Wild pieces. Representatives of the family of dog. Features of biology and distribution. Wild dog Dingo

Lobziki and disk saws 09.05.2021
Lobziki and disk saws

The dog is accompanied by a person for more than 36,000 years. We evolved along with this pet, divided our food and shelter with him. But not all animals included in the pet family are just as useful for a person. Among the variety of species are found both small and cute and life-threatening people.

Family Pins: Representatives

Chromosomal analysis refers to representatives of the family such phylogenetic departments:

  1. Wolf. (dogs, jackal, red, gray, oriental wolves, etc.);
  2. Lisitsy (Red Fox, Lescent, Fenck, etc.);
  3. South American Pins (Brazilian Fox, Shrub Dog, Majong, Grievous Wolf);
  4. All sorts monotype taxa (raccoon dog, as well as the biggest and gray fox).

All family representatives are predators. The first species appeared about 43 million years ago. Approximately 11, 9 million years ago there was a branching on foxes and dogs.

During the evolution, two submenses were extinct - studio and borophage.

To date, a total of 34 species is known. Wild varieties live on all continents, except Antarctica. The habitat is diverse, including deserts, mountains, forests and meadows.

Size ranges from 24 cm (phenoke) to 160 cm (gray wolf) in length.

They are distinguished by high intelligence in comparison with other animal species. Long been domesticated by a person and ranked second (after cats) in popularity as a pet.

Brief description of species

Despite the greater number and diversity, all species relating to the family have a number of general features:

  • Have a similar shape; Only the relative length of the muzzle, limbs, ears and tail differs significantly from the type of point;
  • The cheekbones are wide, in the back of the skull there is a lambdid comb. In some species from the forehead, the middle (sangital) comb is in the native;
  • Bone orbits around the eyes never form a complete ring;
  • Paws in all species without exception are divided into fingers. In most cases, five fingers, and the last (big) does not concern the Earth when driving. The exception is the African Hunting Dog, which is a four-panel;
  • Nails are slightly curved, relatively stupid and never cleaned;
  • Pads on the soles of the legs are soft;
  • The surface of the skin around the outer holes of the nostrils is always bare;
  • Tails thick;
  • The length and quality of wool varies depending on the time of year;
  • Newborn puppies are born blind, eyes open a few weeks after birth after birth;
  • The number of teeth in most cases is 42.

Social behavior of pings

Almost all pings are public animals: they do not think their lives without cooperation with representatives of their own kind. The laws of flocks are investigated by zoologists for a long time and do not compile any secret:

  • Delivered outdoors. Konew or Nora have only to find the refuge in bad weather or for breeding;
  • The males and females form "family" couples. Representatives of such a union together go hunting, they are educated by the offspring;
  • However, some species live in large family groups. For example, for the African Wild Dog, their number is from 20 to 40 individuals. For small quantities (less than seven), successful reproduction is impossible;
  • The flock acts a clearly built hierarchy. The dominant representative (the strongest and experienced) leads all the others;
  • The communication system is quite complex. For information transfer, the smell is used, visual tips, gestures, simple vocalization (Lai, howl, growl);
  • The pack lives only on its territory, which is marked with urinary discharge. Representatives of other flocks are subject to exile.

How is the reproduction?

The reproductive qualities of pieces are quite unique for mammals:

  • As a rule, these animals demonstrate monogamy (one partner for family creation) and long-term parental care about his offspring;
  • In ovulad females who did not have the opportunity to conceive, the phenomenon of imaginary pregnancy arises (there are external symptoms in the absence of fertilization);
  • The period of reproduction depends on the size of the animal: in large species it ranges from 60 to 65 days, in small and medium - from 50 to 60;
  • The time of year, in which mating, depends on the length of the daylight in a particular climatic belt (it was proven during displacements of individuals through the equator). The domesticated dogs occurs much more often than that of wild: it is probably due to the impact of artificial lighting;
  • The amount of puppies varies from one to sixteen to one female. They grow in a cone dugged in the ground. For a long time, helpless: for the formation of full-fledged membership members is required up to several years.

Foxes: Family Pins

The genus of foxes is one of the most numerous pets. He has about 12 different types of foxes (they are all named in their habitat):

  1. Arctic;
  2. Indian (or Bengal);
  3. American;
  4. Steppe;
  5. Afghan;
  6. African;
  7. Tibetan;
  8. South African;
  9. Sandy;
  10. Phenk;
  11. Dwarf coarse;
  12. Ordinary.

Among the characteristic features of the kind:

  • The bone structure is similar to other parents on the family. However, there are some differences: the fines of the pings are usually adapted for rapid running - foxes are avoiding sprint behavior. They are more adapted for sharp jumps and gripping. Therefore, the hind limbs are developed much stronger than the front;
  • Different by outerness. As food, invertebrates, small vertebrates and plants are most often preferred;
  • It is usually inhabited in the forests, but often they are selected close to human homes.

The dog, a wolf, a fox, jackal, coyote, the scribe belong to the family of species called by the name of the most famous representative - P.. Thanks to the unusual physical abilities, they conquered five of the six continents with uncommon animals. Only a person is able to cope with these revocible beasts.

Video: Full list of animals from the pet family

In this video, Alina Denisova will show all animals that are included in the pet family:

Family Wolf.

It combines animals of medium and large sizes, with a slender body, a small head, acute muzzle and standing ears. Feet straight and slender, on the front paws of 5 fingers, on the rear - 4, which end up with stupid non-tight claws. The tail is fluffy, more or less long. Food hoofs (livestock, deer, hares, rodents), eaten vegetation food (various fruits, berries, young shoots, kidneys, moss, etc.).

Wolfs are common on all continents and inhabit all natural zones, ranging from the Arctic tundra to the deserts, mountains and tropical forests.

Wolf - A typical representative of this family. The hair is thick and fluffy, but rather rude. Coloring from whitewood-gray to sandy yellow, usually gray with a reddish tint. Body lengths up to 160 cm, weight 70 kg.

The wolf is found along the edges of the forest, near the marshes, in the outbreaks of cutting, adheres to open spaces and mines of the river valleys.

In winter, sometimes sitting on the streets of villages, villages, outskirts of cities (at twilight or at night) in search of food.

Summer feeds on a rather diverse food: attacks the moose, hares, partridges, thermis. With 4 absence of mining eats Padal, berries and mushrooms. The lair arranges in hard-to-reach places, not far from the water. In the spring, Volchats are born (4-6). They are covered with brown-gray "Pooh". During the month, the Volctera is breeding with Mother's milk, and then half-welded meat, which parents repel. Later they catch the wicras of rather large animals. In the fall, parents, together with the grudging wagins, lead a nomadic lifestyle. Wolves are very dangerous predators. Near the settlements and in areas with developed animal husbandry, they can apply tangible harm.

Fox - Medium-sized predator, with an elongated body, slender, relatively short legs and a fluffy tail. Body length 6090 cm, tail - 40-60 cm. The color of its fur is quite diverse: from reddish-red to yellowish gray, chest, belly and tip white.

Fox inhabits rarefied forests, prefers edges, cutting, burning, shores of forest rivers and lakes. Put in Norah, gives rise to 8 lisate, both parents take part in the upbringing.

It feeds on rodents, birds, insects. The hunt comes at any time of the day, but mostly in the evening and at dawn. His mining fox is podcassed, small rodents digging in winter from under the snow. Destroys a huge amount of miserable rodents - forest pests.

The fox is considered a valuable fur beast.

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This group of predatory includes animals adapted to mining victim victims. They have long jaws, contributing to the grasp and killing the mining of teeth. The legs are thin, like all animals that are capable of rapid and long running, claws are not enough, the tail is long and fluffy. Well developed smell and hearing. On the front paws, five fingers, and on the rear - four. At home dogs on the hind legs sometimes there are five fingers. The first finger is located above the rest and when walking on the ground is not printed.

Representatives of the Wolf family are adapted to overcoming large distances, which is usually associated with the search for mining, and sometimes with migrations. In this regard, they possess physiological endurance and they have developed some techniques that make transitions less tedious. You can specify the following from these techniques. Long transitions are performed predominantly trot, at which the width of the trail approaches the width of the footprint. Thus, the length of each step increases slightly. The rear paws of the animal when moving are put in the front (indoor step), which decreases the force to overcome the snow cover or soft soil: the hind limbs almost do not have their resistance.

When the animal group moves through the snow, all its members put legs in the footprints of the paw in front of the next and step already on the compacted substrate. Of great importance in facilitating movement has the choice of the road. Representatives of wolf, and many other predatory, use traces of other animals, roads, beaten by man, places with compacted snow or with a small snow cover and others.

Wolf. Common throughout the USSR, with the exception of some islands of the Arctic Ocean. It is found in different landscapes, but prefers places with domestic animal grazing avoids deaf forests with deep snow cover. It feeds on wild and homemade hoofs, rodents, hares, birds, fish, insects. Great place in nutrition takes Padal. The fruits also eats, berries mainly a nightlife. Causes great harm to animal husbandry

The trailer of the Wolf's paws is similar to the trail of a big dog, but has a number of features for which it can be recognized by it, as it were, hunters will stretch slightly use, in particular, such an admission to distinguish the mark of the wolf from the dog's trace If between the prints of medium and extreme fingers can be Put a match or blades and it will not be imposed on either on any other, then this is a mark of the wolf. The match, put in the same way on the handprint of the dog trail, will cover the rear parts of the fingerprints of the middle fingers or the front parts of the extreme. However, with this method of definition, it is possible to make a mistake, reliably only that the middle fingers of the wolf paws are extended forward more than the dog. Prints of the front ends of the middle fingers and their claws in the wolf tracks are more approximate than in doggy. The traces of the wolf are printed more clearly than they are imprinted under the same conditions in the dog, since the beast itself is harder, and the balls of his paws are tougher, claws are larger, the fingers are weaker (see Fig. 35, B, g; 62).

Figures of a wolf track, made by different naturalists, more or less different from each other. This indicates individual or group differences in the structure of paws of wolves, and it is also possible that the same picture of traces of different people is perceived unequal.

The trail of the male wolf is different from the female trail. It is larger, rounded, deeper, the pitch is longer. The female trail is narrower; In the male, the ratio of the width of the footprint to the length is 1: 1.3, and the females 1: 1.5. In males and females of all ages, this ratio is saved.

In tab. 1 shows the dimensions of the front paw of the middlewall wolves of different floors and age (according to Fortozov, 1952).

When walking on the orst soil, the fingers of the wolf paws are diverged, increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe support, the length of the step decreases. On the hard fit fingerprints are compressed, the step is longer.

The wolf track is different from such a dog. It is usually straight, "purposeful", economically, stretches with a smooth chain at a high distance. The dog rarely leaves such a trace, she examines different items on its path, runs up to them, why her trail loops intersects.

When transitions, the wolf uses trot. The trace track is covered. Family of wolves goes by a housal, a track in the trail.

Table 1. The dimensions of the fingerprints of the wolf

The margin of all wolves coincides with the front track of the front. Where the family passed, a trace remains, as from one wolf, only deeper. The order of the Gusk is violated with steep turns, when approaching subjects, anyone interested in animals, during collective hunting, etc. Wolves are diverged, and then the number of groups, its sexual and age composition can be calculated. With faster allure, for example, on a gallop, the trace track consists of four prints, and the track becomes blocked, and even more overlap, the faster running.

In January-Cherval, the wolves are divided into pairs due to the beginning of Goh. Family formed in the fall, when children of the previous year are joined to old wolves and their grown children. In search of food wolves make large transitions, sometimes a few tens of kilometers per day. The route is selected by them very advisable, taking into account the habitats of possible production, a good review and ease of movement. In December 1969, we lived in a tent on the shore of the Tarautai key, flowing into the river. Komu (Primorsky Krai). On the edge of the cloudy coast, the wolves sometimes passed. There was relatively slight snow, the key of the key was well visible, the valley on the right side, as well as a rather rare forest on the left side - it is convenient to walk and look out for prey.

Fox. Completed throughout the Soviet Union, with the exception of some small territories in the north. The habitats of the fox are diverse: Tundra, Forestandra, rarefied forests, steppes, valleys of rivers, foothills and mountains to the subalpine belt. Food mostly animal: rodents, hares, snakes, lizards, birds, frogs, fish, insects, etc. Food also berries.

Lape prints Lisers are similar to the handprints of a small dog's paws, but more stretched, minimal and hanging crumbs are more distant from the balls of fingers. She has a longer claws and thinner (see fig. 35, d, n). In the winter period, the soles of the fox are covered with wool, why the imprint of them in the snow becomes somewhat vague (see Fig. 35, k). The fingerprints of the front paws are noticeably larger and the round of the rear fingerprints.

The chief track of the fox is distinguished by straightness, laptic prints are located "like a thread." The hind legs are superimposed on the front prints, the width of the trail is insignificant and approaches the width of the paw print (see Fig. 35, e). But such a track is not always (see fig. 35, f, and, l, m). Once we walked along the shore of the bay of the grace (Japanese Sea) in the territory of the Sikhote-Alinsky Reserve. On the dense coastal sand, the traces of the otter noticed, which early in the morning chose edible emissions of the sea. In the same direction where the otter was moving, then approaching its tracks, then removing, the latter stretch was stretched (Fig. 63). In the distance it was visible and she herself.

The mark track of the fox at different parts was the road in some places the track was "as on a thread", in others - a wide range of foods of the otter or near the excrement left by her on the natural sandy holloch or was built by Mr. Her, Lisa stopped, heated On top of them a bunch of sand and on top of this handhel left its litter, as well as the wisen of the moisturized sand, the value of the litter and the blade point of the fox as a marking signal is clear, but why did it cover such outer signs? Perhaps challenged her territory

In winter, the choice of the Flimina's path determines the possible finds of the feed of her favorite and ordinary food serve pools and the mouse, which she finds the smell and the pisch, even under the snow in the poor, the foxes of the Lisa walks near the roads, settlements, choosing everything that turns out edible; Fits food remains thrown by passengers of trains, visits landfills, eats Padal, etc.

The fox has many subspecies: in the north they live the most dark and large, in the south - small and pale-painted. In the steppe fox-caranea of \u200b\u200bthe lap prints rounded, like a dog, but the fingers are moving on one of the other (see Fig. 35, s). Turkmen foxes inhabited in the desert leave smaller than that of northern fox, the handprints of the paw, the claws are longer and thinner, the dimensions of the fingers are smaller, the overall soles are weaker (see Fig. 35, H).

Corsac. Distributed in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Lower Volga region, in the south of Western Siberia and in some southern regions of Transbaikalia. The korsak looks like a fox, but much smaller her. It dwells in the steppes, deserts, it comes into a forest-steppe and foothills. Avoids thick vegetation, forests and plowing fields. It feeds on pools, cream, hamsters, mice, birds and their eggs, Padal. Sometimes he managed to get gopher, hare or hedgehog.

The length of a simple step of the korsak in the lynx is 18 cm. The traces are similar to the highly reduced traces of the fox (see Fig. 35, o).

Pescent. Completed throughout the northern lane of the Soviet Union. A resident of the tundra, in the summer does not go to the south of the forest border, in the winter can migrate in the forest tundra, and in the valleys of rivers embed into the taiga zone. It is found both on flat and on hilly plains, in river valleys, on the coasts of the lakes and on the islands. During the breeding period, it prefers a strongly crossed area with elevations and lakes, as well as sea coasts. It is powered by lemmings, voles, birds and their eggs, emissions of the sea (dead fish, invertebrates, corpses of seals, etc.).

The soles of the paws are thickly covered with hard hair, there are no bare crumbs. The trace looks like fox, but larger. Padprints are deprivable due to the worst of the sole. Claws of the front paws are longer, the length of the step is less than the fox.

Raccoon dog. It was originally distributed in the south of the Far East, subsequently acclimatized in many places of the European part of the USSR. It dwells in mixed forests with a thick undergrowth, in the swamped valleys of rivers and on the coasts of lakes, on grassy and shrub plated areas (Fig. 64). It feeds on small rodents, frogs, insects, birds and eggs of various birds, fish, palm, berries, etc. leads mainly a night lifestyle. In the cold season, flows into the hibernation, when warming can wake up and leave the hole or other winter shelter.

Lape prints are similar to the lapse prints of a little dog. The trail of the front paw is round, with traces of claws, the back of the back is somewhat more elongated. On the soft soil, the fingers are more or less widely spread. When searching for food moves with small chains. The width of the trail is significant, in the lynx handprints are placed almost in a straight line, the trace is slightly overlap. The flow of the track becomes quite large with a gallop. If the snow depth exceeds 10 cm, the track has wrappers and drains (see Fig. 35, P, P).

The family of a dog - includes some of the most intelligent animals living in a strictly subordinate hierarchy and most of their hunting flocks. These predators are flourged, cunning and often fearless. Some of them are not afraid of a person or easily tame. They are real assistants in the fight against rodents and insects - the main pests of agricultural land, although sometimes they themselves harm animal husbandry in search of food. In its top 15 of the most beautiful representatives of the pet family (dog), we tried to highlight the most remarkable and beautiful predators.

Coyote (meadow wolf)

The predatory mammal of the pet family. The name comes from Aztec Coyotl, "Divine Dog". The Latin name of the species means "dog's dog". In terms of sizes, the coyote is noticeably inferior to an ordinary wolf, but its fur is longer than that of the wolf. The shape of the muzzle is more elongated and sharp than that of the wolf, and resembles the fox. It is common in a new light, from Alaska to Panama. There are 19 subspecies. Coyote is characteristic of open plains engaged in prairies and deserts. Rarely runs in the forest. It is found both in deserted places and on the outskirts of large cities like Los Angeles. Easily adapts to anthropogenic landscapes. Attacks skunks, rats, ferrets, opossums and beavers; Eats birds (pheasants), insects. In the vicinity of large cities, domestic cats can be up to 10% of the koyotov diet. Main enemies - Puma and wolf. Coyote does not take place on its territory the presence of red fox, its food competitor. Sometimes coyotes are crossped with homemade dogs, occasionally - with wolves.

May kone

Predatory mammal; The only modern kind of kind. The generic name Cerdocyon translated from Greek means "tricky dog", and Thouus's species epithet is "jackal", because Ma'kong appears somewhat somewhat resemble the jackal. This is the average magnitude of the fox fawn-gray color with red podpales on the legs, ears and face. It is found in South America from Columbia and Venezuela to Uruguay and Northern Argentina. Maykong inhabits, mainly wooded and herbaceous plains, in the rainy season meets in mountainous areas. Hunt prefers at night, alone, less often couples. Almost omnivorous. Majong feeds with small rodents and chascia, lizards, frogs, birds, fish, turtle eggs, insects, as well as crabs and other crustaceans (one of the names of Maykong - "Fox-crazed"). Do not be swaying to Padal. Own Nor do not dig, occupy strangers. Maykong does not apply to protected species. The values \u200b\u200bof his fur does not have; In drought animals shoot as bearing carriers.

Chaperal jackal

One of the species of the kind of wolves. Chaperal jackal of reddish-gray, however, on the back of the individual, dark hair form as it were for black cheprak stretching toward the tail. This cheprak is a distinctive species sign, which inherited all the subspecies of the fucking jackal. Oranges of this form are longer than an ordinary gray wolf, but below its growth. It is found in South Africa and on the east coast of Africa from Nubia to the Cape of Good Hope. On the entire length of the area of \u200b\u200bShakal prefers a lot of overgrown with shrubs, cane thickets in water bodies. Omnivorous. This jackal is very trusting, easily gets used to people and can even become almost manual. Cheprachny jackal fur and soft, in South Africa from the skins (Pinsin) of a caper jackal sew fur carpets (the so-called kosses).

Shrub dog (savanna dog)

The predatory mammal of the pet family; The only kind of Speothos kind is. It dwells in the forests and wet savannas Central and South America. One of the most unusual dogs, because it looks outwardly resembles a otter or other semi-water animal. The physique has heavy, dense, the torso elongated, the limbs are short. On the paws of the membrane. Despite the extensive range, the shrub dog is very rare. It was originally considered to be extinct species, since she was known only by fossil remains found in Brazil. It is painful in wet tropical and gallery forests, choosing the most sparse, open areas of the forest. It is also found in Savannah. It holds nearby to water. Shrub dogs lead a nightlife, the day is carried out in a hole, which they dig, or in natural shelter. Sometimes there are holes of other animals (armadors). Shrub dogs are perfectly swimming and dive that, in general, uncharacteristic for pings. The packs can attack animals exceeding them by mass, - on the capybar and Ostrich-Nanda. Meat swallowed, not chewing, with which the decrease in the number of indigenous teeth and the weak development of the remaining is functionally connected. Relate to rare species; The density of their populations is small. Located in the International Red Book as a vulnerable view. The object of hunting is not.

Red Wolf (Mountain Wolf)

The predatory mammal of the pet family; The only appearance of the kind of Cuon. A rare species of pings, under threat of disappearance. His appearance combines the features of the wolf, fox and jackal. From the ordinary wolf, the red wolf is distinguished by colorful, fluffy wool and a longer tail, almost reaching the Earth. Based on the variability of the color, the thickness of the fur and the size of the body, 10 subspecies of the red wolf are described, 2 of them are found in Russia. In Russia met mainly in the south of the Far East, where he probably came from the adjacent territories of Mongolia and China. Reliable evidence that the appearance today constantly lives within Russia, no. From other representatives of the PS family, the red wolf is characterized by a reduced number of indigenous teeth (2 them in each half of the jaw) and a large number of nipples (6-7 pairs). They have a developed hearing, they swim well and perfectly jump - they are able to overcome a length of 6 m. People have red wolves avoid; Incutton multiply, but not tame. Red Wolf is listed in the Red Book of IUCN with the status of the disappearing view, as well as in the Red Book of Russia.

Grievous wolf

The predatory mammal of the pet family; The only representative of Chrysocyon. The largest representative of the pet family in South America, the grivy wolf has a unique appearance. He is rather similar to a large fox in high, slender legs than on the wolf. Translated from Greek his name means "short-cast golden dog". Despite the long limbs, they cannot be called good runners. It is mostly open herbaceous and shrub plains. Keep a night and twilight lifestyle; During the day, they usually rest among thick vegetation, occasionally moving into short distances. In the diet, almost equal proportions there are food of animal and vegetable origin. He hunts mainly in small animals: rodents (Aguti, Paku, Tuko-Tuko), rabbits, armadors. Eating birds and their eggs, reptiles, snails and insects; Eats bananas, guava and plant from the genus gear. The population density of the grivy wolf is low: judging by research 1 Animal is approximately 300 kmĀ². Nevertheless, the grivy wolf does not apply to the number of extinct species. They are also subject to diseases, in particular parvivirus infection (Chumka). Despite the external similarity with the foxes, the grivy wolf is not their close relative. In particular, he does not have a characteristic vertical pupil. Apparently, he is a relic appearance that survived the extinction of large South American pispers at the end of Pleistocene.

Hyien dog (hyenan-shaped dog)

The predatory mammalian family family, the only kind of Lycaon genus. Its scientific name means: Lycaon - translated from the Greek "Wolf", and Pictus - translated from Latin "painted". Being the nearest relative of the red wolf, the hyenoid dog is more reminded of hyena - the physique of her light and roasted, legs are high and strong, the head is large. The ears are large, oval shape, similar to the ears of the hyenas. Very powerful, teeth (premolars) are superior to the magnitude of the teeth of other pieces and are adapted for bone disclosures. Due to developed skin glands, a hyiennous dog publishes a very strong musky smell. This wild dog was once widespread in the African steppes and Savannah south of Sahara - from South Algeria and Sudan to the extreme southern tip of the continent. Now it has become mosaic; it has been preserved mainly in national parks and in landscapes undeveloped by man. It dwells in savannah, on shrub empties and in high-lit terrains. In the jungle is not found. The most characteristic of savannahs with their abundance of ungulate animals serving the main prey to this predator. Live and hunt flocks. The main enemies of Guienovoid Dogs are hyenas and lions. They are not very afraid of people, but gradually disappear from settlements, where they are exterminated. The hyenan-shaped dog is included in the Red Book of the IUCN as a small appearance endangered.

Wild dog Dingo

The second is a wilded homemade dog, the only placental predator in the fauna of Australia before the coming of Europeans. The name "Dingo" originated at the beginning of the European colonization of the new South Wales and, in all likelihood, comes from "Tingo" - a term used by Port Jackson's Aboriginal to describe its dogs. Judging by the fossil remains, Dingo was brought to Australia with no settlers (approximately 40,000-50,000 years ago), as previously thought, and people from Southeast Asia. Usually, Dingo is considered as a subspecies of a home dog, but many experts consider it a completely independent view. It is assumed that Dingo is an almost purebred descendant of a domesticated Indian Wolf, which is in a wild state and is now found on the Indian Peninsula and in Beloohistan. Purebred Dingo do not bother, but they are able to growl and swell as a wolf. Surgious night animals. The main places of their habitat in Australia are the edges of wet forests, dry eucalyptus thickets, arid semi-deserts in the depths of the mainland. Logova They are arranged in caves, empty nora, among the roots of trees, usually not far from the reservoirs. In Asia, Dingo holds close to human housing and feed on garbage. Approximately 60% of the Australian Dingo ditch make up small mammals, in particular, rabbits. Hunt for Kangaroo and Wallaby; Less extent feed on birds, reptiles, insects and Padalu. Initially, the attitude of immigrants to Dingo was tolerant, but the situation quickly changed in the XIX century, when the sheep was an important branch of the Australian economy. Dingo, whistled on the sheep, was caught by trapping, shot and trembled poisons. At the end of the XIX century, in one new South Wales, farmers spent annually to fight wild dogs a few tons of Strichnina. In some countries, keep Dingo as domestic animals is prohibited.

Corsac (Steppe Lisa)

The predatory mammal of the genus of the pets of the pet family. The oxo on an ordinary fox, but noticeably smaller, with larger ears and high legs. From the ordinary fox, the Corsac is distinguished by the dark end of the tail, from Afghan fox - less than a long tail. The korsaks are very quick running they are able to overtake the car. It is common in steppes, semi-deserts and partly in the deserts of Southeast Europe and Asia. Russia meets: in the West - occasionally comes in the area of \u200b\u200bDon and in the North Caucasus. He has a good sense of smell, vision and hearing. Corsaq feeds, mostly small rodents (fires, beds, mice, tushkars), reptiles, insects, birds and their eggs. Less often mines gophers, heels, hares. With a lack of food eats Padal and all sorts of garbage. The main enemies are a wolf and a fox. The Corsake is an object of fur fishery (used winter skin). Bringing the extermination of rodents. The exact data on the number of korsak is missing. The view of the Korsak is listed in the international red book.

Retal Dog (Ussuriysk Lisa, Ussuri Raccoon)

The predatory omnivorous mammal of the pet family (dog). Animal magnitude with a small dog. The natural range of raccoon dogs is the forest and mining areas of northeast Indochina, China, Japan and the Korean Peninsula. In Russia, it was originally found only in the Ussuri region and in the southern part of the Amur region. Favorite habitats of a raccoon dog - wet meadows with wetlands, overgrown floods of rivers and river forests with a dense undergrowth. In the choice of housing, she is unpretentious. Asylums, it is usually served by holes of badgers and foxes (often residential). Activities at twilight and at night. According to the method of harvesting, this is a typical collector, surveying all kinds of secluded places in search of food. Omnivorous. Feels like animal and vegetable food. It is worth noting that the raccoon dog is the only dog \u200b\u200bfamily, which in case of danger, if it can, prefers not to fight, but to hide, pretending to be dead, which often helps it. The only representative of the Pdovy family, which runs on the winter in a hibernation. Many raccovoid dogs destroy wolves, as well as lynx, stray dogs. Sometimes it is a carrier of rabies virus.

Ordinary Fox (Red Liser)

The predatory mammal family of pings, the most common and largest kind of foxes. The prolifene is quite widely: throughout Europe, North Africa (Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, North Tunisia), most of Asia (up to Northern India, South China and Indochina) In North America from the Arctic zone to the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The fox was acclimatized in Australia and spread throughout the continent, with the exception of some northern regions with a wet subequatorial climate. Lisens populate all landscape-geographical zones, starting with the tundra and subarctic forests and up to the steppe and deserts, including mountain ranges in all climatic zones. Foxes living near tourist trails, boarding houses, in places where hunting is prohibited, quickly get used to the presence of a person, it is easy to fasten to fasten and can be engaged in begging. There are a lot of economic importance as a valuable fur beast, as well as a regulator of the number of rodents and insects. In the south of Europe, wild foxes are the largest carrier of rabies virus.

Liser's biggest

The predatory mammalian family of pings, the only kind of kind. The scientific name of this animal is translated from Greek as "Eared Dog Bottomy." Looks like an ordinary fox, but smaller and with disproportionately large ears. It is found in two regions of Africa: from Ethiopia and South Sudan to Tanzania, and from Southern Zambia and Angola to South Africa. This distribution is associated with the habitat of its main food - herbivores. Inhabits arid lands - dry savanna and semi-deserts, sometimes close to human housing. The diet makes predominantly insects and their larvae: 50% - termites, the rest - beetles and locust; Less than 10% falls on lizards, small rodents, bird eggs. The larger fox is quite numerous, there is even an expansion of its former range. The main threats of the number of eared foxes are hunting (its meat edible and fur is used by local residents).

Lescent (Polar Liser)

The predatory mammal family of Pd., the only representative of the genus of the song. A small predatory animal resembling a fox. The only representative of the pet family, which is peculiar to a pronounced seasonal dimorphism of coloring. The color is distinguished by the usual white (winter - pure-white, summer - dirty-brown) and blue fox. It is common for the northern polar circle, on the coast and the islands of the Arctic Ocean, in the Tundrov and Forestandra zones. In Russia, this is a typical representative of the fauna mainland tundra and forest tundra. On sandy hits and coastal terraces, he digs holes, complex underground labyrinths with many (up to 60-80) inputs. Spring is omnivorous, the composition of its feed includes about 125 species of animals and 25 species of plants. However, it is the basis of small rodents, especially lemmings, as well as birds. Food both thrown ash and produced by fish, as well as vegetable food: berries (blueberries, cloudberry), herbs, algae (sea cabbage). Does not refuse to fall. The fox has a well developed ear and smell; Several weaker - vision. The sand pursue larger predators. Lisers, Wolverines and Wolves are attacked; Young sands grab orlans and white owls. Young often dies from glitter invasions, adults - from encephalitis and rabies. An important commercial beast is a source of valuable fur; In the north, the basis of fur fishery. Skirts of blue sands are particularly valued, which is also an object of cellular dilution.

Wolf (gray wolf or ordinary wolf)

The predatory mammal of the pet family. At the same time, the results of studying the sequence of DNA and drift genes show, is a direct ancestor of a home dog, which is usually considered as a subspecies of the wolf. The largest animal in its family. Once the wolf had a much larger distribution in Eurasia and North America. In our time, its area and the total number of animals decreased markedly, mainly as a result of human activity: changes in natural landscapes, urbanization and mass extermination. As one of the key predators, the wolves play a very important role in the balance of ecosystems of such biomes as the forests of moderate latitudes, taiga, tundra, mountain systems and steppes. In total, about 32 subspecies of the wolf differing in dimensions and shades of fur. It dwells in a variety of landscapes, but prefers steppes, semi-deserts, tundra, forest-steppe, avoiding dense forest arrays. Lives in a flock, settled at certain sites, the boundaries of which are marked by fragile labels. The basis of the nutrition of wolves make up hoofs: in the tundra - reindeer; in the forest area - moose, deer, roerals, boys; In the steppes and deserts - antelopes. Wolves and pets are attacked (sheep, cows, horses), including dogs. Active mainly at night. The wolf makes harm to animal husbandry and hunting accommodation, but on the other hand, plays an important role in the ecosystem, controlling the number of animals and destroying weak and sick individuals. The wolf hunt is conducted all year round and without special permits. This is done in order to reduce the population of an animal that harm animal husbandry.


A miniature fox of a kind of appearance that lives in the deserts of North Africa. Sometimes it is believed to the special genus Fennecus. This animal received his name from the Arab Fanak, which means "Fox". The smallest representative of the pet family, in size it is less than a home cat. The most numerous phenetop population lives in central sugar, although they are found from Northern Morocco to the Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas, and in the south - to Niger, Chad and Sudan. Inhabited sandy deserts, where prefers to keep grass and a spruce shrub, which provide him with shelter and food. He lives in Norah with a large number of secret moves that digs himself; leads a nightlife. Live family groups, the number of individuals in which to 10. Theneke is omnivorous and most of the feed digs out of sand and land. Fene in small vertebrates, eggs, insects (including locust), Padalu, plant roots and fruits. Huge ears allow him to catch the easiest rustling produced by his victims. It can be for a long time without water, getting liquid from meat, berries and leaves. Makes food reserves. The phenke discovers great agility and liveliness, the skill is high and far away - up to 0.7 m up. Pontreating coloring allows him to merge with a sandy landscape. The exact number of phenetes is unknown. They are hunting objects, they are killed by the sake of fur, and also catch and sell as pets.

About forty animal species includes a family of dog. It includes wolves, sacking, coyotes, various types of foxes and all the breeds of all of them combine the ability to hunt, quickly run, pursuing production, and a certain similarity in the body structure. These are typical predators that feed in bulk meat. Live almost at all continents, in a wide variety of climatic zones - from the Arctic to

Features of the structure and lifestyle

Animals of the family of dogs have an extended torso with an elongated muzzle and strong slender limbs. On the hind legs, as a rule, four fingers, on the front five. Claws are very strong, but unsost and are not adapted to capture production. The main weapons of representatives of this family are teeth and well-developed fangs.

The tail is long enough, covered with thick wool. Coloring may be the most diverse - from the monophonic until Spot and Crap. For predators, hunting for large prey from the discharge of ungulates, a group lifestyle is peculiar. They live with flocks in which there is a strict hierarchy. All types of animals belonging to the family of dog, monogamans and bring offspring mostly once a year, differing in this rather high fertility.


Most scientists agree that the wolf is the oldest representative of the family of dog.

It is also the largest. The length of its body is 100-160 cm, and the height in the withers in some individuals exceeds 90 cm. The size of the wolf depend on its place of habitat - in the northern regions, animals are larger than in the southern regions. This is a strong and dexterous beast, with great physical data that increases its vitality. It is capable of awaiting long distances without tired, developing speeds up to 60 km / h.

This predator produces food both independently and in a flock. Based on food - large (deer, moose, boars, roebles, antelopes). Often the victim of the attacks of wolves becomes and domestic cattle - sheep, horses, cows. In addition, the food for the predator serves small animals (especially in the warm season) - hares, mice, gophers, etc. He will not miss the opportunity and eat the discovered masonry of eggs or brood of chicks. Animals living in the southern regions, and vegetable feed, taking berries, wild fruits and even mushrooms.

Wolf Lair is located in natural asylum, which served the roots of the trees, Bulch, cleft cliffs. The place for it is chosen hard to reach, necessarily near the reservoir and carefully disguised from enemies. I wonder what caring about the safety of your offspring, the wolves never hunt at a distance closer than 7 kilometers from Logov, until the Volchats are growing.


A close relative of the wolf, without which it is difficult to submit the North American steppe, less aggressive and significantly inferior to him in size. The height in the withers does not exceed 50 cm, and the weight is only 13-15 kg. The life expectancy is an average of 13 years. Like most animals included in the family of dog, coyote has standing ears and a long tail. It is easily adjusted to the changing atmosphere, leads a staked lifestyle, but sometimes hunting alone. Long and thick wool has a grayish color with a red or brown shade on the sides and back. The tip of the tail is usually black.

The main food for Coyota serves hares, rabbits, small rodents. Occasionally, in the absence of mining, it can attack livestock or wild deer. For this predators are going to flock. In addition to the meat component, insects, lizards, fish and fruits of some plants are also in the diet of these animals.

Couples are formed, as a rule, for life. In the period of offspring, both parents participate in the care of babies. The pregnancy lasts about two months, and the light appears from 5 to 19 young. By the fall, they become independent and go to search for a free area for hunting. Coyota rarely conflict with each other. In their territory, they triggered in their territory, they are trying to pay out with a variety of threatening signals.


In appearance, this animal is very similar to a small wolf. Its height is no more than 50 cm, and the weight varies from 7 to 13 kg. There are 4 species of sacking in Africa, in the south of Europe and Asia. The most common is an ordinary Asian, referred to as a chekalka. The color is dirty yellow with reddish and black shades. It dwells, mainly on the plains, near the lakes and rivers. For refuge, which uses various clefts and holes, lead very well-visible trails.

Food for jackal serve fine rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, frogs. Often, he catches the beetles, locust, as well as other insects. Can enjoy fruits and berries. But since the jackal enters the family of doggy, the meat is the most important component of his diet. True, he is rarely fond of hunting, preferring to Padal and the remains of production that larger predators did not reach.

Retal dog

This animal is more like a raccoon. Acute muzzle with a distinct pattern in the form of a mask and a thick coarse wool, grayish-drier coloring, especially emphasizes the similarity.

In the choice of its nest, these animals are unpretentious. Asylums can be located near the housing of a person and in the roads, in a bunch of cut down trees and peat stacks.

Undemanding and to food. It may have any liveliness that falls on the way - frogs, mice, birds and their eggs, insects, fruits and berries, and also do not happen to Padalu. Of all the animals, who relates to the family of doggy, is the only one that may in the case of a cold winter to heal in a hibernation. In the fall, the dog accumulates fat resources that facilitate its existence in the cold season.


One of the most famous forest inhabitants, familiar with everyone since childhood, the hero of many folk fairy tales is a fox. From the wolf is distinguished by a squat long trunk, acutely elongated with fruit and eyes with a vertical pupil of oval shape. There are more than 25 subspecies of these animals, but the most common redhead fox is most common. Its dimensions are average, the weight does not exceed 10 kg. The color of the redhead, and in the southern regions it is more dull, and in the north quite bright.

Although the fox and is included in the family of dogs, which predators are predators, it is quite diverse food. The prey is usually small rodents and birds. Tens of plant species, fruits, berries, reptiles, fish, insects are also included in the diet of the animal.

Known by his cunning, the fox knows how to deftly leave the persecution, confuse traces and shoot down the persecutor. Prey she sees from afar, knows how to imperceptibly to grasp to grab the shared victim. Foxes live by one, forming a pair only during the removal of the offspring.

Wild dog Dingo

Most scientists inhabiting in Australia are considered to be quite an independent view.

An animal has medium sizes and reddish-drier color. The tips of the paws and tail are usually white. There may also be an individual with black, gray and white wool color. Dogs live on open plains or in rarefied forests, hunt kangaroo and various game. Sometimes they can attack the farm cattle.


The size of the family of doggy (more precisely, its representatives) is quite varying, but homemade dogs can boast the greatest variety of rocks - descendants of wolves. It is many centuries ago, and those who are considered to be his best friends and assistants. All breeds can be divided into groups: hunting, shepherds, service, decorative. To bring each, dogs were taken with certain qualities and features of the body structure. Experts have been done for this purpose a huge painstaking job. The dog is a mustache animal, accustomed to follow the leader, the role of which, as a rule, performs a person.

In the photo of the family of dog, presented in this article, you can see only the basic types of animals belonging to it. In fact, their list is much larger, and includes many more different subspecies.

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