Correct and balanced nutrition. Proper balanced nutrition. Approximate menu of the joint venture for a week to maintain weight at the same level

Roof 16.08.2020

Means balance. Its main purpose is to maintain a balance of nutrients and nutrients in the body.

Balanced Nutrition - a program with an emphasis on natural healthy foods. It should be consumed in the following ratio: proteins - 25-35%, fats - 25-35%, carbohydrates - 30-50%.

The main rule is to remove from the menu all products that are harmful to health. This list includes non-natural products with chemical additives, preservatives, synthetic fats (margarine). Also give up fatty foods and those that contain a large amount of sugar. What foods should you keep in your diet? Choose natural ingredients - fruits, vegetables, cereals, eggs, legumes, nuts, berries, honey, dried fruits, lean meat, poultry, fish, seafood, etc.

Correct balanced nutrition helps to reduce the load on the digestive tract, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and preserve youth for a long time.

A balanced diet and a balanced diet are different concepts. Diets are often used by those who want to lose weight. Often they are also used by another category of people suffering from diabetes, pancreatitis, gastritis or hypertension. This means that they need a certain diet, and not all products are allowed for them. Those who want to lose weight sometimes get so excited that they go on a hunger strike and severely limit their diet. This subsequently leads to health problems. With a balanced diet, the story is different - it involves the inclusion of a variety of ingredients in the diet to keep protein, fat and carbohydrates in the required amount and regular meals. This approach helps to always stay at a comfortable weight.

Why do you need a balanced diet?

The body always needs a large amount of energy, which it receives along with all nutrients from the main source - food. Balancing your diet means maintaining health, vitality and activity.

The body is designed in such a way that it needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. To maintain a balance, all of them must come in certain proportions, which will help to timely deliver all the necessary substances for their intended purpose and ensure its correct functioning.

According to a nutritionist at Performance food, a person with average physical activity needs to get nutrients every day in the following proportions: 1 unit of protein and fat \u003d 4.5 units of carbohydrates. With the help of such proportions, you can maximize the energy needs of the body.

General rules for a balanced diet

The ratio of products should be distributed as follows:

  • proteins account for about 10-20%, and 60% refer to animal proteins, that is, those found in fish, meat, poultry and milk, and 40% to vegetable (legumes, cereals, nuts, vegetables and fruits ). The ratio depends on the intensity of physical activity;
  • fats are allocated about 20-30%, 60% are vegetable fats presented in the form of cereals, nuts and olive oil, and 40% are easily digestible animal fats, which are rich in fish and seafood;
  • about 60% is allocated to carbohydrates: 95% refers to complex carbohydrates, 5% - to simple carbohydrates in the form of honey, fruits, nuts and dairy products.

Do not forget about maintaining the water-salt balance: drink about 2 liters of water a day (in heat and during physical activity - 2.5-3 liters) and use salt in an amount of no more than 7 grams per day.

The above ingredients are best eaten within a specific period of time so that the body can better absorb and digest nutrients. This will prevent them from being stored in fat. If you balance your diet, you can achieve weight loss!

A balanced diet for weight loss for women means limiting the daily calorie intake to 200 kcal. So you can get rid of 1-1.5 kg in 30 days without harm to health and stress.

Balanced menu for the week

It can be difficult to balance the diet on your own and there is not always enough time and knowledge for this. In such cases, the Performance food healthy food delivery service, the programs of which are drawn up by highly qualified nutritionists, becomes a lifesaver. To maintain weight and adhere to the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the company has developed the “Balanced diet - 2000 kcal” program.

  1. Breakfast: mango, raspberry and coconut milk smoothies; cottage cheese pancakes with raisins and sour cream.
  2. Lunch: pear slices with pomegranate seeds.
  3. Lunch: salad of radishes and cucumbers with sour cream and herbs; cream borsch.
  4. Afternoon snack: marbled beef stewed in tomato sauce with prunes; carrots and sweet potatoes baked with aromatic herbs.
  5. Snack: tofu in plum marinade.
  6. Dinner: salmon fillet medallions with aromatic herbs; salad mix.

Eat right, exercise regularly, and your health will always be at its best. Isn't this the main thing in life?

The name "balanced nutrition" comes from the word "balance" - balance... The basic principle of a balanced diet is the creation of the necessary balance of useful and nutritious substances in the body for its most efficient functioning and maximum care for beauty, youth and health. A balanced diet is a nutritional system based on the consumption of natural healthy food in the quantities necessary for the body and the organization of the correct diet.

Therefore, the first rule of such a diet states that all those foods that do not benefit the body or harm the body should be excluded from the diet. These are all non-natural products, in the manufacture of which chemical additives, preservatives, synthetic fats (e.g. margarine), artificial vegetable protein, and products with a high content of fat and sugar were used. Read the labels of the products you buy carefully and if you see too many chemicals in them, ditch those products. Eat only natural foods - vegetables, fruits, cereals, eggs, whole grain bread, legumes, natural dairy products with a low fat content, nuts, berries, honey, dried fruits, natural lean meat, poultry, fish and seafood, natural meat offal, vegetable and butter. These foods are extremely beneficial for your body and it is from them that you should compose your daily balanced diet.

With the help of a balanced diet, you will reduce the burden on digestion and other internal organs, cleanse your body of toxins and help it maintain youth and health for a long time.

Rules for drawing up a balanced diet menu for a week

The above listed foods from which you should form your balanced diet for the week. The compilation of a daily menu must obey several rules.

Rule one: balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Whatever your daily caloric intake, that amount of calories must be obtained from a strictly defined ratio of nutrients. For a balanced diet, this ratio looks like this:

  • carbohydrates: 60% of daily calories (of which 95% are complex carbohydrates, 5% are simple carbohydrates obtained from honey, fruits, nuts, dairy products);
  • proteins: 10-20% - depending on the degree of physical activity (of which 60% are animal proteins obtained from fish, meat, poultry, eggs and milk; 40% are vegetable proteins found in nuts, cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables);
  • fats: 20-30% (of which 60% are vegetable fats contained in cereals, nuts, oily vegetables and fruits, olive oil, etc., 40% are animals, and the most easily digestible animal fats are from fish and seafood, and here meat fats are absorbed by the body hard);
  • liquid: not less than 2 liters per day (in the hot season and during sports - up to 2.5-3 liters per day);
  • salt: up to 7 g per day.

With a balanced diet, all these products should be consumed in accordance with the time of day - so your body will in the best way assimilate and digest all the nutrients found in food, and nothing from the eaten is converted into fat.

A balanced daily diet plan looks like this:

  • breakfast: 40% of daily calories - proteins, complex and simple carbohydrates;
  • second breakfast: proteins or carbohydrates within 100 kcal;
  • lunch: 30% of the daily calorie content - a liquid dish - for the first; protein food with a vegetable side dish - for the second; dessert - vegetables, fruits, fruit drinks or jellies, mousses;
  • afternoon snack: proteins or carbohydrates within 150 kcal;
  • dinner: 20% of daily calories - mainly, easily digestible proteins (eggs, fish, dairy products, vegetable proteins) and carbohydrates found in vegetables and fruits.

For weight loss, limit the calorie intake of a balanced diet for each day by 200 kcal. So you can, without experiencing any discomfort and without harming your health, lose 1-1.5 kg per month.

A sample balanced diet menu for a week

This sample weekly balanced meal menu gives you a choice of options for all meals. You can combine them, replace, replace and otherwise modify the menu depending on your desire, the main thing is to follow the basic principles of a balanced diet.

  • 2 egg omelet with tomato, a slice of rye bread, tea with honey, 2 pcs. oatmeal cookies;
  • an omelet of 2 eggs and 50 g of cottage cheese, natural coffee with milk, 20 g of dark chocolate, wafers without filling or shortbread cookies (up to 50 g);
  • oatmeal with dried apricots, prunes and nuts, a glass of kefir, bran bun;
  • oatmeal with milk and honey, green tea, apple;
  • cottage cheese and carrot casserole with raisins, a glass of tea with a handful of nuts;
  • 2 whole wheat breads with cheese, tea or coffee with milk, banana;
  • pancake with cottage cheese, orange or 2 tangerines, tea.


  • apple or pear;
  • a glass of kefir or yogurt;
  • a fresh vegetable salad;
  • whole grain bread, tea;
  • 1 citrus and 100 g of kefir;
  • 80 g lean ham;
  • a handful of prunes or dried apricots.
  • chicken noodle soup, vinaigrette, boiled trout;
  • vegetable soup with chicken broth, baked chicken or turkey with herbs, boiled rice, an apple or orange;
  • lean cabbage soup, boiled beef, baked potatoes in a peel, green lettuce with olive oil;
  • low-fat borscht, turkey baked with olives and mushrooms, vegetable stew, fruit jelly;
  • mushroom puree soup, fish and tomatoes baked with cheese, boiled carrot and corn salad, seasoned with lemon juice;
  • chicken broth with crackers, beef stew with tomatoes and bell pepper, boiled buckwheat, berry juice;
  • low-fat ear, casserole of vegetables and minced meat with cheese and eggs, orange.

Afternoon snack: lunch options.

Such a balanced diet menu for a week will provide the body with all the useful and nutrients it needs, vitamins, microelements; it is comfortable for digestion, which will not slow down to affect your well-being. It contains everything that your body needs, and all harmful products are excluded from this menu.

A balanced diet is not a diet, it is not limited in time. You can eat like this throughout your life - this is a healthy wholesome food that will help you not only maintain your figure, but also prolong youth and take care of your health. For more effect combine a balanced diet with sports, active lifestyle, keep a positive attitude, and soon you will forget about health problems and being overweight.

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A balanced diet (or, as it is also called, a balanced diet) does not require colossal efforts, and does not contain a lot of restrictions, unlike many diets. The most important thing in a balanced diet is to schedule and include only nutritious foods in the menu.

A balanced diet directly depends on many indicators: on gender, on the type of activity, and even on the place where a person lives. But there are basic principles on which a rational diet is built that can keep the human body in excellent shape.

Basic principles of a balanced diet

Energy consumption

The energy that is consumed during the day must be offset by the energy value of the food. Energy consumption depends on the age, sex of a person and on his physical activity. So athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor need to consume from 4000 to 5000 kcal. But for office workers, no more than 2600 kcal. Much also depends on age - after 50 years, it decreases every ten years by 7%.

How to properly balance your diet

The human body needs various substances every day. Each element has its own tasks and functions.

The body cannot be saturated with one and completely exclude another useful substance.

  • Fats the most energetic substances in the body, they also have enormous plastic value, since they contain phospholipids, vitamins, and fatty acids.
  • Protein - the basis of the entire building system of the body. Assistants in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and vitamins.
  • Carbohydrates - the main fuel for life. This also includes fiber, which has the main function in the assimilation of food.
  • Vitamins and minerals. How correctly the organism as a whole will function depends on their number. But this does not mean that you need to quickly consume everything described above. It is the ratio of all substances and trace elements that is very important for the body.

Remember! A balanced diet is not a diet, but a way of life!

In one day, the protein content in the plate should not exceed 15% (of which half are animal proteins, and the other half are vegetable proteins). You can calculate something like this - 1 g of protein should account for 1 kg of weight. So, if you weigh 70 kg, you should consume 70 g of proteins per day, of which 35 g of vegetable proteins (for example, mushrooms, pasta, rice) and 35 g of animal proteins (fish, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.) ...

The amount of fat should be no more than 30% of the total diet.

If you divide 30% by types of fat, then the percentage looks like this:

  • up to 10% - saturated acids;
  • up to 15% - monounsaturated acids;
  • up to 7% - polyunsaturated acids.

Saturated acids are found in large quantities in butter and in hard margarines. Monounsaturated acids are found in sunflower, soybean, corn oil and fish, but peanut and olive oils are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The share of carbohydrates accounts for no more than 70% of the total diet per day. Of these, the lion's share is assigned to complex carbohydrates and only up to 10% is assigned to simple carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed substances (these are sweets, sugar, jam, etc.).

Carbohydrates that are not digested include cellulose... Without fiber, the digestive system cannot function as it should (this is bread and all its types, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts).

As a result, a rational balanced diet means consuming no more than 80 g of protein, 80 g of fat and no more than 400 g of carbohydrates per day (of which about 40 g of simple carbohydrates, up to 24 g of fiber).

Meal mode

Another answer to the question of how to balance your diet is how and when to eat.

  1. As soon as you get up you need to drink 1 tbsp of warm water,
  2. Have breakfast after half an hour and preferably with cereals,
  3. Drink a glass of water before every meal.
  4. Do not drink food.

Ideally, you should eat four times a day, without snacks! Each meal should be in 4 - 5 hours, but dinner about three hours before bedtime.

The golden rules of a balanced diet

  • eat more fruits and vegetables. One apple a day removes all poisons and toxins from the body;
  • eat at least 2 hours before training;
  • after physical activity, eat after 1 hour;
  • use animal protein only at lunch and dinner, but not before bedtime;
  • it is forbidden to eat both the first and second in a row;
  • exclude fried foods from the diet;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Do not drink before going to bed!
  • drink coffee and tea as little as possible, it is better to replace them with cocoa, chicory, natural juice, compote;
  • do not use products that have expired;
  • do not eat carbohydrates along with proteins (dumplings, meat with bread);
  • it is advisable to forget about various sweet flour products, sweets, etc.;
  • exclude from the menu fast food, various soda, chips, mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, sausages, sausages, ice cream, chocolates.

A balanced diet menu should look like this:

  • Breakfast: up to 25% carbohydrates, fiber and fat;
  • Lunch: up to 35% carbohydrates and proteins
  • Dinner: up to 25% proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • Before going to bed: drink 1 tbsp of kefir or yogurt.

A sample balanced diet menu for a week

  • On breakfast you can cook the following dishes: cottage cheese, various cereals with honey, 3 slices of cheese, omelet, curd casserole. They need to be broken down into seven days. It is best to drink natural juices, coffee and green tea.
  • For lunch cook fish (boiled or baked), broths based on lean meat or chicken, mushroom soup, spaghetti with herbs and tomatoes, cabbage soup, steamed cutlets, boiled potatoes or boiled beans. You can create a menu for yourself from the listed dishes for the week. You need to give preference to gray and black bread, but no more than 2 slices at one meal.
  • For dinner it is advisable to cook low-calorie meals such as stewed vegetables, salad from herbs, boiled chicken meat, boiled fish, stews, seaweed and seafood, carrot casserole. It is best to drink green tea.
  • Before going to bed, you need to drink 1 cup of fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt.

Fasting days can also be included in a balanced diet. They will help normalize the digestive system. It is best to unload your body about once a week. On this day, you need to consume more water, you can only afford fruits and vegetables.

Remember, a balanced diet is not a diet, it is a lifestyle that contributes to the normal functioning of all systems of our body.

Few people who lose weight through diets achieve this goal. At the same time, half of them, after switching to a regular diet, again gain the ill-fated kilograms, and even in even larger quantities. For some, weight loss translates into poor health and health problems. However, all these complications can be avoided by using a balanced diet rather than diets. Moreover, to understand it is not so difficult as it might seem at first.

What it is

A balanced diet is a diet based on an optimal balance of substances necessary for normal growth, development and functioning of the body. At the same time, the daily need for energy is fully satisfied, the correct proportions of BJU are observed, and the saturation with vitamins and microelements occurs. This allows you to maintain normal weight at any age.

With an increased BMI (what it is and how to determine the norm and deviations taking into account age, read) nutritionists and doctors advise not to go on a diet, but to use a balanced diet that will allow you to lose weight without harm to health and without returning the lost kilograms in the future.

The process of weight loss is triggered by a significant decrease in the diet of fats, a decrease in simple carbohydrates, the correct redistribution of BJU, and adherence to the meal schedule. As a result, the metabolism is normalized and accelerated, the body ceases to store reserves, and digestion improves. It takes no more than 1 kg per week, but it is these indicators that are considered optimal for losing weight without harm to health.

Balanced nutrition theory

It was formulated at the end of the 19th century. A great contribution to its development was made by I.P. Pavlov, who described in detail the physiology of the digestive system. According to her, eating is a way to maintain a uniform and constant molecular balance in the body. Any expenses must be reimbursed by new food receipts.

Was established a daily intake of essential substances, expressed in quantitative indicators. They are influenced by physiological characteristics (age and gender), physical activity, climatic conditions and other factors. For more than 100 years of the theory's existence, these data have been repeatedly revised.

At the moment, the statement of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.A.Pokrovsky is relevant, who defined correct balanced nutrition as the optimal balance of all food components that maximally satisfy the physiological needs of the body. Moreover, this applies not only to useful nutrients, but also to those waste that is filtered and excreted by the liver and kidneys.

The daily requirement of an adult for substances and energy, according to the theory of balanced nutrition, is presented in the table below.

Most diets cannot provide this daily requirement for losing weight. The result is health problems and rapid weight gain when they end.


1. Rational balanced diet

Takes into account the characteristics of food of different populations of people in accordance with their geographic location. For example, for northern peoples, it implies an emphasis on meat and fish, and for African tribes - on fruits and vegetables. For the former, the amount of consumed fats automatically increases, for the latter, a protein minimum is characteristic. Therefore, a plant-based diet for the Nanai (for example) will be not only useless, but also harmful. This factor must be taken into account when formulating a diet for weight loss.

2. Functional balanced nutrition

This is food with a healing effect, something like dietary supplements, but with a different status. As a rule, it undergoes long-term clinical trials and is confirmed by the relevant documentation. It is created on the basis of natural ingredients and is as close as possible to those products that nature offers. It can replace any meal. In particular, the most prominent representative in this niche is a brand that offers "smart" food for weight loss.


The most important concept in the theory of balanced nutrition is the ratio of BJU, that is, in what proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be present in the daily human diet. The classical concept sets the standard at 1 / 1.2 / 4, although the second figure has recently been increasingly rounded to one. Other formulas are proposed:

  • 4/2/4 - experimental proportion, not yet scientifically confirmed;
  • 2/1/2 - for knowledge workers;
  • 2/2/5 - with intense physical activity;
  • 5/1/2 - universal slimming formula;
  • 2.2 / 2 / 4.5 - for women;
  • 3/2/5 - for men.

Using the formulas for calculating the daily ratio of BJU for your parameters, you can create a diet for losing weight without any harm to health.

Example. If you use the Mifflin-Saint Geor formula, for a man in 30 years old with a height of 180 cm, a weight of 90 kg and moderate activity, the optimal ratio of BJU is 120 / 35.6 / 200 (in grams). You can see more detailed calculations, how these numbers turned out, and also find out how to balance nutrition in order to lose weight.

The uniqueness of such nutrition is that absolutely everyone can practice it - both children and old people. Diets are in most cases contraindicated before 18 and after 55 years. For example, a teenage boy who is overweight will have to lean on proteins and slightly limit carbs. And for a woman after 60 years, when the problem of overweight should no longer be a problem, and the priority should be only to maintain health and prolong life, it is necessary to observe the classic proportion (taking into account the existing diseases and doctor's recommendations).

The variety of proportions indicates the mobility of this theory. It also possesses one more valuable property. As energy sources, BZhU are interchangeable for a short time.

Example. Normally, carbohydrates should be about 60 g for every 100 g of food, and proteins and fats should be about 20 g each. organism, given the interchangeability of these substances. With a daily caloric content of 1,500 kcal, the ratio can be redistributed as follows:

Protein should make up the majority of your diet to maintain muscle mass and maintain carbohydrate metabolism. However, from the point of view of proper nutrition, such a balance is considered seriously disturbed and cannot last too long, otherwise at some point neither proteins nor fats will be able to cover the lack of carbohydrates, there will be a lack of energy, which will negatively affect not only the process of losing weight, but and health.

For this reason, a healthy, balanced diet excludes dieting as a way to lose weight. According to this theory, it is enough to reduce the daily calorie content and reduce the amount of food consumed, but not to violate the ratio of BJU.

Basic principles

To create a balanced diet for weight loss, you need to follow certain rules.

BJU ratio

  • 20% of the daily calorie content;
  • 60% of them are of animal origin, 40% are of vegetable origin.
  • 20% of the daily calorie content;
  • 60% of them are of plant origin, 40% are of animal origin (better - easily digestible, contained in fish and seafood).


  • 60% of the daily calorie content;
  • 95% of them are complex, 5% are simple (what are the differences, you can read in).


  • Breakfast (40% of daily calories): proteins, simple and complex carbohydrates.
  • Lunch (5%): Protein or complex carbohydrates.
  • Lunch (30%): soup, protein with vegetable garnish, fruit drinks.
  • Snack (5%): Protein or complex carbohydrates.
  • Dinner (20%): Digestible proteins and carbohydrates.


  1. A balanced diet means 5-6 small meals.
  2. Under normal conditions, drink at least 2 liters of water. With active sports and in the heat - up to 3 liters.
  3. The day starts with a glass of warm water. It must be drunk before each meal (about half an hour).
  4. Do not drink solid food with drinks. They are allowed to be consumed no earlier than half an hour later.
  5. Limit daily salt intake to 7 g.
  6. Do not overeat before bed. Dinner about 3 hours before.
  7. Limit in the diet, and over time completely exclude such harmful products as sweets, pastries, fast food, chips, sauces, semi-finished products, meat offal.
  8. Remove frying from cooking methods.
  9. For weight loss, it is enough to reduce the daily calorie content, but not to eliminate any of the BJU components from the diet.

If you plan to lose weight without harm to your health and want to achieve lasting results, you will have to follow these principles of a balanced diet.

The first balanced nutrition pyramid was developed by American nutritionists at Harvard School in 1992. In 2007, it was improved, received the status of a state program and was named MyPyramid.

Balanced nutrition pyramid

Stage I (base of the pyramid)

For all:

  • complex carbohydrates: bread, pasta, cereals, rice;
  • vegetable fats: rapeseed, corn and sunflower oils;
  • oranges, watermelon, beets.

For those who play sports and lose weight:

  • wholemeal bread, unpolished rice, durum wheat pasta, buckwheat, barley;
  • vegetable fats: olive, flaxseed oil;
  • tomatoes, bananas, apples.

They are consumed at every meal.

II stage:

  • vegetable proteins: legumes, nuts, seeds;
  • animal proteins: meat, eggs, fish, seafood.

Consumed twice a day.

Stage III:

  • milk products.

Consumed once a day.

IV stage (top of the pyramid):

  • animal fats: red meat, butter, margarine;
  • sweets: sugar, creams, soda water;
  • bakery products;
  • alcohol.

Their use should be limited to a minimum.

Products for a balanced diet


  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • greenery;
  • oats, millet;
  • yogurt;
  • cabbage, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes;
  • kiwi, apples, tangerines, plums;
  • nuts;
  • bread;
  • cranberries, cherries.
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • milk products.



  • a fish;
  • seafood;
  • beef, rabbit;
  • chicken, turkey;
  • eggs;
  • milk.


  • nuts;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • fruits;
  • mushrooms.



  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • oily vegetables and fruits;
  • cold pressed oils: olive, linseed.


  • a fish;
  • fish fat;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • meat.

Sample menu for a week


Breakfast: baked cheese cakes

  • 200 g of 3% cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 20 g honey;
  • 4 dates;
  • 100 g semolina;
  • 50 g peeled flour.

Squeeze the curd with a fork, mix it with semolina. Drive in an egg. Knead the resulting dough. Rinse, remove pits and finely chop dates. Pour into the bulk. Add melted honey. Mix everything thoroughly, form thickened small cakes, roll in flour. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, put cheese cakes on it. Bake at 180 ° C for half an hour.

First for lunch: green cream soup

  • 200 g broccoli;
  • 100 g celery stalks;
  • 100 g spinach;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • greenery.

Peel and cut vegetables into small pieces. Boil until cooked. Drain the water in which they were boiled. Pour in a new one, bring to a boil. Add curds. Keep on moderate heat for another 5 minutes. Cool and beat in a blender. Sprinkle with any chopped herbs.

Recipes for the lowest calorie and delicious soups for fast and effective weight loss can be found.

Second for lunch: vegetable stew with fish

  • 200 g of cod (you can take any fish of your choice);
  • 150 g zucchini;
  • 100 g bell pepper;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 150 g cauliflower;
  • 50 ml tomato paste;
  • water ("by eye" to cover vegetables).

Put the carrots on a coarse grater, zucchini and peppers - into cubes, cabbage - into small slices. Put all the vegetables in a thick-walled saucepan, add water, boil for about 15 minutes. Cut the cod fillet into arbitrary pieces, send to the stew. Keep covered over moderate heat for about 40 minutes. Add paste shortly before turning off.

Dinner: omelet with vegetables

  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 50 ml of 3% milk.

Cut the tomato into slices, pepper into strips, onion into half rings. Place on a greased baking sheet. Beat eggs with milk. Pour them over the vegetables. Simmer in a preheated oven for 5-7 minutes.

Before choosing, try to organize a balanced meal and appreciate the benefits. The health benefits, sustained weight loss and a varied diet will make you feel and look your best.

In order to have a slim figure and a healthy appearance, you do not need to exhaust yourself with hunger. With a balanced diet, the figure itself will gradually return to normal.

You can grow slim with pleasure and taste.

Strict diets give quick and short-lived results, often hitting various body systems, disrupting their work. A balanced diet, on the other hand, heals and gives positive results for many years.

What is it - a correct and healthy diet

Indicators of a healthy and healthy diet are normal weight and well-being. A healthy and correct diet is always:

  • compliance of consumed calories with consumed energy;
  • providing the body with all the necessary macro- and microelements.

A balanced diet does not require large material costs. You can always find products that are typical for a given season and region at affordable prices.

Important! The amount of fat for any person should not exceed 30% of the daily amount of food.

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Foundations of the theory

A balanced diet involves a full intake of a variety of foods. This is breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea with dinner and 2-3 more snacks. In general, this is 5-6 meals per day.

In this case, the harmony of the three golden components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - must be observed. It is necessary to choose the right foods, take care of fortified nutrition, calculate the calorie content. And you should take into account your age, active load, gender, energy consumption, chronic ailments.

What are the main principles of making a rational menu

There are many starting points for balanced nutrition. Basic principles:

  • eat fractionally, which will "speed up" the metabolism and get rid of a strong feeling of hunger;
  • 15-20 minutes before meals, drink a glass of plain clean water, you can use lemon juice to improve digestion;
  • do not drink food, you can drink water after a meal only after an hour;
  • chew slowly and thoroughly each bite so that the brain has time to receive a signal of satiety, so the amount eaten will be less;
  • diversify the menu so that the body does not rebel and does not require more and more food;
  • it is worth making up your correct menu every evening for the coming day;
  • completely abandon sausages, soda, mayonnaise, pickles and smoked meats, fried and fatty foods;
  • impose restrictions on salt and sugar;
  • replace alcohol with fresh homemade juices and compotes, lemonade and water;
  • eat fruits and vegetables for the season, at least two kilos per season;
  • forbidden foods in the form of sweets can be eaten strictly until 12 noon, then you cannot;
  • follow the meal schedule;
  • do not starve or stick to mono diets;
  • do not overeat or eat on the run;
  • write down everything eaten during the day;
  • when you want to eat, you need to drink water, perhaps the body asks for water;
  • every day you need to do at least simple gymnastics and walk for at least 30 minutes.

It is better to replace sweets in the form of cakes and candies with dried fruits, giving preference to dried apricots, raisins, dates.

Important!A balanced diet is not a temporary diet, but a lifestyle. It contributes to the normal functioning of all body systems.

Contrary to popular belief that such food is expensive, not tasty and time-consuming, it does not require additional costs and time for preparation. It's also delicious.

Different types of products contain different substances, trace elements and vitamins, which is why a varied menu is important for a person.

Things to Consider to Balance Your Food

All food for the day must be divided conditionally into 4 parts. In percentage terms, the volume distribution looks like this:

  • Eat 25% for breakfast;
  • 10-15% - for lunch;
  • 40-45% - for lunch;
  • 25% and no less - for dinner.

The proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the standard form looks like 1: 1: 4.

To maintain health

With an ideal weight and wellbeing, the goal of a balanced diet is to maintain health. The ideal menu for this would be:

  • in the morning - porridge with fruits, berries, honey, nuts, the total calorie content can reach 400 kcal;
  • for lunch - meat with a garnish of vegetables or cereals, durum wheat pasta;
  • have dinner with light foods - vegetables and protein foods.

A snack can be a handful of nuts, a slice of cheese, yogurt, a cup of fresh vegetable salad, fruit.

Interesting!The principles of balanced nutrition are described in his writings still academician I.P. Pavlov... According to his writings, food maintains a uniform and constant molecular balance in the body. If a failure occurs, you need to replenish harmony with a balanced diet.


Losing extra pounds is not easy, you need to take into account many individual characteristics: body type, age, gender, physical activity. In an average form, it is believed that for a woman it is necessary to consume no more than 1200-1300 kcal per day, for men - 1500-1800 kcal.

So that the feeling of hunger does not interfere with focusing on achieving the goal, you should:

  • have breakfast with carbohydrate food (as a side dish - pasta, potatoes) or eat porridge;
  • give up smoked meats and salted foods;
  • do not completely give up sweets, but eat until 12 noon;
  • eat a variety of foods;
  • drink up to 2 liters of water a day;
  • have dinner with protein foods.

You can't starve, it will lead to stress and breakdown. You should eat, but don't forget about calories: 1200-1300 kcal and no more. And do not eat 4 hours before bedtime. One day a week should be fasting. This means that you can eat fruits and vegetables, drink water, tea and coffee without sweetening. You can also eat apples or cucumbers alone. Anyone who likes watermelon is also an option. At the same time, for effective and painless weight loss, the menu for a week for men and women should be based on the accepted calorie intake.

For sports

People who are actively involved in sports need more energy. This means that the consumption of calories per day can reach 2000-2200 for women and 2500 for men. To maintain and grow muscle mass, it is necessary that proteins and carbohydrates be approximately equal. Breakfasts should always consist of proteins and carbohydrates, and fat can be no more than 20%. Athletes need it less than ordinary people. From the fats you need to choose the right ones - red fish, nuts, avocados, seeds. Do not forget about water balance, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water.

Examples of the correct selection of dishes for every day

Nutritionists agree that within a week any person needs to eat meat, fish, milk, vegetables and fruits in all variations, nuts. One example of how to properly balance your diet is the food pyramid. Its obvious advantage is the ability to use any types of products from each group in recipes for the day, focusing on your own taste preferences.

And normal weight.

There is a formula for determining body mass index by which you can calculate your ideal weight. It is simple: divide the weight by the square of your height in meters. An indicator from 19 to 25 is considered ideal.

If your weight is not ideal, you need to adjust your diet. But by reducing calories, you cannot break the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Otherwise, the lack of macronutrients will result in negative consequences, which include fatigue, irritability and the return of kilograms in case of a breakdown. This is why it is important that our food is not only wholesome and nutritious, but also balanced.

Doctor against strict diets. He sees a return to ideal form in a balanced diet with sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins. It is necessary to lower the calorie content and increase the activity. And the menu should be dominated by protein and plant products..

Pierre Ducan. Photo from

Pierre Ducan, renowned nutritionist

He believes that, in order not to harm health, it is necessary to lose weight by 4 kilograms per month and no more. Also, satisfaction in life and in food - two components of health - alone cannot bring success. Pierre Dukan often visits Russia, he is called "meat nutritionist", because he advises to focus on protein foods. He himself does not eat meat, he prefers fish. And he recommends that those who do not like meat eat fish - this is also protein.

Lydia Ionova, nutritionist and sports doctor, medical psychologist

He recommends making up your correct individual diet only in conjunction with your doctor. As she says, if one system has helped a friend or colleague, that does not mean that it will help you too. The individual characteristics of the body strongly affect the perception of a particular nutritional system. You can't find the perfect one for the whole family, look for the best for everyone.

Main conclusions

The right menu can be healthy and tasty at the same time. A balanced composition of macro and macro elements will allow you to slowly return to normal weight and maintain this result for a long time. And the main thing is to maintain health.

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