What French onion soup is made from. French onion soup: recipe. How to make French onion soup? Cooking method short

Panel houses 17.09.2020
Panel houses

In France, onion soup has long been considered a delicacy. It was this dish that called into question the French cuisine in our countries. And the thing is that the mention of this soup was often found in many French works familiar to us. People, having no idea about its taste and methods of preparation, tried to repeat this masterpiece, simply chopping the onion and adding it to the broth. Therefore, many of our compatriots wondered how "this" can be considered a delicacy?

In fact, this is a very healthy and tasty dish, moreover, it has excellent quality - it gives strength and energy for the whole day.

Like many national masterpieces, French onion soup has an interesting history. Which one? Let's figure it out.

Legend of the origin of onion soup

The French people have a legend that says that for the first time this dish was prepared by Louis XV himself. One late night, the king became very hungry, but found nothing in his guest house except an onion, a bottle of champagne and butter. Out of nothing to do, Louis mixed all the available ingredients and cooked them. This is how the first onion soup came about.

Short story

The history of French onion soup dates back to ancient times. This dish became quite popular during the Roman era. At that time, the "tear vegetable" was known and available even to poor families. Therefore, it was he who became the main food for them.

Since onion soup can add strength and energy, it was often consumed by weary workers and traders in local markets. They refreshed themselves with it at night in order to recharge and work further. This was especially common in the area called Les Halles in Paris.

So, we figured out the origin and history of this wonderful dish, now let's proceed directly to the recipes themselves. Interesting? Then stock up on pens!

The classic onion soup recipe

A wonderful combination of quite affordable and well-known products will give an amazing result that will delight any gourmet.

So, in order to prepare a classic French onion soup, we need:

Onions - 3-4 pcs.;

Cheese (better than Cheddar, but not fundamentally) - 150 g;

Bread or baguette;

Cognac or brandy (not essential) - 50 g;

Olive (optionally vegetable) oil;

Broth, better meat (another option - vegetable, for vegetarians) - 5 glasses;

Sugar or powdered sugar - 0.5 tsp;

Ground black pepper.

Cooking process

Pour olive oil into a saucepan and heat it over medium heat. Add to it the onion pre-cut into rings, salt, pepper and simmer until the onion becomes transparent. We reduce the heat to a minimum, add cognac or whiskey and leave our saucepan on the stove for about 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally.

Our onion mixture should caramelize, that is, acquire a golden brown hue. As soon as this happens, add the broth to the pan, stir and wait until it boils. At this time, let's get busy with bread.

Cut the bread into thick slices and sprinkle generously with cheese pre-grated on a coarse grater. We put in the oven for 5 minutes so that the cheese melts.

So, remove our soup from the stove and pour it into pots (an alternative would be ceramic deep plates). Put our bread on top with cheese and sprinkle with herbs. That's it, our delicious and aromatic onion soup is ready! Best served hot. Enjoy your meal!

Tip: you don't need to add alcohol to this dish.

Slimming Onion Soup

The problem of excess weight remains relevant at all seasons. Some despair and put a big cross on their ideal figure, while others, on the contrary, exhaust themselves with harmful diets and hunger, putting the same cross on their health. Few people realize that in this case there is a golden mean - it is a proper balanced diet.

One option is the onion diet, which is based on the constant use of onion soup. It is designed for 7 days. During this time, with full compliance with all the rules, you can lose 6 kg of excess weight.

So, French onion soup for weight loss.

To prepare it, we need:

Onions - 4 pcs.;

White cabbage - 1 pc .;

Bulgarian pepper (green) 2 pcs.;

Tomatoes - 3 pcs.;

Celery - a bunch;

Salt (if not possible at all).

Cooking process

French onion soup, the recipe for which is uncomplicated, can be consumed whenever and in any quantity. So, wash all the ingredients, cut them and put them on the bottom of the pan. Fill with hot water, wait for a boil, make a small fire and cook for 10-15 minutes. That's it, our onion soup is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Onion soup with red fish

The wonderful combination of red fish with sweetish onion soup is simply unique. This delicious dish can be prepared for festive feasts, as well as for romantic get-togethers for two.

So, to prepare it, we need:

Salmon (salmon, trout) - 0.5 kg;

Onion -2 pcs.;

Red onion - 2 pcs.;

Potatoes (small size) -3 pcs.;

Garlic - 1 clove;

Wine, preferably white - 0.5 cups;

Broth (chicken) - 2 l;

Carrots (small size) - 1 pc .;

Butter - 2 tablespoons l .;

Cream (fatty) - 100 g;

Parsley greens - a bunch;

Cooking process

We begin to cook fish onion soup in French with broth. To do this, put the chicken leg on the bottom of the pan, fill it with water, wait for it to boil. Remove from the stove, rinse and cook again. Salt, pepper, leave to simmer over low heat for about half an hour.

In the meantime, let's get busy with vegetables. Finely chop the onion, chop the potatoes into small cubes, carrots into slices. Chop the garlic and parsley. Put butter on the bottom of another saucepan, heat it up, add onion and garlic to it. Reduce heat, close the lid and simmer for 1 hour until golden brown. Next, pour broth and white wine into a saucepan. We wait for boiling, put potatoes, carrots and wait for boiling again.

In the meantime, cut the red fish into pieces.

After boiling, add cream, fish and mix, salt, pepper and cook for another half hour. Serve in ceramic plates or pots, sprinkled with dill generously. That's it, our fishy French onion soup is ready. The cooking recipe, as you can see, is quite simple. Enjoy your meal!

Onion soup with meatballs and melted cheese

This is a rather hearty and tasty dish that will please not only adult connoisseurs of kitchen masterpieces, but also little food lovers.

So how to make French onion soup with meatballs and melted cheese? For this we need:

Onions - 4-5 pcs.;

Pork or ground beef (you can mix) - 400 g;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Carrots (medium size) - 2 pcs.;

Potatoes (medium size) - 3 pcs.;

Processed cheese (no additives) - 2 pcs.;

Olive oil - 3-4 tbsp l .;

Parsley greens - 1 bunch;

Cooking process

Pour olive oil on the bottom of a saucepan and heat it up. Cut the onion into rings and simmer it over medium heat until transparent. Next, we minimize the fire, close the pan with a lid and leave it for an hour (or more) on the stove until it becomes golden brown. For now, let's get to the other ingredients. Cut carrots into rings, potatoes into cubes. We take out the minced meat, add an egg to it, salt, pepper, mix, form small meatballs.

After our onion mixture has acquired the desired shade, add water to it, stir, wait for a boil, salt, pepper, put potatoes, carrots and meatballs. Wait for boiling again, cook for 10 minutes, add pre-cut processed cheese and keep it for a few more minutes. Season the finished dish with dill leaves. That's it, our French onion soup is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Puree onion soup

This amazing dish has a wonderful aroma and amazingly delicate taste.

So, in order to make mashed potatoes in French style, we need:

Chicken or beef broth - 500 ml;

Onions - 5 pcs.;

Garlic - 2 cloves;

Flour - 2 tbsp. l .;

Olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. l .;

Cream (preferably fatty) - 100 ml;

Bread or baguette;

Sugar - 1-1.5 tsp;

Parsley greens - 1 bunch;

Cooking process

Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and put onion sliced \u200b\u200binto rings. Stir, add flour, salt, pepper, make a minimum heat and leave for an hour until a golden brown hue is obtained. For now, let's move on to the rest of the ingredients. Chop the garlic finely. Cut the bread into large pieces and mix it with garlic. Put in the oven to dry for 5-7 minutes.

After cooking our onions, add chicken broth and sugar to the pan, mix well and cook for 15-20 minutes. Pour in the cream, wait for the boil. As soon as this happens, take a blender and mix everything well. Leave it on the stove for a few more minutes. Serve with croutons and plenty of herbs. That's it, our onion soup is ready! Enjoy your meal!

This is real French cuisine. The onion soup turns out to be simply magnificent and unforgettable in taste. See for yourself using our recipes.

The original French onion soup is a classic hot dish with a simple recipe. There are many variations of its preparation, spices and additional ingredients change, but the main components (onions, broth, golden croutons, cheese) have remained unchanged since the days of medieval France.

The legend of the origin of the chowder

According to legend among the French, the French onion soup recipe was invented by Louis XV himself... Having gone to rest in the guest house, the king woke up at night from a strong feeling of hunger. He examined the entire kitchen and warehouse, but found nothing edible.

He managed to find only one large onion, a bottle of sparkling wine and a piece of butter. The king was not going to stay hungry, so he decided to combine the products he found and cook them. This is how the first onion soup, prepared by the French ruler himself, arose. Of course, all this is just a legend invented by the people of France, because there is no documentary evidence of this.

Short story

For the first time, a tasty and nutritious onion stew was mentioned at the beginning of the 17th century. The history of French onion soup is truly impressive, as the hot dish was originally invented by the inhabitants of the poorest districts of Paris (Les Halles). Then the recipe for soup was very simple, and the set of ingredients was very meager, because it was prepared from cheap root vegetables, crackers and waste bread crusts. Even the poor could afford the affordable tear vegetable. The chowder was in demand among market traders and workers because it was very high in calories, which gave ordinary people strength and a lot of energy for the whole day.

Time passed, the recipe of the famous food changed. The noble nobles began to eat the classic onion soup. Personal chefs prepared for them a fragrant hot dish based on onions, beef broth, white wine and flour with the addition of spices. It was then that the basic concept of serving was formed - a pot or a plate of soup with crispy croutons.

Modern recipes are varied. When cooking, not only meat, but also vegetable broths are used. The most varied onions are also used: onions, leeks, shallots and even Crimean ones. The recipe was supplemented with cheese, you can use any hard cheese product, but Parmesan or Gouda is most harmoniously combined with onion stew. The method of sautéing and chopped onions also differs in the cooking time. Every famous chef in France (and not only) has his own recipe for French soup in his arsenal.

Classic recipe

To please your household or guests of your home with an unusual, but incredibly tasty and aromatic treat, you don't have to spend a lot of time, effort or food. Onion soup would be an ideal choice, the recipe for a classic French first course is quite simple, and the component set is minimal.

To prepare the original soup, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of onions;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 1 liter of beef broth;
  • 200 g of any hard cheese;
  • 8 thin baguette slices;
  • 200 ml of dry white wine;
  • thyme, ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking should begin with the preparation of the main component, all the onions must be peeled and cut into strips (or half rings). Any deep dish, such as a frying pan, small saucepan or stewpan, is suitable for sautéing onions. Put the dish on the fire and melt a small slice of butter in it. After that, you will need to put all the onion pieces in butter and caramelize them for half an hour. At the end of the sautéing, when the onion straws turn golden, add wine and 250 ml of broth to the stewed vegetables.

Fry the onion pieces over low heat until all the liquid has completely evaporated. This will allow you to achieve an ideal, rich taste, the tear root vegetable will completely lose its bitterness and give sweetness. Wine added during cooking will help to level the specific aroma and taste of the vegetable.

The next step is to add another portion of the remaining broth and spices; it is necessary to boil the soup to the desired thickness. At this time, you can start frying baguette croutons. The slices should be thin and small so that the croutons crunch pleasantly and are not too hard, the crust should be carefully trimmed. You need to fry the croutons in a hot frying pan without oil for 2 minutes on each side.

The stewed onion stew is placed in portioned clay pots or other heat-resistant molds, sprinkled with grated cheese, covered with croutons on top (two are enough per serving) and again sprinkled with a small amount of cheese chips. Prepared containers with all contents are sent to the oven for literally 3 minutes to melt the cheese. The classic French onion soup is ready to serve! Enjoy your meal.

A good and simple recipe, while the soup is boiling down, you can start cooking other dishes! I also tried to cook according to the same recipe, but instead of parmesan I used melted cheese, which resulted in a very spicy, unusual taste.

Connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle and diet food will definitely like such a light soup. The onion itself is low in calories, regardless of the cooking method. This aromatic hot dish with a cheesy flavor is suitable for people who wish to lose weight. But, even the most inveterate athletes must take strength from somewhere, so the recipe still contains one high-calorie product - this is cheese.

The peculiarity of this variation for French onion soup is that the fermented milk product is added individually to the plate. If you wish, you can not increase the calorie content of the soup.

To prepare diet food you will need:

  • 1 kg of onions;
  • 2 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil;
  • 1 liter of water or vegetable broth;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 2-3 slices of rye bread;
  • a small bunch of parsley and spices to taste.

How to make an onion-based vegetable soup:

When the liquid in the pan has evaporated to the desired level, you can start serving the hot dish to the table. Decorate the plate with herbs, and put grated cheese next to it, which everyone can put in their portion in the right amount.

The soup was amazing. Considering that my husband and I are vegetarians, the French soup according to this recipe was a godsend for us. True, I did not use cheese, but it turned out quite tasty!

If children are present at the table, then they are unlikely to like the dietary version of the soup or the dish with wine. You can please children and adults with another variation of the exquisite masterpiece of French cuisine - onion and fish soup. A festive meal, a romantic or family dinner - this recipe is perfect for any occasion.

To prepare a hot dish, you will need the following components:

French onion soup, recipe step by step:

  • Peel and chop the onion, peel and dice the potatoes, cut the peeled carrots into thin rings.
  • Grate the garlic on a fine grater, and chop the parsley with a knife.
  • Place a saucepan on the fire and melt the butter in it. Pour the onion and garlic into it.
  • Reduce heat, cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer the onion-garlic mixture under the lid, stirring occasionally, for an hour.
  • After the formation of a golden crust, pour the heated broth into the container. When the contents boil, add the potatoes and carrots there.
  • Cut the fish into bars or cubes. After the broth boils, add the fish, add salt and pepper, slowly pour in the cream.

Now it remains to wait half an hour and the delicious fish and onion soup will be ready. Pour the hot dish into bowls and garnish with chopped herbs.

Real French onion soup requires great care from the chef, the slightest mistake can lead to a translation of products or spoiled taste. To make everything work out right and tasty, it is necessary to adhere to several recommendations:

Adhering to these tips, even a novice cook will be able to prepare a true culinary masterpiece, which will not be ashamed to treat and surprise not only relatives, but also guests.

The advice was very helpful. Thanks to these tips, I made the soup the first time. Tried many options, really liked it with shallots.

Attention, only TODAY!

The French are true masters of cooking. Each recipe is a masterpiece in which everything is surprisingly harmonious. Imperceptibly (and unexpectedly), I have gathered quite a lot of my favorite French dishes. I am pleased to share them with you. Today we will talk about French onion soup. A very famous dish that is worth cooking at least once.

Interestingly, sauces play an important role in French cuisine. There is even a saying that the British have many religions, but only three sauces, and the French have many sauces, but only three religions. In fact, there are roughly three thousand sauces, can you imagine that?

The story of French onion soup

Onions have always been the cheapest and most affordable vegetable since the days of the Roman Empire. Therefore, the soup was made from it mainly by the poor. The modern version of the onion soup is believed to have originated in France during the reign of Louis XV.

According to one version, the recipe was invented by Louis himself. And it happened as follows. His Highness stayed up late alone in his hunting lodge, hungry. And from the products only champagne, butter and onions. So he cooked everything together. But this scenario seems unlikely to me, most likely all the chefs within a radius of 100 leagues would be awakened to feed the monarch, than he himself would stand behind the stove. There is also a second legend. It is as if French onion soup was prepared in Parisian markets for traders and hard workers. I believe this much more.

Classic Onion Soup Recipe

Onions have always seemed like an extra ingredient to me. It floats on the surface and only spoils the whole picture. The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a whole dish out of onions alone seemed ridiculous. I put off my acquaintance with onion soup for a long time, which now I regret.

I took the recipe from a collection of French dishes. The ingredients are simple and can be found in any housewife. Onion soup is prepared in small portions at a time. It is believed that you need to eat it fresh. Before you start cooking, stock up on courage and handkerchiefs. Believe me, peeling and chopping a kilo of onions is not a joke.

The secret of the soup is in the correct sautéing of the onion. It is important to make sure that nothing is burnt. It will take 30 to 40 minutes to roast (and professional chefs can take an hour). The onion should turn a golden brown color, which is obtained by caramelizing the sugar in the juice.

The aroma of the French onion soup is incredible. This composition of thyme, cheese and fresh bread works flawlessly, making you want to try soon. Smash the cheese crust with a spoon, get to the thick sauce and enjoy. And if you want to spice up the flavor, I recommend adding a little dry or semi-sweet white wine at the end.

Nutritional value (per 100g)

  • Calorie content: 23
  • Carbohydrate content: 3,3
  • Fat content: 0,7
  • Protein content: 1,5

By 01.07.2018

Onion soup is unusual for us, but nevertheless very tasty French dish. Thick, full-bodied, it will perfectly warm and feed you until you are full.

French Onion Soup: Ingredients

  • - 3 glasses
  • - 3 tbsp. l.
  • - 3 tbsp.
  • - 3 tbsp. l.
  • - 1.2 l of meat
  • - 1 PC
  • - 1/4 tsp.
  • - 1 branch
  • To serve
  • - 100 gr
  • - 1 PC

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Peel the onion and cut into half rings, in total you should get 3 cups (1 kg of onion).
  2. Place onion with butter in a saucepan and fry until golden brown. This should take you 20-30 minutes, but do not ignore this step, it is very important, just be patient.

To make the onion soup according to the classic recipe truly aromatic, the onion must be sautéed for at least 20 minutes. Therefore, be patient, the process is not quick, but the taste of the soup will be divine.

Choose the best onions for your soup. Not all onions taste the same, there is even a slightly sweet taste - this is ideal.
Peel them and cut into thin strips. Cut each half again and chop into thin strips if the bulbs are large.

To prevent onions from burning during sautéing, choose a saucepan with a thick bottom. The presence of a non-stick coating also does not hurt. If such dishes are not available, you can cook the soup in a deep, thick-walled pan.
Heat a saucepan over a fire and add a lump of butter.

When a puddle forms from the oil, add all the onions.

Fry the onion over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula or spoon, until its color becomes caramel-golden.

Prepare broth while quietly frying the onion. It can be chicken, beef, vegetable. Heat it up. In principle, when cooked, onions give off such an aroma that it can be seasoned not only with broth, but also with ordinary boiling water.

Pour a glass of hot broth to the golden onion and evaporate it. That is, keep on fire until the broth evaporates.

When you see that there is only one onion left in the saucepan, and it will be soft, almost boiled onion, pour in the rest of the broth and boil the soup until medium thick.

The soup should be moderately thick, not liquid, it will seem that a little flour has been added to it, which means that the consistency of the soup is impeccable. At the end, when the soup is done, season with salt and pepper. It will take about one hour to evaporate the liquid and bring the soup to full readiness, +/- 15 minutes.

The soup can be served, it is ready, but in the classic version it is most often served with toasted baguette with grated cheese.
Cut the baguette into thin slices and fry either in a dry frying pan (meaning toasting bread in a frying pan without butter) or in a toaster. Instead of a baguette, you can take a loaf or white bread.

To follow the classic recipe, pour the soup into refractory soup bowls that can be sent to a hot oven or into clay pots.

Shred the cheese, to put it simply, grate it on a coarse grater. Hard cheese can be anything, but, nevertheless, it is better to take emmental or gruyere.

The origin of this exquisite first course is truly royal, because, according to legend, it was first prepared for King Louis XV of France. Over the years, French onion soup has changed its original composition and cooking technology, but retained the right to be the best of the best. The uniqueness of the preparation of a famous French dish lies in the peculiarities of roasting onions; the taste depends entirely on this ingredient.

French onion soup using the classical technology is easy to prepare, but you will have to spend a lot of time on it. To get the perfect taste of the first course, you need a minimum set of ingredients, but the most important thing is that the main product, onions, is sweet and of high quality.

You can also add some spices, thyme is best suited, celery is allowed, but experimenting with other fresh or dried herbs in this dish is not recommended.

How to make French onion soup: a classic recipe


  • - 1 kg + -
  • Gruyere or Parmesan + -
  • - 60 g + -
  • - 1 l + -
  • Thyme - 6 branches.
  • French baguette (for making croutons) - to taste;

Making a classic French soup

  1. Cut the onions into quarters, then into thin strips.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the chopped onion in it. If you like celery, you can add 2-3 stalks for flavor.
  3. Saute the onion over medium heat (stir it occasionally) until it is browned. It is very important that the onion caramelizes and takes on a beautiful golden hue. On average, this process takes 20-35 minutes. This stage of cooking is very important, the onions must be fried well, but, in no case, do not overexpose them on the fire.
  4. Next, pour part of the beef broth (250 ml) into the fried onions and continue to cook the dish, achieving evaporation of the poured liquid. When you can leave a mark with a wooden spatula while stirring, then we can assume that the onion mass is quite thick.
  5. After that, add the broth (250 ml) to the onion again and evaporate the liquid again.
  6. When the second part of the broth has evaporated, pour the rest of the broth into the pan (400 ml). Bring the product to a boil and then boil it as much as needed to get a medium-thick soup.
  7. While the French onion soup will be boiled, we will start making croutons. We will make delicious homemade croutons from a bakery classic for France -. Cut the baguette diagonally into thin slices, then fry them in a toaster or in a frying pan.

When the soup is completely cooked, it can be served with ready-made croutons. However, if you want to make the French onion soup even more original, then we suggest you continue cooking.

  • We pour the mass into plates or pots. Pour so that no more than 1 cm remains to the top.
  • We grate hard cheese, sprinkle it over the entire surface of the soup.
  • Put fried croutons on top, then sprinkle everything with grated cheese again.
  • Put the soup in a pot / plate in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. It is not worth keeping the dish in the oven for a long time, wait until the cheese melts (but does not flow) and serve the hot first course to the table. Sprinkle each serving with thyme leaves before serving.

You can cook French onion soup not only with beef broth, you can also use chicken and vegetable broth. You can also make soup with boiling water. Also, to add spice, some housewives add a little alcohol to the first dish. Most often, these are such refined drinks as dry white wine, sherry, cognac or brandy. We propose to consider one of these recipes step by step.

French Onion Soup with Wine: White Wine Recipe

A very interesting option for preparing an already exquisite dish involves the inclusion of white wine in its composition. Such a special drink, even in small quantities, can decorate the taste of the soup and make it truly spicy and original.

Delicious rye bread and hard Gruyere cheese can complement the "zest" in the dish. In combination, all these ingredients will allow you to fully reveal the taste of your favorite French soup.


  • Gruyere (grated) - 60 g;
  • Beef broth - 200 ml;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Rye bread - 4 slices;
  • Salt to taste;
  • White wine - 50 g;
  • Ground black pepper to taste.

How to make French onion soup

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan.
  2. Put the onion cut into rings in it, mix everything, fry the product over medium heat for 20 minutes. Do not forget to stir frying.
  3. Salt and pepper the onion (focus on the amount - just a pinch), stir.
  4. Add wine to the onion, simmer the onion-wine mixture for 2 minutes.
  5. After - pour in the broth, cook the soup in French under a closed lid for about 20 minutes.
  6. Pour the soup into a special broth cup, put a couple of slices of dark bread on top of it, sprinkle everything with a portion of grated cheese and remove the product and bake in the oven for 3 minutes. Cooking onion soup at 200 ° C in the "Grill" mode.

You can use several types of cheese for the powder at once (for example, Mozzarella and Parmesan), however, all varieties should be hard and not salty.

How to make onion soup for weight loss

Besides the fact that French onion soup is a delicious and nutritious dish, it can also be very useful, for example, in the fight against extra pounds. Of course, you should not confuse a real French recipe with a dietary one, these are 2 completely different dishes, the only thing that unites them is the name and the presence of onions in the composition. An onion is prepared with all kinds of vegetables, but there is no salt, oil, wine and high-calorie bread in it.


  • Tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • White cabbage - 1 pc .;
  • Celery (root) - to taste;
  • Onions - 6-7 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper (green) - 2 pcs.

Cooking French soup

  1. Wash vegetables, cut into medium-sized pieces, then mix them together and pour into a saucepan.
  2. Pour cold water into a container, put the pan on the stove.
  3. As soon as the soup boils, add spices to it (best of all, cumin or turmeric), cool the dish, serve with herbs to the table.

As you can see, there are many options for preparing a dish like French onion soup. Choose a recipe at your discretion and do not hesitate whether you should spend so much time on cooking. Although it takes a long time to prepare onion soup, there are practically no competitors among the first courses. Surprise your loved ones with exquisite dishes, and may they always taste great.

Enjoy your meal!

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