Salad with white cabbage and radish. Green radish salad with carrots. Useful salads: recipes. Cabbage and radish salad

Repair from scratch online 08.04.2021
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Recipe cooking dishes with photos See below.

Hello everyone! Recently I pulled me on. Apparently the body prefers a long cold winter and lack of vitamins in food. Therefore, asks a vitamin food to strengthen the immune system. Especially now autumn, all the vegetables are still fresh and full of vitamins. You need to use this circumstance and eat as much useful vegetables as possible. Tastier all make a variety of salads. Today I present my experimental recipe - salad of white cabbage with radish and lingonberry.

Immediately I want to warn that the radish should be used with caution to people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis, etc. In such people, radish can cause nausea attack. In order to reduce the concentration of specific substances in radish, we will put it in cool water. But first things first.

So, for our us, we will need:

  • fresh white cabbage (1 small kochang or half a large);
  • 1 middle radish;
  • salt to taste;
  • olive oil for refueling;
  • 5 tablespoons of fresh lowers.

It's no secret thatlingonberry contains a lot of vitamins and helps to fight cold, strengthens immunity.Radish has a rich composition: minerals, enzymes, vitamins C, B1, B2, organic acids, fiber and essential oils. Radish has powerful antimicrobial properties, is used to replenish the lack of vitamins and mineral salts in the body. Contains starch, pectin substances and a large amount of acids: apple, lemon, amber, fumaroic and oxal. By the number of vitamin C cabbage overtakes oranges, According to vitamins A, B1;, k, pp and u, it goes along with lemons, and calcium in it is even more than in milk. Also in the cabbage a lot of riboflavin, niacin (nicotine acid), vitamin RR, pantothenic acid (vitamin B3), Philloxinone (vitamin K). So our salad is just a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins!

To begin with, I will lie in a cabbage and mourn her a little hands, so that it gives juice. Now we will mix it with salt and leave so half an hour.

Meanwhile, we will deal with radish. It must be cleaned of the peel, wash and pour cold boiled water. Leave for twenty minutes.

After time, the water gently drain, and add radish to cabbage. We put a lingonberry, refuel oil. You can add a bit of apple vinegar to your desire. That's all. Ready! The taste is obtained unusual and piquant

Bon Appetit everyone!

Finally, I share an interesting reference. If your child has a birthday, then please it with unusual and delicious dishes for children. For example, such an original salad for the children's holiday will surely enjoy your baby.

Everyone is interesting to your opinion!

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Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Salad with cabbage and radish, and carrots, a recipe with a photo of the preparation of which I suggest so simple that it can be quickly prepared for a dinner or family dinner. At the same time, it is useful, as well as tasty, which can become a daily snack dish in your diet.
In fact, the snack is quite simple, since its ingredients are available and always are on hand at each kitchen, but in pursuit of multicomponent dishes of the hostess often do not think about the combination of certain ingredients.
The dish is always tasty, fresh, spicy, crispy and, importantly, for feeding - bright and beautiful. White cabbage is perfectly combined with juicy sweet carrot and spicy, slightly sharp taste, radish. In order to add a salad some more spices and aroma, the ingredients are poured by vinegar or lemon juice, and then mixed with mayonnaise. You can also quickly cook, be sure to try!

- Cabbage (Belococcal) - 300 g,
- carrot - 1 pc.,
- Table vinegar (9% or lemon juice - 0.5-1 tsp.,
- radish (black) - 1 pc.,
- Sauce (mayonnaise) - 50 g,
- sugar (white) - 0.5 tsp,
- Salt (fine grinding) - chinful.

How to cook with photo step by step

We remove the top sheets from the cabbage fork (in them, as a rule, contains the most harmful substances and mineral fertilizers). Then cut the Kochan in half and lumpy with a cabbage with a knife or on shings.
We shift it into a bowl, we sprinkle salt and the hands of a pretty fit, so that it will let juice.

Also clean carrots, rub on a large grater and add to the cabbage.

Cleaning radish grinding on a grater.

We water the vegetables with vinegar, mix and sprinkle sugar in order to equalize the balance of taste in the dish.

Then add mayonnaise to taste.

If there is time, we give salad with cabbage, radish and carrots) (15 minutes), and then take to the table.

Bon Appetit!

I propose a wonderful recipe for a light vegetable salad, which in addition to traditional cabbage with carrots included radish. This is a rather controversial product: someone adores radish with her rather specific taste with mustard, and someone does not like to someone.

However, it is proved that the use of radish to food helps to improve the appetite and the removal of toxins from the body. By the way, the radish is especially effective in this regard in combination with other vegetable crops - therefore, we will prepare here such a vegetable salad. In addition, nutritional specialists recommend to use radish dishes with diabetes mellitus - this plant can reduce blood sugar levels.

Reflowing this vegetable salad suggests sauce from sour cream and mayonnaise (home) - it turns out very tasty, I promise! And add a few freshly ground black punch and lemon juice, Just the fresh parsley - generally your fingers are losing!


(250 grams) (150 grams) (100 grams) (3 tablespoons) (1 tablespoon ) (0.5 beam) (2 tablespoons ) (1 pinch) (1 pinch)

Preparation of dishes by steps with photos:

To prepare a salad with cabbage and radish, prepare such products: cabbage, carrots, radish, lemon juice, fresh parsley, salt, black ground, sour cream and mayonnaise. We will cut vegetables with a thin long straw - it is not only beautiful, but it seems spectacular and tastier.

First of all, you need to get rid of a specific mustard, which is characteristic of radish. To do this, we clean the radish and rub it on the Korean grater. Then we fold into the bowl and fill with cold water - let it stand, while we will deal with the rest of the vegetables.

Carrots also need to be cleaned from the peel, wash and grasp the same way. To get a long thin straw, hold the carrot parallel to the grater, that is, rub it not across, but along.

Now cabbage - we apply it to a knife. You need to shine, too, so that it turns out a long narrow straw. Grand and the process will not take much time. Cabbage can be taken as a juicy young, and the winter (the last advice is a little dying with his hands after the shield, so it will become softer and juicy).

Our ancestors every day ate radish with kvass, with meat, sunflower oil, sour cream, black bread and never suffered from constipation, atherosclerosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. They have preserved strong muscles to the old age, strong teeth, clear thinking. And today, the green radish salad is one of the favorite dishes of people, respectfully related to their health.

Do not want to hurt? Include green, fresh radish in your daily diet, it has excellent amazing medical properties. Juicy, spicy, tender taste. Never borne, due to the exceptional variety of products with which it is remarkably tasty.

Green Radish Salads: Medical Properties

What good we get, drinking this juicy green vegetable? First of all, all its species grown on environmental clean earth without chemical additives, in huge quantities contain a complex of vitamins, mineral elements, natural hormones, phytoncides, and main health regulators. What gives us a salad of green radish?

  1. Vitamins of the group "A", responsible for urgency, eye health, the growth of each body cell.
  2. Vitamin complexes "B" and "PR", which stimulate the correct development of the hormonal, nervous system, as well as permanent development of sclerosis, heart attacks, obesity and madness.
  3. Potassium - blood pressure regulating, metabolism, promoting rapid increase in immunity.
  4. Phosphorus is the main element responsible for the excellent development of brain cells and the thyroid gland, bone, muscle tissues.
  5. Iron - good hemoglobin, pure blood, excellent blood circulation.
  6. Calcium is sharp healthy teeth, strong bones, muscles.
  7. Fitoncides who kill infectious bacteria colonies, viruses, wherever they settled.
  8. The fiber, essential oils, glycosides - stabilize the intestinal operation, remove pathogenic microorganisms, are protected from stagnant phenomena.

And the great many different natural biological active elements that protect the body from the pathogenic "unclean".

The combination of vegetables in salads with green radish allows you to fully saturate each cell by all substances necessary for health, and the diversity of the dispersion of the eats will satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated gourmets.

The root plant is famous for the exquisite, tender, not bitter and very juicy consistency, it is because it is considered a salad additive number 1.

The average green radish weighs 200 - 250 gr., Carrot 100 gr., Crisp cucumber 100 - 120 gr., Ripe tomato 150 - 180 gr., Apple 150 gr.

  • Any rootpode is better to clean from the peel, in order to avoid eating the unnecessary organism of nitrates.
  • Salad refueling can be any: radish is perfectly combined with sunflower, olive oil, with sour cream, with mayonnaise.
  • It is better to eat salads without salt, they already contain the required amount of mineral salts.
  • Salads can be lean, meat, snacks, sharp, sweet honey, the main thing, not to use too much ingredients, otherwise it will be not a delicacious dish, but an incomprehensible taste and smell.

Tip: "Freshly prepared dishes are better absorbed, more useful, as the storage is lost most of the vitamins, minerals, other vital natural elements."

Recipes of useful rapid salads with green radish

  1. Recipe "Easy": radish with sour cream, dill and cucumber
  2. 1 Cucumber is crushed into thin plates, mix with 1 radish, turned into a straw, add green dill's auxilies, pour sour cream, leave for 5 minutes. Dish is ready, pleasant to everyone appetite!

    If such a salad is wrapped in pita with fried meat pieces, it will be amazingly delicious shaver, or Shawarma, who as calls.

  3. Recipe "Summer Salad": with tomatoes and green onions
  4. 1 Ripe tomato Grinding on the floor of the rings, we will miss the radish through a large grater, add a cut onion, the green leaves of the knocker salad, we all mix, reflect the oil of sunflower or olives.

    Wonderful dishes for a country picnic on a hot sunny day, will not deteriorate for a long time feast.

  5. Recipe "Vitamin": cucumber, radish, carrot and sour cream
  6. Take the cucumber grated in straw, finely mounted radish, carrots, mix, refuel the sour cream. Add straw from a red southern apple if your household adore sweets.

    Such a salad is very useful and like the taste of younger schoolchildren and older people. Prepare it easy, it's just pantry health.

  7. Recipe "Clever": Fresh beets, radish, apple, olive oil
  8. I will start raw beets into a small grater, radish, we will turn the apple into straw, add a bit of olive oil, the juice of fresh lemon, all quickly mix, do not store for a long time.

    This salad has a wonderful ability to clean the intestines, as well as lymphatic, blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Sweets can add 1/2 spoons of bee honey, it activates the process of metabolism.

  9. Recipe "Salad - Leak": a snack for a feast and after it
  10. We mix finely chopped sauerkravel (250 gr.), 1 green radish, 1 bulb repka, 2 tbsp. l. Lambs (cranberries), 50 ml of sunflower oil. Berries can be replaced with lemon juice.

    The use of salad simultaneously with alcohol will help to avoid alcohol poisoning, and if you eat after the holiday, it will quickly remove the hangover syndrome.

  11. Recipe "Retro": satisfying, sharp with meat, onion, mayonnaise
  12. Frequent, very tasty, guest on a festive table in the 60-80 years, the times of the USSR.

    2 radish turn into straws. A piece of boiled or baked meat (any) 250 gr. - In small pieces. 2 bulbs grinding, fiction to golden clear color.

    We mix all the ingredients with ½ cup mayonnaise, pepper (red, black, white, any) at the knife tip, put in chill for 30 minutes.

    Having become grandparents, get their happy grateful smiles. The young generation of a green radish salad will also bring considerable pleasure.

  13. Recipe "Canceled Health": Honey with green radish and walnut
  14. we wash the radish with 1 tbsp. l. not candied lime honey, 50 gr. Pucked nucleoli walnuts.

    Such a salad contributes to an increase in immunity, normalizes the metabolism, has an excellent prophylactic effect on the diseases of the ARZ during mass epidemics. Especially recommended for mentally and bodily patients: the speedy restoration of vital energy.

  15. Recipe "Spicy Sharp": radish, carrots, garlic, cheese in mayonnaise
  16. 1 radish, 2 carrots will skip into a small grater. A piece of cheese (100 gr.) Turn on a grater in straw. 3-4 garlic teeth with diminishing and mix with 150 ml. Non-fat mayonnaise, hollow them vegetables. Salad preferably decorate with small leafs of spicy herbs: parsley, arugula, celery.

    It is distinguished by spicy taste and aroma, is easily absorbed by the body, it is perfect for food to people who wish to lose a little.

  17. Reset weight salad recipe from early cabbage, radish, Luke Green, Parsley
  18. Prepare every portion needed directly before the feast. 1 Green radish on a grater in straw. 150 gr. Cabbage shining very finely into the chips. Everyone is placed in a saucepan, add the sunflower oil unrefined (50 ml.), A little sea salt, we shake, leave for 10 minutes. We lay out in a plate, decorated with green onions, parsley, you can start my tongue.

    Salad contains a small number of calories, instantly "sweeping" from the intestine all stagnant (shut-down) deposits.

  19. Recipe "Beauty and Health": Green Radish, Nuts, Cottage cheese, sour cream

Kornemplood Grind in straw. Nutrition kernels (any) 50 gr. Raster. And 150 gr. Cottage cheese mix with sour cream (2 art. l.). Connect all components in a saucepan, add 1 tsp. Honey.

If you often eat it, your hair will gain beautiful shine and pomp, the skin of the face will become smooth, soft, very smooth, marked with elegant, and the teeth are white, sharp, strong. The large content of calcium and vitamins also contributes to the normalization of all metabolism processes, improving the immunosorrotic properties of the body.

Useful varieties of salads from green radish set. You can think of fruit, vegetable, meat combinations. Fantasize, compose, cook, they are all - this is a good for health and beauty. Each salad, no doubt, will be tasty if its favorite products are your favorite products.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber, whose step-by-step recipe you want to offer today, refers to the category of fast vegetable salads. This kind of cabbage-based salads and radish are becoming relevant closer to autumn. Cabbage and radish in the fall are almost a penny, and after summer salads from tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants of salads, a slightly different plan will be very powerful. With radish and cucumber - basic salad recipe. To your liking and discretion, it is possible to add it canned peas, corn, sausage or fresh greens.


  • White cabbage - 200 gr.,
  • Radish - 1 pc.,
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.,
  • Onion green - 2-3 stems,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Salt,
  • Black ground pepper - at will.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber - recipe

Prepare all the products described above can begin the preparation of salad from radish and cucumber.

Wash the green onions feathers, cucumber and radish. Radish Clean the peel. Tatch it thin straw or wipe on a large grater.

Cut cucumbers Quarter rings. In this salad be relevant there will be a cutting of cucumbers, like radish, straw.

Small green onions.

Prepared vegetables - onions, radish and cucumber to fold into a deep bowl.

Sleep with slim strips with a sharp knife. Since the leaves of the autumn cabbage is tightly dense than the early spring, so that they are more comfortable, it is recommended to mumble with a slightly cabbage.

Slightly climbed cabbage can be sent to a bowl to other ingredients.

Salad can now move and fill.

As a refueling for this lettuce, as well as mayonnaise is suitable. And if you hold the rules of healthy nutrition and do not use it, then replace it with estimated or vegetable oil. Salad of cabbage with radish and cucumber fastened with sunflower oil will automatically become a lean and dietary salad. So, add mayonnaise, the pinch of salt and, at will, black ground pepper (can be without it).

Salad with cabbage, radish and cucumber After stirring, lay out on a plate.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber. Photo

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