Knights of Faith (Vera Kryzhanovskaya-Rochester). Audiobook Vera Kryzhanovskaya-Rochester. Knights of Faith listen online, download

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Knights of Faith (Vera Kryzhanovskaya-Rochester)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 88-92 kbps (VBR)
Vera Kryzhanovskaya-Rochester
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: historical adventure
Publisher: Seventh Book
Artist: Oleg Isaev
Duration: 16:42:47
Description: Authority that violates the commandments of God cannot be recognized by Him. Europe, Middle Ages, early 15th century. The knights and nobles of Bohemia and Moravia, who supported the reform of the Catholic Church, rebelled against the papacy and German domination in Bohemia. Patience ran out after the burning alive in 1415 of the priest Jan Hus and Jerome of Prague, the folk favorites of Prague and the true knights of the Christian faith.
Vera Kryzhanovskaya's fascinating book is full of many interesting details of the era, it is not for nothing that they say that Kryzhanovskaya wrote all her novels in a state of trance, under the dictation of souls who lived at the time of the heroes of her historical novels. Is that why historians have noted the amazing truthfulness in the books of an author who has never studied history? The Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences also praised the novel "Knights of Faith" ("Lights of the Czech Republic"), noting it with an honorable mention. Nowadays, the prose of Vera Kryzhanovskaya is more relevant than ever before, because we have to revise much in the history of Europe and Russia ...




21-01-2018 22:42:47


Warhammer 40000. Gray Knights 1. Gray Knights (Counter Ben), Sister of Battle]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 111kbps
By Counter Ben
Year of issue: 2018
Genre fiction

Artist: Sister of Battle
Duration: 14:32:07
Description: The Order of the Gray Knights has specialized in driving out demons since ancient times and works closely with the Inquisition. Ten centuries ago, on the planet Korion IX, the Gray Knight Mandulis fought against the demon Gargatuloth. In a battle that cost him his life, Mandulis still managed to banish the creature back to the Immaterium. After a thousand years, the apostate inquisitor reopens the demon's path to real space. Justice ...


Miracle of Faith

Year of issue: 2007
Genre: Documentary, Religion
Publisher: Union
Artist: Vsevolod Kuznetsov
Duration: 01:30:00
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Description: An exciting and thoughtful story about the miraculous events taking place next to our Orthodox compatriots awaits you. Myrrh streaming of icons and holy relics. Inexplicable "doubling" of holy images and renewal of images. Miraculous healings of people. Genuine evidence and research results from scientists trying to scientifically investigate unprecedented phenomena. One of the most amazing modern stories of myrrh streaming is associated with ...


Inquisitor. Act of Faith (Anton Ulrich)

Author: Anton Ulrich
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Thriller, Horror, Mystic
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Litvinova Natalia
Length: 09:04:52
Description: Anton Ulrich's novel "The Inquisitor" tells the story of where pride leads a person. The young couple who did not get along with each other turns into sworn enemies. The misadventures of a beggar Spanish aristocrat, a corsair, and then an inquisitor, eventually lead him to the gates of the abbey, where his beloved celebrates devilish masses. The thrilling action of the novel takes place in Spain at the beginning of the 16th century, it is full of ...


From faith to knowledge (Khokhlova Svetlana)

ISBN: 978-5905987-48-9
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Author: Khokhlova Svetlana
Year of issue: 2012
Genre: popular science
Publisher: Nestor-History
Russian language
Number of pages: 112
Description: The book is intended for those who are looking for answers to questions. Who are we? Why are we in this world of earthly Being? How does it develop and transform the surrounding world? How is a person involved in this process? Why do we become who we are? Who determines the tasks that we must complete on our path in life? What is copyright in objective reality? What I missed ...


Commissioner Guido Brunetti 06. Death of Faith (Donna Leon)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Donna Leon
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Sergey Kirsanov
Length: 07:02:12
Description: A beautiful young woman appears on the doorstep of Commissioner Brunetti's office. The Commissioner immediately recognizes her: this is the sister of Immacolata, a nun caring for his mother in a nursing home. But, to the surprise of Brunetti, the woman, introducing herself, calls a different name - Maria Testa. It turns out that she left the monastic order after a series of deaths in the hospital, which seem suspicious to her. The Commissioner decides to ...


A symbol of faith in yourself. Collection of short stories number 3 (Sheckley Robert)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 320kbps
Author: Sheckley Robert
Year of issue: 2014
Genre fiction
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Ilya Khvost
Length: 05:42:33
Description: "Respect the child within yourself, for he knows the truth. He was kidnapped, pushed into an aging body, forced to do unpleasant work and follow stupid rules." Robert Sheckley List of Stories 01. The right question 02. A frozen world 03. Playing with the body 04. From an onion to a carrot 05. A company of unbridled talents 06. At a rally of birds 07. A song of star love 08. Risk reward 09. Specialist 10. Special ...

but I

Vera Pavlovna's ninth dream and other stories (Victor Pelevin)

Author: Victor Pelevin
Year of issue: 2015
Genre: Surrealism
Publisher: Soyuz, Pokidyshev and Sons
Artist: Maxim Sukhanov
Length: 03:01:29
Description: We present to your judgment an audio version of the early works of the most mysterious writer of our time, laureate of numerous literary prizes and awards, including "Small Booker" and "National Bestseller" - Victor Pelevin.
Add. information:
Contents: 01. The ninth dream of Vera Pavlovna 02. The origin of species 03. Mardongs 04. Ivan Kublakhanov 05. Weapons of retaliation 06. Reconstructor 07. Built-in ...


Keepers of the faith. On the life of the Church in Soviet times (Gusakova Olga)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Gusakova Olga
Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Biographies, interviews
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Gerasimov Vyacheslav
Duration: 09:02:03
Description: The twentieth century for Russia was a time of testing the true faith and brought the Church a host of new martyrs and confessors. But besides them, there were thousands of Christians who carried the Orthodox faith through the decades of atheism. The book contains interviews with just such people: priests and lay people who directly faced persecution or who lived an outwardly calm life.
Add. Information: Read by edition:
M .: ...


Grail Knights (Platonova Tatiana)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Platonova Tatiana
Year of issue: 2015
Genre: esotericism, philosophy, adventure
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: genagame
Duration: 17:24:16
Description: A mystical experience ... Is it fiction or reality? Those who survived it do not doubt the truth of what happened. The readers of the "Grail Knights" will not have a question about reality, they will be more concerned about how to live simply, openly, with great love in their hearts for people and the world around them. The adventures of the heroes will become part of your own life, you will begin to look at ordinary events with your eyes ...

but I

Knights of the Otherworldly (Oleg Dorofeev)

Format: RTF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Oleg Dorofeev
Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Combat fantasy
Publisher: AST, Astrel-SPb
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: The experiment, which began as a dangerous game, ended with successful transfers to another reality, extreme adventures and led the heroes of the book to different ways of realizing the ancient Truth. However, the punishment for unauthorized access to hidden Knowledge is fatal and inevitable ...


Knights of counterfeit banknotes (Polish George)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Polskoy Georgy
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Legal literature
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Murashko Igor
Length: 07:39:25
Description: The book is dedicated to various issues related to counterfeiting in the West, its history from ancient times to the present day. A gallery of outstanding people passes in front of the readers, on whom the society of cash money has a corrupting influence, ruthlessly disfiguring their talent and turning them into criminals. The author tells about cases of economic sabotage of some states against others with the help of massive ...


Knights of Madame Adventures (Vadim Burlak)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Evgeniy Karnovich
Year of issue: 2006
Genre: Historical novel
Publisher: Vira-M
Artist: Oleg Fedorov
Length: 08:25:40
Description: A popular story by the well-known writer Yevgeniy Karnovich (1824 - 1885). Her heroes are the Maltese knight Count Julius Litta and the noble lady Ekaterina Skavronskaya. Descriptions of their romantic destinies are given by the author against a broad historical background. The reader, carried away by the plot intrigue, learns about the era of Paul I much of what over time turned out to be firmly forgotten.


Archmage 2. Knights of the Blessed Virgin (Rudazov Alexander)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Rudazov Alexander
Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Slutsky Alexander
Duration: 15:31:04
Description: When people need help, they appeal to the gods. When the gods need help, they appeal to people ... Inanna, the great goddess of Good and Light, did the same. A Great Evil wakes up in her personal world, and she cannot stop it on her own. For laziness. But, of course, Archmage Creole will not refuse to help the Blessed Virgin. He will swear for a long time, but will not refuse. Especially when he finds out about the reward promised for ...


King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (Nina Garskaya)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Nina Garskaya
Year of issue: 1982
Genre: Adventure, Legend
Publisher: Melody
Performer: Georgy Menglet, Mikhail Derzhavin Jr., Roman Tkachuk, Yuri Avsharov, Alexey Ovechkin, Evgeny Vesnik, Anatoly Guzenko, Nina Garskaya, Tamara Murina, Rodion Alexandrov, Nina Arkhipova, Evgeny Grafkin, Yuri Vasiliev (II), Vera Kharybina, Vladimir Ushakov
Duration: 01:21:26
Description: Nobility and honor, fearlessness and courage, devotion to the sovereign and loyalty to a friend, love for a beautiful lady ... All these concepts are inextricably linked with chivalry. How did this ...

Books enlighten the soul, raise and strengthen a person, awaken the best aspirations in him, sharpen his mind and soften his heart.

William Thackeray, English satirist

The book is a tremendous force.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Soviet revolutionary

Without books, we can now neither live, nor fight, nor suffer, nor rejoice and win, nor confidently go towards that reasonable and beautiful future in which we unshakably believe.

Many thousands of years ago, in the hands of the best representatives of mankind, the book became one of the main instruments of their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this instrument that gave these people terrible strength.

Nikolay Rubakin, Russian bibliologist, bibliographer.

The book is a tool of labor. But not only. It introduces people to the life and struggle of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the environment and transform it.

Stanislav Strumilin, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

There is no better way to refresh the mind than reading the ancient classics; if you take one of them in your hands, although for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, relieved and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

Anyone who was not familiar with the creations of the ancients lived without knowing beauty.

Georg Hegel, German philosopher

No failures of history and dead spaces of time are capable of destroying human thought, enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.

Konstantin Paustovsky, Russian Soviet writer

The book is a sorceress. The book has transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

Nikolay Morozov, creator of modern scientific chronology

Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another, advice from a dying old man to a young man who is beginning to live, an order passed on to a sentry going on vacation, to a sentry who takes his place

Human life is empty without books. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

Demyan Bedny, Russian Soviet writer, poet, publicist

The book is a powerful instrument of communication, labor, struggle. It equips man with the experience of the life and struggle of mankind, pushes his horizon, gives him the knowledge with which he can make the forces of nature serve him.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of the past, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the origins of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet educator and innovator.

Reading is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body.

Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.

Alexey Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

Do not forget that reading is the most colossal tool of multilateral education.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading, there is no real education, there is no and there can be no taste, no word, no multilateral breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to the whole university. Through reading, a person experiences centuries.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Here you will find audiobooks by Russian, Soviet, Russian and foreign writers on various topics! We have collected for you masterpieces of literature from and. Also on the site are audiobooks with poems and poets, lovers of detectives and action films, audiobooks will find interesting audiobooks for themselves. We can offer women, and for, we will periodically offer fairy tales and audiobooks from the school curriculum. Children will also be interested in audiobooks about. We also have something to offer to lovers: audiobooks of the "Stalker" series, "Metro 2033" ..., and much more from. Who wants to tickle their nerves: go to the section


Knights of Faith (Vera Kryzhanovskaya-Rochester)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 88-92 kbps (VBR)
Vera Kryzhanovskaya-Rochester
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: historical adventure
Publisher: Seventh Book
Artist: Oleg Isaev
Duration: 16:42:47
Description: Authority that violates the commandments of God cannot be recognized by Him. Europe, Middle Ages, early 15th century. The knights and nobles of Bohemia and Moravia, who supported the reform of the Catholic Church, rebelled against the papacy and German domination in Bohemia. Patience ran out after the burning alive in 1415 of the priest Jan Hus and Jerome of Prague, the folk favorites of Prague and the true knights of the Christian faith.
Vera Kryzhanovskaya's fascinating book is full of many interesting details of the era, it is not for nothing that they say that Kryzhanovskaya wrote all her novels in a state of trance, under the dictation of souls who lived at the time of the heroes of her historical novels. Is that why historians have noted the amazing truthfulness in the books of an author who has never studied history? The Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences also praised the novel "Knights of Faith" ("Lights of the Czech Republic"), noting it with an honorable mention. Nowadays, the prose of Vera Kryzhanovskaya is more relevant than ever before, because we have to revise much in the history of Europe and Russia ...




21-01-2018 22:42:47


Warhammer 40000. Gray Knights 1. Gray Knights (Counter Ben), Sister of Battle]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 111kbps
By Counter Ben
Year of issue: 2018
Genre fiction

Artist: Sister of Battle
Duration: 14:32:07
Description: The Order of the Gray Knights has specialized in driving out demons since ancient times and works closely with the Inquisition. Ten centuries ago, on the planet Korion IX, the Gray Knight Mandulis fought against the demon Gargatuloth. In a battle that cost him his life, Mandulis still managed to banish the creature back to the Immaterium. After a thousand years, the apostate inquisitor reopens the demon's path to real space. Justice ...


Miracle of Faith

Year of issue: 2007
Genre: Documentary, Religion
Publisher: Union
Artist: Vsevolod Kuznetsov
Duration: 01:30:00
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Description: An exciting and thoughtful story about the miraculous events taking place next to our Orthodox compatriots awaits you. Myrrh streaming of icons and holy relics. Inexplicable "doubling" of holy images and renewal of images. Miraculous healings of people. Genuine evidence and research results from scientists trying to scientifically investigate unprecedented phenomena. One of the most amazing modern stories of myrrh streaming is associated with ...


Inquisitor. Act of Faith (Anton Ulrich)

Author: Anton Ulrich
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Thriller, Horror, Mystic
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Litvinova Natalia
Length: 09:04:52
Description: Anton Ulrich's novel "The Inquisitor" tells the story of where pride leads a person. The young couple who did not get along with each other turns into sworn enemies. The misadventures of a beggar Spanish aristocrat, a corsair, and then an inquisitor, eventually lead him to the gates of the abbey, where his beloved celebrates devilish masses. The thrilling action of the novel takes place in Spain at the beginning of the 16th century, it is full of ...


From faith to knowledge (Khokhlova Svetlana)

ISBN: 978-5905987-48-9
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Author: Khokhlova Svetlana
Year of issue: 2012
Genre: popular science
Publisher: Nestor-History
Russian language
Number of pages: 112
Description: The book is intended for those who are looking for answers to questions. Who are we? Why are we in this world of earthly Being? How does it develop and transform the surrounding world? How is a person involved in this process? Why do we become who we are? Who determines the tasks that we must complete on our path in life? What is copyright in objective reality? What I missed ...


Commissioner Guido Brunetti 06. Death of Faith (Donna Leon)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Donna Leon
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Sergey Kirsanov
Length: 07:02:12
Description: A beautiful young woman appears on the doorstep of Commissioner Brunetti's office. The Commissioner immediately recognizes her: this is the sister of Immacolata, a nun caring for his mother in a nursing home. But, to the surprise of Brunetti, the woman, introducing herself, calls a different name - Maria Testa. It turns out that she left the monastic order after a series of deaths in the hospital, which seem suspicious to her. The Commissioner decides to ...


A symbol of faith in yourself. Collection of short stories number 3 (Sheckley Robert)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 320kbps
Author: Sheckley Robert
Year of issue: 2014
Genre fiction
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Ilya Khvost
Length: 05:42:33
Description: "Respect the child within yourself, for he knows the truth. He was kidnapped, pushed into an aging body, forced to do unpleasant work and follow stupid rules." Robert Sheckley List of Stories 01. The right question 02. A frozen world 03. Playing with the body 04. From an onion to a carrot 05. A company of unbridled talents 06. At a rally of birds 07. A song of star love 08. Risk reward 09. Specialist 10. Special ...

but I

Vera Pavlovna's ninth dream and other stories (Victor Pelevin)

Author: Victor Pelevin
Year of issue: 2015
Genre: Surrealism
Publisher: Soyuz, Pokidyshev and Sons
Artist: Maxim Sukhanov
Length: 03:01:29
Description: We present to your judgment an audio version of the early works of the most mysterious writer of our time, laureate of numerous literary prizes and awards, including "Small Booker" and "National Bestseller" - Victor Pelevin.
Add. information:
Contents: 01. The ninth dream of Vera Pavlovna 02. The origin of species 03. Mardongs 04. Ivan Kublakhanov 05. Weapons of retaliation 06. Reconstructor 07. Built-in ...


Keepers of the faith. On the life of the Church in Soviet times (Gusakova Olga)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Gusakova Olga
Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Biographies, interviews
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Gerasimov Vyacheslav
Duration: 09:02:03
Description: The twentieth century for Russia was a time of testing the true faith and brought the Church a host of new martyrs and confessors. But besides them, there were thousands of Christians who carried the Orthodox faith through the decades of atheism. The book contains interviews with just such people: priests and lay people who directly faced persecution or who lived an outwardly calm life.
Add. Information: Read by edition:
M .: ...


Grail Knights (Platonova Tatiana)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Platonova Tatiana
Year of issue: 2015
Genre: esotericism, philosophy, adventure
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: genagame
Duration: 17:24:16
Description: A mystical experience ... Is it fiction or reality? Those who survived it do not doubt the truth of what happened. The readers of the "Grail Knights" will not have a question about reality, they will be more concerned about how to live simply, openly, with great love in their hearts for people and the world around them. The adventures of the heroes will become part of your own life, you will begin to look at ordinary events with your eyes ...

but I

Knights of the Otherworldly (Oleg Dorofeev)

Format: RTF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Oleg Dorofeev
Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Combat fantasy
Publisher: AST, Astrel-SPb
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: The experiment, which began as a dangerous game, ended with successful transfers to another reality, extreme adventures and led the heroes of the book to different ways of realizing the ancient Truth. However, the punishment for unauthorized access to hidden Knowledge is fatal and inevitable ...


Knights of counterfeit banknotes (Polish George)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Polskoy Georgy
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Legal literature
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Murashko Igor
Length: 07:39:25
Description: The book is dedicated to various issues related to counterfeiting in the West, its history from ancient times to the present day. A gallery of outstanding people passes in front of the readers, on whom the society of cash money has a corrupting influence, ruthlessly disfiguring their talent and turning them into criminals. The author tells about cases of economic sabotage of some states against others with the help of massive ...


Knights of Madame Adventures (Vadim Burlak)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Evgeniy Karnovich
Year of issue: 2006
Genre: Historical novel
Publisher: Vira-M
Artist: Oleg Fedorov
Length: 08:25:40
Description: A popular story by the well-known writer Yevgeniy Karnovich (1824 - 1885). Her heroes are the Maltese knight Count Julius Litta and the noble lady Ekaterina Skavronskaya. Descriptions of their romantic destinies are given by the author against a broad historical background. The reader, carried away by the plot intrigue, learns about the era of Paul I much of what over time turned out to be firmly forgotten.


Archmage 2. Knights of the Blessed Virgin (Rudazov Alexander)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Rudazov Alexander
Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Slutsky Alexander
Duration: 15:31:04
Description: When people need help, they appeal to the gods. When the gods need help, they appeal to people ... Inanna, the great goddess of Good and Light, did the same. A Great Evil wakes up in her personal world, and she cannot stop it on her own. For laziness. But, of course, Archmage Creole will not refuse to help the Blessed Virgin. He will swear for a long time, but will not refuse. Especially when he finds out about the reward promised for ...


King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (Nina Garskaya)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Nina Garskaya
Year of issue: 1982
Genre: Adventure, Legend
Publisher: Melody
Performer: Georgy Menglet, Mikhail Derzhavin Jr., Roman Tkachuk, Yuri Avsharov, Alexey Ovechkin, Evgeny Vesnik, Anatoly Guzenko, Nina Garskaya, Tamara Murina, Rodion Alexandrov, Nina Arkhipova, Evgeny Grafkin, Yuri Vasiliev (II), Vera Kharybina, Vladimir Ushakov
Duration: 01:21:26
Description: Nobility and honor, fearlessness and courage, devotion to the sovereign and loyalty to a friend, love for a beautiful lady ... All these concepts are inextricably linked with chivalry. How did this ...

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