Cats eat guinea pigs. Guinea pigs and cats. Whether piggy cat is afraid

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Guinea pig and other animals

When a guinea pig meets another animal on his way, the guinea pig behaves indifferent, It does not matter, more this animal compared to it or less. Guinea pigs, growing up in our own team and knowing each other exclusively, simply ignore any other animals. Such a lack of reaction may be destructive for the guinea if it becomes another predatory animal. She is absolutely defenseless With full-time dating with a predator (for example, a cat). Consequently, it is for us that it is responsible for its safety.

Guinea pigs - Animals defenseless, they are easily injured, so they should not be kept with animals that can harm them.

Dog It can be accustomed to the fact that the guinea pig should be perceived as the same family member, especially if the animals met each other in young age. If the dog already lived with you for a while, you need to gradually, step by step to teach it to the engine of the guinea pig. You have to show the dog that the guinea pig is vulnerable, especially if the dog is large. The dog may accidentally come or press the pig, so try to stop such liberty.

With rabbits Guinea pigs get along, as a rule, well. Often, the rabbit protects his little friend, comfortably stacked with him next to him and licks him. But it happens so that friendship does not work. Rabbits-males who are castrated in advance, in any case it is better suited for joint content with sea pigs. Rabbits-females in the struggle for the possession of the territory may if you press the guinea pig or simply drive it into the angle.

Cat Refers to the guinea pig in the first place as a mining, it can be painful and even kill it. If the animals from the very early age are together, then in most cases they get along well with each other. When the guidance of guinea pigs on the balcony or in the aviary should constantly monitor them to be protected from cats. Cat with their own skills on the cage can scare guinea pig and cause stress. If the distance between the rods or the magnitude of the cells allows, then the cat will try to catch a guinea pig, while it can hurt much.

Golden hamsters - Animals are single, and in case of their aggressiveness, guinea pigs cannot have resistance to them. It is better not to keep pigs with other rodents, whether mouses, rats, golden or dwarf hamsters, chinchillas or squirrels. True, while guinea pigs do not become aggressive, but often they are very deeply suffering from an alien and unnatural partnership imposed.

What animals are guinea pigs get along? Was Last Modified: October 16th, 2014 by AllPets1

Having encountered another animal on their way, the guinea pig behaves indifferent, regardless of whether it is an animal more than it or less. Guinea pigs, growing up in their own team and knowing each other exclusively, simply ignore any other animals. Such a lack of reaction may be destructive for the pig if it collides with the predatory animals. She, like many pets, is absolutely defenseless with full-time dating with a predator, for example, a cat. Consequently, it is for us that it is responsible for its safety. Guinea pigs - animals defenseless, so they can not be kept with animals that may harm them.

With rabbits It is impossible to contain a pig and a rabbit in a single cell, and it is possible to walk in place only under the supervision. This is due to the fact that the rabbit can score a pork with strong rear legs to death, and the pig that protects can cause injury to him, for example, to knock out the eyes tooth or apply torn wounds. It is not rare in pet stores that pigs are kept in one cell with rabbits, as a rule, this joint accommodation leads to pig death.

Dog It can be accustomed to the fact that the guinea pig should be perceived as the same family member, especially if the animals met each other in young age. If the dog already lived with you for a while, you need to gradually, step by step to teach it to the engine of the guinea pig. Do not forget that there are dogs who have a genetically laid hunting instinct, and they will not teach them to the fact that the pig is not mining, no matter how hard you tried. A vivid example of such a breed of dachshunds is how many pigs they bone, but still people try to make friends. Usually the dog is humble with the fact that in your presence of the pig she does not taste and pretends to hunt it, but it is worth losing a vigilance and all the pig will be in the teeth, and what a dog can expect a suitable case for years (such cases).

Cat Not all cats see in pig prey, some do not pay attention at all, allow you to even climb on yourself, usually these are adult experienced cats. Young cats and kittens will not be afraid to hunt for pigs or play with her and can hurt it hard and even kill it and not specifically. If the animals from the very early age are together, then in most cases they face well with each other. When the guidance of guinea pigs on the balcony or in the aviary should constantly monitor them to be protected from cats. Cat with its own skills on the cage can scare a guinea pig. If the distance between the rods or the magnitude of the cells allows, then the cat will try to catch a guinea pig with its agile paw.

Golden hamsters - Animals are single, and in case of their aggressiveness, guinea pigs cannot have resistance to them. In general, it does not make sense to the content of pigs with other rodents, whether mouses, rats, golden or dwarf hamsters, chinchillas or squirrels. True, while guinea pigs do not become aggressive, but often they are very deeply suffering from an alien and unnatural partnership imposed.

Birds Often try to make food from guinea pigs, and the wavy parrots do not mind boke their ears. Larger parrots become very jealous and also begin to peck guinea pigs. Therefore, in principle, the content of guinea pigs with birds is not allowed, especially with parrots, as well as with such small species, like wavy parrots.

Despite the caustic urbanization and development of robotics, pets are still in demand. In addition to common cats and dogs, rodents conquer more and more attention. These are rats, and chinchillas, and mice, and hamsters. Special love of people enjoy large guinea pigs. These are beautiful, unpretentious animals that do not require much space. Of the minuses - live a short term, but noisy, social and sociable animals. Many people are interested in: guinea pig and cat can coexist? Consider this question a little later, but for now let's talk about the basics of care.

Etymology name

Few people guess why rodents called sea pigs. After all, they do not live in water. In fact, everything is easier: Gwinea's homeland was Guinea, so they were called overseas, i.e. Because of the sea. In different countries they are called differently. For example, in England it is "Indian Little Pig." It is unclear why the pig. This is probably due to unique sounds that pets pets. Another version binds the proportions of the body and the head of the animal. In Peru, these animals are actively eating in food, but in Russia it is only pets. Moreover, domesticated guinea pigs clearly lost their appeal in the form of food. Therefore, they only execute a decorative function.


There is a great diversity of boils of guinea pigs. With short, long, curly wool. And about the color and remember you should not remember! In general, the size of a pet is long from 25 to 30 cm. Tail No, the ears are hanging, the muzzle is stupid. The males can reach 1,5 kg weight, the females are slightly smaller - to 1.2. In the structure of wool and color, several large groups are isolated: smooth-haired, long-haired and rigid-haired. There are sphinxes, that is, bald animals.

Young guinea pigs are born in an amount from one to five pieces. Bible weight from 50 to 100 grams. The larger the litter, the less weight. Cubs are born with coated wool, with teeth and claws. They hold them together with the mother month, then sit down into another cage.

Single attention is the sounds published by sea pigs. This is a kind of whistle, which they immediately attract attention. It should be borne in mind that pets are extremely noisy, so if you are a lover of silence - these animals are not for you. But listen carefully to the sounds of the sounds. For each situation, they are their own. For example, in the marriage period, the male attracts a female "Chaf" sounds.

Breed overview

Abyssinian guinea pig and Abyssinian cat have nothing to do, except the name. The peculiarity of this subspecies of the rodent in sockets, that is, whims of wool. It appreciates the socket on the nose. There are colored and monophonic colors. Pegashi most often found. The length of the wool should not be more than 4 cm. By the way, if you do not know whether guinea pigs get along with cats in the same house, start both pets at the same time. So animals will be accustomed and will be good to relate to each other.

Another unusual breeding of guinea pigs is Alpaca. Yes, there is the same breed Lam, the similar name is not accidentally given. Representatives of this group are curly and long wool. For lovers of long-haired animals there are risks. And the breed crown has a kind of "crown" from wool on the head.

What is needed for guinea pig?

Rodent care is not as complicated. First of all, you need to buy a spacious cage. What it will be more, the better for the pet. To do this, choose a cell for large birds. It will be necessary to redo it, adding different shelves and passages. Suitable aquarium. If you are worried if the cat can eat a guinea pig, cover the aquarium with a lid for two thirds. Be sure to purchase drinking, since the animal should always have access to clean water.

A feline filler, hay or tyris is used as a litter. Remember that pebbles should be large, otherwise there is a risk of getting into the respiratory tract. To prevent odor's appearance, spend regular cleaning of the pallet. Optimally do this every two days. Fully change the primer you need once a week.

Power supply guinea pigs

There is a joke that guinea pig and cat is the perfect food chain. Partly this is true. In the wild, small rodents often become eating large predators. But at home it does not always work. Many cats with tenderness belong to guinea pigs, taking them for little dogs (by the way, Yorkie also weigh 1.5 kg than not a guinea pig?).

Kordat the animal is not so difficult. It is enough to remember that they are 100% vegetarians. Half of the diet should consist of grass. In the summer it can be fresh, in winter - dried, you can also buy hay. Dandelions give as a delicacy. 30% of the diet consists of grain, it is better to buy special feed in a pet store.

The remainder of the diet is fresh vegetables. Just do not take care of greenhouses, as they are poisoned by fertilizers. This negatively affects the pigs until the fatal outcome. Ideally give apples, cucumbers, carrots.

In small quantities you can give crackers. What loves guinea pigs as a delicacy? Popy shops have a large range of special treats for animals. In small quantities you can give dried fruits.

An animal should have pure water permanent access. You can add a few lemon juice droplets. Young is useful to dissolve calcium gluconate in water. Especially in winter. It is necessary for the correct growth of bones.

Remember that by guinea pigs in no case can I give food from the table! It can be deadly for pet! Nothing boiled, roasted, acute, etc.

What and how to wash a guinea pig?

Sooner or later, the question will stand in front of any person: Do I need to wash a pet and with what frequency it is worth doing? Despite its name, the guinea pig does not like water and avoids rivers and lakes in the wild. Therefore, do not try to put the animal to swim in the bathroom or pelvis. The main danger of such entertainment is not even in the risk to drown (all animals have an instinct to swim), but in the fact that water will fall into the ears.

How to wash a guinea pig in that case? Remember that these animals are clean and spend a lot of time to bring their wool in order. Therefore, do not try to bathe a pet. Do it only with strong wool pollution. Abuse of water procedures leads to wool loss. Try to abide by several recommendations.

To throw the pig in the water container is a bad idea. So you only scare the pet. It is better to calm it, intend, gently lower it into the water. As a bath, you can use a small basin or sink. Warm water should be on the paw animal. Also bathe on one animal, so you will save your nerves.

For specially gravily in pet stores sell dry shampoos. It is enough to apply a powder on a pet wool, wait time and gently wipe the animal with a napkin. If you need to eliminate a small dirt plot, then just sweeten the spot with a wet towel.

For washing, use a special shampoo, since pigs are sensitive skin. Carefully place the pet into a container with warm water, intend and water the water from the cup. After the animal ished and neatly need to slip. After the procedure, wipe the towel and dry the hairdryer.

Guinea pig and other animals in the same house

Guinea pig and cat - enemies or friends? There is no unambiguous answer. Let's try to consider the psychology of rodents. In the food chain, they occupy a lower link. They do not have active methods of combating predators. Despite sharp cutters, they use them only in intraspecific battles. But in fact, even here it rarely comes to bloody disassembly. As a rule, enough intimidating poses and whistles.

When the pet content of pets, you can observe division into groups. As a rule, a group of female is formed around one male. All other males are distilled off. If you keep pets together, you can mark a fun tandem. They will hold together, everywhere moving together.

If you want to have a guinea pig and a cat, then buy them at the same time. It is desirable that they both were young. So, from childhood, they will get used to each other and will perceive each other as companions, and not as competitors.

It is more difficult if the cat is already adult, and you decide to buy a guinea pig. For rodent cats - natural mining, so the desire to dine is quite logical. Then put the cell in a hard-to-reach place, otherwise the cat jumps and its lands on the guinea pig can hurt the psychologically animal.

Try not to let go of a guinea pig walk around the room if a cat or a dog comes there. Even with a friendly cloth, large animals can play with a small animal so that he will have bone fractures. Nevertheless, guinea pig and cat in one house can live.

Experienced breeders of guinea pigs are recommended not to put a cross on the joint content of animals, since much depends on the cat temperament. Take care carefully for your animals. Is it active? Movable? Does hunting skills? As practice shows, homemade city cats are not interested in rodent. Porn cats are usually phlegmatic and spoiled.

When buying a guinea pig, try to release it in the presence of a cat, but be alert: when you try to bite the new pet, you will need to quickly hide rodents. A good sign if the cat simply touches the animal's paw - this is a normal phenomenon, it checks whether a new neighbor is aggressive. Dangerous sign - if enough for the shake and tries to drag. In this case, the guinea pig and the cat is better to walk separately.

To wean a cat jump on the table with a cell, decompose the peel from orange or banana skins. Cats paws slip on the surface, and it will fall on the floor. A couple of such failures - and she will stop trying to eat a neighbor. Rehend with special attention to the prucks of the cells, since if the distance between them is more than 2.5 cm, then the cat can push the paw and scare a guinea pig. Another option "scare up" is arched with a spray with water. As soon as the cat will pick up a cage with a pork, jump into her face in the face.

It is also noted that cats eat only small rodents. For example, mice or hamsters. Therefore, the larger the guinea pig, the smaller the chances of being eaten. Under the threat there will be only young. They can play a predator ...

Some cats take a guinea pig for their kitten and take care of her as a young. Tested for the shkir, lick, fed, etc. But try not to leave them alone, no matter how good they have a relationship.

Some breeders recommend to give a cat and a guinea pig "Fight". This is a risky event, but can help arrange a point over it. For example, with rats, the situation is simple: when the cat will bite the rodent a couple of times, it loses any interest in his catch. Therefore, the guinea pig can also bite behind the paw, and the cat will lose interest in her.

It is noted that over time the cat gets used to an unusual neighborhood and does not respond to a pet. Can sleep on the cage, warningly hiding paws and tail. Guinea pig, in turn, may also not be afraid of the threat from a major predator.

What animals are suitable for content together?

The perfect neighbor for guinea pigs is a parrot. The wavy parrots are digging in the litter, ride the back of the animal, watch it. But the neighborhood with other types of rodents is undesirable, as they have a different behavior, as well as competition. A good neighborhood option is a guinea pig and a dwarf rabbit. They are almost the same size, possess similar taste habits, etc.

Remember that if you contain a guinea pig one, then you must satisfy its need for communication. This does not require much efforts: take a pet on your hands, talk to him, play. Without due attention, the animal will quickly start to lose the mood, root and show apathy.

When you choose a guinea pig for shopping, carefully inspect the future pet. It should have brilliant, soft wool without proper. The skin should be without wounds and the Korotok. Eye - Clear, without selection. Look in what conditions young people live. The cell must be large, clean, experienced breeders show parents of kids. Remember that competent breeders will value with their own name and responsibly approach the breeding of a young. Do not chase for cheap, since, saving, you risk getting a sick animal. At best, you will spend a large amount of money for treatment, at worst - the animal is asked.

Who choose?

What can be pets? Guinea pigs, cats, dogs, rats and many others. There are animals for allergies, without wool, with different color and character. It is worth attaching a little effort to find the desired instance. Guinea pig - an ideal companion that does not require special conditions. If you wish, the animal can be started with the kitten, they can be inseparable friends.

As it is clear from the name - the long-haired guinea pig is distinguished by a long fur, the length of which can reach 20 cm. Sometimes the hair even hide the muzzle. In the rest, this is the most common, requiring a few more careful looks. This kind of animals was led artificially, in nature they are not found.

Long wool guinea pig

These animals are unpretentious in food and content, with a cheerful temper, but they are collective, and do not tolerate loneliness. If you do not have much free time, it is better to purchase a couple of guinea pigs of one floor. Although adult male individuals can conflict with each other, but if they are with small years, they will be friends. In general, these good-natured animals get well with other animals, as with rabbits or other rodents, they rarely have quarrels.

Characteristics of guinea pigs:

  • Body length - up to 30 cm;
  • Weight - up to 1.8 kg;
  • Life expectancy - up to 10 years;
  • Grow up - by 10 months;
  • Color is the most diverse but dominant orange and yellow.

Long-haired guinea pig is recommended for families with young children, let the kids learn to care for animals, so they will understand that the animals are not intended for torment and lodging, but for joy in the family, and not according to books, but on their own experience.

Cozy homemade pet

Rodents are quite smart, quickly get used to the routine of feeding, they can respond to nickname. If when feeding, crumpled or scribe nails, then the animal will produce reflex, and it will resort to this sound.

The diet of the guinea pig

Food standard for rodents:

  • Hay;
  • Grain mixtures;
  • Grass;
  • Vegetables;
Industrial food for rodent

Since the cutters grow all their life, it is necessary to give branches of trees, or buy a special mineral stone in any pet store.

Do not forget to change boiled water temperature daily!

If you collect herbs and fresh plants yourself, then leave deeper into the forest - the animal can poison from the grass, assembled along the road. They eat 2-3 times a day.

You can buy a long-haired guinea pig in the nursery and on the announcement of breeders or just good people. They multiply in captivity they are amazing, there is no deficiency.

Family of guinea pigs

The price depends on the class - the Pet class - from 1,500 rubles, the bridard class is up to 2000 rubles, and the show class is up to 3000 rubles. Content and feed is also inexpensive.


Although it is quite a large animal, and the pig most of the time should spend in walks around the apartment, but it still needs its own corner - a cell or a spacious aquarium.

Cozy corner

  1. There are no drafts in the aquarium, the rodent will not bite the grille and interfere with sleep, does not fly in all sides of the hay and dry food;
  2. The cage is fresh air, the guinea pig can independently go to walk and return, it is easier to care for the housing.

In a word - what is cheaper and easier to buy, then buy, there is no fundamental difference. Cell (or aquarium) Place in a cool place, with artificial lighting, away from sharp odors and loud noise.

Swimming rodent

It is not recommended for long-haired guinea pigs. Water procedures. They are not just not needed, but also harmful to silky wool. The pig all lives early at home, they are not required walking down the street, and for their purity they are able to take care of themselves.

If she managed to go somewhere out somewhere, and the foam bath is needed, then type room temperature in a small basin, the level is about 3 cm.

Water treatments

Wet only polluted place, slightly wash the children's shampoo, and thoroughly smash, otherwise the animal will rise shampoo. Watch your head is always above the water, do not wet it. After the bathroom dry dry by a towel, it is possible to dry the hairdryer in warm mode for confidence.

Care of wool

So that the guinea pig has a wool of astounding beauty, as in the photo below, it is not very difficult, but regular care.


It should be immediately noted that this procedure is very pleasant for both the animal and for a person, for you it will be only a joy. The wool is very nice velvet to the touch, warm, fluffy - all soothes nerves and distinguishes heavy thoughts.

To begin with, we will need:

  • Soft brush for small animals;
  • Metal brush brush;
  • Manicure scissors.

Combing them is necessary daily, it will not allow to appear to chatunas, and the masses of the skin, from which the fur will be even longer and beautiful. If all the lumps managed to appear, then it must be carefully cut with scissors - to unravel and combing it is already unlikely to succeed.

Curly guinea pig

Before the start of the procedure, it is possible to moisten the fur slightly - so it will be more obedient. After a couple of minutes, the wool starts to glisten, it's good, now you can slightly dry it with a hairdryer on warm mode and feed the animal.

Guinea pigs feel their owner, they know when they bring joy to the house, and pay the same.

And remember - we are responsible for those who have tamed!

Long-haired guinea pig and cat

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In the section on the question of whether the cat and guinea pig get along? Posted by the author capable The best answer is The cat refers to the guinea pig. First of all, how to make it possible, it can be painful and even kill it. If the animals from the very early age are together, then in most cases they face well with each other. When the guidance of guinea pigs on the balcony or in the aviary should constantly monitor them to be protected from cats. Cat with its own skills on the cage can scare a guinea pig. If the distance between the rods or the magnitude of the cells allows, then the cat will try to catch a guinea pig with its agile paw.

Answer from Europeanoid[guru]
My sister has live ... So far, no one ate anyone ....

Answer from Veroch[newcomer]
of course, a cat and a pig live.

Answer from Sketch[newcomer]
cats are different. Wild and malleable. I got beautifully with a parrot and hamster. Even with the cat played.

Answer from Orenta.[guru]
Rather, if the cat has grown with rodents since childhood. But even in this case you never know what to wait from the cat and at what point I can wake up her hunting instinct. This applies to small pigs in size. It is better not to leave them unattended. The point is also that playing, the cat can easily damage the pig

Answer from Anna O.[guru]
we have a cat lives with Chinchilla. play and live together

Before you purchase a guinea pig, it is worth thinking about who she has to live and be friends. We are talking about other pets, which are already old-timers in your home or are still planned to settle in the near future. To avoid conflicts and trouble, you need to know some features of the relationship of guinea pigs with other pets. With whom the guinea pig can peacefully coexist on one territory, with whom maybe she will be able to make friends, and with whom a friendly relationship is impossible under any conditions?

Guinea pig and cat

If your house already has a cat, then it is better not to start a guinea pig in order to avoid the bloody drama. Most likely, the cat will refer to rodent, as to mining. Even if the cat will not be able to get a pig from the cage, its raids and closer attention will scare a pig, which is why the latter will constantly be in a state of stress. A special danger of a cat is presented for kids pig. If still it happened, and the pig appeared in the house where the cat has long settled, keep a cage with a pig in the room where the cat is not allowed. Specified applies to an adult cat.

However, it is quite easy to make friends a predator and rodent if you simultaneously start and a kitten, and the pig - they will get used to each other since childhood, and the cat will not touch the pig as a dinner.

Guinea pig and dog

Do not risk and acquire a guinea pig in the house where the dog has a hunting breed dog - the four-legged pet is a big danger to the pig. Even if the first time the dog is neutral or even favorably refers to the overseas rodent, the pig may involuntize the attack, awakening the hunting instincts at his "big friend." If the rodent is still forced to divide the territory with a hunting dog, never leave them unattended in the same room, even if the pig is in a cage. The dog is able to get a pig from the cage, or at least scare it hard.

With dogs of other breeds, guinea pigs may well get along, and often make friends. The dog immediately needs to teach that the guinea pig should be perceived as a family member. It is easy to do if the dog meets the pitch being a puppy. Of course, the process of taming an adult dog to a novice will take longer. In any case, acquaintance should take place slowly and under the close observation of the owner. Full indifference to each other pets at first glance can be deceptive. The aggression on the part of the dog is possible, for example, because of jealousy, which may end for the pig sadly. Moreover, there are such cases when rodents may hurt too active and an annoying puppy. Therefore, in cases where the owner of animals is not quite sure of their mutual sympathy and friendly relations, best of all domestic pets to keep apart from each other. Also, do not forget that a large dog can impart a gentle guinea pig with a lacaroca, if anyone is nearby.

Guinea pig and parrot

Not the best idea to keep the cell in one room with these two absolutely opposite views, and leave them alone in one room on the "free grazing" and in the "free flight" the more not worth it. Large parrots are usually very jealous, on this soil they can offend guinea pig. Small parrots do not mind to beat the ears of the pig, and the pigs, in turn, can also not stay in debt - there are cases when peace-loving seems to have rodents attack the parrots, and the latter were injured.

Guinea pig and rabbit

If the territory with marine pigs will share decorative rabbits, then, as a rule, there are no reasons for excitement - both guinea pig, and a rabbit safe. Moreover, often these animals may well make friends. It also happens that the rabbit protects the guinea pig, stacked near and licks it. However, the friendly relations are not always different - females' rabbits can strive to protect their "individual plot", and then the guinea pig may not declare. Therefore, it is necessary to closely follow the behavior of domestic pets, and if one ware will begin annoyance towards another, they are better to be for a while, for a while, in order to avoid conflicts. The main thing is to prevent aggressive behavior between them.

Guinea pig and other rodents

Hamsters do not need a company in their nature and prefer loneliness, so you should not keep them with pigs. In general, it is not recommended to contain guinea pig with rodents such as chinchillas, decorative mice, rats, proteins and all kinds of hamsters - they have a different way of life and a different diet. If you have different types of rodents in your homes, keep them in different cells away from each other, and even better if they live in different rooms. There are, of course, exceptions, but should not risk and try to make friends the pig and, for example, Chinchilla.

Guinea pig and ferret

Despite the fact that the ferret and guinea pig are almost in the same "weight category", about friendship in this case speak funny. One hundred percent predator - ferret never turn out to explain that this fluffy can not be touched. The guinea pig will be considered ferret only as mining. The output is only one - separate content, ferret just should not know about the existence of a guinea pig.

By summarizing the foregoing, we note that if you are not enough society alone by guinea pigs, provide absolute security, because the pigs themselves will not be able to protect themselves from other animals, especially home predators.

In contact with

Before proceeding to talk about compatibility, a few words say about the conditions of detention. It must be remembered that cats and guinea pigs are completely different animals, and therefore need different conditions and a different diet. So, cats are predators who eat mostly meat. Guinea pigs are rodents who need vegetation. For example, they need special branches to crate. But choose the right branches for the guinea pig - otherwise the trouble will happen. Also for the cat, you need to choose the right meat. In general, before you make these animals, we need to learn the conditions for their content on the teeth: the arrangement of life and feeding.

Is it possible to make a cat and guinea pig?

It is almost impossible to make friends with special tricks, but sometimes there are cases when the animals are driving themselves. Nevertheless, these animals fall into the category of "predator-sacrifice". And if your cat has not yet lost the predatory shirki (and he did not lose), then writing disappeared: alone can not leave the cat and the guinea pig.

Even peace-loving cats will wake up the instinct of the pursuer at the sight of a small rodent. Most likely, a cat, which does not catch mice, will not eat guinea pig: she just will be played with it and crippled, and maybe deadly. Accordingly, the rule is first: Never leave the cat and the guinea pig alone.

Is a pig pig afar?

Yes, afraid. Every predator has an instinct, thanks to which he tracks the victim. Each victim has an instinctive fear of the predator. Therefore, if you leave a pig in the availability of a cat, then it will experience an animal fear, and this will not affect the positive on the health of the already little animal animal.

Terms of insulation

Isolate a cat from a guinea pig simply. The pig is contained in the cell, which should be supplied as above - where the cat does not get. Do not count on the fact that the cell will serve as worthy defense. Many cats are perfectly opening latches and get to mining in a matter of seconds. Therefore, there must be a cell inaccessible for the cat.

How to walk the pig if there is a cat in the house?

The guinea pig needs to periodically knead the bones, and therefore it needs to be released. At this time, the cat can be sent to another room and close the door. Do not count on the speed of your reaction, because You can simply do not have time to prevent the cat kill the animal.

What animals get along with a guinea pig

Also a good idea is a pig and a dwarf rabbit. Both rodents, so they will be on the same wave.

Many people have two or more pets at home. Often these are animals of one species, such as dogs of the same or different breeds. But sometimes there is a somewhat exotic tandem, such as a guinea pig and a cat in the same house. For all pets, a peaceful atmosphere in the family is important, when they get along well among themselves or, at a minimum, they are neutrally related to each other. Therefore, before simultaneously starting the Grozun and Cota houses, it is worth paying attention to some of the features of their joint residence.

The ideal situation for coaching cat and guinea pig - the simultaneous acquisition of their young. In this case, there are all the chances that the kitten and the guinea pig will be demolished, and the competition between them will not arise in the future.

Ideal option - the purchase of pigs and cat at the same time

In case you decide to start a rodent, already having an adult house at home, the main actions that should be taken in such a situation are:

  1. First, try to put a cage with a rodent in an indoor inaccessible to the cat, allow the guinea pig to adapt to a new place.
  2. If there is no separate room, then place the cage with the rodent in a hard-to-reach place for the cat. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the old pet will regularly scare a new guest with close attention and jumps that will cause stress in rodent.
  3. If access to the room with a cell is open for a cat, try not to open the cage of guinea pig once again and not to let it go freely through the room. Even with a friendly, the cat can harm a small animal during an active game with him.
  4. When buying a cell, check the distance between the rods to make sure that the cat's cat will not climb between them.
  5. Daily, every day both pets of the same time and attention, so as not to give them a reason for jealousy.
  6. Try even with a friendly attitude of the feline family to Rodzun, do not leave them alone first, since the latter can very quickly move across the floor, thereby causing interest and even hunting excitement in a small predator.

If you acquire an adult guinea pig, there is a chance that the cat will not perceive it as mining and a potential toy. But it is not necessary to leave them alone in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for rodent.

Important! Highlight each pet your own space for recreation and food, for which they do not have to fight.

Can a cat eat a guinea pig

To find out whether cats are eating guinea pigs, it is important to understand that each animal has its own psychological features:

  • by nature, the cats are predators for which rodents are natural prey;
  • rodents occupy the lowest link in the food chain and fight predators they do not know how to have quite sharp cutters. They show aggression in the form of a whistling and intimidating poses towards representatives of their species. So the males drive out other males from their group of females;
  • if the cat appeared in the house first, then she considers himself a hostess in the house. Anyone who appears in its possessions is automatically perceived as mining or a competitor.

Based on these features, it can be assumed that the adult cat perhaps at a small guinea pig can take it to mining. Especially if the pig is still small. But much also depends on the nature of the cat: how active it is both energetic, as often manifests its hunting skills. Breeders note that homemade purebred representatives of feline, brought up in urban conditions, much more lazy and phlegmatic than their street conifers.

Try carefully to introduce pets among yourself, holding them next to you or kneeling. First, let them sniff each other.

Important! If someone from the pets is not ready for acquaintance and shows signs of anxiety, do not make it do. Over time, they will give to understand when they will be ready to meet.

Do not worry if at the first meeting your favorite feet will try to easily touch the guinea pig. So he checks the guest as far as aggressive. It is worth alerting in case the cat tries to grab rodent for a shake and drag. Then you will have to walk both pets separately.

So the cat is trying to check the pig on aggressiveness

If he exhibits hunting instincts at the sight of a animal, trying to jump closer to the cage, cover the paws between the rods and catch it, you can apply water to scare away. Take a pulverizer with water and, when manifesting a cat of aggression in relation to a new tenant, slightly jump into the face of water.

Guinea pig and cat: whether friendship is possible

Speaking about the joint content of such different animals, like a guinea pig and a cat in the same house, first need to pay special attention to the individual characteristics of the cat temperament. Peaceful coexistence is possible if the cat has a mild and calm temperament without a developed hunter instinct. Such animals calmly carry the Rodent company, even allowing him to crawl or, showing curiosity at first, in the future just ignore it.

There are cases when the cat took the rodent for the kitten and showed his maternal feelings to him, licking him, feeding and taucing with her for a shake.

Such relationships are rarity, more often peace-loving feline officials after acquaintance with the sea pig they quickly lose interest and even sleep on the rodent cage. If the animal's instinct of the animal is strongly developed, it immediately looks like a potential victim in rodent and will take it to attack it.

Most often cats are quickly losing interest in the guinea pig

How to make friends a cat and guinea pig

  • first of all, acquiring a guinea pig, isolate it from the cat and let it get comfortable. Later to destroy the cat and offer him to meet the new neighbor. Get it into the room with rodent and, calmly talking, put both on your knees. Stroger the pets and watch their behavior carefully. When scared, some of them immediately interrupt the meeting and postpone another attempt to get acquainted the next day;
  • if the cat shows the readiness to communicate peacefully with the rodent, the first meeting will pass calmly. In other cases, do not rush animals, stretching the process of their recognition of each other for days and even the week;
  • if the pets are accustomed to the smells and the presence of each other, and the cat perceives a new neighbor calmly, let the little animal run freely around the room. Give your attaches to your presence for a moving animal with your knees. If during the rodent walk the cat pressed the book and took the ears back, be sure to intervene and prevent the attack on the pork;
  • determine each animal your feeding place, do not feed them in one place;
  • always carefully lock the cage on a reliable latch. Cats are smart animals that can cope with a simple lifting or crochet;
  • do not deprive the old pet attention with the appearance in the same apartment with him a new animal. It is the lack of attention of the owner most often offended the animal, it quickly calculates the culprit of the situation and is often trying to eliminate it;
  • play moving games with a cat, let's spend energy to the maximum. Then in the free time from the games it will be calmly relax, not spending his strength on trying to hunt for a new guest;
  • if the cat shows obvious hunting skills, do not scold and do not punish it. Try to distract him from Rodent, show your attitude towards him, giving to understand the cat, that he remains your favorite;
  • no matter how friendly cat is, you should not leave alone Pets.


Thus, asking the question, whether the cat and guinea pig are friends at home, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the cat, which is determined at the level of genetics. So, street cats are always stronger than hunting instincts in relation to smaller pets in the house. While the purebred "apartment" representatives of the Feline family are more passive and are friendly tuned to other family members. An important role is also played by the individual features of the cat, which is well known to the attentive owner. It is he who must gently and carefully introduce an animal with a new pet and explain to him that guinea pig is not his prey or toy, but the same member of the family.

If you decide to purchase guinea pigs, we advise you to get acquainted with the information in our articles "" and ""

Video: Cats and guinea pigs

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See also:

Is it possible to contain a guinea pig alone How to determine and cure allergies to guinea pig How to choose a guinea pig
How to contain two guinea pigs together avoiding fights and conflicts
The cost of guinea pigs

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