Sham cultivation. Enkh shaman guide from flamenco. Macro for removing poisons and diseases

DIY decor 28.10.2020
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Good day! I present to you my first guide on playing for an enkh shaman in PvP aspect for patch 4.3.4.


Everything that is written in this guide is taken from personal experience (trial and error, a thorough study of the class) and in no way should make you literally "write off" information. I always say to beginners: "Learn to play on your own", "Study the class gradually", to which they answer me with pitiful "well pliiiiiz, teach". Well, I am doing this guide to save my and your time: I will help beginners here to understand the basics of the game, and more experienced players, I hope, will discover something new and interesting)

So, let's begin.

Who is the enkh shaman, and with what is it eaten?

Enkh Shaman, in my opinion, is not the easiest class in the game, as many might mistakenly think. You can just look at the damage numbers popping up on your screen, assuming that "here enkh drags purely with damage and nothing else, it's not interesting to play" (see Rogues, Elems, Fmagi, etc.) The devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Let's see what our potential components of a competent burst are:

1. Waiting for the procs of all our abuse, talents and other things;

2. Waiting for all save abilities from the opponent's side (you can force the burst to give up all saves, which most often happens \u003d);

3. Differentiation of time, when it will be more necessary to infuse damage, and when it will be more important to unload / otloss / prodopatsya.

Unfortunately, not many people realize that this is not as easy as it seems.

Now I would like to tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of the enkh shaman: why opponents do not like them so much in the arena and why your potential partners may be afraid to take you into their team.


1. Unpredictability. A sharp enha switch in the arena leads to the explosion of the keyboard (or fifth point) of the enemy's healer, and your observation, quick reaction and knowledge of human psychology at the initial stage will not allow such spells as Piercing Wind or Evil Eye to go nowhere. It all depends on you.

2. Excellent dps. Well, here the name of the item speaks for itself, but remember: no one will allow you to use the entire rotation for the entire burst.

3. Mobility. What's the point? It's simple: abilities such as Spirit Walk (from our wolf cubs), Earth Shackle Totem (with the appropriate talent layout) and Ghost Wolf will give you an excellent opportunity to knock it off, kick off behind a post / box / tree (!) Or catch up with an enemy fleeing in fear ...

In general, not bad, but each class has its own disadvantages, and the enkh shaman is no exception.


1. Survival. Despite the mobility and the presence of a lot of save opportunities (Shaman's Rage, Alliance races' abilities, Stone Claw Totem (with a symbol), etc.), the Enkh Shaman does not tolerate much damage. Let me explain with an example: the RPal + SD setup enters the arena (you are also with RPal), they start to play you as a "doormat in the arena": a stand-lock, competent chain control, timely burst ... imagine that a paladin controlled for 10 seconds (he is either on CD or does not trinket glanders). What should you do? Observe the leaving health bar and check if bricks have appeared on the chair. It is, of course, necessary to try to remove it, but it is unlikely to succeed. Only by MIRACLE (or competent kiting) can you stay alive.

2. Strong addiction to luck... Yes, just luck. Why? Everything is extremely simple: 40% of the shaman's play is made by the Maelstrom Weapon talent (infection, it sometimes procs too rarely ^ _ ^), which gives us the opportunity not only to instantly heal ourselves or a partner, but also to give the Evil Eye in focus without risking catching fat for a few seconds ...

3. There is no room for error. It may seem quite obvious, because other classes can never make mistakes either, but if the consequences of an error in other classes are eliminated by alternative options, then for us any oversight can turn into a disastrous outcome (hex to grounding, kick to fake caste, grounding to the husk, untimely save and so on). CHECKED IN OWN SKIN!

Described the most significant pros and cons of this spec when choosing a character.

Now let's move on, in fact, to what an enkh shaman should physically be.


This is the layout I play in. Plus - in universality (used mainly against caster classes, but can prove itself against other forms of life). Why didn't I pump the Fortress talent? The strength of the earth, in my opinion, will be much more important if you do not give a damn about removing slow effects from your partners, and an extra percentage of stamina will not give much benefit to either you or the team. 1 point out of 3 in the Static Shock talent will give you a clear advantage at the moment of burst, and there is practically no difference between 15% and 45% (full grade): the chance of proc is great enough without it.

Second Talent Option:

Note that this build is ideally suited ONLY for duels against a melee of classes (for casters without the Resonance talent, you are vata, which is enough to fake once per battle). Again, you yourself choose how you play and what to adjust your talents to.

Let's move on to symbols. Basic:

Here the glyphs, in my opinion, are best left unchanged.

Large characters:

Small characters do not affect our PvP process in any way, so put whatever your heart desires here.

It will be easier for the Enkh shaman to strive for the versatility of the layout of both talents and symbols. Absorb, dispelling everything you can, and the impossibility of removing stacks of your Lightning Shield are adjusted for any situation. Glyph of the Evil Eye or Glyph of Grounding Totem can be used, but you are sacrificing something more important anyway.

Now about the races.


Draenei - an excellent healing assist in the arena, a good save by Daru Naaru in duels; + 1% accuracy will allow you to bother less with this cap. I finally settled on this race.

Dwarf - a good race, more designed for a single game: the racial ability removes the effects of poison from us and reduces the damage received by 10%; +3 mastery is also a profit, but reforging one piece of clothing will not make the difference.


Orc - the best choice for the Horde: additional growth in burst moment due to the racial ability Blood Fury, -15% stun time, +3 expertise points for axes and fist. No explanation needed, I suppose.

Troll - moderately manifests itself in enkh spec: 20% haste - maximum for spam of a large heal or hex ... melee attacks at 30% + crit rate will give a good overclocking of auto attacks anyway; -15% slow effect time negates our talent tree rather than complements it.

Goblin and Tauren I do not consider in principle, since I do not observe much usefulness in their racial abilities.

How is the shaman fundamentally different from other classes? That's right, the presence of totems that need to be monitored and updated as they disappear / destroy / forget to put. Below is a basic layout of totems, each of which will update according to the situation during the battle:

I'll tell you more about the rest of the totems.

Earth Totems:

Totem of the stone claw is a totem that, if there is a corresponding symbol, gives us and other totems absorption of damage (us ~ 16k, totems ~ 4k). We put on CD.

The Earth Shackle Totem is the most useful totem of this category: with the Earth Force talent, it removes the slowing effects from us and our allies and slows the enemy down pretty well. I do not recommend always betting on CD, it is best to use it after the Stone Claw Totem.

Stoneskin Totem - can be useful in the game with dk / var, since the Earth Power Totem does not stack with the effects of the Winter Forge and Battle Shout. We use it as an option.

Totem of Awe - plays a very important role in fights or in the arena against vars, locks, priests due to the ability to remove the effects of fear or submission from oneself and allies.

Fire Totems:

Searing Totem is the basic totem that needs to be updated most frequently. Applies the effect of Burning Flame, which, coupled with the talent Boiling Lava, gives us the main increase in dps. Be sure to collect from 3 to 5 stacks.

Magma Totem is a useful totem for detecting invisible targets (in a game with horns or ferals, I prefer to immediately put a Searing Totem in order to get the first stacks of Burning Flame in the first seconds after the open).

Water Totems:

Healing Stream Totem is a basic totem and does not need updating. Gives a good boost to hp.

Mana Source Totem - used for protracted battles with heals.

Totem of the serene mind is also good for games with caster-dps classes or healers, as it reduces interrapt by 30% (used mainly against a 2-dd setup).

Totem of resistance to the forces of the elements - is of dubious usefulness against caster classes (magicians, elemental shamans), since it gives 195 resists against natures, fire and frost schools against 287 penetra, but you can use this totem to knock down the penetrating ability of spells to a hunter, enhu or feral.

Air Totems:

Windfury Totem is our basic totem, propelling melee attacks by 10%.

Grounding totem - using this totem can greatly affect the PvP process: only those spells that pose the greatest threat both to you in a duel and to your team in the arena need to be "caught" in this totem, and its untimely use will give you an extra CD in 25 seconds, which, of course, is undesirable.

Air Wrath Totem - Ideal for playing with a caster-dps class, if used as the main one.

So let's move on to the numbers.

First of all, we will analyze the characteristics we need: what should be taken first and how much.

Accuracy - in the realities of the WoWMagic server, the increase in spell accuracy from the corresponding rating is much lower than the accuracy for melee attacks (it should be the other way around), therefore, we collect 4% (minimum) hit for spells without fail, and the hit for melee attacks will be slightly in the overcap (about 10%, 7% cap), but that's okay.

Mastery - without fail strive to collect 20+ expertise points in order to bring down almost to zero the chance of parrying, blocking, dodging for all classes, except for horns, ferals, khants, enkhs (I do not recommend adjusting all your stats for a duel with each of these four classes; strive for universality).

Spell Penetration (Penetra) - not less than 200, in order to bring down the "built-in" resist to our magic schools (it's a shame to give a toad to a resist, isn't it?).

Agility - everything is clear here (gain: ~ 2.7 units of attack power from 1 unit of dexterity). The bigger, the better.

Mastery / Crete - here we choose according to our own preference (depending on your style of play: mastery can crush with pure "splashes" 40k + on the enemy, when, in turn, in Crete, you can more likely to strongly raise the instant large and successfully save your partner with less net damage). We collect as much as possible without losing primary caps.

Speed - unimportant stat for enkh shaman in patch 4.3.4; reforging into the required ratings.

Sustainability - as for the res, there is no definite cap. The main thing is to collect at least 4k, so as not to go down, at least to the level of cotton wool, but it makes no sense to collect more than 5k. I preferred to leave 4.2k (I'll say right away, I adjusted the whole gear, including the PvE abuse, for myself, but the fact that the necessary stats were available remains a fact; see the Preface).

Required Inchant:

Head - 60 Agility, 35 Resilience

Shoulders - 50 Agility, 25 Resilience

Cloak - 70 to the penetrating ability of spells or Embroidery in the form of a sword hilt (craft from a tailor, we finish off the penetration with sockets)

Chest - 20 to all stats

Gloves - 65 Mastery

Belt - Ebony steel belt buckle

Boots - 25 agility and a slight increase in speed

Rings - charim with advanced dexterity enchanting

Weapon # 1 - Landfall

Weapon # 2 - Pyrite Weapon Chain

From class Inchants - Windfury Weapon or Frostbrand Weapon in the right hand (as appropriate) and in the left hand Flametongue Weapon (here the Inchant is unchanged)


Red Socket - 50 Agility

Yellow Socket - 25 Agility, 25 Mastery (if necessary: \u200b\u200b32 Spell Penetration, 25 Mastery)

Blue socket - 63 to the penetration ability of spells (when going through the penetration: 32 to the penetration of spells, 25 to mastery)

Special Socket - 54 Agility, 3% Critical Effect


Blacksmithing - 2 additional sockets in gloves and bracers

Jewelcrafting - ability to craft 3 sockets 67 agility

Tailoring - crafting an inchant for a cloak for 1000 attack power

Enchanting - Ring Inchant of Agility

Inscription - shoulder inchant 130 Agility, 55 to Mastery

Engineering - little bonuses for enha

Alchemy - Arena Flask for 80 Agility

Herbalism - 450 haste and a small heal when using the Blood of the Earth ability. Not relevant

So, the character is almost ready for battle. But don't forget about arena macros:

Burst macro:

#showtooltip Wild Wolf Spirit

/ slay Spirit of the Wild Wolf

/ use Cataclysmic Gladiator's Badge of Conquest

/ slay Blood Fury (Racial)

P.S. I use wolves in conjunction with the burst, so as not to lose the significance of the Glyph of Wild Wolf Spirit + additional control in the form of a 2 second stun at the burst moment, which gives a good advantage. I do not specifically give a macro for a sprint from wolves, since it is best used at certain points (slow effects, nova, root, etc.).

We bring down the cast by focus:

#showtooltip Slicing Wind

/ cast Slicing Wind; Piercing wind

Purzhim by focus:

/ cast Dispel Magic

Dispellim partners (1 - top frame of the group, 2 - bottom frame):

/ cast Cleansing Spirit

Gift of the Naaru to Companions:

#showtooltip Gift of the Naaru

/ cast Gift of the Naaru (Racial)

Focus Hex:

#showtooltip Evil Eye

/ cast Evil Eye; Evil eye

Heelim partners:

/ cast Great Wave of Healing

Focus if there is no Gladius addon:

As for addons, choose them according to your own preferences, from UI (interface panels, player / party / raid frames, etc.) to displaying cd skills on the panel and cd opponents. As the main ones, I can advise:

Gladius (shows all information about rivals in the arena)

Lose Control (all control is displayed on you in the very center of the screen, the easiest way to track)

SnowfallKeyPress (reduces the delay in applying abilities when pressing a keyboard button)

OmniCC (tracking the CD of our abilities)

Icicle (track the CD of our opponents)

Now we are ready to go out! It's time to find yourself a partner (s). I'll tell you more about the most popular setups for an enkh shaman:


1.Rpal + Enkh - a long-established setup called "turbo" or simply "turbo". It is one of the best setups for enha: chain-control by focus, excellent team-dps, paladin saves with Triumph, Hand of Protection, Hand of Sacrifice and others, shaman's purge, great ability to play with split and many other advantages make this setup stand out from the rest. However, there is also a drawback: it is very easy to dilute this setup into important cd, giving only 1 burst, and it is not so difficult to uncontroll. But don't forget to use your kiting skills. In battle, all means are good) Trying to outweigh our advantages.

2.Dts + Enkh is my favorite setup. True, the whole game depends on your priest. All you have to do is save him, prevent him from turning and create an opportunity for an assist on his part. The downside is that it is not difficult to tunnel dc with almost any class, so the enhu will have to sweat if the priest plays at an intermediate level and if they play it (if they play for you, then you are in luck). But against the background of these difficulties, a lot of pluses can be distinguished: dispell, burn heal, good assist, and chain control is simply at the highest level and, most importantly, without diminishing. The entire fight against any setup should be 2-3 bursts maximum.

3. Enh + Arms is a difficult setup. The whole game should be in one well thought out burst. It's very easy to kill such a team with a setup that nullifies all your kiting (for example, RM, Hunt + Horns). We try to loss everything new, ladders and try not to let yourself get screwed (if this is not critical for the var, then it will be very undesirable for you to get into unnecessary control). We give bursts, preferably at the first burst; the second half of the battle should take place in kiting and saves. We monitor the enemy's cd without fail, we are not fake in any case.

4.Enh + SD - also a difficult setup. Its essence is practically the same as in the case of the arm var. It is not difficult to play a split (example: against a team with 1 heal, the horns can quietly burst on it while you are kiting dd and squeezing save abilities along the way), and after a certain period of time you can very epically switch to heal.

5.Enh + BM - good old beast cleave. Drawing a parallel with 3.3.5, in the realities of the cataclysm, this setup will be a little harder due to the lack of the possibility of using Heroism, but do not forget that most 2 DD setups play 1 burst. It won't be so easy to play BM Hunt, so get ready for the whole battle to be spent in kiting.

These are, in principle, the most playable setups for an enkh shaman. You will ask why there is no Tima Khpal + Enkh. To tell you the truth, the setup is rather dull in the absence of an assist from the paladin and a standing dispel. They will not squeeze you under a competent holik, however, if you are going to play a magician or a retrick, which at your burst moment will surely clamp your invulnerability abilities, your abilities will disappear and you will catch another unwanted CD. And yes, the game looks much more dynamic with priest)

Let's consider in detail all the possible setups for the game 3x3:

1.Enh + Dts + Arms is a well-known creative. The game is designed for pure split-gaming with a decent 1-dd switch. Weak point - 3 dd (magadan cleave, baboons). Priest is very difficult to deal with damage, especially rogues and dk. The setup is not very difficult, but we take into account that enkh and arm should monitor every action of the opposing team and not be faked (principle, as in 2x2). The setup can be varied with both the horn and the feral. From heals, you can take Rdra, but Dts will always remain in priority.

2.Enh + BM + Hpal - again beast cleave) Tim has a good potential in terms of control, the damage is stable (pet, as always, on top). Not one-shot cleave, but very hardy. We play only 1 target and try to change focus during the battle. Instead of BM hunter, you can try with MM, but the stable damage of the team turns into a game for 1 burst, which is very risky.

3.Enh + Fmag + Dts - an interesting setup: a sea of \u200b\u200bcontrol, excellent dps, high survivability, dispell is present, it's very easy to kite ... everything is fine, but there is one BUT: the mage can very easily get divorced during the enemy's burst for save abilities a- for Ice Block, which may end the battle in your favor. The enkh requires constant mobility and, if possible, a save mage.

4.Shp + Enkh + Rsham - on the one hand, it's delusional to play 2 shamans, but let's figure it out: 2 tremors for 1 tim, 2 hex for 1 tim, Rshaman's excellent HP in reality 4.3.4 ... it remains only to judge where whose hex will go , who is the next to bring down the caste, who when puts tremors and the like. At first, you will get confused in totems) Shp can be easily replaced with Afli lock: both classes can outweigh the battle in your favor thanks to the excellent AoE. This game can be reduced to one-shot. Particular attention should be paid to Shp, since our priest is the only "rag" in the team with huge damage, but with very low potential for save.

This is, perhaps, all that I wanted to tell you about.

I hope you liked the guide) If you want to see any additions here (videos, additional tactics for duels) write in the comments, I will definitely draw attention to your posts.

This article is for those who decided to play as a shaman, and chose improvement as their specialization. First of all, it is designed for people who either launched the game for the first time, or those who created a shaman for the first time. Now I will just cover some basic things, later I will write specifically about PvP and PvE. Yes, one more thing, I have been playing as shamans since the time of WoW Classic (and I think that in five years I learned something and learned something), of course, there will be people who will disagree with my ideas, but everything that I will tell you next , works, and I hope everyone who reads will discover something new for themselves. Let's go!

Character Creation

We are given four races to choose from: Draenei, Tauren, Orcs, Trolls.
1. Draenei... They have the following racial abilities:
[Fighting Spirit] | [Gift of the Naaru] | [Gem Carving] | [Shadow Resistance]

To be honest, abilities are about nothing. The shaman has his own heal and [Dar Naaru] flies into the trash heap. [Fighting Spirit] - a weak buff, does not play a special role. Conclusion: the worst race for a shaman, put up with the Horde or expect a Cataclysm.

2. Tauren... These guys have:
[Thunderous Footsteps] | [Tempering] | [Germination] | [Resistance to the forces of nature]

Tauren and draenei I placed next to it is not simple: if the draenei are the worst race for a shaman, then bulls are the best. First, [Thunderstorm] for a class that has very little to control and even less to get rid of control costs a lot. (this is a PvP aspect where it is important to be able to deprive the enemy of control (i.e. all kinds of stuns, slowdowns, fires) and not let them do it to you)... Secondly, 5% of health will never be superfluous. And finally, the tauren shaman is just cool (although here the orcs are not inferior to them)

In general, an orc is a good choice for a shaman: [Blood Fury] is a good buff, sometimes it helps, [Ax Specialization] - gives an emphasis on axes, but an orc shaman with two one-handed axes gives good damage (damage from English - damage)... And [Hardness] is again about control.

For us, as shamans, the trolls only need [Berserk] and [Regeneration]. The first ability is really awesome! So the orc and troll are on an equal footing in this case, and only slightly inferior to the tauren (and even then in PvP)

Summing up the conclusion: choose any Horde race.

About talents

I will not name builds (from English build - assembly, in this case, a certain variant of the distribution of talent points), but I will only indicate the significant points in the improvement branch, in which you need to invest points in any scenario. Let's start: the first significant talent is [Rumbling Strikes] - put in 5 points and get a 5% increase in critical strike chance. Next comes [Concentration of the Shaman] - without it, shocks very quickly consume manna ... Next - [Flurry] - there is simply nothing to do without it! It works very often - we invest five points. Next is [Spirit Weapon], since without it we will not get access to [Combat with two weapons], and along the way we invest three points in [Unleashed Rage] - a wonderful buff. Having studied combat with two weapons, we begin to study all the accompanying talents: [Lava Boil], [Specialization in combat with two weapons], [Stormstrike] (this is almost the main spell enkh of the shaman), [Storm Smash]. We invest the maximum amount of points everywhere! Further we study a good buff [Shaman's Rage], but in battle we do not make a magic wand out of it, otherwise we will contemplate the inscription with the Leave body and Rebirth buttons. And finally, [Weapon of the Maelstrom] and [Spirit of the Wild Wolf] - in fact, for which all the fuss was. The first talent is triggered when you deal melee damage (and if you put maximum points into it, then you can easily collect ten stacks in a minute) and reduces the casting time of the next spell (when five stacks are collected, the next spell becomes instant). The second talent summons two wolves for 45 seconds: speaking of them, you can't even remember a joke - my shaman is so wretched that all the honor is given to the wolves, not to him. After obtaining wolves, you can continue to invest points in the improvement tree, or you can pick up a couple of good talents in the elements. Now I will not focus on this, in more detail in the following articles.

The fight

The main enkh shaman cycle in solo kache is [Earth Shock] - [Stormstrike] - [Lava Boil]. When five stacks of [Maelstrom Weapon] are recruited, then we use either [Lightning], or if health has decreased, then [Healing Wave] or [Lesser Healing Wave]. If things get tough, summon the wolves and use [Shaman's Rage]. Also, you need to remember to update shields all the time (I suggest using [Water Shield] and there will never be problems with manna)

Now let's move on to important questions: two one-handed weapons or one two-handed? what buffs to hang on weapons? and how to maximize dps? So I answer in order.

1. Two one-handed or two-handed? The answer is unequivocal - two one-handed! Why? Because both two-handed and one-handed have the same [Stormstrike] stats, but one-handed weapons are much more likely to trigger [Unleashed Rage], [Maelstrom Weapon], and [Windfury Weapon] and the resulting damage is significantly higher. And we quietly approached the next question ...

2. What is the buff to hang on the weapon? Of all the shaman's, we are only interested in two - [Windfury Weapon] (Further Wf from English Windfury titles) and [Flametongue Weapon] (Further FT from English Flametongue Weapon names)... Usually they use option two - the first is WF / WF and WF / WT(where mainhand / offhand, mainhand is main hand, offhand is left hand). The first option implies that a lot of WF - a lot of damage (I personally adhere to this idea), and the second implies that WT on offhand is not worse than WF and sometimes even better (mainly due to [Lava boil])

3. How to maximize DPS? The idea that I will tell you came to me a long time ago: when picking up a weapon, you need to search with the lowest speed, optimally 2.7-2.8 seconds. HOW SO ??? - you tell. It's very simple - the idea is to keep WF working all the time, which has a cd of three seconds (cd is short for cool down). That is, what I want to say - you attack - WF is triggered, then three seconds pass - you deliver the next hit and WF is triggered again, and there is no hit during the "window" and the time on the swing after the WF cools down. It is especially bad when you have a slow main hand and a fast offhand, since your OH most likely will hit the first when exiting the cooldown, preventing the "big" windfury with MX from procs. Mathematically, it looks like this:

And about the chance of WF triggering: a two-handed weapon has 20%, two one-handed weapons about 36% (another stone in the swamp of two-handed weapons), and with [Glyph of Windfury Weapon] you can increase it by another 2%)

4. What to look for when choosing clothes? The main parameters for a shaman are Agility, Critical Strike Rating, Endurance, Attack Power, Mastery Rating, Accuracy Rating, Intelligence. Although here of course everything is more complicated, but I will turn to this later.

Instead of a conclusion

Of the addons, I recommend using Shock And Awe (it is worthy of a separate article to tell the truth). I hope that you will get a lot of pleasure from playing as a shaman enkh, like me, and do not leave him along the way and become "folders" with an arena-rating of 500, saying that enkh is rubbish, although this is not the class. Yes, it's a hard way, but it's worth it! Once again, good luck, and if you have any questions about the shaman, please come to me in PM!

Why do many people choose Shaman Enkh? Yes, because the choice is obvious - you slash all enemies up close, you have instant casts for spells, excellent DPS. Yes, it was Enhans Shaman PvE that became the favorite of many players. Playing with this class is quite difficult, since the damage, namely its level, depends on many variables. However, if you understand everything, then everything is not so scary.

PvE addons for Enhance Shaman

Deadly Boss Mods
Power auras classic
Omen Threat Meter

Main characteristics of Enhance Shaman 3.3.5 PvE

Accuracy is the most important characteristic. Has two caps for physical attacks - 8 percent and for magic attacks - 17 percent.

Mastery - Cap is 26 percent. It is easy to collect a cap. If you pump in a tal for mastery, that's already 9 percent, and if you're an Orc, then that's another 4 percent. in total, you already have 14 percent. The leftovers can be easily found along with the gear.

Speed \u200b\u200bis also important for the Enkh Shaman. One of the totems gives 220 to speed, as a result, for the cap, you need to collect another 880. In total, 1100 to speed should come out.

Since the Enhancement Shaman is miles DD, therefore crit, attack power, attack speed, ARP, agility - we gain as much as possible. These ratings will also affect the DPS of Shaman Enkh.

Build for Shaman Enkh 3.3.5 PvE

The variability of the game with this build has been appreciated by many players. It is this build that Bliz themselves recommend for use. This alignment shows good results not only on dummies, but also in real battles.

When leveling the Build, the Enkh Shaman also receives a percentage of his ratings. They must be taken into account when recruiting mouthguards.

Dual Weapon Specialization - gives 6 percent to accuracy.

I did not pump shock, because Improved ring of fire and Call of Flame - usually these abilities have a higher level in recount.

Improved ring of fire- we throw in only two skills, so that the damage from the new one is more acceptable. in addition, we will reduce the CD which will give significant damage on the packs.

The focus of the elements - the ability to restore mana, however, the crit rate must be at least 25 percent for this talent to be relevant.

Shaman Enhancement Rotation 3.3.5 PvE

The Enhancement Shaman does not actually have a specific rotation cycle. It all depends on many different variables. Therefore, so that the DPS does not break down and is constantly high, it is necessary to monitor many things. Based on this, in general, the battle in the raid will proceed approximately as follows:

First of all, you need to set up a magma totem, and we will use three abilities in a row: Stormstrike, then Earth shock, and after Lava boil. Over this time Maelstrom Weaponall 5 charges should stack, which we should discharge with Lightning and end the cycle with the Ring of Fire. In the second cycle, the totem can be replaced, as well as the Shield.

Remember that the charges from the weapon can accumulate at any time and the discharge must occur instantly. To do this, sometimes call Wild Wolf Spirit, or just use Shaman's Rage.

Improving the DPS of Shaman Enkh 3.3.5 PvE

1. Work out the cycle on the dummy so as not to get confused in your own abilities.
2. keep track of your stacks Maelstrom Weapons... when they accumulate, you can urgently use Lightning.
3. Make sure that many of your abilities are not on CD before the pool.

4. There are stages that you are unable to approach the goal. you can pour lightning into the target. Virtually any damage is important to you.
5. Do not get into the entrance zone, try to survive longer. Use the Shaman's Fury at difficult moments, because healers may simply not have time to heal you.
6. Use an instant cast to self-heal from the Maelstrom Weapon.

Learn to use Shaman Enhancement totems 3.3.5 PvE

Windfury Totem - used quite rarely. Few people use it in rotation. It is not particularly relevant.

Earth Force Totem - also in PvE is not relevant for Shaman Enkh.

Healing Stream Totem - able to heal the raid a little, but this is minuscule and should not be set for such purposes.

Magma Totem - is used at the beginning of the rotation cycle. is set exclusively under the target and updated in advance, or even more often. This will allow us to more accurately enter the spells on the totem into the general cycle. "Call of Flame" - improves this totem.

Elemental Totem - in terms of DPS it looks better than the magma totem, but it has its own CD for 10 minutes. It must be displayed extremely deliberately and only at important moments.

How to properly enchant weapons for Enhance Shaman 3.3.5 PvE

When enchanting the weapon of Shaman Enkh, there are many controversies, on the question: Where, what kind of glass is better to hang?- which I will try to dispel.

Windfury weapons - be sure to hang only on the right hand, because the fluff in the left hand cuts only in half, so the force of the wind will work harder in the right hand.

Flametongue weapon - we hang only on the down in the left hand. some people reuse the first cup, but this is not correct. The force of the wind is triggered only once every three seconds, so you will already be losing a fraction of the DPS. Flametongue weapon - namely, this cup is able to increase not only SPD, but also the damage from lava boiling - by 20 percent. Therefore, everything here is extremely clear to you.

Sockets for Shaman Enkh 3.3.5 PvE

Brutal Earthsiege Diamond - Meto

Congealed ametrine - For red or yellow socket

Bright Crimson Ruby - For the red socket

Resilient Storm Jewel - For the yellow socket

Glyphs for Enhance Shaman 3.3.5 PvE

There are only 4 great symbols in patch 3.3.5 for Shaman Enkh that can be used well. each has its own properties and its own purposes. Small symbols do not affect the damage of enkh shams, so I will not consider them. Throw in what you want.

Glyph of the spirit of the wild wolf - your wolves will damage more by 30 percent. The DPS indicator will depend on your attack power indicator.

Glyph of Storm Strike - Storm Strike will crit 10 percent more often.

Lightning Shield Glyph - Lightning shield will hit 20 percent harder.

Flame tongue symbol - Increases overall crit by 2 percent.

In general, the first three are the main symbols for Shama Enkh, the crit is not particularly needed, so do not pay your attention to it.

Inchat for Enhancement Shaman 3.3.5 PvE

Weapon - Berserker / Mongoose

Head - enchant for reputation with the knights of the black blade, +50 AP and +20 crit

Shoulders - enchant for reputation with the sons of Hodir on AP and crit

Chest - +10 to all characteristics

Cloak - +22 agility

Bracers - +50 AP

Gloves - +44 AP

Pants - patch for +75 AP and 22 crit

Boots - ice walker +12 crit and +12 hit

Belt - buckle with an additional hole for a stone

How to choose a profession for Enhancing Shaman 3.3.5 PvE

For Shama Enha, the most important of the entire list are only two professions - Engineering and Herbalism. They initially have bonuses when pumping, which will increase Enhu DPS, ho insignificantly, but still. And also from the engineer Sham will receive two cool pads for fluff. How to use them correctly is described above.

In conclusion, we can say that Enhanse Shaman has always attracted the attention of gamers. This is a pretty interesting Persian with good lightning damage. Providing your Shamu with everything you need - you give this class an ever larger ticket to the development of not only a personal Persian, but the whole class.

Shaman Macros

Your Shaman is not a simple class in and of itself, and rather multi-button. Many with the help of macros try to make the game easier for themselves and this is quite good at it. After all, with the help of them, instead of pressing four buttons, you will only press one. From the entire list, choose those that you like, but in general, all the described macros are just excellent. In general, you choose. Let's go, the best Shaman macros in WoW:

Macro on Earth Shield and Water Shield

/ cast Water Shield; Earth Shield;

More suitable for restaurants. Without any modifiers, the target will cast Earth Shield. If you hold down Alt, the spell will be cast on you, and if you hold down Alt, the spell will be cast on you, and if you hold down Shift, the Water Shield will start casting.

Macro on Ice Shock and Slicing Wind

First of all, the macro is convenient in that several buttons on the panel will be immediately free.

/ cast Frost Shock; Ice shock

If you press simply, then "Ice Shock" will work, and if you hold down Shift, then "Slicing Wind" will fly, which will fly into focus. When there is no Focus, it will follow the main target.

Macro on Spirit Purification and Purification

A harmful spell will be removed from any friendly target, and one useful spell will be removed from the enemy.

/ cast Cleansing
/ cast Cleansing Spirit

It is very convenient because it is not necessary to change the target. The macro will act on whoever the mouse is hovering over. If you do not have anyone under the cursor, then the spell will fly to the target.

The following macro works for several purposes at once. Usually in PvP, 3x3 or 5x5, it is difficult to single out one person. therefore, this macro for the Shaman will remove all positive spells from the enemy and negative ones from those gamers who run with you in the party.

/ cast Cleansing
/ cast Cleansing Spirit

Macro on "Slicing Wind"

#showtooltip Slicing Wind
/ stopcasting
/ cast Slicing Wind; Piercing wind

If you want the wind to go over the focus, then you need to hold down Shift. Without it, the spell will naturally fly to the target.
There is also a macro to interrupt the enemy's casting:

/ stopcasting
/ cast Slicing Wind

A fairly useful Shaman macro at the moment when the enemy starts a cast that needs to be knocked down, and you have some kind of action performed. This macro interrupts this action and instantly says “Slicing wind”.

Storm Strike and Auto-Attack Macro

Usually Shaman Elem starts rotation with Stormstrike, but at the same time she has a fairly large AC.

/ startattack
/ cast Stormstrike

Often, when using Stormstrike and when changing targets, the Shaman is rooted to the spot, as there is a large GCD. To avoid this, auto-attacks will immediately follow the storm.

Macro for shields

xxx; / cast xxx;

In this macro for the Shaman, you must register those shields that you need instead of the letter "X". The macro works the same way through Shift. When the key is held down, the first shield will jump out, when not held down, the second one.

There is one more macro that also simplifies the use of shields:

/ cast Earth Shield (Level 3); Earth Shield (Level 3); Water shield

As soon as you have pressed the macro, the "Water Shield" will immediately work on you. When pressed together with Shift, the macro will hang the "Earth Shield". If you have your partner in the target, and the Shift button is pressed, the "Earth Shield" will work on the partner.

Macro for damage or healing

A cool macro for PvP, which is worth almost every experienced Shaman.

Healing Wave; / cast Lightning

It happens that when you have a partner in the target, then heal will always fly to him. If there is an enemy in the target, then damage will fly at him. Agree, in PvP it is simply gorgeous to do it all with one macro.

Totem macro

You want to set all 4 totems with one click, then this macro is just for you:

/ castsequence reset \u003d 4 Mana Source Totem, Windfury Totem, Magma Totem, Earth Power Totem

Very comfortably. Frees up a lot of panel space. And you don't have to poke the mouse 4 times.

Macro on totems in case of protection

There are times, for example in PvP, when two opponents suddenly switch to you and you need more protection.

/ castsequence reset \u003d combat / 20 Nature Protection Totem, Healing Stream Totem, Stoneskin Totem, Frost Protection Totem

The macro exposes all save totems, however, in the case when you entered combat mode.

Attack totem macro

Convenient enough when you are about to go on the attack.

/ castsequence reset \u003d combat / 20 Fire Protection Totem, Earth Force Totem, Windfury Totem, Frost Protection Totem

At the moment of clicking on the macro, you will put all the totems you need before the attack.

Slow Totem Macro

When you need to slow down an enemy, in other words, get a sufficient distance from him, slowing totems and a macro for them will help you:

/ castsequence reset \u003d combat / 20 Magma Totem, Earth Shackle Totem

Macro for removing poisons and diseases

By clicking on the macro together with Shift, you will heal and remove poisons first of all from yourself.

/ cast Removal of poison;
/ cast Cure the disease;
/ cast Remove poison
/ cast Cure Disease

If you haven’t chosen a target yet and you don’t have anyone in the target, then naturally the macro will work on you. In PvP it helps a lot and is great for PvE.

Chain Lightning Macro

It happens that you urgently need to use Chain Lightning, but at the time of the GCD, this cannot be done.

/ cast Natural Swiftness
/ cast Chain Lightning

The macro will allow you to cast this spell with lightning speed.

Healing Wave and Natural Swiftness Macro

/ cast Tidal Force
/ cast Natural Swiftness
/ stopcasting
/ cast Evil Eye; Healing Wave

Every self-respecting Shaman Restore should have this macro. When a partner is in the target, he will be healed, on the one who is in focus, for example, the enemy, the "Evil Eye" will be imposed on him, which you can change to the most convenient spell for you.

Dispell macro and focus clearing

/ cast Cleansing Spirit; Dispel Magic; Dispel magic

When using a specific bind in conjunction with a macro, for example, a bind on the letter Q, then your target will be the enemy and Purge will fly at him. If the target is any of the allies, then diseases, poisons, curses will be removed. If you want Purge to go into focus, you need to hold down Shift.

Heal Macro

/ use Fel Health Stone
/ cast Bystrina
/ use Desolate the Warlord

In difficult and critical moments, you can restore your HP. A macro for self-preservation, if I may say so.

Shamans, this is the class that is quite difficult to play without macros. We have tried to choose the best macros for the Shaman for you and have posted it in this section. If you want to learn about the technique of playing the Shaman class, then see the relevant guides on it. This is probably not all Macros for Shaman, and if you know something else, then leave them in the comments. All fans of the Shaman class will be grateful to you.

Shaman addons


This guide is taken from open sources on the Internet, for informational purposes only.

Enkh Shaman is a useful character for any raid. Many say that shamans are a useless class, which they made a team from everyone else, but do not listen to such people and calmly take Enkh for pumping. Enkh's role in the raid is to deal good damage and provide his comrades with cool buffs.

1. Characteristics

  1. Accuracy - 8% for physical attacks, 17% - magician. attacks.
    Take note of the 6% talent. And what happens: we need 12% physical, 15% magician. (You will collect this in any case)
  2. Mastery - there is nothing to write about, 26 as for all miles. We already have a talent for 9 and if you are an orc then mastery is in your blood. (+ 5 mastery and that is already 14)
  3. Further characteristics come to the fore: Attack Power, Attack Speed, Critical Hit, Dexterity, Armor Penetration Rating... The principle works here: the more the better. But some characteristics will be more important than others. But an important characteristic is still Speed.
  4. Speed - 880, we take into account our totem giving another 220 speed \u003d 1100 speed.

Thus, the fight will start something like this:

First, install the Magma Totem, then poke the boss in a row Stormstrike, Earth Shock, Lava Boil. After that, as a rule, 5 charges of Maelstrom Weapon are already stacked, so Lightning is discharged, then Ring of Fire, and the cycle begins anew. In the second circle, you will need to replace the Magma Totem, then change the Shield. Keep in mind that you can accumulate 5 charges at any moment of the battle, and you should always discharge them immediately. Periodically, you will need to use the Shaman's Fury and summon the Spirit of the Wild Wolf.

Let's consider in more detail:

  • Weapons - Call of Chaos, Ax of the Kings of Lordaeron, Black Slayer, Keleseth Tempter
  • Totem - Bizuri Shattered Ice Totem or Frozen Avalanche Totem

6. Enchantment

  • Hat - Magic Mark of Suffering: 50 Attack Power and +20 Crit
  • Spaulders - Greater Inscription of the Ax: +40 Attack Power and +15 Crit
  • Cloak - Enchant Cloak - Speed \u200b\u200bII: + 23 Speed
  • Chest - Enchant Chest - All Stats VII: +10 to All Stats
  • Bracers - Enchant Bracer - Assault II: + 50 Attack
  • Hands - Enchant Gloves - Crusher: + 44 Attack Power or Enchant Gloves - Accuracy: +20 Accuracy
  • Pants - Icy Scale Leggings: +75 Attack and +22 Crit
  • Slippers - Enchant Boots - Icewalker: +12 Crit and Accuracy or Enchant Boots - Assault II: +32 Attack Power
  • Weapon - Enchant Weapon - Berserker: Proses (triggers, giving a bonus) +400 to attack power or you can Enchant Weapon - Mongoose: Proses +120 to Agility

7. Stones

  • Meta - Cruel Earthsiege Diamond +21 Agility, + 3% Crit
  • Red - Bright Crimson Ruby + 40 AP, Frozen Ametrine +20 AP +10 Speed
  • Yellow - Hardened Storm Gem +20 to Accuracy, Frozen Ametrine +20 AP +10 Speed
  • Blue - you can neglect the color, but insert one Tear of Nightmares

8. Bonuses from professions

  • Alchemy: +64 AP from a flask.
  • Blacksmithing: ~ 64 EP from sockets with gloves and bracers. After the epic stones appear, the value will be ~ 80 EP.
  • Enchant: +64 EP from two enchants per rings (32 AP each).
  • Gathering herbs: 66 AP on cooldown with Fireleaf.
  • Inscription: +64 AP with shoulder enchant compared to Sons of Hodir enchants.
  • Jewelcrafting: 66 EP (3 stones with an additional 11 rating / crit / agility / expertise / hit). It is not required to insert blue stones to activate the metageme. With the advent of epic stones, the advantage of the profession will drop to 42 EP (3 stones with an additional 11 rating / crit / agility / expertise / hit).
  • Leatherworking: ~ 65-75 EP from 114 AP enchant on bracers.
  • Skinning: ~ 50 EP from passive 25 crit rating.
  • Tailoring: ~ 30 EP from the cloak enchant (taking into account the loss of 22 agility enchant).

9. Food and Chemistry


  • Macro on "Slicing Wind"

    #showtooltip Slicing Wind
    / stopcasting
    / cast Slicing Wind; Piercing wind

    If you want the wind to go over the focus, then you need to hold down Shift. Without it, the spell will naturally fly to the target.
    There is also a macro to interrupt the enemy's casting:

    / stopcasting
    / cast Slicing Wind

    A fairly useful Shaman macro at the moment when the enemy starts a cast that needs to be knocked down, and you have some kind of action performed. This macro interrupts this action and instantly says “Slicing wind”.

    Storm Strike and Auto-Attack Macro

    Usually Shaman Elem starts rotation with Stormstrike, but at the same time she has a fairly large AC.

    / startattack
    / cast Stormstrike

    Often, when using Stormstrike and when changing targets, the Shaman is rooted to the spot, as there is a large GCD. To avoid this, auto-attacks will immediately follow the storm.

    Macro for shields

    Xxx; / cast xxx;

    In this macro for the Shaman, you must register those shields that you need instead of the letter "X". The macro works the same way through Shift. When the key is held down, the first shield will jump out, when not held down, the second one.

    There is one more macro that also simplifies the use of shields:

    / cast Earth Shield (Level 3); Earth Shield (Level 3); Water shield

    As soon as you have pressed the macro, the "Water Shield" will immediately work on you. When pressed together with Shift, the macro will hang the "Earth Shield". If you have your partner in the target, and the Shift button is pressed, the "Earth Shield" will work on the partner.

    Attack totem macro

    Convenient enough when you are about to go on the attack.

    / castsequence reset \u003d combat / 20 Fire Protection Totem, Earth Force Totem, Windfury Totem, Frost Protection Totem

    At the moment of clicking on the macro, you will put all the totems you need before the attack.

    Slow Totem Macro

    When you need to slow down an enemy, in other words, get a sufficient distance from him, slowing totems and a macro for them will help you:

    / castsequence reset \u003d combat / 20 Magma Totem, Earth Shackle Totem

    Macro for removing poisons and diseases

    By clicking on the macro together with Shift, you will heal and remove poisons first of all from yourself.

    / cast Removal of poison;
    / cast Cure the disease;
    / cast Remove poison
    / cast Cure Disease

    If you haven’t chosen a target yet and you don’t have anyone in the target, then naturally the macro will work on you. In PvP it helps a lot and is great for PvE.

    Chain Lightning Macro

    It happens that you urgently need to use Chain Lightning, but at the time of the GCD, this cannot be done.

    / cast Natural Swiftness
    / cast Chain Lightning

    The macro will allow you to cast this spell with lightning speed.

    Dispell macro and focus clearing

    / cast Cleansing Spirit; Dispel Magic; Dispel magic

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