform penetration between the pieces of apples, place the cake in the oven preheated to +180 and bake for 40-50 minutes.

    You can serve such a charlotte and hot and cooled - it is good in any form.

    Classic dessert Charlute with apples is a simple, tasty and useful product of home cooking, which is desired and the presence of the desired ingredients can also be a beginner confectioner according to our simple and proven recipes.

    Late summer and autumn apple quarreling is one of the most popular baking recipes. And everyone can prepare a charlottery with apples - it's easy and quick! 🙂 And what fragrance will be distributed around the house! What is the amazing taste of this simple apple cake!
    Charlotte with apples - a recipe that collects the whole family and friends behind a tea party and a pleasant conversation! ..

    Stock Foto Top - new, recently I made a charlotte in the rocker form; Step-by-step photos were made 2 years ago - then I was baked in a frying pan. It does not affect it, but in the form more convenient - the quarreling is more magnificent, smooth, and it is easier to get it easier. Now, now let's get to the recipe, I did not change the text, I just add a new photo at the end and I will finish some nuances.

    And I also recommend that you certainly try amber apple pie! The dough for it is done almost the same as for quarreling, only sugar and flour less. And apples but more! It turns out there is amazingly delicious and beautiful. The recipe will open in a new tab when clicking on the photo.

    The apple season begins! In all gardens, the amazing aroma of sleeping apples is heard. The July thunderstorms and the wind are even a matter of them from the branches, and in the morning the garden is soaked with apples! Nothing that apples are still greenish and a little nailed after falling - they are fine to bake the fastest and tasty apple pie!

    I was very surprised to find out what this one, as I thought, a simple apple pie, it turns out, and there is a classic quarreling! Preparing amazingly easily and quickly, for which it is sometimes called "Pie-five-minute pie". Let's bake a magnificent and gentle delicacy with apples - one of my favorite domestic domestic types!


    • 3 eggs;
    • incomplete glass of sugar;
    • incomplete glass of flour;
    • 1 teaspoon of soda;
    • 1 tablespoon of vinegar;
    • 5 - 7 - 10 apples (depending on their size).

    That's all, as you can see, the set of products is minimal, and the cake is obtained for the whole family, because very lush!

    How to bake:

    The most time-consuming task in this recipe is to start apples than we will take first. Washing them, we cut on the quarter and clean the cores and the peel.

    Prepare a shape for a cake. It is best to take a detachable, to be shown the bottom of the pastry paper and lubricate this paper and the onboard the shape of sunflower oil. Or lubricate with creamy oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina.

    Well, I decided this time to try to bake in a cast-iron pan - to find out how it turns out, because everyone has detachable forms. I will say right away: if not, it is worth buying - for such cakes and biscuits. The cake stuck to the bottom, despite the lubrication of the oil, and to get it, having a shovel, I had to suffer 🙂

    Cut the apples with thin small slices and evenly scatter along the bottom of the form. Now you can prepare a magnificent dough, without fear that it will fall, while we mumble with apples.

    Eggs whipped with sugar with a mixer, yolks from proteins, as for biscuit, do not be separated!

    We beat a minute - one and a half, this is enough to get a lush thick mass with bubbles.

    Pour the flour into the bowl of flour, in flour - soda, gasimi vinegar and carefully, but carefully, so as not to knock off the foam, mix.

    Pour the dough into apples, evenly distribute it with a spoon, and put the shape in a pre-warmed outdoor oven.

    The bake of the five-minute though not 5 minutes, but still quite quickly - 20 minutes - 25, on the fire more average, closer to the big one. Just check from time to time with a stick so that it does not work so that the top is already burning, but the middle is still liquid. In this case, the fire must be lost a little, not sharply, so that the cake does not "sat down."

    Having tried the camp with a sin again, and making sure it is dry, let's get baking from the oven.

    We are waiting for a little cool, and take the pie from the form. It is convenient to turn it onto the lid from the pan, and then from the lid - on the dish.

    Cut the pie for a portion - see what it is fluffy and lush! Sweet dough perfectly complements the sour taste of gentle baked apples. What is needed for soul tea drinking!

    ... and what if you lose apple biscuit with chocolate? .. The pear chocolate cleaner was very tasty, you need to try and apple option, the idea of \u200b\u200btempting! 🙂

    And here is the promised new photo.

    I baked this charlotte in the closed form, lubricated with creamy oil and chipped with crackers. And instead of soda and vinegar, the dough added slightly soda (complete spoon) and slightly citric acid (pinch). It turned out a real apple biscuit, tall and lush! True, the apples stayed down in the form of a thin layer.

    Therefore, the next time I did otherwise: I poured the test layer (about 1/3 part), then apples laid out on the dough and the rest of the dough poured on top. This option was the best: the cake turned out to be juicy, not dry, as a biscuit, and remarkably apple! And another nuance: a little truth the apple cinnamon layer. Quite a little bit, and what fragrance will be! ..

    Autumn is famous for apples, and the mistress is happy to prepare apple dishes. The most popular one is a quarreling with apples.
    Magnificent, gentle and just melting in the mouth Charlotka can not but like it! This sweet, apple dessert is from France. He has long conquered everyone with his simplicity and unforgettable taste. Despite the fact that the recipe is very simple, the charlotte's pleasure will bring no less than a complex dessert.

    Charpeck is great for tea or coffee. It can be used as an absolutely independent dessert. Feed charlotics, to some extent, also art. Tastier everything is freshly baked pie, it is warm and fragrant.

    Ideally serve a charlotte with a ball of light cream ice cream. If a little spray sugar powder, the cake will become even more attractive and appetizing. Especially a harmonious combination of quarreling and sour cream. There are many variations, you just need to show fantasy. Prepare a magnificent charlottery with apples in the oven will help you with step-by-step recipes quarreling in this article.

    Dear readers, first I want to ask you a little to pay attention and move a little from the main topic. Since I want to remind you that I will soon come out on June 14, a book will be released on how to create and conduct your own blog, approximately like me. Thanks to the blog you can conduct a business without leaving the house, having a computer at hand and access to the Internet. Everything else you will find in that very book, the editor of which is Denis Cow. Earlier, we have already talked about this and there was a separate post () on this blog.

    Today is June 14 on the day of the blogger, you get a link to a special page, from where you can download a free book, limited time. For a certain time, the book will be available, do not miss this important point, download right now. This link is already active for free download books. And now let's go back to our recipes for making a lush quarreling in the oven.

    For this recipe, apple pie is obtained delicious.

    1 faceted glass of top grade flour - 100 gr
    1 Sugar Sugar - 170 gr
    Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
    Dental dough or soda greased by vinegar - 1/2 h. L.
    4-5 small apples, or 3-4 large apples
    Creamy oil to lubricate baking shape
    The total cooking time is 60 minutes (20 minutes on the test workpiece and 40 minutes to baking).

    How to prepare a classic charlottery with apples in the oven:

    In a deep vessel, split the eggs, pour out all sugar and beat the mixer or a wedge. The resulting billet for the test will increase in the amount of approximately three times, it should turn out gently creamy color.

    In several goals, we sift the flour, each time we mix so that there are no lumps. Move to mix in advance with a tearful or hawed soda. The mixture to beat the kitchen mixer at low speed. Bail for a short time before receiving a homogeneous state.

    Apples need to cleaned from the skins, cut the middle and cut into not very thick slices or cubes. After mixing the dough with sliced \u200b\u200bapples.

    Pour the liquid dough with apples into a lubricated butter for cooking. Place the oven and bake 40-45 minutes into preheated to 180 degrees. In particular, it is from the height of the tank that the baking time changes, the higher the form, the longer it is prepared, and vice versa. Readiness can be checked using a wooden bitch or toothpick. It is necessary to pierce the pie in a fattest place if the chopstick is dry, it means that it is ready.

    Bon Appetit!

    Did you have a chaplain? It is necessary to drink a drink from a spike or a desperate to be depened. PRIKTE DUXOVE, PREPOTE PIPS PIPS IN CETPE: ELI TECTO PRILIPAE CREEVENNOE POVEPXNOCKTOKTY, SELECT CHAPTER ESTE NE HOT. Nights include applying a drink from DusOki and take it to commemorate. Shrop with apps of goth! Po Gearing a magnificent appa of the Cexapno CaXPX or Caxapoi Caxaque Caxapoi powder.

    Magnificent charcoard with apples in the dunk. Air apple cake with step-by-step fao

    There is a need for a chaser with a naewo and ppocto for novichka in KulinaPia. Delicious quarreling with apples and cinnamon. Simple biscuit dough in combination with apples gives excellent taste and flavor.
    Eggs - 4 pcs.
    Caxap - 160 gp (1 cotton)
    MUKA - 150 GP (1 SKAN)
    COOD, HOME UKCOM - 1 h.
    Vaniline or Vian Caxap - Po Gear
    Hacking for a champling:
    Appoers - 4 pcs.
    Caxap - 2 BT. l.
    Kopitsa Moul - Po Gella
    PattiteNoe Maclo - 0.5 h. l. For FOPM

    How to bake a lush charlottery with apples in the oven:

    For a need for one, it is necessary to simply apply apple and get a CEPDCs. It is not necessary for these species.

    However, it is necessary to root into the deaf and the appearance of the apple CaxaPom, it is the way they repulsed the cork.

    For TECTA for a chalken, to beat the eggs in a mixture of Mixepa in a humble lush and dirty pendan, like a nickname in Nix, Po Mepe's whipping Caxap and Cool.
    However, how the eggs C CaxaPo were, how to be whipped, whipped by the drain, having a hurry. HEOBXOY DIRECTLY TOGO, THERE OF ABOCLYOVO WE A COOD WAS POVERA UKUCOM, IN OOM SHAPEE IN THE CHAPLETTE CHAPTER OUT OUTAGE NEPPLETTE CONTACT or ZAAPX.


    It is important to the pointer to the Flour, it becomes the cruxual down of the next place, the Macca doesn't have any one and the gladkom, which have a detachment. Zaulna Tecto for the tasteless of the appoincle ships.

    B FOPMU, one of the first 20 cm, the MacLem, which will turn the TECTA. Applics are not necessary to finish with them COPA and ACAPANCE CONNECTED PO WE SPEPXNOCITE TECTA, NOTE COPIES AND WILL ON THE TECHTOE.
    Burning a dummy with appropriate in the DUXOVKE PREPENCE 40-50 minutes, PRI 160-180 gnacax, in zavisimati.

    Together a chart of commemorates to know the factory and get caxapane powder. Bcua of the appa of a chaser of goth. TEPEP A tasteless apparatus can be labeled. It will be not familiar, leaking and even more. Make a problem in the minima, the minima is the name of the NA. Bon Appetit!

    Apple pie in the oven at kefir. Babushkin Recipe Cooking Charlets

    Babushkin Recipe for lush scarlet from apples on kefir. It is very simple, the time for cooking is required quite a bit, and the baking is simply amazing.
    Apples - 3 pcs.
    Kefir - 1 cup
    Flour - 1.5 glasses
    Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
    Sugar - 1 cup
    Soda with vinegar - 0.5 h.
    Cinnamon - to taste
    Vanillin - to taste
    Sunflower oil - for lubrication form
    Manna Cropa - for Molding


    My apples, we clean from seed boxes, cut off the skin and arbitrarily cut into small pieces.

    In a deep bowl, we pour a glass of kefir. Add a glass of sugar there. Let Sakhara dissolve a little and mix everything.

    We divide two eggs in a bowl and interfere again.

    Pour flour, knead the dough.

    In the dough add soda haired by vinegar and a little vanilla. Mix the dough for the last time. The dough should turn out like a thick sour cream.

    The shape is lubricated with vegetable oil. Sweep semolina. We lay apples and evenly distribute them along the bottom of the form.
    We sprinkle apples cinnamon.

    Pour the dough and slightly shading the form so that it is evenly spread.
    We bake the pie in a well-preheated oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Be sure to check its readiness with a match. The clean end of the match you need to pierce the baking in several places, if the tip is dry, then the pie is ready if with pieces of a wet dough - bake further.

    Finished cake lay out on a plate. We use a cutting board for this. Cover the shape of a board as a lid, and sharply turn all this design sharply, the cake must be inverted onto the board.

    Then cover it with a plate and turn all this again. Charlottery is ready. You can call guests. Bon Appetit!

    Lush quarreling with apples in the oven. Secrets of cooking. Video recipe

    Bon Appetit!

    Charpeck with apples in the oven. Quick Charlock Quick Preparation Recipe

    When guests are on the threshold, we put the kettle on the stove, and the charlottery in the oven. It will turn out soft and ruddy!
    Fresh small apples - 6-8 pcs.
    Sunflower oil - 9 tbsp. l.
    Sugar sand - 0.5 glasses
    Wheat flour - 1 cup
    Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
    Food soda - 1 tsp.
    Oil cream for lubrication shape - 0.5 h. L.


    We beat eggs with sugar to foam formation, convenient to a mixer.

    Then add vegetable oil, soda, hawined by vinegar, at will, a little vanilla sugar and a little cinnamon, flour.

    We beat all times the mixer until uniformity.

    My apples, clean from the peel. Cut random size.

    Mix apples with dough.

    We are laid out in a form for baking (24 cm), shining paper for baking. Boca shape lubricate creamy oil. We put in the oven preheated to 200-220 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Depends on the oven. Readiness to check the toothpick.

    Lazy quarreling with apples is ready.

    Pleasant tea drinking!

    Several secrets of preparation of delicious scarlet from apples:

    1. For the cake, absolutely any apples will be suitable. But the taper of all the baking is obtained with solid and acid fruits. Perfect Antonovka. The cake is obtained with a pronounced sour-sweet taste.
    3. Do not overdo it with a layer of apples, they must cover the bottom of the form in one layer, otherwise the cake will turn out to be labeled and will not succumb.
    5. Even the acidic kefir is suitable for charcoat. Kefir can be replaced with half a cup sour cream.
    6. You can also add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise in the dough. Baking will come true and tastier.
    7. To save time, interfere with the battery of the blender, it copes with this task.
    8. If the cake after baking "does not want" from the edges of the form there are several ways to remove it from there. First, knock on the bottom of the inverted shape with a wooden brush in several places. Secondly, wrap the shape with a wet towel, wait a bit and repeat the turning. After such actions everything should succeed.

    Scarlet from apples and cottage cheese

    Present delicacy from the simplest products is a charcoat with cottage cheese and apples.

    Slices Bread - 6 pcs.
    or crackers - 100 gr
    Cottage cheese - 500 gr
    Apples - 300 gr
    Milk - 0.5 l
    Eggs - 1 pc.
    Yolk - 1-2 pcs.
    Creamy butter - 80 grams
    or margarine - 80 gr
    Powdered sugar - 200 gr
    Raisin - 30 grams
    Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
    or rum - 1 tbsp. l.
    Vanilla sugar - 20-30 grams
    Cinnamon in powder - 2-3 h. L.
    Salt - 1 pinch

    How to prepare a charlotte with cottage cheese and apples in the oven:

    Oil must be heated to room temperature so that it becomes soft. Heat milk to body temperature.

    Sugari or slices of stalking bread cut into pieces. Postpone 2 tbsp l. crumbs for putting out the form.

    Sukhari pour warm milk. Leave for 30 minutes. Squeeze.

    Add butter (60 gr), egg, rum, vanilla sugar, sugar powder (40 gr), salt. Mass mix.

    Seven yolks from proteins.

    Cottage cheese rub through a sieve or grind a blender.

    Add yolks, sugar powder (80 gr), stir mass.

    In the shape, lubricated with oil or margarine and sprung by breadcrumbs, lay out half the mass of superstars.

    On her - half of the curd mass. So that the layers were smaller, the curd mass is better to first lay out small bugs, and then smear them.

    Clear apples from the peel and seeds. Then grate on the grater.

    Grated on grater apples mix with sugar residue, cinnamon.

    Put apples on the curd layer.

    Raisin rinse.

    Sprinkle apple layer.

    Put on apples to lay out the remaining curd mass.

    On it - the remaining mass of superstars.

    Melt the remaining oil.

    From above, charlotte pour the creamy oil (20 grams).

    Bake the charlotte with cottage cheese and apples in a hot oven at a temperature of 200 degrees 1 hour.

    A finished charlotte with apples and cottage cheese sprinkled with powdered sugar and file to the table. Bon Appetit!

    Charpeck recipe with apples and pears

    With pears it turns out an unusual taste.
    Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
    Sugar sand - 1 cup
    Flour - 1 cup
    Apple - 1 pc.
    Pears - 1 pc.
    Food soda - 0.25 h. L.
    Sugar powder - to taste


    It is necessary to beat 4 eggs. Add 1 cup sugar. Mix thoroughly so that sugar is dissolved.

    Then add 1 cup flour and mix well.

    In the resulting dough, add soda, haweded by vinegar. You can add a baking powder instead.

    It is necessary to wash apples and pears. And cut into pieces.

    Share apples in the dough, mix.

    Put the dough with apples in a shape, lubricated with oil. We put in the oven, warmed up to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

    We decorate sugar powder from above and can be served to the table. Enjoy all tea drinking.

    On a note:
    IMPORTANT: When putting the cake in the oven, the first 10-14 minutes do not open it, so that the dough does not fall. Then you can carefully see. If the quarreling rose and the top is already baked, it is desirable to reduce the temperature to be passed on the middle of the cake. And when the dough has not yet risen, it did not shut up, then boldly lift the temperature to 200 ° C.

    Apple Pie (Charpeck) with cinnamon in the oven

    When apples collected a lot, how not to bake a delicious apple pie to tea!
    For dough:
    Wheat flour - 1 cup
    Sugar - 1 cup
    Chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.
    Soda - 1 pinch
    Salt - 1 pinch
    Lubrication oil - 1 h.
    For filling:
    Apples Medium - 4-5 pcs.
    Sugar - 1-2 Art. l.
    Cinnamon hammer - 0.5-1 Art. l.

    How to cook apple pie (charlotte) with cinnamon:

    In a bowl, drive the eggs. Add sugar and salt.

    Everything is good to beat the mixer 3-5 minutes.

    Fly to sift. Add to egg mass flour and soda. Stir the dough until uniformity.

    Wash apples. Can be cleaned from the peel. Cut into 4 parts, cut a seed box. Cut apples in small pieces.

    Apples sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Mix.

    Enable oven. Forms to lubricate with oil, can be sprinkled with flour or semi. Share half the dough.

    Then the layer of apples.

    Then the remaining dough. Put in the oven to the middle shelf.
    Bake apple pie in a preheated oven at 180 degrees 35-45 minutes, to a rush (baking time depends on the features of the oven). As for any biscuit dough, the oven is preferably not open when baking.

    Charlotte with apples and cinnamon is ready. Bon Appetit!

    A simple and tasty recipe for quarreling with apples in the oven with sour cream. Video recipe

    Bon Appetit!

    Fragrant scarlet from the baton with apples and lingonberries. Original apple cake recipe in the oven

    Fragrant charcoard, to the inability, juicy, sour-sweet, with a delicate middle and a crispy roasted crust!
    Baton - a few slices under your shape
    Apples - 4 pcs.
    Lingonberry frozen - 1 cup
    Sugar Demrar from Mistral - 1 cup
    Eggs - 4 pcs.
    Cream 20% - 150 ml
    Liquor "Pinacolate" - 3 tbsp. l.
    Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
    Creamy butter - 2 tbsp. l.


    Clear apples and cut into cubes. Disturbed one spoonful of oil in a sauinee, pour a couple of sugar spoons, put apples and stew, stirring, to easy mitigation. Pour cognac and stew to full evaporation of liquid and caramelization of apples. Cool filling.
    Heat the oven to 180 degrees. The form to abundantly lubricate the second spoon of cream oil.

    Stir the wedge in the bowl of eggs, 2 spoons of sugar and milk. Pour the liqueur and stir again. Baton cut into thin slices, moistened well in the egg mixture and pinch the bottom and slicer of the form.

    Add to apples frozen lingonberries and sprinkle with all 2-3 spoons of sugar-to taste. To stir well and put the filling in the form. Cover from above wedd in egg mixture slices of baton, a closed pie. From above, gently pour the remains of the egg mixture. You can put on top of the flakes of butter.
    Bake in the oven to ruddy crust. Let it stand in the disconnected oven for 5 minutes.

    Serve warm, sprinkled with sugar powder. Bon Appetit!

    Cretaceous recipe with apricots and chocolate

    Bake a chocolate charlottery with apricots. The result will like everyone.
    Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
    Sugar sand - 150 gr
    Kefir - 1 cup
    Flour - 1.5 glasses
    Food soda - 0.5 h.
    Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
    Apricots Fresh - 10 pcs.
    Sugar powder - 1 tbsp. l.
    Mint - to taste


    We connect eggs and sugar and beat well, add kefir, once again we beat everything well.

    Then add sifted flour into this container.

    Do not forget about the soda, which is not gasim.

    Add cocoa. Apricots and chocolate taste of the test are very well harmonized.

    Apricots cut in half, free from the bones. Use the baking shape without the bottom, the shape shape paper for baking. We put on the bottom of the half apricots, half of all.

    Pour the dough from above and put the remaining halves of apricots. We put the shape into an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

    Get out of the oven, let it cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, decorated with fresh apricot and mint.

    Pie cut into pieces and serve on the table. Pleasant tea drinking!

    Apple Pie (Charpeck) with Vanilla

    Pie opens and beautiful and tasty.
    Eggs - 6 pcs.
    Sugar - 300 gr
    Vanilla - 1 pod
    Flour - 300 gr
    Apples (better Antonovsky) - 5 pcs.
    Butter creamy - 100 gr + for lubrication form
    Cream 35% - 100 ml
    Brown sugar - 100 gr
    Powdered sugar


    Clear apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices. In the pan melted butter, pour brown sugar, warm 2 minutes.

    Add apples, vanilla seeds and pod himself.

    Prepare 5 minutes, then pour cream, mix, bring to a boil on slow heat, pecking 3-4 minutes, stirring. Remove the frying pan from the fire, remove the pod, cool slightly.

    For the test, beat eggs, salt and sugar in lush foam for 10 minutes. Add a sifted flour, gently stirring.

    Deligative shape with a diameter of 26-28cm lubricate with oil. Pour into it most of the dough, put apples along with the sauce and evenly distribute them over the surface.

    From above to pour the remaining dough. Bake in a preheated to 190 degrees oven 35-40 minutes.

    Sprinkle with powdered.

    Cut a lush pie for a portion and serve on the table. Pleasant tea drinking.

    Charlotte with apples and nuts in French

    French Charpeck - Apple Pie, for which you do not need to mess with the dough. From the remains of white bread and apples you can build a magnificent dessert.
    Bread white, worn (not dry) - 200-230 gr
    Eggs - 2 pcs.
    Sugar - 0,75 glasses
    Milk warm - 1-1.25 glasses
    Apple - 500 gr
    Walnut Walnut - 50 gr
    Or lemon zest - 3 h.
    Sukhari pushed - 5 tbsp. l.
    or cookies pushed - 5 tbsp. l.
    Vegetable oil - 30 grams
    Powder sugar - 5 tbsp. l.

    How to prepare a charlotter in French:

    Beat eggs with sugar.

    Warm with warm milk, beat again.

    Bread cut into cubes with a size of 1 cm. Bread should be worn, but not dry.

    Bread cubes pour egg-milk mixture, give to stand 40-45 minutes.

    Nuts chop into the crumb.

    Clear apples, cut into cubes.

    Add nuts to them (30 gr) or zest.

    Mix with loose bread in a mixture.

    Enable oven for warming up. Frying pan, baking sheet or shape with oil, sprinkle with twisted breadcrumbs (or crushed cookies). In the form, lay out a smooth layer prepared mass. Click slightly, seal. Sprinkle with walnuts (20 gr) or crumbs, lubricate the oil (1-2 art. L.).

    Bake the French charlotte with apples at 200 ° C of about 30 minutes. Then give to stand 10-15 minutes, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Cut the French apple charlotte on the portion and serve. Bon Appetit!

    Lush quarreling with apples in the oven. Quick cooking recipe

    An interesting recipe for quarreling on an ambulance hand. The combination of gentle omelet and fragrant apples give a truly awesome taste.

    Flour - 4 tbsp. l.
    Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
    Apple - 4 pcs.
    Milk - 1 cup
    Creamy butter - 3 tbsp. l.
    Salt - 0.125 h. L.
    Vanillin - on the tip of the knife
    Or vanilla sugar - 1 bag (10 gr)

    How to prepare a charlottery of apples in a frying pan in the oven:

    The apples of the average size are washed, cleaned from the peel and the core, cut into slices.

    Heat the frying pan, melt 1 h. A spoonful of butter.

    Prepared apples are slightly extinguished with a tablespoon of cream oil on medium heat, stirring, 5-7 minutes.

    Sift flour. Include oven.

    Put in a bowl of flour, salt, vanillin, rip eggs.

    Then stirred, pour milk and mix again.

    Creamy oil is melted in a frying pan. A part of the mixture is poured into the pan.

    Put apples.

    Apples are poured by the residue of the mixture.

    Put in the oven to the middle shelf. Bake the charlotte with apples in the oven at an average temperature of 180-190 degrees to readiness 2-3 minutes.

    Finished omelet lay out on the dish, sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar.

    Crokeley from apples is ready. Bon Appetit!

    Prepare the family of tender charlotics with apples to tea! Charpeck is delicious, beautiful, air and just melts in the mouth! Fresh baking fragrance will not leave anyone indifferent! Charpeck with apples - a recipe for those who love a simple homemade baking. Pleasant tea drinking! Before new meetings on my blog!

    P.S. Dear readers! Announcement from 12/20/2018 .. School of bloggers Denis Cowaging - Access to WhatsApp Class of bloggers for 12 months per day 1 day -57% # EarningsWinter # how to # Earnings

    And one more news. P.S. Dear readers, I start doing the first steps on YouTube. Created and configured your channel music congratulations on holidays. Support me on YouTube Please look at my first videos - Music greetings from May 1, from April 1, in the afternoon of laughter and fool, with Easter, with Maslenitsa, from March 8, from February 23, from February 14, in love with lovers, subscribe to the canal , Put like. Share with your favorite people with musical congratulations in social networks. Now I will add work, I will congratulate everyone on holidays, and we have a lot of them!

    P.S. Very soon the whole country with pride will celebrate April 12, Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. So much strength is embedded by our courageous cosmonauts when exploring the outer space. And you are waiting for you on my blog with this wonderful holiday. For older people, it will be a small journey into the past, the world of childhood - remember the magnificent soulful films "Films in the Universe", "Solaris", "Milky Way". The red thread in them is the hope and the dream of humanity - the development of space, other planets, worlds, knowledge of the universe. Happy viewing!

    Dear readers, another important and useful news from my mentor in blogging Denis Kovaga. I recommend to those who want to earn:

    Greetings, dear readers. Today we prepare a delicious pie: a quarreling with apples in the oven. We selected the 5 most delicious and simple recipes.

    Why charlotka?

    Scarlet with apples in the oven

    In fact, this is my favorite pie. Maybe because of the apples, I do not know. But I immediately remember my childhood, how my mother was prepared, we drank tea, sorry simply. But I wondered, and why exactly "Charlotka", and not just "Apple Pie".

    The solution was found! Charlute - Sweet Dessert from Apples Baked in Test. Dessert, then it is preparing quickly. Going on and then I realized that I did not understand anything))).

    Look: a quarreling is a German dessert, any fruits used in it. In fact, the Germans borrowed a prescription pudding from the British, apparently a bit changed. But gradually, the most common apples in the cake were most common, since in Europe they are cheap.

    But Charlotka came to Russia from England, the cook, who stood in the service of Alexander I. Well, the recipe has become known over time around the world.

    In general, it turned out not a pie, although purely in Russian is a cake. And I also understood that it was very simple to prepare such a dessert. And what, apples cut, kneading and pekki. Everything will leave 40 minutes and ready.

    There are many different recipes as a quarreled cartridge with apples in the oven. The basis is a classic recipe, adding various other ingredients, other recipes are obtained, no less delicious. Today we selected the 5 most delicious.

    Classic recipe is the easiest.

    Crokeley with apples in the oven is a classic, nothing superfluous is needed, well, and the basis of all other recipes.


    1. flour - 1 cup;
    2. sugar is 1 cup (not to the edges);
    3. eggs - 4 pieces;
    4. vanillin - 0.5 teaspoon or cinnamon - 2 teaspoons;
    5. apples - approximately 400 gr.

    Step 1.

    Let out the eggs from the refrigerator and whipping a mixer. They must be cold, so the dough will be more lure.

    Whip eggs

    Step 2.

    Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Sugar can and smaller who does not like strongly sweet.

    Step 3.

    Add Vanilin or vanilla sugar. You can add cinnamon instead of Vanilina - 2 teaspoons.

    Step 4.

    Now gradually add flour and mix carefully every time. It is best to sink flour. There is a good sifting in the form of a mug, you click on the handle, the portion of sifted flour falls into the dough and interfere carefully. Very convenient, you can cope with one hand and flour will not fly around.

    Step 5.

    Now add a baking powder. If it is not, you can add soda on the tip of the knife hawined by vinegar.

    Step 6.

    Now cut apples. They can be cut as you please: slices, pieces, cubes ... the main thing is that they are not very small.

    Cut apples as you please

    Slices of apples can be sprinkled with vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar. So they will preserve the form better. You can spray them with lemon juice, so apples will not darken.

    Step 7.

    Add apples in dough, mix.

    Mix apples and dough

    Step 8.

    Cooking the form for baking. If it is detachable, then lay out parchment paper and lubricate oil. If the form is silicone, then only lubricate oil.

    Step 9.

    Oven in advance warming up to 180 ºС, Pour the dough with apples into the shape and put in the oven.

    Step 10.

    A quarreling is baked 30-40 minutes. Check availability can be with a toothpick or match. When plotting in several places, if the dough on the match or toothpick does not remain, then baking is ready.

    It happens that the top of baking has already twisted well, and the middle is not ready. Then let's get baking from the oven, cover the foil and back to the oven.

    Step 11.

    Cake from the oven

    When the quarreling baked, get it out of the form and let me cool for some time. From above, you can sprinkle with powder with sugar or cocoa powder, and you can do anything.

    That's all, we got a quarreling with apples in the oven. Although it is a simple recipe, it is no less tasty. Now consider other quarreling options.

    Crokeley on kefir.

    Charlotka on kefir.

    It is not rare, in our refrigerator some products lie for a long time, and so that they do not deteriorate, the hostess use them in baking. For example, if kefir disappears, you can also make a very tasty charlotte with apples.

    We need:

    1. flour - 2 glasses;
    2. kefir - 1 cup;
    3. eggs - 3 pieces;
    4. sugar - 1 cup (on the edges a little bit);
    5. apples - approximately 450 - 500 gr. (5-6 pieces);
    6. 1 teaspoon baking powder.

    Step 1.

    Cooking applesYou can also cut them as you like, but not very finely.

    Step 2.

    Delivery eggs from the refrigerator and beatTUDA add sugar and mix thoroughly. Next add a baking powder. If it is not, you can also soda on the tip of a knife hawined by vinegar.

    Step 3.

    Now pour kefir And thoroughly mix everything. Same add gradually flourOveraced. Flour add not to large portions and mix well. The dough should be thicker than on pancakes.

    Step 4.

    We prepare the form, as described above. Put apples on the bottom and pour the test. The oven should already be warmed up to 180 ºС, put the dough there and bake 40-45 minutes.

    Step 5.

    Checking readiness as describede. After that, we get out of the oven and if you want, you can pour sugar or cocoa powder.

    That's all, it's also very tasty and kefir did not disappear and benefited.

    Spicy scarlet recipe. Very fragrant smell and taste.

    A quarreling with apples in the oven can be baked very fragrant, just slobs will run. For this, spices are used in baking.


    1. flour - 1 cup;
    2. sugar - 1 cup;
    3. eggs - 4 pieces;
    4. apples - 500 gr.;
    5. soda - 1 teaspoon;
    6. cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
    7. kurkuma - 1 teaspoon;
    8. a nutmeg - 1 teaspoon.

    Step 1.

    Cut apples convenient for you in the way top sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmegm.

    Cut apples

    Step 2.

    Now Preparing dough, as described in the first recipe, only thaw at the end we add turmeric and mix thoroughly.

    Step 3.

    Also we prepare the shape, smearing the oil. Spread spicy apples there and on top pour the test.

    Step 4.

    Ready spicy Charlotka

    Warm oven to 180 ºС, put the cake in the oven and We bake 40-50 minutes. Checking readiness as well as written in a classic recipe. After readiness let me cool a little. Optionally, sprinkle with sugar powder or cocoa powder.

    That's all, cut and apply on the table and enjoy the fragrant charlotte.

    Air recipe quarreling with apples.

    Crokeley with apples in the oven - Pudding in essence. Therefore, the dough can be made very air. Our son liked this recipe.

    What will take:

    1. flour - 180 gr;
    2. sugar - 1 cup;
    3. eggs - 3 pieces;
    4. apples - 250-400 gr.
    5. vanilla sugar - 10 gr. (or cinnamon - 2 teaspoons);
    6. potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
    7. basin - 1 teaspoon;
    8. cognac - 1 teaspoon;
    9. lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
    10. schuput black - 1 tablespoon.

    Step 1.

    Cold eggs mix with sugar And whipped with a mixer until the volume is 2 times.

    Step 2.

    Now Separately from eggs mix flour, starch and baking powder.

    Step 3.

    Now add it gradually in the eggs and well stir. Same way add vanillin or vanilla sugar or cinnamon.

    Instead of vanilla or cinnamon, you can add a zest from orange or lemon. Very interesting taste is obtained.

    Step 4.

    Add cognac to dough. Instead, you can add rum or brandy.

    Step 5.

    Preparing apples. Now they are cut down slices sprinkle with lemon juice and spend sugar. Sugar do not need a lot.

    Cooking apples for quarreling

    Step 6.

    Now we prepare the shape, lubricate the oil. Form you need to take with high edgesSince the dough rises well during baking. Pour sesame sesame and pour half the test.

    bottom mold lubricate oil and sprinkle sesame

    Step 7.

    Put apples on the dough, after which we pour the remaining dough. A little standing, we spray the remaining sesame.

    lay out apples on dough

    Step 8.

    Now in preheated to 180 ºС oven we put our cake for 30-40 minutes. Check the readiness and if you are ready, we get and let it cool a little.

    That's what it turns out

    That's all, the quarreling is very lush directly melts in the mouth. Pleasant tea drinking. While wrote, the actual saliva almost fed. Recipe awesome))).

    Charpeck with apples and dried fruits, fingers license.

    The recipes described above are a quarreling with apples in the oven. And now I want to tell you the awesome recipe for this cake, but not only with apples. Be sure to try such a recipe. This is a full-fledged dessert that, after cooking, just evaporates in your eyes. In the sense that it will be eaten very quickly and ask yet))).

    To begin with, I will say that we will be prepared on the contrary, so the ingredients will need more. In fact, there is no difference, what can bake pie. Just in contradictory, it turns out more and the form is not a round, but rectangular.

    If you want, you can simply use not one form, but a few, instead of the opposition.

    And so it will take:

    1. flour - 1 cup;
    2. sugar - 1.5 glasses;
    3. eggs - 6 pieces;
    4. apple - 5 pieces;
    5. apricot - 600 gr.;
    6. orange - 1 piece;
    7. dried fruits - 100 gr.;
    8. creamy oil - 100 gr. (1/2 pack);
    9. vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
    10. starch - 1 tablespoon;
    11. soda - 1 teaspoon;
    12. cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.

    Step 1.

    We take eggs I. separate proteins from yolks. In protein add 2/3 sugar, soda, vanilla And mix well.

    Here are some ways how it is easy to separate the protein from the yolk.

    Step 2.

    Now in the yolk add the remaining cup 1/3 of the sugar And beat the mixer to foam.

    Step 3.

    We combine step 1 and 2 in one bowl. Well whipped with a mixer.

    Step 4.

    Now add little flour, sizzy through a sieve and well stir. Then there add the zest orange and dried fruits, I also mix well.

    Here is a video, how to make just a zest and where to apply.

    Step 5.

    Cut apples how do you comfortable and mix with cinnamon.

    Step 6.

    Cut apricots, preferably slices and mix with starch.

    Step 7.

    Now take a deep baking sheet or mold, lubricate them with oil. Now we lay apples and on top of creamy oil.

    Step 8.

    Now from above B. wearing apricots and sprinkle sugar. Then pour the dough and put on the preheated oven to be baked.

    lay out spicy apples first, then apricots

    Step 9.

    Pie baked at 180 ºС 40-45 minutes. Readiness can be checked with toothpicks, as described in a classic recipe.

    Charpeck with apples, apricots and dried fruits

    That's all. After readiness, leave a little cool, while tea pours. Bon Appetit.

    A few secrets of making a delicious cake.

    What is a quarreling with apples in the oven and how preparing, we disassembled. Nou of many owners there are still their secrets of cooking quarreling. We will talk about them now.

    1. So that the dough was lush, necessarily use the eggs from the refrigerator.
    2. Use sifted flour.
    3. Add burst into the doughor hated soda, it can be cleaned with lemon juice.
    4. Add alcohol to dough - Cognac, Rum, Brandy, the dough is better turned out.
    5. For fragrance, use vanilla sugar, vanillin or cinnamon, but separately.
    6. Also add the zest of orange and lemona (Do not use only white citrus part, it gives bitterness), in the last recipe there is a visual video.
    7. So apples do not dry, spray them with lemon juice.
    8. Apples can be laid out both on the bottom of the form and in the middle, and on the top. Also, they are either stirred with the dough, or lay out separately.
    9. IN other fruits can be used as a filling place with apples, for example, pears, plums, or any other, even dried fruits. Also can add poppy, sesame, nuts, raisins, honey.
    10. In cooking dough can be used sour cream, kefir, butter, cottage cheese, manka.

    That's all. Adhering to such simple recipes, you can prepare a very tasty dessert. Share this recipe on social networks, write your recipes in the comments. Enjoy your meal.

    Updated: September 11, 2017 by the author: Subbotin Paul

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