Exercises on the topic of German numerals. Numerals Numerals in German exercises tests puzzles

landscaping 22.12.2021

Book: German language. Grammar and exercises for beginners / T. A. Mykalo


The numeral (das Numerale) is a variable part of the language, which includes words denoting the number, number of objects and their order in the account.

According to their meaning, numerals are divided into three main groups:

quantitative numbers indicate the number of items: drei, elf, fünfzig, siebenhundertdreiundzwanzig;

fractional numbers denote a quantity consisting of a certain number of parts of the whole: drei District, ein Hundertstel, zweieinhalb, fünf drei Komma;

ordinal numbers indicate the order of homogeneous objects when they are counted: der erste, vierte, zwölfte, fünfundzwanzigste, tausendste.

Cardinal numbers from 1 to 12 are simple in their word creations:

0 - null 3 - drei 6 - sechs 9 - neun 12 - zwölf

1 - eins 4 - vier 7 - sieben 10 - zehn

2 - zwei 5 - fünf 8 - acht 11 - elf

Cardinal numbers from 13 to 19 are formed by adding the numeral zehn before the corresponding prime number:

13 - dreizehn 16 - sechzehn 19 - neunzehn

14 - vierzehn 17 - siebzehn

15 - fünfzehn 18 - achtzehn

Numerals denoting the names of tens are derivatives. They are formed using the -zig suffix from the corresponding prime numbers:

20 - zwanzig 50 - fünfzig 80 - achtzig

30 - dreiЯig 60 - sechzig 90 - neunzig

40 - vierzig 70 - siebzig (but 100 - hundert)

Numerals from 21 to 99 (except for the names of tens) are formed as follows: first the name of the units, then the union und, and then the name of the ten, and everything is written in one word:

45 - fundvierzig 81 - einundachtzig

54 - vierundfünfzig 99 - neunundneunzig

Cardinal numbers over one hundred (except tausend) are complex and are written together:

103 - (ein)hundertdrei

1020 - (ein)tausendzwanzig

Of all cardinal numbers, only the number ein, eine, ein has a complete paradigm. Numerals are partially declined from 2 to 12.

The cardinal numbers zwei and drei are partially conjugated: they can take the endings -er in the genitive case, and -en in the dative case.

Numerals from 4 to 12 (except zehn) can take the dative ending -en.

Fractional numbers are formed from cardinal numbers proper.

From cardinal numbers from 1 to 19, fractional numbers are formed using the suffix -tel:

3/101 - drei Hunderteintel

7/502 - sieben Fünfhundertzweitel

3/4 - drei District

From quantitative numbers from 20 to 99, from hundert, tausend i Million, fractional numbers are formed using the suffix -stel:

1/50 - ein Fünfzigstel

5/22 - fünf Zweiundzwanzigstel

3/1000 - drei Tausendstel

The fractional number 1/2, in addition to the mathematical designation ein Zweitel, has two more designations: die Hälfte i halb.

Fractional numbers 1 1/2, 2 1/2, 3 1/2, etc. are read eineinhalb (or aderthalb), zweieinhalb, dreieinhalb.

Decimal fractions are read differently than in Russian:

0.3 - Null Komma drei

1.02 - eins Komma Null zwei

Ordinal numbers indicate the order of homogeneous objects when they are counted and answer the question der wievielte?

Ordinal numbers are formed from the bases of cardinal numbers with the help of suffixes.

Ordinal numbers from 2 to 19 are formed with the suffix -t:

4 - der vierte 10 - der zehnte

5 - der fünfte 18 - der achtzehnte

With a deviation from the norm, ordinal numbers der erste, der dritte i der achte are formed. The numeral der siebente has a parallel abbreviated form der siebte.

Ordinal numbers from 20 to 99, from hundert, tausend i Million, are formed with the suffix -st:

40 - der vierzigste 100 - der hundertste

52 - der zweiundfünfzigste 1000 - der tausendste

In dates, the name of the day is transmitted as an ordinal number, and the name of the year as a quantitative number. The chronology in German, unlike Ukrainian, is carried out in hundreds, not thousands:

Am 3. März 1952

Am dritten März neunzehnhundertzweiundfünfzig

If only the year is written, then either the cardinal numeral itself or the cardinal numeral with the im Jahre group is read:

Er wurde 1962 in Riwne geboren.

Er wurde im Jahre 1962 in Riwne geboren.


Exercise 1. Read the following numbers.

92; 348; 124; 405; 1183; 3210; 24 827; 3018; 2/3; 1/2; 0,005; 0,25; 10,04; 2,3; 8,47; 6,025; 1/100; 3/20; 4/105; 7/16.

Exercise 2. Count.

Sample a): 3 + 5 = 8 (drei und fünf ist acht oder drei plus fünf ist acht)

75 + 12 =; 38 + 45 =; 12 + 14 =; 105 + 39 =; 21 + 68 =;

Sample b): 15 - 10 = 5 (fünfzehn weniger zehn ist fünf, oder fünfzehn minus zehn ist fünf)

14 - 8 =; 1375 - 378 =; 236 - 39 =; 112-14=; 587-312=;

Sample c): 20  4 = 80 (zwanzig mal vier ist achtzig)

30  2 =; 25  14 =; 12  3 =; 335  10 =; 13  30 =;

Pattern d): 10: 5 = 2 (zehn durch fünf ist zwei)

225: 5 =; 12: 6 =; 64: 8 =; 1250:4=; 49:7=

Exercise 3. Give answers to the questions.

1. Wie alt sind Sie? 2. In welchem ​​Jahr sind Sie geboren? 3. Wie alt sind Ihre Eltern? 4. Wie viel Geschwister haben Sie? 5. Wie alt sind Ihre Geschwister? 6. Mit wie viel Jahren wird man in unserem Land eingeschult?

Exercise 4. Answer the questions according to the model.

Sample: - Wie ist for dieses Zimmer?

Ich glaube, etwa zweimal (dreimal, viermal usw.) so wie das meine. (Die Answer kann variiert werden.)

1. Wie lang ist diese bung? 2. Wieviel kostet dieser blue Anzug? 3. Wie ist for Jener Park? 4. Wie hoch ist dieser Baum?

Exercise 5. Read phrases with ordinal numbers; pay attention to their endings.

4.September; 30 Januar; am 23. Mai; den 3.April; für den 1. Dezember; Feb 16 am; das 3. Quartal; im 1. Quartal; die 3. Kennzahl; die 2. Kennziffer; am 15. Tag; am 50 Tag; am 12. März; die 13. Woche; die 30. Woche

Exercise 6. Translate and memorize unfamiliar words.

im laufenden Jahr, im vergangenen Jahr, im kommenden (ndchsten) Jahr, im Vorjahr, im ersten Halbjahr, in der zweiten Jahreshälfte, die 60er Jahre, die 70er Jahre, das Jahrzehnt, im 20. Jahrhundert, das Geschäftsjahr, das Berichtsjahr

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Der Umsatz sank auf 9.83 Milliarden Dollar.

Die Schulden sind auf 8.4 Milliarden Euro angelaufen.

Der Umsatz wuchs um 5 Prozent.

Der Gewinn nahm 2002 um 34.4 Prozent zu.

Die Ausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung des Unternehmens wurden 1999/2000 um 21 Prozent gesteigert.

Das Betriebsergebnis nahm um 21.3% zu.

Der Umsatz topic notes auf 40 Millionen Euro zurück.


steigen um ... % - increases by ... %

sinken um ... % - go down by ... %

sinken auf ... % - go down to ... %

1. German. Grammar and exercises for beginners / T. A. Mykalo
2. Negative sentences
3. Indefinitely personal sentences with the pronoun man
4. impersonal proposals
5. Verb
6. Basic forms of the verb
7. Presence education
8. Imperfect
9. Perfect
10. Pluperfect
11. Futurum

What are ordinal numbers, how and when should you use ordinal numbers in German?

Ordinal numbers in German, as well as in Russian, mean the order of objects when counting. That is, they can answer questions what? which the? what's the score? what date? In response to this, an ordinal number will follow, for example, the first, tenth or even twenty-fifth of December, and so on.

It is important to know and remember that ordinal numbers are used only with a specific definite article, which is declined by gender, number and case.

1st (first) - der erste Hund or erster Hund
1st (first) - die erste Stunde or erste Stunde
1st (first) - das erste Haus or erstes Haus
1st (first) - die erste Bücher or erste Bücher

You may have already noticed that the article changes depending on the gender and number of the noun.

Formation of ordinal numbers in German

It is important to remember that when writing ordinal numbers, it is necessary write the definite article before the number, and put a full stop after the number:

Ordinals from 1 to 19 attach the ending "-te", which depends on the case:

Remember the exceptions to the rules!
1. = der erste - first
3. = der dritte - third
7. = der siebte - seventh
8. = der achte - eighth

Mein dritter Urlaub in der Türkei war der schönste. - My third vacation in Turkey was the most beautiful.

Formation of ordinal numbers from 1 to 19:

1. - eins - der (die, das) erste
2. - zwei - der (die, das) zweite
3. - drei - der (die, das) dritte
4. - vier - der (die, das) vierte
5. - funf - der (die, das) funfte
6. - sechs - der (die, das) sechste
7. - sieben - der (die, das) siebte
8. - acht - der (die, das) achte
9. - neun - der (die, das) neunte
10. - zehn - der (die, das) zehnte
11. - elf - der (die, das) elfte
12. - zwölf - der (die, das) zwölfte
13. - dreizehn - der (die, das) dreizehnte
14. - vierzehn - der (die, das) vierzehnte
15. - funfzehn - der (die, das) funfzehnte
16. - sechzehn - der (die, das) sechzehnte
17. - siebzehn - der (die, das) siebzehnte
18. - achtzehn - der (die, das) achtzehnte
19. - neunzehn - der (die, das) neunzehnte

Ordinals from 20 attach the ending „-ste“, which depends on the case:

20. - zwanzig - der (die, das) zwanzigste
21. - einundzwanzig - der (die, das) einundzwanzigste
22. - zweiundzwanzig - der (die, das zweiundzwanzigste
23. - dreiundzwanzig - der (die, das) dreiundzwanzigste
24. - vierundzwanzig - der (die, das) vierundzwanzigste
25. - funfundzwanzig - der (die, das) funfundzwanzigste
26. - sechsundzwanzig - der (die, das) sechsundzwanzigste
27. - siebenundzwanzig - der (die, das) siebenundzwanzigste
28. - achtunzwanzig - der (die, das) achtundzwanzigste
29. - neunundzwanzig - der (die, das) neunundzwanzigste
31. - einunddreißig - der (die, das) einunddreißig ste
1000. - tausend - der (die, das) tausend ste
4000000. - viermillion - der (die, das) viermillionste etc

Writing the date in German:

Ordinal numbers are also used to write dates in German.

Numbers used in the nominative case (Nominative), as well as neuter and feminine in Accusative are formed by adding the ending -te or -ste. And do not forget to use the definite article before the number. But this rule applies to writing not only dates, but to all ordinal numbers.

  • Welcher Tag is heute? or Der wievielte is heute? - What is today's date?

Heute ist der 1. (erste) Januar.
Heute ist der 5. (fünfte) Januar.
Heute ist der 11. (elfte) Januar.
Heute ist der 21. (einundzwanzigste) Januar.

Numbers that are used in other cases: Accusative(except neuter and feminine) , Dative And Genitive, are formed by adding the endings -ten or -sten . And do not forget to use the definite article before the number. This rule also applies to all ordinal numbers.

  • Den wievielten haben wir morgen? - What date will be tomorrow?

Morgen haben wir den 1. (ersten) Januar.
Morgen haben wir den 5. (fünf ten) Januar.
Morgen haben wir den 11. (elf ten) Januar.
Morgen haben wir den 21. (einundzwanzig sten) Januar.

  • Wann / An welchem ​​Tag fährst du nach Deutschland? - When are you going to Germany?

Ich fahre am (an dem) 1. (ersten) Januar nach Deutschland.
Ich fahre am (an dem) 5. (fünf ten) Januar nach Deutschland.

Ich fahre am (an dem) 11. (elf ten) Januar nach Deutschland.

Ich fahre am (an dem) 21. (einundzwanzig sten) Januar nach Deutschland.

In the same way, ordinal numbers are formed, used with other prepositions, for example:

am / vom / bis zum / seit dem / ab dem 1st - 19th → - ten
am / vom / bis zum / seit dem / ab dem 20. → - sten

09/13/2015 = am dreizehnten September zweitausendfünfzehn
am 15.03. = am fünfzehnten März 09/11/2002 - 10/12/2012
10/12/2012 → ab / seit dem zwölften Oktober zweitausendzwölf
ab 31.04. = ab dem einunddreissigsten April

  • Wo wohnst du? - Where do you live?

Ich wohne im 21. (einundzwanzigsten) Bezirk.
Ich wohne im 4. (vierten ) Stock.

Interestingly, in German, the 1st floor is called - das Erdgeschoss (lower or ground floor), and the 2nd - der erste Stock, 3rd - der zweite Stock and so on. That is, the floor is called 1 less than it is customary for Russian speakers.

So the main rules are:

1st - 19th → - te
20. → - ste

don't forget the article before the number: das erste house

after the ordinal number in the letter a dot is put: der 1 . Mai, Peter I . , der 8 . Wagen.

Good luck learning German!

Svetlana Kizhikova
teacher StartDeutsch

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The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​in general is to develop the student's ability to communicate in a foreign language. Primary school acts as the first stage in the realization of this goal.
At the initial stage of teaching a foreign language, when the foundations of communicative competence are laid, it is important that the child be the main character in the lesson, feel free and comfortable, take an active part in the discussion of the topic of the lesson.
In the lessons of a foreign language, it is necessary to use visualization. Visibility at the initial stage performs a stimulating function. All means of visualization create the effect of "presence" in some communication situation and help to keep in the memory of children the meaning that they need to convey or perceive. Visualization provides the correct understanding of the material, serves as a support in understanding it by ear, creates conditions for the practical application of the material being assimilated. Therefore, it is important to use the display of toys, pictures, presentations, and actions in organizing the acquaintance of children with new means of communication and in organizing training in their use.
Particular attention in teaching a foreign language should be given to the motivation of students. It should be noted that motivation is strong among primary school students, so it needs only additional stimulation. The following forms of motivation are used in the lessons: phonetic exercises, the reception of joint goal setting, lesson objectives, the availability and feasibility of tasks, the presence of supports, keys, samples, examples for completing tasks, a plan for completing a task, schemes; verbal and non-verbal approval of the teacher, his behavior, self-esteem, mutual evaluation, the use of songs, rhymes, poems, personality-oriented material, visualization, the use of tape recordings, videos, programs, reflection.
The most effective methods of work in teaching a foreign language at the initial stage turned out to be a game, an exercise, the most effective forms of work were teamwork. The use of games in the classroom makes learning more interesting and attractive for primary school students.
Practice has shown the importance of taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of elementary school students when teaching a foreign language, the need to build the learning process on an oral basis, in a playful way using poems, songs, counting rhymes, and the widespread use of visualization.
Teaching children of primary school age a foreign language contributes to the all-round development of the child in the process of learning the language, the active inclusion in this process of thinking, memory, imagination, emotions, the use of foreign language speech to express and understand thoughts. Teaching a foreign language affects the formation and improvement of the language and speech skills of students, the development of their general and specific learning skills.
As stated in the Foreign Languages ​​Program, primary school age (6-10 years old) is the most favorable for learning a foreign language. The plasticity of the natural mechanism of language acquisition by young children, imitative abilities, natural curiosity and the need to learn new things, the absence of a “frozen system of values ​​and attitudes”, as well as the so-called “language barrier” contribute to solving the problems facing the subject “Foreign language” as well as primary education in general.
At this stage of education, the foundations of communicative competence are laid, which allow children to communicate with each other, with native speakers at an elementary level. This is the development of not only practical skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing in a foreign language), but also certain personality traits: sociability, looseness, desire to make contact, the ability to interact in a team.

Lesson Objectives:

- repeat and consolidate lexical and grammatical material on the topic "Numerals", "School";
- train the skills and abilities of monologue speech;
- develop language skills, cognitive activity.


- to train lexical and grammatical material in all types of speech activity;
- use question-answer, substitution exercises, games;
- summarize.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment, phonetic exercises (2 minutes).
2. Speech warm-up (2 minutes).
3. Exercise "Numbers" (4 minutes).
4. The game "The fastest" (4 minutes).
5. Speaking: class description (5 minutes).
6. Phys. minute (2 minutes).
7. Speaking: school supplies (5 minutes).
8. Reading (7 minutes).
9. Ball game (5 minutes).
10. Summing up the lesson, reflection (4 minutes).

Lesson equipment:

1. Presentation of MICROSOFT ROWER POINT (computer, projector).
2. Thematic pictures ("School", "School supplies").
3. Cards with numbers, with reading tasks, cards with words.
4. Ball for the game.
5. Chips "apples", "pears", "bananas".

During the classes

1. Org. moment:

Guten Morgen! Heute wiederholen wir das Thema "Zahlwörter". Wir haben ein Wettbewerb. Wir machen verschiedene Aufgaben. Wenn jemand alles richtig macht, dann bekommt er einen Apfel, eine Birne oder einen Banane. Wer am meisten Äpfel, Bananen or Birnen sammelt, bekommt der eine gute Note.
Hello! Today we have a competition, we repeat the theme "Numerals". We will complete many different tasks. The one who completes the task correctly will receive a chip: “apple”, “banana” or “pear”. The one who collects the most chips wins and gets a good mark.

Background. charger:

Beginnen wir unsere Stunde mit einem neuen Reim.
Let's start our lesson with a new rhyme:
In der Schule lernt man viel:
Lesen, rechnen, Sport und Spiel,
basteln, singen, turnen, schreiben.
Niemand will ein Dummkopf bleiben.

2. Warm-up (frontal, 2 minutes):

Ich zeige euch die Ziffern, nennt bitte diese Zahlwörter.
I show you number cards and you call them in German.

3. Exercise "Numbers" (independently, individually, 4 minutes):

Ich nenne das Zahlwort auf Deutsch, ihr schreibt Ziffern.
I say the numeral in German, and you write it down with a number.
Nun, prüfen wir diese Aufgabe. Wer hat es richtig gemacht?
Wer hat keine Fehler?
We check the task. You can see the correct answers on the slide.
So, who did this task correctly, who does not have a single mistake?

Right answers:

74 vierundsiebzig

5. Sprechen. Speaking: class description. (5 minutes)

Beschreibt bitte das Klassenzimmer. Describe the class using an example.

Im Klassenzimmer sind 3 Fenstern.
Im Klassenzimmer ist (sind) … .

6. Phys. minute:

Erholen wir uns ein bisschen! Steht auf! 1, 2, 3, 4 - springen, springen wir!
Let's get some rest! 1, 2, 3, 4 - laufen, laufen wir!
1, 2, 3, 4 - tanzen, tanzen wir!
Gehen wir nach rechts,
gehen wir nach links
Stehenbleiben! Setzt euch!

7. Sprechen. Speaking: school supplies (5 minutes).

Ich gebe euch die Blatter. Hier sind Schulsachen.
I will give you pictures of school supplies.
Welche Schulsachen sind das? What are school supplies?
Jeder sagt, wieviel Schulsachen er hat. Everyone will say what items he has and how many of them. Use a sample:

Ich habe drei Kulis.
Ich habe….

8.Lesen. Reading. (in a group, 7 minutes)

Rechnet bitte die Aufgabe! Lest bitte, antwortet auf die Frage: "Wieviel Tiere lernen in der Waldschule?" Solve the problem. Read the text, answer the question: "How many animals study at the forest school?"

In einer Waldschule lernen sieben Hasen, acht Eichhörnchen, vier Wölfe, zwei Bären, drei Füchse, fünf Igel.
Wieviel Tiere lernen in der Waldschule? (… Tiere)
Prüfen wir die Aufgabe! Also, wieviel Tiere lernen in der Waldschule? Sagt bitte! Let's check the challenge! So, how many animals study at the forest school? Now let's read and translate the text together.
(Correct answer is 29) Well done!

9. Das Ballspielen. Ball game. (5 minutes):

Jede Gruppe zählt von 20 bis 40. Jeder zählt und gibt den Ball weiter. Wenn jemand einen Fehler macht, spielt er nicht weiter. East alles klar?
Let's divide into groups in rows. Each group counts from 20 to 40 while passing the ball from hand to hand. The one who gets lost is out. Whoever has not made a mistake before the end of the count gets a chip. Understandably?

10. Summing up the lesson (4 minutes):

Also, jetzt zählt bitte eure Äpfel, Birnen, Bananen. Jeder sagt auf Deutsch, wieviel Äpfel, Birnen, Bananen insgesamt er hat.
So, let's sum up the results of the competition. Count how many chips you have collected. Now everyone will say in German how many apples, bananas and pears he has according to the model:

Ich habe 8 Bananen und 3 Äpfel.
Ich habe…und….

Also, wer hat am meisten Äpfel, Birnen, Bananen gesammelt?
So who has the most chips: apples, pears and bananas?
Ihr bekommt eine „Fünf“; alle anderen eine „Vier“. You get a score of "five", the rest of the "four".
Danke schön fur die Arbeit! Thank you for your work! Well done!


War die Stunde interesting? Hat es euch gefallen?
Was the lesson interesting? Did you like it?
Steht auf! Auf Wiedersehen! Get up! Goodbye!

(farewell counting rhyme)

Jetzt ist die Schule aus
Jetzt gehen wir nach Haus
Wir gehen, wir gehen, wir gehen
Auf Wiedersehen!

End of the lesson

The construction of this lesson is based on a communicative method that best contributes to the implementation of the main task of education: the development of students' speech skills and abilities.
In preparing and conducting the lesson, the age and individual characteristics of the students were taken into account: interest in studying this subject, fairly well-developed general educational skills, mobility and fatigue of children. A feature of the attention of younger students is its involuntary nature, instability: they are easily and quickly distracted by any external stimulus that interferes with the learning process. The ability to concentrate attention on the studied material is also underdeveloped. They can't keep their attention on the same object for a long time. Intense and focused attention quickly leads to fatigue. Therefore, in the lesson, a physical minute is held using the German language.
At the heart of teaching oral communication in elementary school is the game. According to the apt expression of the psychologist I.A. Zimney, the game is a psychological justification for the transition to a new language of instruction. Using the game as a way of teaching oral speech in elementary school allows the teacher to formulate such speech tasks that have both a motive and a goal of speech action and which dictate the use of the necessary communication patterns.
The use of various games (including playing riddles, crossword puzzles, staging songs, poems, fairy tales) ensures the constant interest of children in foreign language speech activity, in the subject and allows the process of mastering foreign material to be subordinated to the solution of extralinguistic communication tasks. Taking this into account, the lesson was held in the form of a competition, tasks of various types of speech activity were performed - speaking, reading, writing, listening. This form of conducting a lesson significantly increases the motivation for learning, the effectiveness and productivity of educational activities, ensures the work of the entire class, and allows students to reveal their abilities. In the course of the assignments, the acquired material is checked. The tasks that are offered to children are given in a playful way, they quickly replace each other, bright, colorful, memorable.
The lesson was held with the use of information technology in the form of a Power Point presentation, visualization, diagrams and supports necessary to prepare your own statement.
The lesson was organized frontal work, work in groups. Tasks of various types were used: substitution, grammatical, conditional speech. Each task was checked using slides. Relaxation music was used during assignments to create a comfortable classroom climate; so that students feel calm in the lesson, are balanced, free in their actions.
The methods and forms of work used corresponded to the objectives of the lesson. The tasks contributed to the development of students' cognitive abilities and the development of interest in the subject. The lesson made it possible to reveal the sufficient level of knowledge and skills of children necessary for the further study of the German language.

1) Barannikov A.V. About teaching foreign languages ​​in the 3rd grade of elementary school of general educational institutions of Russia / / Foreign languages ​​​​at school, 2003. - No. 4. – P.58-59.
2) Winter I.A. Psychology of teaching foreign languages ​​at school. - Moscow: Education, 1991. - 300 p.
3) Control in teaching foreign languages ​​in high school. A book for the teacher: From work experience / Ed. - comp. V.A. Slobodchikov. - Moscow: Education, 1986. - 111p.
4) Nizinskaya M.P. German language in elementary grades. A guide for the teacher. - Moscow: Education, 1964. - 112 p.
5) Programs for educational institutions. Foreign languages. Grades 1-4 of elementary school, ed. Galskova N.D. etc. - Moscow: Education, 1997. - 174 p.
6) Program and methodological materials. Foreign languages ​​for general educational institutions. Primary School. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Drofa, 1999. - 160 p.
7) Rogova G.V., Rabinovich F.M., Sakharova T.E. Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school. - Moscow: Education, 1991. - 285 p.
8) UMK Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I. German. First steps. 4th grade. - 6th ed. - Moscow: Education, 2009. - 112 p.
9) Yakushina L.Z. Methods of building a foreign language lesson in high school. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1974. - 96 p.

Exercise 1.

Translate the sentences into German choosing the correct cardinal or ordinal numbers and writing these numbers in words.

  1. We have nineteen customers in the lobby.
  2. On April 13, 2010, our team went by train to Moscow.
  3. These nuts he had to distribute among more than twenty children.
  4. The first of October was one of the worst days for him.
  5. After the third question, the students began to calm down.
  6. Our parents built this house twenty-six years ago.
  7. A few minutes later he found her name on line two hundred and forty-one.
  8. Twenty-two times three is sixty-six.
  9. Twenty percent sour cream costs one hundred and twenty-five rubles per kilogram.
  10. He was already on the nineteenth step when he heard her voice.
  11. In your textbooks, please turn to page 329.
  12. "I" is the tenth letter of the Russian alphabet.


  1. Wir haben neunzehn Besucher in der Diele.
  2. Am dreizehnten April zweitausendzehn fuhr unsere Mannschaft mit einem Zug nach Moskau.
  3. Diese Nüsse musste er unter mehr als zwanzig Kindern verteilen.
  4. Der erste Oktober ist für ihn zu einem der schlimmsten Tage geworden.
  5. Nach der dritten Frage begannen sich die Schüler zu beruhigen.
  6. Unsere Eltern haben dieses Haus vor sechsundzwanzig Jahren gebaut.
  7. In einigen Minuten hat er ihren Namen in der zweihunderteinundvierzigen Zeile gefunden.
  8. Zweiundzwanzig mal drei ist sechsundsechzig.
  9. Die zwanzigprozentige saure Sahne kostet hundertfünfundzwanzig Rubel pro Kilo.
  10. Er war schon auf der neunzehnten Stufe, als er ihre Stimme hörte.
  11. In euren Lehrbüchern schlagt bitte Seite dreihundertneunundzwanzig auf.
  12. "And" ist der zehnte Buchstabe des russischen Alphabets.

Exercise 2.

Instead of numbers, insert German numerals in the appropriate grammatical forms.

  1. Die 10. Seite fehlte. - The tenth page was missing.
  2. Auf der Seite 351 findet ihr die Antwort auf meine Frage. – On page 351 you will find the answer to my question.
  3. Am 15. Mai war das Opernhaus ausverkauft. - On May 15, all tickets to the Opera House were sold out.
  4. Dieses schöne Haus wurde im Jahre 1978 gebaut. This beautiful house was built in 1978.
  5. Georg hat eine Wohnung im 29. Stock gemietet. Georg rented an apartment on the twenty-ninth floor.
  6. Seine Kollegen haben den 1. Versuch bereits durchgeführt. His colleagues have already carried out the first experiment.
  7. Olga ist gestern 21 Jahre alt geworden. Olga turned twenty-one yesterday.
  8. Meine Mutter hat gestern 6 verschiedene Kuchen gebacken. Der 6. Kuchen war mit Lachs und Reis. My mother baked six different pies yesterday. The sixth pie was with salmon and rice.
  9. Peter möchte im Jahre 2014 heiraten. Peter wants to get married in 2014.
  10. Grüne Paprika kostet hier 124 Rubel pro Kilo. - Green sweet pepper costs 124 rubles per kilogram here.


  1. Die zehnte Seite fehlte.
  2. Auf der Seite dreihunderteinundfünfzig findet ihr die Antwort auf meine Frage.
  3. Am fünfzehnten Mai war das Opernhaus ausverkauft.
  4. Dieses schöne Haus wurde im Jahre neunzehnhundertachtundsiebzig gebaut.
  5. Georg hat eine Wohnung im neunundzwanzigsten Stock gemietet.
  6. Seine Kollegen haben den ersten Versuch bereits durchgeführt.
  7. Olga ist gestern einundzwanzig Jahre alt geworden.
  8. Meine Mutter hat gestern sechs verschiedene Kuchen gebacken. Der sechste Kuchen war mit Lachs und Reis.
  9. Peter möchte im Jahre zweitausendvierzehn heiraten.
  10. Grüne Paprika kostet hier einhundertvierundzwanzig Rubel pro Kilo.

11/18/2014 TUESDAY 23:50



Wortschatz zum Thema (words to the topic):

die Telefonnummer - phone number

die Zahl - figure, number

die Zahlwörter - numerals

brauchen - need

das ticket - ticket

das Buch - book


Numerals in German:

from 1 to 12 - everything is clear

from 13 to 19 we read and write 13 dreizehn as (3.10), 14 vierzehn (4.10), etc.

21 to 99 are written and read backwards - 21 einundzwanzig (1 and 20), 33 dreiunddreißig (3 and 30)

Numbers after 101 are written together. Don't worry, they should be this long:

500 - funfhunderd

4000 - viertausend

441 - vierhunderteinundvierzig

50,000 funfzigtausend

700 000 - siebenhunderttausend

1 000 000 - eine Million

9 300 400 - neun Millionen dreihunderttausendvierhundert

If you need to name a four-digit number, then first the number of thousands is called, then the number of hundreds, and then the two-digit number - tens and ones.

For example: 2581 = zweitausendfünfhunderteinundachtzig

If we break the word into generators, we get:

zweitausend + fünfhundert + ein + und + achtzig
(two thousand) (five hundred) (one) (and) (eighty)

How old are you?

Wie alt bist du? - How old are you?

Wie alt sind Sie? - How old are you?

Ich bin … Jahre alt - I am … ​​years old

Ich bin ... - To me ...

For example:

Ich bin sechsundzwanzig (26) Jahre alt (literally: "I am 26 years old") - I am 26 years old.

Er ist vierzig(40) Jahre alt - he is 40 years old.

Du bist zwanzig(20) Jahre alt - you are 20 years old.


Wie viel? - How many? (for uncountable)
Wie viele? - How many? (for countable)

For example:

Wie viele Tickets brauchen Sie? - How many tickets do you need?
Wie viel kostet dieses Buch? - How mach is this book?


1. Write down the phone number in numbers:

2. Write the corresponding figure:

3.Write in words:

Keys to lesson A1-2:

1. Arrange the lines in the dialogue:

2. Fill in the blanks:

Grossbritannien Spanien Grossbritannien Frankreich Italien.

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