Crafts from corrugated. DIY corrugated paper flowers that are indistinguishable from real! Corrugated paper jewelry

Wood materials and products 28.10.2020
Wood materials and products

Corrugated paper and cardboard construction is suitable for almost any age. Due to the simplicity of corrugated quilling, obtaining a quick and very effective creative result, this technique can captivate both adults and children. The process of twisting and folding makes children's fingers more agile and skillful, contributes to the development of figurative thinking, fantasy, imagination. Gorgeous flowers, various bouquets and volumetric toys made of corrugated paper, cardboard, corrugated tubes can be made by you and your pupils, inspired by the example of the masters whose materials are collected in this thematic section.

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Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


DIY beauty has always been in vogue. Different hand-made techniques require a certain level of skill. But there is material that is easy even for beginners to work with. It is very easy to make bulky balls, bouquets of flowers, and other corrugated paper products, but they look incredibly beautiful.

What can be made from corrugated paper

The first purpose of corrugated (wrinkled, crepe) paper is packaging. It was once used as a technical material for wrapping dishes and ceramic figurines. Later, consumers appreciated the decorativeness of this package, and manufacturers began to paint it in bright colors. However, the main mission of the crumpled paper remained unchanged for a long time. It was used as a ceremonial, festive packaging. Corrugated sheets are still used to decorate bouquets, gifts, but not only for this.

Bright sheets of corrugated paper are pleasant to work with. They are easy to cut, bend, keep the given shape well, and retain their "marketable" appearance for a long time. This material is used in the manufacture of flowers and bouquets, paintings, home decoration applications for the holiday, Christmas tree decorations, souvenirs. Guided by your imagination, you can decorate the room with snow-white balls, butterflies, leaves, roses, asters, gladioli.

Corrugated paper applique is a technique that is accessible even to a child. Mastering it together with your family, you will spend an unforgettable, warm evening with your family. To make your work stand out, make sure you have:

  • sheets or rolls of crepe paper of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • cutting thin wire of different lengths;
  • threads.

Flowers occupy a special place among crepe paper crafts. The amazing properties of the material enliven petals and leaves, make paper figures look like real plants. A large number of video views of flower making master classes speak of the popularity of such products. Flowers made by you can be used as:

  • large volumetric decorative elements, located one by one or in small groups, to decorate halls for the holiday;
  • elements for bouquets and compositions in vases;
  • parts for special-purpose bouquets (wedding, anniversary);
  • elements for decorating large figures (letters, numbers):

Wedding flowers from corrugated paper

Artificial flowers as a wedding accessory are becoming trendy. Composition for the bride is a responsible business, but creative and interesting. Small white or light pink roses made of corrugated paper can form the basis of an original bouquet. How to do it? To make a simple, delicate rose, you need to take:

  • corrugated paper strip of white or pink color;
  • a thin strip of green crepe paper;
  • small pieces of light green paper;
  • floristic teip tape, green;
  • wire for making stems.

The colored stripe is the base of the flower. Its width should be 7-7.5 cm, and its length should be about 45 cm. A thin green strip is used to decorate the wire stem. Leaves are made from pieces of light green paper. When the material is ready, you can start. Make several of these roses and try to collect a beautiful bouquet from them.

  1. Decorate the rose with a curly edge. The process resembles the consolidation of dough when sculpting a dumpling. Stretch the very edge of the corrugated strip slightly, bend its corner twice and twist slightly to lock the fold. Step back 1-1.5 centimeters and repeat the action. This border should be made along the entire length of the paper strip.
  2. Twist the strip into a small rose with a curly edge, fix the bottom with a wire, secure with a tape.
  3. Wrap the wire stalk with thin green tape.
  4. Fasten 1-2 leaves on it, cutting them out of a material of a lighter tone. The flower is ready!

Sweet bouquets of corrugated paper

Talking about crafts made of corrugated paper, one cannot but remember sweet bouquets. They consist of flowers, in the buds of which chocolate candies are hidden. Such an original gift will bring joy to both children and adults. For a delicious bouquet you will need:

  • colored crinkled paper;
  • sturdy wire or barbecue sticks;
  • green teip tape;
  • thin pink ribbon;
  • green floral ribbon for leaflets;
  • candy wrappers.

Take a corrugated rectangle 18 by 12 cm and wrap it tightly around the candy (the "tail" of its wrapper should point up). Insert a stick or wire into the lower part of the resulting cylinder, secure the flower on the stem with tape. Above the candy, wrap a piece of thin tape around the paper cylinder so that the sweet "filling" stays securely in place. Spread out the edge of the flower in the form of petals so that the candy is visible. Make a bouquet of flowers, decorate it with greenery and ribbons.

Corrugated paper topiary

A decorative tree that adorns the house and is believed to bring happiness - topiary - can be made with your own hands. For such a craft, small flowers are made from corrugated paper: snowdrops, poppies, roses, daisies, tulips. The topiary is not created from templates. He is your creation and his appearance depends only on the imagination of the author. Crumpled paper flowers are perfect for decorating your tree of happiness.

Corrugated paper pompons

Topiary can be decorated not only with floral figurines. A tree decorated with pom-poms looks great - fluffy paper balls. It is very easy to make them. You need to take 8 squares of corrugated paper, put in a pile and fold everything at the same time with an accordion. The folded accordion in the middle must be tightly but carefully pulled with a harsh thread and tied. The edges can be rounded or sharpened - pom-poms will come out in different shapes. Spread the petals of the pom-pom gently, giving it a ball shape.

Bulk crafts from corrugated paper

To adequately decorate a large room for a children's or adult's holiday, you need not only balloons. Volumetric shapes made of crumpled paper will create the right mood. A large number with the number of years for a baby's birthday, a romantic wall inscription on a wedding feast, giant peonies or sunflowers in flowerpots, Christmas tree decorations and New Year's images - there is an idea for every holiday!

Universal crepe paper decoration - balls. Bright, elegant giant pom-poms are hung one at a time or in groups to create an atmosphere of festive fun, and white, soft pink ones for a romantic mood. If you want to surprise your guests, do not be lazy to decorate the room for the holiday with such balloons. They are made in the same way as pom-poms, only the square blank should be larger.

Corrugated paper letters

Do you want a spectacular inscription on the wall? Draw the letters you want on thick cardboard and cut them out. Use crumpled paper to transform your lettering into a masterpiece. For work, prepare:

  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • pVA glue;
  • pencil.

Cut the paper into equal 5 x 5 cm squares. The squares can be of the same color or different colors as you like. Fold the paper randomly around a non-sharpened pencil set in the center of the square. It turns out a small paper bag with a bottom. Without removing the pencil, dip the bottom in glue and stick letters in any corner. A start. Square by square, glue the entire space of the inscription without gaps, choosing the colors according to your sketch.

Corrugated paper number

It is done in the same way as the letter. If your figure is voluminous, do not forget to paste over the end sides of it. Choose the color for the number based on the overall design. It will be great if the number is similar to the one on the cake. To make the children's holiday memorable for children and adults for a long time, combine different types of corrugated paper crafts.

Video: corrugated paper party decorations

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Home decor is a constant and continuous work. In the process, new techniques and types of work are being mastered. In this article, we will talk about how to make flowers from corrugated paper. This paper can be found in flower shops. But in a larger assortment it is in specialized establishments that sell everything for needlework. You will also need wire or thin sticks for work (bamboo skewers are also suitable), glue and scissors.

General principles and rules

Despite the fact that corrugated paper flowers are made different, the principles of work are the same. Here are briefly general rules that will help you make paper flowers very similar to real ones with your own hands.

Here, in fact, are all the rules. And one more thing: the stem is prepared first. For it, wire or sticks of different thicknesses are used, which are wrapped in a long thin strip of green corrugated paper. The tape can be coated with glue, and then wound onto the base. You can roll it dry, and fix the edge with a drop of glue. Another point: if you are going to collect a composition from flowers, leave the lower 1/3 of the stem without finishing - it will be easier to make a bouquet.


Corrugated paper poppies are very easy to make. It is important to find the right shade of scarlet. You will also need a small piece of black for the core. But, if it is not there, you can use any dark one, then paint it black.

We make poppy from corrugated paper like this:

  • We fold a small square out of paper napkins of any color. We wrap it with black corrugated paper. If there is no black, take any dark one, then paint it.

  • Cut out two or three petals of different sizes from scarlet paper: small, medium and large.
  • We collect the petals all together (do not put them in a neat pile) and crush them into a ball.
  • We disassemble the ball into petals.

  • We take the core, wrap the first small petal around it from left to right.
  • The second small petal partially overlaps the first, followed by the middle one, too.

  • The second middle and two large petals form the second row. They are located so that their central part overlaps the junction of the previous row.

  • Gathering everything together, insert the wire into the base, wrap the base with thread, glue it. We wrap it in green paper.

Poppy is one of the easiest colors to DIY from corrugated paper. At the same time, it looks very good. You can use them in a campaign with other flowers, or make a bouquet with only poppies.

Even such a simple flower can be made in different ways. First of all, you can change the middle. In the master class described above, the core of the flower is very simple. It can be made more like natural. Using the same technology, we make the middle, but from white paper. And from black (can be painted) we cut out a strip about 1 cm wide and 4-5 cm long.On one side we cut it into thin stripes (a couple of millimeters wide). We twist the resulting "noodles", getting thin stamens. We wrap the stamens around the core, and then we proceed according to the same algorithm.

How to make paper and candy crocuses

An unusual gift can be made by using candies as the core of flowers. It turns out an original sweet gift. Such a core can be made in flowers with a large hollow bud inside - a tulip or crocus, for example. Moreover, corrugated paper crocuses are very easy to make. Everything will take 5-10 minutes. Not more.

A bouquet of corrugated paper with sweets is a nice surprise

  • Cut out a square with a side of 15 cm from paper.
  • We divide it into three parts, making a cut to a depth of 7.5 cm.Three petals are obtained.

  • Each petal, measuring 5 cm from the top, scroll around its axis and bend the top down.
  • Use your fingers to give them a concave shape.

  • We take the formed petals, wrap them around the stem so that each petal takes its place - about 1/3 of the entire diameter. To do this, the bottom edge will have to be crushed well.

  • We make leaves from green paper. Cut out a rectangle with sides 5 * 8 cm.
  • We divide it into three parts, making incisions to a depth of 8 cm.
  • Having stepped back from the edge 3 cm, we twist the strip of paper around its axis, bend the upper part down, straighten it and give it a rounded shape.

  • We wrap the leaves around the bud. They should fall at the junction of the petals.

  • We take a narrow strip of green paper, twisting it around the wire, we make out the stem.

That's all, the crocus made of corrugated paper and sweets is ready. Having made 7-9 pieces of these colors, you can put them in the basket. For more variety, you can make some small flowers.


Chrysanthemums can be made using the technology described above. The difference is that there will be many petals and they will be narrow. And the principle is the same: we twist the upper part of the petal, lower it down. Only in the case of chrysanthemums, it is necessary to give the entire petal a curved shape.

For these paper chrysanthemums, candy is also used as a core. These corrugated paper flowers are best made from a material that is not too bright. The tones are softer, softer. For foliage, muted greens are also chosen. For more believability, take paper of two close shades and make two shades of petals.

So, do it yourself chrysanthemum from corrugated paper:

This chrysanthemum variant looks pretty good. But for greater believability, you can make petals of different sizes. You need at least three gradations: small, medium and large. They will differ more in length than in width. Such a flower will look more magnificent, it will look richer in a bouquet. Try it.

Asters - simple and original

For simple yet eye-catching corrugated paper flowers, try making asters. They are made from corrugation in bright and pastel shades. They look best in a bouquet, and the colors can be different.

Corrugated paper asters can also be made from petals of different sizes - shorter ones closer to the center of the flower (there should be fewer of them), and longer ones at the periphery (there are more of them). You can bend them in one direction, or in opposite directions. As you like best.

Corrugated paper roses: a step-by-step manufacturing algorithm (2 methods)

The good thing about corrugated paper flowers is that they can be made in different ways. The material is very plastic, it easily changes shape because there are several ways. Someone wants to achieve more "naturalness", and someone is important about speed.

1 way (natural look)

For roses made of corrugated paper, it is better to choose paper of two or three very similar shades. This will make the flower look more natural. For example, white and crepe paper was used for the flower in the photo. The number of petals of different shades is arbitrary, as is their placement in the bud.

The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

As a result, we will get a beautiful rose made of corrugated paper. In this version, it looks like a real flower. There is an easier and faster way (pictured below).

Method 2 (simple and fast)

Cut out a strip of paper 7-8 cm wide. You can make it uneven - narrower on one side, wider on the other. We fold it starting from the narrow edge with an "accordion". The width of the "accordion" is 3.5 -4.5 cm. Cut out the petals from the resulting stack by 2/3 of the height.

We wind the petals onto the wire (you can not wrap it with a green ribbon for now), starting from the narrow edge. As we twist, we give them a shape with our fingers - stretch them on one side, crush them against the stem. Having installed all the petals, we fix them with a thread (just by winding a few turns). We correct the petals, forming a bud.

From green paper, folding it like an accordion, cut out long and narrow petals. Keep in mind that their ends will need to be twisted, so they should not be so narrow (noticeably 1 cm). We wrap the cut petals from below, under the petals, twist the leaves with our fingers, and then draw up the stem.

Corrugated paper peonies (with patterns)

Peonies need yellow corrugated paper for the core, green for the foliage, pink, cream, crimson for the flower itself. A wire or thin stick is suitable for the stem. You will also need PVA glue.

Corrugated paper peony is a rather complicated flower to make. It has many different petal shapes. You can't do without a pattern. But there are many varieties of peonies, so there are several patterns. Here are two options. The first one can be printed, cut and used as a template - it is given in full-size image. The second option can be drawn with your own hands in the cells.

Step-by-step manufacturing process with a photo:

  • Cut out a strip of yellow paper 4-5 cm wide and 10-12 cm long. Fold it several times, cut it into thin "noodles", leaving about 1 cm of uncut edge.
  • We roll the resulting tape into a tight roll, using the whole edge for this. We grease it with glue and twist it. It turns out a shaggy yellow core, around which the petals will be attached. We fix this middle on a stick / wire, which will be the stem.

  • Cut out the petals from paper. The minimum quantity is 20 pieces (all types), but the more, the more fluffy the flower will be. On the second pattern, the number of petals is indicated on each; on the first, explanations are needed. There are also numbers there. This is the required number of petals.
  • Stretch each petal in the middle, without touching the edges, giving them a convex shape. Don't try to make them the same. This is not required. In the process, you can still stretch or tighten a little.
  • We start folding the petals from the smallest ones. We place them around the existing center. Place the first small petals just slightly overlapping their edges. We coat the base with glue.

  • Next, take the middle petals. We lay them with a slight approach to one another.
  • Then we put the large and the last - very large leaves. We coat each layer with a small amount of glue at the base.
  • Leaves are also required. We cut them out of green paper. On the one hand, we squeeze them, forming a petiole, on the other, we straighten them in the middle, giving them a curved shape (similar to a boat).

  • We attach the leaves under the bud, bend them down.
  • You can also make leaves, like a peony, but this will also require a thin wire and a few cut curly leaves. Streaks cannot be made on corrugated paper, but they can be marked with paint.

  • We glue each leaf to the wire, wrap the petiole with a thin strip, then attach it to the stem.

    The assembly process is a creative activity

  • We take a long narrow strip of green corrugated paper (about 1 cm wide, 20-30 cm long - depending on the length of the stem). We wrap the base of the flower, then smoothly move to the stem. At the end, we fix the edge of the paper with a drop of glue.

The corrugated paper peony is ready. Usually they make up a bouquet. When you do the following, don't try to make them exactly the same. All flowers in nature are unique. Yours should be different too.

You can play with the size and number of petals, mixing petals of different shades, similar in color. You can try using paint to darken the petals at the base. In general, there are a lot of options.

Corrugated paper flowers: photo ideas, patterns

Using the techniques described above, you can make any flower. The main snag is in the shape, number and size of the petals. The most important thing is still the form. It is characteristic of each petal. Sizes are arbitrary. Not only do flowers come in different sizes in nature, it has recently become fashionable to decorate the interior with giant growth flowers. The decoration is original, but specific. It is necessary to increase the basic patterns many times, it is difficult to work with large scales. It is best to practice on normal sized flowers first and then move on to larger ones.

A little about patterns. They can be found not only. If it happens in the summer, take the desired flower, disassemble it into petals. From the whole pile, select the most characteristic ones, attach to a sheet of paper, circle. Then the shape must be corrected taking into account the fact that these are still paper flowers. The final pattern will take shape after a few trial and error. We will post several patterns and master classes in photos in this section.


The simpler the flower, the more ways to make it. Cornflower from corrugated paper can be made using different techniques. Examples are in the photo.

If you want to make it very similar to the real one (A - a pattern for a blossoming flower, B - for a bud)


Making iris out of paper takes some imagination. A very unusual flower. The photo shows several techniques that can achieve different effects. Some flowers just resemble the original, some are very similar to it.

Anything different

Lilies ... Beautiful, but several techniques are applied

Pansies - a pattern for making from corrugated paper

For the "advanced". Very beautiful flower turns out

For adults, creativity is stress relief and pleasant leisure. For children - the manifestation of ideas, improvement of hand motor skills. One of the types of needlework, a variety of do-it-yourself corrugated paper crafts.

Adorable Elephant

A bright, spectacular elephant will turn out from roses, pink is better for a girl, and a blue shade for a boy. This wonderful voluminous corrugated paper craft.


  • blue (pink) and beige corrugated paper;
  • cardboard;
  • 2 balls of different sizes (can be replaced with food foil);
  • paper towel rolls;
  • packing toothpicks;
  • glue, you can glue gun.

The product is made of twisted paper roses, each with 1 toothpick. Step-by-step actions exactly according to the scheme:

We string the rose one by one on a toothpick, under the flower we fix it well with threads. Then we stick our roses into the balls - this is the elephant's head and body.

We connect two balls in roses, at the level of the tummy 4 beige roses.

We pass to the legs of the elephant - these are rolls. We cut them off, glue beige paper to the empty space. We get the sole of the elephant's leg, on the sides there will be pink paper with curly edges.

We wrap it on a roll and glue the pink paper in a circle.

Cut the ears out of a cardboard box, glue pink roses in a circle from the back on top, on the outside - a pink rim, inside a cream color.

We make the trunk of an elephant from a tube, it is possible from a twisted large newspaper. We glue it with pink paper with curly edges.

Large eyes of 2 colors should be drawn on white paper, glued to the elephant's face.

2 more creamy roll paper fangs.

It turned out to be a funny elephant for a blue boy.

Original stand for Easter egg

There are quick easy paper crafts.

Prepare for work:

  • a roll of cardboard;
  • colored corrugated paper;
  • glue;
  • decor (flower, beads).

Stages of work:

We make a low stand out of cardboard (roll).

Cut off a wide strip of colored corrugation. We glue it in a circle to the cardboard. The free edges will freely cover the edges of the roll, as shown.

The inside can now be filled with pieces of soft fabric, lace or organza. You can put a soft wire to hold the egg.

Paper flowers, beautiful beads, etc. are suitable as a decor. The stand is ready!

Fluffy Christmas tree made of corrugated paper

The New Year tree is always relevant. Prepare corrugated packaging for work. Corrugated colored paper is ideal for crafts.

We cut the corrugation into strips, the bottom layer is the widest 25 cm and 20 cm long. This will become the base of our Christmas tree. The new layer must be reduced in diameter by 2 cm.

Squeeze a sheet of corrugation with an "accordion", pull in the middle with a thread of the same color. For more effect, trim the edges with a zigzag.

Each layer of the Christmas tree is made of 2 pieces of accordion-shaped corrugation and tied in half with a thread. Use a stationery stapler to fasten the layers, you can sew them with threads.

Putting on one layer after another, we get a fluffy Christmas tree.

A pineapple

For an exotic pineapple from a bottle and paper, you will need: 2 corrugated colors (yellow and green), a small bottle with a low neck, scissors, shiny foil and glue.

Let's analyze in detail a beautiful craft made of corrugated paper:

For the product, cut leaves 2 cm wide, 8 cm long with scissors from green corrugation.

From the yellow one, we cut out the scales of a large pineapple 2.5-3 cm wide and 9 cm long. Then we fold the scales in half, and twist them on the fold.

Close the bottle with a cork, wrap the top of the neck with shiny foil. Then from top to bottom on the neck of the bottle with glue pineapple leaves, then - yellow scales "checkerboard".

We decorate the bottom of the bottle with green foliage, as in the picture. Glue the leaves on the round bottom, attach them to the bottle.

Using a brownish felt-tip pen, draw strokes on the yellow "checkers" with dots in the center. Luxurious pineapple is ready!

Funny chicks

For Easter or another celebration, a simple craft made of chocolate eggs will do. Chickens are easy to make with a preschooler.

To work you need:

  • yellow corrugated paper;
  • chocolate egg;
  • cardboard;
  • thin wire;
  • satin ribbon;
  • the threads are yellow;
  • ready-made eyes for crafts;
  • scissors and glue.

The baby can do the main work, and the mother can direct the actions.

Stages of work:

Cut out rectangles from the yellow corrugation, with 1 slightly larger than the size of a chocolate egg. The other two are 10x3 cm.

Wrap the egg in yellow corrugated paper, collect the edges at the top of the figure.

Secure the edges of the corrugation with a thread (wire). Cut them off, there should be a beautiful, even crest. We tie it with a thin ribbon.

We make the wings from rectangles, you need to twist them on both sides. Then tuck the chicken inside and glue it to the body. They should be voluminous.

From cardboard (preferably scarlet), cut and glue the beak and stable legs, connected together.

Glue the finished eyes to the craft, if the chicken is a boy, glue a small black bow under the beak. Girl - a bow on a crest.

Funny chickens look great on the festive table for Easter and other holidays.

We present to your attention a photo of creative corrugated paper crafts for every taste and level of complexity.

Photo of corrugated paper crafts

There are several types of corrugated paper. This is a thick, dense wrapping paper of various colors for crafts, and thin and soft paper from which flowers and volumetric applique are made. In the article, we will present for your consideration several examples of making crafts from corrugated paper with photographs and a detailed description of the work on the product.

Explanation of work

When fastening parts of an applique or crafts for such a dense material, you will need thick PVA glue. You will also need to use sharp scissors, and a high-quality cutter for making paintings. Some crafts can be made by younger students, and some pictures from corrugated paper can only be made by people who have artistic skills and a certain taste.

Additional items may be needed for flower crafts. For example, in a sewing accessories store, choose a core for a flower; for a stem, you need to prepare a strong wire. In principle, do-it-yourself corrugated paper crafts is easy, the main thing is to understand the stages of work and follow the instructions given in the article.

Beads for mom

Such a corrugated paper craft can be offered to be made as a gift to mom or grandmother for the holiday on March 8. Even children of the older group of kindergarten will master this work. Beads can be made different, so the craft will look even more original. To work, you will need several sheets of corrugated paper of different colors. It is advisable to choose a beautiful color scheme so that the shades are compatible. Also, to put on the beads, you need a nylon thread of the same color as one of the beads.

To make cylindrical elements, paper is cut into even strips of different widths. For spiral beads, narrow and sharp triangles are needed. A sample of the cut paper for such elements is in the photo below. They can also be cut in different widths, then the spirals turn out to be longer and more rounded.

It is desirable to place them in a symmetrical order. They start with the central large part, then make two identical beads and place them to the left and right of the center. Glue the edges of the paper with thick PVA glue. You can also use superglue or transparent Kristall glue.

When curling paper into rolls, use a thin rod, for example, a wooden skewer or knitting needle. After securing the edge, the bead is removed from the rod and a nylon thread is threaded into this hole. For convenience, it can be inserted into a thick needle. The free ends of the thread are tied with a knot. That's it, you can give your mother a gift of corrugated paper.

Toy "Bunny"

Such a large toy also requires a lot of material. The main color is blue, and one strip of pink will be enough for the nose. Toy eyes can be purchased at a sewing supply store. It is best to use super glue to hold this amount of crepe paper together.

You can use a cardboard toilet paper roll as a wide base for winding. Wrapping several layers around the cylinder, the edge is also firmly glued. Then the paper is carefully pulled off the cardboard rod and flattened with the palm of your hand and folded as desired. Thin ears and legs are obtained.

When all the details are fastened together, decorating the corrugated paper craft with your own hands begins, the photo shows what else needs to be done. First of all, the nose is twisted and glued, then the eyes are attached. By pressing your finger in the middle of the lower legs, you can make them curved upward and more voluminous.

Tank for a boy

Earlier in the article, I described a method for rolling paper around a core. The following crepe paper craft (step by step below) uses the same principle. First, select strips in three colors: black, yellow, and beige. You can, of course, dream up and make another version or the usual green. The wheels are of different sizes, decreasing towards the edges of the tank tracks. It is better to make them in pairs, immediately for one and the second caterpillar, so that the size is the same and the product does not skew to the side.

Connect the wheels together using a long track. For strength, you can go around them with a strip twice. The edge is glued to the last turn, as in the rest of the details. In order for the two tracks and the turret of the tank to have a base, you need to make a large cylinder and insert it into the center of the toy. Large wheels and the upper superstructure of the tank are glued to it.

The top cylinder of the tower is equipped with a cannon before final gluing. They make it from a wide sheet, twisting it to the length of corrugated strips. The edge is secured along the entire length. If you press on the wheels and the tower with your finger from the inside, they will have a bulge.

You need to play with such a tank carefully, because this is a piece of corrugated paper. The photo shows that the parts do not move, and children will definitely want a mobile toy, not a static one. Such a tank can be a decorative item in a children's room or a craft for an exhibition at a school on February 23rd.

Craft for a girl

To make such a doll, you need to assemble both the torso and the head from two conical parts. The inner pink element can be cylindrical. An already twisted purple cone is glued on top of it.

The head is done in a slightly different way. First, the black hairstyle is twisted, then the central part is squeezed up with a finger, giving the head a roundness. White paper is glued on top of black paper and curled downward. Long curls are thin strips of paper curled up with a pencil.

The lanterns of the dress roll up from thin stripes and also slightly bend outward to show the volume. Hands, eyes, mouth and heart are done like a regular applique.

Quilling Narcissus

It is easy to do such a do-it-yourself corrugated paper craft with step-by-step instructions. In order for the flower pot to be strong, a disposable cup filled with sand is inserted into the middle. It is pasted over with brown stripes and decorated with red.

The middle of the flower is twisted at once from two multi-colored stripes folded together. Narcissus petals are performed as follows. First, a strip is wound on a thick rod, the edge is glued to the last turn. Then it is removed from the rod and pressed on one side with two fingers, creating a sharp corner of the petal. With a rounded part, the petals are attached to the middle of the flower. To make the daffodil stand in the pot, you need to pick up a green plastic thin stick. It can be pasted over with paper. At the base of the stick, thin leaves are attached, characteristic of a daffodil.

Such a craft made of corrugated paper - flowers - can be made as a gift for March 8 or for a birthday for mom or grandmother.

rose flower

For such a delicate flower as a rose, the thinnest corrugated paper is used. The step-by-step diagram in the photo shows how to cut out the petals, twist them around the stem (sticks). You can use a wooden one, as in the photo, or you can pick up a thin green cocktail tube.

After making the flower, the edges of the petals are twisted outward by hand. The rose turns out like a real one, from a distance people are unlikely to guess that the flower is made of paper.


Such a lush and large poppy is made from the same petal shape. It resembles a triangle in which all corners are rounded. The petals are fastened in the center. The edges remain free. In the middle, pieces of black threads are glued, on top of which a black half-bead is placed.

Sharp green sepals are attached to the bottom of the flower. If the poppy is to have a stem, then it can be fixed to the back of the flower on a ball of crumpled paper. To do this, the rod is wrapped in several layers and then the cylinder is pasted over from above. You get the volumetric part of the sepals, as in a real flower.


Such a delicate bouquet is made of strips of corrugated paper folded in half by twisting. Balls of crumpled paper are inserted into the middle for bulk.

A stick is simply inserted from below and wrapped in green paper. Flowers can be combined into a bouquet and wrapped with wrapping film.

Corrugated paper picture

To create real masterpieces, you need to be able to draw. A picture is first drawn on the wrapping paper. Then, with a sharp cutter, a thin layer of paper is very carefully cut, revealing the corrugated sheet. You need to work with light movements, otherwise you can damage the layer you need for the image.

The created panel can be closed under glass and hung in a frame on the wall.

As you can see, many wonderful crafts can be made from corrugated paper. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

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