How to cook porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker. Pumpkin porridge. Millet millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker

PVC panels 17.09.2020
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Millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker is a delicious and satisfying breakfast option. Groats are easily absorbed by the body and saturates it. Many people do not like millet because of its specific taste, but when properly prepared, golden cereal turns out to be very tender, without a bitter taste. The multicooker makes cooking porridge much easier: you don't have to worry that the milk will run away, you don't need to guard the pan for long minutes, which can be spent usefully.

Millet is called golden cereal, but not only because of its color. Millet porridge is valued by women for the content of vitamins A, E and group B, which affect the health of skin and hair, and slow down aging. It is included in the menu of athletes and people with increased stress. Golden porridge quickly restores energy, after such a meal, saturation quickly comes. Those who regularly eat millet have a markedly lower blood cholesterol level. The cereal contains magnesium, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Millet porridge is recommended for those who are regularly exposed to stress. The dish has contraindications: since millet in large quantities prevents the absorption of iodine, it is not recommended for people with a deficiency of this element. Porridge is prohibited with low stomach acidity and acute forms of gastrointestinal inflammation.

In addition to its benefits, millet porridge is simply a delicious dish, especially when combined with fruits and vegetables. The pumpkin in this recipe gives the millet a sweetness and light honey flavor. Such a dish becomes twice as useful, because an orange vegetable is a source of valuable substances. It contains rare vitamin T, pectin, carotene, iron, and more. Let's cook pumpkin millet porridge! As always, step by step photos will help you.


  • 1 tbsp. (200 g) millet;
  • 0.5 kg pumpkin;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 50 g butter.

Yield: 4 servings.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker.

1. Grease the multicooker bowl a little less than half the height with slices of soft butter. The millet will swell and the porridge will significantly increase in volume, we take this into account.

2. We wash the millet several times until the water is transparent. For convenience, you can use a sieve and keep the cereal under running water. First, rinse with cold and then hot water. Do not forget to remove low-quality seeds - damaged and not peeled.

The lighter the color of the cereal, the more viscous the porridge turns out, and vice versa, crumbly porridges are obtained from dark millet. The best millet for milk porridge is bright yellow, polished, without shine. It is from such cereals that a soft and tasty mass is obtained, without a bitter aftertaste, and it is also better absorbed by the body. The shiny croup turns out to be bitter, and it is used mainly for bird feed. Bitterness can occur when the cereal is nearing the end of its shelf life. This situation can be easily corrected by calcining the cereal in a pan or scalding it with boiling water. When buying, check the expiration date of the packaging. Millet is stored less than other cereals, about 6-9 months. After purchase, the cereal should be poured into a cloth or paper bag and stored in a dark, dry and clean place.

3. Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl and fill it with milk.

4. Cut the pumpkin into cubes of 1.5-2 cm, no more, otherwise they will not have time to boil. Remove the peel. We also remove the green part of the pulp under the skin and the fibrous core. You can also grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater to make the porridge more uniform - as you like.

5. Add the pumpkin to the multicooker, followed by all the other ingredients: salt, sugar and a glass of water. It is better to take bottled or filtered water, the hardness and poor quality of water noticeably affect not only the taste of porridge, but also the coating of the multicooker bowl.

6. We put the multicooker on the "milk porridge" mode and cook the millet for 30 minutes. There is no need to stir, any milk porridge is boiled perfectly in a multicooker.

7. After this time, open the lid, mix gently so as not to damage the soft pieces of pumpkin, look at the consistency. You can add more milk if you need a thinner porridge (I did not add milk in the photo).

Delicious and nutritious millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker is ready. You can add a slice of butter, honey, dried fruits. Enjoy your meal!

And if you don't have a multicooker, you can cook millet millet porridge on the stove.

It has been proven for a long time: pumpkin is an extremely useful product. Its use is even recommended by specialists in baby and diet nutrition. Pumpkin pulp is perfectly absorbed by the body, but only if it has been heat-treated. Therefore, pumpkin is more often used for cooking porridge, but it can also be baked, stewed, used for soup, etc. The easiest and most convenient type of heat treatment is to use a multicooker. Fresh vegetable is used less often, mainly as a component of salads, because Raw pumpkin is more difficult for the intestines to digest, but it effectively cleans the digestive system of toxins.

The most common options for pumpkin porridge are the following: millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker, rice porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker. These cereals harmonize best with pumpkin, mutually enrich and complement each other. This combination is also interesting: corn porridge with pumpkin. In a multicooker, it turns into an excellent dietary dish for a full breakfast. The listed cereals are excellent in milk, which is why porridge with pumpkin in milk in a slow cooker is so common, which is suitable for baby food. Milk porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker is full of vitamins and other useful substances, it is very satisfying and healthy. For lovers of light, diet food, lean porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker is recommended, which is cooked in water with a minimum of additional ingredients and without oil. Of the latest recipes, lean millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker is considered the most delicious.

Porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker, there are recipes for its preparation for every taste, it all depends on your preferences. By the way, in choosing a recipe for porridge with pumpkin, the appearance of this dish is of great importance. See what millet porridge with pumpkin looks like in a slow cooker! A photo of this dish whets the appetite with its colorfulness. I just want to cook it and try it for breakfast.

And in conclusion - a few tips on how to cook pumpkin porridge in a slow cooker:

For porridge, take a well-ripened pumpkin. Its flesh is sweet and cooked faster than an unripe fruit. You can distinguish a ripe pumpkin by a dry stalk.

Cut the pumpkin into pieces according to the situation. For a children's meal, grate the vegetable. For older eaters, cut into pieces that can be varied in size, up to large pieces.

You can cook any porridge with pumpkin. Classic porridge - with millet groats. This rump becomes fluffy and very tender. Rice and corn grits go well with pumpkin.

Pumpkin takes longer to cook. Therefore, in order to get a uniform structure of the dish, you first need to stew the pumpkin for 30 minutes.

It is better to stew the pumpkin in water, and boil the cereals in milk.

For porridge with pumpkin, it is convenient to use the "multi-cook" mode, and in its absence - "baking", "stewing", "porridge". The pumpkin is stewed for the first 30 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees, and then another 40 minutes along with cereals at a temperature of 90 degrees.

As a rule, the whole pumpkin does not go for porridge, a decent piece remains. This residue should be cut into small pieces and placed in the freezer. It will make an excellent preparation for the next porridge.

Pumpkin porridge with milk cooked in a slow cooker,turns out to be unusually tender, tasty and aromatic. Dishes in a slow cooker, thanks to the effect of the Russian oven, turn out to be simply incomparable, especially porridge. Be sure to try! This healthy and tasty dish will certainly please you and your children.


To cook pumpkin porridge in milk in a multicooker you will need:

peeled pumpkin - 300-350 g;

rice - 1.5 multi-glasses;

homemade milk - 3 multi-glasses;

sugar - 4-5 tbsp. l .;

water - 1 multi-glass + 150 ml for stewing pumpkin;

vanillin - 0.5 sachets;

butter - 40 g;

salt - 2 pinches.

Cooking steps

Place the peeled and cut pumpkin into the bowl of the multicooker. Pour in a little water (about 150 ml), set the "Quenching" mode for 15 minutes. Simmer pumpkin with the lid closed. If the pumpkin is damp, add another 5 minutes.

Cover the multicooker with a lid and set the "Milk porridge" or "Porridge" program for 55 minutes. Then leave on the "Heating" mode for another 20-30 minutes. Then add butter to the pumpkin porridge and mix gently. The porridge turns out to be thick, not watery. If you want the pumpkin porridge to be thin, add more milk or water at the beginning of cooking (1 more multi-glass).

Unusually tasty and healthy pumpkin porridge in milk, cooked in a slow cooker, put on plates and serve. I decorated the porridge with candied fruits - very tasty!

Enjoy your meal!

Many people think that cooking pumpkin porridge takes too long. In fact, this is not entirely true. And even more so if you cook porridge with pumpkin and millet in a slow cooker according to a simple recipe.

You can calmly go about your business, and in the meantime, technology will do its job. To do this, simply cut the pumpkin and send it to cook with the millet. Of course, there are some tricks in the recipe as well.

How to make this dish as delicious as possible, as well as recipes - pumpkin porridge quickly and tasty in a slow cooker, is described in detail below.

We offer a selection of delicious recipes for pumpkin porridge with millet. Immediately you need to make a reservation that first of all you should get rid of the unpleasant bitterness of this cereal.

How best to do this:

  • To do this, choose fresh millet (it should be no more than a year old).
  • Before cooking, the grains should be thoroughly rinsed in several waters so that the flowing liquid is perfectly transparent.
  • Another trick - before cooking, millet can be soaked in boiling water for a few minutes.
  • And of course, porridge should not be overcooked - keeping to the cooking time is also important.

Porridge with milk

To reproduce the classic recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin cooked in a slow cooker, take the following products:

  • pumpkin pulp 0.5 kg;
  • millet - half less, i.e. slightly more than a standard glass;
  • milk 1.5 cups (any fat content);
  • water - about the same;
  • sugar (honey is also possible) and salt - according to your taste.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Step 1. We start with millet processing. As already mentioned, it should be thoroughly rinsed and soaked briefly in boiling water. Then drain the water and leave in a plate for now.

Step 2. In the meantime, let's take care of the pumpkin pulp. It can be chopped in any way - cut into small cubes by hand, or passed through a meat grinder or blender. In this case, she will give additional juice, which, of course, must be carefully drained into the thicket of the multicooker - it will only be tastier.

Step 3. We put both components in the multicooker bowl.

Step 4. Add salt and sugar. First, you can put the minimum amount - you can bring it to the norm at the very end of cooking. Then we definitely won't go overboard with these ingredients.

Step 5. Now pour the milk. It should cover the main components a bit. In general, the amount is determined by the desired degree of porridge density - the denser the consistency should be, the less milk you need.

Step 6. Now select the "Milk porridge" mode with the default settings. If there is none, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode and leave it for an hour and a half. It should be noted here that with this mode, it is better to pour the porridge with water initially, and add milk about 30 minutes before cooking.

Step 7. Serve with dried fruits (if necessary, add them 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking), as well as with cream or butter. For lovers of sweets, you can also add a spoonful of honey - you will get a complete, healthy dessert.


It's no secret that milk sometimes tries to escape. To prevent this from happening during the cooking process, do this. Lubricate the multicooker bowl around the entire circumference with oil (a piece of butter or vegetable) - using a brush.

Thus, on the wall of the multicooker bowl (for example, "Redmond") you will make a kind of border, and the milk will not run away. This secret is suitable for all types of milk porridge.

Hearty recipe: porridge with meat

But the recipe for porridge with pumpkin and millet is more satisfying - for sure it will appeal to hungry men, teenagers and all food lovers.

So, let's take these ingredients:

  • 1 glass of millet groats;
  • 300 g pork (boneless pulp);
  • 200 g chopped fresh pumpkin;
  • 2 onions;
  • carrots - 1 piece (optional);
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower (or olive) oil;
  • 3 glasses of water.

Cooking progress step by step:

Step 1. Prepare the pumpkin: cut it into pieces, select all the seeds and coarse fibers, peel the peel, cut the pulp into small cubes.

Step 2. Prepare the groats: sort the millet, rinse to clean water, discard in a colander and leave to drain.

Step 3. Doing the meat: rinse and dry the meat well, cut it into strips. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, dip the pieces of pulp into it.

Turn on the "Fry" mode and fry the pork for 15 minutes at 160 degrees. Remember to stir periodically so that the pork is evenly cooked and the pieces do not burn.

Step 4. Chop the onion as finely as possible and transfer it to the meat. Simmer for about five more minutes.

Step 5. Then add the chopped pumpkin, stir well and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.

Step 6. Pour in the washed millet, pour in water. Season with ground pepper and salt to taste. Set the multicooker timer for 10 minutes, set the "Porridge" option and turn it on.

Step 7. After the sound signal, change the mode to "Heating" and simmer the dish for a quarter of an hour.


For lovers of chicken meat, you can take chicken pieces instead of pork and cook it just as tasty.

Pumpkin and apple porridge recipe

The combination of pumpkin and apples is very delicate and light - try this recipe and you will get a delicious vitamin dish.

Ingredients needed:

  • millet groats - 300 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 350 g;
  • 2 large apples (variety of your choice);
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • vanilla sugar - on the tip of a knife;
  • some cinnamon.

We will cook like this:

Step 1. Thoroughly rinse the millet groats in several waters, steam with boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the millet and put on a sieve.

Step 2. Cut the peel off the apples with a knife, remove the seeds and grate on a coarse grater.

Step 3. In the same way, chop the pumpkin pulp without peels and seeds, then combine with apples.

Step 4. Transfer the dried millet to the multicooker bowl, add the grated pumpkin with apples and pour everything with a liter of cold drinking water. Add sugar, vanilla and cinnamon to your taste, lightly salt.

Step 5. Switch on one of the modes - "Porridge" or "Rice / Cereals" on the multicooker remote control and cook under the lid for exactly 20 minutes.

Step 6. In addition, simmer the porridge on the "Heating" for ten minutes. Delicious and healthy food is ready.

Pumpkin and rice porridge: recipe with photo

At first glance, it seems that pumpkin porridge should certainly be with millet. Although it's no secret that not all of us love this cereal.

Then why not try to cook this dish with other cereals - for example, with the same rice, which is much more popular? In addition, there will not be much work with rice - unlike millet, it certainly does not taste bitter, and the porridge will cook quite quickly.

You can reproduce a recipe for porridge in a slow cooker, for which you need the following products:

  • pumpkin pulp 0.5 kg;
  • round grain rice, you can take a little less than 1 cup (170 g);
  • water - about the same;
  • butter (when serving) - 3 tablespoons;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - just over half a glass;
  • salt - a pinch.

This time the sequence of actions will be as follows:

Step 1. First, grind the pumpkin pulp into small pieces - traditionally it is cut into cubes, the width of which is no more than 1 cm.

Step 2. Immerse these cubes in a multicooker container, pour water to a level so that it completely covers the pieces. You can add a little butter or pour cream. We turn on the "Baking" mode for 25 minutes.

Step 3. Meanwhile, rinse the rice thoroughly. The principle is exactly the same - it is washed in several waters. As a result, the liquid after draining should be completely transparent. After 25 minutes, add rice, as well as sugar and salt to the multicooker bowl.

Step 4. At the same moment, you can add milk and turn on the "Milk porridge" or "Stew" mode (in both cases, set it for 50 minutes - this is quite enough).

Step 5. The result is a sweet, aromatic and at the same time satisfying breakfast porridge. And those who want to lose weight can taste this dish as a dinner.

Porridge with pumpkin and semolina

And of course, you can try to diversify the recipe for pumpkin porridge in a slow cooker at the expense of other cereals. For example, take an ordinary semolina. And to add a bright taste, add a little vanillin (or vanilla sugar) and orange zest or any other citrus.

So, we stock up on such products:

  • pumpkin 0.5 kg;
  • semolina - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar (or vanillin), as well as lemon zest - a small pinch;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • butter (when serving) - 2-3 tablespoons.

Steps for preparing a dish according to this recipe:

Step 1. First, prepare the zest - for this we wash the citrus and rub its peel on a fine grater. If a little pulp gets in, it's okay, the taste will not deteriorate.

Step 2. Prepare the pumpkin: wash it, clean it from seeds and peel, cut it into cubes. For quick cooking, you can grind it in a food processor or grate it.

Step 3. Put the pumpkin, as well as the zest and all the spices in the multicooker bowl. Then add milk and semolina.

Step 4. Thoroughly mix the mixture, set the "Milk porridge" or "Stew" mode for 50 minutes.

Step 4. Serve the finished porridge with butter. For an originality of taste, you can also put Borodino bread on the table - it is fragrant and also sweet, therefore, such an addition is in good harmony with the main dish.


Pumpkin porridge with semolina is a very light and delicate dish that is ideal for both diet and baby food. Of course, if you are cooking for small children or complementary foods for babies, then you do not need to put zest and spices in such a porridge.

Pumpkin porridge with buckwheat

And here is another recipe for a delicious pumpkin porridge - with buckwheat. This time we will cook without milk.

Buckwheat is very useful, and if you combine it with pieces of pumpkin, the benefits will only increase. Finally, it is a simple and tasty option for breakfast, a side dish or a complete main course.

Pumpkin porridge with buckwheat is prepared in a multicooker from the following products:

  • 100 g pumpkin
  • 1 glass of buckwheat (take a measuring cup in a slow cooker),
  • 3-4 multi-glasses of water (depending on the desired degree of friability of the porridge),
  • sugar and salt to taste
  • butter.

The cooking procedure is as follows:

Step 1. We carry out preparatory actions: we wash the buckwheat groats under cold water. Peel and seed the pumpkin, then cut it into small cubes (the smaller the pumpkin is cut, the better it will cook).

Step 2. Put pieces of pumpkin and buckwheat into the multicooker bowl.

Step 3. Boil water, then pour 2.5 multi-glasses of hot water into a multicooker. This amount of liquid will make it possible to make a fairly crumbly porridge. If you want the porridge to be more liquid, then 3.5-4 multi-glasses of water are poured.

Step 4. It's time to salt: add salt and leave the porridge to cook in the "Buckwheat" or "Groats" mode. For milk lovers, you can take water and milk in equal proportions. But then you will need to cook it in the "Milk Porridge" mode for 20 minutes. A prerequisite for the ratio of liquid to cereals is 1: 4, that is, 1 part of cereal to 4 parts of liquid.

Step 5. We leave the finished porridge in the multicooker for another 10-15 minutes on the "Heating" mode.

When serving, add butter, you can also put a tablespoon of honey, fresh apple pieces or sugar to taste.

So, there are really a lot of recipes for cooking porridge with pumpkin. And thanks to the multicooker, pumpkin porridge is cooked deliciously and quickly. You can use a wide variety of cereals, and add dried fruits, sugar, vanilla and butter to give a fragrant sweet note.

And even in this case, pumpkin porridge will not add much in calorie content: its limit is 150 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, such a vegetable delicacy can be used to diversify your table, as well as as a complete dietary meal.

Enjoy your meal!

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