Talent Definition and author. Talented. Talent \u003d Experience

Cemental compositions 14.07.2020
Cemental compositions


(from Greek. Talanton - initial weight, measure, then in a figurative meaning - the level of abilities) - a high level of abilities, primarily special (see special abilities). About the presence of T. It should be judged by the results of human activity, which should differ fundamental novelty, the originality of the approach. T. Honor, heading a pronounced need for creativity, always reflects certain public queries.

Brief psychological Dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix". L.Akapenko, A.V.Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


The high level of development of the abilities shown in creative achievements, important in the context of the development of culture, above all - the abilities of special. The presence of talent should be judged by the results of activities, koi should differ fundamental novelty, the originality of the approach.

In various fields, talent may manifest itself at different times. So, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technician is usually manifested at an early age; And the talent in the literary, scientific or organizational spheres is revealed at a later age.

The maximum productivity of talented people is also manifested in different ages: in science at 35 - 40 years; in poetry at 24 - 30, etc.

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. - M.: Ast, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.


In various fields, talent can manifest itself in different ages. So, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technology is usually manifested at an early age, and talent in the literary, scientific or organizational spheres are found at a later age. Also, the maximum productivity of talented people is manifested in different ages: in science - in 35-40 years, in poetry - at 24-30.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(eng. talent).

2. Social characteristics of a person who has made a significant contribution to the development of culture, industry, science, etc., see .

"T." - The concept is not so much scientific, how much is everyday, since there is no theory or methods of its diagnosis. On the level of T. Usually judged by human activity. However, the evaluation of the novelty, perfection and significance of the product over time is changing. Accordingly, the social characteristic of the individual is also changing (see ).

In music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technology T. manifests itself in childhood. Literary, scientific, organizational T. detected at a later age. Non-uniform and productivity of talented people. 6-7-year periods of changes in creative productivity and certain age-related maxima are noticed: in science, the maximum falls for the period of 35-40 years, in poetry 24-30.

The formation and development of T. depends on their own activity and human living conditions. The manifestation of T. Protocates: Democratic style of relations in the family, the lack of tight regulation of behavior, the presence of a creative sample for imitation. (V. N. Druzhinin.)

Great Psychological Dictionary. - M.: Prime-Evro. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .



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    TALENT - (Lat. Talentum, from Greek. Actually scales). 1) A certain amount of money from the ancient Jews, as well as the weight \u003d approx. 3 pounds. 2) Silver weight in Greeks \u003d OK. 1.5 Pone. 3) Weight in Greece and Ionian. sharp \u003d 100 English. lb. 4) talent, the ability to which ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    talent - A, m. Talent m. Lat. Talentum gr. Talanton. 1. Outstanding natural abilities, great talent. Bass 1. But what is the benefit to the state .. whether the ministry is in important cases will rely on the small talent and knowledge of people. 1766 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

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    Talent - A high level of development of abilities manifested in creative achievements, important in the context of the development of culture. In various fields, talent may manifest itself at different times. So, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technique usually ... ... Psychological Dictionary

    TALENT - Talent, m. [Greek. Talanton, letters. Weight, scales]. 1. Only units. Dating, gifts, outstanding natural abilities. "Your art, your talent honored the tribute to the equal." Nekrasov. || more often mn. In general, the ability to something n., Decrease that n. do… … Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

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When doctors explain the causes of diseases, they are often called the following factor - genetic predisposition. Physiologically, a person is transmitted from parents a predisposition to the emergence of certain diseases. They can develop, and may not appear, which largely depends on the motive factors. Or maybe a person to transmit talents, abilities, mental properties?.

From parents, children are transferred not only by the pathology of the physiological level, but also the ability. Of course, psychologists claim that a brilliant person is not always born a brilliant kid, like ordinary people, talented children periodically appear. You can talk not about the transfer of talent, but about the predisposition of the child to be talented. Only its upbringing and living conditions will contribute or not to contribute to the occurrence of talent.

The parents may have a baby who talented in something else than his mother and dad. It is necessary to keep the fact that a person can be talented if the right factors will contribute to this.

What is talent?

What is talent, about which many speak and some dream? Talent is a predisposition, potential initially incorporated ability. What will be talented man, laid in it initially, from birth. Typalent is usually manifested in respect of one sphere of life. This is distinguished when a person shows gifted abilities to everything.

Talent is a congenital predisposition. This does not mean that a person will definitely be talented. Many people are most likely talented, but they did not find what is gifted, therefore are usual. Accordingly, its talent should be found, develop, increase. A person has a predisposition to be talented. However, he will be talented or not, it depends on whether he will develop his skills and acquire experience.

The talent is detected when a person faces the subject, in the process of interaction with which he will show his gifted. If a person never encounters this subject, it means that he does not know what is talented.

Other signs of detection of talent is:

  1. Inner trepidation and lifting of mood when a person is engaged in activities in which talent has.
  2. A person shows abilities, fast learningability, good adaptation to activities.
  3. A person demonstrates almost immediately good results, despite its inexperience.
  4. There is an internal attraction to the subject of activity.

A talented person stands out against the rest of the rest who also started to interact with one or another item.

Talent can be revealed, unless to start doing the work to which the person is predisposed. This contributes or does not contribute to some factors:

  • Economic. The larger the money from the person, the more opportunities he has to try themselves in various matters, places and under any conditions.
  • Freshness of view. It is necessary to see the talent, which manifests itself in what you see more than other people.
  • Training. In the learning process, you can also note certain inclinations.

A talented person has a special handwriting in the fact that he is engaged. It always reaches the best results, compared with other people, as using ordinary techniques, and retreating from them and even creating their approaches in the case.

Talent should be developed, otherwise it will remain just hobbies. Many people are keen on something - this is the sphere where they could be talented if they improved their skills. In the meantime, a person is only internally feeling gusting to the matter where he gets easily easily.

It should be understood that the talented people surrounding are negatively perceived. Your talent should be developed. However, others often interfere with this: relatives, friends, neighbors, teachers, all society. Often, a person has such abilities who are unnecessary, unacceptable or even dangerous to society. That is why the man's talent that is not needed by anyone is trying to "stupid".

This should be known to talented people. Sometimes you have to go against society to develop your abilities, or abandon your own gift for the peace of mind.


In 1980, types of talents were allocated, which today there are about 30. Here are the most important of them:

  1. Verbral-linguistic - whisk of the words and mind, the ability to beautifully express their thoughts.
  2. Digital - skill to operate in numbers: programmers, mathematics, etc.
  3. Spatial - spatial orientation skills, such as artists and designers.
  4. Physical - the ability to own your body and feelings: dancers, singers, etc.
  5. Personal, or emotional.
  6. Interpersonal - ability to contact with other people.
  7. Talent ambient - The ability to fit into nature: farmers, etc.

How to find your talent?

Who you are? What do you? What are able to? What qualities do you have? How attractive to the surrounding people? Are you so bad or good, how do other people say about you? All this in common is called "personal opinion", and in more scientific circles - "way of your own I".

You are beautiful, static, know how to communicate with other people, make new acquaintances, attract representatives of the opposite sex, shine with the mind and help people. Or you are a loser that is capable only to sit on your parents, walk with friends and discuss new computer games. Is that you? Actually?

Please tell me all that you talk about yourself, was once told by your parents, teachers, friends, colleagues, former loved ones or this collective image about you is the result of your observations for yourself? As it often happens, all the fact that a person thinks about himself is once said to him by other people.

  • Once, Mom said that "I am untidy," and still man continues to be untidy.
  • Once the teacher said that "I am the smartest", and now a person feels suffering, if there is a companion who is smarter than him next to him.
  • Once a grandmother said on the street that "I laugh too loudly," and now a person is either not laughing at all, or each time hesides how it does it loudly.
  • Once the head said that "my hands are not growing out of that place," and now a person for some reason cannot fulfill his work as high quality as he did before.

In other words, you once someone said something and you believed that you really are such a person.

But see what these people themselves are: some complain about a small salary, others are unhappy in their personal life, the third decided that their life was over, the fourth challenged themselves by the gods and all-knowing. In other words, unfortunate, complex, weak losers once expressed how they look at you, and you believed it. You are not "untidy, the smartest, loudly laughing, etc.", and some particular person looked at you so that I saw this quality, although this may not be at all. Perhaps on some day you felt bad and were untidy. Maybe once you tried and flashed with your knowledge. Perhaps someone spread their grief on you and called you a loser. Maybe the boss was in a bad mood and decided to rise due to the fact that he humiliated you. But it was a single case. It was another person who decided to see what he was used to see absolutely in all people.

But it is not you! What other people talk about you are often not true. All their words are dictated by the desires of you to prick, cheer up, understand that you are worse than them, or again cause pity for you. In other words, you were deceived as consciously and unconsciously. And you all believed, especially in the words of our parents, who were often tired and annoyed, or teachers who were unhappy with their work and wages.

Thus, who you are - is your personal opinion or opinion based on all that you heard in your address from the mouths of others? It should be understood that the ideal people do not have a lot of what you have been said about you yourself is wrong, as those surrounding persecuted their selfish goals, speaking to you or another opinion. For example, parents often try to cause a feeling of guilt in the child so that he finally began to obey them, and at the same time they say these words that can cut into the head and forever determine whether their child will consider themselves a good one or it will become a pathological loser. People tell you what can provoke you to certain actions. That is, you tell you a lie about you. And you believe in their words and then you live with the thought that in something bad or good, not noticing how you infringe upon themselves, limit or look stupid, building out of yourself those who are not in fact.

What are you really capable of? Who are you really? To answer all these questions, you need to look at yourself as if you never heard about yourself. You are a stranger, an unknown person, which you see first. And to understand who you look in the mirror, in which body you live, what qualities, abilities and opportunities you have, you need to get acquainted with yourself. At the same time, to fully forget about everything you heard themselves from other people. All their words - illusion, myth, deception. In fact, you do not know who you are really capable of. To do this, you need to get acquainted with yourself.

Learn yourself as you really are. This will allow you to finally understand what your advantages actually are and what flaws you have. Moreover, you will finally understand what to be a woman with lush forms or an unavigible man is not so bad. Yes, you are not like everyone else, but it yourself does not hurt. This does not like someone that you are a full woman or an unavigible man. Does it hurt you personally? Do you personally interfere? This understanding will relieve you from many complexes and excitement. You will learn to love yourself only because you finally understood that you personally do not annoy your thin voice or ignorance of absolutely all truths of life. You allow yourself to be inept, non-standard and unusual, because you personally do not prevent you from feeling calm.

Get acquainted with yourself:

  1. You will see that you have a lot of advantages that have not been noticed before - they need to use, develop, appreciate.
  2. You will see that much of what was previously considered to be your disadvantage is in fact your distinctive feature. Yes, you are different from other people, but it allocates you among them, especially if you personally treat it normally.
  3. You will see your true shortcomings. And it may be so much less than before you have seen. And now you decide, you need to change these shortcomings in yourself or not. Now you will have a clear understanding of what direction you want to change your drawbacks, because you will be guided by the principle "I will be so comfortable", and not "I was so told other people."

Understand that you yourself do not know, while you think the opinions that started collecting from childhood to understand who you are and what you are capable of understanding. This is the opinion of other people, but not yours. And these people could be mistaken somewhere, in something to deceive, and sometime and take advantage of you to feel on a par with you more significant and successful. And what do you think about yourself without taking into account the opinions of other people? How do you yourself look at yourself, forgetting everything that others told you? Remember that what you yourself think about yourself, defines your capabilities. If you think you are a loser, then you will continue to do everything to be a loser. But as soon as you realize that you are not a loser, you will immediately feel the power to achieve what was not allowed to achieve yourself before.

  1. What are your dreams? Remember all your desires, starting from childhood.
  2. Choose the dreams that say about what you would like to be.
  3. What professions attract you? Who would you like to work?
  4. Add to the list those classes that are your favorite hobbies.
  5. Specify which hobbies and work you cause positive emotions. To do this, visualize how you are engaged. Leave those that you really interest you, inspire.
  6. Group remaining activities in one.
  7. How can you combine existing abilities with the types of activities that you are interested in?


More exit B. real life and contact with various people, objects, phenomena. The more you try and find out, the more chances you recognize your talent. If you have not yet revealed it, it means that you have not yet encountered that activity in which you would show yourself. Look for!

Among the creative people and critics of various eras and countries, probably, disputes about understanding and the meaning of this word will never stop. Some think that talent is the fourth of the elect, God's spark, which arises completely unpredictable and quite rarely on Earth. Others believe that talent is what is given to each of us, and anyone can identify with certain methods their extraordinary abilities in a particular sphere, and then - to correctly develop with special exercises. Some people think that 99% of success depends on this concept, and some that talent is labor and daily interest exercises for 90! Who knows? Or maybe the calling is talent? Let's try to at least figure out this, just say it is not easy.

Definition of concept

According to dictionaries and encyclopedias, this word is determined as the presence of certain outstanding abilities from a particular person or group of people. As a rule, they are manifested in creative achievements. of various types Arts, professional innovations and the like. So, the rest of society judges the presence of talent mainly by the results of activities. And they certainly should be innovative, with a fresh and original approach to the topic and material. Different talents can manifest themselves in different age: From the earliest childhood (a bright example - Mozart in music), to a saturated experience of maturity (for example, many philosophical works).

Congenital or acquired

The opinion is quite widespread: that talent is a consequence and a possible result of only congenital and genetics caused by the so-called gift. But many years of experiments and research conducted by some scientists testified that almost each of us possesses from birth of various talents from birth. And already the same degree of their subsequent development may be due to upbringing and training. Where directly follows that talent is the abilities developed and approved by experience and acquisition of skills.

People and beasts

Many researchers believe that this concept is inherent only by a person. But some think otherwise. After all, the highest mammals, for example, primates or dolphins, amazing abilities can be identified and developed. What was repeatedly proven on various examples and experiments, documented. And in India, Dolphins were generally officially recognized as a reasonable race other than human. Probably, still talent - not only human privilege!

Social characteristic

Be that as it may, the talent of man is, rather, one of his social characteristics, and not a strict scientific definition. It is a concept of purely burning, since there are no specific and clearly verified diagnostic methods for its identification and evaluation. On the levels of talent, other people surrounding society are usually judged. And judgments are formed depending on the products of activity and their novelty. However, over time, the assessment of significance may change, and the relevance of the creations will be lost, and then inevitably oblivion, as it happened more than once in the history of mankind: the masters recognized by their epoch lost all values \u200b\u200bfor descendants.


The Word itself comes from the name of the weight measure and the monetary unit in ancient Greece. And in Christianity there is a parable that the owner presented his three slaves on a coin - talent. The first buried the money. The second - broke the wealth. The third - imagined. Hence, by the way, then the expressions went: to increase or burrow their talent to the ground (as many representatives of humanity do). IN figurative sense Words: God's gift, the possibility of creating a new one, equal to the Lord himself, who created people in his image and likeness. So, a person has such a privilege - to create and create!

Attempt to classify

In trying to classify the very concept of some minds, what is called, broken heads. By doubt and being unsatisfied with such methodologies, you can still lead as an example of the "Mind Frame" of Howard Gardner. In it, the scientist highlights nine types of talent inherent in all people.

  • Linguistic and verbal. Many writers and journalists, the words and sharks of the pen possess them.
  • Digital talent. He is inherent in programmers and people with a mathematical warehouse of thinking.
  • "Aurally". Such a talent is inherent in many musicians, linguists, polyglotes.
  • Spatial. They possess artists and designers.
  • Physical. Athletes and, for example, dancers.
  • The following are personal and interpersonal, environmental talent and entrepreneurial talent related to time management and money.

Of course, such a classification is perceived quite conditionally, as the criteria of the assessment are the opinions of others, and the estimate is carried out mainly by the results submitted to the public.

In music

There are quite a lot of criteria for which you can say: the musical talent is the ability of a person to memorize, repeat, compose the melody and play on various musical instruments. As a rule, these abilities are manifested at an early age, extremely early. Sometimes parents do not pay due attention to the appropriate features of the child, and the asterisks are exhausted, and did not have time to burn. Sometimes - as in the case of Mozart - the talent is strongly developed by the parent, and supported by knowledge and experience, flashes like the sun!

Sometimes it all happens on the contrary: adults consider the child ingeniously gifted, in every way Potakaya him, and thereby breaking him fate. How to figure it out in this thin and scrupulous question, because sometimes porous? There are simply good musicians, and there are talents close to genius. The latter, as a rule, hear in music a lot more than an ordinary person, do not pose life without her, she is their natural and urgent need. If there is a good teacher from almost any baby, you can make a musician of an average hand that understands the harmony and notes that can play with a sheet of rather complicated works of respected authors. For genius learning - a thing is not the most important (although in the presence of an experienced teacher, the talent is realized faster). The feeling of yourself in music, God's gift, the desire for the improvement and development of oneself. Often, students who have such qualities, at an early age, exceed their experienced teachers at an early age (and this is characteristic not only for musical areas).

How to recognize

It is noted that musical can be recognized by three years of life. This can be the key to the formation of the future talent and even the genius in this field. Researchers before recording your own child in genius, advise to apply several tests that check the ability of a child relating to hearing (of course, musical, not usual), sensitivity to rhythm, musical memory. In experienced teachers even there are special methods for determining talented kids in such an early age. They are focused on not waiting for 7 summer ageWhen usually gives music school, start developing abilities. Who knows, maybe to seven years your child will not professionally play several tools and write its own plays, thereby proving that musical talent is a feature, it is inherent in him?


If the house has a musical instrument, for example, a piano (or a toy synthesizer, finally), you can spend one of the simple tests. They are designed to identify hidden talent. This discernment of the height of the sound (of course, everything should happen in gaming formSo that the child is interested), its tonality and reproduction speed. You can hit the keys, saying: And so the mouse is frowning, but so the bear goes, but this is a chanterelle. As a kid then sounds: who is this - a bear or mouse? It is noted that if the child has a good one, he will be able to determine the differences from the first time for 2-3 years.

Guess the melody and rhythm

Another wonderful "children's" test lies in guessing the baby of simple melodies. You need to choose a few, and each designate a specific picture or object. Playing notes, ask the child to learn them the next time, pointing to a certain drawing or subject. So you can check the musical memory. If the recognition occurs quickly, you can talk about the presence of an appropriate talent. And is checked in the same way. Sleep the tact of the melodies in your hands. If the baby can repeat the hails together with you the next time, then he has a good sense of rhythm.

Recently, various talent shows have become very popular, thanks to which we learned that among ordinary people - a lot of talents! What is talent?

At first glance, everything is simple. Talent is a manifestation of bright abilities in a certain area, this is a special giftedness that cannot be noticed.

But here is the question: Is the talent for a gift that only exceptional individuals are endowed, or can you develop it?

Talent - Dar of Nature?

In the Brochaus Dictionary, talent is defined as high natural talent, an outstanding ability to activities in any area.

Immediately recall the names of famous actors, scientists, musicians, writers. Dostoevsky, Beethoven, Mendeleev, Mironov - this is whom, undoubtedly, can be called people talented, that kind of generously laid the nature!

A talented scientist, as if living in the world of abstractions, reflecting on a new product a writer or creating music composer sometimes seem to other people are somewhat strange ...

That is, a talented person is special, the one who has from birth has outstanding abilities? And only favorites can be the owners of talents?

Yes, talent is undoubtedly the indicator of special giftedness. But not selected!

And in applied to ordinary people, we also often use the word "talent". And even more - every person in nature is talented.

How to find talent

Not everyone is given to be a genius in one of the sciences, possess a unique artistic or musical gift. And what prevents the usual person to start developing the nature of the ability in itself? But first you need to find them in yourself. How to do it?

Listen to your desires, remember what they dreamed of in childhood. After all, the ability primarily manifests itself in an insurmountable desire to engage in some kind of specific activities, to show themselves in something.

This desire may arise in childhood or adolescence. And it happens that the spark of talent flashes and in adulthood. In any case, you need to not ignore this inner feeling, but to trust him.

What are the talents

A talented person - what is he? And what are the talents?

Back in 1980, American psychologist Howard Gardner in his book "The Rocky Mind" allocated seven types of talent. And although after it, more than 30 species were described, these seven are also considered the main. Here they are.

Goodwill and love for people - also talent!

Today, there are more and less people who can truly sympathize, help, substitute shoulder. The ability to remain a decent person in our time can also be considered a special and rather rare talent. Even sincere friendly and benevolence is definitely talent. And it is no less important for the development of mankind than the talent to move forward science or develop art.

If the ability to humanity is not given from nature, it is worth an effort to raise it.

So it turns out that talent is not only the giftedness given by God; He, above all, depends on human perseverance and desire to become more perfect.

Talented children

Almost all children have a special tendency to something, and sometimes there are validations at once in several spheres. To help the child to inflate the emerging spark, parents must detect these abilities on time and as early as possible to start developing creative talent in the child.

After all, a small person is unlikely to learn to play a musical instrument or write paintings on their own, even if he has non-free abilities to these classes. And if a talented person does not have the opportunity to face the subject of his giftedness, he may never know about his talent.

Therefore, it is so important to give the child to test yourself in different cases and determine what kind of baby likes most of all what his soul is.

Try your strength and abilities Children can, visiting various circles and sections, as well as participating in children's creative contests that are organized specifically to find young talents.

And finding the child's info in the child, you need to cherish them and develop. After all, if this is not done, he can remain just fond of a loved one. Yes, he will delight with his gift of loved ones and friends, but no more. But receiving proper training and development, tranquility can cool to change their entire life.

But the talent is so pronounced and bright that he himself will not let you forget about myself, it will break out the outwardness, like a gentle flower, breaking through the asphalt, and "buried it into the ground" will not work even under adverse conditions.

Two values \u200b\u200bof expression "buried talent in the ground"

Previously, the expression "buried talent in the ground" was a completely different meaning than the one that we invest in it today. Like the very word "talent", which originally meant the largest monetary unit in ancient Greece, Persia, Babylon.

The expression "buried talent in the ground" went from the evangelical parable about how one rich man before leaving to another country distributed talents (coins) to his slaves to another country. One of them he gave 5 talents, the second - 2, the third - 1. The first two slaves invested their coins in the case, and the third buried his silver talent in the ground.

When Mr. returned, two slave gave him more money than they got. The third returned only one coin, which retained in the ground. The praise was received by those who did not cut their talents, but imagined them. The third gentleman called the custody and lazy.

IN modern language "Easy talent in the ground" means not to develop this over the gift.

How to develop talent

Detected abilities need to be developed, and this requires considerable effort. After all, talent is not only extraordinary gifts given from birth, but also developed under the influence of exercises.

Many people achieve great success and achieve fame due to the fact that the deposits laid by nature are hardworking and persistence. It is from time to over-time outstanding economists and lawyers, outstanding scientists, creative designers, talented musicians, actors and writers.

After all, the talent itself does not have strength and no one is interested. It requires processing, as if a gem, which is uncommon, is not visible to anyone. In order to the ability in man, the giftedness was transformed into talent, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. But it's worth it!

In each person laid a grain of talent. You need to be able to consider in our children future great scientists, athletes, artists, musicians to help them develop and implement data from the nature of the ability.

Also, it is not necessary to forget that it is never too late to find the talent in yourself, it is worth only to see the child inside yourself and remember what he dreamed about ... and the main thing - not to be afraid to realize these dreams! You should be afraid to burrow into the ground with this nature talent.

No less important than extraordinary abilities for sciences or creativity is a talent being a man - kind, compassionate, responsive. If our reader is exactly such - he is undoubtedly extremely talented.

Reading time: 3 min

Talent is the potential or initially laid ability of the individual. In explanatory dictionaries, the meaning of the word talent is determined as special personal personal predispositions. With the acquisition of experience, they form skill. In contrast to the genius, when a person is considered gifted in everything, and that it should be noted, the stories are known only for individual cases when the personality talented has high abilities relating to one, two, and less often several spheres.

The meaning of the word talent is interestingly revealed due to the Greek root, which also denotes the weight of the weight, monetary calculation in antiquity. Here we remember the parable of retracted talents, which tells not only about coins, but also tells how to deal with the skills that nature gave us - not to "bury" them, but in every way to increase.

What is talent

Talent is above just a good result, it is a special, noticeable even surrounding as out of a series of outgoing abilities. For example, if a person has a high ability to play chess, then he shows with certain efforts good game. However, the talent for the game will appear, as if by itself, will be felt through attraction to chess, and the results will exceed the results of those who just have good skills. This will notice and others, considering such a player with a special, as if having superposableness from nature. In relation to talentedness, there is always some kind of thrill. However, talent is not always visible immediately. If a talented person has never had the opportunity to face the subject of his gifting, he may not at all behave about his ability.

It happens in life in unsuitable for the development of this sector conditions. About the outresses from the lower economic layers of the population or poor countries, not one film was removed, which when inserted into new life They became brilliant boxers, dancers, even scientists, if there is at least a bit of training.

The complexity of the identification of talentedness is connected with other special conditions, not only economic - there are cases when the child at school was considered mentally retarded, but he not only achieved high indicators in its giftedness, but also made the discovery, was a pioneer in a new area . It also matters the latestness of the view, the unleasibility of knowledge, as it is correct, which is characteristic of the inhabitants who are not trying to look at the subject of study or training from the other side, but as if the necessary actions are performed on the template.

A talented person will be able to achieve overalls as an ordinary development technique, and even often without it, or he will try to make a personal contribution to it. In what makes a talented personality, its special handwriting is always visible.

Without developing his gift from nature, a person often remains just fond of, for example, singing, pleases with this hobby itself and acquaintances. But hitting the proper conditions - on the talent show, and having received the foundation of the preparation, he can cool to change his life. However, pronounced talent often does not give its carrier to live quietly, forgetting about him. He seems to the outside, the power of talent is sometimes even ruled by a man, fascinating him and demanding that the desire to find the exit - like a strong plant makes his way through the asphalt.

There are stories when a person forbade parents, mentors, society. Then the personality flared up seriously between the unconscious powerful desire to engage in favorite business and forbids on him. This was especially characteristic of the former, more despotic times. And here you can even partly understand those who imposed a ban. For example, hereditary doctors could guarantee their child a decent and prosperous future, having trained his medicine, passing their customers and the famous name. However, the son or daughter, talented by nature or the daughter, could not always conquer this move of events, feeling not entitled to go on this little blind, empty and unhappy path for them. If, in addition to the talent, a person had at least some pronounced volitional qualities, he could confront the pressure of the environment and defend his gift, receiving recognition sometimes only after death. However, what is this recognition!

Not one truly great man was unrecognized in his fatherland and time. Often - this environment does not want, it is not able to perceive something new, different from the usual, opposed to a new trend or even aggressively protects against him. Some talents walked with a socially recognized activities that the carrier himself could not explain what he owns them, and tried to fight and eradicate attractions to the talent. However, neither an external nor inner struggle against true talentedness brings the desired results, the power of talent is only growing from the struggle. Many outstanding, sharp talented works, usually artistic, were created just under the influence of this conflict, as if on a break, there was a mental oscillation and even the suffering of the creator. But, as in the case of his Creator, later they searched the minds and hearts of their audience, and often even marked the beginning of a new, revolutionary direction, becoming later classics.

By itself, without development, samples, training, sometimes even painful hours spent on it, without its manifestation - the talent is not forces, is not interested in others. Like gemstone, He demands from his Master of Filigree processing, in order to turn into a radiant jewel from the unwitched piece of stone. Time and work spent towards the development of their talent - the next step, so that the ability to transformed into something more, found its manifestation.

In order to be useful and recognized, it is necessary not only to know that I'm talented, but also to determine in what form the world can perceive my talent today, and then make efforts and spend time. Working, based on his talentedness, its owner should catch up with those who are now obtaining the best results in this direction.

Today, talent is often practical application, is a source of earnings and the dream of many people - to work in the sphere of their interests. Therefore, the understanding of the market as a receiver of talented labor results is very important today.


Back in 1980, Gardner in his book split the ability and allocated the types of talent. They are now well illustrated by the main groups of talents, although after Gardner there were still more than 30 species.

The verbal linguistic talent is the ability to clearly formulate their thoughts and beautifully express them, the mind of the mind and words. This talent is inherent in outstanding journalists, speakers, writers.

Digital talent is the ability to deal with numbers and various kinds of accurate characters. It is characteristic of mathematicians, programmers and economists who perceive the world through accurate expressions and are able to quickly calculate. Individually gifted in the digital sphere, people seek in the world of abstractions and without the development of social skills may even look strange for other people.

The spatial type of talent is nothing but the ability to navigate in space and creatively converting it, which is found from designers and artists. Often they have their own special look at reality, and they express it in the objects of art. However, there are those who are talented in the transfer of a realistic world may exactly, as if to recreate the appearance on the photo card.

Physical talent is peculiar to people who perfectly own their bodies and senses. Here is the widest range of classes from outstanding workers physical Labor Before skilled dancers. People of this type of perception style are opposite to people of the mathematical warehouse, so training for physically gifted should be in practice through bodity.

Personal or emotional talent is responsible for the ability to recognize his and feelings, to live a deep inner life. This kind of talent is akin to observing his mental life and is opposite. It can be seen, for example, from an outstanding writer Dostoevsky.

Interpersonal talent helps in communicating with other people and need teachers, politicians, actors and public figures.

In a separate group, Gardner also distinguishes such a type as the environmental talent. This ability to harmoniously fit into nature, the world And comply with it, it is characteristic of animal farmers and animal trainers.

These types of talent can be combined with each other. For example, a person gifted with spatial and digital types of talent can be a good architect. And emotionally and interpersonally gifted - good psychologist.

How to find your talent?

Talent recognition is similar to the search for their strengths, but to find talents and abilities in themselves there is something more.

How to find talent in yourself, your children, recognize in other people, help in his disclosure? To do this, analyze previous achievements or facts, answering which of these results outstanding.

A small child can recognize talent, trying it in different activities: offering singing, dance, construct. And it may be discovered that the child sang perfectly, with, without special training better than other children. Often, even children themselves are drawn to what their talent is. The child's talented in singing is not necessary to force to sing, he will surely humble often, with pleasure, and his parents can easily notice his love and the ability to sing. And here it is already important to properly dispose of the talent, data from nature - to give it the possibility of further development, provide conditions, like the soil, watering, light and fertilizer for the flower.

How to find talents and abilities? Below is a technique, thanks to the sequential steps of which you can define your talents.

Step 1. What is your dream? Remember your dreams since childhood until the present moment, write them down.

Step 2. Divide them into categories: have and be. The first category concerns the desires of possessing with some things. Then as the second - the desire to be someone, to become the man, about whom you dreamed. In further work on the method, we only take the dreams from the second category.

Step 3. Write down the professions that find a response in you. Remember those people at whom you wanted to be.

Step 4. What do you like to do you? Add to the list those classes that bring you true satisfaction, those that do not require forcing you, but on the contrary, please.

Step 5. All discharged dreams, favorite classes and professions combine, and check which positive emotions cause you. For the greatest accuracy, imagine yourself in every role as detailed as possible, visualize it as if it is your reality now. Give your feelings in your body and emotions on a scale of 10 points.

Step 6. Each from the list of those areas that low estimates have received are those wishes that can be easily refused.

Step 7. Grouple the resulting list of your inconsistencies, if individuals have a connection. For example, in one desire you want to sing, and in the other - get recognition and fame, then they are logically united in the desire to become a famous singer.

Step 8. Name each group with some talent, for example, as in the last example - the talent of singing.

Step 9. Look for the connection between the formed groups. In life in practice, your suggestions necessarily support each other or conflict, but in the end form a unique individual combination.

Step 10. What application can you find your abilities? Consider each group of inclinations, combined as talent, and links between them to find possible ways to implement these abilities. Each profession or field of activity give an estimate on a scale again out of 10 points and highlight the most promising.

Step 11. From specific activities, select the one that is closest to you, like and has high chances to bring you success. This will be your talent.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "Plyomed"

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