Mayev hs. New Year in Hearthstone is the year of the mammoth. Tips for creating maps

Drainage 28.10.2020

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The Hearthstone Mage is different in that you can build very effective cheap decks for him that can compete against more expensive decks at higher levels of the rating. We have selected for you a variety of decks of various prices. Updated to reflect onslaught of dragons maps.

New Mage decks:





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Basic archetypes of Mage decks in Hearthstone

Quest Mage

With the release of Expedition to Un "Goro, cards of a new type have appeared in the game - tasks (quests). To complete the task you need a specific deck, as a reward you can get powerful cards, which in most cases serve as a condition for victory.

The first (and currently only) task for the mage is to open a portal, which requires generating several new spells. As a reward, a Time Rift is issued, which lasts for two turns and allows you to perform the most powerful combinations.

Freeze Mage

Freeze Mage is a classic combo deck. She is difficult to handle and very effective in a suitable meta. The main goal when playing as a freeze mage is to stretch out the time as long as possible (with the help of protective secrets, freeze effects and AoE), and then finish off the enemy with spells in 1-2 turns.

Reno Mage

The Reno Mage deck consists of 30 unique cards, including Reno Jackson and Kazakus. The Reno Mage is able to withstand intense aggression thanks to its enormous healing potential and table-clearing spells. There are many variations of this archetype with different victory conditions.

Tempo mage

The Tempo Mage is a misnamed archetype. Not all of its variations are conducive to aggressive play with the maximum increase in tempo. The common features for all variants are a strong synergy of cheap creatures and an abundance of spells that allow you to increase the advantage or recoup in case of failure on the first turns.

How to play with Mage decks in Hearthstone

Below we take a look at the mage, the starting class in Hearthstone, and one of the best classes for playing in the arena. With the release of each new addition, the developers provide the mage with extremely useful cards, so playing them is fun and enjoyable. Personally, I like the echo mage with giants the most, but the freeze mage is also fine. Playing them is an incredible experience!

We'll start with a better look at the base cards, then we'll look at the cards that can be crafted to complement the decks, including options from new additions. After that, we will try to build a basic deck and define the main types of decks that are used in the current meta. Finally, we outline the basic principles of playing a magician in the arena.

Ready? Go!

A mech mage can wipe his nose even for face hunters!

What are the goals of the magician?

Mage's hero power is an offensive effect, but it can be used to bypass provocateurs, and when applied to enemy creatures, it does not cost health, unlike the power of a druid or rogue hero. Due to the ability to freely inflict 1 unit. damage on every turn, the mage is great for arena games.

The mage has access to the strongest base cards. Let's consider them in more detail.

Manazmey - a creature worth 1 crystal. Ideal for those who use spells frequently. Despite its low base attack power, it can be used to trade with aggressive opponents. In combat with control opponents, the enhanced Manazmey can eliminate expensive enemy creatures.

Pyro - one of the most powerful cards for the mage, the basis of the tempo-build, which gained popularity after the release of the Blackrock add-on. The Pyro has good characteristics (extra health never hurts for creatures with useful effects) and, in combination with cheap spells, of which the mage has plenty, is able to sow panic and destruction. It should also be noted that the Pyro deals damage in two moves, which is very useful if the enemy uses Living roots, Call to battle or Merciless explosion.

Snowflakeand Goblin Blastmage commonly used in mech decks. Snowfly is incredibly strong against classes that use weapons, and Goblin Blastmage provides an incredible speed advantage. In fact, it deals damage without spending resources and has good stats.

Fire Cannon / Ice Arrow - spells that are suitable for wandering cheap creatures. Frostbolt also freezes enemy creatures or heroes and stacks with Ice spear.

Transformation is a great spell for eliminating enemy creatures. It not only practically kills the target, but also relieves it of beneficial effects (for example, death rattle). In particular, Metamorphosis is the best cure for Tirion Fordring. Polymorph: Boar similar to Polymorph (Boar 4/2 - any better than Ysera), with the only difference that it can be used to attack.

Wave of fireis perhaps the best AoE spell in the game. It deals tremendous damage and does not require preparation. It can be used to defeat a zoo-lok or any enemy with murlocs. A good alternative to the Wave of Fire is blizzard, however, it is more suitable for decks that can take advantage of the effect of freezing (for example, with Doom Herald).

By copying Sylvanas Windrunner, you can easily handle hand-lock. He will know where his destruction will come from, but he will not be able to do anything about it!

The mage is one of three classes that have access to secrets. The Mage's Secrets are worth more than anything else, but they can fundamentally change the course of the game. Bifurcation is the backbone of control decks. It allows you to copy valuable cards (for example, durable provocateurs or creatures with healing effects). Reflected entity and Scarecrow are intended for tempo decks and deprive the enemy of the opportunity to recoup. Ice barrier - this is a kind of healing effect (expensive for everyone except freeze mages), and Ice block allows you to extend the game by one more turn. Sometimes this move makes the difference between winning and losing.

Legendary mage cards are truly legendary. Archmage Antonidas used as a win condition in many decks. He is able to create several Fireballs immediately after entering the field (using cheap spells - for example, Spare Parts).

Ronin usually used in decks that allow rational use of its death rattle. In particular, Archmage Antonidas and Pyro love very much Arcane arrows.

What about neutral creatures?

Since there are a lot of neutral cards useful for the magician in the game and it is not possible to cover them all, we will focus on the most popular options.

Classic cards

Azure dragon (gives spell power, allows you to draw a card)

Alexstrasza (used in a wide variety of decks, the effect is usually applied to an enemy hero)


Mad scientist(excellent tempo map, deathrattle saves 3 crystals; it is worth remembering that sometimes the scientist pulls out secrets out of time - for example, Bifurcation at the very beginning of the match).

Slime Belcher (great provocateur)

Goblins and gnomes

Explosive Sheep (mage is the only class that can independently detonate a sheep and inflict AoE damage on demand)

Piloted shredder(most popular creature worth 4 crystals, sticks to the board better than bubble gum)

Dr. Boom (the best large legendary creature in the game, used in many decks)

Black Mountain

Emperor Thaurissan (slow decks usually have a lot of cards in their hand, and the Thaurissan effect comes in handy for them)

There are many other useful cards used in specific archetypes (for example, Fire giant for an echo mage with giants or Mechanic for the mech mage).

Glitterotoron is a card for those who like to take risks, but it is very effective in frozen decks.

Tips for creating maps

With the release of each new expansion, the total number of available cards grows.

It is getting harder and harder to build generic decks. The classic set contains all the cards you need for a comfortable game, but the cards from the new additions have expanded functionality. For example, if you are playing with secrets, you cannot do without Mad scientist, and if you are thinking of assembling a mech-mage, you will need the mechanisms from the "Goblins and Dwarfs" add-on. Tempo Mages will have to purchase the Black Mountain DLC to gain access to Emperor Thaurissanand more importantly, Pyro... Maps from other add-ons will allow you to play with dragons and Reno Jackson ..

Personally, I am hoarding dust for legendary cards. First of all, I make neutral Legendaries that are used in decks for several classes. Sometimes I make an exception for cards of superior (epic) quality that are used in combinations of interest to me. All other cards I collect from sets (they are not so difficult to get).

If you plan on playing only as a mage or even with some specific archetype, you can immediately create whatever you need.

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Hello dear readers of Hearth Gid .com

Great, buddy! Today you and I are going to ride the deck of a noncent magician! I wanted to show you this deck for a very long time, but I kept putting off this moment, but now I decided to present this miracle to you! I have this deck in case I want to stretch my brains and get high on the heartstone, since this deck is really very interesting, so if you want to get real aesthetic pleasure from the game, then take the code and fly to the ladder! Hugged \u003d)

Odd Mage - in fact, in essence, this is one of the subarchetypes of mage control, only filled with a large number of heavy creatures, to the detriment of heavy spells, from a large number of mage removes, here there are two copies of the Wave of Fire card. But it is not worth saying that the deck is very bad, because all creatures in the deck can be realized by playing the legendary magician spell - Microgalaxy of the Moon... And begin to destroy the enemy with maximum efficiency. The deck also contains a card Archmage Antonidas, with which you can get a large number of copies of the Fireball card. To raise your ladder rating, we would not advise you to craft this expensive deck. But if you would like to stretch your brains a little after playing the zoo and other wickedness, then this deck is for you :)

Odd Mage Winrate

Mulligan of the Odd Magician

Odd Mage deck cost

Yes, this is a lot, not even justifiably a lot - but do not forget that this deck is NOT intended to raise the Legend rank. This deck is dedicated to the process of building all the variety and variability of Hearthstone. Having played on it, you will definitely not be angry with the same type of gameplay, but on the contrary - you will get a lot of pleasure and fun. And actually that's why we come to the games!

The first year is coming to an end when Standard and Freestyle modes were introduced to Hearthstone. It was extremely successful for the development team - new additions, ideas, mechanics. But that's not all - 2017 promises to be a year of innovations, massive and voluminous innovations. Like a mammoth.

First of all, the changes will affect those same standard and free modes. Add-ons such as Black Mountain, Grand Tournament and League of Explorers will leave the standard mode. But besides that, we will have the disappearance of several classic cards: Sylvanas, Ragnaros, Azure Dragon, Overwhelming Power, Ice Lance and Disguise. These cards became mandatory in almost all decks, or were too strong an advantage. This made the decks look monotonous as these cards were considered mandatory. Thus, the developers presented the "Hall of Fame" - a place where cards from the basic and classic sets, removed from the standard format, will go. .

In addition, for these cards you will be given dust. Just!

Changes and adventures did not pass. Previously, additions of 120-130 cards alternated with adventures of 40-45. Now there will be three additions per year, 130 cards each. But the developers took into account that many of the adventures loved the story and the challenge the game presented to them. So now, after the release of the add-on, tasks will appear that will help in the exploration of the game world and challenge your abilities.

And last but not least. The game will add a new hero for the Rogue class - Maev Shadowsong. Apparently she also loves to play a party or two while chasing Illidan. It will be very easy to get it - play 10 regular or standard matches after the expansion.

That's all. Blizzard is clearly making big plans for this year for Hearthstone, and we're excited. We hope that all the innovations will only make the game more fun. See you at the tavern!

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Maiev Shadowsong (eng. Maiev Shadowsong) - the legendary warrior of the night elves, also known as the creator Guardiansto guard Illidan Stormrage... Their fates are pretty much intertwined in the universe. Warcraft.

Let's take a closer look at Maiev's life path, because there are many interesting and exciting events in it: participation in the war of the ancients, the escape of Illidan and the subsequent fight with him, the murder of the Highborne in Darnassus, the battle with his brother, an attempt on Malfurion Stormrage, confrontation with Gul'danand much, much more.

The Maiev family was not of noble blood. Maiev and her brother Jarodfrom the very beginning, accustomed to achieving everything with hard work and skill. During the tumultuous events of the War of the Ancients, Maiev became a priestess of the Moon, one of the Elune.

When great priestess Dejana was mortally wounded, she named not Maiev as a successor, who already had the experience, potential and experience in the order. Instead of her, the Great Priestess was chosen - Tyrande Whisperwind... But Maiev was convinced that she would make a much better leader than Tyrande.

Like most of the Sisters of Elune, Maiev entered the battle against the Burning Legion, joining the resistance under the command of Talos Ravencrest Chicken... After the disappearance of High Priestess Tyrande and the death of her successor MarindaMaiev temporarily took over this position, which led to an early meeting with her brother.

When Highlord, Kur "talos Ravencrest was slain, his successor was Desdel Starseye,who was from a noble family, but a mediocre military leader. Maiev did not accept this choice, but did nothing for fear of splitting the night elf forces. She believed that her brother, who was already quite well-established and enjoyed the well-deserved respect, should have taken this place. She demanded that Jarod do at least something, but he did not listen to her, obeying Desdel. When Desdel passed away, Jarod was elected the new High Lord.

After the Great Sundering, she was furious to discover that Illidan Stormrage attacked Jarod and nearly killed his brother. Jarod was then leading a scouting party sent to Mount Hyjal and discovered that Illidan was trying to create a new Well of Eternity. The night elves tried to thwart the traitor, but he cast a powerful spell that killed many or caused many to fall into a coma. Illidan was immediately captured by his brother. Malfurionwhile Maiev is with Tyrande and Shandrisatook care of the survivors' wounds.

Maiev tried to kill the captured Illidan, but Tyrande stopped her, reminding her that her brother had survived. Jarod gave Malfurion the power to decide Illidan's fate. The Arch Druid was well aware of what else his brother's reckless designs could lead to, but he did not dare to kill him. With help Cenarius Malfurion sealed Illidan in an underground dungeon, where he was supposed to remain until the end of time.


Although Maiev treated Malfurion with respect, she was not satisfied with his merciful decision. She offered herself to serve as Illidan's guard, as she wished to personally see to it that he never harmed his people again. Most of the night elves by this time considered Illidan a traitor. They haven't forgotten how he switched sides Sargeras, and did not believe in his words that he was trying to gain the strength and knowledge to defeat the Burning Legion.

Malfurion agreed that Illidan should not be left unguarded. Maiev gathered several volunteers from the ranks of the Sisters of Elune. Together with them, Maiev was to guard Illidan and prevent him from escaping from the dungeon. The new organization created by Maiev was named Guardians, and Maiev received the title of the same name - Guardian. Over time, the Guardians became known as fighters with excellent combat abilities, tracking skills, and willpower.

One day, Maiev learns that her brother Jarod, who led the night elves after the Great Sundering, suddenly disappeared. In his absence, the Guardians became Maiev's only friends. After thousands of years dedicated to tracking Illidan and other dangerous criminals, the Guardians have become Maiev's true family.

Illidan's escape

Maiev had been tempered for ten thousand years, turning her into a legendary fighter, but with the beginning of the Third War, she still could not stop Tyrande Whisperwind from freeing Illidan. Maiev decided to hunt down the Traitor in order to finally kill him. During this time, Illidan became a demon and took possession of Skull Buzz "given went against the night elves. Maev found him, but could neither kill nor capture him.

Maiev was increasingly consumed by the desire for revenge as she pursued Illidan on his long journey to Beyond... Fury blurred her vision, and Illidan managed to escape from her every time. The road first passed through Kalimdor, through fishing villages destroyed by the naga, to the port of Nandis, and then to the Broken Isles. On these islands that Rumble danraised from the bottom of the ocean, she discovered ruins in which she recognized the remains Suramara- the ancient city of the night elves. Here Maiev met an orc hermit named Drak "Toole, who was one of the Storm Raging Warlocks in the past, who told her what had happened on these islands.

Maiev, along with her squad, followed Illidan into the dungeon, which turned out to be the Tomb of Sargeras. From the old orcish runes left by Gul Dan, she realized that the Traitor was seeking a mysterious artifact that Gul Dan had previously hunted for. Illidan again outpaced his pursuers and, meeting them in the last chamber, set in motion Eye of Sargeras - the same artifact with incredible power. All Guardians including I will find, Maiev's closest associate, died in the landslide created by Illidan, but the overseer herself was saved thanks to her skills.

Realizing that she would not be able to cope alone with Illidan's exponentially increased power, Maiev dispatched a messenger to Kalimdor, and Malfurion and Tyrande, along with reinforcements, came to the call. The Guardian was not particularly happy to see the priestess free Illidan, but their help was more than ever helpful. Illidan went on the run again, and on the shores of Lordaeron Malfurion separated from them, because he could not ignore the deplorable state of the local forests.

Maiev and Tyrande pursued Illidan to Lordamere Lake, where they met Kehl 'tasa, a prince of the blood elves, who was helped to accompany a magical caravan from his kingdom. He agreed to help them with the pursuit. Not long after, in the battle of the crossing, Tyrande fell into the river with the rubble of a bridge, and Maiev demanded that the pursuit of Illidan continue without her. She found Malfurion and lied to him that Tyrande was dead. As Maiev had hoped, the enraged druid led an attack against his brother, and they managed to interrupt the ritual they were performing with the Eye of Sargeras. However, Kael "tas soon informed Malfurion that Tyrande had simply fallen into the river and might well have survived.

Malfurion, angry with Maiev for lying, teamed up with Illidan and went in search of his beloved. They arrived just in time and rescued the priestess, who with her last strength was holding back the attacks of the undead. Malfurion and Tyrande let Illidan escape, and he opened a portal to Outland, in which he hid. Maiev and the Guardians who caught up with Malfurion passed through this portal and continued their pursuit. Having lost the support of his allies, Illidan was an easy target for the Guardians. Maiev was blinded by her thirst for revenge and did not notice the trap. While escorting Illidan's crate into camp, the blood elves and naga, led by Kael "tas and lady Vashj... They were able to free Illidan from captivity.


As Illidan now possessed a sizable army of blood elves and naga, Maiev was forced to flee with her remaining companions. Sometime after Illidan attempted to destroy The Lich King, Maiev contacted Akama, who served him and was dissatisfied with the fact that the broken did not receive the Black Temple back after the fall of Magtheridon. He realized that the desecration of the temple continued under the supervision of the new overlord, and entered into an agreement with Maiev to work together. Before they parted, Akama gave her an enchanted stone that could be used to communicate.

While Akama kept a close eye on Illidan's actions, Maiev sought new allies throughout Outland. Many young draenei and broken ones have joined her army. After listening to suggestions Arechrona, the guard arrived in Shattrath City and met with his cousin Alexius... From him, Maiev learned about the various factions within Shattrath and decided to chat with Aldorand Sha "tar... Both refused to join her army and fight against Illidan, because they directed all their forces against the Burning Legion. Maiev knew that the Scryers wanted to talk to her and aid in the battle against Illidan, but she could no longer trust the blood elves. She refused to meet with Voren "Tal the Seerwho led this faction.

After leaving Shattrath, the guard began training new recruits and spent several years on pinpoint strikes against the numerous troops of the escaped prisoner. Akama regularly initiated her into what Illidan was doing, but was eventually revealed. Illidan cast a spell that subjugated part of Akama's soul and forced him to lead Maiev into a trap along with the entire army. She was the only survivor of the battle that followed. Maiev was captured and imprisoned in the dungeons of Shadowmoon Valley.

She spent many days trying to cope with the guilt over the death of all her companions. Maiev did not understand why Akama betrayed her until one day he personally appeared in the dungeon. She lashed out at another traitor, but Akama forced her to listen to himself and revealed that both Illidan and himself had big plans for the guard. After Akama left, Maiev was not sure if she could trust him again. She decided to take the time to contemplate a spell that would help her capture Illidan, who had become incredibly powerful.

Release from the cage

One day, a shocked Akama came to the cage and told Maiev what Illidan planned to do - open a portal to Argususing souls from Auchindoun, and deal with Keel by the Jaeden... Maiev tried to convince both Akama and herself that Illidan was completely insane. She suggested that he wanted to gain the support of the demons from Argus, or simply flee Outland. The warden also tempted Akama that she could return him Black Templeif the Alliance captures the Illidari Hold. After a short conversation, Akama announced that he was ready to free Maiev from the cage and allow her to take the path of revenge.

She was ready for battle and spent months conserving her strength. Akama asked if she had forgotten how to use the weapon, and Maiev replied that she could never forget that. Akama spoke about the reason for the liberation: the Alliance, Horde and Shattrath's troops were standing right in front of the Black Temple. The Broken One believed that a small and powerful group could use him to infiltrate in order to defeat Illidan. Though Maiev did not believe him, Akama summoned a powerful stream of magic and removed the spells that had captured her. Maiev contemplated breaking Akama's neck immediately, but held back due to the lack of weapons, his strength, and the guards he could call.

Returning the armor to her, Akama hesitated a bit in handing over the sickle blade, which was the guardian's usual weapon. He explained that he understood her desire to attack him and avenge her capture, but only he could now lead her to Illidan and risk everything. In the end, Akama managed to convince Maiev, and he returned the weapon to her. The guardian stated that she would force Illidan to face justice.

Siege of the Black Temple

Maiev stood beside Akama and the heroes of Azeroth, waiting for the battle to begin, which would serve as a cover for infiltration into the Black Temple. She could see the combined forces of the Seers and the Aldor, and felt the naaru shoulder defensive spells. This made her angry: the factions of Shattrath had refused to fight Illidan earlier. If they had sided with her, Maiev's army might not have been destroyed.

Finally, the battle began, and the guard, who had been held captive for months, began to fight against demons and illidari. She was practically invulnerable due to her armor and the protective magic of the naaru. Destroying the enemy, she thanked Elune for her help and instantly transferred to the next one. But the defenders of the Black Temple managed to open a portal through which they received reinforcements. Maiev was surrounded by demons and heard Akama order the heroes to enter the Black Temple. She had to deal with the enemies and the portal on her own.

Standing on the pile of corpses, she felt the familiar energy emanating from the temple, and she knew that Illidan was opening a new portal. Maiev again suggested that he was summoning demons and trying to escape. She could not allow this to happen and hurried after Akama and the heroes who entered the temple through the sewers. Maiev reached the training ground where she encountered Wandel- a demon hunter who hurried to the call of Illidan. She declared that she would kill the demonic spawn, and prepared to deliver her signature blow, but Wandel was able to dodge. He didn't want to fight.

Wandel tried to explain to her that they were fighting against a common enemy, the Burning Legion. He didn't want to fight another night elf. Maiev refused to believe him and wanted to destroy yet another servant of Illidan. Before Wandel was forced to join the fray so as not to waste time, she almost believed that the demon hunter was not lying. He sounded convincing and didn't try to hurt her until he finally showed his true colors. After a hard battle, Maiev was victorious and continued to search for Illidan. While running through the Black Temple, she saw the Ashtongues, who did not try to harm her and knew perfectly well what she was. One of them said that Akama had penetrated even further into the temple and was trying to stop the Traitor. Maiev replied that she was going to find him and help.

Battle with Illidan

She followed the trail of destruction that Akama and his allies left behind. Somewhere above her, Maiev felt the currents of energy that belonged to Illidan release, and realized that the battle had begun without her. She hurried, praying to Elune that she would be there before the Traitor died. Finally, the guard reached the top of the temple and saw the battle. Illidan was still alive, though weak. The heroes of Azeroth did not escape losses, but they continued to fight him.

Maiev stepped forward with a cruel smile and announced that there was unfinished business between her and Illidan. She was glad that the long hunt was finally over and that justice would be done today. Illidan was startled to see the guard and quickly realized that Akama was to blame for her release. Maiev and Illidan's weapons flashed through the air so quickly that they could not be followed. The Guardian neutralized all the magic the Traitor tried to use against her. She wanted Akama's allies to stop and allow her to defeat their longtime enemy alone.

Finally, her sickle blade reached its target and cut through Illidan's ribs. She met his eyes and said it was over. He is defeated. Before dying, Illidan replied that the huntress was nothing without the hunt and that Maiev was nothing without him. When the Traitor died, Maiev carefully examined his remains to make sure he was indeed dead. She expected a moment of triumph or some pleasure, but she felt nothing. Looking at Illidan's corpse, she thought that she had spent millennia of her life doing this, and even doubted it was worth it.

Maiev pondered Illidan's last words, suspecting that they contained some kind of curse, and even checked the protective spell network. Then she realized that there was no magic in his words, but only truth. She had dedicated her life to hunting the Traitor and now felt like an empty place. Maiev said quietly that she felt nothing, and glanced at the allies who had helped her destroy Illidan. In a moment close to insanity, she even considered destroying them for the fact that they could influence her triumph with their presence. The guard said goodbye to the heroes and left the platform at the top of the temple. Akama watched her with relief.

She returned with her companions to chain Illidan's remains in a special crystal that would not allow his soul to be freed. She wished that his dark, tortured soul would suffer forever in the Vault of the Guardians on Azeroth. When the demon hunters suddenly emerged from a portal opened from Mardum, they tried to avenge the Guardians 'death for their master, but were also captured and placed in the Guardians' Vault. Maiev vowed that she would never allow Fel-touched Demon Hunters to roam free.

Return to Darnassus

Maiev tried to find a new meaning in life and returned from Outland to Darnassus to reunite with her people after many years of absence. Although she left Tyrande in mortal danger during her march through Lordaeron, Maeve was allowed to enter the night elf capital to begin training a new generation of Guardians. Some of them treated her with unprecedented fanaticism, supporting the actions that Maiev had to do in the past. When Malfurion and Tyrande allowed the worgen of Gilneas and the Highborne to settle in Darnassus, Maiev was outraged but did not show it. She has despised the Highborne since the War of the Ancients and believed that the other peoples of the Alliance were only interfering with the night elves in their troubles.

Her brother, Jarod Shadowsong, who had spent ten thousand years in self-imposed exile, soon returned to the night elf society. Maiev was ashamed of her brother for choosing the life of a commoner, although he could have become the greatest ruler of the night elves. She believed that he refused to fulfill his duty to his people when he chose solitude. The reunion of the siblings went cool, but Maiev eventually relented towards Jarod when he revealed that he respected her for the difficult choices she had to make to fulfill her Guardian duties. Maiev felt proud of her brother and decided that she could manipulate him to achieve her own goals.

Tera drin, one of the Highborne mages, was killed and his body was found at the Guardian training grounds. Maiev made an offer to Malfurion and Tyrande that she would personally investigate this case and find the killer in the name of justice. The night elf rulers agreed to entrust her with the investigation. However, Maiev herself was responsible for the murders of the Highborne, who decided to first destroy all the mages and their leaders, and then Malfurion Stormrage. Maiev believed that Malfurion's fault lay in the same arrogance that his twin Illidan displayed. Malfurion decided to choose the fate of his people on his own and did not allow their immortality to return due to incomplete blessings. Teldrassil... She also despised the Arch Druid for forgiving the Highborne and bringing them back to night elf society.

It is believed that Maiev fell into madness due to the years of total dedication to her duty and the torture that fell upon her after being captured by Illidan. She was seized by a megalomania, because of which the jailer decided that only she could achieve justice and punish everyone she considered guilty. The fact that she was able to hide such insanity proves her incredible ability to disguise and survive.

Jarod later freed Malfurion from captivity, in which the druid fell because of his sister, and joined him in battles against Maiev and the Guardians, who remained loyal to her. Jarod managed to distract his sister while Malfurion rescued the Highborne who were trapped in death. The night elf was unable to kill his own sister and only knocked her unconscious. The Highborne were safe, and most of the new Guardians were killed. Maiev managed to escape, and she vowed that she would be the one to restore the night elves to their former glory.

Tomb of Sargeras

Despite everything that happened in Darnassus, Maiev retained her status as the commander of the Guardian unit located in the Broken Isles. She was interested in protecting Azeroth and, upon learning of the new threat from the alternate Draenor, sent Cordan Felsong to the aid of the archmage Khadgar... Cordana regularly sent reports to Maiev describing what was happening and complaining about Khadgar's reckless, arrogant, careless, and headstrong. A few months later, she switched to the side of the Burning Legion and became a companion of Gul "dan from the alternative Draenor. Once, in a conversation with Cordana's new ally, she mentioned that if Maiev finds out about her betrayal, then she will only have to pray for the same easy death, like Illidan.

When this Ghul "dan" came to Azeroth and was heading through the Broken Isles to the Tomb of Sargeras, he spotted Maiev with the other Guardians. The Warlock was about to attack and destroy them, but Keel "Jaeden's voice in his head ordered him to hide." There was a croaking over the plateau, and the raven descended to transform into Khadgar, striding towards the Guardians with a confident step. Maiev treated him coldly, although Khadgar, sensing the presence of corruption, sent magical elementals to comb the shores in search of Gul "dan. But the warlock managed to escape, obeying Keel" Jaeden's orders.

Khadgar told Maiev that Ghul "dan had arrived on Azeroth, but the Guardian first wanted to discuss the mage's failure on Draenor. Kordana was a loyal and courageous sister of the Guardians who had proven herself many times in the past. But in just a few months, she moved to The Commander of the Wardens spoke of what Cordana had written about the archmage in her letters, although Maiev was willing to assume that Khadgar had changed over the years, she was familiar with the person the letters described.

The Archmage had no intention of talking about past mistakes, including those of Maiev. He revealed that Ghul Dan stole the ship and burned everyone on board. The Warlock did not know how to get to the Broken Isles, and someone was leading him. Maiev shrugged: the Tomb of Sargeras remained on the Broken Isles, but it was empty after Ner "zul and Illidan. Khadgar, disagreeing, explained that the masters of Ghul "dan wanted to open the way to Azeroth. It was probably time for another attempt.

Khadgar asked Maiev and her associates to help him stop the warlock. Shadowsong stared unblinkingly at Khadgar for a few moments, then made her decision. She sent all the Guardians to defend the Betrayer Casemate, where the remains of Illidan Stormrage were held. When she and Khadgar were alone, Maiev mercilessly described how pathetic she considered the archmage, unable to find a warlock. She announced that any help she could provide was a waste of energy. Especially since the Tomb of Sargeras was empty, for all the power that once was in it was now in the remains of Illidan. Khadgar once again asked Maeve for help, but she went to the Casemates of the Guardians, before leaving, informing the mage to come there when she realized her mistake.

Khadgar went to the Tomb of Sargeras, where he encountered Gul "dan. But thanks to the new powers received from the Legion, the warlock was able to destroy the seals that protected the tomb and throw Khadgar out. Now there was a blockage between him and Gul" dan, which would take many days. Maiev suddenly appeared next to Khadgar and said that he was doing as well as she expected. The mage said gloomily that Gul “Dan was too strong and that he could no longer be stopped, but Maiev only indifferently noticed that Khadgar was not running anywhere. The two entered through the eastern tunnel of the tomb, from where the guard led her partner to the central hall.

Maiev and Khadgar once again reached Gul Dan and engaged in an unequal battle, constantly protecting each other. Several times Maiev's sickle blade nearly grazed the warlock's throat. Like Khadgar, she was ready to die to save Azeroth. It was their stubborn resistance that made Gul Dan devote all your strength to creating a portal for the Burning Legion. Seeing an army of enormous size, the two warriors ran through the tunnels of the tomb. The walls around them were crumbling and falling. When they got out, Maiev announced that she was returning to the Casemates of the Guardians.


With the help of the traitor Cordana, the Legion's forces, led by Gul "dan, infiltrated the Guardians' Vault. Maiev quickly realized that she had a choice and decided to free the demon hunters from captivity. In the end, they did an excellent job of destroying the demons and could help with the protection of the Casemates and Azeroth. She freed one of the commanders, who in turn opened the chambers Altruis the Sufferer, Kayna Sunfury and the rest of the Illidari. When the demon hunters have regained their strength, they and Maiev head to the Traitor's Vault, where Illidan's remains were held. Here Maiev saw the rumble "dana and Cordanwho captured the body and escaped through the portal, summoning the demons for protection. Maiev didn't want to let them go and jumped into the portal they had created. She was immediately taken prisoner by the Legion.

The demons took Maiev to Black Rook Hold, which became one of the Legion's strongholds, and tortured her for several weeks. But the guard refused to give any information and was tortured. The other Guardians searched for their leader throughout the Broken Isles, and Jarod Shadowsong joined the search. To the hero who helped him, Jarod told how, at the beginning of the Cataclysm, Maiev killed innocents, hoping to sever the night elves' ties with the Alliance. Jarod then could not kill his sister and for a long time believed that love for her was a weakness that did not allow him to fulfill his duty. By now, he had pondered everything that had happened and decided that Maiev would never have committed such crimes without falling under the influence of some evil force. Jarod should have figured it out, but assumed the worst. Now he got a chance to save his sister and make things right.

Black Rook Hold

At the village of Bradensbrook, located in the west of Val 'Balls near Black Rook Hold, Jarod received a seal that was removed from the body of one of the resurrected elves. The ring was engraved with the coat of arms of the Guardians, and Jarod knew that it belonged to his sister. would not have given it up willingly. Now Jarod and the hero knew that she was being held in the Black Rook Hold. Having penetrated there, they found that the remains of Lord Chur "Talos Ravencrest were gone. Like the rest of the inhabitants of the fortress, he was resurrected by the Legion and immersed in an eternal nightmare, in which he relived the War of the Ancients and considered those around him to be demons.

Several traces of Maiev's presence have been found in Black Rook Hold: a note from the demons about her fortitude and a glaive that belonged to the Guardian. Jarod found out that his sister was being held in a dungeon and, together with the hero, took possession of the key. Maiev was in the back cell. Her body was covered with scars. She looked haggard, but she was determined and promised that her release would be followed by a bloody massacre in which the demons would be destroyed. The hero returned Maiev her weapons and armor. She did not even hope that someone from the Alliance or the Horde would save her. She was surprised that Jarod was willing to help her after everything that happened in Darnassus. But her brother asked her not to remember the past. Together, they made their way through the prisons and destroyed the resurrected Desdel Starseye, who commanded the jailers. Maiev explained that Desdel does not see who he is actually fighting with. Through the drains, they, along with Jarod and the hero, got out. Maiev thanked her new ally for their help and said she would be planning an invasion of Black Rook Hold to deal with Kur "Talos.

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