Types of prefixes in Russian, their spelling. Spelling of Russian prefixes. Changeable prefixes depending on the value

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Prefixeson-, under-, about- , for-, with- and others

Spelling prefixes in Russian can be difficult because they are often slurred. This is due to the fact that vowels in prefixes are often unstressed, for example: submit(hand) in the console on- vowel about sounds like a short but.

Regardless of the accent in prefixes by-, under-, about-, from-, for-, co- etc., the same vowels are always written, The exception is the prefix times (ras-), which in unstressed position is written with a (break, tell), and under stress about (painting, stories).

Not only vowels, but also consonants in prefixes often change during pronunciation. So, consonants that are at the end of the prefix, under the influence of the subsequent consonant, are pronounced dull or voiced. For example: open give away(in the first case it is pronounced [t], since the prefix was in front of a dull sound to, in the second instead T pronounced [d] o [dd] at). Another example: suggest forthcoming(in the first word in the prefix it is pronounced d, in the second it is stunned in from: pre[T] standing). Thus, consonants in prefixes about-, from-, over-, under-, pre-, s- and others are "doubtful consonants", their spelling obeys the general rule: regardless of pronunciation, these prefixes are always written the same way. In this case, the morphological principle of Russian spelling is implemented. The exception is all prefixes on h: without- (bes-), voz-(vos-), from-(is-), bottom- (nis-), times- (ras-), through- (through-), they reflect the stunning of the consonant in writing.

Prefixes onh and prefixfrom-

1. Attachments without-, air- (vz-), from-, bottom, times- (rose-), through- (through-) spelled with a letter h before vowels and voiced consonants (b, c, d, e, f, h, l, m, n, r) and with a letter from before voiceless consonants (k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, y): anhydrous endless, head to sing, expel spend, depose to send down, cut to recognize, excessive striped.

2. In consoles times- (ras-) roses- (ros-) written under stress about, without accent a: distribute the distributed.

3. Prefix from- written before both voiceless and voiced consonants: erase do.

Prefixespre- Andat-

1. Prefix pre-

a) a high degree of quality or action (it is possible to replace the prefix with the words very, very) for example: big, unpleasant, exaggerate, succeed;

b) the meaning of "through", "in a different way" (close to the value of the prefix re-), for example: transform, transform.

In some words, the prefix pre- is no longer highlighted, for example: despise, neglect etc. There is no prefix in foreign words, for example: presidium, prelude and etc.

2. Prefix at- gives the following meanings to the words:

a) spatial proximity, for example: lakeside, backyard;

b) approximations, additions, additions, for example: arrive, join, attach, lean against;

c) the performance of an action not in full or for a limited period, for example: open up, stop;

G) completing an action, for example: come to think.

In some words, the prefix at- not highlighted, for example: instrument, command and etc.

It is necessary to distinguish between the meaning and spelling of similar-sounding words with prefixes. pre- And at-, for example: betray(commit betrayal) give(make it look like something) (to formalize), stay(be somewhere) arrive(arrive, arrive) bow down(lap) bow down(head) exaggerate multiply etc.

Loan words are subject to special rules, in which the first part of the word (at-, pre-) not identical to Russian prefixes at- And pre-. Most of these words are written with pre-; preamble, precedent, claim, pretender, prestige, preposition, prelude, president, presidium, prevail.


It must be remembered that most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable. That is, they are always written the same way. In any words.

For example:
about- : run around, stop, change your mind
y-: take away, run away, calm down
before- : survive, reach, delivery
on- : run, yard, look
pro-: roll, spacebar, view
great-: used in the meaning of "remote degree of relationship": great-grandmother, proto-language
on the- : attack, cover, press
behind- : close, prisoner, confuse
over- (must-): bite, inscription, overstrain
under- (under-): swim, suggest, wait
from- (otto-): give away, push back, open
ob-(ob-): get around, get around, get around
in- (in-): please, up, involve
you- : catch, exit, endure
pre- (pre-): preference, foreshadow, warn
re-: break, overflow, skew
s- (co-): move, move, bend(be careful, there is only the prefix s-, there is no prefix z-)

! Borrowed foreign prefixes are also unchanged:

Dez-: misinform
counter-: counter argument
trans-: transatlantic
post-: postmodernism
sub-: subculture
super-: superhero
pan-: pan-European


There are several small groups of prefixes in Russian, which nevertheless change under certain conditions. In other words, their spelling depends on something. Consider these groups of prefixes.

1. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the deafness / voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

What does it mean?

If after a prefix from this group we see a voiced consonant, then at the end of the prefix we write -z, and if it is deaf, then, respectively, -s.

This includes the so-called prefixes on -з, -с, there are exactly six of them:

Without-/without- unemployed, immortal
times-/ras- scattered, disband
air-/sun- (air-/sun-) return, breathe, climb
from-/is- avoid, fear
bottom-/bottom- bring down, descend
through-/through- (through-/through-) excessive, excessive

2. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the lexical meaning.

These are prefixes pre-/at-.

In order to make the right choice of prefix, you need to understand what meaning it brings to the word.

So, what values ​​are typical for each prefix:

a) Meanings of the prefix pre:

1) The value of the highest degree of quality. Simply put, this value is equal to the meaning of the word very.

For example: beautiful, exaggerate, transcend, calm.

2) A value close to the value of the prefix re- (it should be understood that in such cases it is not always possible to replace the prefix with the prefix re-, the similarity of their meanings is important here)

For example: interrupt, criminal, teacher, transform, obstruction.

b) Prefix values ​​for:

1) "approximation"

For example: come, arrive

2) "attachment"

For example: sew on, stick on

3) "non-action", that is, the incompleteness of the action, close to the meaning of "slightly"

For example: cover up, sit down,

4) "completed action", that is, brought to an end

For example: invent, prepare

5) "proximity to something", that is, "about"

For example: coastal, roadside

3. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the stress.

This group includes prefixes:
ras- / grew (raz- / ros-)
If you have not forgotten, then these prefixes also belong to the first group, therefore they have a spelling option - s/-s.

Without stress, the letter A is written in them, and under stress ... - there is no problem under stress, what we hear is what we write, as a rule, this is the letter O.

For example: painting, schedule, conversation, search.


To correctly complete the tasks for spelling prefixes, you need to know two more rules:

1. On the choice of Y-I after prefixes in words with roots with the first letter I.

After a prefix ending in a consonant, Y is written in the root if this prefix is ​​of Russian origin.

For example: unprincipled, find, play out, obYndevet (from the word hoarfrost)

Exceptions: Russian prefixes INTER- (inter-institutional, after Zh it is impossible Y!) and SVERH- (superintelligence) and the whole word COLLECT.

After a prefix of non-Russian origin, that is, borrowed (most often from Latin), the letter I is preserved in the root.

The spelling of prefixes seems easy at first. It is enough to learn the main groups. Then you just need to apply knowledge. 100 percent literacy requires deep immersion in the topic. Words with prefixes make the language fuller, richer. Only constant practice, a thoughtful attitude will achieve excellent results.

In contact with

Morpheme classification

After the definition, you should find out: what are the prefixes? More than 50 know the Russian language. They are divided into:

  • native (in-, on-, pro-, res-);
  • foreign language (archi-, sub-, counter-, ex-).

The spelling of the former obeys the rules, the latter are unchangeable and require memorization.

It is important to distinguish between prefixes and prepositions

Most Russian prefixes formed from suggestions. Independent words joined the stem. First you need to learn how to distinguish them. A prefix is ​​a morpheme before the root. It should be found. Then think about good writing.

Attention! Example. Given to consider. Related words: looking, inspection, discretion. Root -look-, prefix race-. The verb is written with two "s".

Pivot table of invariable parts of a word

The variety of prefixed morphemes is reflected in the table.

Aboriginal (native)Borrowed (foreign)
under-, over-, re-, y-, s-, inter-in-, dez-, counter-, de-, anti-
in-, in-, on-, about-, from-, on-, for-, to-ex-, re-, sub-, dis-, archi-

These morphemes are always written the same way.

Spelling morphemes

A wise person knows: there is no single spelling spelling of prefixed morphemes.

It is important to distinguish words

The specific case is defined:

  • stress (river spill, soda water spill);
  • the meaning of the word (successor - heir, receiver - device);
  • the first letter of the root after the morpheme (dissolve, allow).

Important! Some spellings in Russian cannot be verified. They are rooted in. The value is hidden. You should control yourself according to the dictionary. Example: diligence, quirk, stalker.

The most difficult spelling about prefixes

The use of spelling for prefixes and prefixes requires certain skills. You have to be thoughtful when it comes to writing.


  1. If the morpheme formed a word with a superlative value. To this part of speech, you can put "very", "too", "extremely". Example: Obnoxious = very obnoxious, very small = too small, oversized = extremely large.
  2. Without loss of meaning, the re- is replaced. Example: Interruption = interruption.

Spelling closely related to the meaning of the word. Often it is determined from the text. Example: A fast train arrived (was = entered) at the station. Ivan Ivanovich at that time was (was = was, pre- = re-) in the capital.

prefixes pre- and pre-

The second part of the spelling for the prefixes pre- and pre-. It is written:

  • if an incomplete action is performed;
  • the new word has the meaning of proximity, approach;
  • got the word = joining.

Example: Get used to (attachment to the verb "learn"), arrive (approach), hold on (keep a little).

Spelling of prefixes pre- in some cases it is recommended to memorize. These are the words: turn, block, overcome, perverse, present, rebuke.

When solving test tasks for pre- and pre- prefixes, you should not rush. The key to success is understanding the meaning of the word.

Spelling prefixes on a consonant before a consonant

A prefix is ​​a non-permanent morpheme. Its spelling depends on the first letter of the root. These are consonant prefixes:

  • voz-, vos;
  • from-, is-;
  • times-, races-;
  • rose-, rose-;
  • through-, through.

If the root begins with a voiced consonant, it is written s-, for a deaf one - s-.

How to write prefixes in an adverb

Example: Age is rebellion; product - outcome; conversation - upset; bottling - painting, emergency - striped.

The letters c, h, u are only deaf: It is appropriate to check spelling by pronunciation. This is the second most difficult spelling.

Consonant prefixes before vowels

This is sometimes a morpheme that changes the spelling of the root. Before the letters i, u, e, e, a solid sign is placed. Clarification, removable, but save.

After the prefixes, the consonant is followed by the letter "and". A new spelling is starting to work. "And" is replaced by "s" always, except:

  • prefixes inter-, super-;
  • foreign consoles;
  • the word charge (and its derivatives).

Example: Artless (skillful), super interesting (interesting, exception after super-), disinformation (information, foreign prefix).

Alternating vowels a, o in morphemes

What are the prefix morphemes with alternating vowels a, o? Spelling depends on the meaning attached to the morpheme. Summary table of differences:

Doubled morphemes

The Russian language to enhance the meaning suggests the presence of two prefixes. What are the prefixes in this case? They are formed from words with an existing morpheme by adding another one.

Words with two prefixes:

  • interesting -> uninteresting -> not without interest (double negative = interesting);
  • prepare -> prepare -> re-prepare (repeat a previously completed action);
  • size -> proportionate -> disproportionate (negation of a comparative sign);
  • know -> know -> identify (make an image).

Attention! There are words with three prefixes: rethinking (re-, o-, s-), unattached (non-, at-, co-).

Words with two prefixes are useful to analyze. Isolation of morphemes expands horizons, improves literacy.

Meanings of some prefixes

The prefix morpheme is used to form parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs.

Morphemes over-, under-

A word with over- is a verb or its form, a noun, an adjective. The prefix gives meaning:

  • actions, location from above (should, inscribe, superciliary, elevated);
  • committing an incomplete action (build up),
  • additions of the perfect state (add).

Verbs with the prefix over- indicate direction of action above this level.

They have controlled nouns in the accusative case (tear (what?) an envelope, build (what?) a floor).

Words with a prefix under- are opposite in meaning to words with a prefix over-. The morpheme speaks of the direction of the action downward, lowering the position of the object.

Example: Write -> inscribe (above the given one), sign (below the existing one); earthly -> aboveground, underground.

Words with the prefix sub- have the meaning:

  • approach (approach);
  • movement from the bottom up (throw);
  • secret action (peek);
  • addition (sprinkle);
  • incomplete action (wet);
  • final commit (fry).

Examining Prefix Meanings avoid lexical errors.

prefix by-

Forms verbs, nouns. Gives meaning:

  • beginning, end of some action (fly, drink);
  • length (woodland);
  • accomplishments (built);
  • proximity (Volga region);
  • additional accent (lower);
  • time, place (daily (work), everywhere).

Words with a prefix are formed in prefix or prefix-suffix ways (twirl -> twirl, morning -> in the morning).

The prefix is ​​a meaningful morpheme. Forms words with additional meaning. Used to create verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns.

This part of the word obeys the laws of spelling. Literacy depends on ability to put them into practice.

Video: Rules for writing prefixes

How to write prefixes in Russian


Learning the meaning of prefixed morphemes enriches vocabulary.

In accordance with the morphological principle of our spelling, most of the prefixes are written uniformly, without reflecting changes in the pronunciation of consonants and vowels.

So, the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200balways written the same way from- , for example from pour, from give, from sew, from to read. Words to be remembered h here, h denmark, h health or h gi(not visible), in which h is part of the root and related words ( h cheap, you h gain weight and etc.).

Prefixes are always spelled the same in- (in fly, in front) And about- (about a circle, about circumference), vowels and consonants in prefixes before-, behind-,on the-, above-, about-, from-, on-, under-, pre-, re- and some others, for example: before run, behind quit, on the drive, above writing, about hack, from breath, on kupka, under run, before package, pen carry.

Some of the prefixes have a fluent about , for example: from tear - oto tear, under take - under take.

Spelling prefixes without-, voz- (vz-), from-,bottom-,once-,across- (through-)

Spelling prefixes on -z : without- , WHO- (vz- ), from- , bottom- , once- , across- (through- ) - reflects the change in their pronunciation. In these prefixes, the letter h written before vowels and voiced consonants, and the letter from before voiceless consonants, for example: without boundary - demon extreme, WHO voice - vos clack, from run - is spoil, bottom denounce - nis refute once throw - races let, through dimensional - through saddler.

with a letter from words are written through from chur, and from scratch, and from extinction.

Spelling prefixes once- (race-) - roses- (grew-)

In consoles once- (race- ) - roses- (grew- ) letter is written under stress about , without stress - but , for example: roses valni - once shaft, grew up writing - races squeak, races scripture.

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Ra ... pisses from the desire of ra .. to get into writing?

Then let's start.

Prefixes on -з and -с

In our language, the morphological principle of spelling operates, which is based on the fact that all morphemes are usually written in the same way. A morpheme is a part of a word that has some meaning: it changes the word form (ending), forms a new word (prefix or suffix), or contains the main lexical meaning (root). In accordance with this principle, the spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes is determined by the following rule:

Prefixes are always written the same way, and their spelling does not depend on how they are pronounced.

You can see examples below.

This is how prefixes are usually written, but not the prefix ras- and raz-. The spelling rule for this case is peculiar, the so-called phonetic: how it is heard is how it is written. This rule applies to all prefixes that end with the letters -з or -с.

raz-, ras-: to part, to open;

from-, is-: pour out, eradicate;

voz-, vos-: rise, ascending;

vz-, sun-: weigh, open;

bez-, bes-: sinless, artless;

down-, down-: overthrow, descend;

through-, interlaced: extreme, interlaced.

Rule for -З and -С

The spelling of prefixes on s-s, raz-, ras-, including, is determined by the rule:

Letter h written before consonants voiced, letter from written before consonants deaf.

Now it does not hurt to remember what we call voiced consonants and what are deaf:

Voiced consonants

voiceless consonants

This is how the prefix ras- and raz- is written, the rule is indicated by highlighting















So, from all of the above, confirmation of the phonetic principle of writing a prefix with -c and -z at the end follows.

Prefixes on -з and -с must be distinguished from the prefix s-

The main difference between the prefix - from the prefixes on -з and -с in that с- consists of one letter and is always written the same way, and there must be some letters before -з and -с.

Make - get rid of, dump - scatter, squeeze - get hold of, burn - kindle, compress - unclench, flavor - got rich, conspiracy - conversation, save - disassemble, twist - develop, perish - unbend, rake - rake.

Words without prefixes

Prefix with- and prefixes on - h and -s (the spelling rule given above) must not be confused with words without prefixes: building, here, health, vision, zgi (no zgi not to be seen).

The letter z is written at the beginning of these words.

Prefixes raz-, ras-, rose-, ros- have vowel alternation

There is another difficulty that the prefix ras- and raz- can present. The spelling rule for prefixes on -з and -с is not the only one. There is another spelling in this prefix.

The spelling of vowels in the prefix raz-, ras- - rose-, ros- is represented by an alternating morpheme and does not follow the generally accepted rule. How do you spell raz-, ras-, rose-, ros-? There is a special rule for this spelling: without stress, we write once-(ras-), and in the stressed position we will write roses-(ros-): distribute - handed out, pour - bottling, play - draw, paint - painting, draw - stroke.

Let's repeat what we learned

At the beginning of our research, we asked ourselves:

Ra ... pisses from the desire of ra .. to get into writing?

Let's get back to him.

How are prefixes written in -з and -с? The spelling rule -з and -с at the end of prefixes makes it possible to make the following reasoning:

In the word "bursting" - the prefix ras-, because after the prefix there is a deaf consonant sound - [p].

In the word "understand" - the prefix raz-, as follows after it a voiced consonant - [b].

The rule about the alternation of o / a in the prefix ras- - ros-, raz- - ras- is used in the argument:

In the words “burst” and “understand” an unstressed prefix, which means you need to write the letter “A” in these words.


So, we have received knowledge about how the prefix ras- and raz- is written, the spelling rule has been learned and worked out. It's time to move on to the practical part and complete the test.

From these sentences from the work of A. Green, write out the words that have prefixes with the studied spellings.

1) Many years will pass, and one fairy tale will blossom, which will be remembered for a long time. One day, when you are big, a scarlet sail will sparkle in the sea distance. A ship with scarlet sails, cutting through the waves, will sail straight to the shore. There will be a crowd of people on the shore, and you will be there. The ship will approach to the sound of beautiful music, and a boat will sail from it, all in carpets, flowers and gold. A handsome prince will stand in the boat, he will stretch out his hands to you and say: "Hello, Assol! I dreamed about you in a dream, and now I came for you." You will sit in a boat with him and sail far, far away to a magical land where the sun wakes up. And the stars will descend from heaven to see you and congratulate you on your arrival.

2) She lived in a drowsiness of security. But the strange attachment to the son was probably one of the inclinations that are vaguely felt, leaving the will inactive. Cold and impregnable, Lillian Gray, left alone with her son, became just a mother, talking in an affectionate voice about all sorts of trifles of the heart, all the power of which is not in the sense, but in the feeling. She absolutely could not refuse him anything and forgave everything.

3) At the age of fourteen, Arthur secretly left the house. Soon a schooner left the port, taking away the cabin boy with the appearance of a girl dressed for a masquerade. That cabin boy was Gray. During the year, Arthur wrapped his possessions, consisting of patent leather boots and thin cambric linen, on a cake, and squandered the rest in cards. He drank, choking, vodka, with a beating heart at the bath, he jumped head down from the side of the ship into the depths of the sea. He gradually lost everything, except for his strange soul, flying and striving. He lost the weakness and grace of his body, becoming broad in bone and strong in muscle, his noble pallor was replaced by a dark tan, his movements disappeared, giving way to the confident precision of a working hand. Speech has lost fluidity, has become precise and short.

The captain of the schooner, a stern sailor, once seeing how skillfully Arthur knits a sail on a yardarm, called him to his cabin and said, opening a tattered book:

Listen carefully. We begin to make a captain out of a puppy.

4) She went ashore and, waiting for dawn, worried and timid, quite seriously peered into the horizon, waiting for the appearance of scarlet sails. These moments were the happiest for her among the gray everyday life, and it was difficult for her to refuse them, although they separated her from all other people, making her a laughing stock and an outcast. Loneliness weighed heavily on her, and that suffering wrinkle had already laid down on her lips, which nothing could erase, only joyful animation.

5) Assol hurried to the sea. Sometimes the roofs of houses or sheds hid from her a white ship and scarlet sails. Then Assol, fearing the disappearance of the vision, hurried with all her might, and only when she again saw the scarlet sails, she stopped, breathing a sigh of relief. As soon as Assol appeared in the crowd, everyone fell silent and parted in front of her in fear, and she was left alone in the void, confused, happy and ashamed. With cheeks no less scarlet than the sails, from which she did not take her eyes off, she helplessly stretched out her hands towards the wonderful tall ship. From the excitement, the brilliance of the water and the radiance of scarlet silk, the girl could no longer distinguish what was moving: herself, the ship or the boat that had separated from the ship.

test yourself

1) Blossom, dissecting, ascending.

2) Inactive, talking.

3) Lost, opened, frayed.

4) Dawn, immensely, blot out.

5) Sighing, confused, helpless, discern.

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