I can not raise: what is the reason and how to cure it. Sharp pains in the lower back: the causes of the appearance, treatment methods clicked in the lower back I can not raise

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Landscape design

Independently know what caused pain in the lower back, it is impossible. Stretching in the back, speaking by scientific language, Lyumbago, felt in the lumbar department, is accompanied by muscle spasms, aggravating pathology. Acute insutiable pains in the lower back have different reasons lasting from a couple of minutes to several months. The patient gets used to a painful state, pain in the spine becomes part of life. Without referring to the doctor, worsens his own health and reduces the chances of recovery.

Pains arise in the age category of the middle and mature age. Stress, supercooling, physical exertion of the unprepared organism cause pain, limited actions. Back pain in the back area are divided into two categories:

  • Primary;
  • Secondary.

The first is caused by the pathologies of the spine: atrophy of bundles, problems of tendons, intervertebral disks. Accompanied by pinching nerves, followed by the soreness of the region of the lower back. Osteochondrosis affects bone and cartilage tissue leads to dystrophy. Spondilitrosis affects the joints between the vertebrae responsible for the performance and flexibility of the spine.

In acute pain, problems are not excluded: osteomalacia, diseases that violate metabolism, osteoporosis.

The broken vertebrae is felt, and the infection of the lower back area is striking the discs between the spine of the tuberculosis, epidural abscess, brucellosis. With stroke pathologies, pain in the sacratsum of the spine is tangible.

The pain of the lumbar department is divided into three types: the chronic stage, sharp, and interspersed.

Pain acute

  • Left behind or on the right is caused by stretching muscles. Restrictions of movements appear, there is no discomfort in the legs, the groin zone;
  • The broken vertebrae during excessive bend of the back, the fall cause sharp back pain. Sick cancer, Cushing disease, a disease of the pedage, hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis is prone to breaking the vertebrae without the pressure from the outside, is accompanied by a sharp pain in the lower back to the left or right;
  • The displacement of intervertebral disks limits the movement, causes pain in the lower back;
  • Instantly appeared pain can be a consequence of the facet syndrome. Pathology does not concern the disc, but, affecting the siled root, leaving the spinal channel, causes the sensation of the sensation. The back pain on the right makes it difficult to move and limits efficiency;
  • A sharp pain in the lower back occurs due to epidural abscess. Diagnostic disease is diagnosed, treatment is immediately appropriate. Inflammation of the pectoral spine has painful sensations when pressing and tapping, which give to the lower back;
  • In case of pain in the lumbar of the disease of the hip joint, for example, Coxarthrosis, is given to pain in the lower back on the left, buttocks and lower extremities to the knees.

Chronic pain

  • The influence on the spine turns out to be a deforming spondylise, which increases the volume of bones, harming the spine roots, a narrowing canal. The weakness of the legs, numbness, other neurological symptoms, due to the occurrence of a mixed chromotype;
  • (invoicing spondyltrosis) of the initial degree limits the patient's movement, especially in the morning, reducing the efficiency of the thoracic department during breathing. X-ray allows you to fix the changes in sacral-iliac joints that exert destructive strength to the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine;
  • Oncology. Tumors, metastases, violation of the exchange process. The tumor of the spinal cord, to which is attributed to meningo, neurofibromu, lipoma;
  • Osteomyelitis has an influence on the crushes, called the new pain. Checked radiography of bone tissue, skin test with tuberculin, is determined by ESO for the presence or absence of tuberculosis bacteria, staphylococci, other media.

The pain of the intermittent type

Pathology with suddenly appearing pain perceived from the left and right departments of the spine area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, do not shift movements, but to determine where the pain syndrome with non-gaining power is localized, difficult. To the question of what to do when the lumbar department sometimes hurts, there is only one answer - to seek qualified medical care.


The problems of the hip bodies, the lower and the upper departments of the abdominal cavity are given to the pain of different areas of the nose of the back. The actions of the spine are not riveted, there are no local symptoms, pain notes do not increase. The following diseases are more common:

  • Varieties of tumors belonging to the gastric, pancreas, a colon, a duodenum;
  • Pathologies referred to as diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis;
  • Pathology of small pelvis organs in the chronic stage. Do not forget about carcinoma of uterus or ovaries, endometriosis;
  • Renal colic, developing during the advancement of the accretions in the kidney tissue. Feels when it comes out through the urinary path. The strongest painful sensation from stretching the walls by large stones;
  • In the male half of the population, the manifestation is caused by purulent prostatitis, some anomalies of eggs;
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, the chest department is experiencing pain in the aortic aneurysm;
  • Appendix, which is atypical, leads to the emergence of pain in the lower back and back. When inflammation, pain syndrome is felt on the right and lower back. The patient needs ambulance.

Treatment methods

Holidays in bed, rest - the key to the speedy recovery. It is important to avoid quick movements when straightening, extension, do everything slowly. To lie on the surface of the maximum rigidity, turning a standard mattress into an orthopedic mattress, using a cardboard shield or a wooden sheet. During the campaign to the toilet, use crutches and a special belt, which stabilizes the lumbar department.

  • We advise you to read:


The gain of pain syndrome occurs during the reflex voltage of muscles affecting the damaged area. To tolerate pain - harming the lower back, this is one of the most important rules of recovery, therefore there must be painkillers at hand.

  • Sadalgin;
  • Baratgin;
  • Analgin;
  • Paracetomol.

If the drugs did not help after half an hour or a little more, the reception is repeated. When the method does not work, strong funds take effect to achieve effect, but no longer 2-3 times:

  • Tram;
  • Ketorol;
  • Diclofen;
  • Trigine;
  • Salpadein.

Remove the muscle spasm with a sharp pain in the lower back allows but-shpa, against the swelling of the pinched roaster use herbal infusion, diuretik (vertpiron, diakar, furosemid). Power supply to the affected area will add vitamin complexes with B12, B6, C. Preferring minerals: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese. Remove inflammation using ibuprofen, rectal candle.


To the question, how to remove the sharp pain in the lower back or the other side, there are several answer options:

  • Cream containing horse chestnut;
  • Agents with pyroxicam, butadion or voltar;
  • Medications - an arcussian, anesthesia, menthol preparations.

After three or four hours, the ointment is rubbed, giving preference:

  • Finalgon;
  • Long cream;
  • Outflows with a snake poison or bees. (Vipratoksu, Viprosalu, Vipergina, Virapina, Apizartron).

There are contraindications for pregnant women, people who have problems with the liver, kidneys, there are diabetes mellitus. The course is carried out 5-6 days, using drugs two or three times. When the allergic reaction is found in the skin, moisten cotton with vodka, alcohol infusion, wipe the tool, take Tuevel, Claritin.

  • We advise you to read:


An independent massage is carried out in a sitting, standing or lying. It raises the tone of the whole body, improves the working capacity of the kidneys, reduces the level of sharp pain in the lower back.

  • The palms are warming up, connecting together, clamping between the knees, actively rubbing. They are superimposed on the area of \u200b\u200bthe lumbar department, the heat penetrates into the body. The procedure is repeated five times;
  • Preheated palms are applied to the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe back, the thumbs turn out from the sides, go down. Others fall on the formation, the region is heated;
  • The lumbar department is massaged with the pads of the fingers in the direction from top to bottom. Fingers put perpendicular to the vertebrae vertebrae, slowly promote a couple of centimeters of the Wide;
  • Squeeze fists, spend the back of the ridge of the ileum;
  • Applied to the lower back the back of the left brush, pressed with the right hand, knead the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine with the help of circular motions.

Comfortable posture

The back muscles tissue relaxes if a person rests on the stomach, under which a high pillow is put, and his hands stretched forward. For rest on the back legs bend, hips are translated into a vertical pose, placing pillows under the area of \u200b\u200bthe heads.

  • Perhaps you need:

Rimming the top area of \u200b\u200bthe body to the level of 45 degrees, with a straight back and neck, relief will come immediately. For pose on the side under the waist area put a pillow.

This book is the most clear, desired and fresh scientific information on the most frequent health problems, spine, bones and all joints. Almost everyone needs to know: how dangerous crunch is in the joints, is it possible to restore the cartilage destroyed during arthrosis than it will help with the pain in the knees or elbows an analysis of infections, how to avoid fracture of the hip neck and what painkillers choose not to turn them out of friends into enemies.

"The pains in the joints and the spine do not bypass the side of a single adult man on the planet. In your hands, an incredibly exciting book of one of the best rheumatologists of our country - Dr. Ilya Smithienko. In it you will find answers to all major issues related to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Read this book and keep physical activity as long as possible! "

Dr. Anton Rodionov


If the back does not bend

Sections on this page:

If the back does not bend

What is this disease and why does she occur?

Bekhterev's disease (or academic "ankylosing spondylitis") is an inflammatory disease of the spine and sometimes joints that are most common in young men (up to 40 years). The reasons for its occurrence are unknown. However, 90% of patients with ankylosing spondylitis are detected by the HLA B27 gene, it can be determined by blood test. Healthy people who have HLA B27 gene have an increased risk of developing behterev's disease or other diseases from the spondylitrite group (reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and others).

What are the manifestations of the ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease)?

The main manifestation of Bekhtereva's disease is the morning or night pain in the back, more often in the lower back. At the same time, as a rule, they develop slowly for months and even years, slowly becoming more intense. Typically, these morning pains are accompanied by stiffness or refinement in the spine. An important distinctive feature of inflammatory pain in the back, which arise during the diseases of Bekhtereva, from "ordinary" or "mechanical" pain in the back (the fact that the people are called "osteochondrosis") is a decrease in pain (!!!) after exercise and amplification Boles at rest, while back pain, if you overswit it and muscular spasm arose, on the contrary, it will become even stronger from work and load! You can read more about inflammatory pains in the back in the section "Pain in the lower back". Pains can be in the cervical, and in the thoracic spine, they are worried about the day for many months and years and significantly improve when taking NSAIDs (for example, diclofenac). Sometimes pain occurs in the upper part of the buttocks, which is due to the defeat of a special section of the bones of the pelvic - sacroy-iliac joints, which are always inflamed during the diseases of Behterev, and, as a rule, on both sides: both on the left and right. This inflammation of sacral-iliac artists is called "sacroileit" and is a business card of Bekhtereva's disease. Over time, the inflammation in the back leads to the appearance of "bone bridges", which "tightly" bonded the vertebrae with each other, and as a result, our movable spine resembles a dry low-propelled bamboo stick. Some patients are inflamed tendons (enntsite), sometimes the eye inflammation is developing by type of uveitis - the eye blushes, and hurts.

How do the ankylosing spondylitis diagnose (Bekhtereva's disease)?

The diagnosis is based on the presence of inflammatory pain in the back, the emergence of the reformity of the spine, inflammation of sacratling and iliac joints according to X-ray. In the early stages of the disease, when there is no splice of the vertebrae and pronounced changes in the sacrats and iliac areas, MRI comes to the rescue. This method allows you to see the initial inflammatory changes in the spine and in the sacratling and iliac joints, i.e., diagnose spondylitis and sacroileite before X-ray. As mentioned earlier, in 90% of patients with Bekhterev's disease, it is possible to identify the HLA B27 gene, but its absence does not exclude this disease!

How do the ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhtereva's disease)?

To begin with, if you smoke, - you need to immediately part with this bad habit. For ankylosing spondylitis, numerous scientific research demonstrates significant progress of the disease and the loss of the spinal mobility for smokers. Joyful news - to comply with a special diet for Bekhterev's disease you will not need.

As strange, it will be noted, half the success of treatment depends on the purposefulness and will of the sick disease of Bekhtereva. Yes, indeed 50% of the forecast determines physical activity, and daily! It is recommended to perform breathing exercises that will not "be signed up" to the chest, slowly form a muscular corset on the back and develop its flexibility. All exercises, especially at the very beginning of training, you need to do with minimal burden or without it without it. Satisfied with a barbell or dumbbells, a rowing traction, the extension of the back on the inclined bench and other traumatic exercises. Remember, the most important thing is daily muscle work without fanaticism and pain, but you can not pay attention to insignificant discomfort in the back.

The first line drugs regardless of the stage and the duration of the disease is NSAID, and on a daily continuous basis. Bekhterev's disease is the only disease that requires the reception of the NSAVP every day for many months and years! It is under daily reception that the NSAIDs have not only an anesthetic effect, but also reduce inflammation in the spine, and according to some data, the development of the disease is slowed down. However, if you are treated with NSAIDs in full dosages for more than a month without a substantial effect and replacing one anti-inflammatory drug to another does not give results, you need to discuss the transition to modern biological drugs ( infliximab, etaneceptor, adalimumab, cortolyzumaba pegol, golimumab, seccinumab). All these drugs are approximately the same in efficiency, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the biological preparations are better to discuss with the attending physician. You can read more about them in chapter 13 "Baseless anti-inflammatory drugs" on with. 145. It is important to remember that any kind of treatment has been done, we are talking about many years of therapy!

Sometimes a doctor may additionally assign to the NSAID sulfasalazineif we are talking about the inflammation of large joints on the legs (knee or ankle), while it is important to know that for the treatment of inflammation and pain in the back sulfasalazine To date, it is recognized ineffective and should not be appointed.

Methotrexat In case of Bekhterev's disease, it is currently not used: neither with pain in the back, nor with any inflamed joints.

Perhaps the most important question about the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhtereva's disease) is the unjustified appointment of hormonal drugs ( prednisolone or methylprednisolon). All foreign and Russian leading disease professionals are unanimous in opinion: Hormonal drugs for the treatment of this disease should not be used in neither tablets, nor in droppers! Not only are there any long-term benefits from them, it also develops a huge number of various medicinal complications! The exception is only hormonal drugs for intra-articular injections ( diprosp or kenalog ), however, remember that these medicines should not be used in one joint more often than 3-4 times a year.

Often, patients with a gap of Achilles tendons come to me at the reception due to the frequent introduction of a hormonal drug into the heel area. Why is this happening? The inflammation of the Achilles of the tendon at the place of attachment to the heel bone (this is called an excitement) can be accompanied by a strong pain, which makes it difficult to walk. Therefore, the hormone injection, which has a fast and expressed effect, is regarded as "salvation". Harm from such actions arises, if this "salvation" is abused, because, from frequent administration of hormonal drugs, tendon is thinned and can be broken even with everyday physical exertion!

What threatens the ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhtereva's disease)?

Bekhterev's disease is in a slow loss of the spinal mobility as a result of the formation of bone sizes, which then form bridges or clips between the vertebrae, damaging us the opportunity to fully turn the neck, lean forward or sideways. That is why it is very important to engage in daily physical activity, increasing the flexibility of the spine and not to give it to herald.

Some patients can inflame eyes (in scientific it will be called), intestines (colitis), aorta (aortitis), kidney (IGA jade). As with rheumatoid arthritis, the diseases of Bekhterev with long-term inflammation can occur formidable complication - amyloidosis, when the inflammatory amyloid protein is postponed in many organs and tissues, disrupting their structure and function. Like other inflammatory diseases of the joints, Bekhterev's disease can increase the risk of cardiovascular complications!

A little more about spondyloarthritis

Among the large group of diseases, which are called spondylitritis, in addition to psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, there are at least three more varieties of the disease: undifferentiated spondylitrite, spondylitrite, associated with inflammatory bowel disease, and reactive arthritis. We will devote the last disease, we will devote a separate chapter, and here we will discuss what undifferentiated spondylitrite is and what problems can be with joints in patients with chronic inflammation of the intestine.

In some people who suffer from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis (these are inflammatory bowel diseases), joints can be inflated. Most often it is a few large legs of the legs, but there are forms of arthritis, when many joints are involved, including on hand. The basis of treatment is preparations that can act on the inflamed intestine, and on the joints. These drugs include sulfasalazine, Methotrexate, Azatioprin, and with their ineffectiveness can designate modern biological drugs ( infliximab, adalymumab - with any inflammatory bowel disease; golimumab - only with ulcerative colitis; tsrtolyzumab Pagola. - only with Crohn's disease). Hormonal preparations ( prednisolone) Also used, but try to minimize the dose and duration of reception.

When the patient develops a disease that resembles the joints of the joints of psoriatic arthritis, but there is no sufficient signs to establish this diagnosis, we are resorting to the formulation of "undifferentiated spondylitrite", sometimes it is also called peripheral spondylitrite, emphasizing the lack of problems in the back. The undifferentiated spondylitrite is an officially recognized diagnosis that emphasizes that the patient is comprehensively examined and is still unclear, which scenario will develop a disease: whether it will be transformed into psoriatic arthritis, whether the inflammatory intestinal disease will appear, or ultimately it will be often recurrent reactive arthritis. It often happens that years are held, and the disease remains in the form of an undifferentiated form! Most often in patients with undifferentiated spondylitrite, the joints of the legs are inflamed, "sucking fingers" (dactylitis) and inflammation of tendons in places of attachment to the bones (enntsites) may occur. Often we reveal a positive HLA B27 gene. Treatment requires careful selection, and it may take many months. Usually doctors start with NSAIDs and sulfasalazina, if necessary, go to methotrexat or leflunomide, in reserve, we keep modern biological preparations from the group of inhibitors of the necrosis-Alpha necrosis ( infliximab, etanecept, adalymumab, cortolyzumaba Pagol, Golimumab).

Health of your spine Andrey Viktorovich Dolkov

Why does the extension appear in the extension?

Many patients addressed to doctors with this issue. This is a completely natural question. But also the appearance of pains of various degrees of severity in the lower back - the phenomenon is completely natural.

You were washed, standing in the Pockclone position, or was stolen in the country garden with carrots, or washed floors waiting for guests ... In short, worked. And if worked for a long time, then surely tired. But the work was not performed by itself. At the same time, vertebrae, bundles, muscles - all your musculoskeletal system worked. He also tired, supporting your body in a semi-clone position. And now, when extension is experiencing some difficulties. Especially if the body was in a fixed pose.

- What is a fixed posture? - asks a different patient.

Finding a person in a position that resembles the letter "g", without support, you can consider a fixed pose for this position. After this time, the person has a middle physical development of the deep muscles of the back begin to experience significant difficulties. It's all about the peculiarities of the spine movement in the sagittal plane. If you have forgotten what it is, let's say easier - when tamped ahead and extension. Remember, we compared the spine with the post? You can compare our vertebral pillar and from the tower. Is it possible to imagine the tower that bent almost in the middle at an angle of 90 °? You can submit something, but this is already a catastrophe - the building is about to collapse under the power of one's own severity.

The spine is arranged to the perfect: it is held in a semi-clone deep back muscle. However, in this position, their energy capabilities are rapidly depleted. Prolonged semi-clone is a very unfavorable position from the point of view of the spinal biomechanics. Long intense muscles are worse supplied with blood, biologically active substances are accumulated in them, irritating the nerve endings of muscle fibers. This is manifested in painful sensations with muscle tension. The stabilizing capabilities of the muscles are rapidly reduced.

There would be here and raise - there were no serious problems yet. But no: not yet reached underwear, not a carrot rice, do not domacy ... And you continue to work, leaving your spine at a disadvantage. It is here that there is a danger: the longer the fixed posture remains, the less the muscles remain in the muscles for the subsequent action - extension.

And finally, his turn came. By this time, the muscles of the extensors have long experienced difficulties with blood supply.

Remember: The first signs of fatigue of the musculoskeletal system appeared after 15-20 seconds, and washing, weeding, cleaning lasted and lasted! The vertebrae, to a large extent, lost support from the muscles, acquire the readiness for displacement - the overwhelmed muscles seem to be "accept" them; As a result, the pressure of the vertebrae on the disks becomes dangerous uneven. All other troubles also join the painful sensations from the original vertebral ligaments - the brutal, damaging, accompanying the entire process of extension of pain occurs.

Reading these lines, you can get frightened. But, unfortunately, it happens and worse. If with a pronounced fatigue of the muscle extensors you will get out of the fixed position, keeping a significant cargo in the hands (and even a wet duvet cover, even a bucket, filled with land or water), may well arise sad effects in the form of persistent pains and the need for long-term treatment.

Bounds may occur. Then you will feel sharp pain in the lower back - this sudden blow we are referred to in everyday life. It may happen a supervision or even a complete discharge of the disk - and the pain in one or both legs or weakness in them is not excluded.

So - not to wash, not so, do not clean? No, you can do all this. Just follow the rules that we offer you to eliminate the dangerous consequences and maintain a vigorous workable condition. Recommendations These are simple and easily fulfilled.

First of all, you need to learn to avoid long-lasting the spine in a bent state without insuring the support. This advice sounds difficult, and in fact it is completely elementary: flexing, begging on something - knee, on a nearby object, for anything.

- But there are absolutely necessary actions, "the patient exclaims, - in which both hands should be involved! The same washing, for example. There will be no wrapping ...

This can not disagree. But you can find a way out of the situation. Try to blend more often, at least for a while that the muscles of the back constantly change the operation mode and have not experienced excessive voltage. And if they felt the accumulated stress in the lower back, it would not be deeply leaning deep, remember that the semi-clones are cripped, and deep slopes are treated. Washing, cleaning, weeding for a minute interrupted - but you can deal with them much longer without unpleasant consequences.

This is an alphabet of health: the original pain in the back - muscular - arises due to fatigue and is determined by the duration of work in a fixed pose! As the vertebrologists say, "the intensity of pain is directly dependent on the degree of muscular fatigue." Consequently, the more often you will be blown, the less reason for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back. After all, extension, with good muscle support, does not represent any complexity for the spine - if, of course, there is no significant damage in its support structures. And yet, just in case, inspire: when straightening the case, even quite frequent, there will never be superfluous help of your hand based on your knee or any closely located subject.

Follow our advice at least two weeks, adhering to a reasonable motor mode for the spine - and probably your problems will be allowed. During this time you learn how to move correctly. It will take time, and it will become a habit for you.

However, it happens that when unpleasant feelings in the lower back remain in the fulfillment of all these rules. So, your extensors for one reason or another do not well cope with their responsibilities. Dress up at the time of work the orthopedic belt, not forgetting, of course, follow the recommendations above.

It is important to understand: the pain experienced in extension is the natural reaction of the organism for long-term favor in the position of the semi-clone or the consequence of the disease of the spine? In the first case, only caution and elementary exercises are needed: such a pain is natural, like a rapid breathing when running or fatigue feet after a long walk. In the second case, we are dealing with the disease and then the Safety of the orthopedic belt is already necessary, so that it is too unnecessary to load the weak uprofing spinal column links.

And if the extension of the body from the position in the semi-rone ends with a shot in the lower back, it is better to go to bed and call the doctor to the house! Be careful to yourself: Stretch is a very unpleasant phenomenon, and it is better for you to strictly observe all the recommendations of the doctor.

Not so long ago with my friend there was one case. By nature, his own person is active and energetic, he, among other things, was distinguished by strong health and almost did not ill. Somehow, in the evening, calls me home and frightened, full of suffering by voice reports that it happened to him "raging" in the lower back, and how much by the way, and as a lot of things ... I could have reassured him, I advised you to drink a tablet aspirin, because He had nothing else, and persistently recommended to lie down in bed. On the morning of the next day, on Monday, I visited it and examined. The case, in general, turned out to be trivial, and according to my forecasts, acute pain was supposed to pass the day through three or four. Knowing his craving for work and dislike for empty pastime, I as soon as possible ordered him not to get up from the bed before Friday and, leaving some medicines and gone, with a calm soul left.

For some reasons, I had to leave the city until next Monday. On the day of my return, I immediately called the buddy, being confident in his full recovery. What was my surprise when, instead of a voices in a handset, I heard the voice of the exhausted human pain. Having learned me on the phone and expressing sincere joy, my friend, complained about the unhealthy and, casually, mentioning about some reasons, who pretended to recover him, began to be silent to come urgently. A little fascinated for what happened, I immediately headed for him. "I really mistaken in a diagnosis?" - tormented itself the whole road with this question. I heard with me at the meeting caused quite mixed feelings: a sigh of relief due to the fact that my diagnosis was faithful, and sincere sympathy for a sick comrade. It turned out that on the third day, feeling improving, our patient went to the service. But, without refining and before lunch, it was forced to go home with a strong pain in the lower back.

This story happened to my friend. He, of course, recovered. But it cost him the price of much larger moral and physical suffering. Not to mention the very patient period of recovery due to the fault.

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I am 38 years old. Since school bench has been diagnosed with osteochondrosis and tormented headaches (now migraine). In school and student years engaged in volleyball, there were frequent falls, the spinal injuries were not. All your life, the work is sitting, mostly at the computer and at least 8 hours a day.
About the cerheth-collar zone, probably, it is clear that everything hurt, pulled, was worried and did not turn.

In 2003 Twisted on the left side so that he could not get up, either to raise her hand. Based on the radiograph, a diagnosis of cyfoscolyosis was raised 1 Art, the hernia of the Schimor (in the thoracic). Passed a course of manual therapy. Several years did not bother.

Somehow for years, two have already become noticed that it's hard to stand for a long time, walking for a long time, to do homework (in a semi-bent condition over the sink dishes, clean potatoes, vacuuming, etc.) and later, getting out due to a computer after a long session , I felt that I could not raise. Here I can not and everything, like a stopper and a novice piercing pain in the zealnist area.
I got to the neuropathologist. The diagnosis of Dorstoopathy of the Pozonechnik, on the eye, without X-ray. Recommended - Middokalm, 150 mg, 1p. For the night and ... Soothing Phytquia. Dead Parish!

Last year, X-ray scored, but, as it turned out, only the cervical and chest departments made me.

On radiographs of the cervical spine reduced the height of the C2-C3 discs, C5-C6. The front-top corners of C3-C6 are bezled. The lower corners of the vertebral bodies are elongated. Suspended with a slit of s5-C6 joints.
CONCLUSION: Moderately pronounced manifestations of osteochondrosis, spondyloorder of the cervical spine.

On radiographs of the thoracic spine, the spine axis is curved to the right and the kleon. Reduced the height of the discs all over. The front corners of the vertebrae bodies are pointed.
Conclusion: Cyphoscolliosis, common osteochondrosis of the breast.

There is nothing about the hernia. Maybe resulted in.
We sent to the massage. It would be better not to do it. It was just torture. Especially as for the lower back. I was ready to yell from pain. Improvements did not happen.

And I had to lift my grandmother from the floor, she fainted. After that I was completely stuck.
In general, at the moment I can walk only with a wand. After a week of Indomethacin, there is a relief for a couple of days and everything is new. But I am already sick of drugs (Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Middokalm) and even appeared vomiting.

I practically can't serve myself.

At night, turn over very hard and hurt. Stand off the bed - stiffness of the entire spine, pain in the lower back. Problematically clean your teeth, because you need to stand in a semi-clone over the sink. Begin to shaking legs, sometimes hands. I can not get dressed (especially what is below the belt). When walking, there is often pain in the thigh, a sharp piercing pain under the knee, which hits me as. It happens to give out somewhere in the heel. Legs cut off. I want to grab something in order not to fall. So-called sharpness to darkness in the eyes.
I can neither sneeze or cough - pain. When I sit - I feel like the nerve pulls between the lower back and the buttock, sometimes ripple, burning, the pain is keen. When walking greatly reduces the buttocks, almost like convulsions. Such a feeling is generally that somewhere the nerve is shifted. It is clear that it does not raise heavy, but, for example, a 1.5 liter water bottle cannot be kept in my hands - it's hard and begins a shiver in the muscles of the back and the back of the legs to the knee. Sometimes the feeling in the legs seemed to be sitting down - do not fuck, tingling. And I repeat, I can not raise.

Tell me, please, with any lower back pain, can I rely on hospitalization? There are no specialists in our clinic, send to Belyaevo, but I will not get exactly there.

Thanks in advance for the answer.

Here are four dangerous habits that threaten your spine and simple ways to help prevent back pain.

Dangerous habit number 1: War of the weekend days

"Most often, I see people who cannot rake after the weekend, because three hours played a basketball or using free time, did not get out of the gym," said Nick Shemi, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Neurosurgeon. "People think that they are athletes, but at the same time they do not train as professionals - regularly and gradually increasing the load. As a result, "torn" backs. "

Injuries are inevitable if you have not loaded yourself all week physically, and with the onset of weekends ran into the gym or grabbed the ball. The pain may occur after long work in the garden, and after general cleaning in the garage.

"If you have not previously warmed up, the back is at risk first of all," says Shemi.

How to prevent:

Training is the only prophylactic solution that will help to avoid pains in the lower back. Exercises will be pulled and strengthen the main muscles and prepare them for the load.

The slopes are perfectly trained back muscles and help well prevent stretching. The muscles will strengthen the use of a gymnastic ball, which can also be used instead of stool.

Dangerous habit number 2: lifting weights.

Incultably turned or raised something heavy - and can no longer rake?

How to prevent: Engage abdominal muscles to prevent injury. Below the basic principles, compliance with which you will be able to avoid damage to the back:

  • Looking at something, bend the knees and keep your back straight, and not bend in the waist.
  • Come to the subject to raise as close as possible. The further you are from the shipment, the greater the load is experiencing your spin.
  • Never hold heavy things above the armpits and below the knees.
  • Do not move alone what is 20% more of your body weight.
  • Do not turn and do not turn around while you raise and carry something heavy. If you need to postpone wear to the side, turn all the hull, and not only its upper part.

Dangerous habit number 3: scattered during daily affairs

Daily routine cases - such as washing dishes and throwing garbage from the best way to influence your spine if your body is not ready, let it be minimal, but still, the loads. The load does not have to be impressive, the specialists assure. You can damage your back, lifting paper clips or loading dishwasher. If you commit these actions without thinking, as you do this, the probability of injury is very large. Most often, the unpleasant feelings in the back overtake at the end of the working day - due to the fatigue of the mind and body.

How to prevent : Teach yourself to constantly give the load with the main muscles.

A simple way to do it is to draw the belly and imagine that you wear a corset, which seems to presser the muscles of the press to the spine. Performing this exercise during the day, and especially when you flex and begging - will strengthen and support your back.

Dangerous Habit # 4: Life Situation

You are sitting on the way to work, sit at work, sit in line at the clinic, sit on the way home and at home you are sitting in front of the TV. Of course, I do not like your back, and that's why.

Vertebral discs have a spongy structure and poor blood circulation. When you move, they are enough supplied with blood, and you feel great. When you sit, the blood is stood, so you deprive the spine food. The clock behind the wheel or computer adds loads, which will inevitably lead to pains.

Drives in your spine feed movement, doctors say. Studies have shown - the seat has a greater pressure on your back than the position lying and standing. The worst position for the back is sitting and leaning forward - this is how most office employees spend all day. In such a posture it turns out the greatest pressure on the back. Moreover, the more you bend, the stronger the ridge is twisted, the more pressure tests are the vertebral discs. There is an uneven load distribution, which increases the risk of breaking the vertebral disk.

How to prevent: Do you have a long time to work? Use tactics that will help reduce the load on the spine:

  • Stop up from the table and walk every 20 minutes. Of course, if you are not driving. Put the alarm clock that will remind you of this. Pour yourself tea, open the window, turn on the radio - use any opportunity to change the position of the body.
  • Try to keep your back straight. Book position at eye level so as not to lean. Maximum convenient for you, install the computer screen. Keep the smooth position of the spine, as far as possible.
  • Buy a chair that will support your back. Adjust it so that the feet are fully stood on the floor. If the chair does not support your twisted spine, put a rolled towel or a small pillow under the back. If you have to sit for a long time, pull out all of your rear pockets, especially the wallet - it will interfere with keeping the smooth position of the spine.

Specialists proposes to do the following exercises to help the spine:

  • Stand on your knees and elbows. Pull the left hand forward, and turn back the right leg back. Use the muscles of the abdomen and back to keep the equilibrium. Save the position 5-10 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Change your hand and leg. Make a pair of approaches 5 times on each side.
  • Sit on the chair, lower your hands, straighten your back and give your shoulders to relax. Twen the blades, leaving the hands lowered around. Hold in this position 3-5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10-20 times.

If nothing helps

Most painkillers removes back pain for 48 hours, but in some cases urgent treatment needs.

You need a close attention if after the transferred operation on the pelvis organs, you are worried about back pain. An unpleasant feeling is quite real and after epidural anesthesia, and very long after childbirth.

In most cases, the pain does not fall below the lower back. But if she gives echo in hips or knees, probably a damaged disk clamping nerve. It is necessary to seek medical care as soon as possible to avoid more serious damage. The longer the back is bothering you, the faster you should contact a specialist. It is possible that the disk began to break or takes a more serious spine.

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