The character of a person in the avatar in social networks. The value of avatars in psychology. People perceive the avatar as a means of protection against the outside world

Primer 31.01.2021

According to psychologists, multiplication heroes reflect the emotional state of the user, and animal images emphasize the traits of its character

The age of development of the Internet and social networks Avatar became a virtual person for lovers to communicate on the network. Who can only be found in the Internet - some prefer to put their photo on the avatar, while others appear in the image of a cartoon or one of the many celebrities. Avatar can talk a lot about the character of a person who chose it to accommodate on his social network page.

Avatar is an image that man represents to the public. For social networks, people choose images that show their advantages as much as possible, talk about personal qualities. It is intended to use some images and pictures to show your condition, internal experiences, - told Vera Bekreyev, Practicing Psychologist, Art Therapy Specialist.

private photos

Many users do not consider it necessary to hide their faces behind different pictures. A person, on the avatar, who has a photograph, of course, can rightly be considered the owner of such a quality as openness. But this is not the only quality about which the photo can tell.

Often, the avatars are watching not alone, but at once a few people, however, some social networks, for example, classmates, do not welcome the use of such avatars. In Friend-tape, you can often see photos on which users are captured with their second halves.

Replacing your own photo

Not all users love to use their own photos as an avatar. Fortunately, in such cases all the same Internet saves, on the expanses of which you can find a lot of pictures.

Pictures may indicate two things. First, the owner of such an avatar is not the one who gives himself to, demonstrates the qualities that he would like to possess. Secondly, with the help of the picture, a person may emphasize one of the features of his character, which people may not notice, - shared psychologist.

Cartoon heroes

Even adults do not forget the cartoons and often use their images as their own avatars.

Cartoon characters are always images of something light, positive, fun. There are very sustainable associations with heroes. When we use some cartoon character as an avatar, most often we associate ourselves with the emotion, which this hero passes. The character of a person similar avatars transmit badly, but the condition in which he is now is reflected very bright, - noted Vera Bekreyev.

Negative heroes

By the way, they choose as avatar users not only images of positive characters, but also villains. According to the psychologist, the choice of such a hero does not necessarily indicate about the negative features of the character of man. Such an image can act as a protection method.

It is possible that the person, on the avatar of which the villain is depicted, in itself is very calm, responsive. But there are times when the scale of the scales outweighs and the person is bothering to be positive in everything. With the help of an image of a negative character, you can declare that it is better not to touch a person. Such a picture warns others, - told Vera Petrovna.

Our smaller brothers

Any animal has characteristic qualities for him, charisma. An animal on the avatar may emphasize the traits of the character of a person. People identify themselves with one or another animals. For example, a man, on the avatar of which a bear is depicted, seeks to emphasize that he, like this animal, has a power - explained psychologist.

Do you betray yourself for Julia Roberts or Konstantin Khabensky?! Psychologist says you just want to be like them.

Famous personalities

Both among women and among men are popular to use photographs of famous people as an avatar. For girls in such cases, the whole image of celebrities is important - clothes, makeup, facial expression, but the guys often prefer the photos on which only a person's face is depicted.

Women tend to demonstrate with the help of the "Star" avatar, who they would like to be like. Most often, the girls realize the desire to correspond to the image of celebrities. It happens, it is not always possible to take a picture of the same way, and the photo of the stars are a way out, - shared Vera Petrovna. - Men often choose portrait stars pictures. As a rule, men with such avatars identify themselves with a well-known person, express respect for him, to his achievements.

Avatar made by hand

And without the help of a specialist it is clear that the image that a person did himself characterizes the social network user as a creative person. People who demonstrate with the help of avatars their creations pursue different goals.

Men with the help of copyright avatars boast the results of their activities - representatives of the strong half of humanity have the need for this. The woman likes the process of creativity itself, and she is waiting for her to try to ask how she did one or another thing - noted Vera Bekreyev.

Non-permanent avatars

Most likely, one who often changes the avatars, spends a lot of time on the network and constantly communicates, and when we are in the process of communication, we are not always the same. Every day a person is different, and pictures help show it online. For users, the avatar change is almost the same as in everyday life to change clothes. In addition, the change of avatar allows you to attract attention, - told psychologist.

Those who change the avatar infrequently, according to a psychologist, simply use social networks as a source of information. Photo for user users only an identifier, with which it is easy to find out on the Internet.

Do not hang in people a label of a secretive person if he has no avatars in social networks

Hidden people

Meet online and users who do not at all download avatars in their accounts on social networks. The psychologist does not advise immediately hang on such users a label of secretive man. Perhaps such users again simply get through the Internet and do not see the point of sharing with the public with their personal photographs.

Similarly, it should not be biased to treat people who are hidden behind images of various heroes and celebrities.

The user can have certain complexes, and a person is simply comfortable to communicate without demonstrating its photos. But do not forget that if the image does not like the interlocutor, then the imprint may remain and the attitude will be automatically transferred to a person who stands after the picture - noticed Vera Petrovna.

Let us return to the psychology of the avatars that you put on the show in the social network. I have already published the post psychology of the choice of avatar. But today I want to tell about cybersichology.

Found on the Internet a very interesting article, frequently asked questions to the cybersichologist.

1. Is it possible to judge a person on his avatar?

Avatar is a kind of projective psychological test. Users choose an image that matches their internal state. It is only necessary to psychologically decipher the result of this choice - avatar. Such decoding is equivalent to the preparation of the psychological portrait of the user. In my book "The reverse side of the Internet. Psychology of work with a computer and network "includes a whole dictionary containing the psychological interpretation of the main types of avatar.

2. How many avatar with a real photo of a person can tell about his psychotype in real life?

Avatar, created on the basis of a realistic user's photo, is definitely less informative than a symbolic image. This is explained by the fact that the symbol can be interpreted just how the images of dreams are interpreted. Nevertheless, the analysis of the photograph is able to give some information about the personality of a person. For example, on the basis of which pose and with what gestures it is depicted in the photo.

3. What avatars do you think more people have to communicate with a person?

Naturally, those that reflect internal states, the most corresponding sentiments of other users. And, of course, such avatars are images that are not aggressive, not nursing, do not demonstrate their withdrawal and chosenness. Communication implies equality, openness and honesty. Only under these conditions, people will receive satisfaction from communication.

4. If a person never puts his photo on the avatar - does he have any deviations in the psyche?

Not at all. Such a user simply uses a peculiar symbolic presentation of his "I" - avatar instead of his photo. Thousands of users of the World Wide Web are coming, and there is no psychopathology.

5. Is it possible to say that a young guy or girl has sexual problems if there is a photo of a semi-bounted \\ wow, nude / wow?

Rather, there is an interest in a completely definite kind. Demonstration through the avatar of his sexuality in this way is a call for those who are interested in a person as an object for sexual relations. Here, they say, what I am - a strong and brutal, a magnificent lover, a rich sponsor and a defender from enemies. In a word, a real macho. How not to be poured on this?

6. The person who puts on an avatar of an inanimate subject associates him with himself?

Both alive and inanimate object, as well as a natural landscape, maritime perspective, type of building, etc., symbolizes the inner world of man, its inclinations, values \u200b\u200band goals. Unsubstate items (weapons, office equipment, office supplies, equipment for work, musical instruments, books, dishes, cars, etc.) - this is a kind of coat of arms or a visual motto of a person telling about him in the language of characters. So it was at all times. The same position is preserved today. Only the entourage and the appearance of non-living items is changing, which is due to the flow of time.

7. People perceive the avatar as a means of protection against the outside world?

Accurately noticed, including. This is a charm, a magic image that protects a person from external dangers.

8. Why do we strive to be perfect on the avatar?

Being perfect is the initial desire of a person. Everyone wants to be immortal, omnipotent and almighty. Such a description makes you remember a completely defined image. This is the image of God. Such deep patterns are transferred to cyberspace and, quite naturally, affect the choice of avatar.

9. Please comment on the cases when men put on the avatar women's photos and the opposite ...

So, in the depths of the soul, such a man is not averse to reincarnate into a woman. This is a reason to think about the sexual inclination of such a user. However, it is only a reflection of global trends: men become feminine (a new term appeared in vain - a new term - a metrosexual), and women are courageous. From here, for example, the latter for driving cars.

10. If a person often changes his avatars - does this mean his impassableness, instability?

Complete remark. But the following definition will be more accurate - such a user is experiencing an increased need for fresh impressions. Travelers, artists, artists and just tramps are obtained from such people.

11. Often on avatars of users of social networks you can see celebrities. Is it possible to call the complex of inferiority?

Partly, yes. The fact is that a person who has a normal (not overpriced or, on the contrary, understated) self-esteem, will not strive for "reincarnation" in the celebrity. He is satisfied with his own daily life, he feels his uniqueness and self-sufficiency, receives satisfaction from everyday achievements. Why should he identify himself with representatives of commercial mass culture?

12. Is there a difference between avatars on forums, in social networks, IP telephony programs (Skype) ...

According to my observations, there is no special difference. Symbols for general rules are decrypted. Although, of course, certain differences are still there. On the forums and blogs avatars are initially addressed to a significantly wider audience. In Skype, such an audience actually boils down to one person with whom the user communicates at the moment. In the latter case, confidence and honesty is much more.

13. On sites where you can download avatars most anime pictures. What is it connected with?

Fans of this visual direction live with experiences and adventures of their animated heroes. Therefore, these users are the main suppliers of anime-avatar. Hence, their explicit numerical predominance among other avatars created by representatives of other, less emotional art directions.

14. Having studied not one article and not one opinion of psychologists, you can find out that the avatar still reflects the character traits. But, how does it fit with the fact that it is often helpless and weak in life People place userpics personifying strength and greatness of man?

This is the unconscious desire to be such. It is compensatory because it is designed to smooth out the sense of inferiority that does not give rest to the user. No contradictions here. Fantasies making a person stronger and sexier at least in thoughts (Freud rights) are an integral part of the person. It is they who often become a kind of superpower for her. You know how in Eastern Philosophy: Black and White - it is always together, next to a person, inseparable from each other. Exactly a person lives in the same laws.

15. The word "avatar" in Hinduism means a creature that embodies God. Many adolescents put on self image of the heroes of computer games. Is it possible to identify computer-dependent young people on the basis of this?

I think no. Games are interested in many teenagers, but not all of them are Internet and computer-dependent. The dependence is primarily determined by the violation of social functions. This is when someone plays some online game about eight-ten hours a day, nothing, more except the game is not interested, does not have time to study, almost does not communicate with people from Offline. Like that.

16. What avatars do you consider the most dangerous (what are the most strongly affecting the human psyche)?

Evil, aggressive images containing sadistic motifs. Images that dehumanizing individual human experiences and the person itself as a whole are dangerous what is called by definition.

Social networks no longer seem like something new and unusual. On the contrary, when you meet a new person and ask him " How to find you inkonta or facebook?", And he says that it is not registered on social networks, it is perceived, somehow strange.

Social networks have become ordinary so that they turned into personal diaries. Each person, filling the profile on the page, indicates personal data, its own interests and hobbies, and also distinguishes itself from the mass of the unique avatar. For psychologists, this information is enough to make an accurate psychological portrait of a person.

By the way, from all information on the social network page, Avtarka is the most important. Since it is reported to others, sincere desires and intentions of a person.

The value of avatars of users of social networks

  1. Avatar with friends or with a loved one.

Such an avatar, as if he says to all "Look, I'm not alone, I have friends!". However, the true meaning of such an avatar is another. A person who associates himself with his friends or with a loved one, suggests that he is unsure of himself and is afraid of losing these people.

  1. Avatar with cute animals or young children.

Images of such avatars, tell us " See what I'm cute!". Again, such avatars are true of the other. People who choose such photos insecure in themselves who need care and attention. They do not have an activity, they like them more when someone else is the initiator.

  1. Avatar of his own child.

Those users who put such an avatar, as if want to tell us " Look at what baby I have!". As in other cases, the true washed of such an avatar another. The value of this avatar is that this man is very expensive this child and he does not think of life without him. In fact, such people lose their own meaning of life and live for the other. To say about them that they are not happy, it is impossible, but also the fact that such a person lives a full-fledged life too.

  1. Avatar celebrity or an unknown person.

When you look at such avatars I want to say " Yes, it is ...!or And who is it …?". Those people who hide their identity, for masks of famous or unknown people, want to show their uniqueness, well, or demonstrate sincere love for this character. About love for the character, I will not speak, here and so everything is clear, but I will tell about uniqueness. The uniqueness is that they are thinking about themselves as people who have other thinking and understanding of the world. These people are closed in themselves and inactive, they have specific interests and a narrow circle of communication.

  1. Avatars depicting expensive things or items.

We usually look at such avatars with envy, their owners want to say " Won, see what I have!". People who in their profile exhibit such photos, nature with an overestimated self-esteem. They like publicity and all that is connected with it. They have not a rich inner world, but they can communicate on any topics.

  1. Avatars with the image of nature and landscape.

Such avatars interpret the easiest way when you look at them Oh, how beautiful!". And the value, this avatar, suggests that the person is tired and he needs rest. With such a picture, he simply demonstrates that he has a rest, but circumstances can not allow them to take advantage of them.

  1. Representative avatar.

Avatars of this character, emphasize the status of the owner. Such people either occupy or want to hold high positions. But the avatar itself says that a person is not very successful, he is not enough that he already has. Showing all his status, he unconsciously wants everyone to admire them and recognize His successes.

  1. Avatar with a regular photo.

People who have an avatarn image is the usual photo of himself. Also very simple and open. They are always ready for new acquaintances and adventures. Possess medium self-esteem, but very trusting and sustainable.

  1. Avatar with a funny photo.

People who put a funny photo in the profile seems to us very fun in life. But it often happens, such people have a problem that torments them for a long time. They will never tell anyone about her, preferring to deal with it alone.

  1. Lack of or pessimistic photos.

The absence of an avatar suggests that a person does not want to show his personality. And quite right, such people are poorly poor with their many complexes and understated self-esteem. It is very difficult to adapt to new conditions. If a person has an avatar, but she is a pessimistic nature, then this suggests that a person is currently experiencing, some serious problem. For example, in the greater half of the people who put an image of a black square on the avatar, the depression of moderate severity is revealed.

How to understand the meaning of avatars in social networks?

Any avatar in social networks is a reflection of unconscious desires. That is, when you look at the user's avatar, you see first of all who he wants to be, and is not really. Therefore, when watching a photo, pay attention to what its owner sharpens. For example, if you see in the photo, a person in his hands holds a lot of money, then this means that he wants to be rich, but at the moment is not so.


Create a psychological portrait of a person, on the avatar on social networks, quite real. But the individual characteristics of a person should be taken into account. That is, if you, made a psychological portrait, is not a fact that it will correspond to reality, as in order to confirm your conclusions, you will need to spend some more, psychological research using other techniques.

Hello, dear readers blog Start-Luck. Stranger words associated with the Internet are becoming less and less. People actively operate with terms and therefore, if you do not understand something, you can experience strong discomfort.

Fortunately, there are sites like mine, where you can easily find the meaning of any incomprehensible phrase, so, I am very advised to subscribe to the newsletter to be in the subject.

Today we will talk about what: Avatar is what it is, how to understand this word, for which you need avatars, what they are, what is best to use and in what case, as well as much more, which may be useful to you.

Origin of the word

The word "avatar" came to us from Sanskrit, which literally means "earthly reincarnation of the Divine", its incarnation. For example, in Hinduism it is believed that God Vishnu was to earth in the guise of Krishna or Frame. It was his avatars.

On the Internet, Avatar is called a picture that personifies a certain person. You write on the forum, and that others can imagine how you look, install a photo (avatar) in your profile.

If you play an online game on a computer, then a character, in the appearance of which you pass the mission will also be called avatar. Even in the "Start" menu there is a picture that seems to show a person, reflects his inner world.

What are the avatars

Some use their own photos without constraint, demonstrating who specifically leaves this or that message. Other people use abstract images, animals, photos of popular personalities or just download the first illustration.

There are great importance to traditions that have long been formed and entrenched on the Internet. On the forums and in chat rooms, the use of removed avatars is the norm, but on social networks it is customary to put his photo as the main, although it will be called "avatar". You still use this term for its designation.

Of course, no one will forbid you to use on classmates or VKontakte left photo. Although it is prohibited by the developers, nobody follows the compliance with the rule. However, such a decision will play you on your hand. Words will not inspire confidence in people, most likely, they will find you fake (an account created for promotional purposes). You will not be taken seriously and in most cases will meet a comment by the negative.

Of course, this rule does not apply to those cases where the account is created for business. You may not know about it yet, even. How to do this to find out from my previous article. There are many ways to increase the level of its financial well-being through VKontakte.

The more friends you have, the higher the earnings. I can offer you as well. If you do not have time reading, just go to the official website of the project And read the basic information about it. It will save the resources that are missing.


If you need an avatar for some site or forum, I can offer you several sources. One of the sections of the service Designed just to search for an ideal ava.

Here you will find animated or static drawings. All of them are divided into categories: girls, anime, children, games, celebrities and so on. I think to find something suitable will not be a problem.

Well, if you do not leisure, open third-party services and programs, the ideal solution will be the site .

Well, if you have a desire to use your own photo, but you do not know what to choose or want to create something perfect, then the course will be a great decision " Secrets of photography in ordinary apartment ».

You can raise the level of your photographic art and thereby help not only yourself, but you can make cool photos of children, relatives and enter the list of the most frequently invited guests to family celebrations among their own friends.

I love solutions that are useful not only now. I have everything on this. Do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter as well group Start-Luck VKontakte .

Of course, no avatar can be determined by the character of a person. The character of a person by avatar is well defined, if he actively and has long been communicating in some community and does not put a conscious goal to introduce someone in confusion with his avatar.

Consider specific examples.

Lack of avatars

Usually there is no avatar from newbies or in inexperienced users or those for whom communication does not matter who believes that he looked here, perhaps in the first and last time.

Now the absence of avatars on the forums is obsolete. In foreign forums, usually, those who do not have their avatars are forcibly issued a standard avatar in the form of a cartoon emoticon. (Something similar is implemented on the answers from Yandex.)

Moreover, the user is often given the ability to select such an emoticon from several standard, for example, you can most often choose the floor, age and mood. In the future, something from this can be changed, most often the mood of the emoticon.

Real face

The real face is rarely used because the Internet is extremely valued for the possibility of conservation of anonymity. Photos of the real face in the form of avatars are usually used open people who have nothing to hide.

Open face is a sign of special trust. The use of such avatars speaks about readiness for a real meeting. Such people can be excessive trustful, for example, give you your phone and agree on a real meeting.

In general, the photograph's photograph is a sign of honesty, friendship suggestions, and even some sign of romance.
The disadvantages of people with such an avatar include their excessive confidence in their rightness, their confidence in the correctness of their lifestyle and thoughts.

As people are straight, they are less prone to pretend and, as a rule, they say what they think. This often becomes the source of conflicts on the forums.


Animals are one of the most popular types of avatar. Each animal has a certain set of signs in human consciousness. Cat has a caress, home, independence, the dog is devotion, honesty, the snake is wisdom, the bull is strength, perseverance ...

Usually these qualities consider the main people hiding behind such pictures. This does not mean that they have these qualities in reality. This is their opinion about yourself. But there are or not they have those qualities that are associated with animals, it already depends on how many owners of these avatar know themselves.

Cartoon characters

The cartoon characters is the so-called, promising avatar. The difference between the prospective avatars from, say, avatars with animals, is that by avatar with animals you can guess what kind of quality a person considers the most important now.

While promising avatar shows you what qualities the owner of the avatars would like to have in the future. He, as it were, produces the quality of the cartoon hero directly on the project to be similar in character to the hero.
In all the rest of the cartoon avatars, everything also includes the same thing that has been said about the avatars with animals.

Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for truthful stories from a person hiding under the larva of a rabbit Bunny, but "Cotu Leopold" can be trusted quite. "Cheburashka" and "Crocodiles of the genes" are looking for friends, and the one who has an Avatar of the Old Man Shapoklyak, is ready to shake a little on the project. "Jin Alladina" wants to be strong and friendly.

Traditional cartoon avatars most often choose teenagers. Adults are more characteristic of the characters of the Japanese anime or the type of Japanese anime. Therefore, adult people on cartoon avatars are not always depicted by a hero of some real cartoon.

More often it's just an image in the style of anime, but it is useless to look for a cartoon with such a hero. These avatars serve for the psychological strengthening of seductivity, the capriciousness or the mystery of the owner of the avatar.


The owner of the avatar with celebrities, unless the politician is not depicted on it, declares its preferences, hobbies and hobbies. The hidden message she carries, says: "I am very contemporary, I am aware of what is happening in the world of music (or sports, cinema, glamor, etc.).

I like this topic, I love this hero and will be happy to communicate with people similar about me. The rest is not worried about the rest. "

Avatars with the image of famous politicians speak about the apoliticalness of their owner and about the special sense of humor.
Fashion for celebrities changes. Along with the fashion, the number of avatar changes. A couple of years ago, there was no "Medvedev" and a single "Arshavin" on the project.

Celebrities of the past (Lenin, Che Guevara, Einstein, Chaplin, Pushkin, etc.) are used to express the features of the person or social problems that are related to the image of celebrity images (sensuality, intellect, power, corruption, rebellion, etc. ).


Each person has an evil side of the soul. But only some people use the images of evil on avatars. "Evil" pictures on their avatars are usually placed by people who strive for loneliness. These are closed, but also easily vulnerable people. The owners of evil avatar are often visited by aggressive fantasies or they are tormented by a complex of guilt.

Sometimes it happens that such an avatar is used not constantly, and keeps about the "stock" and "put on" by the mood at the moments of the greatest irritation.

With such people it is necessary to behave extremely cautiously. They can be easily inadvertently to hurt and offend. You can and do not notice that they are strongly offended by a person, and he himself will not speak directly about it. And so on the project you may have an enemy, which you do not even suspect. But he will remember about you for a long time and for a very long time. Do not doubt!

Some people can use evil or aggressive avatars as a way (deliberately or unconsciously) to alienate or "postpone" communication with other people. This may indicate some alarms about the proximity, or what a person is in some kind of vulnerable position.

As one of the forms of self-expression, evil avatars allow people safely, and even creatively, to express the dark sides of their personality.


The owner of the exclusive non-standard, self-made avatars is a person independent and knowledgeable price.

His avatar is often a very unusual species, although sometimes there are quite simple. Avatar for him something like its brand or brand. As a consequence of such an attitude towards his avatar, the owner of the exclusive avatar is vigorously ensures that his avatar is not stolen.

In case of the detection of the fact of such aft, the owner of the exclusive avatar begins to protect it with any ways and seek the thief to stop using his avatar. In no case do not carry exclusive avatars - you will be guaranteed to be trouble.

The hosts of the exclusive avatar are not rarely rather arrogant. They love to argue and at the same time stubbornly defend their point of view to the last. Do not delay the discussion with them in the comments.

In general, they easily go to communication, smart, stubborn. Dirtless, but depart. Most exclusive avatar owners have a creative veil.


Satural Avatar is an avatar with the image of natural landscapes (mountains, waterfalls, space, etc.), natural phenomena (fire, lightning, explosion, spray, etc.), flowers, butterflies, etc. The same type of avatar includes images of architectural structures. But not cars and not accessories. In such an avatar, the background sometimes means more than the subject itself.

The person hiding behind such a picture is inclined to non-standard thinking. He does not like to tell and even just talk about himself. He generally power concrete topics. But he is always ready to strive about the world order. Politics, philosophy, science, economy, psychology, here is his favorite topics where he likes to theorize.

Easy to flood, loves nature, does not tolerate parties and familiarities. Romantic. Respects someone else's opinion and seeks to understand it.
But he will not defend his point of view. This does not mean that he will change his point of view on the point of view of the opponent. Just seeing that a person would not convince a person, he will come out of the dispute. Such people are sufficiently conformist, and therefore they are the least conflict.

Silence hero

Many, if not all people have conscious or unconscious fantasies of omnipotence. Who would not like to be strong and invulnerable?

Almost probably for the avatar with the image of the "power" hero (Batman, Spiderman, Bruce Lee, Niko, Superman, various kinds of antique gods, knights, bodybuilders, etc.) hid a male teenager. Displaying "Power" on the avatar is evidence of subconscious concerns with a sense of helplessness and lack of safety.

If a similar avatar chooses an adult, then this is a sign that he suffers a pronounced complex of inferiority. In life, he is alone, helpless and pessimistic. It can become a true friend. But as a lover or spouse is unsuitable.

It often happens that it is difficult to distinguish the power avatar from the evil avatar. These are usually images of some powerful unclean strength, driving in its power, for example, dragon, Lucifer, vampire, waswolf, etc. Or evil aliens. In this case, everything that has been said above about evil avatars and the power avatars need to be folded together.


Such avatar is rarely found in a completely naked form. Most often, these avatars demonstrate any erotic parts of the female body. It can be like fragments of photos of a naked body and photographs of semi-naked ladies, or completely dressed ladies, but in such poses, that at the same time they can be seen.

Where a high probability of recognition is combined with too much frankness, other people's photos found somewhere on the Internet are often used. But where there is no too big frankness or there is a high probability that the owner of the Avatars will learn in real life, and their own pictures may well be used there.

For such avatars, ladies are hidden, which are actively looking for new virtual dating with men. They are easy and pleasant in communication, non-commodity, love compliments. Extremely attained
That's just for real contact, they do not go or go with very large difficulty and are often strongly encrypted.

The fact is that it is impossible to say that they lack sex or the quality of their existing sex does not suit them. In fact, they often have both husbands and / or lovers, that is, there are frequent and technical sex.

The problem is that they want a variety of sex and brightly emotionally painted. And for this, women sometimes have enough virtual conversations on this topic.
These avatars also have their own problems. You can easily meet the "virtual transsexual", especially if the avatar shows a very frank fully naked lady.

By the way, such an avatar is a rather rare case, because It is just not characteristic of women. Many ladies consider such an avatar simply vulgar. But the "virtual transsexual" as a man knows well that men most often are just catching at such vulgarity.

The "Virtual Transsexual" in real life may be an ordinary man with a normal orientation. But on the Internet, he entertains the fact that she attacked the lady seduces men and then the dynamite of them, finding some kind of perverse pleasure.


On shocking avatars are usually depicted or some deformities of the human body or a photomontage of unnatural body positions (limbs associated with a nodiment, etc.).

There may be photos of perversions, excrement in the unsuitable situation (for example, in church), disseminated man or animals, worms, eating lively flesh, images of disease, etc. There may be simply very stainless pictures, aesthetically ugly.

According to such avatars, people who like to amaze, or even scare others and cause outrage of other people. Such strange avatars can make other people think about the personality of the owner of such avatars and his mental health.

These avatars are most popular among adolescents. For them, such extreme behavior is a way to express its independence and individuality.


Abstract avatars are more common in the form of beautiful geometric forms with some ideas of symmetry.
Such avatars prefer real conceptual thinkers, inclined to visual artistic endeavors. No wonder such avatars are only found in the categories associated with science.

Bulletin board

Sometimes on the avatar there is simply some inscription, such as the maiden, sayings, aphorism, the famous sayings, or just something like self-sizing itself (apparently, when Nick is not enough).

These sayings are usually a philosophical or political nature, often with humor. But sometimes just something personal, often happens with humor.

Such avatars often use users who have something to say this world, but who do not want to engage in the frank propaganda of their views and theories.


Most often it is avatars with some accessories. Men very often have photos of cars, much less often revolvers, fountain pen and clock. In women, a set of stylish accessories on avatars is much more diverse.

It can be jewelry, and cosmetics, handbags, wallets, cars, oxics, dishes, packaging of expensive coffee, interior items (chandeliers, fireplaces, sofas, etc.), etc. Often women demonstrate stylish things on themselves (or on someone else).

Let's say on the avatar your own photo in black glasses from some Gucci or in a hat from some couturier. Very often all these stylish accessories are shown on the avatar so that their brands and brand names are visible.

These lifestyle symbols describe some important aspects of human life. As a rule, this is or a job or a hobby or a personal habit. And sometimes dreams. For example, a man can accommodate a photo of Land Cruiser on Avatar, not because he goes on it, but because it dreams of having such a car.

In the most general case, stylish avatars serve as a way to attract similar people.

Often replaceable

Very frequent change of avatars, every 2-3 days or every day and several times a day, especially if the avatars change to a completely different type, indicates the presence of some mental disorder or, possibly, pathology.

Usually, such a participant has all the avatars there are stolen from others. This frequent change of avatar is usually accompanied by the same frequent change of its nickname.

Ordinary normal users do not change the avatars so often. And, as a rule, do not jump sharply from one type to another. Usually, when changing avatars, normal users seek to preserve some continuity so that in the new avatar there were or were some features of the old avatar.

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