Comer bites - how and what should be treated. How and what to treat mosquito bites and other insects in children: drugs and proven folk recipes what to do when swelling if the child combed his rink

Boilers 20.06.2021

Oh, Summer Red loved you, when not knowing, yes dust, yes mosquitoes, yes fly!

A. S. Pushkin.

Summer holidays in nature often overshadowed by attacking bloodsowing insects. The mosquitoes are widespread throughout Russia, and in the northern regions they are an integral part of the community of bloodsowing insects, called - Gnus. How dangerous are they, can there be carriers of diseases and what helps from mosquito bites?

Than dangerous mosquito bites

More than 90 types of mosquitoes live in Russia. In the middle lane, the most common:

  • malari mosquitoes (genus anopheles);
  • spring mosquitoes of the genus Ochlerotatus;
  • and autumn mosquitoes-piskunas (Culex).

Mosquitoes are double insects. The males them are completely harmless and feed on the nectar of plants, but the females for the continuation of the kind are needed by the protein, which they get from the blood of animals and humans.

Blood female-Komarich consumes only once, after which the eggs lay and dies. The bite itself can occur painlessly, but usually a person is experiencing an unpleasant feeling similar to the injection. The insect chooses sites with delicate skin and closely resolved blood vessels. Piercing the skin and wall of the capillary by a trunk and injected saliva containing anticoagulants - substances that prevent blood clotting. Poisoning from mosquito bites is impossible, since there are no poison from mosquitoes.

Anticoagulants cause extinguishing and redness of the skin at the point of puncture, itching. If the place of bite is combing - the mosquito saliva will spread to the surrounding tissues and the reaction will only increase.

Mosquito bites can cause trouble if there are a lot of them. Also, children of small age are poorly transferred them due to the resulting itch.

A more serious danger is allergic reactions and various transussive diseases (infectious diseases transmitted with bloodsowing insects).

In the middle of Russia, the diseases transmitted with the mosquito bite make up isolated cases.

Allergy to mosquito bites

Allergic reactions to the mosquito bite arise less often and not so strong, as from the attack of the insects - bees, OS. Signs of developing allergies serve:

  • skin swelling in the prose's locations;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

In exceptionally rare cases, allergies from mosquito bites can cause urticaria, vasomotor rhinitis and bronchospasm.

Mosquitoes as disease carriers

Infectious diseases that are transmitted through a mosquito bite are found mainly in southern countries, mainly in the tropics. They can be two types:

  • diseases in which mosquitoes serve mechanical carriers of pathogens;
  • diseases in which the pathogen needs to live a certain time in the mosquito body.

The latter are most dangerous, but for the development of infection, a rather long cycle is needed in a mosquito and the creation of a natural focus of wild warm-blooded animals, which is perhaps only in hot countries. The infection is transmitted from the saliva female at the moment of supply blood. In Russia, only three diseases are registered, whereas in the countries of the tropical belt there are several dozen. Therefore, going into an exotic journey, do not forget to clarify which vaccinations are recommended to do as prevention.

Than treat mosquito bites

In our climate, the biggest trouble from the mosquito attack is itching and edema.

How to remove itching from mosquito bite? There are several simple recipes.

What to smear mosquito bites so that they do not scramble? The pharmacy sells many means from insect bites in the form of ointments, balms, lotions, sprays and pencils. These funds include "Star", "Vitaon", "Ppi-Balsam".

Antihistamine or anti-inflammatory ointment can be used: "Synaflant", "Advantan", "Phenystil-Göl".

What should I do if a mosquito bit into the eye? Rinse the mucous eye with cool clean water and plant eye drops with anti-inflammatory effect, for example, Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid).

And if the mosquito bit on the lip, what to do in this case? To reduce itching, a piece of ice is applied to a damaged place.

If you have an allergy - take a tablet "Supratin", "Tueva" or other antihistamine: "Zirtek", "Claritin", "Tefast". With the development of an extensive edema, difficulty breathing or increasing the temperature consult a doctor.

Folk remedies from mosquito bites

Folk remedies will be helped to get rid of itching after bites:

You can use essential oils. Soothing the skin of tea tree, mint, lemon, rosemary. Some essential oils: eucalyptus, geranium, juniper - possess scaring insects action.

Than treat mosquito bites in children

Children mosquito cause special inconvenience. Children's skin is very gentle and thoroughly reacts even for minor damage. What to smear mosquito bites from a child? Use alcohol, pieces of ice, lotion. Children over two years old will suit the balm "Golden Star" by the Balsam. It is very important to distract the baby and convince him not to calculate the itchy place.

What to smear mosquito bites a child up to a year? Try to do with folk remedies. It is not recommended to use potent antihistamines and anti-inflammatory ointments, but if necessary, consult a pediatrician.

Allergies in children on mosquito bites arises no more than in adults. Breast-child requires a doctor consultation. Senior children in easy cases can be given: "Supratin", "Diazolin", "Fencarol". When spreading the enemy, a pronounced urticarion, breathing disorders need to call ambulance.

Folk remedies from mosquito bites for children

As folk remedies from mosquito bites for children, apply:

  • soda in the form of a solution or cashem;
  • tea tree oil;
  • sour cream or prostrochu;
  • mint toothpaste.

It is a good tool to remove the itching from the bite of mosquitoes by the child, are a row from the kashitz leaves of a dandelion, plantain, basilica.

We will sum up - mosquito bites are practically safe, but they deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations and can spoil their vacation in nature, especially if you have little children. To remove itching and edema at the bite place, use simple tools: alcohol, lotion, food soda. There are various pharmacy balsams and ointment from insect bites. Going into tropical countries, take measures to prevent infectious diseases that can be transmitted with mosquito bite.

Itching bloodshots are mosquitoes.

Bite mosquito sign to everyone. In warm season, almost all people dream of how to get rid of mosquito bites, causing heavy itching and local redness. Let's see how to assist and reduce itching after a mosquito bite.

Mosquito bite

Despite the squeak, published insects during flight, most often the moment of bite remains unnoticed. Only in a few minutes, the mosquito bite is manifested as follows:

  • itching at the place of defeat;
  • outlet at the place of defeat;
  • redness in the place of bite.

Outward bite looks like a small red blister with the most intense color in the center. There is no poison in the saliva mosquito, and it is impossible to get poisoning.

It is because of this, many often the question arises why mosquito bites are squeezed. In the composition of the saliva insect there are anticoagulants that interfere with blood flowing and cause a local allergic reaction. Diagnosed bite from mosquito visually.

Possible complications

Complications of bites from mosquitoes are 2 species. The first one refers to the manifestation of allergies to the bits of mosquitoes in children. Symptoms of allergies are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • pronounced nausea;
  • general malaise;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • rash;
  • significant edema in the field of bite.

Allergic reaction to mosquito bite

In order to get rid of such consequences, it is enough to take an antihistamine.

Adults, as a rule, in the absence of allergy on mosquitoes, treatment is not required, and with a very strong itching it is enough just to smear the affected alcohol. It is important to remember only that there would be impossible to calculate any itchy bites, as it will only worsen the situation.

First assistance in the bite of mosquitoes is necessary for children. Their body is seriously tolerated by insect and responds with a stormy reaction. The procedure for the bite of mosquitoes in the child is as follows:

Wash the place of bite with children's or economic soap.
Apply a bubble with ice or a cloth moistened in cold water to remove swelling from the mosquito bite.
Remove itching from mosquito bites using a remedy from solar burns or a thick paste, obtained from food soda, diluted with a small amount of water.
Be sure to take a tablet from allergies: Suprastin, Tueva.
Apply a cream or ointment on the affected place from insect bites. The most popular drug is phenyatil gel. Hytan creams, cinovit, ointment prednisone, hyxion, helps.
In case of temperature, adopt antipyretic agents, such as paracetamol. or Nurofen in syrup.

What can not be done in a mosquito bite

So that there are no traces of mosquito bites need to know exactly what you can not do, providing help after bite.

  • First of all, the bite can not be scratched.
  • Also harmful to crush the bite or pour a small bubble with a liquid, which sometimes, even if it rarely, occurs and looks like a top of the bite.
  • If the mosquito bit into the eye, it is not necessary to use alcoholic formulations for causing an affected place.

When urgent help doctor

Child swelling

To contact the hospital after bites is necessary at the following phenomena left from the victim from mosquitoes:

  • signs;
  • acute allergic reaction - or;
  • common strong malaise;
  • multiple bites in small children (for children up to a year they can represent a serious danger);
  • risk of defeat by a mosper carrying diseases;
  • selection of pus from wound after bite.

In all such cases, it should be not delayed, consult a doctor and go through competent treatment. Especially often the bits of mosquitoes require drug therapy in children.

Prevention of mosquito bites

The best means of protection against mosquito bites for children and adults is prevention. Even dangerous mosquitoes cannot overcome simple protective measures.

Effective mosquito protection in the open air:

  • Wearing clothes with tight fitting cuffs.
  • Use of repellents in the form of ointments, cream, gel or spray.
  • Installing a mosquito net on a baby carriage and on the windows in the house.
  • Refusal of walking in wet places during the maximum insect activity.
  • Compliance with hand hygiene in children. You must briefly cut your nails and watch their cleanliness. Comrician bites in children cause a particularly strong itching, which leads to combing an amazed place and infection.

Clothes with long sleeves and fonts are your main defenders from the bite of mosquito and other midges.

Subsequent treatment

To get rid of itching and redness after mosquito bites, it is possible to use a means purchased in a pharmacy or cooked houses. Both the other treatment is effective, and the choice remains only for the victim himself or attending it. Correctly conducted therapy is a high-quality protection of seats of bites from combing and occurring for this reason scars and scars after infection.


Medical treatment is especially important in the case of local allergies on mosquito bites. Use for this you need ointment, gel, balm or alcohol preparation with menthol or mint. The most common means of treating bites that remain from mosquitoes are:

  • Phenolic-gel removes local allergies and cools the skin, as a result of which the bite begins to be less;
  • Tsindol - dry and relieves inflammation if the bites from mosquitoes are already calculated;
  • the ointment rescuer - removes unpleasant sensations and speeds up healing in case of combing;
  • balm Vitaon for the skin - the remedy has numerous healing properties, including from mosquitoes.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies from mosquitoes have proven themselves as high-speed. As a rule, anyone can find home products, or make a similar means from mosquitoes with their own hands. Folk remedies from mosquitoes can only be applied if there is no acute allergy to mosquito bites or on the products listed below.

To carry out attacks of the winged bloodsows, in almost no one for anyone, because of what, being in nature, you need to use repellents. In order not to treat the consequences of mosquito bites, it is very important to get used to not to calculate the sore place, even if it is strongly zudit. To remove this symptom, it is better to use special means after mosquito bites. And if you are planning a trip to the place where the climate with high humidity, pre-assemble information about the epidemiological situation in this region and possible preventive vaccinations.

If you spend a lot of time in the fresh air in the summer, then, most likely, you do not know how many problems are mosquitoes. Bending insects of bloodsowing cause annoying itching. However, if not combing mosquito bites, they quickly disappear, and itching is still faster. Therefore, try not to comb your bite and unpleasant itching will quickly subscribe.


Methods that help not scratch the place of bite

  1. Knee the place that is near the mosquito bite. If you had a fracture of the limb, then you could experience a heavy itch under a gypsum bandage, however, unfortunately, you were not able to scratch a damaged place. To get the desired relief, many scratching another place on the body. Using this technique, you can easily facilitate itch, but you will not scratch the place of bite.

    • Scratch the place located around the mosquito bite. Be careful not to touch the place of bite!
    • In addition, you can scratch another place on your body. For example, scoop your head or foot.
  2. Pust the bite place. Instead of combing the bite, you can get relief, carefully stroking the place of bite. Several light strokes can help calm itching and prevent combing bite space. If this reception does not bring the proper effect, try to stroke the mosquito bite. In the end, you can even pat in the place of bite.

    • Wait a few seconds after you stroke the bite's place before switching to more intensive strokes. The result you can feel some time.
    • Do so every time you have the need to scratch the place of bite.
  3. Distract yourself. If it seems to you that nothing helps, just distract yourself as much as possible. Take care of something that can distract you. Select classes at which your hands will be involved. Thanks to this you will not scratch the place of bite.

    • Play tennis.
    • Take care of the crossword puzzles.
    • Prepare oatmeal cookies.
  4. Mark. Meditation is an effective method of removing itch caused by psoriasis. Mark to reduce itching from mosquito bite. Instead of thinking about unpleasant itch, just close your eyes, make some deep breaths and try not to think about anything. Install the timer and meditate for five minutes.

    • You can use online meditation if you easier to relax.
    • In addition, you can listen to soothing music that will help you relax.
  5. Put the socks on the hands. It will be a good reminder that you should not scratch the place of bite. Even if you continue to scratch the place of bite while the socks will be on your hands, you will not harm the skin.

    • You can make a puppet theater from socks and play socks, put on hands.
    • Such a reception is well suited for children, because they will be able to focus on the game and distract from the bite.
  6. Use scotch. A piece of scotch, glued to the place of bite, significantly reduces itching. In addition, thanks to the scotch, you will not touch the place of bite, combing and irritating it. However, process the affected place before sticking tape.

    • Remove Scotch. Stick it 2-3 times a day.
    • It is better to use ordinary tape, however, you can also use a packaging adhesive tape. Do not use a sticky tape on a plastic or tissue basis, as such a tape can cause skin irritation.

    Use home remedies that help reduce itch

    1. Attach ice bite. Komar during the bite introduces a substance that leads to inflammation. But in contrast to the swollen knee, this inflammation can be treated with ice. The place of bite is overweight from the cold, and you will not feel itching. Apply the ice for twenty minutes.

      • Fill the ice package or use a reusable Ice Package. You can also attach a package with frozen berries or vegetables.
      • Whatever you choose, wrap the ice pack with a towel. Do not apply ice to naked skin.
    2. Prepare the paste of soda. Mix a tablespoon of food soda with a tablespoon of water to cook pasta. Attach pasta to the mosquito bite. Soda will calm the skin, reduce itching, and you are unlikely to experience an irrepressive desire to scratch the place of bite.

      • If you do not have soda, you can use antacids and water to prepare a pasty mixture.
      • Use the paste as needed.
    3. Use a little honey. If you were bited by a mosquito, you can use honey to reduce itching. Honey (especially local) acts as a natural antihistamine. Wipe the place of bite with a small amount of honey. If possible, use local crude honey.

      • Do not use a large number of honey! Honey is a very sticky product, you can put the dirt into the place of bite.
    4. Use the tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties, so it is great for the treatment of various skin diseases, including mosquito bites. Apply the tea tree oil onto cotton swab and attach it to the place of bite. You can also use lavender oil and peppermint oil.

      • If you have very sensitive skin, you can mix a few drops of essential oil with coconut oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the place of bite.
      • This will help dilute the oil, so that it will easily affect the skin.
    5. Use tea bags. Prepare a cup of tea and do not rush to throw a tea bag. Apply a warm tea bag to the place of bite. Natural tannes, which are contained in tea, have a binding effect, withdrawing toxins of leather and reducing the level of discomfort.

      • Use pure black tea.
      • You can use the same tea bag several times, as long as it does not lose its effectiveness.

    Using drugs to reduce itching without recipe

    1. Use ointment hydrautortis. Hydrocortisone is used to treat skin diseases that are characterized by itching. Apply a small amount of ointment on the mosquito bite and wait a few minutes until you feel the result.

      • Proceed the place of bite before applying the ointment.
      • Apply an ointment to four times a day.
      • Do not use over 7 days ointment.
      • In the treatment of children under the age of 6 months, you will definitely consult your doctor.

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