Infectious disease caused by bacteria. Scary and dangerous human diseases caused by bacteria. This is also their distinctive feature

Cemental compositions 18.04.2021
Cemental compositions
Bacterial infections are a huge group of diseases. Combines their one cause - bacteria. They are the most ancient and numerous microorganisms.
  • airways;
  • intestines;
  • blood;
  • skin covering.
Separately identify bacterial infections in children and hidden in women and men.

Bacterial respiratory infections often develop after a cold as a complication. Immunity becomes weaker, and pathogenic bacteria, which were not manifested before, begin to multiply. Respiratory bacterial infections can be caused by the following pathogens:

Prevention involves the immunity and purity of the skin. When a cutout or scratch occurs, the lesion should be washed with soap and water and cover with a sterile bandage. Vaseline can be applied to open areas to preserve the humidity of the fabric and prevent bacterial invasion. Doctors recommend not to use antibiotic ointments or ointments on small uninfected wounds due to the risk of allergies on the antibiotic. However, antibacterial ointment or ointment is used if there is an infection. Treatment of large areas requires antibiotics taken orally or in the form for injection.

  • staphylococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • streptococci;
  • a cough stick;
  • meningococci;
  • mycobacteria;
  • mycoplasmas.
Upper respiratory tract Usually manifested by bacterial sinusitis, pharyngitis and acute tonsillitis (the more well-known name - angrint). In this case, a pronounced focus of inflammation is always observed.

To bacterial infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract Believe bacterial bronchitis and.

Abscesses should be opened by a doctor and merge, and any dead tissue must be removed surgically. Diseases caused by bacteria. Among the bacterial diseases that belong to the sugar cane industry include scalding of leaves, red stripes and rickets, which are described in detail below. Other diseases are also damaged, depending on the region and environmental conditions.

This is manifested in different ways in different places, that is, the symptoms of the disease vary depending on local conditions. The fragments of the leaves represent a large destructive potential, especially in susceptible varieties. In Brazil, his importance was ignored due to errors in identification and confusion of his losses with the cause caused by Rakhit Rahit. When the disease is manifested in extremely susceptible grades, it can lead to losses up to 100%. It can also cause the formation of a stem, growth slowdown, product loss and saturation of sucrose.

Bacterial intestinal infections It is often arising because of the unwashed hands, the use of products with poor heat treatment, incorrect storage or expired expiration date. In most cases, the problem is caused:

  • shigella;
  • staphylococci;
  • cholera vibrios;
  • abdominal chopstick;
  • salmonellosis.
Bacterial is most dangerous, since their symptoms (for example, diarrhea) are not always perceived as serious.

Intestinal bacterial infections More often manifested by the following diseases:

It is known that three types of symptoms of the disease are quite complex. In some situations in the stems there is a discoloration of bitch, resembling the symptoms of Rakhita Rakhit. The appearance of several external symptoms is the most characteristic of which are white strokes on a sheet that can reach their base. A sharp symptom observed in the most susceptible varieties in conditions favorable for bacteria is characterized by the general burning of the leaves, as if the plant was ohshparino. Hence the origin of the name of the disease, scalding leaves. . Bacteria penetrates through the wounds of the stems and remains on the plant throughout its life.

  • salmonellosis;
  • typhoid fever;
  • dysentery.
In women and men, bacterial infections affect and urinary system. Most often, women are subjected to bacterial vaginosis (garardnellosis), chlamydia, cable, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Men are sick of urethritis, chlamydia, bacterial bacterial or prostatitis.

In children Most often there are viral infections that are complicated by bacterial due to the weakening of the body during the disease. In most cases, in childhood, the following viral diseases are observed:

Thus, the disease easily applies when cleaning with cutting tools, such as machete or even combines. With an increase in mechanized cleaning, concerns about this disease intensified. Therefore, it is important to always keep the field of cane healthy.

Winds and rains can spread the disease over long distances when they spread the bacteria present in the dead zones of affected plants. Stress conditions cause the acute phase of the disease. The main form of leaf plastering is a steady and tolerant variety. The use of tolerant varieties requires some caution, for example: avoid landing seedlings with diseases fields; Prepare playgrounds to eliminate soil bacteria and plant residues; Disinfect equipment and tools used in culture management.

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • piggy;
  • chickenpox.
Children who have suffered with such infections receive persistent immunity and are no longer exposed to these diseases. But if during the disease, the child had contact with malicious bacteria, it is quite possible to develop complications in the form of bacterial pneumonia, otita, etc.

How to distinguish viral infection from bacterial

Very often confusing infections of bacterial and viral nature. They may have the same symptoms and even similar results in diagnostic studies.

You need to differentiate these infections, since drugs for their treatment are needed completely different.

It is known that there is no product, chemical or biological, which satisfactorily controls the scalding of leaves. Bacteria, which causes the disease, has an Asian origin and is present in the main regions of the Sugar Cane of the World. In Brazil, its presence is limited because it requires specific climatic and soil conditions, such as high fertility. The Red Strape is considered a secondary illness, but it has some economic impact in the states of São Paulo and Paran.

The disease is manifested in the appearance of thin and long lanes in the leaves and rotting the top of the stem. In the leaves of symptoms develop to red-brown. With the development of the disease, the strata reaches the vertices of the plant. Subsequently, this area moisturizes and rotates. If the conditions are favorable, the upper rotes spread over the rest of the stem, causing cracks through a dirty liquid.

There are several signs that can be determined, bacterial or viral infection is present in the body:
  • Duration. The symptoms of viral infection usually subside (approximately 7-10 days), and the bacterial disease can last more than a month.
  • Mucus color. If the disease is accompanied by the disorder of sputum or the release of nasal mucus, then you should pay attention to their color. The virus is usually accompanied by the discharge of transparent color and liquid consistency. For bacterial infections, the release of dark greenish or yellow-green is peculiar. It is not necessary to rely on this feature.
  • Temperature. Infections of both types are usually accompanied by an increased temperature, but with bacterial diseases it is higher and is distinguished by a gradual increase. When the virus, this indicator behaves on the contrary - gradually decreases.
  • Ways of infection. Among bacterial infections, only some diseases are transmitted in contact method, and for the virus it is the main distribution path.
  • Development and localization. Bacterial infections are characterized by slow development, and the virus immediately manifests itself brightly. In the first case, the lesion is highlighted, that is, the disease is localized in a certain zone. The virus disease amazes the whole organism.
  • Test results. Some of the main indicators are the level of leukocytes and lymphocytes. Leukocytes are rising in infection of any etiology, but in a bacterial infection, neutrophils are raised. (This is a special type of leukocytes). In a viral infection, leukocytes can be increased, but most often they are lowered (including neutrophils) (for example, with flu, viral hepatitis, measles, rubella, pigties, abdominal typhoid leukocytes below normal), but here in a viral infection, the increase in the number of lymphocytes must be traced.Also, an increase in monocytes may be observed (for example), therefore evaluate the result of the general analysis of blood comprehensively. Another analysis is a bacteriological study of biological fluid (separated eye, ear, sinuses, wounds, or sputum, for example). This analysis will identify the pathogen of a bacterial infection.

Symptoms of bacterial infections

Possible bacterial infections are very much. Each has its own characteristics, therefore, the set of symptoms is different.

The incubation period in bacterial infections has a wide range. Some pathogens are actively multiplied in a few hours, and others take several days.

The spread of bacteria occurs due to splashes of rain and wind, and high temperature and high humidity favors its development. Infections also favors injuries produced on plants when one sheet hits differently. The use of stable varieties is the most efficient method of combating red thread.

Ripitism can lead to prejudices from 5 to 30% of performance and infect up to 100% dogs. There is no external symptom characteristic of the disease that can be visualized for diagnosis. Therefore, in some cases, the manufacturer may not know that its field is infected. The producer will only know about Rahit, watching the underdevelopment of peaks, which, after the crop, is re-elected from the mollusk.

Signs of bacterial infection depend on what part of the body it struck. In order disease, in this case, manifest themselves as follows:
  • increased temperature and fever;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.
These symptoms are generalized, since individual diseases are manifested in different ways. For example, with a babyphoundic infection, not only belly hurts, but also the throat, as well as joints.

For children's bacterial infections, a wider set of symptoms is characterized. The thing is that almost always bacterial infection is a continuation of viral. For example, the child fell ill, but under certain conditions it develops a bacterial infection, as a complication of the initial disease, so the clinical picture of the Starlet.

The disease leads to a detained growth of small clusters and collomes, which makes the disassembled fang. In hospital boulders, it is observed, however, the thinnest and short intercose, which leads to a decrease in performance. If you lack water for plants during the manifestation of Rakhita, your effects will be more intense, and the winding of the leaves will occur.

The intensity of symptoms and, in addition, losses are variable. We are both dependent on cultivation, the age of rock and climatic conditions, such as drought. Like these factors, we can also be associated with the following aspects: stress intensity caused by herbicides; The simultaneous appearance of other diseases; Invalid cultural procedures, such as excessive competition for weeds, excess, or absence of nutrients and soil seals.

But still diseases are expressed by the following signs:

  • high temperatures (more than 39 ° C);
  • nausea and vomit;
  • tongue in language and almonds;
  • strong intoxication.

If, after improving well-being, the degradation of the patient's condition is observed, then it most often indicates the development of complications of a bacterial nature after a transferred viral disease.

The disease manifests itself more clearly in more susceptible varieties in which we can observe another symptom, which is internal for the plant: the development of orange-clear, dark red color in the vessels that we spend on water in the plant in part but the veil of mature hills.

There is evidence that the bacterium survives not only after harvesting to re-infect healthy plants. The main way to control Rakhita some of them is varietal resistance. However, the greatest difficulty lies in the selection of sustainable varieties in the difficulty of difficulty and effective diagnosis of the disease. Easily transmitted using equipment, disinfection is an important method of preventing the disease.

Bacterial infections in the upper respiratory tract are also often manifested after a transferred virus when immunity is reduced. Infectness is expressed in the following symptoms:
  • worsening well-being;
  • a pronounced focus of defeat;
  • purulent discharges;
  • white ride in the throat.

Bacterial damage in women affecting the urinary system has the following symptoms:
  • vaginal discharge - color and consistency depends on the causative agent of infection;
  • itching and burning;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • painful urination;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.
In men, the development of a bacterial infection has a similar character:
  • pathological discharge from the urethra;
  • unpleasant outcome;
  • painful urination, itching, burning;
  • discomfort with sexual intercourse.


In bacterial infections, certain studies are needed. They are resorted to differentiate bacterial lesions from viral, as well as to determine the pathogen. The results of the treatment depends on the results of the tests.

Bacterial infections are diagnosed mainly with laboratory studies. The following techniques are usually used:

All equipment used to cut the cane must be disinfected as chemicals or heat. Clean water and good sanitation prevent the spread of abdominal and paratif. Polluted water is one of the paths of transmission of the disease.

Illness and its influence on the population

Abdominal typhoid - bacterial infection of the intestinal tract and blood flow. Most people develop symptoms 1-3 weeks after exposure. Pararatifoid fever has symptoms similar to abdominal typhoid, but is usually less pronounced. The embryos of abdominal typhoids and paratifies go to the chair and the urine of infected people. People are infected after eating or drink, which were processed by an infected person or drinking water, was contaminated with drains containing bacteria.

  • Blood test with leukocyte formula. In a bacterial infection, an increased number of neutrophils is observed. When the amount of laid neutrophils is increased, they are talking about acute infectious disease. But if metamielocytes, myelocytes are found, the patient's condition is characterized as dangerous, and requires physicians. With this diagnosis, you can identify the nature and stage of the disease.
  • Analysis of urine. Shows whether the urinary system is amazed by bacteria, and also necessary to determine the degree of severity of intoxication.
  • Bacteriological examination with antibioticogram. With this analysis, it determines the type of causative agent of infection, and which means it can be killed (the so-called sensitivity of the pathogen towards antibiotics is determined). These factors are important for appointing correct therapy.
  • Serological examination. Based on the detection of antibodies and antigens, interacting in a specific way. For such studies, venous blood is taken. This method is effective when the causative agent is noticed.
Details about how laboratory diagnostics occurs for the differences between a bacterial infection from viral, tells Dr. Komarovsky:

As soon as the bacteria fall into the human body, they multiply and spread from the intestines into the bloodstream. Even after the tit or paratif was cured, a small number of individuals continues to carry bacteria that can be a source of infection for others. The transfer of syphilis or paratif in countries less industrialized can be associated with food or contaminated water. In some countries, shells from a seabed, polluted by wastewater, are the main way of infection. When the quality of water is good, and the chlorinated water supplied at home is widely available, it is more transmission, it will probably happen through food that has been contaminated by carriers carrying food products.

Laboratory research is the main direction of the diagnosis of bacterial infections. In some cases, additional surveys are required:
  • X-ray. Perform to differentiate specific processes in separate organs.
  • Instrumental diagnostics. More often use ultrasound or laparoscopy. These methods are needed to study internal organs for specific lesions.

The appointment of correct treatment, its effectiveness and risk of complications directly depend on the timeliness of diagnosis. To contact the doctor follows at the very first alarming symptoms - at the reception of the patient always assign analyzes.

Tiffoid and paratifical fevers are distributed in less developed countries, mainly due to the problem of unsafe drinking water, insufficient removal of effluent and flooding. According to estimates, the annual incidence of abdominal typhoid is about 17 million cases around the world.

Public Health Activities for the prevention of abdominal typhoids or paratifies include. Sanitary enlightenment on personal hygiene issues, including washing hands after the toilet and before cooking; ensuring safe water supply, adequate systems of sanitation; Keeping holders away from food processing. Tiphy combination measures include sanitary education and antibiotic treatment. A vaccine is available, although it is usually not recommended, with the exception of those who have a long impact on food or potentially polluted water in high-risk areas.

General approach to the treatment of bacterial infections

In the treatment of bacterial infections, general principles are guided. This implies a certain therapy algorithm:
  • Eliminate the cause of the disease.
  • Clear the organism from toxins.
  • Cure organs affected by infection.
  • Reduce the severity of symptoms and facilitate the state.
Treatment of bacterial infection implies a mandatory intake of antibiotics, and if it is an intestinal infection, then adherence.

As for the treatment of medicines, the drugs of a wide action include the antibiotics of the penicillin group and the cephalosporins of the 3rd generation. For more information about antibiotics appointed with the urinary infection - read), with intestinal -, but mostly the treatment is made among the same drugs, just a dosage, duration and multiplicity of drugs can be different.

Vaccine does not provide complete protection against infection. Prepared for the World Water Day, which was considered by the staff and experts from the Group of Organic Infectious Diseases and Water Supply, Sanitation and Health Services of the World Health Organization.


Attention! If your fish often suffers from bacterial diseases, it should make you think about life conditions in the aquarium: the slightest imbalance can contribute to these infections. This is very often one of the first signs of a bacterial infection in the aquarium: this is alarm that signals the violation of the ecological balance of the basin. The disease begins with the appearance of a whitish line on fins, which then becomes empty and rays break. Rubber, like gnaw, shabby. The infection can reach the base of the fins, and then muscles and blood on an advanced stage.

Antibiotics are very much, each group of such drugs has its own mechanism of action and purpose. At best, self-examination will not bring the effect, and in worst - will lead to the neglence of the disease and a number of complications, so the treatment must prescribe a doctor depending on the nature of the disease. The patient is obliged only to follow all the prescriptions of the doctor and do not reduce the coming rate of antibiotics and the appointed dosage.

Chances of survival below. First, we must look for the cause of the disease and correct it if possible. A high risk fish should be separated and processed separately in a quarantine tank. Adding antiseptics in the pools allows you to regulate the proliferation of these microbes and treat patients with animals.

The prevention of this disease is mainly based on the hygienic conditions of the basin. It should be noted that many fish at the time of purchase represent an early infection. It occurs in animals, wounded or raised in bad conditions. Skin reserves. It is often accompanied by purulent rot, Exophthalmia or sometimes internal organs, such as the liver. It can also manifest itself in the form of an ulcers arising from a breakthrough.

Let us summarize what. Bacterial infections mass, and the effectiveness of their treatment directly depends on the detection of the causative agent of the disease. Most people are carriers of certain bacteria, but the development of infection provoke only certain factors. You can avoid this using preventive measures.

The main methods of transmitting viral and bacterial diseases in principle are the same, so this question is more convenient to consider together. The following describes all the ways of transmitting the infection, and in Table. 2.6 and 2.7 are appropriate examples.

Drip infection

Drip infection is the most common way to distribute respiratory diseases. When coughing and sneezing, millions of tiny droplets of liquid (mucus and saliva) are thrown into the air. These drops together with live microorganisms that are in them can inhale other people, especially in places of cluster of a large number of people, besides also badly ventilated. Standard hygiene techniques for protection against drip infection - the right use of nose scarves and air ventilation.

Some microorganisms, such as an osse virus or tuberculosis wand, are very resistant to drying and persist in dust containing dried residues. Even when talking from the mouth, microscopic saliva splashes fly out, so this kind of infection is very difficult to prevent, especially if the microorganism is very virulent.

Contaching transmission (with direct physical contact)

As a result of direct physical contact with patients with people or animals, relatively few diseases are transmitted. Here are primarily about venereal (i.e. sexually transmitted) diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis. In tropical countries, a disease called firmbezia is very common. This syphilis disease is transmitted through the skin with direct contact. The contagious viral diseases include trachoma (eye disease, very common in tropical countries), ordinary warts and ordinary herpes - "fever" on the lips. Leprosy and tuberculosis cause bacteria from the genus Mycobacterium; These are also contagious bacterial diseases.

Infection carriers

Carrier - This is any living organism that will delay infection. He gets an infectious start from the body, called reservoir or carrier. For example, fleas serve as carriers of such bacterial diseases as endemic suction typhoid and plague (bubonic plague, or "black death"), and the reservoir are rats. The rabies virus is maintained and transmitted by the same animal, such as a dog or a volatile mouse.

2.5. Who is a) carrier and 6) reservoir: 1) of a rapid typhoid and 2) yellow fever (see Table 2.6 and 2.7)?

In these cases, the carrier acts as the second host, in the body of which the pathogenic microorganism can multiply. Insects can endure causative agents of diseases on outdoor cover cover. Flies, for example, crawling and feeding on the feces of patients with intestinal diseases, such as cholera, abdominal title or dysentery, mechanically transfer pathogens of these diseases to products, which, with a high probability, can be consumed with healthy people.

Fecal pollution

With infectious diseases of the digestive tract, the pathogens fall into excrement. Hence the three simplest ways to transfer these diseases.

Transmitted through water. A classic example of such diseases - cholera, abdominal title (in both cases, the pathogens are harness bacteria) and dysentery. If the elementary rules of hygiene and sanitation are constantly violated, the excrement of the patients often fall directly into the sources of drinking water or deposit in river nans. In this way, these diseases are rapidly distributed among the population.

Portable with food. Food products can be stained if they wash them in unclean water, take dirty hands or allow them to sit on them.

Pollution objects. Moother things can be stained by unclean as a result of direct contamination or improper handling. When transmitting such things from hand to hand, the disease may, figuratively speaking, transmitted "from hand to mouth."

Transmitted directly with food

Unbridled or unfaded meat often causes food poisoning. This is the result of meat salty salmonella. Clostridium Botulinum (Fig. 2.6) - bacteria causing botulism. This food poisoning often ends with a fatal outcome, because the toxin C. Botulinum is one of the most toxic among well-known toxins (the lethal dose for the mouse is 5 · 10 -5 μg). This bacterium develops well in protein-rich products, in particular in canned meat.

Pollution Ran.

In addition to infections transmitted by animal-carriers during bite, it is possible to mention a number of diseases associated with the fall-path bacteria in the wound. These are primarily such infections of deep injuries as gas gangrene and tetanus. Both diseases are caused by various types of Clostridium, usually falling into wounds from the soil. Many surface wounds and burns are easily infected with staphylococci and streptococci.

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  • introduce students with information about the main bacterial diseases of man,
  • continue the formation of the concept and rules of a healthy lifestyle


  • Find out how pathogenic bacteria fall into the human body
  • What particular dangerous diseases cause bacteria
  • What are the basic measures to combat pathogenic bacteria
  • How to protect your body from pathogenic bacteria
  • Equipment: Media Projector, PPT Presentation


1. Bacterial human diseases

2. Botulism - pathogen, path of infection, control measures

3. Dieseneria - pathogen, path of infection, control measures

4. Tetanus - pathogen, the possibility of infection, preventive measures of struggle

5. Siberian ulcer - causative agent of the disease, the path of infection and measures of prevention

6.Tuberculosis - causative agent of the disease, path of infection, prevention measures

8. Cholera - causative agent, path of infection, control measures

9. Plague - causative agent of illness, possible ways of infection, measures of struggle

1. Human bacterial diseases (slide 2)

The number of bacterial diseases of a person is huge. Today, diseases caused by bacteria are the most dangerous, as they are capable of not only aggravate the quality of human life, but also lead to death. Therefore, we need to know not only pathogens and symptoms of human bacterial diseases, but also the possible causes of these diseases and possible measures to combat them. Bacterial diseases include: plague, cholera, Siberian ulcers, tuberculosis, botulism, tetanus, angina, meningitis, diphtheria, dysentery, cough, scarlet, gastritis, stomach ulcer and this list can also be continued.

2. Botulism - pathogen, path of infection, measures of struggle (slides 3-4)

The pathogen - Klostridia botulism, it is widespread in nature with a permanent habitat in the soil. It can also be found in manure, fruit, vegetables, fish, excrement of warm-blooded animals. It is capable of forming disputes, which are very resistant to the effects of chemical and physical factors. Disputes are able to withstand boiling for 5 hours at a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius. In a low oxygen content, a hazardous toxin (poison) is quickly multiplied and formed. Botulinumoxin is one of the well-known and strong poisons. The causative agent itself does not cause diseases in humans, only its toxin is dangerous. For the occurrence of poisoning, it is necessary to reproduce the pathogen with accumulation in the botulinum organism.

It develops as a result of food intake: ham, sausages, salt fish, as well as canned vegetables, fruits, and especially mushrooms. In recent years, cases of botulism in Russia are associated when preparing homely canned products. The safety of "jars" sometimes cannot be installed on the eye, botulinum orin does not lead to a change in color, smell and taste of food. The swollen cans be destroyed.

Botulism is a heavy toxic-infectious disease, affecting the central nervous system, mainly oblong and spinal cord. Botulo-cellin is absorbed into the blood in the intestine and selectively affects the different departments of the nervous system. There is paralysis of the respiratory muscles, muscles of larynx, pharynx. Known cases of fatal poisoning.

The poisoning is developing very quickly, nausea appears, vomiting, gravating abdominal pain, liquid chair. At the first signs of poisoning urgently consult a doctor.

In order not to infect botulism, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bstrictly observe personal hygiene rules, for canning use only thoroughly peeled vegetables and fruits, mushrooms. Banks and caps for canning should be washed, covered with boiling water, dry. Vegetables, and especially mushrooms, ruded in banks, cooked at home categorically prohibited to buy from unfamiliar random people.

3. Dieseneria - pathogen, path of infection, measures of struggle (slides 5-6)

Dieseneria is an infectious disease that causes a dysenteric chopstick bacterium.

Infection occurs when the pathogen is inserted into the body through the mouth with food, water or through dirty hands. Muhi dysentery stick carriers can be flies. Pesentery is sick only. The source of infection can be a sick person. Infection is capable of spreading very quickly.

Diesentery is a disease characterized by jurisdiction of the chair, an admixture of mucus and blood in feces, gravating pain in the stomach, an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees and more. The frequency of the chair can reach 15-25 times a day or more. Especially serious disease occurs in children. The body of the child is dehydrated faster than adults. Previously, when there were no antibiotics from dysentery people died.

Treatment of dysentery is aimed at the destruction of the pathogen and it is carried out in the infection profile hospital.

Prevention measures: regular and thoroughly washing hands after the toilet, walks and before welcome, raw vegetables and fruits, get rid of flies in the room, prevent their contact with the products. After all, no dysentery is called "dirty hand disease." It is present possible to make a preventive vaccination from dysentery.

4. Tetanus - causative agent, opportunity infection, preventive measures (slides 7-8)

The tetanus stick is microscopic bacterium, which lives in the gastrointestinal tract of herbivores. The tetanus is an acute infectious disease of a person, as a result of which the nervous system is affected, innervation of skeletal muscles is disturbed. Together with the fecal masses of sick animals, a huge amount of pathogen dispute is highlighted. Disputes are very racks to the effects of external environment factors, they can save the ability to live with the soil in a state of dispute.

The disease begins acutely. The disease is accompanied by convulsions of skeletal muscles: the muscles of the body, limbs, the mimic muscles, the muscles of the pharynx. As a result of the strongest tone and the painful state of the muscles of the back, while the patient's back is strung out by the arc. The muscle spasm is so strong that bone fractures are possible and their separation from the bones.

In the human body, the tetanical wand penetrates through the wounds, scratches and other damage on the skin. In some regions, the tetanus is called "diseases of the bare feet", as even the occasion in the foot foot or rusty nail can be a gate for infection.

Prevention measures: a decrease in injury, especially when working with earth (work in mittens or gloves), make preventive vaccinations every 10 years

5. Siberian ulcer diseases, path of infection, prevention measures (slides 9 -10)

Siberian ulcers are known from ancient times. It is called malignant carbuncoon. The causative agent is bacterium in the shape of a stick, it has the ability to sporing. Capably decades survive in the soil or in the hung skin of sick animals. In favorable conditions from the controversy bacteria goes into an active state. The causative agent of Siberian ulcers first allocated Robert Koh. Until now, Siberian ulcer is found in the countries of Central Asia, Africa and South America. She received his name due to distribution in the past in some areas of Siberia. Now it is very rare in Russia.

The source of infection is sick herbivores: sheep, horses, camels, deer, pigs. Conducting earthworks, soil water during shrins and floods contribute to the penetration of the bodice of bacteria into the upper layers of the soil, creating conditions for infection of people and animals. In case of disease, more often skin covers are affected. Diagnosis of the disease does not represent difficulties.

The pathogenic bacteria is released into an external environment with urine animals, saliva, feces, milk and highlights from the Russian Academy of Sciences. After their death, their organs, even the skin, wool and bones remain contagious. The most common method of infection is contact with patients with animals

In Siberian ulcers, open areas of the body and face are more often affected. At the site of the deployment of the pathogen, a red spot first appears, in its place, with time, there is a papule of red-blue color, which begins to burn and scratch, then a bubble with liquid appears, when calculated it bursts. The resulting ulcer is quickly covered with black lap. Lymph nodes increase. The process is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication.

The prevention of the disease is carried out in close contact with the veterinary service.

6. Tuberculosis - causative agent of the disease, the path of infection, measures of prevention (slides 11-12)

The causative agent of the disease bacterium tuberculosis sticks (koche sticks). Tuberculosis sticks are resistant to external environmental factors. In water, they can maintain until six months. Long remain resistant in the dark and in dampness. And at high temperature and lighting, the solar rays die quickly. The 20th century tuberculosis was incurable the main source of infection - the bacillomatter is a sick person. Patients with an open form of tuberculosis are the greatest danger. The disease is often developing in people abusing with alcoholic beverages, and tuberculosis is widely distributed in persons in places of imprisonment (prisons, colonies), or recently released. It is transmitted by air-droplet, it is also possible intrauterine infection.

The main body is lesion-lung. There are signs for which you can suspect tuberculosis - cough, chest pain, as well as hemoptia. Tuberculosis is diagnosed with fluorography.

The basis of treatment is the use of anti-tuberculosis medicines. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. In some cases, they resort to surgical intervention. Previously, antibiotics were not known, people died from tuberculosis and called this disease "Chakhotka". Now there is a whole area of \u200b\u200bmedicine that is engaged in tuberculosis - phthisiatry, and its specialists doctors phthisiators.

The prevention of tuberculosis lies in the timely passage of fluorography, abandon the bad habits, especially alcohol, to eat correctly, lead a healthy lifestyle.

7. Helicobacter Pilori - causative agent, infection capabilities, prevention

(Slides 13-14)

Bacteria Helicobacter Pilora today are the most common. More than half of the world's population can be considered the carriers of this bacterium. This bacterium is now the most studied in the world. Know what the main signs of infection of the Bacteria Helicobacter looks like that the treatment begins in a timely manner. Bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. It feels well in the stomach and is well adapted to an aggressive acid of the stomach.

The accurate mechanism of infection is still unknown. There is only an assumption that infection can occur - through dirty hands and contaminated food or water. The disease can be considered family. It is one of the family members to infect bacteria, the symptoms of the disease will appear in all other family members.

Signs of the disease: problems with a chair (or constipation, or diarrhea, heartburn, malicious nausea or vomiting, unpleasant smell of mouth). The disease leads to a stomach and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, predisposition to stomach cancer.

Diagnostic methods: Gastroscopy with the taking biopsy of the gastric mucosa, feces analysis, blood test on antibodies. There are many diagnostic methods, but none of them can be considered absolutely reliable.

Prevention measures: personal care products must be individual, wash hands before meals, do not smoke, do not abuse alcoholic beverages. Bacteria vaccinations Helicobacter Pylory has not yet been created. Create a vaccine acting in an acidic stomach environment is very difficult.

8. Cholera - causative agent, path of infection, control measures (slides 15-16)

The causative agent of cholera is the bacterium of cholera vibion. It occurs in open reservoirs, wastewater, can develop in meat products and milk. According to the World Health Organization per year in the world in the world cholera from 3-5 million people. Being highly contagious, cholera dies every year to 1.5 million children per year. It has been proven that cholera epidemics arise in countries with a low level of living. More than 2.5 billion people on earth do not know what a toilet is, they do not even have the opportunity to wash their hands. Flies are carriers of infection. Cholera's terrible disease, which in its time took millions of lives of people. Cholera vibrion affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the walls of the small intestine.

Water is the main way of transmission of infection. Infection occurs through infected food, household goods, dirty water. The disease begins suddenly. Pain in the stomach, frequent acts of defecation, thirst, dry mouth, decay of forces, decrease in body temperature, patient will vomiting, vomiting appears, arterial pressure drops. As a result, sharp dehydration occurs. The disease is treated with antibiotics.

Prevention measures: Do not drink water from unverified sources, follow the rules of personal hygiene, thoroughly wash raw vegetables and fruits.

9. Plague - causative agent of illness, possible ways of infection, measures of struggle(slides 17-18)

10. Conclusion(Slide 19)

Yes, the person takes danger everywhere everywhere, he has a lot of invisible enemies, who seek to get into the human body. Therefore, we must learn to defend themselves from them, using the most elementary rules of personal hygiene - thoroughly wash your hands after the toilet, before eating, after the street, wash vegetables and fruits before use, comply with all the terms of thermal processing in conservation of products, fight insect carriers of bacterial infections and rodents, make preventive vaccinations.

Compliance with these elementary life rules will help you to preserve the health of the Spring and for many years. After all, it is not bought and not for sale. Take care of your health!


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Diseases caused by bacteria are the most common.

There are the following types of bacterial infections:

  • respiratory tract;
  • intestinal;
  • blood;
  • outdoor covers.

Bacteria and their classification

Bacteria is called microscopic unicellular organisms whose species differ in several features.

Depending on the form, known:

  • cockki - have a spherical shape;
  • sticks - possess a cylindrical shape;
  • spioctuettes are characterized by a spiral shape.

Chopkid-shaped bacteria capable of forming heat-resistant endospores are called bacillos.

In relation to oxygen, the bacteria can be aerobic and anaerobic. The aerobic belongs to microorganisms, which require oxygen. Anaerobic refer to bacteria that do not need oxygen.

All known bacteria can be distributed into 3 groups:

  • pathogenic - always lead to the development of the disease (Bacillus Luffer, Bacillus Anthracis, Salmonella, Gonococcus, Pale Treplema);
  • conditionally pathogenic - live on the body or in the intestine of a person, without applying it no harm, but under certain conditions become a source of infections (intestinal wand, staphylococcus, streptococcus);
  • unpactogenic - never cause diseases.

Variety of bacterial diseases

What diseases may be caused by bacteria?

List of human bacterial diseases is huge. We will list only the most common: angrint, diphtheria, scarletin, pertussus, salmonellosis, tetanus, tuberculosis, typhoid, plague, cholera, Siberian ulcers, meningitis, otitis, gonorrhea, syphilis.

Imagine in the form of a table the most commonly encountered human diseases, which are caused by bacteria, and their pathogens.

Disease Pathogen
diphtheria bacillus Luffner
salmonelles salmonella
anthrax bacillla Anthracis
gonorrhea gonokokk
syphilis pale treponema
typhoid fever breath phloa stick
dysentery shigella
cholera cholera vibion
plague chop of the plague
leptospirosis leptospira
tuberculosis mycobacterium, or Koch wand
family, Piered, Angina, Scarlatina purulent streptococcus
rheumatism bethamalitic Streptococcus
pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis, osteomyelitis staphilococcus

Respiratory bacterial infections

Respiratory diseases are diseases that are transmitted through the respiratory tract. Among respiratory infections are pneumonia, rhinitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, angina, or acute tonsillitis are the most common.

The pathogens of respiratory bacterial infections are pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, meningococcus, mycoplasma, mycobacteria, a cough stick.

Causes of bacterial diseases and ways of infection

Bacterial diseases often affect people with a weakened immune system and lead to the development of infections.

The causative agents of the disease penetrate the human body in several ways:

  • air-drip - through the air, this way mainly occurs the distribution of respiratory infections (diphtheria, scarletines, cough);
  • dust - bacteria for a long time can be in dust, without losing its viability (diphtheria, scarletin, tuberculosis);
  • contact-domestic - through everyday use objects: dishes, books, phone numbers, toys (scarlatine, diphtheria, dysentery, tuberculosis);
  • alimentary, or fecal-oral - with water polluted and infected (abdominal typhoid, cholera, dysentery);
  • through sexual contact - pathogens are in the body with sexual contact (syphilis, gonorrhea);
  • transplascentary - Fruit contamination comes from the mother through the placenta (tuberculosis, syphilis, leptospirosis).

Is there always an infection equivalent to illness?

In order for humans, the development of the disease from pathogenic bacteria, a coincidence of several conditions is necessary:

  • quite a large number of bacteria;
  • the usefulness of pathogens, the presence of all pathogenic properties (weakened microorganisms that are used in vaccination will not cause the disease, but will only help develop immunity);
  • bacteria getting into such a place where their development (Salmonella can live only in the gastrointestinal tract, she will die on the skin);
  • unprepared or weakened immune system (if the body has developed immunity to a certain type of pathogen, the person does not get sick).

The incubation period and its feature

Any infection is characterized by the presence of an incubation period. Its duration can vary greatly: from several hours (with food toxicoiphection) to several years (with lepring, or leprosy). Throughout this time, the pathogens adapt to new habitat conditions, multiply and apply to the body. In the infectious period, no signs of the disease are not found and the person most often does not even suspect and infect.

The emergence of the first symptoms of the disease testifies to the end of the incubation period and the beginning of the disease.

How to detect bacterial diseases?

All human diseases caused by bacteria are accompanied by fever and symptoms of intoxication of the body: nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, in joints and muscles, headache, apathy, general worsening of well-being.

But in addition to general features there is characteristic symptoms for each disease species.

Diagnosis of bacterial infections

To establish which bacteria are causative agents of infections, the patient is directed to the diagnosis.

For it, resort to several methods:

  • microscopy with staining;
  • sowing;
  • analysis of antibodies and antigens;
  • animal infection.

Treatment of infectious diseases

Before creating antibiotics, bacterial diseases represented a serious threat to human life. Now, with timely appeal to the doctor, it is possible to effectively get rid of cunning diseases.

Antibiotics are synthesized by vegetable and animal cells. They are used to prevent infections.

Antibiotics are divided into 2 groups:

  • have bactericidal properties (tetracycline, chloramphenicol) - destroy bacteria;
  • bacteriostatic action (rifampicin, penicillin, aminoglycosides) is rendered - the growth and reproduction of microorganisms will slow down.

Antibiotics are prescribed patients in tablets or injections (intramuscular or intravenous).

But before applying antibiotics, an infected person is sent to the diagnosis, to accurately establish which pathogens caused an infection and choose the optimal medicine.

With some types of bacterial diseases, the human immune system is capable of cope with independently. To combat the same dangerous pathogens, she will need help a doctor.

All patients need to drink more water (at least 2 liters per day). It will reduce the concentration of toxic substances and will bring them part with urine.

What is the danger of antibiotics?

The use of antibiotics should be approached with caution, since pathogenic microorganisms get used to them and cease to respond to them. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to stronger drugs, and over time, the varieties of bacteria occur, which completely cease to react to antibiotics.

In connection with such a situation, the appearance of infections on which standard antibiotics do not act. Previously, they were called hospital (GI) or Intra-community (VBI), and now they are referred to as infections related to the provision of medical care (ICOMP).

Is it always the treatment leads to complete recovery?

Recovery after infectious diseases can be complete, laboratory and clinical.

Complete recovery occurs in the case when all the causative agents of the disease are derived from the body.

With laboratory recovery, analyzes do not show any signs of the disease.

Clinical cure is diagnosed if there are no illness symptoms.

But unfortunately, not always the treatment ends with recovery. In some cases, the acute infectious process goes into chronic or leads to a deadly outcome.

How to prevent infectious infection?

So that the pathogens of infections do not penetrate the body, it is necessary:

  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • properly process food;
  • carefully wash vegetables and fruits;
  • make vaccination.

Despite the tremendous variety of species, all bacteria can be divided into three groups:

1. Nepatogenic - do not cause diseases.

2. Conditional pathogenic - constantly in the human body, without harming its health, but under certain conditions (decrease in immunity, hypothermia, and so on) can cause disease development. The most famous conditionally pathogenic bacteria are streptococci, staphylococci, intestinal wand.

3. Pathogenic. Always cause the development of diseases.

The following bacterial diseases of a person singled out the localization of the causative agent:

  • breathing;
  • bacterial diseases of external covers;
  • blood;
  • intestinal bacterial diseases.

Causes of bacterial diseases

Viral and bacterial diseases often affect people with imminent immunity.

The pathogens can fall into the body with the following ways:

  • airborne-drip - the fastest way of distribution, most often on this path the penetration of respiratory infections (pertussus, scarletta, diphtheria) occurs;
  • fecal and oral or alimentary - with infected products or dirty water (cholera, abdominal title);
  • dust - pathogenic microorganisms can live quite a long time in dust particles, without losing their properties (tuberculosis, diphteria);
  • transplacentar - when the fetus through the placenta is infected from the mother (leptospirosis, syphilis, tuberculosis);
  • polit - the pathogen enters the body with unprotected sexual act (gonorrhea, syphilis);
  • contact-domestic - through, toys, books, tablets, phone numbers, dishes (tuberculosis, dysentery).

It is not always the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms leads to a disease. In order for a person to develop diseases of bacterial nature, it is necessary to coincide several conditions at once:

  • weakened or unprepared immune system (if the body has immunity to a certain type of pathogen, then a person does not get sick);
  • the body should penetrate a large number of bacteria;
  • microorganisms should go exactly where their further development (for example, Salmonella feels great in the gastrointestinal tract, and hitting the skin of the skin);
  • the presence of pathogenic properties (weakened bacteria, which are used in vaccination do not cause diseases, and help the body to develop immunity against them).

Any diseases of bacterial nature have an incubation (hidden) development period. Its duration depends on the type of pathogen and can be from several hours (with food poisoning) to several years (leprosy).

During the incubation period, bacteria adapt to a new habitat, after which they begin to actively multiply and spread throughout the body.

There are no visible symptoms at this time, and a person may not even suspect that he is already sick. The incubation period ends with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of bacterial diseases

Despite the diversity of pathogens, all pathologies caused by bacteria proceeding along the same scheme. The whole process of the development of the disease can be divided into several main stages:

1. Incubation period. Proceeds asymptomatic. At this time, bacteria are adapted in the body, actively multiply and spread with blood flow by the body.

2. Promotional period. Common symptoms appear, the patient complains of weakness, fatigue, general ailment, the temperature rises.

3. The midst of the disease. The development of infection reaches a peak.

4. Stage of cure. Symptoms of the disease are beginning to take a little to serve and after some time a person recovers.

The clinical picture in bacterial diseases may be different. The appearance of certain symptoms depends on the type of pathogen, its localization, the state of the patient's body, the degree of development of the pathological process.

It happens that the microorganism enters the human body, but does not immediately cause the development of pathological processes. The patient may have been a carrier of infection for long years and not even suspect.

But at some point in time, under the influence of provoking factors (stress, supercooling, viral infections, and so on), the causative agent can occur and then the disease will switch to the open phase.

In children, bacterial infections often occur more hard and can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • high temperature (39 degrees Celsius and above);
  • the appearance of skin rash;
  • strong intoxication;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headaches;
  • the appearance in the language and almonds of a white plaque.

Diagnosis of bacterial diseases

In order to diagnose and assign treatment, the doctor conducts a survey and examination of the patient, after which additional research can be assigned to identify the causative agent of infection.

Bacteriological method. Sowing the material taken in the patient (it may be a scraping from a zea and nose, sputum, pus, blood) on special nutrient media. After that, they are isolated and identified by the cultivation of microorganisms according to biochemical and culture properties and determine their sensitivity to antibiotics. It helps to assign proper and effective treatment.

Serological method. With it, diseases such as tularemia, salmonellosis, syphilis, typhoid typhoid are diagnosed with it.

PCR method. With its help, DNA of the pathogen is distinguished in the material under study. This is a high-precision technique, with which the bacteria reveal, which are poorly growing on the nutritional environments (causative agents of the cough, gonococci and a number of others).

In some cases, the biological method for identifying and researching diseases of diseases can be used. Its essence lies in the fact that the dedicated pathogen is infected with healthy animals, after which they study how he behaves in the body and on the basis of this develops methods for the treatment of certain diseases.

Treatment of bacterial diseases

Just a hundred years ago, a huge number of people were dying from bacterial infections. Everything changed when antibiotics were created. After that, mortality decreased significantly. A modern person, in the case of timely appeal to the doctor, as a rule, quickly recovering without any particular consequences for the body.

All antibacterial drugs are divided into two types:

  • bacteriostatic - their action is aimed at stopping the growth, propagation and reproduction of bacteria;
  • bactericidal - completely destroy microorganisms.

Depending on the severity of the disease, antibiotics can be assigned to the patient orally (in the form of tablets) or intravenously (in the form of injections).

It should be remembered that quite often antibiotics cause the development of an allergic reaction, therefore it is advisable in parallel with their admission to assign antihistamines.

If it does not help and develop strong allergies, the antibiotic should be replaced. The same must be done with the development of side effects. It should be remembered that there is a chance of developing antibiotic resistance, when the causative agent of the disease adapts to the antibiotic and the medicine ceases to act.

This is a huge problem of modern medicine. After all, if bacteria adapt to all types of antibiotics, then people will return to the terrible time when death fell from the most minor for the modern person of infections.

Therefore, you do not need to engage in self-medication and start receiving antibiotics for any reason. Only a doctor can assign them!

Together with antibiotics, the treatment of bacterial diseases includes the appointment of prebiotics and probiotics that help restore the composition of the useful intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbiosis. In addition, the reception of multivitamine complexes and means for strengthening immune defense is shown.

In order for the toxins faster to wash out the body, the patient recommend abundant warm drinking.

If the treatment was appointed correctly, and the patient fully complied with all the recommendations of the attending physician, the outcome of infectious diseases is usually favorable. Everything ends with complete recovery, without any serious consequences for the body.

In our online store, you are offered to your attention the following means for the treatment of bacterial diseases that can be used as part of complex therapy:

  • Pulmokls;
  • Novomegin;
  • Ivlassin;
  • Artemizin-M;
  • Proborms;
  • Phytosorbovit;
  • Cetrazine.

You can purchase all of the above, going to the page of the desired drug and placing the purchase by any convenient way.

Prevention of bacterial diseases

Infectious diseases can be avoided or reduced the risk of their development to a minimum. Prevention of bacterial diseases includes:

1. Timely vaccination. This is an extremely important procedure, with the help of which you can avoid the development of many bacterial infections, which are difficult to treat or are fatal (cough, scaryttern, diftheria, tetanus, and a number of others).

2. Compliance with the rules of hygiene and sanitary standards:

  • wet cleaning and air ventilation, in which the patient is located;
  • timely destruction of patients who may cause human disease;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • proper storage of food;
  • refusal to use overdue and spoiled products;
  • avoiding indiscriminate sex ties and so on.

3. Strengthening immunity (hardening, walking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits, sports, avoiding stress and so on).

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