The most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids. Suppositories for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective. The best candles for hemorrhoids: reviews. Contraindications for use

Dacha 20.06.2021

Hemorrhoids are lesions in the veins of the rectum that lead to painful lumps. The disease is more susceptible to people who are forced to sit for a long time or be in one position. In women, the risk of hemorrhoids is higher, since this is facilitated by the anatomical structure of their genitourinary organs.

It is customary to call hemorrhoids small bumps that come out of the anus, but this is only one of the manifestations of the disease. Hemorrhoids begin to develop in the mucous membrane or submucosa of the rectum, closer to the anus.

The main provocateurs of the disease:

  • poor blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • frequent or sudden weight lifting;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • weak vascular walls;
  • intestinal infections;
  • tumor formations;
  • rectal injury.

Hemorrhoids consistently go through several stages, if it is not cured in time.

  1. Expansion of veins, trauma to the walls of the mucous membrane with difficult bowel movements. At the same time, a person feels a slight burning sensation and tingling sensation; blood may not even be noticeable.
  2. The dilated veins swell, forming knots. They give the feeling of a foreign body in the gut. During emptying, they are injured, bleed. Knots can come out under heavy load. The person experiences pain during bowel movements.
  3. The nodes are greatly enlarged, they constantly fall out even from the slightest physical activity, they have to be constantly adjusted manually. Cracks appear in the intestine, bleeding becomes profuse.
  4. At the last stage, the nodes are no longer possible to correct, they swell strongly, take on a red-blue tint. Only their surgical removal is shown here.

How to treat

Hemorrhoids are treated by a coloproctologist.

The specialist conducts a visual examination of the cones, a finger examination of the anus, if necessary, diagnostics are supplemented by anoscopy, endoscopy and irrigoscopy.

In the early stages, treatment is reduced to conservative. It is enough to use suppositories, tablets and special ointments. At stages 3 and 4, it may be necessary to remove the inflamed nodes using one of the popular techniques:

  • cryodestruction;
  • photocoagulation;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • ligation with latex rings.

From local remedies, suppositories have recommended themselves best of all, since they act directly on the focus of inflammation.If ointments act only on the fallen out nodes and it is inconvenient to inject them inside, then the suppositories are deep inside the rectum, which enhances the effect of treatment.

List of effective drugs

Rectal suppositories have long been successfully used to eliminate hemorrhoids. The drug should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the course of the disease.

All candles, based on their mechanism of action, are divided into several groups.

Hemorrhoid suppositories

Group nameDescription
- prevent the formation of blood clots;

Improves blood circulation;

They prevent the fragility of blood vessels, have a tonic effect on the veins.

- eliminate bleeding;

Constrict blood vessels;

Eliminate inflammation;

Restores mucous tissue.

- improve venous blood flow;

Stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Quickly eliminate inflammation and relieve painful sensations.
Helps to boost local immunity to fight germs and bacteria.
They help to eliminate inflammation and painful sensations, have a very mild effect, practically have no contraindications, but the treatment should be long-term.
Natural suppositories with a pronounced antihemorrhoidal effect.

For reference! The doctor may prescribe one or several types of drugs at once, which will need to be used according to a special scheme. At the same time, during the treatment, it is necessary to establish nutrition in order to exclude problems with defecation, because this will only aggravate the course of hemorrhoids.

Women in a position that are more susceptible to hemorrhoids than others should be careful in choosing remedies for treatment. You can use only those suppositories that are prescribed by a specialist.

List of popular and effective drugs

NameComponentsActionMode of applicationContraindications
- shark liver oil;

Phenylephrine hydrochloride.

- healing, restorative effect;

Relieves painful sensations;

Eliminates inflammation;

Constricts blood vessels.

Suppositories can be used in 1 pc. up to 4 times a day. It is necessary to introduce suppositories with a certain period of time and a sufficient number of times to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect.- reaction to components;



- heparin;

Lauromacrogol 600;


- eliminates inflammation, swelling;

Reduces painful manifestations;

Accelerates the healing of mucous membranes.

Suppositories are administered in the morning and in the evening, 1 pc. about a week.- intestinal tumors;

The period of bearing a child;

Poor blood clotting;

- butamen;




Framycetin sulfate.

- eliminates puffiness, inflammation, soreness;

Strengthens blood vessels;

Suppresses the development of bacteria.

Suppositories are administered up to 4 times a day, 1 pc., Therapy lasts about a week.- pregnancy;

Intestinal tuberculosis;


Heart failure.

- heparin;



The main components of the suppositories are the same as those of the drug "Hepatrombin G", they have a similar effect. Lidocaine additionally provides local pain relief.The remedy is shown both at the initial stage, when the hemorrhoids have not yet appeared in the form of bumps, and at the stages when it is necessary to cure the formed nodes.
Suppositories are administered in 1 pc. twice a day. When knots have dropped out, it is necessary to insert the candle not completely. Part of it should melt and lubricate the emerging nodes. The therapy lasts up to 12 days.
- pregnancy;

Reaction to the components of the drug;

Poor blood clotting.

Sodium alginate.The agent, the main component of which is brown algae, has an analgesic effect, regenerates the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation, and has a hemostatic effect.Suppositories are used in 1 pc. up to 2 times a day, therapy can last about 10-14 days.Reaction to the main component.
- cinchocaine hydrochloride;

Fluocortolone pivalate;

Fluocortolone hexonate.

- reduces swelling;

Eliminates soreness;

Accelerates the recovery of the mucous membrane.

Suppositories can be used in 1 pc. three times a day. The therapy can take up to 20 days.- pregnancy;

Sexually transmitted diseases;


- buffet;

Bismuth subgallate;

Titanium dioxide;


Possesses analgesic, disinfecting and regenerating properties.Suppositories are administered in the morning and in the evening, 1 pc., Therapy lasts up to 12 days.- pregnancy;

Reaction to components;

Sexually transmitted diseases or intestinal tuberculosis.

- bismuth tribromophenate;

Belladonna extract;

Zinc sulfate.

- eliminates inflammation;

Suppresses microbial activity;

Reduces intestinal tone;

Helps to tone the sphincter.

Suppositories are used from 3 to 7 pcs. per day, based on the recommendations of the doctor.- prostatitis;


Myocardial dysfunction;

Low intestinal motility;

Narrow-angle glaucoma.

An article by a specialist proctologist tells about how to carry out the treatment correctly, which drugs, including suppositories, are considered as safe as possible.

In order for the answer to be as detailed as possible, it is necessary to consider the main varieties of these medicines. Suppositories are divided according to composition, strength therapeutic action and the duration of use.

They are united by one point - all medicines are designed to maximize the relief of the symptoms of the disease: relieve pain and inflammation, reduce itching and swelling, heal damaged tissues, stop bleeding and further increase nodules.

From our material you will learn how hemorrhoids are treated with rectal suppositories, which antihemorrhoidal suppositories are considered the most effective and affordable, what should be based on right choice similar drugs.

For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, suppositories are often indispensable. They are used at almost any stage of the disease, they are used directly for the treatment of the disease, for prophylactic purposes and in a comprehensive recovery course after the removal of hemorrhoids.

Suppositories against hemorrhoids have important advantages over other therapeutic forms. Let's talk about these advantages in more detail.

  • Suppositories act locally, the active ingredients do not enter the stomach, in minimal quantities enter the systemic circulation, and are eliminated from the body as soon as possible. All this together reduces the risk of undesirable consequences.
  • Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids have fewer restrictions compared to tablets or an injection method of drug administration. Suppositories are suitable for the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal diseases, renal failure, hypertension.
  • These drugs are relatively easy to use. It is enough to be careful and careful to insert the suppository into the anus. It is only important to strictly follow the dose and instructions for a particular product.
  • Rectal suppositories from internal hemorrhoids most often have a complex effect due to their multicomponent composition. They are able to relieve pain, bleeding, swelling and other negative symptoms.
  • In addition, the ease of storage should be noted. Antihemorrhoid suppositories have a long shelf life - up to 5 years. The opened packaging is stored in the lower section of the refrigerating chamber, and the sealed blisters retain their quality even at room temperature.

Despite the numerous advantages, suppositories are not able to replace complex conservative treatment. Rectal suppositories should be used together with systemic agents and after consultation with an experienced doctor.

Varieties of rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids

The choice of the most effective pharmaceutical preparation for internal hemorrhoids should be determined by the characteristics of the course of the disease. As for rectal suppositories, they can be roughly divided into several large categories.

  1. Anticoagulants. This group includes funds in which heparin is one of the leading ingredients. Such suppositories prevent the occurrence of blood clots, improve blood circulation by reducing blood clotting, and additionally increase venous tone.
  2. Hemostatics. These drugs fight bleeding from hemorrhoids by narrowing the vascular channels, restoring the affected epithelial layer, relieving inflammatory processes (for more details about suppositories, read our author's article).
  3. Anesthetics. The anesthetic active substances contained in the composition help with painful hemorrhoids. Their use is justified at any stage of treatment, including after surgery (read more about).
  4. Hormonal suppositories. Due to the content of corticosteroids, such drugs are considered more effective and efficient. They are prescribed for severe pain syndrome, itching, and inflammatory processes. At the same time, they differ in a large number of contraindications.
  5. Venotonics and angioprotectors. Such drugs help to improve microcirculation and blood flow in vessels, increase venous tone, reduce the permeability of capillary and venous walls, promote healing and regenerative processes.
  6. Immunomodulators. They increase the quality of local immunity, as a result of which the damaged areas of the mucous membrane become more resistant to pathogens and begin to recover.
  7. Astringents. Bismuth and zinc compounds allow drying, disinfecting the affected areas, as well as creating a special film on the surface of the mucous membrane that prevents infection.
  8. Homeopathic candles. Not the most effective drugs, however, among the benefits can be noted the mildness of the effect, the almost complete absence of contraindications and undesirable consequences.

This variety of medications is another argument for a thoughtful approach to hemorrhoid therapy. The choice of rectal suppositories should be carried out by the proctologist after the diagnosis and determination of the leading symptoms.

The most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids

Suppositories for hemorrhoids, the list of which is presented below, are most popular among patients. However, only a doctor can determine exactly which drug will most effectively cope with symptoms.


Active ingredients Heparin, prednisolone acetate, lidocaine.
Description An anticoagulant medication with anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory actions for local use in proctological practice.

Heparin prevents the formation of blood clots and blood coagulation, reduces the volume of exudate, and restores damaged tissues. Prednisolone relieves inflammation and allergic reactions, swelling, soreness and itching. Lidocaine is an anesthetic.

  • External and internal hemorrhoids;
  • hemorrhoid vein thrombosis;
  • fistulas;
  • eczematous lesions of the perianal region;
  • anal itching;
  • cracks;
  • preparation for surgery and treatment of the operated hemorrhoids.
Contraindications Infections of the anorectal zone caused by a virus, fungus, as well as intolerance to any ingredient and childhood.
Undesirable consequences Reviews show that the drug is usually well tolerated by patients, if the dosage and duration of the therapeutic course are not exceeded.

The prednisolone component, if used for too long, can cause:

  • insomnia;
  • steroidal diabetes mellitus;
  • arrhythmia;
  • bradycardia;
  • increased sweating.

Allergic conditions associated with lidocaine and the heparin element are not excluded.

Application features In the case of rectal hemorrhoids, one suppository is injected into the anus twice a day. With the external form of the disease, the suppository is not completely inserted into the anus, allowing the base to remain outside.

The duration of the treatment course usually does not exceed 14 days.

Overdose Severe adverse reactions are not excluded.
There are no clinically reliable data on the interaction of suppositories with other drugs.
The use of suppositories during the period of gestation and breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. The limitation is due to the possibility of transferring active ingredients to the fetus or baby through breast milk.
Price From 250 rubles.

Active ingredients Heparin, prednisone, lauromacrogol 600.
Description The heparin component is a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the volume of exudate, and accelerates the regeneration processes in tissues.

Prednisolone is designed to relieve inflammation and allergic reactions, reduce effusion, swelling and itching. Lauromkrogol relieves pain and promotes gluing of the affected hemorrhoid veins.

  • External and internal form of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • anal vein thrombosis;
  • anal fissures;
  • fistulas;
  • eczematous lesion of the anorectal zone.
Contraindications Syphilis, tuberculosis, infections of the anorectal zone caused by viruses, fungal microorganisms, as well as intolerance to any ingredient.
Undesirable consequences Hypersensitivity reactions, skin redness, itching.
Application features Dosage - one suppository 1-2 times a day after bowel movement. On average, the duration of therapy is 7 days.
Overdose There are no data on overdose with suppositories of Hepatrombin G.
Interaction with other medicines There is no information on the interaction of suppositories with other drugs.
Application during pregnancy and lactation According to the medical annotation, the drug is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Price From 170 rubles.

Active ingredients Heparin, benzocaine.
Description The heparin component has anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Promotes regeneration and healing of damaged tissues.

Benzocaine reduces the severity of pain by blocking nerve impulses. Refers to anesthetic agents.

Indications Good suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, which is complicated by microthrombi.
Contraindications The drug is prohibited for use in case of hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary ingredients.
Undesirable consequences The development of local allergic conditions is not excluded.
Application features The patient inserts 1 suppository into the anus twice a day after a bowel movement or cleansing procedure. Duration of treatment - 10-14 days (more detailed information read about the application in the article by our author).
Overdose There are no data on overdose with Nigepan suppositories.
Interaction with other medicines Currently, there is no information on the interaction of suppositories with other drugs of systemic and local functioning.
Application during pregnancy and lactation The safety of using suppositories while carrying a child and breastfeeding has not been established, therefore the drug is not recommended during these periods.

If the doctor prescribes this remedy, it is necessary to strictly adhere to his recommendations and pay attention to various undesirable reactions.

Price From 190 rubles.


Active ingredients Phenylephrine, shark liver oil.
Description A drug with anti-inflammatory, healing and vasoconstrictor properties for local use in proctological practice.

Phenylephrine helps to reduce vascular lumen, as a result of which a balance is created between filling and outflow of blood in hemorrhoids. This allows you to reduce itching, swelling, and the volume of exudate.

Shark liver oil stops blood, promotes tissue regeneration and healing, additionally relieves inflammation.

Indications According to the instructions, Relief suppositories are used for diseases of the anus and rectal canal, for acute and chronic hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by bleeding and cracks.

It is also possible symptomatic treatment of rectal itching, soreness and other negative manifestations that accompany proctological pathology.

  • Intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  • thromboembolism;
Undesirable consequences Local hypersensitivity reactions are extremely rare.
Application features The relief should be injected into the anus, 1 suppository four times a day - in the morning and evening, as well as after the act of defecation.
Overdose There are no data on overdose with Relief suppositories.
Interaction with other medicines Phenylephrine, which is contained in the drug in the drug, reduces the effectiveness of drugs for high blood pressure.

If you use the drug with antidepressants at the same time, then the development of a hypertensive crisis cannot be ruled out.

Application during pregnancy and lactation The medical annotation to the drug states that it is undesirable to use it during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. However, the attending physician can make a decision about the acceptability of the use of suppositories by assessing the risks and perceived benefits.
Price From 380 rubles.

Active ingredients Benzocaine, shark liver oil.
Description These are anti-inflammatory and anesthetic rectal suppositories for local use in proctological practice.

Shark liver oil effectively relieves inflammation, increases blood clotting, promotes healing and restoration of damaged tissues.

Benzocaine allows you to block the occurrence and transmission of nerve signals, resulting in an analgesic effect.

  • External and rectal form of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • erosive lesions of the anus;
  • anal fissures;
  • anal itching.

The drug can be used for pain relief by patients who have undergone surgery on the anus.

  • Intolerance to the components of the product;
  • acute blockage of blood vessels with detached blood clots;
  • reduced content of granulocytes in the blood.
Undesirable consequences Local hypersensitivity reactions are extremely rare. In addition, itching and redness of the skin is possible.
Application features The drug is used exclusively after the performed hygiene procedure.

Suppositories from internal hemorrhoids are injected into the anus in the morning and evening and after bowel movements. The recommended daily dose is 4 suppositories.

Overdose If you do not follow medical recommendations, then the development of the so-called benzocaine absorption, in which convulsions, drowsiness, and irritability are observed.

Another option for overdose is methemoglobinemia, characterized by cyanosis and impaired breathing. If you exceed the dose of shark oil, an increase in blood clotting is possible.

Interaction with other medicines There are currently no data on interactions with other drugs.
Application during pregnancy and lactation During childbearing and breastfeeding, the drug is used only after consulting a doctor if he determines that the benefits to women's health outweigh the risks to the fetus or baby.
Price From 400 rubles.

Active ingredients Sodium alginate.
Description Natural hemostatic is a hemostatic drug with additional therapeutic effects.

Sodium alginate is a naturally viscous polysaccharide that is obtained from brown seaweed.

Suitable for men and women with hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by bleeding, soreness, inflammation. Additionally, it optimizes intestinal peristalsis and normalizes feces.

Indications Suppositories are used:
  • from cracks in the anal canal at the stage of epithelialization;
  • from chronic hemorrhoids, accompanied by bleeding;
  • from proctosigmoiditis;
  • from inflammatory processes in the rectum after surgery.
Contraindications The drug is different minimum amount contraindications. It is forbidden to use it by children under 14 years of age and with intolerance to the main and auxiliary ingredients.
Undesirable consequences Allergic reactions to the main ingredient in the form of hives, rashes, itching and burning sensations are extremely rare.
Application features The drug is administered rectally. In this case, the candle is inserted into the rectal canal after bowel movements or cleansing procedures.

The daily dosage is 2 suppositories. The duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed 14 days.

Interaction with other medicines When used together with other drugs, no negative reaction was found.
Application during pregnancy and lactation There are no restrictions on use during gestation and breastfeeding. However, be sure to consult an experienced professional before use.
Price From 330 rubles.


Active ingredients Benzocaine, bismuth subgallate, zinc oxide, menthol.
Description A fairly cheap pain reliever with antiseptic and disinfectant qualities.

Benzocaine helps to block nerve impulses and relieve severe pain.

Bismuth compounds are intended for disinfection, vasoconstriction, increased coagulation of blood, exudate and mucous secretions through the formation of a protective film on the mucous membrane.

Zinc compounds are designed to dry out, eliminate inflammation, and protect damaged mucous membranes.

The menthol component is an antiseptic that can help constrict blood vessels and reduce soreness.

Indications You can buy and use the drug for chronic and acute hemorrhoids, as well as in the case of the formation of anal fissures.
  • Intolerance to the main and auxiliary ingredients of the drug;
  • age under 12.
Undesirable consequences Quite often there is a pronounced burning sensation in the rectal canal. Less commonly, patients report a laxative effect and hypersensitivity reactions.
Application features The drug is traditionally used after bowel movement or after a cleansing procedure.

The daily dose is 1-2 suppositories. The duration of the therapeutic course is set on an individual basis, usually at least a week.

Overdose To date, there are no known cases of overdose with these suppositories.
Interaction with other medicines When combined with other drugs, negative reactions were not found.
Application during pregnancy and lactation The instruction says that you can use the drug during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. However, you should consult with a proctologist in advance in order to exclude possible unwanted consequences and threats.
Price From 80 rubles.

Active ingredients Dense extract of belladonna leaves.
Description Inexpensive and effective rectal suppositories with antispasmodic and anesthetic properties.

The extract from belladonna leaves helps to block nerve impulses, due to which the pain syndrome is stopped, the tone of the gallbladder and bile ducts decreases, and spasms of the rectal canal disappear.

  • Cracks in the anal canal;
  • intestinal colic;
  • hemorrhoids, accompanied by severe pain syndrome.
  • Closed-angle glaucoma;
  • benign proliferation of prostate tissue;
  • atonic state of the intestine;
  • exacerbated ulcerative colitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Undesirable consequences In rare cases, visual impairment, accommodation paralysis, increased intraocular pressure, fear of light are possible. Stool disorders are not excluded.
Application features Suppositories are injected into the rectal canal, one piece twice or three times a day. With an acute course of the disease, the number of suppositories can be increased.
Overdose If the recommended doses are exceeded, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, a decrease in the production of milk secretion, a decrease in sweating, and an increase in temperature may occur.
Interaction with other medicines Belladonna extract reacts with certain drugs. That is why it is imperative to consult a specialist before use.
Application during pregnancy and lactation Using candles with belladonna on early dates can lead to spontaneous abortion. In the next trimesters, the advisability of prescribing the drug should be assessed by the attending physician.
Price From 40 rubles.

Active ingredients Benzocaine, sea ​​buckthorn oil, sulfaetidol.
Description A drug with anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. It is actively used in proctological practice.

Benzocaine, as a local anesthetic, is designed to relieve soreness and discomfort in the rectal canal.

Sea buckthorn berry oil relieves inflammation in cones, tones up venous vessels, helps to restore damaged tissues, and stops bleeding.

The third component - sulfaetidol - has pronounced antimicrobial and bacteriostatic properties.

  • Chronic or acute form of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • anal fissures;
  • rectal itching.
Contraindications Rectal suppositories are not used for hypersensitivity to the main and minor ingredients of the drug.
Undesirable consequences The occurrence of local allergic reactions is not excluded, diarrhea is also possible, which is associated with an increase in intestinal peristalsis.
Application features Suppositories are injected into the anal canal twice a day, one piece at a time. With the severity of negative symptoms, the number of suppositories can be increased.

The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually, however, on average, it is 5-10 days.

Overdose To date, no cases of overdose with these suppositories have been identified.
Interaction with other medicines When used together with other drugs, no negative reactions were found.
Application during pregnancy and lactation The use of these candles is not prohibited during the period of gestation and feeding. breast milk... But before use, you should definitely consult with your doctor.
Price From 135 rubles.

Hormonal suppositories

Active ingredients Fluocortolone hexonate, fluocortolone pivalate, cinchocaine hydrochloride.
Description Antihemorrhoidal hormonal suppositories that effectively and as quickly as possible relieve inflammation and bring relief.

The steroid elements fluocortolone are designed to improve blood circulation at the local level, reduce itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, pain syndrome and accelerate tissue healing.

The anesthetic effect of cinchocaine allows you to block the formation and transmission of nerve signals, as a result of which pain is reduced.

Indications Suppositories are prescribed to relieve the severity of negative symptoms of such proctological pathologies as superficial rectal fissures, inflammation of the rectal mucosa and hemorrhoids.
Contraindications The use of Ultraproject is prohibited in case of:
  • syphilitic or tuberculous manifestations in the perianal zone;
  • viral infections;
  • hypersensitivity to corticosteroid, anesthetic or other components of the drug.
Undesirable consequences In rare cases, there is a burning sensation, rectal itching, dry skin in the area of ​​application. Allergic manifestations are also possible.
Application features The drug should be injected into the anus one candle 1-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Despite the speed of action and quick relief, suppositories are used for at least a week. The maximum duration of treatment is a month.

Overdose Research data have shown that the likelihood of acute negative effects with a single use of the drug in high dosages is extremely small.
Interaction with other medicines Laboratory studies and patient reviews did not reveal interactions or incompatibilities of Ultraproct with other medications.
Application during pregnancy and lactation The use of steroid drugs is highly undesirable in the first trimester of pregnancy, since the risk of developing a cleft palate in the fetus increases.

Despite the low absorption of fluocortolone into the general bloodstream, the drug is prohibited for use in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, use is acceptable, but it must be short-lived. Breastfeeding mothers should use suppositories with caution.

Price From 620 rubles.

Active ingredients Hydrocortisone acetate, zinc sulfate monohydrate, shark liver oil.
Description Hydrocortisone, which is a corticosteroid hormonal substance, helps to get rid of inflammation, itching, and allergic reactions as soon as possible.

The zinc element is designed to heal damaged areas of the mucous membrane, fight cracks and erosive skin lesions.

Shark liver oil increases blood clotting, increases the resistance of the affected tissues to negative effects.

  • Chronic and acute internal hemorrhoids;
  • rectal fissures;
  • erosive lesions of the skin of the anus;
  • perianal dermatitis.
  • Infection of the anus with bacteria, fungi or viruses;
  • neoplasms in the field of application;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome;
  • hypernatremia;
  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.
Undesirable consequences During therapy, undesirable consequences such as itching, skin redness and allergic reactions are possible.
Application features According to the instructions, it is necessary to inject 1 suppository into the rectal canal up to four times a day: in the morning and in the evening, as well as after each bowel movement. Preliminary hygiene procedures are required.
Overdose Cases of exceeding the dose with subsequent disturbances in the normal functioning of the body have not been described. It is speculated that overuse will lead to serious health problems.
Interaction with other medicines Data on pharmaceutical interactions of Relief Ultra with other medicinal products are not provided.
Application during pregnancy and lactation The medicinal product is not recommended for use in case of pregnancy and lactation.
Price From 480 rubles.

Active ingredients Framycetin sulfate, hydrocortisone acetate, esculoside, benzocaine, butamen.
Description According to the official description, this Indian drug is more correctly called not suppositories, but rectal capsules. The properties of the drug are due to its main components.

Framycetin is an antibacterial substance that is active against some gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

Due to its hormonal origin, hydrocortisone can reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and itching, and reduce the volume of exudate and serous compartments.

The venotonic substance esculoside protects the blood channels from damage, reduces the fragility and permeability of the walls of veins and capillaries.

Anesthetics benzocaine and butamen are designed to relieve soreness, itching and spastic conditions in the locking anal valve.

  • Internal hemorrhoids of acute or chronic form;
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
  • eczematous tissue damage to the perianal region;
  • preparation for surgery and postoperative recovery;
  • rectal fissures;
  • anal itching.
Contraindications Antihemorrhoid suppositories are prohibited for use in case of intolerance to ingredients, as well as in the case of:
  • lesions of the area of ​​application by tuberculosis, viral or fungal infection;
  • neoplasms in the rectal canal.

Patients with high blood pressure and heart failure are advised to use the product with great caution.

Undesirable consequences The occurrence of local reactions in the form of discomfort in the anorectal zone, burning and dryness in the rectal canal cannot be ruled out. Allergic reactions are rare.
Application features Suppositories should be injected into the anus in the morning and evening, as well as after each bowel movement (up to 4 times a day).
Overdose Overdose data have not been released to the public.
Interaction with other medicines
Application during pregnancy and lactation Suppositories are contraindicated for use during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.
Price From 350 rubles.

Venotonics and angioprotectors

Active ingredients Tribenoside, lidocaine.
Description Two-component venotonic, angioprotective agent, whose active ingredients have anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Tribenoside helps to eliminate blood stasis in hemorrhoids, increases the tone of the veins, and reduces the permeability of the vascular membranes. Additionally relieves inflammation, swelling.

Lidocaine is a locally acting analgesic that reduces the severity of pain, reduces itching.

Indications The main purpose is the therapy of the initial stages of internal hemorrhoids. In the last stages, they are used exclusively as part of a complex treatment.
  • Hypersensitivity to the main and minor components of the drug;
  • liver failure.
Undesirable consequences Serious allergic reactions, including anaphylactic ones, are extremely rare. Local skin reactions are possible - itching, rashes, urticaria.
Application features In case of severe symptoms, 1 suppository is used 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. As soon as the condition stabilizes, you should switch to a single use of the drug.
Overdose Cases of negative reactions when the permissible dose was exceeded were not recorded.
Interaction with other medicines There is no information on possible interactions with other medications.
Application during pregnancy and lactation Use in the first trimester of pregnancy is prohibited. At a later date, the decision to take the drug should be made by the attending physician after weighing all the risks.

During the lactation period, it is also necessary to weigh the potential benefits for the mother and the likely threat to the baby.

Price From 400 rubles.

Active ingredients Ginkgo biloba extract, butamen.
Description Suppositories for internal hemorrhoids with venotonic and angioprotective effects. An important nuance- this expensive preparation is made from natural raw materials.

Ginkgo biloba extract helps to optimize blood circulation in capillary vessels and veins, reduces the permeability of their walls, and is an antioxidant.

Butamen is a local anesthetic that quickly eliminates soreness, itching and other unpleasant sensations in the rectal canal.

Indications Suppositories are used for complicated and uncomplicated hemorrhoids. In addition, it can be used before and after rectal surgery.
Contraindications The drug is prohibited for use in case of hypersensitivity to any component, as well as with an increased content of thyroid hormones in the body.
Undesirable consequences

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids are the most popular drug used in the fight against pathology. Suppositories are topical preparations: their active substances are rapidly absorbed, relieving the patient of the symptoms of pathology.

Classification of suppositories from hemorrhoids

Antihemorrhoid suppositories are classified according to the effect they have on the patient's body. The following groups are distinguished:

  1. Pain relievers. The composition of such suppositories includes active substances with anesthetic effect: novocaine, benzocaine, lidocaine. These medicines help relieve pain: this symptom always accompanies hemorrhoids.
  2. Hemostatic. The doctor prescribes these drugs for patients suffering from internal hemorrhoids. These drugs stop anal bleeding. Suppositories contain substances that can prevent blood loss.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. Medicines of this group have a bactericidal effect. Their active substances reduce inflammation in the mucous membranes of the rectum.
  4. Venotonic. These candles have a tonic effect. Their use improves blood circulation and prevents blood clots. Under the influence of venotonics, hemorrhoids decrease.
  5. Antiseptic. The suppositories of this group include substances that prevent the development of bacteria in the anal area.
  6. Anticoagulants. These medicines prevent blood from clotting and clotting. Suppositories regenerate tissue at the site of use. These suppositories contain heparin.
  7. Emollients. These drugs work to heal wounds and fissures in the anus. Emollient suppositories prevent constipation.
  8. Regenerating. The drugs of this group contribute to the fastest recovery of damaged tissues.

Many candles offered in pharmacies have a complex effect. Combined suppositories can relieve the patient of several symptoms of pathology.

Homeopathic suppositories are also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. These products are made on the basis of natural ingredients. Such suppositories act mildly and are considered effective in combating disease.

Application features

The use of antihemorrhoidal suppositories requires adherence to several simple rules:

  • rectal preparations should not be kept at room temperature: the best storage place for them is the refrigerator;
  • candles are placed after the act of defecation and hygiene procedures;
  • it is better to put the suppository before bedtime, but if the use of the agent is prescribed in the morning, then after the injection, you should remain in the supine position for at least half an hour;
  • the candle should be held in the anus, it should not be allowed to move into the rectum.

Rectal suppositories have a number of contraindications, so you should read the instructions before using them. Use of such drugs during pregnancy should only be prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. The same applies to the lactation period.

Effective rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids

The pharmaceutical industry produces many types of suppositories for both internal and external hemorrhoids.

They all have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The following drugs are considered to be the most effective in treating the disease.


The composition of the candles includes sodium alginate - an extract from brown seaweed. Natalsid belongs to safe drugs, therefore it is prescribed for pregnant women. It has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and restorative effects.

Natalsid candles contain sodium alginate - an extract from brown seaweed.

Propolis DN

The drug contains cocoa butter, lanolin, propolis. These anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment for hemorrhoids. They are able to stop bleeding. They have a number of contraindications, for example, they cannot be used with individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

Ichthyol candles

Medicines with ichthyol are antiseptics. Ichthyol suppositories also have an analgesic effect. They are prescribed together with NSAIDs when the inflammatory process around the anus is attached.

Candles with sea buckthorn

The composition of the drug includes sea buckthorn extract. The drug is completely natural, therefore it is indicated for use by pregnant women and children. Suppositories with sea buckthorn relieve several symptoms of hemorrhoids, including itching and irritation. Sea buckthorn promotes anal fissure healing.


It contains: belladonna extract, bismuth, zinc oxide. These suppositories have a hemostatic effect, relieve pain, and protect the rectal mucosa.


The composition of Posterisan includes antigens and metabolites of E. coli. Penetrating into the mucous membrane of the rectum, these substances increase the resistance of tissues to the effects of harmful microorganisms. Posterisan is a good hemorrhoid remedy for men and women. It is prescribed for anal itching and burning, with discharge in the anal area caused by hemorrhoids.


This is a complex drug used in the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids. The active substances of suppositories are tribenoside and lidocaine, which act on the cause of the disease.

Procto-Glivenol reduces capillary permeability, improves blood and lymph flow, has a venotonic effect. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and pain reliever. Has a number of side effects, therefore, its use must be agreed with the doctor.


The composition of the suppositories includes several components: bufexamak relieves inflammation, titanium dioxide and bismuth subgallate have a drying and wound healing effect, lidocaine is a good anesthetic.

Proctosan has a number of contraindications, so it is better to agree with your doctor about its use.

Hepatrombin G

The composition of the suppositories includes: prednisolone, heparin, lauromacrogol. Hepatrombin G has a venosclerosing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. It has an anti-allergic effect, prevents blood coagulation, relieves pain.

The course of treatment can last no more than 7 days. If a positive result is not observed, then you should consult a doctor who will prescribe another drug.


Under this name, a series of suppositories is produced that are used to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and from hemorrhoidal cones. The composition of the drugs includes shark liver oil, which has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and wound healing effects. The composition of the preparations also includes:

  • Relief: phenylephrine hydrochloride - relieves itching and swelling;
  • Relief Advance: benzocaine - fights pain;
  • Relief Ultra: hydrocortisone, zinc sulfate monohydrate - substances that act as antiallergic, anti-inflammatory agent.


Suppositories of combined action, which include: sea buckthorn oil, benzocaine and sulfaetidol. The drug has analgesic and antibacterial effects, fights inflammatory processes. It is indicated for fissures in the anal region, for itching caused by hemorrhoids.

An allergic reaction is possible, so it should be applied carefully, after carefully studying the instructions.


It is an analogue of Hepatrombin G. The active substance is heparin. Nigepan effectively fights pain and itching, relieves burning sensation, and has an anti-exudative effect. Suppositories can stop existing blood clots from growing.

Candles with propolis

Suppositories containing propolis relieve swelling and pain, help to cope with burning and itching. The natural composition of the candles allows you to use them during pregnancy. Shown at any stage of the disease.

Proctosedil M

The composition of the medicinal product includes:

  • hydrocortisone - a substance that relieves pain, swelling and itching;
  • framycetin is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action;
  • esculoside - a substance that reduces capillary fragility;
  • benzocaine and butamben, which are antipruritic and pain relievers.

It has a lot of contraindications, so it is not recommended for use without consulting a doctor. Not prescribed for pregnant women and children.


Neo-Anusole has several effects, since it is a combined drug. It is prescribed for deep anal fissures. Being in the rectum, the candle acts for a long time, relieving pain and irritation. Neo-Anusol prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. The doctor will help you choose the correct dosage. It is used not only for treatment, but also as a prophylaxis.


Suppositories Ultraproct relieve pain, relieve itching, reduce inflammation. The preparation contains fluocortolone and cinchocaine. The excipient is castor oil. It is a hormonal agent, so it is prescribed with caution.

Suppositories Ultraproct relieve pain, relieve itching, reduce inflammation.

From the article you will learn about rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids: a list of the most effective and inexpensive drugs of different groups, features of the use of suppositories, indications, contraindications, side effects.

Why are hemorrhoids treated with suppositories

For the treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories are most often used. The medicine is effective at any stage of hemorrhoidal disease, and also prevents its development, since it acts locally and systemically.

Rectal preparations are well combined with other dosage forms, therefore, they become the basis for the combined treatment of the disease after the removal of hemorrhoids, during the rehabilitation period.

Doctors confidently call the benefits of rectal suppositories:

  • local effect on hemorrhoids without irritation of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa;
  • minimal penetration into the circulatory system;
  • short periods of metabolism, the withdrawal of active substances in a natural way, which reduces the risk of complications or side effects;
  • minimal restrictions on the appointment in comparison with injections or pills;
  • ease of use;
  • complex effect on the problem, thanks to several substances that are part of the candles;
  • ease of storage.

However, all the advantages of rectal suppositories cannot replace a complex of conservative or surgical measures. The main requirement for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease is an accurate diagnosis of the cause and stage of the pathology. When the nodes fall out of the anus, the candles are practically useless, since they are only able to temporarily remove that disturb the patient.

Hemostatic or hemostatics

Hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids, in parallel, drugs relieve inflammation, regenerate the affected membrane of the node. It contains dicinone, propolis extract, ethamsylate, adrenaline, calcium chloride, vicasol, phenylephrine and other components (Natalsid, Relif, Prostopin).

Candles Natalsid. An inexpensive drug is a natural hemostatic that stops hemorrhoids bleeding, and is additionally capable of normalizing intestinal motility. Feature - a natural extract of brown algae in the composition.

Composition, active substance250 mg sodium alginate
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • stops bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • softens inflammation;
  • reduces pain;
  • softens fecal stones
  • internal and external bleeding hemorrhoids;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • anorectal fissures;
  • rehabilitation after surgery
  • childhood
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of application
No information available
No restrictions
special instructions Suppositories are used at the stage of epithelialization of cracks rectum for the prevention of secondary infection
PriceFrom 330 rubles

Candles Relief. An effective vasoconstrictor, due to which a hemostatic effect is achieved.

Composition, active substance5 mg phenylephrine. Available in blisters of 6
The mechanism of action of the drugPhenylephrine in Relife exhibits a vasoconstrictor effect, which reduces exudation - the basis of inflammation. This is the essence of both the hemostatic and anti-inflammatory action of suppositories.
  • bleeding hemorrhoids of different localization;
  • irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the anus;
  • cracks, erosion, ulcers rectum;
  • recovery and treatment after surgery
  • intolerance to the components;
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system;
  • somatic diseases
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of applicationWith external hemorrhoids - one piece twice / day for 15 minutes, with internal hemorrhoids - the drug is injected halfway, holding it with a finger until it dissolves.
Compatibility with other medicinal productsDose adjustment is required if Relief is used concomitantly with:
  • MAO inhibitors (Fenelzine, Tranylcypromine, Isocarboxazid, Nialamide);
  • antihypertensive drugs (Renitek, Amlodipine, Enalapril);
  • tricyclic antidepressants - TCAs (Fevarin, Reboxetine, Amitriptyline)
Use during pregnancy, lactationUsed only on the recommendation of a doctor
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 380 rubles

Candles Prostopin. They improve trophism, tissue healing, show a local hemostatic effect due to the components of propolis and other beekeeping products.

Composition, active substance310 mg of propolis, 150 mg of bee bread, 120 mg of honey, 100 mg of royal jelly, 80 mg of pollen. Packing: 3 blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • stops exudation;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • improves the permeability of blood vessels, thereby stopping the hemorrhoids undercutting
  • any form of hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • prostatitis
Side effectsAllergic reactions
Mode of applicationOne suppository at night, after cleansing the intestines and performing intimate hygiene.
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo information
Use during pregnancy, lactationNot contraindicated
special instructionsAbsent
PriceFrom 526 rubles


Suppositories for hemorrhoids exhibit bactericidal properties, suppress inflammation, are able to stimulate regenerative processes (Aurobin, Ultraproct, Posterisan, Hemorol).

Candles Aurobin. An inexpensive, but quite effective drug, a representative of a combination of a true anesthetic with anti-inflammatory substances. Hormonal supplements that significantly enhance the anti-inflammatory effect.

Composition, active substance20 mg of lidocaine, triclosan, prednisolone, dexpanthenol Packing in blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • lidocaine is used to relieve local pain in hemorrhoids, is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore it is not toxic, acts as an anti-inflammatory;
  • triclosan relieves inflammation inside and outside rectum;
  • prednisolone blocks exudation, relieves anus pastiness, dries hemorrhoids;
  • dexpanthenol stimulates regenerative processes, restores the vascular wall
  • hemorrhoids of any form, including thrombosed;
  • anal fissures;
  • fistulas rectum;
  • dermatitis of the anus;
  • itching of the anus;
  • polyposis;
  • rectal abscess
  • intolerance to the components;
  • secondary infection;
Side effects
  • irritation, skin defects of the anus, itching;
  • diaper rash, dermatitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • glaucoma
Mode of application1 suppository twice / day for 15 minutes. An overdose gives the following symptoms:
  • convulsions;
  • pre-fainting;
  • high fever;
  • insomnia;
  • atrophy of the skin around the anus;
  • hypertension;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • anaphylaxis
Compatibility with other medicinal productsAurobin is used with caution in parallel with medications that contain lidocaine:
  • antirheumatic drugs (Plaquenil, Imuran, Neoral);
  • MAO inhibitors (Iproniazid, Isoniazid, Nialamid)

This significantly enhances the analgesic effect of lidocaine.

Use during pregnancy, lactationAbsolutely forbidden
special instructionsWhen using, you should protect your eyes from the components of the drug.
PriceFrom 323 rubles

Candles Ultraproct. A powerful anti-inflammatory drug due to hormonal supplementation with the effect of local anesthesia.

Composition, active substance630 mg of fluocortolone hexonate, 612 mg of fluocortolone pivalate, 1 mg of cinchocaine hydrochloride. Packing: blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • the ability to block pain impulses, due to cinhocaine;
  • the ability to quickly stop inflammation - two types of fluocortolone
IndicationsUltraproject is used for:
  • with internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • proctitis, paraproctitis;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • dermatitis rectum
  • intolerance to the components;
  • STD;
  • infections of different etiology
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsThere is no data
Use during pregnancy, lactationIn the 1st trimester - strictly prohibited, in 2-3 - for health reasons
special instructionsWhen rectum is infected with fungi, antimycotic therapy is required additionally
PriceFrom 620 rubles

Candles Posterizan. Natural anti-inflammatory and inexpensive remedy, capable of activating the body's immune responses at the cellular (local) and humoral (general) levels.

Composition, active substance660 million E. coli microbial cells inactivated by phenol. Packing: two blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drugThe essence of the anti-inflammatory action of Posterisan is the activation of local and general immunity.

At the cellular level, locally - antigens from fragments of the microbe and metabolites of Escherichia coli strengthen the rectum mucosa, making it resistant to infections.

At the humoral level, activation of T-lymphocytes occurs, regeneration of damaged tissues, stimulation of venous tone

  • the initial stage of hemorrhoidal disease with nodes of any localization;
  • irritation of the anorectal region;
  • cracks rectum
ContraindicationsIntolerance to components
Side effectsNo information
Mode of applicationAfter each bowel movement in a natural or artificial way, 1 suppository, no more than three weeks
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data
Use during pregnancy, lactationApplication is agreed with the attending physician
special instructionsPhenol should be treated with caution
PriceFrom 296 rubles

Hemorole suppositories. They belong to the group of natural anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug is cheap, it is most effective with an already formed hemorrhoid, both in the acute and chronic stages.

Composition, active substance50 mg of chamomile extract, 20 mg of extracts of gorse, horse chestnut, rhizomes of erectus, yarrow, belladonna. Additionally - glycerin. Available in blisters of 6
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • chamomile, horse chestnut - relieve inflammation;
  • gorse, yarrow - stop bleeding of hemorrhoids;
  • belladonna (belladonna), cinquefoil relieve pain;
  • glycerin - the link between the main components makes the stool soft
  • internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • trimming knots;
  • damage to the skin, mucous membranes of the perianal region;
  • proctitis;
  • swelling of the anus
ContraindicationsIntolerance to individual components
Side effectsRarely - allergies
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data available
Use during pregnancy, lactationAre strictly prohibited due to the possibility of miscarriage
special instructionsUsed with caution in oncological processes in the body.
PriceFrom 161 rubles

Venotonics and angioprotectors

Suppositories from hemorrhoids of the phlebotonics and angioprotectors group improve the microcirculation of the anorectal region, increase the tone of the veins, reduce capillary permeability, and help the healing of mucous membranes. The drugs prevent node thrombosis, reduce the size of the formations (RektAktiv, Hamamelis, Ginkor Prokto, Proktis-M).

Candles RectActive. They belong to the group of venotonics. They have natural ingredients in their composition, and are inexpensive.

Composition, active substance50 mg escin from horse chestnut dry extract. Produced in blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • wound healing;
  • calming;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic effect;
  • escin is able to increase the tone of the veins due to the normalization of the functioning of the venous valves.

The laxative properties of the drug make it especially effective in the early stages of the development of hemorrhoidal disease, since they provide the prevention of constipation, congestion in the pelvic organs.

IndicationsHemorrhoidal disease with nodes of any localization, especially accompanied by constipation
  • acute period of the disease;
  • cracks, tumors rectum;
  • proctitis, paraproctitis;
  • intestinal obstruction
Side effectsIndividual intolerance
Mode of applicationSuppositories are injected rectally one at a time after the morning meal, which allows you to develop the necessary biorhythm of bowel emptying. In case of an overdose, soreness of the anorectal region is possible.
Compatibility with other medicinal productsFull compatibility
Use during pregnancy, lactationAllowed for constipation throughout pregnancy, if the use is agreed with a doctor
special instructionsHave been using the drug since the age of 14
PriceFrom 250 rubles

Candles Hamamelis DN. An inexpensive drug, belongs to the group of angioprotectors of natural origin.

Composition, active substance500 mg infusion of witch hazel bush. Available in blisters of 6
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalize microcirculation of the anorectal region;
  • eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs
  • any form of hemorrhoids;
  • prevention of thrombosis of nodes
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • infringement or loss of hemorrhoidal formations;
  • bleeding rectum
Side effectsRarely - allergies
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsThe effectiveness of suppositories for hemorrhoids decreases when used simultaneously with alkaloids (Quinine, Ephedrine), glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone)
Use during pregnancy, lactationAllowed the entire period of pregnancy in agreement with the doctor
special instructionsAbsent
PriceFrom 100 rubles

Candles Proctis-M. Rectal venotonic, the action of the medication is based on the properties of hyaluronic acid, which tones and nourishes tissues, improves recovery processes.

Composition, active substance5 mg of sodium salt of hyaluronic acid, oil extract of asiatic centella, calendula, aloe vera, essential oil tea tree.

Packing: two blisters of 5 pieces

The mechanism of action of the drugProctis M relieves itching, pain, burning, swelling, rectal bleeding. Promotes hydration of the rectum mucosa, so that defecation is painless, without trauma, which is often the case with hemorrhoidal disease
  • any form of hemorrhoids;
  • cracks in the anorectal region;
  • proctitis, cryptitis, perianal fistula
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data
Use during pregnancy, lactationProctis M are approved for use during the entire period of pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor.
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 450 rubles


Hormonal suppositories for hemorrhoids contain corticosteroids, reduce inflammation, tissue swelling, exudation, that is, they dry out the nodes (a feature is a large number of restrictions on use) - Relief Ultra, Relief PRO, candles with adrenaline, Posterisan forte.

Candles Relief Ultra. An effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug, contains an analogue of adrenaline, due to which a softer and longer-lasting effect occurs.

Composition, active substance10 mg 0.5% hydrocortisone, 11 mg 0.55% zinc, shark liver oil. Available in blisters of 6
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • due to hydrocortisone, they quickly stop inflammation, itching, and pasty anus;
  • shark liver oil regenerates tissues, stimulates immunity, blocks hemorrhoids undercutting;
  • zinc is an antiseptic, prevents secondary infection, dries out the nodes
  • internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • cracks, erosion, itching, eczema of the anus;
  • inflammation of adipose tissue in the perianal region
  • intolerance to the components;
  • infections of any genesis;
  • tumors rectum;
  • endocrine disorders
Side effectsLocal hypersensitivity
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo information
Use during pregnancy, lactationContraindicated
special instructionsThey are prescribed with caution to patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
PriceFrom 480 rubles

Relief ABM candles occupy a special place in the Relief line. By its intended purpose, it is a local anesthetic with enhanced anti-inflammatory properties, which quickly relieves pain and tissue pastiness.

Composition, active substanceFluocortolone, lidocaine
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • removes all signs of inflammation due to hormonal supplements;
  • lidocaine provides pain relieving properties quickly and easily
Indicationshemorrhoids of rectal localization, of any severity with pain syndrome
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • infections of various etiologies;
  • tumors of the rectum and anorectal region
Side effectsIncreased hypersensitivity
Mode of applicationBy suppository rectally a couple of times / day after intimate hygiene for a quarter of an hour
Compatibility with other medicinal productsThere is no data
special instructionsNot represented
Price380 rubles

Adrenaline candles

Suppositories with adrenaline - Methyluracil. An effective and inexpensive drug for hemorrhoids, it has a hemostatic, antimicrobial, immuno-strengthening effect.

Composition, active substance500 mg methyluracil, adrenaline supplement. Available in blisters of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugMethyluracil has antimicrobial, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect
  • hemorrhoidal disease of any form;
  • proctitis, sigmoiditis, ulcerative colitis;
  • sluggish healing of injured hemorrhoids
  • excessive granulation of the wound;
  • individual intolerance
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsFull
Use during pregnancy, lactationShown on the recommendation of a doctor
special instructionsIt is worthwhile to use funds with adrenaline carefully, because the component is capable of lowering blood pressure. Because of this, drugs with it are not used in the treatment of the elderly or hypertensive patients.
PriceFrom 40 rubles

Posterisan forte

Candles Posterisan forte. Effective drug with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulating action for local use in proctology.

Composition, active substance660 million inactivated E. coli microbial cells, 2.5 mg of hydrocortisone. Packing: two blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drugThe pain is relieved by hydrocortisone by reducing exudation, the main component of inflammation. Posterisan forte additionally powerfully activates local (cellular) immunity, tissue regeneration
  • used for resistant hemorrhoids;
  • anopapillitis;
  • cracks, irritation, itching of the anus
ContraindicationsIntolerance to components
Side effectsRarely allergic to phenol
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsSimultaneous use with other corticosteroids, causes mutual potentiation, side effects
Use during pregnancy, lactationApproved for admission after consultation with the doctor
special instructionsClosely monitor the body's response to phenol
PriceFrom 360 rubles


Suppositories from hemorrhoids kill pathogenic microflora in the anorectal region. In the composition - propolis, sea buckthorn oil, calendula, tea tree extract, other components (Betiol, Ichthyol, Sea buckthorn, tea tree candles, Calendula).

Betiol candles. An inexpensive but effective drug, an example of a combination of anesthetics and antiseptics with anti-inflammatory components. The essence of the action is the removal of angiospasm.

Composition, active substance15 mg belladonna extract, 200 mg ichtammol. Available in blisters of 5
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • relieves spasm of the sphincter rectum;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • kills pathogenic microbes;
  • normalizes blood flow
  • rectal (internal) hemorrhoids;
  • cracks rectum
  • intolerance to the components;
  • adenoma, prostatitis;
  • high intraocular pressure
Side effects
  • allergic rashes;
  • irritability;
  • constipation;
  • dilated pupils
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes

Overdose provokes convulsions, urinary retention, requires an ambulance call

Compatibility with other medicinal productsNot combined with cardiac glycosides (Digoxin), antiarrhythmic (Betaloc) and antihypertensive (Renitek) drugs
Use during pregnancy, lactationProhibited
special instructionsDecreased concentration of attention, you can not get behind the wheel, operate high-precision equipment
PriceFrom 65 rubles

Ichthyol candles

Suppositories Ichthyol. They act quickly, are inexpensive, allow to stop the severity of the process, relieve swelling. Candles have a cumulative effect. Ichthyol regenerates healthy cells, while removing those affected from the surface of the dermis.

Composition, active substance1 suppository contains 10-20% of active ichthyol and the binding component witepsol. Packing: 2 blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • analgesic effect;
  • antipruritic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • light venotonic
  • any stage, form of hemorrhoids;
  • bleeding rectum;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the anorectal region
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsAllergy, toxicity of the substance if swallowed
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsFull
Use during pregnancy, lactationAll pregnancy allowed
special instructionsWhen dissolved in rectum, ichthyol can leak out and stain linen. Often, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, the drug is prescribed simultaneously with ichthyol ointment.
PriceFrom 70 rubles

Sea buckthorn candles

Suppositories Sea buckthorn oil. The effectiveness of suppositories for hemorrhoids is manifested by the anti-inflammatory properties of the drug. Sea buckthorn has an antitumor, bactericidal, hemostatic effect, and is cheap.

Composition, active substance500 mg of sea buckthorn oil. Produced in blisters of 3 - 10 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drugThe main action of sea buckthorn oil is aimed at destroying microbes, regenerating tissues, and relieving inflammation. The drug prevents secondary infection, removes free radicals, rejuvenates cells and the entire body as a whole, stops bleeding nodes
  • internal, external hemorrhoids at any stage;
  • proctitis;
  • anal fissures;
  • atrophy of the skin of the anorectal zone;
  • soreness during bowel movements
  • diarrhea
Side effectsRarely - allergies
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsCannot be used with other suppositories. There are no contraindications for tablets, tinctures, baths, enemas
Use during pregnancy, lactationAllowed after consultation with a doctor at any stage of pregnancy, since the action of suppositories is local
PriceFrom 70 rubles

Tea tree candles

Suppositories Tea tree essential oil is an antiseptic.

Composition, active substanceTea tree essential oil - The essential oil has a camphor smell. Produced in blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drugTerpenes in the composition provide antiseptic properties, relieve inflammation, relieve swelling of the anus
  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • loss of nodes;
  • anal fissures;
  • itching, soreness of the anus;
  • discomfort when walking
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsAllergies, blood clotting disorders
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data
Use during pregnancy, lactationNot recommended due to its ability to sensitize the body
special instructionsProtect your eyes from oil
PriceFrom 200 rubles

Calendula candles

Suppositories Calendula. An antiseptic, a medicine is made from low-melting fats (cocoa butter or anhydrous lanolin), to which the required amount of decoction of the plant flowers of the desired concentration is added.

Composition, active substanceextract of calendula flowers. Produced in blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drugLocal antiseptic
  • any form of hemorrhoids;
  • perianal fissures;
  • eczema of the anus
  • individual intolerance;
  • infections of the anus of any genesis;
  • diabetes;
  • erosive proctitis
Side effectsAbsent
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsFull
Use during pregnancy, lactation
special instructionsNot used as monotherapy
PriceFrom 95 rubles


Heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids prevent thrombosis of nodes, reduce blood clotting, increase venous tone, stimulate tissue regeneration (Hepatrombin G, Hepazolon, Nigepan).

Suppositories Hepatrombin G. One of the most effective medicines, it dissolves already formed blood clots, prevents the formation of new ones.

Composition, active substance65 IU of heparin, prednisolone - 2.233 mg, lauromacrogol 600 - 30 mg. Allowed in blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • analgesic effect;
  • anticoagulant
  • internal, external hemorrhoids;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • microcracks, fistulas of the anus;
  • eczema rectum
  • intolerance to the components;
  • infections of any nature;
  • swelling of the anus;
  • bleeding hemorrhoids
Side effectsBody sensitization
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data available
Use during pregnancy, lactationAllowed from 13 weeks of pregnancy as directed by a doctor
special instructionsAn overabundance of the drug on the skin slows down the regeneration
PriceFrom 170 rubles

Suppositories Hepazolone. Cheap, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever.

Composition, active substance1.7 mg prednisolone, 20 mg lidocaine, 120 IU heparin. Available in blisters of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugHepazolone possesses:
  • antithrombotic action;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • local anesthetic
  • internal, external hemorrhoids;
  • cracks, eczema of the anus;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • in preparation for the removal of hemorrhoids, treatment after surgery
Side effects
  • endocrine disruptions;
  • dizziness;
  • fast heartbeat;
  • sleep disturbances
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo information
Use during pregnancy, lactationForbidden
special instructionsInsulin dose adjustment required
PriceFrom 25 rubles

Candles Nigepan. Inexpensive but effective thrombolytic drug with pain reliever. anti-inflammatory effect.

Composition, active substance50 mg benzocaine, 1000 IU = 8.3 mg - heparin. Available in blister packs of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugNigepan shows:
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • analgesic;
  • anti-thrombotic;
  • regenerating
IndicationsAny form of hemorrhoidal disease
ContraindicationsIntolerance to components
Side effectsBody sensitization
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsThere is no data
Use during pregnancy, lactationThe entire period of pregnancy is prohibited
special instructionsBlood clotting control required
PriceFrom 190 rubles

Healing (regenerating)

Healing suppositories for hemorrhoids stimulate damaged areas of the skin, mucous membranes at the cellular level (glycerin, Salofalk, Propolis DN).

Glycerin candles

Suppositories Glycerin. The funds soften the rectum mucosa, facilitate bowel movements, which is important for hemorrhoids.

Composition, active substance2.11 g glycerol. Available in blisters of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugGlycerol:
  • tones up the intestinal muscles;
  • softens fecal stones;
  • promotes painless bowel movements;
  • stimulates regeneration
IndicationsPrescribed for hemorrhoids of any form to moisturize the mucous membrane, prevent constipation
  • acute form of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • tumors rectum;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • individual intolerance;
  • proctitis, paraproctitis
Side effectsLong-term use causes allergies, slows down physiological defecation
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsFull
Use during pregnancy, lactationRecommended by doctor's prescription
special instructionsReception ends after the restoration of normal bowel function
PriceFrom 160 rubles

Salofalk candles. An effective drug that stimulates regeneration by activating the immune system. The disadvantage is serious side effects.

Composition, active substance500 mg mesalazine. Available in blisters of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugSalofalk has:
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • relieve swelling and hyperemia from the intestinal walls;
  • stimulate local immunity;
  • accelerate healing;
  • suppress pathogenic microflora rectum
  • external, internal hemorrhoids in complex therapy, if hemorrhoidal disease is severe - with frequent relapses, bleeding and severe pain syndrome;
  • anal fissures;
  • proctitis;
  • sigmoiditis;
  • ulcerative colitis
  • individual intolerance;
  • severe failure of liver, kidney function;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • childhood
Side effects
  • allergy;
  • flatulence;
  • baldness;
  • pancreatitis
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsWith the combined use of Salofalk and anticoagulants (Cardiomagnet) healing effect the latter may decrease
Use during pregnancy, lactationForbidden
special instructionsDuring treatment with Salofalk, it is necessary to regularly monitor blood counts ( general analysis, liver function tests, creatinine) and urine
PriceFrom 529 rubles

Candles Propolis DN. The drug heals defects in the mucous membrane and skin of rectum in case of hemorrhoidal disease, activates the immune system, and relieves inflammation.

Composition, active substancePropolis D2
The mechanism of action of the drugBee glue in the composition relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation rectum, reduces the risk of blood clots, bleeding
  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • ARI, colds
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance, age up to 12 years
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNot
Use during pregnancy, lactationLimited, by doctor's prescription only
special instructionsIf there is no effect of treatment, you should consult your doctor
PriceFrom 270 rubles


In suppositories for hemorrhoids based on bismuth, zinc, the main property is drying of hemorrhoids, prevention of secondary infection (Proctosan, Anestezol, Anusol, Neo-Anusol).

Suppositories Proctosan. The drug is an example of a combination of anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, astringent components.

Composition, active substanceLidocaine, bufexamac, bismuth, titanium. Available in blisters of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugProctosan exhibits:
  • local anesthetic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • hemostatic;
  • drying;
  • antipruritic
  • forming hemorrhoids;
  • cracks, erosion, eczema of the anus;
  • proctitis, paraproctitis;
  • rehabilitation period, treatment after surgery
  • infections of any genesis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • age up to 12 years
Side effectsAllergies, dyspepsia
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data
Use during pregnancy, lactationForbidden
special instructionsCondom use reduces the strength of the latter
PriceFrom 317 rubles

Suppositories Anestezol. Anesthetic suppositories, an astringent anesthetic, are inexpensive.

Composition, active substance100 mg benzocaine, 40 mg bismuth, 20 mg zinc, 4 mg levomenthol. Available in blister packs of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugAnestezol exhibits:
  • local anesthetic;
  • drying;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • regenerating;
  • hemostatic
IndicationsRectal remedies are indicated for hemorrhoids of any form and anal fissures
ContraindicationsIntolerance to components, age up to 12 years
Side effectsAllergies, dyspepsia
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data available
Use during pregnancy, lactationAllowed on doctor's recommendation
special instructionsCare must be taken to drive vehicles or precise mechanisms.
PriceFrom 80 rubles

Candles Anusol. An inexpensive drug with astringent, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Composition, active substanceThe active substance is 20 mg belladonna extract, 100 mg xeroform, 50 mg zinc sulfate. Packing: 2 blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • relieves pain;
  • knits, stops bleeding;
  • prevents secondary infection;
  • regenerates tissue;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • weakens
  • anal fissures;
  • proctitis;
  • anus injury
  • intolerance to the components;
  • CHF, hypertension, tachycardia;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • Chronic renal failure, anuria;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • atony rectum;
  • adenoma, prostatitis;
  • glaucoma
Side effects
  • anuria;
  • increased heart rate, hot flashes;
  • allergy;
  • migraine, insomnia;
  • impaired visual acuity;
  • dyspepsia
Mode of applicationFor internal hemorrhoids: 1 suppository, two to three times / day, keep in the anus for half an hour. When externally, the agent is injected half into the rectum, held with fingers until completely absorbed.

Overdose gives:

  • vomiting;
  • temperature;
  • convulsions
Compatibility with other medicinal productsEnhance the effect of (No-Shpa), (Novopassit), (Phenobarbital) drugs
Use during pregnancy, lactationForbidden
special instructionsYou can not drive a car or high-precision devices, double vision occurs
PriceFrom 80 rubles

Candles Neo-Anusol. The drug is an antiseptic, dries and knits, relieves inflammation of the rectum. It differs from the usual Anusol in the admissibility of use during pregnancy.

Composition, active substance75 mg of bismuth. Produced in blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drug
  • bismuth is an antiseptic;
  • zinc - dries up mucous membranes;
  • tannin - knits;
  • resorcinol - resists secondary infection;
  • iodine, methylene blue - relieve local inflammation
IndicationsInternal, external hemorrhoids, cracks
ContraindicationsIntolerance to components
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of applicationStandard
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data
Use during pregnancy, lactationAllowed on doctor's recommendation
special instructionsNegatively affect concentration of attention: you can not drive a car, devices that require a quick reaction
PriceFrom 79 rubles


Suppositories from hemorrhoids based on microdoses of natural ingredients are considered in official medicine as a placebo effect. The peculiarity of homeopathic remedies is a mild effect on the problem, the complete absence of contraindications, complications (Gemo-Pro, Nova-Vita, Adonis, Hemoprost-T, Fitomax).

Suppositories Gemo-Pro. Homeopathic remedy - extract from the healing mud lake Tambukan. Other natural ingredients complement each other and have a complex effect.

Composition, active substanceSea buckthorn oil, essences of rue, St. John's wort, comfrey, ginkgo biloba, chestnut, yarrow, aloe, propolis. Packing: 2 blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drugGemo-Pro possess:
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • antispasmodic;
  • analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • regenerating;
  • venotonic
  • any form of hemorrhoids;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • prostatitis;
  • adnexitis
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of applicationRectally, once / day, in the evening. Overdose causes anus discomfort
Compatibility with other medicinal productsFull
Use during pregnancy, lactationNot recommended due to multicomponent
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 370 rubles

Candles Nova Vita. Multicomponent compositions from the group of homeopathics.

Composition, active substance0.2 g of propolis, 0.1 g each of sea buckthorn oil, ginseng, 05 g of mud from Lake Tambukan. Available in blisters of 6
The mechanism of action of the drugNova Vita improve tissue metabolism, provide:
  • antimicrobial action;
  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • vaso-strengthening
  • hemorrhoids of any form and stage;
  • paraproctitis;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • anorectal fissures;
  • decreased erection
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsNot
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsThere is no data
Use during pregnancy, lactationContraindicated due to the multicomponent
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 270 rubles

Candles Tambukan "Adonis". The drug improves tissue metabolism.

Composition, active substance100 mg of propolis, lecithin, sea buckthorn oil, yarrow, meadowsweet, extract from the healing mud of Lake Tambukan, 200 mg of cocoa butter. Packing: 2 blisters of 5 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drugTambukan "Adonis" show:
  • vasoconstrictor action;
  • wound healing;
  • adaptogenic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antimicrobial
  • hemorrhoids of any form;
  • proctitis, proctosigmoiditis;
  • anal fissures;
  • prostatitis;
  • erectile dysfunction
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance to the components
Side effectsNot
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data
Use during pregnancy, lactationNot recommended due to the large number of components
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 250 rubles

Suppositories Hemoprost-T. Homeopathic medicine regenerates tissues, relieves inflammation, has antimicrobial effect

Composition, active substancePropolis, oil extract of thuja oil, sea buckthorn, extract from the mud of Lake Tambukan,

essence of gingko-biloba, St. John's wort, horse chestnut, hemlock, lakonos, celandine. Available in blisters of 5

The mechanism of action of the drug
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • regenerating;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • venotonic;
  • increasing potency
  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • paraproctitis;
  • anorectal fissures;
  • painful bowel movements;
  • prostatitis;
  • erectile dysfunction
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsNot
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data available
Use during pregnancy, lactationLimited due to multicomponent
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 280 rubles


Candles Fitomax PRO. Homeopathic remedies from hemorrhoids and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Composition, active substancePolyphenols, vitamins A, E, C. Produced in cones of 10 pieces
The mechanism of action of the drugPhytomax PRO - homeopathic immunomodulators with the properties of regeneration and suppression of inflammation
  • hemorrhoids of any form;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • treatment in the period after surgery to remove hemorrhoids
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsNot
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsNo data published
Use during pregnancy, lactationAllowed from the third trimester under medical supervision
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 100 rubles


A group of suppositories for hemorrhoids, which stimulate local immunity, resist pathogenic microbes, stimulate tissue regeneration (Polyoxidonium, Genferon, Viferon).

Suppositories Polyoxidonium. A combined immunomodulatory agent that comprehensively increases the body's resistance to local and generalized infections.

Composition, active substance12 mg of azoxymer bromide. Available in blisters of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugPolyoxidonium possess:
  • immunomodulatory action;
  • detoxifying;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory
  • activation of regeneration processes for hemorrhoids of any form;
  • infections of any genesis;
  • to reduce the nephro- and hepatotoxic effect of drugs
  • individual intolerance;
  • acute renal failure;
  • childhood
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsCombined with antibiotics (Tsiprolet), antiviral (Tamiflu), antifungal (Nitrofungin) and antihistamines(Tavegil), GCS (Prednisolone) and cytostatics (Methotrexate)
Use during pregnancy, lactationContraindicated
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 905 rubles


Candles Genferon light. The drug is from the interferon group.

Composition, active substance125,000 IU of interferon alfa-2b, 5 mg taurine. Available in blisters of 5
The mechanism of action of the drugGenferon light is rendered by:
  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiproliferative;
  • antibacterial action
  • for stopping inflammation of hemorrhoids, reducing them in size;
  • infections of any genesis;
  • herpes
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsAllergy - rare
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsGenferon light potentiate antibiotics, antiviral drugs
Use during pregnancy, lactationFrom the second trimester
special instructionsNot
PriceFrom 497 rubles

Candles Viferon. An effective drug - a representative of interferons, is used as part of complex therapy. Suppresses the replication of RNA and DNA viruses, stimulates the body's defenses.

Composition, active substance150,000 IU interferon alfa-2b human recombinant
The mechanism of action of the drugViferon possess:
  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiproliferative;
  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • hemorrhoids internal and external, especially a complicated variant;
  • infections of various origins;
  • herpes
ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance
Side effectsAllergy
Mode of application1 suppository once or twice / day after intimate hygiene of the area, for 15 minutes
Compatibility with other medicinal productsFull
Use during pregnancy, lactationFrom the second trimester
special instructionsNot
Price238 rubles

Homemade suppositories from natural ingredients

Folk recipes are an auxiliary therapy for hemorrhoidal disease. Not a single homemade herbal suppository can compete with a comprehensive scheme individually compiled by a doctor. However, if natural ingredients are closer to your heart, after consultation with your doctor, you can use several safe folk recipes time-tested:

  1. Aloe leaf suppositories. The leaf of the agave is freed from the hard peel, a candle of the required size is cut out of it, which is cooled in the refrigerator and inserted into the rectum overnight. Such a rectal insert is removed in the morning on its own, in a natural way.
  2. Raw potato suppositories. A candle is cut out of the tuber, the size of the middle finger of the hand. It is carefully sanded to remove any burrs, inserted into the rectum, but not deeply: a couple of centimeters. The liner is removed on its own, it makes no sense to detain it. The standard 15 minutes is enough.
  3. Candles with propolis. 80 g of petroleum jelly, 15 g of lanolin, 10 g of propolis are heated in a water bath, not allowing the mixture to boil. Everything is thoroughly mixed, poured into ice molds, frozen. Then, it is used as a conventional suppository.
  4. Sea buckthorn suppositories. Juice is squeezed out of pure dried berries. The remaining mass is poured vegetable oil: half a liter of oil for three cups of cake. Insist in the dark for a week. Filtered. To increase the concentration, the procedure is repeated. In this case, the cake is poured with already squeezed sea buckthorn oil. The product is stored in a glass container for a year. The role of a candle is performed by a cotton swab dipped in the resulting solution. It is introduced into the rectum. It is removed on its own.
  5. Honey suppositories. A rectal candle is made from candied honey, it is frozen, then injected into the rectum until it is completely dissolved. Intimate hygiene is carried out. Better before bed. Effect - healing of cracks, control of inflammation. Besides, honey is a natural antiseptic.

Like homeopathy, they are based on the placebo effect. Believe it - it helps perfectly.

Combined Hemorrhoid Treatment

When treating hemorrhoids, monotherapy is unacceptable because it can be dangerous. Hemorrhoidal disease is a vascular pathology, it is treated only in a comprehensive manner. One remedy will never cope with the disease, no matter what it is: a pill, ointment, suppositories. Monotherapy will remove only the clinical symptoms of the disease, but will not make a person healthy.

That is why doctors always offer an individual complex therapy regimen for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, which includes:

  • suppositories used at any stage of the disease, with external and internal nodes;
  • ointments (gels) that complement external suppository therapy;
  • tablets - phlebotonics, hepatoprotectors (Venarus, Detralex, Troxevasin).

Hemorrhoids are an irreversibly progressive pathological condition of the cavernous bodies of the rectum. Due to a violation of the regulation of the outflow and blood flow to them, their overflow and the development of hemorrhoids occur. At the same time, weakness of the Parks ligament and the longitudinal muscle of the rectum develops, which hold the cavernous bodies in place - as a result, the nodes fall outward (see). Since this is a chronic pathology - the best remedy from hemorrhoids, its prevention and reduction of provoking factors are considered:

  • alcohol abuse (including beer)
  • tendency to constipation, long sitting in the toilet and straining during bowel movements, as well as alternating diarrhea and constipation
  • pregnancy and childbirth are a strong provocateur of the development of hemorrhoids in women
  • both lack of physical activity (sitting position) and excessive physical exertion (especially weight lifting)

Thus, if you adjust your diet and lifestyle, you can improve the condition, reduce the frequency of exacerbations and facilitate the course of the disease:

  • Refuse strong coffee and tea, and drink more plain non-carbonated water, limit confectionery, baked goods, eat complex carbohydrates - grain bakery products, vegetables, fruits (see), limit alcohol.
  • Do Kegel gymnastics and train the muscles of the abs and buttocks.
  • Get rid of the bad habit of sitting on the toilet for a long time, observe the hygiene of the anorectal region (an ascending bidet shower is very useful).
  • Swimming and walking are beneficial, but cycling, horse riding, and weightlifting are contraindicated.
  • In case of an exacerbation, do not sit, but take a lying position, make cool compresses with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, warm baths with a decoction of chamomile (anti-inflammatory effect), use suppositories for hemorrhoids as recommended by the attending physician.

How to choose the best product?

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease. The choice of suppositories depends on the predominant symptom - bleeding, pain, itching, inflammation of the skin around the anus:

  • For uncomplicated hemorrhoids anticoagulants are shown that dissolve formed blood clots and stop thrombus formation - suppositories with heparin (Gepatrombin G, Nigepan), heparin ointment.
  • With severe pain syndrome candles are shown and with anesthetics - lidocaine, neomycin, anesthesin, benzocaine, Tsinhocaine, Lauromacrogol - these are anesthetic suppositories Relief Advance, Emla (Lidocaine + Prilocaine cream), Proctosedil M, Olestezin, Nigepan.
  • With bleeding- it is advisable to use vasoconstrictor (relieve edema), venotonic, hemostatic drugs - Phenylephrine hydrochloride, adrenaline, tribenoside (Relief, Proctoglyvenol).
  • When joining the inflammatory process around the anus on the skin, Ichthyol (ichthyol), Levomikol are shown, as well as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, see), the most popular among them are suppositories,. If the inflammation is accompanied by itching and there are no contraindications to the use of corticosteroids, then suppositories with hormonal agents can be used - Proctosedil, Hepotrombin G, Ultraproct, Aurobin ointment.
  • Taking medications inside- the most correct and effective treatment- this is a combination therapy using both local remedies in the form of ointments and suppositories, and taking drugs orally - this is Troxevasin (Troxerutin), Diosmin (Vazoket 650-820 rubles, Phlebodia 650-820 rubles), Hesperidin + Diosmin (700-800 RUB, Venarus 400-450 RUB, Venadiol 420 RUB). The course of treatment is at least a week. And also Ginkor Fort (30 caps. 400-500 rubles or gel) is combination drug, with ginkgo biloba extract, troxerutin, heptaminol.

Suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • Most suppositories are contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester, but the following suppositories are approved for use for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and breastfeeding - Natalsid, Olestezin, Betiol, Krasavka extract, Nigepan, Neo-Anusol, Posterisan, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, glycerin suppositories ...
  • Contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, but at 2-3 and during lactation, use is possible according to indications (weighing the risk and benefit) - Relief, Relief Advance, Hepatrombin G, Ultraproct.

How to use suppositories?

  • When using suppositories, carefully observe the hygiene of the anal area.
  • Avoid constipation - it is possible to take Lactulose preparations in small doses, see all.
  • Usually, candles are used 1-2 r / day (morning and evening) after bowel movement for 7-14 days.
  • If unusual symptoms appear during treatment or the condition does not improve, the diagnosis should be reconsidered.

List of effective candles

Ingredients: tribenoside + lidocaine
Suppositories have anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, venotonic effect, reduce pain, itching, skin tension in hemorrhoids.
Contraindications: 1 trimester of pregnancy (at 2-3 weighing the risks and benefits),.
Usage: 1 suppository in the evening and in the morning until the symptoms disappear, after the acute period has passed, possibly 1 time / day.
Side effect: increased intestinal motility, slight burning sensation, allergic reactions.

price: 350 -400 rub.

Relief, Relief ultra, Relief Advance

Shark Liver Oil has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.
Phenylephrine hydrochloride- has a vasoconstrictor property, which relieves itching and swelling with hemorrhoids.
Benzocaine is an anesthetic.
Hydrocortisone acetate- hormone of the adrenal cortex, has antiallergic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect.
Zinc sulfate - helps in the rapid healing of erosions and wounds.
The base of the candles is cocoa butter, which has an emollient effect in addition to the active ingredients.
Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, granulocytopenia, thromboembolic disease, with caution in diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, arterial hypertension, hyperthyroidism. For Relief Ultra, in addition (due to the presence of a steroid hormone): tuberculosis, local fungal, bacterial or viral infection, pregnancy, lactation, neoplasms of the anorectal zone, etc.
Usage: one suppository 4 times / day. in the morning, evening and after each bowel movement.
price: Relief 250-300 rubles, Relief Advance 350 rubles, Relief Ultra 330-380 rubles.

Ingredients: Bismuth subnitrate + Iodine + Tannin + Methylene blue + Zinc oxide + Resorcinol
It is a combined preparation with antiseptic, local anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, analgesic and anti-hemorrhoidal action.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Application: Rectally, 2-3 r / day, 1 suppository.
price: 100 rub.

Ingredients: Belladonna leaf extract, Zinc sulfate, Bismuth oxide complex and Bismuth tribromophenolate.
Anuzole has a drying, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, astringent effect.
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, heart failure, hypersensitivity, intestinal atony, tachyarrhythmia, myasthenia gravis, prostate adenoma.
Application: 1-2 r / day for 1 suppository, daily dose is not more than 7 suppositories.
Side effect: Possible allergic reactions, burning sensation in the anus, dry mouth, constipation, loose stools, palpitations, dilated pupils, transient visual impairment (paresis of accommodation), headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, drowsiness. In case of an overdose - convulsions, agitation, nausea, vomiting, urinary retention, decreased sweating.

price: the cheapest candles 40-60 rubles.

Ingredients: Sodium alginate - hemostatic agent
It is a natural polysaccharide from brown seaweed that has a pronounced hemostatic, reparative and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used by pregnant women and during lactation, for children from 6 months to 14 years old, you can use Alginatol - a children's form of the drug.
Contraindications: children under 14 years of age, Hypersensitivity to the components of this product.
Application: 1 suppository 2 r / day after microclysters or spontaneous bowel movement, the course of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

price: 250-300 rubles.

Ingredients: Hydrocortisone, Benzocaine, Butamben, Eskulozide, Framycetin.

Hydrocortisone is a glucocorticosteroid that quickly relieves pain, itching, and swelling. Framycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.
Esculoside - similar to vitamin P, reduces increased capillary fragility. Benzocaine, Butamben - local anesthetic and antipruritic agents, reduce spasm of the anal sphincter.
Contraindications: fungal, viral diseases in the anorectal zone, tuberculosis, pregnancy and lactation, infancy, with caution in heart failure and hypertension.
Dosage: The effect of the drug occurs a few minutes after use, however, given the hormonal drug included in the composition, the use should be a short course, no longer than a week, with a gradual withdrawal of the drug, and not a sharp refusal to use it. In the morning and in the evening, as well as after emptying, the capsule is inserted as deep as possible into the rectum, after improvement, the number of injections gradually decreases to 1 per day.
Side effect: burning sensation, discomfort, dryness of the mucous membrane in the rectum, allergic reactions, with frequent and prolonged use, the addition of a secondary infection, the occurrence of systemic side effects.

price: 20 pcs. RUB 300-350

Ingredients: Tsinghocaine, fluocortolone.

Fluocortolone is a hormonal agent, it is part of the drug in 2 forms, therefore it quickly begins to act and has a long-lasting effect. Qinghocaine is a local anesthetic.
Contraindications: syphilis and tuberculosis in the anorectal region, 1 trimester of pregnancy, children and adolescents, hypersensitivity.
Application: after a bowel movement, once a day, inject deep into the rectum, with a severe course of the disease 2-3 r / day on the first day, then one at a time.

price: 400-470 rub.

Ingredients: sea buckthorn oil + sulfaetidol + benzocaine
Combined agent with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action for use in proctology.
Indications: anal itching, fissures, hemorrhoids
Application: 1 suppository 2 times / day, in severe cases 2-3 suppositories 2 r / day for 5-10 days
Side effect: loose stools, allergic reactions.

price: 100-110 rub.

Betiol, Belladonna extract (candles)

Ingredients: Betiol - ichthyol candles with belladonna extract.
Belladonna extract candles - contain belladonna leaf extract (belladonna)

Herbal preparation with anti-hemorrhoidal action, anti-inflammatory (ichthyol) and antispasmodic effect (belladonna extract).
Contraindications: prostatic hypertrophy, angle-closure glaucoma, hypersensitivity.
Application: 1-3 r / day for 1 suppository rectally, no more than 10 suppositories per day.
Side effect: palpitations, thirst, constipation, mydriasis, paresis of accommodation,.
Special instructions: during therapy, care must be taken when working with mechanisms, engaging in activities that require concentration of attention, clear vision and a good reaction.

price: 50-70 rubles.

Ingredients: bufexamak, bismuth subgallate, titanium dioxide, lidocaine

Bufeksamak - has an anti-inflammatory effect, Titanium dioxide and Bismuth Subgallate - astringent, drying, wound healing, Lidocaine - a local anesthetic.
Contraindications: syphilis, tuberculosis, childhood, lactation, pregnancy.
Application: rectally 1-2 r / day after bowel movement, a course of 8-10 days.
Side effect: allergic manifestations - redness of the skin around the anus, swelling, burning, itching.

price: 220-270 rub.

Ingredients: Prednisolone, Heparin sodium, lauromacrogol

Combined drug with venosclerosing, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory action: prednisolone as GCS has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory effect, Heparin is an anticoagulant with antiexudative, antithrombotic action, prevents blood coagulation, promotes regeneration of connective tissue nodes in hemorrhages. Lauromacrogol - sclerosing, local anesthetic action.
Contraindications: tuberculosis, syphilis, 1 trimester of pregnancy, skin tumors, bleeding tendency, hypersensitivity, bacterial, fungal, viral skin lesions.
Dosage: for no more than 7 days, 1-2 r / day, administered after defecation, after improvement of the condition, 1 r / day.
Side effect: redness of the skin, allergies, with prolonged use, the risk of developing systemic side effects.

price: 170 rub.


Compound: Heparin sodium, lidocaine and prednisolone

Considering that they include a hormonal drug, an anesthetic and heparin, all in a complex has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect.
Contraindications: similar to Hepatrombin G

Application: With internal hemorrhoids 1-2 r / day, with external, insert the suppositories into the anus incompletely, and for 2-3 minutes hold the anus with a gauze napkin until the suppository is completely dissolved. The course of treatment is 7 days, according to indications it can be extended up to 2 weeks.

Price: 180 rub.

Ingredients: Sodium Heparin, Benzocaine

The combined drug, heparin prevents the formation of blood clots, stops the progression of blood clots that have already arisen, benzocaine - an analgesic effect.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Application: after spontaneous emptying or an enema 2 r / day for 1 suppository, a course of no more than 10-14 days.

price: 170-200 rub. 10 pieces.

Auxiliaries in complex treatment

Sea buckthorn oil (candles)

These are suppositories for hemorrhoids with used in complex therapy or with contraindications to other suppositories (during pregnancy), sea buckthorn oil promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues, stimulates the reparative processes of mucous membranes and on the skin.
It is used: after a bowel movement, it is injected deep into the rectum 2 r / day, 0.5 g for 7-14 days, after 1 month the course of treatment can be repeated.
Side effect: allergic manifestations in persons prone to allergies, burning sensation in the rectum.

price: 100 rub.

Homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids, which include officialis, excipients: cocoa butter, anhydrous lanolin. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Contraindications: children under 18 years of age, hypersensitivity.
Application: 1 r / day at night after bowel movement, a course of 7-21 days.

price: 180 rub.

Ingredient: Escherichia coli

Combined drug that increases the local resistance of the rectal mucosa and skin around the anus to pathogenic microflora. May be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to phenol
Application: Suppositories are used in the morning and evening and after a bowel movement, the course of therapy is 14-21 days.

Ingredients: cocoa butter. propolis, anhydrous lanolin.
They have wound healing, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective properties.
Indications: anti-inflammatory drug as part of the complex treatment of urological, gynecological, proctological diseases.
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to beekeeping products.
Side effects: Allergy.
Application: 1 candle 2 r / day for 10 days.
Price for 6 pcs. RUB 160-200


Ingredients: sea buckthorn oil, propolis, therapeutic mud extract Lake Tambukan, cocoa butter, homeopathic essences: comfrey, rue, St. John's wort.

They have a local antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antipruritic and capillary-strengthening effect.
Indications: Prostatitis, hemorrhoids, proctosigmoiditis, anal fissures, female inflammatory diseases.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Usage: At night, 1 candle for 10-30 days.
Price: 280- 360 rubles.


Ingredients: cocoa butter, activated propolis, dried bee bread, pollen pollen, royal jelly, beeswax, polyfloral mountain honey, lanolin.
It is used in the complex treatment of urological, proctological diseases, as a tonic and tonic.
Indications: Chronic and acute hemorrhoids, prostatitis, anal fissures, urethritis, with weakened immunity.
Contraindications: allergy to bee products.
Mode of application: 1 candle per night for a course of 14-30 days.
Price: 570 rub. 15 pcs.

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