Useful properties of legumes. What food is best absorbed by cottage cheese badly combines with jam

Roof 20.06.2021

How good are good? On the one hand, they are praised, they talk about utility, on the other - they definition: they say, severe food. Where is the truth?

Explains Viktor Konyshev, a famous nutritional specialist, doctor of medical sciences:

Beans are really a good source of protein. However, some amino acids are not enough in them - first of all these are cysteine \u200b\u200band indispensable acid methionine. In addition, protein from legumes is not fully absorbed - worse than meat and other animal products. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was a good tradition to combine peas with porridge, so that the amino acid composition of each of these products occurred. It would be nice to revive this tradition.

The legumes have a lot of useful properties. They do not cause a sharp increase in sugar, reduce cholesterol in the blood and this warns the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and diabetes. These effects create vegetable fibers, polyphenols, phytosterols, saponins and some other substances. Scientific data are accumulated on the ability of legumes to protect against colon cancer and some other tumors. They have a lot of choline - it is very useful for the liver and is rarely found in other products.

In terms of potassium, calcium, magnesium, chromium, iron, copper, as well as vitamins E, B1, B6 and a number of other beneficial substances, laminate many grain crops. But here is the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in them unfavorable for the absorption of calcium by the body. And the phytates present in the legumes interfere with the absorption of not only the same calcium, but also iron and a number of other mineral substances.

Another disadvantage of almost all legumes is a significant content of Purines. Therefore, they are not recommended for gout and urolithiasis. Our body is not able to digest some carbohydrates contained in legume plants, and they cause meteorism. For partial removal of legumes, it is recommended to soak for a few hours before cooking, it's good at the same time to add some drinking soda.

In addition, many legumes contain substances that impede the digestion of the protein in the intestine. But during cooking and partly when soaking, they are destroyed.

A few words about beans. It happens different colors. What the seeds are darker, it is richer with useful antioxidants. But at the same time such beans are worse away. Dark it is recommended to strip slightly longer than white. And raw beans can cause poisoning.

Opinion expert

Alexey Buewerov, a gastroenterologist, doctor of medical sciences, Professor of the 1st Moscow Medical University. I. M. Sechenova:

Beans, peas and almost all other legumes often cause meteorism - a sense of accumulation of gases in the intestinal cavity. First of all, this is due to the fact that they have a lot of fiber, which is not digested by the enzymes of our digestive tract. The bacteria that live in it, they split it, and a lot of gases stand out. Often asked if it is possible to prevent this with the help of enzyme preparations. Most of these drugs contain enzymes with which proteins, fats and ordinary carbohydrates are digested, but not fiber. To do this, it is better to choose drugs in which hemicellulose enzyme ("Festal", "Enzystal", "Festal", "Digestal", "Normoenzym"). Can help with simethone ("Espumizan", "Antiflat", "Sab Simplex") - this substance is a defoamer and reduces meteorism. In addition, Simethikon is sometimes included in some enzyme preparations.

Recipe from "AIF"

Buckwheat porridge with bean

  • 1/2 cup of lentils or peas soaked overnight (without soaking can be taking green bold peas), then we drain the water and rinse.
  • Cook peas in 1 liter of water. When 1/3 of the liquid evaporates, add buckwheat.
  • 5 minutes before readiness, add a parated onion straight with the oil, on which it was fried. Salt and pepper - to taste only after cooking.

"Food of the Gods": beneficial properties of legumes

The choice of legume crops is huge. Even peanuts, which is usually ranked to nuts, actually belongs to the bean. In addition, all the favorite chocolate and cocoa are made from cocoa beans. Cheaper and popular wealth of legume crops are lentils, beans and peas.

Usually legumes are used for cooking soups, soups and salads. In addition, legume crops are used for the preparation of garnings.

It has been established that the beans contain fibers to help reduce cholesterol levels, and molybdenum, thanks to which there is another indispensable property from beans - they neutralize preservatives that now exist in almost any product produced in industrial conditions.

Thanks to pectins and fiber, the beans remove salts of heavy metals, which is vital for those who live in areas with a high radioactive background. For therapeutic purposes, you can use legume seeds. They have an anti-inflammatory and astringent action.

"Food of the gods"

The troops of the ancient Rome captured half airs, feeding mainly lentils and barley. The beans were the main food from the ancient warriors and to some extent helped support the Spartan formula - muscles, stamina, beauty.

Bean - one of the most ancient cultures, the so-called "food of the gods", which, along with nectar, presented a gift to the gods in ancient Rome and Greece. Mentioning various sumps from legumes are found in the Old Testament. In general, the attitude towards the bean in the ancient world was very respectful. It seems that no accident.

We also learned about legumes only in the XI century. We first affect the curly flowers - decorated dresses and hairstyles, and then appreciated all the food quality of the product. And at the beginning of the XVIII century, legumes gained popularity. Well, if only because it is profitable. It is advantageous to remain a full time. The high protein content is saturated for a long time, and even after 3-4 hours, a person still feels full.

Pluses of legumes

Beans have a low glycemic index, thereby practically do not change the level of blood sugar, because the starch of the legumes is very slowly absorbed into the blood. So, legumes - an effective means in the prevention of obesity.

But valuable amino acids (tyrosine, lysine, methionine), on the contrary, are very easily absorbed in the body (under the condition of careful heat treatment or germination. The protein is 1/4 of all substances that are part of the beans and. In addition, this is an indispensable product for Vegetarians.

With diabetes mellitus, it is also a very valuable product, since the amino acid arginine effectively reduces blood sugar levels. And the aqueous extract from the bean pods reduces blood sugar content by 30-40% to 10 hours. With a tendency to swells, the decoction of the pods is very helpful, as well as simple beans soups - they have an excellent diuretic effect.

How to use legumes?

Ideally, when the bean dishes make up about 8-10% of the diet. It is recommended to use 2-3 times a week in a separate dish or as a minimum addition to other grain daily (in proportion 1: 4). With care, legumes should be used in the diet of the elderly and do not abuse their number (200 grams per day and no more).

Bean are well combined with vegetable oil, sour cream, green vegetables. It is not recommended to combine them with bread, potatoes, meat and nuts.

There is a legume and one minus, because of which many of the caution belong to this product - they can lead to elevated gas formation and bloating. However, fears are in vain, if the product is made skillfully.

Rules of cooking legumes

1. Beans should be pre-grilled 10-12 hours before the start of cooking. Water in which the beans was soaked, cannot be used for cooking.

2. In the process of cooking, it is impossible to top up cold water (you can get hot).

3. If you want to add an acidic product, such as tomatoes, add it at the end.

4. Solish bean better at the end of the cooking.

5. Do not use soda (in order to accelerate the rally) - because it destroys almost all vitamins.

6. It is desirable to add parsley, dill or a cilantro, which will reduce gas formation.

7. It is necessary to combine correctly with the products - only with greens, vegetables, grain, well, well, with mushrooms.

8. You can not overeat.

Under what diseases legumes should be used with caution:

In the presence of frequent exacerbations of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis (after all, they increase acidity); - for peptic ulcer;

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On the benefits of legumes

Lentils, beans and peas, soybeans and beans, nuts and other legumes usually consider "heavy" food that is long asleep and causes overload in the gastrointestinal tract. Let's try to figure out whether legumes are useful and who should not use them.

Variety of legumes

The choice of legume crops is huge. Even peanuts, which is usually ranked to nuts, actually belongs to the bean. In addition, all the favorite chocolate and cocoa are made from cocoa beans. Cheaper and popular wealth of legume crops are lentils, beans and peas.

Usually legumes are used for cooking soups, soups and salads. In addition, legume crops are used for the preparation of garnings. In Chinese cuisine, peanuts are very popular, and he serves there by the side dish - or to pork, or to the chicken.

Everyone is familiar and convenient to use green peas and corn in the preparation of salads. Many types of beans are indispensable for diet, they can be seen on the table of any family. Green pod beans is very useful, it does not even require long-term heat treatment.

Russian cuisine is most appreciated and applies peas for cooking. In addition to porridge and soups, a very tasty and useful kissel cooked on the basis of pea.

Caucasian cuisine in abundance has bean dishes, in its diversity they are not inferior to the Mexican menu. Georgian beans are called Lobio, prepare Lobio both sharp and spicy and as cold snacks. And Ukrainians love the pies with beans. No wedding or commemoration do without these delicious pies with beans.

Oil made of legumes. Soybean oil is ideal for frying, it is used for the preparation of salads, for a variety of baking. Soybean butter, like any other vegetable, is a useful and valuable product.

The calorie content of many cereals and legume crops approximately similar. But the protein in these products is much larger, they are valuable for these reasons. Beans are necessarily included in the diet of vegetarians, just because they contain a lot of plant protein. For example, peas, beans and lentils are almost a quarter consist of a protein, and soy - by a third.

If you do not adhere to the principles of vegetarianism, legumes are recommended to be used as a garnish with a protein animal. The vegetable and animal protein mutually improve the assimilation by the body and the other.

According to nutritionists, legumes should be 8-10% of the diet.

Use legumes practically at any stages of their maturation. Many cultures are very appreciated by their taste qualities.

To whom legumes are contraindicated

Despite the benefit of legumes, it is not necessary to use them. The protein, which is contained in this product is complicated for assimilation and digestion. In order for it well, a long thermal processing is needed. You can cook the product in cool water before cooking.

Bean are contraindicated in diseases of the intestine and stomach, with diseases of biliary tract in the acute phase. After the treatment of these diseases, the use of legumes is also limited.

Meteorism is provided? In the fresh form, legumes are used only in the "dairy rod" stage, that is, not yet matured. Dry or mature preparation beans require heat treatment. Otherwise, the seizures of meteorism are provided.

Bean is better to use or as a side dish, or as a different additive to the dish. For example, stewed chicken with beans, salad with canned corn. In these cases, the risk of meteorism will be minimized. In addition, abundant drinking is needed so that there is no unpleasant effect.

Another way to facilitate the absorption of legumes - immediately before being prepared for them in water for several hours. Such a procedure is safe from the point of view of the safety of beneficial substances (vitamins and minerals), but will allow you to wash the extra starch and will reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.

Rules of cooking legumes

In the process of cooking, it is impossible to top up cold water (you can get hot) if you want to add an acidic product (for example, tomatoes), add them at the end, salt is also better at the end of the cooking.

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The benefits and harm of legumes

Beans, beans, peas. These oilseeds contain many vegetable protein and vegetable fiber. However, some prefer to avoid this product, because for many benefits and harm of legumes - the concepts are close.

In order for the digestive system to work normally, the body is simply needed vegetable fiber. This explains the basic benefits of legumes - the intestinal microflora is maintained, inflammation is prevented and, according to some scientists, cancer tumors. But still you should not overestimate these products.

The main harm of legumes is that the plant protein, which is contained, is difficult to digest. They are not in vain refer to the category of heavy. More legumes contribute to gas formation and the formation of stones not only in the kidneys, but also a bustling bubble. Special harm legumes can experience people suffering from ulcers and dysbacteriosis.

Bean use can manifest only with limited consumption. Yes, they contain many vitamins, micro and macroelements, other beneficial substances. Yes, Russian cuisine Especially loved the legumes, but it is necessary to treat them very carefully - do not eat daily and use as an additive to the main dish.

The benefits and harm of legumes excuses many minds. Someone unequivocally inclined to one opinion, someone adheres to the other. But it is better to stay in the "Golden Middle" - do not abuse bob, but also not to forget about the need for the body of plant proteins and fiber.

Rubric: Bobovyadatat: 07.01.2013 Commentaries

We are well acquainted with some types of legumes. It is peas that we use in soups and side dishes; beans used for salads and second dishes; And the porridge from lentils has long been known and loved by hostesses. In addition, many today are grown soy.

The benefits and harm of the beans are at large protein concentrations, which regulates the work of the heart, stimulates the growth of the child, is responsible for our hormonal background. It is he who improves performance and is responsible for the memory functions. Such benefits of beans are indispensable if there is no meat in the diet or there is a shortage of it.


Useful properties of beans

Beans are an indispensable source of fiber cholesterol levels. Beans Excellent source of minerals, namely molybdenum, which is a mandatory component of the enzyme responsible for the neutralization of harmful preservatives, usually added to finished products, as well as stabilize blood sugar levels.

Due to the high content of fiber and pectins that contribute to the removal of salts of heavy metals from the intestines, including radioactive isotopes, they should be widely erected by people living on areas contaminated by radionuclides. However, when the beans are harmful.

Rich in potassium and folic acid, beans can be considered healing food. They protect our body from infections and purify blood. Beans contain a large number of group vitamins B, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Beans are beneficial on our digestion, since they contain many fiber and dietary fiber. This is exactly what is very lacking in the nutrition of a modern person. Bobah is present, in sufficient quantities, manganese, thanks to which our hair becomes strong and beautiful.

Nutritionists argue that after two or three weeks of daily use of 100-150 g beans, there is a noticeable decrease in cholesterol in the blood. The AMN Institute determines the minimum rate of consumption of legume vegetables, necessary to maintain health, 15-20 kg per year per person. Another beneficial property of the beans is that they supply our body protein without escorting fat, which is always present, even in lean meat. This makes them simply indispensable in dietary and vegetarian nutrition.

Bean cultures can be safely viewed as nutritional products of therapeutic impact. The effectiveness of their use is proved as prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver. Ideally, legume crops should be at least 8-10% in our diet.

In folk medicine, the rubbed beans or decoction of them are used as a binder for diarrhea. Clawed with milk crushed beans are applied to the rims to accelerate their healing.

Frequent use of beans allows you to stop the growth of cancer tumors.

The decoction of flowers is used as a cosmetics for washing and wiping the face.

Dangerous properties of beans

Beans can harm in cases when they are poorly processed or incorrectly prepared. During the preparation, they need to fry or cook, otherwise substances that are neutralized during heat treatment can destroy the mucous membrane of the digestive system and bring serious harm to the stomach. Also because of the wrong processing, you can get poisoning, which is accompanied by a migraine, the yellowing of the skin, nausea.

Limit the use of beans should be people who are sick jade, pancreatitis, gout, and those who have problems with the stomach.

Beans - benefits and beneficial properties of beans

Author: Marina Khurochnadata: 02.22.2013

Bobes - Seeds of the Bob Plant Common from the legume family, often beans called beans, lentils, nuts, peas, all these plants are also from the legume family, but each view has a number of their features and certain beneficial properties.

Humanity is not one millennium known the benefits of lentils, soybeans, peas, beans, these valuable cultures have always been present in the diet of food, both ordinary people and the ruling elite. The beans differ from other gentle crops with their shape and color, these are green, shredded from two sides of the seeds, with a light walnut flavor, possessing many useful properties.

Than beneficial beans

Beans, like other leguminous crops, are rich in valuable amino acids and are a source of protein of plant origin. Most of the amino acids contained in the beans are indispensable, are not synthesized in the human body and are easily absorbed in the digestive tract.

In addition to the protein in Bobs there are vitamins: groups B, C, RR, carotenoids, potassium mineral salts, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, molybdenum. Also, the beans contains a fiber that helps to clean the body from harmful toxins and slags, as well as heavy metal salts and radionuclides.

What is noteworthy, the caloric content of beans is quite low: 57 calories per 100 g of product, with the benefit that they bring the body is huge. Finding into the digestive tract, the beans are enveloping the walls of the stomach and are there until a complete conversion of carbohydrates in glucose, which makes it possible to preserve a long sense of satiety. Many girls dreaming to lose weight or controlling their weight choose dishes with beans, because it makes it easy to quickly and effectively reduce weight, without feeling hunger. In addition, the body receives a large dose of the required protein and vitamins, is saturated with minerals.

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, the beans have substantial disadvantages, their high gas-forming ability is considered to be the most important "minus". That is, even with a completely healthy digestive tract, after taking beans there will be a bloating and meteorism. This property of the beans empowed oligosaccharides contained in large quantities and poorly digested in the stomach. Single reduce these properties of beans will help the wind-driving products with which you can use beans (dill, fennel, mint).

What else are the beans good for health? This product has a choleretic property, perfectly removes cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Boiled beans, crushed in a puree use as a nutritious and anti-inflammatory face mask. Cashier from the beans cooked on milk perfectly "pulls out" furunculae and naphts.

To draw all the benefits of the beans for the body, you need to make them correctly. Usually the beans are boothy, in some countries the beans are frying, with the result that the upper shell cracks, revealing the contents similar to the taste of nuts. In order for the beans to be weltering faster, they are pre-soaked in cold water (in hot, they can cry for 4-5 hours, which are discharged for soaking).

The beans are booths without salt, for 1, 5- 2 hours, the amount of water should be three times more than the volume of beans. In the process of cooking in a saucepan, nothing is added, sauces, vinegar and other products containing acid slow down the robble of beans. It is also not worth adding and soda that ruptures the taste of beans and causes the destruction of vitamin B1.

Important! There are no underestimated and raw beans, they contain toxins that can cause strong poisoning.

Contraindications to the use of beans:

Craises Random Culinary Tip:

61. About 70% of vitamins are destroyed if you cook vegetables in salted water. Therefore, it is better to salt them before the end of the cooking.

We read the article: Useful properties of beans.

To date, such a product, as the beans very much in demand by man. For the most part it is so, thanks to the useful properties of this culture. It is about the beneficial properties of beans that we will tell you with pleasure ...

Beans are a valuable source of easily digestible proteins, as well as other useful trace elements. They do not contain cholesterol. Such a product is superbly suitable for people who suffer from heart disease, diabetes, anemia, hypertension. Eating beans are instantly saturated, they appear additional forces, the intestinal work occurs much more active.

Beans, along with other gentle-born crops, contain valuable amino acids and are a rich source of vegetable protein. Most of the amino acids that are subtracted in the beans is indispensable, not synthesized in the human body and is quite easily absorbed by the digestive tract.

Due to the huge protein content, which can be easily compared with meat, the beans are of great popularity in vegetarians.

Along with the protein, the beans contain vitamins B, C, RR, as well as elements such as mineral salts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, molybdenum, iron, carotenoids. Plus, the beans contains a fiber to help clean our body from slags, harmful toxins, radionuclides and heavy metal salts.

Boes of various colors are also used to lower cholesterol. For some beans, it is an excellent remedy for constipation.

No less often beans are applied in folk medicine. For example, the decoction of bean seeds is used for diarrhea and for the treatment of cough. Often beans are used as a diuretic. With different inflammations of the skin, the beans seeds that were welded on milk are applied. Decractions from the greenery beans help with such diseases such as watercolor, hemorrhoids, night enuresis and often with thrombophlebitis. Some characteristics argue that individual varieties of legumes may interfere with the growth of malignant tumors.

Let's consider everything "for" and "against" the use of legumes. In this we will help Nadia Andreeva - a certified specialist in Wellness, a professional in the field of conscious nutrition.

Beans are hotly loved by many for their availability and high protein content. They can be very tasty and satisfying, but can also cause some serious problems such as gas formation and bloating, as well as spasms and stomach disorders.

In general, there are many disputes around the influence of legumes on our digestive system and health in general. Some approaches are recommended to put them at the head of the diet, while others, such as adherents of Paleodius and practitioners, advise them to beware. Personally, I continue to use lentils 2-3 times a week. But since each body is different and every digestive system is not similar to another, you can only make the right choice for your body.

Several reasons for "doubtful" glory of legumes

Saponins: Beans become a "musical product" for the reason that they contain saponins. The plant they protect from the insects, but when cooking for our food form soap foam on the surface of the pan. They are not allowed to digest proteins, resulting in stagnation of intestinal content and gas formation.

Fitinic acid: The phytate, which is an organic compound, is often present in the untreated seeds of legumes, oats and other grain crops, having a powerful binder for minerals. It has been proven that it significantly reduces the digestibility of magnesium, zinc and calcium by a human body. In short, legumes contain substances that prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals ... Yes, it is so, but only if they were cooked wrong.

Liquid soups from lentils are mostly too heavy for the digestive system of the Western person who is not accustomed to the use of legumes as a source of protein.

Inability to digest digestive fibers: In addition to the phytinic acid contained in legumes, more solid (beans and Turkish beans) have in the composition of oligosaccharides. The digestibility of these complex sugars is impossible without some external assistance, because the human body does not produce alpha galactosidase enzyme necessary for splitting them.

Starch content: If we take into account that most people in the Western world are predisposed to diabetes, starch products can cause sharp jumps of blood sugar. This does not mean that prediatics or diabetics cannot consume any legumes, but they should not be the basis of the daily diet. When I spoke with Frank Lipman, a doctor of medicine of functional disorders and a multiple author of bestsellers on the issue of legumes, he recommended to limit their use to 1/2 cup per day.

Several "for" inclusion in the diet of legumes

Vegetable proteins: If you turn to the energy aspects of food, the diet consisting mainly from the animal protein is very rejastive or tamasic (depending on the source and its preparation) in its influence. Simply put, makes a man sluggish and aggressive towards himself and others. For this reason, the use of proteins of plant origin, such as legumes, is important for a variety and reduction of dietary density. But do not forget that in legumes more carbohydrates than protein, and protein contained in them is incomplete, and to add it, legumes need to be seasoned with greens, seeds (for example, cannabis seed) or grain crops (cinema).

Bean contained a fiber with a cleansing and detoxifying effect: The fiber is known to have an impact on the transportation of macroelements and metabolism (for example, a decrease in glucose metabolism). Its ability to bind to heavy metals and organic carcinogens can become an important protective mechanism against toxicity.

Organic vegetable food is easy to find and it costs relatively inexpensively: While wild seafood and meat of animals grown on plant feed can be fairly expensive, organic beans are very available.

How to include grain and legumes in the diet without risk for well-being

Our ancestors used the beans for thousands of years and the methods that make them more easily used were used. We can learn a lot from them, ranging from the use of fermentation processes to soaking and germination.

Remember that small grains of lentils are generally easier to digest than larger beans. Each type of lentils and beans has its own properties. For example, a red lentil is a large provocateur of an imbalance than golden beans (it is more difficult in dyeing and more drying).

I am pleased to share with you a few pap cooking secrets:

  • Soak them at least by 48 hours. Not just on the "night", as many recipes prescribe, and for 1-3 days. The most important aspect in the proper cooking of beans is to start the processing process a few days before meals. The longer they are clumsy, the easier they will digest. Machine beans in very warm alkaline water. The perfect temperature between 120 and 148 degrees will be ideal, since oligasaccharides disintegrate under the action of enzymes at a temperature of 150 degrees. The hydrogen indicator of water (pH) also has a value of rigid water should be avoided. Easy way to make water more alkaline - add some lemon juice.
  • Change water several times. During soaking, drain the water and rinse the beans several times. Water change will allow to get rid of anti-nutrients contained in Bobah.
  • Prepare them for a long time and slowly. And it does not matter, you grouped them or soaked them, try to prepare beans on slow heat for a long time. Slow exposure on the stove gives a good result, like slow cooking or on the burner. I love to prepare beans in a slow cooker with a clay bowl.

People often complain that they can't eat beans due to gas formation And the problems of digestion and exclude dishes from legumes from their diet. Bean benefits The fact that this is a very affordable source of nutrients, such as peas and lentils, an excellent source of iron, copper, in addition to essential amino acids and high content of tryptophan, as well as omega.

Most often, this situation arises due to accelerated misuse (canned bean, food in a cafe from legumes, however, may often become a source of concern). Proper preparation of legumes aimed just to relieve digestion and mastering legumesRecommended with increased gas formation in humans, valid acts!

How to cook legumes:

1. How to soak and soak whether the beans, peas, mash, lentil (except red and yellow), nute? Be sure to soak at least 8h in a large volume of warm (not hot) water. For beans (and not treated pea, the one that yellow in stores is processed to it is not necessary) to add a teaspoon of rye yoke to the water when soaking or natural apple vinegar (only if you are sure that the vinegar is completely natural, chemical does not add! ). It is necessary to soak precisely to eliminate inhibitors in legumes, it is necessary not only to get rid of methorism and eliminate gravity in the stomach from legumes, but also to increase the nutritional value of the product, so that the phytates do not disturb the absorption of trace elements.

2. Never use neither soaking nor when cooking soda! (It will speed up cooking, but about its decrease in gas formation is myth, more often on the contrary!). After soaking water to merge and rinse the legumes well in the flock under running water.

3. Prepare legumes, running in boiling water and removing the resulting foam. How to cook peas, beans? If you have a tendency to gas formation, it is recommended to boil two saucepans with water, at the beginning to cook legumes 3-5min. In one, then merge (if you need to rinse from foam) and send to the second saucepan with water - there is already final cooking (for soup also, prepare on the second water, and first merge).

4. Use spices! Spices, improving the absorption of legumes and reduce gas formation: Turmeric, ginger, asafetide, coriander, pepper in small quantities (too sharp will interfere, while pepper activates other spices). With peas perfectly combined to taste turmeric and asafetide, some pepper, but the ginger and coriander add quite a bit or do not use so as not to kill the taste of pea.

5. How much boob boobs? Better longer than less. Especially long boil (tomatov) beans and peas 1.5-2.5 h. Long thermal treatment will not break the assimilation of protein from legumes, on the contrary, it will make it easy.

6. Peas at the same time and protein food and starch, so it is perfect to combine it with vegetables.

With which you should not combine in one meal at elevated gas formation and gravity of digestion:
Tomatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, any fruit, sweet, coffee / tea (coffee and tea do not affect the digestion of peas, but strongly reduce the absorption of iron from it).
P.S. . Do not everyone know that the peas are a good source of iron, the truth is not a gem iron well absorbing, only when there are no products of animal origin in the diet, therefore it is relevant for lean pea soup or porridge.

7. For 40 min. After receiving legumes, do not drink cold (below the body temperature) and not drink too much.

8. The combination of legumes with animal products is quite difficult, so after switching to Vegan (Long-Built) Power Relationships with bobs may change for the better by themselves.

9. Any protein food requires an active lifestyle, therefore, the more sidiating your lifestyle, the more often the effect of gravity from legumes may occur.

Mash, Nut, several types of lentils and beans, peas, soybeans, peanuts - diversity of legumes, when we exclude meat products from your diet. Vegetarians value beans for the high content of vegetable protein and fiber. Often lead in an example of Japan's long-livers who loving soybeans, or India, where Kichari and other heads of legumes are all together. At the same time, legumes can hardly be assisted, causing discomfort and gravity in the stomach. Applying a few simple principles, you can improve the absorption of legumes and make them bring more benefits to our body.
The grains of legumes, like nuts, seeds and cereals, contain inhibitors of enzymes that support them in a state of "hibernation" and do not exist to them until they receive enough moisture. These inhibitors can adversely affect digestion, blocking our digestive and metabolic enzymes.
They also contain aptic acid, which, in combination with inhibitors, well protects the grains from eating animals, making them dry and undequired. In the intestine, phytinic acid may interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc.
Traditionally, cereals and legumes have always soaked or fermented before cooking cereal, bread or other dishes from them. The process of cooking bread on Zakvask, classic tofu recipe and pace from soybean, soaking Masha and lentils for two to three days in Indian cuisine - all these examples of a wise relationship to cereals and bean.

Soaking neutralizes inhibitors of enzymes and launches the formation of useful enzymes that improve grain assimilation. In the process of soaking, enzymes and lactobacillia are also cleaving and neutralized with phytic acid. In fact, soaking before cooking the beans in his pot, we imitate the getting of grain into wet soil - the grain is awakened and its nutrient elements become more active.
To destroy most of the phytic acid and neutralization of inhibitors in cereals and legumes, it will be necessary at least 7 hours. The beans or lentil at night, the next day will not only be absorbed, but will prepare faster.
- Ground grains, fill the bean heat drinking water and leave at room temperature overnight.
- Better everything is to leave a saucepan with clumsy grains next to the battery, since in a warm place the process of "awakening" is faster.
- If you are soaking the grain longer (2-3 days), rinse them every 7-8 hours.
-The pre-preparation, water in which the grains are soaked, need to merge, and rinse the grains themselves.
Such spices like asafetide, ginger, black pepper, turmeric and coriander, improve the absorption of bean dishes. Ginger can be added during cooking both in dry and fresh.

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