What birds are omnivorous. Unimportant birds. At the place of nesting

Design and style 09.05.2021
Design and style

"The most important troops of the birds" - the detachments of birds. Live synonyms. Pheasant. Owl. Day predatory birds. Wingspan. A large number of miserable rodents. Diversity of predatory birds. Social detachment. Vulture Chicken detachment. Fastening learned.

"Fabulous birds" - to which ecological group on the method of nutrition are these birds. Environmental groups of birds. The child was caught. Blue bird. Firebird. Residents were engaged in crafts from a tree. Brought old people. Paradise birds. Birds of happiness from a tree. In birds, catching insects in the air, beak. Unusually colorful plumage.

"Types of birds" - medium-sized woodpecker. Ordinary Nanda. It also lives in Malaya and Central Asia. The shock of males NANDU in something is similar to the current of ostrich. Legs are short, yellow. Black Korean. The tail of a brownish female reaches 45 cm with a total body length of 75 cm. The presentation was a teacher of biology to Slobodkovka Osh Pronon N.A.

"Animals and birds in winter" - in most winter birds approach the housing of a person. Thinking. Ordinary Gorusta. Birds and animals in winter. Adopt the birds in winter. Footprints in the snow. Sanitary forests. The life of birds and animals in winter. Travel of excursion. Subject. Winter meetings. Perform tasks, reporting. In the fight against bad weather. Our area is rich in rodents, especially mileless.

"The diversity of birds" - chicken detachment. Storks crane Heron. The detachment island. Bird manifold. Cassowary. African ostrises. The detachment is ostrich. Oriole Snake Soyku. Detachment night predators. Kazaire Ostrich Emeu. Casual detachment. Eagle Hawk Sokol. Pheasant quail tore wheels. The detachment of hussy. Filin owl owl. Dummy day predatory birds.

"Family of birds" - the singing bird of the family of Drozdov. Family of the carae-shaped height from 90 to 155 cm. Hanging bird of the family of the organizogovy. Sintess bird subfamily. 18 species. Small birds with a sparrow size (body length 9.5-19 cm). Bird family of reels. Birds. Family of birds of sparrows. Family of the Birds of the Neckless 18 species.

Total in the subject of 15 presentations

In ecological groups in place of habitat (Fig. 180) combine birds with the most characteristic adaptations (adaptations) to life under certain conditions, for example in the forest, on open spaces, water bodies, their coasts, swamps. At the same time, not only the structure, but also behavior is taken into account.

Often environmental groups of birds determine at nesting places : Kronognef, shrub, terrestrial, duples, Norniks.

Environmental groups of birds stand out and by type of nutrition : Purbitating (including graining), insectivores, predatory, omnivorous, Padalanedians.

Often, birds from different, sometimes distant systematic groups fall into the same environmental group, since the systematics is based on the genetic proximity, the degree of kinship, the generality of origin.

Birds forest. Most modern birds are associated with the forest. Our forest birds are well known: tits, Dyatlah, Drozda, Ryabikov, Tetherov, Glukhariwell adapted to life in the forests. They have shortened rounded wings, long tails. This allows birds to quickly take off and taper between trees.

Among forest birds there are vegetative (graining), insectivores, predatory and omnivores (Fig. 181).

Depending on the nature of the food in birds, the beaks and limbs are developed in different ways. So, insectivores tits, food, crusts, foams They have thin pointed beaks, allowing you to get insects from the crevice of the bark, grab them from the leaves, get cones from scales. Sharp claws and long fingers allow these birds to hold on branches.

Graining birdsgrowstones, chicks, dubonos. They have a powerful beak, which split the dense shells of fruits. So dUKONOS. Successfully cleans the strong fruits of the cherry and cherry. Sharp Ends of Crossing Beak kleztov Let them deftly extract seeds from pine cones and fir.

Large forest birds - ryabchiki, Tetherov, Glukhari - Many time spend on Earth. Strong legs armed with large claws, they are unloading the forest litter, choose plant seeds, insects, rainwoods. Strong beaks are scattered kidneys, young shoots of trees and shrubs, feed on juicy berries. Blueberries, blueberries, lingers.

Typical for forest birds possess magpie and hawk-tetherian (Fig. 182): Comparatively short rounded wings and long tail. These birds are beautifully taped among forest trees, possess the scene. However, due to the use of various foods, their legs and the beaks are developed in different ways. Hawk - predator: His prey is different small birds. Strong legs, armed with powerful claws, the hawk grabbing the victim, curved predatory beak dismembering it. Soroki is a small cone-shaped beak that helps her eat a variety of food (be omnivorous ): Collect fruits and seeds from the ground, grab insects, worms, a large beetle and even catch a small mouse.

Birds of open spaces dwell in the meadows, steppes, deserts. Much time they spend on Earth, looking for food among plants. They have strong legs and a long neck, allowing to detect the enemy at a high distance. One of the typical representatives of the steppe regions of our country - bustard (see Fig. 179, 6 ). This is a large bird weighing 15-16 kg, feeds mainly vegetable food. Possessing the patronage of color, it is often hidden among vegetation, becoming completely imperceptible. The nest suits on Earth, in the sections of the virgin steppe. Paths of brood type. In connection with the decay of the virgin steppes, the number of Drops declined sharply, and it is included in the Red Book of Russia.

Typical birds of open spaces are ostrich.

Waterfowl Well swim, many dive. They have a flattened boob-shaped body, a meadow on the paws, and the legs are shifted far back. On the ground moves, clumsy overturning, duck gait. The plumage is thick, possessing water-repellent properties: the wet of feathers prevent the excretion of smoke gland, which birds carefully lubricate the plumage. Representatives of waterfowl birds - ducks, Gus.(Fig. 183) swans.

Typical representative of waterfowl - duck Kryakva(see Fig. 179, 9 ) Falling in shallow water. At the edges of its flattened wide beak are located horn cloves . In case of incomplete closure of jaws through a lattice formed by tooths, the ducks are filled with water, leaving food facilities in the mouth: racks, insect larvae, small fish, vegetative parts of plants. It feeds the mall at a small depth. Sometimes, lowering his head into the water, turning over and exposing the back of the body out of the water, it collects from the bottom and departs food. Mallards arrange nests on earth among plants. Pulling for the nest serves their own dying feathers, pinched from the chest and brute. In masonry 8-14 eggs. Paths of brood type.

Birds of coasts of reservoirs and swamps Live on the shores of reservoirs and swamps, possess many common features of the structure. They have long thin legs and neck, a big beak (see Fig. 179, 5, 10 ). On the shaft places their body, highly raised above the ground, does not wet. Feed on frogs, fish, insects, worms, molluscs. Moving on the swamps and coastal shallows, they are the beak, like a tweezers, grab prey. Such storks, Herons, Klocks. Many of them nest on the shores, not far from the water, others arrange nests on the trees. Storks have long lived next to a person. People care about them, arranging the dysmots for nests.

Sea birds - cayra, deadlocks, seagulls - form a bird bazaars on climbing cliffs. They are adapted to the wake over the sea surface (Fig. 184).

Environmental groups of birds in power methods. A peculiar group of bird feeding birds - swallows and streams (Fig. 185 and 180, 1 ). They spend almost all their lives in the air, from morning to earning insects. They have long cherry-shaped wings. The beak is small, and the incision of the mouth is huge, the angles of the mouth come for their eyes. They catch flying insects widely open, while the sizes of the rice funnel increase the bristles located at the angles of the mouth. In good dry weather, insects rise high above the ground, and when air humidity rises, insect wings waters, they fly low above the ground. Swallows and haircuts follow them, so the flight of the swallows and haircuts predict the approach of rain.

Common features have predators (Fig. 186 and 180, 3 ). They have large strengths, armed with sharp claws, hook beak hooked. Such signs possess day predatory birds, owl and even sorokoputsrelated to patriotic birds. Many predator mining serve small animals, which they look out with a large height, flying over the fields. Other predators catch small birds, feed on fish, large insects. Painting birds fly perfectly, among them there are long soaring, for example cushions, eagles and griffs. The falcons pursue prey in the air, and then, diving on it, can develop speed up to 300 km / h. They have sharp cherry-shaped curved wings that provide quick flight.

Ecological groups of birds

The environmental group combines different types of organisms that have similar devices to certain environmental conditions or lifestyle. Environmental groups of birds are allocated to the following grounds: by the nature of the food, in habitats, by nature of the nesting and some other features.

Often, birds from different, sometimes distant systematic groups fall into the same environmental group, since the systematics is based on the genetic proximity, the degree of kinship, the generality of origin.

Environmental groups of birds at the place of habitat
By habitat There are four groups of birds:
  • Forest birds they differ from other groups by the fact that they have fairly small legs, as well as medium-sized heads. The necks are not visible from them, the eyes are on the sides.
  • It has a very long neck and long legs. They need them in order to extract food in the swamps.
  • Birds of open spaces Adapted to migration therefore have very strong wings. Their bones weigh less than bones of other types of birds.
  • The last group is waterfowl who live y, or in reservoirs. These birds are characterized by a powerful beak, which helps them eat fish.

Birds forest. Most modern birds are associated with the forest. Our forest birds are well known: sinitsa, Dyatlah, Drozda Ryabchiki, Tetherov, Glukhari, Well adapted to life in the forests. They have shortened rounded wings, long tails. This allows birds to quickly take off and taper between trees.

Among forest birds there are vegetative (grainyaded), insectivores, predatory and omnivores. Depending on the nature of the food in birds, the beaks and limbs are developed in different ways.

Large forest birds - ryabchiki, Tetherov, Glukhari - Many time spend on Earth. Strong legs armed with large claws, they are unloading the forest litter, choose plant seeds, insects, rainwoods. Strong beaks are scattered kidneys, young shoots of trees and shrubs, feed on juicy berries. Blueberries, blueberries, lingers.

Typical for forest birds possess magpie and hawk-tetherian : Comparatively short rounded wings and long tail. These birds are beautifully taped among forest trees, possess the scene. However, due to the use of various foods, their legs and the beaks are developed in different ways. Hawk - predator: His prey is different small birds. Strong legs, armed with powerful claws, the hawk grabbing the victim, curved predatory beak dismembering it. Soroki is a small cone-shaped beak that helps her eat a variety of food (be omnivorous ): Collect fruits and seeds from the ground, grab insects, worms, a large beetle and even catch a small mouse.

Birds of open spaces dwell in the meadows, steppes, deserts. Much time they spend on Earth, looking for food among plants. They have strong legs and a long neck, allowing to detect the enemy at a high distance. One of the typical representatives of the steppe regions of our country - bustard. This is a large bird weighing 15-16 kg, feeds mainly vegetable food. Possessing the patronage of color, it is often hidden among vegetation, becoming completely imperceptible. The nest suits on Earth, in the sections of the virgin steppe. Paths of brood type. In connection with the decay of the virgin steppes, the number of Drops declined sharply, and it is included in the Red Book of Russia.

Typical birds of open spaces are ostrich.

Waterfowl Well swim, many dive. They have a flattened boob-shaped body, a meadow on the paws, and the legs are shifted far back. On the ground moves, clumsy overturning, duck gait. The plumage is thick, possessing water-repellent properties: the wet of feathers prevent the excretion of smoke gland, which birds carefully lubricate the plumage. Representatives of waterfowl birds - duck geeseswans .

Typical representative of waterfowl - duck KryakvaFalling in shallow water. At the edges of its flattened wide beak are located horn cloves . In case of incomplete closure of jaws through a lattice formed by tooths, the ducks are filled with water, leaving food facilities in the mouth: racks, insect larvae, small fish, vegetative parts of plants. It feeds the mall at a small depth. Sometimes, lowering his head into the water, turning over and exposing the back of the body out of the water, it collects from the bottom and departs food. Mallards arrange nests on earth among plants. Pulling for the nest serves their own dying feathers, pinched from the chest and brute. In masonry 8-14 eggs. Paths of brood type.

Birds of coasts of reservoirs and swamps Live on the shores of reservoirs and swamps, possess many common features of the structure. They have long thin legs and neck, big beak. On the shaft places their body, highly raised above the ground, does not wet. Feed on frogs, fish, insects, worms, molluscs. Moving on the swamps and coastal shallows, they are the beak, like a tweezers, grab prey. Such storks, Herons, Klocks . Many of them nest on the shores, not far from the water, others arrange nests on the trees. Storks have long lived next to a person. People care about them, arranging the dysmots for nests.

Sea birds - cayra, deadlocks, seagulls - form bird Bazaars On the cloudy cliffs. They are adapted to the wake of the sea surface.

Environmental groups of birds in nesting places

There are five groups of birds on places nesting . The main difference is only in the form of a nest in which these birds live:

  • Kronhan birds build their nests, as can be seen from the name, in the crown of trees ( orioles, Zublika).
  • Shrubbirds have their sockets near or in the bushes themselves ( hermitage, Malinovka ).
  • Namednognostica decide to arrange their nest right on Earth ( larks, skates, oatmeal, hills ).
  • Doupelognenny birds dwell right in the hollows ( dyatla, Tits, Food, Flyholovka ).
  • And the last group of birds, Nornika (coastal swallows, puffs, kingfisher) , live in Norah, underground.
Ecological groups of birdsby type of nutrition

On this basis, four groups are distinguished. Representatives of each of them feed on a certain kind of food:

  • Insectivore birds (eg sinitsa or fISH) have thin pointed beaks thanks to which they can paint their prey from leaves or remove from thin cracks.
  • Vegetable birds , including graining (eg zelenushki) have a powerful beak thanks to which the dense shells of fruits can break up. And the sharp ends of the beak helps to pull the seeds from the cones of various trees.
  • Predator birds (eg eagle) Food feed on various small birds. They have strong legs with powerful claws, thanks to which they grab prey.
  • Unimportant birds (eg magpie) have a cone-shaped beak that helps them feed on various types of food.

Insectivoressinitsa, food, crusts, foams They have thin pointed beaks, allowing you to get insects from the crevice of the bark, grab them from the leaves, get cones from scales. Sharp claws and long fingers allow these birds to hold on branches.

A peculiar group of bird feeding birds - swallows and streams. They spend almost all their lives in the air, from morning to earning insects. They have long cherry-shaped wings. The beak is small, and the incision of the mouth is huge, the angles of the mouth come for their eyes. They catch flying insects widely open, while the sizes of the rice funnel increase the bristles located at the angles of the mouth. In good dry weather, insects rise high above the ground, and when air humidity rises, insect wings waters, they fly low above the ground. Swallows and haircuts follow them, so the flight of the swallows and haircuts predict the approach of rain.

Graining birds - zelenushki, pichoras, duboneos . They have a powerful beak, which split the dense shells of fruits. So dUKONOS. Successfully cleans the strong fruits of the cherry and cherry. Sharp Ends of Crossing Beak kleztov Let them deftly extract seeds from pine cones and fir.

Common signs possess predators. They have large strengths, armed with sharp claws, hook beak hooked. Such signs possess day predatory birds, owl and even sorokoputsrelated to patriotic birds. Many predator mining serve small animals, which they look out with a large height, flying over the fields. Other predators catch small birds, feed on fish, large insects. Painting birds fly perfectly, among them there are long soaring, for example kanyuki, Eagles and griffs. The falcons pursue prey in the air, and then, diving on it, can develop speed up to 300 km / h. They have sharp cherry-shaped curved wings that provide quick flight.

Bird size, her strength and abilities, as well as abundance of food, needs and competitors.

Most bird species can be divided into 3 categories based on their diet:

Carnivorous, or predatory birds

This group includes birds whose diet consists mainly of meat, insects, other birds, and. Painting birds can hunt for their prey or have dead carcasses. Some carnivorous birds include hawks, falcons, eagles, skops, vultures, owls, etc.

This is a common term used to describe the diet of animal meat, however, there is a more specialized diet that provides for the use of poultry of a certain type of meat, including:

Fishing, or ichthyophagi

The ration of ichthyophages consists mainly of fish, but may also include water insects, and. Many birds of this category have specialized keys and strong claws that help them grab their prey. Some species of birds that are classified as fishing include scopes, crashes, cormorants, albatrosses and. Herons, pelicans and seagulls are also considered partially fishing.


Insectivores are different types of birds whose diet primarily consists of insects such as: water insects, flying insects, grasshoppers, caterpillars, dragonflies, butterflies and many others. These insects are an important source of protein for most birds and especially for young chicks.

There are many birds that are considered insectivores, although they eat not only insects, as these are dominated in their diet. Some species choose power exclusively insects at a certain time of the year, when other food is not available. Birds, which are mainly insectivore throughout their lives, include azure birds, fluffs, swallows, worship, woodwiths and wipers.


The diet of the birds consists mainly of meat of small birds. Both and small birds of prey can have other birds. These are mobile pilots with strong legs and claws that are able to catch and keep their prey. Examples of such birds are Sapsans and hawks.


The nutrition of these birds consists of consuming a large number of mollusks, such as snails, oysters, mussels and slugs. Many clam makes have sharp beaks and strong jaws that help find and capture prey, as well as split solid sinks. Birds that feed on molluscs include a kulik-forty and Korshunov, and sometimes ducks, Lyshuh, Oloyapok and Kopitz.


The diet of snakes consists mainly of snakes. Such birds have rapid reflexes and sharp claws for catching snakes. Smeyadded birds include: Secretary, Black Smereyad, Heron, and representatives of the Voronov family.


Unlike carnivore, the diet of birds consists of products of plant origin, including vegetables, fruits, berries, seeds, grain, nectar, etc. Depending on the food preferences, vegetative birds can be divided into the following groups:


Their diet consists mainly of fruits, such as bananas, apples, pears, oranges, as well as berries. Fruit birds often have special beaks that help effectively cut fruits and remove skin. This group includes fisps, frozards, starlats and many other birds that feed exclusively fruit.


Grainyons feed mainly by seeds and grains. These include large birds having thick strong beaks capable of splitting hard shells and smaller birds with thin beaks for mining seeds from pine cones and colors. Many graining birds can also consume insects as an additional source of protein. Examples of grainyons are: churo-shaped, sparrows and reels.


The diet of nectaroid birds consists mainly of nectar. They can also consume a small amount of fruit, insects and juice. These birds have specialized beaks that give access to colors nectar. The most famous nectaroid birds are hummingbirds, colored worm worm and tanagra-medicine.


Birds feed on plants and animals. Preferred food sources include insects, fish, lizards, crustaceans, rodents, seeds, grains, herbs, nectar and fruit. The diet may vary depending on the season and the abundance of products. Most of the types of hummingbirds, ducks, dyatlov and eagles are examples of unported birds.

Most often in living corners are contained by birds of Sparrows detachment. Conditionally they are divided into two ecological groups - vegetation and insectivores.

The roasting birds are convenient for the content that they are not demanding to feed - feed on fruits and plant seeds, waste from the table, are relatively easily accustomed to captivity. Thanks to these properties, lovers willingly contain even those of them that do not differ in good singing.

Sparrow We are represented by two species: sparrow field, or rustic, and sparrow houses, or urban. These birds are probably interesting not so much by their biology as history and relationship with man. The fact is that these today the most ordinary birds for us used to be the inhabitants of the tropics. Due to the easy adaptability to new natural conditions, they settled around the world. Belong to the facilities of the fabric. The family received such a name for a peculiar feature to weave from the utility vegetable and other material with spherical nests, in which eggs or chicks are securely protected from tropical showers and scorching heat. Table. 11.1.

In Vorobiev's masonry, which for a year is usually usually two, there are 3-8 eggs. Occupation lasts 11-12 days, and feeding chicks to departure - 12-20 days. But after that, caring parents do not leave the young people who began to fly, and willingly feed him and teach their independent search for food.

In captivity, the sparrows quickly get used to the person, behave at ease, are active throughout the day. Adult birds are undemanding to the stern, and chicks should be picked up insects or minced meat.

Chizh.Undoubtedly, ranks first in the latitude of the spread of local bird species divorced in captivity. This is the usual inhabitant of predominantly coniferous forests. Among the reel family Chizh is the smallest, movable and brightly painted bird. Male greenish yellow color, with yellow topper and black riding head, with a small black spot on the throat. Black wings with two yellow transverse stripes. Goob and abdomen are yellow, brightening down. The female, or, as her name is birds, Chiryovka, without a black hat on the head, mostly greenish-gray, with dark features of feathers; Bottom and sides of her white with wide longitudinal pendins. Table. 11.2.

During the autumn nomads, the pieces of Chizhi often appear settlements, including major cities. Mostly this time, they are caught. Chisie's singing is not a model of perfection, but also does not have unpleasant sounds. He spent his song and hurriedly chirbish his song, and, withdrawing the final knee of "Zvi-Zvi", finishes him with a long hoarse "Keei". Sometimes he imites the singing of other birds, inserting fragments of their melodies into his song.

Chii are afraid of a little man, quickly tame, have a cheerful, sociable character. According to many ornithologists, this is the charming, graceful and intelligent creature will decorate live corners, especially enclosures. In the latter, they can multiply in the presence of branches of the Christmas tree, among which from coniferous twigs and moss of the birds themselves build a nest, losing it with a flush and partially hair. The necessary "building material" should be placed in the enclosure in advance. The seizi masonry consists of 5-6 bluish or greenish with brownish eggs.

Goldfinch Thanks to its coloring and good adaptability to room conditions a sign of many and deservedly popular. The name itself speaks of his "silence", elegant color. Bright yellow spots on the wings are immediately thrown into the eyes, a red border around the beak, two light brown spots on the chest, black feathers of the tail, wings and the pattern. Possible variations in coloring. Table. 11.3.

The fuses are very energetic restless creatures, leading a staked lifestyle throughout the year, excluding the period of reproduction. Therefore, they most often sing chorus. The song represents a set of sonorous varied trills with elements from songs of other birds.

Despite the stying lifestyle, the fuses are quite pronounced individualists. It is worth one of them to clutch to the bishke of the reurenger to enjoy her seeds as the other with the opening, which can be conveyed by the sound of "Re-Re-Re-Ra", rushes on him into the attack. He can not indifferent to watch how his favorite food companion eats.

In the spring flock of shcheglov broken into the pairs. Each makes his nest on the thin side branches of trees, where neither a cat can climb nor another predator. Although the silet itself is a rather small bird weighing about 20 g, his nests seem miniature compared to the mass of his body. They are arranged very skillfully - outside as if they are encrusted with lichens, mshami, small stalks, birch bark, and from the inside are fused by the Pup of Yves and poplars.

Because of his imagination, the fuses are badly bargaining in aviaries with other birds. Therefore, it is better to contain in the cells one by one. Nevertheless, for its beauty, cheerful character, a light tame of the silent, along with the chizgov, Sinbogov-Moscow and Imps, is one of the most common inhabitants of living corners.

Finch - The most common or, as the ornithologists say, the background bird of our forests and parks. It is often found in such places where no other birds nest, for example, in purely pine towns of cities, in mossy old boorms without a undergrowth, where, it would seem, there is no shelter or feeding. It is the fins that the tone is set in the daily forest chore, while their song is rather melodious, beautiful. She begins with repeating whistles - "squeezing" and "knockdown", and ends with a pleasant timber - "Raskat". Often, usually in rainy weather or before sunset, the nature of singing is changing - they begin to "Rumy", publish monotonous repeating sounds "Ryu-Ruu-Ruy".

In captivity, angry looks in depressed and apathetic, but with good care is quite active and relatively loosely sing. Nevertheless, lovers attract beautiful color and sociable bird character.

Dramed finches modest and nice. The belly of the male reddish-brown, the top of the head is bluish gray, back and wings of reddish-brown-green, on the wings there is a wide white stripe with a yellow-willed border, a black tail. The female reddish tones are replaced with greenish and gray. Table. 12.1.

The nests are arranged in various parts of trees and large bushes at least two meters above the ground. The nest is dense, semi-like, outside "inlaid" lichens and pieces of barks.

These are migratory birds, but in Belarus there are occasionally and in winter. The males arrive the first early in the spring and, thoroughly, for a long time, sit with packs on the trees of parks and forest edges - "angry in the wind".

Ordinary oatmeal Prefers raw meadows with the islands of shrubs, lives in the fields and on the edges of the forests, sometimes in the glades, along with the trees and shrubs of iron and highways. In Belarus, it is found all year round, but in winter it is moving towards settlements.

The males head and belly bright yellow, the back with an orange-brown tint, with dark brown spots, tail and wings black and brown with yellowish edges of extreme steering and fly feathers. The female is painted as well, but less bright. Table. 12.2.

Usually, oatmeal is sitting on the top of the bush, a tree, a telephone pillar and tirelessly remove its ringing, like a stream, a song, in the notes of which the metal sampling of a small bell is felt. It can be conveyed approximately as follows: "Zin-Zin-Zin-qi-and-and!" In fact, the song of the oatmeal is not distinguished by complexity or cordiality, but one of the first places among the feathered soloists is occupied by the skill and passionship of performance. Her singing is highly appreciated by lovers.

Taming is associated with many troubles. Initially, they have for a long time to keep in biscuits, that is, in cells, from all sides of the curtained any matter, so that the birds are not broken when trying to take off. In addition, with the same purpose they bind the wings. Cells with already tamed oatmeal hang above human growth. For feeding and care to birds have to be approached very carefully. But even with all these conditions, the birds look more timid, take food carefully and immediately bounce aside from the feeders. However, it is natural caution peculiar to them and on the will.

In addition to ordinary oatmeal in our country, there are still a number of species of this family - garden, reed, mountain, punch and others.

Lentil - One of the most brightly painted and at the same time beautifully singing birds. It dwells in the floodplains of rivers, off the coast of lakes, shrub and a low owner. Sitting on top or in the crown of the tree, for a long time withdraws their simple, but ringing and pleasant songs-points, which words can be conveyed like this: "Lentilovitsa saw?" Or "Vi-ITU-I saw?", as well as "Tiyu-Tyu".

The painting of the male is almost completely bright red, in separate places with shades of this color: the back of the velvet and raspberry, wings and tail brownish-red, the abdomen is red-gray. Table. 12.3.

The nests suits quite casually, loose and places in the middle of the bushes and small trees. The masonry consists of 3-6 bluish-green with brownish eggs.

It gets used to captivity quickly, easily and days after ten years already begins to sing. Sings from May to August. Very peaceful, calm, does not show fear in front of a person and unpretentious to the stern.

BullfinchAlthough it is a typical inhabitant of Taiga, hardly needs a special idea, so well he signs us in the pictures of the winter landscape. True, in the summer in the middle lane, it does not occur or found very rarely. In Belarus, only a few cases of nesting bullfights are registered. Usually, these birds appear with us with snow falling.

In the color of bulking, red, silver gray, black and white colors are uniquely combined. Neck, chest, front of male abdomen and head Cinnabre and red head, abdomen and back abdomen - snow-white, chin, top and front of the head, as well as wings and tail - black, back and shoulders - silver gray. Table. 12.4.

Snegiri is almost not afraid of a man and often climb the branches of Ryabbin right in front of the visitors of urban squares and parks. At the same time, they are quiet and as if sadly echoes melodic dresses, inviting new companions to their packs. Lovers attract the original colors, sociable temper, peacefulness, the fact that the birds are unpretentious to feed, they quickly get used to the owner. Only the first 2-3 days they are welcomed and frightened, as people are rarely seen in the summer. But soon fright is replaced by affection.

Sweethel Flies to us together with bullfinches, about mid-October-November. It is also a very beautifully colored bird, which, according to the predominant grayish-brown background with a pink shade, black with red horny flashes and white ends are highlighted. Gray at the base of the tail goes into a black and yellow transverse strip. On the head, a brown-brown Khokholok, black throat. Table. 12.5.

Sweets are almost not afraid of man. They sit down on the trees with big pieces and longly remove a simple, but pleasant song; The impression is like a mass of small silver bells simultaneously rings.

Caught waves seem phlegmatic, indifferent to unexpected change of the situation. They do not even fight in large cells and immediately eagerly eaten rowan berries only have time to serve. Because of this external greed, there are not very attractive in cells or enclosures. But with group content, their appetite is not so noticeable and their bright plumage is on the fore. Therefore, they are welcome guests in any live corner.

Greenfinch - Ordinary span and partially winter bird in the middle strip. It is distinguished by a dense physique, a massive beak, which easily splits seeds, fruits and freezing kidneys. The color corresponds to the name: yellowish-olive-greenish. The temper of the greenushki is calm, peace-loving, it never attacks the weaker birds during group content. Therefore, it is very convenient for the detention of enclosures along with other types. Table. 13.2.

Sings early spring sound and at the same time gently. Her song can be conveyed as "Re-El-y". Takes up with difficulty.

DUKONOS. The massiveness of the physique and the beak exceeds even green. It painted very peculiar: the head of the male yellowish-brown, the neck of the smoke-gray, the throat and feathers around the beak black, the chest and the bottom side of the wine-red body, the spin of chocolate-brown, the wings of a blond-black, tail of black and brown with a bright border on top . Table. 13.1.

This is the inhabitant of deciduous forests. In the nest of dry branches, covered outside the lichen, postpones from 3 to 7 eggs. A thick beak is able to split the bones of cherries, draining, cherries. The song is very primitive, but the bird is attractive as a kind of appearance and coloring. When studying biology, is a typical example of the relationship of the structure of the beak and the nature of nutrition.

Klest-Yelovik - Typical inhabitant of the taiga zone. From other birds is characterized by scissor beak, the upper and lower half of which they crossed out. In addition, it is notable for bright red-cherry colorful, only wings and tail drowato-gray. Table. 13.3.

And one more interesting feature is Klezta - winter reproduction on the will. He raises his bluish eggs in the midst of winter, among the snow-covered paws. He needs chicks until ate from spring contrasts of day and night temperatures did not reveal the bumps and seeds did not appear. Klezti feed their chicks to the seeds of coniferous rocks. Consequently, to bring and fade them is necessary for all means to spring chains.

The song of the chest is not devoid of beauty. Birds are painted on Divo, it is interesting to spread with bumps, easily get used to the captivity. All this makes them attractive objects for keeping living corners. But there are a number of difficulties: they do not tolerate monotonous feed and may die. After molting often lose the brightness of their outfit. And finally, in our conditions it is a rare bird, it is difficult to get it.

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