Armenian Ocroke Recipe. Armenian okroshka. Uzbek Okroke at kefir

Pistols for mounting foam 08.04.2021
Pistols for mounting foam

Summer, heat and need to cook lunch. Stand at the hot plate, the whole of your nature resists. Yes, and so you want to eat something not hotter, but on the contrary, refreshing. Today we will pay our attention to a very simple meal, called okroshka in kefir.

Since childhood, I remember this invigorating taste. Parents every summer we sent us to the grandmother on the village. We arrived after the holidays fed up as piglets. My favorite grandmother was very tasty. Eh ... childhood passed.

And so we prepare the classic okroshka in kefir.

We need:

  • The cucumber is young, 4 pieces.
  • Garlic, 1-2 teeth.
  • Dill, 1 bundle.
  • Sour cream, 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Sugar sand, 1 teaspoon.
  • Radish, 5-6 pieces.
  • Salt pepper to taste.
  • Kefir, 6 glasses.
  • Green onions, optional.

Portions: 6.

Recipe for the preparation of classic okroshka at kefir.

Vegetables and greens need to be washed. On a large grater of three Redis and cucumbers. Grind garlic and greens. We all fold into deep containers. Add sugar sand. Solim, pepper and pour kefir.

You can add chopped green onions feathers. I didn't like the green bow in my childhood, and therefore my grandmother did not add it to the okroshka.

Mix well and let it stand for 40-45 minutes. Spill in portions and decorate mugs from radishes. We apply to the table with sour cream.

Share experience. When your men begin to complain that Kefir is not possible to intimidate, then the okroshka on the kefir with sausage to you to help.

We will need:

  • Boiled sausage, 150-200 grams.
  • Young cucumbers, 3-4 pieces.
  • Middle sized potatoes, 5 pieces.
  • Chicken eggs, 3 pieces.
  • Onion green, bundle.
  • Dill, bundle.
  • Sour cream, 100-120 grams.
  • Kefir low fat, 2 liters.
  • Salt, to taste.

Portions: 8.

Recipe cooking over kefir with sausage.

You need to boil potatoes and eggs, cool, cut into cubes. Finely cut the greens. Cucumbers either chop, or grate on a large grater.

Sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers and greens put in a saucepan and salt to taste. Cooked sausage, too, cut into cubes and add to the saucepan. We send eggs, sour cream and potatoes. All thoroughly mix.

We fill with kefir and send to the fridge for 1 hour. An hour later, you can serve on the table.

If you decide to arrange a unloading day for the body, you can pamper yourself to the dietary kefir. Preparing very quickly.

We need:

  • Quail eggs, 5-6 pieces.
  • Onion green, bundle.
  • Cucumbers, 3 pieces.
  • Radish, 6 pieces.
  • Dill, bundle.
  • Black pepper, to taste.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • Kefir low fat, 1 liter.

Portions: 4.

Recipe for the preparation of diet okrochka at kefir:

Quail eggs are drunk, we cool, clean and cut in half. While the eggs are boiled, cucumbers cut into small cubes and radishes by semicircles. Green grinding.

In a deep bowl, lay the greens, salt and rub the spoon slightly, so that the greenery allowed the juice and did not pop up when Nallem kefir.

All other components add to a bowl with greens and mix thoroughly. Add kefir. Let us settle for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator. We apply on the table.

This cold soup is also called the "Baltic Circle". It turns out a very tasty gamma, with the sweetness of beets and sour cue. Recipe for cooking okroshka with beetroot is quite simple.

We need:

  • Boiled beets of medium sized, 1 piece.
  • Sausage boiled, 150-200 grams.
  • Boiled potatoes, 1 piece.
  • Chicken egg, 4 pieces.
  • Sour cream, 50-60 grams.
  • Cucumber, 1-2 pieces.
  • Kefir, 1 liter.
  • Dill, bundle.
  • Onion green, bundle.
  • Water boiled - cooled, 350-400 milliliters.
  • Salt, to taste.

Portions: 4.

Recipe for making kefir coils with beets.

You need to cook potatoes, eggs and beets. To grind greens, salt and remember a slightly with a spoon, to highlight juice.

Cubes cut the sausage and cucumbers. On a large grater, soda is boiled and cold beet. Burn purified potatoes. Also eggs.

In the pan mix all the components, pour kefir there and mix thoroughly. If in your opinion the cold soup turned out to be thick, then you can dilute a little boiled with water.

You can serve on the table by sprinkling with a chopped dill and repairing sour cream.

This recipe from our Armenian friends. The peculiarity is that Matsun (Maceona) is used. But you can do in kefir. And also, for the piquancy of taste, you can add hell (optional). Prepared quickly.

We need:

  • The cucumber is young, 2 pieces.
  • Matsun or kefir, floor liters.
  • Onion green, bundle.
  • A little grated horseradish, if desired.
  • Kinza, bundle.
  • Dill, bundle.
  • Mineral, carbonated water, floor liters.
  • Pepper is black, salt, to taste.

Recipe for the preparation of the Armenian Okroshka

Washing greens cut, salt to taste and lay out on the bottom of a deep bowl. Cutting cucumbers in small pieces and also send to a bowl.

Fill matsun or kefir in a bowl. We add carbonated, mineral water and mix.

Sprinkle with ground black pepper. Optionally, add grated horseradish. We put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
To the table can be served with crust of chopped black bread.

The recipe for cooking over the cheese, too, from southern edges. Salted grade cheese is added to this dish. Therefore, carefully, not to reduce. Cheese can be taken Adygei, Brynzu, Suluguni, Chang, Chechchil, etc.

We need:

  • Boiled potatoes, 2 pieces.
  • Redish red, 2 pieces.
  • Salted cheese, 150-200 grams.
  • Petrushka, bundle.
  • Dill, bundle.
  • The cucumber is young, 2-3 pieces.
  • Kefir or Prostokvash, floor liters.
  • Mineral or boiled water, floor liters.
  • Lemon juice, 1 teaspoon.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • Sugar sand, 2 teaspoons.

Portions: 5.

Recipe cooking over kefir with cheese.

Small cubes shining potatoes, radishes and cheese. Lay out in deep container. Add chopped greens and sugar. Solim to taste. Let's squeeze lemon juice directly to sliced \u200b\u200bproducts.

Fill with kefir or rustic, mix. Dilute mineral or boiled - chilled water. Re-mix. Cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Save to the table with lemon slices.

Okroshka on kefir without potatoes

The feature of the recipe is that potato is not used and instead of sausage add boiled beef. The taste of ransom, just losing my fingers.

We need:

  • Beef boiled, 300 grams.
  • Boiled chicken eggs, 2 pieces.
  • Kefir low fat, 1 liter.
  • Mineral water or filtered, floor liters.
  • Dill, parsley, one beam.
  • Cucumber, 2-3 pieces.
  • Tomatoes, 2 pieces.
  • Salt, to taste.

Recipe cooking without potatoes.

We cut boiled beef and eggs with small cubes. Lay out in a bowl, salt to taste. Cucumbers clean from the peel and shining in small pieces. Tomatoes cut slices, removing hard fruits.

In a bowl with beef and eggs, add chopped greens, cucumbers and tomatoes. Fill in kefir. We dilute with mineral water or filtered water. Mix, put in the refrigerator.

Before serving, you can decorate parsley sprigs.

Prepare cold soup "Ocroke at kefir". This is an excellent low-calorie dish on a hot period.

Bon Appetit!

Cold pall soup rightfully can be considered our culinary heritage, but refreshing chowers are in many folk cuisines. From our article, you will learn an old-circuit recipe for a real classic Russian okhrokhka on kvass, how the Spanish Okroshka is preparing on tomato juice and many more national versions of the summer soup. Each of the dishes suggested is a real find for saving on hot menu dots, especially when you completely exhaust the prescription reserves of okroshka.

The popularity of Russian cuisine today reaches world wide scales, and it is no longer surprising to meet the okroshka in the foreign menu in English. The very fact of the appearance of the peasant soup in the famous Western restaurants is pride.

But whether our okroshka is so tasty and whether the classic recipe is complied with an open question. Today we will try to bring to you foreign types of cold soups, the maximum adhering to the traditional formulation, so that at home you are able to cook a real Gaspacho without any problems, a tarator, a chalop, chiller, kukes and other summer lunch to your taste.

Okroshka in Russian and in Ukrainian

To begin with, it will be necessary to remember how the classical Russian is preparing, it is also a Ukrainian kefir okrochka or with a kvass, using a step-by-step recipe with a photo and addressing the annals of culinary history.

The history of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, until recently flowed in one channel, and therefore not only the overall way of life, but our kitchen is almost her kitchen. Only names can be different. So in the Ukrainian and Belarusian language the okroshka is called "Colder", which in many cookbooks is represented as cold red borsch. However, and an old Russian summer soup recipe without adding a buraka there in great honor.

According to the ingredient composition, that the chiller is that the okroshka is almost identical, so we will give one recipe with two options for refueling.


  • Fresh cucumbers - 5 pcs.;
  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Boiled boiled eggs - 4-5 pieces;
  • Radish - 8 pcs.;
  • Boiled meat or boiled sausage - 300 g;
  • Green onions - 80 g;
  • Durce branches - 50 g;
  • Parsley (greens) - 50 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Sour cream - 150 g;
  • Refueling (kvass, kefir, serum, water) - 1 l;
  • Burak boiled (for a chill) - 1-2 tuber;
  • Lemon juice - 2-4 ch. L.;

How to prepare a Russian or Ukrainian okroshka

  1. All major components (sausage, eggs, potatoes and cucumbers) are cut by equal cubic slices, and radishes with binding circles, which are then cut in two or 4 parts.
  2. Wash and slightly dischargeed greens in a finely disturbed with a knife and mix all the ingredients in the common bowl, salt and refueling sour cream.
  3. If we want to prepare a simple okroshka in Russian, then as a refueling, we use kvass, serum or kefir.
  4. To prepare a chill, grate a booster boom on a large grater, mix it with lemon juice or table vinegar and then pour cold water. Beet refueling will make a very tasty cold borsch in Ukrainian from our okroshka.

Okroshka in the culinary world

For its centuries-old history, the okroshka has undergone so much modifications that it is difficult to count on how much the species of this soup exist in our latitudes. The okroshka can be prepared not only with meat, but also with chicken, and even with fish. And for the post even was invented by the recipe for the mushrooms.

The okroshka is easier and fresh, the more greenery in it. Therefore, it is not worth noticeing for garden spicy herbs and roots. Dill and parsley, celery and kinza, basil and estragon, abrade and horseradish. All these fragrant plants have a worthy place in our beloved soup.

That's just leaning on spices and spices are preparing around the Hindus. It was on the banks of the river Gang Okroshka made from cucumber and tomato, refilled with a mixture of broth and natural yogurt. And, of course, it does not work out without a large dose of curry, ginger and other fragrant additions.

But how are they cooking in other countries of the world?

Uzbek Okroke at kefir

In Uzbekistan, cold soup on the milk product Katus is called the Chalop. It is customary to serve this chowder and as a snack, and as a sauce, and as a cold first dish. The abundance of greenery, which is the basis of Chalop, and distinguishes this soup from our okroshka. In addition, in this recipe we will not find the main "heavy" products - potatoes, meat and eggs. Everything is simple and easy to maximum.


  • Burgundy basil - 10-15 g;
  • Fresh kinsea greens - ½ beam;
  • Green onion - ½ beam;
  • Chilled boiled water - 0.5 l;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • Powder powder black - 1 g;
  • Radish - 5 pcs.;
  • Branches of dill - 40 g;
  • Lemon Fresh - 15 ml;
  • Prostokvash Katuk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Garlic slices - 2 pcs.;

How to cook chalop

  1. All the greens are crushed, we sprinkle salt and warmly knead the juice.
  2. Then, in the resulting fragrant mixture, garlic squeeze, mix all.
  3. Fresh cucumber and radish cut thin straw and add to a total capacity.
  4. For the preparation of refueling, we should mix the rod with cold water and thoroughly beat the wedge so that the lactic acid flakes are evenly separated in the water.
  5. The resulting liquid is poured vegetable composition, add salt to taste and lemon juice.

Chalop ready!

Okroshka in Armenian and Azerbaijanis

The Caucasian Okroshka with cucumber on Martsoni - the National Armenian kefir was very similar in the composition and technology of cooking with Uzbek soup.

This is a dish, as a transitional point from Chalope to our native gallery, but in its easier version and under other names.

Ovehh - such a name has the Azerbaijani Okroshka, the recipe and photo of which almost one-in-one coincides with Yerevan Schwow - Matsnabrdosh. The only difference between these types of cold soup lies in the fact that the Armenian okroshka is smaller and often includes in its composition of mint leaves.


  • Short-range cucumber - 4 pcs.;
  • Selected eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Fresh kinza - 1 beam;
  • Dill green - 1 beam;
  • Onion feathers (greens) - 1.5 beam;
  • Garlic - 1 teeth;
  • Basil purple - 35 g;
  • Martsoni (kefir) - 0.8 l;
  • Salt -2-3 Ch.L.;
  • Boiled beef - 250 g;
  • Lavash - 2 pellets;

How to make a Caucasian Okro

  1. Cucumbers, meat and eggs are cut with equal small slices and mix with fine-chopped greens and missed through the press garlic.
  2. The finished composition is poured by Maconi, kefir or ishran and salt to taste.
  3. You can adjust the loop fluid by carbonated water. In addition, the refueling can be used as a refueling, a serum carbonated drink with sour taste.

Korean Okroshka "Koki"

Korean cuisine has long and hopelessly conquered the hearts and stomachs of our fellow citizens. Yes, even their carrot in Korean is already perceived by us as your native dish. In the light of this, all lovers of Asian spices and treats will undoubtedly like the recipe for the Korean Okroshka on tomato juice.

Ingredients in this dish are a lot and work in the kitchen is also plentiful. But Koshi is so tasty that, making every time at home, this is the traditional Korean sovereign, you will become a true fan.


  • Pork fillet - 180 g;
  • Fresh long cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato medium - 1 fruit;
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • Bow greens - ½ beam;
  • Repka-bow - 1 head;
  • Parsley leaves - ½ beam;
  • Cabbage white - 200 g;
  • Sugar sand - 20 g;
  • Salt - 20 g;
  • Powder powder black - 1 tsp;
  • Soy sauce - 35 ml;
  • Vinegar table (6%) - 30 ml;
  • Chicken broth - ½ l;
  • Parca powder - 4 g;
  • Sunflower oil - 20 ml;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Rice noodles - 110 g;

How to cook Korean kuccu ok

  1. We mix broth. In the bowl, pour ½ liters of chicken beam, soy sauce, fall asleep salt and sugar, vinegar and mix everything.
  2. Tomatoes are crushed in a blender, and the cucumbers cut a very sharp knife with a thin straw and shift it all in the broth marinade, where we also add garlic to Cashitz.
  3. The resulting composition put in the refrigerator cooling.
  4. The meat is cut with straw and fry slightly in the oil, after which they spend the onions chopped with rings, and after 5 minutes and cabbage, also chopped straw.
  5. All fry, sprinkle paprika, and bring until readiness.
  6. In a separate bowl whipping the egg with a salt and bake a thin omelet, which, after the frying, cut a thin straw.
  7. Now finely chop the greens.
  8. In a separate saucepan in the salted water, we boil the noodles, then wechill on the colander, and after it stands through the excess water, we collect Koshi.
  9. In an in-depth plate, lay a portion of the noodle, beside the roaster of meat, onions and cabbage. Then we put egg ohleetic, greens and water the dish by broth, adding cucumbers to the plate.

Spanish Ocroke

It certainly heard about this dish, each of us, but the fact that this Spanish Okroshka, as it is called in his homeland - Gaspacho, is a relative of our Okroshki, they thought hardly. Very simple in cooking and tasty in eating, the treat will bring a variety of in your summer diet.


  • Fresh tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • Stale wheat bread - 250 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 red fruit;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 fruit;
  • Olive oil - 180 ml;
  • Riolet onion purple - ½ head;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Vinegar table (6%) - 35 ml;
  • Filtered water - 40 ml;
  • Salt to taste;

How to cook Gaspacho

  1. To begin with, in cold water, a stale bread, having previously cut it into large pieces.
  2. My tomatoes, we blanch and remove the skin with them, if possible, we remove the seed part so that we have only a clean pulp.
  3. From the cucumbers, we cut the skin, in peppers remove the fruit with the seed, the onion is clean and cut into 4 parts.
  4. Now in the bowl of the blender, you load bread, tomatoes, garlic and onions, pour vinegar, salt and oil and grind everything to the state of a homogeneous liquid cream.
  5. Bulgarian pepper cut straw, and cucumber is a cube.
  6. In a plate, we pour Gaspacho and sprinkle with cucumber-pepper. Also, crackers and ice cubes or ice crumbs are often served to Gaspacho.

Bulgarian okrochka on kefir

This summer soup with indescribable nut flavor and aroma is customary to serve in the Bulgarian cafe in the summer of the sultry period. Fresh, simple and really light lunch does not lose weight, but gives fools and energy at the expense of nuts. Try and you cook at home yourself this dish, acting step by step with us.


  • Middle fat kefir - 0.75 ml;
  • Fresh short cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Durce greens - 1 beam;
  • The kernels of walnuts - 200 g;
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Onion feathers (greens) - 1 beam;
  • A mixture of peppers - ½ kl.;
  • Salt cook - to taste;

How to make a cater

  1. Prepare refueling. We mix in deep containers kefir with milk passed through the press garlic, salt and pepper, after which we whip the resulting roller.
  2. Then we enter oil into the ground and mix everything again.
  3. Next, we crush finely greens, and cucumbers cut straw, and all this wept in the refueling.
  4. Now the soup need to give time to cool in the refrigerator, we mean the grinding knife with fine nuts.

Finished soup lay down on plates and sprinkle every portion with chopped nut.

Okroshka in Lithuanian on kefir

Lithuanian okroshka differs from all those studied primarily by its meat component. It is not sausage, and not fillet, but fried minced frying pan. Also in the sour cream refueling is necessarily added garlic, even though such a okroshka, too, as ours is poured by Kvais. Although kefir refill is also quite popular.


  • Beets were boiled - 3 roots;
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 fetus;
  • Boiled boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Minced beef - 0.3 kg;
  • Green (dill, parsley, onions) - 120 g;
  • Kefir low-fat - 1 l;
  • Sylnicated water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Sour cream - 4-5 tbsp.;
  • Garlic - 2 slices;
  • Black powder pepper - ½ bl.;
  • Salt Extra - to taste;

How to do a lithuanian

  1. Boiled eggs and beets rub on a large grater, and cucumbers cut with small cubes.
  2. Greens finely shinku and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Minced stuffing to readiness in a pan, we simulate, pepper to taste and add it to a common bowl after cooling.
  4. Now all the cuts remain mixed with sour cream and passed through the press with garlic, to satisfy the taste, refuel with kefir and water (adjust the necessary liquid of the okroshki alone) and remove to the cold for an hour.

Summer heat completely knocks off the appetite from heavy and hot dishes. But with our excellent selection of foreign cold soups, your households will not remain hungry, and at the same time they will not lose their cheerfulness, refreshing and gaining strength. Russian and Ukrainian, Spanish and Korean, Caucasian and Asian, Bulgarian and Lithuanian okroshka will expand your culinary horizon with health benefits.

Armenian Okroshka or Matsnabrdosh is a very tasty, fragrant dish, which is perfectly quenched thirst and hunger in hot summer days.

Matsun, or Maconi, is best to buy in the market, but sometimes in stores you can find a decent product enough and quality product. If you manage to buy Matsun good quality, be sure to try to cook the Armenian Okroshka, you will definitely like it.

Unlike the usual traditional Russian okroshka, Matsnabrdos do not eat a spoon (although this dish refers to soups), and often served in glasses and drink, sometimes the cucumber is not added. There are options with the addition of garlic and Tarkhun, also often put basil. In general, try all the options, each of them deserves attention and is very good to taste.

For cooking in Armenian, prepare products on the list. Cucumbers, onions and fragrant herbs wash under running water, dry. In Auchan Matsun is sold now in such a chic pot, which can then be used in the kitchen.

Cucumbers need to be cleaned from the peel, cut into a small cube, the green onions are also finely cut.

Next you need dill, kinse and mint finely toaling a knife.

Fold the sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber and greens in a comfortable deep bowl, add salts and mix well.

Spread the cucumbers with the greenery on the glasses.

Matsun thoroughly shake the fork, pour drinking water to make it liquid. Add diluted Matsun into glasses with cucumbers and greens.

The latter is run by carbonated water.

Try to salt, if necessary, discharge the dish to taste and stir the contents of glasses.

Before serving, the Okroshka in Armenian must stand in the refrigerator, or prepare it from very cold ingredients. I put the water for an hour in the freezer, and in every glass you can add a couple of ice cubes.

Matsnabrdosh or Armenian okroshka is ready, pleasant!

The classic Armenian Okroshka (or Matsnabrdosh) is preparing on Matsuna, but we will replace it with kefir or spokeshaw. It is often served in the glasses and are used as a refreshing drink. In this recipe okroshki used bread.
How to make an Armenian okroshka? See my step-by-step recipe.
1. If you are going to use bread, then cut the crust and cut into small cubes.
2. Rinse and cut green onions, other greens, except mint. We will use it for decoration.
3. Kefir or Prostokow Mix with carbonated water.
4. Mix bread, onions and greens, spray and fill with gasket with kefir. Mix it all thoroughly again.
5. For acute, you can add to the taste of radish and / or grated shit.
6. Before serving, add sour cream, sprinkle with ground black pepper and decorate the mint sprig.
Our Armenian Okroshka is ready! Bon Appetit!


  • Kefir or Prostokvash - 0.5 liters
  • Rye bread (wheat) - 200 grams (you can not use.)
  • Onion green - 150 grams
  • Salt - - to taste
  • Pepper black ground - - to taste
  • Water carbonated - 0.5 liters
  • Grated horseradish or radish (optional) - - to taste
  • Kinza, Dill, Tarkhun, Basil, Mint - - To taste

Basic ingredients:
Dairy products, kefir, Prostokvash

Finding this stunning dish, you just have to find out how to cook at home. First of all, thoroughly shifty the preparation recipe. It is best to purchase all the necessary products in advance so as not to stop cooking due to the shortage of one of the ingredients. Next, you should prepare and place all the necessary kitchen utensils and products. And now we will find out how to make an Armenian okhroze at home. This will help us a detailed recipe, each step of which is accompanied by a photo. If you like to invent, you can always make changes to the simple composition of the product, removing or adding one or another ingredient. Having done all the actions on the description, you can easily remember how to prepare a delicious Armenian okrashka yourself. Create and experiment in the kitchen, and then cook will delight you and all your family every day. But do not forget to take into account the caloric content of manufactured products to always stay beautiful and healthy.

Armenian okroshka is preparing instantly! The main thing is to have the necessary ingredients at hand. For sharpness, you can add Khreno. The taste is excellent! We try!

Number of portions:

Time for preparing:
15 minutes


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