Nicaraguan cychlasoma content. How to care for Nicaraguan Cichlaus. Reproduction of Nicaraguan Cychlause

Shpatlevka 09.05.2021

Nicarantic cichlase is rightfully considered to be unique among. And this is connected not only and not so much with its appearance.

Description of the Nicaraguan Cychlaus

First of all, a few words are still about the appearance of Nicaraguanok. Like all cichlasomes, Cikhlida Nicaraguan (synonym the name of these fish) has its unusual and enough bright color. The rear of the body is painted in yellow-brown tones with a pronounced metal glitter. The head and the front of the chip-like body have a turquoise color of different intensity depending on age (young individuals are not so brightly expressed). The same turquoise and edging of the fins. A dark band passes along the whole body, and the abdomen is overflowing with all the shades of orange and pink colors. Fish is very effectful.

And now about the features of these fish. Cichlasoma Nicaraguanskaya is the only one of all cichlids does not postpone the adhesive caviar and does not incubate it in the mouth. Usually, the fish dig up a hole in the ground (small pebbles, granite crumb or white river sand) and lay the caviar with a handful, constantly stirring it. Although it can be happy to use any shelter, for example, an inverted flower pot at the bottom of the reservoir.

The following distinctive feature of this cychlaus, relating, rather to the peculiarities of the content - vegetable food in the diet. In the conditions of the aquarium Nicaraguanka, the leaves of dandelion, salad, even the cereal of Hercules, although the living food (moth, tubener, very small fish) should also be present too. Therefore, planting the aquarium plant with gentle greens does not make sense to plant aquarium with gentle greens - will be instantly eaten. In all other respects, the content of Cikhlasoma Nicaraguanskaya does not differ from the general rules for the content of these fish - sufficient volume of water (about 100 liters per pair), mechanical and biological water purification with subsequent.

Compatibility of Cychlaus Nicaraguan with other fish

About this "character" Cikhlida Nicaraguan, which can also be attributed to the peculiarities of this species, it is worth saying separately. Nicaraguanka is relatively peaceful fish, unlike other relatives, and perfectly gets along with other commensurate inhabitants of the aquariums. We can say that she lives according to the principle - did not fit in the mouth, then you do not feed, you can swim.

Nicaraguan cichlazoma (lat. Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis) is an extraordinary in its beauty fish. Thanks to an unusual color and an orizable body shape, gained popularity among many aquarists around the world. Perhaps the beauty of the fish was underestimated due to its original appearance.

South American Fish, the description for the first time appeared in the middle of the XIX century, has a golden-diamond color of the body, a bright blue head and purple abdomen. So much contrasts in one fish! Male Tsichlase is an order of magnitude larger, but females look like real Queen of the underwater paradise. The color of the body is determined by the place of natural habitat, the color of fish can be diverse.

The young Nicaraguan Tsichlid is like a "nasty duck", because they are very nondescript, inconspicuous, and only turning into an adult person, become true handsome. It makes it possible that the reason for the rare spread of fish is the unwillingness of the razodorchikov to buy such a simple, brown young. It turns out that it is hardly a beautiful cortic fish.

Quick crossing


Cichlase Nicaraguan opened in the freshwater lake of Nicaragua (Central America), it also lives in the freshwater rivers of Costa Rica. Prefers reservoirs with slow flow. In the wild, adult cichlauses can eat snails, invertebrates, algae, seeds and detritus; Flocks eat insects.

Look at the Nicaraguan cichlase floating in the aquarium.

Nicaraguan cichlid is characterized by a large, chunky body, the head is bent, the mouth is located low. Fish size 20-25 cm, life expectancy for about 15 years.

Golden body color, blue head. Through the body passes a dark strip on which a large black point can be seen. There are black splashes on fins, only on breast fins they are missing. On the head of the male can be seized fatty. Cichlids caught in Nicaragua, brighter than their aquarium relatives.

Conditions of detention

The content of Cikhlasoma Nicaraguan partly simplifies its peaceful temper and visibility in the walls of the water container. A tank of 300 liters 3 will be required, an aquarium can be prepared and larger. Use a powerful external filter that will create a comfortable underwater reservoir stream. After the meal of fish, there are many residues of food, so once in 7 days it is required to update 20% of water to fresh with a mandatory bottom siffon.

For such excellent fish, "royal" scenery resembles a natural habitat. On the sandy bottom to unlous large squigs, stones. Nicaraguan Cichlids love to flounded in the sand, so plants should be either a pot, or species with rigid leaves. When they spawn, the part of the young leaves eat.

Can live independently, or in the company with a cichlase of similar sizes. Comfortably feel in a pair, which is formed at an early age among 8-10 Fish-Fish.

You can feed fish frozen, alive and artificial feeds. As an additional feed, add artemia, shrimp, snails, worms, moths. Vegetable food is the main in the waters of Central American Rivers, so more familiar to them. They are not against caustic, salad, vegetable granules (spirulina). You should avoid crossing protein food, which causes overweight.

Look at a couple of Nicaraguan cichlase.

Requirements for breeding

Cikhlasoma Nicaraguan can multiply in aquarium or separate spawning. Create monogamous pairs that love solitude in shelters. If there is a cave in the nursery, at her day, the parents make the pits, where they postpone their non-slip caviar. Sizes of iconic up to 2 cm, these are very large and prominent education.

Cikhlasoma Nicaraguensis (Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis, previously cichlasoma Nicaraguense) - an impressively beautiful aquarium fish. The males of this kind more females, but it is the females that demonstrate the most dazzling colors. Fish color depends on the place of their origin in nature and the brightest composition is the body of a brilliant gold color, a head of bright blue or emerald color, purple accents around the chest fins and edges of the dorsal and anal fins of blue.

Interestingly, although adult fish looks stunningly, fry and teenagers are painted in gray brown. In part because of this feature, these fish are less likely to be on sale than other, more popular inhabitants of the aquarium. However, if you still decide to purchase Nicaraguan cichlase, then in your time you can enjoy an unsurpassed spectacle.


Nicaraguan Cichlid was described by Gunther in 1864. It is found in Central America along the Atlantic slope. It is found in San Juan drainage, in Lake Nicaragua, in the Matin River in Costa Rica. This species is crossped with a black-haired cichlase (Amatitlania NigrofasciaTa), and the offspring fertures, at least until the 4th generation.

Nicaraguan cichlasomes are found in lakes and slow rivers. Fog and teenagers will eat water insects, and adult fish feed on bottom domestic, seeds and leaves, snails and other molluscs.


The body of the fish is a native, compact with an extremely curved head, which emphasizes the bottom of the mouth at the bottom. This is a rather large central American cichlid, reaches almost 25 cm long. Life expectancy is 10-15 years old.

Body of Nicaraguan Cychlaus Golden and Copper Color with Overflowing Greenish Blue Head. The dark line passes through the middle of the body, in the center there is a large black spot. There are many dark spots on the fins, and on the tail fin, the edge of red.

In addition to basic staining, there are several other color variations depending on the geographical habitat of fish in nature. Wild, caught in nature, individuals are usually more brightly painted than those contained in the aquarium. The females are usually brighter.

Nicaraguan cichlid is a large aquarium fish, but also relatively peaceful. It is not difficult to care for it if you create the right conditions. If a novice aquarist is ready to provide these fish with a large reservoir, to feed and regularly carry out maintenance, then with the content of these cichlids it will cope.

To maintain one fish, you need an aquarium of at least 190 liters, but better more. The aquarium should have powerful effective filters creating a good course. The bottom is usually put fine sand. Of the stones, shards and corigrants create shelters. These are cichlids-diggers, they will actively dig a soil, so all scenery needs to be consolidated. Live plants, if used, should be strong enough and they also need to be consolidated. Plants with soft leaves Nicaraguan cichlids may eat, especially during spawning.

Temperature: from 23 - 27 ° C;
pH: 6,5-7,5;
Total rigidity: 8 - 15 DGH.

These fish are fairly sensitive to water pollution with nitrates and phosphates, so it is recommended to do regular weekly 20-25%. Be sure to use the siphon to clean the soil.


Nicaraguan cichlauses are softer than other fish size, but may be aggressive and territorial. They do not belong to peaceful aquarium fish, and they should be kept or in a species aquarium or with other cichlids. In the neighbors it is better to choose smaller, but not aggressive cichlid. You can contain a pair, but to get a pair it is better to purchase a group of young fish, from which a couple naturally will be formed. Move adult male and female is unlikely to succeed.

Feed and feeding

Nicaraguan cychlasomes are omnivorous, in nature feed on both plant and animal food. In the aquarium there will be dry flakes and all kinds of living products. Daily, as a rule, give dry flakes and pellets, and additionally feed the moth, Artemia, snails, rainworms, mussels. Also feed the vegetable products: blanched zucchini, spinach. If you give vegetation food, then fish will not eat aquarium plants, even during spawning.

Pet meat (bird, beef) is given only in exceptional cases, like a disposable delicacy, otherwise such food can lead to blockage of the digestion system.

Differences of the male from female

The male is greater and he has a pointed spinal fin. In the aquarium, the male usually develops humps on his forehead, although wild individuals it appears only at spawning time. The female is slightly smaller and usually demonstrates brighter colors.


Cikhlasoma Nicaraguan is successfully multiplied in captivity. For spawning, these fish prefer shelters and caves. Ikra they laid out in the scattered pit clusters. Icra is up to 2 mm, her fish are burned in the sand. At a temperature of 26 ° C, the frys hatch after 3 days, and after 4-5 days they begin to swim and fed artemia snapshots.

Parents take care of the offspring: the male guards the territory, and the female cares for caviar and fry.

Recently, Cichlasoma Nicaraguense (Cichlasoma Nicaragugense) is increasingly popular, which appeared in the houses of Russian amateurs and aquarists not so long ago. In this fish conquers an unusual appearance and original color.


Most often, this species can be found in Lake Nicaragua, so fish and has such a name. Also, this species can be found in other lakes with quiet waters located on the Pacific slope of Central America.


Thirty five years ago, Nicaraguan Tsichlasoma appeared in Russia. The dimensions of the male in natural conditions (25 centimeters) usually exceed the length of the body of the female. In aquariums, the size of the fish, as a rule, reaches only 20 centimeters in length. In their outlines, this species resembles a little drop. The torso from above bends arcuately, the peak of the arc is on the connection of the body with a head, and a narrowing toward the tail is narrowed. The lower part of the body passes the straight line, which begins his head, and ends with an anal fin.
Transparent dorsal and anal fins are edged with turquoise stripe. They stretch before the start of the tailflower.

Adult specimens have an intense turquoise color in the head and front of the body. The tail and the rear of the body are painted in shades from yellow to brown different saturation. As well as a metal gloss, which is brighter expressed at the tail. Young individuals painted not so bright. Nicaraguan cychlasoma has a dark strip that passes through all the body from the eyes to the tails. Over time, the band disappears. Instead, round spots appear, two on each side of the body. The general state of the individual affects the degree of intensity of the color of these spots. The abdomen can have shades from orange to pink, which get brighter during spawning. Eyes have a golden rainbow shell.

Flinks and growing individuals are painted in yellow-gray shades, like adults, have a longitudinal strip of dark color.
The field of a particular instance can be defined in several ways. In the period of ease of caviar, sex signs are visible most clearly. The female has eggland, which has the shape of a trapezium, male - a cone-shaped seedwork. The colors and the size of the fish will also allow to determine the sexuality. Males are a bit larger than their girlfriends. This indicator may be misleading when the floor is determined in young individuals, since the felts of females are painted much brighter and their growth rate is higher than that of males. Therefore, it should not be especially relying on this sign. Females have transparent fins that do not have a picture at all. At the fins of males, on the contrary, there is a dark speck.

For two individuals there will be enough aquarium, a capacity of 100 liters. The bottom should be covered with fine pebbles, gravel or white sand with sludge. As decor, flat stones of large size, grotto, caves and rocks created by their own hands will fit well. Also, plants with large and rigid leaves and a solid root system can also be used for decorating, and thin and gentle leaves will necessarily be eaten by cychlasomes.

Water for the content of most types of cichlid should have a temperature of from 24 to 27 degrees.
Selecting the lighting, it is necessary to observe the golden middle to please both the flora and the fauna inhabiting aquarium. Too bright light will lead to the "flowering" of water, the painting of fish is fisted. On the contrary, the lack of light will affect both plants and in cichlase not the best. Fish painting will dare, and the plants will stop normally develop.

Nicaraguan cichlazomas need a sufficient amount of oxygen dissolved in water and additional aeration. They cannot comfortably exist in muddy and dirty waters, so the aquarium must be equipped with mechanical and biological filters.
Cikhlids have a rather non-advisory and imperative character, which is due to the aquarium densely population. If you follow some rules, the cichlids are fully compatible with many other types of aquarium fish. First of all, residents of homemade artificial reservoir should be selected approximately the same size and temperament.

Well, if they are grown together since the age of the fry. If the aquarium is divided into zones with artificial caves and grotts, as well as thick foliage of plants, fish will be comfortable in such a place. Timely feeding and a limited number of copies will also contribute to the well-being of all the inhabitants of the aquarium. If a new individual appears, it should be burned from old-timers with the help of a transparent partition. This will help everyone get used to each other.


Living in vivo, Nicaraguan cychlasome feeds mainly by gentle leaves of plants, insects, small fish and races, mollusks and snail.
Moth, rainworms, special fish feed in frozen and dry form, as well as feeding of plant origin (dandelion, salad leaves, nettle, oatmeal) - All this can be used as feed for homemade fish. Also in the diet you can include some vegetables, such as zucchini and cucumbers. For their nutrition, as for humans, the principle of fractional and frequent feeding is suitable.


The first spawning of Nicaraguan Tsichlase in our country was held in 1980. The process was carried out in aquarium, with a capacity of 60 liters. Manufacturers were about 8 months old, the length of the female body was 6 centimeters, male - 7 centimeters. For spawning it is better to provide a separate aquarium to cichlids if there is no such possibility, and the general one is suitable. Suitable water temperature for spawning is 27-29 degrees.

To stimulate the deck of caviar, it is necessary to increase the temperature slightly and replace about 30% of the water of fresh.
Paul ripening occurs between 7 to 15 months, when the individuals reaches length in 6-9 centimeters.
A female, postponing caviar, can eat his future offspring if it is frightened at this time.

Sand, small gravel, or pebbles must necessarily cover the bottom of the aquarium, since the cychlasoma roets in the soil of the pits, in which the eggs are subsequently postponed. For this, small shelters will also be perfectly suitable (cave, grottoes, canyons). Ikrinka have a transparent light yellow color, size is 2 millimeters in diameter. At one time the adult female is able to sweep up to 1000 eggs. A young person produces a little less caviar. Ikrinka do not glue among themselves, so the female has to constantly collect these transparent balls into the hill. Such a procedure helps icons to develop well and grow. While the female is engaged in mixing caviar, the male guards the territory on which the masonry is located, he does not let me up to this place of extraneous fish.
A week after the incubation period (the development of iconic), which lasts up to 4 days, together with the parents, the fodels float their food. At first, they will eat living dust, cyclops, small daphneus and zooplankton. Gradually, feed must be changed larger.

The life expectancy of the Nicaraguan Cichlause is approximately 15 years with good content.
Additional Information
In some cases, Nicaraguan Tsichlasoma can protect the caviar and fry of other species living in the neighborhood. Then parents do not attempt to eat voluntary guards, although under other circumstances they would not refuse to do it.

Nicaraguan Cichlasome appeared behind the windows of our artificial lakes relatively recently. Since the appearance, this aquarium fish is consistently popular with cichlid lovers due to its original appearance and color. Over time, its popularity is only growing.

Original title: Heros Nicaraguensis.

Characteristic color and body shape.

Synonyms: Copora Nicaraguensis, Copora Nicaraguense, Herichthys Nicaraguensis, Cichlasoma Nicaraguense, Theraps Nicaraguensis, Heros Balteatus, Hypsophrys Unimaculatus, Cichlasoma Spilotum, Cichlasoma Balteatum.
Russian title: Cichlasoma Nicaraguan.
Other languages: Butterfly Cichlid, Nicaragua Cichlid, Traumbarsch, Nicaragua-Cichlide, Moga, Spilotum, Rotfleckcichlide, Nikaragua Buntbarsch.

Habitat area: Slowly wearing water lakes of the Pacific Slope of Central America. A typical instance is caught in Nicaragua Lake, which is obliged to be one of its names. It is also found in the volcanic lakes of Costa Rica and the San Juan River basin.

Description: In our country appeared in 1979.
The length of the body in nature in the male reaches 25 centimeters. Females, as a rule, somewhat smaller. In aquarium content, the maximum dimensions rarely exceed 20 centimeters. The lower edge of the head with the lower edge of the anal fin forms almost a direct line. Whereas the upper outlines of the body have a view of an arc, the maximum of which is to join the head with a torso and further to the tail gradual narrowing of the upper-lower size. What gives the animal some resemblance to the drop. Unpaired dorsal and anal

feds reach the base of the tail. They are transparent and have turquoise edging. The rear half of the body is painted mainly in yellow-brown tones of various intensity with

metal glitter, more pronounced at the tail of the body. The front of the body and the head have turquoise color. Young individuals in coloring less catchy. From eyes to base tail

the fin strip stretches. With age, this strip can disappear, leaving after itself only two rounded stains on each side. One is about in the middle of the body, the second near the base of the tail. These stains, like a strip, may have a different degree of severity depending on the general state of the fish. The abdomen can have orange pink shades, more brightly manifested during the spawning period.

As with most cichlase, the most clear signs of sex differences cikhlasoma Nicaraguanskaya manifest themselves during spawning. They are represented by trapezoidal eggs in females and conesoid

the seedwork in the male. In addition to these absolute signs, you can determine the floor in adult fish in size and colors of fins. The females are somewhat smaller and elegant of their cavaliers. However, it should be noted that women's firings grow faster and have a brighter color than males. Therefore, focusing only on the size of the body and the intensity of the color in young copies are very easy to make a mistake in determining the gender. Fat growth appears in the head on the head. Also, pair fins have a rather pronounced dark rubble. The females of paired fins are transparent and deprived of the drawing.

Aquarium for fish cichlasoma Nicaraguanskaya Must be from 100 liters for a couple.
Soil can be represented by small gravel or pebbles. Also, the bottom can be covered with small white sand with a large number of yals. The bottom can and it is even desirable to decorate with large flat stones, snapshots. There will be no extra and a couple of man-made grots, caves and rocks.

Small plants with gentle greens will be eaten. But representatives of the flora with rigid large leaves and a well-developed root system can be quite safely located next to the Nicaraguan cichlase.

A pair of young fish

Water parameters are not much different from those for the content of other Central American cichlase. Temperature 24 - 27 ° C. Stiffness 10-20 ° DH. pH \u003d 7-8 °.

Lighting should be selected according to the needs of plants that you decide to use when designing aquarium. It should only always take into account that with insufficient lighting there will be not only plants to develop badly, but the fish will have a dark color. And with an excessive bright lighting, water can "bloom", and fish in color will play again - their color will become faded or "erased"

Regarding peaceful

halftone. Learn from nature - strive for the golden middle.

Aquarium for fish nicaraguan Cichlazomoma It must be equipped with both mechanical and biological systems. Cichlids do not like muddy dirty water. Additional aeration is also needed. Cikhlasoma Nicaraguan needed a large amount of dissolved in water.
Compatibility is quite good despite the emerging periodically reports of excessive IROS Nicaraguensis. Most likely, their slope is manifested in overcrowded housing. In the general case, it is desirable to comply with general recommendations for reducing the cichlase conflict. If possible, grow for the joint content of fish from the fountain age. Together to contain fishes of commensurate sizes and similar temperament. Do not overcoole aquarium. Create at the bottom of the rock, grotto caves, separating the bottom of the room lake into small isolated territories. Also in this can help the borrowed plants. In time feed. When the new fish seelings in the overall aquarium, to separate it with a glass partition while the tenants are accustomed to a newcomer.

With age, the black band will disappear.

On the will cichlasoma Nicaraguanskaya It feeds on fine fish, molluscs, small crustaceans, plants with non-bubbling foliage. They can be used to feed them, rainworms, dry and frozen feeds. Vegetable feeding are required - lettuce leaves, dandelion, nettle, oatmeal. Kit as always better more often in small portions.
For the first time, breeding in aquarium conditions in our country is described by the Kochthew in 1980. Saint passed in a 60 liter aquarium. The manufacturers were 7 centimeters of the male and 6 centimeters of the female. Age about 8 months.
Nicaraguanskaya Cichlazomomoma spawn can in a common aquarium, but still it is better to provide a separate spanner.
Water parameters in spanles are desirable to support the following. 27 -29 ° C. Rigidity 10 -15 ° DH. pH \u003d 7-7.5 °. An increase in temperature, as well as a replacement of 30% of water to fresh stimulates spawning. Sometimes during the week it may be necessary to replace completely to two volumes of water (30% each day).
The bottom should be eliminated with small gravel, pebbles or sand. Cikhlasoma Nicaraguanian mosk caviar into specially dug in the soil. A couple of grottoes folded from large stones or a small canane will not be damaged. In such shelters, fish are also happy to postpone the caviar. For one spawning, the female can take out from 400 to 1,000 transparent light yellow eggs with a diameter of up to 2 millimeters. The older the female is the greater the eggs. Icra This type is not sticky. Behind the caviar carries the female, as if trying, all the time collect these grains similar to the glass balls in one slide. In fact, this is a constant shocking of the icon is necessary for their normal ripening with stirring. Father of the family at this time also does not idle. He selflessly protects the approaches to the masonry, from any encroachment.
The incubation period lasts from 2 to 4 days. And after another 5 - 7 days, the Falls under the supervision of parents will swim in search of the first dinner in their lives. Start feed - live dust. Pickles and cyclopa, petty Daphnya. As fish growth should be translated into larger feed.

Additional information: Cichlasoma Nicaraguanskaya Sometimes it helps to guard the caviar and fry of other fish. For example, the ichthyologist Kenneth MCC described how the males of the Nicaraguan Cychlaus guarded young Parachromis Dovii. At the same time, the parents of the brood never attacked volunteers, although under normal conditions sometimes they do not mind to eat them.

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