What to do if the heels hurt: useful tips. What to do if the heel hurts and hurt on it? What can be done when the heels hurt

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Each person falls in his life to face physical pain. At the same time, an understanding comes that it is a symptom of a nascent disease. Why do the heels hurt? The answer to this question lies in the knowledge of the anatomical structure of the feet and diseases they are subject to. A sharp pain in the heel is provoked by pathologies of tendons, joints, foot connective tissue. Some common human diseases affect the heel bone are accompanied by edema and inflammation localized in this place. It is worth understanding which diseases are pain in the heel.

What is pain in the heels

In order for the doctor to be easier to diagnose the reason for which the heels hurt, it is necessary to describe a painful sensation as accurately as possible: localization, duration, frequency and character. It is a manifestation of the sickness of the foot or general disease. Table data will help to more accurately characterize the pain in the heel:

Description of pain when manifests


external diseases

presumable diagnosis

burning, causing the desire to lower the legs into cold water

throughout the foot

redness with a bluish skin


dying while walking

the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the tendon spreading throughout the sole


graceful after sleep. Dulled at rest, enhanced with the load on the leg

below heels

empty of the foot of the foot

Fastened fascia


heel bone

foot Egypt

fracture of the fifty bone

strong, not subsidizing. Acute at night.

from ankle to the heel bone

inflammation, redness, swelling heels and ankle

rheumatoid arthritis

Why hurts heel

The shore position of the body of a person determines the colossal loads on his feet. Each step of step leads to pressure on the lower limbs by force of 1.5 body weight. With sharp movements, this force increases 3-4 times. The heel bone and tendons are natural shock absorbers of the human musculoskeletal system. Without preventive measures, control over the mass of own body, a systematic legitimate legs occurs, which can grow into a disease. Pain in the foot and heel are associated with a multitude of factors.

All causes of pain in the heel can be divided into several groups:

  • not related to pathological changes in the body:
  1. The tension of muscles and ligaments from the need for a long stay on the legs, lifting weight (certain types of professions, training).
  2. Permanent wearing uncomfortable or high-heeled shoes.
  3. Atrophy of the fatty layer caused by a sharp decrease in body weight or large physical exertion, flat-refining.
  4. Obesity of a person or a rapid set of overweight them.
  5. Corn.
  • disease Stop:
  1. heel spur;
  2. tendinite (inflammation) Achilles tendon;
  3. apophisite of the heel bone;
  4. haglund deformation;
  5. bursitis;
  6. heel exostosis;
  7. achilminia;
  8. tarzal tunnel syndrome;
  9. neuralgia Morton;
  10. valgus deformation of the foot, etc.
  • systemic diseases:
  1. bekhter disease;
  2. osteomyelitis of the heel bone;
  3. tuberculosis bones;
  4. gout;
  5. rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;
  6. tumors, metastasis malignant neoplasms;
  7. diabetic angiopathy;
  8. infections affecting bone tissue;
  9. epiphesit;
  10. cracks caused by diabetes mellitus, mycosis or dermatitis.
  • injuries:
  1. stretching, tendon rupture;
  2. injury;
  3. damage to ligaments;
  4. fractures, cracks of the heel bone.

Painfully come

In the pathologies of the heel zone, there is a pain in the heel upon competing. This is understandable, because it consists of the heel bone, muscles, ligaments, tendons, thick fat and connective tissue, penetrated by a network of blood vessels and nerve fibers. Any inflammatory process, injury or deformation of the components of the heel parts under pressure of human weight leads to painful sensations. Painfully assumed at:

  • Bekhter diseases. Due to genetic predisposition, some people develop chronic inflammation of the joints and vertebrae of the skeleton. The inflammatory lesion applies first on the spine, and then affects the ankle joints, the Achilles and the tedoral surfaces. These processes and cause painful sensations, although they do not have such a devastating effect, as with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Gout. The cause of this disease is a high level of uric acid in the blood, manifested in people after 40 years. Crystals Urates are deposited in the joints, blocking mobility and causing their strong inflammation from time to time, called gouty arthritis. Such processes can cover the fingers and ankle. The attack of the gout is accompanied by the swelling of the joint and the adjacent tissues, the gulling pain, which is enhanced by step on the leg.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease in which lymphocytes (immune cells) destroy the cells of the junction tissue of the joints, perceiving them as alien. At the same time, the many small and large joints of the human body according to the type of polyarthritis are simultaneously affected. The tissue and phalange tissue are destroyed on the foot. At first, the legs sissing at night, in the process of developing the disease, pain becomes constant.
  • Osteomyelitis of the heel bone is an infectious damage to all bone elements. This long-term process is manifested as a secondary disease against the background of diabetic ulcers or injuries of the fifth zone. It is characterized by the formation of an open non-healing ulcers on the skin of the heel bulb. The pain arising from this is not acute, but constant. A characteristic feature is the loss of support on the leg, the impossibility of walking without auxiliary means.

When walking after sleep

Sometimes a person is difficult to "diverge" after sleep: Feels the severity in the legs, numbness and stupid pain in the foot. It is necessary to step carefully, choosing a comfortable position of the sole feet. Over time, when walking, the pain passes, but can return after finding a person in the sitting position or lying. If such a symptomatics becomes a regular phenomenon, it is worth consulting a doctor, because the reason may be called the factory fasci.

Fasciation of the feet - subcutaneous connecting tissue that performs the support and trophic function. Permanent loads on the lower limbs, the unnatural position of the foot, associated with the wearing of uncomfortable shoes or flatfoot, lead to inflammatory fascia processes, their anatomical damage. These processes and cause pain in the heel when walking. Over time, calcium salts are lowered in the inflammation zone, forming pathological bone outgrowth. Degenerative changes in the heel bone lead to chronic pain.

Heel bone rear

Large inconveniences and pain brings exostosis - the nausea growth of bone-cartilage tissues (osteochondrome) on the rear surface of the heel bone. This thigh can reach 2 cm in diameter and bring pain when moving and carrying shoes. It happens that the bone-cartoile bump is formed on the plantar part of the fidel bone. In the people, it is called "heel spur". These pathological changes may compress the nervous endings, which causes pain. It is possible to numb a foot, loss of its sensitivity.

On the inside of the foot

Flatfoot is the reason that the feet hurt from the inside. Factors affecting the development of this disease are weak ligaments of legs, large overweight and genetic predisposition. The deformation and laying of foot sections leads to the loss of its depreciation function. Because of this, the spine can be distinguished, the joints often sob. If the feeling of frequent pulling pain inside the foot, which is in the heel, repeats, it is necessary to refer to the doctor to determine the flatfoot and its treatment.

The heel hill from the inside may be sick with injury, stretching of medial bonds of ankle, cracks of the heel bone. Less often, there may be pain in this area with an epiphesitic - childhood disease. By 15 years, bone, ligaments and tendons are finally formed. Prior to that, there is a chance of breaking apophysis from the body of the heel bone with large physical exertion in children, for example, intensive sports.

Hurts inside

In infectious diseases, such as osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, the patient has a feet inside the heel. The same symptoms state doctors for urogenital and intestinal infections. Bone tuberculosis cause pathogenic microbacteria. More often they affect the lungs, but in rare cases with the flow of blood, the microbes fall into the heel bone. This form of tuberculosis is found only in children of 10-15 years old with a weak immunity.

The child has

Any illicit of the child causes fright's parents. In order to reasonably act and provide the necessary help, you need to know from which the heel can hurt in children. The pain in the foot does not at all mean the presence of a serious disease, and may be a consequence:

  • obesity of the child;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • the lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet of the growing organism.

If the child often complains that his legs hurt, you should seriously treat these complaints. Haglund-Shinz disease can manifest itself in the form of a similar symptom. The reason is the big mobility of children and their rapid musculoskeletal system. This disease is more often stated by girls 12-15 years old. The apophysuit of the heel bone provoke children's repetitive injuries and overvoltage of the foot from the loads during sports. Limiting movements, massages, physiotherapy lead to a complete recovery of the child.


It should be seriously referred to the first manifestations of painful sensations in the heel area. The doctor will prescribe a common and biochemical blood test. Determining disease factors will be the level of leukocytes, the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation and uric acid indicators. Depending on the indicators, you can diagnose anemia, gout, the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Microbiological studies SOSKOB (serological analysis) from the urethra will help determine the presence of urogenital infections.

Diagnosis of pathological changes of the foot and systemic diseases characterized by a painful sensation in the heel area depends on the age of the patient. Diagnostic methods are as follows:

  • Ultrasound and magnetic resonance tomography are effective in determining pathological neoplasms.
  • Tumor neoplasms. In suspected of their presence, the patient will offer tests on cancer-markers.
  • X-ray examination will help detect the pathology of the heal bone.
  • The puncture biopsy will determine osteomyelitis and bone tuberculosis.
  • When suspicion of bursitis take puncture from the synovial bag of the joint.
  • Densitometry is used to quantify the density of bone tissue in suspected osteomyelitis.
  • Osteocintigraphy is used to detect the destruction of bone metastasis, their necrosis.

What to do if the heel hurts

Often, people in the occurrence of pain in the legs turn to the surgeon, but in this case the choice of a doctor is not quite faithful. To this narrow specialist should be handled with:

  • trauma legs;
  • inflammation of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments;
  • ulcers, ulcers on soft tissues;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • pathologies of joints;
  • omnation of fabrics.

The orthopedic should be treated if there is a suspicion on flatfoot. This specialist will carry out the necessary diagnostics, advise orthopedic insoles for the medical correction of the foot and reduce the load on it. In the competence of the orthopedic, making massage and therapeutic gymnastics, the necessary medical preparations. Rheumatologist treats joints. With inflammation, pain and deformations in the ankle, the small joints of the foot need to contact this doctor. If there is doubt which doctor can help, you need to go to the therapist. He will send to the desired narrow specialist.

Medicia treatment

If the heel hurts, it is necessary to refer to the doctor to obtain a qualified diagnosis of the disease and the necessary treatment. Medical assistance can be in non-drug treatment and physiotherapy procedures. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe drugs:



form release

therapeutic action


arthritis, muscle pain in injuries

outdoor ointment

heats, anesthetics


rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia

it has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect

rheumatoid arthritis, joint syndrome when goug, bursitis, inflammation of tendons and ligaments

gel, nesteroid

acts as analgesic, dismisses exudate


bekhter disease, arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis

tablets, solution for intramuscular injection, ointment, gel, suppositories

exhibits antipyretic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect


articular Syndrome, Diffuse Diseases of Connective Tissue, Inflammation of Tenders

tablets, Ointment, Gel, Suppositories

anesthetics, relieves inflammation


acute pain in arthritis and other systemic diseases

tablets, drops, granules, injection solutions, candles, gel

gluits platelets, lowers heat, relieves pain and inflammation


sore joints or muscles

solution, Ointment

he has anesthetizing effect


arthritis, Bursit, Tendinitis

warms, expands the vessels, relieves inflammation


injuries, tensile ligaments and muscles

has an anesthetic, absorbing property

Diclofenac - effective, tested by time and clinical studies. Perfectly stops acute pain and has a long anti-inflammatory effect. With pronounced pain syndrome, intramuscularly 3 injections are prescribed, then the tableted form of the drug at the rate of 150 mg per day is applied. Advantages: It has different form of release, quickly relieves pain. Negative properties: not suitable for long use, because it causes pain in the stomach, exacerbates peptic diseases, gastritis.

Ketoprofen is a strong analgesic drug. Excellent proven to remove arthritis arthritis. It has good tolerance from patients. It is convenient in outpatient use, as it has different form of release. Advantages: The optimal combination of price and quality. With episodic use of side effects does not show. Negative properties: does not help with extensive lesions, has a gastropathic effect.

Operational treatment

If conservative treatment does not bring the desired result, the patient prescribe operational treatment. Surgical operation is carried out at:

  • Deformation of Haglund. From the surface of the heel bulb, bone outflow endoscopic is removed. Thanks to the chamber introduced into the heel area, the operation passes quickly and accurately. Surgical treatment with this disease effectively by 90%. Rehabilitation period is minimal.
  • Tarzal tunnel syndrome. Surgical intervention require volumetric pathological formations in a tarzal channel. With the help of the operation, the growths remove, thereby restoring the normal passability of the channel.
  • Tuberculosis bones heel. In the later stages of the development of the disease, conservative treatment is not effective. In this case, surgical intervention is assigned: deadly removal tissues are mechanically removed, disinfect the cavity that was formed inside the heel bone.
  • Osteomyelitis. Operational intervention is to open the penette in the bone of the heel, the mechanical cleansing of dead tissues and disinfection of the affected area.

Popular treatment

When the stop hurts, in consequence of gout, diabetic angiopathy, reactive arthritis, epoophysitis, osteomyelitis of the heel bone, etc., it is necessary to seriously drug treatment, which does not exclude surgical intervention. Folk remedies can only be used with:

  • bruises;
  • tension of tendons and bundles of ankle joint;
  • bursitis;
  • facege.

If the heel hurts, you should get a positive doctor's answer to the use of folk remedies for getting rid of pain. At home, you can cook tinctures and compresses to relieve pain. Among effective recipes recommended the following:

  • With fascia:
  1. Lubricate the sole of the foot, as much as possible, tincture of white acacia flowers on vodka. The proportion of components 1: 3. So 3-7 days in a dark place.
  2. Bolt Sabelnik roots Mix 1: 3 with vodka, insist for a day. Apply inside 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  3. Compress from garlic. A garlic grated on a fine grater is applied to a patient space for 3-4 hours.
  • When injected heels, tensile Achilles tendons and bias of ankle, bursts of the joints:
  1. Apply a compress from grated raw potatoes several times a day.
  2. Adopt the cashis from the chopped aloe leaves to the sore place in the form of a compression. Hold 6 hours.
  3. Purified, finely chopped onions are mixed with sugar in the proportion of 2: 1, apply to a sore place with a compress. The bandage is changed after 24 hours.


In order not to hurt your heels, measures should be used that will remove the footsteps from injuries and deformation. Preventive measures to prevent pain in the heel area include:

  • Failure from high-heeled shoes or on absolutely flat sole type of ballet shoes. It is desirable to have shoes with a wide heel of 5 cm high.
  • Timely appeal to the doctor at the first manifestations of painful symptoms in the field of the foot.
  • Control over unnecessary kilograms of the body. Excess weight increases the load on the feet, which can provoke the diseases described above.
  • Regular skin care of the feet.
  • The diet should include the necessary trace elements and vitamins.
  • The use of relaxing salt baths for legs.
  • Skating, skateboard, skiing with the use of protective equipment warning leg injuries.
  • The imposition of a nutritional cream on the skin of the feet to avoid its excessive drainage.


Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Why hurt the heels: causes and treatment

Heels are an integral part of the foot. They are from the bone and soft layer of fat. Such a structure helps the legs to withstand significant loads arising when walking and running. The heel tissues weaken the pressure appearing in the process of movement, and protect the spine from possible injuries. Together with the stop, they perform the function of the shock absorber.

The heel bone is filled with blood vessels, nerve fibers and tendons that increase the sensitivity of this part of the foot to external injuries. It is easy to damage it, and, as a result, pain will be felt when walking. The high probability of injury is largely due to the anatomical structure of heels.

Painfully step on the heel in the morning after awakening

Heel pain in the morning hours - phenomenon frequent. The painful sensations appear immediately after sleep. It is worthwhile to get out of bed - and unpleasant pain covers almost the entire foot. It is necessary to move on tiptoe, because completely coming to the leg is painfully.

Gradually, the pain passes, but may return after a long stay in a sitting or lying position. Unpleasant syndrome makes itself felt immediately after the person comes to the leg.

The cause of such a state is plantar fasciy. The pain in the heel is the main symptom of this disease. In most cases, painful sensations are caused by inflammatory-degenerative changes occurring in the plantar (plaque) connective tissue shell - fascia.

The reasons contributing to negative processes:

  • Foot overload. It occurs when:
    • wearing shoes, sandals or boots without heel;
    • considerable and rapid growth of motor activity;
    • constant finding legs, it is related to the type of production activities;
    • quick set of additional kilograms.
  • Flatteopic, in which the arch of the foot is lowered, and the plantar shell is excessively tensioned. The result is microtraums that cause pain.

Inflammation of fascia with time can become chronic. This process leads to the fact that calcium salts are deposited in the inflammation area. Gradually forges bone outflow - heel spur. It causes pain syndrome, especially unpleasant in the morning.

On the heel hurts to come: Possible causes

Causes of painful sensations can be combined into several groups.

І. System defaults:

  • Ankylosing spondyloarthritis (Bekhterev's disease) - Chronic inflammation of the joints and spine. The cause of the disease is the hostility of the immune system of the person to the tissues of the ligaments and the joints of its own body. The vertebrae splits one with another, and the spine ceases to be flexible and mobile. Often it is the pain in heels is the first symptom of the alend. It is so painful that it does not allow to stand on the solid floor.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - One of the most severe articual ailments. He proceeds with multiple complications. Painful syndrome first appears only during movement. When inflammation increases, painful sensations can wake at night and disturb until the morning.
  • Gout. This metabolic disease is characterized by the fact that crystals of urates accumulate in various tissues of the organism in the form of uric acid. In the joints there appears acute pain. They blush, become hot and swell. The gout most often amazes the joints of the thumb on the lower limbs, spreading pain on the heel bone.

Recipe on the occasion::

ІІ. Injuries:

  • Break of heal bonewhich is further accompanied by inflammation of neighboring tissues. A burning pain is felt under the heel, as if she was sticking with an acute arrow. She becomes unbearable when trying to become a bruised leg.
  • Fracture of the fifty bone. Pain syndrome is born in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage. The heel is deformed inward or outward. The whole stop swells and is covered by small hematomas. Starting to foot is impossible: pain does not allow.
  • Break or stretching tendons. The sole is better not to bend: the sensations are very painful.
  • Disease of the North (heel epiphisit). The disease is manifested in the form of a microen fiber-trap fibers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heel bone. It bothers the pain on the side and rear surface of the heel. It can be felt at palpation of the foot, but mostly occurs with active movement.

ІІІ. Inflammatory ailments:

  • Bursitis - Inflammation that appears after injuries or constant mechanical irritation of the limbs. It happens that visible reasons are absent. For the disease, all classic signs of inflammation are characterized: redness and swelling of the heel, pain when touched. If inflammation becomes chronic, then the skin is compacted.
  • Tendinit Achilles Tendonia. The provoking factor in the development of inflammation is too long a load on the ionic muscles. The skin temperature rises, the heels swell and blushed. Inflamed tendon can break, making a characteristic buffaceous sound.

    Without emergency medical care can not do.

IV. Infectious diseases:

  • Tuberculosis bone. It begins with necrosis of large areas of the skin or with melting of the bone substance. The infectious process covers a significant area, provokes the formation of purulent fistulas. A few weeks later he can suspend, and the person will come by remission. But more often the disease leads to the deformation of the limb and chromotype.
  • Jet Arthritis. Provoke the diseases of urogenital and intestinal infections flowing in a hidden form. Pain pains are manifested not only during walking. Often they worry at night. At the same time, the painful sensations are quite strong and more unpleasant than during the daytime.
  • Osteomyelitis of the heel bone - a purulent-necrotic process caused by bacteria. It develops into bones and bone marrow, covers the surrounding soft tissues. Pain sensations are sharp and drilling, driving from the inside. They are enhanced at the slightest movement. The heel at the same time becomes red and edema.

V. Other diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • target neuropathy.

Only the doctor can diagnose a specific disease. It is necessary to refer to a rheumatologist or traumatologist. You may also need to consult a neuropathologist, surgeon, oncologist.

Therapy pain in the heel

After passing the survey, the specialist appoints comprehensive therapy. Its composition depends on the cause that caused pain.

To reduce pain and its prevention, it is worth using such recommendations:

  • Pay attention to the selection of proper shoes. Let it be more expensive, but more comfortable and more comfortable. The most acceptable height of the heel is 4-5 centimeters.
  • If excess weight, you should work to get rid of it. Excess kilograms overload the muscles of the stop.
  • Conduct a small charge for legs. It includes bending and extending the stop for two or three minutes. Do charging best in the sitting position. To ride a massage ball with barefoot legs, try to collect some small items with your fingers.
  • If possible, walk barefoot in the sand and grass.

Treatment of pain in the heel of folk remedies

Many councils of traditional medicine effectively help reduce painful sensations. Here are some methods:

  • Contrast baths for legs. It is necessary to prepare two sudins: one with warm water, another - cold. The feet should be alternately in them and keep for a few minutes. Then the feet dryly wipe and wear cotton socks.
  • Relaxing baths. In warm water (4-5 liters), add 100 grams of sea salt and teaspoon of coniferous extract. Plug legs in the bath and hold out a quarter of an hour. The second way to carry out the procedure: Kamrozhka from cabbage to grind with a grater and pour boiling water; Leave to break from half an hour and add some hot water. In such a bath, hold the feet of the twenty minutes.
  • Turn a 0.25 kg of the root of the iris into Cashitz. Pour it with the same amount of vodka and leave in a dark place for a couple of weeks. The tincture is used to prepare compresses: mix the bandage, applied to the heel and wind with its polyethylene film. In the morning the dressing is removed. Use compresses with Iris is needed at least twenty days in a row.
  • Prepare a mix of honey with mummy. Components should be dissolved in such a quantity: 2 spoons of honey (table) and 5 grams of mummy. Masowing household products need to lubricate heels before bedtime.

Propolis, black radish, lilac flowers, garlic, potato cashem are also used.

Folk remedies can be used in parallel with the reception of drugs and conducting procedures prescribed by the doctor.

Simple methods described above can only temporarily get rid of unpleasant sensations. In order for pain in the heel stop disturbing, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of the problem. This is only a specialist.

The heel bone is daily exposed to loads when standing on legs, walking, running, hard work. This is the greatest bone of the foot, which, due to its form, strength and the adipose tissue located on it, performs the function of the shock absorber. However, with significant loads, it is vulnerable to injuries, which, as a rule, leads to the appearance of pain in the heel.

We list the basic possible reasons due to which pain often occur in this part of the foot. These are injuries; the growth of the fidel bone tissue; excess weight; thinning of adipose tissue on the heel; overvoltage of the heel bone (long stay in the "standing" position or walking in high heels); Some systemic diseases; inflammatory processes in the joints and soft fabrics of the foot; Penetration of infection in the joints.

The most common reason for the appearance of intense heel pain is bone expanding in the sole. This disease is called plants, or in common - heel spur. As a rule, it leads to a flatfoot, overweight, diseases of the joints and spine.

With pain in the heel, depending on the diagnosis, prescribe: massages, physiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers, compresses, nutritional supplements and drugs that restore bones. Along with therapeutic treatment, folk remedies can be applied. Consider the most effective recipes that will help remove the pain in the heel at home.

Foot baths

  1. They will help relieve pain in the soles contrasting foot baths. For this take two bowls, fill them with hot and cold water, respectively. You can add chamomile decoction in hot water. Alternate the stay of the feet in the water. Repeat to 16 times to 30 seconds. Then the soles are lubricated with fat and make a massage.
  2. This recipe will help relieve pain and improve blood circulation. In one liter of hot water dissolve 300 g of salts. The solution is poured into the basin and lowered legs into it for 20 minutes. The course of the treatment of inflammation of heal tissue or spurs takes about two weeks.

Mix lemon juice with water and freeze. The sole sole is massaged with ready-made ice (8-10 minutes).


1. Get rid of pain and heel spurs will help this tool. A spoonful of school chalk chopped into powder is mixed with the same amount of garlic mass. The soles are sprinkled in hot water and applied the mixture to the heel. Fix compress bandage.
2. With heel spurs and severe pain, such a compress is made before bedtime. Black radish rubbed on a shallow grater along with the skin. Cashitz lay out on the gauze and apply to the patient. Next cover the sole of the polyethylene film and fix. Wear socks. In the morning, the mixture was washed.

3. Quickly helps the compress from the grated root of Khrena.

4. In the people, pain in the heel has long been treated. Lucked onions (200 g). They tied the pulp to the problem zone in the form of compress all night. The procedures were performed until complete recovery. (Usually enough: 5-7 times).

5. Potatoes are boiled in uniforms, knead and add 2-3 drops of the lugol. The mass is laid out on the polyethylene film and binds to the sore leg. Warm compress (or put on woolen sock). Leave it until the morning. Procedures are carried out before the discontinuation of pain in the flash.

6. There is also a folk agent with potatoes, which will remove inflammation in the heel bone and will save from spurs. As in the previous recipe, potatoes are boiled in uniform. Melt along with the skin and poured a little pure kerosene. The mass is laid out on the gauze and tie to the heel. Toppers impose cellophane. After 7-10 procedures about spurs and unpleasant sensations can be forgotten.

7. Several grams of bitter pepper are crushed into a pound mass, a little honey is added and tied to the heel in the form of a compression. Hold the bandage not more than 6 hours. The mixture is then washed away, and the sole is abundantly lubricated with bold cream or oil.
8. Remove this recipe from the heel spur. The rusty bread crust is lubricated to birch tar and impose on a sore place. Take the sole of the bandage and cellophane film. Leave until morning. The procedure is carried out within 5 days. (One day).

9. As well as in the previous recipe, it is used to tar. The bulb is crushed and mixed with a small amount of this birch product. The mixture is applied to the patient to the patient, cover the sole of the cellophane film and insulate. Keep compress for at least 5-6 hours. Procedures are carried out daily within 5 days.

10. To remove inflammation will help such a folk remedy. Mix: one teaspoon of shallow salt, one tablespoon of honey and a pharmacy vapor of alcohol 5% iodine solution (50 ml). The mixture is applied to gauze or a napkin and applied to the flaq. Take the leg with a polyethylene film or put on the ulce and bother. Top wear warm socks.

11. Good results in the treatment of healing pain showed an animal bile. It can be applied to the sole in pure form, but it is better to prepare the tool like this: mix 30 g of bile, 1 spoon of medical alcohol and 1 spoon (dining room) chopped into the chips of the economic soap. The prepared mass is applied in the form of a compression on the soles pre-steamed in hot water.

Treatment of heels of dehydrate

Ensure pain, inflammation and normalizes blood circulation in tissues with a heel spur compress made of fresh crushed leaf toppers (dispatcher). The grass of the plant can be placed in shoes and walk with her all day. In the morning it should be replaced with a new one.

Tincture for internal use

Pain will help remove the laptic tincture (saber). The stalks of the plant are finely crushed, fill with them half a liter can and poured with high-quality vodka. Close the container and placed in a dark and quite warm place for three weeks. The remedy is drunk on one tablespoon three times a day, pre-diluting it with a small amount of water. Also, this tincture is applied or rubbed into a sick heel joint.

Effective Folk Treatments

  1. It will help the old method. Take a half-table of a strong homemogon. Ignite it. Substituted over the flame of the heel and pretty warm it. After that, the sole is lubricated with rosehip oil and make a massage. You can also, after warming up, to ride the dried companion of corn or resemble in small pebbles.
  2. Effective and proven folk remedy for heel spurs and pain. Take 80 ml of acetic essence and put in it a fresh egg. Send the composition for 25 days in a cool dark place. Shell during this time will completely dissolve. Add to a mixture of 80 milliliters of vegetable oil and mix well. The legs are sprinkled in hot water and make a mass of a thin layer on a sore heel. After that, the sole of the polyethylene film is sole. Remove the bandage in the morning or if a strong burning appears. After 4-5 procedures, discomfort completely and for a long time.

It should be remembered that the pain in the heel can sometimes arise due to serious problems in the body. Therefore, if after a sufficiently long use of folk recipes, the painful sensations did not decrease, it is necessary to visit the traumaologist or rheumatologist.

Pain feelings in the heel area are able to appear as a result of various reasons. It can be both a disease of the joints and bones and the development of skin problems. Often, experts have to deal with complaints of patients on the fact that heavily hurts and hurt and hurt. How to treat folk remedies in this case, and what are there any ways to eliminate the problem? To overcome the disease initially, find out the reason for pain, and then eliminate its consequences.

The main reasons for pain in the heel

The main factors of pain symptom during walking are diseases of the joints and the presence of healing spurs. In rare cases, there are consequences after injuries, the presence of fungus, cracks on the heels. Corn formed often lead to the occurrence of this syndrome and discomfort when moving, but from such signs it is possible to quickly get rid of. It will only be necessary to change the shoes and pass the medical course.

Heel pain

During the presence of the heel spur, the bone expanding occurs in the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe soles of the bones of heels. Spurs are capable of squeezing the soft fabric of the foot, causing pain in the heel area when moving.

Spur factors are associated:

  • Sock shoe shoe
  • Joint diseases (in arthritis or arthrosis)
  • In addition, the heel may be sick due to the development of the ailment of the heaved bone surrounding her ligaments, fascia. So why does the plantar fasci arise? The disease occurs in the middle of the morning, getting out of bed. Both begins the whole foot. To eliminate discomfort, you have to go on tiptoe. This disease is associated with stretching and inflammation of fascia.

    Fascia can occur after:

    • Wearing high heel
    • Existence of overweight
    • Sugar diabetes
    • Flatopy.

    Also with these diseases are athletes at large loads in training, after a long run. Due to the presence of chronic diseases of the bones, the joints are often a patient complaining that it is very difficult to get up on the heel when moving.

    Often the cause of pain in the heel during arthritis, arthritis, except for the destruction of the joint, can be the deposition of uric acid salts, difficult to be therapy. The presence of rheumatoid arthritis is the cause of the declaration of the joints of the joints, because the heel pain is combined with other signs.

    In addition to systemic pathologies, cracks, the pain in the heel may occur with the cause:

    • Farm heel
    • Bone bone
    • Tensions
    • Injuries tendon
    • Heavdower apophisitis
    • Bursita
    • Tendinitis

    If with diseases heavily hurts and hurts, it is possible to take advantage of the folk remedies for treatment, but only after consultation with the doctor and its approval for such therapy.

    At the stage of the development of the ailment, to get rid of painful sensations in the heel initially resort to popular treatment methods.

    Due to the treatment of folk agents, the following result can be achieved:

    • Suspend bone expression
    • Eliminate inflammation
    • Remove the heel sickness

    Treatment of pain in the heel when walking at home

    Using a bath. Cerencing the heels will help contrast baths, with alternating cold and heat. The 2nd basin is filled with water and in turn plunge the legs. You can pour in a pelvis with hot water decoction from chamomile. Do a procedure up to 30 repetitions, half minutes. After the procedure, the soles of the legs need to be lubricated with cream and make a light massage.


    To enhance the blood flow in the limbs and heel spurs, such a popular recipe for the heels is used. You need to take a liter of hot water and pour 300 grams of salt to it. Pour the prepared solution into the pelvis. Time of treatment of heels 2 weeks. On the 5th day, the patient will feel relief. It is forbidden to interrupt the course of therapy.

    If the strongest pain at the advancing caused by the heel spur, the marsh saber can be used as a folk treatment. This plant is quite popular and distributed, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Such a procedure removes pain, helps to normalize the immune system and accelerate the process of output from the body of salts. To make a folk medicine need 1 tbsp. Infusion sabelnik dissolve in 1/3 cup of water. Apply inside 3 times a day before meals. Treatment takes 20 days. Then there is a break.

    When the patient's walking is difficult or painfully pressed to the joint, the doctor may recommend to accept apple vinegar as a folk agent, garlic, filled on vodka, decoction of birch leaves.

    Quickly remove pain in the heel will help infusion from dried lilac colors. It is necessary for 10 days to insist the plant on vodka in the proportion of 1:10. Then strain and drink on a teaspoon on 50 ml of water to 3 times a day. Also in parallel, the heel on the night should be tricious.

    To eliminate folk methods of pain in the heel also include the use of fresh ledge. She puts into shoes. You need to walk all day. In the morning the plant is replaced by a new one.

    Apple vinegar and garlic

    If a heel hurts, get rid of the problem, will help folk herbal tea from lingonberry leaves. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials is taken and beats with boiling water for 20 minutes.

    It is important to understand that when such symptoms appear, folk treatment tips may be different. You should choose a more appropriate way and try to eliminate the problem of healing discomfort.

    If they still hurt the heels and folk remedies did not help in treatment, the help of a specialist is needed for medication therapy.

    As a folk treatment, you can use the recipes for the preparation of ointment at home.

    An effective means of removing pain in the heel is a mixture of liquid honey and mummy. 5 grams of resin in 2 tbsp should be dissolved. Honey. The ointment is applied on the heels every evening until the other disappearance of pain.
    You can cook ointment, the basis will be, a richness with Lanolin. The folk remedy will save from the heel pain and make them healthy. You need to wash the collected grass and grind on the meat grinder. Squeeze juice. Next, mix to a homogeneous mass of 20 ml of juice with 40 gr. Lanolina. Enrich the medicine 40 gr. Vaseline, mixing all the components well. The treatment of ointments must be carried out after breaking the legs, slightly rubbed until completely absorbed.

    Application and manufacture of ointments

    You can also purchase preparations in the pharmacy. Preparations are produced on the basis of natural ingredients that are able to eliminate inflammation and dissolve salt.

    Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointment is easily applied to the sore zone, it quickly eliminates inflammation and pain symptom. The medicine has a minimum list of side manifestations, because it is not absorbed into the blood. Used with muscle pain and joint pathologies. The patient area should be smeared 3 times a day.

    Phenylbutazon-based ointments are used in arthritis, gout, bursite and pyroxicam after surgery, with a fracture of heel, cure spurs.

    It is important to understand that the medication appoints a doctor. Self-use can cause adverse effects.

    Pain Pain Compresses

    There is a sufficient number of compresses recipes that will help to stop the process of inflammation, remove the pain in the heel, facilitate the state.

    Application of compresses

    Popular folk compresses include:

    • Use of garlic - the product is crushed into Cashitz. Then you need to lay a mixture on the damaged heel and insulate. In order not to burn much, the area is processed by oil.
    • Verified folk medicine - toothe, which is distributed over bread and applied to the heel. Filed cloth folded twice. To treat a sore place, leave the tool for 7 hours.

    Use compresses, like other folk remedies, is recommended after approval of the doctor.

    Baths for fractures play an important role when recovering. One of the folk remedies is salt. To make a bath need to pour salt in the pelvis. Pores on the skin expand and salt will penetrate inside. Then the substance falls through the bloodstream to the affected area.


    In case of injury, the prevention of the heel lies in the removal of sports - walking and running.

    Bike and pool as an alternative

    It is better to ride a bike and go to the pool. It is important to settle its weight, reducing the excess body weight.

    • When flatfoots, get orthopedic insams. They will help keep the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the heel.
    • Recommended to go to shoes on low heels. This will help unload the heel and do not overvolt the foot.
    • In order not to deal with the pathologies of the legs, you should do therapeutic gymnastics.

    If you constantly feel discomfort in the heels area - this is a serious reason to think about your health, because such a symptom often signals about the availability of any diseases. In order to return good well-being, it is important not only to eliminate painful sensations, but also to find out the reason for their occurrence.

    Causes of pain in the heels

    The feeling of discomfort can be caused by the most diverse factors:

    1. Sports. The pain in the heel region sometimes occurs after jogs or other exercise, assuming heavy loads.
    2. Injuries. Ears, stretching, fractures or any other types of damage can lead to sharp pain. In this case, you must immediately turn to the traumatologist. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better not to occur on the sore leg.
    3. Unsuitable shoes. If you used to go only on heels, and then we began to wear shoes with a flat sole, it can adversely affect the health of the legs.
    4. Excess weight. Because of the excess body weight, the load increases on the foot, as a result of which, in the process of walking, a person is experiencing severe pain.
    5. Arthritis. Inflammation of the fabric connecting the heel bone and fingers can lead to discomfort to the feelings that will gradually increase. Especially intense with this disease, pain is manifested in the morning.
    6. Fast soles. We can provoke pathology can close uncomfortable shoes or daily long-term standing on the legs. As a result, they are formed a formation that has pressure on the fabric and causing a feeling of discomfort, which is most felt after sleep.
    7. Heel spur. If the fasci is not cured in time, bone education may appear on the surface of the heel, which will lead to severe painful sensations that will especially often arise in the morning.
    8. Inflammation or gap Achille tendon. The injury may occur as a result of intense physical exertion, or, for example, with an unsuccessful jump.
    9. Infections. The tendon inflammation can be caused by infectious diseases, for example, chlamydia. The disease is accompanied by permanent painful sensations that are closer to the evening become even stronger.
    10. Malignant tumors. If there are neoplasms in the footsteps, the vessels and nerve endings are compressed, which in turn causes chronic pain.
    11. Cracks on heels, which appeared as a result of dermatitis, Mikosa, or any other disease.

    folk remedies for getting rid of heels from cracks

    How to get rid of the pain in the heel

    In order to eliminate unpleasant sensations, you first need to determine the reason for their occurrence, contacting the rheumatologist, a traumatologist or a dermatologist. Treatment can be carried out in various ways, it is appointed only after a complete diagnostic examination, including blood test, radiography and ultrasound.

    If there are cracks on the heels, it is necessary to make an appointment to the dermatologist, if it turns out that they are amazed by fungus, it will prescribe appropriate treatment. This problem can also be caused by increased dry skin. To get rid of cracks, it is recommended to lubricate your feet with cream daily and delete pedicure tools for pedicure.

    If uncomfortable shoes have become the cause of discomfort, it is recommended to purchase products with a comfortable pad that do not give a larger load on the heel. From time to time shoes, you need to remove the legs to relax.

    For the treatment of heel spurs, comprehensive measures need to be taken:

    • getting rid of excess body weight;
    • physiotherapy (mineral baths, ultrasound treatment, mud appliqués);
    • the use of orthopedic stelks;
    • reduction of load on the foot;
    • medication treatment;
    • removal of bone outflow surgically (in particularly serious cases).

    In the presence of inflammatory processes caused by infectious diseases or diseases of the joints, drugs are used, which prescribe a patient a doctor.

    It is possible to reduce the physical exertion, for example, refusing such sports, such as walking or running. In addition, it is recommended to do special exercises every morning:

    • Put the rolling pin under your feet, take a seitant position and for a few minutes roll it with a step. In order to achieve the desired effect, repeat the procedure daily several times.

    The cause of discomfort is often associated with the low mobility of the icy muscles. You can get rid of an unpleasant symptom with the following exercise:

    • Stand up near the wall, attach a palm to it, straighten the right leg, and the left step forward. Then lean towards the wall, remaining in such a position on half a minute. After that, repeat all the actions by changing the legs.

    How to quickly get rid of the pain in the heels

    The following methods will help facilitate the condition:

    1. If there are no medical contraindications, take the ice, attach it to the feet, and then scroll them. This procedure is recommended daily once, for twenty minutes.
    2. You can get rid of painful sensations by breaking the legs into the pelvis with warm water.
    3. The rapid effect is the painkillers containing in their composition ibuprofen. However, before you begin to take them, you should consult with the attending physician.
    4. Pain in the heel area is well removed by anti-inflammatory ointment (butadiene, indomethacinic).

    Treatment of pains in heels at home

    You can get rid of the problem using proven folk remedies:

    1. Sutitate on the grater of raw potatoes, attach it to the leg and wrap it on top of polyethylene. This recipe allows you to quickly remove pain.
    2. Relief from the heel spurs well helps the plantain. Attach a sheet to the patient, and as soon as it dry, replace it with a new one. After this procedure, strong painful sensations may appear, however, in the future, you can forget about the existence of bone growths.
    3. For treatment, the radish of black color is well suited, it needs to be finely lost, put to the heel and wrap the foot with polyethylene. In the morning mashed potatoes, it is necessary to wash off with warm water.
    4. If there is a "triple cologne" at home, it can be heated in any enamelled capacity, and then unpack the legs in it.
    5. Garlic has an excellent medicinal effect, make a mashed potature and attach to the heel for four hours. Daily making such compresses, you can soon get rid of the feeling of discomfort.
    6. Split two tablets aspirin, mix them with a spoon of 3% iodine, apply the composition onto the cotton, and then apply it to the patient, wechill with a polyethylene film and a warm towel. Repeat this procedure at least three times a day.

    Using folk recipes, you can independently get rid of painful sensations at home, but before you begin treatment, you need to pre-consult with a specialist.

    how to get rid of heel spurs at home

    How to avoid pain in the heel

    1. Overweight is often the cause of an increased load on the foot, so it needs to be maintained normally by following its diet. Special preference is recommended to give protein and vegetable food, since the pain in the heel area often provoke inflammatory processes resulting from a metabolic disorder.
    2. You can avoid overvoltage of the feet by purchasing comfortable shoes on a low heel, which will evenly distribute the load.
    3. Protection of the heel will help orthopedic insoles, thanks to which the bundles of stop and muscle are supported.
    4. In preventive purposes, you can perform special exercises daily, preventing feet diseases.

    In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to apply comprehensive measures. Treatment may take several months, however, showing care for his health and observing all the recommendations of the doctors, you eventually be able to completely get rid of the sensations that are disturbing you.

    Video: Why does pain in the heel appears, and is it always the heel spur

    Pain in the heel - One of the common problems that most often worries pregnant women, people in old age, athletes, schoolchildren. Sometimes you can easily cope with such pain, for this makes the baths, compresses, lubricate with ointments. True, if the malaise provoked by some serious illness, it is possible to get rid of unpleasant sensations after a full-fledged examination and establishing the root causes.

    In young years, when the legs do not worry, it is perceived as of granted, and especially do not pay attention to them. But barely revealed some kind of problem with the legs, as you immediately begin to realize how our life and our mood is strongly dependent on it. Extremely unpleasant pain in heelsWhich are such painful, almost can be taken out of the habitual track for a long time. After all, even a short walk becomes a real endurance test.

    • The reasons
    • Types of pain
    • Treatment:
    • Medical preparations
    • Folk remedies
    • Compresses
    • Bathrooms
    • Prevention

    The main reasons for pain in the heels

    The reasons for the occurrence of pain syndrome can be a lot. And it is not necessary to be a heavy and difficult and plenty of its source. Among the reasons, due to which there are unpleasant pain in the heels, there may be external negative factors or various diseases.

    The most famous reasons:

    • A sharp transition from high heels to a completely flat sole is not at all amortizing - this can provoke the appearance of sharp pain in the foot and heels.
    • Often, a factor that provokes painful feelings in the legs, especially for women, may be wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes - on "hairpins". The load on the foot at the same time is distributed unequal. Part of the foot turns out to be "overwhelmed" - the sock and the heel area are constantly in suspense, and the part is inactive. As a result of this, intensive pain events appear in the heel.
    • Large loads during sports training, if pain appears after running, then you need to temporarily switch to another type of muscle loads.
    • The injuries or bruises of the heel may be one of the causes of burning pain. The inflammatory process may appear optional during damage to the heel. Typically, pain occurs during damage to the bundles of the ankle joint. When moving, a feeling may appear as if the needle is dug in the leg, which every step is deeper and deeper into the body. In this case, you need to try not to step on the victim's foot and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
    • In the second half of pregnancy, the woman increases the body weight from 6 to 18 kg. As a result, due to the weight gain and deterioration of blood circulation, a pain syndrome may occur, which is usually felt when walking and in the evening. Sleshful girls are more predisposed to gain weight.
    • Obesity and hormonal changes can provoke a sharp increase in weight.
    • Heel spurs - inflammation of ligaments and peculiar bone growths on the plantar surface in the region of the heel bone. The main symptom of the heel spur is an acute pain that is felt especially when walking, in the morning, barely arises from bed, during palpation, visually there is a deformation and edema of soft tissues. You can establish the presence of heel spurs on an ultrasound, or making the X-ray of the foot.
    • Bekhterev's disease is a rare chronic disease that entails the aggression of the immune system in relation to the joints of the spine and the soft cartilage tissue. Inflammation in joints and bone tissue.
    • Gout - characterized by inflammation of articular tissues. The disease occurs due to disruption of metabolism and causes the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints. Often, there is an excessive use of saline and acidic products. Prolonged unpleasant bakery pains passing over time.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis - diseases of the joints, usually affecting the lower limbs. The pain is felt when walking, and in the case of the neglence of the disease - and at rest.
    • Intestinal infection and pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary system - these diseases often serve as the occurrence of reactive arthritis, which is pretty quickly progresses. The infection from the genital organs is shifted below.
    • The malignant tumor is often developing in the heel area. Initially, a small tubercle is formed, around which many extended blood vessels appear. The neoplasm increases and hardens.
    • Tarolis nerve paralysis, paralyzing muscles makes it difficult to flexing the foot and toes.
    • Bone tuberculosis - the disease is due to the dieting part of the skin. Subsequently, bone tissue is affected by a poor, and the cartilage as if melted.
    • Cracks on heels when walking cause many inconveniences and unpleasant sensations. Formed deep cracks in the layer, deep cracks, with inflammation, cause acute pain and bleeding, delivering strong discomfort and making any walk to painful and unbearable.
    • Planter Fascitions - inflammation, which develops in fascia - a rigid coupling shell, which is located in a wide strip along the surface of the sole of the foot. A common pain in his heel is usually due to inflammation of the fascia in a place where it is attached to the heel bug. In the case of untimely treatment of the fascination, calcium salts can be laid in the place of chronic inflammation, leading to the formation of the heel spur.
    • Jet arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the joints, which can develop after carrying out some infections, most often after infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, intestinal tract infections. Some pathogenic microorganisms penetrating the body can provoke pain in the feet and heels. In most cases, this is genital infectious diseases. Hidden microorganisms serve as a source of reactive acute inflammation in the heel tendon. In this disease, painful sensations in the field of heels are permanently permanently, and it is especially felt at night.
    • Damage to the achilla tendon and its inflammation is a frequent cause of the strongest pain over the heel. Such a trauma usually happens in professional athletes, however, it can also occur in ordinary people in case of severe physical exertion, an unsuccessful jump.

    These diseases will not be able to cure independently, so you need to contact different specialists:

    • rheumatologist;
    • traumatologist;
    • surgeon;
    • phthisiatra;
    • oncologist;
    • neuropathologist;
    • orthopedic

    so that the doctor in the course of medical examinations and by the nature of pain finding out the cause of the disease. This facilitates the diagnosis of illness and helps the doctor to prescribe effective treatment to get rid of pain.

    Types of pain in the heel

    Pain feelings in the heel are divided into such varieties:
    1. Magnifying pain. In most cases, due to a rapid increase in body weight occur. It is found in women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Very often, painful pain causes wearing uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes. Often, the cause of such pain serves the fascia - chronic inflammation of the ligament fabrics, which hold the bones in a certain position. Usually, this disease is experienced by people who have forced for a long time to be on their feet and stand in the same position - hairdressers, sellers and surgeons.

    2. Acute stiff pain. Such pains experience people suffering from gout, sick with reactive arthritis, during fractures. When fractures, the heel is deformed and may be befed to the right or left.

    3. Pain in the heel when walking. If nothing bothers at rest, and when moving sharp pain arise, then it is likely to be inflammation of Achilles tendon.
    4. Pain in the heel in the morning. If after awakening it hurts to feet, then most likely it is the heel spur. Pain may calm down after a short walk. Sometimes the heel spur can disturb at night and cause sleepless night.
    5. Pain in heels during pregnancy. According to nature, they are suitable, and they can occur at the end of the day. It is enough to like one hour, and pain occurs when loads on the heels. After childbirth and reduce body weight pain pass.
    6. Painful sensations in rest. As a rule, unpleasant feelings are manifested at the end of the working day and permanent stay on the legs. Feet starting to hurt in the evening. If labor activity is not associated with a permanent stay on the legs, then pain in rest may be provoked by infectious diseases of the genital organs or intestinal infectious diseases. Usually may occur after the exacerbation of chronic diseases.
    7. Postpartum pain in the heel. If there were no pain during pregnancy, and unpleasant pain in the heels began to appear after the permission of the birth, then, most likely, it may be damage to the nerve of the lumbar department in the spine. Sometimes the incorrect course of labor may cause the appearance of a chromium in the female in labor. It usually happens with women who have a very narrow pelvis or when a large kid is born.
    8. Pulsing pain. With the advent of pulsating pain and swelling in the heel area, it is possible to judge the presence of a bacterial infection, which often occurs against the background of the fascia or fungus.
    9. Syndrome burning pain in the heels, which develops with different forms of polyneuropathy. For him, drawing pain in the muscles, burning sensations, muscle cramps, feeling of numbness, tingling or "crawling goosebumps" in the lower extremities during walking, at times in the top of the body - shoulder and pelvic belt. In a state of rest, these symptoms are noticeably reduced.

    Treating pain in the heel

    In the event of the heel pain, the most correct solution - not postponing for later and do not try to treat yourself, but urgently consult a doctor for qualified advice to determine the cause of the disease, and preventing the occurrence of various complications of such a state.
    There are many medical preparations, pharmacy ointments, as well as tested by the time of folk treatment methods, which are used to weaken the painful sensations in the heel. It is only important in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor to select the most efficient and correct funds, and timely start comprehensive treatment.

    Medical preparations for the treatment of pain in the heel

    The appropriate drugs appoint a doctor, and if someone is delivered to the pains from pain in heels, it does not mean that it needs to be acquired to everyone who suffers like a certain ailment. In particular, this refers to pills. With gels, solutions and ointments also need to be treated with caution.

    Characteristics of medical preparations:

    • Anti-inflammatory nasteroid drugs. Reception of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs facilitates pain, however, they cannot be used for a long time due to the great set of side effects. Such preparations are produced in the form of a gel, they can quickly painfall, however, there is no medical effect from such a drug, it cannot eliminate the cause of pain, and it is often prescribed orthopedists to relieve pain. Preparations of such pharmacology manufactured in ampoules are intended for intramuscular injections and used to treat chronic arthritis in the aggravation stage and with fascia.
    • Anti-inflammatory analgesizing antipyretic drugs. They are produced in ampoules for injections, as well as in the form of ointments, candles and tablets. The most efficient use rectal candles, because they are quickly absorbed by the intestine and they have a minimum number of contraindications. The medicine does not eliminate the cause of pain itself, but only blocks pain, reducing pain syndrome, relieves the inflammatory process, the heat. Use for the treatment of symptomatic pains in heels provoked by arthritis, fasci, heel spur.
    • Anti-inflammatory anesthetic and antimicrobial preparations of local action. Release in the form of fluid in bottles. Used mainly in the form of a warming aqueous solution, which reduces pain symptoms by heat, also the medicine relieves inflammation and edema.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of pain in the heel

    For treating a qualified specialist, as a rule, do not appeal immediately, but enjoy the recommendations of people's healers and try to get rid of the pain of the people's methods. In alternative medicine there are many simple and fairly effective recipes for removing pain syndrome in heels and reduce inflammation. Most often apply compresses, ointments, baths using medicinal herbs.

    Folk remedies:

    • Paints in the heels can be removed with contrasting baths, alternating heat and cold. It is done with the help of two basins of the same volume with cold and hot water, alternately, the female feet first in the cold, and then in warm water. Instead of simple water, you can also use the decoction of the pharmaceutical chamomile. After such a procedure, you can make the heels massage.
    • Use "Ice pillows" with lemon juice. A small plastic bag filled with ice cubes from diluted lemon juice wrapped in a towel applied to patients with heels. The duration of the procedure is up to fifteen minutes. Such a "pillow" is used after heavy loads on the foot and sports workouts.
    • It is possible to localize the pain in the heel caused by spur, with the help of a saber of a marsh - a common and popular plant, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this plant, immunity is normalized and the process of the withdrawal of salts from the body is accelerated. For cooking medication: one art. l. The tincture of the saber of the marsh dilute 1/3 of Art. Water, consumption inside 3 times a day before eating. The duration of the course is 20 days, then take a break for 10 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated.
    • Having pain in the heel helps a tincture of walnuts, which is used inside. The remedy is prepared from 20 grams. Grid walnuts, poured 200 ml of vodka and insist for 10 days. The medicine is used on the tablespoon 3 times a day before eating. Treatment with such a folk remedy effectively removes the pain in the heel.
    • It is well helped to calm pain in the heels, especially in the treatment of arthritis and heel spurs, compresses with black radish. For this, the washed root root along with the skin is rubbed on a fine grater. After Cashitz, lay on the marblee and applied to a sick heel, then the compress is fixed with a plastic bag and over an elastic bandage. The procedure can be done every day and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse with warm water. Treatment is carried out until complete healing.
    • Get rid of painful sensations in heels also helps the drug tincture of dried lilac flowers. Plant Ten days must be insisted on vodka in a proportion of 1/10. After strain and consume a teaspoon on 50 ml of boiled water 2-3 times a day. In parallel, it is necessary to perform and rub the sick place for the night.
    • With pains in the heels, there is also a fresh grass of a bird of bird (dispatch), putting it in shoes, and walk with her throughout the day. In the morning the grass is changed to fresh.

    Application of ointments with pain in the heel

    In traditional medicine, Mazi is mainly used:

    • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. They are easy to apply on the amazed place, they quickly remove inflammation and painful syndrome. Among other things, they have minimal side effects, because they are practically not absorbed into the blood. Used with pains in muscles and diseases of the joints, the patient area is necessary for a day three times to lubricate the ointment and lie down some time until complete absorption.
    • Mazi based on anti-inflammatory substances is often used after surgery on the joints, remove pain after injury.
    • Phenylbutazon-based preparations are effectively used in arthritis, gout, bursites, and heel spurs. Drugs are applied to the skin with a thin film up to three times a day.
    • The preparation based on the pyroxicam is anesthetia, quickly absorbed into the skin. The ointment after surgery is used, with closed fractures, as well as in the treatment of heel spurs, the medicine is applied three times during the day.

    Pain Pain Compresses

    In case of heel pain, compresses are often used using ready-made pharmacy solutions or prepared independently. As a rule, burning peppers, vodka, garlic, cinnamon, medical alcohol and other warming foods.

    Compress Recipes:

    • Cereal pain in the heel can be a popular recipe from spution on a firing bulb and spoons of pharmacy birch. A homogeneous onion mass of thick layer on the heel. Top to cover with a cloth folded in three layers and fixing the bandage, leave the applique for five hours. Ruff warm water. The procedure is carried out within five days in a row.
    • Red burning peppers are used to create a heating effect. Red pepper pod together with seeds crushed in a meat grinder. Add 30 ml of bee nectar to Kashitz. All work needs to be performed in gloves and protect your eyes. Put the mixture on the fabric and, fixing the bandage, leave on the heel at least 4, a maximum of 6 hours. After compress, the skin lubricate the skin with a fat cream. Burning pepper can not be used with wounds on the feet, the presence of cracks, watery corns.
    • For the preparation of compress based on garlic: grate five teeth and mix the mass with a white chopped school chalk. Cashitz apply to gauze and impose on a sore place, leaving three to five hours. The tool should not be used with open wounds and cracks on the heels.
    • An effective tool with pain in the heel is a mixture of a tablespoon of honey, 50 milliliters of iodine and a teaspoon of small salt. Apply the mixture to gauze and impose on a damn place before going to the amazed place, covered with polyethylene on top and fixed with bandages, the bandage must be left overnight. This amount of the mixture is enough for five procedures, for which you just can get rid of heel spurs if this disease was diagnosed. In preventive purposes, treatment is repeated in six months.

    Potato compresses from potatoes are also helping to cope with the heels:
    1) Potatoes are welded in the peel well breathed, add 10 ml of the lugol and mixed thoroughly. It is still a hot mixture to attach to the patient and, fixing the bandage from gauze, leave the compress to the complete cooling. Such a compress can be used every day during the week.
    2) Pour 30 ml of purified kerosene in a mundair puree. We bring the mass to a sore place and wrapped with cellophane. Top to wear socks and walk through three hours. Course of treatment 8-12 procedures.
    - To prepare a medicine from a pharmacy bile, you need to mix 30 ml of means and 20 ml of medical alcohol with a spoon of crushed on the cooler of the economic soap. Mass impose on a sore place and bite the cloth. Hold the compress from three to five hours. After the compress, wash the legs with warm water and make a massage. Course treatment - 10 procedures.
    - People's methods as anesthesia also recommend a special cake, which is prepared from honey and oatmeal. On the steplay-affected leg and the dirty douse impose a cake and fix it with a bandage. To keep such a compress on the leg is recommended for as long as it is possible. Course treatment - 10 procedures.

    Treatment of pain in the heel baths

    Healing baths effectively help remove discomfort in the foot, inflammation, pain syndrome. Usually for the baths use sea salt, herbal decoction, as well as vegetables and fruits.

    Recipes for baths:

    • In the pelvis with 2,5 liters of warm water to pour a tablespoon of food soda and pour 20 ml of iodine. Holding the leg into the liquid to keep the solution to the complete cooling. It is not recommended to use a bath with fractures or stamps.
    • 20 g of dried net leaves pour a liter of boiling water and cook for two minutes. Leave to complete cooling, and then immerse. Heels to keep in a fluid brave to full cooling. Procedure to hold every day before bedtime.
    • Packaged to rub on the grater, pour boiling water and peck for five minutes, after strain. The decoction pour into the pelvis and add a small amount of hot water. Legs immerse in a pelvis with a solution and keep at least 15 minutes. The procedure is done on the eve of sleep.

    Prevention of problems with heels

    First, you need to refrain from doing sports walking or run, because these sports do not really shove your legs, in favor of walking on a bike or swimming pool. It is important to lead to normal performance. After all, each additional kilogram brings harm not only to the entire body, and the heels who need to withstand these extra pounds.

    If there are at least the slightest symptoms of flatfoot, you need to buy special orthopedic insoles. They help to hold the muscles and bundles of the feet in a normal state, and at the same time protect the heel.

    To give preference to convenient shoes on low heels, up to five centimeters. Heel such a height allows a little bit to unload the heel and not overjugging the foot.

    In order to prevent the prevention of diseases of the legs, it is very useful to regularly engage in special medical gymnastics.

    Self-medication is not recommended for pain in the heels. But if the reasons for pain are not serious, resort to folk methods, having coordinated with the recommendations of the attending physician. Consider folk remedies from pain in the heels supported by doctors.

    An effective method of treating pain in the heels - walking barefoot on the grass, sand. Morning walking on wet grass with dewing sick and healthy people. Therapeutic walking is favorable on the human nervous system, relaxing, improving well-being and mood. It is advisable to walk every morning at least 1 hour.

    Pain in heels

    Pain in the foot foot is treated with warm sand, dippeding his leg on the seashore. When walking in the sand, active points arranged on the heels are stimulated, it turns out to be therapeutic effect on the body. You can heat the sand at home, pour out in the pelvis, immerse sick legs. It turns out the same effect. It is recommended to do at night - the pain will be less, the sleep is tough.

    Metals and natural stones have a healing force, often apply to therapeutic purposes. With pain in the heels, copper acts well. Aluminum similar properties with copper. Copper (aluminum) dishes are used as a healing agent. Heat the copper container, dip the legs, putting a foot foot on a warm copper surface. There are no restrictions on time.

    Treatment with manifold means and objects

    1. The method, convenient at home - contrasting the effect of water on the heel. The patient alternately dips legs into cold water, hot. These manipulations remove pain in the heel, discomfort in the legs.

      Contrast baths

    2. Magnets - relieve pain, inflammation in the heel area. To the big magnet put the heel. Use this method of treatment is every night for two months.
    3. Medical alcohol reduces inflammation, disinfects, treats pain in the heel. Alcohol heat up to the body temperature, dip your feet, hold, until the alcohol cools. Do the procedure every other day.
    4. With a long walking, the heels are experiencing a load, hurt. Regular foot massage removes fatigue and tension, pain in leg heels. You can massage the feet with a rolling pin. 20-minute massage enough. After putting the application and go to sleep on the stop.

    Medicinal plant treatment

    Folk drugs, quickly removing pain, have each in the kitchen, in the refrigerator. Onions, garlic anesthesia, relieve inflammation, if attached to the patient. Make the Medicine Cashitz, garlic and onions, mix the mixture. Cashitz impose on a sore place. Removes pain in a short time, disinfects, removing the causes of pain in the legs.

    For the removal of pain and inflammation, horseradish is used. Leaves and roots boil, cool the decoction, dip the heels of legs. Do the procedure once a week. Therapeutic herbs used in the treatment of pain in the legs - mother-and-stepmother, leopa leaves, plantain. The principle of cooking as a decoction of Khrena.

    The infusion lingonberries taken inside, removes salt - the pain in the heels decreases, with constant walking legs, the legs are sick. Cutlery spoonful lingers poured a liter of boiling water. Use several times during the day, instead of tea. Infusion for internal consumption makes treatment effective.

    Removes pain, reduces inflammation decoction berries berries. Fresh berries of elderly fill the volume of liter cans. Pour alcohol, insist for a week. Prepared infusion to use 1 time per week, Mocked with a towel, the patient sore place several times. Treat pain in the heels with the help of a compress, leaving overnight.

    Make a broth of berries

    Special medicinal baths for the treatment of pains in the legs

    Just treat with hot baths with salt. 4 teaspoons of salts dissolve in hot water. Salt baths take up to 30 minutes. There are contraindications. It is impossible to treat people with a diagnosis of osteoporosis, with bruises, sharp injuries stop.

    Hot bath with iodine and soda - budget way. Two teaspoons of soda, 1 teaspoon of iodine add to 2.5 liters of water. Hold the foot in warm water, leave in water until it cools.

    A mixture of turpidar and vinegar is used to treat pain in the heel. For the preparation of the mixture take 250 ml of turbidar, 100 ml of acetic essence. For 30 minutes, foot foot is placed in a solution with a solution. Such a bath of doctors advise to take daily for three weeks. Make a weekly break, if necessary, repeat the treatment.

    Medicinal Bath for Foot

    There are many therapeutic baths. For example, baths with decoction of medicinal herbs. The decoctions are made of herbs with anti-inflammatory, painkillers (wormwood, burdock, mother-and-stepmother, nettle). The decoction is done by adding herbs in equal shares, or applying one type of plant. Two teaspoons of grass fall asleep into water (1 liter). When water boils, the fire is less, leave to boil. Patient heel to leave in water until the water cools off. These folk methods and funds, the most popular, were used by our grandmothers.

    Compresses and appliques with various means

    As a compression, a mixture of eggs, vinegar, children's cream is used. 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 egg, a little cream to mix thoroughly. It turns out the healing ointment. After the evening warm bath, labeled in a sore place. Wear a warm sock for a warming effect, leave overnight. After three or four procedures, the pain in the heel stops.

    Economic soap helps in the treatment of pain in the heel. Soap rubbing on a grater, warm up. The resulting liquid is put on the foot foot, tied up, put on cellophane, leave for the night. It is recommended to make compresses on the heel daily.

    Frequently used pain relief means in the footsteps - propolis. It has painkillers, anti-inflammatory functions. Heat propolis in a water bath, make a wide cake, impose on a sore place, leave for the night. It is recommended to treat sick leg with propolis every evening, using as a compress.

    Treatment by folk methods quickly leads to the desired result. If you do not want to cook champs, solutions, ointments, get therapeutic plaster. The composition includes safflower, guilty, magnet powder, infrared powder, acronite root, Bornetol, Chinese Dyagil. The plaster is glued on dry heel skin per day. Removed, the new one is glued. When walking, the plaster is not felt. Treatment with the help of a patch takes about two weeks. The method has contraindications. Before use, consult your doctor.

    If you constantly feel discomfort in the heels area - this is a serious reason to think about your health, because such a symptom often signals about the availability of any diseases. In order to return good well-being, it is important not only to eliminate painful sensations, but also to find out the reason for their occurrence.

    Causes of pain in the heels

    The feeling of discomfort can be caused by the most diverse factors:

    1. Sports. The pain in the heel region sometimes occurs after jogs or other exercise, assuming heavy loads.
    2. Injuries. Ears, stretching, fractures or any other types of damage can lead to sharp pain. In this case, you must immediately turn to the traumatologist. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better not to occur on the sore leg.
    3. Unsuitable shoes. If you used to go only on heels, and then we began to wear shoes with a flat sole, it can adversely affect the health of the legs.
    4. Excess weight. Because of the excess body weight, the load increases on the foot, as a result of which, in the process of walking, a person is experiencing severe pain.
    5. Arthritis. Inflammation of the fabric connecting the heel bone and fingers can lead to discomfort to the feelings that will gradually increase. Especially intense with this disease, pain is manifested in the morning.
    6. Fast soles. We can provoke pathology can close uncomfortable shoes or daily long-term standing on the legs. As a result, they are formed a formation that has pressure on the fabric and causing a feeling of discomfort, which is most felt after sleep.
    7. Heel spur. If the fasci is not cured in time, bone education may appear on the surface of the heel, which will lead to severe painful sensations that will especially often arise in the morning.
    8. Inflammation or gap Achille tendon. The injury may occur as a result of intense physical exertion, or, for example, with an unsuccessful jump.
    9. Infections. The tendon inflammation can be caused by infectious diseases, for example, chlamydia. The disease is accompanied by permanent painful sensations that are closer to the evening become even stronger.
    10. Malignant tumors. If there are neoplasms in the footsteps, the vessels and nerve endings are compressed, which in turn causes chronic pain.
    11. Cracks on heels, which appeared as a result of dermatitis, Mikosa, or any other disease.

    How to get rid of the pain in the heel

    In order to eliminate unpleasant sensations, you first need to determine the reason for their occurrence, contacting the rheumatologist, a traumatologist or a dermatologist. Treatment can be carried out in various ways, it is appointed only after a complete diagnostic examination, including blood test, radiography and ultrasound.

    If there are cracks on the heels, it is necessary to make an appointment to the dermatologist, if it turns out that they are amazed by fungus, it will prescribe appropriate treatment. This problem can also be caused by increased dry skin. To get rid of cracks, it is recommended to lubricate your feet with cream daily and delete pedicure tools for pedicure.

    If uncomfortable shoes have become the cause of discomfort, it is recommended to purchase products with a comfortable pad that do not give a larger load on the heel. From time to time shoes, you need to remove the legs to relax.

    For the treatment of heel spurs, comprehensive measures need to be taken:

    • getting rid of excess body weight;
    • physiotherapy (mineral baths, ultrasound treatment, mud appliqués);
    • the use of orthopedic stelks;
    • reduction of load on the foot;
    • medication treatment;
    • removal of bone outflow surgically (in particularly serious cases).

    In the presence of inflammatory processes caused by infectious diseases or diseases of the joints, drugs are used, which prescribe a patient a doctor.

    It is possible to reduce the physical exertion, for example, refusing such sports, such as walking or running. In addition, it is recommended to do special exercises every morning:

    • Put the rolling pin under your feet, take a seitant position and for a few minutes roll it with a step. In order to achieve the desired effect, repeat the procedure daily several times.

    The cause of discomfort is often associated with the low mobility of the icy muscles. You can get rid of an unpleasant symptom with the following exercise:

    • Stand up near the wall, attach a palm to it, straighten the right leg, and the left step forward. Then lean towards the wall, remaining in such a position on half a minute. After that, repeat all the actions by changing the legs.

    How to quickly get rid of the pain in the heels

    The following methods will help facilitate the condition:

    1. If there are no medical contraindications, take the ice, attach it to the feet, and then scroll them. This procedure is recommended daily once, for twenty minutes.
    2. You can get rid of painful sensations by breaking the legs into the pelvis with warm water.
    3. The rapid effect is the painkillers containing in their composition ibuprofen. However, before you begin to take them, you should consult with the attending physician.
    4. Pain in the heel area is well removed by anti-inflammatory ointment (butadiene, indomethacinic).

    You can get rid of the problem using proven folk remedies:

    1. Sutitate on the grater of raw potatoes, attach it to the leg and wrap it on top of polyethylene. This recipe allows you to quickly remove pain.
    2. Relief from the heel spurs well helps the plantain. Attach a sheet to the patient, and as soon as it dry, replace it with a new one. After this procedure, strong painful sensations may appear, however, in the future, you can forget about the existence of bone growths.
    3. For treatment, the radish of black color is well suited, it needs to be finely lost, put to the heel and wrap the foot with polyethylene. In the morning mashed potatoes, it is necessary to wash off with warm water.
    4. If there is a "triple cologne" at home, it can be heated in any enamelled capacity, and then unpack the legs in it.
    5. Garlic has an excellent medicinal effect, make a mashed potature and attach to the heel for four hours. Daily making such compresses, you can soon get rid of the feeling of discomfort.
    6. Split two tablets aspirin, mix them with a spoon of 3% iodine, apply the composition onto the cotton, and then apply it to the patient, wechill with a polyethylene film and a warm towel. Repeat this procedure at least three times a day.

    Using folk recipes, you can independently get rid of painful sensations at home, but before you begin treatment, you need to pre-consult with a specialist.

    How to avoid pain in the heel

    1. Overweight is often the cause of an increased load on the foot, so it needs to be maintained normally by following its diet. Special preference is recommended to give protein and vegetable food, since the pain in the heel area often provoke inflammatory processes resulting from a metabolic disorder.
    2. You can avoid overvoltage of the feet by purchasing comfortable shoes on a low heel, which will evenly distribute the load.
    3. Protection of the heel will help orthopedic insoles, thanks to which the bundles of stop and muscle are supported.
    4. In preventive purposes, you can perform special exercises daily, preventing feet diseases.

    In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to apply comprehensive measures. Treatment may take several months, however, showing care for his health and observing all the recommendations of the doctors, you eventually be able to completely get rid of the sensations that are disturbing you.

    Video: Why does pain in the heel appears, and is it always the heel spur

    The pain in the heel may occur under the following diseases:

    • haglund deformation;
    • tarzal tunnel syndrome;
    • fissary of the fidel bone;
    • heel spur;
    • stretching Achilles tendon;
    • bruise heel;
    • gout;
    • diabetic angiopathy;
    • epiphydes of the heel bone;
    • bursitis;
    • reactive arthritis;
    • tuberculosis of the heel bone;
    • osteomyelitis of the heel bone.

    Deformation of Haglund

    The deformation of Haglund is a disease in which bone growth arises in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear surface of the heel bone ( ledge), which can be revealed when feeling the heel ( behind and at the top of her). This thigh is usually located slightly above the place where Achillovo tendon is attached to the heal bone hill. Therefore, during movements in the ankle joint ( for example, when walking, running) Achillovo tendon is constantly running about him. As a result of such a constant friction, mechanical damage to the fibers of the Achillow tendon and the retricaalcaneal bag ( ), which is then accompanied by their inflammation. The reason for the appearance of Haglund deformation is still not accurately installed. However, it is known that it is most often observed in female people aged 20 to 30 years who spend a large amount of time in a high-heeled shoe. The pain in the heel with this pathology is caused by Achillobursite ( inflammation of the retricaalcaneal bag) and tendinite ( inflammation) Achilles tendon.

    Tarzal tunnel syndrome

    Tarzal tunnel syndrome is a pathology that arises as a result of mechanical compression of the branches of the Target Nerva in the Tarzal Channel ( medial ankle canal) who is localized behind the medial ( inner side) Ankle. This channel is formed at the expense of the bones in relation to each other ( heel and Tranny) and flexor keeper ( retinaculum mm. Flexorum Inferius.). In addition to the tibial nerve, the rear tibial muscles, long and total finger flexors and tibial artery also pass in this channel. The main reasons for the appearance of the tanzal tunnel syndrome are the mechanical injuries of the rearbed ( rear internal) Foot department, the presence of volume formations inside the tarzal channel ( bone exostosis, lime, tendon ganglia) or congenital or acquired foot deformations. The pain in the heel with this syndrome is caused by the mechanical damage to the tibial nerve.

    The crack of the heel bone

    The crack is an incomplete, closed bone fracture, in which its processes in the place of damage does not occur. The crack of the heel bone usually occurs as a result of the fall of a person on the heels from a certain height. A little less often such pathology can be found at straight and strong blows ( for example, as a result of an explosion) In the heel area. There are a large number of types of cracks of the heel bone. These species are mainly classified depending on the location of the cracks ( emnoting or intra-articular cracks of the heel bone) and their quantities ( single or multiple). The cracks of the heel bone can very often be combined with other types of fracture fractures and the injuries of the ankle joint ( dislocation, injury, tensile bundles, etc.). If the patient has an embarrassing crack, then such a type of fracture relates to easy damage. The intra-articular crack is a fracture of moderate severity. The pain in the heel with a fracture of the heel bone is most often caused by the discernment of subcutaneous fatty fiber located in the heel region, as well as damage to the periosteum of the heel bone.

    Heel spur

    Heel spur ( plantar fasciy) Is a disease in which aseptic is observed ( non-infective) inflammation of the planar aponeurosis ( plantar fascia) Together its attachments to the heel bone heap. The reason for such inflammation is the constant trauma of the plantar part of the foot ( where the sole fascia is localized), resulting from excessive physical exertion, obesity and various structural-deformation foot pathologies ( flatcase, hyperpronation syndrome, foot hollow, etc.). Inflammatory processes in the field of attachment of the plantar fascia to the heel bugarh often lead to the appearance of bone increases - osteophytes, which are healing spurs. These spurs can be detected on the radiograph, they can not be forgiven. Education data are not the cause of pain in the heel. Paints in the plantar fasciite, as a rule, appear as a result of the presence of inflammatory processes in the plantar fascia.

    Stretching Achilles Tendon

    Stretching Achilles Tendon is one of the most frequent types of injuries. It may occur as a result of significant and / or sudden physical exertion, poor workout before training, using poor-quality shoes, when running on a hard surface, deformations, mechanical injuries of the feet, falls on the foot with a large height, etc. When tension, microtraumum and partial break occurs. The fibers of the Achilles tendon, as a result of which inflammatory processes arise in it, which serve the main cause of pain. Most often Achillovo tendon is damaged at the place of its attachment to the rear surface of the heel bone ( heavdower bug). Therefore, pain in such a injury is usually localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear surface of the heel. Pains can also be felt along the larger part of the Achilles tendon. Paints with this injury, as a rule, are intensified when moving the foot on the sock, run, jump, walking.

    Stretching Achilles Tendon is the easiest view of his injuries. More serious injury of Achille tendons is its partial or complete gap, in which a person cannot move ( for example, walk, run) With the help of a damaged leg and feels the strongest pain in the heel and in the area where Achillovo tendon is located. In such cases, the support function of the lower limb is fully maintained, since this tendon does not participate in maintaining the static position of the leg.

    Tensile bonds of ankle joint

    The ankle joint is fixed with a large number of bundles ( medial bunch, anterior tranny-small-faith bundle, back tranny-small-terror bunch, etc.). Most of these bundles are attached near the heel bone ( to the taranne or to the lands) either directly to it itself ( malober), so if they are damaged ( for example, stretching or breaking) The patient often feels pain in the heel area. One of the most frequent injuries of the ankle joint is stretching its lateral ligaments ( bundles connecting a small bone with foot bones), which is observed with a sharp turning of the foot inside, which is often found when walking, running, jumps. With such injuries are usually damaged to the heel and mobility ( ligamentum CalcaneofiBulare.) and the front tranny-small-terror ( ligamentum Talofibulare Anterius.) Bundles. Due to the partial destruction of the fibers of these bundles in places of their gap, there is inflammation, due to which pain syndrome, swelling and redness appear. All three of these symptoms are localized on the outer side surface of the foot, just below the external ankle and closer to the heel ( her external side surface).

    Break heel

    The heel injury may occur during its collision about any solid surface. It is often possible to observe when falling on the heel area, when running, jumping, walking barefoot ( on uneven surfaces). Also such a bruise may appear if any heavy item fell on the heel area. It is less likely to cause a heel's injury to become one or more direct, directed blows along the heel area blunt item. With this form, the injuries are most strongly affected by soft tissue heels - leather, subcutaneous fiber, muscles, ligaments of the foot of the foot, vessels and nerves. Damage to these anatomical structures and tissues leads to the development of inflammation in the heel, the appearance of swelling, bruises ( due to the rupture of small vessels), redness and pain ( due to mechanical damage to nerves). The heel injury is a kind of closed fabric damage. It can often be associated with other types of open ( wounds open fractures) or closed ( dislocation, closed fracture, tensile ligaments, inflammation of synovial bags, etc.) Traumatic damage. Therefore, pains arising from heel injury may also testify to the patient in the foot of any additional injuries.


    Gout is a disease associated with metabolic disorders. With this pathology in the blood in patients, an increase in the concentration of uric acid is observed ( it is formed as a result of the decay of purine bases - Adenin and Guanin). Increased amount of this metabolite ( exchange product) in the body leads to the deposition of uric acid salts in various tissues ( articular, okolossert, kidney, etc.), as a result, there are symptoms specific for gout.

    One of the main symptoms is monoarthritis ( inflammation of one joint) or polyarthritis ( inflammation of several joints). For gouting, various joints may be affected ( ankle, elbow, hip, knee, etc.), however, most often in the pathological process, the joints of the feet are involved ( interpremal, Plusneflange, Predural Tweets). Inflammation of interpreplex joint joints ( the age-cubic, subtarable, tranny-fifty-like-shaped dr.) When the gout leads to the appearance of pain in the heel.

    The causes of this disease may be congenital defects of enzymes responsible for urinary recycling in the body ( for example, a defect of hypoxanthine-or adenine phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase), kidney pathology ( chronic renal failure, kidney cancer, polycystosis, etc.), blood ( paraproteinemia, leukemia, polycythemia, etc.), consumption of large amounts of meat, alcohol, hypodynamia ( sedentary lifestyle) and etc.

    Diabetic angiopathy

    With diabetes mellitus ( endocrine disease associated with absolute or relative insufficiency insulin hormone) Systemic diabetic angiopathy is developing due to the constant presence in the blood of a high level of glucose ( defeat vessels). Especially serious when diabetes are affected by the kidney vessels ( diabetic nephropathy), retina ( diabetic Retinopathy), hearts and lower extremities. Damaged vessels in diabetes are narrowed and sclerized ( replace connective tissue), which is why the blood supply to those tissues they feed are disturbed. Therefore, in the development of the diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities on the feet, trophic ulcers gradually appear in the patient ( as a result of fissure).

    Localizes such ulcers more often on the foot, fingers, heel, ankle zones. With this pathology, there is also a decrease in local immunity, which is why ulces on the legs are constantly infected and heal for a very long time, so diabetic angiopathy is often complicated by osteomyelitis ( purulent inflammation of bones) and gangrena ( omnation fabrics) Foot. Such complications are observed in patients constantly, since during diabetic angiopathy there is damage to nerve endings ( diabetic polyneuropathy), which is accompanied by a disruption of tissue sensitivity.

    Epipize the heel bone

    The heel bone consists of the body of the heel bone and the buff in the heel bone. The fifth bones are located behind and a little from the bottom of the body of the heel bone. It is at the expense of this bone process that the bone support for the heel region is formed. Most of the bones of a person are formed due to the endochondral ossification, that is, due to the ossification of the cartilage tissue, which serves as their primary gain during intrauterine development. After birth in children, the heel bone contains a predominantly cartilaginous fabric, which in its period of growth to be soldered. Such an ossification begins from foci of ossification, which is called points of ossification. Such points provide not only the ossification of the bones, but also their growth and development.

    The first point of ossification appears in the body of the heel bone for 5 to 6 months. Ossociate ( ossification) The bones in the area of \u200b\u200bthis point begins at the moment when the child is born. Approximately 8-9 years old, the child arises the second point of ossification in apophysia ( procession bone near her end) The heel bone from which the fifth bones are formed. After her appearance, both points gradually begin to grow together. Full of their battle ends the moment when the child turns 16 - 18 years old.

    Epipize heal bone ( disease of North) Is a pathology at which the inflammation of the portion of the heel bone as a result of the partial separation of the apoophysis ( bone process, from which the heel borze will subsequently emerge) From its body, due to the unfinished process of the battle and the ossification. This pathology is observed mainly in children 9 - 14 years old ( since the first and second point of ossification is completely spliced \u200b\u200bby the 16th - 18 years.).

    Various factors contribute to the development of this disease ( excessive physical exertion, constant injuries, feet development anomalies, calcium deficiency, vitamin D), which cause damage to cartilage tissue in the heel bone and partial breaking of its connective tissue fibers, which disrupts the normal splicing of both points of ossification and comprehension ( ossification) all bones in general. The heel pain in the epiphysitis of the heel bone is projected onto its sides and arise due to inflammatory processes inside the heel bone.

    Osteochondropathy Fight Bones

    Osteochondropathy of the fog bone ( haglund-Shinz disease) is a pathology in which a aseptic appearance in the region of the heating bone occurs ( non-infective) Inflammation. This disease is most often observed in girls 10 - 16 years, actively engaged in sports. However, sometimes she can appear in boys. The probable cause of the development of this pathology is the disorder of blood supply to the heel bone, which contributes to hormonal restructuring in the body at this age and permanent producing loads are not yet to the end of the generated heel bone.

    Such loads cause mechanical damage to the vessels of the heel region, as a result of which they are narrowed, and microcirculation is broken. The lack of blood flow to the tissues of the heel bone provokes the development of dystrophic and necrotic changes in it, which is why it is inflamed. Haglund-Shinz disease is characterized by the appearance of diffuse pain in the heel zone ( in the field of healing bulb), which are enhanced with the physical exertion and extension of the foot. Particularly strong pain is usually projected at the junction of the Achille tendons with the puff bone hill. They can be easily identified during palpation ( feeling fingers).


    Bursit - inflammation of the synovial bag ( extensive anatomical formation consisting of connective tissue and preventing friction between various tissues near the joints). In the heel area there are two types of bursita - ahillobursitis and rear heel bursitis. With achillobursite ( albert's disease) There is inflammation of the retricaeal synovial bag, located between the achyllate tendon and the rear surface of the heel bone. With the rear healing bursitis, there is inflammation of the surface bag of the Achille tendon, separating it from the skin. The pain in the heel in both types of bursitis is localized in the zone of the rear surface of the heel, in the place where Achillovo tendon is in its lower end in the heel borgon. The causes of the achillobursitis and the rear heel bersita can be mechanical injuries of the rear surface of the heel, wearing a patient's close shoe with a rigid back ( rear edge), excessive physical exertion on the ankle joint, the presence of Haglund deformation ( ) or systemic autoimmune diseases ( systemic red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.).

    Jet Arthritis

    Jet arthritis is a pathology at which inflammation of one or more joints is developing during or after some time after an infectious disease ( intestinal or urogenital infection). This pathology has an autoimmune origin and arises due to a violation of the work of the immune system. There are two main forms of reactive arthritis ( postentherocolitic and urogenital). Pain in the heel is most often observed with urogenital reactive arthritis. This type of arthritis usually appears after 1 - 6 weeks after the urogenital infection and is characterized by the development of inflammatory processes in various joints of the lower extremities ( knee, ankle). The joints of the feet in the area are prelisted, plus and the phalange of the fingers may be affected.

    One of the main features of the urogenital reactive arthritis is the occurrence of pain in the heel area. Their appearance is associated with the defeat of various types of connective tissue structures located in the heel zone. Most often, with this arthritis, an enzit of Achilles tendon ( inflammation of the place of attachment of the tendon to the heel bone), tendinitis ( inflammation) Achilles tendon, entepsite plantar aponeurosis ( inflammation of the place of attachment of the plantar aponeurosis to the heel bone). Localization of pain always depends on which structure is amazed and inflamed. So, for example, with an excite or tenden if the Achillow tendon of pain is felt on the rear surface of the heel, with the patient the patient in the patient in the region of the lower side of the heel appear in the patient.

    Tuberculosis of the heel bone

    Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that arises due to human infection with tuberculosis with mycobacterium. Most often, the lungs are affected at this pathology ( pulmonary shape of tuberculosis). However, there are cases where these mycobacteria can penetrate the bones of the foot ( with blood flow). It is then that the tuberculosis of the heel bone is found. This form of tuberculosis is extremely rare and, mostly in children ( 9 - 15 years) having a weakened immunity. Quite often, together with the heel bone, a tranny-heel joint is damaged. With the tuberculosis of the heel bone, various fabrics belonging to her itself are inflamed ( bone tissue, periosteum, bone marrow, etc.), so those that surround the heel bone ( bundles, muscles, vessels, leather, subcutaneous fiber, etc.), as a result, the heel swells significantly, increases in size and blushes. The patient in this pathology cannot step on the heel due to the presence of significant pain. Pain feelings in the heel usually have a diffuse character. The pain in the heel is sharply enhanced when pressed from any side.

    Osteomyelitis of the heel bone

    Osteomyelitis is a pathology at which purulent inflammation in the bone occurs. Osteomyelitis of the heel bone is quite common in diabetic foot ( one of the complications of diabetes mellitus, at the foot, often in the heel area, trophic belubies appear on the skin) and fractures of the heel bone, accompanied by infection with soft tissues of the heel zone. In some cases, this pathology occurs when driving a malicious infection with a hematogenic pathway ( by blood) from infectious purulent foci, appearing in the body with bacterial endocarp ( inflammation of the inner shell of the heart), pneumonia ( pneumonia), pyelonephritis ( kidney inflammation), liver abscess, caries, after the prosthetics of the joints, etc. In all these cases, the globular microbes penetrate into the heel bone and begin to multiply there, as a result of which purulent inflammation arises in it. It also causes pain in the heel. The most commonly occurred osteomyelitis of the heel hook, much less often - osteomyelitis of the body of the heel bone. Paints in the heel with this pathology diffuse, they do not have accurate localization.

    Diagnosis of causes of pain in the heel

    The diagnosis of most pathologies causing pain in the heel is based on the results of the patient's clinical examination ( history collection, palpation of the fog zone) and information obtained during radial research ( ultrasound, X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography). Also, such patients are often prescribed by some laboratory research ( general blood test, biochemical blood test, immunological examination of blood, etc.).

    Deformation of Haglund

    During the deformation of Haglund on the rear-upper surface of the heel, a dense bump-shaped protrusion appears. The skin over this formation is always edema and hyperemic ( of red color), sometimes hyperkeratosis is present here ( increased peeling). The pain in the heel, mostly, have a suitable nature and are projected around bone growth and the place of attachment of the Achille tendons to the heal bone heel bug. It should be noted that the appearance of swelling behind the heel is not always the symptom of the deformation of Haglund. Such a symptom may also occur with an isolated surface bursite ( inflammation of synovial bag) Achille tendons, heel exostose, etc.

    When palpation of the rear surface of the heel, with this disease, you can reveal the pathological bone outflow, the edema of the tissues adjacent to it and severe local pain. To confirm the presence of Haglund's deformation in the patient, it needs to make a radiographic study of the healing area. Sometimes such a patient may also assign the passage of ultrasound research ( Ultrasound), which is necessary for visualization and evaluation of the state of the Achille tendon and the retricaalcaneal bag ( sinovial bag, located between Achillov tendon and heel bone).

    Tarzal tunnel syndrome

    Tarzal tunnel syndrome is characterized by the appearance of burning pain and tingling in the heel. Pain may be irradiated ( spread) Over all soles to the fingers of the foot, as well as in the opposite direction - from the heel to the berry region. Pain in the heel and in the sole, as a rule, are intensified when stopping the foot. In addition, with this syndrome, a partial or complete disruption of the skin sensitivity may occur and the mobility of the mobility of the foot muscles ( for example, the muscles reducing the thumb of the foot, a short finger bent, a short flexor of the thumb and others.), which is explained by the lesion of the sensory ( sensitive) and muscle fibers of a tibial nerve. Such patients are quite often difficult to walk "on tiptoe" ( on socks).

    An important diagnostic sign of the tanzal tunnel syndrome is the symptom of Tinel ( the appearance of pain and numbness in the innervation zones of the main nerve when tapping with the fingers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tarzal canal). When palpation of the rear surface of the whole leg, you can often reveal local pain. To confirm the presence of the patient, the tibial nerve damage is prescribed an electronomyography. In order to reveal the cause of tar tunnel syndrome, patients prescribe radiation research methods ( radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography).

    The crack of the heel bone

    With a crack of the heel bone, pain in the heel appear, the damaged section of the foot swells and blues. The presence of bruises in the fracture site may be. Such patients usually do not lose the ability to move, but the movement of weight to the damaged leg delivers them unpleasant, painful sensations in the heel. When palpation of the heel zone, you can reveal local pain and edema on the sides of the heel bone and from the sole. With a crack of the heel bone, the active articular movements in the ankle joint are dramatically limited, and in the subtaranted joint ( the connection between the heel and tapane) - impossible. This type of injury most often appears when falling to feet from height, so this fact is an important diagnostic criterion about which the doctor must necessarily ask the patient in the process of collecting anamnesis. Confirmation of the diagnosis of the crack of the heel bone ( more precisely - incomplete fracture of the heel bone) is carried out due to the prescription by the patient a radiographic study of the heel bone in two projections - standard side ( which depicts the side side of the foot from the heel to the fingers) and axial ( torch-stingy).

    Heel spur

    With the heel spur, patients complain about the pain in the heel ( from the sole) appearing when walking and running. Sometimes such pains may also be present alone. The intensity of pain in the heel is different, but most often it is pronounced and does not give rest to patients. Such patients usually cannot wear shoes on a flat sole and walk on heels or on socks. The painful syndrome is quite pronounced in the morning hours, when patients only get out of bed, and slightly decreases in day and night. This is due to the fact that during sleep, damaged planar fascia heals a bit ( since the foot has a patient resting). When lifting the bed, the load on it suddenly increases ( due to the fact that in the vertical position of the human body, about half of its mass presses), it is again damaged and inflammatory processes are intensified.

    When feeling ( palpation) The heel area can be revealed to enhance pain in the localization zone of the heel beam - the place of attachment to the plantar fascia. In addition to clinical examinations, the passage of the X-ray examination of the heel in two mutually perpendicular projections can also be prescribed. This study helps not only establish accurate localization of inflammation and the presence of osteophytes ( heel Spur) in the field of healing beast, but also to exclude other possible pathologies ( for example, tumors of the fidel bone, osteomyelitis, fracture of the heel bone, etc.).

    Stretching Achilles Tendon

    When tensile, the ahillow tendons appear pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear surface of the heel. In this zone, the appearance of swelling and redness of the skin is also possible. Pain syndrome with such a injury is usually enhanced when moving the foot on the sock, jumps, running or walking. The pain often can be felt in the course of the Achilles of the tendon itself and intensify with his fingers. With significant stretching of Achille, the tendon sharply makes the mobility in the ankle joint. The slightest flexion ( raving the fingers to the front of the tibia) or extension ( aid of the fingers from the front of the leg) The feet causes pain in the heel. When the Achillov tendon is ruptured, as a rule, the strongest pain in the heel region, expressed swelling and hyperemia ( redness) Skin at the place of damage. Active flexion or extension of legs in the ankles is impossible.

    To diagnose stretching Achille tendons, it is very important to clarify the patient of events and the circumstances under which there were painful feelings in the heel, since, in most cases, such a injury occurs during physical exertion, mechanical injuries of the legs, falling from height, poor workout before training etc. Therefore, anamnestic data serve as a very important criterion for making a diagnosis of stretching Achille tendons. In addition to finding out the patient, his complaints and the collection of history, he should also appoint a passage of ultrasound research, computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography. With the help of these methods, it is possible to quickly identify damage to Achille tendons and exclude other possible pathologies ( ). X-ray studies in such cases are not effective, since on radiographs ( pictures resulting from radiography) The tension of the ligaments is usually impossible to recognize.

    Tensile bonds of ankle joint

    When tensile the lateral bundles of the ankle joint in the patient there are pain in the heel area ( on its external side surface), external ankle and ankle joint. These painful sensations are always enhanced with active movements in the ankle joint, as well as when trying to actively or passive supination ( rotation inside) Foot or its enrollment. During palpation, the local pain is felt below and / or in front of the external ankle, as well as in the zones of projection of the side surfaces of the tag and heel bones. The skin over these zones of the edema and hyperemic ( of red color). Tensile bonds of ankle joint most often occurs during sports ( running, walking) when a person accidentally comes to lateral ( outdoor side) Foot surface. This should be considered when collecting anamnesis data. To eliminate fractures of the bones of the foot and lower legs, having similar symptoms, the patient is prescribed the passage of x-ray research.

    Break heel

    In the place of the injury on the heel is formed bruising ( bruise), swelling and redness of the skin. Maximum soreness is felt by the patient right in the middle of the place of damage. Also in the scene of the injury may be discovered open damage to the abrasion, wounds. It all depends on the characteristics of the traumatic factor. Closed damage ( for example, fracture of the fifty bone) You can recognize with X-ray or computer tomography of the heel area.


    Diagnosis The gout is raised on the basis of clinical, laboratory and instrumental research methods. The main clinical sign of gout is considered the sudden appearance of pain in one or several joints ( most often the joints of the foot). Heel pain ( which develop in the event that there was a damage to interpresses), as a rule, arise at night, their intensity by morning increases sharply. The pain syndrome is always associated with redness and swelling of the skin over the affected joint. The duration of such an attack varies and ranges from one day to several weeks. The appearance of such an attack is most often associated with certain provoking factors ( for example, visiting the sauna patient, the use of excessive amounts of alcohol, meat food, drugs, patient stay in stressful situations, etc.). In general blood test in such patients, leukocytosis can be identified ( an increase in the number of leukocytes) and an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( Soe). In the biochemical analysis of blood at the gout, the amount of uric acid increased. With radiography of the heel area, intraosteny cystic education can be found ( tufus) filled with uric acid crystals, as well as subchondral ( podkherovyeva) Osteolyz ( destruction of bone) Bones are replied.

    Diabetic angiopathy

    Since the diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities is a complication of diabetes, it is necessary to establish this diagnosis to establish the very fact of the presence of this endocrine disease. To detect diabetes mellitus, the patient examines the level of glucose in the blood, prescribe the passage of glucose-bearing test, laboratory tests for glycosylated hemoglobin, fructusamine, ascend it to the presence of polyurium symptoms specific to diabetes frequent walking in the toilet "By little"), polyphagia ( fresh food), polydipsia ( permanent thirst), weight loss, etc.

    If the patient has diabetes mellitus, then consults are assigned to the doctors of the corresponding profile that can establish and confirm the presence of a particular complication. For example, an ophthalmologist can reveal the presence of diabetic retinopathy ( defeat of retina on diabetes background), the therapist can identify diabetic nephropathy in a patient ( kidney defeat against diabetes), The surgeon usually makes a diagnosis of the diabetic angiopathy of the lower limbs.

    With diabetic angiopathy of the lower limbs on the leg ( or legs) The patient is most often in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot, ulcers are visible against the background of dry, atrophied skin having a pale or cyanotic color. Skin cover is often covered with cracks and peel. Pain in the heel area always have different intensity, which is not related to the area and depth of ulcerative defects. This is explained by the presence of diabetic polyneuropathy ( damage to nerves), in which there is a noticeable decrease in skin sensitivity. Sometimes there are intelligible chromotes in such patients ( that is, when walking, they cannot normally stand on the leg due to painful syndrome). To estimate peripheral blood supply ( which is significantly violated at this pathology) various methods are used ( ultrasound examination, radiocontrase angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, etc.).

    Epipize the heel bone

    The epiphisit of the heel bone is characterized by the appearance of pains on the sides of the heel, its insignificant edema and redness. Paints with this pathology are usually enhanced when pressed with their fingers on the heel ( especially from her sides), as well as when running, jumping, moving the foot on the sock. Most often, the epiphisit of the heel bone is developing in children 9 - 14 years old, which are engaged in sports daily and wear shoes with fine and flat soles ( boots, sneakers, running sneakers, etc.). Sometimes such pathology can be observed in children who consume little calcium with food and are not enough in the sun ( the sun rays stimulate the formation of vitamin D in the body, which participates in the processes of bone). The diagnosis of the epiphysitis of the heel bone is confirmed on the basis of the results of radiation research methods ( computer tomography and magnetic resonance tomography).

    Osteochondropathy Fight Bones

    Osteochondropathy The height bones is accompanied by the appearance of diffuse pain in the heel after exercise ( run, walk, jump, etc.) Or extension of the foot. These pains can occur in both heels at the same time. Painfulness, as a rule, arise when a person is in a vertical position and subscribe during sleep or rest. The heel with this disease swells, becomes red. The skin in this area has increased tactile sensitivity. As the disease progresses, pain in the heel becomes intolerable, so when walking, patients mix the load on the front feet of the foot ( go on socks) And / or use crutches. When feeling the heel, there is a pronounced local pain in the field of attachment of Achille tendons to the heel bug. The diagnosis of osteochondropathy the height bones is confirmed on the basis of x-ray data of the healing area. This study helps to identify the seal and fragmentation of the heal bone, its roughness, septic sites ( non-infectious) necrosis ( fabric motion) and etc.


    Painted sensations with achillobursite and the rear heel rear heel arise in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back of the heel. There you can find insignificant swelling and redness of the skin. With achillobursite ( inflammation of the retricalkaneal synovial bag) This swelling is usually located on both sides of the Achille tendons, between it and the heel bone. This type of bursitis occurs most often in injuries of the rear surface of the heel, excessive physical stages on the ankle joint or the presence of Haglund deformation ( the appearance of bone outflow near the retricaalcaneal synovial bag).

    With the rear healing bursite ( inflammation of the surface bag Achilles tendon) swelling is more distinct ( in the form of the nodal) And is on the rear surface of the Achille tendon. This type of bursita appears in those people who periodically carry close shoes with a hard backdrop ( rear edge). Help in establishing the final diagnosis of the doctor can radiation research methods ( ultrasound examination, radiography, computed tomography). These studies can identify signs of bursita with high accuracy - an increase in the synovial bag in size, hypertrophy ( thickening) Her shell, the appearance of pathological contents inside it.

    Jet Arthritis

    With reactive arthritis of pain in the heel appear, mainly on its lower or on the rear surface. Paints can appear both alone and exercise. The heel pain with this pathology is almost always associated with painful sensations in the field of knee, ankle or hip joints. Often they may be accompanied by balanitis ( inflammation of the skin of the head of the penis), conjunctivitis ( inflammation of the mucous membrane), uveitis ( inflammation of the vascular shell eye), Glossite ( inflammation of language), fever, increasing lymph nodes, decrease in body weight. When collecting anamnesis, it is important for such patients to find out if he was sick ( or at the moment) urogenital infection. Since this is one of the key diagnostic signs, since the reactive arthritis is not an infectious disease, but arises as a result of a hyperimmune ( excessive immune) Answer to transferred in the past urogenital infection.

    Important diagnostic signs of reactive arthritis also serve as the results of some laboratory tests. Patients with suspicion of this disease make immunological typing ( study) on the presence of the HLA-B27 antigen ( molecule on leukocyte surfaces, which determines the predisposition of the patient to the appearance of reactive arthritis), serological tests and PCR ( polymerase chain reaction) for the presence of antigens in his blood ( particles) malicious microbes ( which in the past caused urogenital infection), as well as a microbiological study of smears from the urethra, cervical canal, eye conjunctive ( for chlamydium detection).

    Tuberculosis of the heel bone

    In the tuberculosis of the heel bone, diffuse pains appear in the heel area. Most often they are associated with the load of the foot at exercise ( walking, run, jump). Because of this, the patient often shifts the weight on the front of the foot and is noticeably lame. Pain syndrome in the heel can also arise alone. If this pathology arose in a child at an early age, then, in most cases, it is accompanied by deformation and underdevelopment of the foot ( since when tuberculosis occurs, bone destruction occurs under the influence of bacteria). In addition to pain in the tuberculous of the heel bone, it is possible to identify substantial edema of the heel area and redness of the heel. The diagnosis of this disease is confirmed by radiography or computed tomography, on which in the thickness of the heel bone, it is possible to detect the focus of dead bone tissue ( in the form of enlightenment). The osteoporosis zone is noticeable around the hearth ( demineralization of bone). If the infection with the heel bone passes to the tranny-heel joint, arthritis develops ( inflammation of Sustav), which can also be seen on radiographs ( pictures resulting from radiography).

    Osteomyelitis of the heel bone

    With osteomyelitis, there is a sharp and severe pain in the region of the heel bone, which is quite well detected during palpation. The heel pain with this pathology is usually accompanied by chills and an increase in body temperature. The heel itself swells in such cases, becomes red. Since osteomyelitis of the heel bone occurs most often again ( against the background of diabetes mellitus, fractures of the heel bone, injuries of the heel zone, etc.), it is important to establish the presence of its cause. What does the doctor do during the collection of anamnesis and examination of the patient. In general blood test, leukocytosis can be identified with osteomyelitis. an increase in the number of leukocytes), increase the erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( Soe). With the help of radiography and computed tomography, it is possible to detect the presence of degradation zones in the heel bone ( destruction), Osteoporosis sites ( softening bone tissue), thickening her periosteum.

    How to be treated when a heel hurts?

    In the treatment of diseases of the fifth zone, a variety of groups of drugs are prescribed ( antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antiseptic, counter-pediatrics, glucocorticoids, etc.), physiotherapy, wearing various orthopedic stelks, shoes, bandage or gypsum bandages. In the absence of positive results during conservative treatment, surgical treatment is prescribed to the patient. Such treatment can be the main one. As basic surgical treatment is used for some pathologies of the heel zone ( for example, with tuberculosis or osteomyelitis of the heel bone, tarzal tunnel syndrome).

    Deformation of Haglund

    In light cases of deformation of Haglund patients prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, physiotherapeutic treatment ( electrophoresis, massage, ultra-high-frequency therapy, ultrasound-frequency therapy, ultrasound therapy, etc.), wearing shoes without a back ( rear edge) and special orthopedic stelets that reduce the load on the heel bone. In such cases, it is also recommended to avoid excessive physical exertion and more to give a sick leg rest. In more severe cases, when there are no significant shifts in the clinical course of the disease, there is no significant shifts in the clinical course of the disease, surgical treatment is prescribed. It lies in the endoscopic removal of bone growing from the surface of the heel beam, bursectomy ( removing a retricaalcaneal bag) and mechanical restoration of the function of the Achillow tendon.

    Tarzal tunnel syndrome

    Treatment of tarzal tunnel syndrome depends on the cause of it called. In the presence in the tarzal channel of volumetric pathological formations ( as well as under congenital or acquired stop deformations) The patient needs surgical intervention by which these formations are removed and restore the normal permeability of this channel. In some cases ( this is especially true of congenital or acquired stop deformations.) such patients prescribe orthopedic correction ( wearing special orthopedic shoes) To normalize the Biomechanics of the foot. In injuries, the foot is carried out temporary immobilization ( suggesting Sustava), assign painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents and physiotherapy measures ( gymnastics, massage, electrophoresis, etc.).

    The crack of the heel bone

    After falling a person from a height and appearance of strong pain in his heel, it is advisable to immediately cause ambulance. If there is no such possibility, then it should be immobilized ( immobilize) A damaged leg with the help of spikes and transport injured to the branch of traumatology. Suggesting the leg is necessary, in order not to cause the displacement of bone fragments, which appeared when the fracture of the heel bone. With a crack of the heel bone, conservative treatment is appointed. It is to impose a gypsum bandage on the damaged limb. Gypsum applied from the foot to the knee joint for 8-10 weeks.

    In the first 7 - 10 days, the patient needs to walk with the help of crutches, while it is not allowed to rely on the hipged leg. After this period, you can begin a full walk gradually increasing the load on the damaged heel zone. Complete disability in the patient is restored after 3 to 4 months. Such a long period of rehabilitation is explained by the fact that the heel bone serves as a basic support structure when walking a person. With a resource on this bone, it gives the entire weight of the human body to this bone, so it is very important that the patient endure the entire period of immobilization of the leg to fully infect the fracture and prevent various complications ( for example, bone fragments, increasing the size of the crack and others.).

    Heel spur

    Patients with heel spur are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenak, etc.). With pronounced pain syndrome, corticosteroids sometimes introduce local ( hormonal anti-inflammatory means). In addition to drugs, they prescribe night orthoses ( special orthopedic shoes) who dress during sleep for stretching the plantar aponeurosis and fixing the foot in the same position, as well as carrying out special physiotherapy procedures ( gymnastics, cryotherapy, shock-wave therapy, ultrasound therapy, massage, electrophoresis, etc.). The effectiveness of such treatment will always be varied and depends on each specific case. If conservative treatment does not help with such patients, then surgical treatment is prescribed ( plantar Faciotomy, removal of heel spurs, radio frequency tenotomy, etc.). The choice of the type of surgical treatment is selected individually.

    Stretching Achilles Tendon

    Stretching Achilles tendons is treated conservatively. With the feeling of pain in the rear surface area, the heel should immediately attach to the patient the cold place ( bouch with ice). Cold compresses are effective only in the first 1 - 3 days from the moment of stretching. The cold does not need to keep the day of damage to the day, it is enough to periodically put on 20 to 30 minutes in the presence of pain in the heel area. Damaged leg must be immobilized ( immobilize) With the help of a tight dressing, a sprinkling and stabilizing ankle joint. In this joint, it is not recommended to carry out any movement ( this is especially true of sharp, impulsive, flexing and extensive movements.). It is necessary to abandon physical exertion for a while, sports.

    If the patient has strong pain in the heel from behind, in addition to compresses with a cold, he needs to take anti-inflammatory non-steroids ( ibuprofen, barallgyne, diclofenak, etc.). It should be remembered that severe pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear surface of the heel can appear with other pathologies ( for example, when the Achilles tendon is broken, the fracture of the heel bone, etc.) Therefore, before engaged in the self-treatment of stretching Achilles, tendons are recommended to pre-consult with the attending physician. Also, with this tension, physiotherapy procedures help well ( cryotherapy, electrophoresis, ultra-high-frequency therapy, ultrahigh-frequency therapy, low-frequency magnetotherapy, massage, healing gymnastics, etc.), which significantly reduce the time of rehabilitation, occupying in such patients quite considerable intervals ( on average, from 2 weeks to 2 - 3 months).

    Tensile bonds of ankle joint

    With this form, the injuries are imposed 8-shaped bandage ( suit both elastic and non-elastic bandage) On an ankle joint, thereby immobilizing the leg. To carry such a dressing patient is necessary within 5 - 14 days. If pain syndrome is quite pronounced, you can drink nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds ( ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenak, etc.), which have an painful and anti-inflammatory effect. On top of the dressing in the first 1 - 2 days you can also apply cold compresses. From 3 to 4 days, the patient further prescribes thermal compresses and physiotherapy for accelerated healing of damaged ligaments.

    Break heel

    Immediately after the injury, the heels must be applied to her bag with ice and drink an anesthetic ( ibuprofen, analgin, indomethacin, diclofenak, etc.). Cold compresses must be applied only in the first day ( 1 - 2 day) and as needed ( before the swelling of the swelling and reducing pain in the heel). Anesthetic agents are also sold in ointments and have practically the same names as their tableted counterparts. If there are abrasions or wounds in the scene of the foot, they need to be lubricated by any antiseptic ( zelenkaya, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) And apply a sterile bandage from above. Local painkillers ( ointment, gels) If there are open damage to the heel, it is impossible to use, as this may lead to an additional infection in the foot of the foot. After the injury, the foot is preferably consulted by a traumatologist. Make it necessary immediately ( nEEDLY) because the bruises of the heel are often complicated by the crack of the heel bone, damage to the Achilles of the tendon and bundles of the ankle joint.


    For the treatment of gout prescribe anti-dagrics ( colchicin), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds, uricosuric ( accelerate the removal of uric acid from the body) and urikostatic ( reduce uric acid formation in tissues) Preparations. The last two groups of drugs ( uricorrow and urikostatic) It is allowed to accept only after a painful attack, since they affect the concentration in the blood of uric acid and, thereby, can contribute to an increase in the duration of the gout. Also, when goug is prescribed a special diet, which completely eliminates the use of various products by the patient ( sardin, red meat, anchovs, alcohol, spinach, liver, etc.) affecting the level of uric acid in the blood.

    Diabetic angiopathy

    In diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities, a comprehensive treatment is prescribed. In order to correct carbohydrate exchange, the patient is prescribed a diet, which includes consumption of a certain amount of carbohydrates per day, as well as insulin therapy ( introduction of insulin that reduces blood glucose level). For the normalization of microcirculation in the foot area, analogs of prostaglandin E1 are prescribed ( angioprotectors), anticoagulants and antiagregants ( prevent thrombosis in vessels). To get rid of infections in the area of \u200b\u200bulcers, patients discharge various antibacterial drugs and antiseptics. Antiseptics most often use the place in the form of compresses. Yazine defects themselves are treated surgically ( remove dead fabrics in the area of \u200b\u200bulcers). Such patients are also encouraged to assign special unloading shoes, unloading bandages to reduce the risk of the appearance of new ulcers on the foot and accelerated healing of existing ones.

    Epipize the heel bone

    Epiphesit of the heel bone is not a serious pathology. It is treated pretty quickly and only a conservative way. Such patients are recommended to provide full rest of the sick leg, avoid physical exertion. They are better to change the sport for a while. This patient should necessarily wear a target - orthopedic device installed between the heel and sole in the shoes. It helps to reduce the load on the heel zone and reduces the thrust of the Achille tendon during the movement of the foot. With intense pains to the heel, the cold can be applied to it ( bouch with ice). In the epiphesis of the heel bone, physiotherapy treatment helps very well, so often such patients are prescribed physiotherapy ( electrophoresis, massage, mud baths, ultra-frequency therapy, ultrasound-frequency therapy, ultrasound therapy, etc.).

    In very rare cases ( for example, when pain in the heel is unbearable) The doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to the patient. These tools reduce inflammatory processes in tissues and remove pain in the heel. However, these funds should not be abused, since the disease is not so serious and dangerous. Painful feelings in the heel in the treatment will not be held immediately, sometimes they can last more than one week ( sometimes up to 1 - 3 months). It all depends on the speed of the battle among themselves partially separated sections of the heel bone. With the detected calcium deficiency or vitamin d in a child, appropriate drugs are prescribed. In severe clinical situations ( what is observed quite rarely) Such patients can wear a gypsum bandage to the full immobilization of the damaged limb.

    Osteochondropathy Fight Bones

    With significant pains in the heel, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Sick leg is recommended to provide a complete peace or significantly reduce the static load on it. The latter can be implemented using special orthopedic stelks ( tytenic) made from gel and put under the heel when wearing shoes. In rare cases, the doctor can make a patient to temporarily immobilization of the limb by imposing plaster longs to the lower limb. To accelerate the healing of tissues in osteochondropathy, the fog bones are usually prescribed by multivitamin preparations and the passage of various physiotherapy procedures ( electrophoresis, ultra-frequency therapy, ultrahigh-frequency therapy, ultrasound therapy, etc.). Upon timely appeal to the specialist doctor, treatment prediction, in most cases favorable.


    When Achillobursite and the rear heel bursite, it is necessary to wear comfortable shoes with a soft rear edge or without it. Patients with these pathologies are prescribed various local anti-inflammatory funds based on NSAIDs ( nonteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or glucocorticoids in a mixer with anesthetics ( anesthetia). In some cases, the doctor has to make a puncture of a too increased synovial bag to extract the exudate accumulated in it ( pathological fluid). In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapeutic treatment (physiotherapy treatment (physiotherapy treatment is also prescribed and the rear healing bursite ( electrophoresis, ultra-frequency therapy, ultrasound-frequency therapy, ultrasound therapy, etc.), which pretty well helps to reduce inflammatory processes in the affected synovial bags. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, the patient is prescribed by bursectomy ( surgical removal of synovial bag).

    Jet Arthritis

    Jet arthritis is treated with anti-inflammatory agents ( diclofenac, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, etc.), immunosuppressors ( plaquenil, Azatioprin, made, methotrexate, etc.) and antibiotics ( ciprofloxacin, rondomycin, spiracycin, tetracycline, etc.). Antibiotics are used in order to destroy the balance of infection ( most often urogenital chlamydial infection) In the patient's body. Immunosuppressors ( suppress the activity of the immune system) And anti-inflammatory tools helps to stop pain in the joints and in the heel area.

    Tuberculosis of the heel bone

    The choice of the method for the treatment of tuberculosis of the heel bone depends on its degree of severity, the presence of complications, prevalence of the destructive process. In the initial stages of the disease, when the pathological center in the heel bone is small, resort to conservative treatment, which consists in massive antibiotic therapy, which includes several types of antibiotics discharged by a physician for special therapeutic schemes. In later stages of the disease, as well as when conservative therapy was recognized as ineffective, the patient prescribe surgical treatment consisting of mechanical removal of dead tissues of the heel bone and disinfection of the cavity formed inside it.

    Osteomyelitis of the heel bone

    The patient with osteomyelitis of the heel bone is prescribed antibiotics, immunomodulators ( enhance immunity), vitamins, disinfectants. In addition to drugs, it shows surgical treatment, which consists in the opening of a purulent focus in the heel bone, purifying it from pus and dead tissues and thorough disinfection of the place of purulent inflammation. After conducting surgical treatment, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of physiotherapy ( electrophoresis, ultra-high-frequency therapy, etc.), which includes methods aimed at reducing inflammatory phenomena and the destruction of the remaining infection in the field of heal bone. It should be noted that osteomyelitis is a rather dangerous pathology that requires specialized medical care, so all the stages of its treatment to the patient must be held in the hospital ( hospital).

    Why do the heels hurt in the morning?

    Many diseases of the fifth zone ( break heels, osteochondropathy of the heap bone, reactive arthritis, gout, diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities) Begin to show yourself from the morning. This is explained by an increase in physical activity on the heel area. When the patient gets out of bed, most of his weight during walking presses on damaged and inflamed anatomical heel structures ( heel bone, tranny-heel joint, subcutaneous transshipment, skin, Achillovo tendon, bundles of ankle joint, etc.), As a result, he has painful sensations in heels, and the heels themselves often swell and become red. Heel pain with these pathologies can disturb the patient and alone, but their intensity will be much lower ( especially if the patient accepted an anesthetic in advance) than when it starts to move in space. In diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities, the disappearance of pain in peace is usually associated with the presence of a diabetic polyneuropathy in a patient ( blowing nerves on the background of diabetes), in which there is a noticeable decrease in the sensitivity in the tissues of the foot.

    Why is the heel hurt behind?

    The appearance of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear surface of the heel indicates the presence of the pathology of the heal bone in this area ( for example, cracked or deformation of Haglund) or stretching the Achillos tendon, or the appearance of bursita ( inflammation of synovial bags). All these diseases usually arise as a result of various injuries of the heel zone ( when falling from the height on the foot, running on the uneven surface, straight blows on the heel, excess physical exertion), the use of uncomfortable shoes, the absence of a full workout before exercise.

    Why hurts the inner side of the heel?

    Local pains on the inner side of the heel ( this refers to the heel area, which is located just below the inner ankle.) Most often arise as a result of its bruise, stretching the medial bonds of the ankle joint, the cracks of the heal bone of the heel bone. Much less often such pains appear due to the epiphesis of the heel bone. All these pathologies have traumatic genes ( origin) And nothing serious represents ( with the exception of the cracks of the heal bone). With pain in this area, you must consult with a traumatologist.

    What doctor to appeal if the heels hurt?

    If there are pain in the heels, you need to refer to a traumatologist. With most pathologies of the heel region ( deformation of Haglund, Tarzal Tunnel Syndrome, Fragment of Heel Bone, Heel Spur, Tensile Achilles Tendon, Tensile Bonds of ankle Sustaine, Heel Blast, Osteochondropathy Heavy Bones, Osteomyelitis, Bone, Burst, Heavy Epipheste) This doctor is able to fully help the patient.

    If such pains are simultaneously associated with pains in other joints, it is better to go for advice to a rheumatologist, as the defeat of several joints immediately, most likely indicates the presence of an autoimmune or exchange disease in a patient ( for example, reactive arthritis, gout, systemic red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.). If, with pain in the heels on the skin of the heel region, ulcers appear and the patient has the main symptoms of diabetes ( elevated desire for food and water consumption, weight loss, frequent walking in the toilet), he should definitely go to the endocrinologist.

    What ointment can be used when the heel hurts?

    Ointment with pain in the heel, it is advisable not to apply before that moment will be established by their reason. This is due to the fact that in some pathologies of the heel area local means ( ointment, gels, sprays, etc.) may be either ineffective at all ( tuberculosis of the heel bone, osteomyelitis of the heel bone, diabetic angiopathy, tarzal tunnel syndrome, gout, reactive arthritis), or not effective ( the crack of the heel bone, osteochondropathy of the heating bones, epiphydes of the heel bone). For many of these pathologies, it is necessary to take preparations in tablet form.

    With other diseases ( for example, when injected heels, stretching Achille tendon, tensile bonds of ankle joint, heel spur, Haglund deformations, bursitis) The Mazi's heel zone is pretty well helped, so they are prescribed to the patient in most cases. In addition, local funds do not have such a toxic effect on the body as pills do. Local funds are much faster, as a result of which they prefer during injuries of the heel zone and in the presence of a patient a surface inflammatory process.

    With pain in the heel, unnecessary anti-inflammatory agents are usually prescribed ( NSAID), painkillers and ceiling drugs. NSAIDs ( diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, etc.) Reduce pain, swelling and redness in the place of damage. Ointment based on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds is recommended to begin to apply immediately after injury. Also in the first day you can use an ointment that includes anesthetic ( analgesic), for example, Menovazin. A few days later, after the swelling at the place of injury subsides, the patient should be applied to the painful place of ceiling ointments ( finalgon, Viprosal, Gevkamen, Nicoflex, etc.). It should be remembered that the ceiling ointments cannot be used in the first day after injury, as they contribute to the strengthening of the swelling.

    Why is the heel and hurt and hurt?

    The pain in the heel when it appears in the overwhelming majority of the pathologies of the heel zone ( osteochondropathy of the height of the heel bone, deformation of Haglund, the crack of the heel bone, the heel spur, tensile the Achilles of the tendon, injury to the heel, osteomyelitis, bursitis, the epiphesis of the heel bone, the tuberculosis of the heel bone, etc.). This happens, because when walking, the main part of the body weight is to the heel bone, resulting in a compression of inflamed tissues ( skin, subcutaneous tissue, periosteum, tendons, ligaments, etc.) In the heel, equipped with a large number of nerve endings. Therefore, to say what kind of pathology causes pain in the heel upon competing for it quite difficult. To clarify the diagnosis in such cases, it is necessary to take into account the localization of pain, other symptoms ( for example, the presence of a patient in the patient, pain in other joints, the presence of an ulcer on his skin on the skin of the heel surface, etc.), as well as carry out the necessary research ( blood test, radiography, computed tomography, etc.).

    Why is the heel side sore?

    The most common cause of pain from the side ( outside) Heels are stretching lateral ligaments ( pyt and Malobersova and Front Taranno-Malobersov) an ankle joint, which occurs when accidentally converting the foot inside ( advancing on the outer side surface of the foot), which is often observed when walking, running. Paints when stretching lateral bonds of the ankle joint are associated with damage to the structure of their connective tissue fibers. Pain in the side of the heel may also be caused by a crack of the fidel bone or the epiphizite of the heel bone. The symptoms of these both pathologies can be quite strongly similar to the stretch of lateral bonds of the ankle joint. In addition, to recognize these pathologies only in symptoms is extremely difficult, therefore, in these cases, the patient is assigned to the passage of x-ray research of the healing area. Pain in the heel with epiphysitis and the crack of the heel bone are usually caused by inflammatory processes inside it.

    Why is the heel sole hurt?

    Pains in the sole region are most often associated with the appearance of planar fasci ( heel Spur.), in which the inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis takes place. A barzal tunnel syndrome can be the cause of their occurrence of their occurrence of their occurrence, which is a consequence of the mechanical compression of the Target Nerva in the Tarzal Channel ( medial ankle canal), located behind the medial ( inner side) Ankle. With this syndrome, pain can be irradiated ( spread) For the rest of the sole or climb up the jagged area. Pains in the sole region can also be a sign of the presence of the patient's heel in the patient, in which the fifth bones are often damaged and its crack occurs. Such pains may appear in diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities, tuberculosis and osteomyelitis of the heel bone.

    What folk remedies can be used when the heels hurt?

    Folk remedies are rarely used in the treatment of diseases of the fidel zone, due to their low efficiency. Some such diseases are not recommended to try to treat with the help of folk remedies. First of all, this refers to such pathologies as a crack of the heel bone, the tannnel tunnel syndrome, the deformation of Haglund, the gout, the diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities, reactive arthritis, tuberculosis of the heel bone, osteomyelitis of the heel bone, the epiphesuit of the heel bone, the osteochondropathy of the heating bones. In the presence of these diseases, patient needs qualified medical care.

    Folk remedies can usually be used in the mechanical injuries of the foot - the ears of the heel, tension of the killers or Achille tendons, bursitis. Sometimes they help with plantar fasci ( heel Spurs). It should be remembered that before engaged in self-medication, you must first consult with your doctor.

    Folk remedies that can be used with heel pains are as follows:

    • Tincture of white acacia flowers.This tincture is used in the heel spur. For her preparation take flowers of white acacia and mix them with vodka in proportion 1/3. A tincture of white acacia flowers you need to lubricate the sole of the foot several times a day.
    • Bolotnaya sabelnik tincture.Take and mix the roots of the saber of the marsh with vodka in a 1/3 ratio. After that, this mixture must be insisted during the day. This tincture is recommended to use 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. The tincture of the saber of the marsh is usually shown to patients with plantative fasci.
    • Compress from potatoes.Potato compresses are often applied to the place of damage when injected heel, tensile bonds of ankle joint or Achille tendon, as well as various types of bursts. To make such a compress you need to take some raw potatoes and chop them on the grater. After that, a gauze compress should be made from the resulting Cashian, which should be attached to the place of injury several times a day.
    • Compress from plantain leaves.Take one tablespoon of dry, cluttered leaves of the plantain big and mix them with a finely chopped onion ( 1 small bulb). After that, an equal amount of honey should be added to this mixture. All this further needs to be placed in a boiling water bath and place well. The resulting an aqueous solution must be insisted and filtered. From it you can make compresses that apply to patients with places on the heel, which occurred when injured heel, tensile bonds of ankle joint or Achille tendon.
    • Infusion of chemistry.For its preparation, you need to put in 500 ml of boiling water 50 - 60 grams of dry grass of the horsewa field. The resulting mixture is necessary to insist 30 - 60 minutes. After that, the tincture must be strain and make a gauze compress from it, which should then apply to the sick heel 2 - 3 times a day.

    Why did the child hurt a heel?

    Pain in the heel in the child is most often caused by various types of traumatic damage ( epiphesit of the heel bone, heel injury, tensile bonds of ankle joint, stretching Achilles tendon, crack of the heel bone, osteochondropathy of the fidded bone), under which inflammation of tissues is noted ( bones, tendons, ligaments, subcutaneous fiber, etc.) Figure zone. Injuries heel is a frequent phenomenon in children. Their appearance is associated with high physical exertion, which their body is exposed in various sections, on the street, in various tourist campaigns, etc. Despite the fact that these loads have favorable development on the growth and development of the child, they may in some cases Harm their health. The fact is that in children at an early age, the entire bone-artistic-bond apparatus is not fully formed, so unnecessary physical exertion may adversely affect its condition. Equally important in this case plays the hereditary predisposition of the child to various injuries.

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