What you need to catch crayfish. Methods for catching crayfish in crayfish. Frog bait

Paths, platforms 28.10.2020
Paths, platforms

Many fishing enthusiasts are worried about the question, how to feed the crayfish? Correctly selected bait can attract a real horde of these delicious arthropods. Which is what you need.

And it does not matter at all what kind of fishing gear the fisherman decides to use - a crayfish, a fishing rod or with his own hands. So what do we know about crayfish? Their diet includes almost everything: worms, corn, worms, meat, fish.

Best crayfish bait options

Some are sure that crayfish are attracted by the smell of rotten, but this smell will only scare away arthropods. The best way to attract crayfish to the fishing spot is ... canned peas.

With the right bait, crayfish can be picked from the shore directly with your hands, without using any traps

Professional crayfish, in addition to peas, recommend catching crayfish with bread or black bread. Although in various reservoirs, crayfish, just like fish, have their own taste preferences, which can be learned only by trial and error.

Often, crayfish respond equally well to dead frogs and dead fish. You can also catch crayfish on all sorts of food waste. This can be the head and entrails of a herring, chicken giblets and the like. You can also buy an inexpensive can of canned food in a store, make a number of holes in it - which is also a good option for bait for catching crayfish.

this will make a great snack

Even if you were not going to purposefully catch crayfish, which prevents you from throwing gauze with canned peas, a can with holes or a dead fish half a meter from the shore. After a while, it will be possible to simply collect crayfish here with bare hands without using any tools. And in the evening, enjoy delicious, fresh boiled crayfish.

Raki are freshwater arthropods protected by an armored shell with an abdomen-neck and powerful claws. In the representatives of the male, they are large, and the tail is not too wide, unlike the females, because with its help the female individuals protect the eggs - their future offspring. But both the male and the female can only be recognized after getting out of the water. Given the habits and tastes of these hermits, they can be caught at any time.

The mustachioed inhabitants of the underwater world prefer clear water stretches enriched with lime. Favorite habitats are freshwater rivers, lakes, streams and oxbows, where there is no strong current. They do not reproduce in salt and fresh-salt water. If the water in the pond becomes polluted, after a while the owners of the claws and shells disappear from it forever.

Crayfish most often equip dwellings in the coastal zone, populating places near large banks with cliffs (it is easiest for them to dig holes there). Being hermits by way of life, in such shelters they hide from relatives and hunters. Each cancer has its own personal refuge and practically does not change its place of residence. This should be remembered when going on a search.

Crayfish can be lured out at any time of the year, except for January and February - in deep winter they prefer to sit in their burrows. The arrival of spring is not very conducive to the successful fishing of these representatives of the water world - they just wake up from hibernation. But sometimes there are pleasant exceptions.

May-June is a special period for owners of claws - they molt, shedding their old shell and taking care of the procreation. During this period, a strict ban on fishing is introduced, since they become completely defenseless.

From July (in different regions and reservoirs, these periods may be postponed in one direction or another, because the conditions in the Kuban and Ladoga are noticeably different), arthropods begin an active search for food, quickly migrating along the bottom. In the dark and early in the morning, they annoy anglers by eating the baits on the hooks. In September, crayfish rush to leave their burrows in search of food, but they gain special taste in late autumn, so it is at this time that their catch is considered the most productive.

Catching crayfish in October is not too difficult and very exciting. If you know the places and features of successful catches, you can always count on luck. In autumn, arthropods begin their breeding season, which requires abundant nutrition and frequent forays into shallow water in search of food. Knowing how to choose the right tackle will help you get rich catches.

There are many ways to catch crayfish:

  1. hand fishing;
  2. fishing with a float or special fishing rod;
  3. the use of crayfish and other devices.

Catching by hand is considered the most primitive of all methods, but in October-December this method of catching is not only uncomfortable, but also harmful to health due to the low temperature of the water.

How to catch a crayfish with a bait

It is much more convenient at this time to try to fish out hermits with a bait. To do this, use either the usual float equipment, attaching not one, but three hooks to the fishing line (additional ones reduce the likelihood of prey going off), or a special rod. With a cancer bite, the float slowly and with a slope goes under the water. As soon as it sinks to a depth, it is necessary to quickly raise the tackle, without cutting or letting the fishing line. Whether the cunning inhabitants of the underwater world will bite and catch depends on the knowledge and skill of the fisherman.

There is nothing complicated in a special fishing rod - a small fish, a mollusk or a frog is put on a wire (the tip of a stick) and tied to a fishing line on a long rod. For reliability, the bait is wrapped in a nylon stocking or other mesh, and as soon as the cancer catches on to it, it is quickly hooked. In order for the gatherings to be minimal, it is advisable to put a net near you and use it in time.

Rakolovka - no way out

Fishing with net baskets is a fairly common and efficient method. Such a device consists of a wire frame, a metal mesh and a reliable rope. The upper part of the trap is made narrower - so the crayfish cannot crawl out once they get inside it. The principle of the device is quite simple: a cancer crawls into it in search of food, but cannot get out back due to the design features. The trap allows you to catch more than one crustacean at a time, but a lot of prey and is an effective and inexpensive tool for hunting arthropods.

Open traps

By their design, rakolovki are divided into two types: open and closed. The first ones are the simplest in design, appearance and manufacture. Any fisherman who decides to try his luck in catching crayfish is capable of building such. In appearance, the device resembles a colander and consists of a frame in the shape of a square or circle, on which a strong metal mesh is fixed. A rope is tied to the top of the structure, with the help of which the crayfish is lowered into the water and pulled back.

Closed traps

Open traps are difficult to transport due to their size, which is why many anglers use closed traps, which are more efficient, but difficult to manufacture. It is not so easy to design them yourself; it is easier to purchase them in a store or on the market. The most popular in this category is the ink bottle rakolovka, which folds easily and is easy to transport.

Such traps can be set either directly from the shore by lowering them on a rope into the water, or using a boat. The place where the tackle is immersed is marked with a circle of thick foam (you can also use an empty but closed plastic bottle), tying it to a rope. If several devices are used at the same time, they must be installed at a distance of at least 10 meters from each other. Whether the crayfish are tangled up in the equipment can be checked after 2-3 hours.

Crayfish lures

The quantity and quality of the catch depends on the treat used, and what to catch crayfish in crayfish for - each angler decides for himself. Arthropods in most cases give preference to food of animal origin, willingly picking up from the bottom everything that has ceased to live. But even among the carrion, they look for the freshest food.

To force the hermit to feast on bait on a fishing rod or in a crayfish, they use small fish, worms, frogs, meat of birds (animals), slugs, grasshoppers, mollusks that live in the reservoir. The best bait for crayfish in a crayfish trap is the food they are directly accustomed to.

On spring days, owners of claws and shells prefer small fish (crucian carp, perch, goby, roach). It is desirable that the bait be "smelly". In summer, crayfish find food at the bottom without any problems, but they can be interested in rotten offal (offal, liver, stomach). After the end of summer, the appetite of arthropods becomes simply brutal. With the first cold weather, they can be attracted by even getting interested in ordinary black bread with the addition of chopped garlic. Such a bait must be well wrapped in cheesecloth, otherwise the crumb will become limp and cease to attract crayfish even as an ordinary bait.

In order to effectively catch and not leave the water field empty-handed, you need to properly fix your bait in the trap. In crayfish they use a kind of pocket made of nylon stocking or gauze, in which complementary foods are put. You can fix any bait tightly both with an elastic band and using a wire - there are many options, you should not just put it on the bottom of the fishing device.

How to recognize the habitat of crayfish

Having decided on the fishing method and what to seduce the food receptors of the arthropod, it is necessary to take into account the conditions and characteristics of the reservoir in which the crayfish live. They can be found in such places:

  • in a backwater with reeds;
  • on a reservoir with a rocky bottom;
  • on a pond with a shellfish;
  • on a sandy bottom;
  • in crayfish holes;
  • in a pool with logs and roots;
  • in tin cans and bottles.

It is believed that creeks with reeds growing in them are of little use for swimming and fishing, and clumsy barbel bees like them very much. Here they are perfectly camouflaged, which is why it is quite problematic to detect them, moreover, thickets of reeds complicate the process of fishing.

Quiet pools with logs and tree roots are both attractive and dangerous, especially if the waters are muddy. Experienced crayfish hunters claim that it is in such places that large trophy individuals can be found - mainly old, inactive arthropods with dark brown shells. Young crayfish prefer other places.

Reservoirs with rocky bottoms provide excellent shelter conditions, allowing crayfish to hide when they are in danger. If you take them out of such places with your hands, you need to take them by the whiskers sticking out of the mink (grabbing the arthropod by the claw, you can only get it, and the cancer itself will remain in shelter). Pitfalls are dangerous for the catcher, as it is possible to get bruised, injured or broken fingers.

Hermits like to equip their homes in those reservoirs, the bottom of which is covered with shells and small parts of reeds. Among the colonies of mollusks, crayfish feel quite comfortable and eagerly set up their burrows there. It is even easier to spot and fish out crayfish in ponds and river pools with a sandy bottom. The water is usually clear in them, and only the utmost attention of the angler is required.

Knowing about the presence of crayfish holes in the coastal zone, arthropod hunters should also remember that muskrats and water rats choose the same places for their homes.

Confusing a crustacean burrow with a rodent's dwelling can seriously injure your hands. To prevent this from happening, it should be remembered that crayfish pull out dwellings up to 5 centimeters high and no more than 8. They do not live in large burrows.

Often, crayfish do not bother too much when arranging their secluded places, crawling into empty cans and bottles that people throw into the water. It is not difficult to get arthropods from such dwellings - you need to lift a can or glass bottle, directing it towards you with a hole. It is difficult for crustaceans to crawl out, and they become easy prey.

Night arthropod hunting

Crawling crayfish in the fall at night is one of the most interesting activities. At this time of the year (especially in November), the water is very cold and warms up only during the day in shallow water, the night is accompanied by frosts. In places where the water is much warmer, and crayfish tend to warm up and feed in the dark. Given this circumstance, you can catch many arthropods actually at the water's edge.

In order not to leave the reservoir empty-handed, it is advisable to go for crayfish together or three, stretching out in a chain. It is necessary to stock up on a good flashlight that shines through the water column. The presence of crayfish will be betrayed by their eyes - under the beam of a lantern in the night darkness, they will shine with a ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. The second of the members of the "expedition" can easily pick up a red-eyed butterfly net and either put it in a bag on his own, or give a third person the opportunity to collect prey. The net for fishing should be strong so as not to break under the weight when shoveling prey.

In addition to the classic fishing for pike, perch, crucian carp, carp or any other fish, many are fond of an equally interesting activity - catching crayfish. It is no secret that these animals are found in freshwater reservoirs with clean water and appropriate conditions for the arrangement of burrows. If you know how and where to catch crayfish, then the next exit to the pond will give you a good catch.

Habitat and life cycle

Cancers are particularly demanding when it comes to choosing a habitat. They are not interested in dirty, salty or muddy water. These animals need the same supply of oxygen as representatives of the salmon family, and their full life cycle is possible only at oxygen levels of 5 mg / l for the warm period.

Conventional river species reproduce freely in light and dark water, provided that its acidity is neutral and does not exceed the pH 6.5. If the reservoir is depleted in lime, then the development of the crustacean organism will significantly slow down. Animals are particularly sensitive to water pollution. Despite the ability to survive in various conditions, a significant part of the population is found in clean rivers.

When choosing a place of residence, crayfish give preference to areas with a hard and clean bottom, where there is no silt. The area with a muddy bottom, near rocky or sandy shores, these animals are not interested. They "like" shelters with a rocky bottom, where they manage to equip a suitable home.

Crayfish burrows are so cramped that an adult can hardly fit in them. This size allows crayfish to crowd out larger members of the species, and also protects them from potential danger.

Cancer spends a significant part of its life at a depth of 50 centimeters to three meters. The most convenient spots are often captured by adults with impressive body size. Juveniles occupy shallow coastal areas, arranging shelters near the coastline.

Considering the animal's lifestyle, it can be called a real hermit. They do not have a family lifestyle, so each representative of the species tries to create its own shelter, not allowing close relatives there. During the day, the crayfish does not come out of the shelter, preventing other individuals from entering its hole and covering it with its claws. He goes to feed late at night or at dusk. Moreover, if the weather is cloudy, the exit from the dwelling may shift to noon.

Fishing methods

Since ancient times, crayfish have been caught in a variety of ways. By the way, there are historical facts that confirm the capture of these animals in antiquity. Until the Middle Ages, they were of great value and were used for medicinal purposes. It is known that they were burned, and the resulting ash was used to treat wounds from the bites of a rabid dog, snakes or scorpions. Also, boiled animals were eaten, for example, to combat exhaustion.

In the historical literature, there is evidence that in Sweden, at the royal court, already in the 16th century, crayfish were considered a special find for culinary purposes. The taste of the meat was highly appreciated by nobles from Finland and other European countries. Representatives of the rural population did not use the "shell beast" for food, but sold it to noble townspeople for a minimal fee.

Currently, Finns are fishing for crayfish from July 21st until the end of October. Already in the middle of autumn, the chances of catching trophy specimens sharply decrease, and in late autumn they are completely absent. In addition, according to local laws, a ban on fishing begins in October.

In turn, the beginning of the season is a good opportunity to get decent crayfish from the depths of the water. Moreover, the success of such an activity directly depends on the temperature conditions and the methods used. For example, if the end of May and the beginning of summer are accompanied by warm weather, the water warms up to a comfortable temperature, and the food supply becomes extensive, animals may be especially active. Also, at this time, many males and females have already finished molting, which increases the chances of a good catch.

The likelihood of catching crayfish in the cold summer time is reduced, since insufficient temperature slows down the natural molting process.

Use of crayfish

Several basic methods have been used to catch crayfish over the centuries. Among them:

  1. Catching with your hands.
  2. Fishing with bottom gear.
  3. Crayfish fishing.

The latter method is considered the most popular, since it is distinguished by a minimum effort on the part of the catcher and good results regardless of the season or weather conditions.

The design of such a tackle is very simple: it includes a strong wire frame covered with a metal mesh, to which a reliable rope is tied. In the basic configuration, the upper part is slightly narrower than the lower one, and as a result, the crayfish cannot get out of the trap and remain there until a person arrives. Making a good rakolovka is not difficult with your own hands, although most people prefer buying store products.

As for the principle of operation, it is also very simple and understandable even for a beginner. The animal gets inside the trap, trying to try the bait that is there. Once in such a structure, he can no longer get out. If there is a large population of crayfish in the selected reservoir, then the chances of a decent catch will increase significantly. Based on these features, rakolovka can become a very promising tool for catching "armored creatures".

The right time to "hunt"

In the cold season, from mid-autumn to the end of the winter period, these animals do not leave their burrows and remain passive. Going out to catch crayfish on crayfish at this time is inappropriate.

In March or April, one should not expect a serious catch either, since the seasonal awakening from hibernation is just beginning in animals. In May and June, fishing does not bring good results, because the "carapace" creatures begin to molt and get rid of the old carapace, as well as spawn.

In July, the full fishing season begins, when the results can be very good. After shedding the old shell, the cancer remains active for a long time. Now his main task is to find a source of food, so with the right approach to choosing a bait, the result of fishing can exceed all expectations.

Baits and lures

The biological description of the animal mentions its addiction to clean, flowing water bodies with an abundance of places for arranging shelters. To understand where to catch crayfish, you need to pay attention to the main features of their behavior and life cycle. Currently animal widespread in such places:

  1. Ponds.
  2. Clean lakes.
  3. Calm rivers.

When equipping shelters, crayfish prefer areas with a rocky bottom, where they can safely hide from possible dangers. The bulk of the crustacean diet is occupied by food of animal origin, or rather, dead carrion. The smell of such prey attracts him in a special way. At the same time, the opinion that cancer feeds on decomposed fish or animals is erroneous. He will try to find fresher food.

But in order to arouse an animal's interest in bait and provoke it to swim into crayfish, it is necessary to slightly cut the fish carcass and rub the walls of the metal structure with it. As a result, this will give the latter a special smell and attract crayfish from a long distance. Often the bait is flavored with Borodino bread with garlic. The last ingredient piques the creatures' incredible interest.

The bait that will be placed in the trap can be:

  1. Fish meat.
  2. Animal meat.
  3. The frog.
  4. Insects.

As for the freshness of the bait, many people disagree on this issue. Someone argues that products with a rotten smell attract crayfish better than fresh ones, while others take a completely opposite position.

In any case, there is no definite answer, because everything depends on the preferences of extraction in a particular reservoir at a certain time of the year. If the food base of crayfish is extensive, then they are unlikely to react to rotten meat. If the diet is limited, then the animals will not be particularly picky.

A mollusk that lives in a local reservoir can be a good bait.

Seasonal lure features

Depending on the season, the baits used must be different from each other. For example, in spring fish meat is good, or rather, fresh fillet or a small fish that is cut in several places and emits a special smell. An ordinary crucian carp, gobies or other small fish will be an excellent bait. You can catch it with your own hands or buy it frozen. Before applying the bait, it must be brought to the appropriate state until the aroma appears.

In the summer, it is difficult to attract crayfish with anything, because during this period the range of food is so diverse that the animals begin to fatten. To increase the chances of a decent catch, you need to use animal or poultry meat, offal and any other ingredients with an intense smell as bait. The purchased product is preliminarily aged for some time under the scorching sun.

To catch a large number of crayfish, it is not necessary to put a lot of fish in the crayfish. 1-2 small individuals will be enough, because the goal is not to feed the crayfish, but to lure them into the smell of food.

At the same time, in addition to carrion, any living creatures living in the reservoir are also used. These can be snails, small frogs and other creatures.

After choosing a suitable bait, it must be properly prepared and presented. Otherwise, the expected effect will remain in dreams. If the option is used in the form of a cut dead fry, then it must also be cleaned of giblets with an air bubble and scales. Such actions significantly increase the chances of productive fishing for crayfish.

When using meat products from a by-product set, you do not need to cut them, because a specific smell is present initially. To avoid premature eating of the ingredients used, it is better to wrap them with gauze or a rag.

As for the suitable type of rakolovka, you can choose any of two types:

  1. Open. They are considered the simplest designs that are easily made from available tools. Even a beginner will be able to create an open crayfish without spending a lot of time. It consists of a round or square frame and a metal mesh, reminiscent of a colander.
  2. Closed. Such traps are effective in a wide variety of conditions, but the manufacturing process takes much longer than in the previous case.

Catching crayfish with crayfish is really interesting. But the process will bring the expected success only if important subtleties, rules and recommendations are taken into account even before entering the pond.

Probably every fisherman has caught a crayfish with a float rod. This underwater arthropod resident seized the bait with one claw so firmly that it was easily removed from the water along with the tackle.
They usually do not specifically catch cancer in this way.

To catch a large number of arthropods, you need to purchase or make your own special device - crayfish. You can catch cancer in this way wherever it lives. Very promising in this respect are those parts of water bodies where you can find a large number of damaged and dead fish. Arthropods are caught throughout the year, pausing only for the period of cancer molting.

At this time, the meat of this arthropod is tasteless, moreover, in some regions at this time there is a ban on its catch.

The advantage of catching crayfish with crayfish lies in the high efficiency of catching, as well as in the absence of constant monitoring of the trap.

Choosing rakolovka

There are several types of rakolovki.
The simplest models consist of two mesh-covered hoops. A rope is tied to such devices, which is used to lift the crayfish out of the water.

The hoops don't have to be round. Square or oval models can be used as well. Open type rakolovki have a significant drawback.

Crayfish can easily leave such a trap after eating bait.therefore, open crayfish need constant supervision, and traps need to be checked several times within an hour.

A more complicated construction of the rakolovka is made of several hoops or squares with a fine mesh stretched between them. However, the inlet should be relatively small. Cancer, after getting into such a trap, cannot always leave it on its own, even after the bait is completely eaten.

The advantage of using extended models is their autonomous operation. Such a trap can be left overnight and in the morning the arthropods caught in the crayfish are collected.

The scraper can be in the form of a cylinder. Inside such a rakolovka, in the middle, there are small holes for entry.

These traps are most often made of hard plastic. The whole design of such a crayfish has small holes that allow the aroma of the bait to spread freely throughout the reservoir, and do not allow crayfish to leave the trap.

The cost of rakolovki usually does not exceed several hundred rubles and depends on the dimensions of the product, material, and type of trap.

Cancer, after getting into such a trap, cannot always leave it on its own, even after the bait is completely eaten


If a small fish is used to catch crayfish, then an air bubble is pierced into it, otherwise the bait will float in the crayfish and catching crayfish will not be effective

Various natural products are used as bait for catching arthropods. Cancer is omnivorous, so both grated with garlic bread and fresh fish can be put into the crayfish. The claim that cancer is attracted to the smell of rotten meat is not true.

Of course, when arthropods are deficient in nutrition, they pounce on any food, even with a strong smell. If a cancer has a choice, it will eat fresh fish.

When fishing is combined with catching crayfish, then the best bait will be a fish caught with a line, which is kept in the sun for 2 - 3 hours. If you manage to catch a large fish, then you can use a fish head to catch crayfish.

If a small fish is used to catch crayfish, then an air bubble is pierced into it, otherwise the bait will float in the crayfish and catching crayfish will not be effective. An excellent bait for catching crayfish are mollusks, which are found in a reservoir where arthropods live.

The shell of the mollusk should be opened with a sharp knife and, in this form, put into crustaceans. Additional weighting of such a bait is not required, the shell has a significant weight, which will not allow the bait to float. To catch crayfish, you can use frozen fish, which you buy in the store: it is thawed and used. Frozen products are not inferior in efficiency to fresh, just caught fish.

In the summertime, crayfish are caught for meat. For this purpose, the stomachs, liver and kidneys of various animals are used. Crayfish is well caught on steamed peas or corn. To prepare such a bait, it is necessary to boil the cereals in salted water until tender. Place in a gauze bag and place in crayfish.

The addition of dill to vegetable baits significantly increases the catch of crayfish; artificial attractants with smells that crayfish like, such as fish, shrimp, can be used.

How to catch

Good results in catching arthropods can be obtained on a cloudy day, at which time the behavior of crayfish does not differ from night outings in search of food.

Crayfish catching for closed and open crayfish differs slightly. An open trap requires a more frequent check of the tackle, a closed trap can be left overnight or longer. Cancer will not be able to get out of the closed structure on its own.

To install both types of crayfish, a place with a steep bank is selected. It is desirable that there are any hiding places under the water for the cancer. You can count on a large catch of crayfish where there are large stones at the bottom of the reservoir, under which crayfish arrange their burrows.

Lakes with low oxygen content, dirty water, and sandy bottom are practically unsuitable for catching crayfish. The depth of the reservoir does not matter when fishing for crayfish. If there are all the conditions for the life of crayfish at the bottom, then they can be found both in deep-sea places and at a depth of no more than 0.5 meters.

Crayfish can be caught at night with greater success than during the day. You can leave the traps closed overnight and check the tackle in the morning. Good results in catching arthropods can be obtained on a cloudy day. During this time, the behavior of cancer does not differ from the night out in search of food.

Scrappers are installed from the shore, or a boat is used to set traps offshore. In the latter case, a large piece of Styrofoam is tied to the rope to locate the trap. When fishing for crayfish from the shore, the crayfish rope is tied to a tree or to a stick, which is driven into the ground to a depth of 20 - 30 cm. If several traps are used, the distance between them should be at least 10 meters.

An excellent place for catching crayfish can be areas of reservoirs where water is pumped from one reservoir to another. During the operation of the pumping system of such water pumps, small fish are injured and for cancer in such places there is always a large amount of food.

It is not necessary to stock up on bait for fishing near water pumps, you can catch a fish floating upside down with a small net, cut it, and fix it in a trap to catch arthropods in large numbers.

  1. Cancer has a strong sense of smell, so all the baits used in crayfish catching must exude a smell.
    The garlic smell is especially strong on arthropods. You can check the effectiveness of this aromatization by rubbing a piece of brick with garlic and placing such a bait in a trap. After a short time, arthropods, attracted by a pleasant aroma for them, will surely "enter" the crayfish. If the smell is not strong enough, especially for herbal baits, then they must be additionally flavored with garlic juice.
  2. The bait in all cases, except for the use of molluscs, must be securely attached to the bottom of the crayfish. For this purpose, a nylon fabric pocket is sewn into the bottom of the trap. It is possible to attach a large bait with an elastic band, and if the structure is rather dense, then you can use a pin for this purpose.
  3. The most favorable time for catching crayfish is from July to December. At this time, the cancer is gaining significant weight, and caviar deposits begin to form in females. Almost any bait of animal origin can be used as bait at this time. You can use white bread grated with garlic, which is wrapped in cheesecloth.
  4. When using fresh fish as bait for crayfish, it must be cut along the body. This must be done to attract the arthropod with the smell of fish meat and blood.
  5. Ponds near poultry farms can be promising places for catching arthropods. Meat production wastes often end up in such reservoirs, and there can be a huge amount of crayfish in such places.

The time is coming for the end of the spring-summer ban on catching crayfish. The timing of the crayfish catch limits is tied to the geography of the water bodies and the regional fishing rules in them. More on this below.

Besides the terms of the ban, there are other restrictions. These are, first of all, the allowed minimum size of crayfish, their number and restrictions on fishing gear.

In most cases, cancer less than 10 cm must be released, and you can take no more than 30 pcs per person, unless otherwise indicated. The number of rakolovki and their size are also regulated by the Rules.

Usually, the diameter of the crayfish should not exceed 80 cm, with a mesh of at least 22 mm and the number of devices - no more than 3 per one crayfish.

Catching or picking crayfish with your hands is generally prohibited.

Crayfish bait recipe

Making crayfish bait is very simple.

Composition of bait for crayfish:

  • Wheat bran
  • Roasted crushed sunflower seeds
  • Liquid Flavors - Vanilla, Strawberry, Plum

And in summer, garlic and beef udders (organ meats) also work well.

Bait preparation:

  • Mix the crushed seeds and bran in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Pour a small amount of flavorings into a small amount of warm water. Moisten the resulting dry mixture with flavored liquid, mix thoroughly, let stand for ~ 20 minutes to evenly moisten the mixture.
  • Form feed balls, on the surface of which the previously used flavorings are sprayed.
  • Let them dry slightly and wrap each of them in gauze.

The whole process of making such a bait for crayfish is described in the video above.

Alternative option.

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