Recipes for a balanced diet for weight loss. The basics of proper nutrition for weight loss: menus, nutritionist recommendations and reviews. Recipes for proper nutrition

Plaster 23.07.2020

Correct weight loss means weight loss without harm to health and proper nutrition is its foundation. There is one universal remedy that helps everyone lose weight, without exception, and today we will talk about it.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about losing weight

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A .:

I have been dealing with weight loss problems for many years. Women often come to me with tears in their eyes, who have tried everything, but the result is either not, or the weight is constantly returning. I used to advise them to calm down, go back on a diet and do grueling workouts in the gym. Today there is a better way out - X-Slim. It can simply be taken as a nutritional supplement and lose up to 15 kg per month in a completely natural way without diets and physical. loads. It is a completely natural remedy that suits everyone, regardless of gender, age or health condition. At the moment, the Ministry of Health is carrying out the action "Save the inhabitants of Russia from obesity" and each citizen of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive 1 package of the drug IS FREE

Learn more \u003e\u003e

The principle of healthy weight loss is based on this proper nutrition and can be revealed in just one phrase: you should not starve yourself to lose weight. Many diets offer severe dietary restrictions that will undoubtedly lead to weight loss. But whether this is useful is a very moot point.

Any, even the most modern and sophisticated diet is based on a simple formula: if you consume more calories than you burn, then weight gain will only be a matter of time. Conversely, if more calories are burned than replenished with food, then you will undoubtedly lose weight.

The greater the difference between getting and burning, the faster you will turn into a slim woman. But this is a very simplified diagram, and in order to learn how to lose weight correctly, we need to consider it in more detail.

Correct weight loss

First you need to analyze what led you to obesity. Perhaps you like sweet, starchy foods, or baked goods. Or maybe you rarely eat a lot, or do not have time to eat at work and make up for all this with a hearty dinner and midnight snacks. But there are those girls who inherited fullness, and in the place with them a slowed metabolism. Decide for yourself which group you belong to and this will greatly help you in the future to draw up the right weight loss plan.

Proper nutrition for weight loss does not mean a complete rejection of your favorite delicacy, why deprive yourself of such pleasure. But everything should be in moderation.

Let's move on to the practical part and find out how to lose weight properly without harm to health.

Our readers write

Topic: Lost 18kg without diets

From whom: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: Administration

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to lose weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since childhood, I was a rather plump girl, at school they teased all the time, even the teachers called me a pompie ... it was especially terrible. When I entered the university they completely stopped paying attention to me, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. Why not try to lose weight ... And diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, shokoslims. Now I don't even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage ...

Everything changed when I accidentally stumbled upon an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article changed my life. No, do not think, there is no top-secret method of losing weight, which is replete with the entire Internet. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks, I lost 7 kg. In total for 2 months for 18 kg! I got energy and a desire to live, I signed up for a gym to pump up my ass. And yes, finally I found a young man who has now become my husband, who loves me madly and I love him too. Forgive me for writing so chaotically, I just remember everything on emotions :)

Girls, for those I tried a bunch of all kinds of diets and weight loss techniques, but I could not get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you will not regret it!

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What do we need

If you are determined to stick to proper weight loss, then the first thing to do is buy a kitchen scale. I often had to communicate with professional athletes who dried themselves before the competition (lost a lot of weight in a short time) and they all used this little electronic assistant. Without it, it is simply impossible to analyze the diet and even more so to find out if you are on the right path.

Counting calories is a tedious and routine task. But this must be done at least for the first couple of weeks. During this time, you will learn how to analyze your diet, recognize portion sizes by eye and find out the price of each calorie.

We also need a notebook. It should be outlined as follows:

Table: Power Log

From this simple table, you can see that the daily diet was only 1307 calories, although we ate varied and received the necessary vitamins and minerals. To see the big picture, you need to create a diet for the week and try to follow it.

Remember: calories are an energy measure that is made up of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Eating 300 calories from protein and 300 calories from simple carbohydrates are not the same thing. If the former will be digested for a long time, providing you with energy for a long time, the latter are instantly absorbed into the bloodstream, which leads to the release of insulin and the accumulation of fat. This concept should be clearly understood.

Why do all these calculations? After you calculate the approximate daily calorie consumption, you need to subtract the total calorie content of the daily diet from the resulting figure and the resulting value should be positive (you still remember school math). Only then will you lose weight. Even the right diet for weight loss can contain more calories than necessary - in this case, cut back on the diet.

(module Calorie Needed Calculator)

General principles of proper weight loss

For those who want to achieve serious results on an ongoing basis, you need to remember and learn the following principles:

Change your lifestyle and avoid short-term diets. Such diets contribute to rapid weight loss, but when they are canceled, the lost weight returns. Losing weight should be gradual. Losing one or two pounds a week is considered a healthy option and eating right will be of great help.

Often, many of the fair sex, striving to achieve ideal forms, exhaust themselves with tiring workouts and sit on strict diets for a long time. Perhaps they simply do not know that there is a simple and effective way to achieve this goal, without subjecting their body to such serious tests.

This method, called the system of proper nutrition, helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. In addition to its high efficiency, the system of proper nutrition is distinguished by the variety and balance of its menu, thanks to which people who dream of losing weight eat tasty, quite varied, and at the same time manage to realize their dream.

Look video about the rules of proper nutrition for weight loss:

Basic principles of proper nutrition

The concept of proper nutrition, being a diet in its essence, is based on a number of principles that require strict adherence.

  • Breakfast is a musta meal that no one should miss. It performs the function of a kind of starter, starting metabolic processes in the human body in the morning.

A person who has a hearty breakfast will never overeat during lunch and dinner.

You should only snack on healthy foods: natural yogurt, fresh fruit, nuts or a handful of dried fruits.

The methodical chewing of each bite leads to the feeling of satiety coming from less food, and this cannot but affect the decrease in the number of calories consumed.

  • The correct diet is mandatory drinking plenty of clean drinking water... It is necessary not only for the normal functioning of all vital organs and systems, but also for maintaining the level of daily water balance in the human body.

In addition to juices, tea and coffee, each person should drink at least six glasses of water (preferably mineral) daily.

  • In proper nutrition there is no place for foods that carry only "empty" calories to the human body. They should be completely excluded from the daily menu, replacing them with healthy products, for example: instead of white bread, it is better to use whole grain bread, instead of sweets - dried fruits, and chips can be replaced with a small amount of nuts.

  • It is unacceptable to gorge on before bedand also eat in the middle of the night. You need to have dinner a couple of hours before going to bed. The feeling of acute hunger can be muffled with a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Method of cooking foodis also of great importance. If possible, you should give up fried food, giving preference to dishes prepared by baking, stewing, boiling, and grilling.

An approximate menu of proper nutrition for a week:

In order for efforts to normalize weight to be successful, it is necessary to draw up a balanced menu for the week, since it:

  1. Get rid of the daily thoughts of what to cook tomorrow.
  2. Will save your wallet from unnecessary expenses.
  3. Save time from frequent visits to the supermarket.

A nutritional menu designed for people of different sexes and ages can vary significantly. Let's look at its different options based on this aspect of nutrition.

The body of young girls, as a rule, is characterized by an active metabolism and the absence of serious chronic diseases, therefore, excess body weight at this age is associated with an incorrect lifestyle: insufficient physical activity and the use of a large amount of fast food. What products should the proper nutrition menu contain for the week for girls?

  • A growing body needs large amount of proteins, which are found in lean meat, eggs, fish and many plant foods. The preferred method for preparing fish and meat is roasting, braising, and grilling and steaming.
  • To provide the body with energy, complex carbohydratescontained in cereals. Therefore, a balanced menu must necessarily contain all kinds of cereals and whole grain breads.
  • Musculoskeletal and nervous system need calcium, which is found in all dairy products: kefir, milk, cottage cheese, cheese.
  • Maintain high hemoglobin level in the blood of a young girl, a diet containing a sufficient amount of red meat, liver and beans will help.

And now we offer an approximate version of the menu of proper nutrition for losing weight for girls for a week. It remains only to make a reservation about the size of one portion.

The approximate weight of a portion of porridge and vegetable salad is 150 g, a portion of soup or broth is 250 g.

Since one of the prerequisites for proper nutrition is the inadmissibility of overeating, the amount of food eaten at one time should leave a feeling of slight hunger.


  1. Breakfast: milk oatmeal with dried fruits, a glass of black tea.
  2. Dinner: vegetable salad, a portion of weak meat broth, a slice of baked fish fillet, 250 ml of fruit juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: 200 ml of yogurt with fruit pieces.
  4. Dinner: salad of fresh carrots and white cabbage, folding rice. A portion of stewed mushrooms.


  1. Breakfast: a large apple baked in the oven with honey and a little nuts, 250 ml of green tea.
  2. Lunch: salad of fresh radish with sour cream, fresh vegetable soup, 250 ml of berry jelly, some kind of fruit.
  3. Afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits (you can take dates, prunes and dried apricots).
  4. Dinner: any salad of your favorite vegetables, one large potato baked with cheese, a glass of vegetable juice.


  1. Breakfast: toast made from whole grain bread and smeared with a little honey, an orange, a glass of tea or freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Lunch: light salad of fresh fruits, pumpkin cream soup with fresh herbs, whole grain bread, green tea.
  3. Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt, a large banana.
  4. Dinner: stewed vegetables, a portion of steamed chicken breast with garlic-creamy gravy, fresh apple compote.



  1. Breakfast: medium fat cottage cheese (5%) with fresh fruit or berries, a glass of green tea.
  2. Lunch: salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, fish soup with pieces of boiled fish, a slice of rye bread, 250 ml of vegetable juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: tough egg, green apple.
  4. Dinner: fresh fruit slices, vegetable casserole, two slices of low-fat cheese, a glass of black tea.


  1. Breakfast: multi-cereal flakes drenched in low-fat milk with fresh berries.
  2. Lunch: salad of green vegetables (broccoli, bell peppers, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers), mashed cauliflower soup, chopped lean meat cutlet, fruit and berry compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: whole grain bread with butter, a glass of black tea.
  4. Dinner: white cabbage salad, barley porridge, stew, 200 ml of vegetable juice.


  1. Breakfast: a portion of pancakes with apple and honey gravy, 250 ml of medium-fat milk.
  2. Lunch: tomato and sweet corn salad, fresh mushroom soup with croutons, cranberry juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with fresh berries, fruit (optional).
  4. Dinner: a portion of grilled fish, stewed vegetables, a glass of fruit juice.

Slimming men

Obesity is the most dangerous for the male body, since it is prone to the formation of visceral fat, which is deposited not so much under the skin as around the vital organs: heart, liver, pancreas. This feature is fraught with a high risk of developing strokes and heart attacks.

The rational diet menu for men, compiled for a week, should include dishes, the daily calorie content of which is within 2500 calories.

What rules should be followed when making up a diet for weight loss for men?

  • First of all, it is necessary to exclude the use of foods with a high content of fat (semi-finished products, sausages and mayonnaise). It is very useful to use lemon juice for dressing vegetable salads.

It is necessary to strictly limit the use of salt and sugar: drink tea with honey or sugar substitutes, and you must completely abandon baked goods.

  • The high protein content needed to maintain physical well-being can be obtained from dietary meats and fish.
  • Dishes for men are best baked in the oven or cooked in a double boiler, completely refusing to fry food in oil.
  • Drinks useful for men are coffee, clean drinking water and tea.

The permissible daily alcohol intake should not exceed 100 ml.

We offer approximate diet the right menu for losing weight men for a week. The serving size for the male should be slightly greater than the female serving.

The amount of porridge eaten during breakfast should be 200 grams, the same should be the weight of a serving of salad. The weight of a portioned piece of meat or fish is 150 g.

Nutritionists recommend that men who adhere to this menu for a week drink a glass of clean drinking water every hour, and also completely abandon the use of sugar, introducing its substitutes into their diet of proper nutrition.


  1. Breakfast: cornmeal porridge cooked in water and milk (1: 1), banana, black tea with sugar substitute.
  2. Lunch: beef tenderloin chop, potatoes, boiled "in their uniform", two oranges.
  3. Dinner: one steep chicken egg or four quail eggs, a portion of curd mass.


  1. Breakfast: porridge "Hercules", apple, berry jelly (without sugar).
  2. Lunch: a couple of fresh cucumbers, a quarter of a chicken carcass.
  3. Dinner: vegetable soup, cooked without spices and slightly salted.


  1. Breakfast: multi-grain porridge with milk, a small bunch of grapes, green tea with sweetener.
  2. Lunch: several slices of hard cheese (total weight 100 g), a couple of tangerines or one large orange.
  3. Dinner: vegetable salad with croutons, two hard-boiled chicken eggs (or four quail eggs).



  1. Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in half milk, banana, black coffee with a sugar substitute.
  2. Lunch: fish baked in foil, a glass of drinking yogurt or low-fat kefir.
  3. Dinner: leek salad seasoned with vegetable oil, hard egg, a piece of boiled diet sausage.


  1. Breakfast: buckwheat cereal, apple, fruit jelly.
  2. Lunch: lamb chop, a side dish of boiled potatoes and stewed beans.
  3. Dinner: curd mass, 200 ml of low-fat milk.


  1. Breakfast: cornflakes porridge, orange, black tea.
  2. Lunch: fresh cucumber, two hot ham sandwiches baked in the oven.
  3. Dinner: a dozen fresh radishes, a slice of hard cheese (no more than 100 g).

This nutritional menu is part of a 6-8 week diet. The approximate expected result of adhering to this diet is from 6 to 10 kilograms of excess weight lost.

Slimming women

After 35 years in the female body, the production of sex hormones significantly decreases, which indicates the beginning of its aging. In contrast to this process, the female body begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat deposits, which inevitably leads to weight gain.

  • A healthy diet for women over 35 should include foods high in calcium, since its amount in a woman's body is steadily decreasing with age.
  • The following are completely excluded from the women's diet: alcoholic drinks, coffee, canned food (especially pickles) and foods high in cholesterol.
  • The main emphasis in the female diet should be on the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

Here is a rough outline balanced menu for a week.


  1. Breakfast: a salad of grated apple and carrots, a soft-boiled (or hard-boiled) egg, buckwheat porridge.
  2. Second breakfast: salad of white cabbage and prunes, a couple of whole grain crisps.
  3. Lunch: chicken fillet and zucchini casserole, 250 ml of dried fruit compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: a couple of tangerines.
  5. Dinner: stewed cauliflower, baked apple with honey and cinnamon.
  6. Second supper: a glass of kefir 1% fat.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with fresh berries, 250 ml of skim milk.
  2. Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese casserole, greased with a tablespoon of sour cream, a glass of black tea.
  3. Lunch: salad made from apples, cranberries and pickled cabbage, a piece of boiled chicken fillet, vegetable pilaf, 200 ml of rosehip broth.
  4. Snack: 125 ml of natural yogurt and the same amount of fat-free cottage cheese.
  5. Dinner: steamed cod soufflé.
  6. Second dinner: low-fat kefir.



  1. Breakfast: a slice of boiled beef with green peas, two bran loaves.
  2. Second breakfast: vinaigrette, rye flour loaf.
  3. Lunch: boiled fish, stewed cabbage, dried apricot compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: apple baked with walnuts and cinnamon.
  5. Dinner: two steamed carrot cutlets with natural yogurt gravy.
  6. Second supper: 200 ml of fat-free kefir.


  1. Breakfast: muesli with milk.
  2. Second breakfast: eggplant puree.
  3. Lunch: fresh vegetable soup, rye bread.
  4. Afternoon snack: low fat yogurt.
  5. Dinner: steam fish, green peas, berry compote without added sugar.
  6. Second supper: an apple.


  1. Breakfast: a soft-boiled egg, a slice of cheese, a fresh cucumber.
  2. Second breakfast: salad of prunes, beets and nuts, baked potatoes.
  3. Lunch: salad of fresh cucumbers with green peas and sour cream, vegetable chicken soup, turkey breast, a slice of bran bread.
  4. Afternoon snack: salad of sweet peppers and tomatoes.
  5. Dinner: boiled green beans, a glass of yogurt.


The menu for this day, which ends the week, can be composed of the favorite dishes suggested above.

Boiled chicken fillet

To boil chicken fillet, you need at least 20 minutes, and the water should be salted at the very end of cooking.

Chicken bouillon

Before preparing the broth for proper nutrition, the skin is cut off from the chicken carcass, after which the carcass is poured with water and brought to a boil. The first water is drained. Then the chicken is again poured with water and boiled until tender.

Baked fish

The peeled fish is cut into portions, sprinkled with spices and salt, covered with onion rings, potato slices, wrapped in a sheet of foil and baked in the oven.

Diet food helps not only to lose weight. but also saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals. You can implement such a diet at home, since the recipes use simple products, and even the lazy can do the cooking technology.

The main rules of dietary nutrition:

  1. 1. Drink water - ordinary purified or mineral water without gas at least 2 liters per day.
  2. 2. Eat lots of fresh vegetables, herbs (3-4 servings per day) and fruits (2-3 servings per day).
  3. 3. Give up red meat.
  4. 4. Poultry should be eaten without the skin.
  5. 5. Include healthy fats in the diet - fatty fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, vegetable oils cold pressed.
  6. 6. Eat fermented milk products with minimal fat content.
  7. 7. Do not eat more than 2 yolks a day, the amount of proteins is not limited.
  8. 8. Refuse to fry in oils for cooking.
  9. 9. Eat 5 times a day at the same time - 3 main meals and 2 snacks.
  10. 10. Control the amount of calories consumed - roughly calculate using a special formula.
  11. 11. It is advisable to eat cereals, sweet fruits and vegetables in the first half of the day, in the afternoon you need to eat proteins and low-calorie vegetables.
  12. 12. It is advisable to give up salt - this promotes weight loss by getting rid of excess water.

These rules are universal: they are suitable for both women and men. different ages... Already a month after observing them, you can lose from 3 to 6 kg, depending on the person's initial data.

A diet for drying the body provides for the distribution of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates as follows:

  • proteins: 60% - they should be present in all meals;
  • fat - 20% - a teaspoon of flaxseed oil is recommended to be drunk on an empty stomach, other sources of healthy fats should be evenly distributed over all meals;
  • carbohydrates: 20% - should be consumed with breakfast and first snack.

Every modern woman or girl knows that after each period of adherence to strict diets aimed at aggressive weight loss and maximum burning of kilograms in the shortest possible time, the eliminated excess weight quickly returns in an increased volume. Therefore, adherence to a dietary diet for many is becoming an integral part of life. In order to get rid of extra pounds once and for all, every girl should completely reconsider the basics of her nutrition and correctly draw up a dietary slimming menu for every day and follow it unconditionally.

Given the fact that not every modern woman has free time to study the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss, in this review we will take a closer look at the most important and basic points that make up the diet menu. As well as how to properly develop a balanced diet for every day for effective weight loss.

It is important to remember that the main principle of effective weight loss is to consume less calories per day than their expenditure. If you build your diet according to the above principle, then the body will replenish the lack of calories by breaking down fat reserves, which will contribute to weight loss.

When developing a menu of proper nutrition for every day for weight loss with recipes, it should be taken into account that the bulk of the diet should be food consisting of complex carbohydrate compounds that will provide a feeling of fullness over a long period of time.

At the same time, the process of losing weight every day will not be as intense as with more aggressive diets, but the likelihood that the removed kilograms will not return again will be several times higher, especially if correct diet take a habit and follow it constantly.

Healthy human nutrition consists of the following main aspects:

  • eating at the onset of a feeling of hunger, if there is no feeling of hunger, then the food consumed will be deposited in the form of body fat;
  • food should be chewed as carefully as possible, without rushing;
  • observe the four meals a day, that is, eat at least 4 times a day, with the obligatory healthy snacks between the main meals, which will help not to exhaust your body with a painful feeling of hunger.

Another equally important point of proper and healthy nutrition is drinking fluids only 15-20 minutes after eating. Drinking fluids during meals will prevent the full assimilation of absorbed food products, which subsequently begin to accumulate in certain areas of the intestine and gradually decompose.

The basics of making a weekly menu for every day for weight loss

The most effective diet that can help you lose weight for a very long period of time at home should contain the minimum amount of salt intake. This will help eliminate puffiness. It is also necessary to consume as much protein as possible per day to maintain muscle structures while losing weight.

Every day in the menu when losing weight, it is imperative to include the following range of products containing the most useful protein compounds:

  • lean veal meat;
  • a fish;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • chicken and turkey meat.

To reduce the viscosity of the blood, to increase the level of elasticity of blood vessels, as well as to reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol, it is necessary to consume 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil daily.

A healthy menu every day must have:

  • fresh vegetable and fruit crops;
  • bran, pea or oatmeal, which are an irreplaceable source of fiber.

Prohibited foods include:

  • canned food;
  • sugar confectionery and baked goods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • various types of sausages and smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products and fast foods.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalia Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

In fact, it's a very good idea to write down the menu for each day in such detail. For many losing weight people, this article will be a real find. From my own experience, I will say that some men and women really do not want to go into details and study the principles of healthy eating. And independently composing their diet for them is akin to hard labor. In the end, they just don't. At best, they refuse the most harmful foods and try to eat more or less right. But they often overeat, malnourish, or receive less vitamins and minerals ... In general, their diet is rather unbalanced. Therefore, calling it healthy is not entirely correct.

If you belong to this category of people, then it is better to use the advice of the author of this article. Write down or print yourself a weekly weight loss menu and be sure to hang it on the kitchen wall so that it is always in front of your eyes. And follow it.

But! If you have no problems with self-discipline and you like to understand everything on your own, then you can study the principles of healthy eating. And then you don't have to eat on schedule. You will be able to independently compose your diet in such a way that it is as balanced as possible. But before doing this, I would recommend consulting with a dietitian. He will give you valuable advice that will be very helpful to you.

Slimming everyday menu

During the period of weight loss, it is important to learn one simple rule: the portioning of each dish should not be more than the size of your own fist. As additional snacks, it is allowed to use 2 servings of vegetable soups or green vegetables per day.

  • decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • green tea with jasmine, or bergamot;
  • natural juices from vegetables;
  • low-fat kefir, or yogurt.

In order to eat properly and effectively lose weight, it is recommended to use the following sample menu for a week for weight loss:

Weekly weight loss menu
Days of the week Eating Menu
Monday Breakfast 200 gr. oatmeal
Lunch 50 gr. hard cheese, a glass of tea
Dinner Soup - 300 gr.;
Vegetable salad - 150 gr.;
Bread - 2 slices
Dinner 80 gr. boiled veal meat;
100 g stewed vegetables.
Tuesday Breakfast Cottage cheese - 150 gr.;
Dried fruits - 200 gr.
Lunch Kefir - 200 ml.;
Nuts - 50 gr.
Dinner Steamed fish - 120 gr.;
Raw vegetables - 150 gr.
Dinner Egg omelette - 180 gr.;
Vegetable salad - 150g.
Wednesday Breakfast Muesli - 150gr .;
Dried fruits - 200 gr.
Lunch Juice - 200 ml.;
Curd pudding - 150 gr.
Dinner Stewed mushrooms - 120 gr.;
Fresh cucumber - 100 gr.
Dinner Cottage cheese - 200 gr.;
Vegetable salad - 150 gr.
Thursday Breakfast Egg omelette - 180 gr.;
Bran bread - one slice.
Lunch 250 grams of fruit
Dinner Steamed fish - 200 gr.;
Fresh cucumber and tomato - 150 gr.
Dinner Braised beans - 200 gr.;
Friday Breakfast Homemade feta cheese - 100 gr.;
Lunch Hazelnuts - 50 gr.;
Yogurt - 200 ml.
Dinner Soup with cabbage - 300 gr.;
Buckwheat porridge - 150 gr.
Dinner Grilled beef stack - 150 gr .;
Vegetable salad - 150 gr.
Saturday Breakfast Dairy rice porrige with honey - 200 gr.;
A glass of tea.
Lunch An Apple;
Yogurt - 200 ml.
Dinner Chicken puree - 150 gr.;
Beet salad - 200 gr.
Dinner Grilled fish - 150 gr.;
Fresh vegetables - 150g.;
Bread - 2 pcs.
Sunday Breakfast Soft-boiled egg - 2 pcs.;
Coffee without sugar - a glass.
Lunch Cottage cheese with dried apricots - 150 gr.
Dinner Ear - 300 gr.;
Beef goulash - 150 gr.;
Stewed vegetables as a side dish.
Dinner Pollock cooked in a double boiler - 200 gr.;
Beetroot and prune salad - 150 gr.;
Rye crispbreads - 2 pcs.

Diet recipes

When losing weight, it is recommended to eat only healthy foods every day. The method of preparation is equally important. When losing weight, it is highly not recommended to fry food, it would be more correct to steam it, by boiling, stewing or baking.

Boiled chicken fillet


  • chicken fillet - 200 gr.;
  • carrots - 100 gr.;
  • onions - 100 gr.;
  • greens to taste - 50 gr.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the fillets, dip with a paper towel and cut into equal 4 pieces.
  • Place the prepared fillets in a pot of boiling water.
  • Rinse vegetable crops, cut into large cubes and send in a pot of meat.
  • Cook for half an hour.
  • You can add a little salt and spices to taste.
  • After the end of cooking, it is recommended to insist for another 10-15 minutes.

Meat soufflé


  • half a kilo of lean beef;
  • bran flour loaf - 150 gr.;
  • skim milk - 50 ml.;
  • onions - 100g.;
  • spices and salt to taste.

To prepare a soufflé, you should first soak the loaf in milk. Then pass the loaf, minced meat and onions through a meat grinder twice. Transfer the resulting mass to a baking dish and send to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

To get a chic figure, it is enough to adhere to a simple and inexpensive menu during the period of weight loss. If you eat right throughout the day, then feelings of hunger will not arise, and appetite will decrease over time.

To make weight loss more effective, it is recommended to completely exclude products such as a huge amount of coffee, fast food and convenience foods from the menu. It is better to focus every day on homemade yoghurts, fresh vegetables and fruits. The next video tells in more detail about how to properly develop a menu for every day for proper weight loss, as well as what food is better to eat, what to get rid of the hated kilograms:

The key to a slim figure is not grueling diets, but proper nutrition, or PP for short. A healthy and well-balanced diet will make the body light and help in getting rid of extra pounds. Proper nutrition means eating healthy foods that satisfy hunger and help you lose weight. It will help you get closer to harmony and understand what PP is, a menu for every day for weight loss for girls.

Proper nutrition helps not only to lose weight, but also to heal the body. In stores on the shelves, there is such a variety of products that are very harmful to humans on regular consumption.

Stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives, dyes - a small part of what is contained in cookies, cakes, sauces, canned food, baked goods. When these substances enter the body, they accumulate and cause a toxic effect. Further, gastritis, ulcers, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, etc. are formed. Therefore, everyone needs to eat right, especially people over 30 years old and suffering from intestinal disorders.

For those who are prone to overweight or are already obese, PP is the only way out in solving the problem. With a competent diet, the metabolic process returns to normal, as a result of which weight loss occurs.

Differences from diet

The diet assumes a framework in which certain foods and their allowable amount are written. A person who restricts himself in food often experiences hunger and malaise. Sometimes there are breakdowns, accompanied by overeating, as a result, the weight after the diet is even more than it was before.

With PP, it is allowed to eat a variety of foods, there is no strict regulation in grams, so there is no constant desire to eat. It is much easier to maintain weight if you follow simple rules, for example, do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. The effect of PP will be noticeable not only at the waist, but also felt in the body: health will become much better, immunity will be strengthened, and lightness will appear.

Indeed, if you adhere to a very strict diet, a weight of about 4-8 kg will go away in 1-2 weeks. However, it is very difficult to get out of such a diet and maintain weight - the faster the loss of kg occurs, the faster they return. The main advantage of PP over diet is maintaining body shape for a permanent period.


Proper nutrition is based on products of plant or animal origin, containing minerals, vitamins of various groups, organic compounds and other useful substances. Most foods are already initially low in calories, due to which weight loss occurs.


You must definitely go in for sports, then the weight will go away faster.

All products in the refrigerator and in the store are classified into two groups:

  • allowed;
  • prohibited.

If you immediately understand the difference in them and follow the diet, then you will be able to lose weight in a short time.

What can

This list can be replenished and replenished. Every fussy will find here their favorite delicacies that can replace unhealthy foods. Foods you can eat:

  • vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to choose fruits with a low sugar content, for example, sour apples, grapefruits. From vegetables everything is allowed: cabbage, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Fresh vegetables are considered the healthiest, as they contain a lot of coarse dietary fiber. Fiber helps cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins and normalize the metabolic process;
  • nuts. Despite the high calorie content, you can eat nuts, but only in small quantities. You can eat them in between breakfast or lunch, or add them to yogurt. Nuts contain fatty acids and protein;
  • dairy products. Low-fat or low-fat curds, yoghurts, kefir, milk can and should be drunk. Fermented milk products launch digestive system and makes it run faster. It is advisable to choose foods with a minimum sugar content, they will have more benefits;
  • a fish. The greatest value for the body is represented by omega-3 acids, which are part of fish meat. They are responsible for brain activity, as well as for the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • lean veal and chicken. Products are designed to replenish the protein balance;
  • cereals. Porridge and cereal side dishes are perfect for breakfast and lunch, as they provide energy for the whole morning. The calories received will not be deposited on the sides, but will go back on track - thanks to them, the body receives and spends energy.

What you can't eat

If everything is clear with healthy products, you can study the list of prohibited items in detail. First of all, this includes food that is in no way compatible with the topic of proper nutrition:

  • soda. It contains a lot of unnecessary sugar, and it also makes you feel thirsty. In addition to sugar, dyes and taste stabilizers are part of the gas water. These components cause serious harm to the body and provoke the development of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • fast food. Fast food means burgers, sandwiches, hot dogs and other unhealthy snacks. The high content of lipids, preservatives in the composition make this food unsuitable for nutrition;
  • mayonnaise and sauces based on it. Mayonnaise is a completely artificial product obtained through a synthesis process. Its taste is based on additives and flavors that make it eat even more;

Mayonnaise is equally harmful both with a high percentage of fat and low.

  • french fries, belyashi, pasties. The most terrible products for the body, which, apart from harm, do nothing. They are fried in a lot of oil, which forms trans fats during frying. These lipids are not excreted and accumulate in the body, and over time, with constant use, can even provoke oncology;
  • alcohol. It means beer, sweet and semi-sweet wine, champagne. Alcohol, even in the smallest amount, increases appetite and slows down the processing of food. Ethanol retains liquid during decay, so the kilograms also remain;
  • sweets and flour products. Absolutely useless products with an exorbitant amount of glucose in the composition are a favorite delicacy for a sweet tooth, but they immediately make themselves felt, appearing on the hips and sides.

How to replace your favorite goodies? Some are immediately afraid of this rejection, and proper nutrition becomes something unattainable, as well as weight loss. In fact, this is not difficult. You can easily replace any harmful product with an apple or dried fruits, candied fruits. You can chew on nuts, but only without salt, or eat a glass of yogurt. 2-3 weeks after refusal, even if you try the banned food, it will not seem so tasty. You need to set yourself up that this food is very harmful to health and is a threat. Then the desire to enjoy the already familiar goodies will pass.

What to add

In order for the process of losing weight and restructuring the body to a new direction in nutrition to take place with maximum benefit, you can add several more components to the diet:

  • natural oils (vegetable, linseed, olive);
  • berries;
  • whole grain crisps;
  • greens.

These foods are also beneficial and will help you lose weight. To replenish strength or lack of minerals, nutritionists recommend drinking a course of vitamins and minerals for good health.

How to cook

There are several ways to prepare healthy meals. It can be done:

  • boiled;
  • for a couple;
  • fry on a grill or in a pan without oil.

Everyone chooses their favorite cooking method and uses it. For a change, food is combined: replace boiled foods with stewed or raw foods. Then even healthy food does not become boring, because you can cook a huge number of dishes from it.

When and how much to eat

The most common mistake made by beginners in losing weight is the wrong distribution of food for the whole day. Ideally there should be 3 full reception food: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Allowed 2 snacks in the morning and afternoon and a light puff. It turns out that you need to eat often, but the portions will be small. One serving should be about 150 grams, no more than 200.

You need to buy a small, deep and flat plate, they will help you understand how much food you can eat at a time.

Time for eating is not strictly limited, but the break between breakfast, lunch and dinner should be about 3-5 hours. Dinner should be a few hours before bedtime, so the body has time to process all the food into energy.

How to drink

Water speeds up the process of losing weight and improves cellular metabolism. The daily intake of fresh clean water is 1.5 to 2 liters, in addition to tea, coffee and other drinks. However, the water must be drunk correctly:

  • drink a glass before meals. If you drink after a meal, digestion slows down noticeably;
  • drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. This is necessary to start the stomach after sleep;
  • do not drink liquid at night, especially an hour before bedtime. In addition to edema, there will be no benefit from it.

You can drink green or red tea from hot drinks, black is not prohibited. It is not advisable to put sugar. Lemon or ginger are added to tea - they are helpers in losing weight. A coffee lover will have to cut back on the drink, as coffee retains excess water in the body, as a result of which the weight will stand still.

Recommendations for composing the menu and an example

First, you need to calculate the approximate daily calorie intake. It depends on age, starting weight, physical activity and overall lifestyle. The average norm for a young woman aged 25-30 years and weighing 60-70 kg is 2000-2200 calories. This rate must be divided by 5 times. It is advisable to lay in more calories in the first meal than in the afternoon.

After calculating the required calories, it is advisable to purchase an electronic scale for the kitchen. They will allow you to accurately weigh the food, so it will be impossible to make a mistake and overeat. You can have a special notebook or notebook, where records will be made about the amount of food and their calorie content.

On a note!

As a motivation, the initial parameters are recorded before the transition to PP, and then the change in these indicators is monitored in the process of weight loss.

Below is an example of a weekly menu. At the discretion, products can be replaced with similar ones.


  • breakfast - a plate of oatmeal, a slice of whole grain bread;
  • snack 1 - half a grapefruit;
  • lunch - 100-120 grams of boiled chicken breast and fresh cucumber;
  • snack 2 - a jar (100-120 grams) of low-fat yogurt;
  • dinner - 100-150 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • pauzhin - one raw carrot.


  • breakfast - a hard-boiled egg and 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • snack 1 - unsweetened apple;
  • lunch - 150-200 grams of steamed white fish;
  • snack 2 - 500-70 grams of unpeeled almonds;
  • dinner - 100-150 grams of boiled buckwheat without salt;
  • pauzhin - a glass of fat-free kefir.


  • breakfast - 100-150 grams of muesli with milk (1-3% fat);
  • snack 1 - a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • lunch - 150 grams of boiled veal with 60-70 grams of rice;
  • snack 2 - a glass of kefir;
  • dinner - 200 grams of vitamin salad from cabbage, cucumbers, green peas. You can fill with a spoonful of oil;
  • pauzhin is an unsweetened apple.


  • breakfast - a cup of fruit salad (berries, bananas, pears, kiwi, oranges), seasoned with low-fat yogurt;
  • snack 1 - a handful of hazelnuts;
  • lunch - chicken fillet (200 grams) baked in the oven with tomatoes and hard cheese;
  • snack 2 - 2-3 loaves;
  • dinner - 120-150 grams of bulgur or unpolished rice;
  • pauzhin - a glass of low-fat sour cream.


  • breakfast - a soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg and 50 grams of any hard cheese;
  • snack 1 - banana;
  • lunch - 200 grams of beef stew with the addition of onions and herbs;
  • snack 2 - 1 bell pepper or tomato;
  • dinner - 150 grams of millet groats;
  • pauzhin is an orange.


  • breakfast - 120-150 grams of dates;
  • snack 1 - a glass of any fresh juice;
  • lunch - a piece of fish (200 grams) baked in foil;
  • snack 2 - 50-60 grams of hard cheese;
  • dinner - 200 grams of steamed vegetable mixture (beans, peppers, eggplant, zucchini);
  • pauzhin - a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast - a plate of pea porridge and 2-3 slices of hard cheese;
  • snack 1 - a handful of candied fruits;
  • lunch - boiled chicken fillet (120-150 grams) and any fresh vegetables;
  • snack 2 - any fruit;
  • dinner - 150-200 grams of stewed cabbage with lean beef;
  • pauzhin - 100-120 grams of low-fat yogurt.

This example is designed to reduce weight, in a week you can lose from 2 to 4 kilograms.


To maintain weight, the consumption rate is increased by 1.5 times.

It is not always possible to follow the rules and adhere to the PP. To tune in as much as possible, you need to be focused on the end result. You can buy yourself a thing 1 size smaller, in a week it will be just in time. Here are some more tips for getting closer to your desired slimness:

  • they try not to salt or add food to it soy sauce... At first, the taste may seem bland, but over time the body will get used to it, and in the future, salty foods will not seem so tasty;
  • it is undesirable to drink tea after eating, you need to wait at least 20 minutes for the food to begin to be digested, otherwise the digestive process will last a long time;
  • in no case should you neglect breakfast. It should be as nutritious as possible. But dinner can be replaced with two snacks;
  • meals should be taken at approximately the same time. Then the body will get used to receiving and immediately spending calories;
  • for the best effect, once a week or every 10 days, you can arrange a detox - a complete cleansing of the body. On this day, from the permitted products, you can eat only vegetables and drink kefir. In one day, this way it is possible to lose up to 2 kg;
  • you need to try to make the menu more varied, because PP is actually very tasty. Roasting in foil and sleeves, in bags - all these cooking methods do not contain a drop of oil;
  • while eating, there is no need to rush and pounce on it from hungry eyes. You need to eat as slowly as possible, in small pieces and chew them thoroughly. They try not to be distracted by the TV or phone, but to concentrate only on food - the process must be controlled;
  • for a start, you just need to make small adjustments to the usual diet, you can start by changing the dinner, and by the end of the week, completely switch to the PP menu;
  • sometimes it happens that the weight freezes and does not go away. This time needs to be waited out - the weight will begin to decrease in a few days. This phenomenon is explained by the restructuring of the body to a new rhythm of nutrition.

Proper nutrition is, first of all, a way of life. You need to tune in to it and benefit from it. Once the realization comes, it becomes much easier to stick to the PP.

It is enough to read the rave reviews of people who have changed their diet and changed themselves, their body. They are happy that they have achieved excellent results: they have reduced weight and at the same time have improved their body. Many people stop feeling stomach discomfort after eating, gastrointestinal diseases become less pronounced or disappear completely.

Proper nutrition serves great alternative usual, it is worth trying it once, and over time it will go back to normal for life.

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