R. Series of Games S.T.A.L.K.E.R Stalker All parts in order of their name

Roofing materials 28.10.2020
Roofing materials

In the course of the rapid playing gaming and its subsequent nominalization, from the brilliant "picnic on the side of the sideline" of the inspiration, a brilliant "picnic on the side of the sideline", and stalkers of the heroes doomed to the eternal wanderings were evaporated into the interests of the same type, sorry, sorry Gopniks with cuttings for the sinus. Instead of piece reflection on the themes of human being to the attention of readers, a solid palfa is offered, and judging by the vocabulary used, only quite certain associations are associated with the concept of the zone for most of the authors of the cycle.

Naturally, this is a net commerce, from which no genre revelations should be expected. However, most of the works of the cycle ("Deserter", "the choice of weapons", etc.) do not have any relation to fiction at all, but they are deprived of any little less the imputed idea of \u200b\u200bthe narrative from the series "Shoot everything that moves, and when will fall - ", And the arrows of all possible" stamping "and" clichés "-mometers simply shook. Clear. That such cycles are performed for publishers The role of the genre sandbox, in which you can grow another experienced commercial author and their necessity is difficult to challenge. However, from read 6 or 7 volumes of this vapul, I could not allocate at least one more or less interesting bookThat would justify such an approach, so the entire cycle reminds the protracted "training on cats", which does not have any practical continuation and application: neither style, nor the plot, nor heroes - no damn.

It is also quite obvious that the cycle authors are forced to repel from the game of the same name, in which all this puberty criminal romance also flourished violently. But the enormous potential of the plot, artifacts with unknown properties and potentially new "happiness for all gift" remained completely unrealized, passing the path as if an invisible to the eye of our MTA path aside from the "exciting parties" and the endless division of a common ... Sorry, of course, Khabara. All these "chotko placed priorities" suggest that the overwhelming majority of our young science fictions think completely wrong, if they have only regular "antikillers" from the material for a new Picnic on the sidelines. Sad, gentlemen.

Rating: 3.

Hell revealed suddenly. At the beginning of the XXI century, after a new powerful explosion at the Chernobol NPP, fantastic fiction writers, domestic fiction slipped down and fell to the level below. At the same time, the level of development and sales of interheavori cycles has been actively promoted. Every "self-respecting writer" is simply obliged to light up in a multi-quality, but a weak-quality project. In my opinion, the project S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Refers exactly to such a type of projects. It is difficult to find here beautiful flower Among the mountains of weeds. Who is to blame for the fact that such a bright world turned into a garbage? It is possible that the gardener who did not attempt to get rid of weeds, brazenly made his way on fertile land. Or maybe people just forgot what beautiful flowers are there? ..

Rating: 2.

Most likely most cycle readers began to get acquainted with these books after a long hours spent in the game. Yes. Among these were, I, again and again want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the game: Destroyed cities, lonely villages, ominous nuclear power plants, - and from here and allocations for the left and never returned Soviet childhood. And if the game in this sense and has been able to fall into the hands of a lost generation, which finally decided to get lost (find yourself?) In Pripyat's streets, then actually the entire grafdom cycle is a game on my (ours?) Feelings. And each time it was taken for the next book with hope: it should be crap something like, immerse, charm, but ... never caught. The only thing that was remembered by the Kaluginsky "House on the Swamp" and that with reservations ... kilometers of empty words: shootouts, brutalism superheroism, gopnik-bandit-military-stalkers, - everything merges into one bad word ... only an entourage borrowed Games, but there is no original life and, most importantly, the atmosphere than so attracts the game. The soul was withdrawn, left the corpse. I did not meet anything, but could we justify?

Rating: 3.

The miserable semblance of a "picnic on the sideline" of Strugatsky.

Some of the original idea of \u200b\u200bthe book does not shine. Boring corner in angle with permanent shootings.

In order to penetrate apparently, you need to play the game of the same name. But something I do not want.

Is it worth mentioning that the Lord Izrodeli and the subordinates of the scribes nor where they do not mention the ABS?

Even thanks did not say ...

Rating: No

It is a sorry for the universe. Such a series could be done! Any genre would be in the topic: both the fighter, and horror, and psychological thriller, and the philosophical statement - you only write well. Well, at least normal.

But no. Such a way is not for us. We need to quickly collect everything in one bunch, describe the language of school outlines for the 8th grade, and "Shob Torpov more!"

Of course, I understand that the unsystematic set of debutants and "young talented authors"- not Strugatsky A and B. But why is it so explicitly shown? They would be ashamed, Chessloovo ...

P.S. Question aside: Why do such skuds always draw cool covers?

Rating: 4.

Just recently understood what nonsense I read! More than 15 books are stored in me on the shelf, and only some authors can be distinguished from them, the masters in this genre (Glushkov, Livady, Palia, Vasilyev and Gravitsky). All the other books read by me, in vain spent time.

And there is nothing to say about the books of published in recent months, just in vain translated paper.

In my opinion, the series dies, and sorry dies. Many people (about 12-15 years) are drawn on Stalker, unconditionally, the series is famous and well registered, but after all, fantasy does not end on the stalker?

Although, I can say a huge thank you, this series, so how before that I did not read fiction at all, and now one of my lovedness genres.

Rating: 4.

mmmmmmmmm ... Dyayaya ... Well, not ready to criticize or praise opinions and authors! Each reader and gamer (good imputed conglomerates) relies on their taste and color. The authors, for mine, a purely subjective view, were divided into two main categories: "Slog" - where there is a style, phraseology and "luxury" from dialogues and narration, and, at the "merchant", - that Pleiada, who has sought to fit into the jet, With the help of available publishers.

The topic is interesting, topical, no matter how cool. You look - the speeds will soon be driving, describing the "Russian-Ukrainian-conflict" - actions. There will be fashionable and crumpled stuff.

Reading ... Akunin, for example, threw it to read after graduation "Fandoriniada." Others - opened it after "Yin-Yan" ... so it was!

Abstract from the fabul, taking each work - as the creation of the author. Someone is important descriptions of "iron" ("Selection of weapons"), feeling ready to disassemble the grenaderate complex "Thunder-14" with closed eyes, after the "mastering" of the Opus, and someone is more important than the psychological moments of communication with the macrocosm within himself and in The universes of the Universe ... You can not, in my opinion, refer to such a category of literature with measure: "... I will compare with a classic ..."! The authors of juicy and meaningful, for my taste, grabs it here.

Rating: No

Due to the rabid popularity of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl in 2007, dozens of books of the same name cycle on the universe of the computer game were poured on the shelves of the shops.

The fans immediately dare these works from the shelves and here the publishers were cut down: "So, a profitable thing is." And here it began. Only the militants are printed in the project (for only their fans of games are likely), their quality is very, very and very suffering from this. From Stalgners Strugatsky there is nothing left, the developers are not even recognized in plagiarism, yes, yes. At the present great or even really good books are not here. The kind level is below average, it is clear that the sciences are moving not in the direction.

Let's imagine that the PC, which he now would exist in the 50s of the twentieth century. Would we read the same Strugatsky, Tolkien and many of many other music on computer games? So I say no.

As a result, the cycle is intended only for the fans of the series and for the profit of publishers. A foreign person will not understand anything, and even understand there, especially nothing ... militants

Rating: 7.

A relatively strong principle, as a result of merciless operation, twice the secondary setting was rapidly filled into the lute grapomania, an honest assessment of which is able to raise suspicions in the "intentional decreasing rating of the authors." Separate visits to the stimple-made series of decent authors like Zorich and Lazarchuk cause only regret.

Rating: 2.

That's what I understood for myself by reading the uyma of the books from this series. Well, life is not possible for a person in the zone. Non-WHO can If you are a bit bother with logic, you will understand it without much difficulty and forever sue yourself the impression of the spell. That's why Strugatsky did not sit there, which is why Tarkovsky did not notice the opportunity to populate it by people. She should be so alien to a person as much the magician artifacts, dark secrets and terrible anomalies. Well, okay - with this series as with anime - it is better not to include rational thinking, please yourself. But maybe someone will tell ... The idea of \u200b\u200bStrugatsky is genius, but no one (even they themselves - in their own, in the end, not in the zone there is a majority of events) did not create a zone such that the hair rose from horror, mysteriousness and attractiveness As in the best books King. So that the logic was, but turned out all the legs on the head, and the psyche of the heroes underwent the strongest changes precisely thanks to the place of action, the mutual influence of the person and the zone. The zone should be alive and controversial as everyone else. "Solaris" could become a guideline. It should take care of his secrets not with the help of traps and fences, and the hobs of human weakness forcing him to lie to himself, hide its natural dildos, inconsistency. Zone as a soul mirror without hiding showing people their all qualities, no matter how unpleasant it was. Some authors were close, but they lacked a scope (or courage). Others created powerful images, but the idea turned out to be small. Third - just earned loot on a popular topic. I hope that when the idea of \u200b\u200ba closed abnormal zone becomes a certain common place, the authors will appear capable of creating a zone from it with a capital letter, perhaps changing the worldview paradigm with respect to reality and the zone as the world of the future.

Rating: No

"Stalkeriad" and Vasily Nuts in particular:

Stalkeriad, the monster that Oblom, Oblast and Layai ... Well, or something like that. The series, which has long been beyond something controlled, having a huge army of fans, and does not try to show out in his victorious procession, and declare itself as a literature with some kind of high-dimensional filling. It is right, as this is fanfikshn, who serves only entertainment. The success of the series has long and they are strength to oppose something similar: "Death Zone", "Metro", "Mortal Zones", "Techno" (although it is controversial) and launched by the "Zona wing" (yes, this is my personal conjugate reneranous ). All this is logical and in explanations does not need. The fallen angel Red Shukhart, who had once created at all with no evil brothers, with age and with the help of Jiessi Games upgraded, grew and turned into a cathedron or baron hell, with the ensuing the faster minds of adolescents and not only. The benefit that none of the devouries is opposed, but on the contrary, only for.

What is the secret of the series and her like - let them disassemble elsewhere. I want to pour it only about the constituent literature that occupies more and more places in book market. I will make a reservation that I have a very subjective attitude to the series, because I will say - hardly tru-stalkers like it. The reason is banal before inadvertising: my "reportage" did not get into the collection "ZP" and I was tired of reading a series of across the book of Bordery "Warriors of the Zone". Those who wish to poke me in my finger after reading my subjective opinion - poke on health, I am purely on the drum. In the literature, Beta drunk sailor is easily turning into the Zeta of the bitter curtains, and the zone in the area that I did, easily and easily. At the same time, I will be happy to realize that I can create my own world, relying on the once-visiting a wonderful idea and transform it under modern realities. What turned out to be the result - I am glad, I hope that after a short period of time, someone will join my joy. My sings to readers for the removal of reasoning on the debris from the main message of this opinion.

My first book, and in general, "Deserter" became the first to know from the universe zone. Yes, then my pisi did not allow me to immerse yourself in fabulous action with screams like: I frowned me, boys, Maslin caught. Or there: go your dear, stalker. But I was interested, and I bought the book. And only my irrepressible curiosity did not give me to leave the series after reading it. So ugly, uninteresting and illogical work at that time I did not read for a long time. May I forgive me for this by the author, if suddenly talk about it (although it seems to me, he is purely violet). But, as already mentioned, curiosity thugged the cat, and I went further, dying through the redhead forest, squandered by the bakers on the swamp, shooting the zombies at the Radar and so on. With guiding milestones, my books were about: the fear of the secret and dangerous Caldera agent, an invincible bloodstream and a villain of an old, hassle and his friendship, I do not remember what was called, the very original downhole with his coffee pot, Mapup Labus and many other characters. Especially I would like to note the two GG: a magnificent stalker on four paws and with a tail from "CN" and shaman of the fang. First personally, I allocated for a good humor and the live language of the author. The second for its irrepressible brutality and woodenness, as well as the unimaginable misunderstanding for me. I think that Ezhi Tumanovsky is also offended by me, since who I am, and who is hedgehog?

In all these books, I found for myself both positive and negative moments. For example: Hupi and his coffee pot already mentioned. It would seem - what is the crap, what to the blind coupling coffee pot in the zone? But Figa, such a coffee pot. The point is not in it, but in the authenticity and animation of the character, whom you can imagine if you close your eyes. In the same vein, the story also has a story about how two Germans blood transducer turned out to be supposedly in passive homosexuals, and a famously, with a clearly shown by Makhnovshchina and Cutting in Budyennovsky. But in parallel with such findings there are such absurdities that only the ears wrapped around. For example, it is not tired of repeating: How could the Makar shoot a "Longs" Ravach from the Machine gun of the caliber of twelve and seven with the hands? I did not understand, despite the fact that it is fantastic and, more worse, the personal opinion of the author. The laws of physics here, it can be apparently not to act. Equal to this can be wondering: what game I wanted to simulate the demurge of the horses of the priceer (including the armored person)? Everything seems to be good, there are anomalies, mutants are present, artifacts are creating miracles, but ... Bakh-Fuck and before us, in some kind of magical moment, "Far Edge" appears. Here is an honest word, it was that I seemed to me when the blue healthy with grenaderators got out of the dungeons. We go further, and slightly stop at the "cold blood" and caldera. Here, everything seems to be all good: GG is cool by definition, Sidorovich as a living and adventure car and an integer cart. So no, here you are readers and a little fiction. It seems that the novel of Kulikov fits perfectly to the main quest: you have a girl with a chronoper of A la Alis Seleznev, who has lost the dad and the green, who turned out in trouble and received a bonus of the bulk-special forces. But, for the sake of monolith and his candy, why did you start me so ruthlessly linearly the author on all recognizable to pack from a cigarette location "Shedva of Snenobil" in the course of this quest? I was upset then, and did not buy the next book about the heroic caldera, and did not recognize whether the doctor had repeated a new hand, or he became like Anakin Skywalker, i.e. With a metal moving prosthesis? I will not speak about the old Shaligin, I respect it, despite the bunch of bloodsuckers killed by knives in the darkness of the hearing and responsibility, comparable to the duty of the heroes of the Soviet films about border guards. Summarizing what I have on a bookshelf can be said: there is good and is not very. Burza recently re-read, Livadny, it was more interesting than, let's say "Limit Depth" Moskvin from the Russian Fiction series.

Well, separately, I called Truka and not very fans, I will try to speak in address of your two favorite books of the series, which, in my opinion, the only close in the Spirit to the "Picnic on the side of the sideline", forget about which it is impossible.

Vasily Walnuts and Kronprints Zonaland, marsh broken and radar waste, cynical and human hemul and everyone who is with him. Both books struck me, forced and laugh and penetrate what the author would like to convey. After all, most of the works of the series there is nothing more than a quest, where the main is the trach-bah brains of the Burera on the wall and a habar in the container. And there is nothing, at least on Iot close to the tragedy of the father, whose daughter is Marty. And at Hemul, despite his entire supermanity and feats that are quite common to the Word, there are a lot of what I want to see in the GG book about steep men. He has an understanding of the real, and not pictured pathoral friendship. There is a girl, unlike steep stalkers, apparently using psychoanalytics and rubber women at best. Plus, the GG Orekhov has a clear face and a character that does not dare from ice twist to the hysteria in Smolny.

Other characters of the book are also good and alive. What is one pathogench, including his nickname, Hehe, who imagines in the form of Praprach Shmatko, who serves in Special Forces and Dink-blonde, adding liveliness itself. Plus to this: its own plot with the expansion of the zone, NATO and other quite original strokes. Magnificent book book, slang, building spoken phrases and good dynamics in combat scenes. Plus, dark, labeled, marsh doctor, completely different from the misanthroper-boring in other books of the series and even stringent. As well as other mutants who do not seem prescribed by type: Uan Jaan - Uan Frag, or, as for me, so much worse, which are loving patrols, then philosophizing about life with zombie chimers, then full repentance by poltergeists. And the zone itself, which here is not drawn by pieces from games, but seemingly alive and terrible.

And now...

It feels like somewhere there, far from our eyes, the great minds created a random book generator - an analogue of the random quests in the game - based mainly on the "damage zone" (rather quality action movie). Only that's how it happens with quests: the first time passed - I liked it. Okay. We wait. The second time passed: what is something?! I have already passed it! The third time passed: so ... if this will continue, send Sidorovich / Barmen (needed to emphasize) for three letters. The fourth time passed: the pah, you will have enough. I will go only when the need for money appears (in the case of a book: "When you read there will be nothing")

In general, before the writers just a huge polygon for fantasy, only here is a shame that they all trample in one place.

Rating: 6.

Rating: 6.

It contains the whole series of STALKER games in order for PC. Anthology has become very popular, therefore, after many years, people pass the best parts of the game anew, enjoying this incredible atmosphere of Postapocalipse. For the stalker, many interesting mods came out, which significantly expand the possibilities of gameplay. Immerse yourself in a dangerous world of survival is extremely interesting. Get ready to resist not only ordinary enemies and monsters, but even the very nature, which is trying to destroy the terrain. Leave the alienation zone is impossible, because the Hero's native house is here. The passage is very long and always want to return. By the way, there is an online version for multiplayer passage, but this is not part of the common series. All parts of the computer game Stalker are in this list.

Games like Stalker

STALKER 2 output date

Once upon a time there was an announcement on the second part of the stalker, but the project was frozen or even canceled. In 2018, it was reiterated that the development continues to be active and the expected year of exit - 2021. This is official information from the creators, so we will hope for the success of the future novelties that it will be brought to the publication.

Series of Games S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - a unique phenomenon for gaming Industry CIS. The first part of the series, the shadow, published in 2007, was long-term with a large number of unrealized promises and considerable luggage technical problems. Despite all this game loved. First of all, for its special atmosphere, combining apocalyptic setting with East Slavic color. And the subsequent parts are the pure sky and call of Pripyat - only strengthened this love in the hearts of domestic gamers.

And today, "Stalker" has a multi-millionth army of fans, which are eagerly awaiting more specific information on S.L.K.K.R.r.r.r. 2. Waiting and hope that all this was not an empty chatter or a ridiculous joke. And also share with each other magnificent modifications for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (According to this indicator, by the way, the series is a record holder among games from the post-Soviet space).

With the best modes for s.t.a.l.k.e.r. You can read and download on our website in a special section.

Well, now let's turn to the consideration of all parts, of which this legendary series of shooters is consistent in all respects.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Chernobyl (2007)

The first-person shooter, also having a feature in his entourage. The game was published in 2007, its developers are guys from the Ukrainian Studio GSC Game World. The action of the game occurs in the fictional zone, the basis for which served as an actually existing zone of alienation, which arose after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, as well as the famous fantastic story "Picnic on the side of the road" from the Strugatsky brothers.

It was the zone that presented in the game impressive in size (for 2007) and almost completely open territory (with the subjunctions of individual sites) became the main advantage of the project. More precisely, all that was present in it and empowered the so-called "stalker" atmosphere. If you delve into the details, the special entourage STALKER: the shadow of Chernobyl created the omnipresent signs of incurred and destruction (all locations were created on the basis of images of the real Chernobyl alienation zone) located in the most unexpected traps of anomalies, dangerous mutants and other stalkers divided into various fractions or existing out of them. The military, scholars, fucking fanatics-monolithic and many other colorful characters were also here.

And all together it made the zone "alive", with its laws and secrets, heroes and villains. Well, the players like the alignment motivated to active actionsSubmitting to two main classes: a) research and search for secrets of the zone; b) getting pleasure from its special atmosphere. Well, of course, all this stimulated not the worst plot, as well as the presence of many side and sometimes very curious tasks.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clean Sky (2008)

In 2008, the "Clean Sky" comes out - an independent addition to the game, which is a prequel to the events of the original. In terms of the gameplay, the changes were, but not very significant. The developers revised AI, changed the anomalia system and the damage system, introduced the ability to modify and repair the weapon. Also slightly corrected the schedule. The main changes affected internal filling and plot. New story allowed to introduce extensive new territories to the game, add new groupings and weapons. Changes and mechanics of interaction with PDAs.

As for the plot, he introduces a player with a new grouping "Clean Sky" and sends to chase at the main hero of the first part.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Pripyati (2009)

The second independent addition, published on the PC in October 2009. It is dedicated to the desperate attempts of stalkers to break through to the center of the zone after the "Clean Sky" plot was disabled "Celebration". The player acts as an experienced military stalker Alexander Degtyarev, whom the Ukrainian government sends to the center to search for the missing first military group, which included 5 reconnaissance.

From the entire trilogy "Call of Pripyat" was obtained by the most ambiguous game of the series. Most of the complaints caused a worsened graphic compared to the "TC" (the developers went to this step intentionally, in order to increase the number of PCs capable of launching the game), not enough and poorly filed plot, and some other problems, including traditional technical flaws for each part. What, however, did not prevent the "sn" to get the status - as well as the previous two games of the series.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 (announced in 2010 and 2018)

Once already announced and canceled, the second license part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Completely suddenly this year re-sought the fire of hope in the hearts of fans. True, it happened to this well, a very unusual way: the director of GSC Game World simply posted a message on his Facebook page that the company resumed work on S.T.L.K.E.R. 2. Then the same message was duplicated on the official GSC GAME World website. And even a promotional site appeared new gamewhere the estimated release date is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 - 2021 year. Since then, there has been no specific information about the game.

It remains only to wait and hope that someday the world will still see the continuation famous gamewho conquered the heart of millions of players with his delightful atmosphere and many other advantages.

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