How boils are breed at home. How long does the pregnancy last on guinea pigs? At what age is permissible

Country house 18.04.2021
Country house

Guinea pigs have become very popular pets for their good-natured temper and unpretentiousness in the content. Quite often, the owners of charming rodents occur to get offspring from family lovers at home. The reproduction of guinea pigs at home is a fairly interesting process based on the study of the physiology of guinea pigs, a competent selection of pairs and creating comfortable conditions for mating.

In the wild of the marriage period, the South American seeding of guinea pigs occurs most often in the spring and continues until late autumn. Owners of fluffy rodents are also recommended for pair of pets in the spring months. In domestic comfortable conditions, guinea pigs mate year-round. But the young, obtained in summer from large dairy female, is considered heavier and more suitable for further reproduction.

In natural habitats, guinea pigs live in large flocks consisting of one male-leader and 10-20 female. In a pack, a part of female individuals is responsible for the overall cultivation of offspring. The remaining females protect the territory from relatives or predators, notifying the danger approaching the loudness of the siren. The ability of males simultaneously to fertilize several females are used in the polygamous dilution of guinea pigs, when one mesh contains one male and 10 female.

If the female and the male became friends, they will create a couple until the end of life

Why pigs do not multiply

Often, guinea pigs do not multiply. Even during the flow, the female does not let the male due to the banal lack of sympathy for the male individual. Exposure by time or attempts to sit in this case are not crowned with success and cause frequent tracks between pets.

A militant female individual can bring charming kids from another partner subject to folding friendly relationship with a new male.

Breeding guinea pigs at home safely occurs when:

  • optimal microclimate, indoor temperature above +20 degrees.

Temperature drops, too dry air, violation of condition and feeding conditions, diseases and congenital developmental abnormalities are negatively affected by the processes of mating and conception.

The female pig female can simply not like the partner and it does not let him down for mating

At what age is permissible

The sexual ripening of guinea pigs occurs at the age of 4 weeks in females and 10 weeks in males. Sometimes there is a very early sexual maturity of 3 weeks in women's individuals and 8 weeks in males, so at the age of 3 weeks it is necessary to reject young from the mother, forming a group of gender sign.

Early bidding of guinea pigs fraught:

  • common weakening of the body of the female individual;
  • the pathological strength of pregnancy and childbirth due to the underdevelopment of the genital tract.

Therefore, healthy adults are allowed to reproduce healthy adults with a body weight of at least 500 g aged 10-11 months for female and from 1 year for males.

For the first time, the female is preferably in the interval from 10 to 12 months. Late first pregnancy threatens with complications during their childbirth for pelvic ligaments.

Despite the fact that guinea pigs can successfully fall at the age of 6-8 months, veterinary doctors do not advise to pair young females until 10-11 months.

Early pregnancy negatively affects:

  • on the growth of the skeleton and muscle mass of the animal;
  • threatens the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • lack of milk or maternal instinct in young mommy;
  • father outcome rodent.

A two-year annual female individual is considered harmless to the health of the female. A more frequent ending undermines the female health of an adult animal, which is fraught with:

  • spontaneous miscarriages;
  • abortion, premature childbirth;
  • the birth of unwanted young;
  • late toxicosis and female death.

Beginning of pregnancy

The female is able to re-become pregnant during the day after childbirth.

Hormonal restructuring of the body with a new pregnancy can provoke the death of all born broods or the mother itself.

The crossing of the nearest relatives of the guinea pigs is extremely undesirable due to the risk of birth of a weak or non-visual brood with congenital pathologies.

The offensive of pregnancy at the guinea pig: on the left - the pig is usually condition, and on the right - a pregnant female

How to choose and prepare guinea pigs for mating

The reproduction at home the guinea pigs brings its fruits only subject to the rules of selection and preparation of a pair of pairing, to maintain the norms of dating and sitting on animals, creating optimal feeding conditions and content for mommy and her fluffy brood.

What individuals are allowed to reproduce

Healthy fastening individuals born in summer from large dairy females are allowed to dilute, approximately one age that should have:

  • body weight of at least 500 g, ideal weight 700-1000 g;
  • and pronounced breed signs;
  • brilliant quality coat;
  • friendly character.

Only healthy individuals with a priesthood should be allowed to reproduce

Do not be allowed to dilute fluffy rodents, suffering:

  • harmful habits;
  • aggressive character;
  • problems with teeth and eyes;
  • adult having guy guinea pigs and Dalmatians;
  • patients, weakened or excessively fastened individuals.

The sperm of the guinea pig loses its activity both in the revolt and very thin animals. Recently persecuted animals are withstanding on additional quarantine. A special diet is prescribed to be rebuilt or depleted pets to adjust the weight.

When to start breeding

You can start brewing guinea pigs only after setting 3-4 weeks quarantine for the newly acquired animal. This measure is necessary to adapt the purchased guinea pig. As well as the exclusion of infection of pets in the presence of a new partner of hidden diseases.

Acquaintance couple

The next stage should be the acquaintance of funny pets. To successfully reduce guinea pigs, it is recommended to control the behavior and reaction of animals to each other. Fortuchi can familiarize enough time, so the owners of small animals are recommended to be patient and not to reduce fluffy rodents before establishing friendly relationships. Acquaintance is aimed at addictive guinea pig to the smell of a partner. The rapid sitting of rodents with the exception of this stage is fraught with bloody fights sometimes with very sad consequences.

For dating, you can use a cage with a partition

The next step should be the acquaintance of animals on a neutral territory, preferably in a closed room unfamiliar for both individuals. For this method, it is recommended to prepare a sufficient number of delicacies and release animals. Most rodents will deal with food, not paying attention to the partner.

Joint food consumption will help to establish relationships between pigs

But when a fight occurs, it is urgent to separate animals. Guinea pigs wrap in towels and wait with this stage a few more days.

Rules of Sitting

If rodents calmly take food on a neutral area, you can proceed directly to the stage of sitting the guinea pigs. This process requires compliance with certain rules:

Power Pights

The male can fertilize the female only during the flow period, which is most often repeated in women's individuals every 15-17 days.

The period of sexual attraction lasts only 48 hours. The most favorable for conception are the first 10-12 hours from the beginning of estrus.

During flow, the male shows high attention to the female

Inexperienced home rodent owners are often wondering if the guinea pigs have a monthly. Menstruation in fluffy pets are absent. It is possible to understand that the guinea pig wants male, you can only inspect the loop and the behavior of rodents.

The in young guinea pigs begins with 4 weeks. In the early sexual maturation, the first temperature occurs already at 3 weeks. It is advisable to prevent meter to dilute with the first leap. The organism of the female individual has not yet reached physiological maturity, and an early pregnancy can turn into pathology of childbirth and the death of female with brood.

During flow in the body of the female individual, ovulation occur. This hormonal process is accompanied by the secretion of the mucus of the necessary consistency to improve the slip of the spermatozoa and the safe attachment of fertilized eggs in the uterine cavity. The loop of the female individual is capable of opening only during the period of flow or childbirth. At this time, the female may be safely fertilized. The guard of the guinea pig is recommended to learn how to determine the occurrence of flows from homemade favorite for planning the time of the next mating of small animals.

Signs of heat powder

Behavior of females

The female person during estimates wishes the booty in front of the male. Lift the back of the body in front of him in a fixed position with placed front paws. In the absence of a partner in the cell, the offensive in the female can be determined by the characteristic behavior of the animal during the stroke of the back:

  • rodent urchit;
  • wounds back;
  • spin the back of the body.

The behavior of the male

The male is actively caring for the female. He publishes a loud wedding song by pipe sounds, trying to jump onto a female.

Change loop

If the outdoor genitals of the females look enlarged, the opening of the loop occurs. The guinea pig has white bloodless discharges, fur on the back of the body becomes wet.

When the female is ready for mating, it actively twists the back of the body in front of the male

At the occurrence of flow, the bore pair falls several times a day at any time. Sexual intercourse lasts a few seconds. Within two days, the loop is closed at the female. Partners cease to actively be interested in each other and perform pairing attempts.

At home, breed guinea pigs relatively easy. Several maturity they reach early and in the presence of favorable conditions quickly switch to reproduction. If this process is undesirable, the owner can settle the animals in advance in different cells.

The well-known fertility is associated primarily with the fact that after 13-15 hours from the moment of birth, the female begins between the female and it is again ready for the concern. According to experts, with a favorable coincidence, one female person per year can bring from 90-100 full-fledged young.

Reproduction of guinea pigs

The males reach puberty for the 60-75th day from the date of birth, and females - the 20th day. If the breeder wants to improve the breed, for this purpose he is better to take pigs aged 5-7 months.

The sex cycle is repeated after 16-17 days. This gap can become longer under adverse environmental conditions or in winter. When the female begins between the female, it becomes restless and stops eating food.

Pick up a pair is easy. Female and male in most cases perfectly get together. If the owner wants to receive offspring from his pets, it should be borne in mind that the pigs should be approximately one age category and breed, as well as not to consist in close relationship with each other. The pregnant female is best moved to a separate cell. One female can give the rating for no more often every 4 months.

The period of tooling offspring in pigs lasts an average of 65 days. These rodents take place easily and virtually unnoticed.

At the birth of a young appear from the maternal womb heads. The female at this moment falls on semicooned rear legs, and after the appearance of the baby pulls it out of an oily bubble, eats the placenta and licks a cub. If more than two young people appear in the process of childbirth, the pig may not have enough time to lick everyone. She can help, wasting a soft cloth of the born animals, preventing them with their supercooling.

Young appear on the light covered with soft smooth wool. Since their eyes are revealed 11-13 days before childbirth, then for several minutes after their appearance, kids can see. The rumors are also quite developed. Cubs are born with fully formed cutters.

Newborn animals from a single litter weigh more than the young of the numerous. The weight of the kids can vary from 45-140. If the young weighs 40 g. The chances of survive from him are minimal. In this case, it cannot be corrected even artificial feeding. After 4 weeks from the moment of birth, animals can be separated from the mother and settle in different cells.

Young pigs start eating hard food literally on the 2nd day after birth. At this time, they need to regularly eat some Number of maternal litter. It is saturated with vitamin C and B-complex and is unusually useful for young people. Young grows for 15 months very quickly. Every day they add in weight to 4g. And only after 7 weeks, the growth rate slows down. Like many other animal species, these rodents begin to move around the cage a few hours after the appearance of the light. Two weeks after birth, the weight of the cub increases 2 times. At the 8th week of life, they weigh around 400g.

Age and weight

It is not easy to determine the accurate age. You can try to do it with scales.

Learning the mass of the body of the pork, you can approximately indicate its age. Guinea pigs grow for 16 months. By the end of the first month of life, they weigh an average of 250g., By the end of the second - 400g., And by the end of the third - 500 g. The newborn guinea pig reaches a length of 9.5 cm. The length of the animal aged 5 weeks - 19cm, 4.5 months - 23 cm, and an adult individual - 28 cm.

Experts conventionally divide the life cycle of the guinea pig for 4 periods.

First period Begins at the moment of birth of the animal and lasts 21 days. Little animals do not leave the nests, feeding the mother's milk. By the end of the second week, nipples appear in the female.

Second period Starts on the 25th day from the moment of birth and lasts 4-5 months. At this time, small pigs are cleared through cells, and they begin to feed themselves. The animals grow rapidly, they become visible secondary sexual signs. Animals begin to better coordinate their movements. After 3 months from the date of birth, the males becomes much larger than the females.

Third period - One of the most important pigs in life. At the 6th month, the animal reaches the maximum size, the development of its genital organs is completed, and the animal gets the opportunity to engage in reproductive activities within 40 months. At this time, the pigs finally form a wool, and the teeth become snow-white.

The fourth period It can begin at the 4th year of life and will end on 8-10Y. At this time, the animal gradually disturbs the reproductive and motor functions of the body. If the 4th or 5th anniversary of the life of the guinea pig appears, there is a high probability that it will be unsuitable and small. On the 5th and 6th year of life, the flow females become rare and irregular. By the 7th year, rodents have a fur seal and radiates, and claws are twisted. The teeth of the old pig are losing white and begin to gradually collapse. On the last year of muscle life and internal organs of animal are atrophically.

The most important thing you need to know on this topic is that the first litter should be born before the female will turn one year. If this happens later, there are serious, even bearing a threat of life, problems with childbirth.

The best age for the first mating is 4-7 months for females (with weight of at least 600 gr.) And 4-6 months for males. The female flow lasts 16 days, but the period during which it is ready for mating takes only about 8 hours. Soon after childbirth, another territory can begin - "postpartum". Thus, guinea pigs can simultaneously draw off the offspring and expect the next litter.

The pregnancy on average lasts 63 days. The more littering, the shorter the length of the toal and vice versa. Compared to other rodents, pregnancy lasts for a very long time. The weight of the female during this time increases almost twice. The exact date of childbirth is difficult to determine, even the nest of the female does not build. However, a week before childbirth, you can see how the pelvis is expanding. If the female giving birth for the first time, older than one year, then heavier and even tragic situations may occur during childbirth. Sometimes you need a cesarean section to save the life of the pigs and her offspring. If the childbirth is not complicated, then they last about half an hour - 5 minutes for each kid. The size of the litter from 1 to 6 kids, on average - 3-4. The first litter is usually very small. The miscarriages and the birth of dead pigs often happens at any age of female.

The guinea pig. Szasz-Fabian

Kids from birth well developed. They are very large and completely covered with fur, can easily move. They have eyes open and there is teeth. Even despite the fact that newborn pigs can eat solid food and drink water from the drier, you need to allow the mother to feed them, at least for up to 2 months.

Difficulties during childbirth

Distation.Distation is pathological kinds when the animal is not able to push the fruit from the uterus.

The first litter of the female must have up to 7 months. If this happens later, complications are possible, up to the threat of the life of the mother and kids. So that the birth has passed successfully, part of the pelvis of the pregnant female should expand. If the female is older than 7 months, it does not happen, and the cesarean section is required. Distation symptoms are uterine bleeding and sweat. Perhaps the emergency help of the veterinarian will be required.

Toxemia.Toxemia usually happens in excess weights at first or second pregnancy. Symptoms usually become noticeable in the last two weeks of pregnancy or in the first week after childbirth. It is a loss of appetite, oppressed state, weakness, refusal to move, loss of coordination, difficulty breathing, coma and death. It happens that the pig has no symptoms, and then she suddenly dies. For the disease there is no certain reason, but most often sick pigs with obesity or stressful state. In addition, there may be a negative impact of the advanced age of pig, lack of physical activity, hunger, a large number of embryos. The pig with these symptoms should be shown to the veterinarian. Since treatment is often unsuccessful, preventive measures are of paramount importance. Pregnant females in no case can be flipped. Stresses and hunger should also be avoided, especially in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Pregnant females constantly need clean fresh water and full nutrition.


Guinea pig or Caevi is a friendly cheerful animal, which is a rather popular pet. Those who became the owner of Cable recently and have no big experience in their content, often interested in the nuances of breeding pigs at home. About this - further in our material.

What will take for breeding guinea pigs at home

In addition to the theoretical base required for a competent approach to the case, it should be prepared to prepare all the necessary inventory:

  • cell;
  • feeder;
  • pOWER;
  • sawdust or straw;
  • feed.

If you plan to breed animals for business, you will need several cells. In this case, it is advisable to stop your choice on a harem method of breeding.

Important! Females should not knit more often than two times a year, it does not affect their health, exhausting the body. The males should also knit on a certain schedule, otherwise they can lose their childbearing ability.

Selection of pair

It is not necessary to carry out the first mating before the age of 10-11 months, although physiologically animals are ready for mating much earlier. As for the mating of close relatives, it should be said here that the brother and sister's pairing is not allowed. In other cases, the mating is carried out, but with a certain goal, for example, to secure the color.

It is necessary to cross up a pair with the wool of the same length.

When choosing a couple for mating, such moments should be considered:

  • good health;
  • good external data and anatomy;
  • the pig must be in the measure of the fastened;
  • good quality fur;
  • good friendly temper.

Male and mating guinea pigs

In good conditions, animals are ready for mating throughout the year. The frequency of estrus is 13-18 days, the duration is about 2 days, but the most favorable for conception is the first 3-5 hours.

It is easy to notice the occurrence of estrus: the female begins the marriage games, leaving the male. Now you should put a female and male in one cell. It is necessary to do it once every 3-4 hours. With this (separate) content and subsequent adjustment, you can skip the beginning of the estrus, missing the highest chances for successful fertilization.

Although this does not mean that it will not come.

There are 2 ways to breed these animals: monogamic and harem. In the first case, animals formed a robust couple, but this does not mean that the female will not have to decorate from the male.

The reasons for the following:

  1. Possible male aggression to their own cubs.
  2. You can not allow pairing immediately after delivery. Although the female is ready for this physiologically, but the re-mating will most negatively affect her health.

With a harem breeding method (usually used for business), 1 male lives together with 8-10 females. Each pregnant pig is then sanded into a separate cage.

Did you know?The normal mass and fat layers are extremely important for the ability to confine Caevi, and like males and females. Negatively, this function of the organism of the animal is influenced by both overweight and its deficiency.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The duration of the birth is usually not longer than 1 hour, the female copes without assistance.

The new militant mother sits during childbirth, bursts the oily casing and licks the baby. In the event that the range is large (7-10 individuals), childbirth can last longer than an hour.

How many pregnancy lasts

The period of pregnancy in these animals is 60-72 days. More accurate time depend on the breed, the state of health and the amount of the rating. The more the cubbing female, the earlier it will give it. After the second week of pregnancy, you can find out how many cubbing makes the female.
With the help of cautious palpable (tackling) of the abdomen, you can find small seals - embryos. Their number and will prompt about how many cubs should be expected. Remember that the pregnant female extremely needs rest.

Features of the pregnant fema

During pregnancy, the female needs a two-time feeding. During this period, food should be rich in vitamins and fiber. But the content of fats and dry feed in the diet should be reduced. It is necessary to feed in a measure, not overproing, but so that the animal (and the future offspring) did not have a shortage of nutrition.

The focus should be done on greens and vegetable food:

  • nuts and seeds;
  • dill;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • spinach;
  • leaves of raspberries and dandelion.

In the feedushka there must always be fresh grass and hay.
The approximate daily diet of a pregnant female Keivi looks like this:

  • oVES (better germinated) - 13-16 g;
  • vegetables - 65-70 g;
  • wheat - 4-6 g;
  • dry feed - 2-4 g;
  • fruits - 27-32

Important!During pregnancy and feeding, it is impossible to feed the female parsley, radish, mint and wormwood.

How many kids are born

It is usually born 1-6 cubs with eyes already open and all the teeth. They are immediately ready for active life, which is demonstrated after a few hours, taking a rigging through the cage. Within two days after birth, the kids are capable of being ordinary for adults food, although they still need maternal milk.

Care after childbirth

Immediately after childbirth, the female needs proper feeding. At this time, she constantly needs fresh grass and hay. From the feed stop should be done on those that are rich in vitamins E and C, calcium (germinated cereals and vegetables).
The female, for which these births are first, can refuse feeding offspring. For 6-8 hours, the animal owner should not be worried, everything will be fine with the kids.

In the event that after the specified time, the milf still did not deign to feed the cubs, it should be carried out such a reception: tool the pig with offspring into a small, protected from the penetration of light, boxing. Usually such a measure leads to the fact that after half an hour, maternal instincts wake up.

It happens that the females in the lactation period are inflated. In this case, it is necessary to treat them with a chamomile decoction or a weak solution of manganese. It should be inspected regularly, since if you do not notice inflammation on time, it can turn it with mastitis.

Milk in this case becomes dense, yellowish tones. The female can rise the temperature, it will refuse food. They treat mastitis, grinding milk, thus taking a massage of dairy glasses.

If the owner of the animal, conducting such a procedure daily, did not notice the improvement of the condition, you need to contact a specialist.
Often after childbirth, the animal is bald, it should not scare it: wool will grow after 15-20 days. Otherwise, you should contact the veterinarian. If there are ulcers on the balders, they are treated with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate.

In the event that the rats turned out to be great, one of the kids will definitely be deprived of maternal milk. There will be the most weak individuals - those who are less than weighs, they need to feed them. Conduct such nutrition with lactose-free children's mixtures.

With the help of a syringe (without a needle), three times a day through the nasal holes are injected by 3 mg of the mixture.

Within 12-15 days after birth, no special needs should not be taken to the kids. If such a need is still there, carefully wash your hands before contact.

Did you know?Guinea pigs domesticated about 7 thousand years ago, the Indians residing in Andes, but exclusively for eating.

When you can disembark from the mother

Launch the cubs from the mother aged 20 days. At the same time, males are defined from females, since already at one age they can show sex claims, and such an early contact is deadly for young females.
Guinea pigs are a great option, especially for a small urban apartment. They are absolutely non-aggressive, almost no smell and do not lose. Guinea pigs are wonderful animals who please the eye and do not let you be bored with your owner.

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