Myths Homer. Literature of ancient Greece. Myths of Homerskaya Greece

Engineering systems 02.10.2020

"Pedal fashion for black glasses that everyonewants to stay at least a little Homer. "

Andrei Voznesensky

It is well known that myths are ancient legends on the gods and legendary heroes, about the origin of the world and life on Earth. But, most often under the myth, something fantastic, implausible, unreal and fictional one is understood. In fact, this is not the case, for a person, like a product of nature, is unable to come up with something that has never happened, or there will be no.

For a long time it was believed that "Iliad" and "Odyssey" - the fiction of Homer, who did not have a historical truth, and Homer himself did not consider the author, for none of his works he signed his name, and not a single real biography of his There was. Do not be surprised, but the fact that today we attribute these ephesis to Homer is justified only by the fact that they have read each time on Panafine in the beginning of the VI century. BC, as his works. In this position, the case was before the publication in 1795. The studies of the famous German philologist F. A. Wolf "Prolegomena Ad Homerum". Relying on the principle of contradictions and noting, in his opinion, numerous weaknesses in composite terms of epos, Wolf tried to prove that: "Iliad" and "Odyssey" could not belong to one poet, but were the fruit of creativity of many singers and poets; A combination of individual songs in two large epos happened many centuries after the time of compiling songs; Summary and editing of songs were occupied by little outstanding personality; The final edition belonged to 602 602-actors at the court of Athenian Tirana Piscistrata at the beginning of the VI century. BC. So the foundations of the "Homer's issue" were laid: and did Homer existed in reality?

But, as stated in the gospel: "Vera is the exercise of expected and confidence in the invisible" (EHR.11.1). Henrich Schlifiman was worth believe in the truthfulness of the description of the Homer of the location of the Troy in "Iliad", as an amateur of archeology found the city where no one was looking for him. And with this, as a reward for perseverance, I found the treasure of Priama. Then Clay Agamemnon was found in Michena. It is a pity that not all archaeological finds we can date. Nevertheless, the opening of Henry Schliman put on the agenda of the issue of Homere, as a real historical personality describing quite real historical events. Our wonderful philosopher and encyclopedist A.F. Losev, summarizing the results of two-century studies of world dear studies, came to the conclusion that Homer lived at the turn of the VII-VI centuries. BC. And, like most Writers of the world, is an immanent author. This means that he wrote about most of the real events that are directly related to his own life. So, it turns out why G. Shliman was not mistaken in his trust in Homer! But, specific dates of events, as well as the lifetime of Homer, still remain unexplained. Therefore, today in all encyclopedias allegedly believed that Homer lived in the IX century. BC, and the events of the Trojan War are attributed to the XII century. BC. In this regard, the question arises: and do not contain the texts of Homer instructions on specific dates Events and details of his biography? And, if you contain, how to carry out "archaeological excavations" of the text, so that the irrefutable way to get to the truth hidden by the author of the millennium ago?

Let us ask me: What is the minimum structure of the text of such epic, as "or" Odyssey "and" Odyssey ", except for the letters and words? Probably, this is following them, a poetic string, called a hexameter. Let's not go into historical details recorded by the ancient Greeks themselves, that hyperborei taught them with hexameters, i.e. Kimmerians and Scythians. Note that the hexameter is the key text structure that allows you to break the text recorded continuously, and also makes it possible to check the safety and even the quality of the Homer text. The loss of one gecmeter can also be seen when analyzing the content of the epic.

Another, larger, structure is the breakdown of each of the epic on the songs. It is believed that this work, allegedly for Homer, was fulfilled by Alexandria scientists. In fact, it turned out that we reached our original texts with the author's broken down. Another structural division of the text of the narrative along the days was suggested by V.A. Zhukovsky, taking advantage of the formal phrases of Homer, denoting the beginning of the day, for example, such as "stood out of the darkness of mlauding with fours of Purple Eos." Guided by this, he broke all the story of Odyssey for 40 days, although there were other points of view on this matter. With a detailed analysis, it turned out that all the narrative of the 10-year swimming of Odyssey (allegorical meaning of the name "Odyssey" - "This is me"), Homer laid out in 58 days, which ended with its 58th anniversary and the words "I was born in Alibant", placed In the last, 24th, song, in 304 hekzameters, with the name of Alibant's sequence number in this song - 119. The question arises: how, in this case, Homer could encrypt these key years and dates for the future?

Before answering this question, you need to refer to the chronology, which could then exist. Of course, Homer has not yet known anything about Christmas and the new era associated with him. It is believed that in the IV century. BC. It was customary to conduct an account of the years from the 1st Olympiad, when the names of her winners were recorded for the first time, it happened in 776 BC. So, all subsequent years were counted already at the number of the Olympics and the number of years before or after it. It is possible that it was Homer who suggested that the chronology was exactly from 776 BC. This is evidenced by the attention he paid the description in Iliad and Odyssey to sports games. Probably, the Olympiads were pushed by Homer to split every epic on 24 songs, and together on 48 songs that symbolize 48 months or 4 years, which corresponds to the period of the Olympiad. But, apparently, Homer himself led a simple account of years, ranging from the year of the first Olympiad. So, after all, the account from the dates of the Olympics appeared not in IV century. BC, and after the Panafine Games, i.e. At the beginning of the VI century. BC.

We will not go into a complex account of the months of ancient Greek chronology, there were 12 from ancient times, and talking about how the year was able to close, if the months alternately broke up for 30 and 29 days. There were no weeks then, and the month was broken by three decades. I note only that, probably after a seven stay in Egypt, Homer has developed his calendar for internal use, very close to our. His year was divided by 12 months with alternation in each of the months, called Ida and dedicated to certain gods and events, while in the order of the third day, and in the even one - 30. Idis, called the "month of mutual treats" and entering Our 15 February-15 (16) Martha, in the usual years had 28 days, and in leap years - 29, i.e. Added another day as "treat". Moreover, Homer's leap years had not for the years of the Olympiad (as we were accepted today), but for even years between them. As for the beginning of the year, it was different in different policies of ancient Greece. Homer focused on Athens, where the year began after the summer solstice (near the beginning of August), which on our calendar happens on June 22. Therefore, the first day of the month of their new year corresponded by approximately the 2nd half of our July and the 1st half of August, i.e. It is conditionally assumed on our calendar the first day of the ancient Greek year on July 16.

If you now put yourself in the place of Homer and take into account the complexity of the calculations of years and days, it is asked: how easier and more reliable and what could be encrypted the number of years and days from the first Olympiad? Probably, the first thing that suggested by itself could be the account of the number of hexameters from the beginning of the poem and to keywords, as the number of years and the number of days after the new year, without specifying the month. In this case, even the partial loss of the text threatened the most loss of the number of days, and not years. But for this, they needed to write them as one digit, i.e. 10 years and 250 days should be 10,250 hexameters. Either it should be 102 years and 50 days. When this idea came to me in the head, I began to look for keywords at the end of Odyssey, which would indicate the birthday of Odyssey, i.e. Homer, taking into account immanence. It is clear that this is probably caused by the creation of epos in such a large amount. That's what came out of it.

In total, in the ancient Greek text "Odyssey", which I had contained 12106 hexameters. In the last XXIV song there is a 304th verse of phrase: "I was born in Aliban". Counting the number of hexameters showed that this key phrase falls on the 11862th hexameter. Since the number 862 is too large for 365 days a year, then it is necessary to count the number of years after the 1st Olympiad, equal to 118, and the number of days equal to 62nd, after the new year (from July 16, on our calendar) and as a result You can get a birthday of Homer - September 15, 657 BC. But that's not all. Homer well understood that the date must be fixed in a more reliable way than counting the total number of hexameters, the loss of which was more likely than, for example, the names mentioned inside the text of one song. Then I had to pay attention to the aforementioned figures with the name of Alibant: the 304th gecmeter and the 119th sequence number of the name. As a result, the date was clarified by the fact that I had to take 304 from 365 days from 365 days, and we get an accurate birthday after the end of the 118th year: i.e. 365-304 \u003d 61nd day or in our summer it will be September 14, 657 BC Since this calculation of a priori is more accurate, it can be argued that in one of the ancient Greek text "Odyssey" with an instance of the ancient Greek text "Odyssey" appeared, but clearly not in the 24th song. These calculations serve as a bright testimony to how the trembling the texts of Homer were rewriting. I may fairly notice that my pathos is not justified here, as it is just two cases. I have a hurry to calm down, today there are already several dozen confirmations of this date and not only from texts on papyrus and parchment, but also in the epigraphic record on the so-called stone of the Mastor. This stone was found on the Berezan Island in 1900. Skadovsky and the text set forth on it is mainly deciphered by the famous epiograph of V.P. Yelenko. The dumping was continued by me only on the 3rd letters of 45, and only by those that were not read. As a result, it turned out that it was an epitaph dedicated to Homer. It is clear that the epitaph was not read in the open text. With the details of the detection of Acrosselesty on the stone of the Mastor, as well as the identification of all sites of the Odyssey's travel with real objects, can be found in my book "Homer. Immanent biography "(Nikolaev, 2001). From reading Acroslestych Epitaph confirmed the date of birth of the Homer, obtained from a completely different material - the text "Odyssey", and turned out exact date The death of Homer - August 14, 581 BC. The most striking thing is that, according to the myth of the death of Odyssey, he was buried on the island of Ee (Berezani), where Circeda lived, and it found its confirmation! It is asked that after that it can be more than myth?!

Similarly, you can determine the time of arrival of the sister of Homer, Helena, Ilion and the beginning of the Trojan war. In Iliad, the key is the segment of crying Elena in hector, ranging from 765 verse of the XXIV song: "Now the twentieth year of checkpoint flows / with a pore, as I came to Ilion, .." and before the words at the end of the monologue: " ... I am equally hated "in verse 775. Here the beginning of this text segment differs from the end of 10 hexameters, which indicate simultaneously to the difference in the number of days and years between the arrival of Elena in Ilion and the beginning of the Trojan war. The total number of poems to the last verse of this monologue of Elena, which falls on the 775th line, fluctuates for the 4th oriada text options ranging from 15659 to 15664 hexameters. This means that Elena arrived in Ilion on September 2-7, 629 BC, and the Trojan War began on September 12-17, 619 BC. Hence immediately it became clear that the prototype of the Trojan war of Gomer served as the historians of the war of the Mileta with the Lydia, which he led for the passage to the Black Sea. Historians believe that the successor of Ardis, Sadiatt (end of the 7th century BC) began the last, 12-year-old war with a mile, which ended in the world about 600 BC. In fact, the war was started by Ardis (Homer - Paris), lasted about 10 years and ended in 609 at the Sadiatte. And this means that Schliman (the scientist's world reproached him in the fact that he was found later than Troy) found that Troy, which Homer described. I note that a later date of the life of Homer solves many problems of "Homer's issue", starting with an answer to the most important question About how the oldest texts managed to save.

From the myths about the Trojan War (see, for example, Robert Graves, myths of ancient Greece. Trans. From English. Ed. And from Having. A.A. Tahoe-God, - M., Progress, 1992) It is known that Agamemnon Twice harvested the Greek fleet in an unlide for a hike in Ilion. For the first time, immediately after the abduction of Elena, but this trip ended the fact that the storm scattered the ships and they returned home. The second time Agamemenon assembled the fleet in 10 years, but he had to sacrifice his daughter for the prediction of Kalkhanta, so that the Greek fleet could be easily reached by Troy. The immanent reading of "Iliad" made it possible to find out that the land siege of Troy was preceded by an unknown historians of the 10-year-old maritime war, during which the Greek squadron of 415 ships under the leadership of Achille and Agamemnon destroyed 800 Trojan ships. In this sea war, Achilles Troja's Trojan ships, destroyed them made them with stones produced from the Parable, and came up with sulfur bombs. And he fought not only in the Aegean and marble, but also in the Black Sea, i.e. At home. Behind all this, he acquired a huge glory in Greece, as an invincible admiral. Only after that the Greeks, without fear of attacks from the sea, were able to pull their ships to the shore in Troy. Homer did not participate in this war, as 7 years was in Egypt in the service of Psammetich I and 1 year in Phenicia from relatives.

If Homer described 10 years from his life in Odyssey, then in Iliad, the last 10 years are described, or rather, structurally text is laid in the description of the last 49 days from the life of his brother of Achilla, who died on October 8, 609 BC .E. At the 49th year of his life. Thus, the text of the day covers the time from August 21 and until October 8. In the 19th oriadi song, the birthday of Achilles, which comes on September 15, 657 BC. Pay attention to Hekzameters 243-247 in this song, where gifts are listed, presented to Achilla on this day: 7 tripods + 20 laghans + 12 horses + 8 wives with Brysida + 1 Gold Odyssey \u003d 48 years! In the same place, Homer noted his seniority over Achille (one day!) In a hekzameter 219. The composition of the family and friendship with his mother brother Twin Homer described in the myths about the ice, the brothers of the Diostcura, and in the exploits of Hercules about their lives from 15 to 27 years .

Thus, as it follows from the above, the definition of just a few dates make it possible to restore the episas, myths and anthem more or less real biography of Homer, as well as its Kimmerian-Greek origin, which will talk about another time. I repeat after Jean Jacques Rousseau: "My business is to tell the truth, and not to make believe in it."

From the very occurrence of world literature and to the present day, genuine literature relied both on the inner (hidden - insaidaut), and the external - badge and symbolism (metametaphor). So, the metametaphor and insaydaut, open by the poet and philosopher K. Kedrov, constitute the essence of all world literature, in which the choice between myths or reality remains for "or" K. Kedrov.

Anatoly Zolotukhin,

It should be examined between great religious personalities, primarily reformers and prophets, and traditional mythological schemes. Messianic and Millenarist movements of the peoples of the former colonies make up, one can say an unlimited field for research. To some extent, it is possible to restore the influence that Zarathustra provided for Iranian mythology, and the Buddha is on the traditional mythology of India. As for Judaism, then the essential "demofization" carried out by the prophets has been known for a long time.

The dimensions of this small book do not allow us to discuss these problems with the attention they deserve. We consider it necessary to dwell on Greek mythology; Not so much on it, how many at some moments connecting it with Christianity.

It is difficult without inner trepidation to talk about Greek mythology. After all, it was in Greece that the myth inspired and sent epic poetry, tragedy and comedy, as well as plastic arts; On the other hand, it was in Greek culture that the myth was subjected to a long and in-depth analysis, from which he came out radically "demifized." The takeoff of Ionian rationalism coincided with more and more corrosive critics of the "classical" mythology that has found his expression in the works of Homer and Hesiod. If in all European languages \u200b\u200bthe word "myth" means "fiction", then only because the Greeks proclaimed this twenty-five centuries ago.

We want this or not, but all attempts to interpret Greek myth, at least within the culture of Western type, are more or less due to the criticism of the Greek rationalists. As we will see, this criticism was rarely directed against what could be called "mythological thinking" or against the forms of behavior that they are determined. Criticism first of all belonged to the act of gods, as Homer and Hesiod were told about them. How would Ksenofane who would have taken to the Polynesian cosmogonic myth or an abstract Vedic Miof, such as, for example, Rigveda? But how to find out? It is important to emphasize that the target of the Attacks of Rationalists was the wristband and whims of the gods, their unfair deeds, as well as their "immorality". And the main critical attacks were made on the basis of an increasingly sublime idea of \u200b\u200bGod: a true God cannot be immoral, unfair, jealous, Avengean, ignorant, etc. Such a criticism was undertaken and strengthened later and Christian apologists. The thesis that the divine myth represented by poets cannot be true, prevailed at first among the intellectual Greek elite and later, after the victory of Christianity, in the Greco-Romanesque world.

However, it should be remembered that Homer was not a theologian nor mythograph. He did not claim to be systematically and in comprehensive form all the integrity of Greek religion and mythology. If, as Plato says, Homer and raised all Greece, he intended his poems for the audience is still quite narrow - for members of the military and feudal aristocracy. His literary genius possessed unsurpassed charm, his works highly contributed to the association and formation of Greek culture. But, since he did not write a treatise about mythology, then his task was not to list all mythological topics that were going in the Greek world. He did not intend to also address the religious and mythological concepts of other countries not representing big interest For his audience, most advantage of the patriarchal and military. We do not know almost nothing about the so-called night, tonic and funeral motifs in Greek religion and mythology from Gomer.

The importance of religious ideas of sexuality and fertility, death and afterlife reveals to us later authors or archaeological finds. It was this Gomerovskaya concept of gods and myths about them established all over the world and the efforts of great artists of the classical era was finally fixed in the most timeless universe of archetypes. Overly mention here about the greatness and nobility of Homer and his role in the formation of Western European consciousness. It is enough to count the work of Walter Otto "Gods of Greece" to plunge into this magnificent world of "perfect forms".

Of course, the genius of Homer and the classic art gave with nothing inclusive brilliance to this divine world, but this does not mean that everything they neglected was unclear, gloomy, low and mediocre. For example, Dionysis existed, without which Greece could not be understood and whom Homer only casually mentioned a hint of his childhood. But mythological fragments saved by historians and erudites are introduced into the spiritual world, not devoid of greatness. These myths, not Homeric and not "classic" in the general sense of the word, are rather folk. Without having experienced the destructive influence of rationalistic criticism, they remained at the periphery of high culture for many centuries. It is possible that the remnants of this folk mythology, modified and Christianized, still exist in the Greek and other Mediterranean beliefs of our days. We will return to this problem.

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Homer Homer is the legendary epic poet of ancient Greece. Time to everything is: your hour for conversation, your hour for peace. One should talk about one, but about the friend - to be silent. Pleasured completed works. I am you, you -

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Homer Homer is the legendary epic poet of ancient Greece. Time to everything is: your hour for conversation, your hour for peace. One should talk about one, but about the friend - to be silent. Pleasured completed works. I am you, you -

"Pedal fashion for black glasses that everyonewants to stay at least a little Homer. "

Andrei Voznesensky

It is well known that myths are ancient legends on the gods and legendary heroes, about the origin of the world and life on Earth. But, most often under the myth, something fantastic, implausible, unreal and fictional one is understood. In fact, this is not the case, for a person, like a product of nature, is unable to come up with something that has never happened, or there will be no.

For a long time it was believed that "Iliad" and "Odyssey" - the fiction of Homer, who did not have a historical truth, and Homer himself did not consider the author, for none of his works he signed his name, and not a single real biography of his There was. Do not be surprised, but the fact that today we attribute these ephesis to Homer is justified only by the fact that they have read each time on Panafine in the beginning of the VI century. BC, as his works. In this position, the case was before the publication in 1795. The studies of the famous German philologist F. A. Wolf "Prolegomena Ad Homerum". Relying on the principle of contradictions and noting, in his opinion, numerous weaknesses in composite terms of epos, Wolf tried to prove that: "Iliad" and "Odyssey" could not belong to one poet, but were the fruit of creativity of many singers and poets; A combination of individual songs in two large epos happened many centuries after the time of compiling songs; Summary and editing of songs were occupied by little outstanding personality; The final edition belonged to 602 602-actors at the court of Athenian Tirana Piscistrata at the beginning of the VI century. BC. So the foundations of the "Homer's issue" were laid: and did Homer existed in reality?

But, as stated in the gospel: "Vera is the exercise of expected and confidence in the invisible" (EHR.11.1). Henrich Schlifiman was worth believe in the truthfulness of the description of the Homer of the location of the Troy in "Iliad", as an amateur of archeology found the city where no one was looking for him. And with this, as a reward for perseverance, I found the treasure of Priama. Then Clay Agamemnon was found in Michena. It is a pity that not all archaeological finds we can date. Nevertheless, the opening of Henry Schliman put on the agenda of the issue of Homere, as a real historical personality describing quite real historical events. Our wonderful philosopher and encyclopedist A.F. Losev, summarizing the results of two-century studies of world dear studies, came to the conclusion that Homer lived at the turn of the VII-VI centuries. BC. And, like most Writers of the world, is an immanent author. This means that he wrote about most of the real events that are directly related to his own life. So, it turns out why G. Shliman was not mistaken in his trust in Homer! But, specific dates of events, as well as the lifetime of Homer, still remain unexplained. Therefore, today in all encyclopedias allegedly believed that Homer lived in the IX century. BC, and the events of the Trojan War are attributed to the XII century. BC. In this regard, the question arises: do not contain the texts of Homer instructions on the specific dates of events and the details of his biography? And, if you contain, how to carry out "archaeological excavations" of the text, so that the irrefutable way to get to the truth hidden by the author of the millennium ago?

Let us ask me: What is the minimum structure of the text of such epic, as "or" Odyssey "and" Odyssey ", except for the letters and words? Probably, this is following them, a poetic string, called a hexameter. Let's not go into historical details recorded by the ancient Greeks themselves, that hyperborei taught them with hexameters, i.e. Kimmerians and Scythians. Note that the hexameter is the key text structure that allows you to break the text recorded continuously, and also makes it possible to check the safety and even the quality of the Homer text. The loss of one gecmeter can also be seen when analyzing the content of the epic.

Another, larger, structure is the breakdown of each of the epic on the songs. It is believed that this work, allegedly for Homer, was fulfilled by Alexandria scientists. In fact, it turned out that we reached our original texts with the author's broken down. Another structural division of the text of the narrative along the days was suggested by V.A. Zhukovsky, taking advantage of the formal phrases of Homer, denoting the beginning of the day, for example, such as "stood out of the darkness of mlauding with fours of Purple Eos." Guided by this, he broke all the story of Odyssey for 40 days, although there were other points of view on this matter. With a detailed analysis, it turned out that all the narrative of the 10-year swimming of Odyssey (allegorical meaning of the name "Odyssey" - "This is me"), Homer laid out in 58 days, which ended with its 58th anniversary and the words "I was born in Alibant", placed In the last, 24th, song, in 304 hekzameters, with the name of Alibant's sequence number in this song - 119. The question arises: how, in this case, Homer could encrypt these key years and dates for the future?

Before answering this question, you need to refer to the chronology, which could then exist. Of course, Homer has not yet known anything about Christmas and the new era associated with him. It is believed that in the IV century. BC. It was customary to conduct an account of the years from the 1st Olympiad, when the names of her winners were recorded for the first time, it happened in 776 BC. So, all subsequent years were counted already at the number of the Olympics and the number of years before or after it. It is possible that it was Homer who suggested that the chronology was exactly from 776 BC. This is evidenced by the attention he paid the description in Iliad and Odyssey to sports games. Probably, the Olympiads were pushed by Homer to split every epic on 24 songs, and together on 48 songs that symbolize 48 months or 4 years, which corresponds to the period of the Olympiad. But, apparently, Homer himself led a simple account of years, ranging from the year of the first Olympiad. So, after all, the account from the dates of the Olympics appeared not in IV century. BC, and after the Panafine Games, i.e. At the beginning of the VI century. BC.

We will not go into a complex account of the months of ancient Greek chronology, there were 12 from ancient times, and talking about how the year was able to close, if the months alternately broke up for 30 and 29 days. There were no weeks then, and the month was broken by three decades. I note only that, probably after a seven stay in Egypt, Homer has developed his calendar for internal use, very close to our. His year was divided by 12 months with alternation in each of the months, called Ida and dedicated to certain gods and events, while in the order of the third day, and in the even one - 30. Idis, called the "month of mutual treats" and entering Our 15 February-15 (16) Martha, in the usual years had 28 days, and in leap years - 29, i.e. Added another day as "treat". Moreover, Homer's leap years had not for the years of the Olympiad (as we were accepted today), but for even years between them. As for the beginning of the year, it was different in different policies of ancient Greece. Homer focused on Athens, where the year began after the summer solstice (near the beginning of August), which on our calendar happens on June 22. Therefore, the first day of the month of their new year corresponded by approximately the 2nd half of our July and the 1st half of August, i.e. It is conditionally assumed on our calendar the first day of the ancient Greek year on July 16.

If you now put yourself in the place of Homer and take into account the complexity of the calculations of years and days, it is asked: how easier and more reliable and what could be encrypted the number of years and days from the first Olympiad? Probably, the first thing that suggested by itself could be the account of the number of hexameters from the beginning of the poem and to keywords, as the number of years and the number of days after the new year, without specifying the month. In this case, even the partial loss of the text threatened the most loss of the number of days, and not years. But for this, they needed to write them as one digit, i.e. 10 years and 250 days should be 10,250 hexameters. Either it should be 102 years and 50 days. When this idea came to me in the head, I began to look for keywords at the end of Odyssey, which would indicate the birthday of Odyssey, i.e. Homer, taking into account immanence. It is clear that this is probably caused by the creation of epos in such a large amount. That's what came out of it.

In total, in the ancient Greek text "Odyssey", which I had contained 12106 hexameters. In the last XXIV song there is a 304th verse of phrase: "I was born in Aliban". Counting the number of hexameters showed that this key phrase falls on the 11862th hexameter. Since the number 862 is too large for 365 days a year, then it is necessary to count the number of years after the 1st Olympiad, equal to 118, and the number of days equal to 62nd, after the new year (from July 16, on our calendar) and as a result You can get a birthday of Homer - September 15, 657 BC. But that's not all. Homer well understood that the date must be fixed in a more reliable way than counting the total number of hexameters, the loss of which was more likely than, for example, the names mentioned inside the text of one song. Then I had to pay attention to the aforementioned figures with the name of Alibant: the 304th gecmeter and the 119th sequence number of the name. As a result, the date was clarified by the fact that I had to take 304 from 365 days from 365 days, and we get an accurate birthday after the end of the 118th year: i.e. 365-304 \u003d 61nd day or in our summer it will be September 14, 657 BC Since this calculation of a priori is more accurate, it can be argued that in one of the ancient Greek text "Odyssey" with an instance of the ancient Greek text "Odyssey" appeared, but clearly not in the 24th song. These calculations serve as a bright testimony to how the trembling the texts of Homer were rewriting. I may fairly notice that my pathos is not justified here, as it is just two cases. I have a hurry to calm down, today there are already several dozen confirmations of this date and not only from texts on papyrus and parchment, but also in the epigraphic record on the so-called stone of the Mastor. This stone was found on the Berezan Island in 1900. Skadovsky and the text set forth on it is mainly deciphered by the famous epiograph of V.P. Yelenko. The dumping was continued by me only on the 3rd letters of 45, and only by those that were not read. As a result, it turned out that it was an epitaph dedicated to Homer. It is clear that the epitaph was not read in the open text. With the details of the detection of Acrosselesty on the stone of the Mastor, as well as the identification of all sites of the Odyssey's travel with real objects, can be found in my book "Homer. Immanent biography "(Nikolaev, 2001). From reading an acroothelate epitaph, the date of birth of Homer, obtained from a completely different material - the text "Odyssey", and turned out the exact date of the death of Homer - August 14, 581 BC. The most striking thing is that, according to the myth of the death of Odyssey, he was buried on the island of Ee (Berezani), where Circeda lived, and it found its confirmation! It is asked that after that it can be more than myth?!

Similarly, you can determine the time of arrival of the sister of Homer, Helena, Ilion and the beginning of the Trojan war. In Iliad, the key is the segment of crying Elena in hector, ranging from 765 verse of the XXIV song: "Now the twentieth year of checkpoint flows / with a pore, as I came to Ilion, .." and before the words at the end of the monologue: " ... I am equally hated "in verse 775. Here the beginning of this text segment differs from the end of 10 hexameters, which indicate simultaneously to the difference in the number of days and years between the arrival of Elena in Ilion and the beginning of the Trojan war. The total number of poems to the last verse of this monologue of Elena, which falls on the 775th line, fluctuates for the 4th oriada text options ranging from 15659 to 15664 hexameters. This means that Elena arrived in Ilion on September 2-7, 629 BC, and the Trojan War began on September 12-17, 619 BC. Hence immediately it became clear that the prototype of the Trojan war of Gomer served as the historians of the war of the Mileta with the Lydia, which he led for the passage to the Black Sea. Historians believe that the successor of Ardis, Sadiatt (end of the 7th century BC) began the last, 12-year-old war with a mile, which ended in the world about 600 BC. In fact, the war was started by Ardis (Homer - Paris), lasted about 10 years and ended in 609 at the Sadiatte. And this means that Schliman (the scientist's world reproached him in the fact that he was found later than Troy) found that Troy, which Homer described. I note that a later date of the life of Homer solves many problems of the "Homerovsky issue", starting with an answer to the most important question about how the oldest texts managed to preserve.

From the myths about the Trojan War (see, for example, Robert Graves, myths of ancient Greece. Trans. From English. Ed. And from Having. A.A. Tahoe-God, - M., Progress, 1992) It is known that Agamemnon Twice harvested the Greek fleet in an unlide for a hike in Ilion. For the first time, immediately after the abduction of Elena, but this trip ended the fact that the storm scattered the ships and they returned home. The second time Agamemenon assembled the fleet in 10 years, but he had to sacrifice his daughter for the prediction of Kalkhanta, so that the Greek fleet could be easily reached by Troy. The immanent reading of "Iliad" made it possible to find out that the land siege of Troy was preceded by an unknown historians of the 10-year-old maritime war, during which the Greek squadron of 415 ships under the leadership of Achille and Agamemnon destroyed 800 Trojan ships. In this sea war, Achilles Troja's Trojan ships, destroyed them made them with stones produced from the Parable, and came up with sulfur bombs. And he fought not only in the Aegean and marble, but also in the Black Sea, i.e. At home. Behind all this, he acquired a huge glory in Greece, as an invincible admiral. Only after that the Greeks, without fear of attacks from the sea, were able to pull their ships to the shore in Troy. Homer did not participate in this war, as 7 years was in Egypt in the service of Psammetich I and 1 year in Phenicia from relatives.

If Homer described 10 years from his life in Odyssey, then in Iliad, the last 10 years are described, or rather, structurally text is laid in the description of the last 49 days from the life of his brother of Achilla, who died on October 8, 609 BC .E. At the 49th year of his life. Thus, the text of the day covers the time from August 21 and until October 8. In the 19th oriadi song, the birthday of Achilles, which comes on September 15, 657 BC. Pay attention to Hekzameters 243-247 in this song, where gifts are listed, presented to Achilla on this day: 7 tripods + 20 laghans + 12 horses + 8 wives with Brysida + 1 Gold Odyssey \u003d 48 years! In the same place, Homer noted his seniority over Achille (one day!) In a hekzameter 219. The composition of the family and friendship with his mother brother Twin Homer described in the myths about the ice, the brothers of the Diostcura, and in the exploits of Hercules about their lives from 15 to 27 years .

Thus, as it follows from the above, the definition of just a few dates make it possible to restore the episas, myths and anthem more or less real biography of Homer, as well as its Kimmerian-Greek origin, which will talk about another time. I repeat after Jean Jacques Rousseau: "My business is to tell the truth, and not to make believe in it."

From the very occurrence of world literature and to the present day, genuine literature relied both on the inner (hidden - insaidaut), and the external - badge and symbolism (metametaphor). So, the metametaphor and insaydaut, open by the poet and philosopher K. Kedrov, constitute the essence of all world literature, in which the choice between myths or reality remains for "or" K. Kedrov.

Anatoly Zolotukhin,

Odyssey in the poem of Homer talks about the island of Crete. Nowadays, the island of Crete, which is part of Greece, inhabit about half a million people. Residents are mainly engaged in agriculture. Industry is poorly developed, railways not. In a word, the abundance that Homer reports is now on the island of Crete and in
Mastery. Until the 70s of the XIX century, the inhabitants of Crete and did not realize that under their feet in the ground rests in ruins ancient civilization, the formerly pearl Mediterranean.

A certain Cretan merchant named Mosnos Halocherinos, who lived in the second half of the XIX century, the namesake of the famous king Minos, came across the ruins of an ancient buildings, found an ancient utensils. Messages about this discovery flew around the world, they were interested in the famous G. Shliman, but the excavation began to produce the Englishman Arthur Evans in 1900, which became the discoverer of Cretan culture. The magnificent Palace of Minos was opened with the eyes of Evans (so called Evans), a multi-storey, with a huge number of rooms, corridors, coupled, pantry, water supply, sewage system. In the palace halls walls were painted with frescoes. Together with huge vessels (pyffos), weapons, decorations were found with letters with letters. Homer was not lied, Crete was really the focus of the wealth and arts of antiquity.

The dead, apparently, the richest crotto-mycean culture, undoubtedly, had his literature. However, nothing left of it, except for writing on clay signs, to decipher which was managed only in 1953 by the British Ventris and Changer. However, it is impossible to bypass silence in the history of literature. This is a link between the culture of ancient Egypt and the Hellenian culture.

Until the 20th century, science, in essence, did not know anything about the antiquities of Crete, except for Homer's testimonies, Herodotus, Fuchidide and diodeor, which were perceived as the legendary, fabulous material.

The flourishing of Cretan culture is necessary, apparently, in the middle of the II millennium BC. e. Traditions bind him with the name of Tsar Minos. "Minos before everyone, as we know for legends, acquired a fleet for yourself, mastering a large part of the sea, which is now called Hellensky," wrote an ancient Greek historian Fucdide. Herodotus called Minos "Lord of the Sea". Cretan cities did not have fortifications. Apparently, Crete had a wonderful fleet, which quite ensured the safety of his cities. Fuchidide and diodor counted Minos Greek. Homer called him "Cronon's interlocutor."

... Homerovsky epos and all mythology is the main legacy that Greeks moved from barbarism to civilization.
F. Engels.

Homer is so large, so significant and for the spiritual history of the ancient world, and for the next epochs of the history of all mankind that the whole culture should be called by the name of it.

Homer was Greek, apparently, from Ionians from the shores of Malaya Asia.

Nowadays, in a five-minute family of humanity, the Greeks are relatively few: something about 12 million, and one third of them lives out of Greece. Once they were a huge cultural force of the world, spreading their influence far beyond the metropolis.

The ancient Greek tribes, of course, were not a common people, and they were not called the Greeks. So they called them later than the Romans named one of the little tribes in southern Italy. They themselves called Hellen. Ellinov pedigree is lost in the XII century BC. e. The indigenous population in those days, apparently, was pelazgi, the tribes who came from Malaya Asia and from the North of the Balkan Peninsula were merged with them.

What were the Greeks in those remote times? Nowadays, they are relatively low (165-170 cm), with dark wavy hair, dark-skinned skin and dark eyes. In those days, the growth of men, judging by archaeological excavations, reached 180 cm.

Homer calls the Ahaseians "Kudreglava", Meal "Svetlovym" or "Zlatovym". Svetokudra was Agameda, an ancient healer who "knew all the herbs of healing, how much earthly creates them." Svetokutrome was and Odyssey and, it is necessary to assume most of the Greeks. Homer paints the appearance of its heroes. Agamemenon is high in growth, thin, Odyssey below and the Conguese. Standing next to Menelam, he was somewhat inferior to him, but sitting looked "cheating." Meneli spoke a little, running, but Vesko, "straightening", expressing straight, "uneasy". The portrait of Odyssey is great in Iliad. Here he got up, having raised the eyes, rushed them into the ground, it is quiet, real estate, as if looking for and cannot find words and does not know what to say, "a simple person". " What is it, or did he lose the gift of speech from anger, or is it all stupid, Nhurhist, "Summer"? But from the mighty his chest, the voice broke out, and the speech, "as a strong blizzard, it rushed out of his mouth" - "No, no one would have twisted with the same with the words."

Homer captured the details of the life of their contemporaries. Sometimes they do not even differ from what we observed in our days. Here he tells how the playing boy is building something on the sea shore from wet sand and then "hand and foot scatters, frolic", or as "jugs" (horses) "Tent from a high mountain on the road a cruel borne bar ship-mast huge ... ", or how resting a warehouse person:

... Husband husband starts dinner to cook dinner,
Sitting under the mountain shady, when the hands already sat down,
The forest is tall, and tomotoy on the soul finds,
His feelings will create a sweet food alka.

Homer is very close - according to his descriptions, it is possible to vividly imagine the human labor process of his days. The poet, apparently, was close to the simple people, maybe in his youth himself built rafts and ships and walked on them according to the "Impossible Sea". It feels like in detail and, perhaps, he loves his work of Odyssey, who built his raft:

He began to cut down the trees and soon graduated from work,
Twenty he burned his logs, they cleared them, their copper sharpness
Slotted smoothly, then talked, cutting down the cord.
I then sometimes Kalipso returned to him with a boral.
He began to edit the bars and, all having been trying, swallowed them
Long bolts sewing and extinguishing with spikes.

Etc. (v). Taking advantage of the detailed and love description of Homer, the carpenter of our days will freely build a structure made by Odyssem.

Homer just described the city in detail in which his contemporaries and compatriots lived. His city of his days appears to our imagination quite really and simmally with streets and squares, temples and houses of citizens and even with economic buildings:

... with the brains of the wall surround it;
Its pier from two sides goes deep: the input
In the pier is crammed with ships on the right and left
The shore is stitched, and each of them is under protecting roof;
There is also an area of \u200b\u200btrade in Soundonov Temple,
Firmly on the treacherous stones of huge standing; tackle
All ships there, stock sails and ropes in extensive
The buildings are stored, there are also glads are also prepared.

City walls - "Wonderful Crace", do not forget to insert Homer, because the townspeople of his time thought not only about the inaccessibility and the fortress of the walls, but also about their beauty.

We learn, truth in general terms and on the existence in the days of Homer Medicine. In the army of the Ahetsev was his doctor, a certain Mahar, the son of Asclepia, the god of his healing. He looked around Menali's wound, squeezed the blood and squeezed her by "enemies." What they were for the means, the exact and thorough Homer does not report. It's a secret. She opened asklepia Centaur Chiron, a kindest creature with a person and a horse body, the educator of many heroes - Hercules, Achilles, Jason.

Healthy is engaged not only specially trained in the people, "Sons of Asclepia", or a signs like Svetokudroi Agamede, but also individual warriors who learned those or other recipes. The Hero Achilles from Centrawa Hiron, and Patrole, who learned them from Achilles.

Homer described even surgery:

Spread the hero, knife he from Lyadyi sting
Cut out bitter feathery, washed with warm water
Black blood and sprinkled hands
Gorky, hands with pain, which he is completely
The pain quenches: and the blood hurt, and the ulcer wound.

Greeks considered Homer with their first and greatest poet. However, his poetry walked already a large culture created not by one generation. It would be naive to think that she, like a miracle, arose on the non-soil. We know little, which preceded her, but the system of poetic thinking of the Great Older, the world of its moral and aesthetic ideas suggest that this is the top of the centuries-old cultural process, a brilliant generalization of the spiritual interests and ideals of the Company who has already done a big path of historical formation. Historians believe that Greece, the times of Homer, was no longer as rich and highly developed as in the previous crito-mycene era. They affected, apparently, the intergovernmental wars and the invasion of new, less developed tribes, which delayed and even moved away from Greece back. But we will use the poems of Homer, and in them - the picture is different. (Maybe these are only poetic memories of the long-lasting time?) Judging by the descriptions of Homer, peoples, inhabited by the shores of Malaya Asia, the Balkan Peninsula, the Islands of the Aegean Sea and all Eastern
Mediterranean, lived richly, Troy was already a well-starved city with wide squares.

The height of the culture is evidenced by the item objects described by Homer.

The Lira, on which Achilles, was played, was "magnificent, elegantly decorated," with the "silver cable top".

In his tent - armchairs and luxurious purple carpets. On the table - "Beautiful baskets" for bread.

Speaking about Elena, sitting behind a weaving machine, Homer does not premind the look at the canvas: it turns out, "light, two-way cover", something like an antique tapestone, which depicted scenes from the Trojan War ("Blodya, Equestrian Troyan and Congue Snaps Danayev "). It must be assumed, during the time of Homer, the episodes of the Trojan War were the subject of not only oral traditions, songs, but also picturesque and plastic creations.

The height of the general material culture of the world, the Homer's era testify and colorfully described by the poet cosmetic tricks of the goddess ger. The poet details, with delight, describes the decoration of the goddess, all the tricks of the female toilet, her beauty:

In the ears - wonderful earrings with triple borrowed,
Brightly played: Charm around the goddess shine.
The chapter painted the head of the head.
Lush, new, which, like the sun, shone whiteness.
Brief fleets tied to light legs,
So for the eyes of the delightful body decides with the decoration,
He came out of the pollen of the gera ...

He loves the poet to stop her gaze on military armor, clothes, chariots, drawing in detail each detail of them. Using its descriptions, you can with all the accuracy to recreate the bodies of the consideration, which their contemporaries used. The chariot of the geeve had two copper wheels about eight knitting spices on the iron axis. The wheels had gold rims, with copper tightly laid spikes, hubs are rounded with silver. The body was attached by belts, lush trimmed silver and gold. Two staples were elevated above him, the drawn was decorated with silver, and the harness was gold. "Divo for the gaze!"

But the description of the versions of the Warrior: Paris, going to fight with Mennel, puts on the "white legs" "Magnificent" Leggings, fastening them with silver buckles, put copper lats on the chest, sketched a belt and a soberboard with a copper blade, put on his head A brilliant helmet with a comb and horse mane, in his hands took a heavy spear.

This weapon, of course, was bulky and heavy, and Homer, reporting the death of one or another warrior, usually concludes the scene by the phrase: "He fell on the ground with a noise, and plunged on the false armor." The armor was proud to warrior, his property, and quite expensive, so the winner was in a hurry to remove them with the defeated, it was a trophy and honorary and rich.

The state apparatus is not yet in the days of Homer, peoples live in patriarchal simplicity, all producing on their cleros (put on). But the origins of tax covers are already scheduled. "Well awarded for a loss with a rich fee from the people," says Alkina's poem. The class bundle was already quite sharply designated in Greek society in the days of Homer. The poet colorfully draws the life of the top of the people, the luxury of her dwellings, clothes, comfortable life. It was unlikely that the Odyssey house was very lurved, but here - "rich chairs of skillful work," they are covered with a "patterned cloth", a bench, "Silver Lohan", for the ablution of hands, "Golden School" is put under the feet. The "smooth table", apparently, was light, he was pushing a slave. The slaves and the feeds are submitted, the key to the supplies, gives them out. Here and the heralds ensure that the Cups are not empty.

The house was rich and the house of Nestor, where the son of Odyssey Temakh, adopted by an old man as an honorary guest arrived. He places the telemach "in the call of the sprawn" on the "slit" bed.

The younger daughter of Nestorov took the telemacha to a cool bath, washed him and fined "clean barely". In Hiton and a rich chlamyide, the young son of Odyssey came out of the bathhouse, "the face of radiant is like".

Homer described the rich feast of the Greeks, for which, we must assume, all the free citizens of the city were invited, as, for example, on a pile during the holiday of Poseidon ("Lazurnok and Small God"):

There were nine bench there: on the benches, on five hundred on each,
People sat, and nine bulls before everyone.
Sweet tasted the womb, have already coited a thigh before God ...

Homer described in detail how during the feast the rasters will deal with the "light drink" in a circle of the guests, "on the custom of the right," how the languages \u200b\u200bof sacrificial animals are thrown into the fire, etc.

The feasts were firing meat (the fish was not included in the circle of delicacies), sprinkling his barley grains. After the feast of the young man sang the anthem to God ("Loud Pean").

The fate of the poor people sad. It can be judged by the way Penelope's grooms and even slaves with an unrecognized Odyssem who appeared in her house in the ruby \u200b\u200bof the beggar, which fun for himself they arranged from a dispute and fight two beggars, one of which was disguised by Odyssey ("Grooms, Splashed by hand, everyone frightened from laughter "):

Here, wait, I shake with you, dirty tramp:
Culders in the presence of noble Lord and not timid souls you.

Threatens Odyssey one of the grooms. The threat of an old man is even more terrible:

I'll throw you in the ship black and mig I send
On the mainland to the ehethu king, the fighter mortals.
Ears and nose he will do you merciless cold
I will break out the sake and raw will give to the egress of dogs.

Homer's poetry, of course, was already a vertex of some very large artistic culture, not reached us. She brought him up, formed his artistic taste, taught to understand the beauty of physical and moral. Higher achievements of this cult, he embodied in poetry as the brilliant son of his people. In ancient Greece, there was a cult of beauty, and above all the physical beauty of man. Homer captured this cult in poetry, Great's great sculptors are somewhat later - in marble.

All the gods, except, perhaps, chromonogo gefesta were beautiful. The beauty of his heroes Homer speaks constantly.
Elena, daughter Ice, was so beautiful that all her grooms, and these were the rulers of state cities, to avoid mutual offensive and interworking, agreed to recognize and defend her chosen one, and when Elena, the wife of Meal, was abducted by Paris And taken from Mikten in Troy, the contract entered into force. All Greece went to Troy. So the Great War began, described by Homer in "Iliad". Paris, according to the descriptions of Homer, "bright red and clothing", he has "lush curls and charm." He received the "kind gift of the Child Aphrodite" - beauty.

Everyone in Homer is beautiful: both the gods, and people, and all of Allada, "glorious wives of beauty."

With penetrated tenderness describes Homer the appearance of Helena. So she got up, painted with lots of tissues. I went, "shelted tender tears in her face". She saw elders. It would seem that they all have to inflate hatred and indignation, because so many nations, she agreed, so much trouble brought the inhabitants of Troy. But the elders cannot hold back admiration: it is so good, it is so beautiful - this "Lilynament" Elena:

Elders, only just the progress going to the tower Elena,
The quiet among themselves spoke winged speeches;
No, it is impossible to condemn that three sons and ahaeis
Brank for such a wife and troubles so long tolerate:
True, the eternal goddess she is beauty like!

For Homer, there is no guilty in the world, everything is accomplished by the will of the gods, however, and they are subject to great Miram - fate. Nevinovna and Elena, her escape from Mycena - Wola Aphrodite. An old man of attachment, the ruler of the deposited Troy, treats a young woman with deceic care. Seeing Elena, he was friendly called her: "The march, my child is sweet! .. You are Nevinna me: the uniform gods are guilty."

Drawing the scene of the injury of Menel, Homer and gives a tribute to beauty here: "The thighs of steep, beautiful legs were taken by the purple blood, and compares them from the" Obagged Purple "ivory. The simonimia of the Trojan of the Trojan of the "young" simonimia, he likes the fledal poppol, the "wet meadow pet" that "Rivne and clean". God Hermes appeared before the Priam, the "noble young man as a similar, the first brother sowed, who is charming."

Priam, complaining of fate and anticipating their violent death, most of all fear of what the dispensary of people in obscene form will appear, with a body distorted by old age:

... oh, young youth nice
No matter how he lies, fallen in battle and confused with copper, -
All of him, and the dead, that neither open, fine!
If a gray brow and the gray head of a person,
If the shame of the elder of the dead dogs declared, -
The fate is no longer the unhappy person.

Talking about Ajax, Homer does not premict and "Persons Beauty", he will tell about the "beautiful Ahasey Wives." About Hermia: "A captivating image he had a young man with a virgin octo on fresh laboctions, in a beautiful infability color." Megapeid "captivated young red". Etc.

Homer glorifies the beauty of things. They are created by artists. He glorifies his fellow, "singers, comforting the soul of the Divine Word," and skillful jewelery masters. So, in the pathetic site of the narration, Homer stops his eyes on a skillfully worked ball, he can not stop and do not describe it in detail:

Gold, beautiful, with double hooks
Blahae kept mantle: Master on the Blyach skillfully
Grozny PSA and in mighty claws he has a young
Lan Smeal: how living, she trembled; And scary
Dog on her furious looked and rummaged from the paw
Out, he fought her legs: in the amazement that bleak
All led.

Myths of Homerskaya Greece

Myths are the first form of the poetic consciousness of the people. In them, his philosophy, his story, its morals, customs, his anxiety, care, dreams, ideals and, in the end, the whole complex of his spiritual life.

The daily life of the ancient Greek was held in constant communication with the gods. Communication it was, of course, not in reality, but in the imagination, but it did not lose the power of reality for him. The whole world around him was populated by the gods. In the sky and stars, in the seas and rivers, in the forests and mountains, he saw the gods everywhere. Homer reading in our days, we cannot perceive his story as a realistic image of genuine events. For us, this is a wonderful poetic fiction. For the ancient Greek, the contemporary of the poet, it was an undeniable truth.

When we read from Homer: "I got up from the darkness of the mlauda with the fingers of purple EOS," we understand that the morning came, and not just the morning, and the morning is bright, south, sunny, the morning is a wonderful, weedyful breath of the sea, the morning, like a young goddess , After all, the EOS named here is "mladay" and she has "purple fingers." The ancient Greek perceived this phrase in the same emotional color, but if the EOS is a poetic image for us, for the ancient Greek it was a real being - the goddess. The name of Eos said a lot of his heart. He knew about her and beautiful and tragic stories. This is the goddess of the morning, Sister Helios, the God of the Sun, and Selena - the goddess of the Moon. She gave birth to stars and winds - a cold sharp bare and soft, gentle marshmallow. The ancient Greek represented her the most beautiful young woman. Like real, ordinary women, she lived the life of the heart, she fell in love and suffered, enjoyed and grief. She did not resist the courageous beauty of the god of the war of Ares and the age of the Aphrodite in love with him. The goddess of love in punishment inspired her a permanent and unattricible desire. Eos fell in love with Handsaw Orion and kidnap him. The name of Orion entailed a variete of new legends. He was the son of the god of the Sea Poseidon. Father bestowed him the ability to walk along the sea surface. He was a strong and bold hunter, but also daring and arrogant. He discounted young Meropu, and the girl's father blinded him. Then, in order to overlook, he went to Helios himself, and he returned his eyesight with his life-giving rays. Orion died from Arm Artemis and was carried on the sky. There he became one of the constellations.

Greek knew another sad story about the morning goddess. She once saw a young Trojan Titon, Brother Priama, and, conquered, his beauty, carried him and became his beloved, giving birth from him the son of Memnon. Her love was so strong that she simplified Zeus to give him immortality, but forgotten to ask eternal youth. Handsome Titon became immortal, but every day something was lost in it. Life was faded, but did not leave at all. In the end, he was called: he could not move. The unfortunate goddess remained just bitterly mourn their fatal mistake.

It is said that Titon personified for the ancient Greeks outgoing day, fading, but not yet faded light. Maybe! But what a wonderful and exciting legend about this phenomenon of nature was created by the poetic fantasy of the ingenious people!
So, the robbic EOS! Morning! Morning and youth! Morning and beauty! Morning and love! All this merged into the minds of the ancient Greek, sticking to the amazing legend in the beauty.

We read from Homer and such a phrase: "The night grown up with a terrible sky."

Night (in Greek Nikta) is also a goddess, but her name is already conjugate with other images - gloomy. She is a daughter of Chaos and the sister of Ereba (gloom) and, as Homer writes, "immortal and mortal queens." She lives somewhere in Tartara's depths, there she meets with his antipode and brother in the afternoon to replace him in the eternal change of day.

At night there are children and grandchildren. Her daughter Erida (dretch) gave birth to discord, grief, battles, hunger, murder. This evil, the insidious goddess rose on the wedding feast of Pelle and the fetis apple of discord and led to war whole peoples - Greeks and Trojans.

The Grozny Goddess Retribution Nemesis was born from the night. The court is fair and soon. She punishes the evil, who has been deemed by man. The sculptors were portrayed by the most beautiful (the Greeks could not otherwise) a woman with a sword, wings and weights (sword - retribution, punishment, punishment; wings - speed of retaliation; scales - balancing guilt and punishment).

The night gave birth to Nymif Heperd. They live in the most extreme West, the ocean river, in a beautiful garden, and erase apples that give eternal youth. The son of the night was a mockery of God, a great mocking room and a zabi. He is angry, he laughs even over the gods themselves, and angry Zeus expelled him from the kingdom of the Gods of Olympus.

The son of the night was Tanatos - a merciless god of death. One day, Sisifa managed to claim Tanatos in the chain, and people stopped die, but it lasted for a long time, and Tanatos, freed, began to destroy the human race again.

At night there were three terrible daughters: Moira, the goddess of destiny. One of them was called Lahethis (pulling out lots). Even before the birth of man, she defined his life fate. Second - Cloto (spinning). She nailed to man a thread of his life. And the third - Atropos (inevitable). She crossed this thread. Russian translators Gomera Galotich and Zhukovsky called Moir in their translations parks. The Greeks did not know such a word, "Parks" - the word Latin, so Moir called the ancient Romans, moved to their pantheon.

Perhaps the most beautiful son of the night was hymnos, the god of sleep. He is always benefactor, he is a doctor's fellow sorrows, gives a rest from serious worries and a doom. Homer paints a cute scene: Penelope jershits in his rest about the missing husband, about the son of Telemach, who is threatened and the "evil sea" and "treacherous killers", but now ... "Peaceful Sleep flew and her walled, and everything was subsided." .

Homer calls him "Secrets". He is also a living being, a wonderful young man who lives on Lemnos Island, the Spring Spring. He also has quite human feelings. He is in love with one of Harit, Paziopha, in love for a long time and hopeless. But the hero needed his service, it was necessary to plant a zeus. Himmos fluctuates, is afraid of anger of the strongest of the gods. But Gera promises him the love of Pasiophai:

You will do it finally call you your wife
TU PASIFUY, by how long the days are sick.

And Himmos is delighted, only asks Gera to swear "Stiksa Pond", that she will perform the promise.

The Greek had seen the gods everywhere, and they were beautiful in their not divine, and human feelings, people he sublifted to the ideal of the Divine, the gods had led to people, and there was an attractive force of his mythology.

However, Greek mythology has undergone a certain evolution.

The first, the most ancient gods were terrible. They could also be inspired by their views and their actions. The man was still very weak and timid faces in incomprehensible and formidable forces of nature. The raging sea, storms, huge waves, the limit of the seaspace is frightened. Sudden, no explanatory movement of the earth's surface, which seemed to be unshakable, - earthquake; Fire-drying mountain explosions, hot stones flying to the sky, a pole of smoke and fire and a fiery river flowing through the slopes of the mountain; Scary storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, turning everything in chaos, - all this shook the souls and demanded explanations. Nature seemed hostile, ready to bring death or suffering for any minute. The forces of nature seemed alive creatures, and they were scary. The gods of the first generation fierce. Uranus (heaven) dropped his children to Tartar. One of the titans (sons of uranium and gay) (land) sawed his father. The monstrous giants with thick hair and beards and snakes have grown from the blood that spilled out of the wound. They were destroyed by the Olympic gods. The fragment of the Frieza of the altar in Pergama (II century BC) has been preserved, where Gigantahiya is displayed in the sculpture - the battle of the Olympic giants with giants. But the sculptor, submitting to the reigning cult of beauty, depicted a giant with huge snake rings instead of the legs, but also with a beautiful torso and face like Apollo face.

The crown of his father devoured his children. To save Zeus, his mother, Ray, threw a huge cobblestone in the fall, instead of a child, who quietly swallowed. The world was populated by terrible monsters, and with these monsters bravely joined the struggle.

The third generation of gods - Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Aid - Homer's gods. They carried bright humanistic ideals.

The Olympic gods invite people to participate in their battles with terrible giants, with all the monsters whom Gay gave rise to. So the characters appeared. Russian word "Hero" of Greek origin (Heros). The first generation of Greeks fought with monsters. Hercules killed, being another young man, Kieferon Lion, then Nemoye Lion, trampled his skin, invulnerable to arrows, killed the Lerneo Hydra of nine heads, cleared the stables of Avgius, killed a monster-bull in Crete. So he made twelve exploits, cleaning the world from the bad and monsters. Hero Cadm, the son of the Phoenician king, killed a monster-dragon and founded the city of the hair. The hero of Teshen killed on the Crete Monster Minotaur. Mosnos's daughter, in love with the Tereus, helped him get out of the labyrinth, holding a thread (the thread of Ariadnes). Heroes perform long-range trips. Argonauts, headed by Jason go to a distant colchide and mined the golden fleece.

The next generation of heroes fights at the River ScanDold - these are already characters of Homer's poems.

The history of the Greek gods walked from chaos to order, from the deformity to beauty, from the gods to a person. The world of the gods patriarchalen. They live on Olymp. Each of them has their own house, built by "on creative" blacksmith, artist and architect chromonogim Hephaest. They argue and quarrels, feat and enjoy the singing of the music and "the sounds of the Lyra of the beautiful, briced in the hands of Apollo", and fell like people, "Sweet Sleep". "Blessed residents of the sky!"

Olympus, where the abode of his own, they say, founded
Gods, where the winds do not blow, where the rain is not coordinated,
Where is not a lifting blizzard winter, where cloudless air
Light azure is spilled and the sweet shiny will penetrate;
There, for the gods in the unspecified joy all the days run.

The gods although they live on a high Olympus, but in constant communication with people, almost at a pleasant, almost in-neighbor. The mother of Achilles Fetis informs his son that yesterday Zeus with all the gods, "with the Sonm of the Immortal", went to the remote waters of the ocean to visit, on the feast to the "Immaculate Ethios". Apparently, the day must be multi-day, because Zeus returned to Olympus only for twelfth day. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe country of Ethiopians is still quite foggy, they live somewhere on the edge of the inhabited land, among remote waters of the ocean.

The gods flew, they put on the golden sandals with the wings, as he did it Hermes, or asked in the form of a cloud. Fetis rose "From the Foam Sea" with the "early fog". She appeared before playing Son. "Like a light cloud."
The gods for the ancient Greek were always next to him, they helped or prevented him, they were in the image of his loved ones or well-known people. Most often they came to him in a dream. Thus, Athena penetrated the bedroom to Penelope through the keyhole, "by air lightly", appeared before her in the appearance of her sister Iftima, the "beautiful daughter of the elder of Ikariya", the wife of "Mighty Efmela", and began to exhort her staying in "Sweet Dormot In silent gates of dreams, "not sad. "The gods living with an easy life are forbidden to cry and complain: your televisers will be invisible will be returned."

The gods send their signs to people. It was usually a flight of birds, most often an eagle (right - good luck, left - failure).
Whatever a serious action of the Greek did not conceive, his first concern was to die the gods, so that they helped him. For this, he brought them a victim.

Homer described the act of sacrifices in honor of the goddess Athena. They led the best calicism from her herd, they pledged her gold rhog, the sons of Nestor washed their hands in Lohani, climbed by flowers, brought a barley box. Nestor, washing his hands, took a handful of barley and shook them the head of the teliets, the sons did the same, then they threw the wool on the fire from the telice head, praying to the Athena, and then Frasimesed to the body of the ax. The telice fell. Women cried - daughters of Nesor, daughter-in-law and the "meek heart" of his spouse. This item is beautiful: how humans were women of the times of Homer!

The Greeks of the greeks asked, begged, but in the hearts and scorn. So, in the duel of Meal with Paris, the first, when his sword burst into pieces from the strike of the Helmet of Paris, "crushed, to the extensive sky praying:" Zeus, none of the immortal, like you, not worn! "

Elena also speaks sharply and twisted with Aphrodite, when she calls her into a crowd, where "on the bed with a clear bright red and clothing" is waiting for her Paris. "Ah, cruel! Again me to seize so much? Are you with malicious in the heart of cunning? The march to the favorite itself ... Eternally, with it, wearing spouse or work. "
Even the main of the gods sometimes do not spare. One of the characters of Homer so in the hearts turns to the sky: "Zeus Olympian, and you have already become a clear lichny." The gods, of course, respectfully relate to their Supreme Leader. When he enters the palace (on Olymp), everyone gets up, no one dares to sit in his presence, but his spouse Gera does not dislike himself at all (she does not forgive him sympathy to the Trojans): "Which of the Immortals with You, Covarian, built tips ? "

Zeus has black eyebrows. When he is in the sign of the consent of "complaints", "incense" his hair rises and amazing the Olympus Multi-Fiber.

Nor Grozen Zeus, but his spouse is clearly afraid. She arms with him, and "crying", and can "be angry with an offensive speech." When he turned to him for the help of nymph Fetida, the mother of Achilles, he "sighing deeply", is responsible: "Sorrowfully, the hatred you are exciting the head of the gers," promises to help, but so that he does not recognize his spouse: "Removed now Yes, you don't see you in Olympus.

Gods, of course, guarded justice. (So \u200b\u200bit should be.) And Zeus, "Mural to our affairs and punishing our villains", and all other residents of Olympus.

Dishonest do not love blessed gods,
Good actions are valued by people, justice.

But this, as they say, ideally. In fact, they suffer from all the vices of people. They are false, and insidious, and evil. Gera and Athena hate and pursue all the Trojans only because one of them, the shepherd Paris, called the most beautiful not them, and Aphrodite. This last patronage and Paris and all the Trojans, not at all taking care of justice.

Greeks were afraid of the wrath of the gods and tried to die in every way. However, sometimes they dared and raise their hand on them. So, in "Iliad" Homer tells how on the battlefield of a frantic Diomed in the heat of anger rushes his spear towards Aphrodite, which turned out to be here, trying to save her son Eney, and wounded her "tender hand." "The immortal blood was applied" Goddess. It was not a blood (after all, the gods "bloodless, and they are nominated by the immortal"), but the special moisture, "what a happy residents in the inhabitants of the sky". But the goddess hurts ("in the darkness of the feelings from suffering a beautiful body") - "It is removed, vague, with grief deep." Zeus, having learned about her trouble, told her with a delicious smile:

Cute daughter! There are no noisy branches.
You are doing pleasant sweet marriages.

It seems that not a single little serious act Heroes of Homer makes no advice or direct orders of the gods: he insulted Agamemnon Achilles, anger was built by an arrowned warrior, a hand reached the sword, but immediately appeared to the sword, the Athena, sent hero, was visited only He and to anyone else, and stopped him, saying: "The evil words of Yazvi, but do not touch the sword." And he obeyed, "sick of a mighty hand," remember the Truth, which was inspired by the Greeks of Swells: Everything comes from the gods: and love, and death, crowded life. It is predetermined by Moira. Some die of "slow ailment", which, "confused the body," squeezes from him "the extended soul", others suddenly from the "quiet arrows" of Artemis (women) or Apollo (men).

The Greeks believed in the afterwarding existence, but it was the existence of shadows who retained all the senses of man: as soon as the "hot life cooled bones will leave, - flushing, like a dream, their soul disappears."

Homer described AID, the region of the dead. It must be assumed that someone still in those distant times visited the northern latitudes, because the description of Aida is very similar to the description of the North during the Polar Night: Helios (Sun) there "Never be the OKU of people of the Faces of Raucar", "Night Understanding there is an invoking surrounds living ":

... Here everything terrifies the living; Noisy run here
Terrible rivers, the threads are great; Here Ocean
The water is deeply poured, no one can twist them.
And Odyssey, who fell there, arrange "horror pale."

All the dead, and righteous and villains fall in Aid. This is the lot of all mortals. Odyssey saw the mother of the "irreparable sufferer" Edipa, Iokasta, who Oyidov's "Aidow's doors herself" (committed suicide), and his native antiquity mother, who "destroyed a sweet little life," that heasting it, Odyssey. He saw her friend and Achilles comrades. The conversation that took place between them has a deep meaning, in it - the glorification of life, the only and unique ("joyful light", "sweet-length life"!). In Aide, Achilles reigns over the dead, and Odysseas of Corios friend for his Ropot:

And so he responded, sighing hard:
- Oh, Odyssey, the consolation in death I do not hope;
Better would I like the lively as a row, working in the field,
Service at the poor pahacary bread is extracting his urgent,
Rather than here above the soulless dead to reign, dead.

Such Aid, the abode of the dead. But there is even more terrible place - "Tartar Deeter", the most "the last limit of sushi and the sea." He is glooming Aida, where he visited Odyssey, there is an eternal darkness:

The abyss far, where underground the deepest abyss:
Where and the copper is the rod and the gate of iron, tartar.
So much distant from hell as a light sky from home.

There are languishing the defeated gods - the father of Zeus crowns, sometime the Supreme God, there the father of Prometheus Titan Jappets, they "neither the wind, not can enjoy the light of the high-cost sun."

The ancient Greek believed in existence somewhere on the ground of the beautiful Champsies, where "man's careless days of man running." Little lucky people live there. Who specifically, Homer does not report, he only draws this eternal, mounted by the dream of mankind. There:

"Nor blizzards, no rainstone, nor waters have no winter," and "Sweet-freely flying makes marshmallows, the ocean with a light cool there sent to people whites in the ocean."

Person of Homer.

You do not try to find out - where Homer was born and who he was.
Proudly consider himself his homeland all cities;
Important is the spirit, not a place. Statement of the poet -
The glitter "Iliad" itself, Odyssey himself story.

Unknown Greek poet. II century BC e.

So in the end, the ancient Greeks controversy about where the great poet was born, although seven cities claimed the role of the author of the famous poems. The newest times have already ceased to be interested in this issue, but the disputes in science broke out on another occasion, whether there was a Homer in general, there is a collective image of the poet, and whether poems existed in the form in which we know them now. The assumptions were expressed that each song was selected separately by different highs and then only they were connected and amounted to a single narration. However, the inner unity of the poem, which we feel, now reading it, the unity and slightness of the narrative, the whole single logic of its general concept, the figurative system convince us that we have one creator, a brilliant author who, maybe using the individual already existed Small songs about the various episodes of the Trojan war and the adventures of Odyssey, folded the poem in her whole, penetrating all her tissue with a single poetic breathing.

Homer brought up an antique world. The ancient Greek studied him since childhood and all his life carried ideas, images, feelings generated in his imagination by the poems of the Great Older. Homer formed views, tastes, moral of the ancient Greeks. The most educated, the most exquisite minds of the ancient world were inclined to the authority of the Patriarch of Ellin's culture.

He, of course, the son of his century, his people. He absorbed morality from childhood and ideals of his compatriots, so his moral world is the moral world of the Greeks of his time. But this does not least detract from his personal individual qualities. His inner spiritual world, which he with such an exciting poetic force revealed in his poems, became the world of all his readers for thousands of years, and even we, remote from him and centuries and space, feel the beneficial influence of his personality, perceive his ideas, The concepts of good and evil, beautiful and ugly. Whom of us does not excite the picture of the return of Agamemnon to their homeland and then the vile treacherous murder?

He began to kiss him Fatherland cute; See again

What troubles could wait for Agamemenon at this moment?
What suspicions to feed to anyone?

Meanwhile, it was at this time that he was waiting for his death, and from the closest people to him - the wives of the Clique Leaders and a relative
Egista. The last with "affectionate call" introduced it, "suspicion of alien", in the house and killed "on the merry peer". Together with the brother Agamemnon, we are shocked by betrayal and the tragic finals of the joyful return of the hero to their homeland:

... In me, a cute heart is broken:
Bitterly soaked, I fell to the ground, I became anti
Life, and I did not want to look at sunlight, and long
We cried, and long lay on the ground, sobbing loyal.

Homer made to feel the abomination of betrayal, because he himself felt hatred and disgust to all cruel and treacherous acts, which was humane and noble, and this his personal quality is felt in every verse, in every epithet.

The ancient unknown poet, who said that it was important not where the poet was born, and what he invested in his poems, his thought, his soul.

Reading "Iliad" and "Odyssey", we constantly feel the presence of the poet, its moral, political and aesthetic ideals, we look at the world by your eyes, and this world is beautiful, because it seemed to be a poet.

The story of Homer is far from tendentiousness, but he is not an impassive, he is excited. His heroes are raging, passions play their souls, often pushing them on madness, the poet does not judge them. His narrative is imbued with humane tolerance. His position in relation to the events taking place in its poems and to acting persons is similar to the position of the choir in the ancient theater. The choir rejoices, sadness, but never grieves, does not condemn and does not interfere in events.

Homer cannot hide his permanent admissions and peace, and man. The world is grandiose, great, he is beautiful, he can be Grozny, he can carry the death of a person, but he does not suppress a person. A person submits inevitability, because she is obeyed and gods, but never exhibits robust self-satellite towards the gods. He argues, protests and even wakes up on the gods. The world is beautiful in all its manifestations: both in good, and in evil, and in joy, and in tragedy.

And this is the position of the poet itself, these are the signs of his personality.

In his poems, Homer expresses its own political judgments. He for a single ruler ("no in the unmarked good"). The ruler holds power from God (it gives him Zeus and "Skiptere and Laws"). He "must and tell the word and listen." The great quality of the ruler is the ability to listen. The ability to listen to opinions, tips, take into account the situation, events, circumstances, to be flexible, as we would say in our time, is the most valuable than the ruler may have, and this XOPOHO understood the wise Homer. He tells the ruler of the elder of Nestor: "The thought is to fulfill the other if someone, the heart is inspired, good will say." And at the same time, Homer reminds that "there is a cumulatively all to know one person." One gods give up the "ability to brave", the other "mind light", the fruits of which and the "hails" and the "tribes are gracious".

Homer famous a good ruler. His Odyssey was a kind, wise king and the people loved their, "as a gracious father." This repeats the poet. Homer admires by nature:

In the sky for about a month of a clear sleep
It seems the stars are beautiful, if the air is moulder;
All the circle opens - hills, high mountains,
Dola; Heavenly air unfinder all infinite;
All stars are visible; And the shepherd, soving, having fun.

But the winter picture:

Snow, rushing, flakes raw
In the winter time ... the snow is continuous;
Mountains of the highest chapters and rocks topping,
And blooming steppes, and fat Pharmaceans Niva;
Snow raves on Brega and on the seaflock seams;
The waves of it, gaining, absorb; But everything else
It covers.

Talking, for example, about traveling Telemach, seeking father, he speaks of the coming morning.

It would seem, a simple, unassuming and local picture. The sun rose, his rays played ... But Homer gave her cosmic and universal character:

Helios from the sea perfectly got up and appeared on the copper
Heaven to heaven to shine for immortal gods and for mortals
Rock subjects, on the ground of fruitful living.

The ratio of Homer to the events, to the world, to the person is expressed by epithets, comparisons, and they have plentifully painted, painted and emotionally painted. He is kind, infinite and wisely kind. So, he says that Athena removes the arrow, mounted in the breast of Mellaya, "as a tender mother drives a fly from his son, sleeping with a sweet one."

Together with the Odyssem and his comrades, we find out on the shore of the warm southern sea. We captivate the charm of peace and life, drawn with such a wonderful force in a brilliant poet: "The divine-languid night has come. We all fell asleep under talking waves hitting the shore "; We admire with Homer beautiful Penelope, the personification of eternal femininity, when she is "in silent gates of dreams", "full of sweet dorms."

In every word of Homer - his soul, his thoughts, his joy or sadness, it is painted by his feeling, and this feeling is always morally, elevated.
So he shows us Odyssey, staying in deep mountain, away from her native Ithaca:

He was lonely sitting on the rocky Brege, and the eyes
Were in tears; drowned slowly, drops behind a drop,
Life for him in an unceasing longing for a distant depreciation.

And we believe that for the sake of the schisming, he could, like his singer Homer, refuse from immortality, and from the "eternal blooming infancy", which Nymph Calypso offered him.

Homer loves wide picture comparisons. They become like plug-in novels, full of drama and dynamics. Talking about how I cried Odysseus, listening to the aige of Demodok, Homer suddenly stops and distracts us to another human misfortune: after stubborn battle before the precipitated city fell a warrior. He fought until the latter, "rushing from the day of the fatal saving the feces and the family." Seeing how he shuddered "in the death fighting," the spouse is inclined to him. She's near, she is with him. Now, clinging to his chest, she stands, she crushesly cry, already a widow, and the enemies beat it with copies of copies, tear off from an expensive body and "poor (Homer is beautiful in his all-pervading compassion) fond of slavery and long mountain." Slavery and long grief! Homer will not forget to add that there, in captivity, slavery, fade her lines from sorrow and crying.

Homer's poems glorify life, youth and beauty of man. He attaches the most tender epithets to the words "life" and "youth." We see in this line of magnificent old age. Homer was undoubtedly old, knew a lot, I saw a lot, I thought about a lot. He can already talk about "lovely informant" and that youth is careless, self-chapted that "youth is reasonable rare." It may, on the basis of his big life experience and deep reflections to make sad conclusions about a person, about his universal participation:

Gods tried all-in-laws to us, unhappy people,
Live on earth in chagrins: Gods alone are careful.

And he thinks his wise tolerance. He looked into the human souls and described the boiling of passions, then the harm to the heavens of the most sublime ideals, which depangling in the puchins of monstrous atrocities. Homer did not idealize her gods that were in all like people, nor their heroes, who were like their gods and in vices and in values. The wise old man did not allow himself to judge neither the others. They were higher than him. For him, in essence, there was no guilty in the world. Everything - and evil, and good - everything from the gods, and the gods (they are also not all complaints) - from the Great and Almighty Fate.

We do not know anything about the Homere Man. Who is he, this ingenious Creator? Where was born, in which family, where he died and buried? Only the sculptural portrait of the blind elder reached us. Homer is it? - Unlikely. But he is alive, he is with us, we feel his proximity. He is in his poems. Here is his world, his soul. He could be in those distant times to say about himself, like the Russian poet: "No, I will not die, the soul in the cherished lyre of my ashes will survive and the thits will run ..."


Anger, about the goddess, sleep ...

So begins "Iliad". The word "oh" is understood as a call for glorification. But the poet turns to the mound at all in order to glorify anger. He asks her to help him truthfully (certainly truthfully, for he just saw the dignity of the story) to tell about the affairs of distant old days, about battles and lumps and about what troubles can do the unrestrained angry gust of a person if this man holds power in his hands and strength.

Anger, anger and anger! The theme of anger permeates the whole poem. You can only be divided by the unity of the idea and execution.
Make the same story of anger, where he began, as he manifested and how it ended.

The main hero of "Iliad" and the main carrier of anger - Achilles, the son of the Mirmidon Tsar Pelia, the grandson of Eak and the daughter of the river god of Askop. So, Achilles leads its origin from the gods, he is the great-grandfather of Zeus. His mother is also not a simple death. She is Nymph Fetis. According to the mythology of the Greeks, forests, mountains and rivers inhabit beautiful and young creatures - nymphs, "living in the groves and in sources of light, and in zilak-flowering valleys." In the mountains, these are Oreads, in the seas - Neread, in the forests - DRIADA, in the rivers - Niada. One of these nonreide was the mother of Achilles Fetis. Of course, she cannot qualify for equality with the Olympic goddes, but always in Zeus, and he takes her friendly and affectionately.

The ownership of Achilles is somewhere in the east of the northern part of Greece, in Fessiona. People's lend to his father, and therefore him, the Mirmidonians lead their origin from the ants, which is also indicated by their name. Anti-Greek ant - Miremex. The myth says that during the reign of the defendant of Achilles Eak Goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus, enjoy the disease to his people, and he is all extincted. Then Eak raised his prayers to the main god, his father, and he gave him new subjects - ants, turning them into people.

The chain of events binds Achilles with Troy. The tragedy, which eventually led the Troy and all its inhabitants to death, began at the wedding of his parents, fetis and peleys. All the gods and goddesses were invited to the wedding, except for one - the goddess of discord. The offended goddess insidiously threw the so-called "apple of discord" on which it was written - "for the most beautiful." Three goddesses immediately stated their claims to him - Gera, Athena and Aphrodite. Each of them considered himself the most beautiful. Zeus, although he was the most terrible of the gods, knowing the nature of the goddesses,
Prudently dodged from the decision and sent them to the Trojan Cowness Paris, let it judge how the face is outsider and impartial. Paris was, of course, not a simple shepherd, and the young Tsarevich, the son of Priama and Hugeba. Hekaba, when he was born, saw a terrible dream, as if she did not give birth to a boy, but a burning head, which burned Troy. The frightened Queen removed the born her son from the palace, and he grew up and matured on woody slopes Ida, grazing
Cattle. Lovely residents of Olympus turned to it. Each promised his gifts: Gera - power, Athena - Wisdom, Aphrodite - Love is the most beautiful of the women of Eldla. The last gift seemed to young paris the most attractive, and he gave an Aphrodite apple, won her constant favor and just as permanent hatred of the other remaining. Next, he followed his journey, staying at the hospitable and innocent Menal, from whom he kidnapped his beautiful wife and indiscreet treasures with Aphrodite's connivance. Because of them, the warrior ahaeis and their allies, a number, judging by the description of Homer, are about a hundred thousand, on multi-sized ships from 50 to 120 soldiers in each. Fifty ships of them commanded the leader
Mirmidonian Mighty Achilles, whom we see in the "Iliade" with young, full strength, courage and anger.

From the prehistory you need to specify another two circumstances. With his birth, Fetide was predicted that her son would live long if he wanted to fight and seek military glory. If you agree to obscurity, it will live to deep old age in peace and well-being. Fetis, like any mother, chose the latter for his son. When they began to collect a host for a trip to Troy, she hid him in women's clothing on the island of Skyros, believing that among the daughters of the Tsar Licked he would remain unrecognized. But she did not know the tricks of Odyssey. This last, wanting to carry the hero in the campaign, appeared on the skiros with gifts. Of course, it was difficult to distinguish the young Achilles, who also did not appear over upper lip, From the maternity hospitals. And Odyssey offered for the choice of women's decorations, and among them swords and spears. The girls chose decorations, Achilles grabbed the sword and was recognized.

So, Fetite failed to provide his son a long and quiet life, he chose a short, but full storm, anxiety, fame. Achilles knew about his early death, they knew about it and others, and above all his mother, which we see constantly sad, trembling for his destiny.

A halo of tragedy surrounds the young head of Achilles. "The brief is your age, and his limit is close! .." - tells him Fetis. "In the evil Godina, about my son, I gave rise to you in the house." Homer more than once in the poem reminds us of this, and this shadow is close to death, which constantly follows Achilles, softens our attitude towards the young hero. She softens and the good heart of Homer, who, not counting himself, is entitled to judge the acts of gods and heroes of antiquity, can not describe acts of cruel ferryness of Achilles without internal shudder. And they are truly fierce.

Achilles quick-tempered ("waking up") and in anger will necrotimy, dick, angry, long-confidence.

His friend Patrole in the hearts speaks to him:

Unmerciful! Your parent was not comprehensible
Mother is not fetid; but blue sea, sullen rocks
You spawned, harsh heart, like yourself!

The whole poem, as a single rod, is permeated with the theme of this anger. And Homer does not sympathize with this, in the essence of the selfless, who does not know the ward, an ambitious feeling of his hero. What caused this anger? Agamemenon, the Supreme Commander of the troops of all Ahetsev, took away Achilles after the division of military production of the prisoner Brisade. He did because he himself had to part with his prey in Christi, returned to the father at the order of Apollo. Agamemenon, as his poet described, and brave and mighty, as, however, all the warriors, and fierce in battle, but not stable in decisions, fuel on panic and, perhaps, not a smart. He selected military prey from Achilles, without thinking about the consequences. Then he firmly regret it and will offer a warrior and rich gifts and take away the virgin. But Achilles proudly reject them. His fighters, and their more than two thousand, and he himself remain aside from battles, and the aheitsa suffer one defeat after another. Here, the Trojans, under the leadership of the hetero, came close to the post of depositing, climbing to the ships to burn them and persecute all the aliens on death. Many of them died, recent associates of Achilles, but he only agrees their failures and thank Zeus for it.

And only at the last minute, when the danger of universal death hung over everyone, he allowed his soldiers under the leadership of the Patrole to get to the aid of the Ahaseians. Patrole died in this battle. His killed Hector. Homer described in detail and colorfully described the dispute and the battle around the body of the Patrole, because it was armed with Achilles; "Immortal armor of a strong husband." Patrole! His Homer calls meekly ("crosted"). As a child, he had to experience a terrible tragedy, who left the indelible trace in his soul. In a children's game and dispute, he accidentally killed his peers, the son of amphidamas. And no longer could stay at home. Mesetia, his father, led the boy to Pelia. He, "accepting him favorably", gently brought up with his son Achilles. Since then, inseparable friendship has been tied up two heroes.

In the social hierarchy, and she already existed in Greece during the times of Homer, Patrole and birth and at the state was set below the Achilles, and the memethius instructed his son to submore a friend, although he was younger than him.

Patrole, in the nature of the kind and stopped, it was not difficult, and Achilles loved him gently. What I mean Patrole for him, he understood with all his strength after his death. Sorrow, like all the feelings of the passionate, temperamental leader Mirmidonyan, was frantic. He drove his hair, rode on the ground, shouted, cried. And now new wave Wrath covered it - anger against the Trojans and especially Hecker, who killed his friend.
Reconciliation happened to Agamemnon.

Achilles was convinced that his resentment, his proud elimination of the fellows brought a lot of things not only to him, his comrades, but also himself. Now he rushed into battle against the Trojans with fierce, with a frantic passion to take revenge, torture, kill ("Just a black bloody field ... Under Pelid, Divine hard hard drives Corpes were twisted, shields and shells, splashing from below the whole copper axis and high semicircles of chariot ... Brave Pelide ... in the blood, it was unaware of the scratched hands ").

Homer with trepidate spiritual tells about all this. He cannot afford to make a pointed hero, because he is a demigod, grandson of Zeus, and not him, the poor singer, to judge who in this terrible battle of the peoples of rights, who is to blame. But, reading the poem, we feel how the elder is shuddered, drawing the cruel fury of Achilles.

Trojans in a panic run, looking for salvation. Here is the terrible flow of scamandra in front of them. They are trying to hide at his rocky shores. In vain, Achilles overtakes them. "Tired by the murder of a hand," he chooses from them twelve young men, making out of fear "like young Elena", knits them his hands and sends to Mirmidonyan to Stan, to throw the pontrole to the bonfire as a sacrifice. Here he sees the young Likan, the youngest of the sons of Priama, and does not believe his eyes, because quite recently he captured him, attacking at night, and sold to slavery to Lemnos Island, having received a "stotless price." What miraculously escaped this yunets? Lycayon fled from Lemnos and, happy, rejoiced by newly acquired freedom and native places, but not long. "At home eleven days having fun with his friends" and on the twelfth ... He again at the feet of Achilles, unarmed, without a shield, without a shella and even without dart:

Licaon approached semi-term
Legs pelica ready to hug, he really wanted
The death is terrible to avoid close black rock.
Drink Meanwhile, the long-time killed Achilles rapped,
Get ready, and he ran up and hugged his legs,
To the proportion of prison; And spear, he has witnesses over his back,
In the earth stuck trembling, human greedy blood.
Young man left hand hugged, begging, knee,
The right spear captured and, it's not put on his hand,
So Achilles prayed, aspiring the winged speeches:
- Feet volume to you, mercury, Achilles, and nice!
I stand before you stand as a prayer worthy of mercy!

But Achilles did not spare. He told him that in the past times, to the death of the Patrole, he sometimes happened to be pleasantly to prevent the Trojans and let them go to the will, taking a redemption, now - to all the "Trojans death, and especially children of Priama!". He told him that there is no need to cry that death comprehends the best than he, Likayon, that he died and Patrole, and he himself, Achilles, and meanwhile:

See what I am myself, and beautiful and majestic views,
The son of the Father is famous, Mother I have a goddess!
But I am not avoiding on earth from mighty fate.

"Consolation" did not calm down Lican, he only realized that there would not be a mercy, and conquered. Homer paints the cruel scene of the murder with a stunning truth:

"... The young men have fallen feet and heart.
Terrible he drown and, trembling, spreading his hands,
Sat down, Achilles, rapidly sword mutual Eastrgshi,
In the neck, I saw at my shoulder, and to him herself
The sword plunged into the inside, NIC on black dust
Lit, prostrate, the blood bleed and flooded the earth.
Dead for the leg of the show, the Achilles river threw him
And, over him, mocking, pennate speeches.
"There you are lying, between fish! Greedy fish around ulcers
Blood is negatively licked! Don't Mother on the bed
Your body is to melt, put, but xanp fleet
The stormy wave will take place in the boundless Lono Sea ...
So die, Trojan, until we destroy Troy. "

Good and wise homer, of course, regrets the young Lycayon, but he does not dare to judge the actions of Achilles and conveys him to the court of the River God of Xanf. And "Xanf annoyed it cruelly", "in the image of a mortal gambled from a deep puchin:" ... the corpses of the dead are full of light beyond water ... oh refrain. " And after:

The terrible bitch of Achilles, the excitement stormy rose,
Engage the hero of the shafts, falling on the shield; On the legs of O.
Bole could not resist; for Elm grabbed
Fat, spreadingly growing, and elm, tipping over with the root,
Coast crashed with him, blocked the fleeting water
Branches of his density and, like a bridge, the river reached out,
All the tipping on it. Hero, oxoce from the puchin,
Rushed in fear of the valley to fly on his legs quickly,
Furious God has not fallen behind; But, having risen after him, hit
In the shaft of Chernogolov, grief curb Achilles
In the fats of the shuffle and three sons to protect against murder.

And if it were not for Poseidon and not Athena, who appeared on the call for help and, "accepting the image of people," did not file his arms and did not save him, would die of mighty Achilles, "the mighty death ... like a little swine."

The culmination of the history of Achilles Anchilles was his duel with Hector. The Great Human Tragedy is deployed before us. Homer prepared us to her, often breaking up the death of the main hero of Troyan. We already know in advance that Achilles will win that Hector falls under his hand, but until the last minute we still wait for a miracle - the heart cannot accept the fact that this glorious person, the only real protector of Troy, will fall, combat the spear of the aliel.

Homer with trepidate spiritual and, perhaps, fear belongs to Achilles, he gives it the highest military advantages, but he loves hepotor. Trojan hero is humane. He never threw a sick glance at Elena, and after all, she was the guilt of all the misfortunes of Troyan, did not bring her bitter word. And to his brother to His Paris, and all the troubles went from him, did not give the unknowing feelings. It happened in the annoyance of the brunette, the carelessness and the launch of the brother to throw angry reproaches, because he should have understood that the city in the siege that the enemy would destroy the walls and destroy everyone. But it is worth Paris to recognize him, hepor, right and obey, and Herrow Hector cools, and he is ready to forgive everything:

"Friend! The warrior you are brave, often just slow, reluctant to the works, "he says to him, and torments his soul for him, and I would like to protect my careless brother from the houlas and wearing. The most sublime poetry of married and father's feelings sound the poems of Homer, drawing a scene of a date of hector with Androma and the Son, still a child, Astianax. This scene is famous. For two millennia, she worries the hearts of readers, and none of the poems write about His and his poems by silence. She entered all the texts of the world.

Andromach is worried about her husband. For her, he is all ("You are all now - both Father, and the kind mother, you and my brother, you and my beloved spouse"), for all her relatives killed Achilles, attacking her hometown, and father, elder Ety, and seven of her brothers. Mother let go for a big redemption, but she soon died. And now all the hopes, all the joys and concerns of Andromah are fixed to two dear creatures - to her husband and son. The son is still a "inland baby" - "adorable, similar to the star of radiant."

Homer expresses its feelings with bright epithets, metaphors, comparisons. Hector called his son scanadder in honor of the Wandrand River (Xanf), Trojan was called Astianaks, which meant "Vladyka of the city." Hector wanted to take a boy in his arms, hug him, but he frightened with a sparkling helmet and the "ridge of Cosmodathelasm", with a cry pressed to the chest "Pyshniriza Kormilitsy", and a happy father smiled, removed the helmet "Pisching" (without picture epithet can not Homer To myself think of a description of a person nor the subject), puts it to the ground, taking the Son, "kisses, shakes." Andromach is smiling by them through tears, and "soulful" is dying "Hector:" Good! The heart is not a burst of unlimited sorrow. "

The scene is full of tragedy, because Hector knows about the ambulance of Troy ("firmly I know myself, making the thought and heart"), knows Andromaha.

Hector is not just a strong and brave warrior, he is a citizen, and it all the time emphasizes Homer. When Elena asks him to enter the house, sit with them, calm the "his hearty soul", he replies that he could not accept a busy invitation that he was waiting for him, in the battlefields that he was fascinated by the shower on the protection of fellow citizens. " When one of the fighters pointed to the flying left eagle as an unkind omen (the flight left was considered a bad sign), Hector Grozno told him that he despises signs and would not care about where birds fly from left or right. "The banner is the best of all - for the Fatherland brave to fight!"

That is Hector. And here is his last hour. Trojans in a panic fled to the city, the horses closed the gate, forgetting about the Hector. He alone remained behind the walls of the city, one in front of the host of enemies. He was drowning the heart of Hector, and he frightened Achilles. They tried three times around Troy. All the gods looked at them, and the Trojans from the city walls, and the crying attachment, his father. Good-natured Zeus regretted the hero and was ready to help him, rescue from trouble, but was intervened by Athena, reminding his "chernobular" father that since ancient times, fate drawd people "sad death." And Zeus allowed her to accelerate the bloody junction. The actions of the goddess were cruel and cunning. She appeared in front of Hector, accepting the image of Deipoba. Hector was delighted, he touched his brother's self-sacrification, because Difoba dared to come to the rescue, while others remain in the city and looked at his suffering. "Oh Daphob! And always you, from infancy, I was kind to me. " Athena, in the form of Daphoba, goes to a big cunning, says that both the mother and father begged him (Daphoba) to stay, and his friends begged not to leave the city, but what de he, "crushing the fortune" about him, came him for help. Now you don't need to slow, there is nothing to spare copies and forward, into battle, together.
"So the tender, causary forwarded a pallada," Homer writes. And Hector went into battle. Achilles threw a spear in him and missed. Athena invisibly raised his spear and filed him to her favorite. Then Hector threw his spear towards Achilles, the spear hit the shield and bounced, because the shield came Hephaest himself. Hector calls Deipoba, asks him to file a second spear, looking around - no one! He understood the evil betrayal of the goddess. He, unarmed, remained before the deadly his enemy:

Mount! .. I thought that my brother was ...
He is in the walls of Inion: I was seduced Pallada,
Near me - only death!

So the fate of the glorious defender of the city was accomplished. Already dying, he asks Achilles not to mild over his body, return to the house for decent burial. But Achilles, dusting with anger and hatred, throws him:

"You are in vain, dog, hug me legs and pray relatives!
I myself, Kohl who listened anger, would be confused on parts,
Body raw your devouring I would "."

So the Hector dies - "Quiet soul, from the mouth of the fly, descends to Aida." Achilles, "Blood beetting," began to tear off his armor. Running the aheitsy again and again pierced the peaks already the idle body of the hero, but also defeated and dead, he was beautiful, "everyone amazed, looked at the growth and image of wonderful."

Achilles, however, did not yet quenched his anger and "unworthy deal was planned," he punctured her tendons of his legs, made belts and tied hector's body to the chariot, drove his horses, wades the body on a dusty road. The beautiful head of the hero began on the road, his black curls were widely stood and covered with dust. All the inhabitants of Troy were looked at everything from the city walls, cried, dumped his gray hair the old attachment, sobbed Hekaba, the mountain Andromakh was immensely. But it did not quit the thirst for revenge Achilles, bringing the Hector's body into his camp, he continued "unworthy matter" there, he threw his body around the grave of Patrole, "he swore on the Divine Hector in anger." Looking from Olympus, Apollo "Srebroluk" could not stand. He threw the gods a serious accusation of malice, ungratefulness to hectober and unfair favor for his killer:

You Achilles-robber to be favorably decided
Husband who expelled justice from the mind
All pity rejected and, as a lion, the ferocities only thinks ...
So this pelide ruined all pity, and the shame lost it ...
Earth, the earth is a dumb frantic husband insults.

Homer now does not mention the famous heel of Achilles, the only vulnerable place of the hero's body. And, apparently, it is not by chance, then his duel with Hector would look a monstrous murder, for the Trojan would appear before him unarmed (vulnerable).

What is the Wine Achilles? And he carries in himself, undoubtedly, tragic guilt. What does Homer condemn his homer for? And the condemnation is almost obvious. In loss of sense of measure. Here, we have one of the greatest commandments of the ancient Greeks and in life and in art - a sense of measure. Any exaggeration, every way out of the norm is fraught with trouble.

Achilles constantly breaks borders. He loves overly, overly hates, excessively angry, Avengean, having offended. And this is his tragic wines. He is intolerant, quick-tempered, in irritation is not reconditioned. Even his favorite cartridges will be afraid of him: "He is stepped up" (quick-tempered) and in anger can blame innocent, he says about a friend. How much the cartridge itself looks like. When the breeze, because of which the fateful anger of Achilles, returned to him, she saw the dead ptroke. He was not his beloved, and she did not love him. But he was kind to her, attentive, he consoled her in Mount, was responsive to her, the captive woman, which Achilles barely noticed. And perhaps the greatest pity for the dead experienced. Her grief was genuinely and so unexpectedly in the poem. Homer did not prepare us for this:

Oh my Patrox! About friend, for me ill-fated, invaluable ...
You fell! You mourge forever, the young man is cute.

The poem ends the scene of the redemption of the hector's body. This is also a famous scene, where Homer showed the greatest psychological insight. Old attractions, accompanied by one of the cat, penetrated the guarded camp of Achilles, driving him a rich ransom for the body of the Son. Zeus decided to help him in this and sent Hermes to him, who appeared before the old man, the "young man as a similar one, the first brother-in-depth insertion is charming," and spent it unharmed to Achilles.

Meeting and the conversation of Achilles and Priama, in essence, there is an interchange of the entire assembly of events and feelings, tied at the very beginning of the poem in the word "anger". This is a moral defeat of Achilles! He was defeated by the power of human love:

Old man, not a nominate, is part of peace and, Pelida,
In the legs falling, the moldings of the knee and the hands kisses, -
Terrible hands, he has seized many children!
Scary hands!

Homer truly surpassed himself. How much is the mind, heart, talent, to understand it! What the abyss of the human soul should have been noted to find this stunning psychological argument!

Brave! Almost you are gods! Above my wallace
Remember the Pelle Father: incomparably I'm sorry for Pelia!
I have been tested, which was not experienced on Earth:
My husband, killers of my children, click on the mouths to press.

And Achilles defeated. For the first time penetrated his heart pity for a person, he was clear, he understood the pain of another person and began to cry together with the Priam. Miracle! These tears were sweet, "and enjoyed Pelide noble tears." As wonderful, it turns out, the feeling of mercy, how happily forgive, forget about the evil and cruel revenge and love a person! Priam and Achilles, as if updated; Can not find a recent feeling of fierce, hostility to each other:

For a long time, Dardanid was surprised by the king Achilles,
As Him and Majesty: God seemed to see him.
Tsar Achilles was surprised at Dardanid to Priau,
Looking at the image of the venerable and listening speech elder.
Both of them enjoyed, one looked at another.

Such is the final of the Great All-False Drama of All Times and Peoples.

There was a legend that there was a competition between Homer and Hesiod and the preference was supposed to be given to Hesyod as a singer of peaceful labor (the poem "works and days"). But Homer did not glorify the war. Of course, he admired the courage, strength, courage and beauty of his heroes, but also sadly sad for them. All the blades were gods, and among them the God of War "Husband", "The fighter of peoples, the walls of the destroyer, the blood covered with" Ares and his sister - "trying rabies to shabby". This particular, judging by the descriptions of Homer, at the very beginning it happens quite small with growth and crawls and reptiles, but then it grows, and it becomes so huge that his head rests on the sky, and legs to the ground. She sows rage among people, "mutual death, growling around the trails, dying moan multiplying."

The god of the war of Ares is wounded by Dieded, mortal, warrior from the village of Ahetsey. Ares complains his father, "the immortal blood is shown, the jaming wound." And what zeus?

Grozny leen on him, walked to the thumbs up Clonion:
"Smallkni, about you, Perevander! Non howl, near me is amusing!
You hate me out of the gods inhabiting the sky!
Only you and enjoy the enmity, yes discord, yes battle!
Your perfume you, unbridled, forever plump,
Gera, which I myself, with difficulty I screw in words!

Homer describes the fight, perhaps, with some more surprise and horror. What makes faith with people! "Like wolves, the soldiers rushed alone on others; A man with a man joined. " And the death of warriors, "young, the life of blooming," mourns with deceic sadness. He compares with a young poplar. Here it is, the poplar "Roven and Pt", "Wet meadow Petoma," he was shot down to bend the wheel for chariot from it, now he will dry, lying "on the Breg of the native stream." So lay and Simis, young and naked (without armor), who died from the hand of "Powerful Ajax".

Homer filled his poem with many names and historical information, made together hundreds of fate, provided it with the most bright realistic pictures of life and life of his tribesmen, bloomed paints of poetic comparisons, epithets - but in the center put Achilles. He did not add to the portrait of his hero not a single implausible, elevating his features. His hero is monumental, but he is alive, we hear how his heart beats, as anger distorted him beautiful facehearing his hot breath. He laughs and crying, he shouts and screams, at times he is monstrously cruel, sometimes soft and kind - and he is always alive. The portrait of him is faithful, nor a single false, invented, labeled the feature, do not look at us in it. The realism of Homer is here at the highest level, satisfying the highest demands of modern realistic poetics.

Homer's heart is full of horror and pity, but he does not judge his hero. Guilty gods. Zeus it allowed.
Before us is accomplished by life in its tragic apotheosis. Awesome picture of his drama! But there is no depressing man depressing us before being unreserved to him by peace. Man and death and tragedy are great and beautiful.

This is what determined the aesthetic charm of the tragedy itself, when the "sadness" becomes a "condition".

There will be no time day, and the sacred three will die
With her, the attractions and the people of the spear-axle priama will die.


This prophecy is repeated several times in Iliad. It came true. Sacred Troy died. Died and the atmosphere and all those who lived, loved, suffered and rejoiced with him. Helme-suffering Hector, and Achilles Retro-footed, and Kudrol Danes. Only the "rattling, deeply bunch of scamman" still poured his stormy waters into the sea waves and the wooded Ida, with whom the Truchelon Cronon looked at the magnificent city, as inserted, towered over the neighborhood. But neither human voices, nor melodic sounds ringing lira have no longer heard here.

Only birds and dust storms and snow blizzards rushed over the hill, at which there were no time proudly palaces and temples. The time covered the remains of the fortress walls and burned housing dense, multi-meter Earth. It was hard to find out the place where Homer's heroes acted.

But the poem of Homer remained. She was read and re-read, admired the beauty of verse, the mind and talent of their creator, even hardly believed in the truth of the story, in the reality of the events described in it, and even that the "Sacred Troy" ever existed. Only one enthusiastic man in the XIX century believed Homer (could not be all told with such a convincing truth, was not true!) And began the search for the legendary Troy. It was Heinrich Schliman. His biographer describes a minute of the first meeting of the Schliman with those places where he had to spread her three and reveal its world of civilized humanity: "... his attention was all over and again attracted the hill, towering meters fifty over the Bamman Valley.

This is Gisarlyk, Efendi, "says the conductor. The word is in Turkish in Turkish means "Palace" ... (more precisely - the fortress, strengthening - "Hisar" .- S. A.). Behind the hill, Gisarlyk rises the crust of the forest of Mount Ida, the throne of the Father of the Gods. And between the go and the sea, filled with the evening sun, the Trojan Plain extends, where ten years two heroic people opposed each other. Schlaman seems to be through a light haze of the mist, dropped to the ground, he sees the noses of the ships, Stan Greeks, fluttering sultans of helmets and glitter of weapons, driving there and detachments here, hear the fighting and crying of the gods. And behind the walls and towers of the glorious city come out. "

It was in the summer of 1868. Schliman began an excavation with a tomik of Gomer's poet in his hands. So Homerovskaya Greece was opened.

Accurate and strict science made their own adjustments to the romantic conclusions of Schlaman, set the boundaries and the level of landing urban reservoirs, determined the time of the occurrence and death of cities that were built one over the other during the centuries and millennia. The dream of three somewhat flew in the light of dry facts of historical realities, but the world of Homer was opened.

Homer "helped" shlmanan to continue excavations and gain new sensational finds. The epithet of Homer "Zlatotoobile" ("Zlatomobile Mixes") came across him in search and in the end the acquisition of the richest golden items of ancient Greece, which he called "Gold Agamemnon".

With Homer for a long time you talked one,
We waited for you for a long time
And the bright you got off the mysterious vertices,
And I aroused our squeezed.

A. S. Pushkin

So met Pushkin, the translation of the Gomer's Gomer. It was an event in Russian culture. The greatest poet of Greece spoke Russian.

Translation language several archaic. We no longer say "Dongezh" ("to what pores"), "Paks" ("again") or "Vya" ("neck"). It was not said so nevertheless nor himself nor his contemporaries in Russia. These words, leaving the colloquial abundance, remained for solemn cases, they were crowded into the anthem of mulabrat, creating a feeling of the unusualness of what is happening, something important, abroad, elevated. That was the language of the Homer's poems for his listeners in ancient Greece. The ancient Greek listened to the aid's meaning of the Aeme and tremble and penetrated with reverence: with him, as it were, the gods themselves said. Gallet with a big tact of the Star Russian words to convey to the Russian reader such sensations. The archaic of the language complicates, of course, understanding the text, but at the same time gives him a high artistic color. In addition, words outdated not so much - within hundreds.

Russian people moved a lot to their language from the Greek language. Gallet, translating "Ilda", created a verbal epithets, unusual to our eye and hearing for Greek sample, but they also create the effect of speech raising. The poet (and scientist at the same time) worked on the translation for more than 20 years, published it in 1829. Pushkin enthusiastically responded to him ("I hear the voice of the Divine Ellinsky speech, the elder of the great shadow of something embarrassed soul").

The work of the nonich's life. Now in St. Petersburg at the Memorial Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra, you can find a grave hill with marble tombstones. It is inscribed:

"Gallet, who enrich the Russian literature by the translation of Omir - from friends and admirers." And further - a quote from "Iliad":

"Speech from the mouth of his prophest sweet honey was lily."

By the way, Pushkin also resorted to a "high syllable", to the pathetic archaisms, when it required the content of the work:

But what am I zrya? Hero with a smile of reconciliation
Coming with olive golden.

Or from the same poem ("Memories in the Tsarskoye Selo"):

You can comfort, mother of Russia,
Review to the death of the severity.
Agonated to their arrogance
Dandy of the blowing creator.


Six o'clock boat tired against the wind while on reached
Italian. It was already night, velvet-black, July night,
the aromas of the ionic islands ... Schliman thanks
The gods that they have read him finally fall in the kingdom of Odyssey.


The island, which is hovering by Homer, is still referred to as Itha. This is one of the seven islands of the Ionian Sea in the southwestern shores of Greece. Henry Schliman took archaeological excavations on the island, hoping to find material evidence of the developed culture that Homer described. But I could not find anything. Science has just installed only that in about the V c. BC e. There was a small settlement. In a word, nor Odyssey, nor Penelope, nor their son of Telemach, nor the rich at home, nor the city on the seashore - nothing of the fact that Homer described so colorfully and vividly, never existed on it. Is it possible?

Is it all the fruit of the artistic fantasy of the ancient Greeks? It is difficult to believe it: it is very detailed, truly documented in the poem and the look of the island and all those who were on it:

This is an eumy, not otherwise as the house Odyssey is beautiful!
Even the medium is not difficult to recognize many others.
All here is one to one. Totcotte a skeleton skill
The courtyard is surrounded, the gates are bivalves strong on Way ...

Everything is alive, everything is visible, we are injected into life, we are there with Homer's heroes. Here's "Black Night ... It has come," "everyone went home" and "Telem and his high detection itself was removed." In front of him, Eurrikley, "the right key", carried a torch. Homer, of course, also reported that the tick of the telemacha was turned by windows into the courtyard, "that in front of the windows opened an extensive view." Here is a telem with a "rich bedroom", sits on the bed, removes a subtle shirt. The caring old woman "carefully" takes the Barskaya robe, folds into the folds, smoothes with his hands. Homer reports about the bed - it is "skillfully accurate", and about the door handles - they are "silver", there are valves - they are tightened with a belt.

Homer does not miss anything. He describes the storage room in the house of Odyssey:
The building is extensive; Zlata and copper there are heaps lying;
There are many dresses there in grats and fragrant oil stored;
Kufa from clay with wine Perennial and sweet stood
Near the walls, concluding a divine-clean drink.

Of course, the doors to the pantry special, "bivalve, twice are closed." The order in the storeroom was kept with "Multi-Skinny Distillers" by Eurcrile, "reasonable" key.

In modern science there is no consensus about the origin of the Homer's poems. A lot of assumptions were expressed; In particular, that Odyssey was created later than "Iliad" for a hundred years. Very possible. However, the author of "Iliad" does not once call Odyssey "Crypud", "Multiple" "famous sufferer." Poems in Iliad, dedicated to Odyssey, as if anticipate all that he was told in Odyssey. "Bold, always on his danger of his heart was daring", "enterprising", "hard in the works and in the troubles", "loved the Pallad of Athena", is able to go out of the "fire burning", "so in it is overwhelming the mind." . All these qualities of Odyssey will reveal the bright and artistic second poem of the Great Homer.

Marx called the ancient Greek Society by the childhood of mankind. "Odyssey" of Homer, perhaps more than any other poetic product, illustrates this famous statement. The poem is dedicated if you think about it in its chief philosophical plan, the opening of a man of the world. In fact, what do we mean Odyssey, Menal and other soldiers who returned home after the destruction of Troy? The knowledge of Okumen is the inhabited part of the Earth, known then Greece. The boundaries of this area were very small. Greek represented himself that the whole land surrounds the ocean, a river that feeds all the lakes, the sea, streams and robusts, which were inside. Outside the ocean, no one loosen to go out. Homer knew the countries near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the West, not Next Gibraltar. Evie Island seemed to him the border, "then there is no longer anything," and meanwhile, this island was in the Aegean Sea. Swimming to Evbea island seemed like a particular brave sailors.

In the days of Homer, the Greeks mastered new lands in the western and eastern limits of the then Okumen. Homer calls Okumen living from the eastern and western side - "extreme people", "in the floodplain": "One, where the god of the uniform", others - where goes back.

Much saw Meneli in their wanders, which, as well as Odyssey, did not immediately reach the native shores. Seven years he wandered after taking three to the world before returning to Native Argos:

I saw Cyprus, visited Fernikyan, reaching Egypt,
To black penetrated Ethiophes, Sidonyan, Eremembov, was located,
In Libya, she finally was, where the horns of the Liberty would cause.
In the same side and fields Mr. and the shepherd lack
In cheese and meat, and there are no fatty milk,
Round there is a year of milking cow milking.

Another longer (10 years) was the path of Odyssey. His wardings are described in detail. It is equally described in detail and its relaxed and friend - the sea.

It has become one of the main characters of the poem. It is fine, like his sorcerer Poseidon, "Lazurnokhorky" God, it is terribly, deceased. Before this terrible element, a person is negligible and pity, like Odyssey in raging waves during a storm. In all, of course, Poseidon is guilty, he "raised a wave of the abyss ... terrible, heavy, pea front." "Waves boiled and rolled, fiercely to the shore high from the sea rushing ... Trapped rocks and reefs. Odyssey came to horror. " But here was "azure-curly eos", and everything was transformed, the storm calmed down, "the sea was all brightened in a quiet street."

Most of all epithets, a wide variety of and sometimes opposite, accompanies the word "sea" in the poem. When it threatens an unknown danger, it is "foggy" or even "dark", sometimes it is "evil", "ponomous", "terrible" and always "multi-water", "great", "sacred" - then "fishery" and " Multi-born, and then "fruitless and salty", then "noisy" or even "wide", and then "deserted" or "infinite-destroyed".

For residents of Greece, with her cut edge of the coast, with its numerous islands, the sea was an important element of economic and cultural activities. By virtue of things, the Greeks became brave and skillful navigators, so Homer had the word "Sea" acquires the epithet "Multi-Sew".

A typical representative of the Greeks, and it is better to say all mankind, with his thirst for knowledge, with his indomitable force to the fight, with great courage in troubles and misfortunes, is truly Odyssey. In Iliad, he is only a warrior - brave, strong and also cunning, smart, eloquent, "wise in the councils". Here, in the poem "Odyssey", he appeared in all his human greatness.

His patroness is Athena, the wise and active goddess. Here she is a Surov, but not cruel. When one of her pets, whom she wanted to make an immortal, showed ferocity, she turned away from him with disgust. (He, by myth, killing one of his opponents, split his skull and squatched his brain in a wild frencher.) She kills Gorgon Medusa, helps Hercules, Perfect, Prometheus, personifies the art of crafts, so appreciated in Greece, and patronizes Odyssey, He admires to them: "You accept affectionately every advice, you're understanding, you dare performed," but sometimes it hurts him for the delicacy - "Koztodein, insidious inventions of the bold."

Performance of Odyssey is stubborn and persistent, it does not always like his satellites. But their censure sounds great praise:

"You, Odyssey, adamerly cruel, are gifted by the great strength; There is no fatigue for you, you are fed from iron. "

Odyssey is a faithful husband, a loving father, the wise ruler, for which the people of Itaks appreciates it and exalt, but it is not created for home rest and quiet family joys. His element is the struggle, overcoming obstacles, knowledge of the unknown. He, according to Homer about him, did not love "wildlife", nor "quiet life of homemade." His manili "Fight and winged arrows", "Copper Spears" ("Grozny, in the Great Trepps and in fear leading many").

When the circle's magician warns him from the terrible Szill, he is not going to retreat, but wants to "fight under force":

"ABOUT! Unbridled, again about the fats of the faded ideas,
Again about safe dream; You are happy to fight with the gods. "

Odyssey brave, courageous, swelling ("Heathrowman"). But perhaps the most characteristic feature of it is curiosity. He wants to see everything, hear everything, learn, experience. Often it involves it in the greatest troubles, of which he always finds a way out.

He is assured that the birds-virgin - the sirens are dangerous that many of them have already thoroughly "singing sweet", "charming." He seeks to hear them and orders each of the team tightly shook his ears with wax, he left them open and, tied with strong ropes to Mastovoy Poll, experienced the power of singing wonderful and terrible girls.

Why does he do it? To know.

Homer reports that, and after Odyssey returns to his native itek, he will not calm down and go back to the search for adventures. Nothing stops him. "My heart never worried about the thought of death," he says about himself. He visited wherever any mortal was never returned, - in the kingdom of shadows, in Aida, and in a fabulous country of happiness and peace, where the complacent alkina rules ...

Such Odyssey and its main features. But, besides them, he has another great, cherished feeling is the restless love of his homeland. He breaks towards her, sheds tears about her, refuses eternal youth and from the immortality that Nymph Calypso offers him, - just to turn out to be where it was born and grew. And the eternal, close to everyone and everyone at all times of feelings are expressed by an ancient poet with stunning, sometimes tragic truth.

"Our fatherland is cute, where we were born and bloom."

"There is nothing sweet and we are fragmented and the affinities of our", -

homer sings, and his "Odyssey" becomes a hymn in honor of the Motherland.

Not only Odyssey, but also other heroes before selflessness love their homeland:

Agamemnon's joyfully stepped on the parent coast.
He began to kiss him fatherland cute, after seeing
The land is desirable, shed abundantly he warm tears.

Homer showed the cunning cruelty of human, with indignation, contempt (murder of Agamemnon), and gently and reverently - family feelings: married, sown and parental love (Odyssey, Penelope, Telemis). He, as it were, opposed two fates, two moral categories - loyalty to Penelope and the betrayal, crime of Cleener and "Egista of Kind".

Awesome and gently draws Homer image of Penelope. She is a faithful spouse who is in the constant Duma about the missing husband, she is a mother, and her anxiety for her son is described with penetrated heat. For her, he is "Patterns, who did not see the needs, not to speak with people." Telemakhu twenty years old, he is quite independent and sometimes declares himself senior in the house and can even order his mother to retire to his chambers:

But they succeeded: do the order of the economy,
Yarn, cloth; Watch that the slaves are diligent in work
Were yours; Not a female deal, but the case
Muga, and now mine: I have one lord.

The subordinate position of women in ancient Greece here, as we see, is presented very clearly. Penelope for the first time heard such a speech of the son and was amazed and, perhaps, was fulfilled by pride for him, but, as well as for any mother, he will forever remain a child for her. Having learned that he went to the searcher from her in search of her father, - and I stolen because I did not want to disturb her, so that it was not overwhelmed from the sadness, "as Homer explains, always glorifying beauty, it worries. "The heart shakes for him, so that the troubles with him did not happen to the sea evil Ile in someone else's side of someone else's people."

Homer emphasizes the youth modesty and the shy of Telemach. When Mentor sends him to ask the father of the "horses of the curb" Nesor, the telemists fluctuate: is it decent to the younger asking the elders?

The Greeks believed that every person had his demon, a special patron, a kind of spirit that prompt him and loyal thought in time, and the correct word, and the faithful act (from here and in our speech-friendly use - the expression "of his genius"):

Much himself, Telem, you gues your mind,
Much daemon will open you ...

To some extent "Odyssey" of Homer is and utopia, a great man's dream of happiness. Odyssey visited the country of Feaks. Feeques are fabulous, happy people. Their country is truly ancient Eldorado. Their king Alkina admits:

The ships of Feaakov do not know either feeders, no steering, "Molten and Tuman dressed", they fly through the waves, obeying only the thoughts of their shippers. They are not afraid of either storms or fogs. They are invulnerable. The amazing dream of ancient Greek: manage the mechanisms directly only thought! Autocynez call it these days.

But the wonderful, fabulous city of Feyquets will become inaccessible. The angry Poseidon will close his mountain, and access to it will be forever and for all barriers, and Feeques, fenced from the world of troubles, worries and seals, will be alone in Eternal Blessed Being. So always end fairy tales about dazzling and uncomfortable happiness.

Homer sang a song about the heroic sights, he glorified their strength, courage. The heroes were gone, died, but their lives became a song, and therefore the fate of them is beautiful:

In Iliad, Homer does not talk about highs. He reports the songs and dancing of young men on feasts and during the collection of vintage, but there are no speech specialists yet. True, in the second song, he mentions some familiarity from Frakia, who decided to compete in singing with the muses themselves and in punishment for such audacity was blinded and deprived of "sweet to the songs of the Divine Dara and Art of Brying on Kifara."

Songs, epic legends about the heroes under the accompaniment of Lyra performed in Iliad, non-professionals, but ordinary amateurs.

We, I will say, nor in a fistboard, nor in the struggle are not different;
Fast legs but the first to the sea are not the first to the sea;
Love lunch luxury, singing, music, dance,
Fresh clothes, voluptuous baths and soft beds.
The death and deceased lot
Gods, so that nice songs were for the descendants.

Art of Homer.

All the highly expensive singers, they taught them
Singing muse; She is cute singers a noble tribe.


Achilles in his luxurious tent in the clock of the clutter from the battle played on Lira and sang ("Lyra he delighted the spirit, having fun of the glory of heroes").

"Iliad" was created, apparently, much earlier "Odyssey". During this time there were some changes in society. There were special performers of epic tales. In the "Odysse" a lot about them says.

Moreover, there was already talking about the storylors-charlatans, "boastful deceivers", "many tramps that land bypass, everywhere lies rass in ridiculous stories about the seen." The personality of Homer himself, his belonging to the singers-professionals in Odyssey is quite noticeable, and his professional interests, and professional pride, and his aesthetic program.

The ancient Greeks, Gomer's contemporaries, saw a capacity in poetry (the poet - "the gods inspired highly like"). Hence the deepest respect for poetry and recognition of freedom of creativity.

If all the thoughts and actions of people, on the representation of the ancient Greek, depended on the will and the responsibility of the gods, then it was the more related to the aems. Therefore, the young telelamp objected when his mother Penelope wanted to interrupt the singer of a femistry who had singer about the "sad return from Troy":

Cute mother, objected by the judgmental son Odyssey,
How do you want a singer to prohibit in pleasure our
That chasing that the heart awakens him? Guilty
That is not a singer, but guilty zeus, sending over
People of the High Spirit in the will of their inspiration.
No, do not hinder the singer on the sad return of Danayev
Sing - with the praise of the Great People of the Song hit
Every time she admiring his soul;
You yourself will find no sadness in it, but sorrowfully slander.

Freedom of creativity has become an already aesthetic principle of an ancient poet. Let us remember Pushkin's wrap from "Song about things Oleg":" Truthful and free their prophetic language and the will of Heavenly Friend. "

Ancient man whose spiritual life was held in the sphere of myth and legends did not accept fiction. He was a childish trusting, he was ready to believe everything, but any fiction should be definitely filed him as the truth as an undeniable reality. Therefore, the truthfulness of the story also became aesthetic principle.

Odyssey praised the singer of Demodok on the feast of Tsar Alkino, primarily for the accuracy of his story. "You might think that myself was a member of everything Il from the faithful all eyewitnesses you learned," he said to him, and after all, Odyssey was an eyewitness and a member of those events about which Demodok sang.

Finally, the third principle - the art of singing should bring people joy, or, as if we said, aesthetic pleasure. He more than once in the poem talks about it ("Our captive hearing", "we enjoy", "the soul we excite", etc.). Surprisingly, the observation of Homer, that the work of art during re-reading does not lose its charm - every time we perceive it as a new one. And then (this also applies to the most complex mystery of art), drawing the most tragic collisions, it contributes to the incomprehensible peace and, if the tears causes tears, "sweet" tears, "peaceful". Therefore, Telemas and the Mother says that Demok will bring her to her the song "sorrowfully".

The ancient Greek, and Homer was the most glorious representative, with the greatest respect treated masters of art, whoever this master was a potter, a founder, engraver, sculptor, builder, gunsmith. In the poem of Homer, we constantly find the coming word to such an artist's master. The singer is given a special place. After all, the femistry, he calls the "famous singer", "divine husband", a man of "High Spirit", which, "Our captive hearing, the gods inspired highly like". Also glorified by Homer and Singer Demok. "Above all mortal people, I will deliver you,", "says Odyssey.

Who were they, these singers, or Aida, what was the name of their Greeks? As you can see, both femenions and demodok are deeply revered, but, in essence, it is beggars. They are treated as Odyssey of Demodok, who sent him from his plate "Complete fat, the ridge part of the Ostrodine Vepry", and "the singer gratefully accepted the gift," they are invited to the feast to listen to their inspired singing after meals. But, in essence, the fate of them was sad, how sad was the fate of Demodok: "His muse, at birth, evil and good awarded," gave him "Sweet", but also "eclipsed", that is, he was a blind. Tradition reported to us the image of the very blind Homer. So he remained in the presentation of peoples for three thousand years.

Homer amazes the versatility of his talent. He embodied in his poems truly all the spiritual arsenal of antiquity. His poems caressed the delicate musical hearing of the ancient Greek and the charm of the rhythmic warehouse of speech, he filled them with bright paintings by poetic expressive paintings by the ancient life of the Greek population. The story is accurate. The information reported to them possess accountable documentality for historians. Suffice it to say that Heinrich Schliman, taking the alignments of Troy and Mikten, enjoyed Homer's poems as a geographical and topographic card. This accuracy is sometimes straightforwardly, the documentary is striking. The listing of military units deposited by Troy, what we find in Iliad seems to be even tedious, but when the poet concludes this list of verses: "Like sheets on the tremies, like sands on the seas, unlard the military," we involuntarily believe this hyperbolic comparison.

Engels, referring to military history, uses Homer's poem. In his essay, the "camp", describing the construction system of military fortifications and defense in the ancients, he enjoys the information of Homer.

Homer does not forget to call named all acting persons of his poem, even the most distant to the main plot: the sleeping bag of the Tsar Menel "Promotional Asphalaon", the second sleeping bag of his "ETeon Anyth," without forgetting to mention and his father "ETeon, Son Worth".

The impression of the complete accuracy of the story is achieved by emergency, sometimes even the pedantic accuracy of the details. In the second song "Iliad", Homer lists the names of the leaders of the ships and man arriving towards the walls. He does not forget to remember the most minor details. Calling a Dzhailate, he reports not only that this warrior died, the first jumped from the ship, but that he was replaced by the "single-arm" brother, "Yunest's years" that the wife "with a soul of confused" remained at the Hero's homeland, the house "Semi-Compact " And this last detail (unfinished house), which could not be mentioned at all, turns out to be very important for the overall persuasiveness of the entire narrative.

It gives the individual characteristics of the listed warriors and those places where they arrived. In one case, the "Sigor fields of Olizona", there "Light Lake" Bebendeskoye, "Pishandan Grad Isolat" or "Rocky Pyphos", "Highly Waste IFOM", "Larissa Buggy", etc. Warriors are almost always "famous", "armadas ", But in one case, these are excellent kophers, in the other - excellent arrows.

Gomer's contemporaries perceived his legends about the adventures of Odyssey with all the seriousness of her naive worldview. We know that there was no Szill, nor Charibda, and there could not be a cruel ceremony, converting people in animals, there was no and could not be beautiful Nymph Calypso, who offered Odyssey "and immortality and eternal infancy." And nevertheless, reading Homer, we constantly catch ourselves that, despite the skeptical consciousness of the man of the 20th century, we are uncontrollabically involved in the world of the naive faith of the Greek poet. What force, what means does he reaches such an influence on us? What is the effect of the reliability of his narration? Perhaps mainly in the scrupulous details of the story. They eliminate their chance a feeling of bias fantasy. These some random items could seemed to not be, and the story in the storyline would not have suffered anything, but it turns out to suffer the general confidence.

For example, why did Homer need the figure of Elpenor, completely unexpectedly appeared when the story about the misadventures of Odyssey? This satellite Odyssey, "Neutual courage in battles, not generously well from gods gods," in other words, cowardly and silly, went to sleep "for coolness" to the roof of the House of Circiers and from there, "broke the vertebral bone, and the soul flew off in Aida area. No influence this sad event was on the fate of Odyssey and his comrades, and if you adhere to the strict logic of the story, then it could not be reported, but Homer told him in detail, and how then Odyssey met the shadow of Elpenor in Aid As Him buried, erecting over his grave hill, and watered his paddle on it. And all the narration of the poet acquired the accuracy of the diary record. And we involuntarily believe everything (it was! Everything is accurately described to the smallest details!).

Detailed and thorough story of Homer Yapkin, dramatically. We are trying together with the Odyssem, we are fighting with the swollen maritime elements, we see raging waves, hearing a frantic roar and desperately struggle with him for saving their lives:

At this moment, a big wave rose and trussed
All over his head; rapidly sprinkled,
Crashed from the deck in the sea, he fell a string, missed
Hand drive; I fow il asya mast, sobering under heavy
Winds of nasty, flewing against each other.
... Fast wave marked him on a rocky shore;
If he, in time, the bright goddess of Athena is set
I was not, the cliff grabbed his hands; And climbing him,
I waited with a moan, on the stone hanging, so that the wave ran
By; She ran, but suddenly, painting, on return
He crushed him from his rock and dropped into the dark sea.

Also painty, dramatically draws an ancient poet and the state of Odyssey, his constant conversation with his "great heart" and his plenty, facing the gods, while the "Lazurnokhrust" Poseidon, thickering his anger, was finally squeezed over him, blamed the sea and calming the waves . Sorry, weedly, was imposed by Odyssey ashore:

... The knees fell under him, mighty hands hung; in the sea his exhaust heart;
The whole body has broken; Monstering and mouth and nostrils
ODU maritime, he finally fell, damaged, mute.

Pictures portraits of heroes. In the poem they are given in action. Their feelings, passions are reflected in their appearance. Here is a warrior on the battlefield:

It fertilized Hector, under eyebrows sullen eyes
Grozno shone fire; above the chapter, rummaged by the ridge,
It was scary with a walk with a flying beard on the battle of Hector!

With the same expression, a portrait of another person was discharged - one of the broth penelople:

Antine - boiling anger - his chest has risen,
Tough in black malice, and his eyes, like a fire flaming, delivered.

The feelings of the woman appeared already in other things, here the restraint of movements, a deep burden of suffering. Penelope, having learned that the grooms were going to destroy her son, "there was no lucky for a long time," "her eyes were eclipsed by tears, and she did not conquer the voice."

It has already become a common place to talk about permanent epitheats in Homer's poems. But is it only in Homer's poems?

Permanent epithets and special, firmly soldered speech turnover We will find at the poets of all the peoples of antiquity. "Krasno Maiden", "Good Well done", "White Light", "Cheese Earth". These epithets are found in each Russian fairy tale, epic, song. And what is noteworthy they are not aging, do not lose their pristine freshness. Amazing aesthetic mystery! As if the people honed them forever, and they, as diamonds, sparkle and shimmer the eternal, charming glitter.

Apparently, it's not about the novelty of the epithet, but in its truth. "I remember a wonderful moment ..." "Wonderful!" - Normal, ordinary epithet. We often repeat it in our everyday speech everyday life.

Why in Pushkin's line it is so fresh and what would be primevant? Because infinitely faithful, because he transmits the truth of feeling, because a moment was really wonderful.

Homer's epithets are constant, but at the same time and amazing pictures, that is, in one word, they recreate the situation. They are always relevant, extremely expressive and emotional.

When sad television full DUM About the missing father, goes to the sea, in order to "hands with salt water to meat," then the sea is "sandy". Epitheet paints us a picture of the sea coast. When we were talking about to go to Telemakhu on the path of searching for my father, the epithet is already another - the "foggy" sea. This is no longer a visual image, but a psychological, talking about the difficulties of the upcoming, on the complete surprise of the path ... In the third case, the sea is already "terrible" when Eurcriley, worrying for the fate of Telemak, dissuade him from a trip to Pilos. When the TV glasses sails at the dawn from Ithaca, the sea has gained the picturesque epithet "Dark" ("Fresh Treaves Marshmallow, Cheerful Dark Sea"). But here it took the dawn, Homer with one epithet designated the painting of the morning - "purple waves."

Sometimes the Sea "Darkness", that is, complete threats and troubles, "Multiple", "Great".

Waves in the storm "Mighty, grave, hydraulic". The sea "fishery", "wide", "sacred". When Penelope imagines, what troubles can meet her son in the sea, it becomes the ear of the evil, full of anxiety and dangers, "alarms of the foggy sea".

To give your listener to the visible idea of \u200b\u200bwinter, Homer reports that the shields of the warriors "Crystal from the frost will be extended thin." The poet is pictured and even, perhaps, a somewhat naturalistically draws episodes of battles. So, Spear Domeda
Pandaro in the nose near Och (flew through white teeth,
Flexible Language of crushing copper at the root cut off
And, by the edges drove through, froze in the chin.

To another warrior, the spear stood in the right side, "right in a bubble, under the pubic bone," "with a scream he fell on his knee, and the fallen death painted." Etc.

Homer is not always impassten. Sometimes his attitude towards people and events expressed quite clearly. Listing the allies of the Trojan Tsar Priama, he calls some amphimaha, apparently, a fair fanfaron and an amateur to paint, so "even went to the battle, dressed by Christ, like Virgo. Pathetic! " - Cruise exclaims Homer.

Homer is a poet, and, as a poet, he appreciates the main element of poetic creativity, that brick, from which there is a separate verse, song, poem, is the word. And he feels an immense whatever whatever, he literally bathes in the speech Razdat, where everything is subject to him:

Flexible human tongue; speeches for him
All sorts, the field for words and there and here is infinite.

Summing up, the main, in my opinion, the features of Homer's poems should be denoted. They are different in their topics. "Iliad" is a work of a historical nature. She talks about events not only nationwide, but also for the pore of international importance. Found in the great confrontation of the tribes and nationalities of a huge region, and this is the confrontation, for a long time remembered by subsequent generations (it happened, as believed in the XII century. BC er), described with the accuracy of historical science.

This work reflected with the encyclopedic latter, the entire spiritual world of ancient Greece - its beliefs (myths), its social, political and moral norms. It captured with plastic clarity and its material culture. Having conceived as a historical story, it with a large artistic expressiveness recreated the formation and spiritual appearance of the participants of the event - showed concrete people, their individual traits, their psychology.

The poet has detected the main moral problem of his story, subdued by her, in essence, the whole course of the story is - the influence of human passions on the life of society (Achilles anger). This affected his own moral position. He opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanity and good, ambiguity and pursuit of fame (Achilles) - a high civil valiant (Hector).

Odyssey has absorbed civilian and family-household ideals of an ancient Greek society - love for the motherland, a family hearth, feelings of marital loyalty, sons and decent affection. However, mostly this story of the "opening of the world". Man, in this case, Odyssey, looks at the mysterious, unknown, melting a lot of secrets, the world. His toastful gaze seeks to penetrate his secrets, know everything. Unknown traction to comprehend the unknown - the main ideological rod of the wanders and the adventures of Odyssey. To some extent, this is an ancient utopian novel. Odyssey visited the "Matching World", in Aida, and in the country of social justice, universal well-being - on the island of Feakov. He looked into the future of human technological progress - sailed on the ship, managed by thought.

Nothing stopped his curiosity. He wanted to complete everything, to experience all the troubles threatened to him, to find out, to comprehend the uneficient, unknown.

In Iliad, the trick and the delicacy of Odyssey, as the main and, perhaps, not always cute his features, in the "Odyssey" - curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind. True, and here does not leave his spirit of the lucavism, helping him in the most difficult situations.

So, two poems that swept the life of the ancient Greek people. The first highlighted the whole society in the whole manifold of its historical being, the second is a separate person in its relationships with people and mainly with nature. Odyssey acts as a representative of all mankind discovering, knowing the world.

Greek Lyrics

Homer is a shining vertex of Greek culture. Below, if you adhere to the metaphorical form of speech, extensive flavored plains of classical Greece with her lyrics, drama, historical, rhetorical and philosophical prose extended. Athens was its geographic center, the V century - the very blooming sometimes.

Homer completes the era in ancient world culture - its initial nationwide stage, when it was created by the whole people. Separate ingenious representatives only generalized and synthesized the achievements of their fellow tribesmen. The memory of the people did not always hold their names. Sometimes she, having retaining us the name of any of them, especially distinguished and especially distinguished, attributed to him and the best creations of other authors. It happened to Homer. And since the ancient peoples saw a moment in the work, the individual author's peculiarity was not appreciated. The authors continued the established traditions, their own identity as if stuck. This was the epic stage in the history of culture. Everything told by me about the ancient literature of China, India, the countries of the Middle and Middle East and Homerskaya Greece belongs to this epic period of world culture when
The identity of the author has not yet claimed an individual creative handwriting. ("... In my songs, nothing belongs to me, but all - my muses," wrote in the VII century. BC er Greek poet Hesiod.)

Usually literature shall be divided into three main types of her: Epos, lyrics and drama. This division is, of course, conditionally, for and in the epic you can find the elements of lyrics and in lyrics - elements of the epic, but it is convenient, as it indicates the most important features of each of these literature clans.

In the most distant times, the epic poem still could not arise, it was too difficult for a person of the prehistoric era, meanwhile, as a simple song with a clear rhythm, it was quite accessible to him. Initially, these were labor songs and prayers. Prayer expressed human emotions - fear, admiration, delight. The lyrics were still nameless and expressed emotions not a separate personality, but a team (kind, tribe), she kept the existing, as if frozen forms and was transmitted from generation to generation. Songs of this type are already described by Homer:

In the circle, their fatters are beautiful on ringing lire
Sweetly bryatsal, solder perfectly under linen strings
Voice thin ...

Then there were legends, epic narrations about the events in the world of the deities, about heroes. They were folded and executed AIDES, hesitally transmitting from generation to generation, "polishing", improving them. From these songs (in Greece they were called Homeric hymns) began to make poems. These compilers in Greece were called rapes (collectors, "staples" of songs). One of these rapes was obviously Homer. Lyrics remain at the level of traditional ritual forms (festivities, sacrifices, funeral rites, patchwork). But later she pushed the epos and came out in the first place, and the new quality has already gained. In the field of art, it was a real revolution, due, of course, public factors. The personality began to be isolated, stand out from society, sometimes even entered into a conflict with society. Now the lyrics began to express the individual world of a separate person.

The lyrical poet differed significantly from the epic poet, who recreated external world - People, nature, Lirik drew his eyes against himself. The epic poet sought to the truth of the picture, the poet Lirik - to the truth of the feeling. He looked at himself, he was busy himself, analyzed his inner world, his feelings, his thoughts:

I love and as if I do not like
And crazy, and in mind ... -

wrote a poet Lirik Ancreontite. In the soul they boil passion - the occasion of madness, but somewhere in the corners of consciousness the cold, skeptical thought nests: Is it so? Do I do not cheat myself? The poet is trying to sort out his own feelings. The epic poet did not allow this, without giving the values \u200b\u200bof his personality.

Homer turned to the Muses so that they would help him tell the world about the anger of Achilles and all the tragic consequences of this anger, the poet Lirik would ask for Muses about a friend: they will help him (poet) to tell about his (poet) feelings - suffering and joy, Doubts and hopes. In the epic of the pronoun "he", "she", "they", in lyrics - "I", "we".

"My lot is to be in the sunlight and in love with the beauty," Pephessa Sappo sang. Here in the foreground is not beauty and sun, but the attitude towards them poetess.

So, the replacement of the majestic and luxurious epic poetry of Homer came excited, passionate and languid, ulcer and sharp poetry, lyrical in her personal quality. Alas, she reached us truly in fragments. We can only guess what kind of wealth it was. We know the names of Tirtae, Archidek, Solon, Sappo, Alkeya, Anacreonta and others, but from their poetry a little preserved.

The lyrical poet showed his bleeding heart, sometimes, who distinguishes despair, urged himself to patience, to courage. Archoo:

Heart, heart! Terrible building stood badly before you:
Wearing and wishing their breasts ...

Personality became his own biographer, she told about the dramas of his life, she was her own portrait and brief. The poet of hipponacto with bitter grin, addressing the gods, told about the miserable state of his wardrobe:

Hermes Killensky, Maya Son, Hermes cute!
Hear a poet. All in the holes of my raincoat, - Drogna.
Give the clothes with a hipponactory, give shoes ...

Lyrical poets glorify civilian feelings, military glory, patriotism:

Sweet, after all, life is lost, among the soldiers of the valiant fallen,
Herbrome her husband in battle for the sake of his own, -

sings treads. "And it is worthwhile and nice to fight for her husband for their homeland," Callin ends him. However, the moral foundations noticeably laid out: the poet of archives is not shy to admire that he threw his shield on the battlefield (a serious crime in the eyes of the ancient Greek).

Wears now Saing my shield flawless,
The will of the unill had to throw it in the bushes.
I myself avoided the dead. And let it disappear
My shield! No worse than a new one can get it.

An apology could only serve as he was in hired troops. But the Spartans did not forgive him his poetic recognition and, when he turned out to be once on the territory of their country, he was offered to retire.

The poets took care of the beauty of their verse, but the main thing is that they asked for the music - it is an emotion, emotions, passion, skills to light the hearts:

About Calopa! We will stand adorable
Song and passion Lightly conquering
The anthem is our and make a pleasant choir.

Perhaps the main theme of lyrical poetry was, and there, and, apparently, it will always be - love. Even in ancient times there was a legend of undivided Love Sappo to the beautiful young man. Rejected by him, she allegedly rushed from the rock and died. The poetic legend dispelled the newest scientists, but she was a sweet to the Greeks, giving the tragic charm to the whole appearance of his favorite poetess.

Sappo contained a lesbos school of girls on the island, she taught them singing, dancing, music, sciences. The theme of her songs is love, beauty, beautiful nature. She chased the female beauty, the charm of female shame, tenderness, young charms of the virgin appearance. Of the uncetralists, the Goddess of Love Aphrodite was closer. The preserved, rendered to us by her anthem to Aphrodite reveals all the charm of her poetry. We give it completely translated by Vyacheslav Ivanova:

Raduzhnoprestol Aphrodite! Zeus daughter Immortal, goatooth!
Hearts do not be twisted me to the twist!
Grose, goddess!
Rynsya with a top of the mountains - as before:
My voice you heard from score:
I called - you descended to me, leaving the overseer of the sky!
Became a worry chariot;
Like a whirlwind, she carried her quick lea
Skilled over ground
Flock of doves.
You have suffered, you got up to the eyes,
I smiled at me with an unspecified face ...
"Safo!" - I hear: - Here I am! What are you praying about?
What are you sick?
What is saddown and what madness?
All say! Does my heart languish my love?
Who is he, your offender? Whom the inclination of Ya
Cute under the yoke?
Necessary will be the fugitive recent;
Who did not accept the gift, comes with gifts,
Who does not love, love soon
And unrequited ... "
Oh, come again - on prayer secret,
Retract your heart from the new!
Become, equipping, in rattubism
I am on the mind.
I never gives sigh of Eros.
Flies from Cyprus he
Everything is plunged into darkness.
As if sparkling northern lightning
Wind Thracian and Soul
Powerfully until the bottom pegs
Zhugum madness.

The name of the contemporary and compatriot Sappo Alkeya is associated with political events on the island of Lesbos. He was an aristocrat. Usually in those days in Greek policies, in these small towns-states, there were several eminent births that considered themselves "the best" from the word "Aristos" ("best"), so the word "aristocracy" appeared ("the power of the best").

Usually they led their pedigree from some God or Hero, they were proud of this relationship and brought up in the spirit of generic pride. This gave a certain charm myths and allowed them to be held in memory, and sometimes enriched with new poetic details, flattering for representatives of the genus. Myths morally nourished aristocratic youth. Imagine heroic ancestors, not to drop their honor to any unworthy act was the moral principle for each young man. This inspired respect for the aristocratic clan.

But times changed. The aristocratic families of the poor, put forward the political arena of the rich citizens, the estate conflicts arose, there were significant social movements in some cases. People who stood earlier at the top of society were overboard him. Such was the fate of the poet of Alkeya, the aristocrat, thrown out of the habitual rut of life, which became an exile after the top of Mitililean Tirana Pettaka.

Alcay created in poetry the image of a state ship, thrown from side to the side by the raging sea and storm wind.

Understand who can, fierce bunken winds.
Trees roll, - this one, that
From there ... in their rebel dump
We are worn with the ship Smolen
Correctly opposed to the onslaught of evil waves.
Already overwhelmed the deck on the water;
Already shifting the sail,
The whole is defied. Oddlable fastenings.

This poetic image of the political storms of the state has repeatedly arose later in world poetry.

In political and philosophical lyrics, the poet and politician Solon is interesting. The story included his reforms held in the VI century. BC e. Aristotle called him the first defender of the people. His reforms took into account the interests of the poorest Layers of Athens. Solon was not shared with his reader with his senses, it was rather a moral and political mentor ("Insertions of Athenians", "instructions to themselves"), who inspired sense of patriotism and citizenship. It is known his poem "The Sadmits of Human Life", which is generally characterized by the look of the ancient Greek on human life, at its temporary borders, age-related features of a person. We give it completely:

Little boy, still unreasonable and weak, loses
The first teeth of their row, a little bit of seven years old;
If God comes to the end of Semiletier second, -
The tags are already signs of maturity to us.
The third young man lies quickly with the growth of all members
The gentle beard fluff, the skin is changing color.
Everyone in the fourth fourth is full of bloom
Power of bodily, and in it the valor of the sign see everything.
On the fifth - time to think about marriage with a welcome man.
To continue your rod in a number of blooming children.
The mind of a person in the sixth week quite matures
And it does not seek to unfortunate things.
The mind and speech in seven weeks are already fully bloom,
Also on eight - just fourteen years old.
Painted another person and ninth, however we are weakening
For promsions, the word and mind of it.
If the tenth God will bring to the end of Semiletier, -
Early there will be no mortal end for people.

In the new days, the name of the ancient Greek poet of Anacreonte, a funny old senior, famous life, youth and joy of love, was especially love. In 1815, the sixteen-year-old Lessist Pushkin in humorous verses called him his teacher:

Let fun compete
Mahaus a riser toy,
And we will laugh from the heart
For a complete penietary mug ...
In the darkness of Dennica young
And white poplar will be lit
Morning dew covered
Feed the Brozda Anacreon:
He was a teacher my ...
"My Testament"

Youth is beautiful with its bright perception of the world. Such was the youth of Pushkin, and it is not surprising that far, long-standing, who lived in the twenty-five centuries to him before him, delighted him with his cheerful, cheerful, mischievous poetry. Pushkin made several translations from Anacreonta, amazing in beauty and loyalty to the spirit of the original.

Unfortunately, the poetry of Anacreonta came to us a little, and his glory is perhaps more founded in new times on numerous imitation of him and charm of the legend that has developed in antiquity. In the XVI century, the famous French publisher of Etienne printed the collection of poems of Anacreonta by the manuscript of the X - XI centuries, however, most of them did not belong to the poet, and were talented grazers (imitation). There is a rich anacontic poetry. In Russia, Anaconontom was especially fond of the XVIII century. Ode M. V. Lomonosov "The night darkness covered the heavens" became even a popular romance.

The name of Pindar's poet is associated with an amazing scale, on beauty, moral nobility with a phenomenon in the public life of ancient Greece - Olympic games. Pindar was a truly singer of them. The poet lived the usual human eyelid, something within seventy years (518-442), the Olympic Games continued for more than millennium, but his poetry painted this millennium with rainbow paints of youth, health, beauty.

For the first time, sports contests took place in Olympia in 776 BC. e. In a quiet valley at the Mount Kronos and two rivers - Alpharey and his influx of cladding - and repeated every four years until 426 of the new era, when the fan of Christianity, destroying the old pagan culture of antiquity, destroyed Olympic Altis (temples, altari, portico, statues of gods and athletes).

A thousand two hundred years old Altis was the focus of everything beautiful, which contained an antique world. Here I read my books "Father of History" Herodotus, the philosopher Socrates came here, here there was a plato here, a great speaker made his speech, the great orator of Demosphen was, here was the workshop of the famous sculptida, who droves the statue of Zeus Olympic.

The Olympic Games became the moral center of ancient Greece, they combined all the Greeks as an ethnic whole, they reconciled the warring tribes. During the games, the roads became safe for the travelers, a truce was installed in the warring parties. On the whole to the world, the famous Greeks, were special newsmen (Theories - "Sacred Messengers") with the news of the upcoming games, they were accepted by "proxy" - local representatives of the Olympic Games, persons who enjoyed special honor. Crowd pilgrims rushed then to the Olympia. They walked from Syria and Egypt, from Italian lands, from the south of Gaul, from Tavrida and Kolkhid. Only impeccable faces were allowed to play games, never convicted, not appeared in any unworthy actions. The spirit of time, of course, manifested itself here: not allowed (under the fear of the death penalty), as well as slaves and not the Greeks.

Pindar composed solemn choir chants in honor of the winners on competitions (epico). Hero himself, his ancestors and the city in which he had lived, was glorified in the mighty sound of the choir. Unfortunately, the musical part of chants is not preserved. The poet, of course, was not limited to the Diffiramma Paper, he walked into his song Philosophical reflections on the role of fate in the life of a person, about the will, sometimes unfair, gods, about the need to remember the limits of human capabilities, about the sacred for the ancient Greek, a sense of measure.

In antiquity, the poems were read by the accompaniment of the Lyra or Flute accompaniment. There were poems songs. The poet not only made the text of the verse, but he invented the melody and even composed the dance. It was a melodic poetry consisting of three elements: "Words, Harmony and Rhythm" (Plato).

Music occupied a significant place in everyday life Ancient Greek, it is a pity that crumbs reached us from her.
The term "lyrics" - from the word Lira, the musical instrument used as an accompaniment, appeared relatively late, approximately in III century. BC e. When the center of Greek culture moved to Alexandria. Alexandria philologists engaged in classification and commenting of the literary heritage of classical Greece were connected under this name all poetic genres, differing from the epic with its hexameter (six-color) other rhythmic forms.

Flood, Gerkalion, Ellin. People who lived in ancient times passed from fathers to children tragic legend. As if many thousands of years ago, there was a global flood on Earth on Earth: a terrible shower was continuously for several days, raging flows poured fields, forests, roads, villages, cities. Everything disappeared under water. People died. I managed to escape the only person whom the girl was called. He had a son who received a beautiful and sonorous name Ellin. He chose to settle the stony land in those regions where the country is Greece now. By the name of his first resident, she was called Ellosa, and its population - Hellen.

Allada. It was an amazing country. A lot of work had to spend in order to grow bread on her fields, in gardens - olives, and on the slopes of the mountains - grapes. Each block of land was politically watered by grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Stretched over the ellsa clear blue sky the whole country from the end in the end crossed mountain chains. The tops of the mountains were lost in the clouds, and as it was here not to believe that in the sneaks hidden from human eyes, the eternal spring reigns and the immortal gods live!

On all sides, the wonderful country was surrounded by the sea, and there was no place in Eldead, from which it could not be reached before his shores in one day. The same sea was visible from everywhere, - it was worth only to rise to any elevation. The sea manifested to her Ellini, and even more attracted their unknown overseas countries. From the stories of brave sailors who visited there, wonderful stories were born. The ancient Hellenes really loved to listen to them, gathering after day work at roast fire.

Homer, Hesiod and myths. So in ancient times myths and legends were born, in which we entered the fascinating world. The Greeks were cheerful, bold, knew how to find a good in every day, knew how to cry and laugh, angry and admire. All this affected their myths, which fortunately, were not lost in the centuries. Ancient writers in their works beautifully outlined old legends - who verses who prose. The first to retell the myths of the wise blind poet Homer, who lived almost three thousand years ago. His famous poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" narrate about the Greek heroes, their battles and victories, as well as about the Greek gods, their lives on the top of the impregnable mountain of Olympus, Peters and Adventures, quarrels and reconciliation.

And about where the world and all the gods came from, perfectly wrote a poet Hesiod, who lived a little later, Homer. His poem is called "Theogony", which means the "origin of the gods". The ancient Greeks really loved watching the plays about the life of gods and heroes. Eschil wrote them, Sophokl, Eurypid. Until now, these plays (the Greeks called them "tragedies") go in many theaters of the world. Of course, they had long been translated from ancient Greek to modern languages, including Russian. Of these, you can also learn a lot of interesting things about the heroes of Greek myths.

Myths of the ancient Ella is beautiful, as the country itself is beautiful; The gods of Greek myths are largely similar to people, but only more powerful. They are beautiful and forever young, there are no serious work and diseases for them ...

There are many ancient sculptures depicting gods and heroes on Earth. Peer in them on the illustrations of the book - they are like alive. True, not all statues are intact, because they lay down a lot of centuries in the ground, and therefore they can be a broken hand or leg, sometimes even scalp, sometimes one body remained, but they are still beautiful, as the immortal gods themselves themselves.

Ancient Elda lives in works of art. And it is due to mythology with many threads. The gods of the ancient Greeks:

Ancient elda. Homer, Hesiod and myths

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