Which mainland is the jungle. African jungle. Africa and only

Marble 09.05.2021

If you could fly around the globe over the equator, I would see unbarrible green spaces cut the amazon rivers, Congo, Indea and Ganges, and thousands of their tributaries. These are the most powerful and lush forests of the globe - jungle.

Try to calculate how many tree breeds saw in the woods where there were. Probably no more than 20-25. And in the jungle they are more than three thousand. In the depth jungle, you can only get on the boat. River siste crocodiles. Above water, as if a green tunnel, the shrubs, powerful trunks of fakes, and other tropical giants. Thick green ropes hang from this solid camp. And even the day here is twilight.

What only wonders will not see in the jungle! On the islands of Sumatra and Java will meet a huge, with a dining table, a reddish flower without a stem, asked for Liana. It is rafflepsia, it weighs 6 kg. And in India grows, it is huge green fruits.

In the Jungle of South America you will find the most beautiful flowers in the world -. They hang on the trees, and the thin threads of their roots absorb moisture directly from the air.

In severe, wet air, saturated by evaporation swamps, rotting plants, are clouds of tropical mosquitoes. If you spend here a few hours, your clothes and things are impregnated with moisture. After all, almost every day of the showers bring so much water, as for the whole year it is not going to go where you live. Continuously drops the sheet behind the sheet - the trees gradually, all year round, change the foliage.

Day here is silence. But when it is dark, the inhabitants of the jungle go hunting. The monkeys cries, the growl of the Tiger and the moan of his victim, howl Shakalov and Hyen, hissing and whistle thousand snakes, the Pipe Glas of the elephants will not allow to fall asleep to those who found here night.

In his own way, the bizarre and diverse the world of American jungle. Here are hunting the predatory Pums and Jaguars, Anaconda - the eleven meter, covered with a thick shell, licking with their sticky tongue several thousand ants at once. The parrots of all colors flashes, flutters the smallest and bright bird in the world - feeding with floral juice.

And on the shores of the Rivers of the Congo and Zambezi in Africa, travelers will make rhinos and giraffes. They will see high, much higher than a person, the pointed towers, which have erected amazing insects, whose strong jaws are afraid even lions and elephants.

Numerous tribes live in the jungle that can avoid dangers that lie here. And the first researchers of the jungle had to be very difficult, a lot of brave died from a tropical fever, from the bites of the African Fly Tsetz, which cause a terrible sleepy disease. And at the same time, the jungle presented to people a lot of treasures - coffee and cocoa, rin and rubber, extraordinarily beautiful colored wood-sandalwood and ebony. And how many unknown riches are melting jungle!

Despite the barbaric destruction of all living things, especially the deforestation of many years of plantings, evergreen forests still occupy about a third of the entire sushi of our long-suffering planet. And the equatorial impassable jungle is dominated in this list, the individual territories of which still represent a huge riddle for science.

Mighty, dense amazon

The largest forest array of our blue, but in this case the green planet, covering the almost entire pool of the unpredictable Amazon. According to ecologists estimates, it dwells up to 1/3 of the whole animal world of the planet , as well as more than 40 thousand only described species of plants. In addition, it is the forests of Amazonia producing ÜT Most of the oxygen for the entire planet!

Jungle Amazon, despite his close interest from the world scientific community, so far extremely poorly studied . Go through centuries-old thicket Without special skills and no less special tools (for example, machete) - It is impossible.

In addition, in the forests and numerous amazon tributaries there are very dangerous specimens of nature, one touch of which can lead to tragic, and sometimes, and fatal outcome. Electric rods, toothy piranhas, frogs whose skin highlights a deadly poison, six metering anaconds, jaguars - just some of the impressive list of dangerous animals that lifting the gaseous tourist or a non-historical biologist.

In the floodplains of small rivers, like a lot of millennia back, in the heart of the jungle still live wild tribes that have never seen a white man. Actually, and the white man did not see them.

However, they definitely do not experience much of your appearance.

Africa and only

Tropical forests on black continent occupy a huge area - five and a half thousand square kilometers! Unlike the northern and extremely southern part of Africa, it is in the tropical belt that the optimal conditions for the numerous army of plants and animals prevail. The vegetation here is so thick that the rare rays of the Sun can please the inhabitants of the lower tiers.

Despite the fantastic density of biomass, perennial trees and Liana seek to achieve the topper in order to get their dose by no means an affordable African Sun. Characteristic feature African jungle - practically daily abundant rains and the presence of evaporation in stagnant air. It is so hard to breathe here that an unprepared visitor of this unwriting world with unaccustoms may lose consciousness.

The undergrowth and medium tier is always revived. This is the habitat of numerous primates, which usually do not even pay attention to travelers. In addition to wild noisy monkeys, you can safely watch the African elephants, giraffes, as well as see the leopard hunting. But real Bed Jungle - Giant Ants , Which time from time to time migrate continuous columns in search of the best feed base.

Mount An animal or a person who met on the path of these insects. The jaws of goosebumps are so strong and promptly, that already within 20-30 minutes of contact with aggressors from a person, a unloaded skeleton will remain.

Wet Forests Mom Asia

Southeast Asia is almost completely covered with impassable wet thickets. These forests, like their African, and Amazonian counterparts, are a complex ecosystem that has gained several tens of thousands of varieties of animals, plants and mushrooms. The main zone of their localization is the Ganges pool, the foothills of Himalayas, as well as the plains of Indonesia.

Distinctive feature of Asian jungle - Unique fauna, Representatives presented by representatives no longer found on the planet species. Of particular interest are numerous flying animals - monkeys, lizards, frogs and even snakes. Moving in shaking flight using a membrane between your fingers in wild multi-tiered thickets is much easier than crawling, climbing and jumping.

The plants of the wet jungle bloom over the famous graphics, because there is no change of seasons and the wet summer does not replace sufficiently dry autumn. Therefore, every kind, family and class has adapted to cope with reproduction in just a week-other. During this time, pestles have time to throw a sufficient amount of pollen capable of fertilizing the stamens. It is noteworthy that most tropical plants have time to bother several times a year.

The Indian jungle is shredded, and in individual regions, Portuguese and English colonialists are almost completely cut down during the centuries-old economic activities. But in Indonesia, there are still impassable virgin forests in which papuars dwells.

It is not necessary to come across my eyes, as it is possible to enjoy Belolitz for them - there is no comparable pleasure since the time of the legendary James Cook.

Southern America Many to themselves are impassable jungle, where all sorts of terrible dangers are taking. In fact, there are several types of tropical climates, in most of which you, if you suddenly find yourself in an emergency, will not be lacking in water or in the plant and animal food.
There are five tropical climatic zones: storm forests, half-green seasonal forests, forest-steppe (bush), steppe (savanna) and swamps. The traveler, the victim in the jungle, can get absolutely everything you need for survival.
Storm forests - here they grow mainly by evergreen trees high up to 45-55 m. Their root systems are very developed, the leaves are thick, covered with durable skin, the colors, as a rule, are simple, have a greenish or white color. At open places open to sunlight - the glades and shores of the rivers - more low-grade plants (the so-called secondary jungle), which are practically impassable for humans. In the storm forests there is also a huge amount of curly plants hanging like ropes and loops.
It is very often rained here - more than 200 cm of precipitation falls per year. Most plants in the jungle, not even related to trees, have solid trunks and are not inferior to trees in size. For example, curly plants and lianas seem to have grown with trunks and branches of large trees, they themselves wore. Herbs and cereals are rare, and mostly young woodproof.
There are no winter and spring in the tropical belt - all the vegetation looks equally the same year. On the edges, glades and abandoned forest products in the jungle grows many edible plants. However, in the depths of the virgin jungle, where the crowns of trees are too high to get to fruits and nuts, the search for food becomes rather difficult.
Seasonal seamless forests of South America are very similar to the monsoon forests of Asia. Trees in such forests grow in two tiers: the upper height of 18-24 m, and the lower - 6-14 m.
The forest-steppe (bush) - was marked by the existence of a pronounced dry season, during which the leaves fall out of trees, the rains are severe, but short, with thunderstorms. The height of rare trees in the forest-steppe - 6-9 m, the predominant type of vegetation are shrubs.
SAVENNES SOUTH AMERICA is the plain overgrown with herbs with very rarely growing trees. The grass can reach a large height and grow, so to speak, "beams". Soils in the savannah red, because of what trees are poorly growing here. In the first half of the year, the rainy season comes, in the second - dry season.
In the coastal strip of South America, the stuff and waves of the surf often become the cause of marshes with salted water. They grow mangrove trees having powerful roots, sometimes branched over the water surface. The height of the tide can be up to 12 m - it can be determined in the footsteps of salt and sea grass on the trunks of the trees.
For traveling in the tropics of South America, it will be particularly useful to know that freshwater swamps are often found in low-water swamps inside the continent. With a lot of islets, thickets of cantsome and herbs, low palm trees and small trees. In a word, it is here that it is often possible to find water immediately, and food, and protection from predators, because they try to avoid swamp.

What is jungle? It would seem that the answer to this question should not be difficult. "Who does not know this," you say. "Jungle is impassable forests in hot countries, where many wild monkeys are found and the tigers are angry with long tails." But everything is not so simple. The word "jungle" became widely known to Europeans only more than a hundred years ago, when in 1894-1895. Two "Jungle books" came out, written few people known at the time by the English writer by Reddard Kipling.

Many of you perfectly know this writer, read His fairy tales about a curious elephant or how the alphabet was invented. But not everyone can answer the question, as described in the books of the jungle. Nevertheless, you can bet that almost all, even those who have never read Kipling, perfectly know the main character of these books. How can this be? The answer is simple: when this book was translated into Russian and first published in our country, its name was
The distribution map of the jungle and other rainforest changes. Now she is all known by the name of the main character - Indian boy Mowgli, this is a name and gave the name to Russian translation.

Unlike the other hero of popular books and films - Tarzan, Mowgli really grew up in the jungle. "But how so! - You exclaim. - Tarzan also lived in the jungle. We ourselves saw in the pictures, and in the cinema bright tropical flowers and birds of birds, high trees intertwined by Lianami. And crocodiles and hippos! Where do they live, isn't it in the jungle? "

Alas, you will have to upset you, but neither in Africa, where the incredible adventures of Tarzan and his friends, nor in South America, nor even in the "sising hunters for the heads" hot New Guinea, no jungle and never happened.

Does Kipling deceived us? In no case! This magnificent writer, pride of English literature, was born in India and knew her perfectly. It was in this country that the thick wood-shrubs were passioned with bamboo groves and plots covered with high herbs, in Hindi, "Dzhangl" or "Dzhangl", which in Russian passed into a more convenient "Jungle" for us. However, such thickets are characteristic exclusively for South and Southeast Asia (mainly for Indo-Stosyan Peninsulas).

But the popularity of Kipling books was so great, and the word "jungle" is so beautiful and unusual that many even well-educated people (of course, besides specialists - botany and geographers) began to call so any difficult forests and shrubs. Therefore, we are going to tell you many interesting stories about the mysterious forests of hot countries, not paying attention to the fact that only a very small part of them can be rightfully called the jungle.
By the way, the confusion with the use of terms touched not only the words "jungle": In English, all forests of hot countries, including the jungle, are usually called tropical rain forests (Tropical Rain Forest), not paying attention to the fact that they are mostly located not in tropical, and in the equatorial, subequatorial and even partially in subtropical belts.

Most of us are familiar with the forests of moderate latitudes and their features. We know what trees are found in conifers, and what - in deciduous forests, we present well what the grass and shrubs growing there are looking. It would seem that "Forest - He's in Africa Forest", but, you will be in the Equatorial Forest of Congo or Indonesia, in the tropical forests of America or in the Indian jungle, you would see a lot of unusual and amazing.
Let's get acquainted with some features of these forests, with their bizarre plants and unique animals, learn about people living there and about those scientists and travelers who devoted their lives to their study. Secrets of the jungle have always been managing inquisitive; Probably today we can safely argue that most of these secrets are already revealed; About this, as well as the fact that still remains a mystery, and it will be discussed in our book. Let's start with the equatorial forests.

Tropical rainforest and other alias of equatorial forests

It is difficult to find a spy who would have as many nicknames (sometimes even contradicting each other in meaning), how many names have these forests. Equatorial forests, tropical rain forests, Giley *, Selva, Jungle (however, you already know that this name is erroneous) and, finally, the term you can meet in school or in scientific atlas is constantly wet (equatorial) forests.

* Giley Forest, Giley (Greek. Hyle - Forest) - Tropical Forest Advantage in the Amazon River Basin (South America). The guy forest is a concentration of the ancient flora of the Earth. In the guy forests there is no drought and there are practically no seasonal temperature changes. For guilty forests, a multi-tiety, an incredible variety of plants (only wood about 4 thousand species), an abundance of lian, epiphytes are characteristic. Numerous species of trees, such as cocoa, gevent-rubbone, bananas grow in the hyiley forests. In a broad sense, Gileie is called Equatorial forests of South America, Central Africa and Oceania Islands (approx. Editors).

Even the Great English scientist Alfred Wallace, in many respects anticipating the main provisions of the theory of the evolution of Charles Darwin, being a biologist, did not particularly think about why, describing the equatorial belt, he calls the rain-growing forests there. The explanation is quite simple: one and a half century ago, speaking of climatic belts, usually allocated three: polar (it is cold), moderate and hot (tropical). And tropics, especially in English-speaking countries, called the entire territory located between the parallels of 23 ° 2t p. sh. and Yu. sh. These parallels themselves were also often called tropics: 23 ° 27 "p. Sh. - tropic of cancer, and 23 ° 27" Yu. sh. - Tropic Capricorn.

We hope that this confusion will not lead to what you will forget everything that you are taught in the lessons of geography now, in the XXI century. So that this does not happen, we will tell about all types of forests.

Forests, little differed from modern rain forests, appeared on our planet about 150 million years ago. True, then there were much more coniferous trees in them, many of which have now disappeared from the face of the Earth. Several thousand years ago, these forests covered up to 12% of the earth's surface, now their area declined to 6%, and it continues to rapidly decrease. And 50 million years ago, even the British Islands were covered with such forests - their remnants (first of all pollen) managed to detect English botany.

In general, pollen and disputes of most plants are perfectly preserved for thousands and even millions of years. According to these microscopic particles, scientists have learned to recognize not only the view to which the samples found by them, but also the age of plants, which helps to determine the age of different rocks and geological structures. This method received the name of the spore-pollen analysis.

Currently, the actual equatorial forests have been preserved only in South America, Central Africa, in the Malay Archipelago, which Wallace explored 150 years ago, and on some Oceania islands. More than half of them focuses within the limits of only three countries: 33% - in Brazil and 10% in Indonesia and in the Congo - the state that constantly changes its name (even recently it was Zaire).

To help you draw up a detailed view of this type of forests, we consistently told about their climate, waters and vegetation.
Constantly wet (equatorial) forests are confined to the equatorial climate belt. Equatorial climate is distinguished by depressing monotony. That is where is truly "winter and summer - in one color"! You probably have already repeatedly heard in the weather reports or in conversations of parents something like this: "There is a cyclone, now wait for the snowfall." Or: "Something anticyclone staggered, the heat will increase, and the rain will not wait." There is no such an equator - there are no hot and wet equatorial air masses, never inferior places with colder or dry air. The average summer and winter temperatures differ there for no more than 2-3 ° C, and the daily fluctuations fluctuate. There are no temperature records here either - although equatorial latitudes get the most solar heat, the thermometer column is extremely rarely rising above + 30 ° C and falls below + 15 ° C. The precipitation here falls only about 2000 mm per year (in other places of the globe there may be more than 24,000 mm per year).

But the "day without rain" in equatorial latitudes - the phenomenon is almost unknown. Local residents do not need forecasts of weather forecasts at all: they also know what the weather is tomorrow. All year round every morning, the sky here is cloudless. By the middle of the day, clouds are beginning to be gathered, which are invariably developing the notorious "afternoon rains." Strong wind rises, from powerful clouds for the accompaniment of stunning grinding rollers to the ground, water flows are collapsed. For "one sitting" here can fall 100-150 mm of precipitation. After 2-3 hours, the shower ends, and the clear quiet night comes. Brightly shine stars, the air becomes slightly cooler, fog accumulates in lowlands. The humidity of the air is also constant here - you always feel as if it was a hot summer day in a greenhouse.

Jungle Peru

Jungle Majestic, fascinating and ... Cruel.

The three fifths of the territory of Peru, its eastern part (Sello), occupies the endless wet exvitorial forest. Two main areas are distinguished in extensive rules: so-called. High Selva (in Spanish La Selva Alta) and Low Selva (La Selva Baja). The first occupies the southern, elevated part of the area, the second northern, low-lying, adjacent to the Amazon. The foothill areas of high delicates (or, as it is sometimes called, La Montagnia) with the best drainage conditions are more favorable for the development of lands under tropical cultures and animal husbandry. Especially favorable for the development of river valleys of Ukyali and Madre de Dwos with their tributaries.

The abundance of moisture and uniform during the year heat contribute to growing in the village of lush vegetation. The species composition of the Peruvian sketch (more than 20 thousand species) is very rich, especially in unlottered sites. It is clear that in the village there are primarily animals, leading wood lifestyle (monkeys, sloths, etc.). Here is a huge number of birds. Predators are relatively few, and some of them (Jaguar, Ocelot, Jaguarundi) are well closed by trees. The main mining of Jaguar and the Puma Tapir, wild pigs of the bakers and the Water Capibar, the world's largest rodent. The ancient Incas called the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Omarua, which means "the place where the fish is found."
And indeed, in the Amazon itself and its tributaries are operating more than a thousand species of fish. Among them is a huge punch (arapaima), reaching 3.5 m lengths and more than 250 kg of weight, the largest freshwater fish in the world.
There are many poisonous snakes and the biggest snake of Anaconda (local Yakumam) on Earth. Very many insects. No wonder they say that in the village under each flower sits at least one insect.
The rivers are called "pillars of the rainforest". Even the "forest" Indians and those avoid moving away from the river valleys.
Such roads need to be pulled out the machete periodically, saving from fast-growing Lian, otherwise they will overcome (in one of the photos in the album of the group you can see the picture - where the Indians are armed machete just engaged in the cleaning road).
In addition to rivers in the village, Varadero trails are laid in the forest, leading from one river to the other through the forest. Great and economic importance of rivers. By Maranyon, the court rises to the Ponog Mansary's thresholds, and the port and main economic center of Selva Ikitos, located 3672 km from the mouth of the Amazon, takes major sea vessels. Pukalpa, on Wattiy, is the second largest river port, yes, and actually cities on the territory of Jungle Peru.

http://www.leeslietaylor.net/company/company.html (link to an interesting site about the jungle of Amazonia (English)

The Indians have a saying: "The Gods are strong, but the jungle is much stronger and ruthless." However, for the Indian Selva - it's both shelter, and food ... This is their life, their reality.

What is Selva for the elaborated European Civilization? "Green Hell" ... at first fascinating, and then mightlly drive ...

One of the travelers somehow said about the ruler: "She is incredibly beautiful when you look at it outside, and oppressively cruel, if you look from the inside."

Striven the Cuban writer Alejo Karpenteier still tougher than the jungle of the Tropical Forest: "A deaf war continued in depths filled with spines and hooks, where everything seemed to be a huge ball of snakes."

Yatsek Palkevich, Andrzej Caplank. "In search of gold eldorado":
"... someone said that a man in a wild forest is experiencing two joyful minutes. The first - when he understands that his dreams come true and he fell into the world of untouched nature, and the second - when, withstanding the fight against cruel nature, with insects, Malaria and its own weakness returns to the Lono of civilization. "

Jump without a parachute, 10 days wandering around the rural of a 17-year-old girl, when everything ended well ( www.4ygeca.com. ):

"... After half an hour after departure of the flight plane of Lance, from the capital of Peru Lima to the city of Pukalpa (Loreto Department), which is half a half kilometers to the northeast of the capital, a strong bolt began. So strong that the stewardess strongly recommended passengers. Increased. In general, nothing special happened: the air pits in the tropics - the usual phenomenon, and passengers of the smashed to lower a small airliner retained calm. But the glasses of the portholes were covered with rain stripes, the aircraft with a double strength began to throw up and down and left , 17-year-old Juliana Caper sat next to his mother, looked into the porthole and anticipated the joy of meeting with his father in Pukalpe. Beyond the aircraft, despite the daytime, it was rather dark - because of the hanging clouds. Suddenly, lightning flashed at the same time Lucky rumbled. A moment later, zipper went out, but the darkness did not come again - Orange Light remained: This as a result of a direct lightning strike their aircraft burned. A scream rose in the cabin, a non-verbal panic began. But they were not given long lasting: tanks with fuel exploded, and the liner scattered into pieces. Juliana did not have time to be frightened, as it turned out to be in the "arms of" cold air and felt: along with the chair she falls rapidly. And feelings left her ...

The day before Christmas, that is, on December 23, 1971, people who met at the airport of Pukalpa liner from Lima, and did not wait for him. Among the metrics were also a biologist cap. In the end, the agitated people were informed that, obviously, the plane suffered a catastrophe. Searches were immediately started, military, rescue teams, oil companies, enthusiasts were included in them. The liner's track was known very accurately, but there were days, and the search in tropical devils did not give the result: what could remain from the plane and his passengers disappeared without a trace. In Peru began to be born with the idea that the mystery of this aircraft crash will never be disclosed. And in the first days of January, Peru had a sensational news: in the rural of the department, Wanuko came out to people, the passenger of the most deceased aircraft of the airline "Lance" Julian Capke was called - so it was called. Outcomes after falling from a bird's eye view, a girl of 10 days interviewed in the rural alone. It was an implausible, double miracle! Let us leave the Ripping of the first miracle in the last and let's talk about the second - as a 17-year-old girl, dressed in a slight dress, managed to hold out in the rural of everything for only 10 days. Juliana Caper woke up on a tree. The chair, to which she was fastened, who made one of the whole with a huge dural leaf from the airliner, clinched at the branch of the high tree. It still lasted rain, he lied truly as from the bucket. The storm was roar, thunder thundered, lightning was shone in the darkness, and sparkling in the world of lights, scattered in the wet foliage of trees, the forest retreated back to the next moment to grab the girl with frightening impermeable dark rum. Soon the rain stopped, a solemn vehicle silence was reigned in the rural. Julian was scary. So without closer to the eye, she kept on the tree until the morning.
Already noticeably brightened when the Caucheonic Choir of Monkey-Rezunov greeted the beginning of the new Selva Day. The girl was freed from the charming belts and gently peeling from the tree to the ground. So, the first miracle was accomplished: Julian Capke - the only way of all people who were in the victim of a catastrophe of the plane - remained alive. Live, although not unharmed: she turned out to be a cracked clavicle, a painful bump was buried on his head, a vast oxian was squeezed on the thigh. Selva was not for the girl at all someone else's: two years she lived in fact - on the biostandion not far from Pukalp, on which her parents worked as scientific employees. They inspired her daughters not to be afraid of the jungle, they were taught to navigate in them, finding food. They enlightened the daughter in part of the recognition of trees with edible fruits. Those who were taught by the parents of Julian just like that, just in case, the science of survival in the rule was for the girl where, by the way, thanks to her she defeated death. And Juliana Capka, taking a stick in his hand to scare the snakes and spiders, went to find a river in the rural rule. Every step was given with great difficulty - and because of the density of the forest, and due to injuries. Liana were littered with bright fruits, but the traveler remembered the words of the Father that everything was beautiful in the rules, attractive fruit, flowers, butterflies - poisonous. An hour after two Julian heard the unclear murmution of water and soon came to a small stream. From this point on, all 10 days of their wanders took the girl near the watercourses. On the following days, Julian was very sulking from hunger and from pain - the wound on the leg began to be fed up: this flies put aside under the skin of the testicles. Traveler forces melted. More than once she heard the hum of helicopters, but to draw their attention to her, of course, there was no possibility. Somehow, she suddenly found himself on the sunshine. Selva and river glanced, sand on the shores cut the eyes white. The traveler smalleled to relax on the beach and began to fall asleep, as I saw at all close little crocodiles. As the keen cap jumped on his feet and retired from this adorable terrible place - after all, nearby, there were no doubts of crocodile guardians - adult crocodiles.

The storms had less and less, and the river endlessly crushed on unlimited rules. The girl wanted to die - she was almost broken morally. And suddenly - on the 10th day of the wanderings - Julian stumbled upon a boat tied to the treely tendered above the river. After watching, she noticed not far from the shore of the hut. It is not difficult to imagine what joy and tide she felt! Some sufferers dotted to the hut and fell in exhaustion in front of the door. How much lay so, she does not remember. Woke up from shower. The girl forced himself from the last strength to crawl inside the hut - the door, of course, was not locked. For the first time in all 10 days and nights, she gained the roof over his head. At night, Julian did not sleep. She listened to the sounds: Do not go to her, although he knew that she was waiting in vain - no one walks in the rule at night. Then the girl fell asleep.

In the morning she felt better and began to think about what she did. To the hut, someone was supposed to come sooner or later - she had a completely burned appearance. Hooliana was not able to move - neither go nor sailing. And she decided to wait. To the outcome of the day - the 11th day of the adventure unwitting Juliana Caper - outside the voices heard, and in a few minutes the hut was included in the hut. The first people in 11 days! These were Indians hunters. They treated the wounds of the girl with some kind of infusion, pre-sinking the worms from them, fed and forced to sleep. The next day, she was delivered to the Pukalpian hospital. There she met with his father ... "
The third highest waterfall in the world in the rule Peru

In December 2007, the third highest waterfall in the world was found in Peru.
According to the refined data of the Peruvian National Geographic Institute (ING), the height of the newly open waterfall of the Yumbilla (Yumbilla) in the Amazonian district of Kuispes (Cuispes) is 895.4 meters. The waterfall has been known for a long time, but only residents of the local village who did not give him much importance.

Scientists became interested in waterfall only in June 2007. The first measurements showed a height of 870 meters. Before the "discovery of" the third in the world, the GOST waterfall (GOCTA) was considered. He is also in Peru, in Chachapoyas Province (Chachapoyas), and, according to ING, is depighted from a height of 771 meters. However, this figure is questioned by many scientists.

In addition to revising the height of the municipality, scientists did another amendment: it used to be believed that the waterfall consists of three streams. Now they counted four. The country's Ministry of Tourism plans to organize two-day tours to the Waterfalls of Jubili, Gost and Chinata (China, 540 meters). (WWW. TRAVEL.RU)

Ecologists from Peru found a hiding tribe of the Indians (October, 2007):

Ecologically detected an unknown Indian tribe, flying through the Amazon region on a helicopter in search of the reserving poachers, writes BBC News.

A group of 21 Indians - men, women and children, as well as three palm huts were photographed and removed on the video camera from the air on the banks of the Las Piedras River (Las Piedras) in Alto Purus National Park in the south-east of the country near the border With Brazil. Among the Indians there was a woman with arrows, which made aggressive movements towards the helicopter, and when the environmentology decided to make the second approach, the tribe disappeared in the jungle.

According to Ecologist Ricardo, she (Ricardo Hon), officials discovered other huts along the river. This is a nomadic group, he emphasizes, noting that the government has no plans to search for this tribe again. Communication with other people may be fatal for an isolated tribe, since it does not have immunity against many diseases, including conventional viral respiratory infections. So, most of the Murunau's tribe (Murunahua), which has come to contact with loggers in the mid-90s of the last century, extinct.

The contact was fleeting, but his consequences will be considerable, since this site of the Amazon region, which is 550 miles (760 km) west of Lima, is the center of struggle of groups speakers for the rights of Indians and Ecologists against poachers and oil companies leading here geological exploration. The steady offensive of lumberjacks forces insulated groups, among which the Mashco Pyro and Yora tribes (Yora) are delivered to the jungle, moving to the borders with Brazil and Bolivia.

According to researchers, a detected group can be part of the Mashco Piro tribe (Mashco Piro), hunters and collectors.

Such huts were found in the region in the 1980s, giving the beginning of the assumption that Masha Pyro build temporary dwellings on the banks of rivers in the dry season, when it is easier to fish, and during the rainy season it returns back to the jungle. Some representatives of Mashco Pyro, which are about 600 people, are dealing with more settled groups, but most of them avoid contacts with other people.

According to experts, about 15 isolated tribes live in Peru.
Facts about rich life and major resources that tropics share with us:

1. About 1500 species of flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies grows on the territory of 6.5 square meters.

2. The tropics provide us with such essential resources like wood, coffee, cocoa, various medical materials, among whom funds against cancer.

3. According to the National Institute of US Cancer 70% of plants growing in the tropics, have anti-grade properties.

Facts about possible hazards, threatening rainforests, locals and living in the tropics living beings:

1. In 1500 AD. There were approximately 6 million natives living in the rain forests of the Amazon. But together with the forests began to disappear their inhabitants. In the early 1900s, there were less than 250,000 natives living in the Amazon forests.

2. As a result of the disappearance of the tropics on Earth, only 673 million hectares of rainforest remained.

3. Considering the speed of the disappearance of tropics, 5-10% of tropical species of animals and plants will disappear every decade.

4. Virtually 90% of 1.2 billion people living in poverty depend on rainforest.

5. 57% of world tropics are located in the territory of developing countries.

6. Each second from the face of the Earth disappears the segment of the rainforest in size equal to the football field. So, 86400 "football fields" disappears on the day, and more than 31 million per year.

Brazil and Peru will develop joint projects for the production of biofuels. (18.0.2008):

Brazil and Peru agreed on joint projects to increase the production of biofuels, hydroelectric energy and petrochemistry products, reports the Associated Press with reference to the statement of the Presidential Administration Peru. The leaders of the two countries have signed 10 different energy agreements at the end of the meeting in the capital of Peru Lima. As part of one of them, the Peruvian State Oil Oil Company Petroperu and Brazilian Petroleo Brasileiro SA agreed to build an oil refining plant in the north of Peru with a manufacturing capacity of 700 million tons of polyethylene per year.
Brazil is the world's largest supplier of biofuels - ethanol.

Amazon turned out to be the longest
River in the world (07/03/08)

Amazon is still the longest river in the world. This was announced by the Brazilian National Center for Space Research (Inpa).

Experts of the Center studied water artery in the north of the South American continent using satellite data. In his calculations, they took the results of the expedition, implemented by scientists from Brazil and Peru last year.

Then the researchers reached the source of Amazon, located in Peruvian Andes, at an altitude of 5 thousand meters. They revealed one of the greatest geographic mysteries, finding a place where the river is born, crossing Peru, Colombia and Brazil before reaching the Atlantic Ocean. This point is located in the mountains in the south of Peru, and not in the north of the country, as previously thought.

At the same time, scientists have established several satellite beacons that greatly facilitating the task of experts from the Inpa.

Now, according to the National Center for Space Research, the Amazon Length is 6992.06 km, while the Nile flowing in Africa is 140 km in short (6852.15 km). This makes the South American River not only the largest, but also the longest in the world, notes ITAR-TASS.

Until now, Amazona was officially recognized as the largest river, but the length was always considered the second after Nile (Egypt).

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