Dead rabbits. Why dying rabbits? The rabbit is aborted. What to do

Cemental compositions 18.04.2021
Cemental compositions

In the article on the topic: "Dream Dream Rabbit Durchy" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

What dreams rabbit - To a happy turn of events, and clean profits or surprise. It is especially good to consider such a dream if the rabbit in it was white. He will proper that love will be unchanged, and both married and idle people. Because the Black Color Rabbit symbolizes in vain hopes and grief about this.

  • If you saw a dream, in which many small rabbits run around the meadow and frolic, then you are waiting for pleasant joys emanating from loved ones and your children.

Dead rabbit in a dream - a symbol of misfortune.

If in the night dream you saw the rabbit dies on your eyes, or found a dead animal in your house - you should pay attention to the health of all members of your family, especially when there was a dream from Friday on Saturday.

Such a dream foreshadows terrible diseases that often lead even to death. If you took on your arms, or are going to do something with a dead rabbit, it means that in reality you will fall into a difficult life situation when you have to become a conformist of two warring personalities among relatives or buddies.

This dream warns you to be careful and not to give preference to one of the parties to the conflict. Otherwise, you can get into a difficult life situation.

If you have dreamed that you are trying to cook from silent meat of a dead rabbit, or eat, which you have seen dead before that - be extremely careful with your health, especially if you are pregnant female becoming.

White Rabbit

Rabbits are a symbol of fertility. Therefore, if a woman sees the eared little white bridge in his night gold, this means the emergence of Chad in your home.

  • Take a white rabbit in a dream - you can safely congratulate you, you have a new romantic acquaintance. Soon, it may well lead to strong love relationship or even marriage.

The above mentioned homemade little animals, promises not only success in affairs, but also positive emotions, and the overall improvement in the life situation. Well - more than you white rabbits in your dreams!

Red rabbit

Remember, if you dreamed of a red rabbit - a symbol of changes to the better, where in everyday reality, you will have to be ready for positive change. Often, such dreams often see people working in the field of education.

This dream promises them new tests (not necessarily bad or complex) in terms of the education of other people's children. But do not worry, red rabbits - creatures bringing good luck - on a love and professional field, in career growth, salary, etc.

Therefore, when the red-haired fluffy was coming for you, then in reality, career success is pursued, or new romantic relationships.

Gray rabbit

Gray rabbit - a symbol of money.

Ask "what dream of a gray rabbit?". The answer is to a quick financial success, an increase in office (which, of course, entails an increase in the salary), to obtain a new source of profits, unexpected inheritance or to a large win in the lottery.

What dreams of rabbits

What dreams of rabbits? They can be harbing rumors, bustle, hassle or additions. In any option, the approaching events will accurately distract your attention from more important cases. Dream interpreters extremely accurately decipher what happened to see in a dream.

By dream of Miller

Did you dream rabbits? Wait for successful turning of events and decent arrivals. What dreams of white rabbits? Dream Interpretation claims that they symbolize marital loyalty for seed and strong love for lonely dreams. It is good to see how the nimble rabbits frolic around. This is a sure sign that your own children will bring a lot of joy.

According to the collection of Sonnikov

What is the most often shot rabbits? In a dream, they are identified with well-being and sufficient. But if rabbits run, not sacrificing the roads, then I will have a literally moving away from one to another.

Did the running or hiding rabbits dreamed? Dream interpretation guarantees nervous breakdown. Relax and strengthen the nerve. If rabbits appeared in a dream, who ate grass or carrot, then you are not enough vitamins.

What else is rabbits? In a dream, they hint at lust or fecalness. Simply put, this is a reflection of the desire to start a child or a good root on the side. If a man came the girl who carries for rabbits, then the dream book is confident: he wants to make a lovely love romance with a famous special love affair.

In a dream, white rabbits are promoted and prosperity, black - chagrin, disfavor, trouble. Dreamed how killed rabbits? Get ready for losses and monetary losses. But if there was a rabbit, then you will live for a long time in good health.

By dreams from A to Z

What dreams of white rabbits? In a dream, they warn about good change in relationships and money. To see black rabbits means you interfere with imaginary friends.

Dreamed how rabbits run away away? In reality, get a cash prize. If I had to catch rabbits, then in family and relationships there will be complete mutual understanding and consent. But see rabbits, in a dream, sitting in a cage, bad. This means that in reality to be rough pressure. What dreams, if you decide to release rabbits from the cage? In the very near future, "sit" with other people's kids.

In a dream, rabbits were given, peacefully grazing on the lawn? Dream Interpretation advises carefully planning expenses, they can significantly exceed the income available. Dreamed that they were killed? In order to achieve justice, you will have to turn to the help of the authorities.

What is the dream if you had to cut and reserve rabbits? Close friends are seriously collapsed, and you will be honored to myrchi. Did the dead rabbit dream? Saw or even dies familiar person. Cook in a dream Kushanye from rabbit meat and there is it means that you will participate in a spiritual, but rather modest feast.

By dreams Deniz Lynn

What does rabbits usually dream? Increased fertility of these animals is known all over the world, it is not surprising that they act as a symbol of spring, revival and prosperity. Rabbits are also associated with fear and cowardice. Perhaps the situation is approaching, which is to experience this or that feeling. If rabbits regularly appear in a dream, then this is a sign of excessive criminality.

Did you dream rabbits? They reflect the enhanced softness, good nature, tenderness. Dream Interpretation is convinced: the moment came up to think about creating a cozy family nest. In a dream, rabbits also symbolize inorganizedness, excessive fussiness, inability to concentrate.

What dreams of rabbits man, woman, pregnant woman

If rabbits dreamed of a man or a woman, that is, the likelihood that shortness you will move to live in a noisy city. Here you will find a job or get married / marry. You can see rabbits in a dream to the successful promotion of the famous business. Dream Interpretation prophesies: You will wage competitors and successfully implement ideas.

If rabbits are harvested with a married lady, then she is waiting for her. Simply put, pregnancy. To see the rabbits of a pregnant woman. She will successfully give birth to a cute baby. What is the rabbits to newlyweds or lonely people? First they guarantee loyalty in marriage, the second is a new love. In a dream, rabbits fled towards you? An old friend comes to visit. For young guys and maidens, this is an early, but quite successful marriage.

What a lot of rabbits appear in the house, in a cage

Rabbit in a dream reflects fertility, sexuality, as well as weakness, vulnerability, insecurity. To see a lot of rabbits in the house means that all the listed values \u200b\u200bare repeatedly enhanced. Did many rabbits in the house dreamed? You have good and understanding friends. But if you were in a pile of rabbits, then rest in an unfamiliar company will end very deplorable.

What dreams of rabbits in a cage? The interpretation of sleep is quite controversial. Rabbits in a cage symbolizes an increase in income and a fantastic luck in affairs, but at the same time indicate the subordination of someone else's will and the lack of freedom.

Went a rabbit with rabbits

What dreams of rabbit with small rabbits? Courage will be in a large house or, on the contrary, visitors with children are in a hurry. If the girl dreamed of rabbit with rabbits, then in the future she can become a large mother.

Went in a dream of rabbit with a huge fluffy brood? Wait for serious money. The same plot hints: it is necessary to urgently make an important decision. But if the dead rabbits are hardened, it will be ready for a complete ruin, collapse of plans and expectations.

Rabbits in a dream - how to interpret

To obtain the most truthful interpretation, you should decipher the most memorable details. In addition to the color and behavior of animals, you should remember your own actions.

  • white rabbits - loyalty, good luck, as well as secret knowledge
  • black - risky situation, bad luck
  • gray - Communication with simple, pleasant people
  • redhead - improved position, love
  • multicolored, motley - alternation of good and bad events
  • rabbits, drunk in corner - Danger for a loved one
  • run on the road - misfortune or, on the contrary, winnings
  • run away from you - the loss of something valuable
  • breed rabbits - happiness, wealth
  • buy - favorable offer
  • sell \u200b\u200b- find a like-minded person, assistant in affairs
  • catch - victory, luck, win
  • iron - a pleasant company, mutual understanding
  • feed - invitation for a holiday, in a restaurant
  • kill - deception, failure in your own fault
  • remove the skin from rabbits - hopeless position
  • cooking rabbit - the favor of fate, profitable work
  • to eat rabbit meat - well-being, close luck
  • if rabbits dreamed to the environment - the troubles are approaching
  • after the medium - the disease, the need for examination
  • on Monday night - difficulty at work
  • on Tuesday - Caught fears
  • on Wednesday - happy completion of a difficult situation
  • on Thursday - uncertainty, especially in relationship with the boss
  • on Friday - the situation will improve
  • saturday - wait for profit, favorable offer
  • on Sunday - joy, luck, profit

If it happened to see that the rabbit turns into front of his friend, then you clearly know the secret that he thoroughly hides. But it is not necessary to use human weaknesses, especially for their own benefit.

What dreams of rabbits

Most of our dreams are very symbolic. They can reflect the inner world of man, his experiences, fears, as well as secret desires. Also, since ancient times, people predict the future for dreams. The story knows a lot of prophetic dreams, so people often look in the morning after an interesting or strange sleep in the dream book in search of values \u200b\u200bof one or another dreaming. From this article you can find out what rabbits are shot.

What dreams of rabbits

In most cases, see a crack or a hare in a dream is a good sign, however, much depends on all sorts of factors and the circumstances of dreams. The color of the animal, the size, the floor, is home or not, it runs or stands, as well as the actions of sleeping towards him.

Interpretations in different dreams

  1. Dream Freud. By Freud's dream book, the removed hares mean that you are afraid of losing your partner.
  2. Dream Miller. The rabbit in the dream of Miller means a quick increase in income.
  3. Dream Vanga. Wang also says that the crown of dreams predicts a happy family life.

In most dreams rabbits - a good sign.

The value of the color and size of the rabbit in a dream

What dreams white rabbit

White crown in a dream is promoting good luck in personal life, happy marriage, warm relationships, complete loyalty, respect and mutual support. This is a very good sign for those who are in emerging relationships. When you dreamed of a small white rabbit, it means that the Union would be successful, long and happy.

What dreams rabbit (dream interpretation, interpretation of dreams) http: // View

Dream of the Sun House: What dreams CRO

Rabbit dream book. Interpretation of sleep about rabbit. Rabbit kill

If a married woman dreamed of a white representative of a holy family means, everything is fine in the family, her husband loves her and keeps loyalty.

What dreams Gray rabbit

If you dreamed of a gray rabbit, in the interpretation of dreams it is connected with money. So, see a big healthy gray crown in one of the dreams - to win or another large cash replenishment. And if you are trying to catch a gray crown, then you are not very successfully chasing money. Dark gray crown can foreshadow rapid money losses.

What dreams black rabbit

Black Kol - this is not a very good dream sign. He warns about the ambulance, sadness, sadness, failure. Black Krol can be a harbinger of an unpleasant situation, danger, some attack.

Also, if a black rabbit was dreamed of a rabbit, it may mean that you are worried about failures in sexual life.

What dreams red rabbit

If the red ridge dream is, it means that luck will soon be lucky, success in affairs. In any case, the red rollers promotes changes, and changes will be positive.

What dreams of a big rabbit

Large crown can mean ambulance shopping, such as real estate or car.

What dreams of small rabbits

The little kol means that you are not ready for some important solutions, literally feel the same little as a bunny.

Other interpretations of rabbit in a dream

What dreams of rabbits to a woman

To dream of a rabbit for girls and women means a quick addition in the family, because the crown is a symbol of big fertility. And in general, if a married lady dreamed of a crown - this is a very good sign, which is a good relationship in the family.

Why dream rabbit men

Krol is a symbol of fertility and increased sexual desire, therefore the interpretation of dreams with the participation of hare for a man one way or another is associated with sex.

If a man sees a woman in a dream, who holds or feeds the crown, then a man wants to possess this woman. Just a rabbit in a dream in a man is a sign that he leads too active sex life.

What dreams of rabbit with small rabbits

If you see in a dream, a rabbit with a lot of rabbits, it may mean that in the near future you are waiting for a lot of money.

Dead rabbits in a dream

Interpretation of dreams with dead animals is the opposite to interpret dreams with a live rabbit. For a woman, this means that the pregnancy will never come in the near future. If the carcass is large, it means that the planned purchase will be angry or will not succeed.

Kill rabbit in a dream

Rabbit just like the hare - the animal is not very bold. In fairy tales, it has caution and even cowardice. To kill the crown in a dream - it means to strive to kill the cowardice to cope with the difficulties, become bolder. According to another version, the murder of Krol is a failure or a large loss.

Run behind the rabbit in a dream

If you are trying to catch a hare in a dream, and he runs away from you, it means that you are also persistently chased for any purpose. If you did not catch the crown, then, most likely, the goal will not succeed. If still caught, then the cherished victory is waiting for you ahead.

Rabbit bites in a dream

If the hare bows you in the dream, it means that it is worth paying attention to your relationship or marriage. Perhaps there are some problems that you do not see or give them values. The bite of the hare serves as a reminder that it is necessary to work on relationships constantly and not relax.

Keep the rabbit in a dream on hands

If you hold a hare in a dream on your hands, it may mean that soon you can get sick. The disease is light, like a cold, but still costs themselves.

If you smoke the animal in a dream

If in the dream you are smoking the crack, then it is soon waiting for luck in matters and it will be your merit. Continue in the same spirit.

Eat in a dream rabbit

If the rabbit dreamed in the form of meat and you had it, it is a good sign that foreshadows a happy life and good health. If you are now sick and you have dreamed of raw meat of the Krbar, it means that soon you will be recovered.

Rabbits fight

If you see in the dream of fighting ramps, you may soon be fighting for you two of your fan.

Thus, a rabbit seen in a dream is most often a good sign. Negative color interpretation acquires if the crown is black, sick, dead and so on. If you want to know what the rabbit dream is, it is necessary to consider all the circumstances and details of the dream. To sort out the diversity of dreams, you can choose one that more often predicts the truth. For this you need to post a little behind your dreams and their consequences.

What dreams dead rabbit

The dead rabbit dreams, foregoing insurmountable obstacles to the goal. You will not be able to realize your plans to life, despite all the efforts. If you still decide to risk and continue the work started, you can lose a lot of time and isted. You can not count on the desired result.

Load an unfavorable period without taking active actions. Use this time to eliminate deficiencies in your tactics and thinking alternative options.

What dreams completely dead rabbit? Dream Interpretation considers him a harbinger of unfavorable turning of fate. It is not excluded that you will have to fully fulfill other people's instructions. For accurate decryption, you should consider everything that happened in a dream.

Help someone who needs!

The wounded animal in Gresses hints that a familiar person is in a difficult position, but it is afraid to contact you for help.

If a dead rabbit dreameded, then you or relatives can keep sick with a serious ailment. In addition, your life will suddenly become bladder and sad.

Difficulties or peace?

Why dream white dead crown? In the near future, get ready for the deterioration of family and business relations.

But to see in the dream of the dead rabbits of the black color much better. People who try to prevent you, temporarily calm down or completely change their plans regarding you.

When did you see?

You can detect a non-living rabbit before serious material problems. But it is very important to take into account when he appeared.

  • In the first half of the week - a whole verbal of trouble.
  • In the second - get sick.
  • On Tuesday - the worst concerns are justified.
  • Friday - the situation will worsen.

What to wait from the near future?

What dreams of a dead rabbit married woman? The hopes for the addition of the family are not justified.

The dreams that were born under this sign should be abandoned by undertakings, because they guarantees a complete failure.

Lonely guys and girls, he promises long loneliness, and newlyweds - especially difficult period in relationships.

Gather, it will be difficult!

Went a lot of corpses? We will not be able to get on the desired job or to take a position. In addition, insecurity in their own forces or non-professionalism will set you before the bosses in the wrong light.

A dead rabbit in a dream warns: to cross over pride, in order to fix the situation that created.

Better sit at home!

Have you seen a lot of driving animals? Follow the Sonnik Council and give up the campaign to the planned event.

Sometimes a immobilized bunny in a dream, on the contrary, is a positive sign and indicates to get rid of cowardice and indecision.

Do not waste strength!

What is still a ditching rabbit? Implementation does not succeed. Even if you are carefully thinking carefully, something will prevent something.

In the night, the corpses lay in a cage? We will have to give way to external pressure, and the stable financial position will shake.

Act resolutely!

If you yourself killed the crack, then you need to take tough measures in order to return your position. At the same time cut rabbits to large losses.

In Greeks, were divided into a dead carcass? In the real world, the conflict will break up between your friends, but you will be able to reconcile them.

Will be able to relax!

Dreamed how the skin was removed from a hopeless creature? Dream Interpretation foresees that you will find yourself in a dead end.

Both experienced and beginner breeders of rabbits often face problems of sudden illness and extinct part or the whole population of these fluffy animals. How to understand that the rabbit is dying, why such problems with adult individuals, which diseases and other factors can affect the high mortality rate of the livestock in early and more power, as well as what prevention measures must be used to prevent and prevent such phenomena to prevent such phenomena, We will talk in our article.

How to understand that the rabbit dies

Unfortunately, rabbits are quite strongly susceptible to various kinds of viral diseases, and also often suffer from epidemiological waves capable of twisting most of the livestock. In particular, weakened immunity in these animals at an early age, from the first day after birth and until month old.

Important!From the very birth and before the performance of 1 month, the rabbit needs to be carefully and regularly examined for diseases and manifestations of symptoms. After monthly age, the inspections continue with the range of 2 weeks. It is also important to inspect the female and male before and after mating.

The main complexity of identifying that the rabbit is dying is the lack of pronounced symptoms in most diseases. But at the same time epidemics can flash at one point, leading to the case of animals, due to the long-term course of the disease in their organisms in a hidden form.

To prevent the appearance of such outbreaks of bacteriological and viral epidemics, it is important to conduct inspections and comply with all rules for the care and content of long pets.

Did you know? Everyone knows the fact that both rabbits and hares are perfectly jumping. But it is interesting that rabbits, despite their domesticity, jumped with ease of meter and more. At the same time, the longest of officially recorded rabbit jumps was equal to 3 meters and 27 centimeters.


  • mucous membranes do not produce any discharge;
  • woolen cover glitters and overflows into the light;
  • rabbit breathes with a frequency of 1 time per second;
  • his pulse is not more than 160 blows per minute;
  • the body temperature does not exceed 39.5 degrees;
  • watering and feces have a dark, saturated color (if this factor changes, and the feces are brighten, then this is the first sign of the beginning of the disease).

Amazed by any ailicular pet is easy to determine from the total mass along a number of symptoms and factors that indicate a failure in its body, namely:

  • revealed difficult or brushing breathing;
  • the rabbit is constantly coming to drinking, it torments thirst;
  • mucous membranes (basically eyes and nose) isolated a turbid liquid;
  • the freshest of the animal loses his shine and begins to actively fall out by shreds, leading to partial or complete baldness;
  • the Taurus revealed incomprehensible neoplasms;
  • the rabbit had paralysis;
  • detected deviations and violations of the chair in the animal.
In case of detection of one of the listed indicators of unhealthy rabbit, it is recommended to refer to the veterinarian.

Why die adult rabbits

Nature endowed rabbits by very valuable qualities, because their meat contains a great many useful minerals, vitamins and trace elements, as well as their fur is considered valuable and used for the production of outerwear, hats and shoes.

But together with high utility, animals are characterized by an increased vulnerability to many diseases.

Next, we will look at what symptoms are the most common among rabbits of the disease, how to cure such a disease and which instructions should be performed to speed up the process of recovery.

It should be noted that all the least presented are equally common among ordinary rabbits, and among decorative rocks.

Infectious diseases

Most often, natural epidemics caused by infectious diseases cause the greatest damage of the Rabbit's flock, and therefore we will begin with these ailments.

Did you know? The average duration of life in wild rabbits in vivo is about 1 year, while domesticated animals, with proper care and observance of all conditions of content, can live from 8 to 12 years.

) It is one of the most terrible diseases. Another name of this ailion is plague.

All seriousness of this infection is that in the range of its defeat, not only the rabbit can get, but also a person in contact with him. The greatest exposure to BBC infection with young to 1 month, as well as in pregnant rabbit.
Lesions of the liver and light rabbits at vgbk

The carriers of the infection are ticks, fleas and lice.

In the early stages, it is impossible to determine the disease, since during the incubation period, all the life processes of the animal continue to lent their cats without the slightest visible disorders. When the disease goes into an acute form, then as a result, half a herd is dying and more.

Important!The corpse of the rabbit who died from the plague is subject to cremation. At the same time, a person should take all precautions, putting a protective mask-respirator on the face, eye glasses, rubber gloves on hand.

The deceased rabbit has an overly large liver covered with black spots. Similar dark stains cover mucous membranes, face, ears and paws. Sometimes stains are visible and on the entire surface of the body.

The disease passes asymptomatic, but when inspected by an experienced specialist, it can be diagnosed.
VGBC is carried out vaccination

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian in the form of antibiotic reception. Unfortunately, the recovery dynamics is extremely rarely observed in sick individuals, and therefore the only form of combating infection and the prevention of the epidemic is a hammer.

Along with other diseases with a high mortality rate among rabbit herds. This dangerous disease can be reflected in two forms: nodule and ethnic.

The first is distinguished by the fact that small nodules jump around the animal body, solid to the touch, similar to furuncules, which gradually grow up to the size of the pea or beaholine.
Nodel shape of myxomatosis

The ethnic form is characterized by extensive edema, it is practically not curable. The main places where mixtures are most often revealed, the head, the rear pass and the genitals are included.

When mixomatosis flows, inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the eyes occur in the animal. The symptoms can include: lethargy, slowness, high temperature, refusal of food, failing.

The infected individual dies pretty quickly, as this disease is among those who are not treatable. The corpse of the animal and those items with which it inverted, including the owner's clothing, must be disposed of, it is better to burn.

How to cure mixture: video


It is also widespread among domestic pets ailment. If the focus occurs, the epidemic will cover all individuals without exception. Associated with all age categories. Virus carriers are birds and rodents.

The first symptoms of infection include a sharp increase in rabbits temperatures up to 42 ° C. Their breathing is expensive, and the condition worsens in front of: they become sluggish, do not touch food, they are badly moving.

Literally a few days later, all signs of the disease disappear, and the temperature of the animal decreases to 33 ° C, which leads to death. Also, the pastell is often accompanied by rhinitis (muddy separation from mucous membranes comparable to a runny nose).

Important!The skin of dead animals is disinfected, and the insides are disposed of. At the same time, the meat is allowed to use in food.

Pastellites, in contrast to myxomatosis, cure. The veterinarian appoints the course of antibiotics, among which leftomycetin or biomycin is often used. The prevention is carried out vaccination.

About Patello Rabbits: Video


Call viral infection, affecting the stomach and intestines of the animal. Such a disease has two stages of development: in the body and in the environment. From 60 to 90% of animals in the herd may die as a result of infection with such a non-affiliated liver and intestines.

The liver coccidosis lasts up to 2 months, and the symptomatics in the animal is expressed by lethargy and increasingly. Intestinal form retreats after 10 days, picking up a pet with him. Within 3 days, rabbits are in incubation, and visual symptoms are jaundice and blood stools.

Under the danger of infection there are all age-related categories of rabbits, but most of all suffer from those who have not reached a two-month-old age. Diagnose such a disease can be diagnosed during drug research.

According to the results of analyzes and inspection, the veterinarian can be assigned two options for the treatment of cocidiosis:
  1. The use of iodine solution at the rate of 0.01% per day per 100 g of body weight. For pregnant females, the dosage increases after 25 days of pregnancy. The rabbit is treated with the same way with a dosage 2 times less.
  2. Treatment with a solution of a sulfonamide drug. Animal is treated 2 times a day for 5 days.

Cocidiosis prevention: video

Indirect diseases

In addition to infectious diseases, other aahs occur, capable of leading the population of rabbits. Further, it will be about the most common unsuccessful diseases that can cause serious harm to the body and health of a long-timer pet.


Often, inexperienced rabbits allow a number of errors when drafting the diet of their pets, the result of which is the result of the imbalance (bloating, or tympania).

To avoid a similar illness, prescribed rabbit care rules should be followed. Before entering the animal in the diet, new types of feed, they need to be checked for the presence of adverse components. It is better to buy food in specialized stores, checking the certification of the selected product.

Important!Rabbits can not be fed with rotten hay or ice cream root.

If you determine the tympanium at an early stage, it can be cured with the help of lactic acid and a 10% solution of ichthyola. Before finding out the source of the appearance of meteorism, all feed is withdrawn, and the rabbit itself is transferred to the unloading mode in length at 12 o'clock so that all the processes in its stomach and intestines come to normal.

If the meteorism reached the last stage, when he becomes visible even with a naked eye, then any treatment methods will be ineffective. In this case, the animal needs to score.


In the first weeks of life, small rables often fall in situations leading to mechanical damage. When receiving rabbit bruises, it needs to be translated into separate apartments and ensure complete peace. Cold compress impose on the damaged area.

If there is an open wound, then it must be carefully treated with antiseptics. Before lubricating the wound to the tincture of iodine and sprinkle with antibiotics, we should cut the wool around the wound, and in the case of the presence of a foreign body, it is removed.

When receiving a rabbit fracture, reasoning is coming on the basis of the financial feasibility of any treatment: if it is too expensive, the animal is clogged.


In the hot season, frequent phenomenon becomes - especially with incorrect conditions of detention in pasty and stuffed facilities.

When an animal is detected with such a notch, the symptoms of which are the loss of appetite, partial immobility, intermittent breathing, shortness of breath, high temperature, should be immediately transferred to the animal into a cool spacious place.

Important!Cooling the animal body must be gradually, since sharp drops can lead to the exacerbation of its position. After you have a rabbit first aid, it must be attributed to the veterinarian for inspection and possible additional treatment. If we neglect by these recommendations, then a long stay in a state of thermal impact can lead to a failure of blood circulation, loss of consciousness and even death.

Next, make a complex of emergency care: to open the rabbit with wet cold towels, moisten the piping and paws with water, and also drink the animal. If the pet fails to drink voluntarily, then pour it the water forcibly through the pipette.


Another optional option, which is capable of weakening the organism of the rabbit and the deterioration of its overall state is avitaminosis. This phenomenon is observed in spring and autumn, when the number of fresh greenery and useful trace elements in food decreases, as well as the amount of light and heat.

All these factors contribute to the development of avitaminosis, which can manifest itself in the form of weakness, indisposition, increase or decrease the temperature, lethargy, failure of food and other symptoms.

As the prevention of such manifestations, it is necessary to ensure that the animals use a balanced, rich in all necessary compounds for full saturation of the body.

Video: Rabbit Avitaminosis Prevention

Supercooling in winter

In winter, often rabbit rabbits are faced with the problems of the hypothermia of rabbits. Such a phenomenon is accompanied by the emergence of various forms of colds, which are characterized by white discharges from mucous membranes, as well as a chichany and cough.

You can avoid this illness by conducting all the necessary events for the warming of the rabbit for the winter. In a room where animals are contained, there should be no drafts, and the air temperature should be maintained at no lower + 15 ° C.

As measures to combat overcooling in winter, it is necessary to improve the conditions for residence and feeding rabbits, and also to discard and score those individuals that were amazed by cold.

Other reasons

In case of non-compliance with the requirements of hygiene, care and content in animals, some other forms of diseases may occur:

  1. (The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nose).
  2. Larygit (inflammatory larynx process).
  3. Bronchitis (inflammatory process of bronchi).
  4. Pneumonia (inflammatory process in lungs).
  5. Stress.

With unbalanced nutrition, the following diseases may occur:

  1. Exhaustion.
  2. Ketosis (metabolic disorders).
  3. Rickets.
  4. Farrygit (inflammation of the pharynx).
  5. Athony of forensic.
  6. Gastroenteritis (inflammatory stomach and intestine process).
  7. Hepatitis (liver inflammation).

Unfortunately, mortality among the rabbit of the first month of life is much higher than that of more adult individuals. It was at the early age of the kids are still too weak to resist infections and stealing mechanical injuries or other influences. Let us dwell in more detail on some ailments that are able to take away life from rabbit.

Staphylococcus infection

One of the most dangerous forms of infections for small rabbit is. This ailment develops due to the incorrect conditions of the content of rabbit, that is, due to the antisanitarian.

A avoiding such a regular cleaning in the rabbit, adherence to all sanitary prescriptions, cell cleaning, making disinfecting measures using an aerosol and a special solution, adding a weak warman or iodine or iodine to drinking rabbits. The room with rabbits should be well ventilated and be dry and warm.

Did you know? If rabbits were given the opportunity to multiply as much as possible, after 90 years, the number of rabbits would be equal to the number of square meters on our planet.

Reduced temperatures

Another cause of death among young individuals is too low air temperature in the rabbit, due to which the kids are difficult to balance the temperature of their body and to withstand such tests.

Therefore, young individuals simply freeze and die. To prevent such a misfortune, a rabbit should be inspired and take care that there are no drafts in the room. For additional heating, you can equip incandescent lamps or other heating elements. The room temperature should not be descended below + 15 ° C.

How to reanimate frozen rabbits: video


In case of incorrect nutrition, kids occur in the processes of growth and development, which can also cause death. It happens that the rabbit does not recognize the offspring and refuses to feed it.

Important! Lactation disorder The rabbit is also the cause of the death of newborns. If the female does not eat and sick, it will definitely affect milk and its composition. Toxins of food or infection can go to rabbits, as a result of which they die.

In such a situation, it is necessary forced to plant a rabbit before rabbits and give them the opportunity to eat. Such a procedure will have to repeat until the mother recognizes its children and will not begin to feed them on their own.


If you witnessed that rabbits are embroidered with teeth, it means that they develop stomatitis. Such a disease is accompanied by the abundant salivation and the collapse of the oral cavity. As a result of the appearance of stomatitis, kids are not able to eat normally and suck milk due to pain.

The development of the disease mainly begins on twentieth days from birth and continues up to 3 months. After the swelling from the mother, the number of illness may increase.

It is possible to avoid this illness by complying with all the rules for the content and care of rabbits. Regular cleaning of cells and disinfection of the room, replacement of the litter and the balance of air and humidity temperature will help avoid such a problem.

How to treat stomatitis (wet muzzle): video

Infectious diseases

In the number of infectious diseases, you can enable the entire list that was previously shown. The problem is that young individuals are even more difficult to carry similar inconsisions that most often lead to death. Therefore, be particularly attentive to the rabbits of the first month of life, in order to recognize the symptoms on time and contact the vet for the provision of proper assistance.

Preventive measures

To avoid the emergence and development of many rabbit diseases, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the creation of proper conditions for the content of these animals.

Also in defense against diseases must participate mandatory activities of software. As soon as the rabbits were excommunicated from rabbits, the risk of occurrence and development of diseases increases many times, and therefore annual vaccinations are recommended as prevention, including:

  1. Vaccination from VGBC, which is recommended to be made upon reaching a rabbit of 1.5 months of age. One such vaccination is enough to strengthen the immune system for the year.
  2. Mixomatosis vaccination, which can be done after monthly age.
  3. In addition, special vaccines were created in veterinary medicine, which combined the complex collection of elements, which, together, protect rabbits from all hazardous infectious diseases, minimizing the risk of infection for the year.
Before conducting vaccination of animals, a number of prescriptions should be observed:
  • adhere to the vaccination schedule;
  • buy a vaccine in a veterinary pharmacy;
  • check the shelf life;
  • vaccinating only a healthy animal.

So, the problem of the sudden case of rabbits is quite common, especially at novice breeders, whose experience does not allow to identify the presence of symptoms of diseases or mechanical damage in pets.

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1 once already

If the rabbit gave birth to the dead rabbit, the rabbits begin to worry and find out the cause of miscarriage. Pregnancy - an important point in. For the rabbit during this period, high-quality care is needed to maintain the health of the mother and the cub, and also prevent the miscarriage.

The rabby was born dead. Why?

The birth of dead young can be caused by a number of circumstances related to the health problems of the pet. To the main reasons of miscarriage in rabbits include:

  • Strong experiences and stress;
  • Diseases, infection;
  • Non-compliance with the conditions of detention;
  • Poor-quality, unbalanced nutrition.

Failure to comply with the conditions for the content of rodents in the early stages of the development of embryos can provoke cessation of pregnancy. Ferrence and "resorption" of embryos occurs from 12 to 20 days of pregnancy.

Experience and stress negatively affect the beating of the young and the general state of the rodent. Smashing, loud sounds, dismissive attitude, rudeness from the owner, and others can be frightened, rudeness, and others. Stress in an animal causes inadequate care, non-compliance with the rules of content - dirt in a cell, unsuitable climatic conditions, lack of space.

As a prevention of abortion due to stress, it is recommended to isolate with rabbit from external stimuli, extraneous noise, follow the observance of purity and order in the cell. Do not apply gross strength to the ras, talking to the animals calmly, do not commit sharp movements. Inspection of pregnant women spend neatly, trying not to worry the animal.

The defective nutrition provokes a deficiency in the body of animal vitamins, minerals, nutrients necessary to maintain the health of the mother and the correct development of the rabbit. Most importantly complement the diet of the animal of protein, vitamins A, D, E. The weakened organism is not able to enter the healthy offspring, so the rabbires are born dead rabbits. It should not only be supplemented with diet with vitamin and mineral premixes, but also monitor the constant presence of pure water in the cell. It is required to replenish regularly.

Infectious diseases appearing during pregnancy are able to lead to the death of offspring and mother. Liseriosis causes premature appearance of a young on light. Acute leaferiosis leads to the death of young after birth. The dead animals utilize, because the contaminated meat is prohibited. The development of disease can be prevented by timely, observance of sanitary standards.

Consistent temperature differences or incorrect temperature conditions can adversely affect pregnancy and offspring. Too low temperatures lead to frostbite, contribute to the development of diseases. High temperature leads to dehydration, lethargy.

Abortion prevention of rabbit

For the correct development of embryos and the birth of a healthy offspring, follows:

  • Contain rabbits are needed in spacious, non-shy motion cells.
  • It should be monitored for the presence of feed in the cell.

  • Power must be high-quality, balanced, regular.
  • It is necessary to complement the diet with vitamin premixes.
  • It is conducted according to certain rules.
  • You should protect the individual from stress, noise.
  • A pregnant female is contained separately from other individuals in pure aviary.
  • Requires regular.
  • It is necessary to check for clean water in the drinking.
  • For the prevention of disease development, an animal vaccination should be put.

Compliance with simple rules contributes to the right course of pregnancy, maintaining the health of the mother and the rating.

The rabbit is aborted. What to do?

If all the conditions for breeding rodents are observed, may be miscarriage in rabbits due to inflammatory processes in the uterus - endometritis. In this case, rodent is carried out, measures are used to prevent the development of the disease. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment is appointed by a specialist after inspection and testing.

There are cases of premature birth of several dead cubs, but healthy rats appear on the appointed period.

Eating, killing your own offspring - often occurs among the ras. The causes of such behavior are the lack of vitamins, minerals in the parent organism, a lack of clean drinking water, various diseases and infections.

Newborn offspring is subject to the influence of weather and climatic conditions. Insufficient amount of litter and fluff in the nest can cause the supercooling and death of the young.

After the emergence of dead offspring, it should be removed rabbits from the nest, to have disinfection. The female after abortion should be attributed to the veterinarian to establish the cause of the death of rabbit.

If the rabbit gave birth to the dead rabbit - when can I happen now?

Functions after abortion are carried out after a certain period of time, depending on the cause of miscarriage.

If the crawler is sick, the mating should be carried out after a complete recovery of the animal.

If because of the stress, the rabbit gave birth to the dead rabbit, now it is possible to persist it for 2-3 days after the area, subject to the elimination of negative impacts.

If the miscarriage occurred due to improper feeding, it is necessary to provide balanced nutrition, restore the health of the rodent and then happen.

Methods for solving the problem

To prevent the abortion of females, it is necessary to observe the conditions of detention, feeding rabbits. Regularly check the individual for the presence of disease and conduct vaccination. During pregnancy, the rabbit is contained in a cell prepared for childbirth. If the rabbit gave birth to dead offspring, the cause of the veterinarian should be revealed and take appropriate measures.

Thus, when breeding the ras, it is important to monitor compliance with the norms of pet content. Pregnant females are protected from negative external factors, feed with vitamins and minerals. For the prevention of stillbirth due to diseases, vaccination and regular inspection of animals are carried out. After the female must restore the strength and relax.

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