How pony multiplies. Horse ponies - what kind of horse look and what they have signs. Inspection at the doctor

Walls, partitions 09.05.2021
Walls, partitions

Pony is a kind of horses, characterized by its shortness. These animals also differ from ordinary horses life lifespan. So, a healthy breed representative can live from 45 to 55 years, which is very impressive. Despite the many pony benefits, their content and choice of a suitable animal has some nuances.

Shetland Pony

Choosing a future pet

Buying a mini horse requires a responsible approach. If it was decided to acquire a kid for the house, it is worth considering several nuances:


It is worth understanding that a healthy horse can not cost several times cheaper than animals with documents and pedigrees. When buying also should not look for the most expensive horse.

Savings when buying a pony is not welcome, otherwise, a pet can be sick and suffer from all sorts of disorders, to have too brittle bones and curvature of the spine and legs.


Breeders with a good reputation are also important. Such people cannot buy an animal in which there is no purity of the breed. And this factor is the most important. The breeder must provide a photo or a personal acquaintance with the parents of the baby. In this case, you can make sure that the small pony breed corresponds to the declared one.


In Russia, there is a fairly wide range of pony rocks. The most popular are:

  • Arabic;
  • Mountain;
  • Shetland;
  • Wales;
  • And forest either.

Shetland is considered the smallest breed. But the most unpretentious in the care and calm breed is a mountain pony. If you are looking for a hardy and strong pet, then the forest breed is suitable, as it is not better. Excellent ingenuity and outstanding mind are distinguished by Pony of Wales. The Arab breed will be able to transport large loads and develop high speed running.

Inspection at the doctor

Before buying a horse, the most desirable will be a professional inspection of a veterinary doctor. This will make it possible to understand how much the health of the horse is complies with the requirements you have. Very often, small horses suffer from diseases that even the breeders themselves do not know.

Outer beauty

The appearance of pony is not the main factor on which it is worth based when choosing a horse. Much more important than the breed and its characteristics.

Pony, like any other animals, have different characters. That is why, when implementing a future purchase, it is not only for the selection of likes of the rocks and breeders with a good reputation, but also on the horses temperament.

The most correct choice for the family will be an animal with a fit, gentle, and quite calm character. Most often for children, Wales pony acquire. They are fine with people and are suitable for the harness. Even unprepared rises can range without problems.

But the Shetland breed, due to its unlimited tenderness and intelligence, will become excellent companions, friends, and homemade pets.

Pony care is very painstaking, and requires special perseverance and devotion to your pet. Walking for the purchase, it is worth understanding that every day a horse will need attention, tenderness and communication with man. Therefore, before buying such a pet, it is necessary to clearly realize that the forces and time for the baby will need a lot.

Walk horses

Pony is an exotic horse type. So, you must be prepared for significant cash costs. They include not only animal equipment, but also spending proper nutrition, mineral and vitamin supplements, cleaning agents. Also, the costs include a doctor's services, because the horse inspections must be permanent, it is impossible to do without it.

Pony also will not be able to stay away from home. This animal cannot be bought and leave on the villa site, which you would have visited only 2-3 times a week. Small horses require frequent attention and presence of a man nearby. In order for the pony to be a brought up and truly obedient and close friend, the owner must spend it at least twice a day, as well as to engage in the walking pet, allowing him to spend time actively and fun. Otherwise, the pony can begin to be capricious, spoil the beauty around the house, or even to shake down the lower layers of siding on the wall of the house, and have to buy new (note - if this happened, then go to the site

What should be taken if you are not ready for the acquisition, and the child asks a pony? How to explain to the baby that such a purchase is impossible?

Everything is simple enough. The main thing is not to injure your child and explain that such a pet is very expensive and requires a special stall - a cozy house in which he will spend the night.

As compensation, reduce your baby in the zoo or give it to equestrian sports. If the child is still completely indifferent and small, then play with it in online games, where the main hero is pony. For example, you can find everything you are interested in a pony and engage in time.

And remember - we are responsible for those who have tamed!

Pony in sports

Pony - subspecies of a home horse, characterized by low growth ranging from 80 to 140 cm.

Translated from English, the name of the animal means: "Little horse". Pony have endurance, powerful neck and short legs. In to please, it is customary to belong to any instance of growth below 100-110 cm, in Germany, the reference scale is slightly higher and is 120 cm.

If you measure English measurements, then half the rocks of the horses can be attributed to the discharge of pony. Russia is especially common to the Smetland, Flabella, American, Scottish and Wales. There are about two dozen breeds in the world. horses Pony.

Among them there are upper and easily loss. The most interesting is horses Little Pony. For example, Smetland, among which are met by an individual up to 65 cm. The breed is removed on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Despite the miniature sizes, representatives of it have a wide torso, a massive head and are capable of transporting heavy loads.

These little horses pony Widely used for riding children riding. External features also include: lush mane and tails, thick wool. Most often they have a peg of color with light spots throughout the background.

A year and a half ago, the Argentine Farmer Falabella was engaged in breeding a special breed of horses, later called him name. Similar horse less pony. An ordinary copy has a height in the withers of 86 cm, but often there are especially amazing individuals with an increase of only 38-45 cm weighing 20-65 kg.

Their uniqueness is that with each generation they become only less. Breeded by a selection selection, a curious copy of a mini-appalusa horse, is popular in, Holland, Germany and. Insofar as horses Pony are pets, then common worldwide, where a person lives.

Character and lifestyle pony

The remains of Solutre are a horse that is an ancient ancestor of modern pony, found in France. The versions are put forward that various pony breeds have occurred from wild subspecies of primitive.

In a similar adverse climate, this unpretentious breed of small, patient and hardy animals with shaggy wool has formed. Next Pony was distributed at near the lying territories.

There is an opinion that little pony horse More suitable for children's entertainment. Usually they are seen in parks and zoos, in horseback schools and rentals. However, these estate animals since ancient times were kept and used for many types of work and transportation of heavy cargo.

These patient animals lived in grave conditions on the mines, without sunlight, breathe coal dust and soak. About horses pony They tell amazing stories.

They take part in sports, compete in jumps, jumps and overcoming obstacles, conquering valuable prizes and rewards. The case was recorded when 37 year ponies named the scope won the trimming competitions at the Entree Equestrian Center in England.


Pony have a small stomach, so for them there are preferred frequent meals with small portions. It is very important to ensure that the drinking is abundant, the water is clean, and the feeders constantly turned. It is advisable for animals to spend the whole day on the grass, which is the main food for them, is lighter than other types of feed.

However, they quickly bored with monotony, so in the diet it follows all the time to introduce something new. There are many lackings for pony types of feed, which you can pour your favorite, without fear of his health.

Carrots and apples are very useful for their digestion; sugar beet, supplies the body with useful and energy-intensive substances; You can also give alfalfa, barley, ground sunflower, rape with vitamins rich in fiber bran and soy.

Power supply directly depends on physical exertion, as well as on the place of content, the conditions of the existence and time of the year. In the summer it is necessary to monitor that the animal does not move, and in the cold season and early spring feed in high-quality hay, concentrated feed and vitamins.

Buy horse ponyto date, many wish, and children dream of a small horse. For passionate people breeding such horses Pony turned into a real fascinating hobby.

Price horse pony, buy which is possible via the Internet, depends on its rating, age, suit and gender. However, the costs of the content of this cute animal multiple times exceed its value.

But the owners of such a pet will love all the soul, and this miracle will bring a lot of positive emotions. Horse pony practically is freeit can be purchased on a suitable farm, while having received a lot of pleasure and impressions, having previously driving on it with riding.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Pony reproduction is considered by a person as part of the selection. The selection of pony forces occurs, taking into account certain parameters necessary to obtain the desired breeds. A period of females lasts a few days, in which she is ready for mating with the male. The stallion attracts a specific smell of females.

Often, males are trying to care for their chosen, treble marriage games, which are manifested in persistent attempts to draw attention, gentle tips for the teeth of the sides and shoulders, as well as in sniffing. Socia continues about 15-30 seconds.

Pony pregnancy lasts approximately 11 months. The exact duration of the tool depends on the breed. The term from the moment of conception before childbirth is difficult to determine, therefore it is usually counted from the day of the last contact with the male. Better if childbirth, in order to avoid complications, accepts veterinarian.

As a rule, at once, the female gives birth to one or two cubs. They immediately appear in vain, and a few minutes later stand on their feet and try to walk. Pony lives longer than their high fellow and can reach 4-4.5 decades. It all depends on the conditions of maintenance and quality of care.

Recently, thanks to the success of veterinary and the attentive attitude of the owners, life horses Pony He began to increase significantly. Cases of long-life are recorded. For example, a pony belonging to a certain French farmer, managed to reach up to 54 years.

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Completing our short review on the theme of horses and their place in the modern peasant farm, I could not get around the attention of another representative of their representative - pony. Most people in our time perceive these miniature horses as fun decorative animals that do not have any practical application. There is an opinion that the main purpose of pony is the sphere of entertainment business (participation in circus and show programs, riding children and adults, the presence as an exotic character at cinema and photography, etc.). This is so, and not so.

There are ponies living in wildlife, which are a subspecies of horses, distinguished by little growth, endurance and unpretentiousness. Their ancestors are wild horses ( Equus Ferus Caballus.). These pons formed for a long period naturally, upholstered in areas with severe climatic conditions and limited food resources, as well as as a result of hard work. In addition, there are dwarf horses derived by a man with a decorative goal. Today, about twenty breeds of such mini horses are known.

The most miniature of them - breed falebelladerived in the nineteenth century with long-term selection. Representatives of this breed preserve the same proportions as the riding horses, but the growth of adult animals is 40 - 75 cm in the withers, and the weight reaches only 20-60 kg. With such physical characteristics, they do not have any practical application, so often the role of an animal companion is performed, especially since such a horse has been living 40 - 45 years old! Animals are very smart and easily trained. Sometimes they are used as animal rewards for the blind.

A bright representative of real pony is one of the most ancient breeds - smetland Pony. This is the most common breed all over the world, as well as the strongest and stronger. She formed about two thousand years ago in the north of Scotland (Smetland Islands), in conditions of wet, cold climate and poor nutrition. From the beginning of the domestication of the Shetland pony, they were used for ordinary rural work, transportation of peat and various goods, and then - for hard work in coal mines. For the year, each horse under the ground took place about 4500 km and exported to the surface of more than 3,000 tons of coal and rock. As a result of the impact of specific climate conditions and the features of animal use, the characteristic appearance of the Shetland pony has developed. The description of the animal looks like this: it is a long-haired low-cost heavy-type horse, a rough constitution, with a massive head and thick short legs. The body of the Shetland pony is short and very muscular, which allows the animal to carry without harm to the health of the rider or weight weight equal to 30 - 40% of its own. Smetland pony weigh are about 200 kg, and the height in the withers is 65 - 107 cm. The suit may be any, but more often there are beggars, Ronene, Pegi. Horses are very dopy and easily trained. Frequently used as children's driving pony. Life expectancy, as in large horses, is limited to 25 to 30 years.

Breed fELL Formed in North England, and is known since the time of Roman occupation of Britain. At that time, these small horses were used to transport building materials and products. Later, after the retreat of Romans, Pony Fell was very popular with poor British, who could not afford to contain a big horse. Pony Fell is very hardy and undemanding to the quality of feed. In the twentieth century, the breed was almost lost due to the decline in its role in the carriage of goods. The growth of these animals reaches 142 cm, and the weight can be about 350 kg. Pony Fell is used as riding horses. They are able to develop the same speed as their tall relatives. Different speed, stability and endurance. They have a light energetic step, frisky lynx and good allyurs, thanks to which the animals are very comfortable in the upper turns. In our time, Fell is popular as competitive horses and used to educate young riders, as they have a smooth and convenient move. Animals are distinguished by a good temper, energetic temperament, hardworking, and very unpretentious to the conditions of content. The maneu at Pony Fell is very fluffy and silky, over hooves - a thick fringe of long wool. Most often there are ponies of the glory, the crow, Bura, less often - gray suits.

Welsh or welsh Pony Formed on the rocky plateales of North Wales in the XV century BC. During the domination of the Roman Empire, the breed was crossed with the eastern horses, and after the return of Knight-Crusaders from the Middle East, the blood and Arabicanes began to flow in Wales Pony. All these events were reflected on their appearance: animals acquired more sophisticated, elegant features and a characteristic "Arabic" profile, while maintaining their low-speedness and unique features of the breed. Wellscans are used by the breeders, as well as well combined with representatives of other breeds and are inherited their best qualities.

The Wales Pony breed combines four in-resistant type: type A (height up to 122 cm) - they are used to ride children, they are very obedient; Type B (height in the withers to 137 cm) - very dry on the lynx, so often participate in jumps on a par with big horses; Type C (growth from 137 cm) - have a large admixture of Arab blood and are used both for horse racing and in lung sledding; Type D is already essentially a pony, the growth is not limited, they are created by crossing with ordinary horses - are used mainly for competitive in connection with their very well developed ability to jump. The suit of Welly pony is more often bright - redhead, boulane, gray.

Comes from European forest and Celtic pons, which came from Norway to Iceland thanks to the Vikings. Local residents highly appreciated the endurance of small horses capable of performing long transitions with a cargo, I can only be satisfied in the way with the last feed (mshami, lichen foliage).

A distinctive feature of this breed is their ability to move five allyurs: step, lynx, gallop, input, telt. The Telt was especially valued, in which the horse moves smoothly. On such horses transported babies, wounded and ladies. Icelandic pony is very attached to his home and always tries to return.

The growth of these animals does not exceed 140 cm, and the weight of 300 - 330 kg. The head in the pony is a large, narrowing to the face; neck and torso wide, muscular; The wool is dense, not flossing; Hair Maja and Tail is very tough. The most common fault is the Voronaya, Buuray, Ground, Pegaya, Gray.

Wild escmur Pony He dwell on the heather's emptios of Exmur and Devon (England) since the end of the ice age. Now it is the disappearing mining and swamp pons, which are about 300 goals left. A distinctive feature of these animals is the bright color of the lips and nostrils. The suit of the bombing with bright areas around the eyes and on the stomach. The height in the withers 114 - 130 cm. Massively, these horses have not been used by man, there are isolated cases of their participation in the Agility (view of sports competitions) and work in the mine. Economic importance now they do not have.

Completing his story, I want to stay on several important features inherent in most pony. All of them, thanks to their past, very unpretentious in content and feeding. For the winter, the pony grows long and very thick wool, and therefore the pony are not afraid of the cold. They eat little, and if there are no restrictions in the feed, then quite quickly fade over measures and suffer from obesity. Feeding by concentrates can lead to protein poisoning and, as its consequence - Laminit (externally, it looks very scary - the pony pecks the hoofed shoe and the animal has to do for meat). All ponies, and especially this applies to Smetland, a very durable hoof horn, which on our soil (not stony) is weakly erased, so it needs regular cutting and clearing. If this is not done, then the hooves are greatly growing and deformed, which can lead to arthritis and the sparking of the joints.

All ponies have a very duplicate temper, but nothing horsepower is alien to them, therefore should not be relaxed - contact them carefully, but strictly and demanding. Do not allow a pony to become the main thing in your tandem. The timing of the organism ripening and the time of training with different working skills for pony are the same as for large horses. I have already told about it in detail in previous articles.

If you need an assistant, but the purchase, content and services of a big horse in your farm are unprofitable, then the ponies will become excellent way out. Although the cost of the pony is now much different from the price of a tall animal (from 350 to 2500 in dollar equivalent), but sometimes, on the occasion, you can buy it for quite affordable money. For economic work, I would recommend Shetland Pony. In this work, it is quite practical: can transport the harvest from the garden, bring feed, dip potatoes, so much different cultures with wide arses, perform many other diverse tasks. At the same time, the pleasure of communicating with him is no less than with a big horse. The power of emotions does not depend on the mass of the animal!

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Chuguevets Vitaly

Horse pony is a kind of home horses, distinguished by low growth, up to one and a half meters. They have a strong and bulk torso, but short legs. In the world there are 20 breeds of horses having different colors, sizes. Initially, they were used to work in mines.

Horse pony is a kind of home horses, distinguished by low growth, up to one and a half meters.

There are pons of a variety of species. The most common includes the following:

  1. Smetland. Pony of this species is familiar to many. They are tirelessly working in circus, as well as riding children in the parks.
  2. Exmurian. Animal is used everywhere in children's equestrian sports.
  3. Welsh. Universal view. These are an indispensable assistants of the inhabitants of North Wales. Height in the withers - 145 cm.
  4. Horse. Representatives of the group are similar to ordinary animals, but only slightly lower. The horse is divorced to participate in sports and championships.
  5. Icelandic. These pony horses because of the ability to run trot very in demand in different equestrian shows. Middle Weight - 150 kg.
  6. Dwarf. Horses live as pets. Their growth is 85 cm, the weight of more than 25 kg does not happen.
  7. Scottish. Distributed in Scotland. Inside the breed is divided into small, large and riding type.

Scottish pony is the most antique breed of English horses. They are easy to study, obedient, love children, have an average weight for pony. Decorative horses use for medicinal purposes to help disabled children. Little pony loves to communicate with children. Horses living in one owner are not entitled. But the real friendship is tied with pets.

Gallery: Pony Horses Breed (25 photos)

The smallest horse (video)

Description of appearance and origin

All varieties of these animals have a squat landing, short and often shaggy legs covered with thick hair torso. Pony horses easy to look for root and grass in the larger soils of the northern countries. Thick wool makes miniature animals resistant to low air temperatures.

These hoofs are easily transporting goods exceeding them in several times their weight. The trained horse can carry a heavier rider than young and inexperienced. According to the rules, the cargo transported should not be more ⅙ parts from the weight of the horse. Excessive overloads will adversely affect the animal muscles, the horse will hurt their back.

There are pons of a variety of species.

Care for horses and their nutrition

Dwarf rock is very unpretentious. It is pretty simple in the content, and the strong health and endurance of these pony horses greatly facilitate the life of the owner. The most beautiful pony - snow-white - remain such a long period.

In winter, pony horses optionally contain in a closed warm stable. It requires only a equipped aviary with 3 walls and a roof to protect mini animals from rain and wind. Despite low growth, pony is very hardy.

Animals are followed by the state of their hooves on their own. Care of these parts of the body owner of dwarf horses does not carry out. But if the horse works daily, the owner should care for her.

Wash all the pony breeds are recommended only if it is impossible to do without it. For the procedure, you should choose a warm and sunny day. A healthy pet always has brilliant eyes, an excellent appetite, does not lose weight, he is interested in what is happening around.

These hoofs are easily transporting goods exceeding them in several times their weight.

There are several essential feeding rules:

  • it is necessary to contain cleanlinking and feeders clean;
  • it is often necessary to feed a horse, but in small portions;
  • food should be kept in a dry room;
  • it is forbidden to give fresh bread, sweets;
  • in the diet, it is necessary to include apples, carrots and specially intended for dwarfish horses.

In winter, they feed on concentrated feed and hay. Due to the absence in the required volume of vitamins, it is advisable to additionally include:

  • bran;
  • sugar beet;
  • feed;
  • nutrient mixtures;
  • lucerne.

And pony also horses (video)

Reproduction and life expectancy

The reproduction of horses is part of the selection. Pony stallions are selected for the conversion, given the specific parameters required to obtain the desired breed. The females continue for several days. Specific smell attracts male. Socia lasts no more than 30 seconds.

Sometimes the male tries to care for the chosen and starts the marriage games. He persistently trying to attract her attention, gently sniffs, tickles her shoulders and sides with his teeth. The horse responds to the sign of attention restrained.

Pregnancy continues on average for 11 months. The exact duration of tooling depends on the breed. It is usually born 1-2 young. They appear in vain, and in a few minutes they already stand on their feet and start walking. Births must take veterinarian to exclude the development of complications.

The lifetime of pony does not depend on the quality of care and content and can reach 4-5 years. Ordinary horses live significantly less.

Welcome to the section dedicated to little horses-pony. This is a group of rocks of horses, the main feature of which is low growth.

In the horses of different countries, the criteria for calculating horses to the pony group have significant differences. For example, the British traditionally call pony horses whose height in the withers below 147cm. In Germany, the horses are counted below 120 cm. And the international federation of equestrian sports refers to the pony group of horses of any breeds below 150cm.

In Russia, pony is called horses with height in the withers less than 110cm.

General characteristics of rock breeds:

  • Strong type of constitution.
  • Pretty short-legged (relative to the length of the body).
  • Breast deep and often wide.
  • Wool thick with abundant scuff.
  • Head profile straight.
  • Often hanging croup.

Horses tall up to 90 (according to some sources up to 86cm) belong to the group dwarf or miniature horses. Some breeds of miniature horses have a constitution of standard horses without pony features. Others, on the contrary, purchased bright pony features. Dwarf horses are decorative and basically they can be seen in the program show, in a photo session and as pets.

Most pony breeds were outlined as strong, hardy horses. So, Smetland pony worked in coal mines and dragged heavy carbon carts. In the modern world, the ponies are used not only as beautiful horses for showing programs and exhibitions, but are common user horses.

Different pony breeds are used in children's sports, in drying, are used to move goods. Pony is often contained in private stables as a company for a large horse.

It is worth remembering that although the pony is just low-spirited horses, but having a number of physiological features. Frequency of breathing Pony 15-30 , Heart rate 30-45 beats per minute(In ordinary horses, breathing 10-24 and heartbeat 28-44). The body temperature does not differ from high horses, but due to the characteristics of the coat, they have a high tendency to overheating and thermal shocks.

Pony more than other horses are predisposed to overweight until obesity, respectively, have a tendency to concomitant diseases, such as laminit.

In this section, it is given a complete description for each pony breed, its features, told about the history of occurrence and economic use initially in modern society. Photos added photos to see these beautiful horses and evaluate their appearance, the constitution and the peculiarities of the breed. Since the pons were output in various parts of the world, it would be interesting to learn about the peculiarities of such rocks, differences in appearance, in temperament, in the requirements for content, feeding and care.

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