Sewing threads. Polyamide yarns. polyamide twisted yarn. polyamide multiple threads III. Transportation and storage

Hand tools 28.10.2020
Hand tools
Our company starts production and sales of a new type of products of bonded sewing threads of the Ultrabond series. This series of threads is designed for sewing fabrics for various purposes, stitching slings and leather. The thread is made of high-strength polyester fibers, twisted in a certain way and thanks to a special bonding technology, glued from the inside and coated with a special impregnating compound. Bonded sewing threads are widely used in the textile industry where high seam strength is required.

The bonding technology allows you to reliably fasten the fibers together, which prevents the thread from unraveling into fibers while maintaining its elasticity, easy threading into the eye of the needle, and stability of the sewing connection. The impregnating compound applied to the thread facilitates the passage of the thread in the thread-conducting set of the sewing equipment with minimal friction and loss of the physical and mechanical properties of the thread in the sewing joint.

  • Sewing technical fabrics
  • Sewing leather goods
  • Stitching PVC coated products
  • Footwear
  • Lifting slings
  • Upholstered furniture
  • Parachutes
  • Sporting goods

Sewing thread

Our company produces sewing threads according to individual customer orders, having the ability to produce in a wide range of twists using various methods of twisting and knitting, which can be provided through the use of modern high-tech equipment from leading world manufacturers.

Sewing threads are used in many areas of industrial production, they are used for sewing products from rubber materials, slings, workwear, various sewing knitwear, carpets, sportswear, footwear, in the production of furniture, fishing nets and leather goods.

Indicator name Units Sewing twisted polyamide thread 200 K Sewing twisted polyamide thread 300 K Sewing twisted polyamide thread 400 K Sewing twisted polyamide thread 500 K
kgf, not less 13 19 26 23
Approximate diameter mm 0,7 0,8 1 1,1
Thread length in 1 kg m 3200 2350 1990 1590
Colour White
Thread structure 93.5tex x 2 93.5tex x 3 93.5tex x 4 93.5 tex x 5
Yarn weight per package gr 300 - 800
Package type * HAKOBA
Specifications of polyamide sewing threads
Indicator name Units Sewing twisted polyamide thread 800 K Sewing twisted polyamide thread 187х2 Sewing twisted polyamide thread 187х3 Polyester sewing twisted thread with low breaking elongation (for slings)
kgf, not less 39 27 42 23
Approximate diameter mm 2 1 1,2 1
Thread length in 1 kg m 1200 2000 1340 2850
Colour White
Thread structure 93.5 tex x 2 x 4 187 tex x 2 187 tex x 3 110 tex x 1 x 3
Yarn weight per package gr 300 - 800
Package type * HAKOBA
Indicator name Units Polyester sewing twisted thread 167х3Л Twisted polyester sewing thread 187х3Л Polyester sewing twisted thread 187х4Л
Linear density tex 560 ± 8 600 ± 8 800 ± 8
kgf, not less 33 41 50
Elongation at break %, no more 27 20 20
Thread length in 1 kg m 2830 1340 1250
Colour White
Thread structure 167tex x 3 187tex x 3 187tex x 4
Yarn weight per package gr 300 - 800
Package type * HAKOBA
Specifications of Sewing Polyester Thread
Indicator name Units Sewing twisted polyester thread 350 L (for sewing slings) Sewing twisted polyester thread 270 L Polyester sewing twisted thread 220 L Polyester sewing twisted thread 220LM
Linear density tex 360 ± 8 265 ± 8 232 ± 8 230 ± 8
kgf, not less 21 14,5 14 16
Elongation at break %, no more 30 27 30 20
Thread length in 1 kg m 2830 3780 4200 4200
Colour White
Thread structure 110tex x 3 93.5tex x 3 110 tex x 2 110 tex x 2
Yarn weight per package gr 300 - 800
Package type * HAKOBA

* the type of package at the request of the consumer can be changed to a paper chamber with an inner diameter of 76 mm, 94 mm with a possible increase in the weight of the finished package up to 6 kg.

What does twisting give?

Torsion (Please do not confuse twisted yarns with twisted ones !!!) allows the multifilament (consisting of many filaments) yarn to hold the structure of a common thread and during its use for a long time not to lose its properties due to fixing them together.

Has a high breaking load and elongation, good abrasion resistance, resistance to repeated bending. Basically, a white thread is produced (harsh thread) and, to a lesser extent, a thread is made from colored raw materials.

From fibrous materials, thin threads are obtained, called yarns or primary threads. The yarn got its name from the process of spinning natural fibers, when individual fibers, twisting and coalescing with each other, are drawn into a thin long thread. However, the bulk of whole synthetic fibers are not subjected to such spinning, but are twisted into a primary thin, so-called multifilament thread. However, by analogy with natural, it is often called yarn.

Depending on the purpose, the yarn is divided into weaving, knitted, thread, rope, net knitting, etc. Moreover, in all cases, it is only a semi-finished product from which certain industrial products are made. In commercial fishing, yarn, or primary thread, is used for the production of fishing thread and netting.

The technical properties of the primary thread affect the quality of fishing products and, in turn, depend on the type of fibrous material.

A smooth multifilament synthetic thread, in contrast to monofilament, is often difficult to determine with conventional measuring instruments (micrometer, caliper); it is difficult due to the relatively soft structure of the thread, therefore, instead of direct measurement, its thickness is expressed indirectly as the ratio between length and mass. For this purpose, a specific density measurement system is used. tex.

We can offer twisted polyamide yarn of the following varieties and tex:

For the fishing industry (fishing):
Severe (unpainted):

from 29 tex x1x2 to 29 tex x2x3;

from 93.5 tex x1x2 to 93.5 tex x1x3;

from 144 tex x1x2 to 144 tex x1x3;

from 187 tex х1х2 - 187 tex х3х3.


93.5 tex 1x2; 93.5 tex x1x3;

144 tex x1x2; 144 tex х1х3;

from 187 tex x1x2 to 187 tex x1x3.

Applicable: in netting, for sewing and repairing fishing gear.

For sewing bags:
Severe (unpainted)

144 tex x1x2; 144 tex x1x2;

187 tex x1x2; 187 tex х1х3.


93.5 tex x1x2; 93.5 tex x1x3;

144 tex x1x2; 144 tex х1х3;

187 tex x1x2; 187 tex х1х3.

Applicable: in the clothing and footwear industry, in the food industry in the production of sausages, polyamide threads are also used for household and household needs.

System tex based on linear density (T), which expresses the ratio of the weight of the thread to its length. A gram (g) is taken as a unit of mass, and a kilometer (km) is taken as a unit of length. The resulting units are called tex and are designated tex.

T \u003d m / L , (1)

where T is the linear density, tex; m is the weight of the thread, kg; L - thread length, km.

Thus, the thickness of a thread is expressed by its linear density (T): the thicker the thread, the greater its linear density. This means that a thread with T \u003d 20 tex is thinner than a thread with T \u003d 50 tex, since 1 km of the first weighs only 20 g, and the second - 50 g.

For a very thin thread, when T<1 текс, толщину можно обозначить в миллитексах (мтекс), т.е. в миллиграммах на километр (мг/км), а для очень толстой нити, когда Т>1000 tex, - in kilotexes (ctex), i.e. in kilograms per kilometer (kg / km).

1 tex \u003d 1000 mtex

1 tex \u003d 0.001 ctex

Yarn, or primary thread, is produced by the chemical (textile) industry. For industrial fishing, only a limited range of yarns with a linear density of 5, 15.6, 29, 93.5, 187, 250 tex are produced according to GOST (or industry specifications).

One of the most important types of fishing materials is fishing thread. They are used for knitting netting, planting fishing gear, various bandaging work, etc. Such threads are obtained mainly by twisting from yarn or primary threads, and are called fishing twisted threads.

Fishing threads are twisted from several primary threads, or yarns, of the same thickness, which are folded together, i.e. the same linear density. The threads are received in stages. First, the primary threads of two or three pieces are twisted into groups, and then several groups are twisted together, as a result of which a thread is formed. These threads, in turn, can twist together in several pieces into a thicker thread, etc. In this regard, the threads are double-twisted, when the twisting is done twice - first in groups, and then in groups among themselves; three-twisted, when in the third twist, two-twisted threads are taken together; four-strand, etc. Then the design of the thread and the order of its twisting can be designated, for example, as follows: 2x3, 3x3, 2x3x3, 2x4x3, etc. In these designations, the first digit indicates the number of primary threads in the group, the second - the number of such groups, and the last - the number of twists. There are usually three of them, i.e. threads are usually made up of three final groups or threads called tees. In this case, the thread turns out to be even and stable. If the thread is twisted in the last twist of four components, then the thread can deform in its section, since the constituent strands can be pressed in pairs with each other (Fig).

To prevent the threads from untwisting, the yarn is twisted in one direction, for example to the right, and the groups - in the opposite direction, i.e. to the left, the third twist to the right again, etc. In this case, if the twist is clockwise, the twist is called right and denoted Z, if counterclockwise - left and denoted S (see Fig.).

Usually, the last twist is right-handed. Then, in the above example, the twist alternation would be: SZ; SZ; ZSZ; ZSZ.

The technical properties of fishing threads include: thickness, linear density, strength, twist, elasticity, evenness, presence of defects, etc.

The thickness of a thread is determined by its diameter in millimeters. To find the diameter, 11 threads of thread are tightly wound on a rod or tube with a diameter of at least 50 mm. There should be no gaps between them, but it is also impossible to squeeze the hoses. The distance from the first to the eleventh hose is measured with a ruler or other device and divided by 10. In accordance with the laboratory test procedure, several such measurements are made and the average value is taken.

The diameter of the thread can be determined under a microscope with a micrometric objective or with a screen microscope.

The most complete picture of the thread, its thickness and design is given by the linear density T.

For a thread twisted from several primary threads, the linear density is expressed as follows:

T \u003d (m / L) tex x n1 x n2 x n3, (2)

where m / L is the linear density of the primary threads, tex;

n1 is the number of primary threads in the first twist;

n2 is the number of groups in the second torsion;

n3 is the number of groups or threads in the third, final twist.

Let, for example, triple twist thread twisted from primary threads with a linear density of 93.5 tex (tee) in the first twist - two threads, in the second four. Then

T \u003d 93.5 tex x 2 x 4 x 3.

For double twist threads

Т \u003d (m / L) tex xn1 xn2

For instance,

T \u003d 29 tex x5 x3.

Sometimes a simplified notation is used, taking the total sum of all primary threads. In our examples, it will look like this:

T \u003d 93.5 tex x24

T \u003d 29 tex x15.

Such entries are simpler, but do not explain the construction of the thread.

Comparing threads with linear densities T \u003d 29texx3x3 and T \u003d 29texx5xЗ, we can say that the first is thinner, since although the primary threads in them are of the same thickness, there are 9 of them in the first thread, and 15 in the second.

If the threads consist of a different number of primary threads with different linear density, for example T \u003d 29texx5xЗ and Т \u003d 93.5texx2xЗ, then the concept of the resulting linear density (TRH) is used to compare them. To get it, multiply the linear density of the primary thread by their number. For instance:

T \u003d 29 tex x5 x3; TRH \u003d 435 tex

T \u003d 93.5 tex x2 x3; TRH \u003d 561 tex.

The second strand has a higher net density and is therefore thicker. This resulting linear density is called the nominal resulting density and is referred to as TRH.

In practice, the resulting linear density is found by weighing a piece of thread (sample) of the established standard length on a technical or analytical balance and calculating it using the formula:

Т \u003d 1000 (mН / LН) tex (3)

Formula (3) differs from the previously given formula (1) in that instead of the mass (g) of the primary thread (m) and its length (L), the mass of the entire thread (mH), consisting of several primary threads, and its length are taken. If weighing took place in conditions of actually existing moisture, then the resulting linear density is called the actual resulting linear density of the material (TRF), and if at normal (conditioned) moisture of the material - the conditioned resulting linear density (TRK).

In the design documentation, the designation of the linear density T is usually omitted and is written, for example, not "nylon thread T \u003d 93.5texx1x3", but "nylon thread 93.5texx1x3".

The most important technical property of threads is their strength. It depends on the strength of the original thread, but is not equal to the total strength of the strands (filaments) that make up the thread. It was found that with each twist, 15-20% of the total strength of the twisted products is lost. Strength is characterized by breaking load and breaking length. The breaking load is the force that breaks the thread, the breaking length is the length at which the thread suspended at one end breaks due to its own gravity.

Fishing threads have elasticity - the ability to lengthen under the influence of tensile forces and shorten again after they stop acting. This property is a positive factor, since various jerks are absorbed, but at the same time, excessive elongations deform the fishing gear in operation, distort its shape and size. Synthetic materials such as nylon and nylon are very resilient. So, for nylon threads, especially thick ones, the elongation already at a load equal to 50% breaking, reaches 15-20%. Exceeding 50% load is generally dangerous.

The most important technical property of fishing threads is twisting. It has a great influence on the strength, density, weight, shrinkage and other technical properties of threads. A twist is the number of turns (twists) of a single structural component (strand, single thread, etc.) per 1 m of thread length. It is designated K and is determined on a special device - a steep meter.

Depending on the number of twists per meter, the threads can be used for both fish

industry (high twist) and for sewing and sewing (gentle twist)


The thread is produced on cylindrical cross-wound bobbins.

The weight of the bobbin is different for each assortment. For thin tex (15.6; 29 tex) approximately 0.3-0.35 kg / reel. For threads 93.5; 140; 187 tex -1.5 ± 0.3 kg (indicated in the tables).

Polyamide multiple threads for fishing

№№ Linear density with total additions The resulting nominal linear density, tex Deviation of the resulting actual linear density from the nominal,%, no more The number of twists per 1 m of thread
First twist
/ S /
Second twist
/ Z /
First grade Second grade First grade Second grade First grade Second grade First grade Second grade
1 29 tex 1x2 64 +5,0 +10,0 26,5 23,5 500+20 500+30 330+20 330+30
2 29 tex 1x3 96 +5,0 +10,0 44,0 40,0 500+20 500+30 330+20 330+30
3 29 tex 2x2 125 +5,0 +10,0 60,0 54,0 500+20 500+30 330+20 330+30
4 29 tex 2x3 187 +5,0 +10,0 88,0 79,0 500+20 500+30 330+20 330+30
5 187 texx2x3 1300 +5,0 +10,0 647,0 583,0 315+20 315+30 160+20 160+30
6 187 texx3x3 2000 +5,0 +10,0 970,0 870,0 240+20 240+30 130+20 130+30

Note: At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to change the number of twists per 1 m of thread.

Normalized humidity - 5.0%; the actual humidity is not less than 7.0%.

Polyamide (PA-6) twisted yarn for netting materials

№№ Indicator name Thread rate
93.5 texx1x2 93.5 texx1x3 187x1x2 187 texx1x3 140 texx1x3
98,0 162,0 215,0 324,0 240,0
2 Elongation of the thread at break,%, no more 30,0 30,0 30,0 34,0 34,0
3 Linear shrinkage,%, no more 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0
4 400 ± 30 470 ± 30 480 ± 30 420 ± 30 336 ± 30 420 ± 30 480+ 30
5 250 ± 30 470 ± 20 260 ± 20 250 ± 32 328 ± 20 215 ± 20 260+ 20
6 Normalized humidity,% 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0
7 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
8 Twist direction ZS ZS ZS ZS ZS

Note. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to change the number of twists per 1 m of thread and the direction of twist

Polyamide (PA-6) twisted thread for sewing and sewing bags

№№ Indicator name Thread rate
93.5 tex х1х2 93.5 tex х1х2 93.5 tex х1х3 187tex х1х2 187tex х1х3
78,0 78,0 160,0 180,0 270,0
2 Elongation of the thread at break,%, no more 23,0 30,0 35,0 40,0 40,0
3 Relative deviation of the resulting conditioned linear density of the thread from the resulting nominal density,% +15,0 +15,0 +15,0 +20,0 +20,0
4 Number of twists per m, first twist 210 ± 30 270 ± 30 270 ± 30 270 ± 30 270 ± 30
5 Number of twists per 1 m, second twist 160 ± 30 160 ± 30 160 ± 30 160 ± 30 160 ± 30
6 Normalized humidity,% 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0
7 Actual humidity,%, no more 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
8 The number of filaments in a filament yarn 280 280 280 560 560

The weight of the thread on the package is 1500 ± 300 g.

I. Application.
Polyamide threads are intended for:

  • rubber products;
  • special, textile and haberdashery products;
  • fish and textile industry;
  • net knitting and rope products;
  • running and bandage tapes;
  • special, technical, cord, container fabrics and packaging materials;
  • household purposes and technical products.

II. Safety requirements.

  1. Polyamide thread is not toxic, does not have a harmful effect on the human body, does not hydrolyze, does not oxidize, does not grow moldy, does not emit harmful substances under the influence of sunlight.
    Hazard class 4 in accordance with GOST
    May cause mild allergenic effects on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes (by lubricant).
  2. The thread is not fire hazardous:
    • melting point 215 С,
    • softening temperature 170 С,
    • auto-ignition temperature 440 C.
  3. Waste polyamide yarns are sent for processing and use in the national economy or are regenerated at chemical fiber enterprises.

III.Transportation and storage.

  1. The threads should be stored under conditions that ensure the integrity of the package, in closed, dry and periodically ventilated warehouses, in boxes or bags in stacks, no more than 3 m high for boxes, no more than 2 m high for bags.
  2. Transportation of polyamide threads is possible by all types of transport in covered vehicles or in universal containers in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.
    By railway transport - in covered wagons.

Polyamide twisted thread

TU 6-00-0204024-50-90

The yarn is produced by spun, twisted, shiny, dyed, unpainted, heat-stabilized, not heat-stabilized, light-stabilized, light-heat stabilized.

Nominal linear density of the original thread, tex

The number of folds in spinning (thread structure)

Nominal linear density, tex (including twist)

Twist direction

Indicator name

Unit rev.

Thread structure. tex

2. Elongation at break, no more

3. Deviation of the actual linear density from the nominal

4. The number of twists per 1m of thread

280 ± 20
330 ± 20

280 ± 20
330 ± 20
470 ± 20

  • By agreement with consumers, it is allowed to change the number of twists by 1 m.
  • The thread is produced in the form of cylindrical bobbins with conical ends or skeins, the weight of the thread on the bobbin is not less than 900g. The length of the skein is not less than 100m.
  • The thread on the packages is packed in a corrugated cardboard box, each product unit is packed in a moisture-proof stretch film. Rolls of twisted thread in untreated paper bags.

TU 6-00-00204027-76-92

Polyamide sewing threads are intended for sewing cord threads in cord fabrics, sewing clothes, shoes, for industrial purposes, the thread is used in printing houses for binding books and other purposes.

Physical and mechanical indicators

TU 2272-158-00204027-2009

Polyamide yarn is produced pneumatically bonded shiny, undyed and dyed, heat-stabilized and not heat-stabilized, light-stabilized, light-heat stabilized with zero twist.
In terms of physical and mechanical indicators, it must comply with the standards specified in table 1.

Table 1.

  • Tint from lubricants and heat stabilizers is allowed.
  • The normalized moisture content of the thread is set to 5.0%, the actual moisture content should not exceed 7.0%.
  • The number of defects in appearance per conditional weight of a thread of 1000g should not exceed that indicated in table2.

Table 2.

Defect name /

Number of defects for the thread

1. Winding tuberosity, no more, mm

2. Small strokes, spots (no more than 5mm in size)


3. Chords at the bottom of the bobbin, no more

4. Breaks of filaments in complex

5. Start winding the thread from the bottom end
cartridge, mm, not less

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