A shot down aircraft: Israel Air Force will need to change the tactics of the attack. Tragedy in the vicinity of Hama: Terrorists shot down the aircraft Air Force Syria shot down aircraft Air Force

Ceramics, Shamot. 09.05.2021
Ceramics, Shamot.

The Russian military aircraft IL-20 was shot down over the Mediterranean Sea with air defense systems (Air Defense), the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports. According to the department, the Israeli fighters F-16 "were covered with the Russian aircraft", substituting it under the fire of air defense. On board IL-20 were 15 people, they all died.

According to the Ministry of Defense, Israel warned about the planned missile strike on Syria for a minute before it was applied, because of which IL-20 did not have time to withdraw into a safe zone.

"Israeli aviation management facilities and F-16 pilots could not see the Russian aircraft, as he went to land at a height of 5 km. Nevertheless, they deliberately went to this provocation, "said Major General Igor Konashenkov at the briefing, said at a briefing.

Russia is considering "provocative actions of Israel as hostile" and "reserves the right to adequate response actions," noted in the military department. According to the Ministry of Defense, the Israeli military behaved irresponsibly. "This is absolutely not responding to the spirit of the Russian-Israeli partnership," Mr. Konashenkov added.

At the Embassy of Israel, they refused to comment on the situation. "Without comment," said RIA Novosti, Alex Gandler Alex's Gandler's press attache.

IL-20 stopped contacting at 23:00 on September 17, 35 km from the coast of Syria. At about the same time, a blow was inflicted throughout the territory of Syria, which reflected the forces of air defense. The fact that they accidentally shot down a Russian plane, sources of CNN and Reuters said.

In total, during the operation in Syria, the CCED RF lost eight military aircraft.

On November 24, 2015, the F-16 fighter of the Turkish Air Force knocked down the SU-24M Russian bomber in the Syrian-Turkish border area. On November 13, 2016, during a training flight from the aviance cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" in the Mediterranean, the MiG-29K fighter crashed. On December 5, the Su-33 fighter when landing on the deck "Admiral Kuznetsova" rolled out outside the landing strip and fell into the water. On October 10, 2017, when taken from the Hmeimim airfield, the Su-24 bomber crashed in Syria. On February 3, 2018, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that the Syrhesky militants was shot down by the SU-25 attack. The aircraft suffered a wreck "When completing the foundation of the de essalation" Idlib ". The pilot catapulted, but he fell into the environment of militants and died during a shootout with them. On March 6, 2018, when entering the landing at the airfield, the Russian transport aircraft An-26 crashed, 32 people were killed. On May 3, 2018, the Russian Su-30cm fighter fell into the sea in the west of Syria, two pilots died. According to preliminary information, the cause of the aircraft crash could be hit by the bird's engine. On September 18, the Ministry of Defense of Russia reported that the IL-20 military aircraft was disappeared over the Mediterranean Sea. On board were 14 servicemen. It is noted that this happened during the attack of Israeli F-16 fighters for objects in Latakia province.

In the Syrian campaign, the CCED of the Russian Federation also lost six helicopters.

On November 24, 2015, during an operation to save pilots, SU-24M, was shot down and made an emergency landing of the Mi-8 helicopter, subsequently destroyed by the militants. April 12, 2016 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Homs suffered a combat helicopter Mi-28N "Night Hunter", two members of the crew were killed. On July 8, 2016, the militants of the "Islamic state" (prohibited in the Russian Federation) shot down the Mi-35m helicopter, who performed a combat task near Palmyra. The commander of the crew Colonel Range Habibullin and Lieutenant Evgeny Dolgin died. On August 1, 2016, a Mi-8 helicopter was shot down as a result of the shelling from the Earth. The helicopter returned to the Hmeimim Air Base after the delivery of humanitarian aid to the city of Aleppo. On January 3, 2018, it became known about the crash 15 km from the Hama aerodrome in Syria of the Russian helicopter Mi-24. Two pilots died, another crew member were injured - on-board technician. According to official data of the Ministry of Defense, the cause of the accident could be a technical malfunction. On the night of May 7, in the east of Syria, a catastrophe of the KKS KKS-52 "Alligator", both pilots died. According to the official version, the car could suffer crash due to a technical problem, according to an unofficial one - it was shot down with radical Islamists from CRKK, informs

Command of the Russian dancer in the Syrian province of Latakia in the evening on Monday, on September 17, lost contact with the Russian aircraft IL-20, on board which was 15 people, reports Mia Russia today with reference to the Ministry of Defense of Russia

IL-20 Photo: Kirill Naumenko / Wikipedia Commons

Update (21:30): Syria's postprared in the UN Bashar Jaafari due to the crash of the IL-20 aircraft, calling the dead members of the crew« martyrs as a result of Israeli aggression».

Update (18:30): Russian IL-20 plane collected intelligence in Syria. He had to determine the builds of the assembly and storage of drone drones, which fly out of the "zone of deoxying in Idlib" and strike at other regions of Syria, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Update (16:51): Russian President Vladimir Putin also asked not to compare this tragedy with the one that happened in Syria in 2015, when the SU-24 Russian aircraft shot down the Turkish military.

Update (15:17): Israel's army to the crash of IL-20 and places responsibility on the Syrian military, who allegedly "extensive and random" fire.

Update (13:50): In the aviation complex named Ilyushin, where IL-20 produced, they said that the plane was fully working. For the last time he passed scheduled repairs in 2011 and should have been operated at least until 2021.

Update (12:20): Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in a telephone conversation with Israel's defense minister Agvordor Lieberman for the death of the 15th military to Israel and said that Russia reserves the right to respond.

Press Secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov Further response Actions of the Kremlin for what happened and expressed from the head of the head of the state of condolences to relatives and the loved ones.

Update (11:38): Russian military found a place of falling IL-20 27 kilometers west from the village of Banias in the province of Latakia. From the water already raised the fragments of the aircraft and fragments of 15 bodies on board the military.

Update (11:05): Mia Russia today, with reference to the message of the Ministry of Defense, writes that IL-20 C, because the Israeli pilots "settled" the Russian aircraft under the blow. The department stressed that they consider the actions of Israel as hostile, because the Israeli aviation management facilities could not see the Russian aircraft when he went to the landing.

What happened in Latakia:

Official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia Major General Igor Konashenkovtalked That on September 17 at about 10:00 pm, four Israeli aircraft F-16 dropped bombs on the Syrian objects of Latakia. An occasion on the goal was carried out by the Mediterranean Sea.IL-20 disappeared with radar around 23:00, when it was above the Mediterranean Sea 35 kilometers from the coast of Syria.

As reported in the Ministry of Defense, at the moment when the plane disappeared with radars, Russian radars also recorded the launch of rockets from the French Frigate "Overhead", which is located in the area.

Interfax, with reference to the source in the international search bodies and the salvation of aircraft, reported that the plane could sink in the Mediterranean, due to the "critical incident" in the air. CNN TV channel with reference to American officials wrote that the Syrian military martially shot down in Syria in Syria. According to the media, the Russian aircraft shot down from the installation, which Russia previously sold Syria.

Why is it important:

The editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine Igor Korutochko said that the incident between Russia and Israel. In his opinion, the further interaction of countries in Syria is now doubtful.

In 2015, in Latakia, on the border of Turkey and Syria, the Turkish military was shot down by the Russian Su-24 aircraft. This led to a significant deterioration in relations between the two countries in politics, economics and military sphere. For example, tour operators suspended the sale of vouchers to Turkey, Russia canceled a visa-free regime, in Latakia, a Russian anti-aircraft missile system was established, which was promised to use in the event of threats.

How many aircraft Russia lost in Syria:

For all the time of the participation of the Russian military in combat actions in Syria, Russia, according to official data, lost 14 aircraft, including the IL-20 shot down on September 17. For nearly three years of the Russian operation in Syria in air catastrophes, 72 Russians were killed. They were all military personnel.

Radier IG * is located on the US military base in Syria, the media reportedThe leader of the terrorist group was captivated in Iraq, now it is held in the northeast of SAR in the support point next to the city of Hasek, writes the Turkish newspaper Yeni şafak.

According to Al Masdar TV channel, the pilot first captured, and then executed by the militants.

Russian representatives in the commission on a truce on Monday recorded ten violations of the cease-fire regime in Syria. Most cases occurred in areas controlled by the militants "Jebhat An-Nusra" grouping * (prohibited in the Russian Federation).

Syria Air Force Losses

In mid-August, Syria Air Force crashed in Sunder Province. The media reported that the incident occurred on the border with Jordan, in the east of the province of Es-Sunder. According to the statement of the leader of one of the groups associated with the so-called "free Syrian army", the MiG fighter was shot down from anti-aircraft guns.

Pilot captured

In March, members of the Radical Grouping "Ahrar Ash-Sham" said that the MiG-21 aircraft was shot down in the north-west of Syria. The pilot of the Syrian Air Force catapulted and landed in Turkey. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yyldyrym confirmed that Syria Air Air Force was crashed in Hatay's province in the south of Turkey. Local authorities reported that Turkish search groups found debris fallen on the Turkish-Syrian border of the aircraft.

In October, the Turkish authorities were transferred to Damascus of the pilot of a shot fighter

Scribed drone

In early June, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the AT TANF in the south of Syria, the drone of the pro-government forces was shot down by American fighters after he allegedly tried to strike on the detachments of the Syrian opposition, which supported the international coalition.

After that, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that any aircraft and drones in the areas of military tasks of Russia in Syria will be "to be accompanied by Russian funds of anti-air defense as air targets." In addition, the Russian military department announced that it ceases to cooperate with the United States within the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in heaven over Syria, which was concluded in 2015.

In the coalition of the United States, in turn, they reported that in connection with the incidents "measures were prudent to change the location of the aircraft in Syria to continue to fight the IG *, ensuring the safety of our crews."

* Terrorist organization prohibited in Russia

Development of the situation - in the special project RIA Novosti "" \u003e\u003e

The fourth of F-16 aircraft flew on the territory of Israel at high altitude, because, apparently, the Air Force did not consider that the Syrians will dare to use rockets on the Israeli sovereign territory. Flying at a lower height most likely prevented a catastrophe.

The fact that the anti-aircraft missile launched by the Syrians from a long distance during the hostilities in the north in the morning was able to knock the Military Plan of Holds in Israel, means that Israel Air Forces will be forced to change the tactics of attacks in certain situations, even if taking place on their sovereign territory .

What exactly happened to this morning?

Early in the morning, the Israeli Helicopter "Apacha" hit the Iranian drone, broken into the territory of Israel, and Israeli planes went to strike on Iranian objects in Syria. Syrians responded with anti-aircraft fire and forced the crew of the Israeli F-16 to leave the aircraft. After they did it, the aircraft crashed to smithereens. Both pilots were injured - the state of the first is determined as severe, the other by the light wound. Then, Israel continued to bombard the 12 objects located on the territory of Syria, the Syrians continued shelling with anti-aircraft missiles. As a result, Siren was heard several times in Galilee, on the Golan altitudes and in the Valley of Jordan. Several rocket residues fell in Israel.


Sit Israeli fighter. Now what?

DIARIO DE Noticias 13.02.2018

One shot Russia kills two hares

MEDYA GUNLUGU 12.02.2018

Diplomacy of shot down aircraft in Syria

AsharQ Al-awsat 12.02.2018

How Israel avoid war

Haaretz 12.02.2018

Russia and Israel in one boat

Yedioth Ahronoth 02.02.2018 How was the plane shot down?

Apparently, it is not about the planned ambush Syrians and Iranians. According to my assessment, the incident occurred due to the fact that the four of our aircraft flew at a high height through Israel's territory, since the headquarters did not believed that the Syrians dare to launch an anti-aircraft missile to the territory of Israel as an answer to the attack on the Iranian object.

SA-5 missiles are in the hands of Syrians have already dozens of years, and it is known that they cover most of the territory of Israel. This rocket produced in Russia is intended for attack on high flying aircraft and at a high distance. It is likely that quite recently, the Russians improved the automatic guidance of the rocket on the target and made it stable to jellish, but it is obvious that if our aircraft flew at a low distance, returning from their task in Syria, they would not have fallen into them.

What was the goal of Iranians?

Apparently, the Iranians were intended to check how far their drones are able to penetrate the airspace of Israel. In case of success, they wanted to fix the achievement of propaganda purposes. In any case, most likely there was no place for a planned ambush. The activation of the drone, from the point of view of Iranians, should have given seriousness and prestigiousness.

How serious is the incident?

The terrifying events that occurred early in the morning, apparently, denote the beginning of a new position in which Iranians and Syrians agreed to take offensive actions against Israel. Until now, Syrians and Iranians responded mainly diplomatically or firing or during or after Israeli attacks. This time we are talking about initiative actions, starting with sending drones to the territory of Israel and ending with anti-aircraft planes of aircraft.

This incident is very seriously also for another reason: the fact that the Syrians sent anti-aircraft missiles to the aircraft of the Air Force, which are deep in Israel, means a gross violation of sovereignty.

Russia's attitude to what happened

Russia adheres to Syria Strict Principle: everyone can do what it does if this does not contradict her interests. The Iranian provocation put under the right threat of Russians and their interests - as Netanyahu Putin warned.

In Israel decided to allow the Iranian drone to break the air border, and only then he was shot down. In fact, Iranians have shot their legs. The Attack of Israel was to be carried out by the Air Force very precisely, in order not to damage Russian aircraft and not to get into civilians.

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

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