For which the serpentine poison is used. Snake poison: characteristics, medical properties and application in cosmetology. Contraindications and side effects

Bathroom 09.05.2021

Snake poison is generated by temporal salivary glands and has the form of a yellowish transparent, liquid. In the dried state, it retains the poisoning properties of dozens of years. The poison of snakes is a complex mixture of proteins with the properties of enzymes and enzyme poisons. They include proteolytic enzymes that destroy proteins, protease enzymes and esterase, coagulating blood, and a number of others. According to the poisonous action, snake poisons are divided into two groups.

The first group is formed by the poisons of aspid and sea snakes. In their composition, neurotoxic enzymes predominate (cobotoxin, etc.), which act paralyzing to the nervous system. The second group is formed by the poisons of viper and jams, containing mainly enzymes, destroying tissues and coagulate blood. The latest studies have shown that the second group poisons also contain a small percentage of neurotoxic enzymes and fresh poison also has an action on the nervous system. However, when drying, the violent poison loses its neurotoxicity, since at the same time hyaluronidase is destroyed - the enzyme, "conductive" neurotoxins in the victim's body.

Therefore, the dry poison of the second group applies only hemotoxically, and fresh - comprehensively. It is hemotoxic and neurotoxic, but the second side of the effects is stuck with sharp phenomena of the poisoning of the circulatory system. Accordingly, the enzyme composition of poisoning in the bite of snakes of these two groups is completely different. With the bite of aspid and maritime serpets, there are almost no lesions at the bite's place, but the phenomena of the general paralysis and in particular paralysis of the respiratory center are developing. When the bite of viper and ompsites, local lesions are dominated - swelling and hemorrhage in the field of bite, in severe cases spreading to most of the body. In addition, mass internal hemorrhages occur in many body bodies, to the greatest extent in the liver and kidneys. Thus, there is a strongest violation of the circulatory system, accompanied by tremendous inner blood loss and a sharp drop in blood pressure. It causes sharp weakness, dizziness and in severe cases of loss of consciousness.

The danger that snake bites for people's lives is of a certain meaning in the countries of tropical and equatorial regions. In the countries of the moderate belt, this danger is practically negligible. Every year on the globe about 0.5 million people undergoes the bite of poisonous snakes and several thousand of them dies. The main share of dead falls on India and other countries of Southeast Asia, 3-4 thousand people per year per year in South America, in Africa about 800 people, in North America to 15, in Europe, not one year. The percentage of deaths from the bites of the most dangerous snakes was 20-40, occasionally - up to 70, but with the invention and the wide distribution of anti-ray serum, the percentage of death decreased sharply - to 1-3 (see the section "Total Essay Required").

To show the comparative danger of poisonous snakes, the famous American herpetologist K. Pup Writes: "In the US, cars kill more than 300,000 people annually, the snakes are about 160; For each person killed by the snake, there are 200 people who died in car accidents. " These lines were written in the 1930s, and it is safe to say that by now the number of victims from the bites of snakes in the United States decreased, and the number of victims in car accidents increased. In our country, no more than 10 - 12 deaths per year are noted. At the same time, the tragic outcome usually occurs due to the rooted harmful methods of first aid. In the coming years, the wide propaganda of new methods for the treatment of snake bites will allow to practically eliminate the deadly outcomes in the bite of snakes. First aid techniques that are widely used in the bite of snakes - halves, cuts, cavities, alcohol intake, were not only useless, but also extremely harmful. They sharply worsen the state of busting and, as it turned out, sometimes these methods of "treatment" are the cause of the death of people, and not a bite himself.

Modern science recommends completely different receptions of first aid: complete immobility of the busted limb, the imposition of tires on it, a supreme position of the victim, abundant warm drinking. The most effective and effective means of treatment of snake bites is the introduction of anti-ray serum. This remedy was open at the end of the last century, and the production of such serums in São Paulo (Brazil) in 1899 was founded by the Institute Butanhan.

Now he is the largest center for the study of poisonous snakes, on the use of snake poisons. From all over Brazil, many residents will voluntarily send about 12.5 thousand snakes every year (mostly cascaled and Jauraak), from which they receive up to 5-6 liters of poison per year (1-1.5 kg in dry weight). Taking poison in snakes produce once every 2-3 weeks. From small snakes are obtained by 20-40 mg of poison (in dry weight), and from large - 500-900 mg for one taking. The traditional method of "milking" snake is mechanical, by massage of poisonous glands. However, the most effective recognized the taking of poison with the help of electric flow ("Electricalization").

To do this, the mouth mucosa is touched by electrodes with a voltage of 5-8 V, which causes quick and complete return of poison. Serum is prepared from the blood of horses immunized by the increasing doses of the serpentine poison. These serums are two varieties: monovalent - against the bite of a certain type of snakes - and polyvalent - against the bites of various species. Timely and correct administration of serum quickly removes the symptoms of poisoning. In addition, when the bite of viper and ompsites, blood transfusion has excellent effects. The serpent poisons have long attracted scientists as a source of medicines, but only in recent decades have been achieved in this direction. So, from the Yay of Gurza and Viper Russell receive hemostatic drugs - Lebetox and Sniphen.

From the poison of cobra, the main acting component is a cooker, which has an anesthetic and soothing effect in the spasms of the blood vessels, bronchial asthma, malignant tumors. In addition, the serpent poisons are used in diagnosing diseases in various laboratory studies. Since the poisons began to be applied very widely, the need for them has increased dramatically. To obtain poison in many countries, special snipes have been created. In our country, such nurseries are available in Tashkent, Frunze and Badhyze. However, these nurseries do not even satisfy half the needs of the pharmaceutical industry in snake poisons. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the network of the zmeregincts and an increase in the yard productivity of snakes in captivity. This can be achieved by the use of a scientifically based, rational system of taking poison, feeding and a serpent content ...

Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR / BN. Orlov, D.B. Gelashvili, A.K. Ibrahimov. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1990. - 272 with

It seems to us who are stronger - the main one. Predators hip the reaction, grow sharp teeth, train powerful jaws; Herbivores oppose them mighty mass and fast legs. But poison is a firearm of nature, the "great equalizer". With his appearance, weak can overcome the strong, slow will catch up. No wonder before the use of toxins, independently of each other "thought" completely different animals, from jellyfish to mammals (poisonous, for example, some earthying), from spiders and insects before, of course, snakes.

Poisonous animals are in every class of animals (with the exception of birds), but each of them moved to this his own way. The jellyfish has specialized cutting cells containing a sophisticated bins with a sharp spike. The bees and OS under the production of poison are adapted by the pressing glands of the sexual system. Snake poison is saliva, a thick aqueous solution containing a complex and a deadly mixture of toxic proteins. It is so impeccable, which already includes a certain amount of proteolytic enzymes that soften the fabrics and begin to digest the victim: it still does not go anywhere.

LD50: 0.3 mg / kg (at subcutaneous administration). Resident in Africa Dend-Roaspis Polylepis is one of the most frightening and dangerous poisonous snakes of the world. A pronounced territorial behavior makes it very aggressive to any border violators, and if you quickly do not use the antidote, the probability of death from the bite will be 100%.

Common poisonous ancestor

Prior to the appearance of methods for analyzing and comparing DNA, biologists had to rely on not too reliable soil of comparative anatomy, embryology and related disciplines. Such a traditional approach said that the overall ancestor of all poisonous snakes could live about 100 million years ago, when they had long been separated from their scaly lizards. In fact, poisonous lizards are exceptional rarity, while the poison is at least a quarter of the stem species. The severe consequences of the bites of many lizards were associated with bacteria, including with numerous pathogens that live in their oral cavity.

However, not so long ago, in experiments with cell cultures, it was found that saliva many lizards have real toxicity and is able to suppress blood coagulation, cause paralysis and other unpleasant effects. Separate protein components of the serpentine poison were found in 1500 species of lizards, including the famous Dragon Dragon. By adding chemical and DNA analysis to this, scientists nominated a hypothesis of a much more ancient evolutionary origin of poisons, referring to this significant moment to the overall ancestor of Snake, Iguan and some other lizards, which lived about 170 million years ago and made special restructuring of his genome.

LD50: 0.025 mg / kg (with subcutaneous administration). Oxyranus Microlepidotus - a resident of Central Australia - uses the most dangerous poison for a person, which includes toxins acting on the nervous system and muscles, liver, kidney and vessels. For example, Taikatoxin blocks the movement of calcium ions into the cells of the heart muscle, stopping their work.

Genes encoding important cells for the work of various cells and tissues were duplicated and began to act in salivary glands. Such duplications in nature are not uncommon - for example, the short-racing of the beagles, taxis and related breeds of dogs has become the result of doubling the gene of the FGF4 signaling factor, participating in the regulation of the growth of the limbs. However, at a "poisonous ancestor", random mutations and the selection changed the function of the original molecule - and the protein, peacefully serving the blood coagulation regulator, could turn into a slaughter toxin, causing it uncontrolled coagulation. For example, phospholipase A2, the small and generally innocuous enzyme involved in the digestion of lipids turned into a real killer, which without parsing destroys live cells, dissolving their membrane. And there are dozens of such killers in the snake poison: proteins account for up to 90% of its dry mass and almost 100% of death effects.

LD50: 0.57 mg / kg (at subcutaneous administration). The poison contains neurotoxic and cardiotoxic components, causing paralysis and death from asphyxia or a heart attack. Cobra Naja Naja is part of the famous "big four" poisonous snakes Asia, which is headed by Gadyuk Russell, the same "Pestrade Tape" from the story about Sherlock Holmes.

Dead recipes

Snake poisons are the most difficult of all natural poisons, and compare them with chemical weapons would mean underestimating their perfection. Chlorine or Hypret - simple molecules working rudely and randomly; Toxins of cobra or black mamba act with killing accuracy and efficiency. Each of them separately - and the overall recipe for their mixtures is honed by millions of years of evolution and attack completely defined targets in the victim's body. Key of them can be called blood cells, nervous and cardiovascular system.

Dendrotoxin 1, which is part of the Mamm poison, is able to block a large group of potential-sensitive potassium channels, disrupting the transmission of nerve nerd pulses. A variety of α-neurotoxins available from the Cobra and many other snakes are associated with the acetylcholine receptors, completely blocking the operation of synapses - first of all those that transmit the team from nerve cells to muscle, which ends with paralysis and death from asphyxia. Facciculins in the poisons of romachnikov deactivate acetylcholinesterase, which removes an extra neurotransmitter from the synaptic space - and its excess causes uncontrolled spasms and convulsions.

LD50: 6.45 mg / kg (with subcutaneous administration). Vipera Berus in the world ranking of danger woves far behind the leaders. Poison does not differ in incredible toxicity, and several antids were created against it. But each ordinary mushroom has a chance to get a bite, the consequences of which in any case are extremely difficult.

This is only a small toliary of serpentine poisons and their targets: others can cause kidney damage and palsy of the heart muscle, the destruction of the lining vessels of the endothelium and massic necrosis fabrics. Violeki and many cobras turned into killers ordinary blood coagulation factors. From the whole cascade of coordinated acting proteins, which launches the mechanism of formation of thrombus in case of injury, one or another can "go on the dark side" and cause universal thrombosis directly in vessels. The spectacle is terrible: the body of the victim is no longer filled with thick blood, almost all of it turns into a rolled clocks and a watery plasma, which because of the pressure of pressure makes the body swell, like a balloon, and wakes up literally from all holes - including tiny traces left to poisonous teeth.

Delivery facilities

The poison of the general ancestor of snakes and some lizards, which are sometimes united into the TOXICOFERA group, apparently, did not differ in such complexity and combined a rather limited number of modified proteins. It has no special devices for effective injection of toxic saliva into the victim's body. Therefore, different groups of these scaly went in different ways, working out own means and delivery mechanisms. By and large, this process covered all the serpentic organism systems, although the epicenter of it came, of course, on the salivary glands, which became real factors for the synthesis of toxins. And on the teeth, which turned into the sharp stuffed by the poison syringes.

It is believed that representatives of the extensive and universally common family of Guadukov can boast the most advanced poisonous apparatus. Their large poisonous glands surround powerful chewing and temporal muscles that can instantly squeeze the poison. On the channels, it enters large poisonous teeth, which many species have become hollow and sharp as needles. Immersed in a thick mucous basis, these teeth will automatically "decline", it is worth a snake to spread the mouth wide - and with the effort of the muscles that slam it, the poison is squeezed under the skin.

Viguukovy possess the most developed poisonous apparatus.

Some cobra act still beyond - spit poison for 1-2 m, while driving in the eye. But this skill is a fairly later acquisition, and ordinary poisonous teeth with new side holes are adapted for spitts. In addition, the poison caught on the cornea is not fatal and only causes strong irritation, allowing the snake to apply a bite, the ability to which these species did not lose at all. The blinded victim is doomed, if only can not oppose the poison of some antidote.

Race antidote

Many snakes are forced to observe the greatest caution, so as not to bite themselves behind the tail and do not die from their own poison. In the fights between them, death from poisoning - the usual thing, especially if the conflict entered the reptiles of different species. But others became insensitive to the action of their own toxins - as an Indian Cobra, a pool snake, the acetylcholine receptors of which are insensitive to the action of the main component of its poison, α-neurotoxin. Casual mutations were granted such stability and mangoshos, as well as hedgehogs, pigs and medical devices - relatives of the kunitsa, which hunt for poisonous snakes much more than more than those who are beloved by all Ricky Tikki-Tavi.

But the most striking resistance to snake poisons demonstrates opossums that are almost immune even to the action of botulinum or ricin. Their main secret lies in the amazing LTNF molecule - the protein factor of blood, neutralizing lethal toxins. Isolated and injected mice intraperly, he helped them survive in experiments with the introduction of lethal doses of poisons of all four main families of poisonous snakes - and even some toxins of other origin, including the Scorpio poison. The LTNF factor is open recently, and the mechanism of its action is still unclear, but it is actively studied - after all, the theoretically, the blood of opossums can provide us with a unique antidote effectively.

Many snake poison toxins jewelry affect individual proteins of neuromuscular synapses and their neuromediator - acetylcholine. They can lead either to hypertrophied and uncontrolled excitation, or to the deep oppression of these compounds.

In the meantime, an antidote for each case has to be obtained separately, introducing an irrevocative dose of animals - usually cows or horses - and highlighting ready-made antibodies from their blood from their blood. With some patience and a big courage, such antibodies can be "raised" and in their own body: the legendary researcher, the founder of Serpentaria in Miami Bill Haast introduced himself to the microenza poisons throughout life. He not only successfully survived 172 bite, but also was a donor of unique blood, who saved a dozen of the lives of people branched by snakes, which were not produced.

Expensive displeasure

Toxins - the tool is incredibly efficient, but not almight. No wonder the overwhelming majority of animals still adhere to other methods of protection and attacks that are not so expensive. In fact, the study of rattle snakes before and after the fence they have poisoned that the synthesis of proteins needed to replenish the reserve of deadly doses makes it strain all the body and work in reinforced mode for three days, increasing the metabolism level by 11%. The same measurements were carried out for guado-shaped deadly snakes, extremely dangerous inhabitants of Australia: they have to increase the metabolism by almost 70%.

Synthesis of poison - no lesson for weaknikov, it requires efforts comparable to those that spend the runners on the marathon distance. But even greater contribution requires evolution and growing complex delivery systems. In fact, this is a separate direction of development, a victim of which poisonous species brings a lot of resources. In some way, it can be called an alternative to a complex and large brain: along with this voracious body, chemical weapons are one of the most expensive and most effective findings of nature.

Using the ointment based on the serpentine poison for joints, you can achieve a significant improvement in the state of the musculoskeletal system, accelerate the healing of bones and muscles. Such substances remove inflammation and have an analgesic effect. In the pure form of the poison of the snake or viper, the human nervous system is able to paralyze, and even lead to death, but in conjunction with herbs and medical components, the snakes helps to achieve an antiseptic and warming effect. When using Mazi have a number of restrictions, and before their use you need to get acquainted with the instructions.

What is the use of poison snakes?

Snake poison is used by doctors from ancient times. It contains nucleotides, proteins, amino acids, trace elements. The ointment with the snake poison helps to remove spasm and inflammation in muscle tissue, has vasodilators and warming properties, helps to saturate damaged oxygen tissues, due to which the cellular exchange improves, and regeneration occurs faster.

In its action, the poison of the snake has no analogues among the natural components or medicines. Tower toxins are divided into such types:

  • Neurotoxic - affect the nervous and respiratory system, in large doses lead to paralysis, in small work as an antispasmodic agent.
  • Hemovazotoxic - influence the blood system of the body. The presence of this type of poison in ointments improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and removes swelling.

For prevention, a lighter form is used - cream with components of the serpentine poison. It contains less toxic substances, it can be applied longer than ointment, but, accordingly, it will be weaker accordingly.

Application of oil forms with poisons

Means with such a component are used to treat heel spurs.

In Vietnam, the homeland of ointments and creams with toxins creep, they are used to get rid of various kinds of illnesses - from hypertension and asthma to potency and insomnia. Mainly drugs based on poison cobra are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as:

  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • sports injuries;
  • pinching nerves;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • sciatica;
  • convulsions;
  • heel spur;
  • my sum;
  • gout;
  • neuralgia of various kinds.

Snake poison based ointment

One of the drugs containing toxin is Vipratoks.

Vietnam is the main supplier to the markets of Europe and the CIS masses with the poison of snakes. As additional components, salicylic acid, camphor and magentine essential oils, fir and mint, vaseline and paraffin, which enhance the warming effect, provide deep penetration and the maximum therapeutic effect. Some satellites of ointments have the prefix "TOKS", which indicates the presence of toxin in the composition. The list of drugs based on poison creeps consists of such known drugs:

  • "Capcooks";
  • "Cradools";


Cream with poison of the Royal Cobra, Green Boygig and White Cuffius provides an instantaneous and long-term analgesic effect, one of the strongest natural medicines that are produced in Vietnam. Apply the tool is permitted up to 3 times a day, for 10 days. After that, it is necessary to take a break. Used to treat back pain.

The active substance of Viprosala is poison viper.

The main component of ointment is the poison of viper. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, speeds up the rehabilitation processes in the tissues, quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and has an instant effect in the midst of the illegent. Suitable for the treatment of chronic ailments. Used to relieve arthrosis and osteoporosis. It is necessary to use 2 times a day for 1-4 weeks, depending on the state of the patient.


Another name of the drug is "Korattex". Ointment with poison cobra has an instant result. Removes pain in sports injuries, stretching, arthritis and neuralgia. It has a warming and antispasmodic effect. It can be used up to 2 times a day for no more than 10 days. The most famous Vietnamese ointment in Europe and the CIS countries. When applied, it is necessary to be attentive, as it has a number of contraindications.




Snake poison - allocating poisonous glands of some snakes. Poisonous glands are located behind the eye of the snake and are modified salivary glands, opening outward with withdrawal ducts, which are communicated with the grooves or channels of two poisonous teeth.

Of the 3 thousand stem speciesthat live on earth, in the medical practice of Russia are used mainly 3.

Use poison

  • viper Vipera Berus,
  • gurza - Vipera Lebetina (Viperidae - Viperidae family),
  • cobra Central Asian - Naja Oxiana (family of aspid - Elapidae).

Viguka ordinary Completed over the entire central strip of the European part of Russia, in Siberia - from the Urals to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, on Sakhalin.

Gürza It is found in the Caucasus and in Transcaucasia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, in the south of Kyrgyzstan.

Cobra It lives in southern Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, in the south-west of Tajikistan.

Obtaining poison snakes




To obtain the serpent poison, they are caught and contained in special nurseries - serpentaries. Gurza and Cobra catch are held only by licenses.

Serpentarians are available in Central Asia and in Estonia. To obtain the poison of the snake, it is possible to bite the edge of a glass cup, tightened with a film, or pressed on the gland ("milking"), or irritate the gland with a weak electric shock, causing cutting muscles. Snakes are poorly tolerant and live in serpentaries no more than a year.

Number of poison that can be obtained from one snakeIt ranges from 2 mg to 720 mg of dry residue and depends on its size, species, time of year, the interval between the seizures of the poison, microclimate, the physiological state of the snake and the method of selection of poison.

Physico-chemical properties of poison snakes




Snake poison - Negust, transparent liquid, colorless or painted in a yellowish color, heavier than water.

When mixing with water, it gives opalescence.

The reaction of Vaida and Gürza is acidic, cobra poison - neutral.

Quickly loses activity (toxicity) in water, ether, chloroform, under the action of UV rays.

It is well preserved when freezing or drying with a lyophilic drying; In this form, the serpentine poison retains toxicity of decades. Dried poison - yellow crystals, easily soluble in water, glycerin, salt solutions; Under the action of alcohol, the poison is inactivated.

Chemical composition of snake poisons




The chemical composition of snake poisons is very complicated and still not studied.

The main components of poisons are

  • proteins that determine the basic toxicity of poisons.

The main feature of their action is the impact on biological membranes. The cells of the body and subcellular structures are damaged by their influence.

In physical and chemical properties, protein components of various poisons are close, but according to pharmacological action they differ sharply. The protein component of the poison of viper (vuperotoxin) causes predominantly hemodynamic disorders.

In Yade Cobra Contained with a cobotoxin with a neurotoxic effect. There are many highly active enzymes in the poisons, which also have a damaging effect on cells and an intercellular substance: hyaluronidase, phospholipase A 2, phosphosterase, DNAZ, ATPAZ, Nucleotidpyrophosphate, L-amino acid oxidase, etc.; In the cobra poe, there is also acetylcholinesterase, alkaline phosphatase;

in the poison of viper snakes - proteases; Mineral substances, pigments, etc. are also available.

The nature of the toxic effect of the poison of snakes




According to the nature of the toxic effect, the serpents are divided into 2 groups.

  1. Hemorrhagic poisons (Viguka, Gurza). They act on blood, destroying red blood cells, disturbing the integrity of blood capillaries. At the same time, it is based in blood vessels, and then blood for a long time loses the ability to coagulate, extensive hemorrhages are formed, swelling.
  2. Nade of neurotropic action (cobra). They act primarily on the central nervous system, causing paralysis of skeletal and respiratory muscles, the weakening of breathing and death from the paralysis of the respiratory center.

Properties and application of poison snakes




Mete poisons are raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.

Preparations containing poison snakes apply As a painful, anti-inflammatory and ceiling remedy for diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

Serpent poisons prescribe For treatment

  • epilepsy
  • old forms of radiculitis,
  • ishias,
  • rheumatism,
  • bronchial asthma
  • as well as arthritis,
  • neuralgia
  • polyarthritis,
  • mositis.

Contraindicated patientssuffering from organic lesions of the liver, kidneys, tuberculosis of the lungs, insufficiency of cerebral and coronary blood circulation and increased sensitivity to the poison.

Preparations are available

  • in ampoules for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration,
  • and also in the form of ointment for outdoor use.


  • based on the poison of Vipracts, the solution for injection; ointment "Viprosal in";
  • on the basis of the poison of Gurza Mazi "Viprosal", "Skvisal";
  • based on the poison of the cobra "Basinsin", the solution for injections;
  • based on the poison of different snakes, Vipratoks Liniment.


  • increased sensitivity of the body to snake poisons,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • feverish states
  • brain and coronary blood circulation
  • heart defects
  • tendency to angiospasm,
  • organic lesions of liver and kidneys,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • dumpless skin diseases,
  • damage to the skin at the place of application.

Separate components of poison Gurza and cobra, such as oxidase, phospholipase A 2, phosphodiesterase, endonuclease, etc., are produced as chemical reagents.

Snake poisons and their components are used For scientific purposes as immunosuppressants, to study the blood coagulation mechanism, studying the molecular organization of acetylcholine receptors, etc.

Series poisons are used in the production of anti-ray serums.

snake poison - Very interesting substance, as it has varieties that affect various internal organs of a person when a snake bites him. This article gives a brief description of some varieties of serpentine poison.

Of the 2nd stem species all over the world (data for 2007), only 450 are poisonous. This is only 15.50% of the total number of them. Of 7000-8000 people who annually report snake bite, less than 15 die from the effects of the serpentine poison. Nevertheless, most people still panic at the sight of snakes and try to kill them. Meanwhile, it is impossible to determine the poisonous snake in one appearance. Most snakes are not poisonous, but from those species that are still poisonous, only 250 are able to kill a person.

Poison - It is essentially improved saliva, which consists of 90% of proteins, and 20% of enzymes. Most of these enzymes are harmless to humans and, as a rule, is not dangerous when swallowing. Thus, technically snake poison is not quite a poison. A person knows about 20 toxic enzymes, and unique combinations of these zootoxins and proteins and are a deadly weapon of snakes. The serpentine poison contains phosphodiesterase (impact on the heart), cholinesterase (loss of muscle control), hyaluronidase (increasing the permeability of tissues), adenosynthosphate (violation of the energy of energy) and various oxidation products of amino acids and protease. It is stored in a large, reminiscent of a bag of education, which is called "Aveoli", and injected through hollow teeth. There are many varieties of serpentine poison, the four most unique and interesting ones are described below.

Hemotoxic poison

This poison affects a cardiovascular system, a circulatory system and muscle tissue, thus leading to heart failure. This deadly poison uses the Texas Rostiochnik to make its victims with more appropriate. The hemotoxic poison causes blood infection and damages the blood coagulation mechanism to such an extent that the victim may die from internal bleeding. Usually within 1 to 3 (sometimes even up to 8) hours there is no pain or other symptoms. This makes poison even more fatal, as the victim, as a rule, turns out to be without medical care, even by the time when the reason for emerging symptoms is established.

Symptoms include apathematics, headache, nausea, vomiting, etc. Some of the most frightening symptoms of entering the body of this type of blossoms of bruises or bruises under the skin of the victim. In the hardest cases of all possible holes of the organism, blood begins to be frozen. It is this poison that usually causes excessive scarring, gangrene and a constant or temporary loss of motor skills. It may even cause the need for amputation of the affected limb.

Neurotoxic poison

The neurotoxic poison affects the central nervous system and the brain. It causes breathing paralysis and heart failure. The result of its impact may vary from light cramps to death. This poison is available at Kobob, Mamba, Sea Snake, Child and Aspid Snake.

Royal Cobras (ophiophagus.hannah) - These are the most afflicted well-known carriers of this poison. The neurotoxic poison is essentially destroying the nerves. Therefore, victims can observe difficulties with speech and swallowing, saliva, difficulty breathing, stopping the breath, convulsions and sometimes even a long loss of consciousness. Lighter symptoms include dizziness, tunnel vision, blurred vision and increased sweating. This poison causes the rapid destruction of the synaptic nerves, which is the cause of blocking the nerve impulses sent to the brain, and from the brain to the muscles.

Cytotoxic poison

This is a less dangerous poison that usually causes only local symptoms (at the site of the bite). The cytotoxic poison is a poison that destroys the cell that destroys everything in its path - blood vessels, cells and fabrics. The symptoms of entering the body of this poison appear, as a rule, about 10-15 minutes after the bite. They usually include local pain accompanied by strong edema and bleeding. You can easily notice education red blisters near the bite. The cytotoxic poison also causes the formation of blue or black spots due to limited blood circulation. Also, the body reacts to the impact of this poison with nausea and vomiting. If appropriate treatment is not carried out within four hours, amputation is usually required. The carriers of the cytotoxic poison are African viper.

Miotoxic poison

This poison is available at Brazilian Botrops, better known as Brazilian Spear Snake. It is known that the myotoxic poison leads to muscle tissue necrosis. The symptoms caused by them include a sense of increasing language, dry throat, thirst, muscle spasms and convulsions. These also include spasm of jaws, rigidity of the nape, body and limbs, as well as severe pain when moving. One of the first symptoms is usually out of the upper ages. Gradually, symptoms are becoming increasingly serious, breathing loss occurs, as well as the highlighting of blacknous brown urine. The myotoxic poison contains peptides that destroy muscle proteins and lead to mine enecosis (muscle destruction). In the later stages (when the treatment is not carried out), muscle proteins fall into the blood. There is an overview of the kidneys due to the attempts of the body to eliminate these proteins, and often the kidney, without cope, refuse. Renal failure and causes a dark urine color.

Snake poison is not dangerous, provided that it turns out to be timely medical care.

Those who are going to where there is no opportunity in obtaining immediate medical care, it is recommended to know about the necessary first aid measures. It is important to remember that in no case do not cut cuts at the site of the bite and try to suck the poison of the mouth, since these measures can bring more harm than good. You should also immediately cause a doctor. You can also talk to your doctor and find out what kind of antidote should keep at home in terms of precautions in case of accommodation in the area where snakes are common.

In some remote areas of South Africa, the study of first medical care in the bite of a snake is included in the school curriculum. Residents of these locality are known that there are many fatal snakes next to them. These loving animals people found a way to live with snakes, simply observing caution and keeping attentiveness. They try to coexist with them in harmony and do not kill them, and snakes pay the same. It is not surprising that it is Africa that is one of the few places that continue to remain asylums for wildlife.


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