Fish diet cakes. Dietary fish pp-cutlets Cod fillets: Delicious and useful diet cutlets from fish for a couple

Wooden windows 08.04.2021
Wooden windows

Text: Evgenia Baghma

Fish cutlets for a couple - a useful and dietary dish, distinguished by a gentle taste. Such cakes will be appreciated by children, as well as those who adhere to the time of diet for weight loss.

How to cook fish cutlets for a couple?

You can use a double boiler for the preparation of a fish meat, a multicooker with a steam mode, as well as a conventional saucepan and colander. To do this, water is poured into the pan, it is adjusted to a boil, the metal colander is installed on top, the cakes are laid in it, covered with a saucepan with a lid and thus prepare fish cutlets for a couple.

Fish cutlets for a couple do not necessarily be pre-in flour or breadcrumbs. If you are afraid that mince sticks to the regiments of the steamer, you can put a saucer in it and put me the cutlets on it. But be prepared that during the cooking in the saucer can be gathered from the kitlet.

Recipes Fish Cutlet for a pair

Simple fish cutlets for a couple.

Ingredients: 500g Fish Fillet, 2 Slice of Bread, 1 Bulb, 100ml Milk, 1 Egg, Flour, Salt, Pepper.

Preparation: Soak bread in milk, skip the fish and a bully fillet through the meat grinder, mix, salt, pepper, lean the egg. When forming, the kitlet can be in the middle of each to put on a piece of cheese or greenery, put it for a couple of about 20 minutes.

Fish cutlets a couple of pollock.

Ingredients: 1 Mintai, 1 Slice of White Bread, 1Ch.l. butter, salt.

Capture: Clean fish from the peel, separate from the bones, extract the bread in milk, add fillet, butter, grind everything with a blender, wash the minced meat, salt, roll out small cutlets, lay out in a double boiler, prepare for 15-20 minutes.

Fish cutlets for a couple with carrots.

Ingredients: 500g Hekka Fish Fillet, Mixed or Merlusion, 1 Carrot, 1 Bulb, 1 Egg, 2st.L. Flour, salt, dried dill, mayoran.

Cooking: Cut the fillet into pieces, clean the bulb and cut into a few pieces, skip through the meat grinder together with the fish, tilt the mince on a colander to the glass is excessive liquid. Add carrots in a small grater to mince. Stir. Add an egg, spices, some flour, knead. Form the cutlets, cut in flour, lay out in a double boiler, prepare for a couple of 20 minutes.

Fish rings for a couple with a semi.

Ingredients: 1kg fish fillet, 2 bulbs, 2 melted cheese, 2 eggs, 2st. semolina cereals, 2 slice of white bread, pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking: Cut the bulbs on 4 pieces, fry on vegetable oil, soak bread in milk, prepare minced meal, onion and bread, skipping everything through the meat grinder, knead, add to the mince gun, grated melted cheese, eggs, salt, pepper. Leave half an hour so that the manka sweeps. Form the cutlets, lay out in a double boiler, prepare for 15-20 minutes.

Fish cutlets on a pair can be served with steam or fresh vegetables, untreated rice, buckwheat. You can apply tomato sauce to the cutlets.

, 7 macroelements led by and 15 biologically active trace elements.

Other ingredients, which additionally enrich the composition, taste and flavor of dishes are introduced into the cutlet stuffing, and retain the dummy shape. Due to the additions, general calorie content can be reduced or increased. In addition, the energy value of the kitlet and, accordingly, on their relevance in the dietary diet, the method of preparation and accompanying side dish is noticeably affected.

Consider a general recipe for the preparation of delicious fish boiler at home, its dietary options and methods of preparation, as well as useful headsets that will not increase the general caloric content of nutrition.

Fish diet cutlets in the oven - Recipe with photo step by step

The main component of the minced meat for lush ruddy meats - as much fresh fish, sea or river, not too dry, but at the same time, and not extremely fat. A mixture of varieties with large and smaller fat content is allowed. At the same time, for the dietary table, the ratio of "lean" and fatty fish is 7: 1.

In addition, preference should be given to fish more larger -, pike - cutlets will turn apart. Portrait and washed fine fish, too, you can also put into deal, passing it several times through the meat grinder to throw small bones for sure.

Enrich the composition of the minced meat, give him extra raw vegetable supplements - ,. Starchy potatoes are simultaneously a binding ingredient, which "glues" the total mass and holds the shape of the kitlet.

Also binding and volumetric components are also applied and solid cereals - ,. With the same purpose, white bread, operated in water, milk or cream, and starch. Good "glues" raw cutlets.

From the listed set of additives into dietary variants, the kitlet can be confidently included vegetables (onions and carrots are preferable) and dark cereals - primarily oatmeal. White bread, if applied, then swinging in water. Chicken egg is also injected. Manna Crupes, Flour and Starch for the dietary table are not suitable.

The flavor and taste of the minced is emphasized and complement such spices like pepper - white, black and fragrant ,. Salt, cook or sea, used moderately. Applied as well.

Approximate recipe for diet fish boiler:

  • 400 g of white fish fillet;
  • one small carrot;
  • bulb;
  • natural soy sauce without dyes and preservatives - three tablespoons;
  • green onions;
  • sea salt, ground pepper.

Preparation - from minced me to baking:

  • Rinse and cut into large pieces of fillet and purified vegetables, grind them in a meat grinder or blender.
  • Finely cut into green onions, combine it with a fish-vegetable mass.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bminced soy sauce, pepper and minimal salt, mix well and repel.
  • Rinsing hands with cold water, form round or oval cutlets and lay them with rows on a baking sheet, covered with baking paper.
  • Bake cutlets 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

The finished dish has calorieness not higher 100 kilocaloriy in one grams.

Application in practice diets

The "fish" protein is digested twice as quickly "meat", effectively mother-made muscles. Six vitamins of group B, unsaturated fatty acids, valuable trace elements, vitamins A, C, D, E, H, RR, calcium and magnesium strengthen immunity, improve skin condition and bone system, the organism is comprehensively well.

A unique set of biologically beneficial substances contained in fish cutlets with low-calorie ingredients cooked for a pair or baked makes them a valuable component of slightness diet that retain muscle mass.

Wherein it is important to combine Fish Diet Cutlets with such garnirathat will not bring on the menu excess calories.

On the dietary table in a suitable company

Optimal accompaniment to cooked fish cutlets will provide:

  • A variety of vegetables, fresh, boiled, stewed or baked, in salads or stews - cabbage of all kinds and varieties, cucumbers with, multicolored sweet peppers, and patissons, carrots, leaf salad, corn, green peas, podcol. Potatoes, however, due to the excess of starch in it, it is better to limit.
  • Mushrooms - forest and shops prepared by any way except frying. Such a garnish will not add calories, but will bring its special taste and aroma.
  • Porridge from dark, buckwheat or oat groats, cooked on the water. Rice, perfectly combined with any fish dishes, it is better to use brown.

Cooking - options for diets

Frying in a frying pan - The most common method of manufacturing fish boiler. However, such a way unacceptable in dietary nutrition.

Besides baking, weight-oriented menu will suit cooking for a couple. The formed cutlets are folded into a suitable colander, placed above the water boiling in a saucepan, and covered with a lid. Cooking time in tightly closed dishes is 20 minutes. You can add a bay leaf, carnation, fragrant peas and other "fish" spices to the water.

Happy owners multicrock Can prepare fish cutlets for a pair of relevant program on a special pallet with holes and at the same time in the same sap cooking a side dish.

How to cook delicious fish cutlets - Video

From the given video, you will learn how to make fish cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker. The minced meat includes hammering and onions. Simultaneously with cutlets in the cooking cup, a suitable low-calorie garnish ripes - buckwheat porridge on the water.

Saturated protein and many biologically utilities fish cutlets, steam or baked, accompanied by a useful and low-calorie garnish - a decent component of a dietary diet, aimed at a weight loss without loss of muscle mass.

What is the composition of the fish cutlets do you consider the best? Do fish cutlets use in diet menus? What method of their preparation apply most often? Share culinary secrets, discoveries and opinions with us in the comments!

Dietary fish cutlets whose recipe is pretty simple, are a very tasty and healthy dish. During the preparation for the beach season, a variety of diet products are gaining popularity. Their appointment is to reduce the amount of calories entering the body, and reducing the total body weight due to burning fat deposits. At the same time, it is impossible to forget about the taste qualities of such dishes, since they are also of particular importance, because food should be not only low-calorie, but also delicious.

The use of fish and products prepared on its basis not only makes it possible to obtain a tremendous pleasure from the process of food intake, but also contributes to the normalization of the digestive system. First of all, this effect is due to the structure of fibers forming fish pulp. Thanks to a special structure, the product is quickly absorbed and digested. However, despite this, the fish is a rather nutrient product that allows not only to fully satisfy the body and supply it a variety of most important minerals, but also to promote the normalization of the digestive process.

Such properties of this product are fully disclosed only with its proper preparation. There is far from one recipe for creating such dishes. Each of them is good in its own way and makes it possible to get magnificent taste combinations and, importantly, an attractive appearance. However, dietary can only be considered those of them that were prepared without roasting procedure, since it is this process that affects the general caloric content of products. Based on this, our fishing boiler recipe will be recreated using admissible thermal processing methods that give the opportunity to get optimal combinations to maintain a diet. So, the following ingredients will be needed for the preparation of low-calorie cutlets:

Dietary fish cutlets, based on the above components, are obtained especially bright and colorful, and their tasteings are at a very high level.

Fish cutlets in the oven: cooking process

The recipe for the preparation of our kitlet begins with one of the most important stages, which lies in the choice of the main ingredient, which is a fish.

The main criterion of selection is fat content - in our case, it must be minimal.

The most suitable for the specified parameters the following fish varieties:

  • mintai;
  • flounder;
  • zander.

It is precisely the above varieties that are minimal in fat and make it possible to achieve the lowest calorie content of the finished dish. Dietary fish cutlets, prepared on the basis of such varieties, are obtained gentle and juicy, moreover, have excellent external characteristics. It is not necessary to forget about the beneficial properties of fish fat, since it contains useful substances that cannot be developed independently by the organism. In addition, when adding a small amount of oily fish in the cutlets do not have to use oil, which is a big plus.

Cooking the kitlet begins with cleaning fish and extracting the fillet part. To do this, use the knife and tweezers, with which you want to remove all the bones and remove the skin from the carcass. The prepared pulp cut into small cubes and send a blender to the meat grinder or a bowl of the blender. In addition, to obtain optimal consistency, add a small piece of fatty fish to the total mass, which will saturate the future minced fasteners and give it a great look.

After that, we add purified vegetables to the fish base and grind all components to obtain a homogeneous mass. As a result of such manipulations, light-orange colorful mince, which will serve as the basis for the kitlet.

The next step, which implies the recipe, is to bring mince to readiness. To achieve the necessary parameters, we take wheat bread and pour it with milk. As soon as it absorbs the whole fluid, you need to add an egg to this mass and mix well. As a result, the adhesive mass is obtained, which will serve as a fastening link for the dish. Next you need to mix mince with a breadth solution and add spices, salt.

To obtain the necessary dietary properties, the traditional roasting procedure is replaced by baking. Thanks to this, fish cutlets in the oven will acquire their optimal parameters. At the same time, the baking requires the presence of a minimum amount of vegetable oil, which is only necessary for missing the opposition.

So, from the resulting mass we form small oblong balls and spread them on the roasting closet to each other. Thus, it is necessary to spend the minced stuff and fill the entire sheet. After that, we put the baking sheet in a preheated oven and baked fish cutlets in the oven for 15-25 minutes. The formation of their readiness is the formation of an appetizing golden crust, which should cover the top layer of dishes. As soon as this effect managed to achieve, fish cutlets are ready and can be served on the table.

Fish cutlets in the oven are a vivid example of creating a magnificent dietary dish. At the same time, for the category of people who prefers to adhere to a stricter diet, such a dish is not suitable. In turn, his alternative, capable of causing even Yarym adherents of the idea of \u200b\u200blosing weight, are fish cutlets for a couple. The recipe for their preparation slightly differs from the previous version using the furnace. However, some features in it are still available. First of all, they are concluded in the formation of the minced meat. The following ingredients will be needed for its preparation:

  • fish fillet - 500 g;
  • greens - 1 beam;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - 50 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices to taste.

As can be seen from the main components, the mince will be more fresh and easy to prepare. To create it, we take fish and remove the fillet part from it. All bones, fins and skin should be removed, and the parts of the fillet themselves are carefully checked for residual elements. Further, the fish is cut into small cubes and goes to the bowl of the blender or meat grinder. There we move the greens and purified carrots. At the same time, the best varieties of greenery, which is used to prepare fish dishes, are parsley, dill and basil. Therefore, we will add one of these components into the cutlets, namely dill.

Oatmeal, egg and a small amount of water will create the same adhesive effect that will not give the cutlets to fall apart. To achieve it, you need to mix all these components with the obtained minced meat and add to the finished weight of the spices, and also salt. After that, we form small puff balls and proceed to their heat treatment. Cooking fish cutlets for a couple follows no more than 15-25 minutes, because this time will be enough to obtain optimal characteristics of the dish. After this period of time, the finished cutlets can be removed from the stove and serve on the table to the joy to all those present both as a main dish and in the form of a side dish.

Dietconds are advised to be more often included in the diet of fish dishes. After all, it contains the necessary organism and easily digested by the organism proteins, the mass of trace elements and vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids. It will be useful for the whole fish if it is baked or put out, however, in a frying pan, and in a multicooker, fish can be prepared so that it will not bring anything to the body, except for the benefit. Slightly less useful, but no less delicious products from fish minced meat, especially if you cook them correctly. For those who watch their health, the perfect choice will be fish cutlets for a couple, delicious and at the same time dietary. Tips for experienced cooks and recipes, selected by us for readers of the online magazine "Beauty in You", allow you to enrich your diet with appetizing and healthy fish dishes.

Subtleties of technology

First of all, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced cooks. Armed with these knowledge, make delicious fish cutlets on a couple even a beginner hostess.

  • Fish minced meat, cooked with your own hands will be delicious than ready. After all, you do not put anything superfluous in it, using only fish fillet. For minced me, take fresh and not too bone fish. If you are going to make river fish cutlets, turn it with the flesh through the meat grinder several times to be confident: bones in the mince will not fall.
  • Usually, creamy oil or pork fat is added to the fishing minced fastener, but these additives significantly increase the calorie content of the finished dish. Therefore, dietary cutlets are made without these additives, but the varieties of fish are not very dry varieties worth it.
  • In order for fish cutlets to be softer and more lure, they add dried and after being operated in milk, cream or in water bread. For the dietary kitlet, water is more suitable, in extreme cases - milk, but it is better to give up from the cream.
  • In order for the cutlets to retain the shape, eggs are usually added to the mince. However, lean cutlets can be made, replacing the egg with starch, potatoes or semolia.
  • Onions are often adding to fish cutlets. It is not worth passing it through the meat grinder so that the mince is not liquid. It is better not to be lazy and nourish the bow with a knife.
  • Typically, cutlets are prepared for a pair using a double boiler or multicooker. But even if you do not have similar kitchen equipment, you can make steam fish cutlets, putting them in a colander and setting it over the pots with water.
  • For the preparation of the kitlet, there is no oil or breading. This also makes them dietary.

Based on the rules and councils, you can prepare delicious steam cutlets from fish minced meat, using any of the recipes like.

Tip: If you are preparing cutlets in a slow cooker, simultaneously in the main bowl of the unit you can cook the side dish. It can be rice, buckwheat, cornpage, lentils.

Simple recipe for steam cutlets from fish minced

This recipe is the easiest and most common. Milk is used in the classic dish preparation option. If the cakes are made for a lean table, instead of milk take water, and the egg is replaced with a spoonful of starch.


  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • bread - 50 g;
  • bow - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc. (or 20 g of starch, divorced in 20 ml of water);
  • milk or water - 100 ml (soy or coconut milk can also be taken);
  • salt, seasonings - to taste (if you are on a diet, do not abuse spices).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Onions finely premoilly cut.
  2. Fille rinse. Discover the napkins, skip through the meat grinder.
  3. A stale bread soak in warm milk or water.
  4. Interfere all ingredients included in the recipe.
  5. Remove the mince about the board so that it becomes denser. Form the cutlets from it and boil a couple for 20 minutes.

As a side dish, a potato mashed potatoes can be submitted to steam cutlets. Do not forget only that in the post and it needs to be prepared on water, without adding milk, cream or butter. For those who observe the diet, such a potato mashed potatoes will even be more useful.

Lenten fish cutlets with potatoes for a couple

The minced meat of these steam cutlets includes potatoes, so that they retain the form well. In this case, the energy value of the dish when adding potatoes remains low.


  • fish mince - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • fresh greens - 150 g;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • salt, spices - to your taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Crude Potatoes Soda, as for the preparation of Drank, Press.
  2. Mix with fish minced meat.
  3. Add salt, spices, finely chopped with a knife onions and greens. Instead of greens, you can use fresh onions, then you can refuse to refuse.
  4. Emboss stuffing, form the cutlets. Prepare them for a couple for 20-25 minutes.

Fish cutlets cooked for a pair of this recipe can be served without a side disk. If you want to do and make a side dish, use fresh vegetables for it, podcol, green peas.

Fish stuffing steam cutlets with semolia and cheese

The manka makes the cutlets gentle and more lure. It is only important to choose a semolina cereal made from solid wheat varieties, since otherwise the dish will not be dietary. Cheese will give the dish soft cream taste, although it will increase some of its caloric content.


  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • melted routine - 70 g;
  • manka - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt and Pern - to taste.

Algorithm of preparation:

  1. Scroll through the meat grinder fish fillet.
  2. Stodit cheese. With this task it will be easier to cope if it is long to hold the routine in the freezer.
  3. Grind onions with a knife.
  4. Mix all the ingredients by adding egg and spices.
  5. Generating a small cake, boil them for a couple for 25 minutes.

Manka in the process of cooking will swell, giving the puff cutlets. The taste of these cutlets amazingly tender, and they look appetizing. You can feed them with any garnish.

Fish steam cutlets with carrots

In this dish, come in one egg, but without it you can do without it, increasing the amount of flour. Then the recipe will be lean.


  • fish mince - 0.5 kg;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dried herbs, salt - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. In a shallow grater, grind pre-washed and purified carrots.
  2. Finely babble on the bow.
  3. Mix the mince with chopped vegetables, drive it into it, add dried herbs, satisfy.
  4. Put the chopped out of the stuffing cutlets on the lattice of the double boiler or microwave. Run the appropriate program ("Cool for a pair" in the microwave, "Fish" in the steamer). Cook for 20 minutes.

Thanks to the addition of a large number of vegetables, fish cutlets made on a pair on the prescription given are doubly.

Dietary fish cutlets with bran

Bran is very useful for cleansing the body, improving the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the prevention of obesity.


  • fish mince - 0.5 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 75-100 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Onions finely cut.
  2. Cuts chop in a coffee grinder or blender, fill with warm water, let you swell.
  3. Mix minced meek, bran, egg. Do not forget to slightly spill.
  4. Make out of the resulting mass of the cutlets and boil them to a couple. Cooking time - 20 minutes.

The cutlets made on this recipe are well quenched hunger and leave the feeling of satiety for a long time. This dish refers to the dietary category.

Dietary fish cutlets with cottage cheese

Another type of dietary kitlet, which are very tasty and at the same time useful, prepare from fish minced meals with the addition of cottage cheese.


  • fish fillet - 0.4 kg;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • complex seasoning for fish - to taste;
  • fresh dill - 50 g

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Fish fillet cut into pieces and skip through the meat grinder, alternating with cottage cheese (I also skip it through the meat grinder).
  2. Finely baffle dill, sculpt the egg. Mix all this with minced meat, adding seasoning.
  3. Moicing your hands in the water so that the minced meat sticks, form small cutlets. Put them on the grille and prepare over the ferry for about 20 minutes.

The gentle dietary cutlets made of fish minced meat with cottage cheese is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. They are pleased with those who did not even think about the benefits of healthy nutrition.

Unusual fish cutlets with olives

Steam fish cutlets with whole olive filling is not ashamed to file a festive table.


  • sea fish fillet - 0.3 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • bread crushers - 2 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • olives without seeds - 8 pcs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Finely chop onions.
  2. Touch the marine fish fillet through the meat grinder.
  3. Heat milk or water, pour breadcrumbs.
  4. Mix mince, onions and dried crops with a whipped egg, salt and spices.
  5. Form from the resulting mass of 8 balls, in each ball hide on the oline.
  6. Put on the grille, prepare for a couple of 20 minutes.

Very unusual fish cutlets with a "surprise" will enjoy children for whom it is best to prepare dietary dishes for a couple, and not in a pan. Instead of a garnish to such an unusual snack, you can apply olives, olives, picules, fresh tomatoes Cherry - what more likes.

Fish steam cutlets are not only useful, but also very tasty. Dietary dishes can decorate even a festive table. Knowing their cooking recipes, it is not scary to decide to observe a diet.

Cod meat has a large amount of useful substances, contains animal protein and has low calorie content. Therefore, the hostesses prefer to use cod fillets as the basis of any dishes. Try cooking fish cutlets from cod on recipes. It turns out very tasty, gently and exquisitely.

Fish cutlets on this recipe are very soft, gentle. You can serve any side dish.

Component list:

  • Fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • White Baton - 0.2 kg;
  • 1 onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Semolina cereals - 0.05 kg;
  • Pepper ground and salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. The first step is fillet. It is rinsed and dry it, scroll into the meat grinder, while using a large grille. Pour salt and pepper into the fish mass.
  2. Machine squeezed bulb with small pieces and crumble into cod meat.
  3. We work on bread. His pieces should be cut into milk, then squeeze.
  4. Separately split the eggs one after another in the dishes, sprinkle with the egg mass of the cum and mix together with pieces of the baton. The resulting mixture to pour to the mince and mix everything.
  5. From the fundamentals to cut the cutlets and put in the pan. Wait until both parties become a brownish shade.

How to cook cod cutlets in the oven

  • Fish fillet - 1 kg;
  • White Baton - 0.2 kg;
  • 1 egg;
  • Vegetable oil of any kind - 35 gr;
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 40 gr;
  • Garlic head floor;
  • Salt - 30 grams;
  • Black pepper - 5 grams;
  • Sugar - 50 gr.

How to cook Fish Cod Fish Cutlets:

  1. Bread is lowered into the milk, and then get and squeeze.
  2. Bulbs clean and shine with small cubes.
  3. In the pan, they pour any variety of oil and handle pieces of onions in it.
  4. We turn on the meat grinder and skip through it clean fillet without bones, garlic, onions and pieces of bread.
  5. In the meat mass squeeze the mayonnaise, break the egg, raw in salt and spices.
  6. Oil juice, which remained after the bow pour into the mixture.
  7. From her I sculpt the cutlets. The stuffing should be enough for 20 pieces.
  8. The baking sheet must be lubricated with oil and sash a special film on it.
  9. The tassel can be deceived every moth mayonnaise before laying them on the tray.
  10. Include an empty oven, after a minute, they will interfere with cutlets in it.
  11. Bake about 45 minutes. Temperature indicator - 150.
  12. The finished dish can be beautifully embedded with tomatoes, cucumbers and suck with a garnish.

Tasty cutlets in a multicooker on a couple

With smart kitchen appliances, you spend 2 times less time. Cutlets for a pair are fluffy, air, and your households will not complain about dry meat.

Recipe components:

  • Fillet out of cod - 0.45 kg;
  • Gray bread - 0.08 kg;
  • 5 bulbs;
  • 1 egg;
  • Such for breading - 0.03 kg;
  • Several garlic shots;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

How to cook

  1. Give to a gray bread in milk or water.
  2. Onions, bread pieces and garlic to handle in a meat grinder with fillets.
  3. In the crushed mixture, break the egg and add breadcrumbs.
  4. A bowl with meat to put in a refrigerator for 60 minutes.
  5. During this time, mince will strengthen and you can make cutlets out of it.
  6. Put rouse minced chicks on a steam nozzle for a slow cooker.
  7. Enable the "Couple" feature. Time - 25 minutes.

Fish cod cutlets with oat flakes

Instead of bread, cooks are sometimes used in oatmeal recipes. So the cutlets are obtained more satisfying.

List of ingredients:

  • 1 kg of mincedah
  • Two eggs
  • One bow
  • 0.2 liters of milk
  • 135 g oatmeal
  • Greens, spices and oil - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. We understand with oat flakes. We spend them in a separate bowl, they pour milk there and add crude yolk with a protein. In this form, we leave for half an hour.
  2. We laid this mixture into fish minced meat and fall asleep spices.
  3. We beat off a lot of meat and flakes and sculpt rounded forms of the future cake.
  4. Now it remains to fry them until the formation of a light crust.

Recipe Fish Cutlet With Channel

The semolina cereal is best combined with fish than flour. The manka does not give a dish to fall apart, but does not make it too solid and dry.

Set of ingredients:

  • Cod fillets - 0.5 kg;
  • Semolina cereals - 0.1 kg;
  • One onions;
  • One egg;
  • Milk cream - 0.1 kg;
  • Black ground pepper and salt to taste.

How to make gentle cutlets:

  1. Fish fillet grinding. For this, a meat grinder or blender is suitable.
  2. We spend the same procedure with a bow and add it to the march.
  3. In this mixture, we pour cream, egg, smear the semoline, pepper and salt.
  4. We remove everything in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  5. After passing the time from the cooled minced meat, the cutlets should be scratched.
  6. Call them in flour and put on a hot frying pan. Fry.

Diet cod cutlets

Even on a diet, you can eat delicious food and be full. Especially for this, we have adapted the recipe for fish cutlets.

You will need:

  • Cod fillets - 0.4 kg;
  • One onions;
  • Carrots - 0.60 kg;
  • Soy sauce - 55 ml;
  • Bunch of green onion stalks;
  • Spices and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Fish fillet crush.
  2. Vegetables clean and finely chop.
  3. The same thing to do with a green bow. Add processed ingredients to mince.
  4. Top pour soy sauce, pour pepper and salt.
  5. Wet your hands and shape the cutlets from meat, lay out on the baking sheet, lined with paper for baking.
  6. Entry mode to install for 200 degrees, put a baking sheet there. Prepare 40 minutes.

If you keep dietary food, do not serve a cooked fish dish with a fat side dish. It is best to decorate the yoke with fresh vegetables. Fish cutlets made of stuffing cods will delight you with a gentle taste and low calorie.

Cod fillets with sour cream

Sour cream will give fish dishes amazing soft taste, and the bokings will not be dry after the oven.

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