The meaning of the word cat. What is cut. How to remove under the cat in WordPress and not only! Cat meaning words

Sealing 09.05.2021

Plants Catha Edulis are a shrub of a family family, which will break in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa. Enteogen Cat (Khat) is distributed in the Arabian Peninsula, in Ethiopia, in Eastern and South Africa, it is also cultivated in India and Sri Lanka. The origin of Kata is controversial: some believe that it comes from Ethiopia, from which then spread to the planeau of East Africa and Yemen. Others think that the CAT plant comes from Yemen, from where he was brought by Arabs to neighboring countries. This plant contains drugs of psychostimulating actions, and therefore obtained quite widely known. When dried by Kata, the most active substance, catanon (Cathinone), almost completely evaporates in two days, leaving the more soft acting alkaloid, cathine. Therefore, the collected crop of leaves and symbols of kata is transported in plastic bags, or packaged in the banana leaves to ensure the safety of high psychoactivity.

Katnon (Cathinone) - Main Alkaloid Plant Cat

Kata leaves do not smell, the taste of bitterness, their astringent juice has a narcotic action: they contain a stimulating substance - alkaloid catanon, or Norefedron (B-Ketoamphetamine), which in a number of countries is recognized as a narcotic substance. Katignon, like Ephedron (Methyltinton), in Russia enters the list of narcotic substances. In terms of the body, the catanon is close to ephedrine and amphetamine, but compared with the amphetamine, the catanon shows a lower level of excitatory and toxic properties. Ephedrine isomer, knit alkaloid cathine, or Nor-pseudoephedrine (Cathine, D-NorpseudoePhedrine), has a weaker action and is not recognized by a narcotic substance. The plant also contains Alkaloids Caidin, Katinin, Holin and Bromides.

Some countries sell capsules of the so-called Drug "Hagigat", which is made from Kata leaves. The effect of receiving the capsule resembles the amphetamine effect. Naturally, every person any psychoactive substance, including the catanon, affects differently; The range of sensations is wide: from euphoria to depression. Preparations from kata leaves cause moderate euphoria and excitement, under his influence, people become talkative and seem inadequate and emotionally unstable. Cat can provoke inadequate behavior and hyperactivity, it strongly suppresses the appetite and the use of kata can lead to the constation.

Traditional kata consumption: chewing leaves

The chewing of the stimulating leaves of Kata (Catha Edulis) is a centuries-old tradition of a number of regions of East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The abuse of the Kat creates severe medical and social consequences and is recognized as a serious problem of a number of countries. For example, in Ethiopia, this phenomenon covers all sectors of society now - regardless of social, professional, ethnic and religious affiliation. Chewing kata quickly spreads among young people and women.

Plant Catha Edulis - Folk Ethiopian Fun. In many countries, Cat is considered a drug and prohibited, but in Ethiopia is quite easily. Young kata shoots chew to get some kind of buzz. In the south of the country, Cat is sold almost on every corner, in self-respecting hotels hang plates "Cat in rooms to chew is prohibited" (so everyone chew, sitting on the porch). Bus drivers chew cat, so as not to fall asleep behind the wheel, passengers of buses - because it is bored to go, or because the neighbor who worked - so that it was more fun to work, unemployed - because there is nothing more to do, young people - on the global habit of youth to Consumption of any narcotic rubbish.

At the same time, among Ethiopses, almost no one smokes. Strong alcoholic drinks here are also not in fashion. So it remains to chew green crumb leaves. Separate residents of Ethiopia, of course, smoke. But not tobacco. The city of Rastafarian Church, preaching the idea of \u200b\u200bRastafari and Rastaman religion among the local population, is located in the city of Shashmenne. And if all Ethiopia listens to amgara music (then you mean folk), then the Rastaman Music reggae and Bob Marley sounds in Shashmenne at every corner. The former inhabitants of Jamaica, who returned to Ethiopia (which, according to their faith, is a real land promised, and white everything lie about their Israel), like their Caribbean uniforms, grow and use marijuana for sacred purposes. The local police, they say, is tolerant refers to this fact, but strongly stops all missionary excuses of Rastamanov - that is, attempts to sell marijuana to representatives of other religions.

Usually fresh kata leaves chew or brew tea. The action of kata is described in the range from comparison with the use of very strong coffee (stimulation of the nervous system) to cocaine and even the strong effect of an amphetamine type - depending on the number of eaten leaves. In this case, the consequences of the effects of kata on the human body are poorly studied by scientists, although cases of severe conditions were recorded under overdose. Despite the centuries-old tradition of drinking kata by Africans, it is not clear whether the use of kata is physical dependence. Chewing kata has some side effects that quickly make themselves know - loss of appetite, insomnia and general depression.

Plant Cat - National Yemen Drug

Daily after dinner of Tribal Sheikh Mahvit Mohammed Abu Ali is comfortable in his spacious room with a group of people to commit a daily ritual - to chew cat and talk. Each of the keenship brings with them all the most necessary for this procedure: its own stock of kata - large beams of light-rogic leaves for chewing during the discussion of the latest events. The chewing fading with these leaves of kata cheek until it is bloated before, as it seems that threatening the explosion of sizes. The conversation flows from the problem of someone invited, which Sheikh Mohammed is patiently listened to the latest news of the day.

A similar scene can be observed daily throughout the country in the houses of people absolutely different social status. And if we talk about some kind of yemen tradition, it is undoubtedly chewing kata leaves. For the Yemenians themselves, the chewing kata is not only a detrimental habit or pastime: this is a lifestyle. Tens of thousands of families of the country maintain tens of thousands of families and do millions of dollars a year. In a recent state report, it was noted that 90% of men and, almost less women bang Cat regularly. Children are subject to this tradition when reaching, about 10 years of age. Those who oppose this habit are paying attention to its destructive effect on the health and the fact that millions of men spend a huge amount of time. But supporters of Sheikh Mohammed will offer another point of view of the vision of this problem.

Tradition to chew cat appeared more than 600 years ago. At the expense of this there is even a legend that says the following: one shepherd drew attention to the fact that his herd, tasted the leaves of a certain plant, often found in certain areas of Yemen, becomes calmer. Cattle, besides, has become more enduring, and milk is more nutritious. Then the shepherd began to chew these leaves myself. He liked him so much that he shared a secret with others, who was also addicted to the chewing of the leaves. Over time, Cat has become so popular that it is now grown on plantations protected by armed guards, enabling the cultivation of coffee, as a less profitable product.

Kata Cultivation: Kata Growing in Yemen

Today Cat is the most profitable crown. It is 25% of the whole yemen harvest and 16% of the population are busy with its cultivation. This shrub is grown on well-irrigated soils of mining plantations at an altitude of 1600 to 2,700 meters. When collecting the leaves of Kata, preference is given to young small leafs. Due to the different type of soil and irrigation techniques in each region, our shrubs are growing. For example, the blue mountain cat, assembled in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Shahara, has such a strong effect that his people who chewing can not sleep up to three days. In the past, Cat was consumed mainly by the wealthy minority of Yemenians, but since 1970, the cultivation of this plant, which turned out to be much more profitable than the production of coffee, acquired a huge scale. Cat is also popular in Somalia, Djibouti, Northern Kenya and South Ethiopia. In some areas, instead of leaves that are so loved in Yemen, the soft stems of this shrub are consumed.

Despite the attempts of the Yemen government to send the population to the cultivation of other cultures, many refused to grow vegetables and fruits in favor of Kata. Unlike other cultures, such as coffee, cat grows in the same climatic conditions all year round, sold more and is more profitable. The only drawback - Katu requires a lot of water, which is not enough throughout the Arab world.

Yemen's chewing in Yemen occurs openly and kata leaves are available on sale absolutely to all. Chewing Kata is something that Yemenians are shy in the very last answer and on the contrary, they appreciate this tradition and defend it in every way. On average, the cat is spent to half the daily income of Yemenz. Depending on the variety, the beam can cost from 100 to 5000 rial. Newbie will not determine the quality of the leaves, the price of which, sometimes, varies more than 20 times. Cat on the market varies in size, varieties and shades of green. Since kata leaves should be fresh, it is collected in the morning and quickly deliver from plantations to the market. Usually the cat is transported on small trucks with armed guards. Places of sale of kata in the markets are the most crowded, especially at noon. The crowd of Yemenians choose the goods and traded. As soon as the goods are purchased, the next stage begins a discussion from who today to chew Cat. Usually go to those who have a special room - Mafrash, most often on the last floor of the house or, at least, the sofa. After lunch, the main nutrition per day, since there is no appetite after kata, the company is collected in the appointed place for the subsequent chewing process.

How is the ceremony of chewing leaves of kata?

It is considered a good tone to each of the guests, even foreigners, come with their cat. The owner treats hookah, drinking water, various soft drinks and tea, as the chewing of kata dehydrates the body. There are only leaves of the plant and they are not swallowed. They are chewed, turning into the paste (mulch), which is kept behind the cheek. After a pair of climbing the cheeks of the mulch, which is pressed into the ball, the covered juice falls into the digestive system.

The lively conversation about business or politics, if the process occurs in row of high-ranking persons, gradually fade with the beginning of the drug effect of the leaves. Everyone is immersed in their own Duma for the hookah transmitted to each other. But after all, you will not talk to the cheek swollen from kata. And on some Cat begins to act on the contrary exciting and then they begin to talk loudly and laugh.

The usual treatment procedure from beginning to end takes 4 ... 5 hours. Then everyone diverges on homes or prayer after Muzzin's call. Women chew Cat separately from men, for them it is a vacation from home affairs and just a chance to meet with girlfriends. It is also believed that the Cat contributes to weight loss and takes fat from the body.

Do not use drugs !!!

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Have you been looking for it? Perhaps this is what you could not find so long?

Cat is a herbaceous plant growing in hot countries. It has stimulating narcotic substances, including the catanon. Cat is popular with people experiencing dependence on drugs that cause euphoria and excitement. The use of the plant suppresses the appetite and the will of a person, it becomes overly excited, inadequately behaves.

The plant is allowed for sale and consumption in some countries of Africa, Asia and Europe, including in the UK. In Russia, Cat is included in the list of prohibited drugs, its distribution is prosecuted by law.

Cat is consumed in the fresh form. When drying leaves, psychotropic substances evaporate, leaving the minimum effect of exposure to the human body. For this reason, the plant after the assembly is placed in polyethylene packages and is transported to various countries.

The leaves do not smell, there is a bitter taste. Traditionally, the leaves are chewing for several hours.

Impact on the body

The impact of kata on the human body is impossible to predict. For each consumer, the leaves act in different ways, the person experiences a feeling of euphoria, aggression, depression, a tendency to suicide appears.

In its influence on the body, the cat can be compared with adrenaline. The juice from the leaves of plants narrows the vessels and increases blood pressure, the content of blood sugar rises.

How does addiction arise?

The dependence on kata is developing slowly, therefore harmful effects for the body are not frightened by the consumer. Chewing leaves becomes an analogue of chewing gum, provides good mood and pleasant employment. The catanon enters the blood and the body, affects the cannabioid receptors, which are responsible for the work of the brain. Without chewing leaves, man becomes sluggish and apathetic.

The danger of kata is that it contributes to stimulating the work of the body, a person is able to withstand heavy loads, less sleeps and is, and subsequently causes a strongest dependence, destroy it from the inside.

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Signs of kata use

Signs of use of kata are not so obvious as the use of potent drugs:

  • violation of sleep and wakefulness, a person feels a constant tide of strength and does not feel fatigue, the body works for wear;
  • blurred view, extended pupils;
  • tachycardia, rapid pulse;
  • no feeling of hunger;
  • severe sexual attraction;
  • unproductive monotonous activity.

Consequences of use

The person dependent on Kata gradually loses what makes him a man. It is capable of focusing exclusively on his momentary needs. The first to strike the cat is the nervous structure, as the plant, first of all, stimulates the CNS, arises:

  • tremor limbs after excessive excitement;
  • headache, from which only cat helps to get rid of;
  • depressive condition;
  • sleep disorder;
  • diseases of stomatitis and periodontitis, teeth are erased or fall out;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, the loss of appetite up to anorexia, patients suffer from constipation ;;
  • there is an acute shortage of calcium, the teeth are destroyed;
  • the cardiovascular system is not available enough, drug addicts die for 15-20 years earlier, and consuming poor-quality goods - after 5 to 7 years.

Physical addiction

After the use of kata, the drug addict feels "rise", the tide of energy and physical strength. After 3 - 4 hours the action of the substance stops, a person can sleep a few hours, but after awakening to feel irritable and tired. The physical dependence of the chewing is developing so much that it is not able to absorb food.

It is known that more than two years of drinking kata no one person remained healthy. People become disabled or dying.

How kata use affects the psyche

The use of kata entails a psychological dependence:

  • there is paranoid fussiness;
  • manic disorder of the psyche;
  • depression;
  • increasing irritability;
  • inadequate enforcement sharply alternates with an apathetic state.

Is it possible to throw yourself?

There are many cases when dependency from kata people experienced themselves. Danger causes the psychological state of the drug addict. He feels a sense of loss, depression and fear.

Treatment dependence on kata

Treatment from drug dependence in rehabilitation centers begins with a professional inspection of a drug addict. The psychological and physical condition of the patient from a medical point of view is evaluated. Then follow the detoxification and purpose of individual treatment. The patient then passes the post-laborial period. All treatment is under the supervision of medical personnel. The advantages of treatment in rehabilitation centers are as follows: confidentiality, the formation of a healthy worldview, the struggle against the problem of telecommunication, emergency assistance in any situation.

Cat / ... Morphemno-spell dictionary

Scientific classification ... Wikipedia

cat. - Cat. Catalog Cat. Catalonia Spain Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of contractions of the modern Russian language. S. Pb: Polytechnic, 1997. 527 p. Cat. Cartoon Category ...

- (eng. Cat). 1) North European nautical ship, with three masts and bugshritis, services. advantage. For coal load.) 2) Ball. 3) Threekill hoists, koimi raise anchor. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (Gelsk. Cat Sìth, Cat Sidhe, Irl. Cat Sí) is found in the Scottish folklore (less often in Irish). The magical creation that looks like a big black cat (the size of a dog) with large protruding mustache, a big white spot on the chest and ... ... Wikipedia

Explanatory dictionary of Daly

Husband., South., Zap. Palace or Punch Master. See Katorga. II. Cat husband. Cat Tali, Mor. Three-hundred tali, thrust, which anchor, seemed when lifting it from under the water, rises to the crack. Cat block husband. One of the blocks of this, PRES. Nizhny, with ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

See the executioner ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Cat Povier, Ball; Timetable, Bloody Master, Katyuga, Breakny Master, Knutwoard Dictionary Russian ... Synonym dictionary

Cat. - Camorous arresting tattoo sanctuary. Cat Kirov Aviation Technical School GOU SPO Avia, Kirov, Education, Tehn. Cat Kazan Aviation Technical School ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation


  • Malyuta Skuratov: Can I Cat, Yu. M. Scheglov. On the pages of the novel "Cannoda Cat" Writer-historian Yuri Schoeglov creates a portrait of the famous little towns of Skuratov (? -1573) - the companion of Ivan the Terrible, an active organizer of Okrich's terror, ...
  • Cosmos, Cat Ard, Sarah Lawrence. Editorial'villy Vinki` Represents! Do you want to go to the present cosmic adventure? Then you are clearly at! Funny and fascinating facts about space, astronomy and cosmonaut's life on ...

Cat is a juicy bright green pointed leaves growing on light red stems. Young leaves covered with gentle red fluff are considered the most valuable, as they contain more drugs. The leaflets are cut with a stem with his right hand, smoothed, sent to the mouth and begin to carefully chew. The Kashitz formed in the mouth pushed the tongue for the right cheek. Having finished with leaves, chew stems, if they are not very solid. Part of them, wiped, spit into special copper bowls for this purpose. After some time, a rather large romoc of kata is formed in the mouth, heavily overwhelming the right cheek, "knit tires".

The leaves of kata do not smell, the taste of bitterness, their binding juice has a narcotic action. Cat contains cata, Ephedrine, Caidin, Katinin, Holin and Bromis. In general, the impact of kata on the human body is similar to the action of cocaine. In South Arabia, more seven different varieties of kata are known; Depending on the place of its growth, the contents of drugs in it are not the same. The best are varieties with a high content of a narcotic substance, and they are more expensive.

It is possible to consider the version that Kata Kush (Catha Edulis) was brought to the Arabian Peninsula from Ethiopia in the XVI century. Sheikh Abu Saidom Ben Abdel Kadir. But some Arab scientists argue that he was already known in the XIV century. And it grown on the territory of modern yar and NDR.

Peter Forskol, who died in Arabia in 1773, in his work "Flora AEGYPTIACO Arabica", published by X. Nuro, gives a description of this plant.

There is no colors in Kata, it grows mainly in the mountainous area at an altitude of up to 2500 meters. Several times a year, its branches are cut. The greatest value is the leaves from a plant with a height of 1.7 meters. The unscrewed kat bushes reach two meters or more.

Cat requires good soil, a lot of moisture and caring care. Currently, it is cultivated in NDRY, YAR, Ethiopia and Somalia. The best varieties of kata are grown in the Ethiopian province of Harar. On plantations between kata bushes, coffee trees are often planted. Kata leaves are removed from the bush late in the evening or early in the morning and immediately wrap in banana leaves. Well packaged, they retain freshness for four days.

Until 1967, Cat in large numbers imported into Aden from Ethiopia. Five times a week in the morning in the Aden airport, a "knit aircraft" was sidewged, on board which there was nothing but kata. From North Yemen, he was transported to Lahj from Northern Yemen to Lahj, then they were transferred to Dar-Saad (suburb of Adena), and from there he diverged across the country. And in very distant times, Cat from north to south delivered camel caravans.

For Imam - the ruler of North Yemen, overthrown in 1962, the cat was a source of income. 30 percent of good lands in the north of the country were employed under the cut, and most of the landings belonged to Imam. To increase your profits, Imam introduced tax tax. Not only imams, but also emirs and sheikhs, as well as the colonial authorities in the south of the country in every way contributed to the consumption of kata, because people who addicted to green leaves are not able to reflect on changing the existing position! During the chewing of Kata, all the time of everyday life are forgotten, the world becomes light, a dull earthly existence turns into Heavenly Paradise. And the fact that the awakening and return to the real world of poverty. Most have not seen a different path from the state of hopelessness, how to turn to the cat. Cat and related plants are found in other countries of the globe, but neither in any of them leaves these plants are not consumed in such huge quantities as in North and South Yemen. In Aden, the domestic cat, grown in the regions of the Hell Dali and Yafi, is now sold.

The people were believed that there was no plague where the cat is growing; Therefore, going to some kind of gathering, people put themselves for the sinus as a guard against an infectious disease Green, just a torn branch of kata.

In the old days, the Christian population of Abyssini used cat as a tonic. The characteristics are applied Cat for healing purposes. They chew leaves, and Cashitz spit on a sick place of the suffering.

In 1910, the pharmacists of the city of Lyon produced Neo Tonique Abyssin (Abyssinian new tonic drink), which enjoyed with colossal demand as a tonic and strengthening agent. But soon the French government banned it, for it contains a drug. From the leaf of kata, they also make an alcoholic drink that is used in Africa as a medicine. If dried leaves mix with honey and pour boiling water, it turns out the so-called Ethiopian tea. Going to the long road, and Ocabno abroad, a can be a jar of row powder with him. While in someone else's country, from this powder, adding a bit of cardamom, sugar and water, prepare a drink. Many rolling out of the powder a small dense ball and stick it for the right cheek. Powder sniff. South-Germans working abroad, relatives send it by mail or with the focus as "bringing from their homeland."

Many Yemenians from Hadramaut do not chew Cat. However, evil tongues in Aden argue, as if they compensate for it with strong herbal wine.

Those who constantly chew cat, seek to get more and more acting varieties. Beginners, he often causes nausea, headache, strong malaise. Others, dotted cat, lose their ability to control their actions. There was a case when a husband, being in such a state, killed his wife, convinced of her infidelity. At the same time, he killed one of the "friends on Katu" who was trying to prevent misfortune. And another chewing chewing in general did not react to the happening.

In the avid chewing chews, usually in Mabrasi (special premises, where the cat), the blissful state occurs after three hours when they see sweet love paintings on playing bright paints background. This state most prefers to survive at home, so kata chewing society gradually radically, and only a few remain in Mabrace until the morning. Some are trying to move into reality, but those who chew cat for a long time have serious difficulties in the fulfillment of their desires, since Cat causes anaphrodisia. Of course, this is reluctant to be reluctant, however, when I asked several of my friends, whether it was, they nodded affirmatively. Often, wanting to get out of such an unpleasant position, resort to the help of alcohol. The next morning is "riding hangover": unhealthy, mood gloomy, I want to sleep, nothing in the world is pleased.

Most of the adentes "Cat" on Thursdays and Fridays. On Saturday, they force themselves to hold back and patiently waiting for the next Thursday. Therefore, the consumption of them by Kata does not entail any serious consequences. But those who chew more often, it turns into a habit, they suffer from insomnia, very nervous, they have a feeling of fear of tomorrow, the reaction is very weakened. Therefore, there is a traffic rule in the NDRY, prohibiting the car to get driving if the driver is under the action of kata. But traditions do not disappear instantly, and there is no, no yes and meet a taxi driver with "Katova cheek".

Frequent use of kata leads to a violation of the blood supply to the mucous membranes. Especially exposed to atrophy and the destruction of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In the resulting cracks, bacteria are inhabited by inflammation. Many as a result of kata consumption suffer from chronic gastritis, accompanied by the lack of appetite, pain in the stomach and iron deficiency anemia. Almost all adherents of green leaves have chronic constipation. These diseases declare themselves, as a rule, for years to thirty-five years, and even before.

Long-term chewing kata goes into drug addiction. A drug addict can no longer do without any of a single day, even during work. He himself says that no longer can live without kata. Cat is customary to use in, companies, but not a drug addict rarely chews him alone, always looking for a comrades for this purpose, the drug addict is alone with himself. Already in the initial stage of drug addiction, a person is distinguished from the society, from which it will still be different from anyway. In the final stage of drug addiction, these people with depleted, extended, apathetic faces are squatting somewhere in the shade on the corner of the street and Klyanchat alms to buy another bunch of kata on the projected money. Now they are not capable of doing any job at all.

(It should be noted that the Cat is not officially counted among drugs, its use is not prohibited in most countries of the world. Given all the negative consequences of the custom of chewing Cat, the Government of the NDRY is taking measures to reduce its production, import, sales and use.)

Well, a woman? Maybe the chewing kata was one of the few permissible "pleasures"? Southern Yemen women, as opposed to their sisters in the north, chew Cat rarely, and if they chew, only in the society of their husbands, parents, adult sons and daughters, most of them take an active part in the fight against kata use. After all, they also suffer from this and their children: the family falls apart because the husband was addicted to Katu, and the house lacks money for foods, on powder milk for young children, to the most necessary.

Cat never existed and there are no solid prices. The merchant this plant always adapts to the demand for goods. On holidays and on the days of paying the price of cat is very high. For the merchants "Good hearts" - they let go even on credit. In the bazaar in Aden there is a small alley, where in the evening light as a day where the conventional noise of the crowd is not heard. With a strongly hoppy cheek, for which a large ball of kata, dressed only in a feet, pouring down later, traders are sitting on the shelves, and their kerosene lamps cast a bright light on the green bunches of kata next to them. The buyer needs a lot of time to choose a variety better and buy it cheaper. One bunch of kata is on average from 1 to 2 dinars. But usually take not alone, which is very significantly affected by the family budget, since the monthly work of the working average is from 20 to 30 dinars, and women are still rarely able to find paid work.

The government conducts a permanent struggle against the abuse of a cat, but not by the method of decisive prohibitions, and not in a hurry, given the complexity of the problem, "one Yemenian doctor told me. - It is not prohibited to grow cat, to sell - also, peasants who are bred instead of kata other cultures, the government provides financial support. Therefore, the areas occupied under the cut, in the north of the NDRI noticeably decreased. Members of the OPONF, school teachers, women's and youth organizations conduct a wide public campaign to combat the Katov addict on radio and television, doctors act with reports on the destructive action of kata. For very few years, the use of this potion has declined noticeably, especially among young people. Yes, and the elderly now too, not very readily shown on the street with a hoppy cheek. We are convinced that our people who have found all the forces to free themselves from domestic and foreign oppressors will be able to overcome and robber drug addiction.


m. Kat-Tali, Morc. Three-hundred tali, thrust, which appeared when lifting it from under the water, rises to the crack. Cat-block m. One of the blocks of this, PRES. Nizhny, with a hook, cat-gap m., for laying for a rhy (ring) anchors; In the blocks, these crippar m. Rope in the hand of thickness. Also Katorga.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


kata, m. (goal. Kat) (MA). Crane for lifting anchor. Take anchor on cat.


kata, m. (Ukrainian. from Polish Kat) (Constand.). Executioner. Mazepa Lick Torzat Kata. Pushkin.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


A, m. (Standard. Region). The same thing that the executioner.

having led the predel. Katyuga - and m.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. Tackle to raise anchor.



and kata flowers.

Cat (Street)

metro "Saughdle"

Cat (values)

Cat. Can mean:

  • Cat - monotype of the shrubs of the family of essayle.
  • cat ( outdated word) - Ball.
  • cat - crane for anchor lift.
  • cat (jargon from - "cut" by the title of the tag; more often combined with the pretext of "under") - a hidden part of the text in a blog or forum, to view which you need to perform some actions.
  • Cat - the type of Korean traditional hat, which men were worn with Hanbok during the Times of the Choson dynasty.
  • Cat Il-Khan Bagadur-Shad - Kagan East Turkic Kaganate from 620 to 630.
  • Kat Shi - Scottish Folklore Character.

Cat (hat)

Cat. - The type of Korean traditional hat, which men wore with Hanbok during the Times of the Choson Dynasty. The hat was made of bamboo-based horse hair. Cat black and partly shifted.

Most cylindrical cylindrical cow on a bamboo-based, with wide fields are also available. Only married middle-class men at the end of the XIX century could wear Cat, who showed all the social status of the carrier and defended his hair beam, which was called santhu .

In the time of the Choson dynasty wearing a black cat ( hinnip, 黑 笠, 흑립) only men passed the exam quague. Simple people wore pharengi which was woven from the bamboo parts resembling a straw.

Craftsmen who make Kati are called casilichan .

Examples of the use of the word cat in the literature.

Urgently organized scratching kata From the clutch, which passed nervously, somewhat risky, but it ended well.

Happers Governor S. kat. He exchanged, and shouting the words suspicious on the whole street: - Feel, people!

They spited out appetite, and when they returned to katu, Franklin impatiently began to disassemble the food basket, and Indra took up the primus.

Alba, Cat. And Meetida, like most other realities, did not possess highly developed technology, so Blated could not bring from there the main thing, what Liton was eager, - Knowledge!

In short, mom, multi-axis, thrown to Irina, moaning from the next unfortunate love, then Kate, sluggish, inhibited that Mom found the evidence of unusualness, the elevation of her nature, at least conspiraces, at least burning dreaming to turn a stupid plant into a flowering tree.

And all because they jerked us to call the gene to repack a backpack - it was necessary to cat. lay down

Kate I had to transfer many of these Ubogonki Vir-Dram, both in the form of plot-thematic paintings, and scenes who demanded its direct personal participation, and they all represented as a result of the renovation of genios in the form of polar different characters of this or that fairy tale.

Kate Called Seryozha Aging and asked: - Well, are you preparing for programming?

Kate Princeheim, relations with Erenberg ceased in human relationship marriage was happy, the writer deeply respected and loved his beautiful wife.

Pulled the binduzhnik by the hand, showed on the prisoners: - They are the same kati?

Next to her marched factory Cat. - Shopful varnank with wild eyes.

But Kate It seemed that the freckle would be eagerly, even happy jumped off the textbook and moved to her bed.

You know, - the freckle quickly hesitated Kate On the ear, - once the darkness all the same swallowed Solnshko.

Prison on the island Cat.In which the thunder and his friends were sitting before, was overflowing again, and Sirius was picked up in close, as a coffin, a single thing to some strange low-bowl in a red cap.

After all, there is a bunch of witnesses, which at the moment will confirm that Elagin was badly clinging to clinging to Katethat late P.

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