Bridget Jones is crazy about the boy. Bridget Jones's book is crazy about the boy to read online. Bridget is so Bridget

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I can admit it boldly, and I think I'm not alone in such thoughts - as soon as it dawned on me that Mr. Darcy was no longer there, not in this part, not exactly paired with Bridget, but not at all alive - I wanted to close book, and no longer open this heresy. But curiosity won out ...
Bridget has matured a little, gained weight, had children, and again went on the warpath to seek her love. I myself was surprised when this lady again managed to make me smile, and sometimes even laugh out loud. Bridget has a young lover, twitter, and lice. Of course, on every page I scolded the author for such a cold-blooded and cruel murder of the favorite hero of all times and peoples. But nevertheless, she knows how to keep the brand, and I enjoyed spending time with my beloved Bridget!

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Love of all ages ... or a new search for Bridget

The new diary book of the insanely charming Bridget Jones. Like a breath of fresh air, still cold in spring, but already promising that winter is receding.
After a long break, I was expecting the continuation of love with Mark Darcy, and along the way, the feeling that everything seemed to be said there and the point had long been set. But no one!
On the pages I was met by 2013 and Bridget, who was barely over fifty, she is a widow with two children in her arms. An unexpected turnaround. But having merged into the context, you understand that in front of you is the same insane (albeit a little older) Bridget: direct and charming. As a widow in her fifth year, she is again in agony. Searching and fighting again. In the fight against excess weight, bad habits, blues, and most importantly - with loneliness. With insane, penetrating, forcing you to do stupid things and indulge in all the bad. For hours on Twitter, for days - in love dreams of a stately admirer who would brighten up his life and quench his thirst to be a full-fledged woman again. And who is talking about age?
And bang! an explosion of new madness and emotions - a new feeling plunges the heroine into a whirlpool of various events. Relations with a thirty-year-old handsome man seem to be above norms and prejudices. But even here it is not without embarrassment: the idiot Bridget manages to get infected with hair lice, decorate the shoes of the young partner with her vomit, without spoiling the first date. In general, Mark Darcy would say, "You're in your own spirit!"
Is this what Bridget is aiming for? Like all sensitive and very vulnerable people, Bridget does not avoid disappointment. She does not lose heart, pours out her soul to the pages of her diary and does not even suspect that true love is very close, you just need not be afraid to look into her eyes.
Easy, with humor and a lot of statistics on the calories eaten. And sunny in spring.

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Bridget is so Bridget

I think Fielding's heroine is a heroine for centuries. She is understandable and close to every girl, all her problems concern the minds of women all over the world every day: "How much do I weigh?" "what should I wear?", "why doesn't he call?" And now Bridget Jones is again on the warpath for personal female happiness.
Now the heroine is just over 50 years old, she has two wonderful children, but the wonderful Mark Darcy is no longer around. For a long time I could not recover from the shock that Mark died. A hero like him could not just remain in the past, but not he! For Bridget's lovers this is a big blow and a big loss. And now Bridget Jones is a single mother, a widow is building her life again: raising children, looking for love and her place in life.
In contrast to the two previous books devoted to the adventures of the irrepressible Bridget Jones, who became literally a legend and an example to follow, Fielding's new novel is much inferior in content. I am sincerely sorry for the heroine - how many beaters can a poor woman get from life? Why did the author kill Darcy? I think that heroes like Mark Darcy have no right to leave and leave behind a stream of tears and sorrow.
Bridget herself is no longer a flower girl, but a fully formed woman and mother, at the will of the author begins to make knees. Young lover, endless lists of weight loss, play and alcoholic spree are difficult to connect together with the need to raise two young children and devote their time to them. Bridget is an example of a woman who was able to survive the death of a loved one, but does not give up and continues to seek her happiness.
Easy language, many comical situations, inimitable optimism of the main character gives the novel charm and piquancy. However, the author's insidiousness towards his beloved hero greatly depressing and upsetting loyal readers. And I think many fans of Bridget Jones will agree with me on this issue.

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Title: Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy
Writer: Helen Fielding
Year: 2013
Publisher: Eksmo
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 490 pages 5 illustrations
Genres: Contemporary foreign literature, Contemporary romance novels, Foreign romance novels

About the book “Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy "Helen Fielding

"Crazy About the Boy" is the third book in the series of adventures of the cheerful and always busy looking for happiness, Bridget Jones. Despite her light temper, this woman seems to attract trouble to herself, constantly getting into ridiculous, curious situations. Now Bridget is 51, but she behaves the same way as before. The only thing is that she hides her real age, because she is crazy about her "boy", who is 30 years old.

The main character, despite her almost advanced age, always remains for millions of readers around the world, a symbol of carelessness and recklessness, she is exactly that awkward, funny woman-child in whom almost everyone recognizes herself. She hangs on dating sites, consults with her friends about her personal life, but love will await her in a completely different place. Bridget, as always, is an inexhaustible optimist; she simply has no time to lose heart. She has a lot of important things to do: she brings up her own children, communicates on social networks, tries to get rid of bad habits, whether it be addiction to cigarettes, or an abnormal craving for sweets. She fights with the latter especially carefully, because it is thanks to sweet goodies that extra pounds are deposited on her waist. And she definitely needs to look perfect, because now she has a young handsome thirty-year-old who must be matched. The main character wants to keep this crane in the sky at any cost.

The main merit of this work is that it gives hope and light. The hope that at any age you can live a full life. Despite the fact that Bridget is already over fifty, she is still the same sweet, slightly naive woman, as in her youth. She still has not joined the cohort of those mischievous, boring old women who grumble at the slightest pretext. Yes, this reckless woman still lives the way she wants: wears bright clothes and makeup, goes on dates, drinks alcohol and commits reckless acts. And why, one wonders, lock yourself into unnecessary age limits, when in your soul you feel like you are twenty? All the same, her endless kindness, sincerity and warmth are able to melt the heart of any man. After all, the main thing in any situation is to always be yourself. And fate will certainly lead her on the path of happiness, because the endless optimism of her character, the ability not to sag in any life troubles, endless optimism can only be envied.

On our literary site site you can download the book by Helen Fielding “Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy ”for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you love to read books and always keep an eye on new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for novice writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

Don't expect an objective review!))
Firstly, I have literally just finished the last page and am in a dangerous and inadequate delight, downright overwhelming from head to toe. Third book "Brigid Jones: Boy Crazy"the most worthy continuation of the first two parts. You can even quite say that the best.
Secondly, because I am an ardent fan of sweetheart Bridget. The first two books about her were not like desk books ... one of them was always in my bag and I could open it anywhere and start reading. I knew them almost by heart. They were a guide to relationships with men, an escape from bad moods and loneliness. They were re-read a hundred times, especially during periods of blues. They were my salvation.

And now the third book after so many years ...
She is, of course, a little different. But only a little)

Mark Darcy, the reliable and ideal husband of our impossible heroine, is not here. And from this all the troubles. This book made me not only laugh like a fool, as the two previous parts did, but also openly cry in places. Bridget survived the death of her husband, is raising one more young children ... and what, has she changed? Yes, it was not so! She is just as sweet and ridiculous, funny and touching, and of course the perfect mother. In a word - she is still the same Bridget Jones! You know, not everyone comes to wisdom over the years - this is definitely about her. She is still looking for love, understanding and, of course, a new good father for her children, because the children, oh, so need it. And she, as always, does not give up and remains the most real optimist. This is what I should perhaps learn from her.

In short, despite the sad thread, I enjoyed the book. In general, she is energetic, life-affirming and makes you think that even if you are left without a husband, if you have two small children and you will soon be "over fifty", then this is by no means a reason to despair and bury yourself (for example our heroine). And that all good things may still be ahead.

Helen Fielding, bravo to you and standing ovation. Usually, stories with such a time gap still lose their inviolability, but this is just not the case. Only, author, please do not need the 4th part, let Jonesy be happy already!

In a word, all Bridge fans (and not only) feel free to read!

Ps And in the third part, you will learn:
- how and why Bridget signed up on Twitter,
- that her own children write about her in the essay;
- whether she will remain forever "until death separates" from her boy, from whom she is "crazy";
- Will the Hollywood blockbuster be filmed according to the script written by Bridge;
- what has infected Bridge of her friends;
- and ... what else will Daniel Cleaver "soak off" (yes-yes-yes! he is here too, like Tom, and Jude and some others!)

Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy Helen Fielding

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Title: Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy
By Helen Fielding
Year: 2013
Genre: Foreign romance novels, Contemporary foreign literature, Contemporary romance novels

About the book “Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy "Helen Fielding

Bridget Jones is a cheerful girl who always gets into trouble because of her absent-mindedness and naivety. She constantly does crazy things, sometimes without thinking about the consequences, although she has a lot to learn. It's a pleasure to read such stories, because they really lift your spirits and help you forget about problems.

There is not a huge amount of positive and kindness in our world. All people are busy with their careers, problems, affairs. Everything for each of us is thought out far in advance. We don't even do spontaneous actions, so as not to get into an awkward situation. But can this be called real life? Helen Fielding's book “Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy ”is a continuation of the story about a woman with an indefatigable sense of humor, a special outlook on life and the uniqueness of getting into funny situations.

Bridget Jones has already grown up here, has a family. Although her husband left this mortal world. And now she is a woman in full bloom, looking for new adventures, because she still wants to be beautiful, desired and loved. And where does she start looking for her happiness? Of course, on dating sites, and not without the help of their best and loyal friends.

In Helen Fielding's book Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy ”the main character continues to follow the figure and counts the hated calories. How can we do without it? After all, without this there will be no longer the same Bridget Jones.

Here, every phrase of this woman is a winged expression, from which it is simply impossible not to smile. Here, of course, the great merit of Helen Fielding, who has not only a writing talent, but also a stunning sense of humor. So the main character harmoniously combines with her lifestyle and a kind of sense of humor. The plot does not look flat, and the people in it are bright and memorable. It was the poet who fell in love with this story.

Helen Fielding's book Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy ”will make you laugh and cry. After all, there is tragedy, and the pain of the main character, and happiness, and even new emotions and feelings. All this creates an amazing adventure story of a woman aged 50+. And, to be honest, such a young lady can only be envied, because very few people can boast of such endurance and desire to live, and not worry about being a “cute fool”.

Bridget Jones in Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy ”has matured and even gained wisdom. But you still wonder how a person in his 50s can do so many stupid things and follies? Behaves like she's only 30 years old. And he even finds fans much younger than himself. Surprisingly simple!

Reading Helen Fielding's book “Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy ”you will be surprised, cry, worry, get angry, but most importantly - laugh, laugh, laugh! Life is actually not as serious a thing as we are taught from childhood.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read the online book “Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy "Helen Fielding in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Helen Fielding

Bridget Jones. Crazy about the boy

Dedicated to Dash and Romy

Bridget Jones: Mad about the Boy

Copyright © Helen Fielding, 2013

This edition is published by arrangement with Aitken Alexander Associates Ltd. and The Van Lear Agency LLC.

© Grishechkin V., translation into Russian, 2014

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC "Publishing house" Eksmo ", 2014

14: 30. Well, the conversation was now! Telephone. Talita called. She spoke, as always, in this favorite style of hers, "this is a creepy-secret-well-you-do-understand ...". She makes drama out of everything! There would be something to dramatize. Although how to look ...

- Hello, dear, - she said mysteriously, - I want to inform you ... On the twenty-fourth of May I will turn sixty. Of course I didn't tell anyone that I was sixty But I hope that you will try to be. Don't talk, I'm not inviting everyone. In general, do not plan anything for the twenty-fourth. Did you agree?

I was mowed down with a panic attack.

- It is wonderful! I blurted out. - That is, I wanted to say ...

- Bridget, you have to come. Excuses are not accepted.

- But the thing is ...

- Just twenty-four - at Roxter. Birthday! He is turning thirty.

There was silence at the other end of the line.

- No, - I hastened, - I do not want to claim that until then we will still be together! But if we do ... it somehow ...

- Wow. And I just ordered an invitation with a warning: "Come without children."

- But he really turns thirty! - I could hardly contain the fury that suddenly rolled over me. - This, you know ... - I began, but just in case I bit my tongue.

She hung up. I immediately tried to turn on the TV. Did Talita call from the studio? It was her way of calling me during a live broadcast while TV commercials were playing. But now I was not able to find out soon. For about five minutes I pointlessly poked my fingers at the buttons of this stupid remote control - a mocking invention! - but never succeeded. With the same success, the monkey, which fell into the clutches of a mobile phone, could have called the Pope in the Vatican. Why the hell does it take three remotes and all those hundred buttons and buttons to turn on the TV? What the devil came up with this? What for?! Personally, I think that some thirteen-year-old technogenes, who settled in semi-dark bedrooms with their eternal bedlam, set it up on purpose, so that all normal people feel like idiots every time they just want to watch TV. And they say there is no world conspiracy! And will you still argue? In any case, the psychological damage that the crafts of these pimply rulers of the world inflict on people - I mean my spiritual world - cannot be assessed - it is so great.

In a powerless frenzy, I threw the remotes on the sofa, and then Talita smiled at me encouragingly. From the TV. He took it by himself and turned on - and just in the frame there is a “smile leading the viewer”. Such a professional smile is “winning”. She sat with her legs crossed seductively and interviewed a football player from Liverpool. As far as I remember, this guy became famous for the fact that during the match he bit the referee - his decision seemed unfair to him. Talita looked, as always, you can’t undermine - it must be that’s why the guy looked exactly like he was ready to bite her too - for another reason, of course.

All right, heart storms are a bad advisor. You just have to sit down and calmly, as befits a reasonable, grown-up woman, weigh all the arguments, all the pros and cons ... So, should Roxter be dragged to Talita's anniversary? Well, let's try ...


First, not going to Talita's party would be just awful! We have been friends with her since the very time when we worked together on the program "Britain at the Screen". Moreover, Talita was already then a famous, almost famous presenter, and I was a fledgling would-be journalist taking the first uncertain steps.

First of all, it would be fun to bring Roxter to the party. His age (he is exactly two times younger than Talita will hit) can at once deprive this vulgar chatter about "single women at a certain age" from the nutrient soil. Wow, how tired I am of all these conversations! Ears already start to itch! Yes, I am just sick of these sanctimonious arguments! Oh, they say, how unfair that single women under fifty, as a rule - but where are they written, these rules, show me! - and remain alone, but men ... Men at this age are in great demand, even before they have time to issue a divorce certificate! In addition, Roxter looks so young, so fresh ... His life-affirming look, as it were, denies the very possibility of aging - including mine.


By the way, Roxter is by no means a fool. So he, and there is no doubt about it, will be categorically against being stared at as an exotic exhibit. What else was missing! And the fact that he was mistaken for a demo of a healthy lifestyle - a kind of walking dietary supplement - he will not like.

As a matter of fact, our joint trip to Talita may simply push him away from me. What's easier? Now he will see that I communicate with sixty-year-old women - and he will wonder if I am too ... mmmm ... mature for him. Although I, of course, much - much! - younger than Talita. But Roxter can still think about it ... Which would not be in my best interests. And I myself, frankly, do not want to remember at all how old I am. As Oscar Wilde said, thirty-five is such a suitable age for a woman that many of them decide to remain thirty-five for the rest of their days. And I will not rush to classify myself as an exception ...

And Roxter is probably planning on throwing his own party and inviting a bunch of his buddies to it. The whole crowd of them will fry a barbecue on the balcony and self-deeply - only they will open the real deep truths! - to feel nostalgic to the tunes of the seventies. In this case, Roxter is probably racking his brains, under what pretext it would be possible not to invite me to his thirtieth birthday, so that his friends would not recognize: handsome Roxby is dating a woman who literally suits him as a mother. And even in grandmothers - if, of course, we take into account the modern acceleration and early puberty, for which hormones should be thanked - they are now and then found in baby food (theoretically, and practically, too, such a situation is quite possible. Very possible. !). Oh my God! .. I would like to know: why am I thinking about it now?

15:10. Rrr! I have to pick up Mabel from school in twenty minutes, and I haven't finished the rice cakes yet. Ah-ah! phone!

- Now Brian Katzenberg will talk to you ...

This is my agent! A real literary agent! But if I talk to him now, I will definitely be late for Mabel, and I will be much late. We have to take very good. not an easy decision.

- I am now uncomfortable talking. Can I call you back in twenty minutes? - I chirped into the tube, trying to spread the butter substitute on the loaf, cover it with another loaf and stuff it all into a bag with an airtight fastener (and to do it with one hand, anyone will confirm, I'm not lying, it's disastrously inconvenient.).

- It's about your script.

- But I'm now ... I'm at a meeting! - I wonder how I can be at the meeting and at the same time report it myself by phone? Usually you hear about such things from the secretary or assistant, since the person who is really at the meeting, in theory, simply cannot talk about it himself.

Then there was a marathon for children to school. All the way I was bursting with the desire to call Mr. Katzenberg's secretary and ask what, in fact, was the matter. Brian has already offered my script to two production companies. Both rejected it, in the sense - the script. But this time, perhaps, the fish still pecked?

At some point, I almost called Katzenberg - I even figured out that I could lie about the suddenly ended "meeting". But she decided it was much more important to get Mabel on time. This, by the way, characterizes me as a caring, responsible mother. Well, I really wanted to think something good of myself.

16:30. The chaos outside the school was even more intense than ever. Like the picture in Where's Wally? Dozens of women with "candy", babies in strollers, drivers of delivery trucks stuck in a traffic jam, are mixed up in one flickering heap. smart and therefore wildly arrogant mothers on SUVs, a man on a bicycle and with a double bass behind his back, as well as numerous simpler mothers - also on bicycles, with front racks full of babies. The street was completely packed until some disheveled woman rushed along the pavement with a frantic cry.

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