Reduchi turtles reproduction. How turtles are multiply in captivity: the necessary conditions. Masonry selection

Walls, partitions 18.04.2021
Walls, partitions

In the article, I will consider the conditions for the content and breeding of the Red Turtle. This is one of the most popular. I will list its main features: color, size, life, types. I will tell you how it is friendly with other animals, what are the features of care for her and, the arrangement of the turtle. I will list the signs that the dwarf pet is going to go to the hibernation. I will describe how and where to equip ankvaterrarium, how to wash it.

Characteristic Water Reduce Turtle - size to which it can grow up life expectancy

The Motherland of Red Turtles is the south-eastern part of America. From here they occupied the northern part of America, Europe, Asia and the South Africa. Unpretentiously interpreted widespread: they are omnivores and easily adapt to habitat in artificial reservoirs.

Red-haired turtle in natural medium

Lot emphasis. When it is fed, lies on the shore under the sun. With the feeling of hunger slowly floats, looking for food. The reddish turtle notes a danger of 32-42 meters from her and instantly hiding.
Also called yellowobhah. Refers to American freshwater turtles.

Its title This animal has gained red or orange spots on the head in the ears and the yellow bottom of the shell with dark divorces and spots.

The top of the shell is round and smooth with yellow and dark stripes constituting a peculiar pattern. For cubs, this part is bright green, but as they grow up, it becomes a dark yellow or pale green.

These are low-lifting animals

The size of an adult individual - 24-31 cm. Babies in length about 3 cm, in a year - 6-9 cm.

The determination of age on the shell is inaccurate, since its dimensions may differ due to age and care: with the right content of the growth rate above.

In good conditions live 25-45 years, in captivity life - about 18 years.

It is possible to determine the animal floor when its age will exceed the year, and the body length will be 11 cm. The tail in females is shorter. The lower part of the male shell is bent inside, claws are larger and longer.

Voice ligaments and rumors are poorly developed. In a dangerous situation, the excitement can snort and hiss, weakly squeezed. Excellent smell and vision. The redberry bugs distinguish colors and see up to 40 m. These reptiles are susceptible to watch carefully behind changes in behavior and the appearance of the pet.

How many types of household decorative reptiles exists

The view is subdivided into 13 subspecies. Among them are most common:

These species are most suitable for maintenance at home. But the "yellowo-protech slider" is the most arrogant pet among the fellow.
In addition, people who cannot afford the content of a big nurse must pay attention to a mini option. The size of such animals does not exceed 11-13 cm, so the aquarium is less for them than for ordinary. But in care of themselves, they are no less demanding than ordinary.

Detention conditions, home care

An adult individual is necessary aquarium with a capacity of more than 130 liters, in which there will be:

  • water heater;
  • lamp;
  • thermometer.

Water change should occur 1 time in 6-8 days.

These are aquatic animals, but they can not be constantly under water. They love to walk along the bottom, but due to the lack of gills they need to constantly climb upstairs to breathe. Therefore, the height of the water should be slightly larger than the width of the shell (so that the animal freely swam and turned over). The optimal level of water temperature is +23 degrees.

Terarrium must be spacious

Susha in the aquarium should occupy a quarter of a total area. The incandescent lamp is installed above it (for heating air and island), which should work daily 9-11 hours.

Red-like turtles do not need ground and stones at the bottom. But when choosing such a decor, you must remember that they should be a large size so that the turtle does not eat them.

Feeding, features of nutrition, which feed and food can be a turtle

But it is impossible to feed them:

  • pork;
  • lamb;
  • crab chopsticks;
  • vegetables (except for carrots).

The diet should be diverse

Carrots are allowed to feed 1 time in 25-30 days.

It is extremely rare to give feed insects, a flour worm, a moth.

Be sure to feed:

  • low-fat unstegrated fish (river) - give every 10-14 days;
  • beef liver;

The meat is given raw.

  • snails (except Yantokock);
  • crickets;
  • feed cockroaches;
  • rainworms;
  • aquarium Fish (Guppie, Danio);
  • vegetable food (in older individuals should be 50% of the diet): aquarium plants, leaf salad, dandelion leaves.

In the diet, the turtle should be meat

Until 12-13 months fed daily, older - once a day.

Where is the little reptile winter and can she fall into the hibernation in the aquarium

When maintaining the correct temperature regime, the red-haired turtle in the hibernation does not fall. But there are exceptions.
The hibernation is carefully prepared.

The temperature in the place of hibernation is maintained at + 1 / + 6 degrees.

Two months before the start, repetition should be good, increasing the feed rate and expanding the diet. Over the past week, feed the animal is impossible.
Petomica should be used to such a temperature gradually.

Some individuals fall into hibernation regardless of the conditions of content.

The place should be with high humidity. To do this, you can make a mixture of leaves that will pass air, and moss holding moisture.

Organization of hibernation at home is a difficult process, so it is important to ensure sufficient care to avoid the emergence of the need for it.

Signs that aquarium water animal falls in a hibernation

Regardless of the conditions of content there are individuals, ready to fall into the hibernation. This tendency is not anywhere. At the same time, it is clogged into the angle of the aquarium and does not move for a long time, there is a decrease in the activity of the animal.

How to make and equip a turtle in the aquaterrarium - the reproduction of dwarf freshwater pets

Female males become aged four years, females - five.

To begin with, the turtle must find a pair, both pets should be half

Pairing takes place from February to March.

During the preparation of turtles for mating them, it is not recommended to take them.

Suitable conditions are provided for the offspring: air temperature (+25 degrees) and water. During the pairing period, the male may not produce a female to go to the surface, so the water level is reduced to 10 cm.

Be sure to have a sand tank, which will be postponed eggs. It is impossible to leave them there after deposit, they must be transferred to the incubator, the temperature in which will be + 25-30 degrees. Frequent control is required.

The development of cubs occurs within 3-5 months.

At temperatures below +26 degrees, males appear, above +31 - females.

This species has no maternal instinct, so it is forbidden to keep the female together with the cubs. Turtle hold from adult individuals in a separate aquarium - a turtle at least 11-13 months.

Turtle kept in a separate aquarium so that adult individuals do not eat them

In conclusion, it must be said that the Reduchi Reptiles do not require special conditions. The main thing is to provide them with the optimal air and water temperature, attributes that will reduce the conditions of detention to the natural habitat.

The lack of place leads to a violation of the development and growth of the animal, and without a lamp with ultraviolet, it will not be assisted with calcium, which will lead to the destruction of bones and shells.

In the article, I told about how to care for a small turtle, where she prefers to dwell, about her life expectancy, to which sizes it can grow, what prefers to eat (what food will help her to grow quickly and live for a long time), and why maybe lie in hibernation. I considered which decorative aquarium to do for the time of hibernation and how much the animal will sleep so much (winter). What is the best way to equip a water terrarium. On it you can make the shoulder island of sushi for nutrition.

The question of how turtles fall, are interested in many people. After all, even those who hold these animals in themselves as pets, do not always know how to determine the floor of the reptile. What is there to talk about mating!

Brief description of the turtle detachment

These animals belong to the detachment of reptiles. They live in captivity up to 50 years. But in the natural medium there can be about two times more. Although there are legends that there are individuals who have reached 350 or more years. But only the fact of the life of the Madagascar radiant turtle of Tui Malila is documented - 188 years old. She today is considered a long-liver winner.

A distinctive feature of all types of turtles is the presence of a shell. Perhaps, thanks to him, they managed to preserve, despite different cataclysms that took place on our planet. After all, these creatures are very ancient.

Marriage games

Turtles are not alien to the demonstrative manifestations of sympathy. The males in the marriage becomes very active. Many are mistaken, considering the turtles with silent creatures. After all, males, causing themselves for their chosenses, often make sounds similar to the tovkanya. Yes, and female have the right to express their vote.

Usually, males cause rivals to fight. And in the period "fighting" weak animals can get injured and die. So it will be a huge mistake to consider turtles calm and good-natured animals.

Not so loyal to the male and to its chosen. Having enjoyed a female person, begins to swing head-down. But he does not intend to wait at all when she will reply with the uhazhoru reciprocity. Making ritual dance-recognition, the male runs to the turtle and hurts her head into the shell. In addition, he bites the reptile behind the paws, as long as it will not be subordinate.

Faulting process in nature

First of all, it should be clarified that the genitals in the turtles are in the tail. Therefore, the male comes to the elected from the back, crashes her on his back the front of the body. It adapts his tail under her tail, directing the sexual organ in the right place.

At the end of the action, the male publishes "Victory Creek". And let him hear only his chosen, but this is a song of the winner who has achieved his goal. The female also answers it to him. This is how the turtles are mowed in nature.

Mating land turtles in captivity

This type of reptiles is multiplied both in nature and in captivity. Since the turtles are mowed in natural conditions only in the case when the female person has to fight, then in the captivity of male individuals should be at least two to identify the winner in the battle. Otherwise, the female interest will be lost.

The reptile floor is not easy to determine. But with attentive inspection and comparing the singular individuals, it can be seen that there is still differences. For example, claws on the limbs near the male longer and hard than the females. The abdominal side of the "Guy" shell concave, the femoral spurs is massive. The tail is longer, rounded and wider at the base, because it is genitial organs. The shell covers it with itself.

When the competitor is defeated, the time of marriage ritual begins. The male tries to show himself in front of the female in all its glory. He catch up with the chosen, pulls the paws and tail, shakes his head. Then the male is trying to join the turtle for himself. And sometimes a particularly robin worker does it with such a force that he can damage the shell. That is why experts advise to put the "groom" to the "bride", and not keep them together: "Visiting" in the male, there is less decisive and not so pronounced aggression, as on its territory.

The process of mating in red turtles

This is a freshwater animal. Beautiful turtles in nature in nature in dirty wetlands, ponds. And the males are smaller than the female.

To the question, at what age two responses will be paired. Readiness for the marriage period of individuals in nature is achieved by six years. But at home the female has ripen for five years. Males are half the crews to their four years.

Reproduction in vivo lasts all spring since the end of February. Directly in the water "Bride" is arranged before the head of the "bride", and they float in parallel. Only he periodically makes the movement back, the assisters of the individual who liked the individual. To lay eggs, the female elects a landing, where and the nest is digging.

And how do the red-powered turtles fall in captivity? They also do it in the water.

For the breeding process you need to have several female individuals. For them, only one male is needed. In the marriage time, the future daddy becomes very active. He hides the back of the selected turtle, tickles her paws.

Choices and hero are placed in a separate vessel. The act lasts a quarter of an hour. Comfortable water temperature with +25 degrees. It should be nanite no higher than 12 centimeters, since the "bride" will need to be rising.

Then both are returned to the overall aquarium. After some time, the male begins to clothe the other female, and the process is repeated.

This is how the turtles are mounted land and redheads.

Often, the owners of home turtles are so keen on the moments of their pet content (more on how to care for homemade turtle - read) that they even begin to think about, and why not do the dilution of such animals at home. First, the turtle in the company will be cheerful, and secondly, you will have an additional source of income, as such exotic creations today are very popular as pets. Whatever your main motive - you have a goal - to grow in the breeding turtles, and our publication is ready to tell you in detail about all those nuances that you have to come together ...

Features of breeding turtles at home

By the way, few people know, but the first person who has achieved a successful result in the breeding of freshwater turtles at home, was not at all a scientist, but a simple amateur who just loved the turtles and dedicated all his free time to study the peculiarities of the life of these creatures. So that if something does not work immediately, the first time - you should not despair. With the right and caring care and care of your pets-turtles, you will definitely work out. If not tomorrow, then for sure in a month ...

How to determine the floor in the turtle

Well, after such a small inspiring entry, we suggest you go specifically to practical moments. So, in order for you to breed the turtles, you need a male and female turtle. Accordingly, you must be confident that the turtles of which you purchased are truly different. So how to expect the offspring from same-sex creatures - a useless idea. Therefore, purchasing turtles for breeding, or docking a couple for your male or females - do not make a mistake. You can find out how to determine the floor of the turtle.

By the way, we have a couple of tips for you to help you determine the floor of the turtle. So,

in males, the turtles tail is usually longer than the tail of the females, and on their plastron there is a special deepening, which contributes to the more dense male fixation on the turtle female. Also, some types of turtles have a rainbow-shell of the eyes in males painted in reddish, and in females - in a yellowish color. As for the sizes of the turtles themselves, do not think that the females here are the smallest males - rather, on the contrary. It is the males less in size than females.

However, to determine the floor of the turtle, we would recommend you to be guided not only by one feature, but at least a few, then you will have more chances that you will not be mistaken.

How many turtles need to breed offspring

After you have decided on the floor of the turtles, do not hurry to acquire one male and female. In this case, if only one couple will live in your terrarium, your chances of success are largely reduced. Where more productive will be the joint accommodation of several males and one female. At the same time, the turtles should be of one species (learn about the types of turtles). As for the way they will get along with each other, as practice shows - the turtles are not conflict creation, therefore, even to such a family model, they will be calm.

How to stimulate reproduction processes in the turtles

Often you can hear from the owners of the skulls, especially from those who in the terrarium live only a female and the male that their turtles do not want to multiply. In this case, it is recommended to use one of the methods of stimulating such processes.

So, in particular, you can rinse the female and male, and connect them only for the period of mating - your pets will need the time to miss each other.

You can reconsider the climatic conditions of content - to change the temperature indicators, humidity and the duration of the daylight - perhaps, simply the atmosphere in the terrarium did not contribute to the reproduction instincts in the turtles. To do this, you can first lower the temperature indicator (within a reasonable, of course) and increase the humidity rate, at the same time reduce the duration of the day in the terrarium. Thus, for a while you will translate the inhabitants of the terrarium into sleep mode. And, after that, spend the inverse changes and in the reverse order - first extend the duration of the daylight, then lower the humidity indicator and finally increase the temperature indicator.

To stimulate the reproduction, you can also arrange wintering for turtles. To do this, place the animals one by one in small (sizes of the turtle) linen bags and put them on the sphagnum layer, cover with another layer of sphagnum on top. In order to avoid dehydration of the skulls, the filler itself is recommended to moisten daily by spraying from the sprayer. Such artificial wintering can continue for 4 weeks. After that, you will need to smoothly remove the turtles from the sleep state, for this, their wintering boxes will need to move to a warm room, and then shipping sleeping handsome and beauties to the terrarium. A few days later, it will be possible to include the heating lamp in the terrarium, and increase the duration of the light day - at least 16 hours per day. Do not forget to adjust the humidity indicators.

After such a winter holiday, when the turtles are completely waking up, they will remember their reproduction instincts and will definitely please you with offspring.

Features of breeding freshwater turtles

If you are happy owner of freshwater turtles, then in order for your pets to start actively multiply, you also need to provide them as comfortable living conditions, a balanced diet (find out here,), give the opportunity to relax the body of animals during hibernation, and then, Create a favorable environment for habitat and provide them with freedom (relative) of their movements by terrarium. Immediately before the start of mating, several individuals of one species - 2 males and 1 female can be placed in one terrarium or in a pen in a large terrarium.

Why can not the opposite, take 2 females and 1 male? The fact is that only the correct ratio of floors contributes to the manifestation of reproduction instinct in the turtles.

For breeding, it is better to choose the half-arms, but not old turtles that are pre-recommended to show the veterinarian. If animals are sick, or weakened - it is not necessary to expect healthy and viable offspring from them. That will not happen. Learn about diseases of the turtles.

In the case of a group of skulls, it is necessary to observe, and in the event that you notice that the corresponding situations of relationships have been established between all-choice individuals, the third unnecessary male should be transplanted into another terrarium. As for the features of the behavior of the turtles in such a marriage, the males try to attract to themselves

When the pair of turtles are finally formed, in the diet of animals it is worth adding vitamin E - it contributes to the reproduction of these reptiles. It is necessary to create a quiet and quiet environment for a couple, do not disturb the turtles, and as you can touch them as much as possible, and also take care that no extraneous noises scare animals.

The process of mating turtles can occur both in water and on land.

In order to begin the process of laying egg eggs, the temperature of the water in the terrarium or in the aquarium should be at least 22-26 degrees. On land, it is worth preparing a cozy nest where the turtle will be able to postpone the eggs - to do so in the ground or in the sand, dig a little deepening and place a small container, eliminated with moss sphagnum in such a way that its edges are on the same level with land.

7. Reproduction of turtles

Turtles in captivity multiply quite rarely. Breeding turtles is painstaking and responsible work, which is only experienced by experienced specialists.

In order for the turtles contained at home, began to multiply, it is necessary to provide them with appropriate conditions: proper nutrition, suitable habitat and relative freedom of movement.

For successful reproduction, in addition to compliance with all conditions of content, it is desirable to place several individual individuals in one pen or a terrarium. When forming a group, it is important to correct the correct ratio of the number of females and males, which contributes to the manifestation of the elements of marriage in these animals. Freshwater turtles have a ratio of about 2: 1.

Only with the right content of the red-choke turtles can give offspring in captivity.

In addition, when choosing animals, it is necessary to take into account their age - you should pick up the halm, but not old individuals, which should be pre-checked at the veterinarian. The most suitable age for mating red-ear skulls is 5 years. Despite the fact that sexual maturation occurs with them a little earlier, fertilization of too young individuals may not happen. Patients or weakened animals are also likely to not give offspring.

You can distinguish the floor of red turtles in the length of the tail (the male is longer). In addition, the male on the plaster there is a deepening.

For a group of selected turtles, some time needs to be carefully watching to determine how ready they are ready for marriage games and reproduction. If relations have been established between differential individuals, the remaining turtles need to be transferred to another place.

Usually, lovers, spreading red turtles in captivity, contain males and females separately, and put them on each other exclusively for the period of mating. At the same time, the male is best to leave on the territory habitual for him, and to put the female.

Watching the marriage games of the turtles is interesting both in natural conditions and in the home. Water turtles often show themselves from a completely different side than in ordinary life. So, males are often fighting among themselves, seeking the favor of the female chosen by them.

The offspring can only give healthy turtles that have reached puberty.

If you want a turtle to give offspring, turn on in its diet products containing vitamin E. It has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function.

Turtles, like other reptiles, after the construction of the nest and laying eggs at all, do not care about the offspring, and small turtles appear completely ready for independent life.

When preparing for reproduction, it is important to correctly compose a diet of turtles. Many experts recommend adding products containing vitamin E to animal feed (greenery, vegetable oil). Vitamin preparations are also suitable.

During pregnancy in the diet, the turtles must contain products with a high content of calcium and phosphorus.

During the reproduction of red-leather turtles, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions: do not disturb them, eliminate all extraneous noises and vibration, try to touch animals as much as possible. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the place where the eggs will be located. The redo turtles dig up the nest in the ground, so in the terrarium it is necessary to put a small container filled with clean sand or peat (it should be poured by a layer of about 5 cm). Also, females can postpone eggs directly on the sushi plot arranged in a terrarium, and sometimes in water. In the latter case, it is recommended to immediately remove the water masonry.

Turtle postponed eggs

In order for freshwater turtles to start marriage games, the temperature of the water in a terrarium or aquarium should be 22-26 ° C. Also stimulate mating helps an increase in the duration of the daylight and lighting intensity.

After the female will postpone the eggs, the capacity with them is recommended to be removed and placed in the incubator. The temperature in the incubator should be maintained at 28-30 ° C.

If you do not have an incubator, you can use a conventional glass jar or aquarium, filled with sand, which should be regularly moistened. It is possible to heat such an incubator using a conventional incandescent lamp. You can put an incubator next to the central heating battery.

Eggs of turtles, unlike birds, in no case can not be turned over, so it is necessary to transfer them to the incubator very carefully.

The appearance of a cub turtle from egg

Deferred eggs eggs are far from always fertilized. In order not to keep several months in the incubator empty eggs, they need to be checked. To do this, you can build a primitive ososcope: put a small light bulb into a small cardboard box, you can from a pocket flashlight, and cover the box with a lid, in which the hole in the shape of an egg is cut, but a little smaller size. To check the egg, you need to put it, without turning, on the hole and turn on the light bulb. In the middle of the fertilized egg, the dimming will be noticeable, and the empty will skip the light evenly. When checking, it should be remembered that the more the ripening time of the eggs, the more accurate the result will be.

In newborns, young turtles, like other reptiles, there are the remains of a yolk bag that disappear a few days after birth, as well as a special egg tooth, which they dissect the shell. In addition, in the first days after leaving the eggs, a transverse fold can be seen on a plaster on a plaster - a consequence of a bent of a young inside the egg.

After the female will put eggs, it should be kept separately from other animals. Food females for several weeks should be strengthened, since during this period the immunity of turtles is weakened and they are more susceptible to various diseases.

If the turtle appeared a young, you need to try to save them all. In no case cannot be placed in one direction or terrarium with adult turtles, since these reptiles have no maternal instinct and they can harm young. It is best to prepare a small separate terrarium, specially equipped for their content.

For small turtles need special care.

Little turtles feed almost the same as adult turtles, with the exception of plant food. They are suitable as a special finished feed, and finely chopped raw fish or seafood pieces.

For the normal development of a young blush turtle need ultraviolet irradiation. The irradiation time should be increased gradually, starting with 1-2 minutes, and lamps with soft radiation should be used for procedures.

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The turtles ripen late, for example, females of the Central Asian turtles over the age of ten years, males are five to six years. Other species are becoming half approximately in the same or later. Information on this issue is very scarce. The males of all species have a more or less noticeable "dent", helping them to fulfill their marital duties, and many species also have femur spurs. The males of many species tail are longer than in females, and the anal hole is almost at its very end.

During the reproduction period (in nature, it usually happens in the spring) the turtles become more active. The males make tanking sounds (a number of "right" of votes have both females) and come with rivals in fights, sometimes ending with the injury and death of weak animals. The pairing period usually lasts from one to three weeks. Two or three months after it, females are postponed from one or two (Egyptian turtle) to 30 (panther and damper turtles) eggs. Before this, the turtle digs in the soil the hole, preliminarily irrigated the scene of egg laying with liquid clugged in the bladder and two anal bubbles. After some time, the female can re-lay eggs. Then the female bursts the pocket and the soil raves, lifting on the stretched legs and dropped with force.

Owners of the turtles are often interested in: is it possible to divorce ground turtles at home? The skulls of the turtles in captivity often lay eggs. But often (as in birds), eggs are ne-uncomfortable (fat). And if your petitian, living in you alone, put the eggs, then they make no sense to incubate. Besides disappointment, you will not have anything

If you have a few turtles, and you are sure that there are males and females in the "flock", and even more so the mating is noted, that is, it makes sense to engage in incubation of pending eggs. In captivity, the turtles can pair and put eggs all year round. To stimulate mating many types, you need to have several males: without fighting, they do not show interest to females. In the period of "pregnancy", females need to increase the number of vitamins D and E, as well as feed and feeding with a large calcium content. We must not forget about the irradiation of animals by ultraviolet. Stimulates sexual activity and gain lighting.

Turtles can bare eggs even on the floor, but it is desirable for this purpose to make a special nesting box. It must have a sufficient size so that the animal can choose in it a place to dig a hole. For large species (redo and other turtles), it must have dimensions of 1.2 1.2-0.6 m. In order for the animal to get into it, to one of the boxes of the box are attached to a gentlemanship with racks stamped on them or installed it in a special Hole in the floor of the terrarium. For smaller or large animals, the sizes of the socket box must be changed. The necessary substrate is laid in the nest drawer: for deserted species - sand, for forest - a mixture of sphagnum, peat and sand. The substrate must be maintained in a wet state.

Pending eggs should be transferred to the incubator as soon as possible. Unlike birds, the eggs of the turtles, as well as all reptiles cannot be turned over. In order not to confuse the orientation of eggs, carefully draw on the top side of the eggs, the cross or write the number with a soft pencil or felt-meter.

In the simplest case, an aquarium can be used as an incubator or adapt a foam box. The incubator is supplied with a lid with ventilation holes (in a foam version - a transparent door from plexiglas). The presence of ventilation is necessarily a fine wet air can lead to the appearance of mold. But it is important not to cut the eggs, for this, the incubator is placed with a periodically filling with water. Spray from the pulverizer eggs can not! Condensate formed on the incubator lid, should also not fall on the incubated eggs.

Regardless of the incubator device, it must have a heater (as a last resort, the conventional incandescent light bulb) and the thermostat. The power of the heater should be within 15-40 W. It depends on the temperature in the room where the incubator is installed and from its size. The incubation temperature for most types should be within 28-30 ° C. At a higher temperature in newborns, various deformities may be inherent. In a number of species on the incubation temperature, the floor depends on the animal born. So, at high temperatures, only females are displayed, and with a lower - males. Air humidity in the incubator should be 80-100%. At least once a week, the incubator must be aircraft.

Fig. The device of the simplest incubator: 1 - water capacity for air humidification; 2 - ventilation holes; 3 - incubator housing; 4 - thermometer; 5 - incandescent lamp; 6 - thermostat; 7 - eggs; 8 - cuvette with substrate

The development time of the embryo depends on temperature and lasts from two to fourteen months (at the Central Asian turtle - about two months). If the incubator is eggs from different masonry or from different types of animals, they are better to put them in separate plastic containers with a lid. So that the air is not stood in them, in the walls of the containers, you need to do a large number of holes in the walls, and when carrying out the incubator to remove the cover from the containers.

Turtle before hatching makes a hole in the shell. About a day (sometimes - longer) it is in the egg, feeding the contents of the yolk bag. To remove the baby from there in no case! Let him leave his cradle himself. To kids, leaving the shell, accidentally did not damage the remnants of the yolk bag, some American layers are recommended to gently wash the bag with a beta solution (pharmacy drug) and carefully bother with a soft cloth to the turtle arm. Remove the napkin after completely absorbing the bag. Newborn turtles contain at the same temperature as adult animals. On the bottom of a small aquarium or terrarium, you must pour a wet mixture of peat and sand. You can use and slightly wet paper towels. Babes of forest species poorly carry dry air!

In nature, newborn bugs of some species usually remain in the nest until the next spring, but in captivity they are usually not put in the winter. Feed kids diverse vegetable food. It is important that it is soft and nutritious.

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