Natural fox enemies in nature. Sunshine fox (fox). What fox feeds and who hunt

Plastic windows 09.05.2021
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Fox Ordinary or Flimet Redhead (VULRS VULRS) - a predatory mammal, which refers to the family of pings. Currently, the ordinary Fox is the most common and largest view from the genus of foxes.

Description of ordinary fox

A redhead fox is an extremely widespread predator in our country, belonging to the class of mammals and family of pings. Such an animal has a high economic value as a valuable fur beast, as well as a regulator of the number of insects and rodents. In appearance, the fox is a wild beast of medium sized with an elongated face, very elegant torso and low, rather thin paws.


Color and fox dimensions have noticeable differences depending on the country of habitat. In the northern regions, a mammal predator has larger body sizes and bright staining of wool, and in the south more often there are quite small and dull painted individuals. Among other things, in the northern regions, as well as in the highlands, the presence of black-brown and other melanistic forms of the color of the fox is very often noted.

Nevertheless, the most common color with a bright red spine area, whitish belly and dark legs. Often, the ordinary fox is present with a brown strip, located on the ridge and in the field of blades, resembling an appearance of the cross. The average length of the body of an adult predator varies within 60-90 cm, and the tail length is 40-60 cm with a height of the shoulder at 35-40 cm. The standard weight of a semi-natural fox can vary from 6.0 to 10.0 kg.

It is interesting! Common distinctive features of an ordinary fox, regardless of the main color, is the presence of a dark-cutting ears and a very characteristic white tip on the tail.

Substitute Lisitsy

Currently there are about forty or fifty subspecies of red fox, excluding the smallest forms of this mammal predator. There are about fifteen subspecies in European countries, and about thirty main subspecies are known to the rest of the natural range.

Lifestyle and character

The individual plot occupied by a half-armed pair or a family of foxes provides predators not only with a sufficient feed base, but is also suitable for the arrangement of the holes, which is a mammalian roet independently. Quite often, empty holes, abandoned by badgers, crops, sands and other types of animals, are used as dwellings.

There are well known cases when the fox adapts to his needs a separate manual of another wild beast and, thus, inhabited a hole at the same time as an animal, such as badge.

Most often, the fox is settled on frozen slopes or among the hills represented by sandy soils protected from the bay of rain, soil or melt water. In any case, the Nora of such a predator necessarily has several inlet openings at once, as well as long tunnels and a convenient socket chamber. In some cases, the foxes are used to accommodate natural shelters in the form of volumetric caves and rock clefts or voupels in a thick-dressed trees.

It is interesting! As a rule, permanent shelters are used only for the period of birth and growing cubs, and the rest of the time the predator is satisfied with the rest in an open-type lair equipped in the grass or snow.

The fox of an ordinary, moving in a calm state, moves in a straight line, so reserves a fairly clear and well-noticeable chain of traces. For a frightened animal, a quick running with a low slope of the case and a completely elongated tail. The vision of the predator is superbly adapted for dark time in which the animal is most actively.

Along with other predatory animals, the fox lightly reacts to any movement, but very poorly recognizes colors, especially in the day of day.

Life expectancy

Under the conditions of nonolo, the average life expectancy of the fox of the ordinary reaches a quarter of a century, and a wildly predatory animal, inhabiting in natural conditions, will be able to live no more than ten years.

Area and habitats

The ordinary fox inhabits almost all territories of our country, with the exception of the northern tundra and island parts of the polar pool, where massively lives. Such a common predator is very well adapted to a variety of habitat, therefore it is found in mountainous terrain, taiga and tundra, as well as in steppe and desert areas. However, regardless of the habitat, the fox prefers open or semi-open spaces.

On the territory of the Tundra and Forestandry, the predatory mammal adheres to forest arrays, which are located in river valleys and near the lakes. The best place that is optimally suitable for the habitat of the fox is represented by the central and southern regions of our country, where small forest areas are interspersed with numerous ravines and rivers, meadows or fields.

If in the autumn-winter period, the animal has a significant part of the time on sufficiently open areas, then with the onset of spring and summer, at the stage of active breeding, the predator moves in a deaf place.

Nutrition of ordinary foxes

Despite belonging to the category of typical predators, the nutrition of the foxes is very diverse. The feed base of such an animal is represented by four hundred species of animals, as well as several dozen species of plant crops. However, almost everywhere the diet of the predatory mammal includes small rodents. With the onset of the winter period, Fox hunts predominantly.

It is interesting! Composing - a way to hunt the fox of an ordinary, in which the beast, who learned under the snow cover of rodent, almost dives with rapid jumps under the snow, and also scatters it with a paw, which makes it easy to catch prey.

Little importance in the nutrition of the predator is played by fairly large mammals, including hares and cubs roerals, as well as birds and their chicks. The individuals living on the territory of deserted and semi-desert localities, industries are trapped with reptiles, and Canada's predators and the northeastern part of Eurasia, inhabiting coastal areas, seasonally use salmon-killed salmon after spawning. In the summer period, the fox eats a large number of beetles and any other insects, as well as their larvae. In a particularly hungry period, a predatory mammal can use in food collected Padal. Vegetable feed are represented by fruits, fruits and berries, as well as sometimes vegetative parts of plants.

Reproduction and offspring

The beginning of the period of reproduction of the fox of the ordinary comes from the middle or end of winter, when one female is able to pursue at once five or six, testering and fighting with each other of males. When preparing for the birth of babies, the female carefully clears the hole, and after the appearance, the mother is listened to the light and almost ceases to leave their home. During this period, the male hunt, leaving her prey at the entrance to Noura.

In the litter, as a rule, five or six, blind and closed with ear sinks of a young, the body of which covers a short children's cannon of dark brown. From the very first days of young life have a characteristic white tail tip. Growth and development y Lisaty occur rather quickly. At the age of two or three weeks, the kids are already opening ears and eyes, and the teeth are cut, so they begin to gradually crawl out from the hole to try "adult" food.

It is interesting!The younger offspring at this time feed both parents.

Milk feeding lasts no more than one and a half months, after which the lisyti begin to gradually take care of an independent hunt. As a rule, in adulthy, the loss of the lisyat is not used to occur. As the practice of observations shows, some young females in the next year begin to multiply, but in most cases they become fully geneful only at the age of one and a half or two years. The male acquire sexual maturity for about a year or two later.

In the darkness of a moonless night
Fox is sprinkled on the ground,
Smears ripe melon.


Though foxand being echorated, but still its diet consists of the most diverse food. Lisa is almost omnivorous.

In whatever conditions, it was not a fox, she will always have to find a meal and adapt to the environment and human activity. At the same time, they show amazing perseverance and ingenuity. That is why foxes and are common everywhere from the arctic to tropical latitudes, live in a wide variety of conditions and geographical zones.

Red predatory

Foxes Do not limit yourself to any single dish, they can feed animals more than three hundred different types. The main part of the diet is mouse-pools, gopters and other small rodents. Therefore, it is believed that the foxes bring significant benefits for agriculture, reducing the number of pests.

Much less often, luck accompanies the fox in the Hunt for game Biggle, such as hares. Hares occupy a small share in the nutrition of the foxes, although the predators do not miss the case to enjoy long legs and often catch it. And when there comes a hare, then they do not eat and drums.

A smaller role in comparison with rodents in nutrition Fox is played by birds, although Lisa will never miss the chance to enhance any flying down the bird as small and large, does not bypass the side and masonry of eggs, small chicks, ruins the nests.

In common opinion, foxes love to visit chicken copies for poultry, but it happens much less often than it is customary to think, predators for this forcing hunger when it is not possible to get another food. Data raids bring much less harm compared to the benefit from reducing the number of rodents of foxes.


In winter, most of the food sources disappear, flies to the south, falls asleep deep in the holes, there are practically no vegetable food, and then the fox will always have the available rowing mice. In winter, often on the field can be seen as a red-haired predator performs the intricate dance. This is a thinking.

Hearing and taking into account the nesting of the voles, begins to dance in one place, bouncing on the hind legs and with a force hitting in the snow or earth with the front. Next, she remains to catch frightened runners out of holes. Sometimes she sweeps up in the snow with a fruit and may fall under the snow until half the body. Each such nodders is awarded the presence of mining in the mouth of the fox.

Not meat one

In the southern part of Europe, the foxes often produce with small reptiles, in the Far East and in Canada, living along the rivers, they seasonally feed the fish of salmon rocks, which threw ashore after spawning. Fox with pleasure and deftly hunting in the summer on beetles and other insects and quite a lot of them eaten. These foxes bring great favor to the forest and agriculture: bypassing the May beetles and their larvae, they hold the number of beetles within the normal range. Behind the May beetles, they love to chase lisate, honing their skills and catching favorite delicacy. I will not lose sight of Lisa and the gazeing fisherman, or rather, its network with fish.

Finally, the foxes for the absence of the best one do not face various Padalu, but in the hungry time - and all sorts of garbage. Then you can see them close near the garbage, noise, though, they do it not as often as people.

And for dessert

The ability of the fox to fall into the most different foods firmly entered the folklore.

Putting food almost all foxes eat, especially in the southern territories. When the fruits have almost matured

Fox - One of the most popular heroines of children's fairy tales. But fox as a fabulous image is endowed with features peculiar to these animals in reality. Fox beautiful: a magnificent tail that makes up a little less than half of the body length, a red-haired fur coat and a plotted cloth-eyed face with beautiful brown eyes. In addition A fox Sleepy, elegant, weighs 6-10 kilograms.

What Lisa looks like

Lisu. They also call redhead, and this is actually so, only the belly of her white, gray or slightly drowned, and the chest is bright. The back and boc of fox in various parts are painted differently: from bright red to gray.

In the northern forests, fiery-red fox and more, in the forest-steppe - yellowish gray and smaller. Susodushki, Hands, Chernoburki are ordinary Lisitsywith deviations of ordinary coloring. The most beautiful black and brown fur: the isy hairs with white upper parts give the fur silver shade.

Many years ago, many years ago began to breed on beversers, black and brown foxes in nature are very rare.

Summer fur Lisitsy Hard and short, in it it looks like a fit, bigger and even a leggy, it is a fox goes less than winter. And by autumn, winter fur is growing - beautiful, thick. Lines Lisa Once a year - in the spring.

Fox habits

Fox - a good hunter. In addition to observation and intelligence, it has excellent visual memory, good sense of smell and acute hearing. Squeaks a little heard mouse, and Fox hears Her for a hundred meters, Polevka in the dry grass under the half-meter layer of snow - and will hear her. It snails on the circles, swims, and on the shore exclusively maneuveran. Her seaming on the hunt either, when escape from the pursuers, causes admiration.

Fox It will be able to climb into a tree if it is slightly tilted or branches low from the ground. Fox is very active. She knows his hunting plot to the smallest details, it will systematically examine it. Winter patterned chains Fox traces Bearfully crosses the fields, armor, ravines, lost on the roads and paths and intertwining around Skyrov straw, shop dry soy skes, a pouch of a dog and other places where mice and voles dwell.

Existed yes and now there is still the opinion that the main food fox - hares. Of course, Lisa loves the hare, but she can not catch up with a hare - where she is to keep up with such a runner.

However, the foxes are perfectly fulfilled without hare. It is estimated that in the diet of the fox more than 300 different animals - from insects to large birds.

And yet the main fox Food - Rodents. They occupy 80-85% of its diet. To be satisfied, the Lisa needs to catch and eat at least two dozen mice and voles per day. And where fantasies fox - And the area of \u200b\u200bits feed plot is an average of 10 kilometers in diameter - rodents are much less than where there is no foxes.

After the rains of Fox in a set collects rainworms. In shallow water Fox successfully catches fish, crayfish, gets seashells. It happens, there is no lonched mining, and then the fox is hiding, causing in different places. Then she will certainly find these reserves and eat.

It is characteristic that, being a typical predator, a fox with pleasure eats Yagoda, Apples, some vegetables.

Hunt LisaAs a rule, at dusk and at night, you can only be seen in the midst of it, most often in winter, and even in summer, when they grow lisate.

Norami Lisitsa It uses mainly during the cultivation of offspring, and the rest of the time it prefers to relax at an open place: under the roots of the fried tree, in the ravine, on the Xena Copper.

Reproduction of Lisitz

Marriage Begins from the end of January - in February, and in the north and in March, although it is often possible to see the male and female in a pair. In the wedding time, in March, several males cares for one female, and the fights between them are the average phenomenon. During Gon, the fox is very excited, often impart and overestimated, especially single, who have not yet found a couple.

By votes, you can distinguish male and female. Fox female Makes a triple weight and finishes it short, and the male barks more often and more like a dog. Reaching, the couples play a lot, even a kind of dancing suite: Fox rises to the hind legs and walks in such a position with small margins. From this dance got its name foxtrot (The word "Foxtrot" is English and means "Lysiy Step").

Lisiza males - Good family mans. They not only take an active part in the cultivation of young people, but also touching their girlfriends still long before they will give them lovely Lisyat: wear food, landscape holes.

Lisyat In the litter there is from 4 to 12, but most often 5-6. They appear after 51-53 day pregnancy, as a rule at the end of April or in the first half of May. Lisyata Weak and helpless, deaf and blind, weighing only 100-150 grams, but grow pretty quickly. In less than a month later, they are already seen, hear, we will weigh about 1 kilogram, come out of the hole, and soon they begin to play and frolic. Fox's parents from this time bring them a semi-shrink game, so that Lisyata acquired hunting skills.

It is worth a person even by chance to stumble upon Lisa Nurra, as in the nearest night Lisyata will be transferred to another place., in a spare hole, their foxes in the site are usually several. If a Lyasey threatens dangerAdults detect amazing presence of mind. Even when a shovel ruins a hole, they are trying to save their children to the latter - to withdraw through one of the records.

Fox cunning

Sometimes you can notice in the fox of the action resembling episodes from fairy tales. For example, to the books that gathered on the current on the open glade, the fox fits surprisingly slyly: pretends to be at all interested in it, do not even look in their direction; Sometimes he will learn, the lime, and the birds are losing their vigilance, they are engaged in their affairs - very Fox good actress.

Meanwhile, the patrikeevna on the meter-other will be moved to them. The time for the game Lisa does not regret: sometimes the hour - another such representation lasts. Then a few lightning jumps - and the hunt of the victoriously completed.

Not many animals are primarily by name-patronymic. But the fox often magnifies this way. Yes, she also has an unusual patronymic - Patrikeevna. About 600 years ago, the prince named Patricia Narimuntovich, famous for his villagy and cunning. Since then, the name of Patricae has become equivalent to the word Hits. And since Lisa has long been in the people, he was considered a beast very tricky, as the heiress of the famous prince and received the middle name of Patriceevna.

Being a typical predator, a fox with pleasure eats berries, apples, some vegetables.

Little Lisyata Good fight with such pests as the May beetles.

Fox is a very fast, ferocious and cunning predator. But this does not mean that she herself does not become a victim of stronger predators.

There are many different predators who consider it good food. Since the fox is medium in size, it makes it enough easy prey for many large animals. At the same time, it is not too difficult to overcome.

And in today's article we will tell about who can be a potential enemy for this animal.

Worth the question "Who eats the Fox?" Immediately you need to answer - lynx. Lynx is an animal that lives next to the fox. These are very experienced hunters with powerful jaws. Fox for this type of cat is familiar food. In most cases, when you meet these two animals, the fox dies and becomes food for a stronger cat.


Despite the fact that he, like Fox, is the ping, that is, in essence, relatives, he will still hunt her. Since wolves live in a flock, and it consists of a large number of individuals, they can bypass their sacrifice from different sides. They start moving to mining, forming a narrow circle, so that the victims have no opportunity to escape.

Since one, even adult fox, will not be enough to feed all members of the flock, wolves will begin to hunt behind the large number of animals.

In general, it is not their favorite delicacy. Yes, and in size is small, especially for voracious young males. However, if food in the forest, or another place of habitat, there will be little, then the wolves will start practicing cannibalism.

For this reason, in some areas of the planet, they meet each other as enemies, and in other areas as representatives of the pet family.

The wolf is a very wise hunter and will do everything possible to provide sufficient food all his flock. Therefore, in the regions where foxes and wolves and wolves live with liveliness, are in serious danger.

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This, by the way, says statistics. In those regions where there are no wolves, but there is a fox, it feels almost in complete safety. Moreover, in such regions there is a rapid increase in the number of "red". On average, their population has grown in two, and somewhere three times in the absence of wolves.

It seems, thanks to the folk tales, we know everything about the fox. She is the first raider in the world who captured the Lubyanny's huddle the hut just because it was cold to winter in ice. She is an unfortunate business partner with which it is better not to bind to even a straightforward ineffective wolf. It is so cunning that can get out of any delicate situation, especially such that would threaten her life or red fluffy tail.

In the folklore of many nations of the world, she was assigned the status of "antihero", and even the famous medieval "novel about the fox", in which Fox Renar on the background of the characters opposing him looks very attractive, could not shake this opinion.

Naturally, the answer to the question than Fox feeds is supposed to be unequivocal: the sphere of its gastronomic interests is defenseless bunnies, bunnies, so carelessly escaped from their owners, the chicken, who did not have time to keep track of for any reason ... And we, like the lead The popular American TV shows "Destroyers of myths", try now to find out how "the fairy tale is a lie" and what percentage of the hint there is in it. Especially since recently contains fox at home enters the fashion, and it is natural that their owners are very interested in the issue of nutrition of their red pets.

But, as usual, we will start in order and a little afar.

According to science ...

If we turn to the primary general information to scientists, then with considerable surprise we learn about the disagreements in the definition of which animals can be attributed to Lisam. We will be told that in the general word, "Fox" is called mammals of the pets, and add that only ten species zoologists refer to this family. However, the existing classification consists of at least 22 species. Thus, we can make an intermediate conclusion that the fox nutrition directly depends on two factors: where it lives and what kind of belongs.

The most famous and common representative of the fox, which is mainly and will go, this is an ordinary fox. It is common for most of the sushi - both in the Russian forest and in Canadian tundra and in the arid regions of North Asia and on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. There are more than 40 subspecies on the whole territory habitable, not counting those that are artificial in captivity for the sake of fur producing. But they differ from each other rather formal signs than in essential.

What is food

In the nutritional issue, Lisa exhibits amazing omnivores. With all the fact that it is a predator to such an extent that in the winter does not circulate and Padalu, there are also a number of plants in its menu. The main component of its diet in the wild, especially in winter - these are small rodents: mouse-tolets, steppe beds, shapshonki, lemmings, ondatras. There is even a special kind of hunting on them - thinking - inherent in the fox and consisting in the following: taking into account the rodent snow, she first "listens" to him, then, having won the moment, dives under the snow or scatters his paws, trying to grab his sacrifice. The value of the foxes for fox is so large that its population even directly depends on their number.

A common opinion, as if foxes feed on the hare, not quite correspond to reality. Typically, the foxes neglect them by virtue of the difference in size, although there are examples when they really hunt for a raise and eat the corpses of adult hares. Foxes of large sizes can also hunt for cubs roe. Fox will not pass and past the birds, who had on Earth, can enjoy even a large bird like a muffuhar, ruin the nest with eggs or eat chicks. Not quite truly and approval, as if fox eat chickens and other poultry. Of course, if she settled not far from the dwelling, it would not be premunted to make a raid on the chicken coop, but it will not do it as often as it is customary - mostly in periods of feeding lisate. However, this danger can be minimized by adopting certain security measures against their chickens. A well-scary enemy for chickens is a center.

The south of the habitat of the fox, the more sophisticated and an unusual her diet. In the deserts and semi-desert terrain fox feeds on various reptiles. Living near the rivers (in particular, in Canada) foxes feed on dead salmon. In the summer, insects - beetles and grasshoppers fall into the sphere of gastronomic preferences. Finally, the very plants that we mentioned at the beginning, and their fruits, fruits and berries are the fox menu component in the south.

As for the representatives of other types of fox, they mainly feed on the same as an ordinary fox. Differences in food are dictated by the habitat and rather knowledgeable, rather than principled, representing the change in the share of certain feeds. We will talk about these features now.

  1. the Menu of the American Corsake consists of rodents, rabbits, birds that nest on Earth, small reptiles and fruits. In winter, he will not pass by fell by falling, and in the summer - past insects (beetles, grasshoppers and locusts), which can be up to half of its entire diet.
  2. afghan fox of more vegetatively than other species. In addition to the deserted and semi-desert flora and plants of mountainous locations, where she is most of the benefit, Fox is also eating insects, not excluding locusts, and small rodents. She also climbs up with mesh cultures - in those areas where they are grown, it can be found quite often.
  3. the African Fox is the most herbivore of all fox, also prefers berries and fruits. Occasionally she can diversify her dinner with rodents, lizards and invertebrates.
  4. bengal fox eats small animals, insects, reptiles, beetles, eggs of birds and only occasionally - fruit.
  5. the gastronomic interests of the Corsaq (steppe fox) coincide with the preferences of ordinary fox, so they are food competitors and enemies for each other. Differences in their menu are only that occasionally the Corsac can hunt gophers, heels and hares - both adults and cubs - and that plants and fruits are almost not interested in it.
  6. the sand fox eats practically the same as the Afghan Fox.
  7. the main role in the diet of Tibetan fox is played - small, outwardly resembling hamsters of animals. In addition to them, it feeds on other animals related animals - hares, rodents, and also birds that nest on Earth and their eggs. There may also be berries, insects and small reptiles.
  8. fenete, living in the deserts of the northern and central part of the African continent, is one of the most unported representatives of the fox. A significant part of the feed - and these are small animals, eggs, various insects, locust, Padal, fruits and roots of plants - he has to dig up. Ensure to prey to feed the big ears that can capture the smallest rust that is produced by its potential victims.
  9. south African fox, feeding with small animals and fruits, also includes omnivor species.
  10. spring, which is also called the polar fox, is also omnivorous thanks to its area. His behavior can serve as an excellent illustration of the saying "Hunger is not aunt, a pie will not give up." At the heart of its nutrition, as in many species, they lie rodents - most often lemmings - and birds. In addition, it is actively feeding on fish - both mined himself and thrown on the shore - and almost all kinds of scarce northern vegetation - berries, herbs, even algae. A large share in its menu makes Padal and the animals that have fallen into trap - including their own conifers. Sands often be seen by the accompanying polar bears - he picks up the meat of dead seals abandoned with them. Sometimes he even hunts on the babies of the reindeer.
  11. gray Fox (Wood Fox), which will often meet in the North American Forest, feeds on various forest rodents, birds, insects, sometimes chickens. It is also favorable to vegetable food and will not miss the case of ruining a Belich or a bird's nest due to the fact that it climbs on the trees.
  12. the island fox who lives only in one place - on the six Islands of Chenep off the coast of Southern California, it is powered by the fact that you can meet there: insects, fruits, small animals, reptiles, birds and their eggs. Interestingly, in nature there are six subspecies of the island fox - exactly in terms of the number of islands, and that only his subspecies inherent in every island inherent in every island.
  13. on the Maykong diet, occurring in South America, the seasonality affects, so it is almost the most diverse. Maykong feeds on all that they can offer him the surrounding flora and fauna: rodents and silent (mole and opossum), reptiles, birds, fish, turtles eggs, insects, crabs, padals, berries. Sometimes he even abducts chickens and domestic ducks.
  14. about the nutrition of a small fox, which lives in the South American forest, is almost nothing unknown, as it leads secretive life, and its color is also promoted. It is only possible to assume that its menu is vegetable food and some small forest inhabitants.
  15. andean fox (Culpio) is mainly powered by traditionally - rodents, birds, lizards, hares, rabbits and food. Interestingly, only occasionally it allows himself to eat Padal or some kind of plant food.
  16. on the menu of South American Foxes, like Majonga, affects the change of seasons. In the spring and summer, it feeds on rodents, occasionally - rabbits and birds, in the fall switched to fruits, seeds and berries. Interestingly, in some places of its range (and it is common on all southern South American mainland) Fox, on the contrary, prefers to European rabbits, birds and their eggs, also eats scorpions reptiles. In winter, there are almost the main source of nutrition in its menu, rodents and Armadillas. If the fox of this species lives near the settlement, it can be fell and poultry.
  17. darwinian Fox prefers to eat insects, small mammals, birds, amphibians, berries and padals.
  18. the Paraguayan Fox Food is almost no different from the May Kong food and, in addition, includes hares, scorpions, armadors and snails.
  19. brazilian (she is gray) Fox insecto and feed on termites and grasshoppers, but rodents can also be found in its diet.
  20. the secure fox basically consumes vegetable food, but can also diversify his breakfast for grasscraft, mice, padalu, scorpions, fruits, poultry and marine pigs, and from hunting on the last two fox do not even stop her small sizes.
  21. the larger of the Fox (Motlosi, Sechuan) is perhaps the least diverse in its nutrition, but at the same time, in comparison with the power of the other fox, it is most unexpected. Insects (termites, beetles and locusts) and their larvae occupy the main place in its menu, and only less than one tenth of the entire diet falls on lizards, rodents and bird eggs. Occasionally she can afford to eat something vegetable. It is also known that the lack of fox is sweet tooth and loves honey and sweet fruits and fruits. The addiction to them comes to the fact that if they are in sufficiency, it can eat them more often than favorite insects.


As can be seen from the foregoing, Lisa remains a predator in any corner of the globe, even drinking it with insects and fruits. Therefore, to a question, whether a fox is dangerous for a hare, you can answer like this: it all depends on where the bunny will have to live. If - in the forest, then the ordinary fox can pass by him; If in the steppe, the Corsak does not seem to have dinner.

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